#i think she might've been neurodivergent but i was busy so
portiaelizabethharper · 2 months
ophelia isn't really my oc she's actually just one of the other phaethon nominees that i remember
i oc-ified her ophelia janet marie your legacy lives on
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For the ask thing: what’s your take on Luke and Emily??? I know some people see her as like a horrible mom or whatever and some people are like she’s a great mom and can do no wrong so I was just wondering your take? For me it’s somewhere in the middle, like on one hand Luke was 17 so he had some concept of running away and stuff but on the other hand… like I think it depends on how you read the situation, like if you interpret it as Luke is neurodivergent and Emily didn’t understand that then like sure yeah, I’ve seen people say they makes her a terrible mom and stuff but really it was the early 90s it would have just been a misunderstanding like Emily didn’t understand the situation fully because it was the early 90s lol but on the other hand if Luke was skipping school and stuff I can understand her frustration…? So like I think the both played a part… So what’s your take basically lol
ohhhh boy anon, this really does seem to be a point of contention in the fandom, huh?
i've seen it both ways as well and honestly, i'm in the middle too. personally, i've noticed that most of the people who think Emily is a terrible mother are on the younger side - which makes perfect sense. when i was a teenager, i hated my mom. we fought all the time. our personalities clashed constantly and she just didn't know what to do with me - which, looking back, is entirely understandable. teenagers are the worst. but it's not their fault. (most of the time - there are absolutely exceptions)
but on the other side, absolutely no parent is perfect 100% of the time so i disagree with the "Emily can do no wrong" take, too. i think she was doing what she thought was best, but at the end of the day i think they were both in a situation where neither was going to end up happy with the other's decisions.
if there's one thing we do know, it's that Luke is stubborn as hell. and that coupled with being 17, he's going to be hard-headed and obstinate and lash out a lot. even the best parent in the world can't deal with that sort of thing all the time. eventually, it's going to end in a fight.
but i'm not saying it's all on Luke to bridge the gap between him and Emily - because it's absolutely not. Emily is the parent here, it's her job to protect her son; to look out for him and try to guide him in the right direction. but here's the thing - she's figuring all of this out alongside him. it's not like she has the answers to everything, she's just trying to do what she thinks is best.
and like, from her perspective - i get it. having your only child want to go into the music business, or really any facet of the entertainment industry, must be absolutely fucking terrifying. it's a brutal world that chews people up and spits them back out with no regard for who they are as a person - what person in their right mind would push their kid into that?? (and yes, that's a dig at parents of child stars bc let's face it - most of them are awful)
but Luke's passionate about music. anyone can see that. I think Emily might've just been blinded by her fears and worries and she let it get in the way of Luke's happiness. which is unfortunate, but not altogether surprising.
what's really unfortunate is the fact that he died before they got the chance to reconcile. for all we know, Sunset Curve could've gotten a record deal after the show at the Orpheum. Luke could've gone home the very next day and had legitimate proof that his dream was going to come true. and maybe Emily's worries would've been eased enough that she could be happy for him, proud of him. but that didn't happen.
but if anything, I think the fact that Emily and Mitch are still celebrating Luke's birthday proves without a doubt that they loved their son. I think they live with their regrets every day, wishing they could go back in time and fix things, but they can't.
and also, the fact that Luke went to visit them so many times?? if he'd truly hated his parents, he would've stayed the hell away from them. but he misses them just as much as they miss him.
so, honestly, I think what the show portrayed was an honest relationship between a teenager and their parent. it's not easy for either party, but personally i think they show more than enough to let us as an audience know that there was love there. they just maybe couldn't express it in the ways they wanted to.
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hopeymchope · 2 years
you’re the only kokichi anti and i enjoy seeing! i just love your takes on him! keep it up! <33
Lol, thanks! ... I think?
I don't even hate him as a character — but he's clearly antagonistic and acting like a massive dick even before they're told about the situation they're in, so you can't even excuse it by saying "It's part of his plan to drive the others way and put all the blame/credit on himself." But I do think you can see underlying causes and questionable logic to what he does.
Just like Komaeda, he's obviously insightful/intelligent, so if only he'd work with the others, they'd all be much better off for it and be able to put up a stronger fight against the killing game and its hidden mastermind. But Komaeda is mentally unwell and his fixations are part of his downfall. Kokichi might not be neurodivergent in the medical sense, but he's unable to give anyone his trust - which is kind of ironic, since he's the least trustworthy person in the group as it is.
Because of his personal biases, he does a lot of harm. The way I see it, his general distrust of others and his hatred of killing makes him out Maki's secret talent and attempt to convince the others she's untrustworthy as a result of her hiding this dark past of hers... but of course, he's wrong about his presumptions, and not for the last time.
His hatred of Miu (which I wager is because of how extremely overt she is with her feelings and bad she is at lying/false pride, making her clearly unworthy of his trust) makes him decide tshe's too dangerous to be left alive. And I believe his lack of faith in the intelligence of anybody but himself makes him decide that he has to survive no matter the cost... and those with less intelligence are the most expendable, which leads him to sacrifice the easiest pawn, Gonta.
In the final chapter, his room reveals that he might've been almost ready to trust Shuichi - but I'm feel pretty sure that Shuichi's closeness and belief in Kaito held Kokichi back, because Kokichi's has nothing but disdain for Kaito's blind faith in others.
Kokichi makes some incredibly destructive decisions. And even when he's not doing that actively, he's busy causing trouble by irritating the others or just psychologically tormenting them, most often out of some desire to seemingly "teach them" something about how they shouldn't be trusting one another and shouldn't be so certain they can overcome things. Kaito's vague optimism might be misguided, but Kokichi's pessimism is much moreso.
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