#i think they always over look the fact that all of them but izumo and takara were badly hurt here
everyryuujisuguro · 11 months
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biolumien · 4 months
Hi omg your writing is amazing. Thank you for serving us some good food. Was wondering if you could do a prompt with Vice Captain Hoshina and a reader with glasses?
I've recently been diagnosed with really bad eyesight. Enough for me to get a disability card. And suddenly it makes sense why I always struggle to find people in crowds or from a distance. Was wondering if you could do write something related to it? Like maybe reader lost Hoshina in a crowd. And because their vision is super blurry even with glasses, its hard to make out where he is and stuff.
I recently read your Samurai Hoshina fic and it was divine. 🙏 Keep it up you are a godsend.
notes: hihi, thank you for your request and your kind words ;-;; i hope this is okay; i wrote a little drabble so i hope it's okay🙏...!
found you!
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader mentions of a constricting, tight crowd that might be uncomfortable if you have claustrophobia and the like ;-; word count: 708
you wish you hadn’t lost hoshina in the crowd after all. when the kaiju attack was called, he’d leaped into action, even off-duty, pulling off his button-down shirt to reveal the izumo tech suit still underneath. 
“stay here. i’ll come back for you later. i promise.” he’d kissed you on the head, despite your growing protests that it wasn’t safe, and quickly before pulling out his twin katanas and pushing deep into the scattered crowd to confront the kaiju threat. it’d been hard to see the fight in the distance, but you thought you saw a gigantic plume of smoke forming a hazy mirage over the horizon, and the faint flickering of orange and yellow of a possible fire. it’d terrified you, but hoshina could handle himself. you knew that much. 
but now that the kaiju had been dispersed, you still saw no sign of him. you’d been corralled away along with the rest of the civilians towards a shelter, but when the defense force officer in charge of overseeing your shelter came back with the announcement that civilians were free to return back outside, hoshina was still nowhere to be found. when you’d asked the defense force officer if there was any sign of hoshina, he’d simply shrugged.
“i thought he was off duty for today.”
decidedly unhelpful, but what made it worse was that you couldn’t really parse through the crowd at all. you were surrounded by a horde of strangers, each of their features as blurry and indistinct as the next, trying to ignore the pounding in your heart. hoshina’s red eyes, the warmth of his smile. he’d said he’d come back, and there was no way he’d let just any old kaiju kill him. that was utterly impossible, right? you swallow, trying to ignore the rising panic in your chest. 
and somehow, the crowd, seeming to respond to your panic, only seemed to thicken, pressing up against you. 
“sorry, sorry,” you murmur weakly as you bump into a stranger. “sorry. i’m–i’m just trying to–”
the words soon die on your throat as someone from the back of the crowd continues to push you forward. you look around, cursing the fact that you couldn’t see where anything was too distinctly–you don’t even think you remember the signposts that were close to you when hoshina told you to stay put. your pace falters for a moment, as you try to gather your bearings–but before you can, you get slammed so hard from behind that your glasses fall off your face, skittering to the ground. 
you drop down, trying to feel for them, because suddenly your head hurts and you don’t know what to do. you think something like a strangled sob leaves your lips.
“found you.”
you look up towards the source of the voice, even your peripheral vision blurry enough that you could only make out a vague dark shape on your shoulder, and another dark shape wrapping around your wrist–a hand, thankfully–pulling you to your feet. 
“hoshina,” you say, relief creeping into your voice. 
“hey,” hoshina says softly, tender fondness in his voice. your hands fumble, not quite sure what to do, and you can feel the soft subtle breath of hoshina’s shaking laugh. “lean forward for me?”
you do, and hoshina places your glasses back on your face, his fingers gentle.
he seems thankfully unharmed as he comes back into focus, but your hands reach up to touch his face, to map the way his cheekbones feel against your thumbs.
“why the hell did you run off like that?” you ask, slapping your hands on his face with a little more force. he winces, laughing–you feel the corners of his lips quirk up, the way his cheeks press up as he smiles. “and you left me, too!”
“i’m sorry,” hoshina says, only sincerity in his voice. “i didn’t mean to leave.”
“i know you didn’t–you couldn’t have predicted the kaiju attack–but don’t just rush off without giving a more concrete plan of where you’ll be,” you scold. “i don’t think my heart could take if if i couldn’t find you again.”
hoshina nods, leaning forward to press his forehead to yours.
“i’m sorry,” he murmurs quietly. “i’ll always find you, okay? i promise.”
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Day freeeeetreeee. So how do Homra members react when being beaten in a card game, but then finding out y/n was sneaky snek and cheated really well?
This was an interesting one, so thank you so much for sending it in! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Mikoto honestly doesn’t get too invested in card games. He’ll enjoy them well enough, but he’s just playing to pass the time and enjoy, and he doesn’t really care that they beat him. It doesn’t bother him; you win some, you lose some and he doesn’t even give it a passing thought. Finding out later that they won only by cheating isn’t really going to change that fact and he honestly won’t care that much.
Kusanagi does enjoy cards and he fancies himself to be a pretty great card player, someone who can read his opponents pretty well. So, someone would have to be a really great cheat to get their cheating past his sharp eyes, especially since he’s used to using some underhanded tricks himself, back in the day, to help him gain information or to gain the upper hand in a deal. It won’t really bother Izumo so much that he lost as it will bother him that he didn’t catch them cheating. He’ll honestly want to know what tricks they used to cheat, both for his own knowledge and so that he can be on the look-out for it if he plays cards with them, or anyone else.
Totsuka does play to win when he plays games, be they card, board, or video games but he’s an excellent sportsman and he’s not going to be at all upset over losing the game, even  if they had played fair and square. Finding out after the fact that they had cheated, Totsuka wouldn’t really get all that upset, but he would get curious as to what tricks they used to cheat and would probably ask them if they could teach him how to use those same tricks and any other ones that they knew. It’s not that Totsuka really wants to go and cheat; it just seems like a cool and interesting skill to acquire, and Totsuka is always on the lookout for cool new things to add to his ever-expanded interests and skills.
Anna honestly finds most card games boring, except for solitaire, which she does enjoy, and she doesn’t play them overly often. Honestly, their win just meant that the game was over quicker, and Anna liked that fact, even if she really doesn’t like to lose. When she found out later that they only won through cheating, she’d be kind of torn between not caring because, again, it just meant that the boring card game she’d played with them was over in a shorter amount of time and between being mildly peeved because she lost unfairly, and it should be counted as her win because of their underhanded methods. Either way, she definitely will remember their cheating ways and is unlikely to agree to play cards with them again.
Kamamoto honestly loves cards and he’s definitely one of those guys who has a weekly poker night with the boys. When they asked him to play cards, he was completely down for it, because he finds card games fun and he thinks he’s good at them. Honestly, he’s mostly in it for the fun and the companionship, but when they win, he is a little bummed out because who really enjoys losing and he’d even bet them that loser had to buy the other supper. So, finding out later that they won only by cheating? He’s kind of pissed off, but only because it means he lost out on that free meal, and he’ll make them promise to treat him for the next two nights before he forgives them.
While video games are usually more up Yata’s alley, he finds a good card game pretty enjoyable. With any game, Yata really does play hard and plays to win because the boy has a competitive streak a mile wide, and competition is part of why he enjoys games. He’s really getting annoyed as they keep winning and winning, no matter how many times he challenges them to another round and he’s honestly a pretty sore sport about it at the time. Finding out later that they won only by cheating makes him feel vindicated, in a way, because he knows he was playing better than they were and that he should have been winning, but at the same time, it definitely pisses him off and he’s definitely starting a fight over it.
Shouhei’s always up for a card game, mostly because it’s a great way to pass the time with friends. To him though, cards aren’t something you play so much as it’s just something you do while having a conversation and spending some friendly time with someone, so he’s not exactly playing to win or investing too much mentally into the outcome of the game. When he loses, it really, genuinely doesn’t matter to him at all, because he had fun and got to hang out with them and enjoy their company for a bit. He’d honestly laugh and take it in good humour when he finds out later that they were cheating.
Bandou likes to think he’s really great at cards and he’s bragging going into the game, telling them how he’ll try to take it easy on them. When they start winning, no matter how many rounds they play with him, he’s getting frustrated and annoyed and of course, he’s definitely accusing them of cheating. In his mind, they’re definitely cheating and that’s the only reason they’re winning so often, and he bailed on the game kind of really peeved at them because he’s not the best sport. When he finds out they were really cheating later on, it just reopens that wound and Bandou’s back to yelling and being pissy at them, swearing off ever playing cards with a cheat again.
The only card games Chitose’s willing to play with them involving stripping every time you lose a hand and some happy endings, so really, if they’re agreeing to his terms and playing with him, he’s not really caring if he won or lost because, in the end, he definitely won in his mind. Their cheating would only make him amused and make him tease them, telling them that if they wanted to see him naked that badly, all they ever need to do is ask.
Dewa has a few card games he really enjoys, like rummy and cribbage. Most other card games kind of bore him or he just doesn’t really get, so those would likely be the only two games he’d agree to play with them, and they’re really games that he is quite good at. He’d be a little suspicious of how easily they won, but he’s not going to accuse them of anything because honestly, sometimes the cards just don’t fall in your favour and that might have been his luck. He’s going to be a little wary though and still have that tingle of suspicion and he’s honestly a little relieved later on when his suspicions are proven right, just because it puts those suspicions to rest and leaves him feeling a little vindicated and a little bit vain in how good his instincts are. He honestly would look down on them a little for cheating, especially since there weren’t really any stakes in the game or reason for them to do so, and he definitely wouldn’t agree to play anything with them again.
Eric honestly doesn’t like card games. He doesn’t understand a lot of them, and it gets really frustrating for him, since he gets pissed off and snappy when he doesn’t understand things and ends up feeling stupid. It’s really unlikely for him to agree to play cards with them for that reason, so it’s really unlikely that they’d even get a chance to cheat.
Fujishima is another one who really doesn’t enjoy cards. While he would agree to play if he had a lot of time to kill, it’s probably a children’s game since he doesn’t know too many card games, like Go Fish, War, or Old Maid, games that are really hard to cheat at, so finding out after his loss to them that they cheated just kind of makes Fujishima more curious as to how they managed to cheat than anything else.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Why do you always defend Ryuji during the impure king arc? He treated Rin terribly!
I'm going to come at this from the pov that you actually want to know and aren't just trying to bait me.
This is one of my favorite panels (it's from chapter 34.)
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It's rare to get a group shot with everyone (even Takara) and it's fun because everyone is going casual. (Also Renzou's side eye always gets me speculating. Yukio or Izumo? Who is he staring at? Is that an Illuminati foreshadowing? I have so many questions, lol.)
Now, something I always notice (partly because he's my fave, and partly because I use it in fics a lot) the only one with any visible wounds is *drumroll* Ryuuji. Bandage on his cheek and lip.
Funny thing about that? He didn't get it in the fight. Nope. That's from Rin. The only visible injury on any of them was one Rin gave them.
Is that fair to say when Yukio also decked the hell out of Rin, and Yukio got his ass kicked by Toudou? Nope. That bandage disappears and reappears through chapter 34 (Kato's human and sometimes forgets to draw things in) but still, the only one of the students to be shown with a wound is Ryuuji. That he got from Rin. Which I think is a big thing.
Now, the Kyoto arc is a big deal for me because it's basically Ryuuji's arc, and if it wasn't obvious, he's my fave, lol. But I think that the anime season-- which I dearly love -- also leads to people making a lot of incorrect assumption about the exwires&Yukio (minus Izumo because of the bus scene.)
and I don't particularly think the anger that group gets is at all warranted. I've gone to bat for Yukio about all of that, and I'm all too happy to explain why I don't think Ryuuji was in the wrong for that arc. (Not to say Rin is either. I'll get to that.)
First thing first. Ryuuji is the only child of Tatsuma Suguro, the master of the Myodha. They are a Buddhist sect of exorcist monks that were united when Ryuuji's ancestor defeated the Impure King. When Ryuuji was a baby, Satan murdered a lot of people in the sect. By the time he was about ten, they'd lost more than 2/3rds of the monks in his order, the temple was considered to be bad luck and everyone in it was ostracized by the community. There was no escaping that kind of constant look down. At that point, his father decided to join True Cross, which a lot of monks looked at as a betrayal of their core beliefs. A Catholic presenting organization? Blasphemous! They lost even more members.
They were forced to confirm to True Crosses restrictions/protocal and get meisters --but Tatsuma did not get any. At that same point Tatsuma stopped putting a lot of effort into the temple and started to go to bars and clubs and things, and get a terrible reputation as a drunk womanizer. (We the viewer know this is because of Karura, but Ryuuji doesn't learn that until much, much later. For Karura to work, Ryuuji had to believe his father was the dead beat he pretended to be.)
Ryuuji, who deeply loves his people, saw all this happening and got more loyal to his people and more determined to make them as powerful as they had once been. He grew to resent his father and the shameful life he led, and went to True Cross to get his meisters without Tatsuma's permission. In fact, he was ordered not to go. He went to the Academy with the intention to not return until he had been licensed, and then only to start working at the Deep Keep and eventually take over the Temple duties.
Now, for my anime only peeps, there are a few key scenes they cut out for time (or something. I don't know. I didn't plot the anime out, lol.)
One: While Koneko is in the hospital for the arm Amaimon broke, he lectures Bon about how reckless he was to run into the forest after Rin. That he is the heir of the Myodha and that he can't be reckless. While that is happening, Renzou brings news that the Deep Keep (the True Cross office connected to the Myodha temple) was attacked and that Renzou's father and Ryuuji's father were there and probably hurt.
Two: The train scene goes down differently than the anime. They have an argument about Rin's flames, Rin ignites and gets in Ryuuji's face, and Ryuuji is surprised he isn't burned, but before any further convo can happen, Shura makes them spend the rest of the train ride with Bariyons.
So by the time they get to Kyoto, Ryuuji, who has seen Rin use his flames twice now when he was angry -- and likely has realized he's been using them all along and has yet to see Rin do anything like control them -- chooses to more or less not interact with Rin for a while. He is immediately pulled away from the group to get extra debriefings (benefit of being the bocchan) and learns that one of the people he's devoted his entire life to are likely a traitor.
Meanwhile you have Rin -- not knowing any of the stress and drama going on, but able to tell that everyone is stressed because no one in the Myodha is good at pretending they aren't stressed to hell and back -- trying to get his friends back. He's always around, always trying to start convos, and when he isn't doing that, he's up on the roof, failing to light his candles properly and clearly annoying Shura with it.
