#i told him people shipped illumi and hisoka he went
leminuzuka · 2 years
Okay. Killua, this is your time to stop
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A Hunter’s Prey: Birds and Park
Not one of the Phantom Troupe members or Illumi and I moved until the paramedics had moved most of the casualties out of the building. The bustling place became a ghost town almost instantly. No one wanted to be in a place dedicated to so much death. The screen had become black many minutes ago. I looked back and forth between my friends and my love. All of whom seemed to not react to anything. 
I decided to make the first move because I had to talk with Machi. Afterall, her and Hisoka had a history that I’d rather not know. When I started to get up from my seat, Illumi lightly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down. 
“No. It’s not time yet.” His voice was more poignant than before. Thoughts must be running a mile a minute inside his brain. Even in all the hysterics, I would think that Chrollo would return for his team; yet, he hasn’t. This was part of a bigger plan than I realized. The spider’s leader knew he was going to win from the start yet the fight went on as planned. 
Illumi held tightly to my wrist. I turned to look at his stoic face that had yet to leave the screen. “Illumi, are you alright?”
He paused the same way that he normally did. All that he said was an extremely hesitant “-yes.” He was lying. It was the first time in our relationship that I realized he was lying but I don’t think he even knew he was.
“I have to go with them,” I said, turning my attention to the troupe. They sat as stoically as Illumi. There was no discussion or movement. I could’ve sworn they were statutes beyond seeing Machi’s breathing. 
“You’ll return back to me?” He’s lost so much in this past week. It was starting to break him. I could feel deep in my soul that I should stay with Illumi as there was something wrong. The feeling made the skin on the back of my neck crawl. 
“Always. I’ll always return to you. Wait for my call.” Illumi let go of my wrist as a calling card of his trust. Before rejoining, I kissed Illumi’s cheek as a seal of our promise. I’ll return the same as him. 
When I reached the front of the room, Machi, Shalnark, and Kortopi all seemed to escape their trance. “Nice to see that the boss still can kick ass,” smiled Shalnark. His happy demour never changed even when we all felt the heavy weight of the room. “We still have to confirm that Hisoka is dead. Who knows if the clown has tricks but I doubt he’d strived that big an explosion.”
“Yeah. He wouldn’t,” replied Machi. Her normal lackadaisical tone held a hint of momentary sorrow. 
“It’s still our job to check. Hopefully the police don’t see us,” said Kortopi. He would be the first to lead the charge out of the room. The two boys ignored my presence as they passed beside me. Machi, on the other hand, stayed in her place. 
“Machi?” I questioned while looking at the two boys that left and back at her. “Are you okay?”
She was simple and mournful with her response. My hand reached out and held onto her shoulder. “Do you want me to come with you?” I ask. 
“If you’d like. All we’re doing is checking to make sure he is dead.” Machi then followed her comrades to the exit for the room. Where Illumi sat was an empty chair. It was better this way as to not alarm Machi or the others. 
I’d never seen a corpse so close up before. Hisoka’s body was burnt to a crisp. Blood pooled around his limbs that were blown off. He was a charred remains of his former glory. I looked around the arena to see the rest of the injured crying out for death. The screams of the innocent that only were caught up in things they didn’t know. 
“Yeah, that so of a bitch is dead,” said Shalnark. He was the one to actually lean down to check for a pulse. “I told you he couldn’t survive. Seems like he was suffocated rather than exploded. 200 hundred people on top of you wouldn’t get too comfy. Let's go meet up with the boss. We’ve got a lot of stuff to do before the ship leaves.”
“It's been awhile since I’ve been on a boat,” replied Kortopi as if there wasn’t a rotting corpse in front of us. Hisoka’s eyes were still wide open from the blast. Thinking about it made my stomach churn; however, I had to be there for Machi. Unlike her counterparts, she hadn’t moved from the spot. 
Shalnark and Kortopi headed for the exit of the arena. “Machi, aren’t you coming?”
“Not yet,” she responded. My head turned to look at the pink-haired girl in confusion. “Hisoka paid me to mend him.”
“Always a kind soul at heart,” said the blonde before both the men leave the arena. Shalnark gave one more smile and waved goodbye to both of us. Now it was the two women and a corpse. 
