#i tried to tell my mom i thought i had rheumatoid arthritis yesterday and she went ‘you could! i think i have some arthritis my joints hurt
muppetmilf · 3 years
i just want to turn off adult worries and making doctor’s appointments and planning for college and. honestly being in pain for One Day and just relax like i’m gonna be honest with y’all i am so beyond tired
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hellyeahtrickster · 3 years
It occurs to me that I have friends here that I don't have contact with in other spheres, so ... life update: my mother passed away unexpectedly last Friday. I'm doing as well as one would expect. Been going through her things as both a walk down memory lane and a goodbye. I keep coming across things she never got around to using, and it hits hard that now, she'll never have the chance. And I can't stop thinking of the stories we watched together that now she won't know the ending to, or shows I wanted to try with her. And then there's all the things we used to do together on the regular -- all the places I can never go with her to again. And all the places we wanted to go to "someday", but now she never will.
We were two weeks out from our second COVID shots, and 4 weeks from being totally vaccinated. We were finally going to get back to EPCOT, to see the Flower and Garden show. Finally going to get back to the Florida Mall. Going out to lunch. That I won't be doing this things with her anymore ... it's unfathomable. I can't wrap my head around it.
Thanks, anti-mask / anti-vaccine Covidiots, for prolonging the presence of this pandemic -- basically stealing the last year of my mother's life. She was anxious to see her elderly mother again, because we don't know how long *she* has left ... and now she never go to see her mother again. I knew losing my mom would happen someday, but my mother was relatively young yet, so I thought it would be a while ....
It doesn't help that she died after the second night on a new bed. See, she slept on her side all the time, what with the couch being narrow, but with a twin mattress, the bed was much wider. She snored a lot -- I highly suspect she had sleep apnea. When I found her the next morning, she was on her BACK. The doctor agreed that her cardiac arrest could have been caused by sleep apnea. In trying to make my mom more comfortable .... Yeah, I know, it's not my fault, but I cannot shake that thought away, that she's not here anymore because we tried to do something nice for her. How cruel the humour of the universe can be.
(I'd put the rest of this behind a cut, but I don't see that option anymore? Sorry!!)
And it REALLY doesn't help that, not only have I lost the person I was closest to, but now I am stuck alone with the person I least want to be with: my dad. I'm pretty liberal, and he's pretty conservative. We fight a LOT. We haven't really since mom died (things got a little tense here and there, but not like we usually are) ... but I know it won't last. It can't -- not when he believes BLM are terrorists, or that gays have an agenda. And now he keeps wanting to do things with me, like watch my shows, and a petulant part of me is like, no, this is mom's territory -- stay out. I don't want to do anything with him. (Especially since I know he'll start ranting once the shows start talking about racism and homophobia.)
My parents always had a volatile relationship. Mom didn't know you could get pregnant the first time, and when she found out she was pregnant, her Catholic family bullied her into marrying him.* And he cheated on her at LEAST once (with a girl who was only a few years older than me at the time -- I was 15, she was 19, he was 33). My mother was far from perfect, so I don't blame all the marital problems on him. But my point is they were married "in name only" for about the last 25 years, so it's ... offensive to me now that he would dare to act bereaved.
I know he can be hella manipulative, make himself seem generous so as to be loved, and then turn on you like a viper, getting irrationally angry. I can't drive, we live in a very rural area with no public trans, there are no friends or fam less than an hour away, I've had next to no job for the last 17 years, I barely feel like a functional human being (am coming to seriously suspect I have ADHD and Dyscalculia; I have diabetes and suspect have PCOS and a thyroid problem; all these things having strong interconnections; and I have no insurance, nor do I qualify for aid, thanks to living in Florida), and I feel utterly trapped. There's a reason Rapunzel is my fave princess. I've had bad experiences with cabs, so using Uber / Lyft kind of terrifies me. Plus, he'd want to know where I'm going, and likely either insist on coming too, or insist I can't go, because his house, his money, his rules. The ONLY time each year I get away is when I go to Dragon Con (and I'm worried he might forbid that in the future -- he has once before).
And then there's the problem of ... he has no one. As much as I can't stand him, he lost his job because of COVID, he's lost his wife, he has no real friends (total homebody), and like it or not, he has supported me financially for so long. Even if someone else were to take me in, or I can get a job and save to leave ... how can I leave him (a person with severe rheumatoid arthritis / in not-great health)? I owe him too damn much, and I feel like it would be entirely callous of me. Yes, I realise that that's the abuse talking, but ... it's also true?
Anyway, I feel like I'm on Sliders, and keep stepping into progressively worse timelines.
