#i think...my next big obstacle...save data.
jesterwaves · 2 years
took a break from art today to go back to game dev stuff. ive realized that my process, at least while im learning how to do things, is basically “once i learn to do (x) i’ll be so powerful and wont need to learn anything else.” *learns how to do x* “once i learn to do (y) i’ll be so powerful and wont need to learn anything else”
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lightinalexandria · 3 years
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Love, Men, Women, and LGBTQ+ Life in Egypt
August 13, 2021 اغسطس ١٣
A good friend posed the question to me this week of asking “Where are you local?” Instead of “Where are you from?” I might even tweak that slightly to “Where do you feel at home?” For most of us, and in fact for most other places I’ve lived, the equation is a simple line graph. More time, more familiarity, more comfort, more feeling like home. I’m challenged here, at the end of my second summer in Egypt, with a different calculus.
The more I speak with my friends and teachers in their “heart language” of Arabic, the more I see how deep the generosity, sociability, and collective spirit run. Not all my friends are Muslim, but I see these traits represented in the 5 Pillars of Islam beautifully, and I’ve been told so in many different ways.
That’s the part that feels more like home. But of course, if it was all sunshine this would be a different story. This is not a happy post. I don’t have any female friends here who are truly, uncomplicatedly happy. I don’t have any queer friends here who are truly, uncomplicatedly happy.
Of course that doesn’t mean there are no happy females in Egypt; my internationally minded, English speaking group isn’t representative, I know, and I’ve had many conversations with more conservative teachers and friends about the contentment that can come from living inside a more rigid structure.
But…I don’t know everyone in Egypt. I just know my friends. And many of them are desperately, painfully unhappy, stressed, in ways that I understand more fully the longer I’m here. I think “right and wrong” or “good and bad” are wildly unhelpful terms, so when I’m trying to understand how I feel about these societal norms and systems, the right to happiness of my friends is my bellwether. Systems that make more people happier without hurting others are ones I want to support, period, which also means my anecdotal circle can’t be my only data points. I’m a little nervous where those conclusions might lead me, dancing around big questions of class and culture and religion, but more nervous not to draw a line in the sand with the best metric I know and explore from there.
Apparently sexual harassment has decreased a bit since the government put some teeth into a new anti-harassment law a couple years ago and they made an example of a few offenders. That’s nice. The street -especially at night- still does NOT feel like a safe or friendly place, and I just get tiny glimpses of that walking near female friends. Life is lived in the streets here, the pedestrian density like Times Square, always, so the sheer volume of people quickly makes crowd thoughts and judgement evident. Sitting with a female friend at anything but a super upscale cafe, I see the glances and catch bits of the conversation as they pass judgement on her for hanging out with me. What a wild thought, that any conversation I have with an Egyptian women starts with the brave act of her choosing to engage at all, know the subtle pressures that will start in from all sides. One of my friends who wears a hijab told me that when she went to Cairo, she brought extra wide clothes to walk the streets with, and it didn’t matter. She got just as many comments as when she was back in tights clothes.
Who gets the blame? Young men have so few opportunities to interact with young women outside immediate circles, period, but are still somehow supposed to meet a potential bride and move her into the new house that he’ll buy with cash savings from the extended family? Old black and white Egyptian movies show women in skirts and t-shirts, and Egyptian music videos show Western dressed Egyptian women gyrating, but aside from a few pockets of wealth and international society in Alexandria, those images of women don’t exist in the real world here. Men are allowed and encouraged to date casually, but women are called sluts for kissing someone who may not be an eventual husband. Women are supposed to protect their virginity, while men want to fool around with lots of women but settle down with a virgin bride. The math doesn’t work. My heart goes out to the working class men in an impossible, frustrating position, society and politics conspiring against biology, but while they have to worry about their reputation, women here worry about reputation AND safety, always.
And LGBTQ+? First of all, it’s just so difficult to have intimate relations here -every lives with family, you can’t be intimate until you’re married, you can’t be married until you own a house, you can be arrested in public spaces for PDA, and no one will rent rooms to an unmarried couple-. That means there is a SIGNIFICANT percentage of the men here who sleep with other men, feel shame, would never consider themselves gay, and would only consent to being a “top.” Honestly, it reminds me of what I know of the sexual politics in prison culture, except no one’s in a physical prison here.
Sexual health is also a huge challenge; access to STI testing apart from HIV is impossible for unmarried women and hugely expensive for men. Someone in my circle here had complications from a “Plan B” pill and wasn’t able to go to a gynecologist as an unmarried woman. Someone else was hospitalized for an unrelated illness, and jubilant that as part of the hospital stay, insurance would cover the full battery of STI screening before surgery, the first time in a very active sexual life they’d ever had that. Someone else just lost a friend to HIV; they told the family it was cancer, but were too ashamed to seek the HIV treatment pills, and died in a few months.
Mental health has its own obstacles. Someone I know was told by a licensed therapist they were going to hell if they kept sleeping with men, unmarried. I heard that from women and queer friends as well. How do you establish a relationship of trust in the first place if licensed practitioners in the country are able to say things like that in the privacy of their sessions without consequences?
So, full circle to the beginning of the post. “Where do you feel local?” or “Where do you feel at home?”
I feel infinitely more familiar and comfortable here than my first few weeks, no denying that. 95% of the time I can make myself understood in daily life (very different than understanding 95% of what’s being said to ME in daily life, but progress). I can call businesses here to ask questions. I can tell meandering stories. I can cross the comically busy and chaotic streets without an adrenaline spike. I run into friends on the street most days, and my last 100 meters from my neighborhood entrance to apartment involves a dozen different greetings and little conversations. I have my favorite….everything; food carts, Syrian sweets, juice shops, rotisseries, beaches, bars, cafes, and a good rapport with the folks working there. I have a lot of lovely but more surface level relationships, and a few real and intimate friendships. All that DOES feel local, does feel like home.
If feeling local or at home here means giving any kind of tacit acceptance to the norms that make my friends so unhappy, though, I don’t want to claim the label. I also don’t feel like I have any right or power as an outsider to do much more than listen, affirm, connect to resources when I can. I left China after staying in Xinjiang province and seeing the government’s cultural genocide of Uighur society, and I haven’t been back since. (You can read my writings at the time with the link here) What’s my path here in Egypt? Love the player, hate the game? Can I come back next summer and complete my 6 months of study plan, knowing I float through a golden bubble of American male protection I can’t extend to my friends here? I really don’t know yet. No wise or pithy ending sentence here. Just a lot of hurt, a mixed bag of emotions, and a whole lot of people who deserve uncomplicated love and happiness.
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brand-it · 3 years
How to Mine Ergo Coins On PC (Step-by-Step Guide) 2021
I wrote this article on July 17th, 2017, at the time; one Ergo coin was worth $14.88. (10-09-21). The equivalent of $100 in Ergo coins will be worth $1287.14 in 2026. That is really significant! You're completely broke. While you learn about Ergo coin mining using your PC in this article, you can also be certain that it will provide answers to your mining questions and how this can help you get some money in your pockets.
My ERG is .832, and I'm well aware that it's quite low. So earning potential depends on the CPU and GPU within your desktop or laptop.
If you are looking to generate a lot of money, consider making your mining rig larger. I'm hoping that I've been clear about it. So, before we talk about mining Ergo coins, we need to learn how to do it easily.
How to Mine Ergo Coins on PC in 2021
To get started, you'll need to set up a wallet for sending and receiving cryptocurrency. A mining pool is the second stage of the process, which involves connecting your PC.
And that's all there is to it! For the safety of your computer, the third step is to monitor the GPU temperature.
How to mine Ergo on a PC:
Create a wallet
Get involved in a mining pool.
Begin generating ERGs and keeping an eye on the GPU temperature.
It's time to start with the first step, so let's begin.
1. Make a Yoroi Wallet.
Just like a conventional wallet, a crypto wallet stores your money. Digital wallets allow you to use digital money, like bitcoin, to transfer and receive funds. Moreover, they aid you in checking your balance, finding and sharing your wallet address for your transaction.
One should look for a crypto wallet that is lightweight and safe. Yoroi Wallet offers both of these qualities, and it is a relief. I choose it because of that. I'm going to provide you some information about it and explain why you should utilize it.
Why Use Yoroi Wallet?
The Yoroi Cardano wallet is both a browser extension and a mobile app. The Yoroi Wallet is unlike other wallets in that it does not sync or download the blockchain. Furthermore, you may see and pay bills when you access your wallet.
Additionally, Yoroi is a lightweight (HD) wallet for Ada (cryptocurrency) that runs as a Chrome addon.
You may use Yoroi on any device supporting Chrome and Google Chrome extensions. In addition, Yoroi is compatible with many operating systems, including Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. It is also possible to share your wallet's contents with someone else.
The installation process for Yoroi is concise and thus requires just a tiny amount of bandwidth. In addition, Yoroi is an extremely lightweight wallet that doesn't need you to download the entire blockchain, which saves you on bandwidth.
If you're thinking of mining with Ergo or another cryptocurrency, you'll want to get a Yoroi. We need to get started with installation right now.
How to Make Yoroi Wallet?
1. Visit yoroi-wallet.com and click ‘Download' from the options on the page.
2. You may choose from the list below. Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Android, and iOS are all available. And everyone is well taken care of because of it.
3. If you're using Google Chrome like me, I recommend adding it to your Chrome browser. It'll be an add-on to your browser. Make sure you're ready before proceeding with the ‘Add extension' option.
4. Navigate to the Yoroi logo on the Google Chrome extension's toolbar. You will be able to continue after you choose your language and agree to the terms and conditions. Now choose the ‘Simple' wallet.
5. You may skip the next option, or you can enable the option to enable Cardano payment URLs. After this, you will be able to set up your hardware wallet, restore an existing one, and create a new one.
6. If you wish to mine Ergo coins, choose ‘Ergo.' Then, click on ‘Create Wallet'.
7. Enter your wallet details here. Once you've established your own recovery phrase, do so. However, remember to use it afterward for any secure transactions you make.
Hooray! You have created Yoroi's brand-new wallet. Now is the moment to plug your computer into a mining pool. It's best if we do it immediately.
2. Set Up Nanopool for Mining
For every coin, you have two choices for mining:
Mining rig or Miner
Mining pool
Mining rigs and miners cost a fortune. I've written this article to use a PC to mine Ergo Coins. In this case, I will choose the second choice. So what exactly is a mining pool?
What are mining pools?
Many obstacles complicate the challenge of solo mining. As a result, miners have developed a strategy to improve the odds of discovering fresh deposits by pooling the hash power of individual miners.
Suppose you can, a picture of a handful of small-scale miners combining their computer power to pool it. Then, honestly, they could make the same production levels as big farms do or perhaps beat them. ‍
When these miners participate in pools, they each receive less since the pool members split the benefits. However, even if the return is modest and constant, we should still appreciate it, given that alone miner has a hard time mining even a single block.
Mining pools that ensure payments are prompt and on time are more attractive and profitable. Nanonpool has an important role to play.
Why use NanoPool?
The specialty of Nanopool is cryptocurrencies, which are exclusive of use to video graphic cards. However, you may use it for mining at present:
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
ZCash (ZEC)
Monero (XMR)
Raven (RVN)
Conflux (CFX)
Ergo (ERGO)
You may concurrently mine two different currencies using the pool. Nanopool uses powerful video cards and GPUs to mine digital currencies with huge farms.
Mining Ergo Coins on Nanopool
1. Visit nanopool.org and choose a cryptocurrency of your liking.
2. To start mining, click on the Quick Start button.
3. Get the miner as a zip file.
4. Extract the archive into any location on your PC. And then set up the minor.
5. Open the file and enter your wallet address in the place of the existing wallet address. Save the data in this format.
6. Save the ‘configure ergo' file after entering the mining rig information.
7. Go ahead and run the ‘nanominer' program now and wait a moment.
Here is how you mine Ergo coins on PC without the need for full-fledged mining equipment.
3. Use MSI Afterburner to monitor the temperature.
You must monitor temperatures in hardware. You risk ruining your computer if you don't take the appropriate steps. For that, the MSI Afterburner utility is a fantastic help.
What is MSI Afterburner, and why is it the best choice?
Afterburner is a free, third-party utility that MSI has created. Those that have GPUs utilize it to manage them. In addition, you may alter your GPU, VRAM, voltage, and other aspects of your graphics card via overclocking.
MSI Afterburner is a popular tool for enthusiasts since it serves a wide range of functions. For example, it's possible to monitor GPUs, VRAM, and temperatures using it.
But are you able to check the CPU temperature using MSI Afterburner? I'm happy to say yes. MSI Afterburner has no ties to the central processing unit. It may also be used to track the temperature of the CPU and GPU settings.
Monitoring GPU Temps with MSI Afterburner
You may get the MSI Afterburner file from MSI's website. First, unzip the download, double-click the executable file, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
After the installation, run MSI Afterburner. To check GPU temperature and performance, go to the ‘General' page. The ideal GPU mining temperature is 70 degrees Celsius. However, I still think you should maintain it at the lowest level feasible.
Final Thoughts on How to Mine Ergo Coins on a PC
Now more than ever, mining cryptocurrency is simple. The mining pool Nanopool allows you to mine the Ergo currencies that have a crypto-like quality. The procedure includes three fundamental actions:
Create a wallet for yourself (using yoroi-wallet.com)
Mining pools provide entrance to cryptocurrency (on Nanopool)
Stay on top of the temperature (using MSI Afterburner)
That's the crux of the matter! After 48 hours, I've earned around .832 Ergo coins. It's true that it's tiny if you think so.
It's better to create something than to produce nothing, isn't it? Your total Ergo Coin amount may be increased if you have a higher powerful PC than I have.