“Do you want me to stay?” I didn’t know if she wanted alone time with Hisoka or not. This was about her grief and not about my feelings. 
Machi reached for what I’d thought was an accessory since I’d met her. I realized that it was a pincushion. A long, thin thread held itself from the cushion itself. This must be her Nen ability. For a second, she put it away. Instead, Machi reached down to close the dead man’s eyes as a final tribute to him. 
“Thank you for finding the exorcist. I hope you were able to get one last thrill,” she mumbled before her fingers lay on his eyelids. “I should clean up his face. He was always so vain about-”
Before Machi could finish her statement, she fell back in a gasp. “Aura?” 
“Aura? What do you mean? He’s dead.” My words moved faster than my mouth.
“Post-mortem Nen” was all Machi could say before even I felt the power of his aura. Hisoka’s eyes open before he coughs up some of the blood that still racked his lungs. Quickly, he stood so that he was towering over a quivering Machi and myself. 
Breath caught in my lungs. No. No one can come back after death. This must be a joke or he really wasn’t dead. “Hello,” spoke the clown as if nothing had happened. He looked down at Machi who still had her thread dangling from her fingers. 
I stood in fear at this monstrosity before me. “Was I really dead?” asked the clown. 
“Yes.” Machi had recovered from her shock faster than myself. “You still want me to stitch you up?” She rose to her feet while looking at the minutes-ago-corpse. 
“No. That won’t be necessary,” he responded. Before my eyes, Hisoka uses his Nen to patch up the bleed that still ran down his neck. He grew limbs from his hand and foot. Even his face seemed to magically reappear perfectly fine. Nen must be more powerful than even Illumi leads me to believe if it could create limbs out of thin air. All of this was magic to me. 
Machi put back her strand of thread. “Maybe this will teach you to pick your battles. Seems you don’t need me anymore.” She walks towards the exit with full determination. Her hand grasps my forearm before pulling me in the same direction. My legs refused to work and were toppling over each other to finally leave. 
“No. I’ll not pick my battles,” replied the clown. I didn’t dare to look at him as I was caught up too much in my fear to even look behind me. Hisoka’s bloodlust could be felt throughout the arena even as we headed towards the exit. 
I could feel his presence before I realized that Hisoka was behind Machi. He wrapped his arms tightly around her frame. Machi let go of me in a fit of panic. I stepped back as a sign of space but it was all in vain as I fell to the ground. My legs caught below me. “Not with the spiders.” whispered the clown. 
Hisoka seems to wrap her in an immovable barrier. Machi claws at the invisible force that held her tightly to the ground. “Tell the spiders that I’ll kill any of them if I see them,” he said with the force of anger mixed with a sing-song tone. “Until they are all dead.”
“I’ll kill you!” screamed Machi with a force of anger unseen to myself. I crawled back until my back hit a wall. Hisoka’s eyes found my own as he smiled. “Be happy you’re not a spider. Too bad your boyfriend is.”
My blood ran cold as Hisoka walked towards the same exit that we were headed only a second ago. 
“You bastard! Get back here and get this off of me! I’ll kill you!” Each word was spoken with such vitriol that spit was flying for her mouth. He’d spared her to send a message. He wouldn’t do it again. 
“Taking my love for granted,” said the clown as he finally left. “Get out of it yourself and kill me.”
My hands shook as Machi kept screaming at Hisoka until her voice became hoarse. “Y/N get me out of this,” she cried to me. It wasn’t a plea but a command. 
“H-How?” I stutter holding up my hands. They shook like leaves in a hurricane. I should’ve died. No. Illumi could die. 
“Hasn’t your fuck up of a boyfriend taught you anything use Gyo. We don’t have time for this. I have to tell the boss or the rest of the spiders.”
“Shalnark and Kortopi,” I said quietly as I realized how much trouble they could be in. Hopefully they were able to leave so that Hisoka couldn’t find them. Even with all my shaking, I focused my Nen into my eyes. 
I saw a wrapped around pink hue that encased Machi. “I-I don’t know if my Nen can help this,” I cry while looking downward. “I’m new to this.”
“You have to try. Don’t let him scare you. Use this to your advantage as you’re learning. Help me so that I can kill him.”
