#i too remember my first time ever stumbling upon tumblr rp and look at me now over 12 years later (oof hate saying that)
tartt9 · 8 months
me making one post and then watching one (1) episode of foundation to come back to my notifs like
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
Pond Diving - Katelynw93
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
Want to volunteer, send us an ask! We’re looking forward to learning more about all of you! Not sure what PD is, you can learn more here.
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“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: Katelyn, but most people call me Kate, Katie or sometimes even Kat.
Age: 27
Location: Originally from Kansas, but have been located in Upstate NY for the last six years.
URL: @katelynw93​
Why did you choose your URL: It’s usually the username that I use for everything and if I’m being honest, I’m not very creative when it comes to titles or names. Lol. I’ve been meaning to change it; I just need to decide on what.  
What inspired you to become a writer: Well, when I was in middle school (maybe seventh or eighth grade), my best friend and I decided to write a story together and post it on a fanfiction site (Can’t remember the site name, though.) And I just loved it. We never did finish that story. Lol. But eventually I started branching out and found some roleplay writing sites.  
How long have you been writing: Started writing in middle school (2006/2007), but really got into it in 2009 with RP. However, September of this year (2020) was the first year I started really writing fics by myself and opening posting them. 
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc? I work a lot, usually an average of 40+ hours a week; I am a manager at a popular food chain restaurant and on the weekends, a cashier at a gas station to provide a little extra cash for my family. When I’m not working, my time is spent with my two kids; Alekzander (Zander) who just turned five this past November and Lincoln (Link) who will be two in February. Outside of work and my family, I’m usually writing. Sometimes if I’m feeling extra creative or inspired, I’ll create a few crackships for couples I really enjoy. Lol. 
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom? I actually found Supernatural around the same time I started writing, so back in ninth grade, so 2008/2009. It was honestly an accident too, because I was searching for Smallville episodes (I have an unhealthy addiction to Superman and DC/Marvel.) and stumbled upon an ad for Supernatural. Was instantly intrigued and fell in love. Seasons 1 - 5 (the Kripke era) are my favorite. 
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? Oh yea, I love TV shows and movies, and as I’ve already stated above, I love DC and Marvel. I’ve also written for Grey’s Anatomy and am willing to write for more, but SPN, DC and Grey’s are currently the only ones I’ve written for. I love The Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill, Private Practice, Station 19, 9-1-1, Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Merlin, Dexter, Psych, and so, so many more. There are too many to list. Lol.  
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it? Other than RPing, not really. I mean, I did try to do an original story with my friend when I was younger, but it never went anywhere. But I am willing to try someday. 
Favorite published author: Other than the really big authors like; J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin, Jim Butcher, Nicholas Sparks, Suszanne Collins, I really like (and maybe it’s cliche) Stephenie Meyer. The Twilight Saga made me fall in love with reading and eventually, that love led me to writing. Those books hold a special place in my heart.  
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?: Well, I guess I sort of answered that one already. But there truly are so many amazing books out there and still so many more to discover. 
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc): Oh man, I’m not gonna lie, a majority of what I read is probably smut. But I am particularly fond of angst. I want you to make me cry. Really dig and stab into my emotions. Lol. And then come back in with some fluff. Haha. 
Favorite piece of your own writing: Well, that would have to be Sweet Cherry Pie because it was really the first piece I’ve ever finished and published online. It was inspired by an RP that I am currently involved in and they are my favorite couple in said RP. It got so much positive feedback after I shared it that it inspired me to keep writing. I was so nervous about posting it, but I am glad I did. 
Most underrated fic you have written: Oh I’m not sure. Maybe Love Bites. I am a sucker for Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries crossovers. I really loved writing this fic and am eager to write more. 
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show: Oh damn, um, it’d be cool to see any of them like that. But maybe Sweet Cherry Pie or Out of the Fire (my firefighter!Dean series).  
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s): There are so many, but I usually find myself reading work from; @impala-dreamer​, @katehuntington​  @deanwanddamons​, @muchamusedaboutnothing​.  
Favorite Fic from another writer: This one is tough because there are so many amazing fics out there, especially ones that I adddddore; but if forced to choose, one story that will always stick with me would have to be Treacherous by @idkhaylijah​ OR The Sullivan Series by Kate Huntington 
Favorite character to write: Dean Winchester. I adore Dean and he’s probably the easiest for me to write. I have written the most fics with him and I portray him often in the RPs that I do. 