* Let me mention that I have long suspected my mother is -- was -- on the autism spectrum, but when I mentioned it to one of her sisters, the sister seemed skeptical, saying that if anything, mom had a penchant for reading out loud, so they thought maybe she had a reading disability, and took her to a specialist, but "that's it". (Mom was in "remedial" classes through high school, so it doesn't sound like they did enough -- and maybe couldn't because the science just wasn't there.) I explained that mom frequently seemed to have trouble grasping concepts, especially humour. Like when a radio ad featured someone reciting a love-letter to a tomato, she was all, "That's stupid -- tomatoes can't read!" Try as I might, I could not get her to understand that the love letter was a playful way to tell US about what makes the tomato so good.)
Anyway, when I talked to my grandmother recently, she said that my mom "always had a special way of looking at things," and that she guessed mom was "what do they call it -- neuro-something? 'Aspie'? High-functioning, but still." And I told my cousin about it, and he said, "Wait, I thought it was common knowledge in our family that your mom was autistic?" (Note: we have other, officially diagnosed family members who are on different areas of the spectrum.) People always commented when I was growing up that it was like my mom's role and mine was reversed -- like I was the parent, and she was the child.
But to think my family had *recognised* that something was up, and left me, a child, to deal with it on my own?? To think they *pressured* someone who was "special" into having a child?
I know my mom loved me, but my whole life, she said she wished I'd never been born, and so she'd never have married my dad -- I know both can be true, that she loved me but wished she'd never had me (she'd have never known what she was missing). She only survived her marriage because I was there; I've always felt she'd have had a better life if she hadn't married him. When she tried to leave him, her mother would not take her in, because divorce was against her mother's Catholic beliefs (never mind that my uncle divorced twice)
I loved my mother, but were fought a lot, and she frequently exasperated me as we struggled to communicate. She frequently left words out, but did not believe that she did; when we met her last PCP the first time, he looked at me and said, "Is she always like this, or is she having a stroke?" And she would always angrily proclaim that I wasn't listening, when most of the time, it's that I couldn't get her to understand that she was working from a misconception or misunderstanding in the first place, because she would focus on ONE THING, to the exclusion of all else.
An example of an exchange (copied from a letter I wrote to a friend): We got into a weird argument yesterday. She had asked me for pain reliever, a glass of tap water (you're supposed to drink a full glass of water with the pills), and a "cold water" from the fridge (it's too cold to drink it all at once, but we both prefer ice water in general). Later, I was picking stuff up from her table-tray, including a bottle of pain reliever, and put a bunch of stuff away. When I passed by again, she asked for more cold water. I happened to look as see that she had the tap water glass still full, even though she had asked tor it half an hour before. I asked if I needed to bring the pain pill bottle back, because she hadn't drunk the tap water yet -- had I taken the pill bottle too soon, or had she forgotten to drink the water? She was all, "no, I said I need COLD water!" I said I knew that, and I would bring it; I was just asking of she had taken her pills already, or if I needed to bring the pill bottle back too. Her (again): "I said I need COLD WATER!" Me: "I know, and I will bring that -- I just want to know why you haven't drunk the tap water yet? Did you take your pills?" Her: "No, I'll take them at bed!" Me: "So I should bring back the pill bottle? Did I put it away too early?" Her: "YOU DON'T LISTEN! I SAID I NEED COLD WATER!" Me: "And I said I will bring that -- I'm just asking if you also need your pain pills?" Her: "You already took the bottle!! Did you forget that already?"
And then I finally spotted the white pain pills on the napkin under the tap-water glass, so I knew that no, I didn't need to bring it. But it's a frequent struggle to figure out how to phrase questions so I get the answer I need -- nearly every time, I get her screaming at me that I don't listen.
She loved me, but she was never mothering. She hated to be touched, so never hugged me; I was pretty touch-starved. I learned to read because she was a very slow reader when reading me stories; I got impatient and learned to do it for myself. She couldn't help me with my homework. She resented having to take me to school recitals and science fairs. She wasn't someone I could get advice from. I admit I was often envious of characters who had physically-loving, compassionate, wise mother-figures (who weren't so binary about morality -- and so weren't always screaming that this or that character should die, no matter how small the transgression).
But I wish she were still here to frustrate me -- that's so much better than not having her at all. And I wish I had been better at keeping my temper.
She was an atheist, and firm in that belief. Maybe she's right, or maybe her firm belief is affecting me, because I would dream frequently about others I have loved and lost, and swear I feel them, but with her ... nothing. Just a gaping hole in the fabric of my waking life, threatening to suck all the light and hope into it.
