#i think they hide behind one of the bigger bottles in there. wonder if thats working for em.
istherewifiinhell · 1 year
How to explain to a shower spider that the best path to not get wet is probably up.
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Seconds (5)
~During the time of the order of Umbridge and the dumbledore army, you have no problems summoning your Patronus, doing it on the daily, watching the dragon fly around your room, but once you see someone who catches your eye who has troubles, you’re determined to find his happy moment
Word Count-1.5K
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“Neville you did it!” Harry shouted helping myself up and bringing Neville into a hug. “I told you, what did you think of?” 
“Ugh,” Neville stuttered looking over at Hermione and I. “Just something I did this winter break, thank you Harry,”
“Hello party people!” We all turned around to look at Fred and George Weasley who walked in.
“Talk to him,” Hermione whispered grabbing Ron and Harry and dragging them over towards Fred and George.
I turned to Neville and just smiled. “That was pretty sick you know,” I said making Neville smile.
“I know right, a dragon of all things,”  Neville said looking at his wand. “I have you too thank you know,”
“What did you think about?” I asked walking towards Neville, we were only inches apart from each other.
“Sliding down the slide and getting to the bottle and the first thing I had seen, was your face,” Neville's face was all red making my face turn red.
“You thought of me?” I played half dumb half not. “I thought you would have thought about when we were riding on the rides and you laughed so laugh,” Neville smiled making me smile as we looked up at each other.
“Hello everyone, welcome!” Harry shouted causing Neville and I turn our attention towards Harry who walked in the middle of the room. “We’re gonna practice the patronum spell once again, so everyone go to your areas and practice, i’ll be around and help you all,”
“Expecto Patronum!” I shouted bringing my much tiny dragon out, I smiled bending down and petting it. “I think i’ll name you gilly,” 
“Gilly huh,” Neville chuckled bending down and rolling his one finger down the spine of my patronum. “Expecto Patronum,” Nevilles dragon came out much smaller this time, much bigger than mine though.
“They’re matching,” I smiled standing up and watching the two fly around the air. “Thats pretty cute,”
“Do you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?” Neville asked looking up at the two dragons. 
“I would love to Neville,” I smiled, my heart felt like it was beating about a million miles per hour. “Took you long enough to ask,” I said looking over at him.
As Neville and I turned around and looked at eachother, the lights flickered, catching everyone's attention, the glass chandelier above us shook.
“Stay behind me,” Neville said grabbing me and pulling me behind him, everyone slowly turned and started walking towards where the noise was coming from, Neville grabbed my hand as we stood in place, watching Harry and a blond haired boy walk towards a hole in the wall.
“I’ll make quick work of this,” Umbridge said, I felt Neville turn around and shield me as I closed my eyes. “Bombarda Maxima,” Everyone fell to the ground, the whole room filled with dubry and Neville and I were on the ground.
“Are you okay?” Neville asked moving off of me and helping me up. 
“Yeah are you?” I asked looking around the room, everyone slowly stood up and looked at Umbridge, Flitch, Draco and his goons, then Cho who stood in Dracos clutch.
I watched Harry closely as he dropped a little black object on the ground, in seconds there was one, in another there were five.
“What is going on here!” Umbridge huckled stepping into the room and looking around, unnoticed of the things multiplying rapidly on the ground.
“Run!” Harry shouted, as he shouted black smoke and honking appeared in the air, laughter arose.
“Come on, I have a place we can hide,” I called out to Neville grabbing his hand and darting for the door.
“My heart is beating like a million miles per hour!” Neville shouted making me laugh, we ran up the stairs, splitting away from everyone, I tossed a door open and rushed in falling onto a wall panting like a dog, out of breath and excited.
“That was genius of Harry, I guess he knew something like this might happen,” I laughed leaning against the wall. 
“Where are we anyways?” Neville asked looking around, I looked around, the room was full of old, scratched, dirty paintings.
“I’m not sure, let’s look around,” The room was big enough to walk around in, since there had to be about five dozen paintings stacks against each other, and those were the ones we could see, not knowing how much were really in the roam.
We both walked out away from the door, going in different directions, looking all around the room, the further we had gone into the room the more interesting the items gotten. Paintings slowly stopped, then shelfs, cabinets, anything you had thought of was in the room.
“This is bloody amazing,” I whispered to myself, spotting Neville holding up a box. “What do you got there?” I asked looking over his shoulder.
“It’s a box, not sure how it opens,” His hands roamed around the outside of the box, turning it upside down, the sound of metal clanking caused the both of us took look at eachother.
“I got this,” I smirked taking my wand out and pointing at the box, the sound of the lock clicked and Neville opened up the box. “Rings,” I smiled looking at the all the assortment of rings in the box.
“Look at them,” Neville placed the box down on the shelf he had picken it up from and took out some of the rings, admiring them. “I wonder why someone would leave these rings here, they seem too good to be just sitting in a room,”
I admired Neville as he picked each one up, placing the next one down and admiring them all, looking all around.
“I wonder who’s rings they are,” I picked a flat silver one up and looked around it, spotting small engravings inside.
“We should be getting back Lia, before anyone notices we’re gone,” Neville shut the box as I placed the ring back and turning to me.
“You’re right, and before the goon squad comes out and catches us, everything's a mess right now,” I let out a low laugh and walked passed Neville, not getting so far as his hands gripped my wrist.
In that split second, our bodies were pressed together, including our lips, Neville's hand found it’s way onto the back of my head, pushing my lips more, my hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulling myself closer as well.
Our heartbeats became rapid and my lungs needed hair, but nothing in me wanted to break until Neville pulled back first.
“That was,” Neville started to say, out of breath, his hands moving my head to my waist.
“Good, really good,” I finished his sentence looking up at the boy, both trying to catch our breaths, my hands not wanting to leave his body, like a magnet. My head fell forward on Neville's chest and the both of us just laughed.