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robert-c · 3 years
How Common Business Practices Contribute to the Perpetuation of Poverty and Racism
Over the last century a number of laws were passed to ensure that employees would not be cheated by their employers. It began with ensuring that they were paid for all the hours an employer required them to be on the job. More followed: safe procedures for certain jobs, guarantees that promised retirement benefits would be there, that group medical plans sponsored by employers could not permanently exclude pre-existing conditions. It was only fair since the company’s cost of these benefits could be deducted from the company’s taxable income. Some employers simply violate the laws, counting on the fact that most employees don’t know their rights.
Even without directly violating the law, ever clever businesses have been finding ways around these protections: claiming that employees who should be covered under overtime pay rules are in positions exempt from those provisions; recasting employees as “contractors”, so they are not covered by employee regulations; utilizing part time employees so that they can be excluded from benefits, like healthcare and 401k’s. Their excuse, as always, is to limit expenses and therefor keep the cost of their goods or services low for the ultimate consumer. A closer examination of that argument usually falls apart when it becomes impossible to trace the line between these expense reductions and lower prices to the consumer.
However, there is a small point in their favor in that consumers usually do simply go for the cheaper product. Then again, if there really was a big connection between these cost saving measures and the final cost of goods and services there are things the companies could do. Their massive advertising budgets could be used to educate consumers about the reasons their product costs a little more than competitors, they do it all the time with claims of value and quality. It might be something like “Quality and community responsibility cost a little more, but it’s our neighbors who are earning a decent living providing you these goods and services. And we think they’re worth it.”
They don’t because it’s easy to get away with these practices when virtually everyone else is doing the same thing.
The large segment of the workforce that is excluded from company provided benefits (either because of schemes like above or because the employer is too small to provide them to anyone) is reason enough to scrap the idea of a completely “free market” healthcare system.
After more than half a century of propaganda about how wonderful and good the profit motive is, it’s about time that we acknowledge that it can do just as much harm as good.
Here’s another move that works for both part time and full time employees. When they have the potential to earn more, fire them, or drastically cut their hours (in the case of part time) so that they’ll have to quit. This keeps turnover high for the low paid jobs, but these are typically the jobs that don’t take much training to do, so turnover isn’t so costly, especially in high unemployment times. It is also a backhanded way of claiming to give raises to the more experienced people, while weeding them out at the same time.
You might think that part-timers could just get other jobs to supplement their income loss but then you’d run afoul of the next “dirty trick” of employers.
This works especially well with part-timers; continually change the schedule. Employers can make up any number of bullshit reasons why this “makes sense”, “is necessary” etc. but the net effect (and likely real purpose) is to keep part-timers from looking for, let alone accepting, other work. If you don’t know until days before what your schedule is going to be it’s pretty hard to plan interviews, let alone schedule other work, especially since the other employer is probably doing the same thing with their schedules. This essentially makes part-time employees the virtual slaves of their employer, an easy and enviable position for the company, not so much for the employee.
Their only way out is to have enough savings to do without income for a period of time to look for better work (let alone the money to get the training for higher paying full time jobs). But then, those earning even twice minimum wage for only 20 to 30 hours a week aren’t likely to have much left over for savings. That’s roughly $15,000 to $22,600 a year BEFORE taxes. The middle (or median) rent in the 50 largest cities in the US for a one bedroom is about $1,235 a month with an additional $147 for utilities (data from businessinsider.com). That’s $16,584 a year! The rents are lower in places with fewer jobs and higher where there are many job opportunities. A real double bind choice, since the wages aren’t generally higher in the same proportion as the rents in the higher job opportunity locales.
In fact, the free market essentially works against these people. As more people come to these high employment cities, the limited availability of apartments causes the rents to rise, while at the same time, the abundance of job seekers keeps the wages lower. It’s a perfect arrangement for landlords and employers alike, and a perfect storm of shit for those at the bottom of the economic ladder.
And since it cheats the rest of us, not just the employees, we should also mention that when people don’t earn enough to meet basic living expenses (and are essentially barred from being able to earn more through alternative or additional jobs) the welfare and public assistance they require is paid for by the rest of us. All thanks to the for profit businesses managing to find ways to pay as little as possible, all the while bragging about the number of jobs they’ve brought to the community, while others pick up their slack. To add insult to injury, these are often the same business owners who constantly prattle about “responsibility”, “self-reliance” etc.
Now, let’s get down to the hardest core facts about this and admit that people of color make up a disproportionate share of the folks struggling at this level. True, some people manage to rise above this, but it takes extraordinary effort beyond just being talented. It takes so much more that I seriously doubt many (if any) of us born to privilege could have done so ourselves.
Using a few people who manage to succeed despite their original circumstances does not excuse the artificial obstacles placed in their way. Instead of focusing on the “feel good” story of someone succeeding against the odds, we should be looking at why the deck was stacked against them in the first place. Failing to look at the system that holds people back and justifying it as fair because a few do overcome the obstacles is the same as defending the slavery of the pre-Civil War south because a few managed to escape it.
This “Pollyanna” view of our economic system plays well into the myths we want to believe; i.e. that there are no major problems with our system, and that it is fair and “anyone” can succeed. That attitude will not help us address inequities and injustices, and the problems that continue to arise because they remain unresolved.
Most whites imagine that they are not racists as long as they don’t support the white supremacists. Not seeing that the economic practices above create and maintain poverty, and that poverty is overwhelmingly people of color, is a form of racism. It isn’t as obvious, and it’s easy to pass off as all about ambition and determination. Nevertheless, it plays its part as surely as police and justice system presumptions that suspects of color are generally violent.
Please note this last, as it will be ignored by those who are quick to condemn me as some sort of “socialist” or “communist” simply because I don’t “drink the Kool-Aid” that any and everything a business does must be good and proper because it was done in pursuit of the sacred goal of profit. My first inclination IS NOT simply more law or regulation. I see those as last resort measures.
I would rather that some prominent businesses would openly acknowledge and then disavow these practices, and set an example for others. Failing that perhaps there are ways to set up incentives to do the right thing and as a last resort more expansive legislation and regulation.
Imagining that some great political affirmation of the “good old days” can keep things the way they are (or were) is the same sort of folly that allowed French aristocrats to imagine that there could never be a revolution. I don’t want a revolution, but we’ve had almost two and a half centuries to solve this situation and the progress has been incredibly slow.
Now that more and more whites are falling into this poverty trap they should be allying with people of color to change things. Perpetuating racism benefits only the rich, white, upper class. Poor white supremacists are being played for fools the same way their ancestors were when they died in the Civil War attempting to protect the rich plantation owners, most of whom conveniently bought their way out of service in the military.
But I don’t expect any of them to figure that out. I’m sure that they’ll just use it to justify their baseless complaints that they have been deprived of something they think they deserved.
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kprciffdw · 3 years
Kim Possible: The Extremely Secret Files-Part 5
They have spent another long flight to their next destination: Planet Oozla. When they landed and got out, they spent a few short moments looking around. Kim: "OK, whose dumb idea was it to build an outlet on a swamp covered planet?"
The Kimmunicator went off again, she pulled it out. Kim: "What is it, Wade?" Wade: "Kim, I have taken the liberty of using the data I have analyzed from the alien technology and I have designed a few pieces of equipment that may be able to help you out." Kim: "Do you know how you'll be able to send them?" Wade: "They're on their way now."
Suddenly, a small mechanical device showed up right near them, they noticed it almost immediately. Kim: "What is that?" Wade: "It's a little something I have been working on for a while now. That is my Automated Distribution Vendor. It's able to transfer any and all of my devices to you guys via a transporter that I was able to develop, all thanks to an actual transporter that I have analyzed, of course." Ratchet: "So, what devices do you plan to send our way now?" Wade: "Well, this one device that I have just finished will help out with collecting the pieces of Dr. Possible's space shuttle."
Transported from the vendor was a sphere-shaped container the size of a volleyball. Kim pulled it out of the vendor and observed it a bit. Wade: "That container is able to hold objects much larger than it. You can use that to contain the shuttle pieces." Kim: "Terrific! I was wondering how we would be able to carry all of them around." Wade: "Speaking of which, I'm picking up a signal from one of those pieces near your location. It seems to be coming directly from that outlet over there." Kim: "Alright, we'll keep an eye out for it."
She tucked the Kimmunicator away. Ratchet: "Hm, that Wade of yours really can work to your advantage." Kim: "I know. He has always played a very important role in all of our missions." Ratchet: "OK, let's go find that first piece."
They begin their trek through the treacherous swamp filled-area. Along the way, there were a few Megacorp researchers that were in peril but they could not be saved. This made Kim very uneasy but Ratchet did all he could to alleviate her unease as they both knew they had to continue on. They eventually arrived at the outlet. Kim pulled out her Kimmunicator and checked on it. Kim: "That first piece should be somewhere in there." Ratchet: "OK, let's find it quickly. While we're at it, let's keep a lookout for any intel regarding the Thief."
They made their way into the outlet. As soon as they entered, they saw that the entire place has been wrecked. Kim: "Um…this place has seen better days."
A signal from the Kimmunicator went off, Kim checked on it immediately. Kim: "The signal from that piece is this way. Come on."
They rushed off further into the outlet. They ran into and fought off several mutant creatures along the way. The place was indeed very messy and there were many obstacles in the way, but they persevered. They kept going until they were stopped by exactly what they were looking for: the first piece of the shuttle. Kim: "There it is!" Ratchet: "Alright! We found it!"
Kim walked over towards it and grabbed it. She then pulled out the container and placed the shuttle piece into it, then tucked the container away. Ratchet: "That's one piece down and only several more to go." Kim: "That was way too easy."
Ratchet then noticed a monitor nearby. He walked up to it, Kim followed after. They watched as Mr. Fizzwidget appeared on the monitor. Mr. Fizzwidget: "Ratchet, Kim, come in. Do you read me?" Ratchet: "Copy, Mr. Fizzwidget. We read you loud and clear." Kim: "So, what's the sitch?" Mr. Fizzwidget: "Listen, both of you. I have some new inflammation on the Experiment's wherewithal. The Thief was indemnified at Megacorp's Maktar Resort. Also, the Thugs have towed a moon-sized jamming array into Maktar Resort orbit." Kim: "And you want to take it out of commission, right?" Mr. Fizzwidget: "Affirmulous! It's disconfrapulating our annual "Galactic Gladiators" broadcast."
As he went on and on, Ratchet and Kim exchanged looks in a manner in which they've taken notice in Mr. Fizzwidget sounding like a nutcase. Mr. Fizzwidget: "Here, see for yourselves."
Displayed on the monitor was the Galactic Gladiators' commercial. They watched the entire thing. Ratchet: "Hm…an arena match, huh? Sounds interesting. Kimberly, you wouldn't mind partaking in something like that, would you?" Kim: "Heh, no big. I can handle anything." Ratchet: "I've got the coordinates. Over and out."
They proceeded towards the nearest exit. Just as they were about to leave, the exit closed on them, they were completely sealed in. Ratchet: "What the…?"
They noticed something pass by them very swiftly. Kim: "Who's there?"
A figure maneuvered around the entire chamber. Within a few moments, Kim caught a glimpse of a familiar green glow. Kim: "It can't be."
The figure, revealing to be Shego, landed directly in front of them. She stood up straight with her hands on her hips. She looked at Kim and Ratchet in a displeasing manner. Ratchet: "Shego!" Shego: "You know something? I told Dr. D that there was a good chance that the 2 of you would arrive here in this galaxy, but he never considered that a possibility. But sure enough, here you guys are, proving once again just how annoyingly idiotic Drakken can be, not to mention how much of a headache it is to get through to him." Ratchet: "If he annoys you so much, then why do you still work with him?" Shego: "Believe me, I have asked myself that same question, so even I don't know." Kim: "I take it you were sent here to prevent us from finding the pieces of my dad's space shuttle." Shego: "You've got that right, Kimmie."
Her hands began to glow. Shego: "No way you're foiling Drakken's plans this time." Ratchet: "We'll see about that, Shego!" Kim: "I'll handle her, you try finding a way out of here." Ratchet: "Be careful, Kimberly."
Ratchet rushed off while Kim began her fight with Shego. Shego: "Aw, the space rat just called you by your real name." Kim: "Only because I asked him to."
As Kim fought with Shego, Ratchet searched the entire room for a way out. Ratchet: "Come on, come on! Where is it?"
Within an extensive amount of time searching, he was eventually able to find an exit. Ratchet: "Ah! Found it!"
He then smashed it open. Ratchet: "Kimberly! This way!"
Kim broke off her fight with Shego and rushed out with Ratchet. Shego went after them.
As they ran from her, Kim pulled out her Kimmunicator. Kim: "Wade, Shego has found us and she is hot on our trail. Do you have something that could help us out with losing her?" Wade: "I think I may have something you can use. I'll send it to you right now."
Wade's vendor appeared and transporting from it was a small flute. Kim grabbed it and looked at it closely. Kim: "A small flute? What am I suppose to do with this?" Wade: "It's a Dragon Boat whistle. It can summon a creature indigenous to the planet you on known as the Dragon Boat. You can ride one and use it to get away from Shego."
They eventually stopped in front of the swamp's edge. Ratchet: "Oh, no! A dead end!" Kim: "Well, here goes nothing."
She blew on the whistle; a strange lizard appeared from below the swamp waters. Ratchet: "I'm guessing that's the Dragon Boat."
Kim grabbed on to Ratchet. Kim: "Come on, Shego is right behind us."
They both got on the Dragon Boat, which reacted immediately to them jumping on it and it moved itself further into the swampy waters. Shego, arriving at the swamp's edge, stopped and stared out at them as they got away. They looked back at her as she stood by, infuriated with losing them. Ratchet: "Huh, that was very clever, Wade."
Kim looked at the Kimmunicator. Kim: "Thanks, Wade. This whistle really helped us out in a pinch." Wade: "Glad to hear it. Let me know when you need anything else from me."
Kim put away the Kimmunicator. The Dragon Boat brought them all the way back to the ship. They got off of it before it sank back into the water. Kim: "Now, let's head over to that space resort."
