#did yall end up here knowing that or should i explain what that means............
tartt9 · 9 months
me making one post and then watching one (1) episode of foundation to come back to my notifs like
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lomlhotchner · 8 days
❛ ethereal! ❜ … aaron hotchner
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warnings: plus size!reader, talks about insecurities, talks abt body image issues and insecurities, but it gets a little suggestive towards the end ;)
a/n: comfort fic for big girls like me <3 i wrote this when i was feeling a little down and i didn’t have the gut to finish it but here we go 🤍 i know everyone is probably tired of a chubby!reader fic where she is insecure but believe me when i say that every fic i write i always have a plus size reader in mind, this is just more specific i hope this doesn’t rub yall the wrong way 🫶
main masterlist!
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you are bigger than what society claims how you should be. you always shop in the guys station when you're out because the large sizes in the girls area just didn't make sense. you have more flesh and fat in some areas that sometimes it makes you insecure but other times make you feel like you're pretty.
you do think you’re pretty.
but when you don’t, you just don’t.
to be with someone is to also accept their flaws and problems. and aaron thinks he has a lot of problems. problems that can be seen as a burden for some people.
but not to you.
never to you.
“hey sweetheart.” aaron muttered in a small voice as he wrapped his hands around your hips. head tucking in the crook of your neck. “you look absolutely stunning.” he press kisses at the sides of your neck making you flush.
“thank you, baby.” turning your head to give his lips a soft peck. your eyes moved back to the mirror in front of you, staring at your reflection. the sage green dress didn’t look the same on you as it did on the first time. a frown takes over your face.
aaron picks up on this immediately, “what’s wrong?” his rough hands massaging your chubby hips. his chin resting on your shoulder, as he stared into your eyes through the mirror.
“nothing.” you shook your head, eyes turned downwards, “i just liked the way i looked in this dress last week. now, it’s just— i don’t know. it’s different now.”
a sigh made aaron furrow his eyebrows, “what do you mean? you look gorgeous then, you look gorgeous now.” he insisted, thumbs softly caressing your sides.
you shrugged, you didn’t know how to explain it. “i don’t now, its just weird. i have this thing were if i look at myself for too long then i’ll notice everything that’s wrong with me.” inside of your cheeks bitten in frustration, you don’t like being weak in front of aaron. not when he’s so strong.
aaron’s heart dropped at your words. he turned you around, eyes determined and sharp, “you are the most beautiful, precious, prettiest person i have laid my eyes on.” he started, your mouth opened to reject but one look from aaron has you shutting your mouth, “and you’re so so sexy.” he almost whines, forehead pressing against yours. “i sometimes can’t think straight when i look at you.” the corners of your mouth curved upwards, making aaron melt, “i love everything about you.” a kiss to your nose, “and i know my words won’t probably shut those nasty thoughts in your head i hope i can at least quiet them.”
“aaron-“ your eyes widen as he went on his knees, his slacks straining against his thighs, “you’re gonna be late for work-“
he ignored you, grabbing the back of your thick thighs, scrunching the dress of your fabric up, making way for his lips to attack your skin, “you’re so hot.” a nibble on your thigh made you whimper, “fuck, i love the sounds you make.”
your hands went to tangle in his dark locks, “baby, you don’t have to do this-“
he groaned, breath hot on your skin, “i love it when you call me baby.” his fingers trailed the edge of your panties. squeezing the soft fat there, “you’re fucking ethereal. heaven sent just for me.” he whispered, leaving kisses all around your thighs. “you are everything to me.” he repeated, his brown eyes looking up at you softly, molten irises full of love and desire for you.
for you.
for you.
for you.
“everything.” he whispered softly, begging— pleading for you to understand.
and maybe these insecurities won’t fully go away, but aaron definitely did help made you feel better. so much better.
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reblog for a kiss 💋
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kakiastro · 6 months
April 8th Solar Eclipse: A time for healing & moving on
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The first big event is upon us friends! I wanted to really break down what this solar eclipse can mean for us collectively. There’s so much fear lingering, misinformation and people just talking crazy about this.
First and foremost, eclipse happens every year so there’s no need to fear it but you should learn to respect its significance and spiritual backgrounds.
The reason this eclipse is getting widespread attention because subconsciously it’s calling us all to heal and step into a brand new chapter. This eclipse is conj Chiron exact and the NN(North Node). I’ll explain, keep reading.
Eclipse has always been symbolic for the endings and ushering a new beginning in your life. The etymology of the word eclipse means “fail to appear” and “to leave” things that no longer is good for us and is exiting out our lives whether we like it or not. Soul growth is at play here.
Solar(Sun) has always been related to leaders. now in our personal lives, it effects a certain part of our life. Depends on the house(area in life) the sign Aries is ruling for you.
Aries is the first zodiac sign, it’s the start of the spring season and always represents the start of new beginnings. Aries also rules over our actions, motivations. Aries rules over Men and masculine dom people. Aries rules the head, aggression, fighting. Leadership is also ruled by this sign.
The solar eclipse will be happening at the 19°(Libra degree)
Now we just had a Lunar Eclipse in Libra so this is just a continuation story.
19° is known as a karmic degree
Now the SN was conj this Lunar eclipse which means we started removing what no longer serves. This will be a theme for all of us for the next 4 years.
Now the Solar eclipse will conj the NN, so we’re in the phase of letting go while also starting new and trying to find ourselves.
Chiron will conj thiss eclipse exact. Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” but it’s also a teacher. We, as a collective is healing our wounds that we may have been holding on for a long time. Purge and release baby! Use this energy to purge and release so you can step into the new you and life!
Now whenever a planet enters a sign, we have to look a the signs planetary ruler to get a better glimpse of the energy.
Aries is ruled by Mars which is currently in Pisces. So this eclipse in a way is spiritual. Pisces is also the last zodiac and represents end of cycles, so this rotates back to Chiron and healing. A lot of subconscious things are being brought to the surface.
This is also a mental eclipse because Mercury is Rx in Aries. We are going to be communicating that hurt out loud. You may have moments of feeling triggered or what the tarot community calls a tower moment. Honey, I’m here to tell yall to let that tower fall and crumble because it’s time to start building that castle you hear me! 🗣️
We are healing mind, body and soul. Will it be easy? Nope! Will it be rewarding in the long run? You bet!
This solar eclipse energy will last for 2 years and including the lunar eclipse which is 4 years so a total of 6 years of this cycle of Aries/Libra storyline will wrote. Both eclipse heaviest energy last for 6month-year.
If you’re wondering how I calculated this, I did it based on how long each eclipse last. Solar is 2 hours and the lunar was 4 hours. Then I just added it together.
The only advice I would give anyone regarding this eclipse is to not look up at the eclipse without some type of solar sunglasses or you could mess up your eyesight. I personally don’t in believe looking at the sun at all during eclipse, but just soak in the energy, meditate, heal, write out your goals. I know some people are curious and there’s free will but I wouldn’t be a good astrologer if I didn’t tell you to please take eye precautions before yall do look up!
Also since this energy will be intense, headaches may happen so get some Tylenol or just a cold towel over your head!
No need to be scared, I know change is hella uncomfortable but it’s necessary! I’m wishing everyone the best with this energy!
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littletealights · 3 months
What makes you think that Arthur is a person of color? :0 just curious.
so, at first, i thought it was me projecting but i think the first clue i got was eddie. yall might think i’m being dramatic but eddie was…suspicious from the get-go. in a normal situation like this, there’s actually 0% chance that it turns out the way it did for arthur.
but that’s beside the point. eddie knocks on the door and receives an unhurried response. he walks away to do.. whatever it is he was doing. arthur comes to the door, opens it, looks around and picks up some trash, muttering to himself. suddenly eddie has urgent business inside the office with a. flimsy excuse at best. strike one.
we, as the audience, know that arthur is being shifty because he’s just killed a man. eddie has been told, quite convincingly, that arthur was moving… boxes or something (im looking at the transcript, arthur just says ‘not furniture’ so…). and that arthur is working with sensitive documents. not sure if you know this but private detectives have to work with proper authorities to be allowed to operate legally. that means they work with the police and the courts. when a PI says a document is sensitive, they mean legally. they mean eyes only. they mean ‘come back later or i could lose my fucking license because you got the wrong look at classified documents.’ a building manager, especially their building manager, should know that. strike two.
he also asks for arthur’s partner, peter yang (who is, i can only assume, an east asian man). i should hope that i dont have to remind you that this is massachusetts in the 30’s we’re talking about, and what that means logically. but i will. america hated asian people the most they ever did until COVID in the 30s through the 60s. the only people they hated more were black and brown people. no matter how shifty and suspicious arthur was acting, eddie would’ve been… let’s just say ‘incredibly unlikely’ to ask for peter instead of the white man. strike three
there’s some little bits about subvocals and tone that i could say, but it’d be a lot and i don’t fully understand it enough to explain well why eddie set off alarms for me. because i dont have to. it takes 5 minutes (from 11:48-16:09 on spotify, so nearly exactly) for eddie to go from inconvenient, to annoying, to suspicious, to violent. and he ends the conversation with a very real threat of violence that essentially boils down to ‘don’t come back to the building again.’ eddie is a maintenance man. he did not have the power to evict anyone. unless, of course, they were a poc. so why was arthur worried about eddie when sneaking back into the building?
but, like i said, i thought i was projecting. projection and being-on-the-lam can easily explain arthur’s hesitance when delivering the baby and asking for a ride. or the gunshop in part 6. but the lighthouse? no, what really solidified it for me was the end of part 8.
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here’s what officer collin knows so far: a visibly disabled man has stumbled, confused and upset, away from a lighthouse and a body that CANNOT have been killed by a human; and it is dark outside. that’s it. using this knowledge, he then proceeds to beat said man. brutally. repeatedly.
in part 9 they learn he is blind and when that timid little fucker (mitchell) expresses doubt, collin says this
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this is something we like to call coerced confession. arthur did not kill that man (the lighthouse keeper). officer collin knows that arthur didn’t kill that man. (dont play, he knows.) but because it is convenient to say that he did, they’ll threaten and torture him until he says that he did.
now, friends, i’m not going to lie to your face and say that white folk are safe from the cops, youre not, i know. but what im also not going to do is pretend like there os any world in which this happens and arthur is visibly white. not in the thirties, not in america. despite being forgotten or unmentioned they are in the midst of the great depression, the exact last thing these small-town cops need is the arrest of a blind white man on their hands. regardless, i have never ever heard of a cop speaking this way to a white person unprovoked. i, on the other hand, have been spoken to this way myself.
this is already quite long and it doesn’t even cover the sheer magnitude of people who feel comfortable calling arthur (at his grown ass age of visibly-an-adult) ‘boy.’ or the wicked and downright racist way that larson says it, (genuinely. it sounds like he’s a middle school boy who discovered the word ‘fagg*t’ for the first time the way he says it. i couldn’t tell you how many times that word (boy) drove an ice pick through my fucking skull this season.) but i hope you can at least get the picture.
original post is here
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halfusek · 1 year
man. batdr archives. what
i hate them
sorry im gonna go full on hater mode here because oh my god? oh my god
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i’ve got a sneaking suspicion that this came out now as damage control for the AI thing because 1. it wasn’t included in the game all along like BATIM’s archives were and 2. this tweet
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like was it thrown together in such a rush that they forgot a whole ass character?
or it is a joke and was a planned action half a year after the game came out but eh who knows
either way this is not what i’m here to rant about (cuz im sure this is gonna turn to a rant)
it’s about bad writing, bad exposition and bad game design. buckle up!