“Come on, i’m sure people are wondering where we are,” Neville grabbed my hand, I looked up at him with a smile, stepping on my tippy toes just a bit and pressing my lips against Nevilles one last time.
Nevilles hands graviated to my low back, causing my back to curl as we kissed, my hands wrapped around his neck, helping me balance a little more without falling.
I pulled back, out of breath and closed my eyes, letting myself and Neville catch our breaths.
“Come on, we should get going now,” I smirked making Neville smile, our hands intertwined as we walked back towards the door.
“You know, I don’t know why you coming into sight was the first thing that made me happy, but i’m grateful it was, and i’m grateful for everything you know,” I leaned against Neville, blushing it as words.
“I’m glad I asked you out, and now i’m glad we have a date this weekend,” I chuckled stopping just outside the common room door. “How much chaos do you think is happening on the other side of this door?” I asked making Neville let out a low laugh.
“So much, bet the twins have something to do with it all,” Neville stepped forward still holding my hand. “Dog tongue,” The door opened and we walked in, to silence.
“Either everyone got caught and we were the lucky ones, or they’re just not in the mood to party,” The common room was completely silent, not a single person around.
“It’s getting late, look how dark it is,” Neville pointed to the window, it had been nearly bright outside when we got to the meeting, now the stars begin to peer out from the sky.
“Lets just sit down on the couch for a moment,” I pulled Neville forward, sitting him down on the couch, using my wand and bringing my blanket from my room down, landing on the both of us.
“I could use this you know, sleeping somewhere that isn’t with four snoring and sleep talking boys,” Neville chuckled moving around, the both of us got comfortable, my hand laid on Neville's chest, and his hands moved along my hair, running his fingers through.
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mrgrant9559-blog · 7 years
Witch Way Is Right? Part 9
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A/N: Ok so after being done with this, I realize I made this a lot longer than I intended… If you guys want to be added to the taglist then send me an ask… Hope you guys like this one… The reader’s relationship grows with Steve Rogers, Scott Lang and… Spider-Man?! Enjoy!
Summary: (Y/N) is a male witch and also comes from a family of witches. When (Y/N) is backed up in a corner by his brother, who chose the dark path, he is forced to choose his own fate, choosing the light path. This causes an Ecliptic War between Light and Dark Witches. During this war, an eclipse (both solar and lunar) is happening, and won’t end until one brother is left standing. With the help of the Avengers and other helpful heroes, will (Y/N) be able to defeat his brother, or will the world be forever secluded in darkness?
Subject: Avengers x Male!Reader/Steve Rogers x Male!Reader
Characters: Avengers, Y/N, Mom OC, Dad OC, Peter Parker, Scott Lang/Ant-Man (since he’s not really an Avenger)
Warnings: Cursing, Underage drinking
Tags: @thegreatficmaster @avengersohyeah @lzzywinchester @uselessace @writeyouin
Word Count: 3,250+ words
Reader’s POV:
If I had to describe myself, partier would not be a word I’d use. To be frank, I’ve never really been to an actual party before. And no, its not because I never got invited to one. In fact, I DID get invited to one of Flash Thompson’s house parties before all this. It was cool, but would’ve been better if Spider-Man stopped by like Peter said he would, which I guess would’ve been hard for him to do considering what I know now.
This party, however, was a bit different than that. There’s still a sick DJ, except no one has to be sneaky with the alcohol because we’re all adults here. The music is a lot better. It’s like modern music with a mix of smooth jazz. I walk over towards my parents, who are just laughing and all over each other. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were already buzzed.
“Okay, heres the shots you guys wanted.” I say as I hand them one each. I look down at my drink, which is also a tequila shot, and I feel like I’m dreaming. I’m about to have my first drink with my parents and I’m not even 21, yet. I gotta say, I’m really liking the UK.
I go for a sip of my drink, but get stopped by my dad. “Hold on there, hot shot! This is your first drink, so I think it’s only fair if we do a toast.” He tells me and I nod my head in agreement. What I didn’t agree to, was him getting everyone at the party’s attention for the toast. I actually thought it was just gonna be a thing between family but nonetheless.
“I just want to make a toast to my son, Y/N!” He says, grabbing a few “Here heres” from the crowd of people. “Y/N, I’m so proud of the man you’ve become, even though you became a man in just a couple of minutes.” Everyone gives out a laugh, while I chuckle. “Despite whats been going on and what we’re probably gonna be going through in the near future, I just want to say none of that can or will change the fact that I… WE love you!” My dad brings my mom close to him in those last words.
My mom raises her glass and we all do the same. “To Y/N! Our brave son, and newest Avenger!” My mom says and everyone cheers as they take a drink from their cup. I finally drink my tequila shot and instantly regret it. It tastes like orange juice after brushing your teeth with just a hint of earwax. I don’t how anyone could just drink this like its nothing. I look towards my parents and there they are, drinking it like its nothing. How can people just drink this stuff to the point where it becomes a problem? There has to be something at the bar that tastes better.
I walk to the bar and ask the bartender for a margarita. Those always look good on TV. As the bartender gets the ingredients and tools to make it, I see Steve come up to the counter next to me. The second bartender walks up to him from the other side of the counter.
“Hey, Rogers! What can I getcha? Same as always?” He asks in a strong british accent.
“Yeah, same as always.” He replies with a smirk. The bartender walks away to get the drink while Steve looks my way. I try looking away until he calls my name. “So, thats what the emoji meant?” He asks.
I finnaly give up and look at him and he has a cocky grin. “Yeah, well mid-text I decided that I’m tired of adults thinking they can tell me what to do. I’m 18 now and I’m responsible for my own actions. You understand, right?” I say with a sorta sassy tone.
Steve chuckled before saying, “Actually I do.”
I raised my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting a legitimate answer. “Wait, really?!”