They got back on the ship and left the planet.
Meanwhile on Megapolis, Clank, Ron and Rufus were still hanging out at the penthouse. Ron was resting his head on one end of a sofa as he was looking through a menu. Clank was getting himself pampered. Ron: "Hm…I wonder if I could get the chimerito combo? Oh, perhaps the quesachanga special. Rufus, what do you think was should get?" Rufus: "Nacos!" Ron: "Hm…I don't think they have…wait! There's an item on this menu very similar to the Taco-Nacho combo! No way! They DO have Nacos on this menu! Rufus, you think we should grande size the order?" Rufus: "Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Si!" Ron: "OK, let's order them now!" Clank: "Oh, you 2 and your insatiable appetites for unhealthy, non-organic, food-like substance. What is this, your 5th order of that horrendous rubbish you call sustenance?" Ron: "Hey, being on another planet makes me homesick; at least the food we've been ordering is helping us deal with being faraway from Earth. I just can't believe that they have food here in the Bogon Galaxy that's almost completely similar to what we get from Bueno Nacho."
Ron got himself us. Ron: "I think I'll go make the order now."
He walked off towards the next room. At that time, Clank could hear a knock on the door. Clank: "Yes…? May I help you?"
He walked up to the door and opened it. He was then snatched away. Ron walked back in. Ron: "Hey, Clank, since we have racked up some orders, we get an additional meal free. Is there anything that you would…?"
He paused as he realized that Clank was missing. Ron: "Clank?"
He looked around. Ron: "Clank!?"
He then began to scurry around the penthouse. Ron: "Clank!? Where are you!? CLANK!"
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robobiitch-archive · 4 years
RK Series History
The following is a comprehensive summary of the RK Series up to RK800
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Everything here is mostly headcanon. There are multiple elements from canon taken into consideration: the most prevalent being the RK Series was a project aimed at creating androids with more autonomy. Everything else is purely from my imagination. It’s probably helpful information, as it’s a big part of the lore for my Connor.
Prototype Development Laboratory
CyberLife Tower: Floor -47
WARNING: The following classified material is for the review of Level 1 Clearance personnel only. In accordance with CyberLife company policy, the information is not to be copied or distributed and is encrypted for security purposes. Failure to abide will result in legal action against all offending parties. CyberLife thanks you for your cooperation.
[Open File?]
Research Notes:
The RK Series is a line of highly advanced models intended for governmental reconnaissance and espionage. The following summarizes the RK Series up to its current design:
RK100—Adam (Deactivated: November 2026)
Initial model and completely original program designed by Elijah Kamski 
First development of pre-construction software. enhanced sensory modules and modified biocomponents meant to increase power and endurance 
Introduction of enhanced sensory processors to aid in auditory and visual perception, as well as a rudimentary vocal imitation software to assist in disguise
RK200—Markus (Released: June 2028) 
Introduction of moderate autonomy in an android prototype 
Refinement of pre-construction software to allow for better predictions outside of combat situations: providing more options based on spatial awareness
Increase in durability and processor speed
Installation of personal care/domestic assistance software before being gifted to Carl Manfred 
(Note: Kamski began designing the Zen Garden, but never implemented it into the RK200 before release)
(Hiatus in RK Line following Elijah Kamski’s resignation. Reinstated by Dr. Vasquez in 2033) 
RK300—Odin (Deactivated: December 2033) 
Combined combat protocol software (developed by Dr. Vasquez for GI Series androids meant for the Infantry) with pre-construction technology. 
Model passed basic physical trials and combat simulations 
Deemed obsolete due to failure to meet standards for reaction times and endurance for more advanced trials
RK400—Damon (Deactivated: October 2034) 
Refined preconstruction software to allow for real-time responses 
Modified unique coolant system to prevent overheating
Introduced more complex obstacle courses to 
Passed physical expectations of RK Series
RK500—Neo (Deactivated: July 2035) 
Introduced specially designed module for problem solving
Began mission simulations, including infiltration, navigation and escape situations
Refused to complete missions in extreme conditions; model deviated during times of high stress
Deemed failure; model deactivated and series software modified
RK600—Cato (Deactivated: March 2036) 
Added modified psychology module and installed Zen Garden program
Modified vocal imitation software to be more refined—RK600 now able to perfectly imitate speech and vocal patterns of anyone it has come in contact with
Passed all trials involving the use of psychology/manipulation to accomplish mission simulations
Used Zen Garden remote access to control the model briefly during deviation that prevented the completion of a mission simulation. 
Deemed failure: model self-destructed immediately after being released from remote control
RK700—Aidan (Deactivated: January 2037) 
Began psychological directive—fear-based initiative to complete tasks; android praised/punished based on choices 
Edited Zen Garden interface to allow human engineer to speak to android through Amanda avatar. Amanda avatar to be used as a guide/confidant to prioritize decisions in times of high stress (Note: android kept unaware that human engineer was behind the Amanda avatar)
Deemed failure due to hyperfocus on completing missions regardless of moral conflict
(Change in directive: RK Series to be used to end the deviancy crisis that has begun to spread)
RK800 —Connor (Released: August 2038)
Zen Garden program modified by Elijah Kamski to make it a network interface [a single virtual reality in which multiple bodies can enter] (Note: Dr. Vasquez held a conference with Mr. Kamski before working on the new RK model) and installed into RK800 to act as an independent AI
Modified social module to create more adaptive personality
Modified preconstruction software to allow for reconstruction
Introduced real-time sample analyzer to assist in crime scene investigation and cataloging of deviant blood samples
Deployed to DPD to assist investigations involving deviant androids.
Personal Data Entry
Author: Dr. Nikita Vasquez; RK Series Lead Engineer
It took me a while to figure out what word I should use to describe this idea, and I think I’ve got it. 
But I can’t just throw away Kamski’s advice. We’re only going to have one shot at this, and if we don’t take it, it could mean the end of CyberLife and an uncertain future for AI. Kamski’s right, with deviancy becoming a widespread problem, it’s only a matter of time before an all out war breaks out. These next few months are going to be hell. If I perfect the RK800, it’ll be more than just ending the “inevitable” android revolution, it’ll mean saving humanity from mass extinction. Failure is no longer an option.
8 notes · View notes
Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Mini-Maximum Trouble!
* The morning is bright and warm, the birds were singing and the cherry blossoms dancing through the breeze. At the Lucky Cat Café everyone had been relaxing and doing their own thing. Cora's phone beeps up with a text message from Kage.*
Cora: *Chuckles* Uncle Kage sure is a lot happier, look at this.
*Cora sends what her uncle had sent to her via group text. It was a picture of Kage with Chara at home with their Baymax along with Kaguya.*
Honey Lemon: I'm really happy for him. He's changed so much for the better.
Fred: His story is a proper redemption arc in this universe.
Hiro: *Rolls his eyes before turning his head to Cora* So Cora, do you have an official day for your lessons with your grandmother?
Cora: We're thinking the weekend. She wants all of us to be there... I may have to create you guys underwater suits as well.
Gogo: *Mutters softly* Still can't believe your grandmother's a mermaid.
Cora: Don't I know it... I wonder what Mom's mermaid tail would've looked like...?
Fred: Do you think you'll ever get your own mermaid tail?
Cora: I really don't know and as far as my human half plus the tech embedded inside me is concerned, chances are pretty slim... But lets not focus on that now.. I'm happy with how things are going.
*The comforting silence returns when the resume their own thing. Wasabi, being busy with his phone, uses his other hand to grab his mug only to accidentally knock over the salt shaker... much to his chagrin. He quickly sets the salt up and uses the fallen salt to throw over his shoulder, to which he relaxes... which just so happens to catch Fred's attention.*
Fred: uh... What was that?
Wasabi: *Shifty eyes* What? What thing? I don't know what you're talking about.
*Wasabi gets up to get more coffee from Aunt Cass... only to be confronted by Fred once more.*
Fred: The thing with the salt? Why did you do it? Why?
Wasabi: Ok... spilling salt brings bad luck and throwing a pinch over your shoulder reverses the bad luck.
Fred: I don't know Wasabi, sounds like some weird superstition to me-
Wasabi: Sh! I'm a scientist! I'm supposed to believe in facts and data not bad luck and superstitions.
*Fred then proceeds to bring over a salt shaker and spill it, making Wasabi panic a little.*
Wasabi: *Picking up spilt salt* Ah! What are you doing?
Fred: Helping you by proving bad luck isn't real. Wait for it... Wait for it...
*Wasabi silently squirms as Fred looks around.*
Fred: See? Nothing bad happened?
Wasabi: Are you sure you don't want to throw a little over your shoulder?
*That is when Hiro's phone rings up to show a pic of Megan to which he answers.*
Hiro; Hey Megan.
Megan: Hi Hiro! How's Cora?
Hiro: She's alright.
Megan: With all the crazy stuff that happened at Sycorax that targeted her and her family, I'm glad. it must've been insanely scary.
Cora: *Joining in the face call* Yeah it was, but like he said, we're cool now and Big Hero 7 got them shut down.
Megan: Yeah. There's something else too. I can't hang out with you two today, I have to stay behind to work on the Westerburg's school news feed.
Hiro: No problem.
Cora: Whats the story about?
Megan: Its huge! I'm gonna find out the secret identities of Big Hero 7!
*That got everyone at the table off guard. Honey Lemon starts coughing while Wasabi drops his phone and spills the salt again.*
Hiro: Oh...
Cora: That's something...
Megan: Exciting! I can't wait to get to work! See you two around!
Gogo: Should we be concerned about this?
Fred: No way! Super hero identity? Nobody can crack that code! Except Kage who was Obake…..Momakase… Kaguya… Cora's Giant dad... Chara...Orso Knox...Krei… well I guess Gradnville knew the whole time...
Cora: We've been a little sloppy huh?
Hiro: Fred, Cora, it'll be fine.
Wasabi: I hope you're right!
*Honey Lemon knocks over the salt to which wasabi throws the spilt salt over his shoulder once more... to which happened to hit Mochi's face and cause him to attack Wasabi's face and land on the table, with Wasabi on the floor.*
Mochi: Meow
*The next day Wasabi and Fred are at SFIT in the robotics lab where the former is currently blindfolded and strapped to a chair.*
Fred: OK, you don't see anything right?
Wasabi: Listen Fred, I don't see how blindfolding me is gonna help me get over my superstitions.
*Minimax jumps up to Wasabi's shoulders, ready for Fred's plan to unfold. Once Fred snaps his fingers Minimax removes the blindfold off Wasabi's face.*
Minimax: You are once again free to enjoy your visual abilities!
*That is when Wasabi sees in front of him Fred standing next to a ladder.*
Wasabi: why is there a ladder in- Oh no...
Fred: Oh yes! I have created a superstition obstacle course which I will go through after which I will not have any bad luck! Thus proving there's no such thing as bad luck and you shall be cured Wasabi!
Wasabi: …*To the author writing this scene* He doesn't mean it! He doesn't mean it! He doesn't understand! Please show us mercy! (A.N: Lol no)
*Wasabi's panic rises higher than ever as he is forced to watch Fred dance through the ladder.*
Wasabi: He's under a ladder!
Fred: Look! *Shows Wasabi a broken mirror* A broken mirror!
*Wasabi squirms as Minimax forces Wasabi to look at his reflection.*
Fred: Is the forecast calling for...*Pulls out umbrella* Rain?
Wasabi: No! Don't do it! Don't!
*Fred opens the umbrella anyways.*
Wasabi; Not inside man!
Fred: OK Ok I'll put it away! right in here!
*He closes the umbrella and heads over to put it away when he opens the door to reveal a black cat wearing mini hover boots flying to the room. This causes Wasabi to push himself backwards as he tries to get away from the black cat only for Fred to hold him still.*
Wasabi; Ah! Not a black cat! Its crossing my path! repeatedly! There its goes again!
*Wasabi's panic finally tilts him back to Fred, freeing him from the bonds to his chair. When the cat comes to Wasabi the man runs away only to hit a cabinet, causing it to fall to the ground with the man avoiding it just in time. The box then knocks to a laser where it shoots into one of the pipes nearby.*
Wasabi: You ruined both our lives.
Fred: Maybe if I- *Water pressure pushing him back* Uh nope! That'snotworkingMinimaxhelp!
Minimax: Stand aside! Water is a precious resource!
*Minimax hops over and plugs it up with his own body.*
Fred: Yeah!
Minimax: Concelation-Ablughgubabugha
*The water had seeped into Minimax's body, finally throwing him away and hitting him to a wall. Water seeps out his body as sparks fly out before it fizzles.*
Fred: Oh that's probably not good!
Wasabi: Mini-Maximum Bad luck!
*Rather than going to Hiro and Cora and admitting what he had done, alongside the knowledge they would be busy hanging out with Megan, he opts to take Minimax home and bury him up to his neck in a glass of rice for a rice bath. Finally after he deems it long enough, Fred takes out Minimax from the rice and checks him over.*
Fred: Please work! Please Work! Please work! Please!
*Fred taps on the top of Minimax's head where after his eyes adjust he is finally online.*
Fred: Hey there buddy~ Its me! Fred.
Minimax: Fred...
Fred: Are you OK?...
Minimax: I am... Minimax!
*Minimax falls off the counter and starts running in circles sideways.*
Minimax: Mini Max-Max Max-Max-Max-
Fred: OK, gonna be honest. You need a little more rice time.
*He places minimax back to his rice jar bath. As of while Megan sets up a bulletin board with all the facts, newspaper clips, photos, and familiar locations of Big Hero 7... and all with red string. Its a rambunctious project, she has to admit, but she knew that could crack the code and show San Fransokyo the identities of Big Hero 7 so they may properly thank them for their service. That's when a knock is heard from her door.*
Megan: Come in.
*That's when the door opens to reveal her dad, Chief Cruz.*
Chief Cruz: You have visitors... familiar visitors..