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i see what they mean with the smile being a challenge to create, you can see in countless animations for fansongs how different artists tackled that and for one i think they did that very well
however. why the clothes exactly? is it just a meta reason with no reasoning in-universe whatsoever?
and look i’m not a fan of the ink demon having a voice (though i respect the craft behind it, the voice actor is very talented, it’s just a personal preference) BUT if you made the ink demon talk you should by logical extension either make toon bendy talk as well or explain why the hell he’s talking? i can see it being distracting but there are characters that have squeaky annoying voices in games and they’re fine (and it’s not like toon bendy is around the player for a super long time)
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i dunno what logic this whole thing operates on anymore but if joey commissioned the ink machine then it should be his and arch gate got all his shit after he passed away so idk what retrieve is supposed to mean here
but it could just be badly written sentences and the archive is full of those (once again making me think that the thing was done in a rush)
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that’s fair i guess
yall did make him look like a generic demon tho
i mean... it could be worse? if the goal was to make him look out of place then it was achieved but idk if it’s actually a good thing
i do like the bit about Wilson influencing how things look under him being in control of the cycle (though they have a very silly definition about what the cycle is but more about that later)
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dude. the beast bendy design was already bad in BATIM and they made it even worse in BATDR like what TToTT
its just an angry mountain of muscles, the batim design at least had that leg injury thing going on which made moving with front arms make more sense, this dude right here is just a big inky gorilla (and not in a good way)
playing as the final form in on itself isnt a bad idea, does sound quite fun, personally tho i did not enjoy the very ending on the game
i dunno it just felt weird and all the other characters randomly appearing and the lost ones attacking being so awkward and ink demon acting as if they could kill you... nah man i wasn’t feeling it
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okay so lets get this straight
cycle = a series of events that repeat
breaking the cycle would mean doing something different and stopping the cycle from continuing (so what... wilson was doing actually)
saying that making it restart again is what breaking it means is just??? no?
“satisfying face reveal” welp. each to their own XD
i see their purpose theme and thats neat and all but man do i hate how henry in this game is just. there and how some stranger is the person helping him get out of his horrible fate like its sooooooo unsatisfying
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yeah she got more personality ill give her that
but she’s not a beacon of hope. she’s a beacon of tearing away the satisfaction of defeating a villain that we as the player worked hard towards
and uh... isn’t getting thrown into a horrible dimension full of monsters that audrey isn’t familiar with and is supposed to be freaked out about a bad moment to introduce a familiar face? like from a writing perspective, because it happens nearly instantly as chapter one starts
shouldn’t audrey be unmotivated then and struggling to figure out the world on her own? the player should also be haunted at this world, like it’s a horror game bestie ! don’t make me comfortable
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well glad to hear the confirmation on that batds is happening in pararel to batdr
but his involvement in the main story is honestly such a nothing burger
is he there just so you can put batdr on the “can you pet the dog” site?
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oh ok so what you’re basically putting down here is that he’s a boring perfect extremely rich guy, wasn’t even a bad father, completely stripping wilson’s arc of depth, cool, was afraid there would be something of substance powering the backbone of the plot of this game
and saying that both joey and wilson are worse people because theyre cringefail at business XDDDDDDDDDDD
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ok here is something that im glad they addressed because ive been wondering about it - how audrey forgot that joey was her dad and how did she end up working at arch gate then
i suppose it implies that there’s something we might still learn/theorize about it, like for example if it was the machine drawing her in or gent wanting to get the machine back and manipulating things into place from behind the scenes
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i really wonder how you can enter in and out the ink realm unnaturally but good to mention why he looks like that if he’s supposed to be nathan’s son
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you cant just say that a character was important to the story, its not gonna happen from words
how is she important exactly? she just talks and uh.. helps audrey make the drink that makes you fall asleep? man that section of the game was Weird
i do want to like her, she seems nice and there could be interesting things to her backstory but as for the plot she really didn’t do much, sorry, betty
if you wanna say that pushing the plot forward by giving audrey that drink and then alice appearing outta nowhere and kidnapping here is a good big contribution then idk what to tell you... its such a bad way to make the plot progress, it was so confusing because characters were behaving as in forced to do Things to Progress the Plot (especially Audrey drinking that thing at all like seriously girl?? and Alice appearing comically at the last sip like wooooooow are you for real)
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ah. so they were attempting a redemption arc
[saying this he didn’t threw aside the large rock. he was right to be holding the large rock]
this sucks man! what did joey help correct exactly? created more ink people to suffer eternally? wow, dude, thanks
also lmao what learned from his mistakes, did you HEAR his dialogue at the end of batim?? (an audrey can be heard right after that scene as well so isnt his whole change of heart supposed to be happening around here + allison has already been added to the squad)
it’s just... it’s just such bullshit man
you can make us like joey as a character but don’t you fucking dare make us like him as a person
bad. just bad
(aaaaaand this is the part that made me realize i wish the archives just. weren’t added! wow! i’m even surprised with myself with how much I Don’t Like them)
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WHAT flaws??? hello??? please give it a big thinking and tell me what flaws does Audrey have im shaking and crying
also is her “deep dark past” supposed to just be like bEINg JoEY DRewS DAUghtER OOOoooOOo? lmao. wow so dark wow so deep
i dont know why this story needed a fresh pair of eyes because the story is that audrey is joeys daughter and that wilson is nathan archs son and that bendy is bendy. wow so deep so dark and complicated!!!!!!!11!!111
also whats the point of fresh eyes if you welcome us with familiar faces?
also sorry to break this to you but its not hard to stand out from the kinda cast that is presented to us in this game. sorry i cant decide if i care more about audrey or random employee number 24 with a random problem that i have 0 reason or time to get attached to. i seriously cant decide
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suuuure we were so muddled xD oh you got us so good you sneaky little cheeky little quirky little
cant fucking believe we almost had a proper nathan arch jr and a secret one eyed villain that there was so much hype about and theories that they obviously tried to deliever here
its speculative but. knowing that they take inspiration from fan theories - they admitted to it and ex employees said so, i think we would have to be in some serious denial to think that @lucky-dreamfisher​‘s one-eyed bendy theory wasn’t meant to be represented here with wilson’s character
this story makes so much LESS sense based on what you said! aaaaaaaa we were so close to greatness
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what is so wrong with not resetting the cycle then?
not that im a fan of how wilson was approaching things, he very clearly wanted to make himself the ruler of this realm and have power over everyone but sounds like that sure beats living under ink demons reign?
but also idk if this is entirely true like in batim chapter 5 we can see that lost ones were capable of making that lost harbour and sammy is later mentioned to have mastered a special ability too so??
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i wish we learned more about the pit because it sounds quite interesting and we were working hard towards getting there and finally didnt get to see it at all (a shame! very unrewarding to the player)
im not gonna comment on reverting here cuz its a serious mental thing im not knowledgable about
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i haaaate this
you... this is not how exposition is done!
show don’t tell?? how about SHOW don’t TELL??
what in the goddamn. you can’t just pull that outta your ass and say yep. this is how it is. bro. dude.
im referring here to the ink machine bit, the previous sentences can actually be seen in the story
but the design does not reflect what is written here
and they are doing so much of that in these archives, this telling of the story in a place that is not meant for telling of the story, you do that IN the STORY. rarghrgrh
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surprise i found another nice thing: confirmation on that alice was the one who mutilated the butcher gang, cuz i dont think that was ever confirmed before but at least you can find implications of that in the game so its fine to outright confirm that here, good job about that
i dont know what theyre on about carley, she doesnt really look like that to me and ive looked at her model in the archives, in the files and at peoples renders of her and i just dont see it
but i guess it might mean it was like a suit that someone got stuck in- FNAF?!>!!>!?
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no way. no fucking way
we got robbed what ToT
he was removed in favour of WHAT???? AMOK????
dude there ill be real. there’s barely anything that is worth keeping there instead of having him play a bigger role
and im not even that big on sammys character! hes one of my least liked characters personally even! but at least there is something more to him and just man after 5 years you could have given him more than just a dumb wilhelm scream joke, that almost feels like a spat in the face lmao
thanks for again confirming something though with that flow thing, as we noticed sammy uses gaps in the wall in batim chapter 2 to travel around the place
why not have him teach audrey the flow ability? imagine how could that would have been
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im just baffled this exist but sammy apparently had to be cut out
moving on
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my brother in christ why are you making it a mystery if she will appear, she literally appeared in every game so far with quite major roles
also... what layers? sure in batim with her story (susie’s story) there sure been some layers, susie’s story in batim is probably aside from joey’s story the deepest character arc they got
but alice in batdr? she’s there to play a stupid game she set herself up to lose, get mad at that (eh?) shoot you and die
what layers, really
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but also idk i found the fight annoying and random, you could throw it out and not much of value would be lost, put sammy back in
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idk if id describe the ink demon as putting the player on edge because he doesnt actually roam the place
you see a grey overlay on your screen and you need to hide or you die... which gets tiring fast and annoying
you totally could still have lurker (even if just restricted to some areas) as a free roaming monster
and the unlikely ally thing is just so bland like yeah he’s there, we know nothing about him aside from that he eats hearts, incredibly charming fella 
not thrilled by his design either but that issue i already had with the first trailer but i guess they just sticked with that
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bendy devs not use mental illnesses as derogatory terms challenge
i like the crab boy design, he’s sillay
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bro forgot a texture tho
so yeah not. happy with the archives
sorry if im like overly negative but ive honestly tried to give this sequel (because despite what they were saying it IS undoubtedly a sequel) my best assumptions and it turns out its nearly all the worst assumptions
its annoying, im annoyed
they should hire a writer to help them get this mess together, maybe get adrienne in on it, i dunno, because clearly if they need to be specific and not leaving things open like in batim, then they arent managing very well
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they even fucking killed harold
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dayseedrawz2 · 8 months
Okokok, Its time to stop mentally preparing... (for Pomni AND me in this case cuz I sorta regret doing this-) this part is probably gonna be longer than the first
[also tagging @sm-baby again. I'm sorry if I'm infiltrating you notifications but if I tagged you in the first it makes sense to tag you in the rest of the parts]
Here is part one of the Fic:
Okay now here we go again...