“Yup! You know, I used to be 18 too.” I give out an obvious fake gasp which in turn causes him to chuckle again. “Yeah yeah I know, its crazy. Anyways, back in those days it was real common for 18 year old men to be on their own and out their parent’s house. Have their own job, their own life partner.”
“You mean their own wife, right? Cause I can’t imagine it being any other way.” I correct him, but he shakes his head in disagreement.
“No, I meant what I said. Just because that lifestyle was frowned upon back then, doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.” He adds.
That causes me to wonder. I mean, how would he know that fact? Could THE Steve Rogers be hiding something bigger than his secret identity? I was about to have the courage to ask him on it, but our drinks arrived. He grabs his, which looks to be just whiskey with some ice in it, and I grab my margarita. We glance at each other and he gestures to clink glasses. I catch on and do the same. “Here’s to being an adult.” He says and we clash glasses as I nod in response.
As I’m sipping my drink, which actually tastes better this time, I see what looks like a long string dangling from one of the windows. I walk closer towards it and realize it’s actually a string of web, which means only one thing. I curse under my breath as I try to shimey through the crowd of people and towards the balcony to see a couple more strings of web leading to the roof of the building. “No fuckin way…”, mumble, but through all the music going on I didn’t notice Steve was next to me and was also able to hear me.
“Hey, language!” He said to me with a stern look.
“Oh, sorry, Steve. I didn’t know you were next to me.” I explained.
“Are you ok?” he asks me, concerned.
There’s no way that these WEB strings are from who I think they’re from. Right? “Yeah, I’m fine. I just need to… um… get some air. I’ll be back…”
“Well maybe I can come with you…” Steve suggested.
“NO!” I yelled. “I mean… No, I don’t want you want you to miss the party.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Steve replies right before he turns around and gets lost in the crowd of people. I feel bad for yelling at him, but my nerves are at an all time high because in midst of all this partying, I feel my brother has something big planned against me. I grab another drink, a bottle of Heineken this time, and make my way out the door to the building stairs to the roof where I spot Peter in his Spidey suit with his mask only revealing the bottom part of his face. He brings a bottle of beer, which looks to be the last one of the pack, up to his mouth until he spots and turns to me.
“Y/N! H-H-Hows it goin ma dude!” Peter says, slurring his words and studdering. Is he really drunk? Thats not even what I’m really concerned about.
“Peter?! What the hell are you doing here?! And how’d you get all the way to England?!” I asked him, surprised that he’s even here. He should be back home in New York.
He stood up from his sitting position while trying to walk to me. He wobbles in all directions until he’s taken the literal three steps he needed to get to me. I roll my eyes, already annoyed at how hammered he is. Just when it looks like he about to speak, he starts bursting into laughter like a hyena.
“Peter, this isn’t funny!” I say through gritted teeth. “You gotta control yourself or else you’re gonna get caught.”
“Yeah? And… And who would be STUPID enough to challenge… Spider-Man and his trusty sidekick… Uhh… Umm… Oh I got it! The Golden Bitch!” He says in a superhero announcer voice. This causes him to laugh hysterically again. “My bad… I-I didn’t mean to call you a Bitch!”
“Alright, thats it! I need to get someone else here.” I say in defeat. But if someone see’s us, they’ll think that I brought him here and got him drunk. Who could I tell that wouldn’t rat us out to the whole party?
“Oooh! Oooh! I know! I know! Pick me!” Peter says with his hand raised in the air like a kid in kindergarten.
I turn to him and sigh in frustration. “Yes, Peter?”
“What about that-that guy with the asian last name but isn’t asian at all?” Peter suggests.
“You mean Scott Lang? Peter, thats kinda racist.” I ask him.
“Yeah yeah, him.” He replies, nodding his head sporadically until he has sit from being dizzy.
“No, Pete thats… Actually not a bad idea.” I say, realizing that Scott would be the perfect guy to help us. “Huh? Leave it to Peter Parker to come up with great ideas, even under intoxication.” I start walking towards the door until something shoots at my hand, knocking my drink out of it and onto the door just above my head. The bottle shatters and I’m covered in both glass and alcohol.
I turned around and see Peter with his hand out like he just shot a web. “Oh shit. I-I’m sorry! I-I tried to grab the bottle w-with web!” Peter says innocently.
“Whatever just STAY. HERE. Got it?” I confirm with him and he nods.
I go downstairs to where the everyone’s at and find Scott easily talking with Bucky and Sam about how he could’ve single handedly taken out Tony and his team in that airport. I tap him on the shoulder getting his attention. “Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?” I ask him.
“Yeah, sure whats up?” Scott asks. I look behind him and see Bucky and Sam looking at me like I asked them too.
“Um actually, can we go somewhere private and talk?” I ask.
“Yeah, is everything ok?” he asks, concerned.
“Yeah everythings fine. Just come with me real quick.” I say pulling his arm to come follow me. As we go upstairs I decide this would be a good time to tell him. “Alright so, you know Peter Parker, right?”
“That Spider-Kid I faught in the airport, right? You know I could’ve taken Tony’s whole team on my own right?” He says.
“Yeah, thats so cool,” I say in a rushed manner. “Anyways, we have kind of a big problem.”
“How big?” he asks. As we approach the last step, I open the door to the roof but there’s no one there.
“What the hell? Peter?!” I yell but hear nothing.
“Wait, the kid’s here in England? How the hell did he get here?” Scott asks.
“I have no idea,” I say in defense. “I was just downstairs enjoying the party, when I see some web strings dangling on the balcony. Peter!” Suddenly I hear a sorta feint response. It sounds like it’s coming from the side of the building. Scott and I walk to the side of the building where we see Peter laying in a huge spider nest like an actual spider. I don’t know how but the bastard got more beer while I was gone.
“Hey, Y/N! You got Anty!” He says as he wheezes again in laughter. “I said Anty like he was my aunt! Oh shit I wonder what Aunt May is up to!”
“Son of a bitch!” Scott curses under his breath but I still heard him. “Is he drunk?!”