Ryuuij's next interaction after the train is to tell Rin to shut up when Rin is following him and won't leave him alone. He takes the bento and storms off and finds out more about traitors and is still not allowed to find or talk to his dad. (And it is hilarious that Rin got to have a convo with Tatsuma while Ryuuji hasn't and he would be so annoyed about that if he knew, lol.)
They then don't really see each other --yeah there was breakfast but they're both hungover and not really talking -- until the break in at the Deep Keep.
This is THE KEY moment in the struggle, in my opinion. This is the core of their problems, and it happens because neither one bothered to ask what the other one was going through. Both boys react in an entirely reasonable manner to what they know/believe.
Ryuuji has no idea that Shirou died and that Rin was there, and that Rin considers it entirely his fault. None of the exwires do. I don't even think Yukio knows most of the details there.
Rin has no idea how neglectful Tatsuma has been, or what any of Ryuuji's issues with him are. He just sees Ryuuji yelling at his father without hearing why he's yelling. So Rin intervenes and tries to get them to make up -- because he knows how much it hurts to have your dad die and your last words be hurtful.
But at this point, Tatsuma can't apologize and he needs Ryuuji to think the worst of him because honestly, Karura is a little trouble making bitch and forget the Impure King, he was the big bad of this arc, lol. (The contract Tatsuma has with him requires him living a double life. Karura feeds off lies and mistrust.)
So Ryuuji, who at this point is trying to come to terms with this boy he really thought he knew being nothing at all what he thought, who has seen him failing to control his flames over and over again, is now being lectured by someone he knows doesn't understand anything about his relationship with his dad. He writes Rin's words off and tells Tatsuma to get lost anyway because it's clearly all his dad seems to want to do. His temple is crumbling around him and Tatsuma is the only one who can intervene, and as far as Ryuuji can see, he just won't, and he can't keep fighting to get his dad to fix it.
Tatsuma does go, and even if Ryuuji doesn't show it, that hurts because Ryuuji really did idolize his dad and really just wants his dad to take back over the temple and fix everything.
Rin yells at him that he isn't cool, and starts to ignite. Bon doesn't react to that until Rin is charging him, then he reacts by summoning a shield that Rin breaks through before grabbing him by his collar and yelling. Rin decks him so hard during this fight that he flies across the room. So hard that he is the only one of the group bandaged during the Kyoto Tower trip.
Ryuuji doesn't get Rin off him. Nope. Juuzou jumps between them to save Bon, who he genuinely believes to be in grave danger. Ryuuji just watches the entire thing happen in a kind of shock.
Rin once again displays to Ryuuji that he is not in control.
And with that in his mind, while he's icing his swollen cheek, Ryuuji hears that the boy he trusted, the boy that was lying during all their friendship (he doesn't know Rin was told to lie, and he doesn't know if he can trust anything Rin has said about himself because once someone shows that something they said was a lie, it's hard to know if other things were a lie too) the boy who has now shown on three separate occasions that he wasn't in charge of himself and very dangerous for that lack of control-- is in imminent danger of being executed and he immediately goes to help him. He finds out about his father and that most of the stuff he's believed his entire life was in fact a lie, and he still gets Rin free and still goes to help.
The Kyoto Arc is Ryuuji dealing with the fact that everything he believed might not be true. It deals with him having the things he thought were foundational torn away and still striving forward. It has him deciding to trust his friends and pushing past his own prejudices and assumptions to grow even when it seems like it won't make any difference. It has him offering to sacrifice himself for his friends and family and ends with him, bandaged cheek and all, going on an outing with his friends to places he's never even seen, damaged, changed, but better for it all.
So yes. I absolutely support Ryuuji in this arc and every other arc. He's a wonderfully written character -- like all of Kato's characters -- and he follows his gut and morals and expects everyone else to do the same. He never asks anyone to do something or give something he isn't willing to, and he didn't (in my opinion) treat Rin 'horribly' at any point. He told him his flames were dangerous, he was shocked that the son of Satan had just been chilling with the other students like he couldn't ignite, and he mostly just tried to not interact with Rin because he had a lot of other shit he was dealing with and Rin was just not that big of a priority for him to figure out at that time. Ryuuji was a HUGE priority for Rin, because getting his friends trust back was his only real goal in that arc until the Impure King stuff happened, but it wasn't the same for Ryuuji.
So yeah. Ryuuji wasn't wrong and he wasn't right. He was just doing his best with what information he had, and he made adjustments when he got new info.
And at the end of the day, he's a great character. A character doesn't have to be correct or always in the right to be great. I think aoex has a lot of great characters, and some of them are very much on the 'wrong' side. You don't have to like Ryuuji. You can think he's just a bully and it really won't change anything. I shall keep writing about him and all the other characters because it's fun and they're wonderful to create stories for.
Hope that helps!
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honeypirate · 4 years
Why You Should Never Eavesdrop
AHHH it’s my first ever Naruto fic!! Don’t hate me if it sucks
Kakashi x female reader.
I will soon branch out to write for like Genma and Izumo but I had to make my first fic for Kakashi since he was my first ever crush ever XD. I’m going to write a part two because this is a terrible place to end it. I just got excited and wanted to post this now lol
Naruto Masterlist
Of course you went after him. You wanted to see if everything was okay, he was your friend after all and you cared about him. But when you got lost in the trees looking for him, this was the last thing you expected.
You were a Jonin, masking your chakra was second nature and something you always did, which is why you were able to quietly and accidentally sneak up underneath them. Kakashi with his student, Sauske, in the tree, “you’re a little late to the game” you froze, should you run? Should you speak up? You held your breath so they wouldn’t hear you as you debated what you should do. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop but part of you was glad you were when you heard the words that came out his mouth next “everyone I care about is already dead”
You disappear quick after that, realizing it wasn’t a conversation you should be listening to. Also realizing that he didn’t think you were as close of friends as you did. You know about his past, his history, you know about it all, but you thought, stupidly, as you now realize, that you could be someone to him. “Ridiculous” you nutter to yourself as you take to the trees, running through them as far as you could go, far away from Kakashi.
Far as possible without leaving this village, was to the trees by the gate, it was always nice here, the clouds easier to see because it’s where there was the tallest tree and you loved to sit at the very top. You were disappointed in yourself, you were a shinobi for crying out loud! you never got so invested in your feelings before. You will not let your feelings interfere with your life. You needed to think and this was where you came when you needed space.
Kakashi didn’t even come in to your life until recently, you got back from a mission that lasted a few years, protection of a political family, now you were home after so long and just when you thought you’d be given a little time off, the Hokage told you he wanted you to be a sensei to some new young Genin. That’s what brought Kakashi into your life.
You knew him growing up, had mutual friends in the academy, but you’ve never talked to him directly. Until after one especially long day with your rowdy eleven year olds you decided to go get some ramen and de-stress. The only chair open was next to Kakashi at the bar, who wasn’t even eating anymore, he was reading his icha icha book while Naruto rambled on next to him about Sakura.
He knows when you arrived, felt you sit next to him, but he didn’t show any signs. He had a crush on you in school and when you were in ANBU at the same time, you never looked his way so he didn’t think you even knew about him. That was, until tonight.
You’re so fried right now, bags under your eyes from the missions you’ve been sent on and from teaching, plus, you don’t remember the last time you slept more than three hours a night. Given that, your filter when speaking to people is basically nonexistent.
You wait for your ramen to cool a little before eating it and your eyes wander over to the words on the page you can read over his shoulder. “This part was my favorite” you say “then the part at the end as well. Have you seen the poster for the new movie?” You ask and then turn your tired attention to your ramen, taking slow bites so you could enjoy it.
He’s glad his blush is hidden by his mask, “I’ve seen it” he says and you nod “I thought you would have. You’ve always loved those books” you say and then smile content with your ramen. “It looks like it’s going to be good” you say and he nods.
When you finish your meal you turn in your stool towards him, Naruto has been distracted by someone else he knows and so you’re not interrupting anything, “i liked that book the best” you say and push your empty bowl forward, leaning your elbow on the table and leaning your head on your hand to smile at him. You talked together about icha icha books and the movies, sharing your favorite parts and ways you thought it could be better. You talk so long that by the time you leave Naruto had already left.
He wouldn’t lie about the fact that your smile always made his heart race, no, he wouldn’t lie, but he wouldn’t tell the truth, either, if he was ever asked about it. “Goodnight y/n” he says and does his cute closed eye thing where you can tell he’s smiling. You feel your cheeks warm up in a blush but you don’t look away you place your money on the counter before hopping off from your stool “I’ll see you around Kakashi” you say and shove your hands in the pockets of your pants and walk out of the shop.
He watched you leave, a curious smile on his lips under his mask, you surprised him today and now he’s curious to know more about you. After that you somehow ran in to him every time you had ramen, and you talked every time for sometimes hours, before you knew it you grew close with him. You trusted him and believed he felt similarly to you.
It’s been a year since then, you felt like he was a good friend now and didn’t even consider it wouldn’t be the same for him. You were both called into the Hokage’s office for a mission together, you were hyped, it was going to be easy peasy, you’ll be back in three months and you’ll have more time with Kakashi. You were walking back home when you saw the fight on the roof of the hospital which led you to wanting to find Kakashi since you knew how he felt about his students, which led to you here, now in the tree tops, trying to get over your feelings and hide them like a true shinobi.
“There you are” a voice said behind you, a voice you knew well, “here I am” you said and made your face neutral before you turned around to look at him. “What’s going on?” You ask and meet his eye, tilting your head a little. You wanted to pretend nothing was wrong and act normal but you felt cold. Inside and out.
“We’re supposed to be leaving tonight?” He says and furrows his eyebrows. “Shit. I’m sorry Kakashi I lost track of time. Give me five minutes I just need to grab my pack” you say before disappearing, running back to your house to grab your bag that’s already been prepared, cursing under your breath for being so stupid for a second time today.
You’re glad that he’s never made you feel like you have to talk, you can run though the trees with him in silence and not be awkward. “Did you hear me? Y/n?” You finally realized he was talking to you and you looked over at him “what was that?” You said and he came to a stop, you following suit and stopping next to him. “I said we should stop for the night. We’ve been going for hours now. it’s probably after two am” he says and you nod “sounds good” he knows something is off but doesn’t press it “there should be a cave up ahead we can stay in” he says and takes off, you right behind him.
“I’ll take the first guard shift. Get some rest” you say as you finish setting up your bed, standing up and walking over to the entrance of the cave, the whole time not really even paying attention to Kakashi or anything he’s saying, if he’s even said anything you don’t really know. You sit at the entrance, your back to him as you keep your mind aware of everything out in the woods and unaware of the man behind you who’s staring at your back, the book in his hand forgotten about, as he keeps wondering why you’re acting weird.
After your guard shift is over you quietly make your way over next to where he’s sleeping, you place your hand on his shoulder and he wakes up instantly, his eye looking into yours. His hand reaches up to grab yours that’s still on his shoulder “oh sorry” you say and try to take it away but he doesn’t move his hand. You look back into his eye and raise your eyebrows, wondering what he was thinking, wondering if he’ll ask the question you can see in his eye. He seems to make up his mind when he releases your hand and looks away, he goes to sit up and you clear your throat “like fifteen minutes ago I felt something off over to the east, but I couldn’t see anything with my Kekkei Genkai. It could be nothing but just in case” you say as you lay down on your back in your bed, using your arm to cover your eyes.
You’ve been on the road traveling for about a month now, you almost made it to your destination and once you were there you would deliver your message and then take a package back to the Hokage. You successfully shoved every feeling back into a tiny jar in your heart, now easier to pretend you never had them to begin with, although you acted a lot like you did when you were an ANBU. He’s noticed, of course he’s noticed, he notices everything about you, he has since you punched him once in the Chunin exams when you stole his scroll. He watched you now out of the corner of his eye as you run through the treetops, he missed how you used to laugh so easily with him.
You’re walking now, him a bit ahead of you, the sun has been down for a while “We can rest here since it’s a bit late or keep pushing until we get there, we could stay at an inn and have our meeting in the morning.” He matches your pace before he responds “second one is my choice” he says and you nod “we’re only about an hour out I’d guess” you say “yeah I’d bet you’re right” that was the last thing said for the rest of the walk. The lights of the city coming into view, your stomach growls for the first time in all these weeks when you pass by a ramen shop “come on” Kakashi says and walks through the door, you thanked every deity you could think of in that moment and then followed him in.
“Yummmm” You hummed over your steaming bowl, you felt like this was exactly what you needed. To warm your soul and let the unknown go. So what he doesn’t care about you. He’s just being a good Jonin and shinobi. It was fitting that it was ramen that helped you release your pent up emotions.
Kakashi was sitting across from you in the booth of the nearly empty restaurant, it was probably around 10 pm now and the only people in here other than you both were a few drunk men at a different table. “After we eat let’s get a room and a bath and we’ll meet the Kage in the morning” he says and you nod, your mouth full of noodles and your heart happier than it’s been these past few weeks. You were going to be yourself and be his friend no matter what, because you cared about him and that was all that mattered. ‘Everything will be fine.’ You think to yourself as you finish your bowl and meet his eye, smiling warmly at him. That just confused him even more. He was sitting here the entire time wondering how to talk to you about what’s going wrong and you just turn around and act normal again. What the hell. He’ll talk to you more about it later tonight.
“I’m gonna get a room at the inn down the road and then head to the bathhouse, you eat and we’ll meet up after” you say as you place enough money on the table for both of your meals before slipping out of the booth and out into the chilly night air. ‘Yea’ Kakashi thinks to himself ‘I’ll definitely have to talk to her about this later’
“Lucky you!” The person at the front desk says “it’s the last room” they hand you over your key and a string of curses go through your mind, you let go of your pent of feelings but that didn’t mean you wanted to be thrown right into intimate moments with him. You couldn’t do much about it now “do you have an extra mattress? I have a friend who needs a room as well and we might have to share” you say and frown, to which they chuckle amusedly at your unhappiness “yes we do! We’ll have one sent to your room” you nod “thank you. Where is the bathhouse?”
The cold night air is calming, you look up at the moon as you walk slowly down the road to the bathhouse, grateful to the inn keeper for the directions. Your hands in your pocket and your footsteps practically silent, just like your thoughts, surprisingly quiet for the first time in weeks. You felt a weight off your shoulders, like physical evidence of your letting go of your hard feelings. Finally coming to terms with your heart. You felt so relieved and you can’t wait to sink into the hot water so your muscles could feel the same kind of relief.
