#i took classes from this studio 4 years ago when it was also cheaper and it was a different instructor. nothing like my experience this tim
throwbacktears · 11 months
came back from dance and we literally stood there most of the time doing almost the exact same choreography she had taught us last time, but she also kept forgetting some of her own choreo as she was teaching it to us and didn't have a set song for us to dance it to. kept asking us for songs suggestions, to then realize it didnt work well with her choreo bc the song we suggested would be too fast or too slow.
having some real Adult Regret spending $220 of my hard earned cash on this lol. at this point im going for my mental health and to get outside the house lmao
0 notes
thesydneyfeminists · 6 years
Fitness Programs For Women aka That Time Vee Joined A Cult
Disclaimer: I am in no way getting paid to spruik these programs (but if they want to throw some money my way, I wouldn’t object) and I am definitely not a qualified health professional. This is all based off my own experiences with these programs and my very poor level of fitness.
Over the last few years, one thing that I’ve learned about myself and had to come to terms with, is that I am shockingly susceptible to a fitness cult. There’s no use denying it, the evidence speaks for itself. Like most people, when I started my “fitness journey” (God, I really am a pod person), I had absolutely no idea about what I should be doing for exercise or eating to fuel my body. My knowledge of nutrition and overall health was basically “go for a run and eat salads”, so it shouldn’t be surprising to hear that when I first lost a large(ish) amount of weight (in 2006), it was just by running on the treadmill and restricting calories in an extreme way – I was also going through a lot of personal issues at the time, so stress played a part as well. So I may have lost weight, but I was in no way healthy, and once I’d stopped running, my weight fluctuated once more.
Cut to September 2015, and I’d decided it may be time to change my life a little. I still ate the way I did when I was a teenager, and unsurprisingly, I constantly felt bloated and sick, and I was drastically unhappy with how I looked and felt. Mind you, this was all personal, I’m not saying I looked bad, but my clothes weren’t fitting properly anymore, and I was tired of it (and too cheap to replace anything). I’d been seeing ads on social media, and hearing from people I knew, about an online program called The Bikini Body Guide (hereafter known as BBG) by Kayla Itsines, that people (mostly women) were getting great results from. So, after obtaining a copy through dubious means (as in, I never paid for it, but received it from someone who did), I decided to give it a go – despite my doubts and reservations that the results from the #bbgtransformation / #bbgprogress tags could be real and/or achieved at home, like the guides claimed. I was very wrong.
For some background, BBG was founded by Kayla Itsines and her partner, Tobi Pearce, in 2013, based off the training regimes Itsines (a personal trainer) had been using with her clients. The first two guides (BBG1 & BBG2) were made available for purchase online as ebooks in January 2014, and the program is relatively simple in theory. It’s a 12 week program that consists of three 28 minute high intensity circuit work outs a week, and for the first month, on your “off” days (the days you don’t complete the circuit training), you have three days of LISS training (Low Intensity Steady State – as in a 35-45 minute walk), and one day of stretching. It then ramps up, and for weeks 5-8, you do the 2-3 days of circuit training, 4-5 days of LISS, and one stretch session. Come weeks 9-12 (the home stretch), you then up your game with 3-4 days of circuit training, 2-3 sessions of LISS, 1-2 days of HIIT training (my least favourite cardio activity – sprints!) and 1-2 stretch sessions. The idea of the resistance circuit work outs, are also pretty simple. It’s broken down two 7 minute circuits with 4 exercises in each, and you repeat both circuits twice – but you do the four exercise sets in each circuit as many times as you can in the seven minute timer. That sounds a little confusing when written down, but basically it means if you get through all your repetitions of the four exercises, you start again at the beginning of that set, and keep going until that blessed 7 minute timer goes off. Then you rest for (a year) 30-90 seconds, and restart the timer for the next set. So it’s easy, you can mostly do it at home with some improvisations (I bought a few hand weights, but when I started, I was literally using bottles of water as my weights, and I used a chair from my kitchen to step up onto).
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Example of the way the guides are set up
There are some pros and cons to doing exercise this way, for example, on one hand, you can do everything in the comfort of your own home. I used to put a TV show on and watch that while I did it. Plus, it’s only 28 minutes out of your day, and I found that made it hard to make excuses as to why I couldn’t do it. It also means you don’t have to join a gym if you don’t want to, as long as you can either buy some weights yourself, or substitute with various heavy objects in your house. The biggest thing I took away from doing BBG was that it taught me about habits and routines. Working out stopped being “a chore” for me, and it just became part of my daily routine, something that’s held up to this day. There are some definite cons, however, and I think the biggest one is because it’s an online program, you actually can’t tell if you’re doing the exercises correctly (or in exercise speak, “if your form is correct”). It also gets a little boring after a while, because there’s no variation (this has changed now, since Itsines launched the Sweat With Kayla app where there are at least 3-4 different programs) – I did BBG1 and BBG2 twice over, so I completed 48 weeks all up, and by the end of it, I was bored and ready for a challenge.
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Photo of me at 4 weeks, then 24 weeks, and finally, 48 weeks (apologies for the terrible quality).
So for the first time in my life, I set foot in and joined a gym. I started slow, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be strict about going, so I joined one of the cheaper 24 hour gyms, just to get a feel for it. After all, my workouts at this point had only been at home, DIY sort of jobs, and now I was venturing into the scary world of weights and men taking up way too much space. Knowing what I know now, this wouldn’t be an issue, but looking back, I probably should’ve joined a gym just for women. I used to feel intimidated walking into the weights section, where too many buff dude-bros were busy “do you even lift?”-ing, and (it felt like) staring at me. So, I did what I do best in these situations, and in busy hours, I stuck to the cardio section (a treadmill, stair master and cross trainer, I can work with), only daring to venture into the weights section when I worked out at odd hours (the benefit of a 24 hour gym is that I could do a 10pm weight workout – though, unstaffed and only with a panic switch around my neck, luckily I never got into any trouble). But it was the best way for me to learn and gain confidence. After a few weeks of working out late at night to avoid people (mostly men), I finally felt confident enough to start working with weights at normal hours. And I soon learned that no one was looking at me, everyone is too busy doing their own thing to worry about the five foot Korean girl squatting a measly 10kg (total).
Now it’s 2018 and here I am, flirting with F45, the latest cult. F45 (functional training for 45 minutes) started in 2011, and it’s whole schtick is that it’s a fast paced HIIT circuit that goes for 45 minutes, for classes of up to 30 people. Men do attend, but it was initially targeted at women, as the classes are set up like group personal training sessions (and all the people I know who have signed up, are women – not to mention at all the classes I’ve been to are 99% women). I’d seen F45 around for a while, and I’d heard various things about it; how it “changed your whole life” on the positive, and “how I threw up during a session” as a negative. I’d always been tempted to give it a go, but the price tag always stopped me (and the thought of throwing up mid workout, to be honest). But then, just two weeks ago, a brand new studio opened up in my suburb, a 5 minute walk from my house. They were offering a free class on their open day, so I bit the bullet and signed up for it, anxious about whether or not I’d be able to keep up. I was sceptical going in, after all, it’s literally a HIIT class, and I’d done those before, so I didn’t think it would, in the words of Shania Twain, impress me much. Well, as I’ve probably proved by now… you introduce me to a fitness cult, and I’ll want to join. The class I did was Hollywood, a torturous hour mix of cardio and weights training, and though I kept my eye on that timer the whole time, I had an absolute blast (by the way, the me from 2015 cannot believe I’m saying this). The atmosphere is great, you’re in there with a team of 20+ people (all drowning in sweat together), and the trainers are encouraging and really do push you as hard as you can go (one trainer asked if I could do push ups on my toes, and I said that could was a strong word, but sure enough, with her encouragement, I managed to complete my 40 second round on my toes with proper form). There are the standard cringey high fives and supportive cheering (I feel high fiving strangers while covered in sweat is not a pleasant experience for either party involved), but after the class, I felt elated (I also nearly threw up while walking home, but managed to swallow my pride… and vomit, I guess), high on those exercise endorphins, and I really started to understand why people swore by it. So now I’m signed up for the free ten day trial, and I’ve even dragged myself to a few 6am classes (it’s a different class each day, so you can pick and choose which you want to do, and they alternate cardio and resistance days) – I’m at the point where I have to choose what I’m going to do, and I think I’m going to stick with it, at least for the summer, to see if I can push myself a little harder and add some variety to my workouts.
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Kayla Itsines, the cult leader of BBG
For me though, it all comes back down to that original program, if I hadn’t started BBG, I never would’ve gained any confidence to join a gym, or even to know what to do in a gym. I’ve heard people look down on the BBG program, or say that the results aren’t real, that the people doing it were already fit when they started (definitely not true, especially in my case), but I think a lot of flack seems to come from the fact that it’s specifically targeted at women and as a result, it’s seen as a waste or time, or something to not take seriously – that’s the real heart of the problem, like most things in society. Things for women are deemed frivolous, not as good, or something to look down on. But the reason Itsines has built this multimillion-dollar empire is because it’s for women. It’s a program designed by a woman, for women, and that goes a long way to proving its worth, in my opinion. Women all over the world swear by this program (I’m one of them), because if you follow it properly, it works. Itsines understands what her target market are looking for in terms of fitness goals, and she gives a very easy guide to achieve them (note: I don’t mean easy as in it’s way too simple to do, honestly I pushed myself so hard in these I threw up in my mouth several times while completing her workouts).
There are many programs out there like BBG, ones targeted for women, off the top of my head, there’s FitazFk and Toned by Ashy Bines, all designed to help women achieve some relatively easy fitness goals. It’s definitely a good way to start, if you’re new to working out and intimidated (like I was) at the idea of joining a gym and jumping right into it. The worst thing that happens with at home programs is you just feel like an idiot squatting while holding a 1L water bottle to simulate weights.
I honestly think fitness programs for women (and especially by women) are essential; they give you routine and structure, they know their target market and teach you to build muscle and strength in a way that’s easy to understand; and most importantly, they create a supportive community online –during my time using BBG, I had my own little #fitfam, with whom I would share progress and exchange tips and tricks. I think that’s probably the best thing about programs like BBG, the community that grows behind it and the support you get from random strangers on the internet, there’s no room for negativity, it’s a safe space that’s all about supporting one another and cheering on successes, but encouraging each other when things are tough. So yes, I may have joined a cult back in 2015, but it changed my life for the better.
By: Vee H
Image sources:
BBG1, Kayla Itsines
Personal photos
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yournewapartment · 7 years
So I'm a Canadian who will be moving to Scotland later this month for university and I'm wondering: Do you have any tips for getting settled in a new country? This will be the first time I'm buying my own groceries and not using student loans so budgeting advice is also welcome.
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for like at least a month... I’m so sorry! Some posts take more time to write then others. I actually have about four asks that are all essentially this same question, so I’m going to just combine them all into one post. 
As for budgeting... here’s my two cents, in terms of Minimum Wage.
Budgeting on Minimum Wage
The average minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hr. Even working full time at 40 hours a week, that’s only a profit of $290 before taxes. This is not a fair living wage! You are worth way more than this amount! I strongly encourage you to start looking for another job that pays better, look for something around the $10-$15 range.
While $7.25 is atrocious, thousands of people around the world support families on much less. If they can do it while supporting children, so can you! To live off a minimum wage budget you need to declare yourself independent. If your parents are still claiming you as a dependent YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS. I also recommend that you have the highest amount possible taken out of your taxes so that you get money back from your state at the end of the year, instead of being in debt to them.
What I’ve done is come up with a budgeting plan based off some made up factors and my own personal experience.
1. City life. Forget about the city! Apartments located in cities can be three times as expensive as apartments in small towns or villages. On top of the extra expense, they’re much smaller and have less amenities included. I’d much rather live in a one bedroom apartment with a dishwasher and a conveniently located Laundromat, than a literal closet with no windows on a fifth floor walkup. Look for apartments twenty minutes to a half hour outside of your closest city. Now you have the close conveniences of a city, with none of those pesky city prices that your budget can’t handle.
