#i triiiiied !!
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My friend T500 needed a ref sheet
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iamallyetnotatall · 10 months
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windows144 · 4 months
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headcanon jay doesnt know when to close his eyes during a kiss
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pizzaloops · 1 year
Pepino is now a dragon for 5 ask
-sorry to say but we will unfortunately Not be turning Peppino into a dragon !! I have, although, decided to humour you via tryna draw up a dragon peppino for you. hope you enjoy !! ~Mod Abbey
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fagidarity · 10 months
new problem. cannot figure out for the life of me how i wanna shade this drawing
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sylvaridreams · 4 months
I'm going to try and word this better than I did at 1 am venting on cohost last night, and maybe slightly gentler. I haven't finished the SotO update from yesterday. I got home, played for a couple of hours, did some meta on the current map, triiiiied to get myself to go back to story... and I couldn't.
I was BORED. It was quite honestly boring. Any dialogue that matters is Peitha talking to her people. I am a stage prop that occasionally vocalizes expositional questions and fires arrows at grunt mobs.
I could physically feel myself losing any remaining interest in the story as I clicked "what does this mean? What do you think of Peitha's plan?" type questions (which offer a poor illusion of choice in conversation. Look! Dialogue options! You can click all of these in any order you like but you must click them all!)
Why should I care about this story? I'm being brought along as the muscle that Peitha doesn't really need. I'm not offering anything special I'm terms of skill. I'm not an invaluable resource. I'm not even being utilized as the leader that gw2 has ALWAYS made me! It's always been "You're out there leading the armies, commanding all the way from the front line to the supply chains!" Now I'm just kind of around. Run a few events and come back. Characters refer to me and I apparently have no in-game response. MY CHARACTER doesn't seem invested.
And so many new characters. Every drop, it's like, have a bunch more named people! I was learning names during drop 1, and know some of the Wizards off the top of my head, but honestly I’m not bothering anymore. Why should I? Even if Nexus isn't killed off in the next chapter I play, I'm never going to meet this character again after he stops serving the story.
And where IS the story? Where is the meat? Drop 1 was at least interesting to me. Secret society hiding demons from the Commander. Getting sucked into this strange and horrifying place. Getting the life beat out of Alba by a hulking, terrifying demon and crawling away in fear. Escaping into the arms of strangers and getting this unknown voice in Alba's head, talking to him, saying what he wanted to hear, teasing him. Him refusing to tell anyone she was in there, because he *trusted this unknown voice in his head over all these strangers.* The story lulled a lot and it wasn't like... prime gw2 content. But it had a few hooks. When in Amnytas, Alba GASPED "Peitha!" right outside of the next story step and said "I can *see* you," and I turned my camera and saw what I knew, what Alba had to have suspected, confirmed. That there was a demon using his mind as a lounge. THAT was a moment, it was SOMETHING!
At least it was fun at points, at least there was some small amount of intrigue and mystery. And from there it was all just, "take a backseat, Wayfinder. This isn't YOUR story." I'm getting nothingburger bites out of each new story drop. Oh we went into Nayos to take the fight to them and killed Peitha's model reskin cousin. Anything else that drop? Anything? No but next time we recruited some general to fight with us! Can I get a smidgen of story? Something to hang onto? The only thing this drop that hasn't been "Don't care didn't ask plus I've seen your character model elsewhere" was Alba being called "that ugly creature" by a kryptis.
That's all I've got. I'm not enjoying it. I don't like SotO. And it is not for lack of trying it, it's not because i just don't like change and don't wanna see something new and different! This expansion feels like an empty parody of Guild Wars 2, and it feels like a slap in the face to anyone who was invested in Tyria. Pre-release they really hyped up that "It's time for new places and new people! We're gonna get a new cast and explore a vast new world!" I CARED about that world, which we still had SO MUCH left to explore. Are the borders of the map even the ends of the world of Tyria or does it keep going? Who cares. There's shit going on above the clouds. I cared about those CHARACTERS. Does Alba get to see people that he loves and cares about ever again? Is he making it to the wedding? Does he get a chance to go home and see anyone? Like yes we are not chained up in the Tower between instances, we can still play the game in those old maps, but the characters have been written out of the story.
