#i typed the majority of it in word and it was almost 1600 words
imunotes · 1 year
japan wooho
Japan art: covers a wide range of art forms (or almost everything china can offer) Painting: considered the most ancient and highly refined artform among japanese visual art forms. the influence of chinese painting are mostly evident in buddist religious paintings, landscape paintings that uses inkwash and other paintings featuring animals or flowers as their subject Painters: (i cant memorize) Sesshu Toyo (雪舟 等楊): japanese master of ink and wash painting (inkwash?) Hasegawa Tohaku (長谷川 等伯): founded the hasegawa school of japanese paintings Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾 北斎): great master of ukiyo-e (woodblock painting) and is known for the famous artwork the great waves of kanagawa Ukiyo-e: style of japanese woodblock painting which originated from the edo period during the 17th century Great waves of Kanagawa: model for japanese woodblock paintings and the landmark symbol of japan Sculpture: jp sculptures started using clay, their religions (buddism and shintoism) played a major influence on sculptures now usually made of wood and metal Ikebana: traditional japanese flower arrangement which comes from the jp words ikeru (to give life) and hana (flowers) which is basically "to give life to flowers". it focuses life and harmony through simple designs and aside from fresh flowers, they also use other materials like metal, plastic, or wood Kabuki: (ITS NOT A MASK) its a classical form of japanese dance drama, it was invented by a shrine maiden, izumo okuni, arond 1600. Kabuki make up: also known as kesho is an interpretation of the actor's role through facial features Two types of face painting: -standard: applied to most actors -kumadori: applied to villains and heroes which uses dramatic lines and shapes using colors to represent certain qualities -color pattern: Red = Loyalty, integrity, and courage Dark Red = Passion or Anger Dark Blue = Depression Or Sadness Pink = Youth Light Green = Calm Black = Fear Purple = Nobility Origami: from the words ori (folding) and kami (paper), started in the 17th century CE and was popularized internationally in the mid 1900s. flowers, animals, geometric shapes, and dolls were common models used in origami. origami butterflies were used in shinto weddings (instead of doves). the best known origami is a paper crane knot: also known as hanamusubi, it emphasize on braids and focuses on individual knots Manga: mangoes /j ok but they are comics or graphic novel originating from japan. the term manga in japan refers to both comics and cartooning. architecture: highly influenced by the belief that deities and spirits in habit the physical world and the manifestations of these things can be found on rock formations, old trees, waterfalls, rivers, statues, and their architecture and be found near nature. earliest japan architecture were simple pithouses dug to the ground secured with wooden logs and covered by a roof, major improvements in infrastructure emerged due to buddhism (wow). large scale temples were built and emphasize on more pleasing designs
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trashangel-dee · 7 years
Since there’s some minor ship wars going on and just general discussion and disagreement, and I just feel like sharing my thoughts on the Charlie/Dee relationship, since it’s one of my favorites, and I think one of the most interesting.
Do I think they’re actually in love? No. But I do think they’ll settle for each other. Their relationship feels like one of those things in movies where two friends decide “if we’re both still single [at a certain point], let’s just get together” They both realize they can’t escape the gang, both because they’re all so codependent, but also because no one else will have them. Even meeting someone and bringing them in is unlikely and would throw off the balance.
Charlie may finally accept that it’s never going to happen with The Waitress- he’s already admitted it some in “The Gang Group Dates”, then kind of in “Frank Falls Out the Window”. He decides that he’s getting tired of constantly being rejected and all the work he puts into doing stuff for her/attempts at courting.  Maybe she even gets better at avoiding him, and becomes harder to track down; which could come from experience but also, she apparently doesn’t have a home anymore and might have a new, or even no, job for Charlie to stalk at and hang around. I think after so much rejection, Dee finally admits that some rich, successful, attractive guy isn’t going to whisk her away from Philly and the bar to what she thinks is a better, more classy, life. And that she’s stuck with the gang forever, and the way things are now are the way they’ll stay.
I don’t see them having any really sweet, romantic love story with flowers and presents, and mushy stuff, but they both seem to have a similar, slightly warped, sense of what a relationship is and what they both want. In “Charlie and Dee Find Love” we learn the things Charlie does for The Waitress to keep her safe and healthy. He puts vitamins in her shampoo, chases people away from her bike, and even somehow tests her food for poison. Though I feel like her standards have fallen some over the years, Dee probably still has somewhat high expectations for a lifestyle and wanting to be somewhat pampered by someone. And while both of these beliefs are fairly unhealthy, they work together in a way; one wants to essentially obsess over someone, while the other wants to be obsessed over.
It appears they both want a relationship, or at least the idea. In “The Gang Saves the Day” Charlie imagines moving The Waitress in with him, getting married, and even raising rats, and eventually kids, together. He really sees them living a storybook life. Dee, apparently, also has some desire for an exclusive relationship with someone. In “The Gang Group Dates” she goes out once with a guy, on what probably wasn’t even a “real date” and assumes they’re exclusively dating: calling him her boyfriend, buying him a promise ring, and even deleting her dating profile. Then, in “PTSDee” she hooks up with Mike once, and thinks they’re dating and have a “really amazing connection” and “meaningful sex” Yeah, she used to sleep with guys to get something out of it, or to make herself feel better/prove some sort of self worth; but now it seems like she’s actually looking for someone to be with on a more personal level. She even tries on wedding dresses every Saturday for over a year, and says “I should be the one getting married”
In “The Gang Misses the Boat” they both admit that Mac and Dennis, and maybe Frank?, make them do things they don’t really want to do. Not that they’re any better or nicer than the others but maybe don’t dislike each other as much as they pretend to, essentially out of self preservation. I may be reaching here, but there’s the obvious attack the other before they get it, but there’s probably also a knowing that defending the other one when being teased will result in criticism. I read an article that called them both “the kicked dogs of the group” and it really is a good description as to how the gang treats each of them, and also how they treat and relate to each other.
Together, just as 2, they support each other. Dee explains to Charlie that he doesn’t have to eat beak at all when he admits, and even seems a little concerned, that he doesn’t want to but is made to, and is even genuinely happen happy for Charlie when he successfully orders the sandwich after he seemed stressed about it. She even says “I’m very proud of you” then later, when Charlie suggests they go right out to an open mic night, Dee admits to being scared and he authentically tells her, that she’ll “do great”*
So, I feel like my “shipping” of these 2 is wanting them to essentially have what Mac and Dennis already do. A mutual understanding and support of each other and having that one person they connect with automatically in the group, mostly by having a need the only the other person can fulfill, mostly through a symbiotic relationship. Frank has Artemis, the bridge people, and hookers, and seems to be okay with disappearing from the other 4 for a while. Mac and Dennis have their monthly dinners and movie nights, and I want Charlie and Dee to have the same thing. Maybe they rent a crappy movie and order take-out, or Charlie writes songs and she hangs around listening and giving ideas. (“Well, you know I like making music.” “Yeah, and I like listening to it.”)
I support that they’ll eventually just fall into a pattern of spending time with just each other, doing things they both enjoy that the others will criticize (def poetry and characters for example). And they’ll eventually just give up on chasing other people, because they’ve both found a connection with each other, and actually feel emotionally content. No one in the gang really is capable of having a normal relationship, and honestly, I feel like just giving up on that and settling for each other is the best they’ll ever get. (and maybe even deserve) I’ve seen a few people on here say that they have a good friendship, but platonic and romantic attraction is getting mixed up. In a way, I agree, and think that’s what works. No one in the gang actually knows what a healthy relationship is. Like Dennis’ marriage to Maureen failed partly because marriage wasn’t what he envisioned, and didn’t want to change his lifestyle and give up on friends and doing what he wanted. They both have some sort of romantic drive, and might not find it as great as they expect, but still find something from inside the gang.
