#i type an @ and it just autocompletes shinesurge every time
unpretty · 2 years
astielle ask dump time, with spoilers through chapter 37. i did that thing where i waited too long and then felt awkward about posting when there wasn't a new chapter so there are some asks from way back in february in this (man, it's been a while). i tried to tag people but tumblr literally wouldn't let me, sorry y'all
anonymous asked:
just read thru all of astielle in one sitting while trying to guess plot points from vaguely remembered details in posts i didnt really read, dont know if that enhanced the experience necessarily, but there was a lot of 'oh is THIS the monster porn everyone was sending asks about?'
@stoppit-keepout asked:
I've slowly (ish) read Astielle over the last week or so and 1) amazing work, you're a fucking champ in every sense of those words, thank you so much for writing and sharing, and 2) is Leonas ever gonna get to be tits out? where by "get to be" I of course mean "unfortunately unable to escape being". my heart just goes out to Karzarul, u know… which leads me to 3) you are so so good at playing with characters' knowledge states and points of view for maximum emotional impact with minimal words, it's amazing 🤩
there is definitely going to be a leonas tits out moment and that is a threat
@makadragontamer asked:
Me, rereading astielle and getting to the flashbacks: nettles! 😃
Me, two chapters later: nettles! 😟
A+ good work, tapped right into my "sucker for a tragic prequel" side
@sparrow-ink asked:
doing a reread and not sure if anyone has asked this already, but in Astielle ch 32, is "She knew from experience that sometimes one interesting thing would hide in a sea of same ones. One room with a different mural, one book with a missing page, one trash can with a piece of paper where someone had written down the secret phrase to get into the secret club on the other side of town." possibly a reference to the early 2000s gba & gamecube game The Urbz: Sims in the City? I spent so fucking long trying to find the stupid goddamn password for club xizzle, that sentence threw me back in time 17 years with both force and precision. it's also possible I might just be projecting past trauma onto a benign sentence, but had to ask lmao.
my original answer to this was so long and full of salt but honestly it is just based on. a lot of old nintendo games. so many old nintendo games. there's a moment in charles barkely shut up and jam gaiden, which i cannot find a screenshot of, where charles is begging you to please stop looking in every trash can. there is nothing in the trash cans. why are you doing this. but also i looked in every trash can.
@asimovsideburns asked:
you: I have created a king of all monsters
me: you’ve ruined a perfectly good moonbeam is what you’ve done. look at him, he’s got self-esteem issues that he both takes out on and has passed on to all his not-clones.
@rose-and-bones asked:
"[. . .] a gag reflex was not something it had ever occurred to Karzarul that he should have."
Also monster backstory aaaaaaaaaa!
@biot08 asked:
The first part of chapter thirty-six: oh wow this is hot, hot, hot Last part of chapter thirty-six: oh wow this is sad, sad, sad I am crying for these poor lost boys and their lost lives and their lost loves
@lupdracolis asked:
" “Are you jealous?” Karzarul asked as Violet climbed into bed with him, and so he must have felt it. “Hush,” Violet said instead of answering " Kitty. Kitty why.
@pvnkassbvtch asked:
Karzarul asking Violet to call him "beautiful" after choosing the Aekhite word for "beautiful" as his name…… idk what it means but it made me feel things!!!! he just wants to be pretty! T^T
@bramblepatch asked:
Kitty EVERY TIME you let someone new have the spotlight at all I instantly have a new favorite. Sid is SO GOOD I love that there is SOMEONE on team monster who is capable of meaningful self-reflection.
anonymous asked:
i don't know why it was so unexpected for the monsters to be, you know, fully realized people, but i am surprised and intrigued. lol at Violet's "i'm not that new," has he existed for more than a month yet? and after his near-meltdown with the moon cult monsters, i cannot begin to imagine what Karzarul would do if he learned that Sid has been married twice. would he just. dissolve into a puddle? this whole thing has really driven home the extent to which that man is an open wound.
anonymous asked:
The amount of feelings I now have about the Violet/Sid ship is completely untenable. There is so much complicated lore and backstory that is completely inseparable from their early relationship dynamic and they're not even the main ship im dying omg this is so much worse than pennywaynes
violet also shipped it, until very recently
anonymous asked:
My new otp is Sid/Love & Happiness. Sid also has the most "just a guy" energy of all the monsters and I approve. He would change the oil on the car. He might be the only monster to have changed a diaper.
This replaces my old OTP of Violet/Kavid, who I was mostly shipping because of imagining the trio's reactions. I still ship them, but in a low-key rare pair way.
I look forward to Violet meeting the moon cultists & opening negotiations. Violet reminds me a lot of a precocious high schooler, especially in that convo with Sid. Super competent, emotionally astute about adults in a "I know how to manipulate them" way, but still a moron who does not understand himself as well as he thinks he does.