And frankly these new ones are shitty replacements. I don't care about these people. I maybe had some small amount of "OK cool its Zojja I know her!" but it's not like I had any deep care or feeling for her. Not personally. Peitha was interesting at first but being brought along as part of her nameless, faceless grunt entourage has made me lose a lot of interest. She's not going to be a core character post-SotO. She either dies at the end, or takes over as King, and at best becomes a very occasional callback. "Ah, King Peitha! It's been some time, how is Nayos!" She's not going to reclaim the throne and then ignore rebuilding her people's infrastructure to hang out in Commander’s brain all day or join them on quests. We are a temporary ally and a stepping stone for her story.
Which sucks.
In terms of the rest of the SotO cast, it again feels like a pale imitation of prior Gw2 content. Like they're saying "remember season 1, meeting all those people one by one who would become your best friends and allies in life? 🤔 " and then they didn't even do it that way. Season 1 was a gradual introduction to these characters that you were given time, story, and Reason to care about. If Braham, Rox, Marjory, Kasmeer, Taimi, Rytlock, and Canach had all shown up and said "oh we're the Best Friends Patrol. Come along with us stranger!" I would have felt like a tag along. Not an equal in the group. Instead we met on level ground. We became a team together, we became friends together, each of us a vital part.
Which is opposite to how it feels now. These characters have deep history going back AGES. I just showed up, no one respects me, I'm not privy to any information or details on who is who and why should I care, I don't Get story time to ACTUALLY hang out and meet these people and develop my OWN relationships with them. When I leave, they will not care. I'm just being brought along like a lost kid at this point, until we reach customer service and they can drop me off, or until I wander away and find another deep group to follow.
I don't like this story. I don't like the setting. I don't like the characters or the group dynamic. I don't feel like an EQUAL in this expansion, I don't feel like I matter. Anyone could stand here and ask supporting questions to drive the dialogue between the 2-3 characters that actually matter, which again, does not include me.
And FRANKLY I hate that no one can say anything that isn't glowing praise of GW2 and Anet and every little detail is just scrumptious don't worry I love it, without a bunch of vague posts filtering in about "so much Negativity, everyone is a HATER, you just don't support The Writers and want them to FAIL, well then stop playing the game and delete your account and blog and go away forever, REAL fans LOVE nothingburger" to shun whoever dared say "I didn't like some or all of it." I'm happy for you if you're liking SotO but I am not. I'm sorry if you don't understand that criticizing something that I've played for a decade doesn't mean I hate it. I'm sorry if you can't take the MILD CONFLICT of me or someone else saying "I love this thing that you love too but I don't like how the new part feels" but most of us learned about conflict in kindergarten or at least through children's picture books and TV, so idk. Maybe you just need to cope at that point.
As it stands I don't like the expac. I don't see Anet turning it around and blowing my mind with the ending. And I really don't even care how it ends. I was asked the other day "how are you going to handle Peitha?" (in terms of the canon that I write, which has already moved past the end of SotO.) And frankly I was like. I dunno. It doesn't matter to me. She's either dead or on the throne, I don't care much either way. We could get the huge plot twist at the end that Peitha was the big bad or Isgarren or WHOEVER THE FUCK, and I wouldn't care. None of this matters to me. I'm going back to Tyria with my writing. The rest is filler.
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puppytruck · 2 hours
i want to ride my tricycle I want to ride my triiiii-*boo-womp*
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kikiofthevast · 1 year
Like it Never Happened
The party is in full swing on the beach when Lizzie comes up, looking nervous.
“Scott?” Lizzie says with a hand over her eyes. “Could I talk to you, for a minute?”
“Of course! Be right back, Jim.” As Scott stands, Jimmy whines and grabs at him a little. He chuckles and pokes Jimmy in the middle of his sunglasses before walking to the side to talk to Lizzie.
“What’s up, Lizzie?”
She wrings her hands. “I’m concerned about Joel. He’s getting so wrapped up in just…weird things that I think will just, change him for the worse.”
Scott leans forward. “What kinds of weird things?”
“He found this weird pendant at the store, and- and it’s all weird and purple! It gives me the heebies, Scott!”
“Mhm. Mhm. I get it. Have you triiiiied talking to him?” Scott grins as Lizzie groans.
“No, not yet. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t-“ She looks up and her eyes widen at something past him. “-crazy.”
Scott spins around, following her gaze.
The beach is empty of people.
Dread fills him. What happened? Where did they go? What in the hell was going-
He blinks and looks back at Lizzie. “Hey, it’s nothing, just some people who set up a party and didn’t take it down I guess.”
“Ughhh, those kinds of people are so annoying.”