Favorite Pairing to write: Dean with anyone, but my favorite would be Dean x Caroline. 
Least favorite character to write (and why): That’s a tough one, cause there’s not really any that I’m uncomfortable with or dislike writing. Maybe characters with accents, because I don’t really know how to capture that in writing yet? I’m pretty open with my writing and am willing to try mostly anything. 
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor? Oh definitely. When I first started RPing, there was another girl (Jocelyn) that I used to write with and she influenced a lot of my writing. She was older than me and had more experience and gave me a lot of tips on how to get better. She is an amazing writer and had the potential of going far with it, but life happens and unfortunately, she doesn’t write anymore. But she is booming on Youtube, so that’s pretty impressive. It’s pretty cool to see how far she’s come. 
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing? I used to want to be a journalist when I was younger, but other than that, not really. I just want to have fun with it and write something meaningful for someone, and always improve and get better.  
How many work-in-progress stories do you have: I have a few ideas jotted down, maybe ten, but I haven’t actually started any of them. I have so many bingo cards I need to finish, but with my work schedule, it’s been pretty crazy. 
What are you currently working on? My main project is Out of the Fire.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing? Definitely the RPing that I’ve done and am currently doing. My friend Alesha has been the longest RP partner that I’ve had and her writing is phenomenal - and it helps a lot too when your mind's work in similar ways; her and I always seem to be on the same wavelength when it comes to writing. I love it. But like me, she has a very busy schedule and writing is limited. 
Best writing advice you've been given: Have fun with it, write what you want to write and always be open to helpful criticism. And don’t stress about it, either. Write in your own time. It’s meant to be fun, not stressful. 
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing: Just finding the time to write and getting over being so self conscious about my writing. I don’t let anyone in my real life read what I write.  
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? Just capturing the personalities of the canon characters sometimes; if it’s a character I’m not used to writing, I worry about portraying them the right way. And I have trouble individualizing the characters (separating them from myself/my own personality), like when I create an OC for an RP, sometimes when I have too many, their personalities all become the same in ways (if that makes sense?). And accents. I have trouble with accents. Oh, and fight/action scenes. They take me a bit.  
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why): I am always going to be afraid, no matter what it is that I’m writing, because I worry about it succeeding. I want to write for other fandoms though, I guess, but like I said, I worry about capturing the characters right and having a decent storyline that is unique. 
What inspires/motivates you to write: Honestly, positive feedback. I love hearing what people think about my writing and it motivates me to continue. 
How do you deal with self-doubt: That’s a tough one. I guess I just look towards my writing friends or beta’s for reassurance or I go back and read the positive comments and likes on the fics I’ve already shared. It encourages me to continue. 
How do you deal with writer's block: I usually listen to music and I’ll look up gifs of my favorite characters, create stories in my head with those gifs or I’ll create gif sets of specific scenes. If that doesn’t work, I’ll take a break and watch one of my favorite TV shows for inspiration. 
Do you plan/outline your story before you start: For my RPs, I have a group chat with those I’m writing with and we usually shoot ideas back and forth, but mostly we wing it. For my fics, I normally just wing it, but with Out of the Fire, I have a rough idea of what I want from each part. With that said, my ideas or plans often change as I’m writing. These characters have a mind of their own sometimes. Lol.  
Do you have any weird writing habits: I don’t know about any weird habits, but I always have music on and I guess I have to do it in spurts. I’ll write a few paragraphs or sentences, pause and scroll tumblr or facebook or gifs, and then go back, reread what I wrote and then write a few more. Rise and repeat. 
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it? So far, no I haven’t, and I hope I don’t ever have to deal with that. But I know it’s bound to happen. I guess if I were to ever encounter that, I’d like to say that I’ll take it as a learning experience but I honestly don’t know I’d feel about that.  
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic? Oh man, I guess my favorite would have to be ellewritesfix05 reaction to the secret santa fic I wrote for her; Dean Fucking Winchester. And all the positive feedback I’ve gotten for Out of the Fire.
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be? Have fun with it. Write what you want and what you’re comfortable with. Don’t be afraid of constructive criticism and most importantly, don’t stress. Writing is fun.
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megaderping · 4 years
Dealing with some anxiety over the past few weeks about some stuff I dealt with growing up that didn’t fully sink in until just now. It is very personal. It is also very heavy. If you decide to read, please keep in mind that this deals with some pretty heavy baggage, including... Trigger Warnings: CSA, Incest, Abuse, Bullying, Ableism, Trauma, Aphobia, Homophobia Because this is a personal rant, I’d rather avoid reblogs. Thank you for understanding.
So. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time with one of my cousins. She was a good 6 - 8 years older than me. At the time, I looked up to her. I thought she was cool and smart. I trusted her. Because I was so young, I didn’t think it weird that she described french kissing to me in great detail. I never told an adult. I was too young to know that this was not okay. This wasn’t even the last time, though. When I was in first grade, she was so eager to show and describe matters related to being a teenage girl and the changes therein. I won’t go into great detail- but the way she demonstrated this... It was definitely hands on. What bothers me is that at the time, it didn’t hit me that THIS wasn’t okay either. I didn’t tell an adult because I didn’t know I was supposed to. That this was sexual abuse. She did some things with me that- it only happened once, but it REALLY, fundamentally bothers me that my longterm reaction to this was... desensitization. Maybe that’s a form of trauma in itself? I dunno. But I was able to move on eventually when she wasn’t in my life anymore. Sometimes I tell myself I shouldn’t hold it against her because she was a teenager at the time with her own issues, but... I dunno. I didn’t talk about this with anyone. I didn’t really think about it, save for once in a blue moon when I was in high school and I was like, “...maybe that was messed up.” But if you asked me at the time, I would’ve said I was okay. But I’m honestly not sure if I was. I was bullied throughout my entire public schooling. People would punch me. They’d call me names. They’d make fun of me for liking cartoons and video games and come up to me with the most ableistic voices demanding I “draw them pokaymanz”. I was the one who had to go to the school councilor for being a problem. They didn’t get in trouble. In high school, I would go out into the pod to try and study and work on assignments because the very same people who had bullied me in grade school would not SHUT UP when we were supposed to be doing assigned reading. They were not punished. Nobody stepped in when I raised concerns- the best I got was permission to distance myself. I remember sitting on the bus one day in high school, minding my own business when these girls in the seat in front of me started making fun of my name. They started making fun of my appearance. The bus driver never stepped in. I got off the bus in tears. And this was hardly the first time. This was a problem from grade school ‘til graduation. 12 - 13 years of this. Sometimes when I’m at work, trying to do my JOB, my mind will go back to something a classmate said, something a classmate DID, and I’ll lose my focus. It’ll bring me to tears even though I SHOULD be over it by now. And this has always happened to me. People talking behind my back. Spreading rumors. Going to OTHERS to deal with their problems with me instead of talking to me because apparently human decency is too much to ask. People would spread rumors that I “pooped on the playground”. They’d say I liked to sneak into the boys’ bathroom. When I was in first grade, someone shoved a leaf up my nose. I still remember that, too. I remember being told by people I considered friends that we couldn’t be friends anymore because they had new friends who didn’t like me. I remember people being cruel. A lack of understanding. It turned me into a wallflower over time because I was scared to make connections and for a time I dealt with it by being cold and abrasive because I didn’t want to hurt anymore. I remember being asked on a school trip, “Were you ever diagnosed with anything?” OUT OF NOWHERE. To this day, I wonder about that... And I don’t know if I should seek diagnosis. I probably should? I definitely need a therapist, that way I can talk this stuff out with a professional instead of rambling on a blog post just to try and calm down from a random anxiety attack. I remember classmates and chaperones resenting the fact that I got left behind on that trip because I didn’t want to jaywalk. So I had to get help from some local cops who set me up with a cab back to the hotel because I was lost and nobody thought to look if I was left behind. People would talk down to me all the time, too. Treat me like a child. And why? Because I liked cartoons? Because I’m asexual and aromantic? GOD. I remember classmates in middle school were SO OFFENDED by my asexuality, too. I recall this one girl being like, “you better get a boyfriend or people might think you’re a ~lesbian~”. ...okay, first of all. What if I was? I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m not- I don’t really feel that kinda attraction to anyone. But. There is NOTHING wrong with being gay, lesbian, bi, pan, trans, NB, etc, etc. THESE PEOPLE EXIST. People who are not straight and/or cis exist. And also, thirteen year olds acting like they NEED to rush into relationships... That’s. Extremely concerning to me. It always was. But I guess I was just... desensitized over time because of how sexualized the climate was during those days. And it wasn’t just at school.