☆Settings for two☆
Pomni, not having much to do while waiting for Caine and the others, just sat on the floor on the stage. Letting herself stare off into space, with the thought of escape still circling her head.
Caine was gone for a bit longer than she thought he'd be. She thought he would just snap his fingers and bring the cast out against their will. Ya know, like the oblivous AI that he is. Or at least he appeard to be to her... Then she heard the distant bustling and chatting of the others getting closer:
"Do we really have to do this for her??"
"I guess so. But I don't quite mind."
"Yeah, whatever. I just think it's stupid that he's involving us..."
"The only thing stupid about it is that he's involving you, Jax."
"Oh, settle down, guys! I think it's really sweet of him!"
"Shut up, Dollface!"
"C-can you guys stop arguing..?"
"Oh! Of course! Sorry, Gangle."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
"Let's just get the day over with..."
Pomni got up as they all lined up side by side in the center of the room. But She was still a bit confused...
"What on earth were they talking about..?"
The thought lingerd with her, but it didn't invade her mind as much as the inevitable effect of her plan. But her train of thought again was interrupted by the voice of Caine bursting into their muffled conversations:
"Good morning again, my superstars!"
He swooped around the corner, approaching from the direction of the hallway.
"I hope you all are excited for today's adventure! This one is sure to be a doozy!"
He began to explain the rules of the adventure. "Something Something, the grounds, blah blah blah, Something about the Carnival? Or perhaps it was the Lake?" Not like she would know. She wasn't paying much attention. Again, all that was on her mind was the idea of leaving. When finally she tuned back in to Caine as he wrapped up his speach:
"Alright everyone! I hope you all enjoy the adventure! Stay safe and have fun!"
And POOF! Caine and the others was teleported to who knows where.
Execpt, for Pomni?
She started to panic a bit:
"Im still here!? Should've known not to get my hopes up... Maybe he set that door there as a trap like the others..."
Well, at least she was alone...
"Pomni!? What're you still doing here!?"
"Oh God..."
He snapped in attempt to fix what he thought was some sort of bug on his end.
Nothing happened.
Another snap.
He began to grow visibly frustrated, continually snapping as he spoke:
"M-my apologies, dear! There seems to be something wrong with-"
He turned to see the blue door slightly open. Pomni grew worried:
"Oh god... Did he see me in there?? Is he gonna do something to me??"
To her surprise, upon connecting the dots, he simply laughed it off:
"Haha! It appears someone got into the old settings room!"
"I told Bubble to quit messing with code without permission! I'll be giving him a stern talking to later..."
Though still tense, she let out a releived sigh:
"Sorry again, my dear! I guess this means you'll have to sit out of today's adventure!"
"I-it's fine, Caine. If that's all, I'll just head back to my room now-"
His response was a bit more panicked than usual:
"I-I'm afraid you can not go to your room at this time..."
This, of course, alarmed her:
"Wh- I- why not..?"
"You should be in the adventure right now, so even if you tried, the place would glitch like crazy!"
"Oh... well, uh- now what?"
"I... I'm not sure. This hasn't really happened before..."
It was a bit off-putting seeing Caine this quiet. Normally, he's always bugging her and the others with his antics. Not that she would prefer if he did, just- it didn't feel right that he wasn't.
Caine to must have realized just how akward it felt. He attempted to continue the conversation:
"Ya know, lately a lot of things have happened here that haven't happened before since you got here! It's pretty funny now that I think about it!"
"R-really? Like what..?"
"Well, if I knew, I would tell you! Haha!"
She wasn't quite sure what he was implying. "Was it some sorta joke? A reference?"
"S-sorry, what? I don't quite get it..."
"Well, as a not human being, I have been trying to learn as much as I can from you humans! I want to make sure that this place is as normal and comfortable as it can be!"
As he continued, he seemed more down to earth than he usually was:
"I tried to ask everyone for information about the human world, but either they say they don't remember or they just don't answer me at all."
This answer from Caine caught Pomni very off guard. She didn't expect him to open up to something like this. Especially to her.
"Gee, well- I-"
"But the feedback you gave me this morning, It made me realize. Perhaps I have been asking the wrong questions?"
She wasn't sure how to answer. Never has she been good at giving good feedback, but still she decided to give her best- "advice" You could say.
"You mean you should ask more about their personal issues with the place? Well- it might be different for everyone, but it might give you at least a few of the answers you're looking for? I-"
She was cut off by Caine rapidly shaking her hand:
"Why thank you again, my dear, for your feedback! Hopefully, this will improve everyone's stay!"
The rapid hand-shaking continued:
"Y-you're welcome?"
The shaking finally stopped, making Pomni almost fall forward:
"Well then, I suppose we should wait for the others' return."
"Yeah... I guess we'll be here for a while, heh."
He checked his WackyWatchTM:
"My! It's already almost over! They will be here any minute now!"
"Wait, really?"
"If my WackyWatchTM is right! It's as if it only started not even 5 minutes ago! Ha! That's one more odd thing that's happened since you've been here! Care to explain that one?"
Pomni had to think about that one for a moment. She hadn't had this sort of experience for a while:
"Well, if i remember, humans usually are unaware of time when doing something fun or being around someone that they enjoy being around."
This answer seemed to peak his interest even more:
"I am surprised that you are even willing to share this information with me! Is there anything else?"
As their conversation continued, Pomni thought:
"Huh... maybe this guy really does have good intentions..."
And there! Cut! End part! I can't write anymore-
Stay tuned for the third and final part!
(It is 1 am for me rn and I started at like 10 or 11 oh my goodness)
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2braincellslz · 2 years
Hello you need request?? I got you! Steven harrington x Male y/n who act like a father to the kids And Steven And male y/n act like a married couple
Hope you have a amazing Day/night
-night anon
You Are Their Mom
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Ship: Steve Harrington x Male!reader
Desc: its pouring. Like really really pouring. The whole gang is locked in, including the kids. Steve takes on his natural role of Mom-dad
Notes: I feel pretty good about this one. Also I got a new haircut and I dont like it. Has nothing to do with the fic, just thought yall should know.
It was pouring. Nobody was getting in or out unless they wanted to get soaked. 
Nobody was complaining, getting to hang out with your friends and maybe having a sleepover was fantastic. The only person who was whining about it, was Will who left all his DnD stuff back at his place.
Right now, the gang was all huddled around Steve's TV, watching a tragic love story called Dr. Zhivago. It was Robin's choice, much to Steve's displeasure. 
¨Y/n.¨ Y/n glanced over at Lucas. ¨ Can we go play in the rain.¨
Y/n shrugged. ¨I don't make the decisions around here, go ask Steve.¨ Y/n whispered back, watching him and Dustin crawl their way over to Steve and ask him the same question.
¨what? No, are you kidding me?¨ Steve said, a lot louder than Y/n, causing everyone to look at the man who disturbed their movie.
¨aw, why not?¨ Dustined whined, flopping back against the chair Eddie was sitting in.
¨because you are going to get cold and then you are going to get sick.¨
¨but the movie is getting boreing.¨ El added.
¨let them play out in the rain, they can all take a shower after.¨ Y/n leaned closer to his boyfriend, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Out of the corner of Y/n's eye, he saw Eddie lean closer to Robin and Nancy, causing them to giggle slightly. 
¨fine, but if i have to watch them then you have to watch them.¨ Steve huffed, standing up and stretching.
¨ Fine by me.¨ You also got up, causing the kids to cheer.
¨ Wait, you guys are just going to leave me to third wheel Nancy and Robin?Eddie asked.
¨excuse you.¨ Johnathan smiled, his statement generating a few chuckles but most of the kids were already running to the door to pull on their shoes.
¨wow, it really is coming down hard.¨ Y/n said as he pulled on his shoes.
¨thank you, captain obvious.¨ 
Y/n rolled his eyes, getting the door for Steve and the kids. 
¨first person to catch a raindrop in their mouth gets fifty bucks!¨ You called out and watched as the kids frantically tried to catch some rain.
¨are you really going to give them 50 bucks?¨ Steve asked, crossing his arms and shifting his weight onto one leg.
¨in monopoly money, yeah.¨ Y/n smiled, looking over at Steve with a sly look.
Steve couldn't help but chuckle, rubbing the bridge of his nose. ¨you are awful.¨
After about five minutes, Dustin came running over, claiming that he did it. To his disappointment, Y/n handed him the fake bill. He ran back to the group, yelling about how Y/n is a scam artist.
About an hour went by before the kids started to get bored again. Steve had run back inside to grab towles while you were stuck grading them. 
They each took turns using one of Steve's showers. After their showers, they would grab some of Steve's old clothes to wear while their clothes were being washed and dried.
Y/n and Steve found themselves back around the TV, watching the end of that sad sad movie. Steve was on the couch, sitting against the arm rest while Y/n was situated cuddling up against him.
¨ So, how are your kids, stevie?¨ Eddie asked, leaning over the armrest.
¨my kids? What is that supposed to mean?¨ Steve asked in a somewhat defensive manner.
¨well, you and Y/n act like their parents. So they are your kids.¨ Eddie explained.
¨I do not act like their dad. Steve gave a face like Eddie was crazy.
¨no, not their dad. Y/n acts like their dad.¨ Robin commented.
¨so i act like their mom?¨ Steve laughed slightly like it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard. But everyone else in the room just kinda nodded and agreed.
¨I swear, i dont act like their mom!¨ Steve threw his hands up into the air.
¨ Steve, I love you, but you do. You really truly do.¨ Y/n said, looking up at Steve from where he was sitting.
Steve rolled his eyes, huffing and relaxing back into the arm rest. 
¨five bucks says steve does something motherly when the kids get back.¨ eddie grind.
¨ten.¨ Johnath crossed his arms.
¨ten, free ten for me.¨ Eddie shrugged.
Sure enough, when Dustin came running back to watch more movies, Steve quickly set him off to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. Jonathan, who 100% knew he was going to lose, gave Eddie the cash.