Strings of even more harsher curses run through your head as you read the sign on the bathhouse. It was co-ed. Open to all. Which means you’ll probably have to share a bath with your ninja partner. Just great. You took a deep breath and steeled your nerves before walking into the establishment. Maybe Kakashi would take his time or maybe he’d find another inn and go to bed right away. You sigh, knowing he’ll be here soon.
Luckily the bath was empty as you entered, you lowered your body into the hot water and sighed in happiness. You considered hurrying but now that your body is in the water you know you’ll stay as long as your body wants, no matter who showed up. You laid your head back and took a deep breath, feeling the hot water release the tension you’ve been holding, which was almost immediately replaced with new tension when you heard the door open.
Even though you knew who it was, you raised your left eyebrow, causing your eye to open lazily as you looked through the steam at the silver haired man. He gave you a slight nod before you closed your eye and focused on steadying your breathing. You’ve seen him shirtless before, but you knew if you saw him in this setting you’d have a heart attack and stop breathing. He’d never let you forget that either so you couldn’t let him know the affect he had on you, sure, you’ve accepted you’d never be anything more than work friends but that didn’t mean you were blind.
His body couldn’t relax in the hot water, he had no room and now he had to share a bath with you. How cruel could the universe be? The wet glint off your shoulders that peaked out of the water, your wet hair stuck to your neck, the way you looked so relaxed in the hot water, it all drove him wild. What done him in though, was the way you looked at him when he walked in, ‘sooo cute.’ He thought. This was exactly like a scene from his favorite book, it was everything he could just to keep his boner at bay. So
The sigh that left your lips as ran the warm wet washcloth over your neck, made his heart race, he couldn’t help but watch you. You don’t know what has happened, something in you snapped the longer he watched you wash your chest and shoulders, something compelled you and you didn’t fight it, you embraced it. “You want to help me wash my back or are you just enjoying the show?” You ask, your eyes still on the washcloth as it passes across your skin. His heart beat is hammering in his chest, that was the last thing he expected you to say but he couldn’t resist from moving slowly through the water and over to you, sitting behind you he reaches down and takes the cloth from you, slowly running it up your arm and over your shoulder.
Your heart is pounding in your ears, you sigh softly and your eyes flutter closed, tilting your head to the side as the cloth passes over your shoulder and neck. You pull your hair all to the front of your shoulder so your back was completely open and you hum contentedly as he begins to wash your back slowly, you lean forward when he gets midway so he could go lower if he wanted, your knees up on the side of the seats and your arms wrapped around your knees.
When you’re satisfied with his work you look over your shoulder at him with a smile before turning around to face him, looking into his eye as you take the cloth from him, you run the warm cloth up his arm starting from his wrist, when you get to his shoulder he breaks eye contact to turn around to allow you to wash his back as well. You wash his strong shoulders, leaving the cloth on one of them as you begin to massage his neck, kneading your fingers into his skin, working down his strong shoulders, kneading out knots and smiling every time he lets out of a relaxed, soft, moan. You massage down his back, working the muscles near his spine massaging in small circles with your thumbs to his lower back before running your finger tips up his back and across his ribs before grabbing the cloth and finishing washing him now that you were satisfied with how relaxed he looked. You set the cloth down to the side, softly running your finger tips across his shoulders before placing a feather kiss to the back of his neck. “Thank you for your help ‘Kashi” you whisper, finally breaking the silence, “if you don’t have a room, I’ll get another mattress and you can stay with me. Room 23.”
He was so relaxed he didn’t know you were gone until your words registered, who knows how long it’s really been, he thought he felt you kiss his neck but part of him believes he dreamed it. The longer this mission went the more confused he got.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
* Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
"I want to go see Sissy at Lake Shimori!"
Suddenly, Kusanagi told Totsuka Tatara that he had said so.
"Okay. During that time, I suffered serious injuries and was released from the hospital."
Saying that with a scared face, Suoh,
"I don't like traveling. What is Sissy?"
He coughed softly. The three were still drinking ramune in the pre-business bar "HOMRA". Outside was in the scorching sun. The people passing by the window were sweating and looked clean. Totsuka and his friends were sweating at street basketball until a while ago, but it was so hot that they came back here, took a light shower, and then chilled in the fridge.
Summer vacation had just begun. The road ahead was open to the ocean.
"It has been a hot topic on the internet right now."
Totsuka showed them a site with the Sissy sightings on his PDA. Kusanagi turned his eyebrows as he yawned, and Suoh made a yawn that seemed uninteresting.
"That's it, it's a travel target."
Then Totsuka took out paper maps, guides, etc. and persuaded the two elders.
"Hey, come on, King. Kusanagi-san. Anyway, you guys are free during the summer holidays, right?"
It was possible for him to go alone if he had a free-spirited father, was 14 years old, and had the personality of a free man, but he definitely wanted to travel with Suoh and Kusanagi.
"What do you think, Mikoto?"
When Kusanagi asked Suoh for confirmation,
"Well, I'm sure I have nothing to do in particular, as he says. Do you want to go?"
Suoh said with a laugh.
Unusually, Totsuka was in a gutsy pose.
Then, three days later, the three of them set out for Lake Shimori, which is located in the unexplored region of northern Japan. To save money, they used a conventional line instead of the Shinkansen, switched to a local line at the terminal station where the prefectural office is located, and by the time they reached the station closest to Lake Shimori, it was already dark.
All three had simple camping equipment, so they obtained permission from a nearby store and opened the tent in a corner of the parking lot. They had a satisfying dinner Totsuka made ahead of time, seaweed, salmon rice balls, tea and other store-bought drinks, and the instant miso soup that was boiled on the stove.
The next day, the three people who had slept well in the tent removed the tent and headed to the bus stop to catch the route bus heading to Shimori, but they faced the shocking fact there. Approximately two months before the decrease in users, the bus was suspended.
"It cannot be helped."
"We will walk."
The three began to walk towards their destination about 15 kilometers in a relaxed manner. At first everything was going well, but on the way, Totsuka tended to be late. He kept smiling, but his feet were beginning to sway. Kusanagi was concerned that he might have suffered a heat stroke because the sun was still shining, and when he screamed, it was the right time.
"What happened? Where are you going?"
The minivan stopped and a well-tanned man in a shirt leaned out of the open window of the driver's seat and called out to them. The man laughed when he heard fate.
"It's my destination. It's a bit off the delivery route, but if you help me download the item, I'll take you."
That said. The three decided to board the vehicle and accept the proposal to help.
Totsuka was in the passenger seat, Kusanagi and Suoh were in the back seat, and after unloading cardboard boxes full of soft drinks in about two places (Suoh and Kusanagi mainly worked to put Totsuka to rest), they reached Lake Shimori. It was a small lake with an impressive light blue surface.
The wind across the water's surface was comfortable for sweaty skin. He imagines there would be other crazy visitors because it was talked about on social media, but it's probably too remote. From what he could see, there was no one. When the man was leaving, he told him.
"There is a cabin that I usually use for fishing a short distance from here, so you can use it freely for a few days."
He gave him an old key and a business card from the office where the man works. The man said the keys could be delivered or mailed on the way home.
Kusanagi asked the man without hiding any caution.
"Why are you doing all this?"
By the way, Totsuka was immediately walking along the shore of the lake with a smile, and Suoh sat a bit far away and looked up at the sky.
The man changed his face.
"I used to hang out with friends like you and travel badly all over Japan and got help from various adults. I will never forget those days. So afterwards I tried to become an adult like that too."
Then he adds.
"I was born and raised around here, and I've been fishing this lake for about 20 years, but I've never seen Sissy."
The man finally laughed, and started the car's engine. Kusanagi smiled bitterly.
"What happened after that?"
Anna asked Kusanagi.
"Ah, after that, I'm not sure. Totsuka was unusually ill and fell asleep, and from the next day the weather broke and it rained a lot, and in the end we were stuck in the cabin until the day we planned to return. I think it was too tense when Totsuka was sick."
The two were talking while drinking ramune in "HOMRA". Kusanagi had just arrived in Tokyo for a summer vacation, but he had just loaned some money to a duo of local high school students who were lost because their wallets had been stolen. The duo bowed and left quickly because they were worried they would be ripped apart.
"Izumo, you are kind."
Kusanagi said in response to Anna's comment.
"Well, I'm afraid I'll follow the old man a bit. I want to be nice to young people who travel."
Anna said,
"Yes. I envy you a little."
He coughed a little.
"I would also like to take a trip like Mikoto and Tatara."
Kusanagi was silent. This bar is the same as it was then. However…
Now they are gone.
Still, remember the heat of summer when he points to the future without thinking of the clear blue sky and the weather like that idiot.
Anna suddenly smiled.
"So, what happened to Sissy after all?"
Actually, in the morning dew, only Kusanagi who got up to go to the bathroom saw a large shadow looking over the surface of the lake, but he always decided that something was wrong and kept it only on his chest.
"Anna. Why don't you go with Yata-chan to see him again someday? Shimori Lake. I want to see that old man again."
Anna smiled as hard as she could.
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wing-ed-thing · 4 years
Cliché (shy!Reader x Might Guy, Part IV)
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Parts 1-3 are up on my master list. I feel like there are some people who don’t know that... I can’t link them here because then it won’t show up on the taaaaags. Enjoy! 
Warning for mild language and sexual innuendo.
��C’mon Guy, what about that one over there?” Izumo was gesturing towards a woman near the other part of the bar. “You should go talk to her! Guy, when’s the last time you got, you know, some action?”
Guy chuckled at his friend. He had to admit, she was beautiful, he just wasn’t interested. Guy swirled the glass of his new drink around. He downed the little that was left and let the bottom hit the counter. “I told you, I’m just a wingman for tonight,” Guy replied with his usual gusto. “Maybe you should talk to her.”
“You say that every night.” Izumo groaned, repositioning himself in his stool to face his comrade. “When’s the last time you had some fun?”
“I’m having fun right now with everyone!” Guy perked up with a smile.
“Not what he meant.” Genma commented, sauntering up to the bar. He ordered another drink. He began to say something else, but Guy was distracted by movement in his peripheral.
Kurenai leant to whisper something to Asuma before sliding off her bar stool. Asuma gave her a look of understanding before she left the bar. She had taken her things with her. Guy’s eyes followed her, perplexed.
“Hey Kurenai! Where are you going?” he called to her. She was too far away to answer. Izumo waved a hand in front of the taijutsu user’s face.
“Guy, you do know you don’t have to spare her feelings, right?” Genma told him, apparently for the second time.
“Who? Kurenai?” Genma’s hand met his face as he slumped back.
“No, not Kurenai.” Izumo grumbled, rolling his eyes. Kakashi, who was having a separate conversation with Asuma, chimed in. He turned to fully face them.
“And we’re going to stop this conversation.” He chirped to the group of three before his features became stern. His eyes drooped to their ever-lidded state and the outline of a frown was visible on his mask. “This is not the time and it certainly isn’t your place.” Guy looked between everyone, puzzled. Was he missing something?
“Don’t worry about it, Guy.” Kakashi spoke, giving the two men on Guy’s left a look of warning. Even without the Sharingan in Kakashi's right eye visible, his look would intimidate most. However, being mostly intoxicated, Izumo and Genma were currently outside the realm of “most”. Izumo sat back against the bar. He hiccuped. Genma shrugged, his glass near slipping out of his hand before he managed to catch it. He brought it to his lips.
“I’m just saying that just because (Y/N)-Chan has a little crush on you doesn’t mean that you have to stay celibate.” If Guy had been drinking, he would have spit out his drink with widened eyes. A little what now? That was another piece of new information he’d have to wrap his head around. Before he could speak, his eternal rival cut in.
“Genma, shut up.” Kakashi sternly snapped.
“What? It’s not like she’s here.” Guy turned to face the booth where you were supposed to be sitting. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed upon noticing that you were indeed no longer there. Guilt flooded Guy. He had hardly noticed. Dismay washed through his features. Did someone say something to you?
“Drop it, you two. Someone really should have cut you off.” Asuma spoke gruffly, he turned to the whole group. “(Y/N) is our friend. I know for a fact that she’s saved all our asses more than once. So what we’re not going to do is get fucking wasted, bully the shit out of her until she leaves, and then talk about her behind her back. Knock it off.” He took a puff of his cigarette.
Guy sat silently. His ice-filled, liquid-lacking glass sat in his large grip. He reflected back on your period of time together. Something about having you around always did feel… nice. You were always the colleague who he had never had a chance to spend much time with, but now that you had, he couldn’t imagine not being with you. For once, he had a sneaking suspicion about what it was about you. Guy liked being close to you and he might have just figured what that meant.
Genma scoffed, stumbling over himself dizzily. He propped himself against Izumo’s stool. “‘Bully her’, yeah right. It’s a fucking joke. She can take a joke right?”
“Genma!” It went quiet on the side of the bar claimed by the ninja. The only one who did not look mildly surprised was Kakashi. Those at the table ceased speaking and looked to the bar.. After all, it was rare for Might Guy to raise his voice in anger at anyone. Genma shuttered slightly, unnerved by his ex-teammate’s uncharacteristic outburst. Guy’s eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed slightly in displeasure. “You were asked to stop, now stop.”
All talk concerning you ceased after that. The rest of the night went per usual up to closing. The whole crew came stumbling out of the closing bar. Ebisu supported Genma, holding him up by positioning himself under his ex-teammate’s arm. Asuma had two bodies slung over each shoulder. Somehow, Kakashi got shackled with the burden of one of the two. The rest of the group laughed together at his misfortune as the lights of the bar began to shut off behind them. Guy insisted on taking one that Asuma held. Asuma refused, however Kakashi was happy to hand the drunk Jounin off to Guy. As everyone began to go their separate ways and Guy found himself still walking with Kakashi. The Copy-Nin followed alongside wordlessly.
“Kotetsu and Izumo are going to be hungover for their mission tomorrow.” Guy remarked.
“Well, that’s not new.” Kakashi sighed.
The two continued on walking through the empty streets of the Leaf. Kakashi luckily knew their destination and guided his long time friend. Ever aloof, his attention was focused only forward. Guy kept leaning into what he assumed was his friend’s peripheral view. He opened his mouth before closing it again. He didn’t know what to say.
The apartment was close and soon the apartment was in their sight. Neither said a word and Guy was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the silence. Thoughts raced around his head, but where to start?
“Just spit it out, why don’t you?” Kakashi looked to Guy, opening the door with a borrowed set of keys fished from the passed out Jounin’s pocket. Both men stepped inside.