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Medical Insurance at 18?
"Medical Insurance at 18?
Thank you KAY!, In truth I do have a disability (Rheumatoid arthritis) but also, I'm asking all this because I would like to take a year off before college. I just can't afford to loose med coverage. I'm going to ask my dad to check with his insurance. Thanks again!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheapest cars to get insurance on in the uk?
im a 17 year old boy i dont want something chavy like a corsa i want a vw
How to get car insurance at 16 without putting it under your parents name?
i just got my g1 and im looking to buy a car within the next couple of days. i live with my mom and she doesnt drive or have car insurance and my dad has been outta the picture for a long time. so how can i get car insurance under these cirumstances?
Does making payments on a car make insurance cheaper?
my mother in law is about to buy us a car and we are going to b paying her back. so i can either put that we are owning the car or making payments on the car in the insurance questionnaire. but i was wondering what difference it made. does making payments on the car make your insurance cheaper or more expensive or cheaper? i googled it but couldnt find an anwer
Does anyone know what people are getting on insurance costs for a b7 audi rs4?
just some average price so i could get an idea of how much it might cost....thanks.
Should i get insurance or not?
Im a 17 year old girl and i recently passed my driving test in the middle of October. I've bought myself a Corsa and found that the cheapest insurance is 1500. My mum is going to pay half of this aslong as i pay the other half, tax, mot and petrol which i think is completely reasonable. I can afford all this with money I get through college, but it leaves me with pretty much zero to spare. I've applied for about 30 jobs and have got either turned down or simply no answer back. Im someone that likes to have money but i also want the freedom of being able to jump in my car and go wherever I want. Do you think I should go for it? Or wait until i find a job which will enable me to have more income?""
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
UK - Insurance for Teenagers?
Hello, Does anyone know where newly qualified drivers can take advantage of low insurance prices. I have tried a few of the price comparison sites, but find that the price of the insurance cover is more than the car. If I purchased a car for about 800, how much should the insurance be. What is the cheapest way of buying it. Is it better to Telephone a local Broker ? Or online.""
How much can be motorcycle insurance premium?
Current auto premium - $120 (25 years, 2door car).""
Insurance plan for emancipated teens?
So I'm leaving for Texas/Mississippi this summer and if I enjoy it down there I would be able to live with my sister and be able to go to school . . . but the thing is my parents don't know if I would be able to go to school down there without them signing the forms and what not since they live up here in Oregon . . . I'm 17 I'll be 18 in about 8 months but till then my mom was considering giving up legal rights to me (not because of family issues) so that i would be able to sign the forms myself yada yada yada now the thing is if there rights are terminated I will no longer be on there health plan or any insurance I honestly know for a fact that I'm not able to provide myself with insurance and any other adult type amenities I'm wanting to get my HS diploma and go to collage and become a Elementary Teacher for underprivileged children in Mississippi and or Texas so is there any insurance plans that help with kids who no longer have legal guardians but can't afford it? or is it possible for me to enroll into a high school that isn't in my own state and if so how!?
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
About how much will insurance be for a 2004 Mazda RX8 for a 16 year old?
The car has 117,000 miles its an automatic and its $3,200 and my parents said that I would go under their insurance but I would be put as the main driver. So about how much would it cost me monthly?""
Any ideas on an affordable insurance?
I'm a college student with a low-paying part-time job and I'm in desperate need of health insurance. My main thing is that I want to see my personal doctor once a year and make my pills more affordable. Any thoughts are more than welcome!
In the state of Florida do I still need insurance if i'm wearing a helmet on a motorcycle.?
My friend said if i'm wearing a helmet on my motorcycle I am not required to have motorcycle insurance. Is this true? If it is, are there any other rules to this or something?""
Average insurance for a 500 cc motorbike?
hi, im 18 and soon will have passed my driving test, im hoping to get a restricted Honda cbf500. but it all depends on how much the insurance is. can anyone guess the average third party insurance for an 18 year old on a restricted cbf500. o and i have a 2 year no clams bonus on my 50cc scooter. don't no if that makes any difference""
""My car was a total loss, my insurance wants to go for a settlement? ?""
My car was a total loss, my insurance wants to go for a settlement? how do i know that they are giving me a fair settlement? do i check the blue book value for my car when it was brand new, or as a used car(coz i bought my car as a used car with 23,000 mileage), or would they pay it as used plus the current mileage when my car was declared a total loss (it has 30,000 mileage). I bought my car, a 2005 honda accord coupe with 23,000 mileage <--- how much do they normally settle with this car?""