“Do you wanna take it down, Lizzie?” he asks with a smirk, and she scoffs.
“Not in a million years. I sure didn’t put it there.” She shoves him lightly and he laughs.
Something dark passes under the water and a purple flash is disguised by the sun.
“You wanna come back to my place for a movie?” Scott asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Please. We all know you’re just gonna put on that weird teen movie again!”
“It’s a staple of gay cinema, Lizzie, are you being homophobic?”
The laughter of the two fades as they walk up the beach, and the hut from the party that never happened fades into the cold, saline wind.
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kushami-hime · 1 year
AAANNNHHHHH I triiiiied 
please rip this to pieces, I had an idea of what to go for, but general consensus leaned towards an ‘oo’ sound at the end so...I did my best x-x
If you wanna add anything or suggest things, please lemme know and give like, a time stamp to reference to? idk...I wanna do K/iri centered wavs but so far I can’t get a headcanon snz down for him @-@
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ashes-writing · 2 years
wild one pt ten | stranger things ; g.emerson
tag list babes || req rules / fandoms+characters || send ?s || masterlist
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one + two + three + four + five + six + seven + eight + nine can all be found by clicking. stranger things masterlist is here.
Yeah, I know okay? I knowww. This story still has a chokehold on me though, so yeah I'm still writing it. This is just one more bit of filler before school begins for everybody. More fluff because I need it like I need air. That being said, there will be stress and angst and other little things here and there, so uh.. Please don't hate me if/when those start happening, 'kay?
Huuuge hugs and so much love to everyone who is actually still reading this fic of mine + any of my other writing because honestly when I came back and decided that maybe it was okay to share again, I was doing it with nothing more than the intent to get it out there and out of my head and I'll be honest, I still very much am. So all the interaction oh my god, you guys have me blown away, seriously. Like.. i can't even begin to express it -or thank you all enough.
-- cheerleaders and drummers/freaks don't mix. Or so it's been said. We'll see how this goes for these two, senior year is nothing if not stress-filled.
Gareth Emerson x Fem!Reader
{ beyond outfits , side characters, glasses, female parts and personality, i triiiiied to make her blank, i s2g. i'm still learning and transitioning from OC to reader inserts }
an overload of fluff. awkward parental meetings but also cute (Gareth meets the dad). swearing. just cuteness here, not too much to worry about.
@untitledarea are the only names on my stranger things taglist. if you'd like to be added please click the link up top or let me know.
Gareth has been aged to 18. The Upside Down has never existed here, this is slice of life stuff. That means Starcourt Mall exists and so does Benny's Diner and all the other places that were destroyed in the past. It also means absolutely no deaths and writer, making up her own weird attempt at an interesting plot, lol.
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He’s nervous as hell about meeting your father. One, he’s never had to meet a girls parents before and two, he’s never been brought home as the boyfriend before. Third and final, your father is just a little intimidating, just a little imposing at about 6’1 with the burly muscles of a former athlete. Add to that that he’s been to jail before and yeah… Gareth Emerson is very intimidated, very nervous. 
He’s been standing on the step for nearly a minute, working on pulling himself together. He knocks and the door is thrown open by Max. He can hear the sounds of a race full blast on the television and Max nods to your closed bedroom door.
Inside the bedroom, you are frantically trying to at least clean a little so that Gareth doesn’t take one look at the space and realize he might just be dating an actual gremlin or something like that. You don’t hear Max when she calls your name over the full blast sound of your radio. Out in the living room, Max nudges Gareth and nods to your closed door. “She really likes you. She never even tries to clean her room, man.”
Gareth chuckles. But Max’s statement kind of sticks with him and as he lingers in the hallway, he’s smiling to himself just a little more.
“Go on, she’s not gonna mind.”
You’re just about to try tossing a heap of clothing into your closet when you turn and find yourself body to body with Gareth. And you’re blushing. Gareth’s eyes dart around, taking in the chaos that is your bedroom. The books all over the place, candles everywhere, posters for movies ranging from horror movies he recognizes to some movie he’s never even heard of but the poster has a black Trans Am similar to your car. 
The stuffed animals on your bed have him chuckling and you biting your lip and fidgeting as you try to stand so that you’re blocking his view, pouting at him as you lightly swat at his chest. “Hey!”
“It’s cute, baby.” Gareth is quick to reassure you and it really does help. You know Wes is only teasing because he’s your dad and he loves you, but he’s forever giving you shit about your softer side because he’s just not the best at being a girl dad.And you love him to pieces, but these are facts.