“I feel like I should’ve done something sooner,” Guy started, Kakashi helping with their passed out friend. “Kurenai is with her, isn’t she?”
Kakashi only hummed as he reversed their friend’s vest before allowing the body to slump sideways on the couch. He stood up silently and Guy closed the door behind them as they felt the evening air again.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, we didn’t know.”
“I should probably talk to her, shouldn’t I, Kakashi?” Guy sighed. Kakashi gave another wordless hum. “I just don’t know what to say.”
“You shouldn’t be saying anything.” Kakashi answered. The sharingan user looked at his friend. “I know you, Guy. You want to tackle the problem as soon as you can at its source. But you have to give this one time.” Guy waited for his eternal rival to elaborate. Kakashi exhaled deeply, raising both hands to intertwine with each other behind his neck. “I didn’t want to be the one to talk to you about it. It’s not my place, but I guess things have changed.”
“What has changed?” Guy inquired. Kakashi shifted, the gears in his brain turning as he chose his words.
“Remember what Genma was saying to you at the bar?” Kakashi prompted, a hand on his chin.
“Yeah?” Guy acknowledged slowly. He processed each word with care, determined to understand.
“What do you think he said to her when she was actually there? It wasn’t an ideal night for her. She’ll come to you when she’s ready.” It was as Guy suspected. While his first instinct was to be there for you, he now considered that his presence might make things worse.
“So what are you saying?” He questioned, still unsure of what he should be doing.
“I’m not surprised that you haven’t noticed, Guy, but (Y/N) admires you greatly. I guess the first question that you have to ask yourself is if you admire her too.”
“I-” Guy began before Kakashi cut him off. The pair stopped.
“I know,” Kakashi spoke with understanding. “Give her some space.”
That was the Copy Nin’s advice before he parted ways with his rival, leaving Guy and his thoughts alone on the Konoha streets.
Notes: I little bit of filler, something a little simple for y'all. For anyone wondering, they put the vest on backwards so that their passed out colleague wouldn’t roll on their back and choke on their own vomit. Take care of your drunk friends, kids!
I feel like I’m talking to myself all the time! Feel free to comment or reach out to me!
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nneefa · 3 years
RinShi for the ask thing: 1, 18, 29, 33, and 36 (trying not to add too many haha always love seeing your thoughts on them)
1. How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any rituals?
It actually doesn't take much for Rin to fall asleep; give him a soft pillow and warm comforter set, and he's out like a light, but man, does it take forever to wake him up. Neither does it take much for Shiemi to fall asleep, though it's much easier for her to wake up, especially since she owned/owns a garden; you have to be an early riser in order to tend to one.
In a domestic/cohabiting relationship, there'd be lots of cuddling. Rin sometimes likes to put on a bit of a light show with his flames for Shiemi, showcasing his (lack of) talent when it comes to forming shapes/things, but really, it's because his flames are warm and he knows it's the quickest way for Shiemi to snuggle closer to him. I feel like Shiemi takes up reading as a hobby, especially before bed. Sometimes, she'll read aloud if Rin asks her what she's reading, but then he winds up falling asleep to the sound of her voice. When she reads to herself, she also likes to trace soft circles into his hair/scalp, which also puts him to sleep instantly. But then, there are times where she'd get really immersed in whatever it is she's reading up into the wee hours of the morning until Kuro finally takes it upon himself to jump on her lap to get her to finally go to sleep. And even still, she's overcome with a buzz to keep going, but then she winds up watching Rin's sleeping face, his half-opened eyes and the tiny trail of drool dribbling down the corner of his mouth, and eventually falls asleep (but not without laughing at him).
Shiemi almost always wakes up before Rin because he sleeps like a log, so the task of getting him to wake up falls to her. Sometimes, she shakes him awake; sometimes, she softly calls his name softly between peppering his face with kisses (she realizes that he likes this method the most even if it's not the most successful); and sometimes, she leaves the task to Kuro, who either shapeshifts on top of him, sits on his face, or pushes him onto the floor. Smelling salts work too, lol, but it's not something Shiemi does often.
18. What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
Their dates, at first, are awkward, because while they've been friends for so long, dating is something neither of them are familiar with and trying to navigate what that means for both of them comes with a challenge. Heck, Rin never thought in a million years that Shiemi would ever return his feelings, so he's still reeling from that. I feel like Shiemi would not only consult Izumo and Paku - because she's the only one with any dating experience, besides Shima, but no one's asking him anything, much to his dismay - but she'd put her shoujo manga to good use, as well as any dating magazines/books that Izumo would recommend.
They definitely make do on their date at the amusement park like they promised. It's like, the first date they ever have and it's also the one that sets the stage/tone for their relationship, because not only is it super awkward because they feel like there's a rulebook they must follow, especially Shiemi, but their friends end up crashing their date; however, it's thanks to that that the tension dissipates and they realize that they don't have to try so hard; that they should just be themselves and whatever tricky bits they encounter, they'll deal with it accordingly. They'd have study and at-home dates at each others' residences, and missions where they're partners would wound up as dates. Like, so long as they're together and having fun, that's a date to them, but they'd also go out for fun too, like to the park or out to eat (which isn't often because Rin is poor af thanks to Mephy). They definitely take advantage of their out-of-town missions, because then they'd go sightseeing, food sampling, etc.
Their relationship is ever-lasting. I mean, it's my hope that Shiemi lives as long as Rin does, given that he's a half-demon and he'll outlive all of his friends, including his brother (I really hope that's not the case), so yeah. I don't think they ever feel the need to take a break, because they were friends with their own lives prior to dating each other. They'll still do their own thing despite this because Rin and Shiemi respect the hell out of each other and their boundaries.
29. How do they handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
They're opposites when it comes to this. Shiemi is a doctor and tamer. Disaster preparedness is her shtick, so she handles this kind of thing with relative ease. She's collected, if not a little emotional, but for the most part, she's got her bearings together. It's Rin, Mr. I Like to Use My Body as a Punching Bag and Action Now, Consequences Later that makes everything difficult.
Rin's body doesn't sustain injuries. He heals well within a hour or two, depending on the type of injury, but Shiemi insists - is downright forceful actually - on applying first aid, not just because it's her job as a doctor/healer to heal, but because she doesn't like to see Rin get hurt. He tells her that she doesn't need to do it, but Shiemi's not having any of it, and Rin can appreciate the sentiment, because even though he knows he'll never keep a scar or bruise, the thought the Shiemi would go out of her way to take care of him means a lot to him. He even likes to keep the bandaid/gauze on too, as a reminder of this. (Shipping aside, I feel like Rin feels this way about Yukio too). Shiemi has callouses for days, literal farmer hands, and she's handles her own injuries like a champ. Rin, of course, panics when she gets hurt, and he doesn't like the idea of her being in danger, but he also knows that Shiemi is perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
As for sickness, again, Rin doesn't get sick, but if he did, Rin would frickin' hate it, lmao. Like, on one hand, Shiemi taking care of him? 👌🏽 But, Shiemi's cooking? Yeah, no, thank the high heavens he doesn't have to suffer through another helping of grass and herbs. Rin dotes on Shiemi whenever she gets sick, not that she's a fan of being coddled, but the meals that come with being sick are to die for and having him take care of her warms her heart. Rin has experience taking care of sick people, because Yukio used to get sick a lot, so this would definitely transfer over to Shiemi.
33. What kind presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
Shiemi would put a lot of thought into gifts for Rin, not that he wouldn't, but like, Shiemi freaking loves this kind of thing. She gives him flowers - and I'm gonna headcanon that she knows the language of flowers, so it's extra special - and at one point, she even makes him one of her homemade hair accessories to help him clip his bangs back. She gives him bags of her special tea blends, and herbs and seeds to use in his recipes too. Rin knows that Shiemi really loves his cooking, so he'd make her a really good meal, especially with the ingredients she gives him as a thank you. Rin would buy her hair accessories and ornaments, little knickknacks and handicrafts because he knows she's super into that stuff. It's not relegated to special occasions, but sometimes just because they were thinking about each other while looking at something that reminded them of one another.
36. What's their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
God, there's much to choose from: the fact that they confide in each other their insecurities; that they're a source of comfort for one another; that they're so protective and attentive of each other; or that they're such a deep source of encouragement and inspiration for one another. I really feel like all of that is tied together, because within each of those instances, they were doing all of those things! Argh! Grace, why would you ask me this hard ass question?! 🤣
Okay, so I'll go with how protective/attentive they are of each other as their greatest strength, and the fact that they still keep secrets from each other as their weakness. The fact that they pay so much attention to one another means that they know what makes the other tick; they know precisely what to say, what to ask and do that'll prick each other's consciousness to be a better them (which, again, is tied to how they're a huge source of encouragement for each other), like how Rin thought of Shiemi when controlling his flames in Kyoto against the Impure King or just the fact that Rin literally broke Shiemi out of her self-contained prison to pursue exorcism for herself. I'll go on forever if I talk about this, but they're such good friends to each other!
As for their weakness, I think they have of habit of trying to tackle issues on their own instead of learning how to rely on each other fully. They keep secrets from each other to their detriment. Like, Rin has had so many close calls with Demon!Rin because he doesn't want to accept and face his insecurites, and I can't quite shake the feeling that Shiemi's going to be in a world of trouble with "The Beautiful People" cult that could possibly be avoided had she told someone where she was going and what was happening. I mean, I know she was sworn to secrecy, but at the same time, it reminds me of what happened in the beginning of the manga, where Rin had to keep the fact that he was the Son of Satan a secret, and how it blew up into an awful mess because he didn't tell anyone. I feel like Shiemi will experience something similar had she confided in someone about it too.
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okaywitheverything · 4 years
Can I request a Kakashi x reader where Kakashi and the reader have a unspoken thing between them, like they both know how they feel about each other even through when going through different relationships but it’s just not something they’ve acted on because of ✨ninja life✨ and ✨trauma✨then one of the readers relationships starts moving too fast so kakashi finally confesses. I love your writing btw sorry I went off on a ramble it’s like 4am and I’ve had a lot of energy drinks
A/N: Thank you so much honey! I had a kakashi kick so i decided to write this, Hope you enjoy! Please show it love and I’ll be more than willing to write a second part!
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 “I had a fun time too.” You lied straight through your teeth, with a smile on your face to make your statement look more convincing.
You had just returned from your sixth date with Genma, and you were the most cruel human possible for leading him on like this. Given, he was a player back in the academy and broke many hearts but he had now redeemed himself and parted with the playboy ways. Your intuition told you he was genuinely falling for you but you couldn’t reciprocate, constantly giving yourself the excuse of just one more date.
But how to give your heart to him when it already belonged to another?
He pecked your lips lightly and gazed into your eyes, then stepped back and continued, “So I was wondering if you would come back to my place for dinner next Friday?
He looked like a golden retriever yearning for its favourite toy, you didn’t know how to say no to him.
Of course, you weren’t dumb. You knew what he was hinting at. The next level of your relationship was physical intimacy. You were sure this was the longest Genma might have dated someone without indulging in uhh, lovemaking.
You knew he was trying to be patient with you, because you had never gone that far with any of
your previous relationships, third base was foreign territory to you. You knew this was a well known fact among your colleagues but you were over the initial embarrassment now.
But the question was,
Were you ready for that?
He was one of the most sought after bachelors in Konoha, alongside Izumo, Kotetsu, Kakashi-
Kakashi of course.
Kakashi was coolness personified and you were not even kidding. Almost every one wanted to either be him or be with him. Both applied to all possible genders. Even as a kid, he was a once in a millennium prodigy, the pride of ANBU during his youth, famous in every Ninja village across the world. He was a celebrity for goodness sake! He had his own horde of fangirls and fanboys alike. Kakashi had single digit failed missions in an entire record of few hundreds at least. It was almost an insult to give that skilled shinobi a mission below A rank. You both started alongside ay the academy and you were nowhere near his match. Both as an opponent and a partner. That too in both senses, as a team as well as a couple.
You were sure you were one of the many girls pining after him. Sometimes, you gave yourself false hope that even though you weren’t in the same circle at academy, he might have noticed you, crushed on you, felt the same adoration for you.
But who were you kidding? With a exquisite range of beauties lining up at his doorstep to create his progeny, where would you even stand?
“(Y/N) babe? You alright?” Genma asked snapping you out of your thoughts and you almost forgot he was standing in front of you, actually paying you some of his wanted attention and your younger self might have almost felt giddy about it, but you felt nothing but horrible. Horrible because you couldn’t return the enthusiasm and love Genma was offering to you with a pure heart. Horrible because you couldn’t find it in yourself to be brave enough and confess to someone you wanted to be with so much. Horrible because you knew, somewhere deep inside, that your favourite fantasies of love would never come true. But Genma didn’t deserve this either, he didn’t deserve to be treated this way, and the sooner you told him that, the more heartbreak you would be saving both of you from.
“Genma I have mission on Thursday, which might extend up to weeks. I’m sorry-” That was the truth. It might buy you some time as well to figure out what to say to him.
“Hey, it’s okay, not your fault doll. We’ll reschedule after maybe? That sound good?” He gave you a cheeky smile that you loved. Before any of this, you had been friends and he was a gem of a friend. Loyal, true and charismatic. You nodded a genuine smile up at him and suddenly hugged him, he was a good friend after all and you knew nothing would come in the way of that ever.
“Thank you.” You murmured in his chest and he kissed your forehead.
“Anytime.” He replied and left with a smile.
He knew you needed a friend at the moment and that was all he was being then, a good friend.
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It was two nights before your mission when Genma suddenly asked you to meet him at the bar. ‘A casual hangout’ he said. But you knew that was obviously not the case.
You had dressed in a simple attire, a top and jeans, the basic only. You had thought it over the previous nights and finally reached the conclusion, you were going to tell Genma the truth. The exact conversation hadn’t played out in your head but you knew what lines to go along.
You would even tell everyone he dumped you and it would be okay if he never wanted to speak to you again cause you didn’t deserve even his friendship for being so ruthless and downright nasty.
But how would you survive without one of your true companions?
Well that was certainly your problem now, not his. Genma was immaculately kind and genuine and you were a cold bitch.
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“This is clearly not working (Y/N).”
Well that wasn’t what you were expecting. You knew what he was getting at but juts so you were on the same page you dumbly asked, “What?”
