#i tried some sketching here and there but i'm just. not feelin it.
skekdris · 9 months
The Visitor - Behind the Scenes
"The Visitor" is my first big story of mine that saw the light of day. In this post, I'll be explaining my thought process behind why and how I made it. In a future post, I'll be explaining my Arhulian species, and my character Niadris in more detail. But for now, I'll be on to explaining my creative process. Firstly, a few months ago I got back into tumblr after finding the blogs of @chocodile and @kwillow. Their characters, their art, their stories. They moved me, they inspired me! Drawing was never my strong point, (I had to enlist @aryeonos to graciously sketch my species reference for me <3) but descriptive writing is something I can do! So through that, it was the avenue I expressed my creation. That said; Ary being my editor and proof reader really helped me achieve a level of polish I don't think I could have accomplished on my own. <3 The Amaranthine characters are so rich and vibrant, I just wanted to write for them. Their personalities just seemed really fun to write for, as well as gave me a clear picture of how each character would behave in a story. A solid baseline for my weirdo badger-pede to contrast with. So I poured over Kwillow's and Chocodile's art pages for information about the characters and the setting. I wanted to respect the lore and setting as best I can; as well as the fact, the more information I had, the easier it would be to write.
Feelin' A Bit Drafty In Here
In a very early pre-draft version of the story (where I was still ideating over it), I thought I would try to tell the story from Niadris' perspective, but Aryeonos felt it would ruin a lot of the mystery and suspense surrounding Niadris, as well as deprive me of character interaction moments for the rest of the cast. So I redid the entire tone and course of the story to focus on the Rising dawn quartet, (sans snoozing bunny) with Niadris being the add - an apt decision since the cast literally considers them an intruder! In the new story format, I thought about Theo being so nerve wracked by Niadris that he would try to poison them, only for it not to work, and for Niadris to then reveal their life-sensing ability to Theo and tell him that they are not mad because always knew where he stood as a veiled threat. The story would have had a more adversarial tone; but then after doing some more lore spelunking, I learned that Theo prefers to handle confrontation openly and honestly as opposed to taking the scoundrel's way out.
So after learning that wasn't a very gentlemanly move, I decided to shift gears and redo the story (again) to what you see today. After that, I looked up the other characters for pertinent lore and information about them. I was already pretty familiar with Hyden, and Theo was the first character I discovered since I'm a diehard rat/skaven fan and always combing the internet for rat characters!
Then came to Alex and Ridge. After having my "cast" in hand, I figured out what to do with them. In the current iteration of the story, I wanted Niadris being self-conscious of their frightening appearance (they've certainly been screamed and shot at enough) and opt to meet the cast in a way that does not end in violence. Hence the Arhulian observing the cast for a long time and then making their carefully planned move. Likewise, first impressions are very important, and Niadris trying to approach the situation in a delicate manner (whether or not it worked) was one of my central goals in depicting them, and Arhulians as a whole. They are far from mindless brutes... Switching back to the the Amaran quartet, they are not my characters obviously - I'm just writing for them - so I tried to make educated guesses on how'd they react based on the information I had at hand. So keep in mind these are my personal head cannons of these characters!