2. College towns. Shop around and look at apartments by local colleges. Large colleges with have apartment complexes within walking distance of the school grounds. Landlords know that college students have less money (you might even be a college student yourself) and adjust their prices accordingly. Even apartments next to ivy league schools are priced this way, so don’t be discouraged by the institution’s “prestige”.
3. Locale. Your safety is more important than your bank account. It doesn’t matter if you live in Section 8 housing or in an affluent suburb. Some apartment complexes and neighborhoods are just safer than others. I live in a heavily populated and upper middle class suburb, and the first year I moved in, a drunk woman tried to throw a beer bottle at my car. Thankfully this is the only time this happened to me, but it made me feel unsafe in my environment. Before signing a lease, walk or drive around your prospective home’s neighborhood at night. Take in the atmosphere, and make sure it’s one where you could comfortably run to the local supermarket at 10:30pm and pick up toilet paper.
4. Roommates. Living on minimum wage requires that you find one or two roommates to help split the rent. The more the better! Get together with your more responsible friends, so at least you’re living with people whose company you enjoy. There are lots of “roommate wanted” forums and message boards for you to browse on the internet, but always bring a responsible adult with you before meeting a stranger. Please. Bring your mom if you have too.
1. Low-spoon food. I created this post a few months ago which offers lots of suggestions about cooking and shopping on a budget.
2. Online recipes. Here are some of my favorite online Tumblr cookbook resources.
- College Student Cookbook. Click here.
- Meals On The Go. Click here. (Not a cookbook, but super helpful)
- Broke College Kid Masterpost. Click here.
- Cooking on A Bootstrap. Click here.
- Good and Cheap. Click here.
- Budget Bytes. Click here.
3. I also regularly update my cooking on a budget tag.
Misc Expenses
1. Gas. Shop around and find the cheapest gas in your area. Avoid gas stations next to colleges, highways, and in touristy areas. Look into getting as gas rewards card from your favorite supermarket. I get 10 cents off a gallon with Stop & Shop every time I do a big shop.
2. Dollar store. Get to know your local dollar and bargain stores. You can buy everything from pots and pans to bed sheets there. These stores often sell bulk ramen for $1 and large cans of crushed tomatoes for 75 cents. That’s enough food for you to live off of for several days. When shopping, I make three grocery store stops to ensure that I spend the least amount possible on my pantry needs. I go Dollar Store, Stop and Shop, and then to my local organic grocery store. I’m going to make a list of things that I buy at Dollar Stores and things that I don’t buy at Dollar Stores soon!
3. Cable. We are living in the digital age- you don’t need cable television. Use Netflix or Hulu or whatever. It will save you tons of $$.
4. Internet. As far as internet speed goes, if you’re living with roommates you will probably need a higher speed. Living by yourself, choose a lower one. Most internet companies offer large discounts to new subscribers. These typically only last a year, but will save you serious money. Make sure to take note of when this discount expires, and contact the company before it does. If you don’t, they’ll begin charging you the full amount without notice.
5. Verizon. I just want to take a moment to talk about how much I love Verizon because they have literally saved me so much money in the three years I’ve been with them. After you sign a contract with a new internet company, they charge you a bunch of ridiculous fees like “activation fees” and “installation fees”. I called Verizon and was like “I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford this” and they were like “don’t worry, we’ll waive the fee”. I signed a two year contract with them that saved me $80 on a high-speed internet bill per month (my price being only 50.99 a month). After the contract expired I call them and they put me on a month to month, keeping the price absolutely the same. TLDR- get Verizon if you can.
6. Utility. Get on a monthly budget with whatever utility company services your new apartment. Although it may seem like the cheaper option, paying the actual amount of electricity you spend per month is the more expensive. It’s also unpredictable, and a minimum wage budget won’t allow for it. See this for more info.
7. Amazon. I buy a lot of my beauty, cleaning, and cat products online. Amazon offers Prime shipping free for a year with a student email address, and then offers it at a greatly reduced price after the year. If you are a student, snap up that free deal ASAP. If it’s in your budget, I’d greatly recommend investing in Amazon Prime.
8. Saving money. It’s so important to attempt to break way from the “paycheck to paycheck” vicious cycle. Living this way does not allow for emergency expense money, and trust me, sometime soon you will need emergency expense money. Your cat might get sick or your car may die, whatever it is, it’s always smart to have at least $500 squirreled away. I’m gonna level with you, things have been tight for my budget and I haven’t been able to save anything for the past three months. But this month I will!
Example Budgets
Full Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 40hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $1,160 a month without taxes.
Housing: Let’s say you’re sharing an apartment with two close friends, the rent being $1,500 without any amenities. That rent split three ways is $500 each.
Gas I commute twenty minutes every day, and I drop about $20-$25 a week on gas. That’s $100 on gas a month.
Food: I do one big shopping a month with my boyfriend. We drop around $180 and that’s including toiletries and soap and stuff. So maybe you’ll spend about $100 a month on all your shopping needs.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split three ways that’s $17 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
With everything added up, you still have around $290 left before taxes! That money can go into a savings account, and after several months, you’ll have that $500 worth of emergency money saved.
Part Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 25hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $725 without taxes.
Housing: In this case, you need to look for apartments in the $800-900 range. In my area, one bedroom apartments go for around $1000, so you may need to get creative with your roommate (I don’t think you could have more than one roommate in this situation). Buy dividers to split the bedroom or studio in half! Let’s say your rent is $850 with nothing included, that’s $425 each.
Gas You’re still looking at a large gas bill per month, so it may be more inexpensive to ride a bike or use public transportation. Let’s say you use public transportation, and spend around $50 a month on that. Or maybe you and your roommate can split gas expenses and share a car?
Food: Pinch those pennies! Use some of those budget cookbooks I linked above to help you cook healthy and delicious meals for under $4 each. See if you can only spend $80 a month on groceries.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split two ways is $25 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
That leaves you $25 to put in your bank account, if that. This is a paycheck to paycheck situation, and you will probably need to get another source of income to feel secure. But you can still do it!
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10 Ways to Make Life With Hidradenitis Suppurativa Easier
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Getting thru the morning has end up greater intricate on the grounds that I was identified with hidradenitis suppurativa seven years ago. I typically wake up to discover pus or blood on my pillow and/or sheets. I groan as I observe my arms, breasts, and groin vicinity to see what new lesions and boils have burst or formed. I may then spend an hour in my closet trying to determine out what to wear. What I virtually prefer to do is throw on some sweats so my lesions and boils aren’t aggravated, but that isn’t usually realistic, specially on the days when I want to go out in public or go to work. I may have a breakdown in my closet while my dog stares at me, waiting for his walk. After giving myself a pep talk and telling myself that I’m going to make it via the day, I settle on an outfit, then seize some pain medication in case the soreness will become too much. Then I forge on with my day. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a continual situation that causes lumps to form beneath the skin, usually in areas the place the skin rubs together, like the underarms, breasts, and groin, according to the Mayo Clinic. As all and sundry with the circumstance can inform you, these lumps can be agonizingly painful, and they can rupture or create interconnected tracts of abscesses below the skin. This illness appears to happen when hair follicles emerge as blocked, but experts don’t know the genuine motive in the back of these blockages, the Mayo Clinic explains. (They do be aware of hidradenitis suppurativa is no longer a end result of bad hygiene or infection.) There are pretty a few threat factors, though, such as biological intercourse (it’s extra frequent in female than men) and hormonal fluctuations. In my experience, I’ve discovered that my hidradenitis suppurativa tends to get worse earlier than my period. Age is every other hazard thing in that the sickness most regularly develops when girls are between the a while of 18 and 29, the Mayo Clinic says. (Symptoms once in a while emerge as less intense after menopause.) I was once 22 when I commenced to show symptoms. I was once extraordinarily lucky that a doctor at my nearby urgent care knew about hidradenitis suppurativa and was in a position to diagnose me within a year. Hidradenitis suppurativa takes a toll on both my intellectual and bodily health. I typically have to nap at least once a day due to fatigue, and I’m so uncomfortable with people bodily touching me because I feel embarrassed about how I look. Both the physical pain and the disappointment that my body will never look the same convey me to tears on a weekly basis. I comprehend I’m now not on my own in regularly feeling ashamed, anxious, angry, and sad. Dealing with all of this requires some stable coping mechanisms, and there are a lot of commonalities in how these of us with this circumstance handle it. So if you’ve these days been identified with hidradenitis suppurativa, right here are 10 small however impactful hints from humans who have been there earlier than you. We hope it helps. 1. Find a therapist, if you can. This sickness has taken a essential toll on my mental health. Going to remedy weekly offers me area to discuss about my emotions. I have additionally learned super coping techniques from my therapist, consisting of connecting with my physical being through body scans and navigating the guilt I sense when I want to cancel plans because of my illness. If possible, try to discover a therapist who specializes in chronic illness and/or chronic ache so they are higher in a position to help you and understand your experiences. 2. Take gentle yoga classes. Moving my body is really important to me, but workout can exacerbate hidradenitis suppurativa symptoms. This is particularly genuine for high-intensity activities, like cycling. I fell in love with biking training a few years in the past and would attend periods four to five instances a week. It felt so suitable when I used to be in the class, but in a while I would discover myself in intense bodily pain. I ultimately talked to my doctor, who recommended I strive some thing else. Most Popular For some time I struggled to locate an endeavor that didn’t make me experience worse. Enter restorative yoga. My friend took me to a class, and the teacher taught me how to listen to my body and only do poses that felt comfortable. I realized how to take breaks and go at my own pace. I left that type on such a high. Now I frequently attend restorative classes, and on my good days, I will even take a vinyasa class at a local yoga studio. 3. Meditate. I’ve been meditating on a day by day foundation for six months, and I’ve discovered it to be so beneficial. It helps me get in contact with my physique and grow to be more attuned to its needs. I additionally work via a lot of feelings throughout meditation sessions, like the health anxiousness that hidradenitis suppurativa has precipitated to end up greater intense. If I’m feeling overly anxious or in a lot of pain, I’ll meditate to ground myself. It reminds me that I am respiratory and will be okay. When I started, I would simply do a rapid five-minute session. Now I’ll both go to a classification (the Den and Unplug are two of my favorites in Los Angeles) or use the Headspace app for 10 to 15 minutes. I’ve additionally been able to locate drop-in, donation-based instructions all over the city. This is a exceptional way to supply it a attempt earlier than committing or spending a lot of money. 4. Connect with others who have the condition. I first shared my story in 2017, and I observed the response to be overwhelmingly positive. I nevertheless get emails weekly from other hidradenitis suppurativa warriors who say they feel much less alone because I’ve talked about the condition, or who favor to share a new coping approach with me. If you’re not prepared to share your story with the world, discovering any individual else who has hidradenitis suppurativa can nonetheless help. When I’m feeling in reality isolated, I’ll DM with other humans who have hidradenitis on Instagram. All of this reminds me that I am no longer hostilities this hostilities through myself. Krystle B., 38, is involved with hidradenitis suppurativa companies and finds that collaborating in activities with different humans evokes her and makes her sense much less isolated. “I have been a big section of giving back to the community via helping others who suffer from hidradenitis suppurativa,” Krystle tells SELF, including that she’s in her second year on the annual #Walking4HS committee in Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. “Finding other sufferers who also have hidradenitis suppurativa and connecting with them epic.… That immediately connection and aid machine was once life-changing.” It would possibly even help to connect with any individual who has any other persistent illness. My exceptional friend has Hashimoto’s, and whilst it’s very exclusive than hidradenitis suppurativa, she can relate to the fatigue and unpredictability. I find myself in deep conversations with her often, and they help preserve me going. 5. Surround your self with a sturdy support system. I’ve been absolutely lucky that my friends and household are, for the most part, supportive and understanding of my condition. They help with both my emotional and physical needs. My mom flies out for any surgeries or intense treatments, and my friends take my dog for a walk on truely awful days. My dermatologist is additionally a crucial phase of my assist device and continues to offer help and encouragement. Finding a professional who is knowledgeable about hidradenitis suppurativa is so important. At the hidradenitis suppurativa medical institution at UCLA, I’ve observed docs who understand more about the disease than I do, which hasn’t constantly been the case. I’ve additionally realized to advocate for myself and ask for assist, reminding myself that I do know my physique greatest and am not weak for needing help. Pooja P., 31, has additionally discovered that asking for assist has been immensely useful in coping along with her hidradenitis suppurativa. “The people who love us want to support us, but often don't know how they can help—they feel helpless, too. Asking for help can bring you even closer together, and in turn, make you feel less isolated,” Pooja tells SELF. She’s leaned on household and mates for all the pieces from accompanying her to physician’s appointments to stocking her fridge and washing her hair when she hasn’t been in a position to accomplish that. “There is nothing weak about asking for help,” she says. “On the contrary, there is extreme strength in vulnerability.”
