#i trusted myself and i honestly dont care what crimes i may have committed to survive
brainjuicey · 1 year
I like those little stories about heartbreak and two people who come back together like streams of a river, like the one by my house, because i think life was cruel to me and the love I had that "all turned to guilt and shame" because. because. there's a lot of reasons and also none. it just happened. we broke up. I don't even know who I'm mourning. if we could've figured out how to fix what went wrong, I would have, she didn't feel the same way. I was tired of always being the one who had the plan, until the plan didn't serve her anymore.
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Do You Feel Safe in New Orleans?
Earlier this year Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced a $40 million investment in public safety. That money’s being spent on things like surveillance cameras, brighter LED fixtures in the French Quarter, and enforcing the Alcohol & Beverage outlet code. This got the crew of The Listening Post thinking about how effective those investments are and whether people feel safe in their city. So:
1. How safe are you feeling as you move around New Orleans these days? Where do you feel safe in the city? What places do you try to avoid or tell others to avoid?
• Safe if I'm in certain areas. Uptown, garden district, most of mid-city, touristy areas, lake view, parts of gentilly i feel safe. I tell people to avoid central city (my car got broken into there once as well as hearing gunshots mid-day; I used to work in the area as a social worker), I also would tell people to avoid upper and lower ninth ward, parts of treme, st Claud, and French quarter at times
• I stayed in Nola because every strange street I walked down felt like home.
• I still feel comfortable whenever I move through New Orleans and there is not a place in the city I would advise anyone to avoid save the French Quarter—not for safety concerns but I find the press of people and the tourist's prurient behavior distasteful.
• I don't feel safe in no parts. I just go where I need to go and go back home. The crime is crazy
• I have felt safe in all places that are fairly well populated. Daytime is no worries. Certain areas I do not travel alone at night
• On the whole I feel as Safe as I've always felt but I do find myself giving my environment a double look, especially if I'm alone or in an area I'm not accustomed to.
• Pouring money into policing makes me feel even closer to the center of this orwellian nightmare we live in. I feel safe in places where there is strong, long standing community. i feel the most unsafe in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods.
• I don't feel safe uptown nor in Mid City. I don't feel any safer since Landrieu became mayor. His genuine support of NOPD seems vacant. He has let them down I feel. How can you do your job when your boss doesn't trust or support you
• Haven't felt safe since the Pizza Kitchen murders. It can happen literally anywhere, at anytime. Still would not want to live anywhere else in America, though.
• I feel much safer when I see the police walking or driving or walking around. I feel unsafe when I am the one they are pulling over. It's kind of like they are on the hunt for something wrong.
• I feel safe during the day at work or in my home with locked doors. I do not feel safe in public at night. I would tell others to avoid anywhere after mid night without many other people around. Avoid neighborhoods that you do not live in that have historically higher number of crimes committed.
• the system is violent.
• Yes that's funny u asked it is scary as hell I just moved out of a 75% Good neighborhood Gentilly at least the area I was in ,due to house 🏡 sale and it's a huge concern because I'm not sure where in the city I would be some what safe so I'm seriously thinking of St Bernard parish
• Feel the same - not much difference from several years ago. Crime seems to come in waves.
• I know crime is an issue but I don't feel any less safe than before. My neighborhood seems safer than it was 10 or 15 years ago.
• We just had a bunch of shootings.....that were not in the quarter.....Honestly, I just think Mitch is nuts!!! People died and he is more concerned that the building was not registered as a night club
• I feel safer when NOPD are present in my immediate area. I try to be careful wherever I go. I try to avoid dark, deserted or almost deserted areas. I also try to go places in a group.
• I'm more afraid of the cops. I feels safe in my hood. -Rodneka❤️
• Anywhere downtown above Rampart after dark
• I don't feel any more safe now than I did pre-Katrina Gentilly is still about the safest IMO. I avoid the East at night for safety purposes.
• I dont feel safe anywheres in this city, I avoid all parts of it and am trying to move out, just last Fri night my neighbors son was murdered on Tulane ave. Not far from the orleans parish jail. Plus 1 orher, this place is out of touch , a rip off , and as dangerous as any place in the world, and as far as a city so small thiers no excuse whatsoever, and people are pass tired of all the same ole excuses.
• I do not feel safe moving around the city. I only feel safe inside my home. I avoid all places in New Orleans when the sun goes down.
• I feel safe most of the time. But I'm cautious about where I park my car, even in the daytime. I never carry cash either. That eases my anxiety.
• I don't feel safe anywhere in the city except my own home, sometimes --- there was a drive-through the neighborhood shoot out a couple years ago that ended in front of my house. At this point I'm considering moving.
• Less safe than ever. Feel safe in stable neighborhoods. Avoid known trouble areas, the French Quarter after midnight.
• I don’t go anywhere without my pit
• I feel safe, but crime uptown is skyrocketing
• That stretch of Tulane with the recent shooting. I'm also always tense in the quarter, but that's less physical worry and more stress about people trying to Mess With Me.