It’s also interesting how they were kind of thrown together. I imagine that Charlie and Mac were friends in high school and always were together (obviously). Dee probably hung out with Dennis because they both didn’t really have any friends, and still had that codependency they hadn’t shaken since childhood. Mac and Dennis started to get closer and Charlie and Dee kind of got stuck together because they still wanted to be around Mac and Dennis, respectively, then when those two started getting really close, the other two hung out by default.
tl;dr- I don’t see Dee and Charlie having some sort of real romantic, love driven relationship that’s expected of shows, but they do seem to have a special rapport and a mutual understanding with each other, and need for acceptance they get exclusively from each other.
* I feel like the way she says it is important. It sounds so sincere and vulnerable. Dee has had to put up such a strong front for years, and she’s 100% putting out a weakness in both words and tone. She’s putting real faith that Charlie isn’t going to take an opportunity to insult or put her down.
I know there’s talk and disagreements about sexuality and that kind of thing, and I’m 100% not trying to start discourse, and as much as I love Charlie being on the asexual spectrum, he seems to initiate anything between them that happens along those lines. There is some sort of attraction there. I don’t really want to tie this in with the first part, but want to at least acknowledge it.
There’s something about “Underage Drinking” that feels like there’s something there; when Charlie and Dennis are talking and drinking, Dee comes out of the backroom and he actually calls her over and says “come here, let me take a look at you.” He then seems a little surprised by her outfit, as if he was initially expecting/anticipating something nice and starts out trying to compliment her, rather than having intentions to make a joke. In “The Gang Gets Held Hostage”, he’s the one to kiss her. (then pretty much leaves her to die, but still does something first). Then in “Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo” when Charlie is getting worked up over the drawings, and Dee snaps him out of it, he asks her what she’s doing, because she looks pretty… before getting cut off. It might have been pretty good, or just more of an okay/good enough thing. In “Charlie Rules the World” after learning what consummate means he seems to think, and maybe even be slightly hopeful, that she means for real; he asks “so, we should have sex, then” instead of something like “we have to have sex then” and when she tells him in the game he responds with “either way” Finally, in “The Gang Misses the Boat” Charlie is the first one to make any sort of move/acknowledgement. He’s the first one to say “I feel like I’m feeling something” then after the silence, he’s the one to acknowledge there’s still something there (the subtitles say “chuckles”) and seems to move in first.
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imagine-the-fanfics · 3 years
Memorized Words
Characters: College AU! Aragorn x Fem!reader
Tags: @entishramblings
Warnings: smut
A/n: this might become a series. I’m unsure, but we’ll see. Might be a series of stand alones in the same setting. I’m not sure because I have wisps of ideas, but I don’t know that I have enough to make a full-blown series. Ya know?
You first met him a month ago.
You were a new freshman, fresh off a gap year with a full ride scholarship in your pocket. Adjusting to the large campus from your small town was daunting. You hadn’t exactly been popular in high school, but you were friends with almost everyone. No one had really loved you, but no one had really hated you, either. Still, making friends was difficult.
Trying to make friends with classmates went about as well as you’d hoped. None of the “friends” you’d made were interested in anything other than sharing notes and homework answers. When you saw the signs for something called “Org Smorg”, described as a smorgasbord of student organizations attempting to recruit new members. What was a better idea than joining clubs to make friends?
You were overwhelmed with the number of organizations there, but so many interested you. One was part of the people in charge of planning campus events, including the concerts. This semester some famous singer you’d heard about but never listened to was coming, as well as your favorite spoken word poet, Blythe Baird. You decided not to get involved with that one since you worried it would take up too much time. A production team club was planning to film a short film, so you gave them your information for when they had the details figured out. Alternate theatre and some other clubs ended up in your schedule.  
It was a knight in armor that caught your eye. He was short, spoke with what you thought was a Scottish accent, talking about if the lemonade really was historically accurate since they hadn’t used the exact ingredients needed. Another man, tall and blonde assured him it didn’t really matter, and that it was close enough. He was wearing some sort of elaborately embroidered tunic and trousers, boots nearly to his knees. The third man, a scruffy man shook his head and smiled to himself.
The video that was being played caught your attention. You recognized the blonde man as he posed in what appeared to be holding a fencing helmet in one hand and a sword in the other. He was smiling next to a much older gentleman with a grand outfit, similar to what you saw kings wear in those period movies you liked to watch. You watched as the screen shifted to a fight of a short man, you assumed the man in armor since it looked like the same outfit, fighting with another person. It shifted to a video of something called The Pennsic War, according to the subtitle, with a date from last year added after. Two groups of people met on what you assumed was a battlefield. The screen shifted again—
“Greetings, fair lady,” the dark-haired man said with a slight bow and smile. “Interesting stuff, isn’t it?”
“Hey,” you greeted in return, giving an awkward wave in response. “It’s… Something. What am I looking at?”
The man explained every photograph, the blond man joining as well as the short man, his helmet removed and his red hair and beard exposed.
“That’s me,” the man said proudly, beaming at the screen. “That was a good fight.”
The trio spent the next two hours explaining the group they were representing. The Society of Creative Anachronism, or SCA for short, was essentially a medieval LARPing group.
“It’s like taking the best parts of everything that occurred during the 1600s and before to modern times, while leaving the bad parts – like the plague and misogyny – behind,” the man named Aragorn said with pride. “You said you liked period movies and Dungeons and Dragons, right? I think this group would be a good fit for you.” He gave you a flyer with different dates and meetings listed. “Legolas is going to be teaching fencing—”
“I can’t teach heavy fighting on campus,” Gimli complained. “You’ll have to come to an off-campus meeting to learn that.”
“Only if you’re comfortable; there’s no obligation to do anything,” Aragorn assured, his smile was charming and inviting, and you agreed to go to some meetings on campus to see if it was something you were interested in. “That’s great! Our next meeting is a potluck, but you don’t need to bring anything—Well, maybe a hungry stomach,” he joked. You laughed and he grinned.
The potluck was full of medieval food – sausages, bread, drinks, meat, soups – and some modern food, like Oreos and some crackers and cheese. The next meeting, Legolas started teaching you fencing, and Aragorn told stories, played a lute, and sang old songs. A complete surprise to you, Gimli worked on some illumination, fancy decoration on some scrolls that were for the baron of the area. He didn’t seem the type, but he enjoyed it.
You learned so much about them all during those meetings. Aragorn was a psychology major, minoring in plant biology. He was considering switching them as a major/minor combo, but he wasn’t sure. Legolas was a computer studies major, with linguistics as a secondary major. His minors included various languages. Gimli was an international student from Wales, majoring in history and minoring in art. He complained about people thinking he was Scottish frequently. These people were so surprising and endearing, and they quickly became your closest friends despite the age difference you brought to the table.
They learned about how you left your small town out of desperation to get away from your small town and your overbearing parents. Things had been hard, but you were granted a full ride scholarship that had been saved for the couple of years you had to take off of school. You were able to focus on your studies, which you were thankful for, but that you were still worried for your grades. Aragorn offered to study with you, since your schedules met up so perfectly and you agreed.