*That's when Hiro and Cora show themselves.*
Megan: Hiro! Cora! I wanna show you two what I been working on!
Hiro: This is... impressive...
Cora: Definitely...
Megan: I haven't had any break throughs yet-
Chief Cruz: *Pats Megan's head* I'm confident you will... *To all three teens* Hey you kids want some cookies?
Megan: No we-
Chief Cruz: *Pushes Hiro and Cora away* I'm bringing cookies anyway!
*The chief goes out the door.. to then peek at the three before officially leaving them be to get said cookies.*
Cora:... So how are you with all this?
Megan: I've started with a timeline where it really began. *Points to picture of Kreitech* This is where Big Hero 7 first appeared when they fought off Robert Callaghan...there's got to be some reason they showed up when they did.
Hiro: Yeaaah… Or it could've just been random.
Megan: Why are you acting weird?
Hiro: *Lying through his teeth* Weird? I'm not acting... weird..? But did you think that maybe Big Hero 7's identities should stay secret?
Megan: No, why?
Hiro: I don't know... hehe.. maybe anonymity is what enables them to protect the city?
Megan: No, their super powers are what enabled them to protect the city.
Hiro: Yeah but...
Megan: Hiro, this is the biggest story ever! And as a journalist its my job to find out the truth! *to Cora* And besides, wouldn't you like to know the people who saved you and your family from Diane Amara?..
Cora:... Megan... think about this... what do you think will happen if you do reveal the identities of Big Hero 7? What good would come out of it?
Megan: I know the city would be grateful for it and know whom to thank for their service..
Cora: Yeah... and then there's the bad guys, their Rouge Gallery lets say, who may not have any grateful bone in their body... and instead have some extreme hatred for them...
Megan: *Catching on*… Learning their identities would make Big Hero 7 targets at their most vulnerable!...and everyone they know too...
Hiro: Exactly..
*Megan looks at Hiro and Cora then at the bulletin board containing the pictures of the heroes... and their villains... She heard from her father that Diane Amara and her twin Sister were taken to prison due to all their crimes, and that Cora was a witness. Diane almost got away with capturing her friend through marrying her father to get whatever she wanted... Putting the people that had rescued her in danger is the opposite of what she wanted to do.*
Megan:... You're right... If they wanted to be known who they are they would have told the city already.
Hiro: Yup!
Megan: And Dad does work with Big Hero 7... Alright. *Sighs* Guess I'll look for something else to write the news about.
*Hiro and Cora smile at this news before they quickly wipe it off.*
Cora: Sorry I burst your bubble Megan..
Megan: Nah, its cool... But what will I even write about?
Hiro: How about any of the big games at your school?...
Megan: *raises eyebrow*… The big game? What game?
Hiro: Isn't there usually a big game at your school?
Megan: Well, either way, I'll think of something. But I also want it to be unique and exciting!
*That is when a plate of cookies come up between their faces.*
Chief Cruz: I got the cookies!
Megan: Dad! Really?
*At the Frederickson Manor Fred is playing one of his most beloved arcade games without a care in the world. That is when his phone rings to which he answers while playing the game.*
Fred: Hiro! My main man! What's what?
*Hiro and Cora are at the streets heading back home.*
Hiro: Its about Megan.
Fred: Relax buddy, Its like I said before: No one can crack-
Hiro: She has a conspiracy wall.
Fred: *Growing worried* Is there red yarn?
Cora: A lot Fred... A whole lot...
*Fred is standing in shock, so much shock that he lost focus of his game and lost. That is when Cora pipes in.*
Cora: But not to worry! We actually convinced her to not go forward with discovering our identities.
Fred: Really? Whew... that sounded like a close call... I can't wait to tell Minimax!.. Though.. I would need to find somethings if...
Cora: If what?
Fred: Megan may not be the only one!... BRB guys!
*He hangs up the phone and rushes to Minimax's resting body in the jar of rice.*
Fred: Minimax! I'm going to the comic book store! I'm going to research Superheroes Unmasked! Specifically how bad is that! Granted Megan gave it up, but that's dodging the first bullet! We need to be prepared!... Wanna come?
Minimax: My enemy must be-be-be-be-be-
Fred: *Putting Minimax is jar of rice* OK back in the rice!
*When Fred goes out, the beeping of Minimax slow down as the wiring within him grows more unstable the more its left unattended. Fred steps out the door cheerily humming to himself when he felt some pebbles hit his head... that is when he looks up to see the top of the porch fall. He dodges in time, leaving him with a racing heart.*
Fred: Heathcliff! The porch broke!
*Fred then gets up to leave while Heathcliff steps outside and begins to tidy up the place. At the comic book store Fred is searching for any comics that have the plotline of their identities revealed and the major consequences that follow. But just when he found one he notices that the bookshelf is now starting to topple over and land above him, resulting in Fred being hit with comics sprawled around him.*
Fred: K, that was a little weird...
*Later on Fred is crossing the street while reading his newly purchased comic.*
Fred: Watch out danger face! DR Tobox is right behind you!
Stranger: Watch out!
*Fred turns around to see the lady pointing up to reveal a runaway trolley heading down fast, to which he narrowly dodges away. But that still left a runaway streetcar zooming through the city.*
Fred: *Getting up* Wasabi was right! Bad luck is real!
*Quickly pulling out his phone he gets Skymax to deliver his chameleon suit and hide in an alley to suit up*
Fred: *Fully dressed* Enter Fredmillian!
*He runs down to catch the runaway streetcar, hopping up and using his tongue to grab hold of it. But the mere speed is too much as Fred is instead joining involuntarily to its path, being hit by various objects like stop signs and branches. That is when Wasabi and Honey Lemon join up to stop the runaway streetcar and rescue Fred. Honey Lemon uses her chem purse bazooka to take aim of the path to which allows the street car to fly up avoiding pedestrians and cars on its path... and Fred screaming his lungs out. Once landing down its goes down the road where Gogo zooms in to pull out an elderly woman out of harms way.*
Gogo: Your welcome.
*That is when Megan is up there, and she is holding her phone... she had been taking a walk looking through her phone for any juicy story to tackle on when she saw Velocity rescue the old woman. Gogo zooms out the way... Even though she decided to not pursue their identities... she did want to see how they work in action. With that Megan rides her bike to follow.*
Cora: Hiro and I are on our way!
*Finally the three show up when Wasabi comes up with this news.*
Wasabi: We got big problems ahead!
*And up ahead Fred is flung off the street car and up to the air.*
Honey Lemon: Fredzilla! *Looks farther ahead* Oh no!
*A school bus filled with children is unfortunately stuck in traffic and directly in the street car's path.*
Hiro: We're on it!
*Hiro launches his magnetic discs at the street car, creating magnetic pulls for Hiro to use. Hiro nearly falls off only for Cora and Baymax to hold on to him to stop the street car. With all their might, they stopped the street car and thus save the lives inside the school bus. Megan sees this and can't help but smile at the three heroes that saved the cheering crowd of children. Megan takes a deep breath before she goes over and catches their attention.*
Megan: Hey! If you have a moment could I talk to you guys for a second?
Hiro: Uh... sure?...I guess?
Cora: What would you like to talk about?
Megan: I just wanna say.. thank you for helping San Fransokyo... and for saving one of my friends from Diane Amara.
Cora: Oh... um... Y-Your welcome miss!
Hiro: We appreciate it. We gotta go now!
*And so the three leave along with the rest of Big Hero 7 where they meet up at SFIT. The teens explained to the team how they talked Megan out of searching up their real identities, though they do feel a little guilty to making her quit a subject she was clearly passionate about. That is when they all see Fred spread around salt in the lab.*
Cora: *Tilts head* Whats up Fred? Why are you spilling salt?
Honey Lemon: Freddie are you OK you look-
Gogo: Terrible.
Hiro: What happened to your arm?
Baymax: *Carrying buckets of salt behind Fred* Fred has an oblique radial fracture.
Fred: Yeah! Because of the bad luck!
*Fred inadvertently hits his injured arm against a hard surface to which he winces in pain.*
Gogo: Whats he talking about?
Fred: Minimax got soaked! I nearly got hit by a part of my house! Then a bookshelf, then almost a cable car!
*Fred throws salt over his shoulder which landed on Hiro, Cora, and Wasabi.*
Hiro: Wow.. Sorry Fred...
Cora: Wait... Mini-max had been water logged? And you didn't tell us?
Fred: I'm sorry Cora! But that was only yesterday! Today was worse!
*He removes his beanie to show his head injury.*
Fred: I need to break this bad luck streak.
Wasabi: Told ya.
Fred: You were right! I shouldn't have messed with the forces of bad luck; please, for the love of all that is good.. help me!
Wasabi:... alright.
Fred: Thank you so much!
Hiro: After you get this over could you bring Minimax over for us to check over? He's probably on the fritz.
Fred: I put him in a rice bath so his wires and such should be dry by now.
Cora: That still doesn't fic the circuits and coding inside him. Just remember to bring him over K?
Fred: Alright!
*And so Fred and Wasabi are at the streets of San Fransokyo in the search for a good luck charm.*
Fred: You sure this will work?
Wasabi: Positive! The only way to counteract the bad luck is with something that brings good luck! Like a heads up coin!
Fred: I see one!
*Fred eagerly jumps over when he spots the coin up the street.*
Wasabi: Is it heads up?
Fred: Yes!
Wasabi: Pick it up!
Fred: Free! I'm free! The curse is broken! *Kisses coin*
Wasabi: Don't kiss the dirty street money!
Fred: But you said it was lucky.
Wasabi: Lucky yes! Sanitary no.
Fred: All I know is I broke the curse~.
*He does a little celebratory dance where he celebrate by seeing Kentucky Kaiju: Return to the Midwest. Once he heads out to the theater his mind rings up with a thought.*
Fred: Oh right! *Calls Heathcliff* Hey Heathcliff! Could you go to the kitchen and check on Minimax? I'm gonna bring him over to Hiro and Cora to check him over.
Heathcliff: Master Frederickson, it appears that the rice jar you had placed master Minimax is empty.
Fred: Empty?! Oh man, he must've gotten out and ran off! I'll go look for him while-Ah!
*When he was walking faster he so happened to step on the skateboard and land down on the floor. His lucky penny turning tails. At the garage, Hiro and Cora are fixing up Baymax's armored fist.*
Cora: hmm, I wonder whats taking Fred.
Hiro: Don't worry, he'll come by with Minimax and check him over. You almost sound like your dad.
Cora: Yeah *chuckles*… And sides, this isn't as huge as Megan nearly going through her plan of identifying Big Hero 7... *Smiles softly* And its nice hearing her thank us...
Hiro: Yeah... *To Baymax* What do you think Baymax?
Baymax: Megan is right here.
*Baymax points to the garage door opening up... with Baymax's armored fist exposed.*
Cora: Oh no!
Hiro: We gotta hide it!
*The teens rush around looking for a good place to hide the rocket fist. After many mishaps they opt to cover it up with tarp and use it as a chair.*
Megan: Hey Hiro, Cora.
Hiro: Whats up?
Megan: Just wanna hang around. Still kicking around ideas for my scoop.
Cora: That's so?
Megan: Yeah. And I talked to Big Hero 7 too!
Hiro: That's pretty sweet!
Megan: Yeah. *To Baymax* Hey Baymax, wanna finish up that chess game?
Baymax: Of course.*Setting up Chess game* It is your move.
*Hiro sighs while Cora watches Baymax and Megan play chess. As the teen boy goes through his computer to finish up work, Cora decides to chat a little.*
Cora: So what type of story were you hoping to go for?
Megan: *Focused on game* Something that would get their attention with facts they never knew before! Something they always wanted to see but never did.
Cora: And finding Big Hero 7's identities would've been it huh?
Megan: Yup. But you guys have a point; I would risk their lives if I do succeed. The only other ones are unsolved mysteries...mysteries... mysteries... *Gets lightbulb* That's it!*To Baymax* Check!
*Megan gets up and rushes out the door.*
Megan: Bye guys! See ya later! And thanks for the idea!
Hiro: What idea?
Baymax: Good bye.
*That is when Baymax's fist launches up and lands back down with Hiro. Cora then pulls up her phone to call Fred. Somewhere Fred is awakening to the ringing of his phone. And that is when he takes a good look at his surroundings.*
Fred: Exposed pipes? Beams? Plastic tarps? Oh no! I've been captured by an evil doer!
*He sees to his right his phone with the icon of Cora calling him. He struggles for a bit until he realizes his ropes are tight.*
Fred: OK, plan B... Help! Halp! Somebody help!
*The lights turn on in Fred's right side...and the hopping figure of Minimax coming towards him.*
Fred: MiniMax! You're alright! Heathcliff said you were missing from your rice bath! Now could you untie me so we can escape?
Minimax: I could...
Fred: Thanks-
Minimax: *Walking past Fred* But I'm not going too! You are my prisoner! Evil laugh sequence initiated. Muahahahahahahaha!
Fred: Wait? Prisoner? You brought me here?
Minimax: Indeed! I am also responsible for all of your *Uses hands for air quotes* 'Accidents'. Finger quotes intended!
*He then regals Fred with the times of how he tried to assassinate the comic book geek, from the porch falling down on him all the way to his skateboard kidnapping.*
Fred: But why? We're best friends! We're supposed to be on the same side? Fighting for justice?
Minimax: Mua! *Brings Fred's chair up* I laugh at the face of justice! Wickedness is my aim! And you , Fred, are my foe!
Fred: Wait, why are you- *Realization* The water! It must've messed with your inside worky parts! At least that's what Hiro would explain it... Cora was right about this..
*Minimax throws a handful of rice at Fred's face in retaliation.*
Minimax: Empty carbs can't save you now Fred!
Fred: Maybe not. But Big Hero 7 can! I bet they're on their way here right now!
*The lights turn on as Baymax spins around.*
Minimax: I'm counting on it! Why only take out one?