You smile a little. “Smart answer, baby. Because they weren’t going anywhere.” you gaze up at him when you say it. He laughs and shrugs. 
He spots your crossbow and picks it up, a brow raised.
All you do is shrug. “Wes, he ah.. He got it in his head a few years ago that he was going to take up hunting. Apparently, this meant that I, too, was going to pick it up. So we both got crossbows, we both learned to use said crossbows and now they just kind of sit around. Because ultimately, when he realized that hunting involved sitting outside in the cold and hours of waiting, he couldn’t be bothered.
“Yeah, remind me not to make you mad near this.” Gareth is teasing and you shrug, laughing softly. “To be fair, my aim is probably shit. I haven’t shot it in like.. Four years now?” you’re shuffling your feet against the thin carpet. “As you can see, I’m a mess. I was uh.. I tried to clean it up.” and you’re laughing softly. Gareth just shrugs. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Oh yes, yes I did. Trust me, before I did it was at least fifteen times worse.” you sweep your arms out to gesture at the chaos and disorder of the pale pink room you stand in the middle of and Gareth shrugs. “It wouldn’t have mattered.”
You hear your father booing a commercial and you grab hold of Gareth’s hand. You give him a reassuring smile because you can feel the tension rolling off him and you laugh softly. “Will you relax? He’s going to love you, okay?”
Gareth nods and swallows hard because he’s just not sure how this will go. He’s never been brought home by a girl to meet her parents. And he’s not entirely sure how to handle it now that he is. But it means so much to him that you want him to, it just further reassures him that you really mean it, that you really want to be his girlfriend and this won’t wind up hidden or something in a few days when school starts back.
You’re leading him into the living room, standing in front of the tv. Wes is nursing a Pabst and he looks from you to Gareth. You have a split second where you’re silently focusing all your will on Wes not playing to his inner antagonist tonight and scaring Gareth so much that he doesn’t want to come back around and you relax when your father nods and holds out a beefy and tattooed hand. “You the drummer? She’s always talking about you, kid. It’s nice t’ finally meet ya.” Wes rubs his chin and nods to you, “Gotta admit, I thought maybe she was makin y’ up, kid.”
“Oh my god, Wes!” you pout at your father. You can feel your face flame up and you palm your face. “Dude, that was not fair.” you pout at him. He chuckles and shrugs off the pout. “Your mama wasn’t a glassmaker, lil bit. Daddy can’t see the race.”
You step out from in front of the television and Wes chuckles. “It’s nice to meet you, kid. I’d tell y’ to treat her like a princess but I know my lil bit and I feel like maybe I should tell y’ good luck with that instead.” Wes is teasing you again and you stick out your tongue at him, shaking your head. “I’m not that bad, Wes, what the hell is today? Pick on trouble day?”
“Just have to have a little fun with you, lil bit. So, what are you two up to today?”
“We’re going to the mall. They put out that horror movie I’ve been dying to see, finally.”
“See if Max wants a lift, would ya? She’s too young t’ be bikin all over, especially by herself.” your father nods to Max’s bedroom door as he gives you a grin. 
“Yeah, I’ll ask.” you smile. You know what Wes is up to, you can almost sense it in his smirk. And since things are going reasonably well, you walk back to Max’s room to ask if she wants a lift anywhere since you’re about to leave.
And out in the living room, Wes chuckles, gazing at where Gareth is standing as he nods to the sofa. “Grab a seat kid, you’re makin me nervous with the hovering.” Gareth sits down on the end of the sofa and he’s staring intently at his hands. This situation being new to him and your father being intimidating, he’s not about to risk saying anything that might make your father dislike him.
He’s surprised when Wes glances back. “Trouble’s gon’ kill me but… you wanna see some cute but embarrassing shit, kid?”
Gareth nods and Wes grabs a photo album from a cheap and sagging entertainment center and holds it out to him. “Go on, it’s okay, kid. She’s gonna strangle me, not you.” Wes laughs and adds with a smirk, “But I’m her father, I can embarrass her now and then.”
Gareth laughs and flips through the photo album, stopping on a photo of you being held by the bartender at the Hideout. Wes chuckles and nods to it. “Angel’s an old friend. Basically stepped in and saved me from fuckin up the poor kid entirely when her ma just bailed for Nevada.”