Thank god Steve's family was big into camping. Steve left to set up the sleeping bag and inflatable beds. Girls in one room, meaning Max and El got a room all to themselves, and boys in another room. Y/n was sure a fight would break out when the boys started arguing over who would sleep on the air mattress and who would sleep on the bed. Jonathan passed out in the arm chair and Eddie was just going to take the couch. Nancy and Robin shared Steves parents room. Y/n and Steve took… well steves room. 
Steve let out a grone as he layed down, pulling the blanket over his head.
¨steve, dont brude. We where just joking around.¨ Y/n said, laying down and pulling burrito steve closer. 
¨mmmf…¨ steve tried to shimmy away.
¨babyy…¨ Y/n whined, kissing steve, or i guess the blanket.
¨mmmmmmmf…¨ steve continued to wiggle. 
¨you are going to ruin your hair under there.¨
Steve sighed, pulling the blanket down.
¨i hate you.¨
¨you love me.¨ Y/n smiled, kissing steves cheek.
¨sometimes? Wow, im so hurt.¨ 
Steve rolled his eyes, throwing the blanket over his boyfriend. Steve pulled Y/n closer to his chest and y/n started to rub circles in to steves back. 
¨its not bad to be motherly, steve. It just means that youll be a good dad when you grow up.¨ Y/n mumbled in to steves chest.
¨would you want kids?¨ steve asked, yawning.
Y/n hummed, thinking on it for a second. ¨ask me when im older.¨
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idkjustletmescroll · 3 months
Some incoherent ranting/rambling i guess
I really don't understand some people's obsession with fictional characters doing shitty things just conveniently...NOT KNOWING that they're bad?? Idk if that makes ANY sense at all it's 3 in the goddamn morning but let me explain--
I was doom scrolling, as one does, when I came across a tiktok of a marvel fan explaining why actually wanda maximoff had no idea what she was doing with the hex, which, sure, holds true for the BEGINNING of wandavision. But we're shown pretty clearly during the rest of the show that she knows what she's done, how it's affecting the townspeople, and that it's not real...she just needs it to be real. She can't cope with her ACTUAL reality. Her family is gone, and the ones that remain are busy dealing with their own traumas and families (i.e. clint, who I still argue WOULD have tried to find her and help her post-endgame, even if he desperately needed some downtime with his family--but moving on). I'm a wanda maximoff stan, she's my girl, my favourite, my one and only, but she's not a complete idiot. She knew what she was doing. I don't care that she did an objectively bad thing, I care about why she did it and kept on doing it--which is so much more interesting to me, anyways.
Alicent Hightower in HOTD? According to the writers, had no clue that, actually, years of talking about how aegon should be the heir to the throne would result in people ACTUALLY SCHEMING to get him on the throne, even though she seems to be heading the effort the entire time? Listen, the HOTD fandom is something else, and the way they talk about alicent genuinely scares me, but alicent being worried for her kids' safety, reluctantly cutting off all affection for Rhaenyra because she's genuinely terrified for her kids' lives, even just the spite of wanting her years of suffering and humiliation to mean something; alicent being both a ringleader and a pawn in a man's game, because ultimately she's resigned to the fact that the closest she can get to winning in this system (under this wheel, if you will), is finding the best man to propel to victory/be a pawn for because she as a woman will ultimately never be the victor herself--is SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING than "okay, yeah, she spent years declaring how unfit her ex-bff/stepdaughter is to rule, but she didn't know people would actually take that seriously...she just wants rhaenyra to be OKAY, yall..." (I have a lot of feelings about how the show wrote alicent, okay?)
And arcane is one of my favourite shows of all time, and I've been lucky enough to MOSTLY stay on the good side of the fandom, which, from my end, is usually pretty amazing with an appreciation for nuanced media. But it genuinely makes my blood boil when I see people claim that Vi "could have gone back for jinx on the bridge" (ep. 7), when the moment they're referencing is vi supporting an injured Caitlyn, who almost died by jinx's bombs, RIGHT AFTER JINX SHOT AT THEM BOTH, AND RIGHT AFTER EKKO TOLD VI TO GO. "She left her sister to get beat up--" everything in vi's face in that scene speaks to her reluctance. She's holding up a girl she's growing closer to, who could actually be grievously injured, and she knows, at this point, that jinx is irrational--jinx just shot at her. Like...we knew that vi wasn't going to die, but she could've really easily. Ekko says he'll handle it. There's another bomb. Vi goes back to look for jinx AS SOON as Caitlyn's sitting down somewhere relatively safe (at which point, you know, she sees jinx being picked up by silco and his sidekicks). The point is, people act, with scenes like this one, like jinx was chucking paint bombs, not shooting fucking bullets en masse. I love all the arcane characters; jinx is such an interesting one, and her hallucinations and delusions do tend to make us wonder how much responsibility we can rightfully place on her shoulders. But people are really out here acting like she didn't...almost kill vi and cait there? We, from jinx's perspective, know that she saw Caitlyn as the literal devil; from vi and cait's povs, she just kind of walked up and tried to kill them. Am I making my point yet?
Speaking of arcane, i hope in season 2 we get scenes of characters from piltover who are really rooting for the oppression of the undercity. Not because of what jinx did, not because of the war, not because they "just don't know" how bad it is...because they make a profit off of it, and for that they are perfectly content letting people become dependent on drugs and make their livings from dangerous work in factories and mines. The whole point of "the city of progress" is that it became what it was off the backs of the undercity. We get a lot of characters in season 1 REALIZING the conditions down there, but I want them realizing in season 2 that not everybody was sheltered, they were just making a profit. (I kind of want to see Heimerdinger called out, too. Like, yeah, he's fluffy and cute and stuff, but if he's the founder of piltover, he's also been there since the beginning of the undercity, and didn't care because immortality yada yada. Have I envisioned scenes of ekko calling vi a sellout and she's just like "bitch and who the fuck are you working with?" and everybody's miserable? Yes. Yes I have. And don't come for me, ekko is the mvp of this show. Let a girl dream).
Even people like Tony Stark...people be acting like he's not actually an asshole a lot of the time. Or that he didn't know what weapons did before he stopped distributing them. I like tony, he's entertaining. But I'm not going to act like I need him to be a saint who didn't know shit about the world or basic courtesies to like him.
Idk if fandoms are just weird like that, but you can like your fave even if they do shitty things. They don't always have to be helpless, or just too stupid to realize what's going on. I don't understand why so many people are opposed to being entertained by people who do shitty things. Where's the appreciation for the drama? The messiness? The chaos?
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
THIS IS MULTIFANDOM!! also most of these are either slander or made for being a silly joke <333 so please don't take this seriously
fandoms: genshin impact, bungou stray dogs, and honkai impact
genre: fluff, slander, and sillies (it progressively gets less and less serious)
enjoy my shitty hcs from like a year ago <333 (they are actually older lol) ALSO ARE EXTREMELY SHORT SINCE IM LITERALLY JUST TAKING WHAT I WROTE WITHOUT CHANGING IT AND PUTTING IT OVER ON HERE LMAOASBHJAS (there's only so much space on paper </3)
chara list!!: albedo, kazuha, xiao, diluc, heizou, fu hua (sentience), scaramouche, aponia, dazai, ranpo, poe, ANDDD nikolai!!
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-"its all for an experiment" he says
-lil bitch ok sure
-probably gonna study what this feeling is when he holds your hand and "why he feels so warm on the inside"
-acts like he doesnt care that much but bros probably gonna draw yall holding hands like a 13 year old drawing in her diary 💀
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-i love him but
-probably would make a poem about how your hand feels 😭
-he would be so cute tho ngl
-i mean just as always but also like
-please hold his hand he just loves you so much and along with words of affirmation physical contact seems to be his thing
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-"wow y/n when you hold my hand the voices cease their calls for me to go to taco bell, thank you y/n."
-TAKE ME HIGHH AND ILL SINGGGG YOU MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY OHKAY OHKAY OHKAY (if you know that song here's your free kiss <33)
-and then you get married the end
-W H Y D I D I W R I T E T H I S B Y E -
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-could give less of a shit
-but for the sake of being a gentleman he says thank you and then continues bat manning sillily.
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-"y/n holding hands is cool but i think we should start an investigation of how fast we could make it to my place ;)"
-KILL YOURSELF. (please dont lead the way my silly detective <33)
-this gif makes me want to impulsively eat vanilla cake.
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-*holds hand* look at the beautiful sight ahead of us Y/N! no i did not make that fire-"
-fu hua arsonist era
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-"y/n holding hands is great but why don't we open our arms and eyes to god"
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-"i can always hold more then your hand~"
-a flirty bitch, but yall got chuuya knocking on your door asking you to "control your dog"
-ironic how chuuya is the one who says that
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-will hold your hand for payments
-affection?? candy??? candys nuts fit in your mouth because they sure are about to <33 (i want to erase what i write sometimes)
-gets so happy omg
-not only does he have candy, you, but NOW he gets to hold your hand too>!1/!?!?
-wow he might as well steal from a candy store at this point
-might as well
-he swears it was an accident
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-poe held your hand with such sweetness, care, tenderness, love, and affection
-karl pulls up in his Mazarati, ready to throw hands once and for all, how DARE someone get more attention then karl
-poe has some explaining to do
-(i wonder how high i was when i wrote these)
-(i think i was 5'5)
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-so you go to hold his hand in y/n fashion
-suddenly you almost get hit by a bus
-"shit my bad wrong item"
-you stare in utter confusion at the bus as it suddenly vanishes like a fucking mob from minecraft or some shit
-nikolai god arc confirmed real
-so anyways you suddenly feel warmth on your hand on you see another fucking hand gripping yours but its literally just the hand detached from the body
-you are extremely scared and concerned why there's another hand gripping yours out of nowhere but with nikolai anything is possible so you just accept it and hold his hand back
-he giggles and nikolais away with the hand still holding yours
the voices
alos my reqs are always open
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c6jpg · 4 months
dainsleif quest
the lore drops. fucking impeccable. but also i feel edged the fuck on. like we learned a liiiiiiiitle but also get 10 thousand unanswered questions as well
that's pretty standard for dainsleif quests though ig
the quest itself. can we even call that a quest it was so anticlimatic ajkdfladjsf like just content-wise i think that genuinely might have been our worst dainsleif quest the lore was CARRYING this shit and all we got was more questions and it felt SO short
as an aside its also criminal how long apart these quests are bc i honestly already kinda forgot what happened in the previous one (caribert) and i had to like. really use my brain to remember the lore we got then
just in general like. my mind was exploding when we were talking about the five sinners of khaenri'ah. i want to learn more about them so bad
"i'll tell you all you want to know" YOU'RE NOT TELLING US ENOUGH DAINSLEIF ELABORATE
ngl when we first saw caribert i actually thought this might be dainsleif's brother and i was like NOOOOOOOOOO THEY CAN'T NPC DAIN'S BRO
i just KNOWWW his brother is gonna be so sexy whenever they reveal him. sorry i had to say it. anyways.