“Okay,” I said while producing the fire once again. I had to let go of the Nen in my eyes to focus so much energy into the little spark of flame that ran across my hands. 
“Your ability is fire?” She said as her voice never lowered. 
“Yes,” I mumbled knowing how useless I was. Tears flooded my eyes knowing I chose wrong. This Nen ability was all wrong. I shouldn’t even be here. I should be at home and working my 9 to 5 job like everyone else. 
My hands clenched as every stress filled nerve in my body tensed up. It was all too much. I needed something else. I could feel my Nen taking shape once again. Fire transformed into a harsh metallic, jagged blade made of silver. Nen was transfused throughout the blade so that it was sarraded and harsh. As I held it in my hands, the blade would cut them up. The feeling was like a broken glass shard.  
I used gyo once again to see the same pink as before. I cut through the simple wrapping as if it was a piece of paper. My trembling cut her a few times to which she swore at me. Once Machi was free enough to escape, I dropped the blade. 
My weapon disappeared back into a smoky flame before going out. I’d learned about conjuring but didn’t think I’d actually have to use it. Fire always seems much more interesting than a metal that could harm you in use. 
“Call Chrollo to inform him. I’ll go see if I can stop Hisoka.” Machi was already running out of the room before I looked back up at her. Her rage was the only force she felt. A single thought ran through my head: was this the last time I’d ever see her?
My hands were a bloodied mess as I pulled out the phone Illumi gave to me. The metallic red smudged the screen as I tried to find Chrollo’s number. A sob wracked my whole body as I looked at the pool of blood that landed on the ground. 
“Y/N, what’s up? Did you enjoy-” Chrollo’s voice sounded cheery from the other end. He must be thinking that I’m calling to tell him that he did a wonderful job. 
“Hisoka’s alive,” I interrupted. “He’s alive and attacked Machi.” Tears streamed down my face. “I don’t know about the others. She’s alive but is trying to go after Hisoka. He’s going to kill the spiders.”
“-Calm down,” replied Chrollo with a sudden seriousness. “I’ll try to get Kortopi and Shalnark on the phone again. You call Illumi. Tell him where to meet you. Stay with him until we get this sorted out. I’ll call you when I have time.” Chrollo hung up before I could respond. 
The escaping blood started to make me feel lightheaded. I looked down at my covered shirt. A few towels were held by the arena exit. I had to stop the bleeding before I could call. I tied the towels so tightly that I had to cry out in a fit of pain. 
Blood still covered my phone as I called for Illumi. “Illumi, Hisoka’s alive. He attacked Machi. Things got out of control. I-I’m bleeding. Shalnark and Kortopi are in trouble.” Each short sentence was punctuated with a sob from my throat. 
“Where are you?” he asked. 
“In the arena,” I sob while falling back into the same wall that held me before. 
Illumi disconnected before he could respond. I slid down the wall so that I could cry while in my hands. Standing up was too much effort. This was too much effort. I should’ve stayed with Illumi and I wouldn’t have been in this mess. In the wait time, all I could hear was the perpetual screams of the dead and my own cries that wrecked me. 
I felt a hand on my arm before I realized anyone was there. I flinched back because I thought it would be Hisoka coming back to finish the job. No. I stared into the pit of Illumi’s eyes as I finally felt safe. My arms wrapped so tightly around him as I cried into his frame. He held me so tenderly as I felt every inch of water leaving my body. 
Once I gained a little composure, Illumi said “We need to go help Machi. Can you stand?”
“Yes,” I responded while finally being able to stand. All my limbs felt a little too much like jello and not enough like stable body parts. Illumi held onto my wrist so that he wouldn’t hurt my hand and we raced out of the arena. Night had quickly fallen for the town. Machi and the murder clown were not to be seen. Ambulances left a while ago and would be returning shortly to pick up more victims. 
Illumi observed the area to sense if there was any bloodlust still lingering by the two playing cat and mouse. We passed by many people still in daze and shock at what had happened. News vans and crews were taking statements of those who were here to witness the massacre. In the chaos, we were able to escape to a park. 
This was where I found Machi. She was taking deep, angry breaths while looking over at the swingset. As we got closer, I could see why she stopped pursuing Hisoka for the moment. 