Do you get cheaper car insurance for being married (uk)?
Do you get cheaper car insurance for being married (uk)?
Do insurance companies rate based on points or violations??
I am 23 and have no points on my licence. I live in maryland and i was pulled over in virginia for speeding and recived a 'failure to obey a highway sign' violation. The officer said he gave me that cause it was a lesser fine, i think it was B.S. cause he didnt have me on radar (i asked to see the radar becase he said i was going 75 in a 65, i felt i was going 70 max.. he said they arent supposed to lock in the speed int he radar but that is a different issue) I contacted a rep from the MVA and he said no points would transfer to my driving record, but the violation would go on my record carrying no points. My question is, do the insurance companies look at just the points on your licence, or do they look at the violation even if there are no points. Also, about 2 years ago I got a ticket for speeding and i went to court and they dropped the points and declinded the fine a little. Im assuming this is on my record as well, but carried no points, would this effect rates as well""
Would your car insurance go up if you bump into someone else?
I was pulling off at a junction and I was looking to the right to see wether there is a car coming but the car infront (baring in mind he started pulling off) he suddenly pushed the ...show more
Health Insurance for 20 yr old in NJ.?
I live in New Jersey. I'm 20. I havent had health insurance since i was about 15, and I live with a friend's family because I have no parents. My Mom died in 2008, and my father is absent. Is there anyway i can get medicaid or any type of affordable insurance ? I read that Medicaid is only available to the elderly, disabled, and people with children. If thats correct, do i have any other options ? (My mom had medicaid and i was on her policy before she died). Also, im in school full time, but not at a university, so the school doesnt offer healthcare. Any opinons/information is appreciated.""
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance?
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance? I live in New Orleans, and the insurance for new and used vehicles is REALLY expensive. I have a clean record, and am applying for insurance on a non sporty vehicle (Honda Accord or Civic sedan). I was wondering if I can get a P.O. Box in another Parish (County) where the insurance is significantly cheaper. This way I can apply with that address rather than my residential. Thanks for your help!""
Is it legal to have two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas!""
Obama plans to fine people that don't buy affordable health insurance?
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical
About car insurance and drive?
Hi, Anyone can tell, if my insurance for on my name third party only and my friend have just new license and he can drive without anything else like insurance!! If he can't. By legally so if he'll catch when he's driving my car so by uk law what punishment /fine For me?? Or. I'm safe!""
""I drive a work vehicle 5 days a week, shouldn't I get a low rate insurance for my own car?""
I've started a new job few months ago, where I'm provided with a work vehicle (insured by my work) and I drive this work car 5 days a week (Monday thru Friday) ... I still have my own car and I'm not getting rid of it, but the question is shouldn't I get a lower rate insurance for driving my car only in weekends, if any?""
Question about car insurance/registration in Connecticut?
I live in Connecticut, and I just got a car. I am only 17 so the car cannot go in my name because I am not 18. My dad bought the car, but I live with my mom (my parents are divorced), and my license says my mom's address. Is there any way for me to have to car garaged at my mom's house but it be in my dad's name/can I go on my dad's insurance? Reminder: this is for Connecticut!!! I really can't find this information online anywhere, so if anyone knows the answer/ has had this problem please let me know! Thanks!!!!!!""
Medical Insurance at 18?
Thank you KAY!, In truth I do have a disability (Rheumatoid arthritis) but also, I'm asking all this because I would like to take a year off before college. I just can't afford to loose med coverage. I'm going to ask my dad to check with his insurance. Thanks again!
Health Insurance for Small Business Owner?
Wanting to know how to find out two things: 1) the best health insurance coverage and 2) for the best and most affordable price. My husband is the sole proprietor of a small business he runs. He'd like to get good health insurance for the two of us but what I've looked into has been incredibly expensive for good coverage or cheaper for not-so-good coverage. Someone recently told us to look into becoming incorporated as that may help (I don't know how though). Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Best/Cheapest car for 18 year old? (uk)?
hi i am a male 18 year old, university student I passed my test in August 2009. Im looking to get insured on june 1st 2010 Im looking to buy a car which would give me the cheapest insurance possible. Budget for car = 700 budget for insurance = max 1500 a year this is excluding mot and tax ....those can be paid for easily""
Cheapest Car Insurance For Me?