The four of you sat around a fire pit in Legolas’ parents’ backyard. Apparently, they were loaded. You couldn’t remember exactly what they did, something about being a politician or ambassador or something. He lived on campus during the week, but went home on the weekends, even though he only lived about 10 minutes from campus.
The house, if you could call it that, was massive. The backyard had a pool house, a full sized pool inside. It was the size of a two story house for a family, and you’d been told it had three bedrooms. There was a tennis and basketball court a short walk away from the fire pit. If there was any doubt about how loaded this family was, it was gone now.
Aragorn was playing his guitar, singing softly as Gimli drank beer. He tried to talk you into drinking, and you respectfully declined. Eventually, Legolas told Gimli to knock it off and Gimli stopped pestering you, though he grumbled.
“Do you play?” Aragorn asked.
“Like sports? Not really. I enjoy tennis and volleyball casually, though,” you replied.
He chuckled and shook his head. “I meant instruments.”
“Oh, not really. My brother tried to teach me guitar, but I never learned. I’ve been trying to learn how to play kalimba, but I’m not good at it.”
“What’s a kalimba?” Gimli asked.
“It’s a thumb piano that sounds like a music box.”
“That sounds lovely,” Legolas said with a smile.
“Maybe next time you can play it for us,” Aragorn suggested. “Do you sing?”
“I’m not good at it,” you admitted, looking at the fire.
“I disagree,” Legolas chimed in. “I heard you before I arrived at the last meeting.”
“I’ll judge it for myself,” Aragorn said, continuing to strum random notes on his guitar. “What do you want to sing? I know a lot of songs, old and new.”
You sighed, resigned to your fate. “Jenny of Oldstone?”
“From Game of Thrones?” Aragorn asked, starting to play it softly. You nodded. “I think I remember how to play it.”
“That sounds right,” Legolas said. Gimli leaned back in his chair.
Gimli frowned as he realized he was out of beer. He opened the cooler and cursed when he saw it was empty, and stood up. “I’ll be right back,” he announced, “don’t start without me.” He made his way back into the house with the cooler.
“How much can that man drink?” You asked, amazed.
“A lot,” Legolas and Aragorn said in unison. Aragorn chuckled and shook his head.
“I guess you have time to warm up, if you want.” Aragorn was still smiling as he looked at you.
“I’m not sure how,” you admitted shyly, looking into the fire.
“I’ll teach you.” and Aragorn did just that. The two
you sang tongue twisters and scales.
By the time Gimli was back, you and Aragorn had finished.
“Didn’t start without me, did ya?” Gimli asked.
“Nope!” You smiled at him. “Aragorn helped me warm up. Gimli hummed in approval and you looked to Aragorn. “Should we start?” You asked.
He nodded and started to play. He stumbled on a note, surprised by the quality of your voice. He quickly recovered, focusing on his attention on the movement of his fingers against the neck of the guitar. You were embarrassed, but you still sang without issue.
Gimli clapped as you finished. “Sing something else!”
“Leave her be,” Aragorn sighed before turning to you. “You sing beautifully. Why don’t you think so?”
“Just been told that a few times too many to think otherwise,” you said with a shrug, looking into the fire.
“Bastards,” Gimli stated simply. “Liars and bastards.”
You smiled, not saying anything.
“If she won’t sing then you should,” Gimli said to Aragorn.
“Alright, let me think.” Aragorn looked up at the stars, to you, and then into the fire. “Got it,” he said before tuning the guitar. “I just started learning this one, though.”
“Oh?” Legolas looked to you as if figuring out a puzzle.
“I memorized all the words for you, but if you only knew how much that’s just not like me.” You shivered, you’d heard Aragorn sing before, but this was different. “I wait up late every night just to hear your voice, but you don’t know that’s nothing like me.”
It reminded you of those nights when you would call him, unable to sleep. He’d tell you a story until you were about to crash. You’d say goodnight, wondering what he had stayed up until 1 am, but dismissed it as him working on his schoolwork.
Legolas watched you, sipping a beer he’d just gotten from Gimli. You felt like you were being judged, and mildly ganged up on. You had a feeling what was happening, but you were terrified of being wrong.
”I want to make sure everything is perfect for you. If you only knew that's not like me to follow through. Maybe even give up all these dead end dreams just to be with you, but you don't know that's nothing like me.” His voice was rough but tender, gentle yet soft. There was some kind of yearning, some kind of heartache, in his voice as he sang.
You wanted him to be singing about you, though you weren’t entirely sure why. It was strange. You’d had crushes in the past, but this felt different. You’d thought it was close friendship, but now you were realizing that wasn’t the case.
“Just when I thought all was lost,” Aragorn’s eyes were glued to you as he sang, “you came and made it all okay.”
You damn near swooned and he returned his gaze to the neck of his guitar. Legolas watched you carefully, sipping his beer. Gimli, oblivious, watched Aragorn, finishing his beer.
The song ended and Legolas looked to Aragorn and then to Gimli before back to Aragorn.
“Mind watching the fire? It looks like it’s about done, and I’m tired. Gimli and I are tired—“
“I’m not tired,” Gimli interrupted.
“Regardless, we’re going inside. I’ll let you have some of my expensive whiskey.”
“The $300 stuff?” Gimli’s eyes were sparkling.
“Sure, but let’s get inside quickly.”
“I’ll help clean up,” you said, standing.
“No, that’s alright. It can wait until morning.” Legolas stood up, and Gimli followed him into the mansion.
The only sounds were the crickets, cackling of the fire, and Aragorn’s guitar. Fifteen minutes of this and the fire was dying. You didn’t realize you were shivering until Aragorn spoke up.
“Are you okay? You’re shivering.”
“I guess I’m a bit cold,” you admitted.
“Come here then,” he suggested, patted next to him on the bench.
His guitar was placed on the stone floor and he shrugged off his leather jacket, draping it around you when you took the spot next to him. He put an arm around you, pulling you closer.
Aragorn smelled of leather and patchouli, trees and dirt and grass, and it was comforting. You scooted as close to him as you could, his warmth so nice.
Silence loomed, but it was as comfortable as it was terrifying. There was so much you wanted to say, but couldn’t muster the courage until the fire was out.
“We should go inside,” Aragorn muttered, petting your head as you leaned against his chest.
“Can I ask you a question first?” You looked up at him but realized you didn’t have a good view, so you leaned away from him.
“Sure, ask away.” Aragorn looked nervous and relaxed at the same time, though you had never seen that combination before.
“That song…” You couldn’t finish it.
“I like you, Y/n. I like you a lot, actually.” He looked into the fire, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “That first night you called because you couldn’t sleep, I was asleep and woke up to you calling me—“
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you muttered, pulling his jacket around you tighter.
“No, it’s alright,” he assured. “I started staying awake later in case you called again. A few days of that and that song came on the radio and I realized that I had feelings for you, so I started to learn it.” He grabbed the poker and adjusted the embers, helping them go out. “And then I realized I’ve never learned a song for anyone except my ex, and now you.”
You didn’t know what to say, and he took your silence as an invitation to continue.
“I saw you at Org Smorg and wanted to you win you over and bring you into the SCA so I could keep seeing you. I was so excited when you showed up at the first meeting. When you said you were worried about your grades, I saw an opportunity and offered to form a study group. I’ve never studied with someone else before, but it was a chance to see you more.”
More silence.