Character Dynamics
Hyden - Due to the way the story was structured, he was not utilized very much. Which, is a shame on one hand, but on the other, it leaves my options open for how he would react in a future story. He could be just as lost as the rest of the cast, then shift to be deeply fascinated by the unnatural being that is Niadris. Treating them like magic buddyTM Ambroys 2.0. (Though he may find it much more difficult sink his roots into Niadris, as they are far sharper, and not blinded by idolism like Theo.) Or, alternatively, Hyden being a time displaced scholar could know something about Arhulians the present day cast does not, and is trouser-browningly terrified. But that is as much as I'll reveal for now. We'll see what way the coin falls. :) Theo - Theopolis North was the most fun to write for. Poor little Rat man pinballed through many different emotions across the story. Firstly, fear. Secondly, he's even more unnerved by the fact Niadris can go toe-to-toe in his smartassery which means it's intelligent. And that's extra dangerous in his eyes. I thought about writing Theo being even meaner and more hostile, but I decided Theo has a few reasons to keep himself reeled in. 1) Theo - though a poorly adjusted meanie - has enough sense to know that trying to stress-test this thing's patience would not go in his favor if the matter escalated. Especially with a thing that could throw him across a room or eat him alive. Unmetaphorically. Best to let a sleeping dragon lie so to speak. 2) I've noted that Theo appears to be a dire misanthrope, so a thought occurred to me that Niadris is just so alien they just end up in a loophole of sorts. And I decided that is a funny dynamic, and I'm going to roll with that. :) 2.5) Theo's aggression seems to be heavily rooted in his own insecurities. Niadris is somewhere between socially illiterate to too logically minded to care. So in a way, from theo's perspective; that's big wall that isn't there for him. 3) As much as it agonizes him to admit, the alternative is telling this thing to sod off, resulting in them just roaming about unaccounted for entirely. At least this way, he can keep an eye on them... 4) Granted, he does not want to admit it outright and 'encourage' them, Theo is personally intrigued by Niadris. Although he hasn't quite put it together it yet; Arhulians are intelligent, sentient, beings that definitively exist outside of "ascension". The implications would be defining to say the least. Theo's name would go down in the books for sure... And lastly, this being gives him a sense of deja vu he tries not to think too closely about. Henceforth, I laid down the roots of what may be the beginning of a very odd "friendship" as hinted at in the closing paragraphs of the story.
Alex - From the lore I got on her, she jumped out to me as the most rational and calm-minded of the group. She's a cool, collected soldier. Her perception is sharp (and unlike Theo, it's not calibrated in entirely the wrong direction via paranoia). Her nature as a sniper means it's natural for her to sit back, absorb information, and think about a decision before making it. Because of this, it felt natural that she'd fall into the role of "team mom" because she's the most level-headed and surprisingly enough, the most socially adjusted of the group. Especially since her competition is: 1) Hyden; a washed up noble that doesn't know what century he's living in - whose social resume is bossing around servants and bullshitting noble asses.
2) Theo; a misanthropic, paranoid, bulgy-eyed weirdo that's a reclusive shut in. 3) Ridge; Likely the best of the three. But if I remember the lore right, it's heavily implied that Ridge was in jail for some time, so I'd wager that has not done his social skills any favors. So with that in mind, Alex is the glue desperately trying to keep (the now) quintet from unraveling.
Ridge - Of the four characters here, Ridge has the least information available that I could find, so a lot of his character is implied from his surface level details, like him being big and brawny, that he had spent time in jail, and is at the very least in a non-hostile relationship with Alex. With all that said, I guesstimate he has the least amount of emotional baggage and personality extremes, so I felt that Ridge would be the best fit for a layman character. Niadris - Beyond what I already mention here, I'd rather keep their inner workings hidden, as they are both a mysterious, and a still developing (both in-universe and in a meta sense) character...
What's Next?
Without giving away too much, the logical path forward to the story is that Niadris is playing it safe as they have never been around multiple people for an extended period of time before. So they take on a passive role to learn and observe the... odd group dynamic the rising dawn quartet have. There will be a great deal of funny character moments and learning experiences for all involved! Over time, Niadris will start to make their own waves as they get accustomed to the group, and begin manifesting their own wants once they feel comfortable exerting their own social pressure. Likewise, everyone is wary of the big, scary Arhulian. But on the other hand, their value as an asset is undeniable! And they would be a pretty definitive tie-breaker should a schism arise... Various parties will likely be setting plans into motion to try and vie for Niadris's loyalty now that this wild card has scuttled their way into the group. With the groundwork of Niadris' and the Arhulians' introduction laid, I have to spend some time thinking about the path forward; as this is the point where things can really diverge, so I must decide what direction the story is going to head in. So alas, I don't really have an ETA in mind for the next chapter of this fan-story.