caribert man... his whole deal honestly felt like a sidequest within the quest but that was sad :(
not to be a #scarastan but i was just thinking so hard about the parallels between caribert and scara, implanting vs removing oneself from the memories of the world. both doing it to bring comfort to others, even if futile. i'm not smart enough to expand on this but i'm sure yall know what i mean
anyways okay. so the loom of fate can weave ley lines, that name makes sense now. now can literally anybody please explain what the fuck yall want to do with it
honestly the twin reunion scene felt kinda. idk. flat? like i was more hyped about the abyss twin vs dainsleif part kadjlsflds (speaking of which the way dain clenched his fist lmaooooooo i was just thinking of that one arthur meme)
i do love the detail that the twins call each other by their canon names though
was kind of 🙄 when we got hit with the "yeah btw you won't remember any of this once we're out of here." okay plot convenience
actually is it even plot convenience? like literally what harm would there have been of the traveler remembering???? what are they gonna do???? the only actionable thing of substance we learned was that the loom of fate was completed which dainsleif should have figured out anyways since he got the eye taken from him????????
actually i think it was great that dainsleif got bamboozled though. dude has been carried by plot armor for too long
sea of flowers mention interesting (i have no thoughts on this just interesting esp since i'm pretty sure that's the place shown in the teyvat trailer)
so basically confirmed the heavenly principles are asleep/inactive for some reason. idr if it was explicitly mentioned before. i actually DID wonder why we didn't get some celestia nail action smiting after all the shit that happened in fontaine, a lot of people thought that was gonna happen too with the whole celestia is floating right over fontaine
and then we wake up and the quest just ends??? LET ME TALK TO DAIN HELLO
also like. why did dain want to confront the abyss twin again??? maybe it was mentioned in an earlier quest and if so i forgot but either way i don't understand wtf dain was up to by luring the abyss twin out
no literally that felt like half a quest
objectively i think that quest kinda sucked but i will forgive it solely because of the lore drops no matter how tiny they were and bc i did really like caribert's story
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ncityavenue · 1 year
BUTTerfly Tattoo —M.L
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》in which you get a butterfly tattoo on your ass as a surprise for Mark since he loves your butt so much.
Warning: definitely suggestive,humorous (at least I tried), alot of dialog, alot of talk abt your ass (body worship ig????), mentions of being high, choking, fingering, and pain?? (I mean mark slaps your ass A L O T)
A/N: LISTENNN so I had found that picture on pinterest just cruising around and I was listening to music then mark just popped into my head so I HAD to make something up about it with that picture reference shown above.
"You think he's gonna like it?" You asked your closest friend, Haechan who you could depend on for any opinion.
"Fuck yeah, Mark Lee is a perv...and so am I because I'm pitching a tent just looking at it." Haechan said.
You pulled your jeans up, "Okay gross, anyways I'm a little nervous because it's not like a small little cute one it takes up half my ass."
" He's gonna love it! It's pretty colors too, and it goes nice with your skin complexion. Your ass is fucking beautiful y/n, you'll be fine!" Haechan waves you off trotting in your kitchen to get another snack.
"Lemme facetime Jaehyun, he's like a pro Ass man." You said.
A few rings and your met with Jaehyun face shoving some food in his mouth, "Wassup Twin."
"Hiii Twin, okay jae I need your opinion on something. And it has something to do with my ass" You say. Jaehyun gave you a suspicious look raising one eyebrow pausing to eat his food.
"I'm all ears??" He suspiciously said.
"Okay are you with anyone?" You questioned him.
"Yeah I'm with jungwoo, are you with mark?" Jaehyun answered.
"No, Haechan."
"Are you trying to get me caught up in a affair scandal?" Jaehyun nonchalantly said.
"No! Just listen! so, I got two butterflies tattooed on my ass and I wanna know what you think and if mark will like it." You explained quickly.
Simply with that command, you showed the small portion of your ass to Jaehyun.
"Oh shit, that's fire you should definitely get it." Jaehyun says.
"Yeah I did, right here." You said with an obvious tone.
"WAIT THAT'S REAL?!" Jaehyun widen his eyes getting closer to the camera.
"I said I got it tattooed."
You giggled at the slight glitch in his voice from the bad internet wherever he's at.
"Sorry, I'm high right now- but that looks dope, it fits your booty so nice I don't know how to explain it." Jaehyun complimented.
"Can I see?" Jungwoo chimes in.
Jaehyun asked you again if he could see, you nodded and Jungwoo took a look.
"DAMN! That's really nice."
Jaehyun agreed with Jungwoo, "Mark might have a heart attack seeing it, he's gonna love the fact that you have butterflies on your ass. He's a perv."
"I SAID THE SAME!" Haechan also chimed in putting his hands in the air.
"I don't know if I'm liking yall calling my man a pervert even though it's true but that's besides the point." You chuckled.
"Listen as an ass man, I would love for my chick to have a sick ass tattoo on her butt so like when I fuck her from behind I can see not only her beautiful ass but also beautiful art." Jaehyun elaborated.
"I swear you guys never know when something is TMI" you said.
"I'm just saying"
Jaehyun sipped on his drink, and with that you said your farewells to him and jungwoo before ending the call.
"So now do you believe me?" Haechan raised his eyebrows with folded arms.
"I guess so."
"Now can we go to the mall like you promised? I'm starving." Haechan rubbed his belly.
You nodded grabbing your keys, Haechan jumped off the couch following you like a excited puppy.
You came back to your house with haechan following suite with all your bags in his hand, he struggled getting inside the house.
"Uh.. a little help?!" Haechan cried out, you opened the door up more letting him inside.
You saw Mark and Johnny standing in the kitchen looking at Haechan struggle with the heavy bags in his hands.
You placed your small purse on the counter, also watching the poor boy struggle.
"Here let me help you." Johnny suggested, he picked up 2 bags placing them on the counter as well.
Haechan could finally lift them up on the kitchen island.
" Hi love, You must've had fun today." Mark scanned you up and down admiring you before pulling you in for a kiss, resting his hand on your hip.
"I did, I very much did. You know how it goes, Haechan kinda lost in a game of rock paper scissors." You said, Mark replying with a soft 'ahh'.
"Never EVER have me keep your girl company while you are gone, NEVER EVER." Haechan huffed and puffed aggressively trying to catch his breath.
"They weren't even that-"
"Don't." Haechan put a finger infront of Johnny's face.
"You got alot of stuff baby." Mark rubs the dip in your back.
" It's not even that much, plushies, some clothes, lingerie, other accessories, hair products some are mine some are yours." You said.
You knew that smirk anywhere, Mark knew what time it was once you named Lingerie.
"Don't you have like alot of lingerie already?" Mark questioned.
"Not when you keep ripping them up." You say grabbing the hair products out the bags.
Mark only shyly laughed before slapping your butt, the pain from the tattoo and the slap only reminded you what you had to do today.
"Ahem! We are still present!" Johnny excused.
At this point all of you and Mark's friends knew about the tattoo except Mark.
"Now that I've caught my breath, I want to leave." Haechan announced.
Johnny was ready to go as well, "Oh I didn't bring my car here because I thought it would be a good idea to walk and burn some calories, so you're driving me home."
He explained to haechan as he grabbed his phone from the counter.
"I guess I'm just everyone's slave around here." Haechan said.
"Guess you are." Mark gave him a sheepish look tilting his head.
Haechan gave him the middle finger before exiting the house, "Night lil bro" Johnny closed their front door.
After a little silence, Mark's attention suddenly shifted towards you, beginning to feel nervous you poured yourself a glass of wine.
"So about these lingerie, you gonna try them on for me?" Mark questioned peeking through the bags.
"I mean, if it makes you happy." You smirked drinking your wine.
Mark looked at you trying to read your expression, he felt as if you're hiding something from him with that slightly mischievous grin on your face.
"What's wrong baby? Is there something on your mind?" Mark gripped your waist kissing down your neck.
"I have a surprise for you." You said.
"Hmm? A surprise?" Mark continued to place kisses on your neck and collar bone.
"Yeah take a guess, even though I know you Won't ever get it." You say with full confidence.
"You got new toys?"
"You have a costume in there?"
"You got nipple piercings?"
"No, but not a bad idea.."
"Oh my god..." Mark finally let's go of your neck, looking down at your stomach.
"Oh my god you're PREGNANT?!" Mark nearly squealed in excitement.
"What? No!" You said.
"Oh..." Mark pouted rubbing the back of his neck.
"Good to know if I was you'd be excited, anyways I'm gonna reveal it to you. Follow me" You said.
You led mark to the bedroom, Mark slapped your butt again.
"Mark stop it's a little sore."
"Still? It's been 2 weeks since then, I couldn't possibly have smacked it that hard"
"You're more heavy handed than you think you are." You simply replied, you lead him inside the bedroom.
He started lurking around to see if the present was perhaps in here, you ordered him to sit down and he did so at once.
"Did you get a whip?" Mark guessed for the several time.
"No, I'll be right back."
You went into the bathroom with a new pair of lingerie, you slipped the set on. It was a pastel blue color with lacey material.
"It's totally a costume, babe you literally could've said I was right the first time."
You walked out the bathroom then you hid yourself behind the bedroom door frame, " are you ready?"
Mark replied with a simple yes and you stepped out with a exaggerated pose, Mark definitely was excited but not all that surprised considering you've worn many lingerie around him.
"Oh shit babe, you look so sexy" Mark said, he walked up to you snaking his hand on your waist squeezing the love handles.
"This isn't really the surprise though," You reminded you kissed his lips gingerly, "I'll give you a hint it's on my body."
"You got a clit piercing?" Mark questioned.
"No! What is with you and piercings? Is it like a kink?" You asked.
"I don't know it sounds like something impulsive you would do." Mark shrugged, you only smirked.
Mark grabbed your ass again, he maneuvers his way behind you and then you grinned even wider. His idea was to start teasing you but his eyes were glued to your ass once he saw it.
Your tattoo.
"Dude..." Mark paused his entire world stopped to look at it, "an ass tattoo.."