I have a long history of RPing. When I was in middle school, I was basically pressured into RPing a nsfw situation by some castmates. I should have said no, but I was scared to. And I think, ultimately, that also led to me being desensitized. Because that stuff was everywhere. These were RPs with young teenagers AND adults as players and nobody put their foot down and said, “hey, maybe DON’T RP nsfw in a space with minors”. Nobody said LOCK those posts. Tag them nsfw. It was just there. Out in the open. I was fourteen. And I’m not here to say that all NSFW content is inherently bad or that every adult should constantly be monitoring every space. Internet strangers are not babysitters. I get that. But I do think it’s a problem when communities full of young teens AND adults are too lax on the former’s access to 18+ content. Because there’s a difference between someone ignoring age restrictions and warnings and accidentally coming across content or being pressured to participate in such content. Now. Over time, people wised up. Many of these communities DID eventually lock that stuff to 18+. But a lot of open meme and sandbox communities did not. There were posts that’d devolve into smut on a regular basis that weren’t tagged or properly warned. But because I’d been exposed to this kinda stuff for so many years- it didn’t hit me that there was a lack of moderation. I was taught that it just comes with the territory because “this is the internet.” So for a long time, I just... accepted that. “It’s the internet.” Even within the past few years, I held onto that mindset because... it was just. What I was used to. I didn’t like it, but I assumed that was just... how things go and to express otherwise was pointless. I still don’t condone online harassment and I do think people will take properly tagged fandom content way too far (even if I disagree WITH said content)- but this isn’t ABOUT that. Because properly tagged content establishes the boundaries that were so wholly lacking in these spaces. And the fact is, I don’t LIKE that I am/was desensitized. Because the truth is, I didn’t LIKE any of it. I didn’t like the scenario I was coerced into as a young teen through RP. I didn’t like how easy it was to just... stumble upon NSFW content on accident. It’s just... I dunno. I just don’t know, and I hate that I don’t know. I probably shouldn’t let it get to me. It’s just online stuff that happened ten to twelve years ago, right? It’s nowhere near as serious as the actual sexual abuse and the actual bullying... but I think it still affected me. And just like with my cousin before, I didn’t really... talk to anyone about it? It was a very different fandom climate. The early to late 2000′s were very different. And I think just... it bothers me. That it took this long for me to realize that maybe this stuff affected me after all. Like. I’m a CSA survivor and it only JUST now clicked that I am? What’s up with that? Like. I don’t know. I need a therapist. I think I’ve needed one for years given how often I fall victim to invasive thoughts, how often I get too scared to speak my mind, how eager I am to please EVERYONE and thus it is SO hard for me to confront people when I am upset or draw the line. I’m constantly worrying about hurting or upsetting people so sometimes I guess I’m cowardly. Because I guess it’s a coping mechanism I’ve developed? Just... avoiding. Turning a blind eye. That’s probably not okay either. But I think the root of it all really is just from my childhood. How going to adults when I was bullied or abused never seemed to DO anything. So maybe I just developed a worst case scenario mindset. I just don’t know, so that’s why I need some help. So I can just... work this all out. I guess a part of me is just a little scared. And that’s stupid. Why should I be scared of something that can only HELP me? Ranting on tumblr can only do so much. But for now, just getting it off my chest is the best I can do. It’s a start, anyway.
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, VICTORIA! You’ve been accepted for the role of KATHERINE with an FC change to Magdalena Frackowiak. Admin Minnie: We've been waiting a long time for someone to turn Verona's best shot into a living, breathing being on our dash. Our Katarina is a force to be reckoned with, and not to be underestimated. It would be easy to capture her as a femme fatale, but you captured her layered depths, her spirit and her ferocity. Reading your application was like a breath of fresh air for all that Katarina could be and, with you in our ranks again, undoubtedly will be. We're excited to have you back with us again, and so excited to see Katarina take shape in your hands! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Victoria
Age | 23
Preferred Pronouns | she/her
Activity Level | On a scale of one to ten, maybe six? Higher on the weekends, but I work until six Monday through Friday and after that, I’ll be able to get a few replies done per day. I’m always around on Discord for plotting, though.
Timezone | EST
How did you find the rp?  | I was friends with Rosey during DV’s first introduction in the rpc, didn’t get to apply, and kind of fell off from Tumblr for a LONG while before going back and forth between town rps and indie. Once I circled back around and found DV again, I’d applied for Santino Gallo with the fc change of Stephen James. However, I stepped away when I realised I wasn’t in the right headspace to invest so much time into a place like DiVerona, and now I’m back feeling a lot better and more confident about my writing.