6. Use very mild cleansers and moisturizers.
I’ve tried quite a lot of cleansers which can be made for sensitive skin, however they normally brought about intense burning ache when used on my lesions. Then my dermatologist advisable that I exploit an antibacterial and antimicrobial cleaning soap referred to as Hibiclens each time I bathe. It comprises a four p.c chlorhexidine gluconate resolution, which helps scale back the chance of an infection. This is particularly vital when taking a biologic that suppresses your immune system, which is a typical type of hidradenitis therapy. I additionally simply really feel actually clear and good after I exploit it as a result of it doesn’t irritate my situation. The Mayo Clinic additionally recommends utilizing antibiotic or antimicrobial moisturizers for further safety.
7. Create a wardrobe filled with cozy garments.
Having the fitting garments is so vital for making certain that I really feel comfy and assured. I've tons of joggers, sweatshirts with enjoyable sayings, tank tops, and looser shirts, too. I really like purchasing at Old Navy, Target, Madewell, and Walmart. Since my garments can get stained or moist simply due to my signs, I like to purchase issues which can be cheaper so I don’t really feel as dangerous after they get ruined.
8. Try to determine potential meals triggers.
Pooja discovered that nightshades (like tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers) made her hidradenitis suppurativa worse, so she avoids these meals. “If I do eat a nightshade, I will get a hidradenitis suppurativa flare within 48 hours, 10 times out of 10,” she says. But as she factors out, “Just because they were my trigger doesn't mean they are yours.” Research hasn’t clarified what potential hyperlink might exist between meals like nightshades and hidradenitis suppurativa flares, however a 2019 assessment within the International Journal of Dermatology means that nightshades are thought by some to have an effect on the skin-gut axis, or mainly, how the intestine and pores and skin are biologically related. Other meals which can be identified to set off hidradenitis suppurativa embrace dairy, pink meat, and meals with a high glycemic index, in accordance to the Mayo Clinic. While I haven’t discovered any meals that undoubtedly set off my hidradenitis suppurativa, if I’m feeling okay, I really like to get within the kitchen and check out a brand new low-glycemic recipe. On my dangerous ache days, cooking isn’t possible, however in any other case, I really like to know what’s in my meals. Cooking provides me an actual sense of accomplishment.
9. Use scorching water or a moist, heat compress to relieve itching and ache.
Starla M., 33, runs scorching water on areas of her physique which can be itchy. (I presently take antihistamines to cope with the itching, however I’m wanting ahead to attempting this method.) If I've a brand new boil or one that's about to burst, I’ll use a heat, moist washcloth to assist relieve the ache and swelling. I discover it particularly efficient when I've boils in my groin space since these have a tendency to turn into golf-ball sized and make it onerous to stroll.
10. Find a passion you are able to do even in your worst days.
Krystle says that on her dangerous days, she focuses on discovering issues to try this distract her from the ache. “On some of my worst days or when I'm recovering from , I enjoy Netflix in bed with my two Cocker Spaniel fur babies. I'm also obsessed with antiques and spend a lot of downtime surfing the web for amazing treasures.” Source link Read the full article
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What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
"What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best auto insurance?
i am 23 and pay $135 for liability. i need something cheaper.
Whats the best insurance for a college student?
Whats the best insurance for a college student?
Motorcycle insurance for 125cc?
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone could help me, I want to get a motorcycle instead of a car - despite what people say I just can't wait to ride to college and back. So I've chosen to get a honda CG 125 which is a decent bike runs from a to b. I'm looking at insurance online and it's around a grand! Is the companies that offer cheap insurance I mean, what's the average price? I'm 18 live in a decent area without much crime - I'm doing my cbt next week and maybe it's fact I haven't been riding (in their eyes) a long time? Any help appreciated!""
What are some cheap Home/Fire insurance offers for a house in Southern California?
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
I am learning how to drive, and am looking at what cars would best suit me in terms of cheapness and how cheap to insure. I have looked at a few online quotes for a few cars being, 2001 peugeot 206 1.1, ford fiesta 1.2 1997, cheapest was 4 grand from post office. I know i haven't pasted my test yet, but i want to have a rough idea how much it will cost me. These quotes are madness i cannot afford that, i will be paying for this car myself and insurance myself, i work part time and will have to save. Is there any special classes i can take that would lower my insurance? I have heard of special night classes or something along those lines. What cars would be best for me looking at? Also are older cars or cars with higher mileage cheaper to insure? Many thanks :)""
Car insurance question?
I have basic liability insurance with American Family Insurance, About a week ago my boyfriend (who has a suspended license) took my car when i was sleeping, almost hit a deer and went in a ditch with my car and im pretty sure its totaled its a 97 lumina. I have a title loan on the car, will insurance pay it off?""
Hello! Car insurance question!!?
I'm an 18 year old female, just got my license. My boyfriends dad is giving me his old 95' Hyundai accent. It's got 167,000 miles on it. However, I have to get my own insurance. Can anyone tell me the best cheapest places to get insurance and how much a estimate would cost?""
Does the Affordable Health Care law really prevent insurance companies from denying pre-existing conditions?
They say that now, insurance companies can no longer deny insurance to people with pre -existing conditions. So what was HIPAA passed in 1996 for? This law states that insurance companies CAN NOT deny people with pre -existing conditions. The only change I see is it gets rid of the 12 month exclusion period. I had two aunts with lupus, both lived in California and had insurance, until they moved to Texas. If they could have kept their insurance, they would have, but for some odd reason liberals are against insurance across state lines. They had no problem finding insurance, they just had to be out of pocket for 12 months. HIPAA also states that if you can go six months without any medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance companies are not allowed to look further than that and must not apply the exclusion period. So did the Affordable Care Act really stop insurance companies from denying coverage for pre existing conditions, or was it ALREADY a law? http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq_consumer_hipaa.html""
Can you help me with Car insurance?
I need a car insurer but I would like to deal with a UK call centre as I feel a bit more at ease, this is my first car,please help.""
Where can I find cheap young male car insurance on any car?
I'm a 17 year old driver who has just passed my test and when i go to quote myself on any car its either unquotable or something like 20,000 a year or something stupid even with immobilizers trackers parked in a garage etc and when i put my mum as the main driver (she has 5 year NCD) it only dropped like 200 so i don't understand how people are getting it below 10000 let alone 2000. I haven't bought a car yet but could somebody tell me what is the up most cheapest car to insure and all the combinations that make it cheaper. Once more annoying is that I live in a pretty nicer area so you wouldn't think it would cost as much compared to other people but they seem to get theirs cheaper.""
Can your health insurance company raise your rates after you get sick?
I've heard about pre-existing conditions and all, but what about getting seriously ill AFTER you have insurance? Let's say you're generally healthy, and already have heath insurance which you pay for yourself, at a reasonable rate. Then you get a long term illness, or get into a terrible accident, and need years of expensive care. Of course you keep your policy up to date... Can the company raise your rates by triple (or worse) if you get sick this way?""
Car insurance for 17 year old?
hi im josh and im 17 years old can anyone tell me how to get a cheap car insurance quote from anyone. please help me??
How much do you pay for car insurance in Hawaii?
I have an 06 Toyota Prius and I pay around $450 a month in car insurance. I live on Maui. Is this normal?
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking at buying a road bike to save money on gas. i am 21 years old and have a good driving history. how much do you pay for insurance? I live in Michigan? do i need insurance? does it matter the size engine for different price insurance?
What is average for car insurance?
I was just curious, as I am shopping for car insurance for the first time. I am a 23 year old male, so it will probably be higher than a lot of others, but I was wondering what you think is a fair rice as I shop around? Recommend a certain insurance company? All answers will be appreciated! -Dan""
""On average, how much do employers pay for health insurance in the USA?""
So I need a statisitic, on average, how much employers provide healthcare insurance to employees? I've got that from Jan 1st 2014 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will impose a $2000 fine on employers with over 50 employees who do not offer health insurance. But statistics for how much employers actually provide health insurance are all over the place... Typically, employers pay about 85% of the insurance premium for their employees In 2008, over 95% of employers with at least 50 employees offered health insurance. the percentage of large firms offering these benefits fell from 66% in 1988 to 34% in 2002 These quotes are from wikipedia, but I've been looking at other sites too. I just don't know what to believe, or how to understand what they actually mean. What percentage of employers actually provide adequate health insurance to it's full time employees?""
Is there a way for me to get affordable car insurance?
hi im a college student in NYC i am single and live alone in a studio apartment in Brooklyn NY i work in an armani exchange store and at the moment im also going for acting and have already nailed some gigs. My question is if anybody knows how i can get car insurance under $4000 (BTW i dont have any1 living in another state) i checked most companies and they offer 10-13k either a year or 6 months so please if any1 knows how i can get insurance help me out i am in dire need of a car.
Where can I find info on LOW COST Medical Insurance In Central NY? (Student Artist Musician Business Owner)?
My wife and I are moving soon from PHX, AZ to the greater Syracuse area. I am moving my multimedia business / record label (websites, print design, videography, DVD production and studio recording) and I need information on which companies can provide my family reasonable cost heath insurance. Right now my wife works fulltime so we use her benefits, but we will be starting a family and would like to keep her at home for a few years. In PHX, health insurance for non-group individuals runs about $300 a month - from what I can see in CNY it can cost closer to $1000! Can some one help me with this? Am I looking at the wrong companies or is it just that mush more expensive? Are any loop holes? In some states Students, Artist, Musicians & Small Business Owners can get highly discounted rates - is this true in CNY? Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!""
Car insurance under parents name?
So my parents are thinking about buying me a car. The only thing that is holding them back is the high insurance rate (I'm 21). Currently I am using my parents car for college and my current insurance is under my parents name. If my parents buy the car under their name, while having me on their insurance list, wouldn't the insurance rate be the same as my current one? Or at the least not as expensive as having my own insurance? Thanks.""
Most afordable car insurance for infiniti g35coupe 06 in new york?
Just wanted the know what is the most affordable car insurance for a g35 coupe. The insurance is going to be under my dads name who's over 25. I was looking at tri-state but is there something better?
Low cost health insurance for people who are unemployed?
Looking for an insurer for less than $300/month. Some health issues are involved.
Insurance for 16-20 year old Male?
Hello all, I am currently 16, and i have my drivers license. I am on my parents plan and i pay about $100 a month for full coverage with my parents cars. But here is my real question, I have been saving for a while (5 years) and i have enough to buy a car i have dreamed of buying for a long time. So i am going to, but my question is what would my insurence be if i did? the car is a 2002 BMW M3 SMG. It has 76,200 Miles on it. I am paying $20,000 for it. I am going to buy it weather the insurance is $1,000 or $100. I have a job and can pay for $1,000 if needed.. so if anyone knows a estimate of what it would be, let me know. If it helps, i have had my drivers license for a month. Also after i buy it, i may just not drive it, if it is too much $$$.. so if it would go down for me when im say 17-20 let me know how much =] Here are some pictures of the car: http://picasaweb.google.com/evanesterman/2002BMWM3SMG# Thanks""
I am trying to get a 2006 Dodge Charger R/T. I am worried that insurance will be to high?