“I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have told you this—“
You cut him off with a gentle kiss to his lips.
“Don’t apologize. I’ve got a dumb schoolgirl crush on you, too. Have for a while, just didn’t realize it until tonight.”
Aragorn just stared at you in shock, so you kissed him again, one hand snaking around his neck, the other still holding his jacket over your shoulders. He kissed you back, and it deepened, getting more needy and intense. There was an urgency in it that caught you off guard, and you were surprised when you realized you had initiated that step.
One hand wrapped around your back, the other played with the bottom hem of your tank top before rubbing down your body and resting on your exposed thigh. You shivered at the gentle touch.
“Still cold?” Aragorn murmured against your lips.
“Yeah. Mind if we go inside?” You asked.
“Sure.” You could tell Aragorn was disappointed, but the fact he wasn’t going to pressure you into anything tonight made your heart palpitate.
He stood up, offering a hand to help you up. You graciously accepted it, making your way into the mansion. Neither of you had let go of the others hand, so you held hands until you got to the door. He opened the door for you, and then followed you inside.
You kissed him again, one hand on his neck and the other on his chest. His jacket fell to the floor, but he didn’t seem to care. One hand held the back of your head, the other resting on your waist.
“Can you walk me to my room?” You asked, breathless from the kiss. “I don’t remember where it is.”
Aragorn blinked for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, sure. This place is huge and it’s easy to get lost.” His brow furrowed, and he looked confused.
Every so often, your lips would meet his. Both of you were guilty of initiating; both of you were guilty of wanting more. You had no idea where he was leading you. Simply put, the feeling of his lips against yours, the warmth of his body, his hands on your waist, the smell of him coaxing you into a feeling you hadn’t felt in so long, made it impossible to make a map of this place in your mind. The longing for more was unrelenting, making your heart race in your chest.
At some point, you found yourself against a wall, his knee between your legs and his lips to your neck. He used one hand to brace against the wall while the other ran from your waist to your hip to your thigh, sliding under your skirt  as it traveled up your thigh again. Your breath hitched when his fingers grazed the little bit of fabric that rested on your hip.
“Is this alright?” He asked, lust dripping from his words. You looked into his eyes, seeing just how much he was holding back -- the opposite of what you wanted him to do in this moment.
“Yes.” It came out as a gasp. You hadn’t realized you were panting until his lips were on your neck again. As if it had a mind of its own, your head tilted to the side, exposing your neck to him.
His lips found their way to yours once more, the hand that had been caressing your body slowly running up your side, cupping your breast before continuing up your body until it finally came to rest on your neck. Your hips rocked against him, one hand on his lower back trying to pull him closer and the other hand on his shoulder, moving to the back of his neck.
“We should--” He was panting, trying to catch his breath and focus. “We should get you to your room.”
“Join me?” You asked, breathless still.
“I shouldn’t,” Aragorn took your hands in his and took a step back, bringing your hands to his lips. “You need to rest.”
“Please change your mind before we get there.” You looked at him, wanting nothing more than to drop to your knees and satisfy him that way if you could not have him the way you wanted him.
He smiled softly, tucking some of your hair behind your ear.
“I mean it, Aragorn,” you assured, pressing your hips to his again. “I want you, and I know you want me, too.” You moved your hands from his grip and rested them on his chest, pressing your lips to his neck.
Instinctively, he braced against the wall again, his leg between your thighs. Your hips had a mind of their own, and started to rock on his thigh, looking for any ounce of friction that could bring satisfaction.
“Are you a virgin?” He asked.
“What?” You couldn’t seem to focus.
“I don’t want this to be your first time. I want it to be special for you.”
“I’ve known a man before,” you sighed, biting your lip and closing your eyes. “Now I want to know you, too,” you breathed on to his neck, trying not to moan at the feeling of his thigh under you.
“Let’s get you to your room,” Aragorn was breathless, and the sound of it only made you want him more, need him more, “and decide from there.”
His lips crashed against yours once more, for the briefest moment, before he nuzzled into your neck. He took your hand, pulling you from the wall before dropping it. Quickly, he walked you to your room. As if it was ritual now, the two of you would end up against a wall, bodies pressed together, lips trying to devour each other.
By the time you made it to your room, there was no more restraint. The door slammed shut as you were pushed against it. You giggled at the sound, and Aragorn grinned, pressing a finger to his lips, eyes locked on yours.
“Shhh…” His forehead pressed against yours as he chuckled. He lifted you up, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around him. You were still giggling as he lowered you onto the bed, hovering over you. “How do you feel about oral?”
“I don’t know. I’ve only given it once.” It felt odd to admit it. No, you weren’t a virgin, but your experience with sex was limited. Your partner had been so vanilla the sex was almost boring, and you were already having more fun with Aragorn than you did with them.
“Only given it once?” Aragorn’s eyes sparkled with mischief, even though his eyes were darker with his lustful need. “Well then.”
The next thing you knew he was pushing your skirt up, bringing your hips to the edge of the bed, maneuvering your knees over his shoulders.
“Tell me if you want me to stop at any time, okay?” He wrapped his arms around the outside of your legs, his hands resting on your thighs.
Your breath hitched as he started to eat you out, stopping after a moment to push your panties to the side with one hand, the other still holding your leg in position. You felt him in places you didn’t know you could feel him in, and it felt divine.
You started to moan and you felt him chuckle against you. He lifted his head away, smiling at you for a moment before returning to what he was doing. You closed your eyes, one hand grabbing the comforter and the other covering your mouth. You’d never made sounds like these before, but you were too in the moment to think about it.
After what felt like not enough time, Aragorn sat back, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, grining.
“You like that, don’t you?” He was grinning like a mad man, but all you could do was nod and whine. “You want me to keep going?” he asked. You nodded again, moving your body in an attempt to coax him back to you. “Alright, alright.”
He was between your legs again, holding your panties to the side with one hand while his other slipped a finger inside you. You covered your mouth with both hands, your back arching at the new sensation. He chuckled against you, continuing to work, slowly adding fingers, until he could feel you approaching your orgasm. He picked up the pace, eager to make you cum hard, and cum hard you did. No matter how hard you’d tried to stay quiet, the moan you let loose was surely heard around the mansion.
His eyes closed, his fingers slowed, letting you ride out the waves they’d caused. His tongue continued for the same reason. He listened to your moans and pants like they were his new favorite song. Once it was all over, he carefully set your legs down from his shoulders and wiped his mouth off again.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly, kissing your knee.
“I--” It took a few moments for you to be able to think enough to speak. “Yes,” you said once you were finally able.
“I take it you enjoyed it, then?”
You looked at him, with his big, dumb, goofy grin that you’d seen so many times and looked back at the ceiling. “I did, but I--” You sighed, running your hands over your face to rub it. “I don’t want to stop there.”
“Why do we have to stop?” Aragorn asked, frowning.
“We don’t have condoms, and I’m not going to be able to blow you half as well as you ate me.”
“Well, you don’t have to do that on me, ever, unless you want to. Regardless of how ‘good’ you think you are, it doesn’t matter. All I care about is you being satisfied. If you’re not into something, you’re not into something.” You watched him as he talked. “As for condoms… There are some in the bedside table drawer.” You blinked, about to get upset when he continued. “They’re in all the rooms. Legolas host parties here sometimes while his parents are away. Things sometimes get.. Well. You know how it is at parties.”
You shook your head. You’d never been to the kind of party he was talking about.