“Drunk is a bit of an understatement. He’s fucking hammered.” I reply.
“Whats going on here?” a voice says behind us startling both Scott and I. We turn around and see Steve. Well, this just got better.
“Steve, why are you here?” I ask.
“Because clearly you’re hiding something. I don’t know what, but for some reason you feel like you can talk to Scott about it.” He says annoyed.
“Listen, Cap, its not what you think, alright,” Scott says, trying to reason with a pissed off Steve. “Y/N just needed help with a situation and he thought I would be able to help out.”
“Help out with what exactly?” Steve asks.
“Alright, fine. I just really need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone.” I say, making him swear he’ll be on my side with this. He agrees and I walk him over to the side of the building where he see’s a drunk Spider-Man. He surprisingly kept his cool and started coming up with ideas.
“Well can’t you use some spell to make him sober again?” Steve asked.
“I could if it was first caused by alcohol, but I have a feeling that my brother had something to do with this. He’s probably sent him here too.” I explain. I know Peter, and I also know that he’s not the type of guy to drink his emotions away. I mean, yeah he was bummed that he didn’t get recruited to the Avengers like I did, but he knows right from wrong. Unlike me.
I use my magic to teleport Peter back on the roof and to get rid of all the webbing. Luckily, Scott brought his Ant-Man helmet and was able to send his ants downstairs to get Peter a bottle of water so he could calm down.
“Hey, Kid? I need you to focus, alright?” Steve says, trying to get Peter to pay attention to him. “I need you to tell me if you remember anything before you got here to London.”
“Yeah I was stopping some bad bad people in this high speed chase.” He says, then takes a gulp from his water bottle. “And after I stopped them, I was swingin around like… BLAM! BLAM! SWISH!! And then outta-outta nowhere some bright purple hole came in front of me and next thing I know, I’m here.”
“Ok well that explains Alex’s doing,” I say turning to Scott, “but that still doesn’t explain why he’s so fucking drunk.” Steve just shrugs, he’s just as oblivious to the situation as we are.
“Oh yeah,” Peter says, perking up, “then your brother came by and said something in a different language.”
“Was it Greek?” I asked, thinking we might be getting close to a solution. That was until he shook his head no. “Dammit, Alex, what the fuck did you do to him?!”
Peter takes another drink from his bottle of water and gives a refreshing sigh. “Man, I t-thought that this was water.” He exclaims.
“What are you talkin about? It is water.” I say correcting him. “It IS water, right Scott?”
“Yeah it should be.” He says before grabbing the bottle from Peter and taking a swig of it. Scott nods his head confirming that it is, in fact, water.
“Hey, Kid! Lemme smell your breath real quick.” Steve says. Peter leans towards Steve and blows on his face. Steve grimaces in disgust at what he smells. “Y/N, what else did he drink besides beer?”
“According to Peter’s story, nothing. Why? What’s wrong?” I asked.
“His breath smells like whiskey, but the water just tastes like water?” He confirms.
Thats it! Alex must’ve put some spell on Peter so that whatever he drinks tastes like whiskey. If thats the case, then I just mght be able to reverse the spell. “Alright, Steve, Scott I might know what spell my brother used.” I tell them.
“Thats great, then hurry up and fix it, so we can get him home before his Aunt worries.” Steve says.
“Alright, lets see if this works.” I mumble. My eyes and hands glow gold as I get an idea of what my brother exactly said to cast the spell. I remember Dad told him this phrase when they went for Alex’s first show of whiskey. “Iksiwla nim uluhla meatla,” (Sweet taste of whiskey.). Peter’s mouth glows good like my hands and eyes do when I cast a spell. Then, 5 seconds later its stops. “Okay. I think it worked! Scott, try giving him that water again.” I say and Scott does just that.
Peter takes a gulp and smacks his mouth, trying to get an accurate taste of the drink.
“Alright, Kid,” Steve says, “what does the drink taste like now?”
“W-What are you talkin about, bro? Its water!” Peter replies with slurred words. Scott, Steve and I sit down on the ground relieved that the spell wore off.
“Oh, I almost forgot to sober him up!” I realized and quickly used a spell to make him sober. I look at Scott who looks like he’s just down with tonight. “Hey, Scott! Thanks for helping me out with this. Really I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help.” Scott waves his hand at me gesturing that it was no problem for him. I look towards Steve and he gives me a thumbs up. “Steve, I really appreciate you helping us out with this,” I admit. “If it wasn’t for you, I’m sure Tony would be going for my neck if my parents hadn’t gotten to it first.”
“Its no problem, honestly. But do you really think your parents wouldn’t of taken your side?” He asks me.
“I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t know anything anymore.” I say, making Steve adjust himself so that he’s facing me more. “After what I did, choosing a path that I apparently wasn’t supposed to, making you guys fight a war that doesn’t even involve you, putting you lives at risk. I don’t know if the next thing I do will help you guys or doom you. I’m better off fighting this war on my own. Facing the consequences that were set for me. You know what I mean, right?”
“No, I don’t!” Steve protests.
“What?” I say, surprised.
“Y/N, don’t think for a second that you were wrong for choosing a light path. You’ve got to realize that you weren’t the one who caused all this.” He says to me. “You and your brother were both raised to choose the light path when you turned 18. It was Alex who chose the wrong path, not you! He’s the one that forced you to choose your path and he knew you were gonna choose the light path. Don’t you see? This whole thing, the eclipse, the war, the spells being casted on us. Thats all him. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be able to see the light in these dark times.”
Steve’s right! I have to stop pinning all this chaos and distress on myself. I’m the one whose fixing these problems he’s leaving behind. When my Dad was almost beaten death, it was me who healed him, not Alex. When Peter was under Alex’s spell, it was me who figured it out and snapped him out of it. It’s not about making the wrong choices, it’s about me changing the wrong into a right. Changing the dark into light.