I am worried that insurance will be too high. I am 16 years old and my Dad is paying for it. What is the average insurance that someone pays. Do you tihnk insurance on this charger will be a lot?
in ON canada what classic car insurance company will insure a 17 year old with a classic car
Learners permit insurance?
My parents are divorced and my mom took me to get my permit and signed for it. In order to drive with my dad do I have to have a card of her insurance in the car?
What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!
What would happen if a car insurance policy gets canceled to nonpayment?
Okay so my car insurance is with geico and my monthly is 157.90 per month liability. & I'm in college and I had a issue with my financial aid and my mother doesn't have any money as well. They gave me up until tomorrow (September 22) before they drop me. I really like them because they said my rates would go down quicker by using them. So I was wondering what would happen when I get the money and able to pay them. Would my rates go up? Would I have to do a new 6 month policy? Would I even be eligible to reopen a policy with them?
New hampshire vs massachusetts car insurance?
Is New Hampshire auto insurance better then Massachusetts auto insurance rates?
Average teen male's car insurance cost?
I'm 18 years old, I'm a male and i would like to get a car insurance by myself. I know you need more information, but i just want an estimate. I don't have a car yet, but I'm planning on buying a used car. I have straight A's so i would be able to qualify for the discount""
""When getting an auto insurance quote, can you lie?""
if you lie to get discounts, can they find out and do anything? i'm about to buy new insurance, and they ask if you had any violations in the past 6 months, and i do, but if i skip that part, can i get in trouble? also do they do a background check if you say your a good student when you don't go to school at all?""
What are some cheap diesel cars to insure?
This is for my first car. I would prefer a diesel but the engine sizes are usually larger so what are some diesel cars with a small engine? Don't really care about the engine as long as its cheap to insure.
How much insurance cost for an infinti g35 coupe?
i am 19 years old about to turn 20 in a couple of months and have state farm insurance. i am tryin to get a infinti g35 coupe. 2006 black infinti 2 door thanks.
How much will a teen pay for their own car insurance?
if its a used car that is completely paid for.
How much insurance cost for 350z?
how much does it cost for insurance on a 350z for a 19yr old guy clean driving record in Texas?
Can you insure a car without a company?
Do you have to go through a company to insure your car, or can you do it yourself? What I mean is that you could put a large sum of money to one side in a deposit and get back what wasn't spent on claiming. This system works for appartment renting, so why not car insurance? Does it exist? Should it exist?""
I want to know about car insurances?
What car insurance are good out there for full coverage
""How much would it cost to get insurance (if you can) on a $100,000.00 car if your 18?""
Just asking for an estimate. If i cant get full coverage, could i just get liability?""
I am 16 and need tips on insurance and a car....
I am 16 years old and I have no job currently but I am getting one this week... it is half way through summer holidays and at first I was just going to drive my dads car cause insurance alone for me is 3800$ year because my dad is a single parent. But going into grade 11 I want to drive a car and I seen a beater for about 500$ volkswagen still running good, but Is it true that you need to put down a quarter or half of the insurance to start off? What do you think I should do about any of this ..... thanks""
How come I can't keep my health insurance coverage?
President Obama stated that under the Affordable Health Care Act that any American that wanted to keep their existing coverage or doctor would be able to. I signed up today and they ...show more
Do motorbike insurance count towards my no claims?
i have 2 years no claims on my car insurance and am looking to geta motorbike. will my motorbike insurance go towards my no claims in total
What should I do if my attorney is not paying me my insurance money(california)?
ok.. I've filed a claim against my home insurance company through a lawyer. It was a house related claim. I was told my claim was settled and signed the settlement paper from attorney's office about 5 months ago and still have not received the money yet. So I called the actual insurance company and found out that the money was paid out 4 months ago. When I called my attorney's office, 4 different agents told me different stories and I noticed they might be trying to keep the money. is there any way to file a claim against lawyers? Please help""
Are you glad you have individual Health Plan?
I work freelance and I am looking into getting a health care plan. I haven't had medical insurance since elementary school but now that I'm approaching mid 20s, I wanted to prepare for the emergency, the 'just-in-case' situation. My problem is that I have a very negative impression on the insurance business and health care itself. I've gone to health clinic from a floating rib and I paid $300 to be told that I need to get tylenol LOL My relatives and friend went through some misdiagnose, multiple exams and charges. Some friends go through such a bull5hit time - one friend was charged $500 to borrow a blanket in the waiting room at a health care clinic and all she had to do was make a call and complain to cancel the full amount. We were baffled So.. they get paid $500 for lending a blanket? They take the $500 away if we complain? It's like complaining at a restaurant LOL!!! I maybe ignorant, but it makes me so upset to see people without insurance having such a hard time affording health care. Health care and insurance makes me feel like I'm giving into a manipulative scam - like buying a $120 clothing that only costs $5 to make. But incase I break my face crashing on my bicycle, I guess I need one. $500 for a blanket? I wonder how much X ray actually costs to buy, operate, and maintain. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it. Anyhow, I know I'm ignorant, please enlighten me. Any positive experience on having affordable individual plan would be great. Thanks in advance.""
Why do insurance companies pay out low payments?
i was expecting a good amount from my fathers life insurance after all he's been paying into their policy for almost 40 yrs. but i get a letter that after paying the funeral home, i will only get 89.00""
Is lowering ur car high for insurance?
So I'm in a situation with my dad in buying a car which is my first car. It's an 96 integra. First ima start off saying I'm interested in import cars just the way it looks. And I find this car on Craigslist that's already been lowered. I'm Tryna convince him about it. But he thinks its gunna be high insurance. Can someone tell me what he's worried about? He thinks I like low cars so I could hug turns but I just like the style. Someone help me!!!!
How long can I drive my car with out insurance?
I am buying a used car that isn't from a dealership. How long can I drive the car before needing to buy car insurance?
Is it possible for me to get car insurance just for the summer?
I got my drivers insurance early last year, and since I'm now I'm away at college, my parents cancelled my insurance. Now that school's almost over, is it possible for me to re-activate it for approximately 3 months? Thanks! :)""
Insurance for renting a home?
I'm renting a home from a friend, and she says that she has to cancel her home insurance. Is there rental insurance, or any more suggestions.""
How much would my car insurance be? (Estimate)?
If I buy a used car @$15,000 and I am a male age 20 and I love in central florida. I have one speeding ticket and I was caught driving on a permit when I was 16.""
Can insurance companies renew car insurance without owner`s permission?
My friend has just had a letter from her old car insurance company, saying they have set up a direct debit for monthly car insurance. However, she has recently changed car insurance companies, and has not instructed the old company to set up these direct debits. Is this legal?!""
What would insurance costs be for a 16 year old with a crossover?
I want a new 2011 equinox, and I just turned 16. About what would my rates be if I were added to my parents insurance? I don't want a quote from a website like progressive because I have to give out my parents info and I don't feel comfortable doing that. Can anyone give me just a guess at what they think my rates would be per month?""
Can anyone get affordable home insurance?
I live in an older home and it is the family home. I am a senior citizen and have always had homeowners insurance....until this year..seems it just got to expensive it was out of my reach. I would like to get some but has to b reasonable.My home at this time does need some little repairs which I will need to do...BUT will I b able to get insurance before the repairs are done..I realize I will have to pay for those myself..But want to try to get insurance for the future....Will they insure a home before the repairs are done? or Not? Thank u I live in Texas
What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin Of Buyin My First Car, but my Insurance Is costing 4000, my mates is getin it for 1300, when i tried the same insurance company as him, i got 2500, How could i lower this?""
How much does car insurance cost for 17 years old driver?
My parents have their policy from travelers and i tried getting quote online. What it showed for 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA that i have to pay 600 for month and for liability insurance 450 I think thats wrong information because my friend is 16 and pay 186 for 2 full coverage insurance and one liability. Any one had experience or know some information about 17 year old insurance rates please help me. THANK YOU.
What happens when a person dies with no life insurance?
80 year old male with no life insurance
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
What is the average auto insurance increase with one DWI?
Best Car Insurance For A 15 1/2 Year Old In California?
Im Turning 15 1/2 Soon, And Im Ready To Take Drivers Ed And Drivers Training.. And I Need I To Find Insurance, That IS CHEAP, I Cant Spend That Much Per Month On Insurance. My Parents Car Insurance Which Is AAA.. Only Insures Drivers Over The Age Of 21 Or Something Like That. I Just Need To Know What Insurance Is Cheapest For Me?.. And Is There Insurance What Insures Me For Whatever Car I Drive? Do I Need To Get Insurance On Every Car I Drive.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in general/in NM?
I feel like i'm paying too much for auto insurance (i have aaa) what other insurnce cold I get that will be the cheapest, I don't drive my car all that much, I just want the cheapses rather than nothing.""
Best Insurance Price I Could Get?
I'm looking at buying my first own car in the next few months/year. I'm currently 17 but will be 18 soon, straight-A student, looking at a 1999 Toyota 4Runner Limited 4WD. Progressive quoted me $147, which seems ludicrous to me (they'll have the value of my car in less than four years!), but I know I'm young - and young drivers get in a lot of wrecks. I'd just like to know what you all think is the best affordable insurance company that still offers pretty good coverage, and if there's anything I can do to further lower my price besides good student and safe driver discounts.""
""I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?""
Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?""
""Who are the best car rental company, insurance wise and cost etc London?""
there are so many to choose from, terms conditions insurance etc anyone use them a lot and know the best to use""
Car Insurance.?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please answer this. IF possible,,, any insurance pros. thanks. AAA is closed today.""
How much will cost to insure a mustang gt. I'm 20 years old.?
I'm looking to buy a 94 mustang gt and I was wondering how much it would cost me under my father policy. I'm 20 years old, I'm a guy and I have a good driving record. What would be the range on how much it would cost me. Don't say a lot because I know it will obviously be a lot that's why I'm asking the question.""
What would each insurance company pay?
The business is insured for $6,000,000 by Landa Insurance and for $4,000,000 by Epitome Insurance. The company experiences a fire loss of $60,000. Landa insurance must pay $________. Epitome insurance must pay $________""
Can somebody explain to me what LP means in home insurance?
For example, I know that there is a classification in homes that's called LP3 . What does that mean??""
Motorcycle insurance and licensing.?
I'm going to get a motorcycle, I'm wondering how much it will cost me to get a Class 6 license in BC, Canada, while I don't have one for cars. And also, how much do you think I will pay for insurance? Just the bare minimum, to keep me legal? Thanks...""
How much do you think my insurance will increase if I get my own car?
I trying to plan how much money I will need for a car. Its a 2000 truck. I am 17 and have had no accidents or tickets. I get a good student discount and took a drivers ed class. Sharing my moms car (a new SUV) made her insurance go up $70 a month. Do you have an idea of how much it would go up if I got my own car? Thanks!
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
Infertility insurance?
Does any one know of a good provider or some one with an insurance rider for infertility? I have great health insurance, except it dosent cover that! I should say that I live in Kentucky. Thanks""
How much would it cost to insure a learner driver on a diesel skoda octivia?
Basically I am a learner driver and I'd like to know how much it would cost to be insured on my dads Skoda octivia diesel (as a learner). If someone could find out I'd preferably like to know how much it would cost under the AA as thats what my dad is on, along with the price I'd also like to know if its good or bad since I don't know whats considered expensive for learner driver insurance on cars like this.""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with an SUV?
im thinking about getting a 1998 Chevy Tahoe for my first car but i dont know how much the insurance would be and i have my JOL license
Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'?
I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?
""How Much Are Maintenances, Insurance, Etc. for Mercedes?""