“You don’t?” Aragorn seemed surprised. “I’ll have to take you to the next one, if you want to go, I mean. Like I said, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“No,” you said with a smile. “I’d like to do that. You know what else I’d like?”
“Hmm?” Aragorn hummed, kissing your thigh.
“For you to fuck me until I’m screaming your name.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Aragorn made quick work of getting you undressed, spending more time on pleasuring you than your last partner had. It made you feel cherished and adored and it made you embarrassed you weren’t doing the same for him. Aragorn was a giver, though, focused more on his partner’s pleasure than his own.
He trailed kisses up your belly, lifting your shirt as he went. By the time he reached your chest he was carefully pulling your shirt off. He kissed your chest, massaging your breasts before removing your bra and kissing those, too.
His mouth moved to your nipple and he suckled, kneading your other in his hand. His tongue flicked your nipple, and his other hand went from your breast down between your legs, sliding inside you once again. His pace was gentle, deliberate, until he curled his fingers and he moved faster. Increasing his pace until you were moaning. He moved to your other breast, curious if he could make you reach your orgasm with his mouth and hands once more.
Your hips started to move on their own, trying to quicken his pace, feel him deeper inside you. He obliged to the best of his abilities, only slowing down once he heard you moan and felt you pulsate around his fingers.
Aragorn pulled away from your breasts, watching you ride the waves of the pleasure he’d brought you. Once you were finished, he started to kiss your neck. Careful not to touch you with the fingers that had been inside you and were slick with your wetness. He got off the bed and you watched him, too spent to move at this point.
He grabbed a tissue from the table and wiped his fingers off, dropping the tissue onto the table for now, and grabbing a condom from the drawer and returning to the bed, kissing your neck as he undid his pants, pausing only to fully remove his clothing until he was as naked and exposed as you were.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Aragorn asked, returning to caress your face as he looked into your eyes.
“I do,” you murmured.
He kissed your neck more, pausing only to put the condom on and climb over you. Once again, he peppered kisses to your neck, slowly trailing and climbing up to your lips. The two of you kissed, comfortable and relaxed, but passionate still.
“Are you ready?” He growled against your lips, sending a shiver up your spine.
You nodded.
Aragorn positioned himself at your entrance, eyes locked on yours as he made his way inside. You gasped, an airy moan escaping you. A shiver crawled up his spine this time, and he gave you time to adjust.
You rested one hand on his back, the other on his shoulder. You dug your nails into his skin as he started to rock his hips, burying his face in the crook of your shoulder and neck — biting and suckling on the skin available.
The thrusts started slow, quickly picking up pace as you continued to adjust. He pulled away from your neck to look into your eyes. He was bracing himself with his hands on either side of you, but he shifted his weight to one so he could caress and hold your face, smiling at you as he continued to fuck you. You put a hand over his, struggling to stay quiet.
“You don’t have to stay quiet,” Aragorn assured softly. “I don’t care who hears, I want you to moan for me. I want you to—” He had to pause to groan himself. “You feel so good, Y/n.” Once he was refocused he continued what he was saying, “I want you to call my name. Let the whole world know who’s giving you pleasure tonight.”
Your hips were desperately trying to meet his, trying to force him deeper. He paused to pull out, grabbing your hips and dragging you to the edge of the bed again. He put your legs over his shoulders, aligned himself, and went back to work. You had tears in your eyes. It felt so good that you were already feeling a familiar coil in your belly.
“Aragorn,” you moaned, eyes closed. “You feel so good.”
“So do you,” he was panting, watching you as your face was smothered in pleasure. You couldn’t see it, but he was grinning, proud of himself for making you into this. “So perfect.”
“Aragorn, don’t stop,” you pleaded, hands gripping the sheets. “Go faster,” you whined, your hips bucking.
Aragorn obliged, he reached down, playing with your clit as he pounded into you. After a moment he’s topped and pulled out, and you looked at him in frustration.
“Get on your hands and knees,” he commanded, eyes dark.
You did as you were told, and he entered you again. His hands took your hips, and slammed yourself against him. He thrust and pulled you to him, groaning.
You were all but screaming his name as he pounded into you, hitting deeper than you thought he could. After what felt like not long enough, the coil in your belly snapped and your vision tunneled. You moaned his name, collapsing and your head rested on the bedding, riding the waves of pleasure that were hitting you.
You pulsating around him was enough to push him over the edge and he groaned your name, thrusting a couple more times before he bent over you, taking a moment to catch his breath. He pulled out, gently adjusting you so you weren’t on your knees anymore.
Aragorn was panting, watching you as you stared back at him, completely spent from your orgasms. He grinned, running a hand from his forehead and through his hair, pushing it back. After a moment he rolled onto his side, gently caressing your body. Your face, your side, your arms, your back — his caresses reached everywhere sighing reach.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asked gently, his caresses back to your face.
“Only the good kind of hurt,” you admitted with a soft smile.
“I guess I shouldn’t apologize, should I?”
“No, you shouldn’t.” You closed your eyes, sighing. “I’m so tired.”
“I know, but you should at least use the restroom. I’ll get your pajamas from your bag for you, alright?” He patted your butt and sat up, chuckling as your eyes followed him but your body didn’t move. “Come on, I know you’re tired, but I don’t want you to get an infection.”
You sighed, realizing he was right, and you rolled onto your back. He leaned over, kissing your stomach. It was comforting and tender, and you realized you never wanted to be with anyone else, sexually or romantically. You wanted to be with Aragorn, and you wanted to stay with him.
He helped you up, making sure you eased yourself into standing and walking. He helped you to the bathroom before returning to the room. Some time later, he returned, holding your clothing in his hands. You felt like you needed a shower, and debated on taking a shower. Ultimately, you decided you wouldn’t, so you took your clothes from him and dressed in the bathroom. Stepping out and gently kissing him before making your way to the bedroom.
You were a bit bowlegged, but you had no complaints about that. It was so delightfully worth it, and a reminder of the pure bliss Aragorn had given you moments before. You collapsed on your bed, not moving.
You knew instinctively that the hands that were rubbing your back belonged to Aragorn, and you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling.
“You’re exhausted,” Aragorn observed quietly, moving some of your hair out of your face. “Let’s get you tucked into bed.” His voice was so soft and tender it made you want to cry.
He was being so gentle, and this was something you’d never experienced before. He pulled back the sheets as best he could before picking you up and gently putting you down so your head rested on the pillow. He kissed your forehead before pulling the rest of the sheets and blankets down and then pulling them over you.
He kissed your forehead again, muttered a “good night,” and started to move from the bed when you grabbed his arm. Aragorn looked back at you, surprised.
“Stay with me?” You asked softly, moments from sleep. “Please? Sleep next to me.”
Aragorn looked into your eyes, unsure what to do. After a moment he smiled gently.
“Sure, I’ll stay with you tonight.”
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Shklance Series 6 -- Try
Sorry, guys, this one is super long. I’m working on my dialogue, really trying to get my own personal style down. I think this is closer to what I want, but I write differently when it’s not fanfiction, and I’m still bouncing between fanfics and my own personal projects, so it’s taking some adjusting. Anyway, there’s going to be another chapter after this one, but I was already at 1600 words, which is huge for me, so I had to break it up. Anyway, part 6 to the Shklance series. Hope you enjoy. 
              So they thought that they had it in the bag. Maybe that’s where they had really gone wrong, Shiro mused thoughtfully. It was hard to pinpoint the exact moment things had started to maybe fall apart, however. It had been maybe a month since he, Keith, and Lance had begun dating.