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dyrwoodan · 4 years
wip wednesday
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i was tagged by @cheydinhaal​​​ thank u dee,, yes i waited until another wednesday because i had Nothing last week and the tag kind of woke me up like hm. bitch you haven't done shit in like two weeks. it has to be this zoomed out because i promise it looks Very bad otherwise
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angelsanarchy · 2 years
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Alone Together - Eddie/OC One-Shot Series PRT 14 Prt 1 - Prt 2 - Prt 3 - Prt 4 - Prt 5 - Prt 6 - Prt 7 - Prt 8 - Prt 9 - Prt 10 - Prt 11 - Prt 12 - Prt 13
@thetenthdoctorscompanion @siriuslymooned @samwilsonns
"Okay so this one is actually pretty sick. I want to paint that on my van." Eddie was currently hovering over my notepad as I drew a puppet master tattoo for Eddie. Once his uncle had seen the huge piece I drew on his chest, he freaked out. He applauded my work but asked that I please draw him something a little smaller and not so colorful.
"I'm trying to decide if he needs some red hues, really give him that hellish pop." Eddie's ringed finger ran over edges of the drawing to show where he thought it would be best to put the red and I started off slow.
"Oh that's the one baby! That's perfect." He clapped his hands together shifting his chair closer to mind. The chairs at the table started filling around us and I tried not to let Eddie keep me too lost in this sketch because I didn't want to be rude to everyone else but it was Dustin and Mike who plopped down heavily shaking the table.
"Whoa! Relax! We're working on something here!" Eddie threw his arms out and Dustin offered a silent apology.
"What are you drawing?" Dustin asked squinting at the sketchpad. I turned it around for him to see and he nodded.
"Wow that's badass." Mike looked impressed.
"I'm going to get it tattooed on Thursday. It's going right here." Eddie tapped the back of his arm.
"You let Dani draw you a tattoo...for your body?" Mike seemed shocked.
"Are you questioning my artistic abilities?" I challenged playfully.
"Not at all but that's like...a very permanent thing." Mike pointed out making Eddie snort a laugh.
"Yeah Wheeler that's kind of the point of a tattoo." Eddie shifted in his chair and had his arm around the back of mine, almost protective, I gave his knee a small squeeze reminding him to be nice.
"I mean it just seems pretty intimate." Dustin slapped the back of his hand on Mike's chest. Eddie and I looked at each other.
"What? You know I think you're awesome! It just seems like such an intense thing to get. It's like a soul binding-" Mike was cut off by Dustin.
"If there are two people who are practically attached at the hip, it would be Dani and Eddie." Dustin added quickly making me chuckle.
"You know people can have tattoos removed right? Covered even." Gareth pointed out from next to me. I sat back in my chair taking in this new topic of conversation.
"No way man. I hear having them removed is like burning the skin off your body." Carl scrunched his nose and Mike got a chill.
"I think its an awesome idea. I mean Dani's practically designed our entire party. Why wouldn't he want one of her pieces on him?" Jeff spoke up and Mike held up his hands.
"I mean they're definitely a step up from some of the others he's gotten." Jeff added making Gareth almost spit across the table.
"You guys are assholes. Why do I even subject myself to this kind of abuse?" Eddie shook his head.
"Don't be so dramatic, Munson. Now the tattoo on your chest, that's what I'd call abuse." Dustin's mouth dropped open and Eddie smirked at me for ribbing him.
"She makes a point." Carl added causing the rest of the table to laugh.
"Screw you guys. I'm getting another drink." Eddie stood up and put a hand on my back making me look up at him. He was silently asking if I wanted anything and I shook my head, watching him head towards the soda machines.
"My girlfriend has a tattoo. It's small but I always wonder if maybe she'll cover it when we get old enough." Mike pushed the food around on his plate.
"I didn't know you had a girlfriend. What's her name?" I smiled making him look up.
