#it was a miracle i survived and she didnt give me any help
brainjuicey · 1 year
I like those little stories about heartbreak and two people who come back together like streams of a river, like the one by my house, because i think life was cruel to me and the love I had that "all turned to guilt and shame" because. because. there's a lot of reasons and also none. it just happened. we broke up. I don't even know who I'm mourning. if we could've figured out how to fix what went wrong, I would have, she didn't feel the same way. I was tired of always being the one who had the plan, until the plan didn't serve her anymore.
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babydollangelica · 3 years
Well, Hiee people! This is gonna be my first post ever and I am not sure if it is a good Idea starting off with an angst, but I am dedicating it to a Yagi Toshinori/All might oneshot! Since its my first time on tumblr, please pardon any mistakes. I initially wanted to put it as Y/N but since its kinda gore, it didnt feel right.
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Synopsis : Some Regrets will never leave you.
This event was placed during the time Bakugou got kidnapped and All Might used his full potential and lost his One For All against the Villian All For One.
Warning : angst, sexual assault foul language, gore, death.
Pairing : Yagi Toshinori/All Might x Fem/OC- Ayame
Original Villian Thorn
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It was just another day for Ayame. She hummed and watered her plants. Ayame wasn't really special. Her quirk was mainly growing flowering plants. So she worked as a florist and grew various beautiful flowers. While humming she wondered 'oh, maybe tonight we can try out recent essential oil mix in the hot tub! Eucalyptus and rosemary will do well for toshi' she giggled and thought about all the possibilities after a hot tub would lead to. While Ayame was day dreaming, peonies bloomed all around the Flower Shop. Few locals who knew her very well called out "There you go again Ayame-san, are you missing him already?" She blushed and quickly apologized for the floral storm she caused. An elderly woman who was picking out flowers said "You don't have to apologize Ayame-chan you and your flowers are so beautiful. Your boyfriend is a lucky man. Ah..love. such a beautiful thing. Isn't it?" Ayame smiled and carefully handed the bouquet of white Lilies to her and said "don't worry about the payment Mrs. Ito" the elderly smiled and waved goodbye.
Ayame quickly closed the shop and headed home. She prepared the hot bath and some light dinner and waited for Toshi to come home. She noticed that Toshi was feeling low recently and wanted to do help him. She understands that although she can't fix his problems, she wants to be by his side when the going gets tough. So she patiently waits.
It is past midnight. The bath is gone cold. And so is the food. Ayame stomach growls woke her up from where she fell asleep on the kitchen counter. 'He still isn't home yet.' She gives him another call. And hears Toshi's cell ring outside the apartment. Frowning she walks towards the door and it opens, revealing a disheveled and exhausted Toshinori. Ayame gasped and held him in her arms and rubs his back. "Your alright. You are alright" she whispers reassuringly. He sigh "Bakugou is kidnapped and Young Midoriya and most of 1 A and 1 B are injured." She bites back tears, refusing to cry before him. "And here I am. The number one hero. Unable to do a thing in this state." He said bitterly and pulled away from Ayame's grasp. "Toshi, you-" He cut her off "we are making plans on raiding the place where Bakugou is kept captive. Momo smartly placed a tracking device on Bakugou. But the main issue is, All for one is most probably behind this. Ayame recalled the past conversation with Night Eye and looked at Toshi while she choked out "Toshi, no please don't" Toshi gingerly held her fingers between his own "This.....is why, we should have ended.....this, no. We never should have started anything to begin with. I should have never-" Ayame grasped his hand between hers and whispers "please Toshi, don't say this. Don't do this. We promised to be there for each other. No matter what the consequences were, we are going to face it together. Didn't we?" She kisses his finger, afraid that he may break out of trance and do what he has been planning to do. But Toshi pulled away again. "Ayame..... you are still so young. You still have so much ahead of you. I am nothing but a shell of a man, that may die tomorrow. Or soon. My power is not even my own, which I may lose in this battle. Please. Don't tie yourself down to me." She grabs hold of his shirt "Don't you dare say that! I am in love with Yagi Toshinori. Not because you are powerful. Or strong. But because you are you. I love you for who you are Toshi, and I am ready to walk down by your side to whatever path you have chosen. All I ask is for you to survive." Toshi grabs hold of his head "And you did Ayame! You have fulfilled it! You have walked down by my side. But I can't promise my survival. Which is why, you need to let go of me." Ayame rest her head against his chest. Tears running down her cheeks. "Toshi, my love... please don't" Toshinori gently pushes her away from him. He couldn't look at her. "Ayame, I am sorry.....Goodbye" he turns away and walks out of the door. Ayame froze. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered "Toshi..." getting back to her senses she rushes out of the door, trying to stop him. But she couldn't see him anywhere. She runs out on the streets in her nightgown yelling out his name. Searching for him. Asking the trees for help. But she never found him. Ayame sank to her knees and wails "Toshi, please don't leave me. Please" she kept crying in the middle of the streets. Her heart shattered.
The following day, the raid was conducted. Izuku, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Iida was able to rescue Bakugou while All Might intervened and fought One for All and defeated him. And in that process, he barely survived,completely lost his All For One Abilities and All Might's identity as Yagi Toshinori was now revealed to the world. But during that chaos, while all the Pro Hero's attention was on this raid, minor villains began causing havoc in most parts of the city. And now that the number one hero lost his power, doubt and fear began to rise in the country, feeding the Villians, making them more stronger. Unfortunately, Ayame fell victim to one of Hero Killer's followers, Thorn. And he has been keeping an eye on Ayame for a long time now. An obsessive psychopathic Villian who's quirk are Thorny Creepers. He made a pattern of her movements for over a span of 2 months now. Even keeping an eye on her ex-boyfriend. (Yes. He witnessed the whole breakup scenario) who surprisingly is revealed to be the former number one hero. With him out of the way, a perfect opportunity of having his way with her arose. He broke into her home and drugged her. The usual kidnapping tactic. Dumping her in the van, he drove away to the outskirts of the city into a dingy warehouse, he cuffed her with a power dampner and assaulted her, tortured her with his spiny creepers untill she was ripped apart. Her screams were music to his ears, while he filmed her. As she begged him to let her go, he began torturing her all over again. The very idea of hurting a former pro hero lover fed his ego. Ayame realized this and slowly turned unresponsive. It was the fourth day and he finally decided that since he no longer had fun, it was time to end her life. "You have served me well Little Flower. I enjoyed ripping off your petals. You look even prettier covered in blood. But its time to weed you out." All Ayame could think of was Toshi as she lay on the bloodied ground, trying to reach out to her pendant, while waiting for the final blow. 'I Love you Toshi' That evening while Toshi was recovering at the hospital, Naomasa visited him. There was a grave look on his face that made Toshinori heart drop. "Naomasa? What is it? Is Bakugou alri- "Naomasa cuts him off "There has been another crime by Thorn." Toshi Frowns "After 5 years? Are you sure its him?" Naomasa sinks in the chair "yes, the same pattern..but Toshi... I.." he takes a deep breath and says "this is hard....Its Ms. Ayame, we got the video from Thorn. They are still searching for her." Toshi's blood runs cold. He whispers as he jumps out of the bed "what did you say? I don't think I heard it right" Naomasa stand up "the Video was sent through her number. We tried tracking her cellphone but it was found in the river and-" Naomasa's cell rings. Time was suddenly slow for Toshi. He could hear his own heart beat. His eyes burned and when he closed it, all he could remember was Ayame's face when she hugged him and begged him not to leave her. Naomasa touched Toshinori's shoulder and said softly "They found her. I am so sorry but-" Toshi yelled "NO! No... No this can't be. I NEED TO SEE HER. WITH MY OWN EYES." Naomasa nodded. After an hour, they reached the warehouse. Toshi prayed for some miracle. Prayed that Ayame would be alive. There were police cars and Coroner's Vans. A crowd of people gathered at the distance. Murmuring lines of pity. But Toshi was numb. His face pale as he walk toward the entrance. Stench of Iron fills the air. And there, in the middle of the room lay a body twisted in a strange angle, in a large pool of blood. And he walked closer. And he saw her. Ayame. Lying on her stomach, but her neck twisted, facing upwards, her limbs flayed, while her left hand reached out towards the celtic knot pendant. The gift Toshi gave her a year ago. Toshi knelt on the ground and wailed as he reached out to touch her stiff hands. "Ayame, My Love, Please..." his words no longer sounded comprehensible as he choked on his tears. He began crawling towards her body, his trousers soaked in
cold blood.
The coroner who was collecting evidence protested but Toshi paid no heed as he held her up against his chest and whispered in her ear "your alright, you will wake up, you are alright my love. Now please, please wake up. I can't.....I shouldn't have left you. My love please. Please comeback" he kisses her forehead as he rocks himself back and forth holding her close to him. And that is when he see's it. There is a huge hole in her chest. He whispers "your heart..... where is your heart" he looks around and sees it pinned by thorny branches against the wall. He gasped "I am so sorry my love. I am so so sorry. I love you. I love you so much. This is all my fault. I should have stayed. I should have come back home early. My sweet sweet love. Please come back, please, I can't live without you. Please" The Coroner walked over to Naomasa. "Its been 7 hours since she passed away. And according to my analysis, she had been held captive for four days. Mutilated body and signs of resistance blows were found. We did find rubber between her finger nails. She was also sexually assaulted, so his Semen was found in her. There are also photos of her found on the desk. He has been preparing this for months now. Naomasa groaned "Yes. Parts of it was also shown in the video. He killed her because in the end, she showed no resistance." Upon hearing this, Toshinori slowly turns around eyes dangerously zoning in on the coroner as he seethed "Four Days? She was kidnapped four days ago? Tortured and raped.?" Toshi shivered. He could still feel the ghost of her kisses when she held his hand one last time. Every time he closed his eyes, he could still see her smile. Her sweet scent every time he held her in his arms. But now he held her cold body, he couldnt see her smile, nor the sweet scent. It was but the lifeless body and dead eyes that stared up at him. His heart slowed down. He kissed her cold stiff lips one last time. He gently closes her eyes. And weeps again. Yagi Toshinori screams. He may have saved the world, but he lost his. Regret is the most painful thing.
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btsskinnylegends · 4 years
Masquerade | The First Sighting
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Pairing: Reader x ?  |  Reader x BTS  | Solar & Reader
Word Count: 2687
Genre: Uni life, a tiny bit of suspense & supernatural, Comedy and a tiny sprinkle of fluff. 
Warnings: Just some Cursing. 
| Prologue |
A/N: WOOW!! Thank you everyone for the likes and as well for the follows. Wasnt that active so I didnt notice, and wasnt able to welcome everyone that followed me!! But welcome everyone! :D
Here is the first chapter, I hope you guys will enjoy it!! English isn't my first language rather my third so if you find any inconsistencies with the grammar or something else. Do tell me so that I can improve for future chapters. I hope you will enjoy it!! See ya till next time! And if you have any questions send them my way!! 
The first day of the new semester was truly a beautiful day.  The birds were chirping their songs that somehow sounded even more melodious than usual, the grass was greener and you couldn’t even spot a single cloud on the brilliant blue sky. Everybody seemed to enjoy the perfect weather, all but one. You. 
There you were trudging along the campus path cursing the sun for existing. Miserable was the word to describe you. With a large coffee in hand that was bought in the campus coffee shop and that cost you your lunch for the day. Your wallet may weep, but the cost is small if you want to stay alive and survive the day. You weren’t even sure if you were going the right way or the person that you were walking with was a friend or a stranger. In conclusion, you are whole ass mess.  
One glance at you and even your 88-year-old grandma would have known that you drank yourself piss-drunk. All of the classic signs were there, the big black sunglasses the almost covered your upper face and made you look like a fly. The matted too much hair-sprayed hair that was put in a bun, but looked like something that the cat threw up. At least you had put on the nice outfit that you had prepared the day before. 
Going back to the thought of who you were walking with because at is point it was too awkward to even ask who they were. You decided to lift your head from the hunching that protected your tiny little head from the cruel, cruel world. 
You decided to inspect them to see if anything jogged your memory. You took a long good gaze at them, and it was a good thing that you wore your big sunglasses or you would look like a Furby on crack with your eyes. Okay, so it, was a she. Good start, you thought to yourself. Also, she is very pretty another detail added. Her name, what was her name? You pondered to yourself.  
“KIM YONG-SUN “. Almost like someone whispered the name to you. Whispers that you sometimes heard and stopped to faze you along time ago. But they were a bitch to hear when you were having a hangover.  
“Yong-sun, tell me again why did I drink that much.”, you asked your companion. You really hoped that she was someone you knew and not a serial killer or something worse. Because of your current state you were very easy prey. 
“You forgot my name again didn’t you?” she said to you with a pointed tone. The stare she gave you was one of great disappointment, mixed in with fondness or at least you hoped it was. You looked away in shame. She huffed. 
“First of all do not call me Yong-Sun, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Solar”, she told you. She doesn’t seem to be a stranger by the way she scolds me, you thought to yourself. But couldn’t she be a bit quieter? Btw Solar what kind of nickname is that? Was sunshine taken or som… Your thoughts decided to drift away. 
At this point, Solar again looked at you and was completely done with your bullshit, and decided to take action. To you, though it would be an act of betrayal which you would not forget.   
She snapped her fingers in front of your ears. 
Alas, you were to slow to defend yourself and truly suffered the most grievous of wounds. A headache that was on level 8 but now skyrocketed to level 50. That your head was still stuck to your neck and had not decided to explode and scatter all over the campus ground was truly a miracle.
“Oi, Sunflower what was that for.”, you said to your friend with your tone beyond irritated and sending a glare down her way. Let’s just say you remembered who she was, and it did nothing to soothe your headache opposite actually it upped it, again. Then you also remembered that you had on your big sunglasses, so the glare you sent her was meaningless.  This whole morning is starting to feel pointless. Why were you up again? 
“Well, looks who is remembering her friend. Btw how did you forget that literally we said hey to each other 30 minutes ago, we even rode the bus together and you are telling that you even didn’t know who I was but decided to follow me for the last 10 minutes or so.” her tone was exasperated and defeated. It was too early for this bullshit she must have finally decided. 
“How many times do we have to go through the same idiotic situation.”. So this is an occurring situation. Well, that’s not reassuring at all, you thought and grimaced. Now you were even more confused than before, and it did not help that your companion scolded you at every opportunity she had. Enough is enough.  
“Listen sunflower, - 
“Its Sola - 
“Whatever sunflower, listen now is not that I love your voice I actually do it gives me the good tingles, but for everything that is holy can you quiet down a tone. That’s all I am asking for.” and she answered back with a fine. 
“Now, do you have any explanation to why I am an amnesiac that can’t even remember her own name, and where the fuck am I going?”.  
“Well let me see?”, she pondered sarcastically. “Could it have something to with Seok-Jin´s bet about who is going to do most shots in one minute or Seok-Jin´s other bet who could drink a bottle of wine the fastest and then recite Yakko’s Nations of the world perfect! Wait there is more! Guess who decided upon all of that to smoke some blunts, which again she was dared by Seok-Jin.”.
“This Seok-Jin person sounds like a bad person.”. 
Solars expression said it all, no words were needed. 
You stopped walking and stood still. The memories from last night hit you like a truck and that headache that was level 80, let’s just say the scale is broken. Causing you to drop to your knees and crouch. 
“How am I alive?”, you asked Solar. 
“Trust me it is a question that I have started asking myself almost every day now.”, Solar answered.
 “You are lucky, now hope that luck will help us be on time for the first class.”, she said while pulling you up.
You had somehow survived the day but unfortunately, you still had one more class. To describe how you were feeling at that point would be miserable and gutted. Looks nothing had changed from this morning. With only one class left, you somehow found the energy to seem alive. As for your appearance, you wouldn’t be surprised if people thought that the zombie apocalypse had finally come. 
Instead of sitting on that bench that was strangely beckoning you to lay on it. You decided to head right over the room where your lecture would take place. Fortunately for you, the lecture was just cross from the building that you were exiting from.       
Looks like you arrived a bit early, which worked in your favour for picking seats. The backseat will perfect for you “to concentrate on the lecture”  and not do something else like sleep. No, you would never, perish such a dark thought. 
You put down your computer and made yourself comfortable. Although not too comfortable of course, you had to stay awake. You had some time kill before the lecture started so you decided to scroll through your phone and it looks like infamous enabler had finally decided to wake up.
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After that thrilling conversation with your roomie, you still had time to kill before class. How early did you arrive at the lecture? Deciding not to look a horse gift in the mouth, a little nap would not hurt. Just for a couple of minutes, you thought. It’s not like you will sleep, you just going to close your eyes and rest your head a little (which still had that horrible headache but not bad as before). So you just did that.
Something that was supposed to be a little shut-eye turned into a nap, a deep nap. Slipping deeper and deeper into the world of dreams. Unfortunately for you, the lecture had finally started. Unaware and sleeping on the desk with your arms folded in front of you, and at that sitting furthest back in the room you safe from your professor’s eyes.  You would also have gotten no attendance from this lecture, had it not been for your nice bench mate who answered for you instead. 
“.... hey… up…”, you heard someone whisper. Ignoring it to be apart of your dream. You continued your slumber.
“...wake up… lecture… started”, now the voice was poking you. What an oddly annoying whisper. 
Okay, now you were being shaken. Alright enough is enough, you were going to ask the persistent whisper what it wanted.
“... what do you want.,”, you said quietly hoping it would shut up the voice once and for all. 
“The lecture has started, and you probably don’t want to be asleep for the introduction.”, the voice answered you back. Now that you think about it the voice wasn’t all that bad, it was actually a very soothing voice. Very charming. 
“Hey, don’t go back to sleep!”, the voice said annoyed. Which seemed a common theme for people interacting with you today. 
“NO, wanna sleep”, you even whined. The voice didn’t respond and went quiet for a bit. You thought he had finally left you alone, so you went back to sleep or so you tried. For you could not stop thinking of that voice. He was so persistent a second ago. Why did he stop? 
Starting to feel curious, you wanted to see the face of the voice annoying you. So slightly turning your head around, you opened your eyes. 
The sight that you saw left you speechless. A quiet wow left your lips, as you couldn’t tear your gaze away. 
You weren’t exactly subtle with your gaze, so it wasn't a surprise that the boy caught you staring. Your eyes locked and it felt like an electric current went through both of you. Or maybe it was that pesky headache again deciding to show its head (hah!). The thought of sleeping was long gone. The only thing that mattered was this thing between you and his captivating eyes.  
His pretty brown eyes with a speck of black and gold in them. That somehow held hundreds of tiny universes in it. Sparkling, everlasting and mysterious. Even if you tried to tear your eyes away it was like you were hypnotised by them. If you looked somewhere else an invisible force would pull them back to him. Did you know this man? Because he felt so familiar. He felt like a lost piece to a puzzle finally put in place. Like you had known him your entire life and you felt comfortable to a level that Solar hadn’t reached yet. 
To say he didn’t look confused either would be an understatement. His face read total confusion yet some kinda warmth. 
Deciding to put an end to this “moment” or what you could call it. You asked him a question. 
“Have we meet before?”, you whispered to him.
“No, I don’t believe so.”, he whispered back to you.  
“You sure because it would be hard to forget such a pretty face.”, both of you said in unison. Both of you cringed and couldn’t help to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Then both of you remembered that you were sitting in class, so you tried to keep it quiet and not disturb the lecture. Also start to pay attention to the introduction. 
Did you pay attention to what your professor was saying? No. Did you spend your time sneaking glances at the boy that was sitting next to you? Yes. Were you ashamed, yes and no? You felt shame for acting like a little schoolgirl with her first crush. The unbothered though said enjoy the ride cuz you only live once sister. It was the part that you listened to the most.
Now, what was his name for you couldn’t call him boy any longer in your head.  
“JEON JUNGKOOK”, the whispers said. Well hello there Mr Jeon, nice to meet you thought. 
The lecture finally ended, did you know anything that was going to play in the future course plan. Of course not, you didn’t even remember which course this was. 
Just as you finished your thoughts, the man that had plagued for the last hour or so decided to turn around. 
“So are we finally introducing each other,” you said to him. 
“I guess we are.”, he answered back while sending you a small smile. That little smile drove your heart into overdrive. Stupid heart, shush he can probably hear your hard banking because soon enough you will jump outta my cheat, you thought. 
He reached out his hand to shake yours. Your hand easily dwarfing his, but it felt nice. Although his hand was very cold, must have bad blood circulation. 
“My name is … JK”
“................... Jeon Jungkook. I know.” you said proudly. 
“Wait how did you know my name?” he asked and actually seemed frightened by your knowledge of his name. 
“Well … it’s a little party trick that I have. I can just look at a person and know their name.” 
His frightful expression only deepened with something darker mixed in. You sense the danger decided to lie to save the situation. 
“I’m just kidding I saw it on the attendance list, and it must have stuck on me. And if you look at the cover of your notebook, your initials are written there so it wasn’t that hard to figure it out.”, you said while your manner screamed easygoing. When in a hard spot deploy your charm, is what your mother always said to you and it also seemed to work this time. Maybe Sunflower was right, you did have lady luck on your side. For after you had said it, Jungkook or as he liked to call himself JK, relaxed immediately and a bigger smile was shown. 
If you had only known that his name was never on the attendance list…
“Want to guess my name now?”, you joked to further ease the situation. 
“Let me guess?”, JK said while pretending to pond. 
“Could it be …” as he said your name. Now you understand how the person feels when you guess their name. It is a creepy feeling. 
“Deciding to steal my party trick now, huh. And it was going so good for us also.”. you let out dramatically, all the while falling over dramatically.  
“You know you are reminding me of someone.”
“That can’t be possible there is one person iconic as me and that is me.”, you proudly stated. 
You asked him for serious this time, how he had known your name. What if he had your little “gift”. Turns out the dude had just read your name on your notebook. And out flew that magic you sarcastically thought.  On a positive note, you exchanged social media accounts and numbers. 
“What did you put my name on as.” jk asked. 
“Wait, what??”
“Well you don’t seem to like your full name, and I don’t like your nickname it is too simple. Trust me don’t take it personally I do it to everyone. So yes, Jan.”
“You’re a strange one.”
“Not really just today it seems. I think all of my common sense has left me.”, you smiled at him. Jungkook froze still. 
“Well gotta go, it is finally time for me to enjoy the greatest pleasure of life. Sleep. Bye, Jan.”, you shouted at him after finally leaving the auditorium. As you left you heard a small wow, and goodbye. 
You still had it you thought to yourself, feeling proud. 
Now, what did the roommate of yours make?
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spherekuriboh · 4 years
the timeline for thief game is weird cause it’s like
[40 years ago] olive and walt are sexy rookie rivals 
[38 years ago] olive becomes the bunny king, walt panics and bails.
[37 years ago] olive has a kid with the husband walt didnt know she had, lol
[23 years ago] one of the challengers for olive’s throne narrows down her identity and won’t take bequeathing for an answer. he tears her family apart. she kills him. in one of those orders. walt resurfaces in the mess and tries to help her pick up the pieces but he comes and goes to give her space.
(fun fact, max msi and glitch are the only other team members out of diapers at this time. max is like ten. glitch is like six and in italy.)
[15 years ago] glitch joins the italian mob. max applies to the graduate program in psychology that will ruin his goddamn life here in a minute. patsy is ten and a child star. robbie is eight and a normal kid. lizzie is born.
[12 years ago] catastrophe strikes patsy specifically. a death is pinned on her and she loses the court case like hell because her richass family lets her take the fall. it was not her fault.
[also 12 year ago but slightly later] walt left olive alone for ten seconds and she broke into a juvenile detention facility and saved a child. 
[at some point] glitch bails from italy and shows up to terrorize the streets. he catches olive’s eye because she appreciates his magic and he’s vain so he likes being appreciated. she did him a favor or two and he has decided to die for her someday and it’s the only feeling he’s got aside from schadenfreude and math at any given time. 
[11 years ago] a member of max’s cohort turns out to be a plant. a little bit before max was set to defend his thesis, the guy decides to Reveal Himself and essentially kill the bunny king by murdering everyone here. sharp-eyed viewers will notice this is hilariously wrong.
[11 years- 2 months ago] max survived the attack by some miracle and has magic now. fuck you. he has taken two steps out of his apartment.
[11 years- 2 months and 15 seconds ago] people try to kill max. because by process of elimination he is the bunny king. glitch witnessed this and decided to watch max run around a bit by way of hazing but ultimately picked him up and brought him to olive.
max: i dont respect any of you people
glitch and patsy: YOU’D BETTER RESPECT OLIVE
glitch: ... and fuck you i also demand respect
walt, walking in with starbucks: what the fuck??
[5 years ago] robbie is 18 and, at their shitty ass job, spots walt and max miles away as plants. literally says, “if you’re trying to bankrupt my fucking workplace please take me with you.”
[5 years ago but two steps to the left] “ollie buys her daughter a badge because she wants to fuck it up in court”
[3 years ago] on a job, robbie walt and glitch break into a house. in this house is a kid who isn’t supposed to be there. robbie demands they bring her back to olive, walt disagrees. glitch likes watching people squirm so he votes yes. lizzie joins the party.
[last year] something is wrong with lizzie. only walt knows what is it.
[present day] (gimmie gimmie gimmie plays over the mall speakers) oh no
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spantch · 5 years
Am I not monster enough for you?" Copper's cool and low voice emanating from where he still lays on their bed puts something in his chest at ease.
"What?" He doesn't fully turn as he continues to get dressed.
"You go on these stupid hunts, putting yourself in danger, because you need it right? you need a monster to fight?"
"Copper, it's more complicated than that. I have a duty to protect."
"So? Protect yourself if its adrenaline you need I'll give it to you."
"Just go back to sleep, I dont want to talk about this right now."
"Sunlight. I dont want to wake up alone and then have my first thought be if I'm ever going to see you again. If it's a fight you need or blood or whatever, I'm here. I'll be the monster," Mikely saw Copper's stripes dim for a second as he came close to losing composure, "I want to help you, I want to keep you safe, but I don't know how to keep you safe from yourself."
"I appreciate your conviction, but you cant fix everything."
"Why not? I know I cant make the world all sunshine and rainbows, but I can try. Please, at least let me try."Copper says as he reaches out to hold Mikely's hand.
"No." Mikely crossed his arms and drew away from the only person who has ever truly loved him, "Its more complicated than that, this goes beyond us and- and you dont understand."
"Your right I dont understand, but I want to. please just tell me, show me, whatever, just let me help you."
"Its my duty ok? this is what I was raised to do. to be."
"You know that's a crock of bull, sunlight, Nobody breathing expects you to keep throwing yourself to the wolves." his tone is infuriatingly gentle, it always is.
"I do."
"I dont know!" he snaps.
"Sunlight please, I'm not trying to upset you, I just- I just want to help."
"I know."
"Will you at least tell me this?"
"When will it be enough? When do we- you get your happily ever after?"
"I dont. Ok? I dont get one. I was never meant to."
"So you're just going to keep throwing yourself away until you're dead?"
"What else is there for me?"
"Me, Metock, Nolk. Whatever else you want, I'll get it for you, Sunlight."
Mikely makes a frustrated noise and barely restrains himself from stomping his foot like a bratty child, "You dont get it. It's more complicated than that!"
"Maybe I dont need to 'get it'! Maybe you just need to trust me for half a second. You know what? Maybe you- dont get it."
"Dont get what? that you're some spoiled, self absorbed, greedy fairy?"
"You know what maybe I am but your the one refusing to accept that if you keep doing this nonsense you will die."
"So what?"
"So what? Mikely-," He grit his teeth and glared at Mikely while he calmed himself down enough to not yell at him "Mikely, You're right. I absolutely am a selfish bastard, and that's going to manifest right now. Mikely, if you die, I'm going to be alone again. And You dont understand how absolutely terrifying that is. I love you, but I- I cant watch you do this to yourself."
"To bad." He turned away from the creature staring slack jawed and broken hearted at him, Copper deserved better, "I'm going now, Youd best be too." The door closed with a satisfying thunk that he pretended he didn't feel in his chest.
Their room was empty when he returned, his neck was stiff, he couldn't open one eye and he had lost feeling in his hand. realistically the most severe injury was the slash that cut deep in his shoulder, it still slowly seeped but adrenaline was keeping the ache at bay for now.
He sat in his chair, the one coated in waxed fabric with extra padding, and waited for Copper to return from where ever he was having his fit.
But he didn't.
Mikely drifted in and out of unconsciousness as he waited; sunset turned to night, to mid night, to early morning, to sunrise.
Copper did not return.
He sat up and his head swam as the room spun.
the cracking of dried blood barely registered in his ears over the thrum of his own heart. His hand was cold and his eye wouldn't open and his shoulder burned.
Where's Copper?
Why didn't he come home?
He stumbled out of their room and down the hall.
"Oh shit, Mike?" Metock called as she saw him, "Hey, hey, you dont look good" She held out her hands to steady him as he swayed to a stop. He winced as his nerves revolted against touch.
"Copper? What, oh shit. Copper left last yesterday, said he was going away for a bit. Mikely were you waiting on him?" she ushered him to sit.
He slumped forward I'm his chair and nodded. why was it so bright in here?
"I'll go find a physician, please just stay put."
he nodded into the table again.
Time passed, or maybe it didnt.
life felt sluggish right now, and all to much at the same time.
Where did Copper go?
"Hunter? I leave you alone one night, and you find your way to death's door," There he is.
"Do-dont call me hunter." He slurred "Y-you call call me moonlight, or sun- su- sunlight or s-starlight."
"Why should I call you any of those things? you are the one who made it very clear we're just acquaintances."
"Yu- Love me."
"I do, and as much as it pains me to admit it, I probably always will, But hunter, you chose to reject me. Our deal was I'd stay by your side forever and always until you told me to leave. You told me to leave, I left."
"Di-nt mean t-too"
"Sure felt like you did."
"Dont apologize, just… just dont. I cant take this anymore."
"Stay. I-mm uh, co-ld" he turned to face copper, why wasn't he next to him? why did he look so sad? "Sad?"
"Hunter. Somebody I love is dying, you are dying, of course I'm sad."
Mikely wined and thunked his numb hand on the table a few times. "N-o"
"Humter I'm sorry, there's blood building up in your skull and its putting pressure on your brain, you are going to die."
"No, S-sad."
"Its okay to be sad hunter-"
"N-no! Sa-d, You." he whined and thunked the table a few more times. This time Copper understood he was trying to get him to sit down next to him.
he shouldn't, but he does.
Mikely flinches when copper puts his arm over his shoulder.
"Dying usually does." He adjusts his position to share as much body heat as he could without putting pressure on Mikely's wounds.
Copper sighs "why should I? All that's going to happen is you're going to do this again and again, and- I cant do that Mikely, at least in death you would be at peace. No more fighting no more hurt, for either us."
"N-no m-more Th-Th-ief?"
"No more thief."
"No." Mikely shifts in his seat, slow and laboriously against his protesting muscles, until hes pressed up under Copper. "N-o more safe?"
"of course youd be safe, I'd never guide you somewhere you couldn't be safe, hunter."
"No Th-ief, no safe."
Mikely wines "No, st-stay I-ll Fix it. Don-t leave."
"I'm not going anywhere, there's nothing left to fix."
"Y-you? Alone?"
"Yes, when you're gone I'll be alone, we've discussed this already."
"n-no, Fix. I p-pro-promis-ised."
"You already broke that promise hunter, when you told me to leave."
silence fell between them. Mikely's quiet sniffling drilled holes behind Copper's heart, but what were they to do? Metock and the physician wouldn't be here in time.
"Hurt." Mikely whimpers.
"I know, sleep for now, it'll be gone when you wake." Copper cards his hand through Mikely's hair like hes done a thousand times before, careful to avoid the bruises.