You looked at him over your shoulder biting down on your lip with a grin, "Do you like—"
"AN ASS TATTOO?! SHIT THIS IS GORGEOUS!" Mark exclaimed, he kneaded your butt in his hands just staring at the art.
The smile on his face was like a kid in the toy store, this may have made him fall even more in love with you.
"I got it a day ago, I had asked everyone if you think you'll like it. I was nervous about it, I already liked it." You explained.
"You like it, I fucking love it!! This is actually so hot of you," Mark paused for a minute, "wait..does that mean haechan saw your ass?"
"Uh yeah? Jaehyun saw, johnny, jungwoo, Yuta, Jaemin, and Jeno y'know all the ass guys." You clarified.
"Get on the bed." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, you surely hoped that you didn't just make him jealous.
"Please I- I need to see it clearer, get on the bed, lay on your belly." Mark pleaded, you found his frantic state adorable as you silently obeyed.
Crawling onto the bed, laying flat on your stomach as Mark instructed, he sat on the bed sitting next to you. He started to grope your butt for the umpteenth time, he gave it a few smacks. Mark seeing the recoil everytime he hit it only made him hypnotized.
"Fuck princess, your ass is just so beautiful even more with this gorgeous tattoo. This was one of your best decisions ever." Mark gushed.
"I'm glad you like it Markie." You smiled at him watching his every move.
"Yo, I might just be obsessed."
You were draped over his lap whimpering for him, your ass was beyond sore and you were soaked.
Mark gave you no mercy, smacking your ass repeatedly and teasing your folds. He held your head up with his hand around your neck, he entered two fingers inside you slowly he fucked you painfully slow.
"You're so wet from me abusing your ass, you like when I slap it like this?" Mark's hand collides with your booty again even harder than the last 20-ish slaps, he soothed the pain with generous rubs and grips.
He had let go of your neck and started to focus on your pussy, he had a cheek in one hand and had two fingers pleasuring you with the other.
You're afraid he's not going to keep his hands off of you for awhile because of this tattoo.
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staaaaforlife · 1 year
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comments and likes are very much appreciated. thank youuuu
word count:2408(sorry yallll)
warnings: angst (if you squint), harddom!Felix x Sub! Reader: Felix being jealous over Soobin; degrading (Felix calling the reader a whore and slut like a lot); virgin reader; breeding kink; unprotected sex (don’t do)
"Come on, it's not that cold," your friend Felix said. "Felix, I don't want to go in the water," you said, going back to your phone. "What's the point in going to the beach if all you're doing is sitting on the sand doing nothing?" "Let me be," you said, rolling your eyes. Felix sighed and gave up. "Fine, but I'm right here if you need me," he said, going to the water with your other friends. See, the thing is, you have a crush on Felix. You guys became friends 3 months ago, and then you became really close with each other; the more you hung out, the more you realized how much you like him-maybe even love him. You confessed to him a month ago, but he said you guys were better off being friends, so yeah, you guess. You fell asleep on your towel, wishing the day would end.
You heard people talking, so you got up, but it wasn't anyone you knew. It was a boy with some of his friends. "Oh, hey, you're awake," he said, smiling down on you. "Hey, me and my friends have been watching you from afar, and I was wondering if you would like to, you know, go on a date with me." He said it shyly. I mean, he is kind of cute... But Felix. "Uhhhhh," you said, looking up at him. "I'm Soobin, by the way," he said, flashing you a warm smile and bringing his hand out for you to shake. "I'm y/n," you said, shaking his hand. "Y/n," he repeated. "A pretty name for a pretty girl. Anyway, can I get your number or anything?" "I mean, sure, why not?" "She's taken." A deep voice came from behind you, but you knew who it was. "felix?" "Oh, she is; she was just about to give me her number." "she was just playing with you now leave, or else I'll fucking kick your ass." Soobin looked at Felix, then at you. Your face was in shock as to what just happened. you? felix? dating? Are you dreaming? "Are you sure? She seems pretty interested." "What did I say? Leave now," fine," but before he could leave, he dropped a paper next to you and winked before leaving. "Felix, what the hell?" you said, slightly screaming. "what? What did I do wrong?" "Felix The guy was trying to get my number, and you scared him off." "I'm sorry, I don't know what got into-" "It seems like you don't know a lot of things, Felix. "You got up, "tell them that I'm leaving," "wait yall, don't go," why, so you can make me sad," he sighed, and just let you leave. Before you did, you picked up Soobin's number. ' Time to have some fun, you said in your head as you were walking off the beach.
When you got home, you texted Soobin.
y/n: Hey, is this Soobin? This is y/n.
Soobin: Oh, hey, I didn't know you were actually going to text me! after what your boyfriend did.
y/n: Soobin, he's not my boyfriend. I don't know why he said that. I confessed to him, and then he rejected me.
Soobin: Ah, I got you. soooo me? you? date tomorrow?
y/n: I would love to too!
You put your phone down, and as soon as you did that, you heard a knock at your door. You groaned and got up to open it. "felix? What are you doing here?" "Y/N, please let me just explain myself. I know you're confused. I just want to clear everything up, and I'll be on my way. You don't even have to talk to me again. Just please hear my side." You didn't want him to leave, though. "Fine," you let him in, and he smiled. "Ahh, thank you so much." He sat down on the couch, and you followed him and sat a little farther away than you used to. "OK, yeah, look, I never wanted to break your heart," he sighed. "When you confessed to me, I was nothing but happy, but I wasn't ready, and I should have said that back then; I just wasn't thinking. Y/N, look, I really like you; I have all this time. That's why I got so jealous of that guy. I really like you, y/n, and I was just scared for you to leave me because it happened before." You looked at him shocked. "You like me?" "Yes, I like you, and it's ok if you had lost your feelings for me. I don't blame you." "felix..." "I know I'm a bad person. I'm a dick. I'm an asshole, he began, and before he could go on, you kissed him. something you've been wanting to do for a while now. His lips were soft and sweet, like cotton candy. He felt amazing. He felt... right. He pulled away with the biggest dorkiest grin ever. "I take that as you like me back?" "No shit," he huffed a laugh and kissed you again, pulling away and smiling wider if it was even possible. "You don't have to be sassy." "Waiting for you this long? I think I have a right too, Mr." Just as you said, Soobin called you. You looked at Felix and then back at the phone. "Who's that?" he said, looking at the caller ID. "Would you be angry if I told that guy on the beach?" You were smiling as if you had done nothing wrong. "No, no, no, hun, I'd be furious. I'll just kill him before he gets to touch you." You looked at him. "Uhh, then it's not him," you said, "anyway, when are you hungry?" "No, no, no, call him back." "W-w-what?" "Call him back," he repeated a little more darkly than before. "U-u-uh, ok," you took the phone and called Soobin. "Ahh, hey, pretty girl, do you want to have that date today if you're free?" Felix looked at you and then at the phone. "Are you ok? You seem tense. I know a way to help your baby." Felix couldn't take it anymore, so he grabbed the phone. "What part of shes taken, didn't you understand?" "O-oh, but," he said, "don't call my girlfriend again." He hung up the phone. He looked up at you and saw you already looking at him. "Date today?" "Felix, please don't go," he stood up, "oh no, no, no, go with him. "Felix, please, I need you-and only you," you said. He looked at you and smiled. "Say that again, doll," he said, looking at you with nothing but lust. "I need you." "Fucking Hell." He smashed his lips against yours rougher than before. and pushed you to the couch, hovering over you. "Oh, the things I'm going to fucking do to you; you're going to only think of me and my name." Fuck, "I already think about you. "Fuck baby, let's take this to your room, yeah?”
You were sweating in these clothes, and you wanted them off. "Can Soobin make you out of breath just by kissing you?" "N-no" "Yeah, thats right," he said, kissing your neck while griding his hard cock on your cunt. You gasped as it took you by surprise. Fuck, what am I going to do with you?" he said, sucking on your neck, making sure to leave a mark. F-felix, "Yes, darling?" "I need you in me." "Oh, is that right? Your greedy little pussy was just over soobin, but you want my cock, what a fucking whore," you moaned at his words. "Fucking slut, do you like being talked down like this? You like being talked down like a little slut." You shyly hid your face with your hands. "No, no, no," he said, tearing off your hand, "you're going to answer me. Do I make myself clear?" "Y-yes, I liked being talked down like a fucking whore." "Fuck," he growled, attacking your lips. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this; I've wanted you for so long," he whispered. "Take off your clothes." "W-what, fel-?" "I'm giving you what you want." Take off your fucking clothes." He didn't have to tell you twice. Soon, both of your clothes were off. "Look at you.. fucking sweet, sweet body, I can't wait to have a taste." "What are you waiting for?" "I need to play with you and make you wet." "Felix, I'm already wet as fuck." "Fuck, you really want me that bad, don't you?" he said, stroking his cock slowly. "Y-yes, please." "Alright, I'll give you what you want even though you don't deserve my cock.”