Current/Past RP Accounts | here, here, and here
Character | Katherine, Katarina Du Pont with a faceclaim change to Magdalena Frackowiak
What drew you to this character? | Admittedly, the process of how I chose Katherine was very much like playing a game of roulette. After making sure the cast list was filtered to all open roles, I blindly scrolled and clicked, ready to read whatever biography I clicked on. That was Caesar’s. And, though I did immediately feel for the man that had created and lost an empire, I had to read at least one more biography to be sure of my decision to pick one. The next time, it was Katherine. Katherine woke me up. Katarina Du Pont reminds me so much of what could be the hellspawn of two of my own original characters that I immediately knew yes– I could write her. I could get into her head, learn her, feel her so I could write her. Katherine feels real to me. She’s alive when I think of her, when I write about her. And that’s what led me here, to send in an application to write her.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
They jeered at her. Back at the police station, from behind closed doors, with their backs turned and some had the gall to do speak ill to her face. Thrice now, she had been caught off guard and bested.
There was nothing fair in a war, after all, and just the same, Marcello’s fist had come flying out of nowhere the night that Cosimo had been shot. As luck would have it, it was but a third blow that had struck her to the ground. In retrospect, it was sheer and utter irony. Katarina was a detective with the police force and yet she had been caught off guard, flaw in her so-called constant vigilance found imperfect. Three punches, three blows and two had been to her head then she had fallen to the ground. She’d hardly put up a fight. It was a blow to her ego as much it had injured her physically– but she promised herself that she would get back at the bastard.
Next, it was the night at the Teatro Nuovo that Katarina found herself bested twice more. The witches had been hanged and Lillian’s assistant had immediately moved to help, but trying to preserve the crime scene as a cop, and protect the woman with the knowledge that Paola was dear and important to her best friend while chaos erupted in the theatre had her too spread out, focusing on three things at once.
Threes. Why would everything continue to occur in threes?
That she had been decked hard enough by Paola that the woman had slipped past her had been insult enough to her pride. Of course, it was forgivable in an instant, but that it would soon be twice in one night that Katarina could not forgive. A shake of her head and moment to catch her breath amidst the commotion was what she deemed more than enough.
But the night was not over yet, and while she sought her comrades, dodged and pushed against foe, a gunshot rang out over the din of the fray– and Katarina found herself face to face with Odessa Vernon. Once upon a time, she had been friends with her brother. Years and years ago, Lawrence might have been won to righteousness. But that was the past. And at present, Katarina had thought she would be a foe to fight past quickly enough to make sure those that were hers were safe. Yet, it was but another miscalculation on her part, having not expected the girl’s desperation to get past her. Stumbling to catch her breath and wipe at her bloody lip, she saw that it was her own sister that had succeeded– and that blow was worse than the injuries she had sustained, and Odessa had fled with.
JUSTICE SERVED - Three times she was bested in a fight. What good of a cop was she if she did not manage her duty? The virtuousness of her words, and righteousness of her gun beside her badge meant nothing if she could not survive the fight. Revenge was a fickle thing in her mind– but was it revenge, she pondered, or was it justice? She would bring justice to the man who had assaulted her in the alley as the Castelvecchio Bridge broke. Katarina would forgive as what was right when someone who was innocent and neutral only wished to do right. Yet, for the last transgression, the one who stuck out in her mind the most, Katarina wants justice in the form of a rematch. Another opportunity at Odessa. And, while her sister isn’t apparently entirely useless in a fight, the elder sister would prove once and for all somehow in some way that she was of the most value. With the task to protect Cosimo’s princessa, she knew there was no room for error. The princessa was doing good for others, and that goodness would not be ruined by the like of the Montagues.
A TRIFECTA - Three was a mystical, lucky number. A group of three made for the strongest formation, made for a strong formation for a building, and it would take three notable mistakes for Katarina to learn that her tongue and gun were nothing without a third skill in the trifecta. A triple threat was what they called it, and it was what she would be in this war. Her looks were hardly a weapon after all, and they especially were not one that she could count on. So, she would train. Katarina would learn better how to fight, would train to find that balance in warfare and learn to use it to her best advantage. The Du Pont girl was the best goddamn shot in Verona, with a tongue tempered to destroy at an even more devastating level. She would do best to complete the trio by honing her skill in hand to hand combat by training at Measure by Measure. Three skills like these put together would be perfect, and with that in mind she has pushed harder and more viciously than before to be as indomitable as she believed herself to be.