“She really loves you. She doesn’t think you fucked up.” Gareth muses, gazing at the older man with the graying braid and beard. Wes rubs his face and nods. “I know, just.. I was the last person who shoulda been trusted with a kid back then, man, let alone a daughter.”
Gareth doesn’t say it, but he’s thinking to himself that maybe being your father helped you a lot. Because you’re not like most girls he knows, you’re not fake and you didn’t immediately become a bitch when you got in with a popular set of people. You’re really independent and he finds this really hot and infuriating at times in equal measure. And now that he’s seeing your softer side, he really thinks that your father should give himself a lot more credit.
But what floors him is when Wes adds quietly, “I really like you, kid. And I know she does too. Even if sometimes, she doesn’t say it a lot. She’s more of an actions person, ‘kay? Just between us men.” he’s trying to reassure Gareth that you do really seem to like him a lot and that he knows you well enough to know that whether Gareth realizes it or not, he’s become one of the few people you really let in.
He’s saying it as your father, in the hopes that you don’t wind up getting hurt for it later down the line.
Because as your father, he knows this is the first time you’ve really gotten attached to a person like this.
You spot the photo album on the table between your father and your boyfriend and you palm your face as you glance at your dad. “Seriously, Wes? You seriously show him all that shit? Why?”
Wes chuckles and shrugs. “Seemed like a good idea at th’ time, trouble. You’re flustered, so it amuses me.”
“Ugh!” you’re pouting. Shaking your head and your face is hot. You’re just hoping to hell Gareth didn’t get to the latter part of the photo album because when your awkward phase hit, it hit you hard. Like ten rounds in the ring with Muhammad Ali. And it didn’t actually let up until the tenth grade. 
“We’ll be back around like.. 10? 11?” you tell your father as you shove your keys into your pocket. Wes chuckles. “That works. Call if the movie runs over or something, kid. Take the tool kit! That damn car’s been iffy as hell lately!” your father calls out to you as you practically drag both Gareth and Max out the door of the trailer.
“I can literally die, right now. I can’t believe he showed you that.” you’re laughing and shaking your head. Gareth chuckles and shrugs. Smirking as he opens the door of the car up and nods to it, holding out his hand for your key.
“Excuse?” you’re pouting at him. Gareth laughs. “I’ll drive, alright, baby? You drive like you’ve got a thousand lives to spare.”
“I do not!”
“You actually kinda do.” Max pipes up from the backseat.
“You hush! You were okay with it when I was doing that burnout in the parking lot last week.”
“Yeah, because you made that stupid idiot frat boy choke on his words. But you behind the wheel is kind of scary.” Max laughs when she says it and you flip her off. “You got jokes today, do ya?” you’re teasing, laughing at her. “We’re supposed t’ be sisters, kid.”
You pout at them both but you place the keys in Gareth’s hand.
As you’re driving into town, Gareth chuckles. “It didn’t go as bad as I was thinking it would.”
You smile and nod, reaching out to caress his cheek. “I told you, didn’t I? I told you he only looks scary. He’s an actual giant baby.”
Gareth nods and laughs, the remainder of his tension back at your house melting away with the speed of light. You lace your fingers through his and lean back against the seat a little. “Max, did you want to go to El’s house or with us?”
“With you guys if it’s okay? El said she’d meet me there, Hopper is bringing her.”
You smile and nod. “Duh, of course it’s okay.”
She smiles at you. 
As you’re getting out at the mall, Gareth slips an arm around your waist and you lean into his side as you walk in through the entrance. When you spot Caroline and her two friends, you roll your eyes. Gareth tenses, because he’s just spotted Andy, Chance and Patrick.
You pick up on the tension and you glance up at him, leaning against him even more. “Relax, okay? Just don’t let them get in your head.” and Gareth nods, but old habits die hard and he’s struggling with something right now. The little nagging doubt that somehow, they’ll get in your head and everything will be over.
“I mean it, baby. Don’t let them get in your head.” you repeat quietly, cuddling against him even more. “I want you. I mean that. You’re too easy to read, alright? I know what you were thinking just now.”
“Okay, alright. I’m just, ah.” he chuckles, biting back a groan as you melt against him and gaze up asking softly, “Yeah, baby?”
“I’m not used to this.”
“Me either. But it’ll be okay. You just can’t let them get in your head, baby.” you reassure him, raising up to plant a kiss against his lips and he deepens it. Max grumbles from nearby and you stick out your tongue at her as the little kiss breaks. She’s spotted El, so she takes off in that direction and you laugh. “Like she’s got any room to grumble, the amount of times I’ve walked in on her with Sinclair all cozied up together on the couch in the living room.”