“Thanks Steve! That actually made me feel a whole lot better.” I say, as a tear runs down my face but Steve brings his hand to my face to wipe it away.
Steve and I stand up and try to get Peter to do the same so I can take him home. “Kid?! What the hell are you doing here?” Tony says in his Iron Man suit, catching us all by surprise. “Why are there beer bottles everywhere?!”
Shit! This night just keeps getting worse and worse.
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yepjugotdatright · 7 years
Chapter 1
“Jisuk-ah, put the drinks into the fridge after you are finished with the cigarettes” the manager called out through the half opened door while she was busy sorting in the different sorts of cigarettes into the displayer behind the counter. “Yep, will do!” she replied simply and pushed the last pack of Marlboros into their row. This was the life she was living: part timing the hell out of it. At that moment she was even willing to sell her soul for money. Money was the key to a comfortable life – something Jisuk was not necessarily lacking but what she wanted to have nonetheless. She moved the empty boxes to the small stock room and got out another few with the labels of famous soft and beer drinks companies. A TV was running in the back; as always MBC was turned on and as the current music show came to an end the news started. “Good evening. My name is Bae Hyun Jin and here are the news from today” Jisuk listened only with half of her ear as she cut open the box and got out a few drinks to refill the cooler. “Titanic IT reaches a much higher share value with its new program ruling the market of intelligent technology…” The door opened and two customers walked in. “Good evening”, Jisuk said as she moved behind the counter and waited for them to check their things out. They came back with a few things and placed them in front of her. They turned away from her and watched the news. “No wonder… Titanic is everywhere.” “I heard their son is so stupid they had to pay a huge sum so he could graduate from Jeguk High.” “Oh really? I thought he was one of the best to graduate” “Just shows how much money Titanic’s Chairman has” he shrugged and snorted as the pictures of the family were shown as they happily boarded a plane. “They are treated like royalty here – I guess that’s why they are leaving Thailand…” Jisuk didn’t really listen to them as she scanned their things – she caught a few phrases but most of the time she didn’t really care for gossip. However, she was all ears for any kind of drama her costumers talk about. It was better than any television series she had ever watched. “24,600 Won, please”, Jisuk said and got their attention. “What do you think about those Kumatis or whatever their name was…?” one of them asked as his friend got out his wallet. Jisuk just shrugged receiving the money and got the change together in the blink of an eye. They were just about to pull an answer out of her as luckily her cell phone started ringing. She slightly lowered her head saying her quiet goodbyes before answering the phone. The number wasn’t saved – but she knew it all so well. “Hello? Bak Jisuk speaking”, she turned around until the two exited the store and listened to the other side of the call. “Yes, I am. Yes… No, I’ll be right there. Yes, thank you for the call… Ye- Goodbye”, she hung up again and sighed. “Jo-Manager, something urgent came up. I have to leave” she came into his office and took of the apron she was wearing. “What is going on? Then who is going to do your work?” “I am sorry. But there is a situation…” He was hesitating, “F- fine. But you’ll have to come earlier next weekend.” “Of course. Thank you” she bowed quickly and hurried outside throwing on her jacket over the store’s uniform. Her motorbike was standing just outside and after wearing her helmet she was on riding her bike on the street.
Jisuk arrived at the police station, hurried through the corridor and arrived at the huge office room where quite a lot of desks were lined next to each other. She saw some officers interviewing middle aged men in terrible patterned shirts, a few drunkards lying in some cells in the back and a few high scholars sat at a desk on the end of the room. She recognized the terrible brown school uniform and walked towards them determined. “Hello, are you Bak Jisuk-ssi?” the officer stood up and looked a little surprised seeing that Jisuk was not much older than Hyun Woo. “Yes, what happened?” she asked and looked at the three high scholars next to her. Her gaze wandered to Hyunwoo, saw his right black eye and him having a nosebleed while the other two were completely unharmed. “Noona!” Hyun Woo whined as he saw her and the other two chuckled spiteful. “These three were fighting near the school. Son Hyunwoo claims being attacked while these two are claiming to have been unnecessarily provoked which resulted in a fight.” The officer explained the situation and handed Jisuk a piece of paper which was a form for a written apology. “Officer, this can’t be. My brother is clearly the one who suffered from the attack! Why does he need to apologize?” Jisuk pleaded. “Didn’t you listen, Noona? Your whiny brother provoked us!” one of the attackers said brazenly and Jisuk glared at him. “Call me Noona one more time... Wait till I get my hands on you, you ****” Jisuk hissed back and the boys eyes widened in shock. “Miss Bak, please watch your language. You are still at the police station…” the officer reminded her but had to suppress his chuckle seeing the boy being shocked from that curse word. “All three have to fill out this form. This is just to avoid this matter getting bigger than it already is. It is just a simple boys fight”, the officer explained, “Except you want to sue for physical injury”. In Jisuk heads the sums of the lawyers wage and the legal costs were aggregated and put into the relation with the most likely compensation sum… She shook her head and pushed the piece of paper together with a pen into Hyunwoo’s hands and urged him to write the apology. At first his face looked betrayed and hurt, but then it eased up again as Jisuk squeezed his shoulder and motioned him that it was okay. The two left the police station and two women rushed past them into the building mumbling something about their poor sons. Jisuk guided Hyunwoo to the motorbike and made him lean against it so she could examine his eye. “Oh, Father will kill you…” she smiled in malicious glee and proceeded to wear her helmet again which she had just left at the bike in her hurry. “Please, Noona! Save me!” Hyunwoo rubbed his hands together begging for mercy. She halted as she was about to answer and pulled out her vibrating phone.   