#i thinkkkkkk im getting them
professor-abeloved · 2 years
terrible, wonderful thing (i don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you) [ilw mc character study]
Fandom: It Lives Within (visual novel) @itlivesproject 💜
you've always let love be your guide, juan capili.
love is what compels you to fix amalia’s college records. it’s what makes you stare jocelyn square in the eye and urge her to make amends. it’s what steels your courage against the screams of the undead that torment abel everyday.
it’s the reason you couldn’t help but fall into matthias’ arms; and why you can’t tell lincoln the truth.
(but maybe there is another person who could understand you.)
Characters | Ships: Abel Flint & Main Character | Matthias McQuoid/Main Character (Juan "Wan” Capili)
Notes: this is a character study-ish for my sarcastic mc, juan "wan" capili (he/they), who is besties with lincoln but is dating his father 🤷 gotta love exploring that messy tangle of feelings that comes with that! can be read together with my other wan piece, A Shadow's Lament CW for Allusions to A Homophobic Background and Visceral Metaphorical Descriptions
love is a terrible, wonderful thing.
it has driven you into the wilds, taking down a myriad of monsters to avenge your family — or so you thought. (you still couldn’t bring yourself to take out that picture of annie and your parents from your wallet).
it’s what drives you to pick yourself back up again and again, all in an effort to keep your loved ones safe — or so you thought. (you still couldn’t bring yourself to look lia in the eye when her scars stood out to you, plain as day).
it’s what causes you to risk the lives of innocents, prioritizing your friends above all else. you picked them in a heartbeat, and you’d choose them a thousand times over. (after all, what’s loyalty without a fault?)
Read more on Ao3!
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uhhh something something 'the only time a yakuza should laugh with his teeth is when he's with family or in trouble' something something arakawa gradually doing so more and more when hanging around jo something something Uh Oh™️
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
Am curious because you have top tier characterisation and opinions - do you think Spence would do public sex? I find myself seesawing between yes and no
18+ mdni
i thinkkkkkk… for the most part no.
i think he DEFINITELY would not ever have sex at the office—i have read and enjoyed fics with that as the premise, but i think from a character study perspective he’s too professional and too dedicated to his job for that. whether it’s because you work in the bau with him or there’s an event there or whatever, that’s probably the most common public sex trope we see with him and i see it as a line he wouldn’t even consider crossing.
BUT. lol.
you know how the team is always going to rossi’s for gatherings and parties and stuff? i think if he knew he could get away with it, at a large event at the rossi mansion…. he would probably be down to fuck in the bathroom LMAO
and he wouldn’t even tell you that’s what u were doing he’d just be like hey come on let me show you something and just very covertly lead you to a secluded guest bathroom upstairs
and then twenty minutes later you’d reappear as if nothing happened and he’s such a sneaky little liar about it like he’d be so cool calm and collected as if ur legs weren’t literally shaking
im very passionate about this premise. i’ve written many versions of it and posted none of them yet for some reason LOL
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intertexts · 3 months
i am going 2 leave the actual classification up to you because i dont have the innate sense of them yet like i do for classpects and such and i know im banned from the wiki rn so ill just talk about. base level What I Think He Can Do.
FIRST OF ALL. THE BIG THING. GHOUL. so. technically if i remember correctly. mal isnt a planeswalker like william is so ghoul is technically a separate being? ghoul is his guide, which is what allows him to go between the real world and the spirit world. HOWEVER. ghoul is nothing to me so in nhw world i think he should just be like. a separate form. mal turns into ghoul and its the same consciousness u know? hes the same guy hes just a freak now. worm comparison i am thinking is like. what rachel does to her dogs except hes doing it to himself. with the gross muscles and bones and big mouth and shit.