I want to get a car like this: http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=290209022&dealer_id=5433219&car_year=2002&doors=&systime=&model=&search_lang=en&start_year=2001&keywordsrep=&keywordsfyc=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&search_type=both&distance=10&min_price=&drive=&rdm=1292294570902&marketZipError=false&advanced=&fuel=&keywords_display=&sownerid=74651&lastBeginningStartYear=1981&end_year=2012&showZipError=y&make2=&certified=&engine=&page_location=findacar::ispsearchform&body_code=0&transmission=&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=&address=92620&color=&sort_type=priceDESC&max_price=9000&awsp=false&make=MB&seller_type=b&num_records=25&cardist=5&standard=false&rdpage=thumb And I'm curious to what everything will cost. I will be 17 when I get the car. I don't think it will be that expensive since it's almost 10 years old, but I need help.""
How to get your Life insuance license in California?
So people told me to take online courses to get pre-license, and then I have to take an exam outside in order to get my license for health and life insurance. That sounds like a long time and very expensive. Can I buy a book to study on my own, then go straight to take the exam outside? Or getting pre-licensed is required before I can take the actual exam.""
How much is car insurance usually?
and what makes it change? car type and age of owner?
Education determining car insurance...?
Here in NJ (USA) auto insurance differs by your level of education. I have an associates degree but if I were to put on my insurance that I have a bachelors for cheaper insurance would that be alright? I have been in an accident once and used insurance once and they never asked to see my degree or transcripts.
How does my insurance calculate the value of my classic car?
i have two classic cars, a 66 mustang and a 70 pontiac tempest. both are daily drivers and both have full coverage on my auto insurance policy. my question is: how will my insurance company (mercury) calculate the value of my cars if they are wrecked or stolen? bluebook doesn't list cars older then 1992. is there a website i can check? how will my insurance determine the value at the time of loss?""
What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!
How can a 17yearold get insured on a classic car?
I'm a 17 year old driver in staffordshire, i'm looking to purchase either a triumph gt6 or a triumph spitfire, however the insurance quotes im getting (even with my dad as the main driver) are over the value of the car! (approx 3500). does anyone know any specialist companies i could contact? thank you in advance""
Can a 16 year old male afford a Mustang with a V8( GT or LX)?
I've discussed getting a mustang to my family and friends for quite a while now. I know the downsides, high insurance, bad gas mileage, and too much power(according to my parents). I'm a big fan of the foxbody('79-'93) mustangs and I also really want a V8 and I also want stick if that matters. The way I see it, I'm going to pay a lot for insurance no matter what, so why not pay a little bit more and pay for the car I really want. It doesn't matter if its an LX or GT even though I've heard that LX's are cheaper, but how much cheaper. I've looked around for answers to this question and all I've seen are responses that tell me either that its stupid to get a Mustang or I find answers that have links for sites that will tell me. I just want a good answer and possibly how much insurance will cost me. I only want minimum coverage and it will be on my mom's policy. Also, one more question, how much cheaper do you believe a '90's Honda Civic(2 door sedan) would cost me in comparision to a V8 Mustang? Thanks for any responses, Aaron.""
Car insurance question?
Im 18 (female) i just bought a 1994 ford explorer. I have my license and stuff. First time im getting insurance. I need coverage to fix my car if i was in an accident and fix the other persons etc. Would it be cheaper to the car in my dads name and get insurance under him? Hes 58 and stable job for years and good credit. Thanx
Life Insurance - Can I insure my mom?
I am 34 years old. My mom is in her late 60's and in good health. Can I get a life insurance policy on her and collect on it when she passes? I can't imagine this being so - how could insurance companies stay in business if it were this easy? The monthly rates that I'm seeing seem to good to be true - I'd be stupid to not do it. I'm thinking I must be missing something. Is life insurance only for accidental death? Thank you.
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
Auto Insurance Penalities In Ky?
If you were without a car and insurance for a period of time, (2 years ) how can you get penalities for not having auto insurance. How do you insure something you don't have?""
I just got a 1991 chevy camaro it is my first car how expensive wil my insuranse be?
how expensive will my insurance be? how cheap can i get it?
""My insurance is not responding to my calls, but the other party insurance does after the accident. What to do?""
I reported about an accident to my insurance. Waiting for the police report, weeks came by. Now, I have the police report but my insurance is not responding my calls, but the insurance of the responsible party is. Who is in charge of fixing my car?""
Are you going to purchase health insurance as required by law ?
Now that the public option is off the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where's the guarantee that it will become affordable ?
Business Insurance Quote?
Can anyone give me an idea of what insurance I may have? Im doing a b-plan, and insurance companies wont give me a quote yet. heres my info: Beverage Company, we buy our beverage from 3rd party manufacture. First year revenue: 1,000,000 Employees: 4 (1 owner) Annual Wages w/owner: $150k w/o owner: $120k 1 company owned van for local distribution and marketing driven by employee and owner Renting a 2500 sq. ft office space, we will have about $30k of product and $10k office equipment Southern California, I need the general liability, commercial, workers comp, umbrella, and anything else i may need? A good enough number for me to throw down in my general number-running in trying to figure how much money I need to assmble would be so helpful! Thank you!""
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
""17 yr old new driver, buying car, wants mum and dad to be named drivers on insurance to get price down?""
just passed, saved up hard for car, checked car via a good garage, now wants to sort out car insurance. Have been told if mum and dad are named drivers on the car it will cut the cost of new drivers insurance, from around 2,000. to 700. But as a mum i want to know will it effect our own insurance? and effect our no-claims we have built up and our renewal costs? with or without a claim. or just which is the best way for the new driver to get insured, the new driver had no claims on a moped insurance. And is not a boy racer!""
How much would insurance be on 96 tahoe?
i'm 19, and i'm about to get my licences. i always be eye balling this tahoe. how much would insurance be on it??""
Need car insurance for a nissan navara? please help
hello, just wondering if anyone can give me some insurance companies for a nissan navara, im 22 have 3 years no claims yet my insurance says they cannot insure me on it? At the minute i drive a 1.9tdi vw passat and my insurance only costs 800, so why wont they insure me on 2005 nissan navara? Please help, thanks in advance x""
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
I am 17 and living in london. DO you guys know of any cheap insurance companies ( they do not have to be well known companies). I am willing to pay 3000 for insurance.
California people! who knows about teenage insurance prices?
I am moving from nc to california. i pay $150 every month for my insurance and i am 18. soon to be 19, iv been insured sense Nov 2010 any ideas on how much it would be for me in Cali? thanks :)""
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
When do I need to get insurance when purchasing a car?
I'm going shopping this weekend for a new(used) car. I have current insurance on my car right now. If I end up getting a car this weekend can I wait until Monday to get insurance, or do I have to do it that day? I'm in California by the way. I asked the loan officer and she said something about me having 10 days to get it, but I've been reading otherwise. Thanks!""
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
False Auto Insurance Claim Against A Friend?
A very close friend of mine received a call from his auto insurer yesterday regarding a 3rd party claim against him. According to the 3rd party, my friend hit their parked car (which was parked on the curb in front of their home), then parked his own car, went up to their house, rang their doorbell and exchanged insurance information. The 3rd party claims that this took place in a town that's more than 1 hour away from where we work and live. This allegedly happened 3 months ago. There are two major problems with this story: A- The alleged incident never happened. I carpool with my friend to and from work and was with him that night. B- The 3rd party has all of his insurance information. Could the insurance company have called the wrong person (i.e. gotten policy numbers mixed-up while processing the claim)? If not, how could a 3rd party have his insurance information? How common are fraudulent insurance claims (against another person)? And has anything similar happened to you or someone you know? My friend is a little worried because there is some minor damage to his rear bumper. We live in a major city and pretty much every 3rd car has nicks and scratches along the bumper from parking garage 'mysteries' and whatnot. Also, about 8 months ago, a young woman rear-ended us while we stationary, waiting to turn left at an intersection. Other than a scratch to his rear bumper caused by her license plate bolt, there was no cosmetic damage, and while we exchanged insurance information, my friend decided not to file a claim (she was very nice and didn't look as though she had a lot of money). I'd hate to think that it's her trying to commit fraud against him...""
Best insurance for a 2004 grand am?
what is the best, but cheapest insurance for this car. It is used and this is my first car. Does anyone have any list of insurances to look at? I really dont want to go over 200 for one month. Help? Please and thank you.""
Insurance for first timer? UK?
What would the insurance be on these cars for a 17 year old in the United Kingdom, roughly, and do you now any other cars that are like these, and are resonably cheap in insurance please Farlady 350z or 370z Skyline r33 gts Subaru inpreza 2.0 I was also thinking the mazda rx8, but i see that it has a rotary engine and also only has 20mpg, is that true? Thanks Mike""
What insurance do you recommend for a part-time photographer?
I am a part-time photographer who mostly does family portraits and children. However, I've shot one wedding this past summer, and have another planned for June. I have a couple who recently contacted me for engagement photos and they want to do them at a nearby museum (outdoors) a week from today. The museum may want insurance info, and I don't have any to provide them with. My gear: I own a Canon 5D Mark II (primary) with an L lens, as well as two Nikon cameras (5100 and d60- backup cameras). What kind of insurance do you recommend that is affordable for my part-time photography business income? I realize I may not be able to get insurance in time for this engaged couple, but would like to have it for the upcoming wedding.""
Car insurance coverage question...?????
I have state farm. there's an expectation of a severe storm with softball size hail heading our metroplex. I'm in the middle of switching car insurance. The coverage will expire april 10, 2008. Will state farm covers me if I have hail damage on the same day it's expired?""
Do you NEED insurance for a motorcycle?
meaning can you get arrested with no insurance?
What is the cost of Medical Insurance for an 18 year old?
I am a 17 year old senior in St. Louis, Mo. I plan to move out of my parents house promptly after the school year is over. My boyfriend and I have been doing a lot of research on apartments and creating a budget. My biggest concern though, is medical insurance.. I'm not sure how much it is going to cost us to be able to have it.. I would really appreciate an average monthly fee, (or at least an idea) Thank you!
0 notes
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
"Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""I am a married student, how can I afford pregnancy insurance?""
I am a 22 yr old married college student. I have been married to my wife for 2 years. We don't plan on having any kids until after we both graduate from school, but there is a ...show more""
Drivers license in California 19 years old?
How do I get my driver's license in California when I'm 19 years old? I already got my permit but it expired. Thanks Also, i'm a california resident""
Do I need insurance on a 50cc scooter?
I'm getting one because I don't want to get a different license and it's convenient. I'll get tags on it, that's easy. Do I also need to get insurance for it to be street legal?""
Do you feel sorry for insurance companies?
Insurance companies that helped develop Obamacare?
I am a police officer and I want cheap car insurance...any company suggestions?
I am a police officer and I want cheap car insurance...any company suggestions?
How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA?
How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA for an elder person, say 65, who has no health history in the us due to being an immigrant? I am talking about the decent type of health insurance one gets when working for a fortune 500 company with low premiums and 20 dollar copays. ANy advice?""
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
Hello dose any one no the cheapest insurance company for an 18yr old?
""I want to learn how to drive, 22 and i dont know how to drive ?
I will be turning 22 in a couple weeks and i still dont know how to drive . Nobody ever taught me or had the time to teach me but i really want to get out and start learning how do i go about doing this ? Should i find a friend with a license to teach me or take a drivers ed class ? What would my best option be to start learning how to drive and get a license ? Because i see other people who never took classes and just learned from someone else.
If you switch from one auto insurance company to another does it look bad?
I never had insurance before and am getting insurance from one company for a month and then switching. Does that look bad on some kind of record (meaning it will affect my rates in the future?)?
Rent a car or insurance for behind the wheel test in California?
Hi, I got my instructional permit from the DVM of CA. However what is the best way to pass the behind-the-wheel test? Rent a car? And if so, where can I rent a car that allows me to pass the test? Use a friend's car? And if so, how to I get the insurance? Thanks for any help !""
If my dad drives my car and is not on my insurance and he gets a speeding ticket, does MY insurance go up? I heard that since he's the driver, he gets the speeding ticket and it does not affect my insurance. But then I also heard the opposite. WHICH is true? I live in Canada""
Car insurance 1st driver uk cheapest & best one to go with.. thanks?
thats all i want to know cheers :)
Getting Health Insurance?
