#i think the wolfstar fans put a curse on me because why can’t my remadora art and fics look the way I want it *SOB*
llead4u · 1 month
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Let’s pretend the two are looking at each other pls😭
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sirius · 6 years
what are your otps and notps for harry potter fandom?
1. Jily
2. James Potter x Lily Evans
3. Lily Evans x James Potter
4. James & Lily
5. Lily & James
….I think you get the idea, nonnie. In my faq, I explain that Jily is the only ship I actually ship in Harry Potter, idk why i just ??? I like Deamus and Flintwood and I also like Linny and Pavender but,,,,that’s it really? Romione is eh like they’re cute but that’s it. And Harmony i can see and understand but it’s not a ship i can just leap onto. Hinny…I’m not okay with. Like it’s not a NOTP but…I wish JK had given Ginny more of a role in Harry’s life like I wish her character was more…idk…present in the books before HBP (with the exception of COS which no one likes anyway). I just feel like they’re not well suited (this could be biased as I still cling onto the schoolgirl crush I harbored for Harry my entire childhood, lol) 
I wouldn’t sign my soul over for these ships tho like I would for Jily…..ah just thinking of them makes my heart flutter. Other ships: Harry x happiness, Regulus x happiness, remus x happiness, sirius x happiness, cedric x happiness, dobby x happiness, fred weasly x happiness (actually, I can really get behind Fred x Hermione, too!), tonks x happiness, colin x happiness, everyone else who died during BOH x happiness. 
okay, this is the part that has fangirls screeching. 
2. Wolfstar
3. Snily *shudders*
4. I can’t think of anything else? 
Okay, okay, I’ll explain my thoughts. 
I don’t like Drarry because I still have a grudge on Draco for all the shit he put the trio through (especially Harry) so I don’t see why Harry would turn to his childhood bully for a romantic relationship? like if I’m going to ship Harry with anyone, it’s either Hermione, Luna or Cedric. Preferably Cedric because soft boys deserve one another. 
Now, I can already hear you aggressively tapping away at your keypad, readying your canons of destruction. ‘James was a bully and your OTP was Jily! It’s the same as Drarry!’ 
No, No it’s not. James changed. He became a better person. He stopped bullying others and was so good, Dumbledore elected him as Head Boy despite the fact he wasn’t a prefect. That is a pretty big transformation. It was only then that Lily started to reciprocate feelings for him – when she saw that he was making an effort. 
Draco…didn’t change. Not really. He was still a bitch to Harry, even after Harry saved his life. Now, Draco is a complicated character, and I have the feeling that he has no idea how to express himself or his emotions so I get that he might be a bit prickly. But he really has no redemption arch, unless you accept Cursed Child as canon, which I blatantly ignore. 
Now, I’m sorry to all the Draco fans who follow me. As a writer, I understand that every character has flaws and they have characteristics that redeem those flaws. For Draco, I’d say that his courage to not dob Harry in during DH was def a positive development. And his story arc during HBP does make me sympathize with him a little more. He reminds me of Regulus, in a way. They both got too deep in with the sharks, and before they knew it, they were drowning. But…I don’t think Draco is misunderstood. He made clear choices and he was aware of the consequences. Regulus saw what he was getting into and stopped Voldy. Draco? he…didn’t do anything? not really? 
Okay, Wolfstar. Now it’s not explicitly a NOTP, I just…it doesn’t make sense. Heres why. 
In POA, Remus and Sirius apologize to each other for suspecting the other of being the spy working for Voldemort. Now….why would lovers suspect each other? Lovers trust one another, that’s what makes them lovers. They’d just know that person wouldn’t be capable of such a thing. It sounds stupid but that’s what you’re like when you’re in love. You don’t think that person will betray you or others in such a way. 
Also, if Sirius was so in love with Remus, why would he expose his secret to Snape in the hopes of using Remus as a weapon to bully Snape with? That’s just wrong. Don’t get me wrong, y’all know how much I love my boy Sirius but the man had serious flaws (no pun intended), and using Remus that way shows that he didn’t fully appreciate the gravity of Remus’ condition and - furthermore- disrespected it all together. That was a dick move and not something Sirius would do to his lover. 
It’s clear that Sirius was devoted purely to James. Sirius would have died for him, afterall. I don’t think he was as close to Remus than he was to James. Sure, I think they were friends, close friends actually, but James and Sirius were like brothers. ‘never saw one without the other.’ Inseparable. And they remained that way until James’ death, and even then, Sirius was still loyal to James. I honestly cant’ see Sirius being closer to anyone but James. 
Now I know what you’re thinking: ‘It’s completely fine to have friends and still be in love.’ Well…duh. That’s obvious, isn’t it. But. Lets be real: once your friend gets a significant other, their devotion shifts primarily to that lover. Now that’s not to say that they don’t stay friends – James was still friends with Sirius when he started dating Lily. But Lily was now apart of his life in a way that Sirius couldn’t be. I really don’t believe Sirius ever loved anyone other than James, and if I’m going to ship him with someone other than myself (I’m selfish, I know) or with happiness, I’d ship Sirius with James. Those two…yes. Def. I could get behind that. But not with Remus…no. 
Also, JK Rowling confirmed that Sirius didn’t have a love interest Pre-Azkaban because “he was too busy being a badass.” That makes more sense. And I know we totally disregard what JK has to say but lets face it, she knows him better than anyone, doesn’t she? 
Okay, finally, Snily. 
I don’t think I have to explain this very much. 
Lily was far too good for Snape and that’s it. Now, I love Snape pining over Lily because, honestly, I’m inlove with that angel of pure softness too. But I don’t think they were ever romantically involved,  it’s clear that Lily only saw him as a friend and nothing more. 
Now, some other ships that I dont like: Remadora (idk i’m just iffy, maybe its the age gap?), Pansy parkinson x anyone (I would love to just smash canon Pansy in the face with a brick because that bitch is nasty and I hate her with a passion) Ginny x Tom Riddle (???????? abuser and victim ???? gtf away from me) Dramione (again with the bully x victim thing) I can’t think of anything else tbh? oh! Regulus x Petunia. Actually, anyone other than Vernon x Petunia. I just….I’m holding a grudge against her, too. I really love my girl Lily and the way petunia made lily feel, especially making Lily feel that it was her fault, really grates my cheese. 
Wow, that was….really deep. 
Now, i’d like to finish up by saying: Everyone has a right to ship what they want. So I’m not sorry that i ship/don’t ship these characters together. And I don’t mind if you unfollow me because of it, too. It’s your choice, it’s your opinion and you’re entitled to that. that’s fine. You do you, my dude. But don’t you dare bombard your way into my inbox and contaminate it with salt. Bitch, grow up and drink a tall glass of happy juice. If you’re looking for drama, go somewhere else and satisfy your drama fetish. 
that’s all i have to say about that. lol, that sounds harsh but idgaf. Friendly, curious questions are fine but not bitchiness. take a dump somewhere else.
To sum this up: I don’t ship ship anything but Jily. Sure, there are ships that I find cute but nothing that can match Jily. 
Okay, I’m out.  
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