 For the first week or so, things went wonderfully. They spent hours with each other, learning more about each other and figuring out how they work together. Their dates were full of laughter, and fun, and – Shiro’s and Keith’s personal favorite – kisses. But then, Keith had gone out of town all week for a music performance and Shiro had found himself drowning in homework. Lance knew they were both stressed, and so he took it upon himself to try and cheer them up.
His first attack strategy was to call Keith daily to talk to him and find out how things were going in Florida for his performance. He thought Keith maybe sounded off the first couple of times he called, but he didn’t think anything of it until the third day he called.
“Hey, baby!” Lance wanted to sound anything but happy, but he forced himself to take on a chipper tone. He was lonely, he was tired, and he was disappointed with how his day had gone. He really wished he could just curl up on the couch with Keith and Shiro and binge watch mindless TV shows. “How’s Florida? How’re rehearsals and all the performances going? Are you having fun?”
“Lance,” Lance could hear the sigh on the other side of the phone, “I’m really not in the mood, so could you just leave me alone tonight?”
“You’re not up to talking? Um. Okay that’s, that’s fine. I uh, I just had something I needed to tell you really fast.” Lance tried desperately to work his way through his hurt and embarrassment. He knew Keith would be upset if Lance didn’t tell him about being jumped by Sendak’s crew, but he also knew that he was stupid to think that Keith would really want to hear from him. He’d already bothered him twice while he was gone, damn it! Of course, he would be sick of him…
“Look, Lance, I’m really, really not in the mood. Let’s just talk later, okay?”
Lance bit his lip, “But I—”
“Lance! I’m serious, okay! It’s been a long day, I’m exhausted, I haven’t slept in two days, we have practice first thing in the morning, I still have homework to keep up with while I’m out here in this stupid state in the stupid heat and I’m not. In. The. Mood!” The phone beeped, signaling the end of the call.
              Keith had hung up on him.
              Despite himself, Lance felt tears well up. He hadn’t meant to piss his boyfriend off. He just… Damn he hurt. So much. He curled up on himself, as best he could with bruised ribs and cuts across his shoulders and chest. Moving hurt. Knowing he had upset Keith further hurt. Knowing Keith was hurt, hurt. Knowing there was absolutely nothing he could do to help, besides never bother him again, hurt. But then he remembered Shiro. If Keith didn’t want to know about Lance’s injuries, then fine. Whatever. He still needed to tell Shiro.
              But first. Lance needed to peel himself off the floor.
                Lance groaned, limping painfully down the corridor to where Shiro’s and Keith’s apartment was. They all stayed in the same dorms, but Keith and Shiro were lucky enough to be roommates, while Lance was down in the hall. His roommate had dropped out of class earlier in the term, so at least he had his own room, but Lance didn’t do so well with isolation. Made it easier to slip into depressive episodes.
              He stared at their door, trying to drudge up enough courage to knock. Keith’s words were still ringing in his head, but Lance forced himself to knock, pushing the door open when he was met with silence.
              The room was a disaster zone. Lance would have thought that with Keith being out of town, Shiro would’ve had the apartment a lot neater than it usually was, but instead textbooks and papers were sprawled all over their dining table. There were energy drink cans throughout, along with several pencils and highlighters. Shiro was chewing on one, fingers typing quickly at his laptop, slowing only long enough to gulp down mouthfuls of Red Bull.
              “Uh, Shiro?” Lance ventured.
              Shiro startled, swearing when his drink sloshed and threatened to fall onto the papers he was referring to. Lance winced, barely refraining from taking a step back automatically. He felt his side twinge painfully.
              “Lance. What?”
              “Um. I just. Wanted to see how you are doing? Haven’t. Uh, haven’t seen you in a while…” Lance trailed off when Shiro gave him a deadpan look, pointedly looking at the mess all around him. “Well, I mean, I just uh, okay, well I needed to talk to you, and I don’t know if you’ve talked to Keith at all today, but, well, anyway, I needed to tell you that I—”
              Shiro sighed. “Look, Lance, I already talked to Keith. He’s fine, doing great, having fun. Now if you don’t mind, I’m a little busy here. Three of my professors thought it was okay to assign major papers the same week, and the other two are preparing us for tests next week. I really need to get back to this, okay?” And then without even giving Lance another look – which was a shame because if he had he would’ve noticed the way Lance had gone pale – Shiro turned back to his laptop, fingers returning their frantic typing.
              “Oh.” And damn it but Lance hated how small his voice sounded. “Yeah. That’s. That’s fine. Got it. I’ll. I’ll leave you alone now. Sorry,” Lance found himself whispering the last word as he slowly backed out of the apartment.
              He barely managed to make it back to his room, legs trembling with the effort – he really should’ve taken a closer look at the bruises on his thighs – and slid down the wall, hunching over his knees, shielding his head, hiding his tears. His stomach and chest protested, his legs didn’t want to support the position either, but he was so done. He was an idiot for thinking that their relationship would last forever. Sure, it had been nice while it lasted, but it had to fall apart eventually, right?            
              Whatever. He was used to taking care of himself. He could do it again.
              Still, after he finished clumsily dressing and bandaging his own injuries, Lance downed a pint of ice cream and then hid under his covers, where he remained all the next day.
                Now, it was the last day before Keith came back to them. Shiro was overjoyed to find that this last week was almost over. It had been a hellish week, but he knew that once Keith was back with them, things would be perfect again. He couldn’t wait to snuggle under a mountain of blankets for a movie marathon with both of his favorite boys. But of course, things couldn’t be quite that simple.
              Shiro had had to go by himself to pick up Keith. Both he and Lance had been there to drop him off, but when he had texted Lance to ask if he wanted to come, too, the kid hadn’t responded at all. Which was unusual, but Shiro knew that Lance usually had class around that time, so he hadn’t thought too much of it. It wasn’t until Keith all but hurled himself through the crowd, desperately seeking out Lance and himself, that Shiro realized there might be more to it.
              “Shiro, where is he? Where’s Lance?!”
              “Calm down, Keith,” Shiro grasped Keith’s shoulders, trying to calm him down, “he’s fine. He just has class.”
              “Shiro, no, you don’t get it! Shit, have you talked to him at all?” Shiro paused, withdrawing momentarily before responding.
              “…no. But I’m sure he’s fine. We’ll go check on him now, all right?”
              “Shiro!” Hell, was Keith about to start crying? “I messed up, I ruined it, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it! And you had your essays and everything and you were super stressed so I couldn’t bother you and Lance wasn’t answering his phone anymore and, and. I just. I’m sorry.”
              Now seriously alarmed, Shiro tugged Keith into his arms. Keith went willingly, tucking his face into Shiro’s neck to hide the fact that he was openly sobbing at this point. Shiro rubbed his hands up and down Keith’s back, his sides, gently cradled the back of his head, whispering soft words the whole while. “C’mon, let’s get out of here. We can talk about it on our way back home.”
              It turned out not only had Keith snapped at Lance, when Lance apparently had something he needed to tell him, but that ten minutes after, when Keith had realized exactly what he had done and attempted to call him back in a panic, Lance hadn’t picked up. Nor had he responded to any of the texts Keith had sent, or the next 6 phone calls.