I am a 38 yr old female and I have a 45 yr old male signifigant other.I need to know how to get health insurance without having to provide income tax return.We both make under 20,000 a year and my job does not have health insurance and my partner is self employed.Is there a way to get health insurance like getting car insurance by just paying a mothly premium.We need health insurance badly because my partner has asthma.""
Answers to life insurance test?
answers to life insurance & applications test
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
Blue badge if you get one how much does your car insurance go up ?
Blue badge if you get one how much does your car insurance go up ?
Can I go to a doctor and claim no insurance even though I have health insurance?
I don't want my father getting bills from the doctors office or his insurance company.
Limited company insurance?
Ive just set up my own limited company recently and i am the only emploee of this company. I dont have health insurance or insurance against loss of earnings in case anything happens to me. Who is the best company for me to go to with this problem.
What is the Average Car insurance cover for UK Provisional driver?
I need one and looking at most covers, they are hell of a lot costy. But I have an eye of one which is about 2.81 per day. What do you think of that? Above/below average? Good/bad cover. Any suggestion will help. Cheers.""
""Car Insurance - 18 Year old added as a driver to parents car Insurance cost, high?""
My mum who doesn't drive very much is considering selling her crappy car which is probably gonna fail the MOT. But since I have a reasonably good paying job at 18, I thought, may as well spilt on a car, get something I want and will maintain, and she can use it as long as long as part of the insurance is paid off. So my mum pays around 50 a Month on a Daewoo (very small and crap car, 1.0L) I have a motorbike, so experienced on the road (could count towards a discount), but only got my driving license fully a week ago, passed with flying colours. So my mum with like 4 years no claims, and an 18 year old on a Subaru Impreza? What you reckon?""
Which is the best Home Loan insurance?
Hi, i have taken Home loan of Rs. 10 Lac from HDFC. and want to protect my loan through insurance. can any body tell me that , which is the best home loan insurance plan or policy. HDFC recommend to me its own HDFC ERGO for home loan. is it best for me or any ohter option to chosse me. Please advice. LK Sharma""
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
How do Life Insurance companies make money?
If you get a 500,000 dollar policy pay 250 a month that would take 2000 years for them to make the money back. How do they make more money then they put out?""
How much Is car insurance for a 21 year old in the uk?
I cant drive yet but have a provisional. my friend has been driving for 3 years. We are both 21. He will teach me and said I would have to get insurance on his car for 6 months. Does anybody no how much this will cost a month. He drives a vauxhall corsa. Full Stars 4 best answer
Am I getting ripped off for car insurance?
Got my car insurance bill. I'm on a family plan with my mom and my sister. We did it because we were told it would save money. I'm in my late 20's, drive an older car(a ...show more""
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
""Whats a night's stay in a hospital cost, on average, without insurance?""
I need to know approximate, or just the price of a hospital anywhere.""
How much will my car insurance increase from my speeding ticket?
I currently pay $750 a year on my car insurance and i just got a speeding for 40km over the posted speed limit. i got 4 demerit points. also i live in ontario canada
Does my employer have a right to my car insurance information?
I don't even drive to work, my husband drives me to work and then drives himself to work. And I tell them that I don't use my car for work and that my husband drives me to work. So the way I see it, they don't need that information, and the car insurance is in my husband's name, not mine.""
I need to start saving on my healthcare insurance coverage. It is way too expensive. Since our congresmen?
and women are not working so that I can buy insurance outside the State of Colorado, could I possibly buy it from China? anyone know of any Chinese companies operating in the U.S. that are offering affordable health insurance?""
What are the pros & cons of employer-sponsored health insurance?
In almost every other country health insurance is provided through the government or through private industry directly to the policyholder. America is unique in that health insurance is most often provided through your employer. What are the pros & cons of this system.
Can i buy insurance/warranty on beats?
My friend sold me an unopened studio beats. But i want to know if places like best buy can i just walk in and ask for a warranty or insurance? if not can you place help me find a place that i can.
What and who has the Cheapest car insurance for a 2005 Mustang?
i am getting a 2005 Ford mustang, and i wan to know who has the cheapest insurance for a mustang. thx""
How to find insurance companies for joint ventures?
How to find Insurance companies wanting to do a joint venture of a $100 million and up. not insurance brokers
I am 16 male, and I have a 2006 Honda Civic Sedan 4 door black currently living in NYC Long Island and I want to know what is my Insurance rate. How much would I have to pay every month please tell me every month not year !! Thanks ALSO FOR POINTS PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH FOR A 2002-2006 Honda accord !!""
How much would it be to insure a Datsun 280zx for a 16 year old in NC.?
I have a mustang but v6 want a little more, but worried it might be to much to do right now.""
CAR INSURANCE - how can I insure my car in a California so my son can drive it even though I live in Florida ?
PROBLEM I own a car that my son drives. He lives in California and will have a California drivers liscense there. I live in Florida. what do I do. The car obviouslyt is in California as well.
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper?
Insurance: Possible to change title by deed poll to make insurance prices cheaper? Im currently Mr X but if i changed my title by deed poll (UK) i would be Miss X and this makes my insurance more than 50% cheeper for my car? Think its possible and/or worth it?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
Being on your parents insurance and having a baby?
This is completely random for me, but me and my mom were just talking about this and wondering... Say a 17 year old gets pregnant while on her parents insurance. Would she have to get her own insurance? Would she have to pay as an adult would have to? Any personal experiences? Just wondering! Thanks :)""
""What the best, and cheapest car insurance to get full coverage on??""
I moved to another state, need to change insurance companies, and have a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. its still in good shape and would like full coverage. What the BEST, and cheapest insurance to get full coverage on??""
Where is the cheapest (most affordable)place in ma for car insurance?
I am new to boston and need car insurance..any ideas? My car is a new 2008 Toyota..
Is GEICO auto insurance tougher (more expensive) than Progressive if you have an at fault accident?
I have one at fault accident on my record. It was a rear-end collision and it is a 2 pt. accident in California. I was shopping for new insurance. I made this statement about the at fault accident when filling out the forms for a quote online. At first GEICO the GEICO rates were looking way better than Progressive or other insurance companies so I thought I'd go with them. But when I went to go pay online, they did one last DMV record check, and came back with a higher rate. Even though I had stated the accident in the form previously. They waited to verify this at the very end and not earlier which I found annoying--they had my driver's licence earlier in the application process, so why wait till the very end! When filling out the Progressive quote forms, I also stated the info about my accident where asked. At the end, the form still considered me a Good Driver and the quote was much cheaper than Progressive. I went to pay and it did not recalculate my quote after a DMV check like GEICO did. I paid and am wondering if I am going to hear back from them saying I need to pay more. But I gave them all the info and I do now have a policy. So it appears that GEICO is tougher when it comes to having an accident, and Progressive doesn't let one at fault accident ruin a good driver discount? Does anyone have experience with this?""
Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17?
Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops.
Insurance for a Porsche Panamera 2011?
Im planning on buying a porsche about 3-4 years from now. Im getting my license this month and wanted to know will it really cost 2-3k a month for insurance on a porsche? Are their any cheap insurances you suggest?
Car insurance?
suppose someone is paying $700 a year for liability car insurance and gets a speeding ticket. how much higher can this persons insurance go up?
Can anybody advise me on the Insurance Company United America for health insurance?
I need Health insurance and would like advise on this company
What is cheaper in car insurance...?
An old fiat punto or a new fiat punto
Colonial Penn Insurance - how big is a UNIT?
The ads and website quote a price like 7.85 per month PER UNIT. I don't know if a unit is $100, $1000, $10000? The phone number quotes the price but ALSO evades the question of how big is a unit. Does anyone know the answer?""
Do I need Car Insurance to drive with a learners permit?
i live in Pennsylvania, i was told that i do not need car insurance to drive with a learners permit and i am 16. can anybody confirm, disprove, and/or explain more in depth?""
Where can I get laibality insurance for a medical assistant?
I am looking for insurance to covoer myself for Medical assistant
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
How can I get cheaper motorbike insurance?
I know postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, but can anyone Please tell me what else puts the price up? Thanks""
Can I go on my boyfriends health insurance florida?
I am living with my boyfriend for a year can I go on his health insurance
Health Insurance claims in LA?
How long must health insurance claims be kept on file in Louisiana hospitals and healthcare facilities?
""Car Insurance, passed test today, 18 years old, cheapest insurance?""
Hi, I passed my test this morning and I live in Birmingham in the UK, I was wondering if there was any companies that do cheap insurance for my age group.. The car I have is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec, and was looking on paying 2500 maximum. Thank you!!!""
How much money would a 16 year old have to pay for yearly insurance for a sports car?
how much money would a 16 year old have to pay for yearly insurance on a sports car? for example a 1999 ford mustang
How much would car insurance on a 2006 convertible mini cooper cost for a 16 year old boy?
in the state of texas
Is $$ 785.00 a year to much for Full-Coverage car Insurance ?
It's A.A.A. Insurance. My Honda car is 10 years old. With just 84,500 miles on it. --------------------------- (Such Low Milage cause I only drive 450 miles to 500 miles per month.)""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm 17 years old, canada, ontario. Just started driving.. Anyone recommend a company, or any adivce, what are the costs per month.""
How much is insurance on a Mazda RX-8?
I'll be 19 years old when I get it(if I get it that is), I will have had my license for 4 months(if that matters), clean record(no tickets or accidents), I live in 75044 Texas(if that matters) and I'm a male(I know that matters). The car will be anywhere from an 04 to 06 with < 100k miles on it. It will be a 6 speed. [about] How much will insurance be for full coverage vs liability only? Right now I'm in a 98 Honda Civic Ex with 187k miles and it's $40 a month for liability only if that helps.""
Commercial Vehicle Insurance in the UK?
A business starts a delivery service and employs several drivers. Now each driver has their own personal insurance policy, but this will not cover them for business purposes. What would be the options for the business owner? Would the business buy a policy to cover the employees and their individual vehicles? or would they have to buy a vehicle solely for business purposes for the drivers to use? In addition, what companies are there that offer such commercial vehicle insurance for delivering purposes and what would be a ballpark figure for such a policy? extra credit for in depth answers. Thank you!!""
Car Insurance Policy When Not Vehicle Owner?
Can anyone help? My boss has bought me a car but because Renault were unable to put the finance agreement in the company name it had to go in his name, which meant that the ownership of the vehicle did too. Not the problem I have is insuring this car as insurance companies won't insurer me as the driver if I am not the car owner unless the car is owned by a spouse etc...so, I am assuming that the only way round this is for my boss to be put as the main driver and me as an additional driver...if this is the case what will happen if I have an accident or conviction, or he does? Also what about No Claims Discount as I previously built up 3 years on my old car. Please help I really don't know what to do! Thanks""
My auto insurance raised twice as much for not being insured for more then 30-days?
I had auto insurance with state farm and my policy was $180 (just liablilty)per month for 12 months. I ran into some issues with money and could not pay so I cancelled the policy and avoided driving for a little over a month. I recently went to another agency to find a cheaper insurance and they said since i had a registered vehicle that was uninsured for more than 30 days, there is a penalty. Now I pay $340 for 8 months (just liablilty). 3 agency's told me the same thing. My question is will this ever change? How long will I have this penalty ? I have a clean driving record besides this and feel this is unfair and cannot afford it. Is there anything I can do to go back to paying $180p month? When did insurance companies start doing this? I have not found anything similiar through my research. Thanks""
""2007 Mercedes S-class fuel consumption, reliability, maintenance?""
If you're 60 years old in Canada, with a great driving record, how much should insurance cost per year more or less? Also, if you drive 20,000km annually, how much should fuel cost? And is this car reliable? How much would you expect to spend on maintenance costs over the next 5 years? It has 70,000km and costs $36,000 also, is this a good price? Lots of questions I know, but thanks so much""
Problem with my car insurance company?