I am still confused by where the penises are on the savagewings, but since I am mostly reading your monster porn for the bits about tax law, I hope you will forgive me.
Very curious what the form would be if one was made for Leonas. All I can think is "semen is juice" so that Leonas doesn't get cranky.
"I am mostly reading your monster porn for the bits about tax law" is an excellent testimonial
anonymous asked:
Just sent an ask & said Sid was probably the only monster to change a diaper & thinking of this more & I love how literally all of the monsters would be the worst at babies, like good job making a story that is hard for breeders to kink. The taurils would drop the baby. The brutelings would make weird baby devices to change the diapers for them & it would be bad for the baby. The savagewings would make other people do it for them. Sid would just be like shrug and do it and move on with his life.
anonymous asked:
so does karzarul
anonymous asked:
Karzadillo ❤❤❤❤❤
@kingfisherblues asked:
Ch. 37 stuff: He turned into an armadillo?? Is this what he has done?? He felt too much and had to be a stone about it??
Also, I'm loving the weird dream snippets. Has this been Minnow's whole deal this entire time? If so, that explains nothing, but opens up an entirely new avenue of questions. Oh boy ....
in my head i was imagining sort of a pangolin fennec fox sort of a thing but then my partner pointed out that when you cross a pangolin with a fennec fox you just get a regular armadillo (or maybe a fairy armadillo? but they don't have the ears)
anonymous asked:
Oh my god, an armadillo-fennec fox hybrid, I need a plushie NOW (to go with a rootboar plushie I also need). "'I know,' Minnow said. 'It’s that, or you have to be the emotionally stable one for a while.''We should wait,' Leonas said." Leonas I love you so much.
@halfdeadfriedrice asked:
CHAPTER 37!! SHRIEKS!! a new-- pangolin with giant ears??? minnow has zero emotional support boyfriends and we love this for her. everyone take turns holding the emotional support ball. OH MY GOD NEW MONSTERS a;lskdfj. and the DREAMS. I love the fairytale bargain "as far as you can keep your eyes closed / I already offered to kill him." what a return!!!!
emotional support rock added to the rock collection
anonymous asked:
the ending of the new chapter!!! i love how you can deliver an emotional gut punch with one of the funniest, wry, dry jokes. but what a thing for her to have figured out and what a shock to karzarul, considering he's trying to pretend to be something else with them.
@onceuponymous asked:
I didn't realize there was a new Astielle chapter! I just thought you were reblogging your shiny new promo post for its own sake.
Wonder what Karzarul's Repression Armadillo form will end up named. The "in-game" version would probably be like Pebblits or underground Octoroks, a monster disguised as part of the environment
i actually made the new promo post a month ago and then kept it in my drafts until i had a new chapter because i didn't want to get anyone's hopes up
@knightwithakay asked:
obsessed with the implication that karzarul hasn't made new intelligent monsters or beasts in centuries and has now made TWO, the thing that happens when he experiences new emotional stimuli or wants to find new things within himself--!
@and-then-he-melted asked:
I am returning to using your askbox like AO3 comments sorry but thinking about Elias all alone without anyone he knows to ask for answers trying to work out what the fuck was going on is fucking me up I've been assuming Elias was complicit in Leland's plans somehow but that's feeling less and less right
Chapter good
that's the intended function of my askbox tbqh
@therealbeachfox asked:
You are killing me with Astielle. Chapter 37 is… Mythic? What's a good term for Fairy Tale that doesn't feel as twee? The perspective of Karzarul from the outside, from people who don't know him as King of All Monsters, let alone the sassy bundle of issues he is. The unspoken lives of regret and remembrance from those humans who crossed his path, the seeds of fairy-tales and Monster Myths that probably still exist to the present day. And Elias. Wandering the world. Finding dreams where the Big Pretty Monster Man steals him away. A lifetime spent realizing just how big a mistake he made slaying him, turning against the Sun Church that raised and trained him. And Ari's reaction to it all. Both Elias hunting for dreams of him and the fact that all those passing humans remembered him so vividly and strong that their dreams still exist in the world (and the whole Dream Lore is fascinating stuff. I can see those Sheikah Slate Memories mechanics at play). Poor Ari getting punched in the heart/gut so strong he has to turn into a rock for awhile to deal, and gives birth to a second new monster in as many months. (Is there a mechanic where Player Decisions affect what new Monsters Karzarul populates the world with throughout the game? Are there elaborate detailed forum threads arguing which ones are the best mechanically and which ones are the best storywise and which ones have the best abs? Do people mod in New Game +++ so you can get every new Monster variation at once? In my dreams, they do.)
when someone suggested that elias had a map of places where he had gay thoughts it was very difficult not to say "yes, exactly"
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