              Instead, Keith had gotten a text from Lotor, a kid in a few of their classes who was rumored to be the actual leader of Sendak’s group, though no one had managed to prove that yet. All the text read was ‘Would have thought Little Boy Blue would’ve been harder to break with you and The Champion protecting him. I’m almost disappointed to see I was wrong.’ And okay, yeah, now Shiro was worried. What had happened to their Lance?
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mamusiq · 6 years
6 Famous Renaissance Music Pieces and Composers By Dr Justin Wildridge - Jul 20, 2018 Even though the Renaissance period covered over two hundred years of cultural history many of what would be considered to be famous pieces from that time are from a reasonably narrow time period.
The High Renaissance (1520-1560) and the Late Renaissance (1060-1600) are the dates where most of these works originate. In this article, I will take a brief look at some of the compositions from the Renaissance that have endured in our musical memories and if not familiar to you will serve as a good introduction to the Period of Music in question.
Famous Renaissance Music Pieces and Composers
1. Josquin des Prez (1450 – 1520) The composer who is often heralded as the master of the High Renaissance is Josquin des Prez. He was a remarkable craftsman who was incredibly productive bringing the Renaissance style into an altogether more sensitive and communicative manner. Josquin was Italian by birth and began life as a singer at the Cathedral Santa Maria Maggiore in Milan. This is likely to have had a profound influence on his compositions. Josquin’s works fall broadly into three areas; the Masses, the Motets and the Chansons (including instrumental works). A wonderful place to begin is Josquin’s “Missa L’Homme armé super voces musicales”. This work follows the established formal pattern of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus/Benedictus, Agnus Dei), but it is what Josquin does with it that is remarkable. His structural approach is intricate and very carefully measured out. It pays homage to the earlier works of Dufay but is wholly unique in its use of luxurious arching melodies and subtle application of intricate motivic devices that provide a characteristic otherworldly sensation to his works. Like many of Josquin’s works, the textures are richly polyphonic with a full exploitation of vocal combinations during the Mass.
2. Giovanni Palestrina (1525 – 1594) As the Renaissance moves in the Late Renaissance more familiar composers and famous compositions emerge. Giovanni Palestrina is one of the most celebrated names from this period of music. He represents to many, the Italian composer whose mastery of counterpoint and melody was almost second to none. Palestrina’s output was impressive and as you might expect comprised Masses, Motets, Madrigals and Hymns. One of Palestrina’s most enjoyed compositions is the “Missa Aeterna Christi munera”, originally composed for four voices. It is a pure and delicate work that shows Palestrina at the height of his musical powers. An equally distinguished work of from this Italian master is the “Stabat Mater” for eight unaccompanied voices. This is a motet is beautifully transparent in spite of its textural complexities that neatly captures the essence of the Renaissance.
3. Gregorio Allegri (1582 – 1652) It would be a mistake in this article not to include the  “Miserere” by the Italian composer Allegri. He was by all accounts a devoted and pure man whose compositions were dominated by vocal works, this perhaps being the most renowned. It is a setting for nine voices of the 51st Psalm (Miserere mei, Deus, secundum magnum misercordiuam tuam). The story that has encircled this composition is that Mozart had heard the work performed on a visit to the Sistine Chapel in Rome and was so impressed by the beauty of the work notated it afterwards with only one hearing. True or not what we have is a choral composition that represents one of the most stunning settings of this text and one of the most exquisite works from the Renaissance.
4. Thomas Tallis (1505 – 1575) Tallis was an English composer, and one of the most important figures in Renaissance music. There is little reliable information about his early years but it is likely Tallis like many of his contemporaries, began life as a chorister. We also know he was an organist as one of his first appointments was at Dover College in Kent. Later he found royal favour and secured a post at the Royal Chapel composing for monarchs including Henry VIII, Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth; the later who granted him a twenty-one-year monopoly on polyphonic music. “Spem In Alium” is probably the best-known of Tallis’s substantial output. It is an impressive work composed for eight choirs, each with five voices. This creates a choral piece of magnificent textural complexity and stands as an extemporary Renaissance Motet.
5. William Byrd (1543 – 1623) There is much evidence to support the reputation that this English composer has attracted. It could be argued perhaps that as a student of Thomas Tallis, Byrd’s future always looked promising, and similar to Tallis, Byrd became a gentleman of the Chapel Royal and great favour with Elizabeth 1st. Byrd wrote for all the common forms of Renaissance music from Masses to Motets and made a significant contribution to the development of instrumental musical forms including the Fantasia. It is his sacred choral works that have stood the test of time and remain key compositions in of the Late Renaissance. These Masses collectively demonstrate Byrd’s innovation and inspiration approach to this type of music.
6. Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643) Monteverdi is one of the greatest composers of the Late Renaissance. His collection of compositions includes numerous sacred and secular works and he is rightly credited with developing the Italian operatic style that gave rise to so many breath-taking operas in later periods. Monteverdi was a formidable composer of the madrigal, of which there are nine books. His ability to capture the essence of each text through his magnificent word-painting and his fine use of polyphonic textures remains almost unsurpassed. Here are two links to madrigals from the eighth and fifth books that serve as a good starting point into Monteverdi’s work. “The Vespers” are perhaps Monteverdi’s most well-known work. They were written in 1610 and stand as a sublime amalgamation of both the new Renaissance practices and the old. The Vespers is a gigantic piece of choral music. In it Monteverdi encapsulates both sacred and secular music, woven into a choral piece of outstanding beauty and elegance; rightly earning Monteverdi a major place in musical history.
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statetalks · 3 years
What Do Republicans Stand For Today
Poverty Must Solve Itself
Republicans believe that poor people are usually poor for a reason, be it laziness, choice or whatever. Unless we demand that people pull themselves up by the bootstraps and solve their own problems, people will not be motivated to do things. Therefore, the issue of poverty cannot be solved by the government. Charity should be the choice of individuals.
Republicans Cant Understand Democrats
Only one in four Republican voters felt that most or almost all Democratic voters sincerely believed they were voting in the best interests of the country.  Rather, many Republicans told us that Democratic voters were brainwashed by the propaganda of the mainstream media, or voting solely in their self-interest to preserve undeserved welfare and food stamp benefits.
We asked every Republican in the sample to do their best to imagine that they were a Democrat and sincerely believed that the Democratic Party was best for the country.  We asked them to explain their support for the Democratic Party as an actual Democratic voter might.  For example, a 64-year-old strong Republican man from Illinois surmised that Democrats want to help the poor, save Social Security, and tax the rich.   
But most had trouble looking at the world through Democratic eyes. Typical was a a 59-year-old Floridian who wrote I dont want to work and I want cradle to grave assistance. In other words, Mommy! Indeed, roughly one in six Republican voters answered in the persona of a Democratic voter who is motivated free college, free health care, free welfare, and so on.  They see Democrats as voting in order to get free stuff without having to work for it was extremely common roughly one in six Republican voters used the word free in the their answers, whereas no real Democratic voters in our sample answered this way. 
How Bipartisan Is Democrats Infrastructure Plan
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But Trumps continued popularity among key GOP constituencies prevents Republican insiders from undertaking a formal, public discussion about his political shortcomings and how the party should move on from him. Everyone in the GOP knows that irritating Trump could result in the former president attacking them, which would make them vulnerable to a primary challenge, with conservative activists likely backing their opponent. So there will be no autopsy of the post-Trump Republican Party, akin to the Republican National Committees report in 2013 following Romneys defeat, at least not in public. 