Attached to the swingset was Shalnark’s body. It was a mangled, bloody mess. Birds were already pecking at their prey. At Shalnark’s feet, lay the decapitated head of Kortopi. Hisoka had already started killing spiders. These were his first two victims. 
Illumi pulled me into his arms to try and cover the scene; yet, it was already drilled deep into my brain. Two of my friends were dead and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I’d never hear Shalnark’s chipper voice again or Kortopi’s laughter as he tried to one-up the rest of the troupe. These were the dead corpses of friends that would never return. 
Illumi held me as I cried into his chest. Nothing else would suffice as he held me so tightly and protectively that I couldn’t let go even if I tried. I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to go home and never see sunlight again. I didn’t want Illumi to leave. So, instead, he held me in the middle of this park.
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tackyink · 5 years
Speaking of shameless self-inserts, here’s an essay:
A friend and I have a habit of making one up for basically everything we watch/read/play, shipping with our faves included when applicable. And everything was all fun and games until she convinced me to read HxH.
It’s been a long-running joke that every character I like in that way (and sometimes not even that) is cursed with awful luck, extreme angst or near-death experiences. Mind you, they never kick the bucket. And in multiple cases they don’t show the signs when I lock onto them. For reference: Law, Kurama, Mukuro, Byakuya, Squalo, Juri, Fenris, Xander, know what I’ll stop exposing myself right now because I’m sure you catch the drift.
Now, my HxH favorite is Hisoka, hands down, but not in that way. Killua takes second place, and then there’s the Spider and Illumi.
I won’t say any spoilers, so let’s just leave it at this: there was a moment during the HxH manga when I went, “Is this the curse? Nah, can’t be.”
And because my friend and I are, essentially, not good people, when I told her this, she went, “IT IS, IT TOTALLY IS!”
And from that moment on the fucker started to ship me with Hisoka.
“Hell no!”
“But he’s your fave!”
“And I wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole!”
“But you think he’s good looking, and he makes you laugh, and [insert here a lot of terrible, convenient reasons as to why we’d make a fantastic couple]”
Complaining wouldn’t work, and this attack on my person couldn’t go unanswered, so I responded in kind.
My friend’s a family woman. She loves her family above everything else, and has a closer relationship with them than anybody else I know. She's also fond of the Zoldycks. And she’d previously gushed about Illumi being cute and his eyes being very drawable.
So I thought, screw this, if I’m going to be stuck with that human disgrace, she’s going down with me.
Illumi is every single one of her values put in a single package and twisted in the worst of ways, so honestly, there’s a lot of common ground to work with there. She agrees with his intentions, if not the methods (and occasionally, those too).
She protested. She resisted reality for months. She’s gotten to the point where she’s resigned to the fact that the Zoldycks would expect marriage and kids and she’s expressed the hope that the kids inherit the dad’s eyes.
None of us can really back down at this point, but both of us sort of think that as long as the other one’s screwed, it’s been worth it.
(It is not.) 
It’s the first time we’ve chosen a ship in each other’s stead, and we’ve decided there won’t be a second.
The lesson of this story is to keep your self-inserts to yourself or pick your friends better, whichever you prefer.
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neioo · 6 years
Fanfic Rec! ( • ω • ) 
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Rules I’m constraining myself to: I’ve either had to read the fic more than three times and/or have thought about it years in the future. (This means I’ll have to leave out some other fics I really enjoyed reading and thought were well written) 
A bunch of different fandoms will be under the cut! (as I expose what I ship across the board too lol)
We’ll Meet Again by George deValier (usuk) (complete)
This is the first fic of george’s that I read, and I’ve read it multiple times, and it’s been integral in my shaping of characterizations within my own hetalia fics. I could include all of his works, but this one stands out the most. I also listen to the vera verse songs and get extremely nostalgic, so there’s that
WW2 AU. London pub owner Arthur Kirkland is driven to distraction by loud, brash American fighter pilot Alfred Jones. Unable to stop it, Arthur finds himself falling for Alfred’s charms… just as the pilot is preparing to leave for war.