"Oh um her name is El. She moved last year but we're making it work long distance. We used to talk on the phone all the time but now we write each other letters." He explained with a weak smile.
"Same here. Me and my Suzie are going strong for almost a year now. Long distance is tough but we stay in constant contact. Doesn't help that her dad hates me." Dustin said looking annoyed.
"Why does her dad hate you?" I chuckled feeling bad for him.
"Her dad doesn't hate you. He just doesn't like that you're Agnostic which is pretty stupid." Mike reminded Dustin who shrugged.
"That's really cool that you've both found two people that you love enough to make it work from a distance. That's real love right there." Mike blushed but Dustin smiled proudly.
"Okay what did I miss? Why is Wheeler's face a stop sign and Henderson smiling like an idiot?" Eddie plopped down heavily in the chair next to me sliding a bag of skittles towards me and opening his mountain dew.
"Dani was commending the Freshman's about finding love that knows no distance or bounds." Gareth tipped his drink at Mike and Dustin who laughed.
"...with each other or-" Eddie questioned as both boys exclaimed a loud no.
"Dustin has a girlfriend named Suzie who sounds lovely but has to deal with being star-crossed as her father does not approve of his religious beliefs, which I agree with Mike. That shit is stupid." Dani explained, catching Eddie up.
"And Mike's girlfriend just moved but they write letters to one another, which is super romantic by the way. There's something really sweet about sitting down and handwriting a letter to someone imagining them sitting somewhere and reading it with a smile on their face, thinking of you." Mike finally let himself smile without blushing.
"Handwritten letters do it for ya? No bed of roses or candle lit dinners on a boat?" Eddie teased as I sat back in my chair, his body facing towards me.
"I'm fairly simple. I don't particularly like roses and I can't swim so anything on the water isn't ideal. Showing that your happiness can come from making me happy is what I like. I want effort, I want romance that shows actual character and forethought. Doing a bunch of cheesy things you copped from a John Hughes movie isn't romantic. It's predictable." I sat back and noticed how intently he was listening to me rant.
"So romance is a case to case basis is what I'm hearing." Mike chimed in.
"Exactly. Something sweet El likes might not be anywhere close to what Suzie would like. Every girl is different and if you truly care about a person, you take the time to get to know what makes them happy so you can make sure their life is full of it." I popped a skittle in my mouth watching Dustin and Mike share a look of acknowledgement.
"Shouldn't you be taking notes Eddie?" Carl spoke up making the entire table bust out in a fit of laughter. Eddie shook his head and got up to round the table sending them all into silence. I watched Eddie closely in case he had taken the playful jest as something to be fired up about.
"Boys, this is a lunch break and while I'm sure all of this has been very informative for you, I want you to take a good hard look at these other tables. They're a good mix of Hawkins good little guys and gals right?" The boys nodded carefully.
"Now take a look at the woman in front of you." Eddie put his arms around Dustin and Mike. I shook my head at him confused as to where this was going.
"She's beauty and grace at its purest form and it's a mystery even to myself why she actually wants to hang out with any of us. So if you could stop shaking her down for information about the inner workings of the female mind, that would be great." Eddie pushed Mike and Dustin's heads together and they rubbed the sides of their heads making the others laugh again. Eddie stood up straight and winked at me. I rolled my eyes taking a sip of his drink before he plopped down next to me once more and held my pen out to me to resume working on his tattoo.
I didn't mind talking about the boys personal lives but something in the way Eddie winked at me made me think he didn't want me to reveal all the secrets to them. Love certainly has a learning curve.
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Hello, i saw the post about the cards from the sinclair brother and i wanted to see if you could do me one? (Three(four)?)
My name Is Malena and i would like all the brothers (+ you if u want)
I'm rn very stressed over the preparations for holidays and school that is right around the corner, and i'm also very scared because i don't remember anything and i fell like a failure/burden to my family
If you feel uncomfortable doing this erase it without problem, i will not get mad <3 Have a nice day. -M
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Hey, Malena,
Thought I'd leave y'a lil' somethin' t'keep y'company while y're at school.