He sighed and looked in your eyes, giving you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“It’s getting kinda obvious. You do know I can read you quite well and I see there’s something you’re trying to hide, something that so clearly shows. I could tell you were moving on, well trying to at least. You gave your heart to him when we were just kids, while I gave mine to you. Funny how fate works?”
Neither of you laughed.
“But I guess this is some sort of karma. And it’s going to hurt me for a bit of time. But I’ll be okay. I can’t see you like anymore though. I really hope he appreciates all the love you have for him. And comes around soon. But stay in my life nevertheless.”
You didn’t realise when you started crying, but your face had heated up and you streams of tears tried to cool it down.
With a shaking sob, you replied, “I don’t deserve you Genma. But I Know you’ll find  another and be just fine. For your sake, I really hope you do. And Thank you.” You wrapped your arms around him while tears landed on both your shoulders.
It must have been so incredibly hard for him to do this yet he never failed to amaze you. You were proud to be a part of his life. You tilted back and looked in his glazed eyes, stood on your toes and pressed your lips to his, one last pasting kiss. There was so much emotion in it, from both sides that you knew you’d never forget this moment ever.
Genma really knew like the back of his hand, you never even said his name but both knew who you were talking about.
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Kakashi always sat at the back of the bar, where he could drink his beer without the prying eyes of others trying to see his face. He rarely drank, lest he was with his friends but his heart was aching right now. He had messed up his mission yesterday because he couldn’t think straight after he saw (Y/N) looking as gorgeous as ever With her sleek (f/c) dress and cherry red lips. He might have drooled, he did actually, but gained his senses when he saw Genma accompanying her. He quickly hid, masking his chakra and looked at the happy couple. It was his fault, if anything for never acting on his feelings.
What good are your worldwide achievements if you don’t have a family to share them with?
Both his parents were taken away from him at a very young age and he had no relatives. Studying too hard, over exerting himself and being bratty became his coping mechanisms. Since his early childhood, Kakashi was very independent and self-confident, at times even appearing arrogant and condescending. Despite that, Kakashi was very perceptive and intuitive, quickly realising the situation for what it was. After his father's death, Kakashi became more stern, aloof and cold toward others, dating was never something he considered important, it didn’t even cross his mind. The only people he ever let into his life were a handful of classmates like Gai, Asuma, maybe even Kurenai to some extent but romance was out of his story, At least he thought it was.
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missing home Only know you love her when you let her go And you let her go
He first realised his love at some festival being celebrated in Konoha, when his bored eyes saw you all dressed up, beside your group of friends. You were laughing so wholeheartedly that even tears pooled there. He was thankful for whatever had you wheezing so hard. Sure, he always thought you were attractive, he knew how to appreciate beauty, but for some reason that laugh created a domestic picture in his head and he knew wouldn’t mind listening to it again.
That night he thought about you, like really thought about you. Reminiscing about every encounter you both had ever had, and he fell harder for you the same night. He remembered how you approached him after his father’s passing, the only person whose eyes held true sadness apart from his real friends’ circle.
He knew a lot of his admirers left him gifts at his house, expensive chocolates, cards, bouquets but he knew their intentions were never genuine. But he also remembered that among the lot, were homemade cookies and chocolates. They never had a name but he connected the dots when he found out your distant aunt had some sort of bakery. It was conformed when he saw you travelling through Konoha with several baskets in your hands, Your teen self trying to figure the addresses. He might or not have followed you. Some were your aunt’s deliveries while you brought some of them to your friends’ house and one last basket which you left at his doorstep.
You never approached him after to take credit, or with some other purpose. You didn’t even contact him in academy the next day.
He found himself wishing way too often that you did.
As much of a genius as Kakashi was, it took him way too much time, more than he’d like to admit, several years exactly, to realise the extent of his feelings. It happened when you started to date someone. It never crossed his mind why you never dated before but he wished it could go back to that. He caught you with your date kissing in a park and he swore he heard his heart break. Like really, really break. Then the intellectual finally figured out his Love.
And he knew he screwed up.
 You see her when you close your eyes Maybe one day you'll understand why Everything you touch surely dies.
 After that realization, you plagued his thoughts. He thought he would confess if your relationship ended but he was a coward. And he hated himself for it. He knew how shit his reason of losing you if he confessed was, but it was effective. The amount of close people he had lost just amplified his fear. He couldn’t afford to lose you, even if it pained his heart to admire you just from afar.
He was an exceptional ninja and his alert senses identifies your chakra as soon as you entered. Even in casual clothes, you were the prettiest thing he had ever laid eyes on. His gaze followed your short walk to the bar countertop where he found Genma and his mood turned sour. He was once again reminded of all he couldn’t have.
He observed the couple from a few feet behind his crush, and he saw you both hug suddenly. His heart broke all over again when he saw a tear roll down Genma’s cheek and you pulling Genma in a hot, steamy kiss. Though you both weren’t aware, you made quite a scene in the bar and everyone was gazing right at you both. Kakashi quickly paid for his tab and ran out, breathing heavily.
What if Genma proposed? That was a bizarre thought because he knew you’ve been dating for just over a month but Kakashi didn’t know how relationships progressed. That night found him lying awake in his bed and he came to a conclusion.
That he’d be damned if he let you get away without even trying.
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A/N: Thanks for making it till the end. I hoped you liked it. Requests are open and if you don’t have any prompt, just comment which character you’d like to see more of and I’ll consider requests of that character. Please reblog and like. I’ll love you if you do.
Until next time.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Demon princess
Yesterday someone asked me what anime show I liked. And it got me to realizing that while I like quite a few anime shows; I never did a crossover for with Ladybug. So I got thinking which anime I should use. My first instinct was Sailor Moon; first anime I ever loved. Hell first show I ever loved, I started watching it when I was four-years-old (I have older sisters). Then I briefly considered Death Note. Maybe a pairing with Marinette/light. It didn’t work out my head. Finally it hit me… And then it completely got away from me. Reminding me why I don’t fuck with anime when it comes to fan fiction. Not my best work but its was a neat idea.
             When her mom told her that her grandfather and her great uncle was coming to town; Marinette panicked. In fact, she had a full blown panic attack. There was no way she was going to get out of this.
           Her mother didn’t speak too much to her father. They had a complicated relationship. Sabine had grown up in China with her mother, while her father resided near Japan, having been born and raised there, in a small country he ruled as king. Only demons resided there.
He had been a cold, stoic man with little interests in the affairs of humans. He certainly didn’t understand why his beloved daughter chose to be around them. However, he had been outright furious when he discovered Sabine had eloped with one and ran off to France. They didn’t speak for almost a decade.
           The silence was only broken when Sabine told her Uncle that she was expecting a child. And half-human or not, Sesshōmaru would be there to welcome his grandchild into the pack. Inuyasha had tagged along to keep an eye on his older brother. Though the older Inu Daiyōkai may have become more tolerable of humans but that didn’t mean he didn’t still have few nasty streaks. Honestly, Inuyasha didn’t trust his brother not to just slaughter Tom Dupain as soon as he met him. The demon lord turned King would have to deal with the unfortunate tales of the Princess who ran off with the Baker; as if it was some foolish romantic tale.
           Somehow, Sesshōmaru remained perfectly polite if more than just a bit standoffish. He outright glared at times. However, he remained in France for months while he waited for his grandchild to be born. Subtly hinting to his daughter, that it would be better to raise the pup among their own kind.
           Then little Marinette Kagura Dupain-Cheng with blue locks, slanted bluer eyes, pointed ears, two magenta stripes on each cheek, and a magenta stripe on each eyelid, and a purple crescent moon on her forehead identical to the one her grandfather had. The baby girl was clearly a demon, a half-demon, but a demon nonetheless.
           The moment Sesshōmaru held his grandchild, he was hers, “She is strong, and will only grow more powerful,” He told his exhausted offspring. “You did well daughter.”
“It takes two to tango,” Tom laughed.
           Inuyasha just shook his head, “You’re not dead. Don’t push this.”
           Over the next few years, Marinette spent most of her childhood split between her parents’ and her grandfather’s palace. Thanks to Shippo’s magic, it was only a portal away. She spent a lot of her summers there too. It was different when Marinette stayed with her Grandfather. She was different.
           For starters, she was a princess and was expected to behave like one. She was a daiyōkai and was expected to act like; keep her emotions controlled and her word precise. When she was five-years-old, her grandfather presented her with two swords made from two of his fangs as a birthday present because, yeah, that was a thing demons did. One sword healed, the other destroyed. Though both swords were the same size; sword that destroyed had been too heavy for her to properly wield. She had to work for years to properly know how to use it. It was powerful and could slaughter a dozen foes with a swing. The sword that healed had seemed rather useless in comparison. It took her years to understand it was, by its very nature, the more powerful of the two.
           When she wasn’t training, she was learning to rule. Demons lived a long life but things happened. It was best to be prepared.
           It was at her Uncle’s insistence that Marinette, just recently turned six, be introduced to playmates of her own age. That was when Marinette learned something; everyone in the palace was employed by her grandfather. In addition, they were all lower demons subject to his rule and of any royal standing.
           The demons with royal standing, children who Inuyasha said were Marinette’s equals, to which Sesshomaru pointed out his granddaughter had to equal, behaved different.
           The kids were haughty, arrogant, and sometimes mean for the sake of being mean to anyone of lesser standing in the demon world.
           The first was the son of Prince Koga, a wolf demon and a minor prince who kept his title because of tradition alone; his name was Hyōga. Prince Hyōga, was older than Marinette by a year, with auburn hair and red eyes, and had eyed the smaller girl with interest.
“Heard your father’s a human,” He said the word as if it taste foul on his tongue.
           In the background, Koga face palmed. In youngest son would get their entire pack killed. Inuyasha glared at his old friend; plotting his death.
“Yes,” Marinette said. “I heard you were name after a giant moth.”
           Hyōga sputtered, “What do you know? You’re just a girl!”
“Don’t make me the bug spray.”
           It was the start of a rather tense friendship; similar to the one Koga and Inuyasha had centuries ago.
           The second was a dragon demon named Kagami; an emotionless girl whose bloodline once rivaled Marinette’s. Marinette had tried to be nice, fearing her uncle world bring the wolf prince back, but Kagami didn’t warm up to her attempts. Finally, Marinette noticed Kagami attention to Marinette’s sword. So she led the other girl to training yard, threw her sword, and said, “I win, we have tea-party. You win, I’ll show you grandfather’s war room.” Then the battle was on. Every time, Kagami would visit, they’d have another duel to see what they did for the day. Both families were pleased at this.
           The next was an ice demon from England; a prissy, blond, name Magnolia who was two years older and, who Marinette knew, only tolerated Marinette’s unladylike behavior because she was a princess.
Then there was the playmate that actually required Marinette to leave the palace and venture to Japan. This meant that she had to hide her demon features like she did when she was in public in Paris.
The boy’s name was Izumo, a decedent of Sango, a legendary demon slayer and Inuyasha’s friend. He was very serious, older than Marinette by four years, and seemed to take it as a personal insult a six-year-old, even a demon one, could best him in a fight. Marinette just wondered exactly what her uncle thought “close in age” meant.
However, her favorite playmates turned out to be Shippo’s grandchildren; both half-human. They both lived in France. One was her age, named Juleka, and the other an older boy named Luka.
As Marinette got older and her visits to her grandfather’s decreased to twice a month during the school year and every summer. Her grandfather was under the belief that Marinette went to a school with other demons, and while technically that was true; there were almost two dozen others demons, it was primarily a human school. Strike one. Her grandfather would only be mildly annoyed.
Kwami and the miraculous, both banned from her grandfather’s kingdom, was active in Paris. The banning of the little gods happened after the destruction of the greatest creation Shikon no Tama. A little marble that nearly ended the world and caused great pain for Inuyasha and his friends for years. After they left, no one knew what had happened to Kwami. As long as they never made another jewel, no one wanted to know.
Except they did make another jewel; earrings, a ring, a bangle, a hair comb, a broach, and so many different objects. Two of which had the power that rival the form Shikon Jewel.
Marinette never told her grandfather that the Kwami and resurfaced and apparently didn’t learn their lesson the first time around. Strike two. Her grandfather just went from annoyed to beyond angry.
Finally, Marinette decided to follow in her Uncle’s footsteps, band together a ragtag group, to stop a dark villain hell-bent on united the two most power Miraculous for gods’ know what reason. And she actively dresses up as superhero to defend the lives of humans. It was why she always wore her hair down around the older demons. Strike Three. Grandfather’s snarly mad with blood red eyes, ready to kill. And Marinette? Marinette is so out its not even funny.
When Sesshōmaru arrived in Paris, Inuyasha on his right, he immediately sensed great power. An ancient power. When he arrived at the bakery, his daughter and granddaughter and the man they lived with (“Oh for hell’s sake, His name is Tom,” Inuyasha snapped. “Sabine’s husband. Marinette’s father.”), he raised an eyebrow at the power radiating from the place, stalked right passed his the three, up to his granddaughter’s room, if it could be called that. Marinette right on his tail.
The room looked normal at first, if far too small. However, it took the demon king five seconds to locate the source of power.
He held up the squirming Kwami between his claws, “Explain, now!” Sesshomaru ordered. His eyes flashed red.
Inuyasha looked at the red creature, Tikki, he remembered was the goddess of creation’s name. His claws extended at the memory of all he had been put through and all he had lost because Plagg and Tikki decided to create something that should’ve never existed in the first place.
Sabine and Tom looked confused. Sabine knew what the creature was, had seen pictures of it, but it was centuries before her time. She always assumed the power that radiated came from Marinette.
Marinette glanced down for a moment before steeling herself, and looking up at her grandfather with a proud raised head. She tucked her hair behind her ear and revealed her jewelry.
All hell broke loose.
“AGAIN!” Inuyasha roared, going full demon mode.
“My grandchild,” Sesshomaru snarled at the being, who looked rather petulant, “You dare!”
           Inuyasha’s fist went through a wall, “You don’t learn your lessons well, do ya?” He asked Tikki.
“The world needs heroes,” Tikki crossed her arms.
           Marinette stepped forward, “It was my choice. There’s a villain that holds another jewel, he must be stopped before he destroys us all.”
“Another Naruku,” Sesshomaru hissed.
“No,” Marinette denied. “He’s human. I fought him before. I know that much. The miraculous hide his overall scent but he bleeds like anyone else. And his is human.”
           Inuyasha turned red eyes to his niece, “And then this will be quick.”