Just before new year, sitting stationary at a roundabout, old guy bashed into back of me. Exchanged details and went through the insurance. Nearly 4 months on...and my insurance company is still chasing liability. Meanwhile, my premium was due for renewal at end of Jan and that has gone up and my insurance company tell me they have problems with the other insurers as they don't answer their phones. They tell me they're sending out letters every 2 weeks and are trying to phone them. I don't think this is enough, especially after all this time. Basically, I'm being held over a barrel. I'll bet the old guy has got his car fixed now, but meanwhile even though I've done nothing wrong, I'm paying out more money and still have rear damage to my car!! I'm getting really sick of it, especially as I need to sell the car soon. It's completely ridiculous. Please wait for rest....""
What are some affordable nationwide health insurance plans in New /Hampshire?
looking for health insurance for my husband and unborn baby.
Whats up with renter's insurance?
is there home insurance for apartment dwellers?
Cheap Car Insurance for a 20 year old...?
I'm 20 years old I live in Houston, Tx 77045 I have a 2003 Toyota Corolla CE. I never had accidents, or traffice tickets. I need a insurance that will not be so high. Any suggestions? Thanks..""
How can 18 year old male afford an car insurance?
Im 18 year old male, i have full driving license i was searching for car insurances on my Vauxhall Corsa 2002 the prices is like 400+ a month! this is crazy! i can afford like 50-70 a month, any advice? Thanks.""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.""
Why is my Car insurance so high?
I'm 18 and live on my own, so the insurance is under my name NOT my parents. That's already a reason why it would be higher. But im paying 620 dollars a month, its getting ridiculous to keep up with. Everyone I tell is shocked at how high it is. I've never been in an accident or traffic violation. But when I got the insurance a couple of other places quoted me 900 dollars a month! so 620 dollars is cheap? Also when i got the insurance I was unemployed, and everytime I got a quote I would have to tell them I didn't have a job. Would this be Why its so high?""
Cheap car insurance uk?
My car insurance is due, anyone know the cheapest company to go with? I'm a 19 year old guy with 2 years no claims and no convictions. The cheapest I found on a comparison website was 1300. any help would be appreciated. Thanks""
""Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?""
Is insurance on a kitcar cheaper than a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari body kit,?""
What would you recommend as a first car for a young driver?
must be cheap insurance, affordable and any good insurance companies for young drivers?""
How much does your credit rating affect your car insurance premium?
The CSR from my company just told me that continuous coverage is much more of a discount than a good credit rating gives you. So, overall, about what percent do folks in the know think that the credit rating matters?""
How much will insurance co pay us?
i was 35 wks preg and had a car accident that was other drivers fault. had to stay overnight at hospital for pre term contractions and plancental tear from seatbelt injury. out of work for about a week befor being released from scrict bed rest. had to have someone else keep kids and all. im 37wks now and just got the ok to get chiropratic care. we both have geico and they have been really nice about everything. husband doesnt want to get a laywer yet wants to see what they offer first. just wanted to know a ballpark number to look or ask for if anyone knows.also suffered chest injury which cause me to loose my voice due to sudden onset of Gerds from seatbelt injury.still in pain and not back at work had plans on working till i had the baby but cant now.already suffer pregnancy now have pain from accident just feel terrible. help.
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
How much insurance do you guys pay for 2005+ mustang gt?
im 21 years old and thinking about buying a 2007 mustang since I have saved up enough money for one. I have 3 speeding tickets in my record driving history. I can only afford upto $4000-$4500 a year in insurance. Can I not afford this car? Gas and winter driving are not problems for me.
How much would an insurance premium rise if you has 2 speeding tickets?
Now, I am considering adding myself to my husbands policy(for his car). I went 15 years without a single ticket, and then this past year I recieved two speeding tickets within 6 months. I was only going 5 mph over on one, and 7 mph on the other. Will the agent factor this in, or is speeding, speeding no matter how fast..It was NOT fast enough to be consdered wreckless driving. Neither of us have ever had an accident...(thank you lord!) Alos- How long does it take for tickets to come off your record? And are they also basing premiums off credit? I have good credit, so could that help the speeding issue?""
What would be a cheap motorcycle to insure....?
im 20 with im going to do a safety course id like something sporty looking...new or used...would it be cheaper to go with a older bike so i can carry liability or do older bikes have alot of problems....inform me with you advanced riders knowledge
How do I insure my new used car while I wait to pass my test?
I have a UK provisional driving licence, am due to take my practical test in little over a week and have just bought a used car. I have purchased temporary insurance so that my mum can drive the car home for me, which cost me 45 for the day. I'm an older learner driver, (over 40). How do I insure the car whilst it sits on the road outside my house until I pass my test?""
""On an Annual basis, how much does health insurance cost in America?
I would like to know how much the average American citizen pays in Health Insurance per year please.
How much info do the govt have on what sort of car insurance u have?
Like as long as I have an insurance certificate am I sweet until I have an accident? Or if I give the insurance company wrong info for a cheaper quote will the govt find out? If so how? My mates had his car for ages and has no insurance and the police have never said anything to him Cheers
How much would car insurance in North Carolina be for an 18 year old?
I was wondering how much car insurance would be for someone my age? I've been told by a bunch of other people my age that their car insurance is $140 a month....Thanks for any help:]
Insurance on SUVs?
How much is insurance on SUVs usually... like a Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo or a Chevrolet.. anyone know?
Moving to France - car insurance?
I am moving to France next week and will be taking my British registered car. I rang my insurers who told me that they would only insure me 'up to the ferry' and after that ...show more
Do you have to pay for insurance if you get your learners permit in California?
I am 15 and am getting my permit next week and I was wondering if I would have to pay for insurance if I drive my parents cars.
Need help finding car insurance?
I need my own insurance policy in order to get off of my mom's, but I need one that is cheap and affordable. Any ideas?""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:""
Home owner insurance in florida?
I need to by home owner insurance in florida at a reasonable price. and I need insuracnce this month
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive very much. My car insurance is up for renewal. It says I drive 1-3 miles to work or school. Should I tell them that I'm no longer employed? Do you think my rates will go down???""
Can my License Plates be suspended under the mandatory insurance law even if I did not drive the car?
My sister was arressted for driving my car with no insurance and now my plates are suspended. I thought it was only if you were driving your own car they would suspend it? Help!
Should you get better car insurance coverage when purchasing a home?
I am currently house shopping and my boss mentioned increasing my car insurance coverage to cover the price of my house in case I get into an accident where the damages are higher than my coverage. Could I be sued for my house if I cause an expensive accident and my insurance doesn't cover it or all of it? Should my car insurance be raised to 150k, and how much can I expect that to cost? I live in California and the legal minimum is 15/30(which is what I currently have), I told my agent I would like to pay no more than 160k for the house, though I was approved for more.. I drive an rsx, it's paid for, and drive roughly 22k miles a year.""
Will my insurance go up that much if I buy a Camaro?
I currently have a 96 Pontiac Sunfire and I have Erie insurance which through them I have liability only on my car and my rates are $60.00 a month....I am 18,19 years old next month and I found on craigslist a guy who is desperately wanting to get rid of his camaro and is willing to trade it straight up for my sunfire,as he and his gf are having a baby and she wants him to get rid of his toy....now this camaro is a 95,fully loaded automatic,t tops, leather interior etc...and my sunfire is the basic model,manual windows,locks etc....so obviously Id be making out very well in value....now I am on my own insurance and my mother chewed me out when I told her about me maybe trading for this camaro...will my insurance go up THAT much?""
What is a fast but cheap to insure car?
Im 24, 6 years no claims bonus with 6 years driving and no fault crashes (only people have crashed into me) i have 7000 to spend on a car what is the fastest car i could get with the cheapest insurance? (i have extra money to spend on insurance seperately)""
""I am looking for a good,affordable place to rent out to throw a party.In sacramento and surrounding areas?""
Does anybody know a good place.I just want to have fun and make sure people are safe ,but at an affordable price ?""
Cancelling car insurance?
if i decided to cancel my car insurance and go elsewhere would i have to pay a cancellation fee? if so how much is this likely to be? im with m&s (underwritten by bisl). also will my previous ncd be void because i wont have completed this current year due to cancelling early?
""I know NOTHING about insurance, I'm looking for car insurance?
My friend sent me the link to this website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I'm wondering if it is good information I should use?
Which companies do temporary car insurance for under 21 year olds?
Everyone i find wants you to be over 21. Is there a company that give me temporary insurance? I am 18 years old Thanks
Is there a way I can drop my car insurance since I am not using my car?
I have not used my car in a few months but still have insurance on it. I still want to keep my vehicle though, but just have it in the garage. Can I drop my insurance? My biggest fear is that once I cancel it and want to start driving my car again I will have higher rates? Is there any way I can avoid this???""
Best young driver insurance company ?? (Ireland)?
so just got my full licence and was wondering which company would be the best and cheapest for me? 10 points :)
Where can i find the best disability insurance?
There are so many options out there I dont know who to choose.
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
0 notes
yournewapartment · 7 years
I've been looking around for a while and I don't know if minimum wage would be enough to get an apartment, buy food, and take care of all my cats and it's just generally stressing me out and now I'm wondering if I should even think of living alone
Take a deep breath! While not ideal, living on minimum wage can be done. My advice to you would be to look for some sort of roommate situation as opposed to living on your own. You could also rent a room in a house which would be significantly cheaper than a one bedroom apartment. Your cats shouldn’t cost you more than $50 extra a month, and they will give you such relief and comfort. Moving out of your parent’s house and living on your own can be stressful and feel overwhelming- you’ll want your furry friends by your side!
Budgeting on Minimum Wage
The average minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hr. Even working full time at 40 hours a week, that’s only a profit of $290 before taxes. This is not a fair living wage! You are worth way more than this amount! I strongly encourage you to start looking for another job that pays better, look for something around the $10-$15 range.
While $7.25 is atrocious, thousands of people around the world support families on much less. If they can do it while supporting children, so can you! To live off a minimum wage budget you need to declare yourself independent. If your parents are still claiming you as a dependent YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS. I also recommend that you have the highest amount possible taken out of your taxes so that you get money back from your state at the end of the year, instead of being in debt to them. 
What I’ve done is come up with a budgeting plan based off some made up factors and my own personal experience.
1. City life. Forget about the city! Apartments located in cities can be three times as expensive as apartments in small towns or villages. On top of the extra expense, they’re much smaller and have less amenities included. I’d much rather live in a one bedroom apartment with a dishwasher and a conveniently located Laundromat, than a literal closet with no windows on a fifth floor walkup. Look for apartments twenty minutes to a half hour outside of your closest city. Now you have the close conveniences of a city, with none of those pesky city prices that your budget can’t handle.
2. College towns. Shop around and look at apartments by local colleges. Large colleges with have apartment complexes within walking distance of the school grounds. Landlords know that college students have less money (you might even be a college student yourself) and adjust their prices accordingly. Even apartments next to ivy league schools are priced this way, so don’t be discouraged by the institution’s “prestige”.
3. Locale. Your safety is more important than your bank account. It doesn’t matter if you live in Section 8 housing or in an affluent suburb. Some apartment complexes and neighborhoods are just safer than others. I live in a heavily populated and upper middle class suburb, and the first year I moved in, a drunk woman tried to throw a beer bottle at my car. Thankfully this is the only time this happened to me, but it made me feel unsafe in my environment. Before signing a lease, walk or drive around your prospective home’s neighborhood at night. Take in the atmosphere, and make sure it’s one where you could comfortably run to the local supermarket at 10:30pm and pick up toilet paper.
4. Roommates. Living on minimum wage requires that you find one or two roommates to help split the rent. The more the better! Get together with your more responsible friends, so at least you’re living with people whose company you enjoy. There are lots of “roommate wanted” forums and message boards for you to browse on the internet, but always bring a responsible adult with you before meeting a stranger. Please. Bring your mom if you have too.
1. Low-spoon food. I created this post a few months ago which offers lots of suggestions about cooking and shopping on a budget.
2. Online recipes. Here are some of my favorite online Tumblr cookbook resources.
- College Student Cookbook. Click here.
- Meals On The Go. Click here. (Not a cookbook, but super helpful)
- Broke College Kid Masterpost. Click here.