I currently have commerce insurance company. I drive a Nissan Versa Hatchback 2011 I have been a licensed driver for the past 8 years without accidents or tickets I am looking for the cheapest auto insurance I can get I am currently financing my car for the next 5 years just to build on credit. I would like for you to let me know what I should. Oh I am also on my own and paying rent on a two family home I pay all my bills on time so there is no issues I have Three jobs and one of them being my full time job. Thanks
Estimated insurance cost for this car UK?
hi im 17, just about to take my test and it looks like this will be my first car. what do you think the insurance will be on it. i know it will be high but i just wondered how high haha. can you ask for a quote if you don't own the car and haven't passed yet? ie a generalised quote i live in a very good area with off road parking and garage.""
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
I was thinking about buying something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it's a 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), would I be able to get cheap(er) insurance if I asked to go on my dad's insurance (with Direct Line)?""
""How much do you pay for these items,Gas,Food etc Monthly?""
rent, water, electric, gas, car insurance , gas, food, internet service, phone bill, medication""
Where can i buy insurance?
I'm have a low income and I'm looking for a right insurance coverage. I work as a part time job so my employer won't buy an insurance for me. Please if anyone knows any type of insurance that I can afford that would be much appreciated. Thank you
How much would it cost to add this to my car insurance policy?
okay, i am 16 years old and just got my liscense a couple of days ago. my parents are now paying an extra $800 to add me to the insurance but they want to buy me a really cheap car to drive for about 2 years so i dont crash the other expensive cars we have say i got a '93 honda civic for around $2,000 with around say 100k miles on it, how much do you think it would cost to add that to the policy?""
Double Health Insurance Coverage?
I was recently laid off and offered a severance package that included continuation of full health insurance coverage for 6 months for me and my spouse; I will begin another job which offers health insurance; can I be enrolled in both plans under my name? and What happens with pre-existing conditions?
What is the cheapest insurance in north carolina on a car thats financed?
What is the cheapest insurance in north carolina on a car thats financed?
""I want a 2005 mustang for my fist car, how much would the insurance be ($prices?) I have state farm insurance?""
I really want a 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT a GT) for my fist car. Please give prices of how much the insurance would be if I had state farm insurance. Thank You, and please give me good prices so my dad will get me a mustang!!!""
""How can i get my license, insurance and a car?
i don't have a car i cant buy one without getting a better job i cant get a better job with out a lisence i cant get a lisence with out insurance i cant get insurance with out a car or a lisence wtf do i do? so i need a car and insurance to get my license and i need a license to get insurance on this car that i don't have yet what do i do?? i hope there are some DPS people out there
Should I cancel my car insurance to save my money?
Currently, I'm living in WA, I have a car in TX. But my family member in TX driving it, and there names are under insure by my car insurance. If I want to save money on my car's insurance. I need to ask my insurance remove my name out of car insurance; is that right? or there is no difference between keep my name on car insurance and remove my name out of car's insurance? Thanks""
Would abortion be commonplace and covered by insurance if men got pregnant?
I think it would be.
I crash today i have no insurance and my car is under my bfs name and insurance..so i just gave the insurance?
to the guy that i crash..hes going to call the insurance..im scared i havent told my bf and i dont want to..do i need to file something i dont really know im scared plz help me and i wanna know how much is goin to be
Where to get cheap insurance for a young driver?
I'm 17 getting insured on my mums yaris 1.0, don't mind if it's got one of them box things that measures speed etc. Just wondering If anyone can recommend anyone they have used and have got a good quote from thanks Ed""
Classic car insurance?Anyone with a classic car INSURED!?
Any information on insuring a Classic truck would be helpful. Like the license plate thing I keep hearing about. I find an original plate and never have to change it again? License plate information would be most helpful.....Maybe Help me figure out where to find a plate? :D 1989 Truck plate is what I will need. I know it's not a classic in most eyes..But tech it IS a classic. It's just a summer driver/Fun show truck........I DO have a 1969.....That is a classic...But I haven't got far enough to insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks for any help!
What would the insurance price be for me?
I'm an 18 year old male, and am thinking about getting an 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix with 115000 miles on it, what do you think would be the cost of insurance for me if you could guess/estimate?""
What is the best medical insurance for already pregnant woman?
I have to purchase my own health insurance because I left my job recently only to discover that my small group aka my employer doesn't cover COBRA, when you leave voluntarily. At the time we had a makeshift HR dept. so I can't really blame them for not knowing...anyway , now I have to seek out my own insurance and I want to know what is the best plan out there since I am coming out of pocket. I can't have OB care until I get this. Please don't judge me I was a working executive assistant for a small company and decided to leave to pursue my dreams and get out of the rut of a comfortable job without a future! Help, thank you!""
""Cost of insurance for a Motorcycle, Montreal Quebec?""