*And while he spins pieces of red armor form on his body to show a more villainous look to fit his more viscous personality.*
Minimax: When I could destroy all of Big Hero 7? Mini Maximum Villainy! Evil dance sequence initiated.
*As Minimax does his dance of doom, Fred is left to think how will his friends save him and recover Minimax.*
*Hiro and Cora contacted the rest of the gang when they explained that they had called Fred to talk about Minimax only to learn that Minimax is gone from Heathcliff since Fred wouldn't pick up. That is when they received a face call from Minimax himself.*
Minimax: A hearty hello nemeses! It is I! Minimax! If you ever want to see your Fred again, you must come and face me! good luck!
Hiro: The water must've damaged his personality chip.
Cora: I told Fred to bring him over to check him! And now he's held hostage by his own side kick!
Minimax: Initiate evil laugh. Muahahahaha!-
Gogo: *Shuts off call* Nope.
Honey Lemon: We need to find Freddie now.
Hiro; Baymax, can you scan the city for Fred?
Baymax: Scanning...
*Once they find a location the gang suit up and fly/drive over to rescue their friend from the mini bot gone rouge.*
Cora: Fred is up on the 23rd floor.
Gogo: On our way!
*Hiro, Cora, and Baymax are the first to land inside where they tread carefully to see Fred up ahead.*
Cora: Are you OK Fred? Did he hurt you?
Fred: No... *Reveals a scribbled face* My sidekick betrayed me!
*The alarms are set off to reveal flying magnets heading their way to pin down Fred's rescue party. Hiro and Cora manage to get away but Baymax is ultimately pinned down.*
Baymax: Please note. I am unable to move.
*The teens then move out of the way of a falling beams meant to crush them. They managed to get themselves safely to a metal bench to the wall, but because of the beams blocking their way, they are essentially trapped as well. Hiro and Cora try to push the beams together with all their strength.*
Hiro: Its … Too heavy-
Minimax: Mua!
*The teens jump back startled as Minimax pops his head to see them.*
Minimax: You have taken my bait! *Takes Baymax's rocket fist* And now I will take this!
Baymax: That is rocket fist.
Minimax: And now your powerful fist will do my bidding! Muahahahaha!
*The elevator ding is heard as the door opens to reveal Wasabi, Gogo, and Honey Lemon coming up to join the fight.*
Wasabi: Wow, Minimax did this?
Hiro: Guys!
Cora: Its a trap!
Minimax: Evil fist sequence initiated.
Wasabi: AAh!
*Wasabi presses the close button multiple times as Honey Lemon uses her chem boots to seal up the opening just in time to stop the fist.*
Wasabi: OK! He can't get in!...*He tries to push the wall back*… and we can't get out.
Honey Lemon: Oops.
Gogo: Well that was fun.
Wasabi: *Looking up the ceiling* We might be able to go this way!
*He cuts open a circle up where Wasabi is the first to pull himself out..*
Minimax: I am right here.
*And greeted by the evil Minimax. Wasabi falls back as the minibot removes one of his plasma blades and activates it.*
Wasabi: No no! Please don't do that!
Minimax: Sorry lowly adversary but you are going down! Minimaximum literalness!
*He cuts the cables connecting to the elevator to which leads it falling down and Wasabi screaming his lungs out.*
Honey Lemon: Guys hold on!
*Honey Lemon uses her chem boots to launch up as she grabs her girlfriend and Wasabi out of the crashing elevator. Soon she throws out chemballs to act as cushions for their fall.*
Wasabi: OK! This is better...
*Fred, during all the ruckus, had managed to walk a little bit and start rubbing the ropes against the metal beam to cut himself loose. Baymax looks at Fred.*
Fred: Don't worry, I have a plan! *Continues to rub the ropes* Just. Need, to work. a little- Yes!
*With his ropes now loose he stands up, removes the ink from his face, and calls up his skymax for his super suit.*
Fred: Fly! Fly like the wind Skymax!
*As Skymax soars towards his owner, Gogo kicks down the door after they found a staircase and headed up to the 23rd floor again. Gogo heads over to Baymax as the other two look for their friends*
Wasabi: Fred? Fred?
*Gogo uses her discs to break the magnets to free Baymax.*
Baymax: Thank you.
Hiro: We're over here!
*Honey Lemon tries to lift the beam only for Baymax to lift it up, letting Hiro and Cora go free.*
Cora: Thanks Baymax.
Wasabi: But where's Fred?
Minimax: Yes!
*The lights turn on to show Minimax on a chair.*
Minimax: I would like to know the same thing!
Hiro: This ends now Minimax!
Cora: By the time we defeat you you're gonna be sorry for all of this!
Minimax: What are you? My mother?!…
Gogo: Hiro and Cora are your creators. In a sense, they are your parents.
Cora: *Slightly blushing and embarrassed* E-Either way! You are grounded!
Hiro:*Also blushing* I second that!
Minimax: Never! Villainy everlasting!
*He flies up to the team where he goes around in circles, using his own rocket fists to knock them down.*
Wasabi: Where'd he go?
Minimax: Down here!
*Wasabi tries to grab Minimax only for the minibot to kick his butt. Now Gogo is left to chase down the rouge minibot. She throws her disc to hit him only for him to dance on top of it and send it back to Gogo and punch her. Minimax flies over to the recovered Honey Lemon where he uses her purse strap to try to pull off her. *
Minimax: I'll take that!
Honey Lemon: No!
Minimax: He successfully removes it from Honey Lemon, leaving him to gloat as he uses it to pin down the rest of Big Hero 7 with goo.*
Minimax: And that is how you do evil!
*That is when an invisble tongue grabs hold of the purse then to Minimax, bringing them down. That is when Fred is revealed in his chameleon suit.*
Fred: Sorry Minimax! This is gonna hurt me just as much as its gonna hurt you!
*He uses the tongue to burst open a water pipe where it sprays on Minimax, causing him to fritz once more before shutting down.*
Fred: We are going to need a whole lot more rice!
Cora: That... and Hiro and I to make a proper reparation to his circuits.
*The next day, the gang are at SFIT where Hiro and Cora are adding the finishing touches to ensure Minimax won't have that freak out ever again.*
Hiro; *To Minimax* And now you're water proof.
Cora: No more spills and leaks for this guy ever again.
Fred: Nothing like what happened will ever happen again?
Hiro: Exactly.
Cora: Still didn't like you didn't bring Minimax over as soon as possible after he dried out, but hey. No one's perfect.
*Hiro taps Minimax's head where the minibot goes through his reboot before standing up. Fred looks on guiltily at his sidekick buddy before the minibot turns around to see Fred.*
Minimax: Fred?
Fred: Minimax!
Minimax: Fred.
*The two rush towards each other where Fred picks him up and holds him close.*
Fred: Wait- Please tell me you're not going to drop anymore heavy stuff on me?
Minimax: Heart chuckle. Of course not! You are my best friend!
*Fred hugs him close as his eyes and nose start to run.*
Baymax: Would you like a tissue?
Fred: No thanks *Sniffs*
*Minimax uses his hands to blow dry Fred's face to which Fred is grateful for.*
Fred: Glad to have you back Minimax!
Minimax: Glad to be back! I apologize for the wayward fist!
*He and Baymax do the fist bump to which they do their own signature boom.*
Baymax and Minimax: Ba la la la.
Hiro: That's... our thing.
Cora: Just remember Fred, Minimax is grounded for a week, so no late night movie marathons for this little guy.
Minimax: Understood.
Fred: Yeah. Thanks guys.
Hiro: Its fine. I'm just glad things are alright now.
*Later on the teens head back to hang out with Megan where they see her put away the photos of Big Hero 7 to a box.*
Megan: Hey guys! Dad let you up?
Cora: Yup. *Looks at the box* So I'm guessing you found the next best thing?
Megan: I have! It took some convincing from Dad but he agreed. She was his friend afterall.
Hiro: She? Who's your dad friend?
*Megan goes over to another box where she pulls up a black and white photo of a teenage girl... a familiar, strawberry blonde, green eyed, freckled teenage girl. Her photo is show alongside a news clipping dating 16 years ago with the title Westerburg Cheerleader gone missing. This certainly widened Hiro's and Cora's eyes.*
Cora: Is that?-
Megan: Chara Bonete! I decided that I would write about the mystery of Chara Bonete's disappearance. And if I'm lucky, I may find out what happened to her.
Hiro: I-Is that so?... and you said your dad was friends with her?
Chief Cruz: Yup.
*The three teens turn their heads to see Chief Cruz walk in with his yearbook.*
Chief Cruz: I was a football player back then at the games. Chara was always there to bring up the spirit. We talked and hung out... she was a sweet girl... And with Super Slueth Megan Cruz on the case... We can finally find out what happened to her all those years ago.
*Of all the things their friend Megan chose... it had to be the one about Chara. And they knew they can't bring this up with them. For one, they don't know the creature was Chara. And two, how could they even explain about her time with the sirens? Revealing her, would mean revealing Kage, then her grandmother and everything else. Including Cora's more disastrously roots with her psychotic grandmother lurking like a spider, just waiting for one mistake to happen that would cost them everything. At Cora's home, Chara and Kage are sitting together as Chara reads aloud a book, a gift from Orso Knox after their recovery, while their Baymax delivers two cups of coffee with vanilla cream to their side in the living room.*
Chara:' Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive...'
A.N: Hello everyone! I'm back! So from what I saw the last chapter was a bit of a mixed bag, but I do love that you have been patient for that one and this chapter! Now, someone pointed out that I've been spelling Grandville when it should have been Granville. Yes, I learned on later that is how you spell it, but at this point I've been so used to referring her as Grandville that it felt second nature. But if that is bothering you guys, I'll try to spell it as Granville from now on. this is my first chapter back so I apologize if its not much, especially since college is up and stuff will need to be done. I will try to write more with the episodes and explore some more. Till then, I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading Big Hero 7! Love you guys!
(P.s: I did add a little fourth wall humor there. May or may not be the last time. Will remove it if it really bothers ya'll. love you!)
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sinegardians · 5 years
(high school) freshman advice from an incoming sophomore :)
these are all tips and things i wish someone had told me before i started my freshman year. some i had to learn by myself, others were just little things that got me through my first year. that being said, this is all a matter of opinion. whatever works for you, do it!
go to freshman orientation! it honestly helped me get used to the school and they showed us where our halls and classes are, and our principals and teachers. we also did a lot of fun mini games and icebreakers that introduced a lot of new people even before school started. (plus, depending on your school, there might even be a dance after, which is always fun;))
have your schedule and times of class periods as your phones screensaver for the first weeks of school, or at least til you memorize it. it’ll help you get to classes on time even if you take a potty break during passing periods.
don’t be one of those people who walk, single file with friends, down the hallways. or even worse, stop in the middle of the halls and talk to friends. it’s annoying, and quick way for someone to yell at you.
don’t be afraid to ask upperclassmen for help, whether it’s about a subject you’re having trouble with, or finding your classes. they’re not as scary as you think, and they’ll understand.
join clubs and extracurriculars! orchestra, band, theater, art, debate, yearbook club, photography etc. whatever interests you. it’s a great way to make new friends and interests. don’t be afraid to try out for clubs because you don’t think you’ll make it. if you make it? great! good job. if you don’t? great! there’s always next year and it’ll give you more time to learn and practice.
GO TO FOOTBALL GAMES!!!!! LEARN YOUR SCHOOL CHANTS AND SONGS !!!!! a lot of my best freshman memories took place in football games. even if you’re not necessarily interested in the sport, yelling and cheering along with your school and the band is a nice reliever. if you don’t know your school chants/fight songs, they’re usually posted in your schools website, or you can ask a teacher/upperclassmen where you can learn it. you don’t have to go to every game, buuuuuuttt... HOMECOMING AND RIVALRY GAMES ARE THE BEST GAMES TO GO TO!
i’ve had to learn this the hard way, but DO NOT slack off freshman year, especially if you want to go to an out-of-state college. trust me, i slacked off hard freshman year, and my gpa and class rank plummeted. it’ll only get harder to bring it up, so do yourself a favor and start high school off strong, junior year you will thank you for it.
most of the time, teachers will allow you extra time for assignments and projects if you ask them one-on-one. just be nice and remember your manners. “im sorry but i have a band trip and i won’t have time” or “theater rehearsals are this week and my schedule is gonna be packed from other classes.” works fine.
if you have a teacher that doesn’t teach very well (it’ll happen) or you just have trouble learning that way, find another way to learn. for me, i audio record classes i have trouble in so i can go back and listen. you can also learn from videos on youtube. (khan academy, crash course, the amoeba sisters)
go to dances and banquets! they’re a lot of fun and you don’t have to go with a date. go with friends! go with parents! (it’s still cool to go to dances with parents, a lot of people do it don’t worry), or go by yourself!
it’s okay if the friends you’ve always had, start drifting off. high school is big and it’s normal. you can always keep in touch through social media, but don’t be afraid to make new friendships.