I know y're worried about not bein' able to 'member anythin', but I've seen y'work on homework an' y're so determined to get it right. Y'spend so long on just one question, just wantin' t'get it right, but y'ain't gotta be scared, sweetpea. Y'doin' amazin', so so proud o'ya. I couldn't be prouder if I tried, but I do. Tryin' is half the battle, Malena – look at'cha.
Don't matter what grade y'get or don't get, y're never a burden or a failure. Not t'me or m'brothers, not anyone. Grades don't define who y're or where y're goin'; they're just letters on a page. Important when y'get 'em, but there are ways an' means around 'em. Y're working so hard and y're gonna be jus' fine, sweetpea, I promise ya'.
I'll pick y'up tonight, yeah?
See ya', love ya', miss ya'!
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Listen, darlin'. Take y'time wit' everythin' y'got goin' on, and y'KNOW y'got m'brothers an' I. None of us are gonna' leave ya' for even a SECOND, not when y're okay an' definitely not when y're feelin' like this.
M'gonna' keep y'safe, darlin', from y'self an' everythin' else puttin' pressure on you. Y'only do what you can do each day, and anythin' else can wait until tomorrow. It ain't goin' nowhere. An' neither are you – ain't no failure or burden on anyone, you hear? Echoin' Lester now (we're sharin' paper 'cause we stole it from Vincent) but aren't things said twice by two different people almost always true? Only good things, mind. Ain't talkin' about shit talkin', tha's a whole other thing.
Go out ther' and kick some ass, darlin', I know y'know how.
Lester ain't the only one proud o'ya.
From, Bo.
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I don't know why Bo and Lester thought I wouldn't find out that they had stolen paper from me. The sneaky bastards left the torn paper remnants on my desk and the sketch pad was out of place. Do they think I don't have my own method of organisation down here?
They've never been able to hide things from me, even when we were kids.
My brothers and I will help you with any holiday preparations (I noticed neither of them addressed that part of your message but that's because they didn't want to be the ones to volunteer. Next time, just tell them you need their help. They won't refuse it if you phrase it like they have no choice), as well as anything to do with your schooling. It's not easy but you're doing your best and I'm very proud of you.
Don't be afraid to ask me for help. I can break into some of daddy's books if I need to. They haven't been touched for decades but that's all right. The data may still be of some use to you.
Yours, Vincent.
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Hi, Malena!
I'm so sorry this was so late – it got lost in my inbox :(
I hope you enjoyed these letters, it was a challenge to follow the same theme without repeating myself so I hope each one scratches a Sinclair itch (if you're still into this fandom, I'm not too sure but I wanted to reply to this just in case).
If you ever want to vent or anything, please feel free to send an ask or DM me – I'm almost always online so I'll reply quickly!
- Erika💖
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
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Request: Yes or No
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
If that's how you really feel, then why'd you call last night?
You say all I ever do is just control your life
But how you gonna lie like that, how you gonna lie like that?
"Yeah, nah, man. (Y/N) is dope, but he's just not my type, ya know? I think I was just.. Experimenting with what I like." Chuck explained to his friends. (Y/N) played with his lighter, flickering it on and off as an amused smile tugged at his lips. He pretended not to listen, headphones in but music low.
"I hope we can stay friends cause he's the chillest guy I know." He finally brought the lighter up to his cigarette, lighting it and flicking it off.
"He was kind of.. Controlling in a way? Not possessive or toxic. You know how chicks get when they think you're cheating? Like that." (Y/N) almost snorted but held it back. He pulled the cigarette away from his lips and stood up from the bench, passing by the guys without a glance.