Mikely relaxes under it, hes safe now.
Mikely wakes up alone. Both eyes open, both hands twitch in the sheets, and his shoulder only smarts a little as he sits up.
He runs a hand over the side of his face and into his hair. He's clean and his hair has been braided in the very specific way copper does it when he going to be on his back for a while.
Where's copper? That wasnt a dream. is he home now?
Mikely stumbles out of his room, only slightly more sure footed than last time.
The only people in the dining room are Metock and the physician Daria.
"Sir, you should not be standing!" She jumps to her feet and guides him to a seat. "Sit, sit, it's a miracle you survived, so you probably shouldn't push your luck further!"
"Copper?" he says
"What?" she says
"The friend he'd been out hunting with. he hasn't returned yet so Mikely is worried." Metock lies. She was good at that.
"Oh, I'm sure he'll show up at some point."
Physician Daria left soon after, her only instructions being for him to rest and drink lots of water.
He didn't think he'd miss her chipper bed side manner, he much preferred Physician Copper. She was a good doc, but he trusted Copper a lot more.
"So, What happened?" Metock said with a tone that indicated she would not tolerate side stepping from her husband right now.
"Copper and I had an argument,"
"Ok? That happens a lot between you two. Doesn't explain why he left right before you went on a hunt."
"He didn't want me to go."
"And we got mad, and I fucked up, and told him to leave."
"I know!"
"You fucked up."
"I know."
"But its probably salvageable."
"Did you do your hair?"
"Hm, when Physician Daria and I got here you were out cold, cleaned up, and already mostly healed. It was Copper, right?"
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jesslcover · 5 years
H.E.A.L.T.H. What is it?
For many years, ive been trying to get all these beautiful inspiring stories out of my head and out into the public. I believe that I have a message and maybe my delivery is off but its there....  There is no right or wrong way to deliver a message because it truly comes down to the perception of the receiver, not you that creates the problem. If you have a message to share with the world.. share it, and if the world isn't ready, thats there issue, not yours. So here’s mine.... well a small piece of it... 
Have you ever thought about what the true definition of health is? Is the worlds definition of health congruent with your own definition? How did you come to your own way of health or do you follow others and envision yourself as them maybe when you were completely out of balance with yourself. Or did you do research on ways to quick fix your health Hit?  
There are so many ways we can view health and in each one of us, its different. Take a smoker of 30 years.....    If you or someone you know has smoked for a very long time and are thinking about quitting, you know its gonna be stressful. Even if you are 100% committed to giving up the filthy habit and saying good rides, the body and mind are going to, at some point be in stress overload. The nasty chemical of nicotine has adapted inside your body and your cells feed off of them but then ll of a sudden, you are suffocating the fuel for which stimulated the craving when they were on empty... So your brain thinks, “feed me nicotine, feed me oral fixation.” 
No patch, gum or physical ailment has ever been the true reason some someone killing the habit. The real healing and transformation comes from the energetic balance between what our mind is telling our body, and what forces surround us in our environment the controls our cravings within our body. 
For 12 years, I smoked very heavy cigarettes. Not the Light to Ultra light brands but the stuff the big boys, construction workers, mechanics, Beer Bellied red necks, used to smoke. My mom allowed me to smoke as many cigarettes as I wanted, just as long as I only smoked cigarettes and nothing else. 
In June 1999, after a car accident nearly caused my death, I was awaked into a new light and mindset. Still smoking cigarettes, going to church and attending local exercise classes, my perception to things was different.  
After 4.3 drooling months of battling a disconnect of me headspace and my Mind Body Spirit connection being in OFF mode, I was turn on with more voltage and internal power than ever before. 
In October 1999, 2.5 weeks after I was forced to drop out of high school, I was blown away that something so big, and active was living inside of my head. I asked myself, how could this tumor, be so unkind to just appear out of the blue and say, “That’s it Lady, POWER OFF.” 
I was a senior in High School, passionate about hospitality, working for Marriott hotels 23-28 hours a week in front office operations and selling shoes at Nine West 13-17 hours/week M-F. Marriot was a Fri-Sat-Sunday job with Holidays for  the additional overtime. After my accident, I lost my job at the shoe store however Marriott loved my positive energy and life force I expelled to guests while they checked in, even when I couldn't see over the front Desk front sitting in a chair from Pain. Although I felt much loved at this hotel, I would soon be discharged from here as well. 
October 24th, 1999, after my first attempt to get my GED, the equivalent to a High School Diploma, I failed. I felt horrible with my life. I had no job because of my disability, I quit high school and barely saw my friends, no driver license because they were taking from me by the State of Ohio for safety of other drivers and I was smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. How was I able to come out of this mess and go from SURVIVING to THRIVING?                           It certainly wasnt some Miracle pill or Reconstructive Surgery that changed me from the outside to inspire my inside......  It came from within me! How I looked at the physical things around me, how I gave thanks to everything, even a bird dropping its poo poo on my head while trying to sunbathe next to my neighbors pool, or having a check for $3.84 bounce over a pack of cigarettes. What taught me the greatest life comeback in these scenarios.
It was a wet and muggy Wednesday morning in October, the 27th to be exact, when my mom dreaded waking at 745am to take me to get a second opinion from a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic office near my small hometown. She had finished work at 1130pm the previous night to only arrive home around 1215am from the heavy rain that evening. My first appointment was at 830am. 
There were actually several appointments scheduled that day however my mom had to be at work by 1pm and wasnt able to take me to all of my appointments. After the first appointment, we decided to skip the potential MRI and take me to grandma’s house. 
For the next 9 months, until June, the summer of 2000, I stayed with grandma. It was a much happier place to be. Grandma had 3 fun loving dogs, a pool with a beautiful wooden deck big enough for 5-7 lawn chairs, and my aunt Kathy living within walking distance. Kathy smoked and she was more like a smoking buddy. I was able to make some money mowing yards for the neighbors and helping grandma with the house and her dogs. In June, I got my driver license back and went on a mission to find a job that would give me independence away from everyone! It was the greatest stepping stone into womanhood I could've ever taken. 
After attempting to retrieve my job with Marriott and being unsuccessful, an amusement park on the lake outside of cleveland contacted me for a summer job at one of their hotels in the park. Cedar Point is the PRIME ROLLERCOASTER park in the USA. Without hesitation, I took the job and moved 2.5 hours away in a cabin villa with 2 other girls, for the summer. 
Cutting to the chase... at the end of the summer, I felt like i was ready to go back to school and try my HSD again. It didnt take long to see that, this wasnt supposed to be the option for me. 
August 2000, just days before school was to begin, mom and I, her friend Cheryl and our long time neighbor were shopping for school supplies at our local Staples Store. Cheryl had MS and I took care of her also. Without her with us, my mom would've been in the Emergency room. 
As we were walking out of the store, I started to dauntingly walk a different direction than my mom and Cheryl. Completely disconnect from the world, my mom said she continued to yell at me but I didn't listen. Was I not listening or did I not hear her? 
In the moment when my mom gently grabbed my right shoulder to bring me toward our truck, I physically attacked her, bruised her face and she fell on the ground. Immediately she got back up and “started calling me names”, Cheryl said. Before we got to the truck, I came out of this brain freeze and began to ask my mom “Oh My God, what happened to you?” 
You can imagine my mom’s confusion, frustration and contemplation as to why I seemed to disillusioned to the event. This object in my brain was moving again and this time caused a disconnect that changed my life traumatically, with myself and my mother. 
A week before my Mom’s birthday, September 4, school had only jut begun and I was doing good until the long 3 days weekend for Labor Day. Labor day is the 1st Monday in September and my mom’s birthday happened to fall on that day however our doctors office was closed. 
The very next day, with a luck of the draw, Dr Angerman, who I saw the previous years, had a slot open at 9am which my mom booked me without question. The findings were what had been daunting me for more than 15 months. 
Ganglioglioma is low-grade tumor of mixed cell type. It is a type of brain tumor that contains properties of both glial cells (responsible for providing the structural support of the central nervous system) and neuronal cells (the functioning component of the central nervous system). It is very rare!! Being rare was one thing but with the location being life threatening inoperable, my mom burst into tears with fears of what to do with me. 
My Ganglioglioma treatments included:               Neurosurgery – to remove as much of the tumor as safely possible; surgery is often limited due to the deep, central placement of these tumors within the brain                                                                                                     Chemotherapy – either before surgery to shrink the tumor or to kill cancer cells 
Radiation therapy – precisely targeted treatment to control local growth of tumors; not recommended unless the child’s tumor has re-grown due to potential long-term side effects of therapy.
Cleveland Clinic has some of the most highly acclaimed doctors and surgeons in the world. They are one of the best trusted hospital resources for Neurological, Cardiac and Pulmonary operations. With a higher success rate than any other hospital affiliation on the entire planet, Dr Angerman relaxed my mom and assured her that I was in heaven’s hands.  On March 12th, 2001, I became a successful survivor of this rare scare of a brain tumor however the end wasn’t close yet. 
After 3 days, I was released from Cleveland Clinic Neurosurgery in Cleveland, Ohio, with 100% full confidence by Neurosurgeon Dr. Morris, that I would recover with no problems. March 16th, while at my grandmothers house, I had a stroke. I was paralyzed on the entire left side of my body for 6 weeks until April 29th 2001...... 
Dr Morris did an amazing job at my surgery and was the first person and step that gave me internal hope that led to my wellness path to what I call HEALTH however, it was the energy practices of Yoga& Pranayama, which no one in my red neck town had ever heard of), Mindfulness, Chiropractic, proper nutrition and guided imagery that allowed me to transform my mind, come back in tune with my body and provide positive feedback that would change my life, inside and out, forever. 
It’s now 18.5 years later, Aug 2019, and my passion for helping people, inspiring wellness and Mind Body Medicine to everyone I meet, especially as a career, gains excitement everyday! My true meaning of HEALTH is Holistic Enhancements Aspiring Longevity Tranquility & Happiness. Because true health starts with me, not with money, a beautiful BMW, fancy vacations or diamonds... It starts at the HEART... tap deep within and you will win.... no matter what you are going through!
When we live life in a state of our own positive definition of HEALTH, whatever it may be, we are creating an art that is unique to us and us only, but its from the heart. Learn to BREATHE... and used the same formula components(letters) to BE HEART! 
Sorry for any typos...
Namaste, Good Night friends. 
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rawring-rainbows · 6 years
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The Queen’s pajamas
She was woken up by her potential girlfriendand her story is still being worked on if you wanna read the notes and rough draft so far here you are
Our Queen found a living island fixed it up and discovered it travelled different  dimensions and worlds
Queen Eclipse her two orbs floating above her shoulders holds back her true  (as corny as it sounds).. form
Her body and soul is directly connected to the living island when those little marbles fall she forms into this huge beast lays
behind her castle/Huge body of water (I cant decide) She goes to sleep and also so does the island No one knows for sure
what happends during this time besides her royal higher ups During this time its dark and most of the creatures plants etc seem to be put at rest things are dim dark and calm and
normally people can leave the island but no one can it looks almost as if theres a barrier around it During this time the entire kingdom starts this gigantic festival they play games they eat food they meditate they do
mminor rituals but this most import thing is laying your dominant hand on the royal beast and the other on your heart and
telling her that you believe in her and thank her for all that she's done as well as a what you hope for when the sun comes
up again Her form gets smaller and smaller as time goes on but when she wakes up shes happy and rejuvinated like her people who
canot help be filled with an explosive amount of happieness but so does the entire continent harvests are plentiful and
delicious flowers bloom trees are full of fruit the hopeless have hope the sick are healed all sorts of miracles happen
except one the dead cannot be raised and the wicked use this strange phenomenon for one thing.. To Kill without regret
You finally earned your way to the top of the royal hierarchy to get some sort of answer is to what the Queen does while
she sleeps a tall wise looking creature looks down at you with his hands behind his back an expression and peircing eyes
that gave you this feeling he could read u like a book."What would you do if you were a God?" He gives you no time to
answer "One God of many who takes over a world and play with those puppet strings as you please and make your ideal
world..Would you abandon it? Would you get bored? With endless time and power what do you do with this immortal life?" He
finally answers a question "You become atleast a quarter mortal..Taking on the life among your people but! Is it enough?
NO!!" The sudden outburst startles you but he keeps a calm expression "Do you take a small part of an enormous world and
make it your own? What kind of God would make one's self slightly vulnurable  while taking the lives from countless God
Ruling worlds of your very own kind? Is this God planning to make a Utopia for many?......Or To grow strong enough to wage
war and flip that coin calling heads to who will be the ruler of ALL worlds?...And will you be strong enough to live
through to thank the one who ripped off a peice of herself to show you how lucky you are to stand on the grounds of someone
who could erase u from existance with the flick of her wrist..Will you be thankful to the one who allowed you to be a part
of the game that no matter what you do you cannot stop..or will you realize All you can do is attempt to give her the heart
to try her damnest to allow you to survive in an existence where others like herself wont have a smidgen of pity for you?..
"You ever hear the term a captain goes down with their ship?" The Queen asks looking up at the stars. You Nod. "You see
those stars up there?.....They're sunken ships... God's are not made of flesh of blood..They're pure energy and each one of
them swimming around up there looks for...hmm...how do i put this...They look for shelter and they feed on energy and when
a God First manifests they're very fragile..and easily consumed its a battle to live on untill they find theyre set
home..Some are stronger then others and build their hearts in several worlds some have dozens some settle with one" her
eyes darted up with a look of pain on her face. "Some dont make it..Their people they work so hard to grow and have their
planet thrive..either destory eachother or destroy their God..If a God dies in their shell its people could thrive for some
time but then..." she pointed to one of the brightest stars in the sky that was soon shut off like a light. "Theyre used to
fuel the next world" You asked which one is she like. She grinned eared to ear. "Im a special kind...the kind that doesnt
like to be tied down..The kind that's deeply afraid not only to lose my own life but the ones who grew with me and
Thrived!" She took a deep excited breath then sighed.  "Though I took a big risk being different from the others..I have no
idea what's in our future..but!..I will work hard enough so that we have a big chance for it to work out in the end..Most
God's abandon their children..Most God's just watch them grow thrive and destroy eachother while sitting back without a
care because they only think about themselves...Me...I want to work together.." She lifted her glass of wine. "If the plan
works smoothly we'll be unstoppable if not well.." She clinked her glass against yours and lifted hers up again. "To an
unexpected future!!"
"When do you feel the most mortal?" You asked the queen who was scratching her chin in thought. "I...How do I put
this...Any sort of pain...emotional,physical,etc I do not feel immidiatly..I feel just enough to settle the situation at
that moment..whether its comfrontation..or a fight i feel about 5 to 25 percent of any sort of negative feeling...untill
later..when theres no one around..when theres no danger my people cant handle..I break down..I cry..my chest hurts..my
heart breaks..I throwup and so on and so fourth...for centuries i would wonder why this happend...then i realized..I use my
immortality as a shield and dont give my mortality a chance to breath..its something ive been trying to work on for a long
time..others who ive told this secret to said they've felt something similiar to that..that its because we hurt for others
and put everything holding us back aside for those including ourselves.. Who are we if we do not protect others while
they're weak as our parents who have provided us with shelter while we were young?.. We're all still young you know...Young
and afraid Unsure of our futures no matter how hard we work for them..Life is tough and brutal as Hell and its nice to have
someone to protect you when you need it most..I dont mind having these moments..Pain isnt so bad when it reminds you that
you're alive.."
God's are very territorial shes nervous Oh my Stars!..Look she's sweating!" You say as you watched her talked to the group
of Gods. "She's fine she's smart but very cautious these are her friends-"  You interupt him. "Ticking time bombs you mean!
any one of them can turn around and attempt to kill her or kill someone else-" "She wouldnt allow that! She would rather
lay down her life then allow them to put us in danger..." You look to the side with uncertainty "What is one life to a God
thats rules over many?" You sighed and clutched your chest trying to still your racing heart.
When two Gods fight it's...Ugh! I'm a journalist! Im risking my life on the surface and i dont even know how to explain this!"  Adrenaline pumped through your veins you were panicking there was two  gargantuan God's standing thousands of feet from you ready to Rip into eachother. "What to do What to do" You say quickly pacing back and fourth Suddenly CRACK BOOM! Heat rushes over you as you fall and eat dirt you look up over the stone you stood behind leaning over and watching it slowly start to disintegrate, but that didnt matter just yet you're writers block was destroyed at this very moment and you had to write this down "Through Mortal eyes this fight looked as if two Colossal flames were trying to engulf eachother-" You start to say but just like that it was almost over the enemy was tossed in your direction as you watched in shock it skid across the ground and stopped 10 feet from you The Goddess who ruled over the ground you stood on seemed to appear on top it then immidiatly looked right into your eyes. "She stared at me..Its like looking into one thousand suns though it doesnt burn.." You say out loud attempting to write it down without looking The monumental beings expression started to change. "Her expression went from pure fury that melted into absolute worry..You look tired.." You said softly it was like talking to an intelligent beast who said nothing but you could tell how it was feeling. The deity suddenly started using her last bit of strength on her enemy pressing her enormous forearm on its throat struggling against her grip. "Stop! Don't worry about me! Fight this guy with a better strategy! You could die!" You braced for impact There was a loud crack and a deafening sound of thunder you soon after looked up. "The Enemy was destroyed in an explosion of pure white..It's snowing diamonds..She's ok..She won....Risking her life for one weak being who stood on her grounds which she ruled....and im in love with her"
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twinfanfics · 6 years
Taiyamaweek day 16: Trapped
I know i´m two days behind but wherever, like one hundred years ago i made sci-fy Taiyama AU for the DigimonOTP and i never finish it, so here are part number 2, please enjoy. 
Prop: Trapped 
Sumary: Yamato tought a bad brake up was the worst thing that could happen to him in his last year at the star academy, but he was wrong now he must join his brother, his best friend and his exboyfriend in a suicidal mision to an estrange planet.
You can read the first chapter right here 
And the second chapter after the cut! 
It was a long trip, fourteen hours at optimus speed, but the old piece of trash that the commander facilitated  never get to that, it was especially hard for the pilots, after 21 hours of fly booths of them were exhausted, so Yamato complete understand his brother relieve when a tiny little green spot appear on the screen.
“There it is, asteroid 54¡” Takeru yells almost with the voice of a child  “I mean..” he hesitate “we are near to the Target Captain” 
“Excellent!”  Taichi exclaim, and Yamato smile, the captain was as much as tired as the pilots but for a complete different reason, Taichi was  incapable of been quiet, with all certain he was impatient for jump into action, Yamato remember those longs afternoon beside him, the summer sun, the longs campings, the heat of his skin against him, the unfinished fights…
“That's weird” Sora interrupt his thoughts
“What?” He replied, happy to have something else to think about
“According to the info asteroid 54 is a desert planetoid, but our system register an entire ecosystem, is a green planet” she continuos
Taichi approach to the monitor “Are you sure this is the right planetoid?”
“Of course we are sure¡” Hikari yells offended
“ And even if is not”  Koushiro voice sound across the communicator “the transmissions become for this location”
“What do you think Yamato?” Every time Taichi call him by his first name Yamato gets an uncertain feelings, something between the necessity to run and the impulse to punch him on the face.
He knew Taichi was a born lider, he want to follow him, but he also wanna fight about every single ones of his decisions,
“We come ready for a mission on  a desert planet, it would be crazy go into an unknown ecosystem, whatsoever if there is life on asteroid 54 the probability of survival of the crew of Adventure 02 increase, is risky but…” Taichi smile with all his teeths, full of excitement
“ You hear it Mr Takahashi, prepare to arrive¡”
They land over a beautiful landscape, the air was warm and humid, it looks like a colorful  tropical jungle
“Well, we should bring a  botanic expert”  Taichi jokes touching the grand
“Actually…”  Mimi turn to him “i kind of  specialized on foreign  flora”
“I thought you two work on communications” he said
“We get the passanti on communication but  i'm actually tactical expert and Mimi knows about  plants” Sora speak  “but we fail the space test and get stuck on the communication tower since last semester”
“Well,  we are lucky then” Taichi stand up, holding his Captain hat “listen everybody, i'm gonna need all the crew on the bridge right now!”  only in a few minutes Joe and Koushiro arrive “What is the state of Adventure 01 Izzy? , come on, give me good news”
“The principal motor is relatively fine but it couldn't work on maximum capacity, if i could work on it, i could fix it on 6 maybe 5 hours, but i'm gonna need help for the rest of it, it was a rough landing” Hikari and Takeru protest to his comment  “and one of the propulsor get damage”
“It sound like a lot of work”Taichi said coming near to his little sister, the pilots look terrible “I want you to concentrate in the engineer, did you understand? Get the transmissions to the others”
“But… “
“ Nothing¡” He yells  “rest a few hours, eat something and come back to the engineer room, that's an order, if we need to leave this planet i want to have this space garbage ready”
Yamato was impress by Taichi command, usually he tend to be more tender, and not complete serious about anything, the leadership suit him.  
“I Understand Captain” Koushiro grumble and Yamato notice how pleased  was Taichi with his new title
“Takeru and Hikari” Taichi continues “great work you two, now go to your chambers and rest, the explorers would take this mission since here”  They don't even blink and accept the orders “Tachikawa, Kido, Ishida and I'll form the explorer team” he turn to Mimi “ Tachikawa did you think you could track the signal?
“If we link the transmission to the GPS it would work” Sora talks “ but i have more experience that Mimi on the field, i should be the one who…”
“You have tactical training right?” Taichi interrupt and She nod “i don't wanna left our only engineer and ours pilots alone on an unknown planet, you are the  security chief  now, beside i'm sure that Miss Tachikawa knowledge of botanic would be useful on the field”
Yamato didn't believe Sora listen anything after security chief
“Yea.. excuse me Tai”  Joe seems nervous “i mean Captain” He correct,  he wasn´t happy “ did you said that i would be on the explorer team? I'm no prepare for that, im medical support”
“Yes, and if for some miracle we found Davis and the others i bet they would need you more that anyone of us”  Yamato replied before Taichi, knowing exactly what he was thinking, somehow happy that they could still be on the same page
 The team get ready but after an hour and a half of walking it was obvius that Mimmi has no idea how to use the GPS  
“I thought you work on comunication¡” it was almost dusk and Yamato get desperate
Yes!” she yells “ thats mean i know how to answerd a phone this is hight tec¡”
“Take it easy Matt¡” Joe intervene “let me see that” and he took the device from Mimi´s hand “I taught we need to go to the north, up to that mountain”
“Lets move” Taichi insist “we don´t know how many daylight we have”
“Not saying” Mimmi didnt even ask Joe for returning the device “This forest is weird…”
“Is that your Botanic expertis?” Taichi jokes
“Shut up!” she replied “ don't you think is weird that we havent seen any kind of fauna? i mean is only vegetation, too quiet”
Nobody take notes over Mimi commentary and just keep moving, Yamato could see the despair on Taichi moves, if they didn't find anyone all the mission would be for nothing, he would risk  everyone else life for nothing.
The sky turn black when they encounter a clearing on the wood, and in the corner, thank good what its look like an abandon camp.
“That one look like Cody backpack¡” Joe yells and run to it “and Cody´s sword?” the fears was clear on his face when he pick up a broken old wood sword from the ground
“sshhh” Yamato call his attention  “listen…”  
“Davis?”Taichi ask when something move on the darkness , suddenly from behind the grass an anthropomorphic creature emerg, Mimi shout silently, it was green, without eyes, cover entirely with leaves, the only feature recognizable was it big pointing mouth
“Am.. excuse me?” Taichi begins and Yamato give him credit for not run and hide, as them, and inspire by his lider bravery he pull of his gun “Can you understand me? we come from the star institute, ours companions lost on this planet, we believe this was their camp, if you could help us” the captain come  near to the creature when this get signal to understand him.
Mimmi scream again when others creatures emerge behind the first
“We come in peace” Taichi continues and Yamato walk behind him ready to take him away when his courage cross the line of stupidity.
Sora star to think that her new position as security chief was more  a fancy title than an actual position, of course, when the alarm sound and the explorer team come back with the captain cover in blood meanwhile they escape from some hell looking diabolical carnivore human size plants she make her new position to count.
She close up the ship and shoot every single gun to the monsters.
Joe lead then to the medical facility, Yamato get surprise about the calm and diligence of his friend, he was to use to Joe panik that see him in calm was an anomaly, more when he couldn't stop his hands to shake.
“Put him over the table” Joe scream  “Wherever they throw to him is dangerous” he put a pair of gloves and a face mask “I would need to operate”
Yamato was not prepare for that
He was ready to see Taichi command and success, define the authority and break the rules; but not for that, not for see the man he loves open over an operation table.
“Yamato!” his friend call him “Yamato come on!” Joe snap him “I need you to hold him” he said while he took a scalpel, in automatic Yamato obey.
Taichi resist and scream meanwhile Joe extract the bullets from his body
“It´s look organic” the doctor exclaim
“Let me!” Mimmi take them away from him and examine them “ They look like some kind of seeds” she put them into a plastic contender “I would take this to Koushiro in the lab, meaby we could figure something out.
“Very well” Joe remove the gloves and set the monitors on “we need to keep an eye on him…”
He continues his medical speech but Yamato didn't listen, he couldn´t take his eyes from Taichi, the injure on his stomage look bad, his uniform was cover in blood; Yamato renegade of his position.
“Is my fault” Yamato said
“Stop” Joe cut him off “ I know what are you gonna said but he is the one who approach the monster and for the record he is the one who sight all of us into a suicidal mission so..”
“I should protect…”
Taichi star to caught and Joe run to the instruments
“Did you wanna help? joe scold him “whach him to not choke!!” Yamato pick him up
“He is hot!” his skin was burning “i mean.. he has fever!”
“O stars!” Joe run from one side to the medical facility to another “something is blocking the instruments” he hold a bowl with water and a pair of clean towels “help me”
They manage to control the fever still Taichi seems to be in pain, he mumble incoerences and sweat to much.
“Carefully” Yamato whisper when he try to get up “you are gonna get hurt” he hold him “i´m gonna take care of you, you are gonna be fine” he didn't want to let him go “you are gonna be fine” but he must “Captain”
Taichi just nod and smile, Yamato feel his knees weak, just that and he was complete melt it
“Ok, so you just need to change the towels every time they feel warm and dont let him fall sleep until the fever is gone”  the doctor walk near to the door
“What? were you go?”
“I need to wash myself  and honestly i don't wanna be between you two”
“What?¡ no wait!”
Suddenly he was alone with Taichi, semi conscious Taichi, so beautiful goofy smile Taichi
“Thank you” taichi libs barely move and Yamato decide to concentrate in the take care of him
“Don't mention it, Captain” stupid feelings, he must draw a line “I just do my duty”
“Your duty” he repeat almost laughing “You sound a lot  like him cadet”
“Like him?”
Taichi´s eyes move behind his eyelids, and Yamato remember that he must keep him awake
“Captain! Captain!” he yells “I sound like who?”
“Yamato” he shake his head “My god if that man is beautiful”
“I am…” he stop as soon as he realized “You're delusional….”
“not only beautiful” Taichi continues with a grin “I mean he is fine but he is just.. not real, something else, and his voice… “ muscle spasms appear on his left leg, his right arm shake on the air and Yamato prevent him to fall for the bed.
The time stop as always as they hug, Yamato hold his entire body and he marveled of the sensation of his body against him
“I such an idiot…” Taichi cries over his shoulder
“stupid… stupid…” in a quick movement he let himself drop over the bed again “I´m an idiot!”
“No you are not!” Yamato yells, offended by Taichi´s words “You are brave and and.. determined, you are intuitive and perseverance, you excel in everything you do, you.. you…”
That goofy smile again
“You are so kind cadet, i wish… i wish he had been that kind”
“What? why do you mean by that..”
Taichi didn't answer , he was falling asleep, Yamato hurry to change the towels “no, come on… wake up Taichi!” his body was still warm “Captain! Captain!”
His title bring something in him
“I need water…” Yamato obeys and bring the liquid to his lips as carefully as he can “i miss him so much….”
they must not have that conversation, not when Taichi was hurt, not in an alien planet, not in mortal danger
Taichi laugh
“I´m not… that was him, he was always the best liar” his breath turn heavier “i disappointed him”
“No.. no.. you never”
“I saw it…” Taichi whisper “every time he look at me, everytime he yell, or shout, everytime he scold me, everytime he kick the wall, he was disappointed, and i was exhausted”
What had he done?
“No! wake up Captain!” Finally he open his eyes
“You look a lot like him”  he was so close  “ but you have prettiest eyes, Yamato eyes were so cold, he tough i was stupid”
“that´s not true”
“You are just saying…”
“No, you are smart, and clever, you are brave and… you are the bravest person i know, you are a true leader,  people follow you, you are, you are the best person i ever know”
“What a beautifuls things you said cadet”  taichi laid over his shoulder “i wish he would said me those things”
Yamato feels his body trembling, he didnt know what to said
“Can i kiss you Captain?” 
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Any recs for the best frostiron aus? Bonus for lots of fluff or hurt/comfort :)
sdfghjk i know for a fact that this ask has been in my inbox/drafts for over a month and!! anon!!! im really fucking sorry!!! i hope you see this
now, these are some of the more notable and favored aus that i have within the first few pages of my bookmarks on ao3, i didnt poll ppl on their fave aus, so, yeah. i did try to find fluffy or h/c ones in particular tho, so i hope these are enjoyable. also its really very late for me so im just gona give titles, author/ratings/warnings, and summaries again.
Part of Your World- sombified419, T, Chose No WarningsTony hates business meets - HATES them - but he owed Pepper and off they went to Cuba. It was totally worth it, though, when a secluded walk on the beach led him to the love of his life. He couldn't have been happier - even with the slight problem of getting said love back to New York. Loki was primarily a swimmer, after all.
Dollars to Donuts- flailingmuse, T, No WarningsTony texts Loki offering money for Loki to be his personal takeout guy. It’s weird, but so is Tony, and Loki is strapped for cash. The arrangement becomes something more when Tony changes the script and asks him for something else – a favour.
1001 Tales of Once Upon a Time- lucius_complex, T, Chose No Warnings (Slight DubCon at one point, bc of soe noncon-ish kissing.)He could almost feel Steve’s stare burning a hole through his head. ‘I don’t understand Tony, what can you possibly do out of your suit that we haven’t already tried?‘It’s Widow that puts it together first. ‘It’s not what. It's who.'
Borrowed Heat- usedupshiver, T, No WarningsNo, Tony isn’t pleased about the fact that Loki is now a part of the Avengers. He can’t really forgive, he definitely can’t trust, but team is team so he does his best to deal with it. When a magical mishap turns Loki into a dragon – of all things! – it's for some reason still Tony he seeks out for help and protection. So now Tony is stuck with a clingy and demanding dragon for company, until things can hopefully be set right.The rest of the Avengers are not amused, but getting to know Loki in this new skin is letting Tony see the team trickster in a different light. Maybe he’s really not all bad?
Lead Me Not into Temptation; I Can Find the Way Myself- Like_a_Hurricane, Not Rated, Chose No WarningsWhen something ripped a hole in time and space, flavored with a hint of death, shards of the machinations responsible for it fell into the distortion. One shard did land on earth, and Tony nicked it from a friend's lab. The event that followed led someone to him, god or devil, possibly both, who found the mad inventor half-dead in a cave tearing palladium out of missiles. The god or devil, Loki of Asgard, eventually offered him a deal. From there temptation, damnation, and lack of any care for redemption, began to weave tangled webs around both parties, complicating matters considerably.