When I turn 18, I want to own a motorcycle and get my license. I want to know the estimated amount for the insurance etc.. I heared that it was $5000 a year or something, is this true?""
Two car insurance policies?
very sorry if this is confusing for people to read but please try and help me out as i have confused myself =\ I have 1 years no claim bonus, and if idon'tt claim till May then i will have two years no claim. i am going to buy another car in a few days and tend to open a new car insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when it comes to may and the first carpolicye has finish. i shall not be driving that car no more. but when it comes to Febuary, will it mean that i have 3 years no claims ? even though i have been driving 2 years 9 months,,
For someone (16) buying their own car how much will it cost?
1. the car its self, decent... something parents would feel good and safe about their child driving. 2. estimate of gas per week 3. insurance?""
I am looking for a good insurance company. Do you have any recommendations?
I am a full time student and require more insurance than just what I can get from being a student. Does anyone know of a good insurance company for the state of NC?
I work for a company that provides insurance through Health-net. Since the rates aren't that great (ya, what a surprise for Hyundai) I was wondering if could I deny the company insurance and just go with an outside provider? Or if I half to take what ever my company provides me.""
How much does the insurance of a normal car compare to that of an lgv/ hgv?
I'm thinking of converting a vehicle into a mobile home; of course if I can get more space for a similar price on insurance that would be great. I'm just looking for averages, I'm not a particularly high earner but if I know where i stand I have more of a chance making it realistically. Please don't answer i don't know or something similar that's just irritating. Thanks if u can answer though :)""
Medical Insurance at 18?
Thank you KAY!, In truth I do have a disability (Rheumatoid arthritis) but also, I'm asking all this because I would like to take a year off before college. I just can't afford to loose med coverage. I'm going to ask my dad to check with his insurance. Thanks again!
How much does is a ticket if you are pulled over without registration and insurance in CA?
A girl I just started dating, who has lived in California for a few years, has not registered her vehicle in CA. She drives around with out of state plates, expired stickers, and does not have insurance. How much will it cost her if she get's pulled over. and what other non monetary consequences will she will face. I have stressed the importance getting it registered, siting scenarios such as, what if you are in an accident and are seriously injured or seriously injure someone else, without insurance, who pays for the hospital bills? . For some reason that does not create enough sense of urgency.""
Auto Insurance question...?
If my teen neighbor (with a licence)borrowed my car and he/she wrecked it, would my insurance cover it? If so, why do teens that are driving, have a licence, have to be covered on parents insurance if they are driving their parents car? Isn't the car already covered by insurance? Why do I have to pay insurance on my teen and not my neighbor?""
If you switch from one auto insurance company to another does it look bad?
I never had insurance before and am getting insurance from one company for a month and then switching. Does that look bad on some kind of record (meaning it will affect my rates in the future?)?
""In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?""
In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?""
Can anyone help with car insurance?
I'm 17 and I passed my test about 2 months ago. I am looking to buy a Peugeot 306 and insure it with my mum as main driver as she is not a main driver on any another policy then have me as named driver. The only problem is that she doesnt have any No Claims Bonus as she is named driver on my dad's insurance. Could anyone tell me which company might be cheapest to do this with please?
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
Approximately how much is my insurance going to rise?
I am an 18 year old male. I got a ticket for going 10 over about a month ago and got it deferred a week ago. I am on my parents insurance and I pay about $100 a month for insurance. Tonight, I got a ticket for going 17 over on the highway. The first ticket was $124 and the most recent ticket was $174. Help me out here haha, how ****** am I? Also, is there any way for my parents to not find out?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 yr old in oregon?
i get my license in a few months, what am i looking @ for insurance costs. oregon, age 16, adding to parents insurance, state farm insurance, good grades, drivers ed, a car with no crashes but alot of milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. around how much will my insurance per month cost?""
COBRA insurance help?
I recently got fired is it cheap to get cobra insurance? Have you ever paid for COBRA insurance usually how much it cost for family? are my only option buying my own insurance or cobra or no insurance. Is Medicare only for older people???/?
How to get low mileage discount from Progressive auto insurance?
I know that many companies will give a huge discount on your automotive insurance premiums if you supply them with proof that you drive far fewer miles than average. I understand that the best way to do this would be to mail a copy of recent vehicle inspections so that they can officially see the low mileage driven over time. However, Progressive does not mention anything, anywhere about low mileage discounts. I have been told you have to ask for this, or else you would never know it is possible. Does anyone have any knowledge, advice, tips, etc regarding this? Furthermore, does anyone know how you would go about this specifically with Progressive?""
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?""