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue… by anonymous (pruaus) (unfinished)
This fic is odd in the sense that I found it while suddenly getting on a pruaus kick, during which I followed a bunch of pruaus people on tumblr. Eventually, I would find out years later that I was going to the same college as one of these people and become friends with them. So not only does this fic have a nostalgic tie to it, I find the story brilliantly written with wonderful characterization, though it is in a weird format.
Inspired by the film 500 Days of Summer, I’d really like to see a couple meet and fall in love, but eventually one (or both) ends the relationship because they realise it’s not working/they can’t imagine spending their whole life with this person/what have you. I’d really love to see how the relationship develops, with the happy times and the eventual bad times as it falls apart, and then the hope of finding love elsewhere.
Redeemer by CocoaCoveredGods (L x Light, Mello x Matt, Mello x Light) (complete)
I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found this fic after 6 or so years. I can’t tell you how nostalgic is makes me for my death note phase, remember when I would read this in my mom’s office, minimizing the fic on a laptop I hope she never checked. The writing is phenomenal. The format on this site is wonky, but doable to read. (I’m even reformatting it myself right now). It’s mostly everything I could have wanted in a death note fic; it even inspired my own very complex death note AU back in the day. In some alternate reality, I wrote that instead of AWH. I plan to maybe make a personal paper copy for myself of this fic I love it so much. It is on the level of George’s stuff on how much it means to me.
The story takes place *after* Death Note ends, although the main characters have not died. Here the Yellowbox Warehouse is essentially the pinnacle of L's 6-year long offensive against Kira, who believes L to be dead, when he really isn't. L faked his death, and proceeded with the case behind the cover of his three top heirs, Mello, Matt and Near. Kira himself doesn't succumb to his defeat, but is instead rescued at the last moment by his nemesis lover who decides that a more apropos end to the God of the New World is not death--but redemption, in the form of a new case and a 5th so-called Kira, that L and Light must bring down together... or risk losing everything. Yes, there is actually a plot LOL Buuuut, this puppy has yaoi and pairing's aplenty. LxLight and MelloxMatt are technically the mains, but when you cut straight down to it, this is a story about Light and Mello and how they go from hate to need, from enemies to lovers, and maybe even something more...
and indeed there will be time --orginally by lawlietismyfavorite, but they have since deleted their account :’( (the fic is still on AO3, though!) (L x Light) (unfinished)
I love death note, okay? After the beautiful live action series came out (the recent japanese one not that fucking netflix shit), I felt the need to read some fanfic of the series again, and I found this. HOLY SHIT. It’s a soulmate AU that goes through the plot line of the manga/show and fuck. Light is Ace?? The writing is so good?? 
L is the greatest detective of not only this century, but of six centuries. And then there’s Light.
Between the Lines by Klitch (Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki) (complete)
I’ve read this fic about 5 times and have accepted it as canon for this stupid show
The first time Yata saw him the kid was sitting in the corner of the cafeteria all alone with his bought lunch spread out before him, painstakingly picking out the vegetables and stacking them according to color and size.
Picking up the Pieces by SilverThunder (Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki) (complete)
I really like K. It’s a weird show, and it has copious faults. Maybe I just really like that the characters have so much potential, and this fic (as well as the one above) truly expands on that potential. This fic is an excellent exploration of these two character’s relationships, there’s just the right amount of angst. I’ve read it multiple times.
A whole year, gone from his head just like that - and how many memories could you fit in that time, anyway? It wasn’t a question Yata thought he’d ever have to ask, but with so many things changed between Saruhiko and himself, he wasn’t about to leave it alone.
It just sucked that the new world they’d built was still so easy to break.
to be first, to be best by kittebasu (chanyeol) (iwaoi) (complete)
haikyuu!! is odd for me because I don’t care about it anymore, but I really like this fic, and I’ve read it about 5 times. The characterization is on point, and the story is extremely well written.
Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks“I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren’t I?”
Cat's Cradle by evocates (Fujioka Haruhi/Ootori Kyouya/Suoh Tamaki) (complete)
every new years eve, since 2011, my brother and I have watched Ouran High School Host Club. for the past 4 years, I have read and re-read this fic without fail in the days after
Kyouya had been able to see the red threads between people’s fingers since the day he was born. A song of fate, and the breaking of. Tamaki was a man who could never be predictable. Vague spoilers up to Chapter 63.