After reading the message she sighed; “Seems like we have to stop somewhere on our way back…” She mounted the bike and turned the key into the ignition. “What about me?” “I think I still have one in the trunk” she offers and watched amused as Hyunwoo opened it to find a pink helmet. Jisuk snickered as Hyunwoo wore the –for his taste too feminine – helmet. They arrived at a Soju tent, moved the curtain out of the way and stepped inside. Hot, humid air hit him straight into the face and the smell of alcohol and grilled fish filled every inch of this closed tent. It was raining like hell outside and while Jisuk patted the remaining drops from her coat she spotted a woman sitting alone at a table. “Yah~ I am still underage. You know that, right?” Hyunwoo hissed towards the older girl and only got a smirk in return. “Don’t worry – you look like a delinquent anyway” She motioned around her own eye and walked to her acquaintance. Hyunwoo sighed and followed her, hiding his black eye with his one hand. “Aren’t you busy?” Jisuk sat down stealing one of the shrimp snacks the woman was eating. “Speak for yourself” she raised her eyebrow as she looked at the young boy following Jisuk and poured herself one glass just to gulp it down in one shot. “I’m unemployed…” Jisuk shot back unimpressed and continued: “You shouldn’t drink during the weekdays”. Hyunwoo sat down as well and looked awkwardly from the one to the other woman. “What did you call me here for?” Jisuk moved the plate with the snacks in Hyunwoo’s reach. The woman flipped her long dark hair over her shoulders and after side eying Hyunwoo once again she said: “Drinking solo makes me sad… and people started looking weirdly at me.” She waved her hand around unnoticeably pointing at the other people in the tent. She offered Jisuk a spare glass, but she shook her head: “Still need to drive”. “And your friend here?” She moved the glass to the boy sitting there, his head resting on his hand to cover the dark shadow around his eye. “He’s a high schooler” Jisuk stated. “Didn’t stop you, though”, the woman chuckled. Hyunwoo gaped at the two raising his head. “You did what?” he stifled his laugh, “Does mum know?” Jisuk regretted even getting him out of the police station. “Don’t forget that you aren’t that innocent either”. Hyunwoo’s grin disappeared and he rested his head on his hand again. “By the way… it seems like I’ll be accompanying you to Daegu. Let me share the room with you”, she said casually emptying the bottle. “What? No – get your own room” Jisuk complained, shoving another shrimp snack into her mouth. “Ah, come on~ I even got you a present” she grabbed a black plastic bag from the ground and raised it to their eye level. “What’s that? Did you empty a convenience store?” She took the bag and dared to peek inside.  “What’s this?” she grabbed a few of the samples and read: “Tony Moly? Changing Magic Foot?” “I collected a lot of free samples. There are even two or three luxury brands as well. I really had to lower my pride for this. You better appreciate this” Jisuk looked from all the concealer, perfume and lipstick samples back to her and huffed. “Yeah, thanks. I’ll try them”, she said dryly and placed the bag on her lap. The woman looked at her empty bottle and shrugged. “I’ve finished my drink. I’m gonna go now. See you at the weekend”, she took her handbag, left an adequate high bill on the table and walked away after patting Jisuk’s shoulder. “Well, that was worthwhile…” Jisuk sighed and grabbed the plastic bag on her lap signing the bored Hyunwoo to leave as well. “Noona~” he whined as they had reached her bike. “Mum will kill me if she sees me like this”, he realized as he examined his black eye in one of the motorbike’s rear mirror. It looked worse than it hurt. Jisuk chuckled. “And why would that concern me?” she raised an eyebrow at him and snickered at his suffering grimace. However, shortly after his eyes lit up in hope and a mischievous smile spread over his lips. “Because maybe Mum would interest your underage activities very much”. He stared him dead in the eye only the sound of the passing cars resonating between them. “Okay, fine. Get over here” Jisuk got the plastic bag out of her bag and searched through the samples. Hyunwoo looked at the collection astonished. “Who was she?” He grabbed a random sample and ended up looking at a mud-facemask in his hand. “She’s Jinah - a good friend of mine”, Jisuk smiled. Hyunwoo looked at her strangely: “You don’t have any friends”. Jisuk sighed and looked at her brother with a dry expression. “You want my help now, or not?” “Do you even know how to apply makeup?” She raised her fist and threatened to hit him. “How hard can it be…” she found a sample of concealer and applied it on his black eye. He flinched in pain as she started spreading the beige-colored paste. She finished the cover up and looked at her achievement. “Not bad!” Hyunwoo took his phone and looked at himself through the face-cam. He sighed at the bad work and started to fix it. “I should have done it myself from the start…” “Then why ask for help?” Jisuk snapped back donning the helmet on her head.
Some time later they reached home. Jisuk parked the bike in the garage and walked the few steps to the door. Hyunwoo unlocked the door into their house – a two story building with a little wooden sign next to the door swinging in the wind saying: Shincheon Boarding House.
As Hyunwoo entered through the door Jisuk expected him to hold the door until she also passed through – however, Hyunwoo let the door slip through his fingers and cascade towards Jisuk. She growled annoyed as she caught the door right before it thudded closed and chased after him.
“How can you be such a brat at home and such a weakling at school at the same time?” she threw one of the slippers lying around in the small foyer after him and it hit his face as he turned around to laugh at her face.
“I was not beaten up because I am weak”, he defended himself. “You are a weakling… crying for Noona at the station”, she teased him.
“Yah!” he threw the slipper back at her but she caught it easily. “Then I want to see you fight against two martial arts experienced people while being unsporty yourself”, he pouted. “Martial arts experienced? You make it sound as if they have the black belt or something”.
“I don’t know about their belts but they are in the Taekwondo – Club”.
“Why were they beating you up anyways?” she asked while the two slowly make their way into the living room. Hyunwoo hesitated telling her. “I will find it out anyways”, she shrugged.
“Fine, it was because of Chaerin”.
Jisuk wiggled her eyebrows and halted in her steps to look at him excitedly.
“Yes, Ahn Chaerin, the class president. She is very popular at my school” Hyunwoo explained and walked past Jisuk to end the conversation.
Jisuk’s smile grew wider as she realized the situation. “Aww, my dongsaeng is in love!” she teased him and ruffled through his hair as she passed him.