WHAT COULD BE BETTER? - But, what if she couldn’t? The seed of doubt had begun to fester as unwillingly as an ant an unwilling victim to a shoe, or child with a magnifying glass. And, oh, it burned in her mind. Try as Katarina might to quell her unbidden fear and dismiss it, the thought had come to mind and there it would stay, unforgotten and at the forefront of her thoughts when she lay sleepless in her bed. What, then? What else was there for her? What else could the woman with a bladed tongue do? The answer was clear before her one late night, and immediately she found herself leaping from her bed. Katarina was justice, righteousness rolled into a body that fought and felt viscerally to do all she believed needed to be done. Becoming a cop was no mistake, but perhaps just a moment on her path. It has been a month since she had begun to look more into the possibility, and the blonde has yet to confess to anyone that her current vocation might not be the best to suit her. Her pride in serving justice needed to advance somehow, and this just might be the way to do it.
SISTER DEAREST - An injured bunny might be able to hop to safety. But it should take care to not be caught, especially by a Kat. Increasingly and ever more still, the love for one’s kin has begun to truly leave her. Romulus and Remus. Cain and Abel. It has become unavoidable, the truth that neither could truly live their life in Verona to the fullest while the other remained. Brigette seemed more useless now to the Capulet cause now more than ever, and if given the order to extinguish a liability to Cosimo and his successor… Would she be able to carry out her duty? Justice would always be due when there were those who betrayed their loyalties, and righteousness would always win. Katarina herself did not cut corners, did not excuse herself above reproach. So, why should her simpering little sister be treated any better? For as long as she could remember, the younger Du Pont had been a thorn in her side, an unwanted connection and reminder that she would never be who her family wanted. But, that was the point of it all, Katerina would tell herself. The Du Ponts did not want a wolf. But, she was who they needed. Not a bleating sheep.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | No one likes a dirty cop, and they seldom survive when it comes to war, run aground by responsibilities to the Capulets and the badge and inevitably caught in the crosshairs. If the opportunity arises where it makes no sense for Katherine to survive– kill her.
Please choose between the interview or the para sample (or both, if you like!)
In-Character Interview: The following questions must be answered in-character, and in para form (quotations, actions written out if applicable, etc). There is no minimum or maximum limit for your response - simply answer as you would if you were playing the character.
What is your favorite place in Verona? | “The Cathedral.” The answer tumbled from her lips without so much a pause. The house of God worked twofold as the heart of Capulet business, and it was there where order and integrity flowed. Humans were flawed, were they not? Justice was not synonymous with peace, nor righteousness with divinity. But, God gave comfort and hope to the people, and it was only fitting that behind it all, the Capulets did God’s work to serve and keep warm their Verona. Just like the Medicis did once for Florence, the Capulets did so for Verona. “There is a certain sense of… Order to the place that is a comfort, a place where I can clear my mind and take a moment both at the beginning and end of the day to find peace.” Katarina’s words were lilted with the tone of a woman who had calculated every move she had and would make, steady and without an ounce of indecisiveness while her voice kept to a smoky yet calm sound, sliding pleasurably from her tongue. No one ever doubted the blonde’s conviction in her words, and why would they? She wasn’t a liar. The elder Du Pont loved order and rules, and by god, the way she lived her life was a direct example. It was after she gave answer she finally graced the other with a smile. “The Cathedral, it is beautiful, it it not?”
What does your typical day look like? | Her brow had arched somewhat, but the stoicness of her other  features had yet not moved an inch. “My typical day?” Katarina had almost laughed. Almost. There was nothing ever typical in her day, in her life. There was no such thing as monotony in the lifestyle of a Capulet cop such as she. Sitting up straighter, the blonde’s arms fold one over the other, the small twitch at the corner of her mouth barely giving the possibility of a half-smile before it disappeared again as she spoke. “I wake up at four, turn on my kettle and make a sort of ‘tea’ for myself, consisting of lemon, apple cider vinegar, a few drops of liquid cayenne, and ground cinnamon and ginger. After a half hour of easy yoga, I make a protein shake before I work out with weights.” She seemed… Bored? Amused? The details of her life had never been asked about, and in her line of profession, the less people knew the better. But, perhaps, just this once, she would give details of her life. Her arm came out then, turning on the elbow to cross almost diagonally ahead of her, patting at the table gently per each of the next two steps  in her routine. “I then get ready for work, and travel to The Cathedral before I make my way to the precinct. From there, the day to day differs. But, every night it is the same. The Cathedral, tea, and a bath before bed.” Katarina blinked once then, pausing from the monotonous way she delivered the broad strokes of the painting of her life. “The life of a cop can be very boring, I do promise you.”