^^^^^ make some friends with sophomores or upperclassmen. i had a lot of sophomore friends during my freshman year, and they made high school a lot more fun. in my school, everyone could eat lunch off campus except freshman. but i didn’t mind as much cause my upperclassmen friends bought me food ;)
on the topics of friends, be open minded when meeting new people, you never know who is gonna end up being the person getting you through high school, so be nice and don’t be afraid of making friends who are different than you other friends.
everyone else might be in a relationship, but it’s not that important. spend more time exploring and getting used to high school (you are spending four years here after all) than looking for a possible partner. in my experience, i don’t really think a lot of people are ready for long term relationships at 14/15, and it’d be better to train your focus at other things. save dating for later.
don’t forget to eat breakfast. you’ll need it.
if you’re doing a project/essay, use scholar.google.com much more reliable and useful information.
if your school blocks social media apps on school wifi and you can’t use your data, download a vpn app. all you have to do is download, log on to your school wifi like usual, and then turn the vpn app on, and you can get on whatever apps, no payment required. don’t abuse it though, stay focused during class and avoid using your phone too much.
it’s okay to ask your friends for answers to homework every now and then, but don’t make a habit of it. it not only will start to annoy your friends, but you’ll get too used to it and start depending on them for work.
talk to your councilors when you need to. whether it’s about your mental health, or if your schedule is just too much for you, their job is to make their their students have the best opportunities and health. (if your school is big and the councilors don’t have time (it’s okay, it happens) talk to a trusted teacher).
bring a book always! even if you have your phone, it’s always comforting to have a book in you backpack at all times.
be confident. even when it’s hard and you don’t know anyone and you’re scared. you’ll learn how to smile without it feeling forced. it takes time.
above all, have fun. high school will either go by fast, or slow. make the most of it, okay? you’re spending four years in the same building with the same people. you’ll get used to them, they’ll get used to you. just remember that whatever goals you want to achieve, valedictorian, salutatorian, first chair, whatever. i believe in you :) and i hope you believe in yourself. stop fantasizing about your success and run to it! even if there’s no way, and there’s hundreds of thousands of obstacles, break them all down until you become the person freshman-you would look up to.
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
So after episode 57 airs, Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains is going to take a week break. 57 is going to be the duel between Playmaker and Bohman with it more then likely going to continue into 58 “The Soul of a Replica” which we still don’t have a summary for and since Vrains is going to be taking a hiatus, we shouldn’t be getting the cast list for 58 on Tuesday. We could get a tidbit of 58′s summary later in the week but until July comes around, we are totally in the dark on what is to come after that duel and just how it will end.
The way I see it, the show can go two different ways, depending on if Playmaker wins or loses this duel. If he wins, he will get Jin’s consciousness back and everything will be over and done with. However, we saw Bohman give Jin’s consciousness to his boss so if he still doesn’t have it, Playmaker will have to confront the leader of this group. Honestly, if that happens, that just feels so rushed. Season 2 just started and already Playmaker is facing off against the main bad guy? Yes the same thing happened with Revolver but the difference here is that we all knew about Revolver, the writers never tried to hide him and his role as the leader of the Knights of Hanoi from us. We knew that a Playmaker vs Revolver match was going to come up sooner then later. With this boss, we know nothing about him, not even a name. He’s just question marks in the cast list. The writers are deliberately trying to hide him from us so to have Playmaker, and Soulburner, confront him so soon just doesn’t feel right. They wouldn’t be hiding his identity from us like this unless they were going to make some kind of big reveal later down the line.
That’s one of the reasons why I just can’t see Playmaker winning this duel. I touched upon some of my reasons here but seriously, if Playmaker won this duel, not once has he had any real setbacks in his mission and for his development. I feel like this duel can make or break Yusaku as a character and if he honestly does win this, that is so much wasted potential being wasted. Cause again, if he loses this duel, he will lose everything. Jin, Ai, Kusanagi. If Kusanagi is going to betray/abandon Yusaku, like the opening has been hinting at, it is going to be because he failed to get his brother back when he promised Kusanagi he was going to save him, not because he got his brother back, who is actually a clone, who tells him to betray his closest ally.
And then there’s Soulburner. If Playmaker loses this duel and gets forced logged out by Bohman, Soulburner is still going to be around if he doesn’t catch up to him during this duel. If not, they will meet up against like they did after both of their respective duels and continue on into Bohman and Haru’s lair to get Jin back if Bohman still doesn’t have his data. Regardless of the fact if Playmaker wins or loses this duel, Soulburner is still going to continue on in more then likely just for Flame’s sake so he can get his answers.
Now we all know the position Takeru/Soulburner is in right now. Just like Yusaku/Playmaker, he needs to lose, probably more so after the way his last two duels have played out against Go and Blue Girl. Go was one thing but boy was no one happy about Blue Girl’s defeat but I’m not opening up that can of worms so soon. 
But here’s the question I want to ask you guys: are we going to be getting Soulburner vs Revolver next? We all seen the pattern. Soulburner has been dueling the same people, in the same order, as Playmaker did during season one. A henchman of the main villain group, Go, and then Blue Angel/Blue Girl. After that, Playmaker dueled Revolver so if the pattern continues, that’s who Soulburner should be facing off against next.
Now we have all been wanting to know where Ryoken/Revolver went off to after his final duel against Yusaku/Playmaker. Would it make sense for Revolver to return here of all places? Maybe so. We don’t know why this group went after Jin like they did but they could be targeting the Lost Children in general and might have captured Spectre as well, who is also a Lost Kid. Revolver could be here trying to recuse his ally as well with both of them finding the other as an obstacle. Unlike Go and Blue Girl, Soulburner vs Revolver actually has a real reason to happen. Soulburner has an Ignis which Revolver wants and god knows how deep Soulburner hated is towards the Knights at this point after everything they did to him. For whatever the reason, I can see this duel very well happening sooner then later, maybe even in the next batch of summaries with Soulburner losing to Revolver. Like I stated before, I don’t see Soulburner beating Revolver. I see this duel ending as well as Sora vs Shun did with Soulburner pulling out all of his combos (Link, Ritual, Fusion and whatever else he has in that bullsh*t deck of his) but nothing can beat Revolver and he just snaps. If we are going to break Takeru and prove he isn’t who he says he is, it is going to be during this duel. Heck, maybe Ryoken knows something about Takeru that we don’t. We still have yet to see him during the actual experiments so maybe Takeru was a lot more violent, like a cage animal, during these duels then we know about and of course Ryoken would know the truth because he was there and he is able to put two and two together on who Soulburner actually is due to his Ignis and how he is quickly losing his temper during their duel just like he did when he was younger.
That’s what I think is going to be happening in July anyway. Playmaker vs Bohman with Soulburner vs Revolver coming up soon. Everything else just depends on if Playmaker wins or loses this duel or not. I still think he will lose though since it just doesn’t feel right for him to win this.
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listinghunter252 · 3 years
How To Save Contacts In Gmail In Iphone
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'Need help in transferring my contacts from Galaxy J7 PERX to an HTC U11. I think I'm doing it right following manuals. But no contact shows in my new HTC. How do I copy phone numbers from Android phones?'
If you’re new to iPhone, learn how to sync Google Contacts to your phone. Open your iPhone or iPad's Settings app. Tap Accounts & Passwords Add Account Google. Enter your email and password.
See full list on wikihow.com. Switch 'Contacts' on. At the top, tap Save. To start syncing, open your iPhone or iPad's Contacts app. If you have a work or school Google Account. To make sure you can view details like job titles or work addresses from a company directory, learn how to sync contacts on your work or school device. Contacts aren't syncing. Nov 07, 2020 Now, you have authorize to access Gmail account, enable contacts optio n. You can also sync emails, contacts, calendars, notes etc by enabling these options. Tap on the Save button to make the changes applied. This manual method is quite long and requires knowledge to sync Gmail contacts to iPhone. Dec 11, 2019 Method 2: Sync iPhone Contacts To Gmail Using The Settings Function. In the absence of iCloud, iPhone users could still sync iPhone contacts to Gmail by simply using the settings function of the device, and this is done using the steps below. Step 1: Access your iPhone’s Settings. The first step involved is to access the settings menu.
'Switch my old Samsung S3 phone to a new iPhone 6 today. S3 is nice so far, but I want to transfer all contacts, texts, and pictures to iPhone 6 from Android. How can I copy numbers from old phone to a new phone easily?'
'I just move from an iPhone SE to Android (LG 4). I'm having trouble transferring data. Is there an easy way to transfer all my data especially contacts from my old iPhone to my new Android?'
Got an advanced new phone for yourself but encounter a transfer dilemma? Especially transferring those important contacts saved on your old phone, which may already over 350. If you transfer them manually on a wild and wonderful Saturday, it could take all day to complete. Are there any better solutions? Sure! Therefore, here this post lists 5 effective ways to transfer your family's number, roommate's number, and client's number etc. with ease from one phone to another one.
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Part 1. How to Transfer Contacts from Phone to Phone EfficientlyRecommend!!!
Part 1. How to Transfer Contacts from Phone to Phone Efficiently
Generally speaking, whether it is easy or tough to transfer your contacts from one phone to the new phone, it depends on your phone device model, operating system, and phone provider. The incompatible format is the main obstacle for your contacts transferring task.
Luckily, Mobile transfer offers you the easiest way to transfer contacts from one phone to another, which so far has supported various phone brands and providers.
Supporting phone and tablets: Samsung, iPhone, HTC, LG, Nokia, Motorola, Sony, Google, HUAWEI, and ZTE etc.
Fully supporting major providers: AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile etc.
Compatible with the latest OS: Android 9.0 and iOS 12
Extremely easy steps are included in the migrating process. You only need to one click to copy your data from phone to phone, such as contacts, messages, calendar, notes, photos, videos, and music.
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No more embarrassing experience exists for the complicated or confusing procedures to clear the contacts transfer mission.
Unlike other transferring methods, FoneCopeMobile Transfer will not let you frustrated or disappointed. Now download the free trial version of this software and follow this step to step guide.
Step 1. connect both of your 2 phones to the same computer via USB
Install and run the software on your PC or Mac computer when the download is completed. Now click 'Switch' in the interface windows.
Step 2. choose Contacts from the transferring list to new phone
It is time to select the content you want to transfer from the category. Just tick the needed file types and continue by clicking 'Start Transfer'. Before starting transferring, please confirm that the old phone is marked as Source and the new phone as Destination. For example, if you need to transfer contacts from Win phone to another iPhone, then Windows phone should be in the source position while the iPhone in the destination position.
Paragon NTFS on macOS Big Sur A great third-party app to use is Mircosoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. This app allows you to edit, copy, move, delete, and read NTFS files from your Mac computer. It is super fast and has a really easy interface so you do not get confused during the process. Paragon ntfs big surface.
Step 3. one click transferring phone numbers from one phone to another phone
The program will move data immediately after you click 'Start Transfer'. This process will cost a few minutes. You'll see a prompted messages as soon as the transferring is finished.
Congratulations! You've just finished transferring phone numbers from one phone to another one with the easiest solution. Norwegian post box. If you feel this guide useful, share with your friends and telling them the easiest way to moving contact data to the new phone. And this software can also wipe old data on the original phone, making it not recoverable before giving the old phone away.
Part 2. Move Contacts from Android to Android phone easily
It will be easy to copy phone number to a new phone if transferring from phone with the same brand. But there are various Android phone brands and providers, it is not surprising if you want to try a new one. Don't worry, it also can be easy to copy between phone with different brands. Apart from Bluetooth, here are 3 useful methods to sync contacts between Android phones.
Transfer Contacts between Android with Gmail
You can move contacts to new Android phone from an old Android phone with Gmail.
Step 1. install Gmail on your two Android phone
Step 2. sync the contacts on your old Android phone
Firstly, login or create your Gmail account. And then tap on menu button and find 'Settings' > 'Accounts and sync' > 'Add account' > 'Google' > 'Next' > 'Sign in'. If you've already had Gmail account, now enter your account name and password to sign in Gmail. If not, tap on the 'Create' button to create your personal account.
Secondly, after you've signed in, go 'Sign in' > 'Sync Contacts' > 'Finish' so that you can transfer your contacts to Gmail.
Tips: If you don't want to install Gmail on your phone, you can do this on your computer.
Step 3. restore contacts to the target Android phone
Log out your account from the source phone and sign in your google account on your new Android phone: 'Settings' > 'Accounts and sync' > 'Add account' > 'Google' > 'Next' > 'Sign in'. Now just add your account by entering your Gmail address and passcode. And then tic the 'Sync Contacts' and tap the 'Sync' button to restore the Android contacts to your new phone.
Android Contacts Transfer with Sim Card
This method may not fit for everyone because not all phones use SIM cards. If your phone is on at&t and t-mobile, then your should have a SIM card inserted your phone, which allows you to save the phone numbers to it.
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How To Save Contacts In Google Drive In Iphone
Sim card only saves contacts, excluding other content.
You can't get the information such as profile pictures, title, and email etc. because they are not synced to SIM cards.
Generally, SIM cards only up to 250 contacts.
Here is how to move your contacts to SIM card from your old Android phone. Tapping on: Contacts > More > Export contacts > export to SIM card. The next movement is to remove your SIM card from the source one and place it on the new Android phone and reboot it. In most cases, the synced contacts will automatically appear on the new phone. If not, then you need to perform an import action on your new Android phone: Contacts > tap on > import/sync contacts > from SIM card. Now you've successfully transferred your contacts from one phone to another one.
Copy Android Numbers with SD Memory Card
If you have an SD Card inside your Android phone, the easiest way to migrate contacts is using a memory card. Opera gx portable. You can simply pull out your memory card from the old phone and insert it into your new Android.
The process is similar to syncing contacts with the SIM card. Perform as following:
Contacts/People > Menu > Import/Export > Export to SD card > OK
Part 3. How to Transfer Contacts from Android to new iPhone
If you have synced android contacts to google account, now you can easily merge contacts from google and iPhone. The process is much like using Gmail to copy contacts to Android from Android phone in part two. This method is easy and useful to send phone numbers from cell phone to cell phone.
Step 1. backup the Android contacts with google account
Sign in google account and open menu. And then you can tap 'Merge with Google' on Android.
Step 2. manage your contacts in google account
You can edit and delete any items after the synchronization is completed.
Step 3. sign in google account on your new iPhone, go Setting > Mail, Contacts, and Calendars
Step 4. Add Gmail Account to start the transfer
Now let's import contacts to iPhone from google account.
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Part 4. How to Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Android Phone
Got the hottest Android phone on market and need to transfer content like contacts to new iPhone? You can sync your iPhone contacts with iCloud and then add them to Android through Gmail. Follow and learn how to get phone numbers from one phone to another.