Soon he was aligning his cock with your wet cunt. "Are you ready?" he asked, looking at you. "Ready" just like that, he pushed his cock into you slowly, pushing his head back. "F-fuck your so tight, am I the first one to use this pussyhm baby?" You couldn't answer; you were too busy screaming. His hand found its way to your neck. "When I ask you something, I expect you to answer." "Yeah, you're the first one, Lix." You felt his cock twitch inside you. "Fuckkk," he pushes the rest inside you, waiting for you to adjust. "M-move please." His hips snapped against yours once, making you let out a shaky moan. "You like that?" he said smugly. "Y-yes," he smiled and pulled, pushing back into you and snapping his hips this time. "F-fuck you; you feel so nice and warm. I don't know what I was thinking," he said, moving faster. "F-fuck Felix." "Yeah, you like that? You like being fucked like this, baby? Like being fucked by a man who rejected you, huh?" "Fuck! Yes, Felix, don't stop." "Open your mouth." "Wh-" "Open your fucking mouth." You did as you were told, opening your mouth to him. "Good girl," he grabbed your hair from behind and spit in your mouth. Fuck. "Your fucking mine not soobin; not anyone else but me got that?" "I-I- Fuck," he pulled out and flipped you on your stomach and spanked your ass, making you jump and clench around nothing. "Last time I asked you to fucking answer me," "Yes, i-im all yours!!" Just as you said, your phone rang. Felix looked at the caller ID. "Speaking of the Devil," he chuckled. "Why don't you answer him, baby?" "I-i-i can't." "I wasn't asking you, I was telling you to pick up the phone now." You sobbed and picked it up, putting it on the speaker. "hey y/n! Are you ok?" You heard him ask worrily, "i-I'm good, and you tried to hold back a moan as Felix fucked the living daylights out of you. "Are you sure you sound out of breath? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Felix chuckled. "Hurt you, he says." "N-no, Soobin, don't worry, I'm fine." "Yeah, you are," Soobin joked. felix growled, sending hard trust but slow trust to your pussy. "Hey, are you sure you're ok?" he asked. "How about some face time?" "No, Soobin, thats not a good idea," you moaned, covering your mouth. "What are you doing over there?" "Uh, nothing." "Are you touching yourself?" Far from it. "Soobin, I have to go," you hung up, letting out the loudest moan as you came around him. "Fuck baby, do you like being almost caught by a guy who wants to fuck you?" "Y-yes, fucck," he was still fucking you; the oversimplification was too much. "Fuckkk," he grabbed your hair, pulling you up to him. Your bodies were closer than ever. "Your fucking mine, f-fuck, where do you want me to go, darling?" "Side me," you said, but you couldn't even get the words out of your mouth. He chuckled-"can't even say it"-and his hand made its way to your neck, squeezing tightly but not too tightly enough to make you see stars. "You want me to knock you up but can't even say the fucking words. You want me to put a baby in your belly, is that right? Want me to mark you up? make you officially mine?" "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He looked at you as your head was thrown back to his chest. He took this as a perfect opportunity to spit in your face. "I'm gonna cum.. I'm cumping!" Fuck! He said as he came inside, letting out a drawn groan and pulling his head back. "Fuckkkk, take my cum, baby.. take my fucking cum. Uhhh, fuck, just like that. fuck yes.." He let you go, and your body went limp, dropping on the bed. He fell next to you both if you were trying to get your breath back into your body. "Are you ok, baby?" he asked softly, not like he had before. "More than ok," you said in between breaths. "Soooo, ahem," sooooo," "date tomorrow?" you laughed. "Sorry, I'm booked; Soobin took your place." "Don't test me," he said, grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. "I'm joking, and I would love to too." "Hey, don't leaveee," I said as he stood up, "I have to get you cleaned. Hold on." He walked out and came back with a warm rag to clean you up. He lays down next to you “mine
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ravenkinnie · 1 year
i think jinx still has the inner ambition inside to destroy piltover. its already implanted in her by both vi and silco, just in their own words (1. "one day, this city will respect us" 2. "we'll show them. we'll show them all). even when vi joins the enforcers, i think jinx will see vi as blinded by caitlyn and it'll futher fuel her piltover bloodthirst, out of hatred but also thinking that she will win vi back again if she makes her childhood vow to make piltover 'respect' zaun come true.
there is this one post that explains how in jinx's mind, there are forces more powerful than love and that is ambitions/ideals/dreams/etc. people can abandon their loved ones for a dream or an ideal and jinx internalized this first from her parents who could've been alive if only they chose to stay with their daughters but left them for war.
i think jinx believes vi will abandon cait no matter how much she loves her if only jinx achieves what she believes vi still desires since childhood.
and if anyone told jinx that vi may no longer has the same ambition anymore, she'll turn a blind ear and spit. because the shared dream she has with vi they vowed together on the rooftop is the one last link she shares with her sister that she's got left.
(also yes jinx at the end symbolically severs her ties with vi but lets be real she is still very much emotionally attached to her sister bcs jinx is doomed to always want what she cant have)
I do think her main drive will be to cause chaos and wreckage, whether as an emotional response or some delusional form of commemoration. I do think that this feels like an incomplete motivation though like the centre of her character HAS shifted, she's not searching for acceptance anymore and there's no one she would be seeking it out from, this aspect of her relationship with vi has already been severed and if they went back on it it would just feel redundant from a storytelling perspective. I don't think she will want to 'win vi back' or sth like that has already been the story, her desire for reconciliation and now that desire has been replaced by belief that its not possible
it's clear that it makes sense that jinxs drive will shift in the second season but what exactly it will shift to is very up in the air, like I personally don't like what you laid out here because I think that's an extremely weak drive for her character that would just keep repeating over and over themes that were already laid out and engaged with and now after a turnover of the finale it should instead push it in a new direction instead of going over the same things. christian linke said about s2 even that now that they laid out who these characters are they can start dismantling it and THATS so interesting to me, to think about how jinxs character can be dismantled
my ideal for jinx is to become a more calculated terrorist HDHDHDH she is an extremely emotionally reactive person, she internalised ideals from vi or vander or silco (probs not her parents, I think she was too young to know them like that, as people more than caregivers and what she knows of them is probably what has been passed on from vi. but in a way this id secondhand grief and their experiences of parental loss are completely different but thats a whole other thing) but it's clear these are completely secondary to her inner emotional reality - using her weapon against piltover wasn't even the main point of the dinner spectacle, her confusion about the emotional bonds in her life was. she clearly did not have a larger goal in mind for the outcome of it and she would have ran off with vi and said fuck all yall zaunites if she believed it meant vi would be forever tied to her unconditionally - but she didn't. I think moving from purely emotional landscape of her actions and motivations to one motivated by more overarching goals or beliefs too is a realistic goal and also goes beyond a mid redemption arc or going in circles over the same relationship dynamics - and it means jinx could become an actually potentially dangerous and powerful player in the power vacuum of zaun beyond just her penchant for violence - and it doesn't mean those ties she started to sever at the end of s1 are completely done because they will be running in circles in some way but if you want it to be narratively satisfying she can't be going over the same things the whole season so there will have to be progress there somewhere and I think it will end up somewhere halfway between estrangement and dependency. they will never be free from each other but they will have their own stories running parallel. I think how little jinx actually cares about the ideals she's been surrounded by will be a part of that dismantling, the reality of what a volatile substance in zauns ecosystem she is but also maybe how what she internalised more than beliefs is the notion of power
(alternatively, vi can say fuck it and let being attached to jinx forever ruin her and that's sexy too but I just don't think arcane is a story that would choose this but remember!! tragedy is always a great narrative)
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anime-dreams · 11 months
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Gojo's and Geto's thoughts during the KFC breakup HAHAHHAHAHA
Theme: SatoSugu mwah
Warnings: none, angst??? (i mean it's SatoSugu so what do yall expect besides angst i hope my writing can bring out the angst thou) not proofread!!
Authors note: hi beautiful people, this is my first time trying this out so my sincerest apologies if i did smt wrong that caused any kind of inconvenience for yall. SatoSugu broke my heart and i havent felt the same way since i read that darn In Another Life fanfic (i loved it thou anyone who watches Haikyuu and ships BokuAka should go check it out). Anyways my ultimate goal here is to make yall cry over SatoSugu again cuz i cant seem to get over them :/ hahahaha
Gojo's POV:
I heard what Yaga said. My brain could not process it in time. “Huh?” 
The only thoughts running through my mind was “No. it must be a mistake. No, Suguru would never.” Denial, denial, denial. I was confused. I was mad. Not mad at you, but at those damned old gits that tried to blame this on you. It had to be a misunderstanding… right? My mind told me you’ve changed. But my heart and soul still holds onto that last shred of hope. I tried everything to reach you, and eventually got ahold of your whereabouts through Shoko.
I recognised your figure amidst the busy streets of Shinjuku immediately. “Explain yourself, Suguru.” you paused. Your reply was stark.  “You heard it from Shoko, right? That’s all there is.” You didn’t even bother to turn, didn’t even bother to look into my eyes to say those words. I grind my teeth. “So you’re just gonna kill everyone who’s not a jujutsu sorcerer? Even your parents?” That shred of hope was slowly sliding out of my grasp. “I can’t allow my parents to be a special exception.” You sounded crazy. Your words were insane. I feel like i don’t understand you anymore.
When you told me that there was a point to kill, and that you were aiming to eliminate all non-sorcerers from this world, that hope disappeared completely. Who are you now? I was looking at a familiar face, yet it was clouded in a shroud of unfamiliarity. It was impossible to do so. I yelled at you, to try and get you back to your senses.
I tried, so you won’t leave, although a part of me already knew how this would end. Every cell in my body rejected that inescapable truth. Every nerve in my body rejected that inevitable outcome. You finally turned, and my eyes locked with yours. My heart skipped a beat, and my breathing hitched. Those dark eyes were like nocturnal oceans, with secrets shimmering in the depths. Those dark eyes that once had the light of life, those dark eyes that turned steely when they met mine.  “Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo, or does being the strongest make you Satoru Gojo?” What sort of a dumb question is that? You’re not making any sense. “What are you trying to say?” “If I had your powers, don’t you think that chances would be higher that my foolish ideal would become a reality?” just for a split second, sorrow flashed in your eyes, and it was gone so fast I couldn’t be sure it was even there in the first place.
Your eyes hardened into solid obsidian. “Satoru, I have decided how to live my life, and what's left is doing the best I can to achieve it. Goodbye, Satoru” I was stumped again. No. No. No, no, no, no. We didn’t come this far just to come this far. The words that cursed you crawled up my throat, but I couldn't find my voice. You turned your back firmly on me, and reality came crashing down. You were leaving. There will never be ‘us’ again. I will never be the same again. Was I nothing to you? Was I someone you just used, and throw away? How are you able to turn your back so easily on me?
I don't even know which pain is worse. The shock of what had happened, or the ache of what never will. I stood there, wanting to run after you, shout at you, beg you to stay, but I know, even if I do catch up to you, you will still fade into the crowd. Even if, by some miracle, you do stay, we will never be the same again. I swallowed, my hands trembling as I raised them up. I had to do it. I'm not born strongest for nothing. I'm strong enough to do this. You are a criminal after all. I should do it, I must do it. Your silhouette blurred each step you took, walking away from me, just like my future, how i cannot visualize without you in it, foggy and unclear. My hands paused, then fell back limply to my sides. I am…  not strong enough after all. Because it's you. Suguru, truth is, I think I already felt you leaving even before you left, but don’t you think I at least deserved a better ‘goodbye’ than this? Now I have to remember you for longer than I've kept you. No more riding on your shikigamis to school. No more going on missions together. No more joking around and annoying everyone else. No more…you, just the memories. Yeah, I think I can live with that. I should be able to. I'm the strongest, after all.
Geto's POV:
"Explain yourself, Suguru.” I recognised your voice immediately, and stopped in my tracks. I couldn’t turn, I couldn't face you without betraying my emotions. I knew you would confront me sooner or later. And I wasn't ready for that yet. “You heard it from Shoko, right? That's all there is.”