- Cooking on A Bootstrap. Click here.
- Good and Cheap. Click here.
- Budget Bytes. Click here.
3. I also regularly update my cooking on a budget tag.
Misc Expenses
1. Gas. Shop around and find the cheapest gas in your area. Avoid gas stations next to colleges, highways, and in touristy areas. Look into getting as gas rewards card from your favorite supermarket. I get 10 cents off a gallon with Stop & Shop every time I do a big shop.
2. Dollar store. Get to know your local dollar and bargain stores. You can buy everything from pots and pans to bed sheets there. These stores often sell bulk ramen for $1 and large cans of crushed tomatoes for 75 cents. That’s enough food for you to live off of for several days. When shopping, I make three grocery store stops to ensure that I spend the least amount possible on my pantry needs. I go Dollar Store, Stop and Shop, and then to my local organic grocery store. I’m going to make a list of things that I buy at Dollar Stores and things that I don’t buy at Dollar Stores soon!
3. Cable. We are living in the digital age- you don’t need cable television. Use Netflix or Hulu or whatever. It will save you tons of $$.
4. Internet. As far as internet speed goes, if you’re living with roommates you will probably need a higher speed. Living by yourself, choose a lower one. Most internet companies offer large discounts to new subscribers. These typically only last a year, but will save you serious money. Make sure to take note of when this discount expires, and contact the company before it does. If you don’t, they’ll begin charging you the full amount without notice.
5. Verizon. I just want to take a moment to talk about how much I love Verizon because they have literally saved me so much money in the three years I’ve been with them. After you sign a contract with a new internet company, they charge you a bunch of ridiculous fees like “activation fees” and “installation fees”. I called Verizon and was like “I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford this” and they were like “don’t worry, we’ll waive the fee”. I signed a two year contract with them that saved me $80 on a high-speed internet bill per month (my price being only 50.99 a month). After the contract expired I call them and they put me on a month to month, keeping the price absolutely the same. TLDR- get Verizon if you can.
6. Utility. Get on a monthly budget with whatever utility company services your new apartment. Although it may seem like the cheaper option, paying the actual amount of electricity you spend per month is the more expensive. It’s also unpredictable, and a minimum wage budget won’t allow for it. See this for more info.
7. Amazon. I buy a lot of my beauty, cleaning, and cat products online. Amazon offers Prime shipping free for a year with a student email address, and then offers it at a greatly reduced price after the year. If you are a student, snap up that free deal ASAP. If it’s in your budget, I’d greatly recommend investing in Amazon Prime.
8. Saving money. It’s so important to attempt to break way from the “paycheck to paycheck” vicious cycle. Living this way does not allow for emergency expense money, and trust me, sometime soon you will need emergency expense money. Your cat might get sick or your car may die, whatever it is, it’s always smart to have at least $500 squirreled away. I’m gonna level with you, things have been tight for my budget and I haven’t been able to save anything for the past three months. But this month I will!
Example Budgets
Full Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 40hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $1,160 a month without taxes.
Housing: Let’s say you’re sharing an apartment with two close friends, the rent being $1,500 without any amenities. That rent split three ways is $500 each.
Gas I commute twenty minutes every day, and I drop about $20-$25 a week on gas. That’s $100 on gas a month.
Food: I do one big shopping a month with my boyfriend. We drop around $180 and that’s including toiletries and soap and stuff. So maybe you’ll spend about $100 a month on all your shopping needs.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split three ways that’s $17 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Especially when you have cats. Let’s just tack on another $100.
With everything added up, you still have around $290 left before taxes! That money can go into a savings account, and after several months, you’ll have that $500 worth of emergency money saved.
Part Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 25hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $725 without taxes.
Housing: In this case, you need to look for apartments in the $800-900 range. In my area, one bedroom apartments go for around $1000, so you may need to get creative with your roommate (I don’t think you could have more than one roommate in this situation). Buy dividers to split the bedroom or studio in half! Let’s say your rent is $850 with nothing included, that’s $425 each.
Gas You’re still looking at a large gas bill per month, so it may be more inexpensive to ride a bike or use public transportation. Let’s say you use public transportation, and spend around $50 a month on that. Or maybe you and your roommate can split gas expenses and share a car?
Food: Pinch those pennies! Use some of those budget cookbooks I linked above to help you cook healthy and delicious meals for under $4 each. See if you can only spend $80 a month on groceries.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split two ways is $25 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
That leaves you $25 to put in your bank account, if that. This is a paycheck to paycheck situation, and you will probably need to get another source of income to feel secure. But you can still do it!
120 notes · View notes
yournewapartment · 8 years
Hello, I'm the anon who's freaking out about being thrown into adulthood, and thank you for your previous help. 1.) How do I mamage/budget a minimum wage salary? 2.) I've never been great with any sort of organization, but would you mind teaching me about home organization and important paper organization?
Okay, so this post will be about budgeting on minimum wage, and later in the day I will also post about paper organization. Enjoy!
Budgeting on Minimum Wage
The average minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hr. Even working full time at 40 hours a week, that’s only a profit of $290 before taxes. This is not a fair living wage! You are worth way more than this amount! I strongly encourage you to start looking for another job that pays better, look for something around the $10-$15 range. 
While $7.25 is atrocious, thousands of people around the world support families on much less. If they can do it while supporting children, so can you! To live off a minimum wage budget you need to declare yourself independent. If your parents are still claiming you as a dependent YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS. I also recommend that you have the highest amount possible taken out of your taxes so that you get money back from your state at the end of the year, instead of being in debt to them.
What I’ve done is come up with a budgeting plan based off some made up factors and my own personal experience.
1. City life. Forget about the city! Apartments located in cities can be three times as expensive as apartments in small towns or villages. On top of the extra expense, they’re much smaller and have less amenities included. I’d much rather live in a one bedroom apartment with a dishwasher and a conveniently located Laundromat, than a literal closet with no windows on a fifth floor walkup. Look for apartments twenty minutes to a half hour outside of your closest city. Now you have the close conveniences of a city, with none of those pesky city prices that your budget can’t handle.
2. College towns. Shop around and look at apartments by local colleges. Large colleges with have apartment complexes within walking distance of the school grounds. Landlords know that college students have less money (you might even be a college student yourself) and adjust their prices accordingly. Even apartments next to ivy league schools are priced this way, so don’t be discouraged by the institution’s “prestige”.
3. Locale. Your safety is more important than your bank account. It doesn’t matter if you live in Section 8 housing or in an affluent suburb. Some apartment complexes and neighborhoods are just safer than others. I live in a heavily populated and upper middle class suburb, and the first year I moved in, a drunk woman tried to throw a beer bottle at my car. Thankfully this is the only time this happened to me, but it made me feel unsafe in my environment. Before signing a lease, walk or drive around your prospective home’s neighborhood at night. Take in the atmosphere, and make sure it’s one where you could comfortably run to the local supermarket at 10:30pm and pick up toilet paper.
4. Roommates. Living on minimum wage requires that you find one or two roommates to help split the rent. The more the better! Get together with your more responsible friends, so at least you’re living with people whose company you enjoy. There are lots of “roommate wanted” forums and message boards for you to browse on the internet, but always bring a responsible adult with you before meeting a stranger. Please. Bring your mom if you have too.
1. Low-spoon food. I created this post a few months ago which offers lots of suggestions about cooking and shopping on a budget.
2. Online recipes. Here are some of my favorite online Tumblr cookbook resources. 
- College Student Cookbook. Click here. 
- Meals On The Go. Click here. (Not a cookbook, but super helpful)
- Broke College Kid Masterpost. Click here.
- Cooking on A Bootstrap. Click here.
- Good and Cheap. Click here.
- Budget Bytes. Click here.
3. I also regularly update my cooking on a budget tag. 
Misc Expenses
1. Gas. Shop around and find the cheapest gas in your area. Avoid gas stations next to colleges, highways, and in touristy areas. Look into getting as gas rewards card from your favorite supermarket. I get 10 cents off a gallon with Stop & Shop every time I do a big shop. 
2. Dollar store. Get to know your local dollar and bargain stores. You can buy everything from pots and pans to bed sheets there. These stores often sell bulk ramen for $1 and large cans of crushed tomatoes for 75 cents. That’s enough food for you to live off of for several days. When shopping, I make three grocery store stops to ensure that I spend the least amount possible on my pantry needs. I go Dollar Store, Stop and Shop, and then to my local organic grocery store. I’m going to make a list of things that I buy at Dollar Stores and things that I don’t buy at Dollar Stores soon!
3. Cable. We are living in the digital age- you don’t need cable television. Use Netflix or Hulu or whatever. It will save you tons of $$. 
4. Internet. As far as internet speed goes, if you’re living with roommates you will probably need a higher speed. Living by yourself, choose a lower one. Most internet companies offer large discounts to new subscribers. These typically only last a year, but will save you serious money. Make sure to take note of when this discount expires, and contact the company before it does. If you don’t, they’ll begin charging you the full amount without notice.
5. Verizon. I just want to take a moment to talk about how much I love Verizon because they have literally saved me so much money in the three years I’ve been with them. After you sign a contract with a new internet company, they charge you a bunch of ridiculous fees like “activation fees” and “installation fees”. I called Verizon and was like “I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford this” and they were like “don’t worry, we’ll waive the fee”. I signed a two year contract with them that saved me $80 on a high-speed internet bill per month (my price being only 50.99 a month). After the contract expired I call them and they put me on a month to month, keeping the price absolutely the same. TLDR- get Verizon if you can.
6. Utility. Get on a monthly budget with whatever utility company services your new apartment. Although it may seem like the cheaper option, paying the actual amount of electricity you spend per month is the more expensive. It’s also unpredictable, and a minimum wage budget won’t allow for it. See this for more info.
7. Amazon. I buy a lot of my beauty, cleaning, and cat products online. Amazon offers Prime shipping free for a year with a student email address, and then offers it at a greatly reduced price after the year. If you are a student, snap up that free deal ASAP. If it’s in your budget, I’d greatly recommend investing in Amazon Prime.
8. Saving money. It’s so important to attempt to break way from the “paycheck to paycheck” vicious cycle. Living this way does not allow for emergency expense money, and trust me, sometime soon you will need emergency expense money. Your cat might get sick or your car may die, whatever it is, it’s always smart to have at least $500 squirreled away. I’m gonna level with you, things have been tight for my budget and I haven’t been able to save anything for the past three months. But this month I will!
Example Budgets
Full Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 40hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $1,160 a month without taxes.
Housing: Let’s say you’re sharing an apartment with two close friends, the rent being $1,500 without any amenities. That rent split three ways is $500 each.
Gas I commute twenty minutes every day, and I drop about $20-$25 a week on gas. That’s $100 on gas a month.
Food: I do one big shopping a month with my boyfriend. We drop around $180 and that’s including toiletries and soap and stuff. So maybe you’ll spend about $100 a month on all your shopping needs.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split three ways that’s $17 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
With everything added up, you still have around $290 left before taxes! That money can go into a savings account, and after several months, you’ll have that $500 worth of emergency money saved.
Part Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 25hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $725 without taxes.
Housing: In this case, you need to look for apartments in the $800-900 range. In my area, one bedroom apartments go for around $1000, so you may need to get creative with your roommate (I don’t think you could have more than one roommate in this situation). Buy dividers to split the bedroom or studio in half! Let’s say your rent is $850 with nothing included, that’s $425 each.
Gas You’re still looking at a large gas bill per month, so it may be more inexpensive to ride a bike or use public transportation. Let’s say you use public transportation, and spend around $50 a month on that. Or maybe you and your roommate can split gas expenses and share a car?
Food: Pinch those pennies! Use some of those budget cookbooks I linked above to help you cook healthy and delicious meals for under $4 each. See if you can only spend $80 a month on groceries.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split two ways is $25 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
That leaves you $25 to put in your bank account, if that. This is a paycheck to paycheck situation, and you will probably need to get another source of income to feel secure. But you can still do it!
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