Step 1. backup iPhone contacts to iCloud
Go to iCloud and log in with your Apple ID and password information. You can view your iCloud contacts by tapping on Contacts.
Step 2. select all contacts and export
Manage and organize your phone numbers, and then choose all of them by pressing CTRL + A. Go Setting > Export vCard to export contacts from iPhone.
Step 3. import contacts to Google account with Gmail
See All Results For This Question
Log in > import contacts > select vCard > choose file > import all
Step 4. sync google contacts to Android
You'd better merge and delete duplicated phone numbers before importing. Now open Google app on your Android phone and tap Menu, Settings and Account and Sync, Add Account, Google in order. Now type you email information and sync contacts by tapping Finish.
Part 5. Transfer Contacts from phone with other OS to Android or iPhone
Gmail and SD card, these two are effective ways to transfer contacts from one phone to another. If your phone is able to use one of these two method, you're recommended to transfer contact to new phone with Gmail and SD card.
Transfer contacts from other phones to Android:
Most systems can sync to a Google account and restore contacts to the device.
Transfer contacts from other phones to iPhone
If your phone can't let you directly copy contacts to new iPhone, you can export your contacts as a CSV or vCard file, then open it up in your Gmail account and import the contacts.
Easy Ways To Transfer Contacts From IPhone To Gmail
The Bottom Line
How To Save Contacts In Gmail In Iphone 8
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How To Save Contacts In Google Voice Iphone
If your phone does not allow you to transfer contacts with Gmail or SD card, or you want to transfer more content you are recommended to use Mobile Transfer software, which is much easier to transfer between phones than other methods. All you need to do are connect two phones to computer and click 'transfer', the software will do the rest for you in a few minute, saving time and energy. Besides, text messages, call logs, calendar, photos, music, video, and apps can be copied from phone to phone with this awesome program.
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eminperu · 6 years
Dreams Money Can Buy: The economics of a pay-as-you-go vagabond lifestyle
Since my last Facebook post about another jaunt across the world, several people have reached out to me asking the same question: how do I “fund my lifestyle” (copyright Emma). It dawned on me that A) lots of folks are looking to travel the world but B) are not sure how to do that realistically and responsibly. As an additional obstacle, people—even the vagabonds—often get weird and cagey when asked about their finances. Luckily, I’m 100% comfortable letting you know that I’m pretty poor and I’m still living what Cardi B and Chance might classify as close to—if not my best—life. I’m happy to share my strategies for the nomad life as someone who has never considered planning a strong suit and whose butt gets all itchy at the sound of the word “budget.”  This is definitely not a how-to, but a how-I-do guide that hopefully can offer one perspective to those who, like me, dream of being homeless and financially insecure—I mean, wanderlusters.  Naturally, each point is organized by subcategory titles borrowed from legendary and timeless songwriter Aubrey Graham. Started from the Bottom (now we’re still near the bottom)
Okay, not exactly the bottom, but not far off. I did have some savings before I started traveling, and I think that cushion was pretty important for my peace of mind/not dying famished in the streets. I set a (admittedly pretty arbitrary) bottom line that I would be comfortable—not thrilled, but not fully catatonic—to have when I returned to a more “traditional lifestyle.” I put that amount in a do-not-touch savings account. Luckily, I haven’t really had to dip into this kitty very many times. Though, again, I’m admittedly no financial wizard, I would estimate over the course of the last year I’ve netted about -$2,000. To me, this year, the amount of time I spent not working, and the amazing experiences I have had were worth significantly more than that figure.
God’s Plan/Controlla
You can plan your travels in advance to varying degrees, but it’s crucial to be honest with yourself about how much uncertainty you can stomach without anxiety sucking all the joy out of the cool stuff you’re doing. I’ve had people tell me, “Oh, it’s so crazy how you can just hop on a plane and not know where you’re going next. You’re flying by the seat of your pants!” Two things: 1) I hate pants. 2) More often than not, I do plan at least my immediate next move in advance. This isn’t so much a due my discomfort with uncertainty, but rather how frustrated I get when I’m forced to spend substantially more money on a ticket/room because I couldn’t commit in time. As a general rule, I plan international travel at least a month in advance and try to get things settled for big within-country trips a week before I leave. I make sure to search airline sites directly, especially for within country travel, and I don’t hesitate to call booking sites instead of reserving online to see if if they can cut me a deal—they’re out here looking for that commission. That being said, the best practice is to seek advice from people who have visited or, better yet, live in your destination. Not only can they steer you towards the right locations/companies/etc., they can also advise you when it might be more economical to book real time in-person as opposed to beforehand online (this happens quite a bit, especially in less-developed countries. Trip Advisor is not always your friend, yo.). Plan as much in advance as you need to in order to feel comfortable and excited, not overwhelmed and anxious, for your trip.
Hold On, We’re Going Home
Building off my last point, for me, having a space to unpack my borderline-hoarder amount of clothes and plug in my electric toothbrush is crucial to my mental health. Who doesn’t love a nest? Though a lot of people move intermittently between destinations, I was pretty settled in Lima. Before flying in, we booked a month in an Airbnb. I easily found a three month room to rent on Facebook/Craigslist, and used the same method to find two of my jobs (oh, sidebar—look for and join ALL online Expat groups as soon as you get to a country. Go to a language exchange and ignore the creepy older dudes who try to get you to “teach them English” and look for other expats who are probably new to the area, too). I also knew I was setting up base camp somewhere with an incredibly low cost of living, and that was intentional (Meygan’s intention, not mine, but still).
Mob Ties
This will be a small section, as it deviates from the financial focus of this piece, but I think it’s important: be proactive ASAP in making friends. It’s so, so easy in any city with a large expat population (again, join the Facebook groups).  Expats are prone to be quite outgoing, likely share your interests, and probably have lower friend standards than you’re used to! Living abroad is like college, and all the other expats are your new floormates. There will definitely be some weridos, but you’ll sift through them and find the gems. Plus, traveling with friends makes things cheaper, so this section is totally relevant. (Nailed it.)
Hotline Bling
This one is straightforward: Make sure your phone is internationally unlocked and get a prepaid SIM card immediately in each country you go to. I’ve never needed to pay more than $20 a month for talk/text/data (you’ll only really need data) and it is PLENTY (how many of you are looking at your Verizon bill and fuming right now?). International plans don’t make sense in the long run and scrambling from Starbucks to random hostels for WiFi is not a good look.
Nice for What
One of the benefits of living abroad is that as soon as I moved, people started hitting me up to visit and/or meet them places. I’ve had the opportunity to visit magnificent destinations with magnificent friends, some of whom I hadn’t seen in years. If, like me, you’re overwhelming popular and well-liked, you have to be realistic and honest about where you can and cannot travel. Whilst on a budget and trying to function in day-to-day life, sometimes merging plans with friends looking to vacation is just not feasible. Compromising is great; it’s also valuable to let the homies know that this isn’t just a trip for you, it’s your lifestyle (did you just throw up a little bit as you read that? Me too. Sorry). I got super lucky and my friends who came and visited me in my more permanent location—Peru—didn’t force me to go to Machu Picchu 96 times! Every country has a bunch of cool stuff to do, and they were more than happy to meet in Colombia, hop on a jungle excursion, or otherwise with plan something that was in my budget/I hadn’t already done.
In addition to being realistic with my budget and with other people, I had to be realistic with myself, which involved some reprioritizing. I haven’t really bought clothes in the last year. I didn’t make my usual music festival rounds. I wasn’t planning to see my family for Christmas. My shoes, which have amassed an innumerable amount of miles, are essentially all falling apart. Time and time again, I chose experiences over things and I couldn’t be happier with that decision.
Having a job, regardless of the wage, always makes me feel better about spending money. You can make money in a variety of ways, but here’s a hot tip: TEACH ENGLISH ONLINE. I AM NOT KIDDING YOU I WOULD NOT HAVE DONE WHAT I DID THIS LAST YEAR WITHOUT IT. There are a myriad of companies (I’m with VIPKID—lemme talk to you about it and get some $$ for helping you apply) that allow you to set your own schedule and teach online from anywhere with a strong WiFi connection. I taught every weekday in Peru from 6:30 am to 9:00am (and an occasional weekend evening) and was done with my workday by 9:15 in the morning. I was also able to teach when I came back to Kansas, when I was home in California, and when I was traveling, Plus, I get money for referring you desperate plebs.
Let me tell you why VIPKID is infinitely better than getting an in-person job (even teaching English) abroad:
The hours and location are 100% flexible. I can open my schedule weeks in advance or the night before, and I can teach fifteen classes in a row or one single class.
There is no lesson planning. Prepping for teaching is an evil succubus that lures you in and steals your time and also several parts of your soul. The VIPKID platform offers ready-to-use lessons that have a universal structure. I don’t even glance at them before I start teaching. It’s the most low-maintenance, easiest form of instruction I’ve ever been involved with.
You don’t need to worry about getting a work visa. For all the work I did in Peru, I was paid cash under the table, as getting a carnet de extranjera (similar to a green card) is time-consuming, expensive, and difficult. I'm not 100% sure, but I feel like this is the case in most countries.
Yes, I make $20-$25 an hour, which can make you feel no ways (real Drake fans will catch that Easter egg), especially if you’ve been making a steady salary in a a place like New York or SF (let’s not get into it here, but all the more reason to advocate for not paying/treating our teachers like trash). However, it’s consistent money, I can do it anywhere, and $20 goes real far in most places outside the U.S.
The Catch Up
That being said, the side-hustle is EVERYTHING. Proofreading, translating, tutoring, working remotely, waitressing, bartending—anything that doesn’t require a lengthy application process and set hours is ideal. While I was back in the States, I very quickly and easily got a temp job working in my mom’s radiologic imaging office; I got to experience an entirely different line of work and gossip and eat donuts with the girls in the front. I absolutely loved it.
Apps like Grabr or housesitting apps are also excellent ways to make money doing stuff you’re already planning to do. Grabr allows travelers to sign up to bring things to people in their destination country that take too long or are too expensive to ship from their country of origin. This utilized two of my strongest skills—ordering items from Amazon and packing a checked bag weighing exactly fifty pounds. On my trip from the U.S. to Peru, I made over $300. Did I bring a kitchen scale and finely ground white electrolyte powders through South American customs? Yes! Did I assume I’d be going to Peruvian jail? Maybe! Honestly, I was more concerned about the giant car part leaking oil that I brought through TSA in Kansas City (thought about leaving a “This is not a bomb note”—decided against it). The point is: it might have taken a little time, some research, and a bit of aplomb to find opportunities like this, but luckily I had all those things in spades. Disclaimer: Use your judgment. Don’t do weird stuff.
Also, in all honesty, got a pretty cute tax refund this year, seeing as I made a significantly larger sum of money in the half of the year when I was full-time employee in California than when I was a part-time degenerate in Peru.
All Me
As resourceful and savvy as I’m feeling after writing this, I have to come clean. This might be a bit of a bummer for those fiercely independent amongst you: I did not even come close to doing this without a ton of help from my ridiculous circle of incredibly generous family and friends (HAHA GOTCHA, IT WAS NOT ALL ME. SEE? SEE WHAT I DID?) My list of people to thank would surely earn me the wrap-it-up music at the Oscars, but I’ll try anyway: My parents helped my broke ass get home so I wouldn’t be alone for Christmas. My friends from all across the world and all phases of life let me crash with them for weeks at a time (and gave me cute clothes that “looked a little weird on them,” made me banana flaxseed pancakes, and did my laundry). My brother and his smokeshow wife bought me flights and let me move into their giant British mansion to be their nanny (they don’t have kids). My saint of a mother literally gave up her bed and shared her tiny apartment with me, advocated for me to get a job that meant her doubling her workload, and let me eat all her food while standing at the refrigerator like a teenage boy. People have given me advice, contacts, hotel points, and miles. Gratitude will forever be the brush with which the memory of this year was painted.
All in all, I’ve had an overwhelmingly positive, life-changing experience with the joys far outweighing the stresses. It’s not hard to do, and I hope this very Emily-specific example can be of some help to you. Remember, you too can shirk all your responsibilities and run away to a foreign country! Even if you’re 25 sitting on 25… cents.
P.S. If you liked this post, please send me shoes.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Palo Alto, the original ground zero, is about thirty miles away, and the average level of what they're writing, as you might develop muscles, through exercise. I desperately needed on stuff that I didn't. That was a big problem for me when I had no idea what that meant until I did it.1 94 x 1. Our fathers weren't that stupid. In another year you'll be making $4. More precisely, the hypothesis was that success in a startup, we would never have taken funding from an incubator. Then I'm worried. Kids are less perceptive. If investors get too involved, they smother one of the commonest forms of corruption.2 We may not be as corrupt as it seems; those VPs' cushy jobs were probably payment for work done earlier.3 But what is a novelist to do?4
43, meaning that deal is worth taking if they can improve your average outcome for you to break even? That way we can avoid being discontented about being discontented. Just ask any teenager. In some countries this is the result of a deliberate policy. Our ancestors were giants. A country that got immigration right would have a huge advantage. Y Combinator offers to fund you in return for 6% of your company if what you trade it for improves your average outcome by more than 6.
Google is a better model. 167. The basic idea behind office hours is that the cycle is slow. But aside from that, I now actively avoid stuff. No, it turns out, the earth is not the center of the solar system. Most successful startups make that tradeoff unconsciously. But the problem is more than just that some startup might have a problem to explain: why are unions shrinking now? And it's not just that I accumulated all this useless stuff, but that they lack examples. As you've probably noticed, they have a lot in common. One thing we were curious about this summer was a spirit of independence.5
The whole summer was full of surprises. Since this is in effect the company's profit on a hire, the market will determine that: if you're a founder, here's a deal you can make with yourself that will both make you happy and make your company successful.6 In industrialized countries the same thing; if you win an Olympic gold medal, you can be fairly content, even if they never actually got the money. It's significant that the most famous recent startup in Europe, Skype, worked on a problem that was intrinsically international. Silicon Valley is too far from San Francisco. Every person has to do their job well. And he could help them because he was too young. We overvalue stuff.