To Be Your Equal- usedupshiver, M, No WarningsGrowing up an unwanted orphan, to become an outsider with strange powers, Loki wishes for nothing more than to find a place and a purpose in life. When he is hired to help the rather mysterious Mr. Edward Stark with his just as mysterious work, he hopes to have found both.But nothing is ever easy, and even as Loki finds himself drawn to Stark, there might simply be too many things keeping them apart. Loki must decide what he is willing to sacrifice, and what means too much to ever give up...(A word of warning, there is a short sex scene between Steve and Loki but its very easily skippable, which is very much what I did.)
Taking the Fall- usedupshiver, M, No WarningsEveryone expects Tony to end up eaten alive sooner rather than later when he is put in the same cell as the Lyesmith, a man so dangerous even the members of his former gang are afraid to come after him. But sometimes it might actually be wise to just grin in the face of danger.
Innocent Hearts- STARSdidathing,T, No WarningsPrince Loki knows he's not as revered and praised as his older brother, but he still so desperately wants to be able to impress the one Asgardian boy who holds his affections. It just somehow never seems to go to plan.
If You Had This Time Again- dlsTony Stark closed his eyes in a wrecked Siberian bunker and woke up on a demolished New York street. Four years earlier.
Precious Gifts- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsThor and the other Aesir might enjoy Midgard and the way its people worships them, but Loki is growing tired of such a simple, boring, mortal world. He is also growing tired of the virginal 'gifts' that the mortals keep trying to bestow on him. Loki has no intention of accepting any of them... but, well, that's before Anthony is offered to him. 
A Place To Stand- KageOtogi, M, Chose No WarningsWhen Tony Stark finds himself trapped in a parallel universe, there’s only one place he can turn to for assistance: Asgard. Unfortunately, the god that answers his call isn’t the one he was trying to reach, and Tony is left relying on Loki to help him take down Amora before she makes the change permanent and leaves Tony stuck in a world where Steve Rogers never became Captain America, Bruce Banner never turned into the Hulk, Clint Barton never went straight, and Natasha Romanoff doesn’t even exist. 
Family Reunions- LokasennaHiddleston, T, Graphic ViolenceWhen a freak accident raises questions about Tony's mortality, the Avengers find out there's a reason why Tony always survives his self-destructive heroics. Tony thinks he has the worst luck with dads and wants to just crawl back to bed with Loki. As for Loki... He just wants his lover to keep his promise and stay alive for a change.And to think, it's all because of Clint's dog.
Thou Shall Not Fall- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsTony has only ever met one other vampire that likes to have as much fun as he does.
Diece Your Lonely Heart- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsInside a snowflake like the one on your sleeve, there happened a story you must see to believe.Loki, a Jotun on Mt Jotunheim, was all alone; abhorred and feared by the Midgardians and the Aesir he hadn't seen another soul since he ran away as a child. Tony Stark was a Midgardian who didn't quite fit in with all the Christmas cheer. He needed to climb the Mountain to retrieve something and to get away from all the festivities.Tony was never one to believe in rumors but Loki was never one to believe in miracles. Christmas was just a fairytale and neither of them expected anything else.
String Theory- lashworthe, M, Major ((mostly) temporary) Character DeathIt's 136 years since Tony Stark died, taking with him all the secrets of his genius. Loki Ruser is the new up and coming genius who buys up the old Malibu home of Tony Stark to discover its secrets. He gets more than he bargains for when he discovers the Iron Man design plans, and a sentient hologram of Tony Stark himself. Eventual mature content. COMPLETE.
and thats all they wrote folks!! again,,, super sorry for having this take so long,,,,, aaaaaaa
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salosion · 4 years
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I Know Y👁U’RE Not Shocked Only Cause It Makes Sense, And When It Makes Sense It Takes The Element of Surprise Away Cause Logic Great But Can Be Lame But Were In This Game Perfectly Divine To Navigate To Gardens Of Euphoric Love.
As I Was Saying While Y👁UR Eyes Keep Ice Skating Alongst My I Have The Power Here Cause When You’re Intrigued Thats When Seduction Appears What Was Leaked What Mystery Did Appear Take a Peak The Gardens Wisdom Is Beyond Knowledges Barriers.
Poets Spew & As I Do I’ll Tie Up The Time It Took To Generate a Hook and Be Able To Say I Love You I say it ALL THE TIME CAUSE YOU YES YOUUU YES I DO I FUCKING LOVE
Y👁👁UUU Hey Atleast I Made Some Wings For Your Heart When You Read What It Took To Depart See I Only Overflow Give G👑D & LOVE Sensitive See.
Only Sensitivity Sees The Breeze’s Drafts Winds Wings Wonderous Songs.
I Said See 👀 For a Reason & Before That I Said Sensitive /\ Sensitivity.
People Are Too Sensitive & Not Sensitive Enough.
What The Hell Is Wrong With Y’all You’re a Garden.
As I Exasperate Y👁UR Amusement Cake 🎂 And Expand Y🌞UR HEARTS AWAKENING
But Y👁U Always Stay Cause From Me Y👁U Always Take The Food That Feeds The Soul.
So Confused Yell Y👁UR Spews
Y👁U Got No Facts, Y👁U Got No Proof; Thats What Fucking Poets Do Tickle Thunder Tunnel Under In Around Surrender Longer With The Truth Thats Already In Y👁UR Face We Delictaley Bake Our Surroundings What We Take Our Words Feelings and Thoughts and Words
Musters Up Into Words That Set Y👁U Free &
Limit Y👁U Is ALL Y 👁U Take I Vibrate Science Shit a My Mistake ill apologize for and mean it cause I nuisanced👃 Y👁U but won’t give a shit because I did it for Y🫀U &
Y👁UR heart to reach it’s overflow I don’t give 👅Fucks Fucks as you Already Ya Tu Sabe La Ascensor Solo Sube Nunca Bajes Nunca Baja De Sus Nuves Austronave Te Vuelan Y Te Llevan A Cielos Cielos Tienen De Cielos Sueñoss Ni Si Queiran Imaginamaban Se Sabian Saben La Ascensor Solo Sube Nunca Bajen. Ya Already knew me know just of you as you know cause💦 I do as you know Loves the truth as you know I’ll 💦 Send Chills down 💧
Y👁UR Corners Corners spines👃 Will Vibrate Cause Sensitivity Is Loves Divine I Ain’t No Glitch You Won’t See Me Cry Unless That Heart She Itch My Soul Tore Divine; Sensitive Is Lit It’s What allows lit to be lit with out sensitive you can’t lit the fire with the stick or the match or the witch of the magician or the wich flip stick switch you are so rich Y👁UR HOLY FLOW WITH BLOOD OF Love And Thunder GLOWWW That Gyrates All The Truth.
I’ll 💦 Send Chills down 💧
Y👁UR Corners Corners spines👃 Will Vibrate
Once Y👁U Hear it There Is No Use Y👁U Just Have The Opportunity To Merge With It & If
As I Y👁U Trippy View Salo True Crazy Too But Sanely True
As I Was Saying Before I Slithered Through.
The Point Is (#ProblemsofaPoet I Know Y👁U Never Met One Like Muahh💋💋💋💋 So Dope and Raaaa taaa taaa They All Try To Paint With Their Life & their Words They Do But Dont I Get Y👁U Lost In The Streams Of The Souls Creativity Is The Most Precious Divinity of This Miracoulous Gift So Life, Most Play a Game Live Life Twice One In a Frame In Disguise And Another In a Frame Free From Eyes I Live This Shit In The Skys Full Of Love NAKED IM THE PRIZE COME TAKE IT BEFORE YOU TRIED. My Genius’ƨ Oh My’d Can’t Live Any Other Way Then Bleed The Trees That Caress The Day Was Made To Take YOURR BREATHE AWAYYY THIS LOVEEE I BLEEED LIKE THE CREATOR MADEEE TO PLAY PERFECTIONS RAYS SHINE FOR DAYS DIVINITY TRANSALATES THE YEARS IN TOUNGES FREQUENCY HEARS AND CLEARS AND The Leaves They Take Y👁U Aw🌳y and Land Y👁U There Here Where What How Wow Dear Share Care Love Now Fear Is a False Falasity Put There To Have and Create Be Able To HAVEEEE THE LOVEEEEE YOUUU FUCKINGGGG COLDD HEARTEDDD IDIOTSSSSS !!
THE LEAVESSSS They Fucking Caress and For ALL You “Tough Motherfuckers” Who Don’t Use Words That Stress Your
Feelings Are So Beautiful ELABORATE DISSECT AND BLESSSSSS Don’t Hide Inside Your Nest of Shadows Thought Y👁U Weren’t The Best Or Worthy At All. The Only Reason
Y💎U ARE A FUCKING ST🌟R AND FUCKINGGGG WORTHY ENOUGHH OF LOVE SO UNBOUND UNIMAGINABLE UNFOUND UNTANGIBLE NO SOUND CAN REACH ITS FRACTABLE HALLS BUT YET THAT ECHO IN YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW IT Calls Calling Calls WHEN YOU EXPECTED DIDNT THINK I THOUGHT I SAID IT HELLO WOULD You Thought I Said It SAY HELLO AND REPeat it again hello but what flow will he bend hello did i surprise you my friend hell no maybey you did with that lend it let it go ALLL THE WAY the sense it makes sense it beautifully beyond see a fucking Poet only a poet can explain this shit cause he feels it to the point where he has to tie the gift so perfectly that it fits and hits and dips and fixes your soul while it lifts surprises that orgasmic tip i penetrate with It my /\ Our lift lift lift LIFTTY Y👁U UPPPP TILLL YOU GIVEEE GIVEEE GIVEEEEEE ALLL UP ALLLL OF UPPPP AND JUST GIVE GIVEE GIVEEE GIVEEEEEEE ME MORE OF THIS UGHHHHHHH GIFTTTTTT.
Come Lick My Tips The Knowledge Flys.
The View From Here.
“Oh My”
“Oh My”
- Y👁U
As I Was Saying Before I Threw Up On Y👁UR Day In
As I Was Saying Before What I Only Ever Intended To Need To Want To Say EVERYTHING SO BEAUTIFULLY ELEGANTLY WITH DRIP 💧 💎
Lost This Confusions Okay.
But How Can He Be But Not Nay Other Way.
If I Wasn’t True To ALLL &
To Me
Truest In Every Fucking WAYY.
👑👑👑 The Psychedelic King 👑👑
👑👑👑 Salomon Joseph Sion 👑👑👑
What a Trip.
You thought and said and said outloud to your friends then looked at each other with confirmations edge this one he might be actually be fucking wholesome le organically whole and on a fucking roll cause to the greatest party’s I only roll and roll a million rolls more the spliff no more choice rolling on a roll rock and roll that’s His Soul Salo Sion There He Go Where He Go I Follow Cause Y👁U Already Knew Y👁U Know Salos Can ALWAYS BE TRUSTED and Y👁U Already Knew Y👁U Salo’s Kinda Almost Always Also Right Some How. Idk How Either Actually I Do It’s Easy You’re Also Smart Just Use More Of Y👑UR Heart.
So Again (Too Much of a Poet He Can’t Speech!!!! SPEECHHH!!! SPEECCHHH!!! Normal)
So again As I Was Saying Before
I Know Y👁U’RE Not Shocked Only Cause It Makes Sense That The Best Artist On The Worlds Block Gave Birth To The Best Artist In The Verses Verses Verses Verse Get Me In The Wring With Any Opponent Ill Make Them SINGGG Drip Paint First They’ll Learn So Much They’ll Come Right Back Need That Thirst More of Y👁UR Special Precious Royal Salo Wine.
So Divine From Eden’s Vines.
Salo Rhymes Cause He’s Already Tied The Logic Of Life So Profound I Have Fun With It. I Mean IM ALWAYSSS TELLINGGGG YOU to slideeee ILL bring out the most authentic pasta of Y👁U WHICH MAKE YOU THE DOPEST MOTHER FUCKER IN ALL OF LANDS COME HELP LAND THIS STARSHIP WE DIDNT PLAN BUT PLned to Thought the did we? Naa No Ego For Me Only Eggo’s Right Now To Fuel Me Up To Do Good Deeds Pray And Thank and Love To G👑D Did I Always Somehow Make you shocked ? Slide to my shows your world
G👑D put Me Here To Rock. 🎸
Y👁U Might Be Shocked Now Cause I Got You To Stay This Long Like Wow But Then You Tied Sense To The Sense Thats How Did I Take Away an /\ any Element /\ Elements Showed You How
To Magically Use Them To Y👁UR Bestest Benefit.
Ofcourse It Makes Fucking Sense
That The Best Fucking Artist @ On The Worlds Planets Universes Block Gave Birth To
This Nutter & Best Friend.
I’m Nuttier Then a Pack of Cashews 🥜
Came Up With ALL Glow All On Myself TM. ©
♾ 🙏 AMEN 🙏 ♾
Salo Sion ©
Y👁U Couldn’t Copy Be Steal Love To Be Me If Y👁U Tried.
Y👁U Couldn’t Try To Be If You Tried.
Y👁U Also Don’t Want Too Cause You Know Its Impossible Know You Can’t.
Y👁U Don’t Drip This Hue Is a Colour So Grand.
I Dr💧p So Hard I Nourish The Plants. 🌹
You Drip So Hard The Drool Is What Lands And Then Waters The Lands of The Gardens Grands
But Y👁U Are So Great And So Much Greater Then Me I Just AM.
👑👑👑 SALO 👑👑👑
If This Was Not Facts True Then How The Fuck Could I Truly Genuinely Love You ?
LIFES a Paradox 🎁 Thank You Mother For Blood and Skin and More Then Love Counts Eveything I Play With So Much Fucking Soul They All Think I’m
Crazy Cause They haven’t touched the drops of the droplets of te drops of the hearts to your tums you feel it in knots never done forever he rocks KINGDOMSSSS COMEEESS.
0 notes
brisbanelife · 5 years
'Everything went black': Christchurch surgeon who saved four-year-old still cries
Id never seen anything like that before, Khanafer says. Khanafer has years of experience with highly complex surgery and is used to treating adults with devastating injuries. But this time the patient was a child a weak point for the father-of-four.
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Vascular Surgeon Adib Khanafer, centre, at a media briefing after the Christchurch massacre in March.Credit:Monique Ford/Stuff No words to describe the horror All he knew was that there had been a shooting. He didnt know yet the full extent of the tragedy that had unfolded at the Al Noor Mosque nearby, and at the Islamic Centre in Linwood. But he knew how he felt. The look of the girl on the table was very painful for a father, and any surgeon, to see. I cant find the words to describe how horrific it was. The girls father, who cannot be named as his daughter's name is suppressed, had been walking towards the mosque holding her hand. It would have been her first visit.
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Temel Atacocugu, a victim from the Christchurch mosque shootings, leaves the Christchurch District Court on Friday.Credit:AP As they approached the entrance, they heard a friend shout: Run! Thats when the father saw the shooter, aiming straight at his daughters head. He lifted her by the hand but the first bullet hit her bottom. The second her stomach and the third her toes. The father was shot three times too. He threw his daughter between the footpath and a car for protection and threw himself next to her, playing dead. After the gunman left, strangers rushed over to help. She had lost a lot of blood already. By the time she arrived at the hospital, she was blue and had no pulse.
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Abdul Aziz, center, a survivor of the Linwood mosque shootings, is embraced by friends outside the Christchurch District Court.Credit:AP 'Everything is black' March 15 started as an ordinary day for Khanafer. He cycled to work, did ward rounds and started getting ready for a scheduled surgery around 12pm. He had coffee in the morning but no lunch as he planned to get home early to spend time with his family. The day changed around 1.45pm, while Khanafer and a colleague were doing an angioplasty. There was a trauma call about a shooting but they didnt give it much attention and carried on. Loading A few weeks prior, Khanafer treated a patient who had been involved in a shooting with police during a domestic violence incident. He had repaired the mans artery in the leg. It was just another day in the office for me. Fifteen minutes later, his phone rang. A nurse took the call and put it on speaker phone. The nurse on the other side said he needed to come to theatre immediately. Its common for a vascular surgeon to be called in when there is bleeding in theatre, where the situation is usually under control. In this case, pediatric surgeons had found a major vessel injury and were panicking, Khanafer says. They demanded his presence immediately. He de-scrubbedand ran the 100 metres across the corridor to reach the operating room. Loading Once he had his surgical glasses on, Khanafer scrubbed, took a deep breath and buried his emotions to switch into vascular surgeon mode as he approached the operating table. He identified the main problem: a hole to the inferior vena cava, a major vein that carries deoxygenated blood into the right atrium of the heart. Khanafer didnt even have child-sized instruments but there was no time to waste. With major vein injuries, patients can lose about 500 millilitres of blood in five to six seconds, Khanafer says. He needed to get control at the top and the bottom of the vein to stop the bleeding. But the bullets had done so much damage Khanafer could not see anything. With gun wounds everything is black, you dont know what youre looking at. He kept washing and cleaning the area to find the edges but eventually had to take a guess. It worked: the hole was shut and everything was watertight. He moved on to injured arteries, an easier job: I put a clip on it and that was the end of it. When we had situation under control, I looked at the paediatric surgeons and said 'are you happy to carry on? I wanted to get out of there quickly. "As soon as I took off my gown and my surgical loupes, I started crying. Two colleagues came and hugged him and told him what theyd heard. A gunman had entered the Al Noor mosque and shot at worshippers. It was unclear how many people were injured or dead. 'We are all humans and we all bleed' Khanafer, who was born and raised in Kuwait and whose wife is Lebanese, is part of Christchurchs Muslim community. It dawned on him that the child he just operated on could have been his own. He immediately rang his wife. She was fine and the children in lockdown at school. He didnt have time to chat longer several patients needed his help. Meanwhile, their 13-year-old daughter, who was in Auckland for a soccer tournament, texted her mum to tell her to take off her hijab. She was worried for her, Khanafer says. Her mother reassured her: There is nothing to worry about. We are still in Christchurch, we are still in a safe place and we have to have faith in the systems around us, Khanafer says she told her. Still, the teenager texted her mum every hour that afternoon to check on her. The family moved to Christchurch in 2010 after 15 years in the UK, where Khanafer completed his medical training. He knew two people who died in the attack, including one of his patients. His children two girls aged 13 and 14, and two boys aged seven and eight used to take Arabic lessons with the Linwood Mosques Imam. When Khanafer first heard there had been a mass shooting, he worried the gunman was an Islamic fanatic. When he learnt it was Muslims in their place of worship who had been the target, he was shocked. When we pray, our back is to the door. It was a cowardly act against peaceful people. Khanafer stresses he would have been equally shocked if the shooting had happened in a church, a temple, a synagogue, or even a mall, concert hall or stadium. As a doctor, religion comes at the bottom for me. We are all humans and we all bleed. A long night The gunman shot at least 98 people. Forty-nine of them died at one of the mosques. The rest arrived at the emergency department, many suffering life-threatening injuries. One died at the hospital on the day and another succumbed to his injuries a couple of months later. Emergency medicine clinical lead Dominic Fleischer previously said 180 units of blood were used on March 15, with 12 operating theatres working at once. Khanafer was called in to help with five other patients that afternoon. Around 8pm, he had done all he could. He cycled home in the dark, pedalling fast. He was keen to hug his wife and children. He barely had time for a meal before he was called in to hospital again at 10.30pm to help with two patients. At midnight, he went to the intensive care unit to check on the little girl. She was about to be transferred to Starship Hospital in Auckland but became unstable. Khanafer called his paediatric surgeon colleague. They found another hole in the vein, along with two other bleeding points, which they repaired. Within an hour, she was ready to transfer. Khanafer reassured the childs parents. Her condition was critical but he was confident she would survive. He went back home about 1.30am. Muslims are meant to pray before sunset on Fridays but on March 15, Khanafer prayed late. Khanafer is one of 11 children. He said his phone rang all night with friends and family from overseas checking the family was OK as well as colleagues from around the world sharing words of support. He eventually fell asleep at around 5am. I dont think anyone in Christchurch went to bed early that day. 'Miracle kid' on the mend Khanafers daughter is not as worried for her mother anymore. I told my daughters this is the time to wear the hijab, but they said no. His two younger boys, aged seven and eight, were less affected. They are in their own world; they laughed at me when they saw me crying on TV. The little girl has been discharged from Starship Hospital and is receiving fulltime care at a rehabilitation centre. She still cant see and it will take up to a year of rehab for her to walk again but she remembers the attack and is now talking. Shes a miracle kid, her father says. At the end of the hour-long interview, Khanafer jokes that the photographer must be asleep. He apologises for talking for so long, and for getting emotional. Every time I talk about [the girl], I cry a little bit. I try not to. It was an evil thing to happen. I hope it never happens again. Stuff.co.nz Most Viewed in World Loading https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/oceania/everything-went-black-christchurch-surgeon-who-saved-four-year-old-still-cries-20190614-p51xw1.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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kosmicdream · 8 years
Does Cash still have any connection to Spoon's other half? If they do, what's that like?
Cash does! But it is …….complicated.
Here’s some juicy spoilery inside info. Enjoy! Actually don’t enjoy, a lot of what i wrote is horribly depressing and sad so uh. Enjoy the EPIC SADS. 
Spoon never quit being an agent, but he first was hospitalized for a few months before returning to the office. Even then, he took a lot of time off to just rest at home and adjust to his new physical/emotional situation. Fork was there, almost the entire time and barely left his side for I’d say.. the first year or so? (until he was sent off to prison) (it has been 6 years since he exploded/knife vanished) And he has not returned to the field except for uh, the mission that is currently happening in the present day comic. (Where he is cornered by Rock/shot in the leg. That is his first returning field mission in all this time.)Cash tried to check on Spoon while he stayed in the hospital but like, honestly he wasn’t very positively.. responsive to her. He was not excited or happy to see her at all. In fact, if anything, he didn’t want to see her because he felt she influenced the downfall of his relationship with Knife. He spent so much time with her instead during the past 30 years when really he should have been with Knife. Now Knife was gone and he doesn’t.. Even want to look at her, really. He can tell she pities him and is worried and its honestly disgusting. He did this to himself, he knows that. Its a miracle he survived, He knows that too. Dont give me those pamphlets about prosthetic surgery, I don’t need that, I dont care how realistic it can look. I can do all this on my own. I don’t need help to get to the bathroom. Fuck you! Im FINE.He feels ashamed about his ‘flawed’ devotion to his deceased loved one..  he wants to try and repair that devotion in the present day by excluding himself from anything that brings him joy, really. Besides continuing to murder his species, but that’s not a (completely) fun thing anymore. Its sort of out of desperation. I mean. He is punishing himself by denying happiness (of having emotional connections to others) but he is trying to survive and continue on because Knife would want him to .. do that.. but he is avoiding that knife would also want him to be Happy. but he just cannot accept that part. he is going to survive, miserably. which he is doing so far and is great at it… yay!!Lashing out at Fork (and destroying his dream to go to wibbleworld) was …… an act of selfish, unplanned indulgence but he tries to keep himself, like, as amicable as he can with fork.. uh, besides that, i suppose. He loathes fork but Fork is important to Knife and he is still guilty over fucking up everything. God he misses Knife so much that having Fork around almost helps make him pretend Knife isn’t dead and is actually around somewhere, maybe in the other room reading a book. Fork is just good at acting like everything is fine/normal and thats sort of…comforting. He wouldn’t admit that though. He wouldn’t really give Fork the satisfaction of hearing that. (Too bad Fork already knows.)Distancing himself from Cash is self punishment but he’s also aware she’s harboring a serious secret from him, but he doesn’t know what it is. He has a feeling it is to due with his other half. He knows they’re involved with it somehow, the way she talks and tries to urge him to take better care of himself is with a familiarity that he feels like he missed out on. Like, something about how she is not *as* surprised to see his body in this condition as he thinks she should be.. How she knows things about his body before he does, certain hang ups or issues, ect, she’s always ready to offering advice to deal w/ them as if she has gone through it before. Sometimes shes even predicted what he is going to say before he says it. He doesn’t like it. He is suspicious of why she is not explaining more about what happened during the day he exploded, what she was doing, why it took her a while to visit him in the hospital. What was she so busy with? He hates that. He hates that he is not the most important Half to Cash. He wants to know where his other half is anyway, why won’t she tell him. Why is he avoiding himself. Cash feels guilty but cannot do anything about it.. she can’t answer his questions. As She is respecting the wishes of Scissor, who is avoiding his other half and pretty much just laughs/mocks at any news Cash gives him about his.. other self’s recovery. Cash is angry about that but Scissor doesn’t give a shit, he thinks Spoon sucks. Its HIS fault Knife is dead anyway. :)))))))) So in return of Cash not telling him things, Spoon holds secrets of his own, from anyone. (That is… what he knows about this mysterious “Locket.”) Deep deep down, Spoon almost feels Knife is still… alive somewhere and he is going to find him without anyone else’s help. He is going to be the special one this time. His other half can move on and have Cash. “Lol!! go ahead. I totally don’t care that you ditched me. (Even tho deep down I secretly hope we can somehow refuse because my god. i am just a leg.)”But then he thinks if Knife is still alive what would he even think of what’s happened to him. Would he even… want him anymore. Although if he was alive that wouldnt matter even if he didnt want what’s left of him, He’d give anything to just have Knife be ok. Even if Knife hated him, or worse: felt nothing about him at all. (Hate would be better, because it is a strong emotion and would be a valid feeling as Spoon is mean to fork! and cheated on him with cash! and like, so many things. If Knife hated him he’d understand like, 100%. If anything that is just assuring on some many levels that his attempted explosion was probably a good thing because anything Knife hates should go away.)Anyway, spoon spends most of his freetime laying in bed and staring at the wall and trying to figure out how he can kill everyone/maybe destroy the world too? because fuck it. Knife is totally for real dead no matter how annoying that little itch in the back of his mind says he might not actually be. Might as well have fun imagining everyone else suffer and die. That is a totally healthy pasttime spoon, what the fuck.Then Spoon imagines knife and his memories of knife and cries (like, a lot) and falls into a sleep where he dreams everything is fine and him and Knife are running thru a meadow of flowers and happy and grinning JK you are awake now and everything is terrible welcome to your LIFE!So Yeah Cash and Spoon aren’t in the best of terms rn. Fork is the only one that Spoon talks to anymore, really. (And they don’t talk much.)Although, the strangest thing is that he’s formed a closer uh.. friendship? (if u could call it that.) with Leadman. The two of them love to stare soullessly at walls together. I wonder what’s going on with that… huh
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gulescamisade · 8 years
Alaska:  Day 9, Hot Springs and Biotech
[[ As the group moves carefully through the cave system, accompanied only by occasional sounds of dripping water, and small pattering sounds, they are also able to detect a trickling far steadier than the distinct drips in the duration of their walk. Something exceptionally weird to note: the coolness within the cave miraculously appears to dissipate the more they travel. ]]
REDGLARE: -weird but not at all to question a good thing. Their protection against the elements is hardly adequate... perhaps they've stumbled across some underground stream? The liquid from the stalactites are hardly adequate.-
[[ Better than an underground stream. As they turn a bend in the caves, an underground hot springs seems too good to be true. But there it is. In front of them. Waiting. ]]
[[ Absolutely. Happy Wriggling Day, everyone. Except you, Dave. Happy Forced Exit from the Womb Day. ]]
REDGLARE: -shes stripping down for the water. WHO CARES WHO SEES WHAT AT THIS POINT. her wings have been aching and her leg is... her leg is NOT GREAT. it actually stings sharply as she lowers herself into one of the pools.-
[[ Good thing the water isn't searing hot since Redglare didnt check the temperature and might as well have cannonballed in. The water temperature itself is pleasant, much like a very very warm bath. There are even bubbles rising to the surface. Yall have your very own hot tub. ]]
NYALAH: -the days have been one dizzying painful black out to the next. She was barely able to crawl into consciousness now, much less make it standing up on her own. Her side was in a painful mend by this point, her body suffering from a lack of food or water.-
NYALAH: -despite her commitment to silence the whole time they were exploring and dodging biotech zombies, surviving the blizzard, Nyalah was forcing herself to stagger after Redglare. Also discovering the hot springs as they happen.-
NYALAH: -breath shallow from the effort and the hand clutching at her side, she follows suit, not even bothering to remove her own clothes. The dunking is nigh.-
NYALAH: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -as the warm water touches her skin. Her body is going to have a time adjusting but at the same time, she gives little next to no shits about the risk of hyperthermia. The cat troll grits her teeth and shivers, lowering into the water.- mmmmmmh
DAVE: -getting in while in his boxers is a bad idea, considering that if his boxers get wet it's gonna be a hell of a time trying to get them dry again. and with his sensitive human skin, he really has no choice but to do what he needs to to get in there- ok im getting nude heads up DAVE: if you dont want to see my frozen dick look away -with his back in bad shape, getting his boxers off is QUITE the task-
REDGLARE: You don't h4v3 to 1ntroduc3 1t to us. -guh. pets Nyalah's head. She knows a little too little about wilderness survival to consider what the next step AFTER this would be, or how bad it would be to try wandering out into the cold after getting soaking wet, but whatever. This is. pretty ok.-
NYALAH: (i love to die) -whispers at Redglare. Even in near death, she meme.-
KARKAT: =It's a 12th perigees miracle. He's going to help Dave with his undies like a good rail then help him in and also get the fuck in himself= I've never been happier to lose a fucking bet.
DAVE: -thanks karkat. he manages to get inside and FUCK ITS SO WARM IT MAKES HIS ENTIRE BODY TINGLE-
KARKAT: =it's hot as hell but guess what he's going to drink this water too becauae goddamn=
NYALAH: -gargles water and ends up spitting it up. Her wide open broken horn is TOO SEARINGLY AWARE of temperature changes. Also she is probably making the water around her a kool-aid olive green.-
REDGLARE: -this is probably unsanitary what with HER open wound discoloring the water too.-
KARKAT: =to hell with sanitation tbh=
DAVE: -at least it's warm-
KARKAT: =his gills were dry and cracking and are now filtering their blood and various bacteria. YES. AT LEAST IS WARM=
NYALAH: -sighs, finally.... finally breathing easy.-
NYALAH: ....
NYALAH: this sucks
[[ Good thing that the temperature of the springs is hot enough to kill bacteria! They're getting clean, their wounds are being sanitized, and now they have plenty of water. No dehydration happening any time soon! ]]
NYALAH: -still sucks.-
REDGLARE: 1t d03s.
KARKAT: =Can the water also drown him? Plz, thnx. Hisses softly and just. Bye forever, sinks into it=
DAVE: -he's just gritting his teeth and letting himself settle-
NYALAH: -rests her head on the back of a rock.- i died like thr33 times
NYALAH: -sniffs-
NYALAH: what if steak happens right now i would eat so much
NYALAH: and have whipped cream donuts for desserts
REDGLARE: -She laughs, eyes sinking shut as she just... leans back.-
REDGLARE: th3r3's b4ts.
REDGLARE: 4lmost 4s good.
BATS: =how very dare??=
NYALAH: yeh rabies gives it flavor
DAVE: -peeks down to see where the fuck karkat went-
KARKAT: =hes just letting his gills get some use=
REDGLARE: C4n't b3 th3 worst of our probl3ms.
REDGLARE: -nudges at her weakly.-
REDGLARE: H4v3n't you h4d your shots.
NYALAH: -rrrrrs, eyes going a little glinty- could go for some shots
MINDFANG: -She is into the hot water up to her neck and it is the greatest feeling for her battered rib cage and near frozen extremities, its near god damn euphoric.-
NYALAH: o shit
NYALAH: -reaches into her pocket and pulls out a WHOLE DRENCHED WEED.-
NYALAH: ................................ -snRRRRKS.-
NYALAH: they never took it
KARKAT: =eyeballs the wet weed and emerges slowly= What, you making tea?