What has been your biggest mistake thus far? | Her chin tilted downwards now, regarding them carefully with her crystalline gaze. In truth, her biggest mistake in her life had been wishing and wanting for a younger sister. What Katarina had wanted was a playmate, a comrade in arms that would be by her side. Yet with but a small age gap between them, the Du Pont girls could be no more different than oil and water. They did not get along– no, and they never would. “My biggest mistake in my life was not asking for a third sibling. Third time’s a charm, isn’t it?” It was a joke, mostly, a half-smile finally coming to fruition. It was no secret that she and darling Bunny did not get along. If Katarina could avoid her entirely, she would. And on a day to day basis, her little sister never came to mind– almost entirely forgotten with distaste until someone thrust that bitterness back to her mouth at the sound of her sister’s name. Or worse yet, the sight or sound of the younger woman herself. But it seemed almost sinister, with the way her head was tilted before Katarina brought her chin up with a haughty glance, words cutting and sure. “I don’t believe in mistakes. I believe that things happen for a reason, action and reaction, whatever path had been necessary to get there and to the destination are a part of life. What a mistake is, is a lesson to be learned from, and an opportunity to grow. Agree, or disagree?”
What has been the most difficult task asked of you? | This is the first time during the interview that she had furrowed her brows, head tilting to the side as she contemplated her answer. What was the most difficult task asked of her? Straightening once more, Katarina Du Pont had intertwined her lithe fingers together, seeming to toy with a few answers before one tumbled eloquently from her lips. “I do not recall ever having a difficult task asked of me.” As she spoke, a challenging glint came to her eyes, as if she were next to explain any or every task given to her and explain her case. Breezily, she continued: “Or rather, I can not say, retrospectively, that any task could be called difficult enough to stand out as the most difficult. My profession requires me to do what I must for the good of the people and for the sake of the law.” Who’s law? The Capulets? Verona’s? She wore a badge, toted a gun and around and yet– And, yet, she wore a cross ‘round her neck, spending time in the place of God that without question belonged to the Capulets. It did occur to her once that her vocation made her loyalty questionable. But, Katarina had never been one to lie. She could never be bothered to twist sly, pretty words like her sister. Brigette gave someone what they wanted to hear. And the elder of the two gave the incontestable truth. No matter how much or who it hurt. Facts would always be better than some addle-brained fiction after all. “ Does holding my tongue from time to time count as a difficult task? I assure you, even that does not happen often.”
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues? | “If it were not the Capulets and Montagues, it would be another family,” Katarina shrugged, sitting back in her seat as she drummed her fingers once on the tabletop before continuing to speak. “We,” Was Katarina speaking for the police force or the Capulets? Who could know? “Protect the innocent and give justice for those wronged.” The blonde spoke with conviction, believing every word that fell from her lips without giving the other any reason to doubt her belief. She did what was right. The woman lived her life based on facts, evidence. There was no room in her mind for daydreams or pretending that the world around her was not a warzone. No, the blonde lived in the present, moving forward towards the future and whatever it might bring. “Living is war itself, is it not? We war within ourselves, push against the odds. I do not wish to see the uninvolved, the innocent people of Verona to be harmed. This place is my home– and what else am I to do than continue to live?”
In-Character Para Sample: N/A
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ignxvus-blog · 8 years
✮ / ღ ( since there are no canon ones, just go with ships in general~ ) / ☀ / ◈
munday meme | accepting | @serenebeauty
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     Ohmygoodness there’s so many! I tend to ramble, so I’m gonna throw this under a read more so as to not clog the dash!
✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
     Ohgosh, I??? Can’t choose???
     If I were to be completely honest with myself, I’d end up choosing three OC’s as several of them have been with me almost as long as I’ve been roleplaying. They’re near & dear to my heart, you know? We’ve been together a long while. However, concerning muses I’ve taken on since I joined Tumblr? Well…
     One; would have to be Midna. A little over two years ago, she was the first muse I ever attempted on Tumblr. I joined the rp community here with her, & it was because of all the amazing times I had on her blog that caused me to stick around, after wandering several different sites in search of somewhere to rp.