I could see your facial expressions in my mind’s eye. Your eyebrows knitted in frustration and anger, your teeth grinding together. The urge to turn and see you with my own eyes grew. “So you’re just gonna kill everyone who’s not a Jujutsu sorcerer? Even your parents?” “I cant allow my parents to be a special exception.” I know I must sound insane to you now, Satoru. But I promise you will understand. Once I achieved that ideal future for us. 
When you yelled at me that it was impossible for me to wipe out every single one of those non-sorcerers from this world, I heard it in your voice. The pain, the betrayal, the hurt, the anger, all directed at me. I braced myself, and turned, and I saw your face, twisted with rage and anguish. My gaze locked with yours. Your eyes that once held the most beautiful blue of the deep sea, had now became icy crystals, sharp and cold, but still breathtaking and pristine.
My front almost melted right there and then and I almost ran right back to you. But I held my ground. Because I knew that I had to be the one to do it. Because you won’t. I knew that the odds were against me, I knew that the chances of me succeeding were far and few between, but I had to try. For a better future for you, for us. And i blurted out my thoughts. “Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo, or does being the strongest make you Satoru Gojo?” Those beautiful blue eyes darkened with confusion. “What are you trying to say?” “If I had your powers, don’t you think that chances would be higher that my foolish ideal would become a reality?”
Exorcise, absorb, over and over. Who am I doing this for? Who are we doing this for? After seeing Nanami’s breakdown over Haibara’s death, I just cant let it go on anymore, Satoru. If the only thing waiting for us sorcerers at the end of the climb is a mountain of our friends’ corpses, then…  “Satoru, I have decided how to live my life, and what's left is doing the best i can to achieve it. Goodbye, Satoru” I didn't know what else to say, except that it tore the heart out of my body saying goodbye to you.
Before i could allow myself to see the pain already beginning to seep into your face, and let my cowardice take over me, I memorized your features and turned my back on you. It was the hardest thing I've ever forced myself to do. It was excruciating, like carrying a heavy boulder up a steep, endless mountain, each step I took that increased the distance between us was an agonizing struggle. Satoru, you have no idea how many times I wanted to let go of that boulder, and make my way back to you. That would’ve been too easy, a much too comfortable feeling. But for the sake of our futures, I could not.
I'm sorry, Satoru. Part of me hoped that I would hear your familiar footsteps running after me, part of me hoped that you will tell me to stay. But I'm glad you didn't, because I'm sure, if you had done that, I will not have the strength to resist anymore. Because it’s you. 
I could feel it in my bones, your arms reaching, and I braced myself for the incoming reversal red. It never happened.
Actually, Satoru, I think I knew. I knew from the moment I met you that I'll spend an entire lifetime missing you. I know you deserved a better goodbye, I'm so sorry. But I promise our paths will cross again, maybe a few years later, and I promise then, I'll bring a better world to you. Satoru, between the moon and stars, I'm glad that I stepped onto the same land and dreamt, played and lived under the same sky as you.
****pls dont be a copycat and photocopy my work without permission or else im coming after u after i go after Gege
******pls only repost with permission
*****some quotes used in this are also not mine credits to google and tiktok haha
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myherobirdbros · 11 months
BNHA Chapter 403: Review by Birdbros
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First let me just say that baby Toshinori is so cute I can't breathe. Now, to the actual review. I love that his childhood was good and beautiful. That he didn't grow up in tragedy and had a loving mother and potentially the reason why he's so invested in being a hero. Because she didn't discourage him and instead fostered his dream so he could be proud of who'd he become one day. Also may I just say that this entire All Might arc has been giving. It has given so much and I've loved every second off it because honestly some people needed to be reminded why this man was the number 1 hero. Still though, just the thought of his mother dying and All Might having to take on the world and fix it without here breaks me in a way I can't fully explain.
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Yeah no, nop, no. I won't let you do this. He's not gonna die. Not All Might. Not after everything. I refuse to accept it. He has so many other steps to take Okay! Stop it. What do you mean and end of an era?! AFO you absolute fucking clown, do not hurt him! I mean it!!!!!!!
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Damn..... he really cut off Toshinori's backstory just like that. Wtf man. We rarely get this man reflecting about himself and you had to go and do that!!!! The fuck is wrong with you!!!!! I hope you die a painful death AFO it's all you deserve you piece of shit......I'm getting way too emotional *sigh* Okay, let's try and be more logical here. Now that All Might hasn't been able to use Bakugou's quirk it means Bakugou might come back right? My boy might finally come back and save him, right? Right?! I mean it makes so much sense. Feels like the story has been building up to this. Midoriya fighting to win and Bakugou fighting to rescue. Like a reverse role. Please please Hirokoshi. You can't have taken Edgeshot from me and Katsuki too. You can't T_T Don't Nobara me man, please. Also once again, fuck you AFO your arrogance will def be the end of you. Toshinori won't die a hero because HE WON'T DIE AT ALL!
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Thanks a lot Stain. Seriously thanks man. You could not have done anything but lose your quirk to this man (turns out I lowkey hate Stain *sigh*). Ugh, I know it's not really your fault and you sort of tries to save my man a little while ago but fuck, did you have to lose your quirk to this loser too?! I'm already mouring Hawks damn it. I can't do this anymore. Look at Toshinori's face T_T No one should ever make him look this hopeless, ever. This shit is illegal. Also, imagine loving killing someone so much you literally tear your mouth wide open joker style, the fuck AFO, the actual fuck? My dude you really need to sit down and finish that ancient comic book of yours because this aint it fam. This really aint it. You're so villain it's not even funny anymore.
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Shoutout to Tobita (my absolute favorite villain - he makes me so soft protect him at all cost) and star's crew who just like me would have hesitated to fire at All Might. I love you all and I hope when Bakugou comes back he beats the shit out of AFO for you. (Horikoshi do not make a liar out of me). Also psycho eyes AFO. Once again this man does not fail to creep me out. Die!
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Is he... is he planning to tear All Might in two? Is he really about to do this?! WTF WTF WTF STOOOOOOP. I can't do this. My sanity cannot handle this. Someone stop him! Fuck Midoriya crying is breaking my soul. This is not okay. I'm not okay. Shigaraki you bitch stop laughing! Everyone just stop. This can't be happening T_T This is so grusome I'm legit tearing up. And Midoriya's eyes is killing me. This is so wrong so so wrong. Someone please please please.
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I...... Oh my God..... my baby. My baby. He's back!!!! He's back yall. I..... Katsuki..... oh sweetheart T_T
I'm so emotional I legit walked away from my screen to take a break from this rollarcoaster. Thank you thank you thank you Hirokoshi! Thank you!!!! Also can we take a second to appreciate the beautiful art people. U.I exploding, Midoriya's tears blowing in the same direction. The light that shines on that tiny figure on top of U.A and then that zoom in on Bakugou's weathered figure. It's all so *chef's kiss* beautiful. I'm in love. And def will print this panel out and hang it on my room because my baby is back!!!!!!!
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I take that back. I'm hanging this up. Me and Best Jeanist sobbing over this right now. Our baby is alive!!!!!!! But look at him, he's so tired and haggered and back from the dead. He deserves a nap, not to fight a psycho who can't just quietly go into ground and never come back. Also theory: now that Bakugou has essentially come back from the dead, might his quirk have evolved to the extreme edge like we've seen for many before him such as Touya and Uraraka? And since Katsuki literally died maybe his evolved even more? My biggest hope. Beat his ass Katsuki. Make him regret that he was ever born.
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Not a bakudeku shipper but I'm 100% a bakudeku friendship apologist so this, seeing Midoriya look up, tears flooding from his eyes because he's so fucking terrified he'll lose his mentor just like he lost his childhood friend only to then look up and see Bakugou is doing something to me I cannot explain. And Katsuki.... Katsuki with the ancient All Might card he's still holding onto for dear life. Katsuki remembering their baby selves. Katsuki being so out of it but standing up to fight for All Might like All Might stood up to fight for him at Kamino..... *sobs hysterically in a corner* Also the symbolism of All Might always having looked back at his past because all the steps felt so important just to now look forward because the steps his kids are gonna take are the important thing for him now..... yeah I'm not okay.
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This is truly the beginning of a new era huh. Bakugou and Midoriya, carrying on All Might's dreams and hopes..... Hirokoshi you bastard. How can you do this to me. WTF MAN WTF!!!!!! And look at Katsuki's eyes. The explosion within them. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. And now him and Izuku's feelings are one; they'll save All Might and redefine hero society.
*stands up and applauds like crazy* There has been several misses for me in this manga but moments like this is why I'm happy I never gave up on it.
Welcome back Katsuki darling. Welcome back, it's been too long.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
What's your opinion on the news that CRWBY had Bummblee planed for 10 years, but only got the ok to do more with it on Vol 6. Personally, my mind is split. One hand, they could be lying and trying to cover the fact the ship being cannon is a last minute addition. On the other hand, what they said is true, and someone thought this was a good idea. Which ever way I think on it, it doesn't put bumblee in positive light for me. I don't dislike the ship itself, but the way the writers have been handling it drives me up a wall.
Yall have gotten really cozy asking me stuff that will get someone potentially upset. 💀
You also assume I keep up to date on everything. I had no idea this news existed. Here’s an average take of the top of my head, if this is true then the events given don’t really reflect 10 years worth of planning all things considered.
Second, if it’s true then Rooster Teeth help create unnecessary tension and controversy with the way they chose to make Sun and Blake interact.
Third, if this is true then they should be forthcoming with what exactly they mean. Your wording implies there were limitations placed on what they were allowed to do before V6 and if that’s the case then I would like to know what those were because it could explain certain things about why something did/didn’t happen.
If this is a lie then it’s a pretty miserable one. It’s no secret that this fandom has influenced the writers to make certain choices for better or for worse. The truth might be ugly for some people but it would be best in the grand scheme of things. Me personally, can accept if they said “We didn’t originally have this in mind but after x,y, and z, we chose to lean into it for the story” I would be fine.
Some shippers would be mad if it wasn’t planned originally but honestly they should shut up in that scenario because they won in the end. And for the haters/antis who would rant nonstop who would try using that knowledge as fuel; they should also shut up because it’s not the most uncommon thing for a piece of media to go in a direction fans ask for. Whether it’s done well or not is a different story, but they would need to accept the fact in this instance they didn’t win
I’ve gone on the record saying I don’t mind Bmblb; I mean I freaking write them occasionally and even gave them kids. However, I find so many other parts of RWBY interesting that it’s very easy to say “why is this here?” Whenever a bmblb moment happens because they put out so many crumbs in the middle of more matters. It’s hard not to see a moment and immediately know it’s gonna flood the internet in comparison to whatever else happens in that episode. That’s the “buzz” kill for me.
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