REDGLARE: -She opens up her eye to look at it.-
REDGLARE: -snorts...-
DAVE: oh shit
DAVE: find a way for us to consume it effectively
MINDFANG: -Opens one eye at Nyahla and sees the one whole weed.-
MINDFANG: -Snrks.- You are quite the smuggler.
NYALAH: -she's too busy wheezing about the stupid doobie but also eyeballs everyone.- yes
NYALAH: -totally obligated to make nip tea now. Fuck.-
DAVE: you had pain relief all this time
NYALAH: no cups tho
NYALAH: -just eats a piece of this blunt.-
REDGLARE: 1s th4t-
REDGLARE: c4n you do th4t?
REDGLARE: -squints...-
DAVE: thats one way to go about it
NYALAH: its nip
NYALAH: yes -Cat trolls do it all the time, just ask them.-
NYALAH: -passes redglare the bit weed-
KARKAT: Great just nibble a little of it. =sinks back in the water and sighs out his nose÷
MITUNA: -Doing a dead mans float in the water-
MINDFANG: -Is Mituna even alive-
REDGLARE: -nibbles and passes...-
MITUNA: -Unfortunately, he is very much alive-
MINDFANG: -You crazy kids and your wet weed nibbling.-
[[ The small pattering sounds return, little by little. ]]
REDGLARE: -Frowns, sitting up.-
[[ pitterpatter ]]
MINDFANG: -She rises out of the water some by sitting up straighter at the sound, and looking in the direction of where it is coming from if she can pinpoint it.- .......
KARKAT: =fins flick towards it, he will fucking eat whatever this is. He doesn't care anymore=
DAVE: -What the fuck NOW?!-
MINDFANG: -If its more wolves she is going to be pissed.-
NYALAH: -also rises, hiss faint in her throat.-
REDGLARE: -hefting that rock club and climbs out of the water ass naked to fight a wolf- >;I
DAVE: - he has no choice but to wait-
KARKAT: =redglares not going it alone. Here comes gives-none-fucks vantas=
MINDFANG: -Shes moving towards the edge and slowly lifting herself out of the water. Its difficult for her to want to leave the warmth thats soothing her body aches but danger takes priority.-
NYALAH: -low key 👀emojis tbh. I mean. If this is how it ends for Nyalah. Sure.-
[[ It's not a wolf....but a fish! An eyeless cave fish, to be precise. Isn't nature amazing? Except it's body is lying parallel to the floor, away from any water source. It flops. ]]
CAVE FISH: =flop flop flop!=
NYALAH: -mmmm oh my god. She's so hungry.-
KARKAT: =Alright, great he really will eat that. But more like eyeball it then approach... where did it come from?=
MINDFANG: -Stares at the eyeless fish. On one hand, potential food source. On the other, suspicion of any earth life form after the wolf incident.-
MINDFANG: Curious.
DAVE: does it have teeth  
NYALAH: -👁️👁️- i do
REDGLARE: To h3ll w1th 1t. -SORRY FISH. she's just gonna casually bash its head.- 1t's food.
[[ As soon as she does this, it twists around, revealing some biotech embedded into its side. Sprouting four, thin, metal limbs, it begins pattering back and forth, appearing somewhat confused. ]]
MINDFANG: -HHHHH. Of course.-
MINDFANG: -She is doing the same as Karkat, only her rock is a bit smaller. Not everyone can have seadweller strength.-
KARKAT: =He's just frustrated and sick of all of every single turd. SMASHES it on the small thing=
KARKAT: =He'll do you this solid for not being an entire ass this whole time. Thanks for that, he appreciates it 👍=
[[ It deded. ]]
[[ Splat. ]]
[[ There is more skittering in the distance. ]]
REDGLARE: Sh1t. sh1t. -She got her hopes up, for a second. A second too long.-
SEAKRAIT: -And in the darkness of this area of cave she rolls in seemingly from nowhere, accompanied by... you know, some more friends.-
[[ Lampetra and some more angry Earth animals, specifically. ]]
MINDFANG: -Annnnnnnnd it just got worse.-
MINDFANG: -Shes not putting down her rock for you jerks.-
LAMPETRA: =Hello friends!=
NYALAH: -Endless torment. She hisses.-
KARKAT: =He will bowl you hoes, wordlessly. Fuck you. All the way. 500%=
SEAKRAIT: -She's taking this chance in the larger cave space to put her back against Lampetra's and stand her ground against the scuttling creatures; there's a snowshoe hare, more wolves, a couple lynxes, oh and also A FUCKING BEAR.-
LAMPETRA: Just like old times, Huh?
SEAKRAIT: \|/e came to-- -FUCK. She's slicing at a leaping wolf.-
LAMPETRA: =He's batting aside a crazed bunny with his shield=
REDGLARE: -Limping towards them and the fight. She's barely armed but she's still going to swing her rock down at one of the lynxes.-
KARKAT: =Redglare you missed the assholes.=
REDGLARE: Hff. N3v3rm1nd. Th4t c4n w41t. Wh4t 4r3 th3y.
KARKAT: =Growls, chucks a rock at a bear. Whatever.=
DAVE: -he's gonna need help out of this spring when everything calms down. for now, he watches-
NYALAH: -she can't possibly hope to defend herself in this state. Her side is still splitting with pain and fear is keeping her immobile for the moment. Does her best to wiggle out of the water at least.-
MINDFANG: I highly agree with that feeling. -It would be great if the animals killed those two. Although then she wouldnt get the chance to try and do it herself.... damn. Looks like shes helping.-
MINDFANG: -Time to punch another wolf in the face.-
LAMPETRA: =He raised his shield as the rabbit forcibly leapt at them, making a dull THONK against the metal.=
LAMPETRA: Long story short, Alternia dove too deep in trying to enhance biologicial technology. It became sentient.
NYALAH: -actually laughs over in her corner. Don't look at her.- nah shit bruh
[[ The lynx Redglare clonked staggered backward, only to move toward her, it's limbs contorting as it was forced forward again. ]]
SEAKRAIT: -huffs and slings her axe again, trying to batter the wolf down long enough that she can hit the exposed bioware-
REDGLARE: -As long as this club holds out, she's going to keep bashing, teeth gritted, looking for that horrible little thing keeping the corpse moving. SHES ALREADY KIND OF SHAKING.-
REDGLARE: How m4ny mor3?
[[ The bear roars an unnatural bear sound and charges at Karkat. ]]
NYALAH: -curls in some elevated spot, possibly protecting Dave.-
KARKAT: =did it like the rock? He think that means yes. Alright. Time to sock it in its cute angry face with fish fist=
MINDFANG: And you had the pleasure of leading them all this way. -She growls and attacks one of the wolves with her strong robot fist while trying to locate the bioware to rip it out.-
[[ Eventually, Redglare's rapid, continuous bashing manages to strike precisely upon the bit of tech burrowed behind the ear of the lynx. The animal no longer moves. ]]
SEAKRAIT: -SLICE goes this biowolf, and she's spinning around to throw her axe toward the bear's back now that it's distracted. Bye axe tho...-
DAVE: -nyalah you're a babe-
DAVE: -keepin calm...-
NYALAH: -dave youre really nude rn.-
LAMPETRA: =Without having to spare a glance over his shoulder, he swung his shield around him and Seakrait, knocking back another wolf as it leapt at them.=
MITUNA: -Still floating in the water-
LAMPETRA: =kicks it!= This is just freaky, man!
BIOBUNNY: =flies off into the darkness=
SEAKRAIT: -bye bunnicula...-
DAVE: -i'm super naked yes but i am in this spring-
NYALAH: -now would be such a great selfie time tbh.-
NYALAH: -but alas...-
[[ The bear ROARS at the axe and the punch to the face. The axe hit a piece of bioware, but not the whole thing; it's sort of limping now, trying to wrestle Karkat. ]]
DAVE: -my camera was taken :(-
KARKAT: =dont worry they can kick the camera out these guys after fightingthese animals. Karkat quick to catch on at least foing to grab the bear muzzle to rip out the rest of the bioware.=
[[ The wolf does not appreciate Mindfang's groping and goes to nom her arm. But her efforts are partially successful. Her searching has uncovered biotech beneath the fur at its jawline. ]]
BEAR: -COLLAPSES HEAVY and probably a good bit onto Karkat. A blanket.-
MINDFANG: -It doesn't feel good to have it chewing on her circuits, but its better then having it chew on any other part of her. She grits her teeth and tries to hold it back like this while she claws at the biotech with her other hand.-
SEAKRAIT: -spin kicks another lynx; the animal parade is ALMOST done for now. This should be easy cleanup if they keep at it-
KARKAT: =Cozy as this is he throws the bear husk on some other animals. Dangerously close to Seakrait and Lampetra=
REDGLARE: -She is at least partially motivated by spite as she tries to rip the axe out of the bear's back, swinging down at the MONSTROSITIES.-
LAMPETRA: =at Karkat= :\ =Hey man, uncool.=
KARKAT: =He stares back, he doesn't fucking care=
SEAKRAIT: -ITS WHATEVER MAN. She leans out of the way with a pant-
NYALAH: -put some pants on, Dave. Nyalah is handing him her own pair of pants. She can stand around in boxers, it's fine.-
[[ Redglare's strife specibus switches from CLUBKIND to AXEKIND in a hilarious turn of events. ]]
NYALAH: -👀 -
[[ It's easy for Mindfang to feel around as the wolf is preoccupied with her other arm. Just be careful that the wiring doesnt consider you to be a better host! ]]
DAVE: -carefully uses arm strength alone to get himself OUT of the hotsprings despite thow bad it's making the pain shoot through his arms, too. his boxers are still right there, so he thankfully tries to maneuver the boxers AND nyalah's pants on-
NYALAH: -Finally. The dicks out thing was being really distracting.-
REDGLARE: -PROBABLY LOSES HER STALAGMITE AS A RESULT but whatever. ITS COOL. I mean it does kinda suck when someone takes your signature weapon though RIGHT- REDGLARE: -I MEAN GOSH THAT MUST REALLY SUCK-
[[ The stalagmite is indeed launched out of Redglare's hands, where it hits the rabbit squarely in the face as it reemerged from the shadows. ]]
MINDFANG: -IT BETTER NOT. Shes going to rip it out with her bare hand and try and crush it as fast as possible. Before her arm gets any more dented from these chomps.-
SEAKRAIT: Redglare! -decidedly tosses RG's cane her way now that the flurry of animal parts are slightly less encroaching. Glances around at the sea of faces and also ejects Dave's sword in his general direction-
REDGLARE: -WOW pettiness must really work......-
MITUNA: -Rises from the water, psionic energy skittering along his body. There's a lot of chaos happening. People fighting animals, two of those assholes that hurt them are here too. The screams hurt, makes it hard to focus, but his eyes start glowing.-
REDGLARE: ... th4nks.
DAVE: -wait a second...tHATS HIS SWORD!!! AHH!!! HE GRABS IT-
NYALAH: -she wishes she was high right now. Hey cops. Where'd you put all her weed.-
MITUNA: -He's a chargin his lazor-
KARKAT: =please fry them=
NYALAH: -she meant when they EMPTIED HER SYLLADEX but okay Rg. 👀-
SEAKRAIT: -we know nothing about any weed... no but really she nods at Redglare and scoops her axe back up to decidedly throw it down on this goddamn hare. STAY DOWN FOREVER.-
REDGLARE: -She stumbles under her own weigh, some of the adrenaline ebbing away as she manages to keep herself from falling by leaning on the stick. It's kind of a stumble but she's gonna try to dress herself at least slightly.-
[[ The hare as well as the biotech upon it is decidedly crushed, hopefully for the final time. It is still. ]]
NYALAH: -Lame. Oh well. It was worth it.-
SEAKRAIT: -wait fuck that's psionic energy over there. She grabs Lampetra's arm like WE SHOULD PROBS MOVE-
KARKAT: =nono, stay right there=
LAMPETRA: =Gets out of way, following after her. Maybe puts his shield to good use too.=
KARKAT: =good yes.=
[[ IT'S SUPER FUCKING LOUD. Let's also hope there's not a cave-in, folks. ]]
MITUNA: -Just gonna burninate everything in his line of sight. Yay.-
NYALAH: -Lucky she's out of RANGE.-
[[ Mituna pretty much purified the area of biotech, that's for sure! Another lynx, relatively untouched by anyone, is now burnt to a crisp. The biotech leaps off of it, on fire. It skittered across the ground toward the crew before fizzling out and falling limply at their feet ]]
REDGLARE: -huffs as she gingerly pulls on a pair of underpants and her tanktop, eyeing the line of destruction and the burned up animals in its path.-
MITUNA: -His gazeblast fizzles out and he just...floats himself to the edge of spring and sits, scowling at seacrate and lampetrol-
KARKAT: =huffs= Good. Good job Mituna. Now that that's handled. Let's take care of the other fucking parasites.
NYALAH: -pads over to lick Mituna. Sniff his wounds.-
LAMPETRA: =brow raise= I'm Parasite.
MITUNA: -Why she lick me-
KARKAT: The first step is acceptance. The next is messier. =Baring fangs at her, gills flared=
LAMPETRA: =he held his shield across his body, shielding Seakrait too.=
LAMPETRA: You're really going to attack us now?
SEAKRAIT: STOP. \|/e didn't come here to fight.
SEAKRAIT: My name is Micexa Neshen, this is Hesony Zelleu. \|/e were-- team 87B of the legislacerators, with Terezi Pyrope.
MITUNA: and look a7 wha7 you le7 happen
LAMPETRA: LET happen?! We were trying to prevent it!
MITUNA: grea7 fucking job
MICEXA: ...Sunny. It's alright.
HESONY: We could say the same for you-- =When Micexa spoke, he backed down, though his lip was still curled.=
REDGLARE: -She takes a sharp breath.- S-stop.
REDGLARE: 1 r3m3mb3r thos3 n4m3s.
REDGLARE: Sh3 told m3 4bout you.
NYALAH: -guh. This is very stressful for her. Watch her step aside to hack up the weed she ate earlier. Excuse.-
REDGLARE: -She slumps to sit. Weakly. The binding for her wound is long gone, now, and she eyes the discoloration again.-
HESONY: https://31.media.tumblr.com/b4b93178d916e9e0c52eeb0a23bf6adf/tumblr_inline_nejn5fCzWh1s4sxxd.gif
KARKAT: =eat his entire ass, son=
MICEXA: You saw that woman. If we had shown weakness or hesitance...
MICEXA: -her face twists somewhat- I was trying to warn you, to be compliant. For her sake. For all your sakes.
HESONY: And you didn't listen.
MICEXA: -rests a hand on Hesony's arm.- But it doesn't matter now. \|/e need to keep moving.
NYALAH: fuck you actually in the t33th broh -swallows dryly and stands. Hhh.-
MITUNA: you don7 ma77er
MICEXA: No. Maybe not. But blame certainly doesn't.
MICEXA: It won't make a difference to her now.
HESONY: Shut it Sparky.
NYALAH: (b33ch)
MITUNA: 347 MY 3N71R3 8ULG3 817CH 80Y
KARKAT: =Expels water so hard from his gills, yup. Sorry. He's throwing this boulder.=
MINDFANG: -Karkat you should probably throw the boulder, she endorses it.-
REDGLARE: -shitting FUCK she is going to try to push herself up and into the goddamn way as he starts to heave it.- DO NOT.
REDGLARE: -its... Not exactly the most graceful movement. She's stumbling and in pain just trying to get up that quick, but all the same.-
MINDFANG: -Redglare what are you DOING.-
KARKAT: =Stares at Redglare. Chest heaving.... he respects her. She was close to Terezi... and she shouldn't be moving. Drops it and pins his fins back, giving her a steady hand=
KARKAT: =bro ..... you are my rock=
NYALAH: -Gdi. Same tho. She's gay too.-
REDGLARE: look 4t us. W3 n33d. 4ny h3lp w3 c4n f1nd.
REDGLARE: W3 h4v3n't spok3n to our cr3w 1n d4ys 4nd w3 st1ll h4v3 our ord3rs to f1nd th3m.
HESONY: =he nodded at Redglare= We Have supplies for you.
HESONY: Water, food, winter clothes...
KARKAT: =They could kill and loot these two. Easy, but she's right. Clenches his jaw=
MICEXA: ...Just a few of your personal effects. The others have the rest. \|/e could only get so much before we ran.
MINDFANG: -She does indeed have a point. However, guys, once we are out of the cave then we kill them right?-
HESONY: =he nodded, confirming Micexa's words= We even managed to acquire one of your comms devices.
REDGLARE: w3 n33d to cont4ct th3m.
REDGLARE: Th3r3 4r3 p3opl3 who d3s3rv3 to know.
MICEXA: -uncaptchalogues the communication device and offers it over to Redglare. She doesn't seem particularly proud about it.-
HESONY: =he took a few steps towards them, emptying his sylladex of vital supplies in question. There are a new change of clothes for everyone in various sizes, including warm jackets. Please dress yourselves.=
DAELOS: -Hunched against the wall, panting- watching the legiscerators with disdain and wariness.-
REDGLARE: -She takes it, letting a breath go. Then she turns over her shoulder and offers it to Karkat, instead.-
HESONY: =after he is finshed, he backed away again.=
MITUNA: -Still scowling at them, eyes glowing, ready. He's not above murder, right now.-
KARKAT: =Takes it. It feels heavy he just goes off to a corner to like, fuck himself with it or whatever=
NYALAH: -at least gets a jacket on, not caring that she's dripping wet.-
MICEXA: -once he checks it he should be able to tell it was Terezi's-
DAELOS: -Helps Nyalah get her clothes on before bothering with himself.-
REDGLARE: -Shaky and shivery as she goes to get the clothes on. She's a little bit feverish, right now, but it already feels a little better.-
NYALAH: -Stop it, you loaf. Now she's helping Daelos.- dumbass ass ass
KARKAT: =ok in that case hes going in the corner to cry=
DAVE: -looks at those winter clothes desperately. HE NEEDS-
DAELOS: I canter even believe you are moving around of your own volition, let alone pausing to insult me -FUSSES, BITCHES.-
HESONY: =take them, Thinskin!=
DAELOS: -Lets her help him tho because....He's so tired.-
NYALAH: not you
REDGLARE: You r4n. 4r3 you go1ng b4ck?
MINDFANG: -She doesnt exactly feel like trusting them, but quite honestly what is the worst that clothes could do shes grabbing sizes that will fit her and pulling them on as quick as she can.-
MINDFANG: -The jacket takes a moment or two, the wolf teeth did a number on her robo arm at the elbow joint, its stiff.-
HESONY: =stares at Redglare in complete silence then LAUGHS=
MICEXA: -glances at Sunny. Same...-
MICEXA: There's no going back now.
HESONY: Are you kidding? We go back, we die.
MITUNA: -Uses his psionics to dress, because his left arm is fucking useless.-
DAVE: -crawlings a no and he's gonna need some assistance standing up- someone toss me clothes for fucks sake
MITUNA: you 5hould go back
DAELOS: It would only be the begining of your recompense
NYALAH: -Are u sure Mituna? Nyalah licked it.-
MITUNA: -It's fucking broken but thanks kitty-
HESONY: =flips Mituna off=
NYALAH: -purr purr purr.-
MINDFANG: -Dave the human, you are so sad. She takes some pity and brings him clothes that she thinks will fit him.- Please tell me you have some way of getting dressed yourself.
MITUNA: -Flings a rock at his head-
NYALAH: h33 h33
KARKAT: =thank you Mituna=
MICEXA: -why is Terezi's new swarm so bad at listening jfc-
DAVE: no ive lost the use of all parts of my body -pretends to go limp but that hurts too- FUCK
HESONY: =the rock bounces off his noggin. There is a little bit of blood, but for the most part, he's hard-headed=
MINDFANG: ........ Incredi8le.
HESONY: =staring at mituna flatly=
KARKAT: =wipes his face then goes to help Dave get dressed. Gives him something to do= Move. I got it.
KARKAT: Not you Dave. You don't move.
DAVE: hey i was gonna get pretty then go over to you DAVE: how am i gonna play hero now
MINDFANG: -Thank you Karkat, please take care of your rail so she does not.- Alright.
MINDFANG: -Moves aside and takes a moment to herself to roll up her sleeve and inspect the damage to her robot limb.-
KARKAT: You can do that later. =helps him out=
MITUNA: -Now Sunny is the one being flipped off-
[[ It got wolf chomped pretty great. There are some small dents in it, in the very least. ]]
MICEXA: \|/henever you're ready, we'll make our way out of here. I have a plan to get us out of this state.
MICEXA: ...But.
HESONY: =busy flipping Mituna off again=
DAVE: -fine- so we need to go to minnesota
MICEXA: -glances at Redglare specifically- You're badly infected.
MINDFANG: -Earth sucks ass. God damn wolves.-
DAVE: yeah redglare
DAVE: holdin us all up with your stanky leg and shit
REDGLARE: 1 c4n w4lk.
MINDFANG: For now you can.
MINDFANG: What a8out l8ter.
MICEXA: It could spread to your heart.
KARKAT: =dave please= You need that taken care of. If i can't kill them them you can't have a bum leg.
HESONY: ....She's right.
KARKAT: =said while dressing Dave, not even looking at them=
REDGLARE: just p41n. 1 c3n h4ndl3 th4t.
REDGLARE: -glances back at Karkat... And Mindfang... and then both Hesony and Micexa.-
REDGLARE: -Hisses softly, under her breath.- sh1t.
HESONY: I get it, okay? Pyropes can go a long way before keeling but this is different.
DAVE: sure
DAVE: and i was just cold the other night
DAELOS: -Does he have his tool box back?-
KARKAT: Great. Thanks.
KARKAT: =the other two can die in a hole.=
REDGLARE: -She is not talking as she slumps back to sitting.-
MICEXA: -frowns, quiet for a long moment.-
MICEXA: ...I can make it quick.
HESONY: =been there almost done that=
REDGLARE: 4lr1ght.
DAVE: -o boy-
KARKAT: =next time try harder=
HESONY: =waves mituna over= We're gonna need you, Sparky.
MICEXA: I need a belt, towels, and yes, you-- psionic-- I'm going to need you to cauterize the wound.
DAELOS: Hold on a moment
DAELOS: Please
HESONY: =welp, he's unbuckling his own and sliding his belt from his waist.=
MINDFANG: Cauterize the.... -Oh.-
DAELOS: -A little loudly-
MICEXA: -glances at Daelos-
DAELOS: Is my toolbo% in your possesion
DAELOS: By any chance...
MITUNA: 3XCU53 7H3 5H17 0U7 0F MY 5P1N4L CR3V1C3
DAVE: -pulls karkats face into him because he knows he can't handle this-
MICEXA: The only other thing we have is... Just give it to them, Sunny.
KARKAT: =He's seen ear Dave, but it's appreciated. He still looks tho,redglare needs things to bite down on=
KARKAT: =She can have his arm or something=
HESONY: =His sigh is hitched and he produced Terezi's cane. Just kind of...holds it.=
DAVE: -no????-
DAELOS: -He sighs- Nothing else
HESONY: Sorry. =he says, kind of lamely.=
REDGLARE: -u giant blue stoner-
NYALAH: -It's okay, Daelos. Weed just can't solve every problem.-
MITUNA: -That...probably wouldn't help???-
KARKAT: =GLARES at Daelos or he would but stares at her cane=
DAELOS: -It's better than nothing.-
DAELOS: Ah well...proceed
HESONY: =Wanna nom on this, Rg?=
MICEXA: -she's too busy tying Redglare's thigh with a belt to offer her something softer to bite-
HESONY: =Hey, their buddy Kreyse had this made, it aint from some piece of shit steel=
KARKAT: =no buddies are here for you, sir=
NYALAH: -gotta high tail it out of this cave. She can't do this. Don't worry, she's not going far.-
DAVE: -ur buddy is dead-
MITUNA: wai7 5o you wan7 me 7o gazebla57 her leg
HESONY: =Too soon, Dave.=
MITUNA: wha7 7he fuck
KARKAT: =he would also say they weren't buddies. They're both dickwads=
HESONY: =carefully turns to Mituna= Unless you want her to bleed to death?
REDGLARE: -shes gonna stuff some coat fabric into her mouth instead, that may work.-
MICEXA: -just kind of stiff... this isn't very fun. But at least she knows what this is like. She stuffs some more extra fabric under her leg to make it comfortable and eventually catch some of the blood before picking up her axe to clean it off, turned away where Redglare doesn't have to see-
MICEXA: Do you want a warning?
MITUNA: UM W417 HOLD ON FUCK DUD3 H0LY 5H17 -He's not ready!-
HESONY: ....
HESONY: =to Mituna= Do you want a warning?
REDGLARE: -closes her eyes and shakes her head. SHE is ready, at least.-
MITUNA: Y35???????
HESONY: =Holds up his hand. 5.=
HESONY: =puts down a finger. 4.=
MICEXA: \|/e can't wait for more of them to find us.
MICEXA: -turns toward Redglare, glancing at Hesony and counting in her head as she raises the axe.-
MITUNA: -He's really jittery and sparky-
HESONY: =3.....2.....1.=
MICEXA: -and with the rest of the countdown, she swings the axe, quick and sure.-
REDGLARE: -It is bloody, but done. She is shaking and not looking at the damage. It's hardly a delicate surgery, but she keeps her eye open through it, clamping down hard on the cloth and muffling her scream.-
HESONY: =He just...puts a hand on Redglare's shoulder, squeezing it. There there.=
MITUNA: -He's screaming too, and that's helping him keep from vomiting at the moment. There is enough focus, to concentrate his blast on the stump of her leg, the scent of seared flesh fills the air-
MICEXA: -moves the missing leg out of the way for Mituna-
HESONY: =wow, he's so out of practice at comforting others it shows.=
NYALAH: -the explosion of blood is making her gag and hurl in the other cave chamber. There's nothing in her digestive sac to upheave but here she is.-
REDGLARE: -okay NOw She is SURE BLACKING OUT. so much for staying awake.-
KARKAT: =There to catch her=
KARKAT: =he's sorry about all this. And it shows=
MITUNA: -Once he's done he just....lurches forward and dry heaves bile-
HESONY: Good job, Sparky.
KARKAT: =yep....he frowns then glares at Hesony=
MITUNA: -Throws up in his general direction. Fuck you buddy??????-
MICEXA: -gritting her teeth as she quickly cleans off the blood on her axe. She stows it away. She's sorry, too, but it won't do much good to say.- MICEXA: She should be okay. MICEXA: Just needs rest. MICEXA: \|/e're heading for a compound. The blizzard's heavy, so we have some time before communication can reach them about Sunny and I. \|/e should be able to get transport and maybe a few supplies if we hurry.
Last Monday at 5:09 PM
HESONY: =makes a face at Mituna but...turns back to Redglare. Taking out a small first aid kit, he covered Redglare's affected area with saline before placing gauze pads over it and wrapping it up in bandage.=
NYALAH: -stumbles back into the chamber. Sweaty and ashened faced and just. Done with everything.- lets fucking do this shit
KARKAT: =he can carry redglare and he also got dressed at some point, not liking at the doucheduo= Then let's go.
DAELOS: -Are they actually getting out of this alive? It doesn't feel real.-
HESONY: =that's the plan=
[[ The ground had gradually begun to incline upwards over the duration of a few hours, making the climb slightly more difficult. However, it may be a good sign they are heading towards the surface once again. ]]
NYALAH: -bottom line is, she's scrambling for her life. Panting heavily. Possibly feverishly.-
DAELOS: -He's basicallly dragging himself like a large blue slug, lagging far behind the rest of the group.-
REDGLARE: -murmuring fitfully, now and then. She's out with a cold sweat. Maybe she's wandering in the dream bubbles...-
(FEFETASPRITE): -she has a dream of a certain catfish ghost waving to her as she floats through the void.- 3833
MICEXA: -waits a little and offers Daelos a hand. She managed to carry him down this hole, she can probably help him out of it.-
HESONY: =after he believed Karkat had sufficiently calmed down a bit, he fell in step beside him. Wordlessly, he handed over the cane to him.=
MITUNA: -That's Karkat's secret. He's never calm.-
DAVE: -bringing up the rear, sword in hand. significantly slow, but it works for their efforts, even if he does get hit with extreme pains from time to time-
MITUNA: -He could just...float you. You don't have to suffer my guy-
DAVE: -no pain no gain-
MITUNA: -No?????-
KARKAT: =Truth. He's just carrying Redglare but he takes her cane without a word. Looking over it sadly, silently and continuing to walk.=
KARKAT: =Also dave don't be dumb=
KARKAT: =Same to you Mituna=
DAVE: -I'm NOT i'm MOVING myself-
MICEXA: -gdi, she glances at Sunny and the human. Pls help this weird alien kid-
MINDFANG: -Dont worry if one of them falls she will drag them-
MINDFANG: -Are you sure Dave, she could always drag you.-
DAVE: -how is that any better?!-
MINDFANG: -Would you rather be left behind?-
DAVE: -yeah actually-
HESONY: =ugh, FINE, miss! He fell back in line and scooped Dave up in a fireman's carry=
HESONY: =carefully=
DAVE: oh hell no
KARKAT: =stares into Hesony's fucking soul=
MITUNA: i go7 him
DAVE: you gonna go for my throat again
DAVE: if you do it might make for an artistic death picture
DAVE: i dont think i had enough of a concussion before
HESONY: Shut up. I'm Helping.
MITUNA: -Floats Dave away from Sunny-
MITUNA: i go7 you bromigo
DAVE: put me down
MITUNA: -Do not break the dave?-
MICEXA: -stares at the ceiling like jfc- Infighting isn't going to get us to the surface any faster.
MITUNA: le7 him go bulgero7
HESONY: =At Mituna= You are being childish.
MICEXA: Sunny, just let him go. If they want to waste their energy, let them.
MICEXA: \|/e've done what we can.
HESONY: =one by one removes his fingers=
DAVE: -the pain from the resistance is a lot MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND GUYS-
KARKAT: =allow him to motivate you. Grabs the wrist= Go to the only person here that can stand you.
MITUNA: -Shhhh, he's got you Dave. He should feel floaty now, maybe even a little tingly. Enjoy the ride Dave, you earned it.-
MICEXA: He was trying to help. That boy won't last much longer on his feet, and we can't afford to wait.
KARKAT: He's socially inept along with being a dick. Use words not that he'd take the help. Now stop fucking around or I will literally fucking eat your hand.
HESONY: =just glaring down at all these pipsqueaks in this 7'5" glory.=
DAVE: mituna dont
DAVE: no
DAVE: stop over exerting the mind you just got back
MITUNA: i go7 him
DAVE: oh christ
MITUNA: 5hu7 up bro7a7o you weigh fuck all
DAVE: whatever
REDGLARE: -She might be scolding people to pretend to get along if she were awake, but she's still super unconscisous
MITUNA: like a bean
MICEXA: -growls. He already let go pls-
KARKAT: =He didn't punch him at least.=
MITUNA: bean dave
HESONY: =jerks his wrist from Karkat and just stomps ahead to scout out an exit to this stupid cave.=
KARKAT: =THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT STRING BEAN. Adjusts Redglare gently and walks on=
DAVE: shut up
MITUNA: mi57er beeeeheheeeeeneh
DAVE: why
MICEXA: -watches after Sunny... they promised to do something but it sure isn't easy. Not that she expected it to be. Of course they hate them, after what happened. She hates herself, too. But she keeps giving herself reasons to keep moving, and maybe one day, she will figure out why.-
HESONY: =Fuck yeah, it was hard! It was beyond him how Terezi could get along with so much of the disagreeable sorts, but they did promise. No matter how much he wanted to leave them to their own devices, he couldn't. If he and Miss died because of these people....well...at least he could say, "Look, Rez, I tried, but your friends are real assholes."=
[[ Soon he is able to hear a very faint howling of the wind, and far up head, there is a sliver of flickering light coming from behind a thin crevice. ]]
MITUNA: -I mean. She'd agree. We are assholes. That's why she loves us.-
HESONY: =She loved us too! As least I have the common decency to use past tense!=
MITUNA: -Honestly go fuck yourself her love continues in death-
MICEXA: -YALL... chill...-
HESONY: =You probably know 100% more about the dead than me!=
MICEXA: -oh ok-
HESONY: =eventually he's coming back down towards them to report=
HESONY: Now try not to give yourself wedgies, but I see light back there.