Yeah, I heard you said I ain't the type for you
I don't regret it though, I learned from it
They should have you locked up for all the time you stole from us (Woo)
Took you out when I had no money
Only person that you ever cared about was you, that's why it's so funny
(Y/N) didn't have much of reaction when news spread of his and Chuck's breakup. He found it a bit amusing. Chuck tried to make people feel bad for him but at the same time make (Y/N) look good as well. Maybe from guilt or to keep (Y/N) as a just in case. He knew there was good inside of Chuck but he didn't expect much from the relationship. He tried to make it work but you can only try so much before giving up. The only thing (Y/N) really regretted was the time wasted on an empty relationship.
You want somebody that'll keep you warm at night
Then, tell me, why you actin' cold to me?
You ain't the only one to blame, no, I'm the one that made you rich
When I bought every lie you sold to me
Yeah, heard you threw away the pictures
But you still got the memories of us
So I guess I don't really make a difference
After the playbook, nobody really wanted to be friends with Chuck. So, when (Y/N) showed slight interest, Chuck pounced at it. Though, it seemed to have been a waste of time since he deleted all their pictures off social media. (Y/N) knew there was a romance, a spark, between Josie and Chuck. But Chuck assured (Y/N) that they were just friends. (Y/N) tried to believe him but at the end, he knew it was a lie.
Flippin' through 'em in your head
Got you texting me all hours of the night
Yeah, you told me that you needed distance
What's the deal with you?
You say you want a man that keeps it real
Then why you mad when I get real with you?
You want someone to pay the bills for you
Went from feelin' you, now I feel for you, liar
(Y/N) had to put his phone on mute thanks to Chuck. If he didn't, he'd be up all night hearing the nofications from Chuck and his texts. Crazy how Chuck wanted distance yet he was the one trying to stay close. (Y/N) had started to like Chuck, mostly going out with him out of pity, but that changed a few months into the relationship. People had started warming up to him again and (Y/N) quickly realized that he was just a tool to get on everyone's good side again. It was annoying.
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
If that's how you really feel, then why'd you call last night?
You say all I ever do is just control your life
But how you gonna lie like that, how you gonna lie like that?
"Hey, (N/N), how's everything going?" Betty asked, nimbling on her bottom lip as she watched him. He furrowed his brows.
"Good, why wouldn't it be?" He questioned.
"Because of the breakup?" It was Betty's turn to be confused. (Y/N) blinked and nodded.
"Oh, right, yeah." He nodded, giving a sheepish smile. "I've got a lot on my mind. I'm actually sketching out a new idea." Betty smiled.
"Really? That's good. At least you've got your mind off Chuck."
"I've been through breakups before, Elle Woods. Chuck is the last thing on my mind, but thanks for worrying. Honestly... He's not really my type."
Look, let me guess, you want to stay friends?
Tellin' people that's how we been?
Tellin' everybody, yeah, that we was barely speakin'
Ah, that's kinda funny, why'd you call me every day then?
It's immaturity, you goin' off the deep end
"I'm glad you and Chuck are still friends."
"Friends?" (Y/N) repeated Ginger's words. "We don't talk. At all." That was kind of a lie. Chuck called and texted everyday but (Y/N) barely replied. (Y/N) shook his head, sighing. He spotted the jock and sent him a text, straying away from his friends. Chuck jogged over, flashing his charming smile.
"What's up?"
"First of all, can you not blow up my phone? Second of all, quit lying. We don't talk and we aren't friends." Chuck frowned at his words.
"What are we?"
"Acquaintances? Exes? Strangers? Take your pick but this isn't friendship." (Y/N) rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
You just want somebody you can chill and get some drinks with, cool
Then don't hit me on the weekend
Tellin' me you missed the way we talked and how I listen, yeah
Why you playin' with my mind, huh?
Why you playin' with my time, huh?
"Listen, (N/N), why don't we talk about this at Pop's? Like we used to. I wanna be friends with you again."