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
RYOMA = KAZUMA YES!!! Just imagining them fighting over Ryuu like that is hilarious (like they did in Izumo lmao) would that make Iris = Elise? 👀
GRUMPY CHROM BAROK LMFAO that's something I want to see XD or maybe Lucina Barok and Chrom Klint, even though it doesn't really fit the fact they're actually brothers but it can be solved with a little bending 👀 and Lissa = Iris, YES PLEASE!!
I can see Dimitri = Barok and it's both so good and so sad 😭😭 would that make Kazuma = Felix? and Seteth = Barok? Just imagining Barok riding a wyvern, damnnn 😍 and him having a similar relationship with Iris to that of Seteth and Flayn?? Count me in 😭
And Barok trying to bring Klint back?? Again, thanks, I didn't need my heart anyway 😭😭😭😭
Although, it's probably just because of his appearance, I can see him being in a role similar to Hubert too.
As for sacred stones, ngl, the first thing that came to mind was Seth = Barok even though you're talking about lords, why does he fit so many paladin characters? I want to see him riding a horse now XD but the idea of him and Klint being in the twins' role is soooooooo good. And the Stronghart part would be a great spin considering the events of game.
But now that you mentioned Stronghart, I can see him as Arvis from Genealogy but I won't go into the details since idk if you played it.
And Ryuu does fit the main units really well, especially Corrin, considering how he grew into his role as a lawyer.
Also, I know you didn't mention it but consider, Pegasus Knight Susato 😍
Aaah this has gotten too long, sorry for rambling too much, I just got excited talking about FE 😅
Fire Emblem AU
No need to apologise at all, anon, it's a delight to be able to talk FE! (I'll put my answers / thoughts under a cut!)
SO hilarious, especially given what little sasslords Barok and Kazuma are. They're probably just throwing insults at each other, more barbed than any arrow, and Ryū is just "Please... stop it... you're both embarrassing me...". Also YES! Iris would be such a perfect Elise! I can't decide who Susato would be, Sakura or Azura maybe...?
Grumpy Chrom-Barok feels meme-worthy... Not to mention, it's probably all a ruse and he's just a big softie trying to save face (not least of all when he's around his brother). Barok as Lucina is a really interesting idea, too!
Even if the relationships between Chrom / Lucina and Klint / Barok are different in the two games, the hero-worship is absolutely the same! (Also same... Klimmeryn hurts my heart so much)
Right? Barok-Dimitri is very relatable and accurate. They have the same angst -- and YES that would absolutely mean Felix = Kazuma! And omg Barok riding a Wyvern would be amazing! (I bet he spoils that damned dragonling rotten) And the way he'd dote on Flayn-Iris would be so cute!
I really could see Barok doing Rhea-levels of devotion, but that doesn't mean it won't rip my heart out every time I think about it... all the sadder if Klint just wants his little brother to move on rather than continuing to wallow in the past...
OMG I can totally see the parallels with Hubert (does that mean Klint = Edelgard, then?? I mean... colour pallet-wise it fits, and messed up sense of doing the 'right thing' is also there....). Barok dutifully serving his brother's aims of a better world feels very on-brand tbh...
I think you're right, Barok does have some paladin vibes going on! Plus he'd look magnificent atop a horse -- and he would absolutely chase after Klint -Erika in order to protect him from harm / tank e v e r y t h i n g. (I have a soft spot for Seth, he's my favourite of the paladin powerhouses you start an FE game with; tho Frederick with his 'pick a god and pray' line will always be a decent second. I love the idea of such a mardy butler!)
I feel like no matter the game, Stronghart is absolutely some sort of negative force (whether the mastermind behind it all, or the one being manipulated). I tend to lean toward the idea that he is the mastermind, and perhaps others within his sphere of influence are the 'bad guys' while he waits at the back for his chance to shine...
And, yes! I have played Genealogy, but a long time ago. I can totally see the parallels, especially if his ambitions are picked up from Klint and he wants to create a better world for the sake of making his brother proud –– even if he has lost his way along the line / is being used by others...
Ryū absolutely fits the protag role of basically every Fire Emblem game, he's so earnest and driven with a strong sense of principle and wanting to do the right thing; I absolutely think he'd be a great Corrin (while bemoaning how ridiculous things have gotten) and I feel sorry for him that he's constantly being thrown into the middle of world-threatening situations! XD
OMG!!! Susato as a pegasus knight would be SO GOOD!! She could wield a naginita instead of a spear like the FE Fates knights did on the Hoshido side!
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 11: Archduke Silly Bot
I built a new Mess Hall and Accessory Shop, but before I could play with them, my castle was attacked! By spooky ghost men from the Astral Plane I mean, I summoned them, but still, the castle is in danger. Fifteen enemies showed up to try and seize the fort. Lilith was supposed to help me fight, but just stayed in her pond and did nothing. Dumb fish.
The invaders were tough, but focused more on smashing stuff than killing my Units. Unfortunately, there was a casualty. Kenshi, our valiant POW who we force to serve as cannon fodder, was slain in battle. I mean, not really, because I’m playing Casual mode. Still, I renamed the castle Fort Kenshi in his honor.
The invasion gave me the points needed to build two new structures: the Rod Shop and the Smithy. The Mess Hall can be used to slightly boost unit stats for one battle. The Rod Shop can be used to buy various consumable items. Smithy can be used to reforge Weapons; for instance, I gave Kenshi a new bronze club called Kenshi’s Whacker. The Accessory shop can be used to buy and equip fun accessories, like the bath towel that is all Kenshi is allowed to wear.
Support: Jakob/Mozu
C: Jakob finds Mozu crying, because she had a nightmare about the death of her family, and comforts her.
B: Jakob tells Mozu that she is fortunate to have had something to lose; he explains his abusive childhood that ended with him being sold into servitude of the royal family and tells Mozu to hold onto her memories of her village.
A: Mozu begins training so she can be strong enough to protect everyone and thanks Jakob for looking out for her.
S: Jakob proposes to Mozu, asking her to help him create memories worth cherishing.
Review: This one was short, but good. It could have very easily just been a throwaway conversation about Jakob’s fanciness contrasting Mozu’s lack of sophistication. Instead, it was a genuinely touching conversation that expanded both characters and made me love Jakob even more.
Support: Orochi/Saizo
C: Orochi tells Saizo to stop being mean, because it’s ruining his reputation with the ladies, and threatens to take matters into her own hands.
B: Orochi reveals that when they first met, when Saizo was a child and she was...whatever age she was, she predicted misfortune in his future, which scared Saizo so much he wet his pants. She then reveals that she’s told everyone. Saizo runs away to salvage his reputation.
A: Saizo comes back, furious. Apparently, Orochi lied about telling everyone and Saizo, in his attempts to explain that he only peed his pants because he was a child, ended up spreading the story for her.
S: Saizo has turned over a new leaf and is trying to be nicer thanks to Orochi’s mind games. Orochi confesses that, when she fortolled misfortune in Saizo’s future, she must have actually been talking about his father. Because, as we all know, Saizo has not suffered any misfortune in his life. Also they get married.
Review: This one was decent. Saizo ignoring Orochi’s threats at first then ruining everything in his struggle to fix things is amusing, and the duo have better chemistry than most couples in this game.
Support: Azura/Corrin (Birthright)
Notice the Birthright parenthetical. Corrin and Azura, the main duo, actually have different conversations in different routes, which is neat.
C: Corrin and Azura take a walk together. Azura compares the nice day to Castle Shirasagi. She then apologizes for bringing up her childhood, which she feels belonged to Corrin.
B: Azura asks Corrin about her childhood and Corrin explains both the forced isolation and the constant companionship from Elise and the servants. Corrin actually says she misses the Northern Fortress.
A: Corrin and Azura reflect on their different opinions of Nohr: Azura’s feelings of it being the evil she escaped and Corrin’s of it being a home she misses. They discuss the fact that no place is truly good or bad, something the game’s writers needed to be reminded of, and vow to bring peace.
S: Corrin states that his good memories of Nohr all stem from kind people and vows to be that kind of person for her. The duo exchange some insanely on the nose promises about being fine in a dark pit if they’re together and their fates being intertwined. Now, this may feel like incest because they share parents and siblings, but I actually think this one is okay? As long as there isn’t some late game twist that makes them cousins or something, this seems good.
Review: Overall, a fairly good conversation. Corrin’s feelings on Nohr are more nuanced than this game normally is and the idea that Nohr isn’t evil because of the people is a good sentiment.
Support: Setsuna/Subaki
C: Subaki and Setsuna are assigned to train new recruits together. The new recruit is Kenshi, I have decided. Subaki, worried that Setsuna will be Setsuna and mess everything up, does everything himself.
B: Setsuna just wanders off in the middle of training new recruits and Subaki tries to help her be a better leader.
A: Setsuna attempts to resign from teaching, but Subaki tells her that her wandering off actually helped the recruits because she’s observant, I guess. Setsuna does not retire from teaching.
S: Setsuna tells Subaki that she likes him then wanders off because she’s done talking. Subaki chases after her and proposes.
Review: This one was mediocre. Setsuna is always fun, but this support conversation lacked a good conflict and was resolved in a dumb way. Setsuna wandering off in the middle of a confession is fun, but the relationship wasn’t built up at all.
Birthright Chapter 9: Land of Gods
The gang head to Izumo, a neutral kingdom south of Hoshido. The guards, recognizing Azura, let the party in. Corrin asks about the missing princes and is told no battle happened near Izumo. No war in Ba Sing Se and all that jazz. Archduke Izana approaches them, looking like a wise and calm leader. Then he talks and they realize that he’s a silly boy.
They ask him about the battle on the border of Izumo and he tells them he knows nothing about it. Izana invites the gang to rest and be treated by his healers. He also invites Corrin and Sakura to go to some special spa healing in his deep relaxation chamber which is absolutely not suspicious.
The deep relaxation chamber is an execution chamber. Nohrian soldiers march in to kill Corrin and Izana reveals that he is actually a Nohrian mage named Zola. His voice sounds like Gollum and he has this weird jester hat. I cannot wait for the part of the game where we kill him.
Right before Corrin is executed, half of the Nohrian soldiers attack the other half. It’s revealed the soldiers are actually our soldiers in disguise. Where they got the Nohrian costumes, I do not know. Maybe they looted them from some corpses? Also, how did they know this was happening? And how did they seamlessly blend into the Nohrian army? I have many questions.
Hinoka explains that she knew Zola wasn’t the real Izana because no royal would ever act like such a silly boy, because she has never read any history textbook. The battle begins.
Something I haven’t mentioned yet that I want to mention: if an enemy has a super effective weapon, a red balloon with an exclamation mark appears above them as you move your unit. Nice touch.
On turn two, two new characters march into battle: a Samurai named Hinata and a Spear Fighter named Oboro. The two of them are looking for Takumi. The two bicker. Hinata is an idiot and is thirsty for Takumi. Oboro fantasizes about killing all of the Nohrian scum and Hinata tells her to chill out. These two idiots are Takumi’s retainers. Corrin goes up to the duo and recruits them.
A samurai and one of Takumi’s retainers. His personal skill, Triple Threat, hurts enemies who lower him below half health. His design is fine, I guess. I think they’re going for a meathead thing from his introduction and his scars and muscles, but he looks way too young. Personality wise, he seems to be kinda dumb, but not enough to be funny.
A spear fighter who is really goddamn thirsty for Takumi and is also really racist. Her unit description is: Loves fashion, hates Nohr. Her personal skill makes her do extra damage to Nohrians, which is useful because we are at war with Nohr. Fates has a bad tendency of reducing characters to a single character trait and we’ve already been shown three traits for Oboro, which I assume will dominate every line she ever says. Seriously, we’ve known her for a minute and she’s said Nohrian Scum a dozen times.
This map was good. It was a standard fighting enemies in a castle map; nothing special, but then again it didn’t need to be special. After the battle, Zola says that he’d rather die than tell Corrin anything. He then throws a smokescreen and runs away, only to be attacked by Leo.
Leo says he’s going to kill Zola for being a disgrace to Nohr and Corrin says, no, don’t do that, don’t hurt another Nohrian. Except, Corrin has killed dozens of Nohrians at this point. Leo yells at Corrin for being a traitor and gives her Zola to keep as a pet. Corrin reflects on how Leo has gotten stronger, but also become more cruel, since her betrayal of Nohr.
The gang meets the real Izana. Yeah he’s every bit as weird and wacky as Zola was. He tells the gang about hearing that the princes were near the bottomless canyon and reads Corrin’s fortune. He sings the next verse of Ocean’s Grey Waves, implying that this song is genuinely a prophecy about this game.
In the white light, a hand reaches through
A double-edged blade cuts your heart in two
Waking dreams fade away,
Embrace the brand-new day
So, let’s see. First off, a lot of imagery about light, which is Hoshido’s aesthetic. Not sure what verse one means, but verse two is some heavy foreshadowing for Chapter 26. I’ll talk about it more then. Verses three and four are about Corrin leaving the fake life in Nohr and returning to Hoshido. Probably.
Azana also predicts that the princes are both alright, so the gang heads off to find them. That night, Azura talks to Corrin about the prophecy, saying that it is the lyrics to a song she was taught as a child that now seems to be about Corrin.
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sugarless--girl · 4 years
Dinner and Breakfast
Kakashi's a vampire, Iruka's his blood bank. It's simple as that. Or it should've been just that.
Written for Umino Hours Discord Exchange hosted by @magnustesla​. I scrambled to write everything super fast so I hope it all makes sense. Ngl, I didn't know where the hell I was going with this until I was more than halfway done. Hopefully that doesn't show LOL
The initial idea was that Iruka had a sanctuary that helped a lot of different supernatural beings. It would be in a modern setting but Iruka would act as a intermediary of sorts for the mythical world and normal world. Naruto would be a kitsune, Kotetsu and Izumo would be tengu, Asuma a fire elemental, etc. Anko and Genma made in here briefly but I didn't get much of a chance to expand on them. I like what this idea turned out to be but maybe someday I'll expand it a bit further. Who knows?
Anyway, comments are most welcome! Hope you enjoy this @seekingsquake!
Read on Ao3
Iruka was brought back to wakefulness as he felt a body enter the covers on his bed. He was entirely cognizant as he felt the dip near him but he was almost jolted awake as an ice cold nose pressed against his neck.
“Kakashi!” He hissed as he pushed himself up. Iruka’s eyes could make out the silver hair that stood out in the dark.
“Ah, did I wake you up? Sorry about that.” Kakashi said, sounding far too amused to actually mean his apology.