HESONY: =jabs his thumb in the direction he came=
MICEXA: Everyone ready for the storm?
HESONY: Unless you wish to stay in Here of all places, of course.
NYALAH: i say it again
NYALAH: lets fucking do this thing -not stopping. She's doing the whole wheezy climb up.-
[[ When they get to the crevice, they will see that some of the bigger trolls will have to side step through it. ]]
HESONY: =he holds his hand up to Nyalah, not touching her. Everyone seemed to have a problem with that LAST time.= Wait. I will make sure it is clear.
HESONY: =he turned and shimmied through, glancing at his device before looking ahead into the storm. Not long after, he waved for the others to come out. He's even going to put his shield over the entrance so yall don't get snow in your faces. Your welcome.=
NYALAH: -she's too tired to notice these things. Her energy is at max cap.-
MICEXA: -nods and ushers everybody through. LETS GET THIS ROAD ON THE SHOW-
LATULA: -SHE'S not passed out at least... INTO THE COLD-
[[ Using a handy dandy GPS to get them to the nearest town, Tanana, the group sees their first signs of civilization as the lights of the small city appear on the horizon. It has a population of 308. ]]
NYALAH: -nice town. And just as she's thinking about it, she collapses. Blacked out again.-
HESONY: =just...looks at her then glances up at the rest of the crew= You gonna rip my arm off if I attempt to carry her?
NYALAH: -Fuck u. She still has 6 more lives left. She's GOOD. And also unmoving, faceplanted in the snow.-
DAVE: mituna
DAVE: no
MITUNA: mi7una ye5
KARKAT: =he can't carry everyone but he could try, sighs= Just let him carry her for now since he learned how to use words.
KARKAT: No one wants to be around the other longer than we have to.
MICEXA: -she's not slowing down this time.- \|/e should get close, find somewhere to hide you all... I'll go in and get transport.
MICEXA: -glances at Sunny-
MICEXA: No guarantees we'll be able to make an easy stop after this. \|/e should get as many supplies as we can.
HESONY: =to Mituna= You're gonna burn yourself out keeping that up.
HESONY: =He nodded once Miss spoke and gathered Nyalah into his arms.= Good plan, say we're going on a road trip. Say The Expunger told us to hit the road or else. =He's trying to be funny. Is it working?=
MITUNA: already did i7 once and i7 wa5 doing 5ome7hing a lo7 harder 7han 7hi5
NYALAH: -if she were conscious, she would be snickering cuz Mituna said he "did it". Oh also he said hard.-
NYALAH: -ragdolls in Sunny's arms. Noodlecat.-
HESONY: =He swears that every single one of them is purposely trying to make his life difficult=
NYALAH: -stfu she only weighs like 3 potatoes. Weak.-
HESONY: There are forests bordering the town. We can remain there while you obtain transportation.
HESONY: Be careful. The Expunger may Have already delivered a warning.
MICEXA: \|/e'll see. -looks at Hesony for a few moments... and then OFF SHE GOES-
MICEXA: -Why does this feel so familiar?? Oh wait-
MICEXA: -turns around real quick, runs back over to Sunny... kisses him right on the mouth.- MICEXA: -RUNS OFF FOR REAL THIS TIME-
DAVE: -wow. such romance. very love. wow.-
HESONY: =He returned the kiss, watching her run off. Just like sweeps before. Wow. So familiar it burns.=
HESONY: =He led the group into the forest, to wait and kept watch upon the city for any sign of activity. It isn't until later that he realizes he's alone with all these people who probably hate him. Well, probably isn't the right word so much as definitely.=
MITUNA: -Suck it up buttercup-
DAVE: -definitely-
HESONY: =Stick it where the sun dont shine, Sparky.=
1 note · View note
ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] "Hello, Nine-Triple-One, how may I help you?"
I'd taken that route a thousand times. Maybe even more. Every bend and curve became muscle memory to me. Every tree and every rock became recognizable. The view of the valley below, as you cling to the edge of the mountain peak, became as common a sight to me as my own home.
Every day on my way back home, my bike and I would cling to the tarmac of that winding road, the cool mountain air and the hum of the engine below me becoming part of my routine. Brake here, swing hard there. Accelerate until there.
Maybe I wasn't being as careful as I should have been. Maybe the darkness caused the irregularity, causing the all-recognizable treeline to become strange and menacing to me. Maybe the shadows stretched the road an extra inch that I wasn't used to.
All I know is, I didn't brake in time.
I could see it coming, but it was just too late. I slammed the brakes as hard as I could, my tires locking below me as they squealed and smoked in protest. But it wasn't enough.
I slammed into the safety barrier, the impact jarring my bones as it traveled through my body. My bike came to a dead stop as the barrier crunched around it.
I didn't stop.
There was a moment of weightlessness. I felt calm as I rose in the air, my thoughts collecting themselves into a resounding 'oh fuck', as my situation sunk in.
Then I fell, my stomach sinking into my gut as I realized what it meant. My moment of weightlessness was over as gravity swiftly re-affirmed its hold on me, reminding me sharply of what happens to those who defy it.
I smashed into the first tree, the impact crashing through my frail body as I heard my own bones crunch. Momentum carried me onward, flipping me over as I flew through the trees at breakneck speed.
After what felt like an eternity, I hit the bottom hard, the unrelenting ground coming up and forcing the air out of my lungs. I laid there for a moment, as my brain frantically assessed the damage.
That was when I first screamed.
My body burned, the skin over my leg stretching taut where bones lay broken under its surface. I pushed myself up, leaning myself against a fallen log, my vision going white as fresh pain seared through me.
I took a few deep breaths in an attempt to force back the darkness of unconsciousness as I assessed the damage. My leg was bent at the wrong angle, in two places where it shouldn't be. It hurt to breathe. My arm felt like it had been smashed by a sledgehammer and my head felt cloudy, unfocused.
My stomach felt warm, though.
I lifted up my shirt, letting out a small cry as I saw the branch sticking through it. It was the width of my thumb, and there was no telling how deep it had gotten.
I started to panic as blood slowly seeped out the wound, painting my stomach a violet color in the moonlight and drenching the soil beneath me in an endless stream.
I needed help. I needed help badly.
I pawed at my jacket pocket, forcing my shaking fingers to rip open the velcro holding it closed and fishing out my phone.
I tapped the fingerprint scanner and it came to life, bathing me in its blissful LED light.
It still worked. It survived the crash. Thank God.
I clumsily opened its dialer, then typed those three numbers that were seared into my head since I was a kid. I put it on speaker and forcefully flipped up my helmets visor, as the call connected on the first ring.
"Hello! Nine-triple-one here, how may I help you?" said a light, cheery voice through the speaker.
"Gah, fuck, I need an ambulance!" I managed to croak out through clenched teeth. "Please, it's urgent! I fell off the side of I-40, and now I'm… I'm bleeding everywhere, and… And… Oh God, think I broke a few bones."
Silence hung in the air for a moment, as the lady on the other line stayed silent. I took a few shallow breaths, trying not to agitate my chest any more than it already was.
Suddenly, she laughed. It was sincere, almost apologetic, but with every passing moment I became more and more infuriated by it.
"What the fuck? I need help!" I started screaming into the microphone, in an attempt to shut her up. "Why the fuck are you laughing?!"
"Oh my, I'm sorry! It's just… Heh… Hoo boy… You must be looking for nine-one-one right?" she replied.
"Yes! Fuck! I need serious help!" I shouted, as I watched my life drain from the hole in my stomach.
"Oh my, I'm sorry, but it seems you called the wrong number!" she said, her voice straining as she tried to hold back further laughter. "A common mistake, but a mistake nonetheless! Sorry about that!"
For a moment it didn't sink in. My mind, in its haze, just couldn't process this new information. I stared at the screen of my phone for a few moments, "9111" displaying in bold on its screen.
My vision started to go dark, as the cold crept through my body.
My head started to feel light.
"Fuck, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die here."
I started to cry, my eyes burning as the first tear fell and I realized just what I had done to myself.
It was stupid of me. Stupid to think that I was better at driving than I was. Stupid to think I could judge the distance the same at night as in day. Stupid to drive so fast in the first place.
It was a stupid thing to do, and I'm going to die a stupid death because of it.
"Alright. Sorry about that. Bye." I managed to say to the speaker, as I attempted to lift my hand and hang up.
"Woah, hold your horses there Michael deary. If you hang up now you won't be able to contact anyone else." the lady said, her voice becoming serious for the first time. "You've lost a lot of blood, right? Try moving your fingers."
For a moment I sat there, confused. I didn't remember giving her my name, but my head was so fuzzy, I couldn't be sure if that's true. I stared at my hands, I couldn't feel my fingers anymore, but I could still see them hanging there, limp.
I tried wiggling them. I could barely get them to wiggle the way I wanted them to.
I couldn't feel them.
She was right. If I somehow managed to hang up, I wouldn't be able to manipulate my fingers into dialing the right number anyways.
As it got even colder, I realized that this stranger will be the last person I'll ever speak to.
"Fuck. I'm going to die."
"Not necessarily, Michael my dear. See, we can still help you. It'll just cost a bit… More than usual." she replied, her voice washing over me as I struggled to keep my eyes open.
"How much?" I slurred, as I barely kept my consciousness.
"Don't worry about it for now. All I need is for you to say yes, and we'll work out the fine details another time. How about it?" she cooed, her voice dripping with honey.
I didnt wanna die. I really didn't. If she could help, I wanted her to.
"Yes." I managed to spit out, before I lost consciousness.
My body was floating, the sound of the ocean waves washing over me and becoming louder and louder, roaring in my ears and drowning out all other sounds as I floated upwards, out of my broken body to somewhere better. Somewhere where it wasn't so cold.
Before I reached the top, I heard a ladies voice. It cut through the rumbling waves and whispered clearly into my ear.
"Perfect, Michael! See you in twenty years."
I woke up a few days later in a hospital bed, attached to countless wires and drips.
At first I had no clue where I was, what day it was, or even who I was. I had a severe concussion, three breaks in my left leg, a hairline fracture in my left arm and three broken ribs. On top of all that, I had severe open wounds in my abdomen thanks to the branch that lodged itself in there.
The doctors told me it was a miracle it missed anything vital, and that if it was a millimeter out to any side, it would have hit major arteries and I would have likely bled out before help arrived.
A family was driving home when they found my wreck of a bike on the side of the hill, still smoking, and stopped to investigate. When they saw that the barrier was smashed through, and that there was no driver in sight, they called for help.
The rescue team found me at the base of the mountain, about a hundred meters down, crumpled over myself and passed out. They found my phone next to me, it's screen still on, the words "call disconnected" flashing across it.
The recovery took months, the first few weeks spent in a confused daze as the concussion caused short-term memory loss. I didn't know where I was, or how I got there. I couldn't remember my girlfriend's name, or that we moved into town two years ago.
But slowly I regained my memories. It started bit by bit and in no particular order. I'd remember my old managers retirement party, or a date with my girlfriend a year ago. After a few weeks, though, it all came back to me.
I remembered the crash. The whistling of the wind flying past my helmet. The crack of the branches breaking against me.
The shock I felt when I finally landed. The pain searing through me as the adrenaline wore off.
I also remember the lady. How she laughed and laughed at me. How she offered me a deal, and that I took it.
But worst of all, I remember what she said as the world slipped away from me and went dark.
Her voice as smooth as butter, dripping with honey and venom.
"You'll love it down here, just wait and see."
submitted by /u/DoopleWrites [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/329GDcz
0 notes
Survey on lost
So to post the result of the survey - so thankfully I received 40 responses!! 
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HURRAY :) and the responses are interesting to read, and the feeling it gives me fits perfectly the purpose of the project. 
- Knowing others are lost too, and it is okay to be lost and it is a normal thing. So let go a little for now. - 
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lost in spaaaaceeee
Below is a summary of the answers and I picked a few interesting ones and edited so that it can go into the ‘LOST BUT NOT LEAST’ coping cards.
What phrases comes up in mind related to lost? (Lost connection, Lost in translation.. etc) 
>  the answers for this can be inspirations for the gifs. 
Lost cause, Lost goal, losing my mind, lost opportunities, lost in thoughts, lost in the world, Lost memory, Lost in space, he is a lost case, get lost, lost yourself, Lost fight, lost and found, lost the battle, Lost in the ocean, Lost in life, Lost in the city, Lost bet, Lost direction, Lost youth, Lost faith, Lost in translation, Lost in time, Lost in the crowd, Lost soul, Lost in your light, Lost hope, Lost track of time, Lost interest, Lost virginity, Lost child, Lost control
What are your stories of losing something? (It can be something funny, interesting for you. You could lost something and found it in an unexpected way, or you could have found another opportunity instead. It can be losing anything - objects, motivation, opportunity..etc)
> The question in the card can change to : You know, other people also lost things. 
So i'm not sure what kind of story i have. But there were one story with my mom. She needed to take a part in conference and from the morning she were trying to find her glasses. After 5-6 hours of search she wasn't able to find it and in panic went to the clinic near our house where you can get glasses. In a hurry she came in and starts to say : I need a new glasses, now, as soon as possible, I lost mines. Everyone in the shop were looking at her for 20 seconds and my mom said: "Why you are looking at me, i need glasses". At this moment everyone started to laugh and one of the workers bringed her mirror. She was laughing and talking about it to everyone next 2 weeks..
I lost amazing watch which I got for my 10th birthday the same day I got it. My parents were so angry and punished me and I was so sad for very long time. Also I didn´t get any other watches from them ever again. They couldn´t be found anywhere. After 10 years, when I was helping my parent to move furniture I found them inside of the flowerpot where they fell from the sofa. They were still going on!
Also, I lost my new iphone 4S 8 years ago. That time it was a big deal to have one and I was saving for it for half a year... So I was pretty desperate. I needed to use my boyfriend´s PC to connect to find my iphone app. I would never use his PC if it was not for this. Instead of iphone I found out (as he left his email open) that he was cheating on me and finally after long unhappy relationship I pack my stuff that day and left him forever. Iphone was never found but I didn´t care anymore anyway.
I lost my wallet after a night out in Korea. I only realised I had done so when the taxi dropped me off outside my apartment and I didn't have any money to pay him. I asked him to take me back to where we started so that i could try and find it but he just swore at me to get out of his taxi. I had a few days of pure stress without my wallet but the wallet was posted to me by whoever had found it with everything still in it. I couldn't believe it. That NEVER would have happened in England.
One time as a child we lost my dog. We looked everywhere for him. Spent hours going up and down the street calling him, and eventually gave up to come home and cry because an escaped dog in the city probably wouldn't survive long. As a last ditch effort after all this I went to check my bedroom closet. There he was, curled up and sleeping cozily on a pile of clean laundry. He hadn't heard a thing.
Sorry, I lost track of all my losses
I lost my virginity in a nightclub in rural Spain and got kicked out of the club after being caught
I actually lost myself for a while in the past when i prioritized the wrong people and vibes in my circle. We live, we learn, then progress (:
I lost very important files for a client and lost a job and money!
Getting drunk, “losing” my wallet, cancelling my bank cards, then finding it in my freezer 3 days later. I must’ve put it in there when I had gone in to get some chicken nuggets.
I once lost the equivalent of 5euros in my cousins home in Serbia. I didnt think much of it as it was only 5euros but my cousin and his mum were so surprised by my reaction. In their eyes these 5euros was worth more than in mine. Later on they found it and gave it back :P just goes to show that not everyone values things equally.
What do you do when you feel lost? Do you have a ritual that works for you? (Take a bath, Take a deep breath, Talk to someone..)
> The question in the card can change to : When I feel lost I__________
look at old pictures to remember who I am.
take a bath, walk and nap. 
go for a walk alone with music.
talk to close friends.
write every thought on the paper.
just keep on stressing out. That’s my ritual.
try to think of activities that would make me feel more as a whole. Usually it’s doing sports, cooking and cleaning. 
go to the nature, that helps me a lot to understand how "small" our problems and egos are in comparison to nature, earth and universe. 
read the letter I wrote to myself few years ago with priorities and aims I want to reach in my life. 
usually feel depressed so I go to mountains for a walk to clean my mind, usually during night. 
normally go on a long walk somewhere whilst listening to sad music. 
take time alone to gather myself, take a shower, relax, maybe go for a walk - anything that helps me think without distractions.
talk to fiends or do stretching or  some other sport which helps to clear mind and then go back to thinking about the issue.
just try to focus on something different for a moment, chill, watch a tv series and drink some wine.
breathe and calm down and try to be rational, see what caused it and think about what to do next.
try to breathe and watch a lot of Netflix.
always call my mom and just have a nice chat, she always helps me find myself.
remind myself of how lucky I truly am by being healthy, fed, warm and free to choose my path.
hold my knees and cry in the shower if it’s a bad loss and sing in the shower if it’s a good one.
enjoy the very rare feeling of loss of control and just wander around spontaneously.
have a high speed walk. If it doesn’t help I talk to some of my closest relatives or friends.
try to tell myself things are better now.
meditate, exercise and google “how not to fee lost” hundreds of times.
get lost! I spend my time alone; free of counteractions.
take time for myself and enjoy tea or coffee in a cafe while sketching.
play certain type of music.
first try to solve it by myself but that usually doesn't work so I tend to talk to people about it to hear different opinions.
Freak out. Calm down. Drink. Repeat.
talk to friends I can trust and drink.
meet my amazing group of friends :)
am not the most religious person but usually when I lose hope completely i try my best to pray more.
listen to music, cry and seek out friendly faces.
stop, take a deep breath and look for anything familiar.
need cold air, smoke and cigarettes.
frequently have deep talks with my friends and I believe they are incredibly valuable to me.
exercise, get out the house and do something, act with purpose.
Sleep. It washes all the feelings away. Or... take a walk with my dog, have some relaxing time with him.
talk out loud out
do something fun like painting, watching a movie, creating something, reading.. etc..) 
do physical activity to get my mind off it like dancing swimming 
travel somewhere where I've never been before
cry until there's no tears left, if nothing helps I wait it out and move on until the feeling fades.
What do you do when you lose something?
> The question in the card can change to : When I lose something I __________
remember it forever. literally, and not even on purpose, I can remember every time I lost something special, most because I am still mad at myself about it.
freak out, and then try to start searching with a clean mind.
 accept the fact, because I believe it was supposed to happen.
write down and think about what i can do.
am probably sad for a bit.
panic then regroup and figure out a way to gain it back.
try to figure out where I used it the last time. If I lose a game, I'm usually a bad loser.
recall from the memory every step I did before I realize where I actually put the thing. If I don't remember, I just wait for a miracle that it will appear on the most visible place or when I am cleaning my working table.
call mum.
am angry, because I don´t want to waste time searching. First I search for it in very disorganized way, but if it doesn’t work I calm down, and think step by step where the thing can be and in which moment I saw it last time.
I go step by step back in time and try to find it. When it is a person, I feel really depressed, this puts me into a box with my memories combined with my imagination where I can spend time with that person, this can be also triggered by place or objects which reminds me of that person. When it is job, or some opportunity I just go over it and become more motivated to find a even better job/opportunity.
Get angry and stress the fuck out for a bit before just becoming dejected and sad.
think back to where I might have left it. I think of all the normal places it might be, then run through the list of places I might have put it and forgot.
try to fix it first and then just cope/accept it
Momentarily - look for it retracing my steps. Truly lost - I get angry.
go to the same place where I last had it, try to recreate the same situation. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
do nothing.
am stubborn so I search until I find it :)
depending on how valuable it is to me I either get sad and look for it everywhere or i just let it go.
try to find it.
ask my girlfriend where it is or my mum for advice.
buy and replace. If not possible, mourn the loss.
internally battle out the opposing feelings of possessiveness versus learning to let go. Meaning, I fume for a couple of seconds until my mind gets captivated by a random shiny object and I forget.
blame myself :)
try to replace it
mention a verse from the Quraan. In other words, I mention God first, then start looking for answers second.
have a hard time coping with it if it’s a real life person but if it’s a material thing i don’t bother that much! No need to stress.
swear profusely
usually just call myself dumb and then try to go back through the things I've done since I last saw the thing.
start looking for it like crazy
tell myself that I will try not to lost something again
usually forget about it the next day if they are things I don’t really sweat that much.
keep calm and look for it.
tear the whole house up. Then cry, take a deep breath and start the process again. It’s usually where I looked first.
pat myself down, also imagine a headless chicken running around. That’s a pretty close description of what I look like.
usually debate the ups and downs and what I can do to retrieve this thing. Maybe even debate whether the thing lost needs retrieving. Generally a long mental conversations with myself.
go back through how I lost it, let it go after a while.
panic. Haha. I try to remember what was I doing when I lost it.
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 6 years
from witches, to memory recovering missions, mentorships, and exorcist exams
 Sakuya: "You going back to check out the fashion show tonight?"
naho: yeah, just in the audience this time, though.
Sakuya: "Still, should give you some ideas for future fashion choices."
naho: *nods*
Sakuya: "Who do you think has the best chance of winning it?"
Kunikida: *reviewing more world news* "..."
yosano: more ability user suicides?
Kunikida: "Unfortunately..."
yosano: *examines the article* 'elderly ability user found dead in flint, michigan. seems to have died from his own plant based ability'
Kunikida: "How is this even happening...An ability user who can turn abilities against people?"
yosano: it's possible.
Kunikida: "We'll need another set of eyes on this..." *looking through electronic contacts*
Saria: "Hello, everyone." *waves*
hibiki: hey saria.
lukas: hello.
Saria: *sits* "Any plans after school?"
hibiki: i was gonna listen to some new cds at the mall later.
Saria: "Oh, anything new out?"
hibiki: probably.
Saria: "I could use more stationery...Lukas, want to go?"
lukas: um, i-i guess?
Saria: ^\\\^; "Great...We can even get something sweet for an early dessert!"
lukas: that would be nice.
Saria: "Excellent! It's a date."
lukas: o////o um. d-d-date? .///.;;;
Saria: ^w^ "... ... ...!!!" .\\\\. "...Figure of speech." ^\\\^;
lukas: r-right, right, n-not that i'd be opposed to it by any means, i've never actually had that kind of relationship before and WHY AM I TALKING RIGHT NOW.
Saria: ^\\\\^ "Ha ha...Awkward...Um...I'll see you at the mall!" *opens her bagged lunch, takes the sandwich out of the bag--pushes the sandwich away, starts chewing on the bag*
hibiki: oh jeez. it's almost as bad as looking through my old DA page. *cringe*
preston: lawd help them.
Meme: *bows* "Thank you for meeting with me, Lord Death."
lord death: any time, kiddo. want some scones? they're fresh from this morning. ^^
mio: *nom*
Meme: "I'm okay...Sir, I wanted to ask about our earlier mission..."
lord death: ask away. ^^
Meme: "...Have you punished the two witches, Fani and Liluye?"
lord death: they have been dealt with. liluye is inprisoned, and fani is currently in holding.
Meme: "...There's a difference?"
lord death: more or less, yes.
-he explains the situation-
Meme: "I see...Is Fani recovering through this major change?"
lord death: i was about to have someone check on her now.
Meme: "May I join?"
lord death: if you wish to.
mio: i'll go with.
Meme: "Thank you..."
Akutagawa: *cough cough*
hirotsu: *taking his temperature*
Akutagawa: =~= *shivers*
hirotsu: well, the medicine has been helping take the fever down a bit.
Akutagawa: "Small miracle...Thank you."
Tool: *sitting under the rain*
mana: need anything out here?
Tool: *shakes his head* "No, thank you. Just enjoying the weather."
mana: ok, let us know if you need anything, ok?
Tool: *thumbs up, leans his head back, letting rain come down*
Sid: "Today's gym activity on account of rain is dodgeball."
Asher: "...Good. I can get hit first and exit the game early."
Zeke: "WOOT!"
axel: sweet!
Kanin: ^^; "Let's not go crazy out there--"
Sid: "Not yet! Yafeu, do 50 pushups as punishment!"
Yafeu: "..." *whispers* "Worth it..."
Duncan: X_X
Sid: "Saria, Izumi, you're team captains."
izumi: *nods*
lukas: may i be excused for the rest of my life?
Saria: "O-Okay..." *looks at the line up*
Sid: "Do you have a doctor's note for that?"
lukas:....does a note from my music teacher count? QwQ;;;
Sid: -_- "Get in line, or do 100 pushups."
lukas: Q___Q;;;
izumi: ok, hibiki?
hibiki: cool.
Saria: "Lukas." ^^
lukas: *shuffles over*
izumi: ok, asher's next.
Asher: =~= "Traitor." *walks over*
Saria: "Amelia?"
amelia: *nods and follows*
Zeke: *waving his hand* "Oh! Oh! Me!"
izumi: zeke.
Zeke: "WOOT!" *runs over*
Saria: "Genny."
genny: *gulps*
axel: OwO
axel: AW YEEEAH!
Zeke: TwT *hugs his bro* "Same team!"
axel: whut whut!
Saria: "Preston."
preston: ^^
izumi: ok then, lei-lei
lei-lei: *nods*
Saria: "Kazue--"
Kazue: "Zzz..." *somehow already behind Saria*
Saria: ._.;
izumi: ok, let's see *checks who else is left*
Kanin: OwO;
Duncan: x_X
izumi: ...kanin.
Yafeu: "I'VE DONE 500 PUSH-UPS, SIR!"
Sid: "That...Th-That's too many...Just sit..."
Sid: "The balls are set. At the whistle, run for them and toss. On your marks..."
genny: oh jeez im gonna die.
Kanin: ._.; *drags Duncan to the starting line*
Asher: "I will never forgive you for picking me, Izumi. I could've just pretended I had appendicitis..."
Sid: "Get set..."
Zeke: "Woo, woo, woo!"
lukas: please have mercy-
Saria: "Steady..."
Sid: *blows the whistle*
hibiki: *already throwing*
genny: *tries to flee* *SCREAMS*
Saria: "!!! Genny! That's the wrong way--"
Zeke: *tosses a ball at Amelia*
amelia: *dodging*
Kanin: *dragging Duncan, as he tosses ball after ball*
Asher: "..." *steps into the path of a ball--*
izumi: *steps in and gets face-ball'd* OW!
Asher: *catches her* "..." =_=; "I said that--...Oh, nevermind." *guides her to the 'out' box*
Kazue: *curled up with a ball* "Zzz..." *yet rolling along the floor, dodging all attacks*
axel: how is he even surviving?
Zeke: "I don't know--just keep throwing--"
Kanin: *using Duncan as a shield*
Duncan: "Ow, ow, ow, ow--"
lukas: >~<;;
Asher: "Um..." *picks up a ball* "This is for Izumi..." *throws--hard*
lukas: *gets owned. as his shirt and pants fly off him*
Asher: "...Whoops."
Saria: "..." *nosebleed...faints*
genny: oh no! captain down!
Sid: "...Huh. I didn't even see the ball hit Saria. Naigus, did her nose break?"
nygus: she seems to be fine?
Saria: "Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma--"
Bon: "...Hey, Izumo? Pass the botany book to me."
izumo: *slides it over, not looking at him*
Bon: "Thanks." *takes it* "..." ("She seems focused...")
izumo: ....
Bon: "..." *clears his throat* "How's studying?"
izumo: *grunt*
Bon: -_-# "...Good talk." *goes back to writing*
Dabi: *staring at a Nomu in suspended animation* "...Freaky."
twice: *pokes the glass* ooooooh. cool.
Tomura: "Don't poke the glass--and focus. I said I'm programming it to follow your instructions..."
twice: what about these ones?
Tomura: "They aren't finished--they need to go through tutorials first."
banshee: works in progress, basically.
twice: i see, i see. oh, and how's compress' 'date' going? wink wonk.
Tomura: "...Still grinding away at that."
Dabi: -_- "Great--one who talks in video game speak, another who's a schizo."
banshee: well, we're in no position to be picky about our coworkers.
Tomura: "The Vanguard needs to be ready for what comes next--so learn to get along if you want this to run smoothly."
banshee: *she nods* after all, we have the same goal here; crush UA once and for all...
Dabi: *nods*
Tomura: "..." *smiles* "As long as you're focused on the goal, that's good..."
banshee: now if you excuse me, i'm going to have a quick drink. *walks off* (it's going to be ok....i'll make them pay for what happened to you...)
-elsewhere, at a fancy restaurant, a spiderish looking young woman is waiting for someone-
spider lady: ....*nervous*
*a man walks in, waves to the maitre d'*
Man: "Hello. I had a reservation. Someone may be waiting for me..."
spider lady: oh! you're here! atsuhiro, yes?
Atsuhiro: "Indeed." *takes her hand* "A pleasure."
spider lady: ^^ hehe~ please, call me Kuroko.
Atsuhiro: " 'Kuroko'...Lovely." *takes a seat* "I am sorry for my lateness. I hope I didn't leave you waiting too long."
kuroko: oh, not at all. ^^ im really happy you came here tonight.
Atsuhiro: *smiles* "As am I. How has your day been?"
kuroko: it's been busy, you know how realty can be haha.
Atsuhiro: "Interesting, I'm sure. Any new places you are showing?" *glances at the menu*
kuroko: well, there are some new homes that just opened up for residents, though it's a bit tricky for me to get customers sometimes, since arachnophobia is sadly a common fear. *sigh*
Atsuhiro: *sighs* "Some people...They are so narrowminded."
kuroko: *sighs* sometimes, i wish i could have been born with a different quirk, one that didnt terrify people. most men i meet dont even want to give me a chance, since i'm a black widow spider, and you know what they do....
Atsuhiro: "I do...but I also know no one is a slave to some idea like 'instinct.'"
kuroko: right! even if i look like this, i'm still a human!
Atsuhiro: "Exactly! And I think we should enjoy that fact. We lack proper drinks, but I think this calls for a toast." *holds up glass of water*
kuroko: right. to a lovely evening.
Atsuhiro: *smiles, as they clink glasses*
sayaka: *looking at the mission board, humming*
Harvar: "Hm. Anything good?"
sayaka: hmm, there's the ripper murders in hoozuki, disappearances in daidaiyama city, a whole lot of stuff.
Harvar: "Given how serious these are, could get at least one soul out of them..."
sayaka: probably.
Harvar: "Well, I'm going to take something--it'll get Ox busy."
sayaka: that's good. but which to take...eenie meanie miney you! *points* hoozuki it is!
Harvar: "Good for you. How many have to go?'
sayaka: not sure yet.
Guard: *standing in front of the DWMA overnight room*
fani: .....
Guard: *to another one* "She's been quiet..."
{young fani: mama....papa.....*weeping over two bodies*}
{*a twig snaps*}
{fani: !!! *looks behind her*}
{*it looks to be an older person in a cloak*}
{fani: *shaking*}
{*looks at the bodies, comes closer*}
{fani:....who....are you?}
{???: "...I'm so sorry..."}
{fani: huh?}
{???: *closes the eyes of the two bodies*}
{fani: ....}
{???: "..." *looks at Fani*}
{fani: *tears and snot are dribbling down her face*}
{???: "..." *removes a handkerchief, pats her face*}
{fani: mama....papa...t-they...}
{???: "Yes. They are gone." *pats her shoulder* "And you're not."}
{fani: *whimpers*}
{???: "...Come. We have to get you away. No telling whether they will come for you next."}
Guard 1: "..." *reviews schedule* "She's not due for another meal yet."
fani:.....(lady liluye....please be ok...)
