#i think the goal is to expand the idol utopia into the rest of the city-country-world
mihai-florescu · 2 years
Do u think eichi will plan to declare ensemble square as a sovereign state. Will he instate a government into ES so that it will be an independent country just for idols.
Ensemble Square is like the Vatican
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Tarot reading: Dreamcatcher’s Dystopia: Road to Utopia comeback
In the past, prior to comebacks, I’ve done individual readings for each member of the groups in question. However, it occurs to me now that members’ energies probably get all intertwined during a comeback period. Therefore, for this reading I’m doing a group spread in order to check in on Dreamcatcher’s vibes right before the Odd Eye music video is released!
Disclaimer: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only. All speculation comes from my interpretation only.
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Recent past: Nine of Pentacles Current energy: Ace of Swords (Reversed) Near future: Ten of Pentacles (Reversed)
Clarifier card: Ace of Wands (Reversed) Okay, but will they get a win?: Page of Wands? (Reversed)
What's going well: Two of Wands What's not going well: Fortune Subconscious fears: Hierophant Subconscious hopes: The Tower
For the cards on past/present/future timeline, I was getting some cards that are almost annoyingly literal. The card in the past position, for example... While 2020 made it hard for people in the entertainment industry to make money, it was actually something of a time of abundance for Dreamcatcher. At least relatively speaking. Their albums kept selling well, their music videos were received well, and they’ve developed an incredibly loyal fanbase over the years. Despite a lack of general public success, they have more stability than other groups in some ways. Many, many groups have gone defunct after the number of years Dreamcatcher has been in the game, and they’re well aware of this. They’re also aware that they’re fortunate to make a style of music that’s somewhat unique in the scene. It was a big risk, but overall it’s reaped rewards. 
The present and future cards were even more literal. Right now they have a creative endeavor that’s not ready to be released. I think I literally rolled my eyes when I turned that card over. Yeah, no kidding. Likewise, the future card points to working non-stop and questioning whether it’s all worth it. I wouldn’t take this too dramatically. I know other idols have talked about how during comeback times they pretty much never rest, only catch sleep in the car in between events. You’d question your life choices, too, if you had to do that for your job. 
Like a lot of people who are fans of Dreamcatcher, though, I’ve been hoping this comeback would be successful. So I asked for a clarifier card on their future, and it just points to waiting, impatience, and frustration. Now, this could just mean the waiting that will happen before they’re eligible for wins. Or it could mean impatience because they didn’t win again. So, I finally gave in to my curiosity and just straight-out asked if they would win. I almost never ask yes-no questions about the future, but I decided to go out on a limb. 
Unfortunately, it’s all still a bit murky. If Page of Wands had been an upright position, I’d say they’d definitely win. But that card is reversed. This makes me think one of two things will happen. A) Either we’ll see more of the same, and Dreamcatcher continue to expand their album sales while not getting a music show win. Or, B) They’ll eke out a single music show win.  
I do hope they get something that validates their hopes. There’s a bit of frustration and stagnation throughout this reading. The members know they are fortunate, but lately it’s starting to feel like they’re going through the motions or spinning their wheels. They (and their company) are being responsible and have a lot of long-term plans and goals to continue to nurture their success. There does appear to be a bit of conflict between the group members and their company on their future creative direction. It’s not too overwhelming, though. Mostly they’re united in the group’s success. 
Again, they appreciate everything they have going for them. Still, they want some more recognition from their industry. This is only natural, I feel. They worry they’ve gone outside the system a little too much (i.e. their relatively unusual genre, going against YG, conflict with The Show) to ever fully be embraced by the powers that be. They’d be fine with their stable careers, but they’re all hoping for some kind of moment that shakes the industry up. Could be a viral moment, could be a music show win, could be selling a ton of albums. 
Basically, Dreamcatcher is simultaneously impatient and really, really driven and focused. They’ve done all they can, the next steps will be in the public’s hands. 
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