Iruka just glared, trying to blink the sleepiness out of his eyes. He glanced at his bedside and found that the clock read a little past 5AM. Dammit, Kakashi always came too early. “I told you to go wait in your room, last time.” Iruka said, unbuttoning the collar of his pajamas,
“Mah sensei, I couldn’t wait to see you again.” His voice was too casual but there was deliberateness to it—as if he was barely holding back. Iruka, now that he was more awake, was able to see that Kakashi’s eyes had a gleam of predatory hunger to them. He always waited until the last moment, didn’t he?
“Don’t flatter me.” Iruka said, pushing aside his long brown hair to bare his neck. “Just hurry up. And please try to not bite so obviously. The kids kept asking questions, last time.”
“I’ll try to be more careful.” He said with a helpless shrug and moved to pull Iruka close. The younger man came into his arms easily, into a position made more for lovers than two in a mutually beneficial relationship. As always, Kakashi’s body was cold. He looked uncomfortable for a split-second before his blood-lust took over and sunk his teeth into Iruka’s neck.
It hurt as per usual—this was nothing new. But Iruka was getting better at concealing his reactions. Kakashi always seemed uncomfortable with their arrangement no matter how much Iruka assured him, it was fine. The silver-haired man didn’t show it all that much, but it seemed as though his indifferent attitude that was clearly a put-upon mask, would fall away at Iruka’s discomfort. It was odd having the other vampire hover over him, truthfully. Really, Iruka didn’t mind. Kakashi was careful with the amount he drank. He never left Iruka exhausted in the same way others did in the past.
Kakashi pulled back after a few moments, his eyes dark. He stared at the brunette and Iruka held back a shiver. There was a want in them that only existed for a split second before it disappeared. Iruka blinked, feeling sleepy once more as exhaustion overtook him. He went to find some wrappings for the puncture wounds, not risking bleeding over his covers. Why did Kakashi always insist on coming right when he was asleep?
“So,” The vampire said, watching Iruka fix himself and re-button his shirt. “Breakfast in bed?”
“That’s your end of the deal, isn’t it?” Iruka said, a sly smile on his lips. Kakashi shot back his own sheepish smile—as per usual, he was always strangely bashful after his feeding. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was such an intimate position.
“Yeah, I’ll go make it. Uh, thanks.” And with that, the vampire pulled up his mask and left the room. Iruka dropped back to his pillow and closed his eyes. He could get an hour or two of rest before he had to properly get up.
Sometimes Iruka dreamed of Mizuki. He woke up with a start those nights, often shaking and covered in sweat. He was slowly forgetting the color of his eyes but it still stood out to him every now and then. Was forgetting really the answer?
Kakashi had habit of sleeping in Iruka’s bed during the day. The brunette didn’t mind—he knew that the other man couldn’t go out anyway due to the sunlight. Really, it was a bit adorable but Iruka never said his thoughts aloud. He wasn’t sure why he kept such things to himself.
Iruka woke up to the smell of pancakes. Kakashi kept stopping by to cook for him even when the other man didn’t get any blood for it. It was a relatively new development that Iruka couldn’t help but feel strangely guilty over.
He also couldn’t help but wonder what Kakashi was thinking. Was he planning for something? Buttering him up for a favor?
When Iruka brought it up at the dining table, the vampire just laughed and said, “can’t I just do something nice for my favorite human?”
Sometimes Iruka waited outside for Kakashi. He’d do this most often when the sky was it’s clearest. It was never particularly clear as the light pollution from the city lights obscured the stars—nothing like home. But he wasn’t looking for the stars as much as the absence of light.
The absence of light in the form of a bat. It wasn’t easy to spot and oftentimes, Iruka didn’t see anything. However, it seemed as though Kakashi came like clockwork these days. Long gone was the ‘always late’ Kakashi Hatake. Or at least, he was on time when he was visiting Iruka. Now, wasn’t that something?
One time Iruka woke up from a dream about Mizuki and Kakashi was beside him. He handed the shaking brunette a glass of water. Soon the words came spilling out as easily as the few stray tears did. Kakashi didn’t say anything but instead listened. His smooth face never strayed from Iruka as his hands rubbed comforting circles on the other’s back.
“So…are you guys sleeping together or what?” Iruka choked on his water. Anko kept smiling.
“Platonically, yes. Romantically no.” Iruka knew that dodging the topic would be worse. Anko was relentless.
“What about carnally?”
Anko was always a bit too interested in Iruka’s sex life. She claimed that it was a because she was a succubus but Iruka knew better—it was because she was a relentless gossip hound. Truly a terrible habit.
“He’s just seeking me out for warmth.” That was the shittiest lie that Iruka came up with. And he was a pretty good liar (despite popular belief.) He scowled, knowing that Anko wasn’t buying it.
She really wasn’t. “I just wanna know what’s been going on between you two!” Her voice was bordering on whiny. It was cute but Iruka wasn’t about to tell here how endearing he found her.
Instead he just rolled his eyes and acquiesced a bit of information to satisfy her. “Honestly, I have no clue what’s going on between us. It’s not like we’ve even kissed or anything. I just give him my blood and he cooks me breakfast.”
Anko hummed. Iruka was afraid she was going to push it. “You know, I heard that sex with a vampire while they suck your blood feels really good.”
“I’ll….keep that in mind….” Even though he was used to the raunchy topics Anko brought up, Iruka couldn’t help the heat that crept up his ears. “Thank you for that.”
“Your welcome! And don’t forget to wrap it before you tap it!”
Sometimes Iruka wondered what Kakashi and him would look like. He considered and let his considering be shown through his actions. The vampire was left flustered by his actions.
But then Mizuki stopped by. And once again, Iruka was reminded of the particular shade of his green eyes.
The next time Kakashi came, Iruka was grading tests that his students had done. Grading an elementary school student’s journal was always a fun experience seeing as they had ridiculous stories to tell. They obviously didn’t see it as anything but normal but the way the student fixated on certain topics was just too adorable and entertaining.
Kakashi crept in through the window and froze as Iruka fixed him with a glare. Even though it had been a month since he last saw him, Iruka still was able to pick up where they left off. (Kakashi had to leave for some important business—or at least, that’s how phrased it said it. Iruka simply hugged him and left him at that. The vampire looked strangely let down.)
“I told you to knock on my door!”
“Well you see, your next door neighbors dog knows I’m a vampire and I don’t want that dog to relay that information to his owner so—”
“Alright, stop.” Iruka said, pinching his nose. “Take off your shoes already—I don’t want you tracking dirt in my house.”
“Really, sensei? You think I’d do such a thing?” Kakashi asked, eyes warm. It was obvious that he was smiling, even with his mask on. “You have no faith in me!”
It was true that Kakashi’s shoes were relatively clean. But they were relative to Naruto’s shoes, who was the only other person who insisted on climbing through the windows. “You’re such a bad influence. Soon, everyone that comes through my door, is gonna assume that my window is fair game.”
“Mah, mah, I’ll try to not come when anyone’s here.” Kakashi said with chuckle. “I never do, anyway.”
Iruka rolled his eyes. “Guess again. Genma’s here.”
The warmth from Kakashi’s eyes dropped and Iruka was left blinking in surprise. “Genma?”
“I needed him to look over a few wards. They were fine until—” Iruka pursed his lips. He forgot Kakashi didn’t know this story.
“Until?” He appeared to pick up that something had gone wrong. “What happened, Iruka?”
It was always odd to hear Kakashi call him by his name. Especially since he so frequently preferred to use Iruka’s title, ‘Sensei.’
“Mizuki stopped by and well, Naruto and Anko were around so not much came of it.” He didn’t get too hurt this time at least. It was embarrassing to be protected by Naruto—someone Iruka vowed to protect himself—but at least the situation didn’t get out of control. Anko diffused the situation before anything worse happened. “I just needed someone to look over my wards a bit more thoroughly. He’s in the bedroom.”
Kakashi stood still. Iruka couldn’t read him.
“Where is he now?”
“Asuma took care of it.” His shrug was forcibly casual. Iruka was mostly over the incident but still. “Anko and Asuma both managed to handle it pretty well.”
He was thankful for that. He didn’t want Naruto to be the one to protect him—not when it should’ve been the other way around.
Kakashi crossed the room in a few strides and tilted Iruka’s chin as if to see the truth for himself. But this time he was fine. Or fine as he could be with his shitty ex trying to break into his house. “I’m fine, Kakashi. Really.”
The silver-haired man didn’t seem entirely willing to accept it but he nodded all the same. “Alright, but just let me know if you need anything.” The sincerity coming from him was jarring.
Iruka couldn’t help but tease him a little. “What, not about to ask for anything in return? I thought you came here for blood?” It was a bit of a cruel joke—he knew that Kakashi didn’t just want that. But Iruka still said it anyway, the tease a bit more of test now.
“I don’t—” Kakashi scratched the back of his neck. “Mah sensei, your opinion of me is too low.”
The implicit ‘I care about you’ hung in the air and Iruka couldn’t quite….grasp it. Not yet. It was too soon. The pain from seeing Mizuki again was still hovering in the back of his mind as Iruka worked. He had mostly gotten it to settle down with the tedium of work but that didn’t mean he was ready for any deeper conversations. Not just yet.
“Either way, the situation’s been dealt with. Do you want to check the wards, yourself?”
“What, don’t trust my work?” Genma, a mage working under the witch Tsunade, came striding out of the only other room in his apartment. “What are you telling Kakashi, Iruka? Seriously, we had our favorite teach protected this time around.”
Iruka bristled at the idea that he even needed to be protected but Kakashi relaxed a bit more. “That’s good to here—I know this Sensei is the type to never say if he really does need help.”
“I just said you could check the wards. Isn’t that accepting help?” Iruka pointed out.
“That’s different.” Genma scoffed.
Iruka was ready to go at the mage before Kakashi interrupted with, “is Naruto alright?”
Iruka bit back a smile.
“He was fine as ever.” Genma said, adjusting his bandanna, “He wanted to fight Mizuki himself but Asuma held him back.”
“Good.” Kakashi nodded and Genma made his way out of the house—presumably to check the magical wards there.
It was the two of them once more. “I’m sorry I wasn’t around.” Kakashi said, quietly.
“It’s not something either of us could’ve predicted.” Iruka said with a shake of his head. He couldn’t lie—Kakashi brought him a sense of security that no one else brought—but it wasn’t all that bad this time. Truly.
“Seriously, Kakashi. It’s not a big deal. Now, are you too tired to make dinner or should I order take-out?”
“Is Genma eating with us?” Kakashi asked, making his way to the small, but neatly kept kitchenette.
“I’ll ask.” Iruka said making his way to his door. He paused and looked at Kakashi. “It’s nice to have you back again.”
Kakashi’s eyes curved into a smile. I feel safer with you here. The unspoken words hung in the air. It didn’t need to be said.
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daisanokensha · 4 years
i really admire your characterization so i was curious about your take/thoughts on mikoto's ptsd?
OOF SORRY this is late and idk if you still wanna read this anon but... you flatter me haha... i’ll gladly(?) offer my two scents but im warning you it’s been a while
sooooo obviously i agree that mikoto’s extremely depressed but generally speaking i’d say i’m not a fan of takes that claim he developed ptsd from the crater incident. i respect them but i think the crater’s more of an echo of the actual issue considering mikoto revisited the edge of it with his grandpa often enough to make a habit out of going for a swim which reisi thought was very bizarre and tasteless when he saw a dripping wet mikoto emerge out of the water (THIS IS A DISASTER SITE MIKOTO) BUT LIKE that's neither here nor there bc mikoto suoh is a) notoriously disrespectful and b) has no problem wrecking public property. destruction isn’t his issue per se
i personally think the problem lies within his impulse control and/or lack thereof as it becomes a big thing later on in the series. people tend to throw a bunch of buzzwords around but fact still remains that he’s always been a pretty laid-back guy who grew up in an environment that practically enabled him to pick up certain habits (used to work as a bodyguard, lives in a bar etc). i don’t rly expect much from sb who’s never been told no as a child or that he can’t overindulge bc there’s... no such person in his life to take on that role (his parents are dead, his grandpa too). he didn’t develop his bad habits due to his ptsd (re: smoking, drinking, sleeping), his ptsd just amplified them. sure, he can control himself to a certain extent, but the second he’s given an incentive, he’ll take advantage of it.
but like. mikoto’s a good kid (as confirmed by honami). he’s doing well in school and, as honami mentioned, she firmly believes he could become anything  career-wise if he just set his mind on it. he just doesn’t want to. everyone’s got all of these expectations they project onto him while mikoto’s just over here honest to god vibing. yes, he gets into fights, but don't poke the bear and expect it to lie still, y’know? i’d also get sick of constantly dodging people that, seemingly for no reason whatsoever, won’t get off my ass. no, mikoto’s the type to ignore an issue until it goes away, but if it doesn’t, if it persists and gets in the way of his lifestyle or negatively impacts people he cares about etc, he gets violent.