"Relationship Stuff" by arokitty, Ponderess (shinara) (complete)
This fic helped me realize I was asexual. It’s beautifully written.
"Relationship stuff" — that's what Yasutomo kept calling it on the occasions we discussed how things were going between us. He never failed to say it dismissively, as if it was an annoying plague he was forced to put up with. But even when I told him that he could opt out of it at any time, he did not pull back.
[lithromantic asexual Shinkai, aromantic asexual Arakita, quasiplatonic Shinara]
You Really Ought To Know by isengard (midotaka) (complete)
I really like this ship, and out of all the fics I’ve read of it, this is the one I adore the most (obviously enough to read it three times)
The Fates have an important message for Takao Kazunari.
A Gradual Fall by grassandcitrus (originshipping) (complete)
This maybe isn’t the best written fic, but it has a lot of heart, and for a ship that there is little content for, this fic served me well. It’s hard to write a realistic pokemon AU, but this feels grounded. For whatever reason, this ship still means a lot to me, so when I get in the mood for it, I’ll re-read this fic.
Meeting Wallace turned out to be a life changing event for Steven. He realizes that pretty early on. Other things, however, come with time.
The Punchline and the Resulting Silence by youremyqueen (thiefshipping) (complete)
from the author: “so i went ahead and wrote ygotas fic because, hell, if LK can record videos in which he vocally flirts with himself while playing video games, and then write gay porn about it, I sure as hell can write gay porn about it too.” yeah. 
In which Marik destroys many household appliances, Bakura naps doggedly, and they sometimes pretend - with very little success - not to be in love. (YGOTAS, thiefshipping. ridiculousness meets poeticism meets more ridiculousness.)
Six Days As Boyfriends by sitabethel (thiefshipping) (complete)
I just really like this ship and I have since I was a 14 don’t @me
In order to avoid talks of arranged marriage, Marik convinces Bakura to trick Ishizu into thinking that they're in love.
The Longest Job & The Smallest Favor by emanthony (hisoillu) (complete)
everyone in like march-ish of 2018: omg in the new update of hxh illumi says that he and hisoka are engaged!
me having watched 10 episodes of hxh 4 years ago and having a faint idea of the series: who?
me: *looks up fanfics of them*
me: *finds these two*
me: *proceeds to read them 15 times and gets obsessed with the ship*
Illumi is forced out of the Zoldyck estate and seeks a living arrangement with an associate. He's not altogether pleased with it.
Hisoka is a floor master at Heaven's Arena and has the unexpected pleasure of spending time with one of his oldest acquaintances. He doesn't share Illumi's frustrations.
A sequel to the Longest Job, another HisoIllu fanfiction.
Hisoka and Illumi have been living together for six months now without much trouble. But when Illumi's youngest brother goes missing, Hisoka manages to make the situation just a bit too complicated and much more fun.
Lessons in Etiquette by KnockKnockBadminton (promtis) (complete)
I knew nothing about this video game but for whatever reason decided to look up fanfic for it after seeing some fanart, and then because this one was so well written, I, again knowing absolutely knowing about this video game or the series it’s a part of, binged the entire 164k fic in like two days. I’ve also re-read it and convinced my brother to buy the video game as a result. He refers to them as the “leather boy band” and sends me updates about his play through lmao
Begins in high school. From Prompto's desire to befriend the sullen, bullied prince blooms a relationship even the Astrals themselves could not have foreseen. Basically fills in the gaps from Brotherhood to the fall of Insomnia. Some liberties taken.
say it like you mean it by spaceburgers (takuleo) (complete)
Ever since playing the video game, I loved the dynamic between these two characters, and this fic is a wonderfully crafted and fun to read AU staring both of them.
Wherein Leo is a transfer student, Takumi is overly competitive, and they're doing Romeo and Juliet (but not as the titular roles).
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icharchivist · 7 years
New session with A. and T. o/ this time from episode 92 to episode 105, we advanced a lot in the CA arc!
this time I took notes as they spoke so I have... Tons of stuff.