Asher: "How's the ice working?"
izumi: fine.
Asher: "...Sorry."
Saria: @_@
izumi: hey, it's all good....sorry for making you worry ^^;
Asher: "...I wasn't. Much."
izumi: ^^;
Zeke: *rubbing a bruised arm* "It was so rad!"
hibiki: *nods*
Kanin: "Amelia, Genny? Feel better?"
amelia: i'm fine.
genny:..s-same....my dominant arm wasnt injured...
Kanin: "That's a relief...I hope we don't play something like this again in a long time."
Duncan: *censored for injuries*
axel: since we're all here, why not do some more learning about ourselves?
Zeke: "Convenient!" ^w^
Kanin: "??? Like what?"
amelia: i'll....sit this one out...
Asher: "..."
Zeke: "Where's everyone from?"
izumi: japan. same as my mother.
hibiki: i'm from new york city.
genny: ...death child, here.
Asher: "Ditto."
preston: mah family resahids in geogia
Yafeu: "BRAZIL!"
Kanin: >_>; "Kind of all over..."
lukas: im from switzerland, myself.
lei-lei: chinese, but raised in california.
Saria: "Oregon."
Duncan: *woozy* "Edmonton..."
axel: sweet!
Zeke: "And we're from Michigan! Okay, Izumi, your turn to ask!"
izumi: um, ok. hmm... do you have any pets?
Asher: "No."
Saria: "Goldfish--been alive 10 years!"
genny: i've always wanted a parakeet, but i dont have one yet.
preston: does the fahmily ranch count?
lei-lei: my brother has two bearded dragon lizards; julius and nero.
Kanin: *shakes his head 'no'*
Duncan: "What, afraid you'll eat them--"
lei-lei: *CHOP* be nice.
Kazue: *smacks Duncan with a sign that reads 'Cricket'*
hibiki: i do have a cat back home named lily.
Zeke: "We have a Rusty."
axel: he's a good doggo.
Saria: "D'aw!"
*there is only darkness*
???: *puts on a cloak, then a mask*
???: "We...are orphans. Who is our one parent?"
????: ....
???: "The Sun is our parent, our god, our salvation. We are not fit for its divine light. We are God's instruments to enact Their divine will."
girl: ....
???: "We are one. We are not individuals. We are united, our differences erased because the shadows wipe them away."
???: "In the name of God, Ratomu."
girl: ratomu.
???: *nods, turns, falling back into the shadows*
Grunt 112: "..." *exhales, hunched over*
girl:....*returning to her quarters*
Meme: "..."
mio: *following*
Meme: *sighs* "Okay..."
mio: here it is.
Meme: "...Do I knock or...?"
mio: ...*looks at the guard*
Guard: "...Excuse me?" *calls into the room* "You have visitors."
fani: .....
Meme: "Miss Fani?"
fani: !!! y-you!
Meme: ^^; "Meme..."
fani:... w-why are you here? 7_7
Meme: "We were concerned...Are you being treated well? ...As well as can be expected?"
fani:....just leave me alone....
Meme: "..." *nods* "Okay...We'll visit tomorrow..."
mio:....hey.....thank you....for saving her....
fani:...*bites her lip*
Meme: *looks at Mio* *sad smile*
fani:....dont ask me why i did it.....i dont know why...
Meme: "Because you don't like to see people die."
fani: !!!! h-how can you know that about me?!
Meme: "Just a feeling. Most people who heal tend to really hate seeing dying. Lord Death has a few healers, surprisingly enough..."
fani:....*wipes her eyes* w-whatever, do-doesnt change the fact that humans and witches cant get along!
Meme: "Well, we are? We're talking. We have witches as students here. Witches as residents. Witches who help the city, have saved the world...We know witches as a whole aren't an enemy."
fani: ......
mio: maybe we could show her? after all, death city is a city of second chances.
Meme: "Yes! We could! We--" *tries to open the door--then remembers it's locked* OwO;
mio: -_-;
Meme: ^^; "We'll need Lord Death's permission, then?"
Aizawa: *looks up* "...What...did you build again?"
mei: it's a massage chair! ^^
Aizawa: "...'Kay. Have you tested it?"
mei: in a few minutes, yes.
Aizawa: *yawns* "Good...My back has been killing me." *he's curled up in an awful position in his sleeping bag*
mei: in you go!
Aizawa: ._.
*sticks the landing*
Aizawa: "..." =_=
mei: here we go!
-the chair starts spinning-
Aizawa: O_O
mei: wait, wrong button.
-the back rubbing parts start working. but the chair is still spinning-
Aizawa: *a groan of "Aaaaah" is heard through the spinning*
mei: you're doing great, sir!
Aizawa: "Why is it spiiiiiiiiiiiinning?"
mei: it was a test function! in case spinning massages ever become a thing.
Aizawa: "Wheeeeeeeeeeen would that ever-r-r-r-r-r-r happen?"
mei: who knows! perhaps this is the start of a new trend!
Aizawa: "Stop the spiiiiiiiiiin, or I'm failing you."
mei: *presses the stop button*
Aizawa: *flies out of the seat--and shoots his scarves out through the sleeping bag opening to swing around and land safely on a couch* "...Thank you."
present mic: me next! me next!!
mei: with the spin cycle?
present mic: AW YOU KNOW IT!
mei: let it rip!
Aizawa: =_=;
present mic: WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
sylvia: .~.;;;
Kyoka: "Rice is always a good choice." *puts a bowl of rice onto her own tray*
sylvia: r-rice please...
Lunch Rush: *thumbs up*
Kyoka: "..." *takes a parfait*
Monster: *ROAR*
girl: *panting* d-darn, this monster's a lot stronger than i thought it would be.
Monster: *knocks down a light post, taking it like a club to smash buildings*
girl: *yelps*
-footsteps running up-
Monster: *lifts the light post, ready to bring it down--*
Monster: *sharp inhale, before stumbling down*
girl 2: *slices it in half with a flaming sword*
girl: ah! t-thank you very much!
girl 2:....no problem.
girl: *changes back to normal*
girl 2:...you're a magical girl, yes?
girl: i am, and you?
girl 2:....can i see your soul gem for a moment?
girl: um....ok?
girl 2: *examines it* .......*glint* .....what's your name?
girl: oh, my names is Lucia Hikaru.
girl 2: i see.....you know lucia, you should learn how to spot fakes.
lucia: what do you mean?
girl 2: good bye.
lucia: *collapses, dead on the ground, her soul gem shattering*
girl 2:.....
Crona: "..." *holds her hand*
mami: *nods* thank you....
Crona: *nods* "We can stay as long as you want..."
mami: i know.......hey mom and dad. it's me again....
mami: i'm doing the best i can, and i think about you both every day.
Crona: "..." *looks at the markers*
mami: i really miss you both so much...but i've got people here to be with me, so i'm not alone. and i'm thankful for that.
Crona: *sad smile*
mami: .......well, i should be going now....love you guys.
Crona: *small hand squeeze*
mami: *sniff* *small smile*
Crona: *wipes her tears*
Konro: "Sir, if you please, the owner wants you to leave."
Priest: *picks at his ramen* "We're not causing any problems~"
owner: you've been rude to several customers...
Priest: "You call these 'customers.' Interesting. When they lack divine protection?"
owner: sir, im going to have to ask you to leave now.
Priest: "..." *nods to the other priests*
Priest 2: *grumbles, 'accidentally' knocks over bowl*
customer: hey!
Priest 2: "Clean up this mess, trash."
customer: why you- *THROWS A PUNCH*
Priest 2: *dodges, grabs the arm*
customer: !!!
Priest 2: "???"
Konro: *squeezes*
Priest 2: "AH!"
Konro: "Get. Out."
owner: ...
Priest 2: "?!" *swings a fist--*
Konro: *looks at the Owner* "My apologies...." *throws Priest 2--through the door...knocking it down*
owner: *jumps back*
yukiko: yikes! what the hell?!
Priest 2: X~X
Priest: "Filthy dog!" *pulls back a hand*
yukiko: *grabs his arm and flips him onto his back*
Priest: X_X
Konro: *small cough* "T-Thanks..."
yukiko: any time, captain. ^^ long time no see, eh?
Konro: "Indeed. How were your travels?" *drags one Priest*
yukiko: they were pretty crazy. *streeetch* lots changed since i've been here, last.
Konro: "You don't know the half of it..." *dumps the priests into a wagon* "You see Beni and Kirei?"
yukiko: yeah, old man miyagi told me when i got in, im super happy for them. ^^
Kondo: >w< "It's such good news!" *dumps the priests at the town entrance*
yukiko: it is. *glares at the priests* c'mon! off with the lot of ya! damn vermin!
Priest 2: X_X
yukiko: ahhh, come off it! *walking away*
Priest: "..." *drags Priest 2 away*
Konro: "Hungry?"
yukiko: sure.
Tezca: *tied up by his ankles, hanging from the ceiling* "Okay, students, each of you take a bat. Enrique! Set the timer! After 1 minute, you rush at me. But don't be surprised if I have already escaped by then! HA HA HA HA!"
naho: ._.;
Sakuya: "..." *shrugs, takes a bat*
*47 seconds, 46 seconds...*
lilac: Q_Q;;;;;
Tezca: *struggling to reach the knot* OwO; "Um..." *groans* "EH! EH!"
student: is this even ethical?
Student 2: "What is it to teach us? Survival techniques? Battle strategies?"
*Bell dings*
Tezca: O_O; "Oh, f--"
Master: "Stormy days mean slower work..." *sets down glass, pours a drink into it*
miranda: good news, i got the music player fixed.
Master: *smiles* "Thank you. Anything you want to put on?"
miranda: maybe some old school stuff. *smiles*
Master: "Make it so." *starts prepping a meal*
miranda: you got it. ^^
Amaimon: *sets down two shot glasses* "You've grown up so fast. Let's have a drink."
stocking: indeed uncle. indeed. -it's capri sun in the glasses-
kirika: oiiiii, kid! you know where dad is?
Kid: "Still at the Academy."
kirika: ok cool, brb.
Kid: "..." *returns to his book and notes*
Amaimon: "So when are you going to retire?"
stocking: not for a long while, i just started a while back. ^^;
Amaimon: "Are you investing? I have a business proposal--"
stocking: oh boy.
Amaimon: "Hardware tools. In multiple flavors."
Spirit: "Wow, that's a bit of a bruise..."
izumi: it'll heal, dad.
Spirit: "Well, I'll leave your mom to be the expert on this. Anything you want for dinner tonight?"
izumi: homemade pizza?
Spirit: "Just need to pick up some cheese on the way home."
lena: *sleeping*
Gas Mask Doctor: *checking the map*
-they havent made it to new york yet-
Gas Mask: "Nuts..." *looks at the road*
lena: mmn...
Gas Mask: *grabs a blanket*
lena: ....
Gas Mask: *tucks it over her*
lena: *she seems content*
Gas Mask: *noisy exhale*
lena: ?? doctor?
Gas Mask: "Sorry. Breathing problems."
lena: ....
Kazue: "..." *watching from a light pole*
-seems quiet today-
Kazue: *checks windows*
???: "Give it up! Hand it over!"
Kazue: "?!"
???: as if!
Kazue: "..." *fades into shadows*
???: *clutches their throat* "Do it! Or you're dead!"
???: MOOOOM!
Kazue: *taps their shoulder*
???: "What the--"
Kazue: *tiny head chop*
???: "..." *coughs blood, passes out*
???: O_O;;;; *drops the TV remote*
Kazue: "..." *holds up a sign* <Hello.>
???: who the heck are you?! you just knocked my brother out!
Kazue: "..." <They weren't trying to kill you?>
???: i mean, he's kind of a dick, but it was a figure of speech, fam!
Kazue: "..." <Oh. My bad. He should wake up in a bit.> *picks up the brother's hand, lets go--it drops like a rock* "..." <Could I use your bathroom? I've been holding it for 2 hours.>
???: uh.....sure? i guess?
Kazue: >~< <THANK YOU!> *runs for the bathroom*
Bro: @~@ "Wh-Why did the Foot Ninja attack?"
Meme: "..."
mio: maybe we could ask kim to help?
Meme: *nods* "Yes...I think it would do Fani good."
mio: yeah, it would make sense, right?
Meme: "Right--I just hope she doesn't charge too much." ^^;
Hibana: "Good work up there."
girl: thank you ma'am! >///<;
Hibana: "Have a safe walk home--we'll see you for the next round tomorrow."
Girl 2: -^-;
Tezca: *mangled on a couch* "Owie..."
kirara: and you thought this was a good idea how?
Tezca: "Well--" *winces as he shifts* "--if you want to show authority in the classroom, you need to be awesome! The kicker is that it's not the 18th smack with a bat that hurts--it's the 19th one..."
kirara: -_-;;;;
Tezca: ^^; "I think the bruising has gone down..." *lifts his mask*
kirara: ....
Tezca: *he's pretty banged up* "Am I still pretty?"
kirara: just dashing. -.-;
Tezca: "D'aw, thankie~" *smiles--a tooth looks missing*
sonia: ....*looking out the window*
*trees as far as can be seen*
sonia:.....*closing her eyes*
{-a rabbit is running from her as she follows it-}
{sonia: wait! where are you going?}
{*it sounds like an echo, with each of the rabbit's hops*}
{sonia: *following until she reaches a door* ??}
{*will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you enter?*}
{sonia:....*reaching her hand out*}
{*the door opens slightly*}
sonia: *snaps awake* ow.
*knock knock*
Chuuya: "Sonia?"
sonia: c-come in. ^^;
Chuuya: *enters* "What's wrong?"
sonia: just tired. *rubs her eyes*
Chuuya: "Want some milk?"
sonia: *nod nod*
Chuuya: "Okay. Be right back..."
Magaki: *looking at the horizon* "..."
naho: hey magakin! time to head home now.
Magaki: *adjusts sunglasses* "Yes. How did it go?"
naho: weird lessons today.
Magaki: "Oh?" *walks with her* "Like a fighting demonstration?"
naho: sooorta? ^^;
Magaki: "I think I understand. Did you learn anything useful for future combat?"
naho: maybe. *shrug* so what's all new with the club peeps?
Magaki: "It's informative. I knew about some of the specimens they are investigating, but there are new approaches I had not considered."
naho: oh that's cool.
Magaki: *nods* "It'll help with figuring out what to do with this." *pulls out a jar from their backpack--it looks to be a multi-eyed creature, its mouth sucking on the edges of the glass*
naho: ._.;;;;; where did you find that?
Magaki: "I read one of the books aloud and this thing popped up. I caught it in the jar the raccoon was licking strawberry jam out of. I have named the specimen 'Ignatius.'"
naho: how cute. ^^;;
Magaki: *nods* "I hope Tsubaki will not mind. I remember Black Star complaining about the fox who visited as a pet."
naho: ... >w>;;; yeeeeeah.....
Magaki: "Well, it's not a fox--so it likely won't mark its territory or try to steal things. I don't know what it'll eat, but I'm sure that won't be a problem."
naho: hehehe, yeaaaah. ^^;;;
Magaki: *returns Iggy to their backpack* "Have you your tickets for the fashion show finals this weekend?"
naho: yep! ^^ lav's gonna be in the finals!
Magaki: *small smile* "That's good. Has she chosen her attire?"
Poe: Q_Q "It's okay, Karl--the creature is gone..." *holding him, stroking his back*
karl: *shaking*
Poe: "Rowena, the next time your club meets, please put in safeguards." >~< "I don't even want to think what would happen if I sucked something like that into a book..."
rowena: *muttering with excitement about the night and what happened* OWO
Poe: "Rowena! I'm serious!" T~T
rowena: oh, right. sorry. i just got excited is all. ^^;
Poe: "How did you even do that..."
Kafka: *muttering* "Stupid Dazai, embarrassing people, making a mockery..." *mutter mutter*
hans: party get you down?
Kafka: >_<# "How dare he embarrass Etta!"
hans: *inhales* oh for the love of- when are you just going to tell her?
Kafka: "..." >^>; "I have no idea what you're talking about..."
hans: well what if someone beats you to the punch, what then?
Kafka: "... ..." Q_Q "...Sh-She'd probably be better off..." T^T
hans: kafka... *pats his back*
Kafka: "...What the hell would I say? 'Hi, I like you. Also, I'm a roach'?"
hans: hmmm, could use work.
Kafka: "...Hypothetically, what should I do?"
hans: hmmm... i got it!
Kafka: OWO "Yes?"
hans: *whispers*
Kafka: "... ... ...Would it work?"
hans: hopefully. ^^
Damon: "..." *taps on the piano keys*
Wes: *smiles, watching*
soul: you got it, little man!
Damon: ^^; "I'm not good like you..."
soul: hey, practice makes perfect.
Wes: *picks up the violin, tunes* "I agree..."
Damon: "D-Dad? Could you play something?"
soul: ok. *playing*
becky: ^^
Wes: *nods his head before joining in on the melody*
becky: *smiles*
Damon: *shiny eyes*
Wes: *recedes, letting Soul's music lead*
soul: *still playing*
Damon: *captivated, leaning forward to listen*
becky: *listening*
Wes: *backs up Soul slightly as the song reaches crescendo*
becky: *claps*
Damon: "It was so good!"
soul: ^^
Wes: "Thanks...I think your father sounded great."
becky: way to go, dad!
Damon: *nod nod*
banshee: *asleep* nnh...*hugging someone* it's ok.....
Mustard: *yawns* "..." *opens his eyes* "..." >_> "...?!!!" O\\\\O
banshee: zz....big sister will....take care of you.....zzz....
Mustard: *silent screaming*
-at breakfast-
himiko: *putting lots of ketchup on her omurice* ^^~
twice: goooooood morning party people!
Dabi: =_= "Be quiet..."
banshee: *drinking coffee*
Mustard: *head down on the table* .\\\\\\.
banshee: may i ask you something? ^^# *whispers* you'd best erase that incident from your memory if you wish to keep living.
Mustard: Q\\\\\\\\Q *whimpers*
twice: ??? so how'd the date go, compress?
Compress: "A gentleman doesn't tell~"
tomura: urgh....
Compress: "Oh? Something troubling you, sir?"
tomura: im gonna eat in my room.
Compress: "Very well. Enjoy!"
Dabi: *grunts*
Mustard: "Maaaaa..."
kurome: ~? are you ok?
Mustard: "SOFT!"
Mustard: "..." *tosses plate away, runs*
twice: ????
Asher: *grabs a Pop Tart, shoves their books into their bookbag*
mrs blythe: *asleep on the couch*
Asher: "..." *sneaks to the door...*
mrs blythe: *snort snore* .....
Asher: "!!! ..."
Gin: *pours tea*
higuchi: *streeeeetch*
Gin: *sets down two cups* "Rested?"
higuchi: yeah. *hugs from behind, resting her head on gin's shoulder* *kiss*
Gin: "Mmm~" *smooch*
higuchi: hehe~ *nuzzle* is ryu doing better this morning?
Gin: "Much, physically, anyway. He'll be up and about."
higuchi: ah.
Meme: "She might be a bit shy..."
mio: *nods*
Kim: "Yeah, yeah, I know what that's like..." *knocks*
fani: .....
Kim: "Yo. You in there?"
fani: where else would i be?
Kim: "...Well, if it were me, I'd transform into something cute and trick the guards to let me out. What's your animal?"
fani:.......a squirrel...
Kim: "Huh. So, small enough to fit through windows...Let me guess--they put anti-magic bars on them, huh?"
fani: *nods*
Kim: "That sucks...What kind of magic do you have?"
fani: .....plant magic and bit of healing magic...
Kim: "Oh, hey, I do healing, too!"
fani: really?
Kim: *nods* "Been using it since I got here...Well, when I didn't tell people I was a witch..."
fani: so you hid it.....
Kim: "Yeah, as long as I could..."
fani: oh.....*she frowns*
Kim: "I take it you weren't exactly parading around saying 'I'm a witch,' either."
fani: 7_7 f-for a while, i wasnt....
Kim: "??? So, what were you up to?"
fani: lady liluye created the chimeras as revenge for what the people of salem- for what humanity has done to witch kind for years! how they hunt us like monsters!
Kim: "..." *nods* "Yeah...They have."
fani: why should we keep letting them hurt us?!
Kim: "...Why did you stay if they were hurting you?"
fani: ?? what do you mean?
Kim: "Why not, well...come here?"
fani: ....after my parents died, lady liluye took me in...she's the only home i knew for so long...
Kim: "And she agreed with you that humans needed to be hurt..."
fani:....*nods* more that i agreed with her....
Kim: *nods* "i hear ya...Humans have a lot to answer for."
fani: .....
Kim: "But they aren't _all_ terrible."
fani: and how do you know that?
Kim: "...Because I met a few good ones. One really great one." *smiles*
fani: ........
Kim: "I kept my identity hidden...then some jerk saw me using my healing magic on a dog."
fani: oh?
Kim: "Yep...She promised to keep my secret if I worked with her."
fani: and then?
Kim: "We got hitched, Baby 1 is on the way."
Kim: *smirks* "Nah. But we are dating and living together now."
fani: oh, hahaha. ^^; *ahem* ._.;
Kim: "Yeah...If I didn't meet Jackie, I wouldn't feel as comfortable being out here. I'm not saying I don't still deal with anti-witch jerks--but I'm not alone."
fani: .....
Kim: "Death City attracts a lot of us misfits, looking for somewhere to belong..."
fani:....can i even find a home here?
Kim: "Depends--do you want to?"
fani: .......i dont know.....
Kim: "Well, we have a lovely witch community here."
fani: oh?
Kim: *nods* "It's quaint, makes you realize you're not alone."
fani: ......i guess i'll humor you and see for myself once im out of here...
Kim: ^^ "Glad to hear it. You can treat me and Jackie to lunch."
fani: i dont have any money! D8>
Kim: "..." *gets up, walks away--*
fani: ...
Meme: *grabs Kim by the ear* "No."
Kim: "OW!" >_<
mio: *sweatdrop*
Justin: *reading a newspaper--headline "Villain attacks increase for 5th consecutive month"* "..."
oriko: *resting*
Justin: *sighs, folds the paper, checks the tea* "Any snacks?"
oriko: let me check.
lord death: you want to visit your old hometown with oriko?
kirika: *nods* it might help trigger some of her lost memories...
Yumi: "Anything you wish to bring with you?"
kirika:....*sigh* i _guess_ i'll bring the priest along... 7_7
Yumi: "???" ("Justin is a 'thing' now?") "Would you like me to speak with him?"
kirika: sure, why not.
lord death: i figured, given your rather brash opinion of mr law, you would want to avoid a chaperone.
kirika: oh trust me, i'm fucking pissed that i'm even asking. -_-# but oriko trusts him, so...bleh.
Yumi: ^^; "That's very mature of you..."
kirika:.....*sigh* i guess so....
Yumi: "I'll help you pack."
Belkia: *screaming* "GET IT AWAY FROM ME!"
Magaki: *holding the jar* "I told you not to open it!"
Jordan: =///=
erina: *sleeping on his lap*
Jordan: *strokes her head*
Tanizaki: *waiting outside* "..."
erina: nnh....
Jordan: *light hum*
erina: ......
Jordan: "Hey..."
erina: ...thanks for coming over....
Jordan: ^^ "Any time...as long as I'm not at work. Or unless I can sneak out without Mr. F firing me."
erina: ^^;
Jordan: "I made sure to have someone cover for me...Anything I can bring later this afternoon?"
yuuji: *taps his pencil on the desk*
Aizawa: "Bored, much?"
yuuji: *shrug* eh, dont have any plans for the week, so...
Aizawa: "Hmm. I could give you more homework--"
yuuji: even though i'm in the general courses?
Aizawa: "It's either that or I have you do some community activities. Anything that'll help you."
yuuji: *shrugs* either one i guess...
Aizawa: "Then help me with some supplies..." *shows a list* "I stuck preparing a meal after some of the students and faculty finish a building project."
yuuji: sounds good.
Walter: "Wait, you've danced before, right?"
Kafka: >_>;;;
Tachihara: "..." *snort* "Oh, this is just sad..."
leroux: i could give you instructions if you wish!
Kafka: "O-Okay? But won't I need a dance partner?"
leroux: *hands him a mannequin* i have a few spares. ^^
Walter: OwO "Oh! We can use that later for cosplay modeling!"
Kafka: ._.; "..." *holds the mannequin's hands* "Like this?"
leroux: *adjusting kafka's hand placement* there you go. *puts on a record*
Kafka: "Now what?"
-a slow waltz tune plays-
leroux: *picks up the christine doll* like so. *dancing with the doll*
Kafka: .__.; *tries to match the movements--and steps on 'her' toes* "Oh! Sorry..." ("Wait--it's just a mannequin...")
leroux: try to put your arms up a little more.
Kafka: "Like this?"
leroux: there you go.
Kafka: ^^;;; *keeps moving--*
Tachihara: "Watch those hands, buddy--she'd slap you in real life."
Kafka: O_O;
leroux: ^^;
hirotsu: speaking from experience, are we?
Tachihara: O_O "Y-Yes! No!" *shakes his head* "I don't know the right answer--STOP PLAYING MIND GAMES ON ME, OLD MAN!"
hirotsu: *just gives him a look*
Walter: *pat pat*
gin: rip, tachihara. and his dignity.
Patty: "Oh! Those seeds are growing well!"
Takeru: ^^;
Kazue: *seated at their chair...they are actually awake* O_O;;;;;;;
lukas: are you alright?
Kazue: <Is it breaking and entering still a crime here?>
lukas: >->;;
Kazue: "..." <Don't turn me over to the police. I can't go back.>
lukas: O_O;;;
Jacqueline: "How did the talk go?"
kim: went pretty well i think.
Meme: "..."
Jacqueline: *sets down tea* "What's she like?"
kim: stubborn. -_-;
Jacqueline: "Oh...Well, if anyone can help, I'm sure it's you." ^^;
kim: =3=
Jacqueline: *pat pat*
Meme: "I really appreciated it, Kim." ^^
kim: any time. now about that payment-
Meme: "..." *runs*
kim: D8<
mio: -_-;;
Jacqueline: =_=; "...Sometimes a good job done is its own reward."
Kid: *checking a map of Tombstone* "..."
stocking: whats up? *hugs his neck from behind the couch*
Kid: =w= "Not too much. Just following up from the previous mission..."
stocking: ah.
Kid: "I was hoping to call in to see whether they had any clues...You're here for the day?"
stocking: yeah.
Kid: *smiles* "Any work?" *rubs her hand*
stocking: later this evening. i'll be at a meeting to discuss the exorcist exams...
Kid: "Oh, those are coming up?"
stocking: yeah...
Kid: "I hope it works out well. Who else is procturing?"
Chuuya: *adjusts his tie*
Chuuya: *sits down* "Hello." *smiles weakly*
-at the other end of the table is rain's photo-
Chuuya: "Y-You look nice...As always...” ^^; "I...hope the meal is good. I remembered y-you liked...red velvet. It's dessert...” *shaking* "I-I'm sorry--I'm getting ahead of myself. We have dinner first, right..." *sets down two plates* "..." *sets down the plate--and ends up spilling the glass of water* "!!!" *reaches down to wipe it...then falls to his knees*
*a drop falls onto the puddle of water*
Chuuya: *smiling widely...and crying so much*
-i want to see you again i want to see you again i want to see you again i want to see you i want to see you i want to see you-
Chuuya: *shakes* *holds his head* "Please...come back. Please!"
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: "..." *slowly turns*
sonia: .....*she looks at him, with a vacant look of concern*
Chuuya: "..." *rubs his eyes* "I-I'm sorry. Just cleaning."
sonia: *walks over to him.....and wordlessly hugs him*
Chuuya: "..." *mindlessly holds onto her*
sonia: *head pats* ......
Chuuya: *crying* "R-Rain..."
sonia: ........
Chuuya: "...Sonia, I'm sorry."
sonia:.....do you want to rest now?
Chuuya: *whimpers*
sonia:.....you get some sleep, papa. i'll clean up.
Chuuya: "Th-Thank you...I'm sorry..."
sonia: it's ok.
Asher: "Where to, meister?"
izumi: alright, our next class is wiiiith, dr stein.
Asher: "..." *turns on their heel, starts walking away*
izumi: *grabs the back of their hoodie and drags them behind her*
Asher: "If I die because of him, I'm haunting you..."
izumi: ^^;
Stein: "Hello."
izumi: hi dr stein.
Asher: "Sir..."
Stein: "Let's begin today's exercises." *he's set out meditation pillows*
Thorne: "They look well..."
shiemi: *nods*
Thorne: *looks where they planted Rose's seeds* "..."
shiemi: they're growing very nicely.
Thorne: *nods* "...I'm scared."
shiemi: ??
Thorne: "What will they produce..."
shiemi:...*pats his back*
Thorne: *sniffs*
Mephisto: *holding his nose, while dumping the diaper* >~<
shion: baba.
Mephisto: "Okay..." *picks up the newly diapered Shion* "How's that?"
shion: ah! ^o^
Mephisto: "Good! Ready for a feeding?"
Tachihara: *cleaning up the kitchen* "Jeez, what happened here anyway..."
sonia: ....
Walter: *putting food away in the fridge* "Looks like a good meal...Oh! Red velvet!"
Motojiro: "..." *pats Sonia's shoulder*
Motojiro: *sad smile* "Did you eat, Sonia?"
sonia: a little bit...not from here...
Motojiro: *nods* "Maybe a glass of water would be good?"
Gopher: "Oh...So, you're going out of town?"
kirika: for a little while.
Gopher: QwQ "Th-That's good..."
kirika: *head pats* hey, you'll survive a few days without me.
Gopher: TwT *soft purrs* "R-Right..."
kirika: if you were really that weak, you'd be dead already. so you're stronger than you think, you little weirdo.
Gopher: QWQ "...Thank you!" *bows--falling down, his face landing on the floor*
kirika: *sweatdrop*
Wes: *rubs Ghost Dog's belly*
ghost dog: ^u^
Wes: "Good puppy--good puppy!" ^^
kyouko: i'm home.
Fujimoto: "Welcome back! How'd it go?"
kyouko: busy as usual
???: oh, hey kyouko.
kyouko: !! oh, yuma!
yuma: ^^
kyouko: you're so grown up now, it's shocking.
yuma: yeah. ^^; i thought i'd come over for a little bit before heading out.
Mifune: "A busy mission..."
kyouko: you're going on missions already?
yuma: *nods*
Mifune: "She'll be supervised, of course." *reassuring pat*
yuma: yeah, miss mikuni, miss kure, and mr law will be going with me.
kyouko: neat, but try to be careful around that kirika girl, ok?
Mifune: ^^;
Momo sakura: *picks a dandelion* ^^
angela: *making flower crowns*
Mifune: "Now we just have to finish your packing."
Blair: *checks a print-out of patients* "This one--'Panda'? He's still in a coma."
shinra: i see...thank you very much.
Blair: "...I'm sorry. A friend of yours?"
shinra: s-sort of...
Blair: "Would you like to see him?"
shinra: if it's not any trouble-
Blair: "Not at all--visiting hours are still in place." *walks with him* "No one has been to visit him..."
*inside the room, Panda is in a medical-induced coma...his burnt skin is bandaged*
shinra: ......hey panda, it's me, shinra.
Panda: "..." *breathing valves pump oxygen through his mask*
shinra:...i'm sorry. i wasnt able to save you when you needed it, but i swear i'll make up for it.... we'll bring inka and sasori back, i promise.
Blair: "..."
Panda: "..." *vitals are stable*
shinra:...get well soon... *stands up*
Blair: *small smile* "I can call with any updates.."
shinra: thank you.