(speaking of friends and people he cares about: i don’t rly think he’s got trouble making friends. he just doesn’t give a shit. people (good And bad) flock to him so effortlessly, but it’s clear that they have to put in the effort to actually stick around bc mikoto certainly doesn’t bother. they come and go, and it’s like he said: if kusanagi suddenly decided that he hated mikoto and/or didn’t wanna hang w him anymore, he wouldn’t resent him for that decision. he gets it.)
and that basically brings us to the actual problem. he’s got money, friends (for the first time in his life!), he’s doing whatever he wants etc etc all this free time to waste and money to blow basically. how does taking all of that away impact his life? extremely negatively. the slate chooses him. he’s suddenly confronted with the fact that he’s got way more responsibility than he can handle when his life has always, always, always consisted of him just doing whatever. he’s got more power than he can handle that, if he’s not careful, can and will kill his friends. people outside of his close circle suddenly look up to him for no reason other than said power that, on top of everything else, is actively destroying his body. he’s taking care of a child at his age that constantly invades his privacy (to a point where she shares his messed up dreams with him) and we know that mikoto’s an extremely private person. it’s bad. he doesn’t like it. he prefers what he’s built with izumo and totsuka. it’s small and intimate, but they understand him. 
it never works out the way he wants.
but yeah. i just think there are so many different factors that ultimately led to his depression and ptsd that weren’t necessarily all “this guy likes to smoke and drink he must be depressed”. the most important thing has always been the absence of freedom (and consequently, his right to decide for himself), so to end this post with a couple of important things:
- mikoto knows he’s got poor impulse control and an easily addictive personality. it’s a Big struggle, but for all the wrong reasons: he doesn’t want to give up his life for the sake of others, but he has to. he feels like he does, too, at this point - people are suddenly telling him what to do? the cops are constantly on his ass? - he can’t go out anymore without attracting some kind of trouble. becoming the next red king directly put a target on his back and put him on the radar (remember, he likes his peace). they’re, by association, painted as the most violent clan. the bad eggs, and there are several, don’t really do anything to improve homra’s image. mikoto accepts it, albeit defiantly. he stays indoors as much as he can. overthinking everything makes him spiral, makes him angry and depressed, so he sleeps - people come to him to join his clan. it’s growing exponentially. the burden’s getting heavier. they’re good people, but a rowdy bunch. it weighs on his shoulders. he’s never been in this position. how can he keep them all safe? why does he have to? he just wants to live - he distances himself. not too much, but some days are unbearable. his bad mood affects them all. they know something’s up, but he can’t explain. doesn’t want to. so he stays away, because it’s easier - lapses of self-control, lack of sleep. the dreams he experiences aren’t his, but they’re vivid and terrible. he’s not there when it unfolds - he comes to once it’s all over, when the dust has barely settled, hands charred, sweating. it’s a reminder that if he gives in and lets it consume him, he will turn into that monster
also it’s not the first time i read this but the poor hygiene part always throws me off bc mikoto showers and styles his hair every morning. anna even tried to document a day in the life, so ??? where’s this coming from??? did i miss smth? who told you guys mikoto’s a nasty little gremlin
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silverdphantom · 4 years
Theory : the Grigori always knew the truth about the twins and never intended to execute Rin
For a long time, the biggest threat hanging on Rin's head was not Lucifer or even Satan, but the Grigori’s willingness to execute him, would he be recognised as a demon and a threat. But now that we have seen the past and know more about who are the Grigori, I tend to think this threat never really existed and the Grigori knew Shiro Fugimoto was raising Satan's kids with the help of Mephisto since the very beginning. And they were perfectly OK with that. As they always did in the past, they go along even with Mephisto’s most horrendous plans. They agree, reluctantly, with Section 13, they could perfectly agree with Turning-Satan's-kids-into-weapons plan. But in front of the rest of the Order, they kept the appearences.
By the way, the Grigori are also Nephilim of god-like demons just like Rin, so even if they are now far less powerful because of their diluted blood, I don't think they could fear Rin as humans could. In a way, he is the same as them. It was the same for Izumo, who accepted Rin’s situation far more easily than the other because she was herself an hybrid.
I know this can look unlikely given how they publicly acted about Rin, but I believe it was just that: an act. And here are the elements I base my theory on:
1. Section 13
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The events of Section 13 showed the Grigori, especially Shemihaza, not being distrutful toward Mephisto, but at the contrary working hand in hand. Mephisto did not have to hide anything from them, no matter how awful.
2. The meeting in Gehenna
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Shiemi's grandmother was here, in Gehenna, with the rest of the Demon royalty, when Samael announced his intention to raise Rin to make him a suitable vessel for Satan. So, even if she first intended to “get rid of anything that could attract Satan’s attention”, she knew Shiro Fugimoto was raising Satan’s kids. And was ultimately okay with that.
You could argue that it was the previous generation and that they said nothing about the truth on the Blue Night, but the last arguments show why I think the current generation did know about the twins.
3. Shiemi's mother
First, one could think that when a Grigori learns one of the comrades of her only daughter and heir is the son of Satan, her first reaction would be to remove said daughter from the class to keep her safe from such danger. She did not. Shiemi was allowed to stay close to Rin.
Second, on the first chapter Shiemi and her were introduced, Rin USED HIS FLAMES AND SHOWED OFF HIS TAIL IN THE GARDEN OF THE CURRENT SHEMIHAZA.
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Maybe Shiemi’s mother did not notice. Maybe ?
Third, Shiro used to bring Yukio along to the shop. Shiemi’s mother was still probably alive at that time. Shiro knew the face the face of the previous Grigori. I think he knew who the women owning the shop truly were. And I think they also knew his secret.
4. Nemu Takara
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Despite having been introduced in the second chapter of the manga, he remains a mystery. But here I will go with the main theory about him : he is a Nephilim of Armumahel, the Emperor of Nothingness. He is part of the Grigori too. And, unlike Shiemi, he already knew who he was.
Mephisto explained at the beginning of the Illuminati Arc that he recruited Nemu Takara from an “external party” to monitor the exwires. And who needed most monitoring among the exwires ? Rin. I think Takara was mainly recruited to watch upon Rin in case things would go really bad. After all, as Shiemi proved it, in spite of Rin’s power, a descendant of the Grigori still would be powerful enough to contain him even for a little while. He was to use his power as a last resort.
And I don’t think Mephisto could have recruited Nemu without the actual Armumahel knowing why.
5. Rin's trial
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In a way, this moment could be used against this theory, but I would like to insist on the fact that Mephisto did not look the slightest worried about the trial’s outcome and that, in such an important moment, he did not provide any good argument for Rin’s survival. Instead, he just went about about that bet on Rin’s future “Will he become a lord of Gehenna or the savior of the Order and Assiah”. And his talk convinced no one in the audience, neither Angel or the judges. Except the Grigori.
In fact, they never intended to have Rin executed, and the trial was just a way to show to the rest of the Order that they had control over that new threat. They had already taken Mephisto’s bet a long time ago.
And in fact, when you think about that, the same bet has been also made about them, the descendants of the Demon Emperors and Kings.
I don’t know if it is much more reassuring, because it would mean the Grigori are just as manipulative as Mephisto.
What do you think about that ? Whether you agree or not, don’t hesitate !
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shipitrealgood · 5 years
Rizumo Week 2020 Day 3: Wedding
If you expected me not to be super late with this one too, then you don’t even know me. But I tried to make this one more romantic (which my brain struggled to write), so hopefully that helps take the sting out of it!
Rin tugs at the starched white collar of his button-up shirt, groaning loudly as sweat trickles down his temples. “Man, it’s boiling out here,” he whines, trying desperately to flag down one of the many waiters carrying pitchers of ice water.
His companion jabs him in the side, seeming to only get more irritated when he yelps loudly in response. “Pipe down,” Izumo hisses, “we can’t draw attention to ourselves.”
He rubs his side. “Yeah, yeah, Shura’s orders…”
“No, you idiot. This is their day. They should get all the attention.” She gestures in front of them.
A recently wedded bride and groom sit side by side at a lavish table, their eyes focused solely on the standing maid of honor as she tearfully recites her toast. To their right sits an as-of-yet unused dance floor with a DJ rechecking his equipment and acoustics. To their left, front, and pretty much everywhere else under this tent sit their extended family and friends, a startling amount of people brought together to witness their union.
Silky linens drape across the ceiling, serving to disguise the tent’s basic structure, while the embedded fairy lights seem to bless the happy couple with their mystic light. More white tables and golden chairs are crammed together in this space than really seems wise, especially given the early summer heat, but only the guests’ children (and Rin) seem to be complaining. There are several buffet tables off to the side, thankfully still with the food covered so as not to distract the guests, but the half-demon can tell even from where they sit at the back that there is some premium cuisine waiting.
It’s the first Western-style wedding he’s ever been to, and though beautiful, good lord it must have been expensive. If it weren’t for their mission, he’s pretty sure he’d never get the chance to experience something so fancy in his life.
Still, he looks back at Izumo, chuckling even through the disgruntled glare she sends him. “What?” She grits out.
“You really are nice, Eyebrows.”
She jabs him again in the same exact spot. “I told you to quit calling me that!”
The bruise he’s developing almost convinces him to listen to her, but it can’t be helped; both of them were dressed by Shura for the occasion, and Izumo, in that lace red dress carved with intricate designs, looks… unsettlingly nice. Like, pretty. Like a really pretty girl.
Rin finds it hard to look directly at her, much less call her by her first name. It’s a lot easier to deal with an angry, violent Izumo, so he lets his elementary school boy instincts take over. A strong urge to tug on her ponytail overtakes him, but one look reveals that her peppy new hairdo has exposed the nape of her neck, where a few locks of hair cling to her glistening skin—
He tears his eyes away, forcing himself to calm down. Ooh, that was dangerous, dangerous. At least he knows now that he’s not the only one suffering from the heat…
These thoughts seem to only be making him feel hotter, though, so he instead runs over the details of the mission again. A report came in that one of the many, many guests here (seriously, were there hundreds?!) is actually a demon. While his precise motivations are unknown, the report indicated that he had some great plan in the making that could bring harm to everyone there, and he had to be brought down before that could happen.
However, some quick reconnaissance revealed that the only time they’d be able to get to him would be at the reception, which meant they had to find and deal with him discreetly—a stealth mission, as Rin liked to call it. The size of their team also had to be minimal to avoid arousing suspicion, so Shura brought along Rin and Izumo, stating that she “couldn’t afford to take her eyes off Rin, and their cover would work better with one of the girls.”
He hadn’t really minded, though when he questioned later why she hadn’t considered Shiemi, Shura gave him that mischievous smile he feared and said, “I trust Izumo to keep a reaaaal close eye on ya.”
Maybe he should’ve paid more attention to the ominous feeling he got from her words… but considering how easily Shura had gotten them in, continuously weaving tales of her being a widower of a distant cousin, of Rin being her step-son (“That’s right, I’m a mother—oh thank you, I do look too young! Nyahaha~”), of Izumo being his betrothed since they were little and how she’s practically family already… He probably shouldn’t doubt her, no matter how embarrassed her lies made him.
“So beautiful…” Izumo whispers, catching his attention. Unfortunately for her, he cranes his head in the direction of her gaze before she can hide it. The blushing bride lies in that direction, smiling endlessly as she accepts congratulations and adulation.
Rin hums. “So you dream of that kind of thing too, huh?” It was intended as a simple question, more conversational than anything, but it sends his companion into complete silence. When he looks back to her, her eyes are distant and pained. He’s not sure why, but his instincts tell him that he messed up and needs to start panicking.
Thankfully, Shura picks that moment to swagger on up, playing the part of an indulgent partygoer almost too well. She stumbles and grabs onto the back of Izumo’s chair, feigning a moment of rest to lean down and mutter, “Possible target located. Go blend in on the dance floor and move on the code word ‘private’.” She’s off to the dance floor before either can react, already cozying up to a man who’s too interested to refuse.
Rin stands immediately, all too eager to put his energy to good use, and anxiously extends his hand to Izumo.
She contemplates it for a moment—he starts panicking because oh god, is it too sweaty, he should try to wipe it off, but she’s definitely already seen it and probably thinks he’s gross—before she takes it, standing with a grace that he never knew she had.
Right when they reach the dance floor, the music suddenly shifts, and—oh, god. Oh god, it’s a slow dance. Rin hears snickering and glares at Shura, who’s clearly aware of his dilemma and enjoying it immensely. He somehow just knows she set him up for this—but judging by the way she’s clinging to the target, it was probably for the sake of the mission, he realizes with a sigh. His mentor sure has a way of killing two birds with one stone…
Awkwardly clearing his throat too many times, he slowly shifts their hands and ghosts his other hand over Izumo’s waist. She rolls her eyes and pulls him much closer, planting both of his hands on her waist and linking her own hands behind his neck. She forces him to sway gently with her because Rin is frozen, his brain completely blue-screening, just a constant chant of oh god oh god too close pretty girl smell good.
“Have you got a clear lock on Miss Kirigakure?” she whispers, snapping him into a completely different sort of flustered. He robotically turns to check and realizes that Izumo had dragged him closer to eavesdrop, their pose mirroring every other couple around them. That knowledge helps him relax, his shoulders slumping in relief as he heaves a big sigh.
Fingers dig into the back of his neck and the pain reminds him to focus. “Owww— yes, we’re good!” he whisper-shouts. “But man, Eyebrows, you’re really good at these kinds of missions, huh?”
Although looking directly at her is still a challenge, it’s quite obvious that Izumo’s glaring at him as she ‘accidentally’ steps on his foot. “Whoops,” she deadpans. “Sorry, Satan Boy. Anyway, I don’t think it’s that I’m good at them so much as you’re extremely terrible.”
His eye twitches. The tip of her ponytail is right there, just dangling right by his fingertips… but his aching toes and side advise against it.
They sway in silence for a moment, listening in for the code word over the soothing lull of the music. A soft giggling alerts Rin to the fact that the bride and groom have joined in. They look at each other like there’s no one else in the world, like every clichéd fairytale and love song has come to life between them. It’s as inspiring as it is beautiful, and despite the odd circumstances that led to him being there, he wishes these two strangers every happiness in the world.
And hopes beyond hope that even the son of Satan can have that someday too.
“About what you said earlier…”
He looks down at Izumo and is surprised to see her staring at his chest, furrowing her brow and worrying her bottom lip. “I wasn’t really… allowed to think about something so happy for my future. Loving someone— trusting someone to that extent… It all seemed utterly impossible.”
When her eyes grow distant this time, he understands. The memories she relives aren’t just her own anymore. So when his grip on her reflexively tightens, drawing her nearer—it feels as though she’s sheltered from the world in his arms, his warmth a gentle, firm reminder that she’s not alone. Izumo looks up to him, feeling a wondrous sense of security and unrestrained joy, and a glorious smile blooms upon her lips.
“But thanks to you all… I have that freedom.”
Rin’s heart pounds violently in his chest.
All the things he’s been acutely trying to ignore flood his senses all at once: her face, usually sharp with hostility and anger, is soft and warm and mere inches from his own; a pretty red dusts her cheeks, matching her sparkling eyes, two priceless rubies; her slender waist, her silky hair… and god did she smell good.
Was Izumo always this beautiful? And—this beautiful girl in his arms, blushing so prettily just for him—was she maybe—
“—nyahaha~ maybe we should go somewhere private?”
The pair springs into action, leaving Rin’s arms noticeably bereft as they flank Shura and the target off the dance floor.
He tries sneaking peeks at Izumo, but her stony expression conveys single-minded focus on the mission—until he catches her peeking at him too. Her whole body jumps when they lock eyes, and even though she quickly whips her head away from him, he still watches in fascination as a furious red colors her skin, all the way from the tips of her ears down to her shoulders.
It sends a thrill through him, one that tells him to hurry up and finish this mission so he can figure out what the hell this—this—whatever this is, this potential between them is.
And when they round the corner and he catches one last glimpse of the newlyweds, he sends them another blessing, ironic as it may be coming from him. Because thanks to them, to people like them, to all of their loves—it gives kids like him and Izumo a chance to dream.
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