"No, Chuck. I'm tired of.. Of you." (Y/N) confessed. "You got brownie points from everyone, congrats, but can you leave me alone now? I know I sound like a dick but you're wasting my time. Either be my ex or be a stranger, I don't care which. Go find Josie or Moose to keep you company."
"No, baby-" (Y/N) rolled his eyes again at the pet name. "We aren't together anymore, you can stop pretending to like me, Chuck."
Told me, "We should let it go and put it all behind us"
That's what I did, now you askin' me what I done, I was
Waitin' for this day, I saw it comin'
I think you just like attention, tryna tell me all your problems
I got issues of my own, I ain't got time for all this drama
You told me that you don't really wanna talk—then why you callin', huh?
"Let's put the past behind us-"
"I did but it seems like you can't." (Y/N) took out his cigarette pack, glancing at a disapproving Chuck.
"I'm just trying to fit in again, (N/N). I haven't figured out what I want in school yet." Chuck watched as (Y/N) raised the rolled up blunt to his lips.
"You have problems, I have problems, we should just fix them on our own with different people, Chuck." (Y/N) said, glad school had been long over or else he would've definitely been caught and suspended.
"Fine, if you don't wanna talk, we won't talk."
"Good, don't call or text me about anything other than school, aight?" (Y/N) spun around on his heel and went back to Ginger and Tina.
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
If that's how you really feel, then why'd you call last night?
You say all I ever do is just control your life
But how you gonna lie like that, how you gonna lie like that?
(Y/N) grinned, shaking the spray can as he stared up at his finished masterpiece. He was glad Keller let him do art around the town as long as it wasn't offensive. (Y/N) took out a cigarette and lighter, trying to light it but he had run out of fuel. He huffed and pouted until a muscular arm moved around him and lit the cigarette.
"Thanks." He mumbled, looking at the curly haired male.
"You did that?" He asked, taking a seat beside the older teen. (Y/N) nodded.
"It's dope, shit looks professional." (Y/N) chuckled, eyeing the man.
"Yeah, I got inspired by an 'ex', I guess." He looked back at the art on the wall.
"You go to that high school nearby, right?" The man questioned, motioning to the Riverdale sticker on his bag. (Y/N) nodded. The man hummed.
"I suppose that shithole has some talented kids, the rest are nosy fuckers."
"You've hit the nail on the head, my friend." (Y/N) grinned, tossing the spray can off to the side.
How you gonna lie, how you gonna lie like that?
Baby, how you gonna lie, how you gonna lie like that?
How you gonna lie, baby, how you gonna lie like that?
No, no, how you gonna lie like that?
"Back onto this 'ex' of yours, what's the story?"
"He got into a bit of trouble with the school, everyone hated him for a while so he got with me to earn brownie points and then broke up with me. He's an annoying little shit though." (Y/N) told him, shrugging lightly.
"Those types are the worst. Bring out the worst in you." The man said, leaning against the wall. (Y/N) looked at him, admiring his handsome features.
"You don't look like someone from the Northside. So, what brings you here?"
"Wanted to wreck havoc but got caught up with the artistic babe." He replied smoothly. (Y/N) smiled, shaking his head.
"You've got fuckboy written all over you." (Y/N) cooed, ignoring the buzzing of his phone. "Plus, I don't even know your name, sir."
I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type
(Baby, how you gonna lie like that? No, no)
If that's how you really feel, then why'd you call last night?
(Tell me how you 'bout to lie like that)
You say all I ever do is just control your life
(No, no, no)
But how you gonna lie like that, how you gonna lie like that?
(Oh, yeah)
"Malachai, and yours?"
"(Y/N)." (Y/N) replied, taking out his phone and seeing the texts from chuck. He rolled his eyes, muting his contact before putting his phone away.
"Will I see you again, Malachai?" (Y/N) asked with a grin. Malachai nodded, eyes looking him over again.
"Definitely." He purred in return, sending him a wink before walking to his car.
Tell me how you 'bout to lie like that
Tell me how you 'bout to lie like—
Yeah, yeah, hey
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