How do I get car insurance over the weekend?
I just bought a car and I have 3 days to get insurance on it, how can I get insurance over the weekend? Is there a place to get insurance online? or even possibly temporary insurance?""
Insurance Company?
Does anyone know personally about the celtic health insurance. is it a good insurance company? I am needing insurance and I recently found the celtic health insurance company, and Humana. what do yall know about these?""
What health care insurance I can get that is affordable?
I need health insurance. And I can't afford it with my pay checks. I work part time. I have research over and over for health insurance. And nothing that I can afford comes up. So please help.
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
Sports Car Insurance <--------- 10 POINTS HURRY UP!@@@?
I'm getting a new car, I'm going to be 18 and which of the following is a sports car and how much would insurance cost me every 6 months if I have good-student discount, taken drivers ed, and would it cost less if I put the primary driver under my parents name. Possible: C-300 Luxury from Mercedes Benz (sedan) C-350 Sport from Mercedes Benz (sedan) 328i from BMW (sedan) 335i from BMW (sedan) IS350 from Lexus (sedan) IS250 from Lexus (sedan) Thanks""
Does my credit score affect my car insurance costs?
Someone told me it did... but that just doesn't make sense!
Where can I get some cheap health/maternity insurance?
My husband and I have been talking about wanting to have a baby. He missed his enrollment period (again) at work and isn't eligible until September 2008. I looked into individual, but it is SO expensive.""
Do i need to be on the insurance?
im going to take my drivers test and my grandpa is going to let me use his car.do i need to be on his insurance to drive his car for the test?i live in connecticut
I need to find and inexpensive health insurance can anyone help?
My husband has a rare blood disorder and is on Medicare through Social security and we don't have alot of money but because of his illness it cost alot for suppliment insurance. Does anyone know how we can get some extra insurance that won't kill us we already lost our home because we spent so much on insurance and most places won't even cover this. Please only serious reply.
Can i get a ticket for not having car insurance?
if i get pulled over with my parents car, the car has insurance but it just isnt in my name but my parents name. i have my L's""
Extra costs covered by car insurance ?
I had to pay 150 to get my car brought home when a car hit me from behind ? Can i reclaim this money through my insurance company ?
Is it absolutely necessary to buy insurance when renting a car?
I am renting a car for 5 days. I'm not sure if my own personal car insurance covers for a rental, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Its almost $100 for the insurance that they offer! Seems like a trap. Is it absolutely necessary to purchase it? Thanks""
Do I need health insurance?
I am a healthy 20 year old male... I have a wife, who is also healthy, that really thinks we should get health insurance... My work offers a decent plan for $300 a month... I think this money could be put to better use... a savings account or something. The problem is of course, emergencies. I've seen plans that cover emergencies but only like 80% and they have a high deductible/monthly payment. Any suggestions/ideas??""
Car Insurance?
What is the name of the car insurance I could get, that covers any one who drives my car but who is not on the policy? Thanks""
Medical Insurance at 18?
Thank you KAY!, In truth I do have a disability (Rheumatoid arthritis) but also, I'm asking all this because I would like to take a year off before college. I just can't afford to loose med coverage. I'm going to ask my dad to check with his insurance. Thanks again!
How much does car insurance cost for teenage girls in Denver Colorado?
I'm 17 years old.
Selling a car without insurance?
I'm selling my car but my insurance expired one year ago since I moved out of the state and left my car at my husband's mom's. Now I want to sell it so posted it online and somebody wanted to look at it, so I asked husband's mom to meet with the guy. Then she says she would let him look at the car but since the insurance has expired, she wouldn't let him drive. I mean who would buy a used car without test driving right? According to her, if the buyer got into accident, I would get sued or something like that. Is that correct? She tends to say things she doesn't really know but she likes talking about legal issues. Does anybody know if she is correct or not?""
Is there an insurance company that will insure you after you've not had any for almost a year?
A friend of my gf's couldn't afford it before but can now since she's gotten a better job and cannot find it anywhere. I'd appreciate it if you'd keep the smart *** answers to yourself. Serious replies only
""When your 18 and still in high school, does the car insurance company still check your grades for a discount?
My younger sister recently turned 18 and got her license. She's in dying need of insurance but she's a D average student and ashamed to show her grades. Does the car insurance discount still apply to students who are 18?
Two insurance on the same car?
My dad has insurance on Saga and his policy ends beginning of October. I (age 19) wanted to insure on the same car from June till October but saga wouldn't let me (since I'm not 50). Is it possible for him to take another insurance from June onwards for a year and add me as a second driver till October and the take me out - while keeping Saga/s insurance running at the same time??