-A: “I’m scared to move on…. we’re at episode 91 and the arc already went to shit so bad i’m worried at how bad it’ll get”
-they forgot who kite was. they had to remember by saying “guitarist legolass”
-T: “The queen shouldn’t be proud of the King i mean it’s a fuckboi, look at that turtle on his head, it’s the shape for a a fuckboi”
-A: “Leol looks like a drummer in Kite’s band”
-A: “I wonder if it would have gone better with responsible adults” Me: “i think that’s why Leorio and Kurapika aren’t there. wait… maybe not Pika.” A: “i love Pika but he’s not what I’d call collected and responsible. Leorio tho...”   -T: “I’m sure Hisoka would have flirted with an ant if he could. or ate one. its like chicken”
-they say they have no pity for the queen ahah. They are WTF over the other baby.
-they got so sad at Gon and Killua crying
-T: “Why is there pipe on a strip tease” A: “there’s a cat a butterfly and a turtle trying to dominate the world and you question the choice of music?”
-A: “It gets so bad already and there’s still 30 episodes of that arc how bad can it gets…”
-A: “the only responsible adult of that arc is Killua and he’s neither an adult nor responsible” 
 -When Gon said he’d do anything for Palm after she said she wanted him to date her, T. spit out his drink and A. facepalmed in a pillow, both laughing “i cant deal with that kid anymore” 
 -A: “does Palm has any other ability aside of being creepy?” 
 -A: “the thing with Gon is that you never know if his ideas are genuis or terrible” T: “you especially dont know when he says “it’s a secret” if he knows what hes gonna do or if he doesnt” 
 -When Killua asks Gon about his dating past:  T. “that… became really gay suddenly” Me: “do you get why people say Killua is gay?” A: “Now yes.” 
 -A: “The presentator on tv has weird eyes…” T: “now she can see in 3D” 
 -A. at Palm and Gon’s date: “i relate to Killua… what a cringe…” 
 -T. at the date: “and let’s play my favorite game: what if we added hisoka to the situation?” A.: “im sure him and Palm would get along” 
 -they yelled at Killua remembering Illumi because of dissociation. they’re worried for him 
 -A., who loves classical ballets, told us that the Zoldyck’s theme is based on a romeo and juliet music 
 -A.: “When the zoldyck music plays, it always end up bad for the adversary…” T.: “It always end bad for everyone in that anime. except for Hisoka and Gon’s father. i dont even remember the name of that asshat.” 
 -After the date, as Killua and Gon shares Chcorobots, A: “Thats it i cant take it anymore i ship them. they are too cute i cant resist them” 
 -A, as Cheetu vs Morel and Knuckle starts: “this arc is such a mess i love it it goes so wrong” 
 -when gon was faced to Kite’s puppet , they started yelling about how no one was stopping him. when Gon started blaming himself, A. threw a hairtie to the screen in frustration. they are worrying for Gon now, feels like he’s losing it. they worry that the adults are using him. like they say “i dont care their reasoning, we’re talking about 12yo. they never saw what gon can do while angry he risked his life on a dodgeball game. it’s dangerous.” 
 -A: “dont tell me they will put rhe two unexperienced kids as a team…” 
 -They are overjoyed to see the Troupe again. A. wanted a showdown between the ants and the troupe. “at least i wont mind if there’s death on both side” 
 -They are disgusted by Pike and they dont get why Zazan is all dominatrix. 
 -“the goth team and the clear hair team” 
 -A: “i understand why you say Shalnark is probably linked to Kurapika, they have the same (lack of) survival instinct” 
 -T: “nice to have some anthropology exploration with that mummy guy" about Beleonov
 -A: “wait is Phinks’s condition really to only turn his wrist? he didnt think too hard about it, and Pika whos putting his life on the line like a moron….”
-A: “im sure kite’s nen was Ging’s idea. it’s a thing with Ging’s idea, it seems terrible and you dont even know if he would himself believe it’d work but it does” 
-Feitan against Zazan: “thats violent…” 
 -A: i dont know what to think of that arc anymore. i dont even know what to comment. 