• I don't feel safe, unless I'm at home with alarm system on. I tell people to avoid being out past 9 pm
2. Tell us about a time you felt unsafe in New Orleans, what did you do about it?
• I was in the French quarter on the night of Halloween a few years ago when 13 people were shot and the bar we were in shut the doors and we were temporarily on lock down until the situation was stabilized, my car was also broken into and windows busted while working in central city as a social worker, also heard gunshots while in central city working at 4:30 in the afternoon, in all cases I quickly vacated the scene. With my car, I just drove out of the neighborhood with busted glass because I didn't want to stay in the area and risk further harm
• I felt unsafe when I came out and found my car broken into. I called the police and asked to have them meet me at home.
• When the guy drove Thur the Mardi gras parade on st. Charles. I'm not going to any more parades after that day.
• Once when intoxicated I was on a small side street outside the quarter at night and just moved to a more populated area
• I had to pick up my son in the middle of the night in another part of town. Just kept my eyes Scanning the road and the doors locked. It was while waiting in the parking lot that I felt the most vulnerable. I just stayed focused in the present and waited. With the motor running.
• I never walked outside after 9 pm. Uptown nor Mid City • People are shot simply driving on the interstate, so when DON'T you feel unsafe?
• I felt unsafe when a car full of men pulled alongside of me, one hopped out and yelled "Give it up" and fired a bullet toward my that whizzed past my face and lodged into my dashboard.
• for profit prisons are grotesque
• Feeling unsafe in New Orleans now is like normal because u have to stay alert be very observant be aware of your surroundings keep eye contact with strangers who may look like they may harm u it's just crazy because u never know inside of your car r outside I just say my prayers pray I'm not the next victim but I'm always seeking ways I can help others not be victims also.
• Several times felt unsafe on a bicycle, primarily in areas where blight is an issue (Central City). Avoid areas at certain times of day or avoid them altogether. Communicate with neighbors regularly. Also participate in Nextdoor.
• A kid jumped me and stole my phone on Mardi Gras day. Because he was small, I fought him back. It was frightening and very stressful. I called the police but because it was Mardi Gras the incident was a low priority
• All the nonsense w the statues made me feel uneasy.....
• I don't feel safe coming home late by myself. So I call home and have some one open the door for me.
• Actually someone was shot during the day by Galvez
• My mom got robbed at the K&B on Broad and Esplanade in the 90s. It just reminded me from then on to be aware of my surroundings.
• I dont feel unsafe because I know how dangerous it is here and dont go a lot of places here much.
• Occasionally in my neighborhood Uptown crime is sporadic and consistent. I inform neighbors on our neighborhood website and they do as well to stay vigilant at all times.
• A group of drunk teenagers verbally harassed my wife outside the House of Blues. Reacting would only escalate things so we pretended not to hear and got out of there.
• Pre-Katrina, rampant drug dealing, animal abuse and Gina in the neighborhood. Shooting celebrations on holidays that sent bullets in my home and neighbors' home. Tried to sell me he house, then storm happened. Moved out of state. Returned uptown in 2014 and really don't go out much. Call cops regularly and installed cameras on my house.
• I was walking across the street at night and these bright lights were in my eyes so I squinted. The driver said that he was going to kill me for the look I gave him.
• Ran away.
• Drive-by Shooting a few blocks from my house. I heard it happen. Woke me up. Two days later I walked over to street where it happened and asked people how they're doing. That made me feel better
3. When you see the police, do you feel more safe or less safe?
• Slightly more safe
• When I see the police, my reaction depends on whether or not I'm driving (nervous) or at home or out and about (curious)
• I felt safe but it was too late
• Tough question. Depends on the situation
• More safe. Although as a northern transplant (who's been here over 20 years) I still get nervous. Because they could not like my answer or attitude and pull me over and/or in. But whenever I've had an accident (fender vender) I feel safe with them. And when I marched with women and then for science I felt they were there to protect us.
• Safer
• Shootings have happened in police presence, nothing's a deterrent.
• police are class enemies
• Ummm I do sometimes but we will always as citizens out number our police 👮 So more police presence will help but I do not believe it's the solution to our violent epidemic
• More safe. However they need to get out of their cars and walk the neighborhoods!!!
• More safe
• I avoided the areas
• I feel indifferent towards police as far as safety is concerned. I have cop friends, but I sometimes wonder if I'm being profiled if I'm in certain areas.
• Much less, they queston the people who call more than the predators, so it makes you not call, then they show up a day late, 911 is a joke.
• A little more safe and unfortunately just a little.
• I feel safer when they're around at big events, keeping an eye on everything. I also stopped doing drugs so I have nothing to hide from them.
• Unchanged
• Love my mother, love my father, can't stand the coppers
• It's a different kind of unsafe.
• Less. They're understaffed, and I don't think can help me if I ever needed them
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