Stein: "That'll be all for today. Your homework is to practice this meditation once a day to get in touch with your souls."
Asher: "Zzz..."
izumi: .... ^^;
Saria: *stretches* "I hope it helps..."
Zeke: "It's really hard when you had too much soda, yo."
Kepuri: *gets into the driver's seat* "Okay, just a short trip from the office, and we're back home!"
Yohei: "...I want a different carpool."
Assi: O_O;
Spirit: *drops wedding invitations into the mailbox* =w= "It took a long time narrowing it down...but it's done. ..." *collapses in front of the mailbox*
Hyde: *in a postal worker outfit* "..." *nudges Spirit*
Inka: *singed, hair on fire* -_-;
Haumea: "That'll be all~" *departs*
sasori:....*pours water onto inka's head*
Inka: T_T "Thank you...Now get me a towel."
Kanin: *looking at magazines at the convenience store* "Oh, this looks promising..." *picks up a manga*
-seems to be a collection of 4 komas of 'Laka and Daisy'-
sayaka: oh my gosh, i love that comic! those doggies are so silly ^^
Kanin: OwO;;; "...Ha?" *opens the manga*
Chuuya: "Zzz..."
mito: *sleeping on the pillow next to him*
Chuuya: *muttering, tossing*
mito: *streeeeetch*
Chuuya: *groans* "Rain...No..."
mito: *nuzzles against him*
Chuuya: *breathes a bit more calmly...whimpers*
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: *hugs Mito*
mito: =w=
Chuuya: *strokes Mito, crying to calm down*
Justin: *packing*
oriko: *looking out the window*
Justin: "How do you feel about this mission?"
oriko: im...nervous.
Justin: *nods* "Understandably. You won't be alone, though--you'll have support."
oriko: i know, but...what if i remember something painful?
Justin: "...You can't know that you will, so that may be a bridge to cross only if you come to it."
sasa: ...........*blows air horn* wakey waaaakeeeeey
tsukuyo: !?!?!?!?! O_O;;
Demongo: *yawns* "Five mo-mo-more minutes, my ma-ma-master..."
sasa: get up, you shits, it's moving day.
tsukuyo: m-moving day?
sasa: yes! start packing!
tsukasa: um... ._.;; *blink blink*
Demongo: "..." -_-; "Yes, because I have soooooo much to move."
tsukuyo: and we're leaving because?
sasa: this shithole town's gone stale for my personal taste. i need a change of scenery.
tsukasa: and you drag us into helping you?
tsukuyo: a new town does mean new magical girls, which could mean new recruits.
tsukasa: hmmm, good point, good point.
Demongo: "..." *stomach growl* ^\\\\^; "Ready to help pack!"
tsukuyo: and where are we going?
sasa: shirase town.
shibusawa: ..........*sigh* (another humdrum day, another humdrum birthday, another humdrum year....)
Nox: "??? Is something troubling you?"
shibusawa: just the usual problems.
lux: well, lady miyuri made this for you. *hands them a clay dragon*
shibusawa: how thoughtful. let me place this with the rest...
lux: =3=
shibusawa:....i suppose i'll visit the child later today.
Nox: "Very good." *pours tea*
shibusawa: hopefully soon, dostoyevsky will call up and we can begin the show proper...
Zeke: *thumbing through news* "Oh, bro--missing person report."
axel: *looks*
Zeke: "Looks like she had a quirk--spider."
axel: neat.
Zeke: "They have the contact info for any details...You see any spider quirk people around?"
axel: not that i know. *shrug*
Bon: "Yo." *sets down a muffin*
izumo:...is this a peace offering or something?
Bon: "..." *nods* *sits across from her*
Rin: *waves at Stocking* "Yo, teach!"
stocking: good morning, everyone.
Shima: "Hello, ma'am~ How are you this fine day?"
stocking: -_-; now as you know, the exorcist exams are coming up soon
Rin: "What'll be on the exam?"
kirika: *in the backseat of the car, looking out the window*
Justin: *smiles* "You got it." *tunes to the station*
kirika: *nods her head along to the tune*
Justin: *looks at Oriko*
oriko: ^^
yuma: *snoozing*
Justin: "We'll pull over in an hour for something to eat. Any preferences for meals?"
kirika: i dunno.
Justin: "Maybe some sandwiches and salads?"
Meme: *knock knock* "Hello?"
fani: what?
Meme: "Hi...How are you this morning?"
fani:....fine, i guess....
Meme: *knock knock* "Hello?"
fani: what?
Meme: "Hi...How are you this morning?"
fani:....fine, i guess....
Meme: "Have you had breakfast yet?"
fani:...what's it to _you_?
Meme: "!!! I-I just want to help--"
fani:......for the record, no, i havent.
Meme: "..." *holds up a tray* "I think I can help with that." ^^;
fani: ?? i-is that....cinnamon toast?
Meme: *nods* "Made it myself."
Meme: ^^ "I hope it's decent. You looked hungry."
fani: *still eating, shiny eyes*
Meme: "That's good...Need more syrup?"
Kanin: *fiddling with a phone* "Hmm..." *his contact list is empty* "..."
genny:....um....did you.....want to exchange numbers?
Kanin: "Wh-What? Oh, sure!" ^^ "What's yours? I'll text you..."
-one number exchange later-
Kanin: "Yay! Thanks, Genny! I was a little shy to ask..."
genny: n-no problem. ./////.
lei-lei: why dont i share my number too? ^^
Kanin: "Thanks! That'll be great. I appreciate it..."
lei-lei: what are friends, for, right? ^w^
Duncan: "And how about I share my number? Of course, my new model of phone may be too advanced for--"
Kanin: "Amelia? How about you?"
Duncan: D : <
amelia: oh, i dont have a phone.
Kanin: "Oh...Sorry."
amelia: it's fine.
Kanin: "...Want to borrow mine for some gaming?"
amelia: is that alright with you?
Kanin: "Sure! I got Tetris...I haven't downloaded others for it..."
Rin: Q_Q "...I'm going to fail..."
shiemi: then you got to study hard then,
izumo: they'll seriously kill you if you dont.
Bon: "Yeah, not just sit at home doing nothing."
Rin: "I study plenty! ...It just doesn't stick." >3>;
izumo: -_-;
Shima: "How 'bout a study session to make things better?" *puts arms around Shiemi and Izumo* "What'd you say?"
izumo: *PUNCH*
shiemi: that sounds like a great plan!
Rin: "Oh, I can make some snacks!"
Bon: "Yeah, and we'll go through notes." *stamps Shima's head*
izumo: rin, focus.
Rin: "R-Right...Focus!" *opens a book* "...Where to start?"
Kafka: *breathing heavily* "Okay...I _can't_ do this." *walks away*
bessy: ~?
Kafka: "This was a dumb idea. Like anyone would be interested--I'm just a disgusting bug, after all..."
bessy: whatcha doin~?
Kafka: "...Adult things." *glances into the hallway outside Etta's room*
-no one there-
bessy: like taxes?
Kafka: -^- "Good...G-Good..."
etta: *right behind kafka* hi franzy ^^
Kafka: "N-No, nothing like that. You wouldn't understand--" O_O "..." *squeaky voice* "H-Hello..."
etta: whatcha dooooin~?
Kafka: O_O "...Not standing here."
etta: oh?
Kafka: .__. "... ... ...Are you busy?"
etta: not right now, why?
Kafka: "...Can coffee get us?"
etta: how about tea?
Kafka: OWO "...Sure."
etta: ok then ^^
liz: morning, students. ^^
Zeke: "What're we up to today? Weapons practice? Demonstrations? Target practice?"
liz: we'll be doing some target practice to start off with.
Asher: "In here? Isn't that a little dangerous?"
liz: we'll be doing it outside.
Yafeu: "WOO!"
Saria: ^^ "Good thing the weather's decent."
Shotaro: *slowly climbs down on spider-silk, upside, looking over Mana's shoulder* "Good book?"
mana: *nods*
Shotaro: "What is it? Does it have action? Kissy stuff? Footnotes?"
mana: just a book that bryn recommended to me.
Shotaro: "Ah, so action!" ^w^ *falls down, sits next to her* "That was nice of her."
mana: *she smiles and nods*
Shotaro: "Now that you got to try some new fighting moves, what's your next tournament?"
mana: sometime in july.
Shotaro: "..." *pokes her arm* "Need more muscle there..."
mana: i've been training! >3<
Shotaro: "Maybe a different diet?" *keeps poking her arm*
mana: -_-;
Konro: *looking up, holding a watch* "...Yeah, still not coming down..."
fang-hua: must be a new record by now...
Konro: "I think so...I hope she didn't get stuck in the atmosphere."
*sounds like a loud whoosh above...*
fang-hua: ah-
fang-hua: O_O;
*there's a giant crater*
Konro: "..." *stops the watch* "...Um...N-New record..."
Tsukiyo: *pops out of the wreckage* "...Ha! Told you!" *bounces out, lands in front of Fang-Hua* "Impressed?")
Akutagawa: *aims...fires Rashomon*
-nice hit-
naoya: nice shot, akuta!
Akutagawa: "I seem to be back to normal..."
naoya: *smiles* glad to hear. ^^
Akutagawa: *small smile* "Now to practice lifting..." *grabs a table with Rashomon*
Yumi: *standing next to Liz* "How's their aim?"
Zeke: *holding kunai* "Hah!" *tosses at the target--missing* OwO;
Asher: "...Well, it's not baseball..." *picks up a tonfa, knocks balls at the target, nailing each one*
Yafeu: -_-; *aiming a tiny water gun at the target* "...THIS FEELS INSULTING."
liz: going well so far.
Yumi: "It should be a good lesson for them--to understand what their meisters go through trying to handle them."
Saria: "Hee-ya!" *tries to crack the whip--and it doesn't really do anything* ._.;
liz: *nods*
Zeke: "Bro, I think these things are defective..."
axel: *throws one...right in duncan's butt* ._.; oops.
Duncan: -____-# "..." *tugs the kunai out* "..." *spray of blood leaves his sphincter* "..." *collapses*
Kazue: *sleeping*
Yumi: "..." *points at Kazue* "Are they even a weapon?"
liz: i....dont even know.
Zeke: O_O; "...Bro, I think you're going to prison for that."
axel: Q_Q;;;;
Asher: "It's the DWMA--this kind of brawling is fine. Probably."
Saria: ^^; "It's in the guidebook..."
Dabi: "--and he has Polaroids of all the bratty superhero kids. What a weird obsession. And he keeps stacking playing cards into houses--"
tomura: you know i can hear you, right?
Dabi: "...It's still weird. You just going to play with photos, or are we doing something?"
tomura: give it time...
Dabi: *groans* "Better keep your troops in line, then--they seem distracted or kind of lazy."
tomura:.... alright, how about you do some surveillance?
Dabi: "...Fine." *grabs his hoodie* "Where, exactly?"
tomura: *slides a photo* this place.
Dabi: *looks*
-seems to be a museum of sorts-
Bon: *seated on a banister, looking down the atrium to a floor below*
izumo: huh, i didnt know there was a balcony here.
Bon: *puts a slip of paper away* "Yeah...Scoping out the assembly below."
izumo: hmm...out of curiosity, you arent thinking of backing out...are you?
izumo: just making sure....but i get how you feel. you've lost people, goals, and you feel alone and helpless...
Bon: "..." *keeps his eyes on the assembly* "So, you're thinking of backing out?"
izumo: hmph, of course not. i dont have anything else to do....i think, in a fucked up way, losing everything liberated me.......
Bon: "...You've changed."
izumo: oh?
Bon: "Yeah. You're better like this now."
izumo: *blushing* A-AND JUST WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, HUH?! >////<#
Rin: "Oh, hey! There's the married couple--"
izumo: SHUT UP OKUMURA!!!! >/////<###
stocking: i think 'couple in denial' is more fitting.
stocking: ...if you excuse me. *jumps off the balcony, using her wings to float down*
Rin: "...Dude, I don't think you should call your teacher an asshole."
*An announcer is on stage*
Audience 1: "Where the devil is he..."
audience member 2: he'll show up in some over the top way, i just know it.
gilda: ^^;
Announcer: "Everyone, quiet, please! Um..." *flips through notecards* "Presenting the headmaster, Sir Pheles!"
-cricket noises-
Announcer: "..." ._.;
stocking: *takes out pet container* dad, that's your queue. *opens it*
*a doggie walks out of the pet container, onto the stage*
Audience 2: "D'aw, look at the puppy!"
stocking: ^^;
*the dog gets on stage--then POOF*
seiya: oh!
Mephisto: "Guten morgen! Mephisto Pheles, timely, as always~"
stocking: *listening*
Mephisto: "Obviously, demonic activities have intensified. Even apparitions are increasing in the school. Therefore, I have authorized deploying this Patrol Squad. But we also have an increased request for exorcists--which is like the hell that is a waitlist to get into your favorite idol concert--but it's reservation only! And you don't have the money! And you need a babysitter! And the car isn't running! So you're stuck taking the bus to work, next to the annoying passenger who insists on telling you about their kidney stones--"
stocking: DAD! FOCUS.
Mephisto: "..." *ahem* *holds up microphone, lets go, so it now floats in the air* "Therefore, HQ has ordered us to increase the number of exorcists ASAP! We will ally with exorcist organizations not currently part of the Order of Knights. Next, we have moved up the date for the next Exorcist Certification Exam."
Audience 3: "Huh?!"
Audience 4: "So there's less time to study?!"
Audience 5: "What happened to the puppy?!"
seiya: so when will the exam be, sir?
Mephisto: "September."
izumo: that soon?
Rin: "I guess the Illuminati convinced him to get more exorcists?"
izumo:....*glances at shima*
Rin: "..."
Bon: *glare*
Shima: "H-Hey! I'm not involved in that!"
-something peers through the grate-
stocking: ?!
Audience 6: "Why are there more demons?"
Audience 7: "Is internal affairs still investigating?"
Audience 8: "What did you do with the puppy?!"
Audience 9: "What if the new exorcists suck?"
Mephisto: "Relax...The Vatican sent someone here specifically to work with the newbies--"
stocking: !!!
*it's a colony of hobgoblins, exploding from the gate*
Mephisto: "...Gee, how timely~ Oh, Lewin? Clean up, please."
lewin: you got it boss man!
stocking: i'll cover you!
lewin: why thank you. ^^ let's go, furfur!
stocking: *slashing*
Bon: "?! Furfur? That's pretty high-class..."
Rin: "He's going to summon a furry?"
izumo: -_-;
Shima: "Maybe it's the dog?"
Mephisto: *wearing sunglasses, smiles*
*a beast of electricity obliterates the hobgoblins*
izumo: woah!
Bon: "?!!!"
lewin: *phew* *waves* hello.
Mephisto: "Everyone, please say hello to one of the Pillars of the Arc Knights, the Master of Lightning, Lewin Light!"
lewin: yo ^^
Mephisto: "Let's hope our students learn from all you have to share with them..." *glances up at the balcony--smirks*
stocking: *knocks* dad? you in?
Mephisto: *cough*
stocking: dad? are you alright??
Mephisto: *waves a hand* "Spl-Splendid!" *smiles*
stocking: .....*takes a seat* may i ask something?
Mephisto: "Of course."
stocking: do you think i could get exorcist tutoring?
Mephisto: "Oh? I imagine so...What prompts this idea?"
stocking: after today's meeting, i realize that i still dont know much about exorcism. and me being a student teacher, i should probably know more about this.
Mephisto: "That makes sense. Very well. We can check the schedule for available tutors."
stocking: thanks dad. *smiles*
Mephisto: "It'll be a lot of work--and I know you can do it."
stocking: *nods* i'll do my best, cause i do want to prove i have what it takes and that i know what i'm doing.
Mephisto: "And helping to save the world isn't too bad either~"
stocking: yeah. ^^
Mephisto: "While you tutor, keep an eye on the students--make sure they are studying."
stocking: noted.
Akitaru: *sighs* "So, no signs what the First is doing...or the Church."
iris: ....
Akitaru: "For now, we see how they respond. It's not long before they react to the report..."
Burns: *looking at fire reports...seem to be years old*
dia: sir?
Burns: *looks up* "Yes?"
dia: how's the investigation?
Burns: "Hitting walls...The night of one fire took a lot of my attention, so I'm looking over clues again from the same day."
-that evening-
kirika: *snoozing*
Justin: *pulls in*
kirika: *yaaaawn*
Justin: "We're here." *looks outside*
kirika: ah? *looks outside* ......
oriko: oh.
Justin: "We'll check in." *hands bags*
bellhop: follow me, please.
oriko: *looking around*
kirika: .....
-from the rooftops, a figure watches them-
???: .......
Kid: *walks into the mansion*
stocking: *laying on the couch* welcome home.
Kid: *smiles* "Hello, love." *smooch*
stocking: *smooch* ^///^ how was work today?
Kid: "A bit confusing--many missions to track." *sits with her*
stocking: ah.
Kid: "How was teaching?"
-she explains what all happened-
Kid: "Oh...Any tutor you're considering?"
stocking: someone with experience preferably, like shura or lewin. anyone but triple A batteries >XP
Kid: "Heh...No kidding. Shura is good with a sword..."
stocking: *smiles*
Kid: "You look excited at the prospect."
stocking: yeah...
Kid: "And it'll help you as a teacher..."
stocking: *nods*
Kid: *holds her hand*
stocking:....i overheard some of the other teachers talking about me. they were saying the only reason i got this job was because dad's the boss....
Kid: *frowns* "And you already know that's untrue."
stocking: *nods* i know, i know... and i'll prove them wrong... sorry, went a bit on a rant there.
Kid: "It's understandable...You'll prove yourself."
stocking: yeah. *hugs* thanks kid.
Kid: *pat pat* "Any time..."
stocking: mm~ u////u
Kid: ^\\\^ *holds her*
stocking: if you arent too tired, can we watch a movie and cuddle and maybe you can squeeze my butt?
Kid: ^\\\\^; "Yes, yes, and..." *pats her lower back*
stocking: ah~<3 u///u
Kid: *grabs a blanket, tucks it over them, takes the remote...* "Any viewing preference?" *rests a hand on her knee*
Mori: *huddled in bed*
miura: ...
Mori: "..." *looks up suddenly* "!!!"
miura: sir?
Mori: "...S-Sorry...Thought I...Nevermind."
miura: is something on your mind?
Mori: "...The usual."
miura: would you feel better talking about it, sir?
Mori: "...I'm broken."
miura: *listening*
Mori: "I lost...Elise...Childhood..."
Mori: "I-I just see that connection...Without her, I'm just this...failed adult."
miura:.....would you like a hug, sir?
Mori: "..."
miura:.......*holding him, like a mother would their child*
Mori: *whimpers*
Mori: "Ma..."
miura: *humming*
Mori: *closes his eyes, holding onto Miura*
Kyoka: *looking at her phone* "..."
sylvia: *asleep*
Kyoka: "..." *sets down her phone, lies down in bed*
-early morning-
mrs mamiya: erika, sweetie, time to wake up!
Erika: *yawns* "..." *gets out of bed*
mrs mamiya: *cooking pancakes*
Erika: "...Morning, Mom." *sits at the table*
mr mamiya: you want eggs with your pancakes?
Erika: "...Sure."
mr mamiya: ^^
Erika: "..." >_>; "I'll take the train today..."
mr mamiya: you have a good day at school today.
Erika: "Yeah, okay..."
tsukasa: *panting* are we....there yet?
sasa: weeeee're heeeeeeere~<3
Demongo: "Yay--*yawn*"
tsukuyo: so this is shirase town?
sasa: yup! and i've already got the address for my new residence!
Demongo: "Is it cozy~?"
sasa: it will be!
kirika: *snoring*
Justin: *already awake in his room, reading*
oriko: *waking up* *yaaawn* hmm?
*smells like food in the hallway...*
oriko: *steps outside*
yuma: *yaaaawn*
*looks like a decent set of foods on trays*
yuma: ooh, yummy!
oriko: ^^
kirika: *sniff sniff* hullo? =.=~*
Justin: "???" *steps outside* "Huh..."
oriko: oh, that wasnt you?
Justin: *shakes his head* "Room service must include it in the hotel price? At least, I hope--I do not want to charge to the DWMA expense account..."
kirika: *examining food*
Justin: *uncovers one plate, revealing pancakes* "Oh."
oriko: oh, they look lovely. ^^
Justin: ^^; *takes the maple syrup, pours some on* "We'll dine, then get ready for today's schedule."
oriko: thanks for the food. ^^
izumo: is it me or is class more cramped today?
Student 1: "I can't see the board!"
Shima: "I don't see a problem with it~" =w=
Rin: "It's why they call it...a cram school!" ^^
izumo:....... -_-#
konekomaru: well, mr lewin is teaching today.
Lewin: "Okay, let's start! Who can tell me what's on the board?" *he's drawn some symbols*
rui: are they runes?
Lewin: "Yep!"
Rin: ._.; "...I thought runes were more complicated..."
rui: it depends on what kind of runes you're using.
Lewin: "And since y'all don't know how much time you'll have in the combat, you need to simplify."
shiemi: that does make sense...
Lewin: "Let me show you how it's done--" *starts writing a long formula on the board* "It's all about identifying the extraneous components, determining whether the component is there for grammatical sense, or can be substituted for a shorter phrase--" *starts listing two columns of words* "These are the equivalent sets of words, categorized by element then prioritized by effectiveness and finally alphabetized to stay organized--"
Student 2: O_O;;; "..." *inches out of their seat*
stocking: ._.;;
Lewin: "--make sure to carry over the power of this prepositional phrase over to the adjective in order to condense the work, remove the extra stroke lines I have modeled on Runes 1, 4, and 18, then try to slur your words over this phrase since, really, 'M' and 'N' noises sound similar enough--"
Rin: @~@ "Wh-Wha?"
-one long lecture later-
Lewin: "There!" *turns around* "...Huh?"
-only a handful of students remain-
sayuri satou: tch- what babies...
rui: *taking notes*
stocking: i think....i need to lay down....
Shima: "You scared them all away, teach! I didn't even get the hot ones' digits!" *he has multiple face-slap handprints on his face*
Rin: "...WAIT! I just realized! It's a PlayStation controller!"
Lewin: "CORRECT!"
shiemi: ....eh? owo;
stocking: seriously?
Lewin: "Hey, you can find perfection and simplicity in even the least obvious spots. Kinda like how little man here simplifies his life with that puppet thing."
nemu: *through the puppet* DONT PATRONIZE ME, HOBO MAN! DX<
Lewin: "Ha ha ha! See? So let's all get along with our demon friends!"
stocking:...*small smile*
Rin: "If only it felt that easy..."
izumo: he has a point. we cant fight demons without borrowing their power.
shiemi: and there's nice demons in the world too, like nee and rin.
stocking: hey, i'm here too, you know. =3=
Lewin: "...Wait, who are you again?"
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Rin: -_-; "Stocking. Teacher. She's here to learn from you. You know her dad. Your friend Triple A is a dick to her."
Lewin: "...OH! You're Pheles's kid?"
stocking: the older one, yes. it's a pleasure to be working with you, sir.
Lewin: "Then you're just who I need! And some of you others--I need you to do something really, super-duper important!"
shiemi: *nods*
izumo: what is it?
Lewin: *smiles*
Lewin: "Here it is! Get going!"
stocking: ._.;;;;
sayuri satou: nice place.
rui: makes sense the queen of stink would like it here.
Rin: "Ugh! It smells like death!"
Bon: "..."
stocking: *gives rin a look*
Rin: ._.; "...Sorry."
Lewin: "So, I didn't get a chance to unpack my valuables...I kinda just threw it wherever."
*there's a sock on the floor...crawling...*
izumo: .____.;;;;
Bon: "Sir? Could you do something about the smell?"
sayuri satou: i dont have a problem with it.
stocking: oh god, kid would have a heart attack if he saw this...
Lewin: *takes out a lighter--and sylphs pop up*
shiemi: oh!
Lewin: "I'll make you a bonfire later if you help, okay?"
rui: aww, they're so cute!
Shima: "??? You're going to fire bon?"
Rin: "You're going to light Bon on fire?"
Bon: *slams their heads together*
izumo: i was about to do that myself. thank you bon.
Bon: >_>; "...Yeah, sure..."
*the sylphs move all through, cleaning all the air*
Rin: *deep inhale, head bruised* "Ah! So clean!"
Shima: X_X
Bon: O_O "He...He didn't go through formal procedures...H-How..."
stocking: arent sylphs air affiliated??
Lewin: "Bingo! And since fire needs air, they get along like...fire and air."
stocking: ah.
Lewin: "??? ...Wait, are you also Pheles's kids?"
rui: oh, we're cram school students, not the same class, but we're still here. my name's rui belladonna!
Sayuri satou:......sayuri satou.....hi...
konekomaru: .....i actually forgot that we're not the only cram school students.
izumo: to be fair, we dont usually see them often.
Rin: "I mean, there are so many people around school..."
Lewin: "Really should keep track of that...Heh heh...Oh, Krillin..." *flips a page*
Rin: *puts a book on the shelf--whose cover pops open, smacking Shima in the face*
Shima: *down* X_X
sylph: *giggles*
Rin: "Hey, cool it! You can play later!"
sylph 2: *noms on izumo's finger*
izumo: OW! jeez, that hurts!
-several sylphs are making a nest in shiemi's hair-
shiemi: um... a little help? .-.;
Lewin: "Man...As Sonic used to say, that's just no good...Well, time to exorcise."
stocking: you're just gonna kill them?
Lewin: "This is not the kind of thing that can be forgiven..."
Bon: ("Jeez, hardcore. But there's no fatal verse for elementals like sylphs--")
Lewin: " 'Mortem.'"
stocking: woah!
Bon: "!!!" ("An original fatal verse...in just one word!")
Lewin: "Well, guess I'm setting a bad example lecturing y'all about 'borrowing demons' powers so easily,' huh? Ha ha ha..."
izumo: (he makes it look so easy!)
Lewin: "So, let me review names...Stocking Pheles, teacher. Shiemi Moriyama, the one who stopped the plant monsters at the festival. Izumo Kamiki, polka-brows--"
izumo: D8<
Lewin: "Sayuri Satou, 'Queen of Stink'--"
sayuri satou: *nods*
Lewin: "And you're the King of Troublemakers, Rin O!"
Rin: -3- "Rude..."
Lewin: "And you're genius Ryuuji Suguro, right?"
Bon: .\\\\. " 'Genius'?"
konekomaru: well, you do have good memorization with death verses and sutras.
Lewin: "Yeah, my memorization is poor..." *looks at Konekomaru* "...Neko-Kitten?"
konekomaru: konekomaru, ^^;
Lewin: "Ah, right..."
Bon: "S-Sir, that's too much...I'm not a genius. I'm useless...like in the fight back home--"
Lewin: "Horsefeathers. You're plenty useful. You got what it takes to be a great exorcist."
Bon: "...But that's just it...I don't have any reason to _be_ an exorcist anymore..."
izumo: ??
Bon: "Satan tore my family apart...I wanted to bring them back together...That's taking too long. My dad is moving on, our shrine isn't just me...Everyone has their own path...I don't--I don't know what to do!"
izumo: ......
Lewin: "...So, what, you need 'ambition' just to take a dump?"
Bon: O\\\\o; >\\\\< "What?! N-No! Ambition is necessary to push you forward!"
Lewin: "..."
Bon: "Didn't you have a reason to become an exorcist?!"
Lewin: "..." *nods* "A demon slaughtered my whole family when I was a kid."
stocking: !!!!...mr lewin....
Bon: "I-I'm sorry...So, that's why you're an exorcist."
Lewin: *shakes his head* "Nah. I'm just pulling your leg."
stocking: ?!
Bon: "...What."
Lewin: "I grew up in Texas. Pop, Ma, old bro, old sister. They're all fine."
Bon: "..." -_-###
Lewin: "Wow, sore spot. Sorry about that. But seriously...Well, you know folks like Charisma Justice? All Might? Heroes...I wanted to fight like that, for justice--"
izumo: are you just bluffing again?
stocking: -_-# JUST BE HONEST WITH US.
Lewin: "...I mean, I don't have any grand ambition or motivation or goal." *taps his manga* "I'm not the shonen hero of this story, you know. There's no dark backstory, no enemy, no quest for vengeance. I just like being alive in this world."
stocking: .......
Lewin: "???"
Bon: *is on his hands and knees*
konekomaru: um-
Bon: "Lightning! Please! Accept me as your student!"
izumo: ._.;;
Lewin: -w- "Huh...Falling faster than Yamcha--"
Rin: "What the H you doing, Bon?!"
izumo: have you snapped?!
stocking: *sweatdrop* (maybe i should ask shura to tutor me...)
Dabi: *hoodie pulled up, looking at the museum*
himiko: ooooooh!
Dabi: "Shh."
himiko: *nods*
Dabi: *walks up the stairs inside*
himiko: *following*
Dabi: *looking down the hall while removing his wallet*
himiko: *whispers* so what're we looking for?
Dabi: "We'll know it when we see it. It should be in the back..." *walks to ticket booth* "Yo. 2."
Motojiro: "Ah, there you are..."
sonia: hello mr kajii.
Motojiro: "How's the book report coming along?"
sonia: pretty good. i was helping Q with his as well.
Q: *waves*
Motojiro: "What's your book, Q?"
Q: *holding it up; seems to be a psychological horror*
Motojiro: OwO "...Is there any recommended age for that book?"
Q: *shrug*
Motojiro: "..." *shrug* "Well, can't be any worse than reality...Where did the other kids go..."
sonia: listening to mr leroux play.
Motojiro: "Ah, how nice!" *walks to the piano room*
leroux: *playing piano as the other kids listen*
Jakob: "Ooo..."
wilhelm: ^^
Tom: *leans in, listening intently*
bessy: ^^
Walter: *sitting with the kids* ^w^
leo: *smiles*
Motojiro: *sits with Leo* "..."
leo: *rubs her stomach*
Motojiro: "..." <M-May I...> *his hand hovers over hers*
leo: *leans into him, smiling* u////u
Motojiro: ^\\\\^ *puts an arm around her shoulder*
Justin: "Where should we begin? Perhaps somewhere that reminds you of something..."
kirika: maybe the school?
Justin: "Very well--we can take this bus..."
oriko: *nods*
Justin: *points* "There's the stop...Anything we're missing?" *looks at the others*
yuma: i dont think so.
Justin: *looking at the buildings* "..."
Kid: *frantically folding clothes*
liz: you alright?
Kid: OwO;;; "You ever feel there is something really wrong in the world? I think I can I feel that--so I'm trying to off-set it..."
liz: ._.; um....ok then.
Kid: "Hee hee...J-Just need to fold this--" *rips a shirt* QWQ;;;;;
liz: ._.;
Iida: *picks up a bag of take-out*
ochako: ^^
eijiro: aw yeah!
Iida: "Off we go! Oh, but please, procure napkins!"
ochako: you got it!
momo: ^^;
Izuku: *checks his bag* "Looks like all's here...Where to?"
jirou: first stop is the picnic area, then we'll head to the cave of trials.
Denki: " 'Trials'?"
jirou: it's sort of a nickname. it's a dark cave in the wooded area that's often used for tests of courage.
Tokoyami: "!!! ..."
mina: oooh, neato!
Izuku: ^^; "Should be entertaining, I guess..."
Iida: "A way to inure ourselves against fear!"
kirika: *looking around*
Justin: "Rather quiet..."
kirika: looks like school aint open today...im gonna check the roofs for anything. *magical girl mode and uses her claws to parkour up a wall*
Justin: "Be careful! Mind the walls!"
kirika: yeah, yeah. =3=; *mumbling*
*doesn't look like anything is going on--*
kirika: ?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!