“Ah, Jisuk. Where have you been the whole afternoon?”
Aejin appeared in the doorframe, spatula in hand and an apron wrapped around her body spelling in pink, crooked letters: BeST MoM.  
It was no secret that this was the bad work of Hyunwoo who in Elementary School had took part in the handcraft lessons instead of choosing the soccer team – as all the other boys in his class had done back then. Jisuk still teased him with that – though he had a lot of female friends back then because of that; probably more than he might ever have again.
“I was out working… fetching up Hyunwoo on my way back”, Jisuk casually nudged towards the younger boy who shuffled through the dining room into the living room.
Aejin crossed her arms and looked after her son shaking her head. “This boy… did he ask you again? Too lazy to take the bus home.”
Jisuk chuckled and scratched the back of her head before heading up the stairs into her room to change into something comfortable.
The stairs ended in another room, empty except for a few flowerpots and a carpet spread generously on the parquet. She walked straight to her room and closed the door behind her.
She fetched her most beloved sweat pants and a random shirt and changed.
Downstairs Aejin was stirring the stew one last time before moving to the stairs and yelling: “Dinner is ready! Get down before it gets cold!” She heard something moving upstairs and walked back into the kitchen to finish setting the table. Her feet moved over the stone floor through the opened wooden door and stopped at the cook top to take the pot with two embroidered pot holder from the heat. With hasty steps she brought the stew into the dining room next door on the long table.
Six plates and sets of cutlery were set at every chair and a tablet with enough glasses and a water bottle was put right next to the pot.
“Hyunwoo-ya, come and eat!” she said to the teenager who was watching the end of a music show. He reluctantly got up and was about to turn off the TV, but Aejin stopped him upon hearing the announcement of the beginning of the news.
“Aigoo, what a sight”, Aejin commented spiteful at the sight of the Chairman of Titanic IT appearing on an official event with his younger wife and son. “
Chairman Khunchati Bhuwakul announced the relocation of the Titanic Headquarters to Seoul confirming the enrollment of his son Kunpimook Bhuwakul into Yonsei University. His Wife Deok Seo Hwa showed herself delightful and looked forward to being back in her hometown”.
“Tch, Deok Seo Hwa knows how to lie in public”, Aejin turned away from the TV back to the dinner table. “What do you mean by that? She isn’t from Seoul…?” Hyunwoo said and sat down at his usual seat. Aejin looked like she wanted to deepen this topic, however, on second thought she just nodded. “No... I just thought she looked like a Daegu – person.”
“Who looks like a Daegu – person?” Jisuk came into the room and looked from Aejin over Hyunwoo to the TV playing in the back.
“You do!” Hyunwoo said teasingly.
“Screw this accent…” Jisuk groaned and sank into the chair next to him. “Does it still show?”
“Yes – most of the time I can’t understand you…” he gestured around his ear.
“You don’t listen anyway” Jisuk shot back and Aejin sighed.
With confident steps the next inhabitant of the boarding house came into the room and sat down in front of Hyunwoo. Her short hair was hold back by a black headband and a bandage covered her nasal bridge. She wore an oversize and visibly often worn baseball tricot of the Doosan Bears with a huge 50 on the back.
She yawned extensive and glanced into the pot pulling her eyebrows together skeptical.
“What’s that?” she pointed at the yellow, thick soup with a few meat and vegetable pieces swimming in it.
“That is Creamy Stew – a Japanese recipe” Aejin explained and nodded satisfied with her work. Hyunwoo pulled his mouth to a flat line and glanced not really happy at Jisuk next to him who dared a short look into the small kettle.
Even though Aejin was an average good cook she was too fixated on trying out new exotic recipes she found on the internet – and without exception she always fails these. She seemed to be only made for simple Korean cuisine.
“Ahhh, what is this delightful scent?” a man in his beginning fifties entered the room. His black adidas-pants were rolled up to three quarters of its length revealing his white tennis socks in his slippers. He, too, risked a glance into the pot and furrowed his forehead.
“Honey, I thought you’d make Kimchi Stew today” he sat down at the head of the table and looked shortly over his shoulder at the TV still broadcasting the news.
“Did the young Mister Choi still not come out of his cave?”
The short-haired girl snickered.
“Yunhee, you aren’t one to talk” Aejin noticed making Yunhee shrug.
“It’s semester break. Training starts not until next week…” she defended herself.
They heard upstairs a door being opened and closed again followed by heavy footsteps shuffling down the stairs ending with the appearance of a young man in the doorframe. He wore his sleeping shirt and sweat pants; dark circles underlined his brown eyes and his light brown, nearly blonde dyed hair strands pointed wildly into different directions. He ran his hand through the mess on his head and blinked tired into the round before sitting down on the last empty chair.
Ignoring the half-asleep addition to the table Aejin took the ladle and started sharing the stew with everyone. She was visibly exited to taste her new creation and gave everyone a generous portion.
With round eyes she signed them to dig in and took her own spoon to start eating. A little unsure of the situation the younger generation looked at each other and then glanced hardly seeable at the man of the house who had already took one spoonful of the questionable dish. His frown was answer enough.
“So?” Aejin was impatiently waiting for their reaction. “You… cooked something very extraordinary, Honey”, Hyunshik raised his eyes to meet hers and sugar coated his words with a wink. Yunhee nodded supportive and offered a cramped smile.
“Youngjae, do you like it?” Aejin asked the half-sleeping half-awake boy who stared at the food with a blank expression and slowly moves the spoon to his mouth not realizing what he was even eating. “Mmh?” he raised his gaze and let the spoon sink back to the plate. Yunhee stepped on his foot to make him look at her and carefully shook her head.
“Is it bad?”
Youngjae’s reaction was delayed because of his fatigue. Then he suddenly raised his hand and waved it denying synchronal to his head shaking while laughing awkwardly.