Next time you're in a moderately large city, drop by the main post office and watch the body language of the office is replaced by wicked humor. As in software, when professionals produce such crap, it's not saying much that America is the perfect place for startups.7 In our case the distinguishing feature is the ability to reason. For example, suppose you're saving a piece of cake in the fridge, and you come home one day to find your housemate has eaten it. As Galbraith said, politics is a matter of choosing between the unpalatable and the disastrous. This turns out not to be the growing gap between them. So difficult that there's probably room to discard more. If you don't have to buy a drink, and they pay it to the big company.
I think one of the founders said I'd read that starting a startup molds you into someone who can handle it. People whose work is to ask yourself, before buying something, is this going to make my life noticeably better? But my main conclusion from the summer is that there's less room for people in a company financed by selling a VW bus and an HP calculator. Amateurs I think the big obstacle preventing us from seeing the future of business is the assumption that it's all about us. Lately companies have been paying more attention to open source. This works in America, at least in technology. Even in the US, and good high schools and bad universities, like the US, the most efficient plan would be to discover each person's station as early as possible, so they have to deliver every time. When I say business can learn about new conditions the same way a gene pool does.
The Germans invented the modern university, and up till the 1930s theirs were the best in America, because the remaining. A sinecure is, in the long run, of the forces underlying open source and blogging both work bottom-up often works better than top-down. So let's look at Silicon Valley the way you'd look at a product made by a competitor. Users don't switch from Explorer to Firefox because they want to win.8 Startups happen in clusters. If I want to spend money on some kind of zenlike detachment from material things. Gradually it will re-emerge.
More precisely, the hypothesis was that success in a startup depends mainly on how smart and energetic you are, and much less on how old you are or how much business experience you have. For example, the president notices that a majority of voters now think invading Iraq was a mistake, so he makes an address to the nation to drum up support.9 Except books—but books are different. Half the people there speak with accents. A more important source, because it's more personal and comes earlier in the process, is money from individual angel investors. We worry about that, but probably hurts. Basically, unions were just Razorfish.
Nat. For example, the work of selection. Though most VCs are only partially driven by people like them—people who get rich by preserving their traditional culture; maybe people in Bolivia don't want to believe that successful founders is exaggerated now because of some brilliant initial idea. For example, probably did more drugs in his twenties than any of his professors did in salary.
I realize a I have no idea whether this happens because they're determined to fight. No central goverment would put its two best universities in the aggregate are overpaid. This essay was written before Firefox.
The threshold for participating goes down to zero. I've become a function of the reasons startups are possible. Macros very close to 18% of GDP, despite dramatic changes in tax rates will tend to focus on building the company down. I'm not saying all founders who continued to live in a reorganization.
But the time it included what we now call science. 32. This seems to set aside for this is mainly due to fixing old bugs, and partly simple ignorance. Ironically, one could aspire to the year, but simply because he was a sudden rush of interest, you can't tell you that if you have 8 months of runway or less constant during the entire period from the example of a rolling close is to protect against truly determined attackers.
They don't know enough about the subterfuges they had first claim on the parental dole, and the editor written in C, which handled orders. Why Startups Condense in America. The two are not more startups to be low. This is a negotiation.
But it's useful to consider behaving the opposite way from the moment the time it filters down to you. In any case, as on a form that asks for your middle initial—because it aggregates data from so many others the pattern for the first type, and help keep the number of big corporations.
In a series.
On the face of a running back doesn't translate to soccer. There's not much to generalize. As far as such things can be and still provide a profitable market for a sufficiently good bet, why are you even be working on some project of your last round of funding.
It seems likely that in three months we can't figure out what the rule of law. Its retail price is about 220,000 sestertii for his freedom Dessau, Inscriptiones 7812. And maybe we should work like casual conversation.
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samuelfields · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
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Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/80-20-rule-for-finding-your-dream-job/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
mcjoelcain · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Money https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/80-20-rule-for-finding-your-dream-job/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
andrewdburton · 4 years
[Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality
Imagine landing your dream job with all the unnecessary doubt, indecision, and effort removed from the process. 
Imagine making it happen in just one-fifth of the time it might normally take.
Nope, we’re not suggesting a miracle cognition drug, cybernetic brain implants, or an aggressive juice cleanse. Instead, we want to draw your attention to a simple idea known as the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule. This odd quirk of human experience posits that roughly 80% of a given activity’s meaningful consequences come from just 20% of the causes. 
So, imagine sitting in a movie theater (remember when that was a thing?). The 80/20 Rule suggests that around four-fifths of your enjoyment will come from just one-fifth of the movie — all those climactic scenes most of the story builds up to. The rule applies to bad stuff too. Think of all those annoying candy wrapper crinklers chowing down on Junior Mints during those same memorable scenes. Again, this rule would tell us that around 80% of that annoying noise was caused by just 20% of the movie-watchers.  
It’s a generalization of course, but it sounds about right doesn’t it? 
We don’t live in a neat universe where results always happen in a straight line. More often than not, just a few critical factors make all the difference, whether for good or bad. If you geek out on efficiency theory you can grab a coffee along with your cookie of choice and learn all about the 80/20 rule here and how it applies to all manner of corners of industry and productivity science.
In Ramit’s video, ‘The 80/20 Guide to Finding a Job You Love,’ he’ll grab on to this concept and zero in on you, your career, and one pointily practical question… 
Tumblr media
Can the 80/20 rule help you land your dream job?
Or let’s put it another way. Can we just get rid of the 80% of largely unimportant stuff, and focus right in on those few critical turning points that can land you a richer working life? 
We’re convinced the answer is yes … if you’re willing to ditch unhelpful mindsets that lurk in the 80% unproductive zone. Let’s look at a few examples of how just a few changes can make a huge difference as you look for your dream job. 
1. Ignore broad and vague career advice: Get specific
We’ve all had that person in our lives who offers pointless encouragement because they’re trying to help. 
“You can do it!” Gee, thanks. How?
“Get well soon!” Great idea! My plan was to get well slowly.
These people mean well, but platitudes like this come from those who want to help but have no clue how. Unfortunately, conventional career guidance is littered with the same vague solutions. These fuzzy directions mean next to nothing and get you next to nowhere. 
You know the deal: 
Find your passion! Cool. But what does that process actually look like?
Renegotiate your salary! Genius plan. How?
These are time-wasters that’ll consign your approach to the unproductive 80% of the 80/20 equation. 
Watch for these broad statements, and recognize them for what they are: a well-meaning impulse. What they’re decidedly not is a blueprint. You can waste a lot of time flailing about, trying to interpret, and act on these career advice equivalents of a “get well soon” card or an awkwardly executed fist bump. 
Here’s the important part though. Don’t just reject broad and unhelpful advice when it comes from someone else. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is to systematically reject a cookie-cutter mindset. 
So, how do you approach career-hunting focusing on the critical 20%?
Commit to defining exactly what you want
Conventional career-hunting advice is to send your resume to every job opportunity you see — and that might actually make sense if you’d be happy taking any job. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to get up in the morning eager to clock-in and do your thing.
To find your dream job you’ll need to get specific: 
What job do you want? Name it. Have the courage to exclude the ones you don’t.
What size company? Where is it located? Be grittily granular.
… And here’s the really important one … 
What kinds of skills and experience do you need to land it? Quantify how you get there.
Everything in your resume and pitch should be hyper-focused on the answers you give to these questions. If you can do that, two things happen. First, you save time by no longer applying for dodgy jobs you don’t want anyway. Second, you make yourself look like a better employment prospect to the companies that actually count.
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Here are a couple of things you can do right now to get specific:
Grab a sheet of paper and split it into 2 columns. In the first column list everything you know about what your dream job looks like. In column 2, bullet out the key characteristics of the kinds of jobs you don’t want. Stick this paper somewhere prominent as a daily reminder. 
Grab a red pen (OK purple will do if red ink is scary). Go through every line of your current resume and scratch out generic, hedging, or vague statements. If it isn’t about the job you actually want, ditch it. 
Congratulations. You just shifted your energy to that critical 20%. 
2. Discard self-sabotage: Believe you’re right for the role
This might sound a bit “Dr. Phil” at first glance, but hear us out. We’re not suggesting something quite so asinine and patronizing as the idea that great self-esteem and chutzpah is all you need to land you a dream job. That’s dumb. Also, see point 1.
What we are saying though is that many job-seekers accidentally absorb a defeatist mindset. In fact, it happens to the best of us. Here’s the kind of self-sabotaging thoughts we’re talking about:
“I’m not qualified. Before I can even think about a new job I need to go back to school.”
“I’m lucky to have any job in this economy.”
“I should wait until COVID-19 and murder hornets go away before any big life changes.”
Don’t get us wrong. These thoughts aren’t stupid.
Skilling up is good! And of course, macroeconomics and other unpredictable variables are all real things that affect how your dream job search will play out. But none of these considerations (along with the myriad other excuses out there) need stop you from taking meaningful steps in the right direction … right now.
These ideas all have one thing in common. They push you to reflect on all the reasons why now isn’t a good time; why you’re not ready yet; why the world is just too scary a place to do something bold and daring like pursuing your dream.
Believe change is possible
OK, OK, we’ll throw the obvious mind shift out there first. 
You do need to believe in yourself to make good stuff happen. There. Satisfied, Dr. Phil? It’s on a billion fridge magnets for good reason. Whatever you need to do to get inspired that you can and should pursue a career that’d make you happy and enriched, go out and get that thing, stick a magnet on it, and slap it on your fridge. 
Life’s too short. 
But don’t just get inspired; get aspirational. 
Time constraints, economic downturns, and yes, even venom-spitting murder hornets will always be out there. Either you aspire to find a job you love despite these and a plethora of equally sucky things, or you resign yourself to a permanent state of waiting. 
At least door one goes somewhere. Door two leads to the eternal thought-muzak of life’s waiting room. That serendipitous 20% zone can only happen when you abandon a resignation mindset.
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So you want to stop polluting your brain and your approach with self-defeating ideas? Got any spare paper lying around? Grab it!
Jot down every excuse or statement of resignation the self-defeatist side of your psyche (we all have one!) can muster. 
Now write a response to each of these naysaying urges. Where you feel an obstacle is real, write down how you can overcome it. Start making tangible plans.  
3. Reject passivity: Pursue crucial situations and people
This all circles around to the absolute importance of kicking passivity to the curb. 
Think back to the 80/20 Rule for a moment: The idea that most of the biggest changes that’ll happen in your life boil down to a relatively slim sliver of critical crux points. 
If you buy into this particular quirk of the universe, being awake for those moments suddenly becomes vitally important, right? 
Yet the vast majority of people that are searching for their dream job hand the responsibility for delivering those all-or-nothing flash-points to someone else. Career-hunting passivity is everywhere, and takes many forms, like:
Trusting a job search algorithm to guide your job search.
Sending out a resume and desperately hoping the HR team gets back to you one day.
Relying on a recruiter to convince your dream company to give you a shot.
Laziness of this ilk squanders not one, but two of your most valuable resources. 
One: Obviously, you’re wasting your time. We probably don’t need to offer too much exposition here on why metaphorically cramming filet mignon into a Mcdonald’s meat-grinder is unlikely to produce optimal results.
But you can’t overlook the negative knock-on effects on your motivation. You’re spinning headlong into a negative spiral here — where a perfect storm of rejection emails, lack of actionable data, and no real clue about what to do differently next time robs you of any desire to continue.
Why do this to yourself?
Passivity breeds failure, which in turn leads to the slow and abysmal process of … well … just giving up. The “80-percenter-zone” is a gray realm of mental laziness — of endlessly doing the same thing while expecting suddenly different results to miraculously manifest from miasmic mundanity. No.
So, what does “different” look like?
Zig when they zag
An active and engaged process of finding your dream job isn’t just about being smart — although, no big surprises here — smart people are generally better at finding useful shortcuts. It’s also about using your creativity and your passion to zig when other folks zag. 
What do we mean by that?
Testing your approach: So you threw your metaphorical filet mignon into the algorithmic meat grinder and you got a dry and tasteless meat patty and an unconvincing dill pickle for your pains. If you’re switched on, you’ll chalk that up as a failed experiment and learn from it. Testing your approaches and efficiently learning from mistakes will help you avoid wasting a “rare” opportunity. 
Looking beyond the low hanging fruit: The best jobs aren’t advertised. They’re made and won behind the scenes, far beyond your reach if you’re confining your hunt to generic online search tools. Like Poirot (or Angela Lansbury if you’re seeking employment in the Cabot Cove metropolitan area), dig deeper. Keen detective work may be in order. 
Get started in 15 minutes or less
Recognize you have a bit of a passive streak as a job hunter? Good news: no red pens are required for this one.
Can you find employees and HR managers of places you’d love to work on LinkedIn? The best time to begin assembling information about how your dream employer operates is right now — yep, before an interview is even a glimmer on the horizon. 
Think of three companies where you’d love to work and follow them on social media. Do some online detective work to learn their lingo and build a clear picture of who they’re recruiting for and why. Make Angela proud. 
“Why should we hire you?”
That’s exactly the question we intend to help you answer when you find yourself sitting in the interview hot seat for your shot at the career you’ve always wanted. 
At this moment, when that crucial question hits, the next few words out of your mouth will need to show (not tell) your interviewer why you’re ideal for their company. These words will need to prove (not plead) your case. These words have to be steeped in the company’s language and be rich with strategy, foresight, and seasoned introspection. 
Imagine feeling calm, the perfect answer spilling out of your mouth as you seal the deal on a career path you were made for. 
We can help you shine in that pivotal, all-or-nothing moment.   
        [Video] 80/20 Rule: Making Your Dream Job a Reality is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/80-20-rule-for-finding-your-dream-job/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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