Is there a penalty for not signing up for affordable health care if disabled collecting medicare?
Now my question is am I going to be penalized for not having any insurance and only having Medicare I and my husband are on disability, because of brain tumors and seizures? it ...show more""
What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
On Febuary 2012, I had a car accident and I hit the FWD Nissan, The car that I hit is still drivable condition, the only damage that I caused was a dense on the door. But My car was damaged badly, but it was fixed for $4000. Six months later, I receieved a bill from other car insurer asked me to pay $12k for the repair of the damage. HOwever, I did not recieve any phone call from the victims or the victim's insurance company at all. So is that a proper procedure for the insurer to call me and ask me about the accident? Because I did not know what I did to pay $12k, as in you could buy a new car for that....""
Where can i get a gyno check with no inrurance and very low budget?
i really need to get a check up at a gyno. for the last 5-6 months ive been having a very irregular period. i never had problems with that at all. ive heard that stress and extreme dieting could be the cause but as far as that goes i am a normal and healthy 22yr old women. its just frustrating on me and my boyfriend. eeevery month the same thing... im late for my period... sometimes up to 3 weeks. i even skipped my period for 2 month straight in january. i dont have insurance and and a very low budget as i mentioned above, so if anyone knows where i can go to or what to do pleaselet me know. :) thx!""
Car Insurance weird Price? help?
okay im 23 years old been had my drivers license for 3 years. im searching to insurance a 973cc corsa my quote has come 1700 so i thought i make my dad main driver and put it on his name his been driving for 18 years and with 9 ncb the insurance came up to 2500 ? whats happening here my dad hasnt had no claims on his insurance
Double up on individual health insurance?
Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?""
Does anyone know a very cheap insurance group to go through if i am 17 and have an mg zr?
i have an mg zr trophy plus 1.4 and am wondering if anyone knows cheap insurance company that can make my life easier
""If I have health insurance, should I not pay for certain coverages on my car insurance?""
I have health insurance with HealthNet. For car insurance, there seems to be 3 major items for coverage: -BODILY INJURY LIABILITY -PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY -UNINSURED MOTORIST & UNDERINSURED MOTORIST I'm under the impression that the third item is health insurance *for me* if I get into an accident. Why do I want that if I am paying for medical insurance anyway? Should I minimize coverage on this item?""
Ticket for car with insurance not under your name?
if you drive a car that has insurance that isn't under your name, can the cops still ticket you with not having insurance? ( like the car belongs to your parents who have insurance but the insurance isn't under your name)""
Driving with no insurance in Florida...?
I have a question about driving without insurance in the state of Florida. I am a 20 year old college student that cannot afford $483.00 a month in car insurance. If I cancel my insurance and drive without insurance and get in an accident that is the other persons fault, what is the worst that could happen to me? Can they sue me for all I have? If so, what if I have nothing besides the car that is on a loan for $17,000. -If they don't rip us off with the gas prices, they'll be certain to get us with the insurance.""
Would you ever commit insurance fraud?
Would you ever commit insurance fraud?
How do you beat the under 25 y/o car insurance scam?
We're bought a toyota corolla for $9,500 and its going to cost $1700 just to insure it, we've heard of putting it in the parents name but if you name an under 25 year old as a driver the price goes up so i was wondering if anyone knows a way to beat it""
Premium cost of insurance
If an insurance company has a payout of 17 millions, admin expense at 5 million, and profit of 2 million, with 26,000 insured. How much premium would they charge to each client.""
Estimate On Car Insurance ? ?
I have been using these comparison sites but I don't really find them much help. How much can a female at 17 whos just passed her test expect to pay on Vaxhall Corsa or a Ford KA.
What are the best health insurance plans in Massachusetts?
...for individuals available through the Mass Health Connector?
Health insurance and vehicle insurance in U.S.?
Hi, I have heard that in U.S. getting health insurance and your vehicle insurance is mandatory and not your option/choice. Is that true? If yes, what is the rationale behind government enforcing this on citizens? Thanks
How much can car insurance be cheaper if someone hold off driving 2 years after they can their license?
or is it any cheaper?
Is there a way to get fake or extremely cheap car insurance?
I don't care about the service. I want it cheap.
Cheapest car insurance?
infinity is cheaper than esurance.
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
Medical Insurance at 18?
Thank you KAY!, In truth I do have a disability (Rheumatoid arthritis) but also, I'm asking all this because I would like to take a year off before college. I just can't afford to loose med coverage. I'm going to ask my dad to check with his insurance. Thanks again!
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