OTHER THAN THAT i thinkkkkkk. ok. hear me out. i am going 2 base this on a tweet bizly made forever ago (that im SO MAD i cant find a picture of rn) but the basics was like. u remember that nightmare dakota had back in season 1 where he saw william and vyncent kill summer . that was a nightmare that mal gave him in order to split the three of them up. SO WHAT IF. nhw mal has some sort of dream/mind manipulation abilities or something. hes had so many moments where he just like. appears out of the shadows in order to get them to do what he wants im just imagining the horror of that from an outside perspective just seeing one of the heroes mid battle just Fall Asleep for a while. but to them its like nothing happens and they dont realize it until he leaves and theyre waking up. do you see my vision here.
either that or i think his powers should be like. kind of countered to wibby? i know in pd his powers are similar to williams bc hes a ghost and everything but. im thinking we dont do that in nhw. INSTEAD. maybe in ghoul form or whatever he has heightened senses/abilities that allow him to see through things like invisibility and touch things that are intangible. (thinking abt this strategy-wise, it would be their goal to take him down as mal BEFORE he transforms bc then he becomes almost impossible for william to fight) . maybe this seems too targeted against william specifically but im jsut thinking like. ghoul in general just makes him more powerful and those are just a couple specific advantages he gets? uh oh im running out of words in my brain help
MAYBE THIS IS. TOO MUCH IN TOO MANY DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS. so he doesnt have to have all of these at once. i am really just throwing spaghetti noodles at your inbox and seeing what sticks to the wall or whatever the phrase is. hi it took me like an hour to type all of this bc i kept getting distracted and forgetting words!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAHHHH YAYUAYAY THIS IS ALL GOOD SPAGHETTI!!!!!!! too much in too many directions is so fun dude i fucking love being the rubber ducky for shit like this!!
i REALLY ENJOY fucked up body horror changer shit... ough. (thats what him physically changing like rachels dogs would b, as opposed 2 breakers who-- oh god it's too late for this. umm. physical change different than energy form etc.)... he should get 2 be a weird terrifying freak thing. with bone & blood n stuff. & there's precedent for changing in a way that alters ur senses & powers etc..... maybe he choose what and how he transforms to respond in a certain way or target a certain scenario. i dont wanna go fishing rn but remind me tmrw n i'll rb this with some screenshots from ward of the guy im thinking of who this reminds me of!!
that being said the idea of him having big mind manipulation stuff is also SO compelling. god. being able to like... create illusions & scenarios that are completely fake. delude people or put them to sleep or mess with their cognition in ways they dont even notice... alter perception of reality.... especially if he has a wide range of effect?? that goes hard!!! how long would it last... how would u snap out of it... could he make u feel stuff that's not real??? ok ok ok getting off track. anyway. i love the idea of a fight with him being timed because he's transforming.... maybe a form that's just. very good at Seeing Things? mal/ghouls original job was like, as a cleaner for clarence, right? making sure everything in the afterlife's in order? so many choices...
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jsdgfsdf · 5 months
Had a dream uuhhhmmmm something happened i was doing something neociites related but idk what and at one point i got back yo my room after doing god knows what and i had left a bowl of chicken& rice on my bed bc i was gonna eat it whenever i got done doing whatever it was i was doing. But then i took a bite of it and it had gone bad and green already..And then fast forward im in the middle of thid parking lot area to pick up "a lithium battery" from this huge pile of red biohazardous barrels of which if i inhaled the smoke coming out from them id die immediately and i didnt bave anything to cover my face with except my shirt sleeve so like. ??? Anyway i grabbed one but it was way too heavy so i put it down and then just didny do anything w iy. And thennn ibwas on neocities again i think at the beginning of the dream i eas getting to know this one person on there and then they added a quote from one of my blogs to their about page..something about me taking an hour to do something but idk what so i have no clue what the whole grand achievement was. I think it was the lithium battery thing. Anyway after that somrthing happened again and i was in thid big flesh maze tube place thwt i thinkkkkkk was also in the beginning of that dream idr what i was doing there though. I tried making my way thru it but there was a split path and this weird creepy looking flesh guy you had to feed to get past (?) and then randal ranfren showed up and made him mad so i was conpletely out of luck trying to get any further than that. And then i woke up
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