#i think that uf chris is someone who spent most of his teen years in what was basically a warzone
paigemathews · 2 years
How do you feel about Chris killing the Valkyries? I felt it was very out of character to the character he was shown to be personally, like he wouldn't have it in him to do something so wrong.
How do you feel about how fast Chris forgave Leo? I know by the time he found out who Chris was they didn't have much time to make it all spaced out but I do feel it was a little rushed for how much Chris had against Leo..But perhaps it's just me?
As always, general disclaimer that I haven't done a full rewatch in a while. (Y'know what would negate the need for a disclaimer, is if I just rewatched the show like I've been meaning to for the past two damn years.)
In regards to the Valkyries, I actually disagree, I feel like it's very in-character for him. (It helps that it happens in one of the first episodes, which are typically pretty foundational for characters', well, characters.) Chris is incredibly dedicated to his mission, ultimately dying for the cause, and I don't really think it's out of character for him to be willing to cross a line that others wouldn't (murder) to accomplish his goal. Admittedly, this is in the context of said goal being preventing the world from being subjugated by an evil, ultra-powerful tyrant. It's clearly something that he did not enjoy doing, by any means, but it was a necessary evil at the same time if that makes sense. I will say though that it's a pretty common interpretation that Chris was actively working against Wyatt in the UF, to varying interpretations, but I mean. Very few people are engaged in a war without some kind of blood on their hands and Chris already knew that he could kill the Valkyries by using his powers like that, which wasn't something we'd seen other good characters do before. I don't necessarily think that was the first time that Chris killed someone for the sake of the mission.
At the same though, I think that part of the issue is that Charmed is very much a show that is... I guess black and white with good and evil is the best way to put it. We as the audience don't really have a good framework to interpret Chris's actions in-universe because of that. It also doesn't help that a) it really isn't ever brought up again and b) Valkyries are cast in a weirdly antagonistic role, despite presumably being good beings? Chris also makes mention of an agreement, but we never get anything more about that. Honestly, it's very much an instance of the show not really knowing where they're going with him at that instance.
For Chris and Leo, I'm gonna be honest, I really don't know because I haven't seen those episodes for quite a while. With how season six is written, I'm inclined to agree that it was rushed. At the same time though, I think it's interesting that it's Chris forgiving Leo when he tries. Chris continually shoots him down, but Leo keeps trying, which is a stark difference from Chris's experience with UF!Leo, who was never there for him. It also might be that Chris actually realized that he was holding Leo accountable for things that he hadn't even done yet, and may never do which. Isn't exactly a stellar precedent when the tiny baby he's trying to save originally grows up to be a murderous tyrant, y'know? But you're definitely not alone in thinking it's a bit rushed, I still feel like season six was a bit more by the seat of your pants than it probably should have been.
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