Gareth snickers about it and nods. You gape at the line still left ahead of you. “We could wait until another night to see this. I mean, we’re never gonna get a ticket at this rate, people keep jumping the line.” Gareth laughs and nods. “We could.”
“C’mon. Let’s just like.. Wander around.” you’ve grabbed hold of his hand and he laughs, nodding.
The mall isn’t his favorite place but being there with you makes it just slightly better.
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loichte · 1 year
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@jumclia and I are making a kind of ... book of art for each other and I triiiiied background stuff
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nownothingcantouchyou · 10 months
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sweetmage · 11 months
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Triiiiied to make Choice in BG3. He is still awaiting his piercings, lipstick, scars, and horn tip colors which will be in the full release so he's looking a little plain for now 😅
I think the Dark Urge origin would suit him so well since my original rp concept for Pathfinder: WotR involved him making the 'choice' to resist the inherent violent tendencies that come with his descendancy (kyton-spawn). Close enough, right? 👀
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crafty-cat-koneko · 1 year
Time for some naughty Nettie x Joseph headcanons
Well, we all know Nettie is older than Joseph, by 3 years, but he didn't know that. He thought she was younger than him cuz of how short and cute she was. Made a subtle attempt at flirting like "if I met you in high school I might have stayed~."
Nettie, poor tired gal, looks this smug young actor in the eyes and says, "if you had, I'd probably have been arrested for engaging with a minor." Man got real quiet afterwards
I'd have given him a gold star for trying cuz boy he triiiiied. But Nettie had just broken off a long-term relationship with a guy who wasn't very nice to be honest and made her feel insecure about her body, so she wasn't looking for a relationship. But man, this cute guy who's makeup she was doing, was making it hard to stay a single-pringle. So Joseph just asks if she wants to go for drinks as coworkers, nothing more, let's be pals. So they go out together as friends, have a drink or two when they got time. Its cozy, its sweet. She gets comfortable with him, enough to let the whole "my ex made me insecure about my body and maybe he's right..". Joseph gets pissed, not at her, for her. She's the sweetest woman he's ever met and who cares what her body type is, she's beautiful both inside and out and any man would be lucky as hell to- and Nettie basically pulls him over the table by his shirt to kiss him.
That first night of tipsy love-makin at her apartment was the best sex she had in years~. Mainly cuz she got to FINISH!!!!! Her ex was definitely one of those.... one and done guys. Joseph though~... He makes sure she finished multiple times before he's even inside her~.
And the reason for the quickies at work is cuz she gets a thrill from almost getting caught~. One morning she's cleaning dishes with the window open and he sneaks up on her to "tease her". A neighbor walks out of their apartment and hears... something. So Joseph ducks down while the neighbor talks to Nettie through the window.... But he doesn't stop teasing her~. To say the least, he made a mental note of this for later on.
And of course, our girl is veeeeeery experienced herself. So when Joseph gets cocky, she reminds him "of what an older woman can do to a man~." Leaves the man breathless every time, girl has one hell of a libido. It's no wonder she got pregnant so easily.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
I expertly (not really but I triiiiied) crafted a magic board game for the world Varazae and Irzayn are in and I feel much better bc the game is based off magic element/personality of user/density of their magic and Vara's version compared to Irza's is like going from easy mode to hard mode instantly
It was created bc I was using my OCs in an rp with someone being borrowers and it was made better by the fact that it's perfectly scaled for the borrowers and makes it like they're actually participating. In Vara's if you take damage you just feel a little tired, in Irza's you actually feel pain and can get cut (bc his magic density is EXTREMELY high) and his personality made even safe spaces take negative effects bc he can't sit still doing nothing for very long without stressing so it applies real stress which also slowly kills the health bar!
It's so AWESOME and it made me wish I could play the game...!
On a side note Irzayn refuses to ever use his magic to start the game bc it's too unique and would give him away
Depression was killed by Irza being Irza, precious secretly in love with a hero dragon villain boyyyy
YOO this is so cool oh my goddd i love this--- that's so clever too!! do you think you'll ever code it sometime? jeeeezzz that's so cool,,,,,,
i'm glad depression went away, blorbos & skrunklys always help with that :D (smog am i using the terminology right? i need to be reminded of it 😭)
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