*it looks like a shield surrounding a fast-moving person, crossing perpendicular to Kirika's path*
kirika: the hell?
*the shielded being slows down, ducking, rolling, turning around--and holding an axe*
kirika: !!!! *blocking with claws*
???: "Neat trick. What are you? An onyx scorpion witch?"
kirika: eh? 'the fuck're you?
???: "A magical girl. And, what, you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
kirika: is that right? well as it happens i am to, but why should _you_ care, and who do you think you are, neighborhood watch or some shit?
???: "You could say that--a monster hunt. My turf. So get out of my way--"
kirika: boring! i dont have time to go playing around with little brats like you, so if you excuse me, i have shit to do today-
???: *grab* "You just call me a 'brat,' you stuck-up bitch?!"
kirika: look, im not in the mood for bullshit, so if you would just piss on off with your little wraith hunt, then we'll be all good, k?
???: "..." *FWOOM*
*a bubble encases Kirika*
kirika: ?!?!?!
???: "How about you stay there, and I'll come back to free you...I hope you don't need the bathroom for a bit."
kirika: you little shit! D8<
???: *waves* "Toodles~" *turns--and bumps into--*
Justin: "??? Um...Hi?"
???: *falls back* "?!"
kirika: oi, priest, get me out of here! >3<#
Justin: "Oh, okay!" *shows off guillotine* "Stand still--"
kirika: ._.;
???: "!!!! WOW!" *grabs Justin's arm* "Look how sharp it is!"
Justin: ._.;
kirika: um....
???: "How do you do that?!"
Justin: "I-I'm a Death Scythe--"
???: "No way! ...So why are you with this dorky mantis?"
kirika: =_=; the hell're you calling dorky?
???: "You, mantis. Just go clean you pinchers for a bit--" *grabs Justin's arm, shiny eyes* "Do you like punk?! You totally look like some hardcore metal killing machine!"
Justin: .____.;;;; *mouthing to Kirika: "HELP ME"*
kirika: *kicks the girl in the back of the knee*
???: "OW! What the hell, bitch?!"
kirika: listen brat, you're really beginning to grate on my nerves.
???: -_-# "Then don't get in the way of my mission, you stuck-up short-tempered shit!"
Justin: -_-;
Justin: *grabs both of them, covering their mouths, sounding deathly serious* "Do I have to wash out your mouths with soap...?" ^^#
kirika: 0-0
-justin's phone goes off-
???: Q_Q
Justin: *lets go of Kirika, checks*
yuma: [gett o the bridge! D8>]
Justin: "!!! Kirika, to the bridge!" *takes off*
*he's still holding onto ???*
???: "?!!!"
-at the bridge canal, oriko has pulled someone onto dry land. she is soaked and panting-
yuma: D8> ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoooosh!
???: *cough cough*
kirika: what the heck's going on here?
yuma: wewerelookingaroundwhenisawagirlabouttojumpoffthebridgeandthenshejumpedandorikowentafterherandbroughtherbacktotheshoreandidontknowwhattodo *INHAAAAALES*
???: *shudder* "Wh-Why..."
kirika: ??.....!!!!!!!! *her eyes widen in shock*
???: "...K-Kirika? ...Oh, I'm in the bad place..."
kirika: erika?! what the hell!?!
oriko: oh, she's a friend of yours?
kirika: 'was'....until she decided to stab me in the fucking back...
Erika: -_-# "Nice to see you too..."
Justin: *pulls up in the van* "Had to find where we parked..."
yuma: ._.;;;
kirika: the hell you doing, taking a dive off the bridge?!
Erika: "None of your business..." *tries to get up--*
kirika: ...did ya lose your shoes in the river?
Erika: "..." >\\\\>;;; *curls her legs under her*
kirika: what, cat got your to-
oriko: they're on the bridge,
kirika: .......
Erika: *small whimper*
kirika:.....*sighs* you want food or somethin'?
Erika: *staring at a bowl of ramen* "..."
kirika: jeez, how many years has it even been?
Erika: *shrug*
oriko:....so, what happened to you miss erika?
Erika: "Wh-What do you mean? N-Nothing happened..."
kirika: so you just tried to kill yourself for shits and giggles then?
Erika: "Shut up...It's none of your business..."
Justin: "Your family must be worried. Have you a mother? A father--"
Erika: "No!"
kirika: ....oh right, your pops left....
Erika: "Shut up..."
kirika: to be honest, you got off easy.
Erika: "..."
kirika: ......do you want to die?
Erika: "...I'm miserable..."
oriko: *listening*
Erika: "...Some stranger moves in, now I'm supposed to call him 'Dad'..."
yuma: is he mean to you?
Erika: "...I mean, no...He's just not my dad..."
kirika: why should _that_ be a problem? i mean, i have a new adoptive family, and i'm pretty happy about it.
Erika: "Because I'm useless! Because if I wasn't, my dad wouldn't have left! Because if I wasn't, my mom wouldn't hate me for--for not calling this stranger 'dad'!"
kirika: .....im gonna ask again. do you _want_ to die?
Erika: "Y-Yes..." *covers her face*
kirika: then go die.
yuma: miss kirika! D8<
kirika: what it's survival of the fittest! if she doesnt have any will to live, she's gonna die, simple as that.
Erika: *shaking...* *picks up the ramen--and throws it at Kirika*
kirika: *dodges* what, did i hit a nerve?
Erika: *holding her head, whimpering* "I'm scared..."
kirika: *glares and grabs her by the collar* if you want to die, then die! but if you're so scared of dying, then live with everything you've got!
Erika: *looks frightened*
kirika: you know, you're kinda lucky....my birth father was scum, he made my life a living hell, all because i was born. there's lots of people who dont even _have_ families! *her hands are shaking*
oriko: kirika.....
Erika: "I-I'm sorry..."
kirika: *lets her go*.........sorry, i just....got a bit upset there....guess i went out of line, huh?
Erika: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."
kirika:.....*awkward hug* jeez, if you want to cry, then go ahead, better to just let it out then keeping it bottled up....
Erika: *can't make a noise, as tears pour down*
kirika:.....*sighs and hugs her*
Erika: *holds onto her, sobbing*
kirika:....sorry for getting all pissy with you just now...you didnt deserve that after today....
Erika: "I keep screwing everything up..."
oriko: it's going to be alright. *pats her back*
Erika: *sobs*
sasa: here it is~ home sweet home~ *picking the lock*
tsukasa: ._.; um-
sasa: grandpa! i'm here!
-the only resident is a very elderly man, who seems to have cataracts-
tsukuyo: *covers her mouth*
Elderly Man: "!!! Wh-Who's there?!"
sasa: shhh, it's just me, grandpa. i'm just gonna get your medicine now, ok? *putting on gloves*
Elderly Man: "Help! Help!" *tries to swing a cane--*
tsukasa: *dodge*
sasa: *pulling a syringe from her bag* shhh, its ok, grandpa. i've got your medicine now, so just take a deep breath ok?
Elderly Man: "Get back! Get--"
sasa: *jabs the needle into his neck, injecting air into his bloodstream* theeere we go~ [[sasa is fucking horrible and horrifying]]
tsukuyo: !!!!!!!!!!!
tsukasa: !!!!!!
Demongo: OwO;
Elderly Man: *gasps, swinging his arm trying to hold his chest--before collapsing*
sasa: there! now that the former resident has been dealt with, we can move in proper~
sasa: a lot of things really, but that's neither here nor there.
Demongo: "What do we do with the body?"
sasa: see if there's a furnace around, meanwhile i'm gonna check for the old dude's papers.
Demongo: "...Oh..."
tsukasa: i wanna go home now....
Demongo: *sympathetic murmur*
sasa: booo you babies. =3=
sasa: and you two are high ranking members of the wings of magius _how_?
tsukuyo: and how are you even an associate?!
sasa: i'm just paying back a debt to them.
Demongo: "..." *stomach growl*
sasa: you know how the magical girl system works, right? in exchange for a wish, the selected person recieves a soul gem that amplifies the soul's wavelength, allowing them to tap into hidden powers within them. most 'official' contracts are with the DWMA and its branches, but not all magical girls are DWMA affiliated. some others find alternate sources, that have not fully mastered the technique. instead of amplifying the soul's wavelength, instead, these illegal contractors have their souls removed from them, effectively making them liches.
Demongo: "Uh huh..."
tsukuya: and a soul gem eventually wears out of magic after a while, so it must be cleaned with either grief cubes from general monsters such as kishin eggs, or grief seeds dropped from wraiths.
sasa: bingo! say, do you wonder where wraiths come from?
sasa: when an official magical girl's soul gem gets cloudy, they just lose their magical girl form until the soul gem is cleansed. however! when it happens to an illegal contractor....*smirk*
sasa: ....i'm actually an illegal contractor myself. but the magius offered me a choice; become a monster, or be saved; i think my choice was quite clear~ dont you think~
Demongo: ._.; "Hard to tell..."
sasa: _you're_ one to talk.
tsukuyo: i'd prefer you not insult him.
tsukasa: yeah, that's my job.
Demongo: -3- "I get no love..."
sasa: do you want to know how i was saved?
tsukuyo: the power of doppel, right?
sasa: ding ding ding! she got it again! two for two! the power of 'doppel' is basically a weaponization of a magical girl's wraith, or her 'other self' of sorts. with this power, we could easily become demigods!
Demongo: ._.;;; *steps back*
sasa:....welp, if you wish to go back to kamihama, go ahead, i've got unpacking to do.
tsukasa: *already fleeing*
Demongo: O_O;
Shura: *pouring a drink*
Shura: "???" *gets up, opens the door* "Oh, hey!"
stocking: hey, hope you dont mind me dropping in. ^^
Shura: "Not at all! Pull up a chair. Want a drink?"
stocking: i'm good. *sits down*
Shura: "Done for the day? Or did Lewin assign more chores?"
stocking: done for today, luckily, so now i can get started with tutoring!
Shura: "Nice. Where did you want to start?"
stocking: how about the basics to start off?
Shura: "Sure. Can I see your blade?"
stocking: ok. *transforms her socks into swords*
Shura: *takes one* "This is still a technique I don't quite understand...You never had any weaknesses to these? Like, do they break easily?"
stocking: i've actually never thought about it. for all i know, they've just been a part of me, in a way.
Shura: "Does that mean non-angels can't use them?"
stocking: *shrug* i've never tested it myself, so...
Shura: "..." *takes off her jacket* "Let's test it..."
stocking: ._.; um... ok then... *backs up*
Shura: *summons her sword* "Come at me."
stocking: um, ok then? *takes a stance*
Shura: "..." *lunges forward*
stocking: !!! *blocking*
Shura: *grabs another sword, swings*
stocking: !!!
stocking: urk- ow...
Shura: *still standing* "Well, they didn't shatter..."
stocking: *getting up* good to hear. hopefully i can say the same for my ribs, jeez...
Shura: ^^; "Sorry--I went a little forceful there. I'm not perfect with two swords, so I may have over-done it..."
stocking: *looks at the couch*
Couch: "..." *splits in two, collapsing*
Shura: D:
-thumps from below-
mrs momoi: keep it down up there! DX<
Shura: "??? Jeez, what's it to you..." *stamps her foot onto the floor*
mrs momoi: i'm going to call the landlord if you dont stop!
stocking: *sweatdrop* maybe next time we should take the sparring outside.
Shura: -_-# "Yeah...Could avoid another trip to consignment that way...Meh, needed a new couch anyway."
Tetsutetsu: "LOOK WHO I FOUND!" *holding Bakugo in a headlock* "COMMENCE MALL TRIP!"
itsuka: *blinks*
reiko: oh my.
kinoko: dude, that's rad.
Bakugo: Q_< "OW! F-Fine! Whatever!"
itsuka: ^^;
Bakugo: =_=; "Your classmates are weird, Itsuka."
itsuka: maybe, but they're good people. most of them are at least.
Bakugo: "??? Who do you--"
Monoma: *pops up out of a potted plant* "AH-HA! The rude hothead doesn't want to go on a date! He is a bad boyfr--"
itsuka: sorry, there was a fly.
Bakugo: "..." *holds her hand* >\\\\<
itsuka: ^^
Tetsutetsu: *already has giant sunglasses on* "SHOPKEEP! CAN THESE WITHSTAND A G-FORCE OF 28 OR HIGHER?!"
Magaki: "Sit."
Iggy: *sits* O_O_O_O_O_O_O
Magaki: *smiles, holds out a strawberry*
Iggy: *nom*
Belkia: *covered in bandages* ^^; "Good...Maybe it'll stop biting..."
Justin: *pulls up to a house*
Erika: "..."
oriko: is this your stop?
Erika: "..." *nods*
kirika:....hey, erika?
Erika: "Y-Yeah?"
kirika: do you.... 7-7; want to exchange phone numbers?
Erika: "!!! ..." >_>; "Y-Yeah, sure..."
-one number exchange later-
Erika: "..." *small smile* "Th-Thanks--"
*someone is approaching behind Kirika*
kirika: it's all goo-....
kirika: !!!!! YOU AGAIN?!
???: *pant pant* "I found--I found..." *inhales* "Jeez, I'm winded...Y'ALL WERE RUNNING EVERYWHERE SO I COULDN'T KEEP UP--WHAT THE F?!"
Erika: ._.;
???: *deep inhale...pose* "I'm...Magical Girl Komaki Asako! ..." *collapses*
kirika: ....... *siiiigh* jeez.... *looking through komaki's pockets for her phone*
Komaki: *sleeptalk* "I just need some orange slices...Low blood sugar..."
Justin: ._.;;; "I am so sorry for this."
Erika: "..." *small laugh*
kirika: let's see, ah, here we go... *dials 'mom'*
*phone clicks*
???: "Hey, Komaki."
kirika: hey, your kid is asleep on a park bench here. just thought you should know that.
???: "W-What?!"
-kirika explains the situation-
Mom: "Oh no! I'm on my way, baby!"
kirika: *hangs up* and now we wait.
Komaki: =w= "Zzz..."
kirika:....most benches i've slept on havent always been so comfortable.
Erika: "..." *looks down*
kirika: ....*pap pap*
Erika: *sniff* "I-I'm sorry, Kirika..."
kirika: hey, it's all good, no use crying over spilled milk, y'know?
Erika: "..." *nods*
kirika: *small smile*
Justin: ^^; "Eventful day..."
kirika: yeah, cant wait to get back to the hotel, i'm beat as shit.
Justin: "We'll continue the search tomorrow. For now, we can do some reading--"
Komaki: *yawns, opens her eyes, looks at Oriko*
oriko: *smiles at her* ^^
Komaki: "...Have we *yawn* met?"
oriko: i dont believe so. ^^;
Komaki: "...'Kay..." *yawns*
Justin: "..."
yuma: *looking around*
Erika: "...There's...a lot to see around town, if you're new..."
kirika: im curious to see how much has changed since last i've been here. is 'pan-fuwa' bakery still open?
Erika: *nods* "Y-Yes. Still tasty." ^^;
kirika: *sigh of relief* oh that's good to hear.
yuma: why dont you tell her about death city?
Erika: ^^;;; "...'Death'?"
kirika: oh yeah, the home of the DWMA? i've got quite a few stories, some im not sure you'd believe me if i told you.
Erika: "Wow...Th-That's surprising. Isn't it scary? I mean, it's the Grim Reaper..."
kirika: nah, dad's pretty chill actually.
Erika: ^^;;;; "...What?"
kirika:.....*sighs* i got a lot of explaining to do, huh?
yuma: *sweatdrop*
Asher: *knocks the last ball in the batting cage* "..." *pulls the tickets off*
izumi: ^^
Asher: "Okay--what'll be this time?"
izumi: hmm.
Asher: "..." *looks at an action figure*
izumi: do you want that one?
Asher: "...I mean, maybe..."
izumi: then you should go for it. ^^
Asher: "...'Kay." *points* "That one, please." *hands over the tickets*
Bon: "..." *smacks his forehead*
konekomaru: are you alright?
Bon: "I acted like an idiot--I got on my hands and knees--WHO DOES THAT?!"
konekomaru:....... >->
Bon: "See?! You don't even have an answer for that...Stupid, stupid--" *smacks his forehead*
konekomaru: hey, it's alright. ^^;
Shima: "Right--it's not the dumbest thing you've done. Like, look at your hair--"
Bon: *headlock*
Fitzgerald: *peeling an apple*
mary: *snoozing*
Fitzgerald: *slices it, sets it out*
Toby: *sniff sniff*
Mifune: "..."
angela: *practicing in a mirror* ok....green! *her hair goes green* yes! now....purple! *purple hair* woohoo!
Mifune: *smiles* "Excellent magic."
angela: ^^
Mifune: "That should prove useful..." *looks at her eyes* "Did those change?"
angela: oh? oh yeah, i guess they did. ^^
Mifune: "Neat...I guess you got more to practice now."
Burns: *exits the Holy See* "..." *pinches the bridge of his nose* "How annoying..."
dia: how did it go?
Burns: "It was annoying...These neophyte priests causing trouble is bad enough--but the Church is now more suspicious of Benimaru."
dia: hmmm...
Burns: *looks back at the entrance* "..." *turns* "Let's get back to the First. I want to take care of something."
dia: *following*
Vulcan: *sets down the wrench* "This one's ready, too..." *gestures to a motorcycle*
karin: nice!
Vulcan: "Not sure how useful it is when responding to fires, though...Still thinking up the gadgets."
karin: mind if i take it for a test run?
Vulcan: *tosses her the keys* "Have at it."
karin: thanks. *putting on a helmet and goggles*
Vulcan: *waves*
Asako: *stares at the phone, and a photo of her family* "..."
goldie: *resting on a pet bed next to her*
Asako: *turns away from the phone, strokes Goldie's back*
Benimaru: *sets down another book on a stack, picks up another one*
kirei: *asleep next to him*
Benimaru: "..." *puts the book away, lies down...holds her*
kirei: mmm....
Benimaru: *smiles lightly*
-but outside, someone is watching in the shadows-
Mantis: "..." *licks his hand*
???: "So I said 'If he tossed a soda can at you, I hope it was a 'soft drink'!" Get it?!"
Mantis: *slinks back more into the shadows as ??? approaches*
???: that was so lame =_=
Mantis: -_-; *groans*
??? 1: "?! Who's there?!"
Mantis: O_O;
???: *goes to look*
Mantis: *jumps behind trash cans* O_O ("CRAP CRAP CRAP--")
fang-hua: ....
Tsukiyo: "..." *kicks down a can*
fang-hua: !!
Mantis: *stuck in the can* O_O;
Tsukiyo: "..." *smirks, cracks her knuckles* "Hey, cutie~"
fang-hua: !!!
Mantis: O_O; "I-I wasn't doing--"
Tsukiyo: "Oh, I know what you're doing--you're peeping on Beni-hottie!"
Mantis: ._.; "...What?"
fang-hua: *facepalms*
Mantis: "...I must be goin--"
Tsukiyo: *mallet BONK*
Mantis: x_x
fang-hua: *cuffs him*
Tsukiyo: ^w^ "Patrol success! ..." *peeks into the window of Benimaru and Kirei's room--*
Benimaru: *at the window, death glare*
Tsukiyo: OwO
Benimaru: *two-finger eye poke*
Tsukiyo: "AAAAAAAH!" X~X
Poe: *places a bookmark, lies down*
karl: *plops up onto the couch beside him*
Poe: ^^ *pet pet*
Kid: T_T *lying in bed*
stocking: i'm home!
Kid: *waves, not getting up, staring at the ceiling* "Hello, my symmetrical goddess..." *groans*
stocking: you ok? *sits next to him*
Kid: "Today was very unsymmetrical..." *points at a ripped shirt*
stocking: aww *pats his head* want me to fix it up for you?
Kid: *nod nod, whimper*
stocking: *getting the sewing kit and begins making adjustments, including mirrored stitches on the other side*
Kid: TwT "Thank you..."
stocking: any time. ^^
Kid: "How was your symmetrical day?"
stocking: it was busy. ^^;
Kid: *nods* *finally sits up* "!!! You're bruised..."
-she explains what all happened-
Kid: ._.; "...Why would Shura do sparing inside an apartment?"
stocking: i guess it was spur of the moment, but she did agree to take it outside from here on out.
Kid: "I'm glad you're training." *smiles*
stocking: *nods* yeah.
Kid: "I'm sure you'll be busy--but it will be worth it."
kirika: *staring at the ceiling* .......
Justin: *exits the bathroom* "...Miss Kirika?"
kirika: hnn?
Justin: "You seem troubled. Is it your friend?"
kirika: just thinking i guess.....about everything....
Justin: *sits* "You have a lot to consider..."
kirika: yeah....but i feel kind of better....like a weight's been lifted, y'know?
Justin: *nods* "Sometimes rebuilding friendships does that."
kirika: i guess....heh...it doesnt even feel real....being back here after so long....
Justin: "A lot is coming back to you..."
kirika: yeah, and hopefully stuff comes back for oriko too......but im kind of scared.....
Justin: "???"
kirika: if she remembers what happend then....how will she react?
Justin: *nods* "But you'll be by her side when she remembers..."
kirika:...*nods* right.
Justin: "She does seem uneasy...but I think she's dedicated to finding the truth."
kirika:.....i guess....
Justin: "...Where is she?"
kirika: she's asleep already.
Justin: *nods* "I guess we all need sleep now."
kirika: i guess.....
Justin: "Well, I'm turning in. Tomorrow, we'll continue to explore the city."
kirika: yeah.... night.
Daisy: *asleep--her head on Eckleberg's lap*
eckleburg: ._.;;;
Daisy: "Mmmm~" *yawns..." *swings her hand, knocking over an empty beer bottle*
eckleburg: *sweats* (MOTHER HELP WHAT DO I DO?!)
Daisy: *clutches his waist* *sleep-talk* "Don't go...Not again..."
eckleburg: ??
Daisy: *hugs, whimpering* "You...never come back..."
eckleburg: .......
Daisy: *shakes awake* "Bl-Blaine!" *leaps up--and stares at Eckleburg* "..."
eckleburg: are you alright?
Daisy: "..." *frowns* "Fine." *lets go of him...then holds her head*
eckleburg: maybe you should lay down...?
Daisy: *sniff, rubbing her eyes*
eckleburg: daisy?
Daisy: "What?!"
eckleburg: !! ....
Daisy: "..." *covers her face*
eckleburg:.....*awkward hug*
Daisy: "..." *buries her face in his shoulder* "Goddamn it..."
eckleburg: .....do you want to talk about it?
Daisy: "...It doesn't matter."
eckleburg: why do you say that?
Daisy: "...He's dead anyway."
eckleburg: !!!!! daisy....
Daisy: *rubs her eyes* "...I grew up with him. He joined the Army. He went on a mission. He died. Th-The end..."
eckleburg:...*pats her back*
Daisy: "..." *holds onto him*
eckleburg: *hugs her*
Daisy: *sniffs* "Y-Yeah...H-He wasn't like you. Not so nerdy..." >\\\\>;
eckleburg: ^^; what was he like?
Daisy: "...Grungy. Romantic. Wrote really bad songs."
eckleburg: ah...
Daisy: "...Heh...He wrote this awful song--sounded like razors on guitar strings..."
eckleburg ^^;
Daisy: "..." *holds onto him* "Sorry. Didn't mean to insult you as a 'nerd.' ...I mean, you are, just didn't mean it as an insult."
eckleburg: it's fine, im used to it.
Daisy: "...Can I just...stay like this for a bit." *sniff*
eckleburg: of course...
Daisy: "..." *nuzzle*
eckleburg: ..... ./////.;;;
Daisy: -\\\\-; "Don't read too much into this, Teej..."
eckleburg: *voice squeaking* wouldnt dream of it. *sweats*
Daisy: "..." *small smile, closes her eyes* "..." *snore*
Tsukiyo: *lying in bed--her eyes bandaged* *holds up her hands* "I can't see a thing! I'm blind!!!" >_<
Mantis: *tied to a chair* -_-;
fang-hua: your eyes are fine, tsukiyo. ^-^;
Tsukiyo: "Fang-Hua, is that you?! Let me check--" *reaches, grabbing something* "...Yep! That's you!" ^w^
fang-hua: ow! that's my braid! >A<;;
Tsukiyo: >3< "This sucks--I can't even cop a feel correctly!"
Benimaru: "Quiet, before I tape your mouth."
Tsukiyo: >x<
Mantis: -_-; "If you're done--you do realize I could just slice these off if I wanted to at any time--but my benefactor told me not to fight y'all."
fang-hua: *rubbing her head where the braid was pulled* benefactor?
Mantis: "Someone who doesn't have much love for the Sun Church, either."
fang-hua:.....*looks at benimaru*
Benimaru: "We are not interested in starting a fight...We just want to worship here in peace."
Mantis: *smirks* "How nice. I'm sure those jackass priests feel the same. Oh, wait--they think you're a bunch of animalistic hairy-ticks."
fang-hua: .....
Benimaru: "...I'm sorry--you think they called us 'ticks'? Not 'heretics'?"
Mantis: "??? What, would bald ticks be better?"
Tsukiyo: "Let me mallet him!" *reaches out her hands, grabbing a broom--and starts smacking it against Benimaru's head*
Benimaru: "..." *continues talking while smacked* "What does your benefactor propose?"
Mantis: "To work with you! Don't you want to show those Church-goers what you're made of? You're the God of Destruction, right?!"
Benimaru: "Does your benefactor know where you are?"
Mantis: "Yep!"
Benimaru: "Good. He can talk to me when he comes pick you up." *moves to exit*
Mantis: D : <
fang-hua: c-commander—
Benimaru: *continues outside*
fang-hua: *following him* sir! are you sure this is a good idea?
Tsukiyo: "You showed him, Commander!" *grabs a 'hand'--really, Mantis's* "...Why are you clammy?"
Mantis: -_-# "Just kill me now."
Benimaru: "What would you propose, Kohana?"
fang-hua: maybe talk to the 8th? or even the 5th?
Benimaru: "No--I am not bringing them in on this. The Church decided to pick this fight--and frankly, the Eighth is too chummy with them for me to think they'll be reasonable on this. I heard they brought in more nuns."
fang-hua: .......
Benimaru: "...Post guards on him. I have to get back home..."
fang-hua: understood....
Benimaru: *nods, turns, walks away*
Komaki: =_= *grumbles*
koito: komaki! it's time to get up!
Komaki: *grumbles* "Yeah, I'm up already..."
koito: you've got school soon. also, dad told me to ask how you want your eggs, sunny side up, scrambled, or omelette?
Komaki: *sticks her tongue out* "Sunny side makes me want to vomit..."
koito: so scrambled or omelette?
Komaki: "Grr...Scrambled." *buries her head back under the pillow*
koito: *calling down the stairs* she said she wanted scrambled!
Mr. Asako: *calling up* "On it!"
Komaki: *groans* "It's open..."
-downstairs, the front door opens-
Akira: ^^; "H-Hello..."
mrs asako: hey akira. ^^
Akira: "Hello, ma'am. Is Komaki up?"
mrs asako: almost.
*thumps are heard coming down the stairs--as Komaki falls, still wrapped in her blanket*
koito: ._.;
Komaki: "...Yo, Akira."
Akira: ._.; "...Hello?"
-later, after breakfast and komaki changing into her uniform-
miyuki: *waiting by the school gates* ...
Akira: "Hurry, Komaki!"
Komaki: -_-;
miyuki: *waving to them*
Akira: "Good morning, Miyuki!"
miyuki: ^^ i heard there was going to be a new student in our class.
Komaki: *yawns* "Huh...Where they from?"
miyuki: im not sure yet. ^^;
Akira: "We'll only know by getting to class on time." *smiles*
Komaki: -_-;
miyuki: *chuckle* so how was your patrol last night?
Komaki: "Tch...Got into a tussle with some punk. I showed her who was boss, though." *proud face*
miyuki: *sigh* honestly.
Akira: "I suppose talking things out wasn't an option?"
Komaki: "We talked--WITH FISTS!" *playful jabs*
miyuki: *sweatdrop*
Komaki: "Of course, I went easy on her--didn't want to embarrass her in front of her friends..." *sniff*
miyuki: komaki?
Komaki: *rubs her nose* "Just caught a cold, probably..." *sets down her bag and sits at her desk*
teacher: morning everyone. ^^
Akira: "Good morning!"
teacher: now, we have a new student who will be joining us today, so try and make her feel welcome, alright?
Komaki: "..."
-a girl walks in-
???: hello, my name is Sasa Yuuki. i hope we can all get along~! ^^
Komaki: "..."
Zeke: *flipping through his textbook* "Last-minute prep..."
Asher: -_-;
izumi: *writing notes*
Sid: "Your test will be one part written and one part out-in-the-field practice."
hibiki: *nods*
Kanin: *gulps*
Sid: "The written portion is the end of next week. Your out-in-the-field testing will be over that weekend. You'll be assigned to a DWMA graduate or an EAT student to supervise your behavior on patrol, in practice combat, and in public outreach."
Duncan: *feet on the desk, leaning back* "Easy..."
genny: ._.;
Yafeu: "..." *knocks Duncan's feet away--causing him to THUMP onto the floor*
Sid: "Be sure to study hard." *passes out packets* "These study guides outline only a fraction of what may be on the test. And keep up on your sleep and eating so you're prepared for weekend work."
Saria: *flips through* "Not a lot covered given all we've done so far--so, must be surprises on this test..."
lukas: it's likely.
Sid: "Well, that'll be it for today. We'll start some practice exercises before your test tomorrow. Dismissed."
-in the hall-
Asher: "What a pain...We have to memorize all of this?" *holds up half the textbook*
lukas: that would be the concept of 'studying'.
Asher: -_-# "Droll."
Zeke: "Soooooooo...Who do you think will be our mentors?"
axel: maybe we'll get kilik lunge!
Zeke: "Oh, righteous!" *imitating punches*
Saria: "Hmm...I don't know many whip weapons. Maybe one of the ALT students has one..."
izumi: *nods, sad smile*
Asher: "..." *looks down*
Duncan: "I hope it isn't some failure of a student..." *has a lump on the back of his head*
lei-lei: why are you always such a prick, huh?
Kazue: *sign* <Easy to have potential--when you have nothing yet to show for yourself.>
axel: ooooooh.
Duncan: "Philistines!" *walks--and trips down the stairs*
Kanin: ._.;
"Zach": *bringing in a bag of supplies*
hachi: *nomming an apple* you know, my grandpa's a hollywood director.
"Zach": "Huh...Is that the truth?"
hachi: never met him. *nom nom*
"Zach": "What'd he direct?"
hachi: *shrug*
"Zach": "...Huh." -_-; "Where's the others?"
DWMA Bodyguard: "Okay--this all checks out." *returns paperwork* "I'm releasing her for the day." *opens the overnight room door*
Meme: ^^
fani: ......
Meme: "Hello, Fani! Ready to take a walk?"
Meme: ^^; "Want something to eat first? We could try the commissary..."
fani:...i guess....
Meme: "Great!" *leads the way up the stairs* "Do you like nut muffins?"
fani:....*small nod*
mio: ^^
Meme: *opens the door to the upstairs* "It'll be a few steps to the left..."
fani: ...
*the hallway is crowded, students milling about*
fani: ._.;;;
*no one seems to notice them as they walk*
fani: ._.;;;;
mio: it's cool, i'm not the biggest fan of crowds either.
Meme: "Here--this way." *leads them through an opening in the hall to the commissary...light shines through the windows, and the smell of various foods passes through*
fani: woah....
Meme: *grabs 3 trays, hands them out* "Pick whatever you'd like."
fani: ._.;;; there's so much. no way i can afford all this!
Meme: "Just pick what you can eat! Lord Death is covering this meal..."
fani: ......
Meme: *picks out mac and cheese*
0 notes