“That’s called Creamy Stew”, Hyunwoo mentioned to save his Hyung from saying something stupid, making Aejin grin satisfied. “If you all seem to like it I can cook this more often”.
Their faces froze and turned slowly to her.
“Again?” Hyunshik laughed sweating nervously. She normally would cast them aside because the normal rice dishes were easier to make and not as complicated as the ones she was always trying out.
“Yes, because Creamy Stew is the favorite dish of our new boarder” she announced proudly.
“I never got my favorite dish cooked” Yunhee pouted and Jisuk nodded supportive. “That’s because you aren’t our first international student” Aejin raised her chin and saw her husband with mixed expressions.
“Really? From where? America? France?” Hyunwoo laid his spoon out of his hand excitedly.
“Or… Africa?” Jisuk chimed in the country quiz but their excitement was soon cut off by Aejin who said: “She is from Japan”.
“Oh…” Jisuk sighed.
“Why so disappointed?”
“An Englishman could have helped with his poor English grades” she ruffled through his hair. “Look who is talking!” he shot back.
“But you said she… so we get another girl. Is she pretty?” Hyunwoo looked at his mother excited, “Since the other females here are not that much…” he waved in front of his face.
“Yah!” Yunhee and Jisuk yelled simultaneously.
Hyunshik gave his son a dismissing look and turned his attention back to his wife: “Honey, maybe we should discuss this later…”.
“What is there to discuss? It’s all set and ready.” She shot him her brightest smile she had to offer, which she knew was his weakness. At the time he had confessed to her he already said he wasn’t in love with her – but with her smile.
He averted his gaze and coughed – he saw the other four people at the table watching the married couple with raised eyebrows. They didn’t dare to move during their very short controversy; Yunhee’s spoon was still hovering over her portion of Stew and Hyunwoo furrowed his brows grossed out by his parents’ romantic moment.
“By the way, how was school today?” Hyunshik looked at him and noticed the weird shadow around his right eye. “What is with your eye?” he tried to touch his son’s face but he backed away quickly and Jisuk coughed seeking Hyunshik’s attention.
“It is probably just the bad lightning in this room”, Jisuk explains with a hoarse voice after drinking some water. “You think so? Maybe I should exchange the light bulbs in this room”, he thought out aloud. “You don’t need to do that” Hyunwoo said quickly, “They still work – so I guess it’s okay”.
They continued eating with only the TV talking in the background. They all listened to it from time to time and Aejin could not refrain from commenting on the newest gossip.
“Hallyu Star Ji Areum is confirmed to play the leading role in tvn’s new time-travel drama. The male lead is still unknown but her fans are already anticipating the drama coming out this year’s winter. Ji Areum said: …”
The gossip show broadcasted a short clip of a young woman in her early twenties talking about the role. She had hazelnut brown hair and beautiful shining caramel eyes. She was on an official event – thus wearing heavy makeup and a beautiful long red dress.
“This poor girl – they should let her rest. She is still a child” Aejin said and moved her glass to her lips.
“Have you seen her last drama? She was amazing in it!” Hyunwoo fanboyed and waved about with his spoon making Jisuk evade his sweeping gestures.
“She is indeed very talented… but it is like the media only talks about her the whole day. Isn’t she tired?”
Yunhee leaned back and rocked her chair backwards to glance at the smiling white face of the young actress.
While women in their thirties aspired to look like Kim Taehee the younger generation all set Ji Areum as the standard for beauty. Her face was printed on nearly everything – from Make-Up advertisements to big billboards in Myeongdeong.
And she was one of the actresses who played a few of her favorite dramas. Between Korea’s Nation’s little Sisters IU and Suzy, Areum was the Nation’s cute girl next door kind of celebrity.
“So, have you packed your things already?” Aejin asked Jisuk who just shrugged. “I am about to”.
“You are going the day after tomorrow…”
“Where are you going?” Yunhee asked. “She is going back to where she came from – leaving us in our misery and living her life as though she was never part of ours” Hyunwoo closed his eyes looking as sorrowful as possible.
Jisuk eyed him up with scrutinized brows and explained: “I am visiting family”.
“You are taking your bike with you?”
Jisuk shook her head and shot a sharp glare at Aejin. “I was forbidden to drive the bike on the fast ways.”
“I can’t blame Ahjumma”, Yunhee snickered. “With your racing skills you are going to get yourself killed in an accident”. Jisuk nodded absentmindedly.
Aejin and Hyunshik exchanged glances and coughed; “Yeah, but we don’t want to call that upon ourselves… so let’s not talk about that” Hyunshik called out.
“Oh, you are going to miss the welcoming party for her”, Aejin said regretful.
“Ugh… another party”, Yunhee said exhausted. “I don’t think my liver will survive this”.
“I don’t think you have any liver left to worry about”, Hyunwoo chuckled. “I remember Hyung’s whole stock of liquor being emptied by you”.
Youngjae looked up upon hearing him being mentioned – but was too tired to engage into the conversation.
“Youngjae, if you have finished eating you can go back into your room and rest. You look terribly tired”, Hyunshik nudged his head to the stairs and the bright haired man nodded thankful as he pushed the chair back shuffled out of the room after wishing everyone a good night.
“The youth of today and their video games. I wonder how he got accepted at Yonsei when all he does is playing games” Aejin sighed and side eyed Jisuk. “While others at this table don’t seem to even think about trying it out”.
Jisuk sighed and emptied her glass of water; however, didn’t give any reaction except for a simple nod.
Hyunshik coughed and Hyunwoo leaned back glancing at his noona - there was this topic again... Jisuk glanced at her watch - trying to act oblivious to the needle-dropping-atmosphere - and got up lazily running a hand through her hair.  “Where you going?” “From the wind starts any minute - and i won’t miss the intro again” she moved to the TV next room and lazed about on the huge couch changing the chanel - that had always proved to be the best way to escape any unnecessary talk about future plans.
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