 -about Kalluto: “it’s killua’s LITTLE BROTHER??? HOW OLD IS HE. 10??? WHY IS HE WITH THE TROUPE” 
 -“are Feitan and the Mummy in a contest of who is gonna blow up the biggest planet” 
 -*seeing the kimera* “is that nina” 
 -A when Phinks blushes when Shal and Feitan makes fun of him for looking for Chrollo: “do everyone has a crush on Chrollo holy fuck” 
 -T: “When it’s to the spiders to be in charge of lifting the weight of the arc….” A: well we wanted responsible adults, we got them” 
 -A. finds impressive how that deep ib the arc, the story is still coherent. the ants are all exploited and you dont feel lost in the substories. she finds it impressive  
-Me: “fun to have a geopolitic story in a furry arc” A: “i wonder what the next arcs will be. will there be a cooking arc” Me: “i mean, isnt it the cooking arc? “ A: *splilling her drink*”… you know what i dont say anything anymore” 
 -A:“… was the Queen on drugs when she created Shaiapouf?”
 -A: “i think i hate (pitou) more than hisoka…. i mean hisoka, you get used to him. she…. is too unsettling and sh’es too cute it makes me uncomfortable” T: “well i mean… hisoka is a p/edophile…”  A: “i mean true but at least you can predict hidoka, she replies to orders. you can discuss with Hisoka, not with her. Like how Pika talked with him” Me: “well then with Pika it was all on Hisoka’s intend...” T: “well you can discuss with him if you’re a teen” A: “Okay true but you can have an ally with hisoka at times. with Pitou, nah” 
 -T “now i thought hisoka was coming”  Me:“if he was in this arc he would have had the boner of the century” T: “thanks Chloé” 
 -when Gon trusted Meleoron right away “what the fuck with that kid. me too Meleoron” 
 -when Ikalgo appeared in that first corpse and started singing, T started laughing and loving him and almost spilled his drink, and A. burried her face in a pillow saying “i dont even know what to say anymore…” 
 -as Killua catches ikalgo: A-: i love this kid T: me i love this octopus omg 
 -as Ikalgo says he wanted to be a squid: A: “how can it be that fun, that wtf and that tragic at once?” 
 -T: i really love that octopus A: i really love that kid 
 -T is determinates and really really love the octopus :’) 
 -the darts game started and A . started to pull very worried faces 
 -When Gon says he will kill Meleoron if he betrays him, A:“this kid really scares me…. he always scared me.”
-they’re cheering as Killua won against the orsos bros and faked his death 
 -turns out T. plays darts too so as Killua was explaining how he survived, he kept figuring how it made sense 
 -they were tense as Killua almost died and they both left out a gasp as Killua apologized about not being of use for gon 
 -they adore Ikalgo, both of them and now they worry he’ll die 
 -A. keeps reading Meleoron as Melanchon, a french politician she doesnt like. we compared that politician to Leol 
 -A. saw Komugi and gasped because “oh no i saw her on your blog”. I’ve been yelling at her to stop looking at my blog and her reaction was “but I’d have to stop using tumblr!”. rood. 
 -T.’s mother walked in after a scene with Meleoron and with the King and she started laughing, not understanding what was going on, just surprised by the designs. she finds the plot about the games to be fun ahah 
 -Morel just told Cheetu he lost because hes an idiot and they both applauded 
-at the King trying to destabilize Komugi and failing T: “well it’s turning against him hes getting destabilized” A: “she controls him so much”
 -When the King ripped his own arm, they both gasped and A. froze and yelled “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED” 
 -A: “the king is acting reckless and hurts himself… sounds so much like Gon.”  
-A loves how Komugi is in total control of the King ahah 
 -Me at the king's arm being ripped: "hxh and the constant abuse of arms". A. "ye i saw your posts about it. im still baffled by how much of them belongs to Gon"
For the most part, they seemed to like it! A. Kept repeating it was such a mess and she loved how much of a mess it was. It was getting worse and worse and they are seriously getting worried about the situation at hand. 
They are really, really involved in the arc and I’m so glad. For a lot of people I dragged in hxh (and.. me included to some extend) the ca arc was the hardest to get into, and I’m really glad they’re enjoying it that much.
They are looking forward for more and are impressed to have gone this far in the serie.
Despite the fact we skip opening/ending/previews (not my own will, they really don’t wanna see them dkjfhd shame for the previews but oh well) they keep singing the opening theme too. That’s fun :’D
So ye, a good session, a ton of fun, they liked it :D
See you all in another session o/
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