     Just like Tetra & Ravio, she is one of the three TLOZ muses I revived this year. Yet, I’ve admittedly been a little more active on the other two than her…
     Two… Oh, man. I’m failing this. I’m failing this so hard. I love all of my children, ok. Tetra, I took up shortly after Midna & didn’t expect to love as much as I did but I do. Oh, how I love my sea rat so much, & her blog has as many dear memories as Midna’s, for much the same reasons. She’s just… so sassy. So fierce, & so troubled ‘cause wow, no character of mine can’t not be troubled & hiding things.
     Ravio, I… I remember rushing through ALBW’s in December of 2014 just so I could learn more about him & create his blog, as I was dead set on taking him up the second I laid eyes on him. Alas, things didn’t work out, life got in the way both then & shortly after I officially created the blog, but now? Gosh, he’s so fun to write as. Easily a favorite of mine.
     For a while, I wrote as Demyx from Kingdom Hearts & it’s just, it was one of the more memorable experiences I’ve had. That sloth of a sitarist was a blast. Then there’s Prompto Argentum from FFXV, & wow, I’d never been welcomed into a fandom so immediately & warmly. Plus??? Literal ray of sunshine??? I can’t not love???
     I… I really am terrible at choosing xD All of my muses are important to me in their own ways, & all of them favorites.
ღ ━ favorite canon ships for your muse(s). are there any you dislike?
     Would it be strange if I said that I haven’t the slightest idea? If we’re talking about romantic ships, then there’s… honestly, there is no muse for Ravio that I’ve looked at & gone “there, that one. I must ship with that one.” Sometimes, I need little prompting to jump on board a ship. Other times, I need a decent amount of chemistry; I need interactions & bonding & just, all that fun stuff. With Ravio, thus far… nothing’s really happened yet?
     Canonly, it’s difficult. In the game, Ravio didn’t… There are not a ton of interactions there, & definitely nothing that screamed to me that love is in the air. The two canon ships I see most for Ravio are with Princess Hilda & Link, but those are also two that I, personally, am unsure how I feel about? I can see why people like them, honestly, & it’s not that I dislike them either, it’s more… It’s more that, when I look at them, what I see is either on the friendship side of things, or familiar. & I kind of love that? As those are two of the most important types of relationships to me?
     The thing with shipping too is, I automatically assume that no one is interested xD Though I like to ship, it’s not something I feel to strongly for just because I’m to shy to approach anyone about it. Even if chemistry were to occur, who knows if anything would come from it unless it were explicitly stated that hey, the other mun is interested. It’s something people would probably need to scream at me for me to get the message.
☀ ━ how long have you been roleplaying? how did you get into it?
     Nine years! Ish. It might be closer to eight, & almost nine but not quite. I’m not entirely certain what the date I started was. Either way, it’s been a lot longer than I ever thought it would be, lol.
     As for how I got into it, there was some dress up site that I used to go on for fun. Things such as clubs were there, with new ones listed on the main page that cycled with each refresh. One day I stumbled upon one with “RP” in the title. Curious as I was, I peeked my head in there & thus began my descent into this wonderful madness.
◈  ━ share some headcanons that you have for a muse of your choosing
     I’ve only just started ALBW’s for the first time in two years, so I’m still figuring out what I headcanon & whatnot. One thing I’ve been learning towards for awhile though, ( & maybe it’s not a headcanon so much as something everyone has already thought up & I’m just late to the party ) but… where did Ravio get all of his weapons?
     I once thought that Ravio had simply stolen them from the castle or something along those lines, & perhaps that is where some of them originated, but… in this series, where do you usually gain your weapons? Dungeons. Which is one reason as to why I like to believe that Ravio ventured into the dungeons of Lorule ahead of time, just far enough to retrieve the item.
     Yes, one of Ravio’s most notable traits is cowardice, but look at all of the moments where he displays bravery. He stood up to his friend, which takes a lot of guts. &, he left his home, the only place he’s ever known, to aid the hero. To aid a foreign land, at the cost of his own. That… that’s not easy to do. Who’s to say that, upon hearing of the loot inside, he couldn’t have mustered up the courage to enter the dungeons in preparation of assisting Link? For both of their land’s sake?
     That’s not to say I believe he fought his way through the dungeons. I’m honestly not sure Ravio knows how to properly wield the weapons at his disposal, not without being stricken by fear in the face of danger. However, Ravio is nothing is not cunning. With enough of that, stealth, & determination, I like to think he could have found his way through.
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