Democrats Remain United Around Ideas
While some Democrats remain coy about it, they are broadly united in the objective of moving the United States much more toward European-style social democracy. That includes a much more extensive social welfare system. A government-directed economy. Heavily regulated capital, labor and consumer markets.
This is not socialism, properly understood and defined. Markets would remain the primary mechanism for allocating capital and labor, and setting prices. Even the members of the Democratic coalition who call themselves socialists arent really.
Now, there are disagreements among Democrats about the specifics of what should constitute a European-style social democracy in the United States. And differences about how rapidly to get there.
Nevertheless, there is sufficient consensus on the direction that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders were able to agree on a unity platform headed into the election.
What Does Democratic Mean
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Starting alphabetically, the word means pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
Simply put, the lowercase democratic is a word used to refer to anything that resembles or has to do with a , a form of in which the supreme power rests with the people and is exercised by them directly or by politicians that they elect to them. In practice, this is usually accomplished through a fair, organized system of voting, in which  or cast votes in support of political or societal issues . 
So, the word democratic is used to describe government systems that are or resemble democracies and the people that run these types of governments. The United States of America is a representative democracy in which the people elect representatives to perform the demands of politics on their behalf. This is why we say that the US is a democratic country or that we have a democratic form of government. 
The English word democratic dates all the way back to the late 1500 and early 1600s. It is derived from the Greek word dmokratía . The government system of the ancient Greek of Athens, in which the people held the power , is considered the worlds first democracy. Considering that Athens was a slave-owning society, its form of democracy was much different than the democratic governments of today. 
America Should Deport Illegal Immigrants
Republicans believe that illegal immigrants, no matter the reason they are in this country, should be forcibly removed from the U.S. Although illegal immigrants are often motivated to come to the U.S. by companies who hire them, Republicans generally believe that the focus of the law should be on the illegal immigrants and not on the corporations that hire them.
Democrats Think Many Republicans Sincere And Point To Policy
Democrats, however, were somewhat more generous in their answers.  More than four in ten Democratic voters   felt that most Republican voters had the countrys best interests at heart .  And many tried their best to answer from the others perspective. A 45-year-old male voter from Ohio imagined that as a Republican, he was motivated by Republicans harsh stance on immigration; standing up for the 2nd Amendment; promised tax cuts.  A 30-year-old woman from Colorado felt that Republican votes reflected the desires to stop abortion stop gay marriage from ruining our country and give us our coal jobs back.
Other Democrats felt that their opponents were mostly motivated by the GOPs opposition to Obamacare, lower taxes and to support a party that reduced unemployment. 
What Does Republican Mean
The word means of, relating to, or of the nature of a republic. Similarly to the word democratic, the word republican also describes things that resemble or involve a particular form of government, in this case the government in question is a . A republic is a government system in which power rests with voting citizens who directly or indirectly choose representatives to exercise political power on their behalf. 
You may have noticed that a republic sounds a lot like a democracy. As it happens, most of the present-day democracies are also republics. However, not every republic is democratic and not every democratic country is a republic.
For example, the historical city-state of Venice had a leader known as a who was elected by voters. In the case of Venice, though, the voters were a small council of wealthy traders, and the doge held his position for life. Venice and other similar mercantile city-states had republican governments, but as you can see, they were definitely not democratic. At the same time, the United Kingdom is a democratic country that has a monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and so it is not a republican country because it is not officially a republic. 
Republican Vs Democrat: What Are The Differences
When it comes to U.S. politics, two prominent parties dominate democrats and republicans. Each party, despite some of their common grounded principles, stands for a very different system where beliefs and applications might vary.
Here is an unbiased breakdown of some of the major differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
  The Republican Party General Policy And Political Values
The Republican Party is often referred to as the GOP. This abbreviation stands for Grand Old Party. Its logo is an elephant. The Republican Party is known to support right-leaning ideologies of conservatism, social conservatism, and economic libertarianism, among other -isms. Thus, Republicans broadly advocate for traditional values, a low degree of government interference, and large support of the private sector.
One main standpoint of the Republican Party platform is a strong focus on the family and individual freedom. Generally, the Republican Party therefore often tends to promote states and local rights. That means that they often wish for federal regulations to play a lesser role in policymaking. Furthermore, the GOP has a pro-business-oriented platform. Thus, the party advocates for businesses to exist in a free market instead of being impacted by tight government regulations.
Why The Gops Lack Of Party Platform Matters
President Trumps refusal to commit to accepting Novembers election results is the latest example of this president abandoning the norms of constitutional democracy. And although high-profile Republicans have issued statements affirming that they support a peaceful transfer of power, they have also been carefully deferential to Trump.
This is a notable continuation of the party slowly becoming the party of Trump. Nowhere was this clearer than in the decision not to have a 2020 party platform and instead simply affirming enthusiastic support for Trump and his America First agenda. That move, more so than statements pledging fealty to the peaceful transfer of power, signals wavering Republican commitment toward equal rights and democracy.
Platforms declare a partys values and commitments. While the substance of the Democratic and Republican platforms often differs sharply, both have historically used certain key words, like the American Dream, economic opportunity and freedom from discrimination. Examining Republican platforms over time shows that what once had been a big-tent strategy of carefully managing intraparty differences over equality has been replaced by a hierarchical model of leadership where the party faithful should acquiesce to one individuals vision of political community. Indeed, the 2020 resolution ruled out of order any effort to adopt a platform.
What Do Republicans Stand For
Since this is a presidential election year, and the Republican Party wants Americans , it is fitting to ask the question: What do Republicans stand for?
Writing in Politico Magazine, chief political correspondent Tim Alberta hit the nail on the head: The supposed canons of GOP orthodoxy limited government, free enterprise, institutional conservation, moral rectitude, fiscal restraint, global leadership have in recent years gone from elastic to expendable. Identifying this intellectual vacuum is easy enough. Far more difficult is answering the question of what, quite specifically, has filled it.
The Republican Party held a truncated convention in Charlotte last month because of coronavirus restrictions on gatherings and concern for the safety of convention attendees. Every four years at their convention, Republicans adopt a new party platform but not this time. Even though the Democrats adopted a new for 2020 and a 110-page of recommendations issued by the BidenSanders unity task force, the Republican National Committee unanimously voted to forego the Convention Committee on Platform, in appreciation of the fact that it did not want a small contingent of delegates formulating a new platform without the breadth of perspectives within the ever-growing Republican movement. Had the Platform Committee convened, it would have undoubtedly unanimously agreed to reassert the Partys strong support for President Donald Trump and his Administration.
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Democrats Return The Favor: Republicans Uninformed Or Self
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The 429 Democratic voters in our sample returned the favor and raised many of the same themes. Democrats inferred that Republicans must be VERY ill-informed, or that Fox news told me to vote for Republicans.  Or that Republicans are uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.
Many also attributed votes to individual self-interest whereas GOP voters feel Democrats want free stuff, many Democrats believe Republicans think that I got mine and dont want the libs to take it away, or that some day I will be rich and then I can get the benefits that rich people get now.
Many used the question to express their anger and outrage at the other side.  Rather than really try to take the position of their opponents, they said things like, I like a dictatorial system of Government, Im a racist, I hate non-whites. 
Views Of The Democratic And Republican Parties
Just under half of Americans have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, while a slightly larger share have an unfavorable view.
The GOP is viewed more negatively 38% say they have a positive view of the Republican Party, while 60% rate it unfavorably. These views are modestly changed since last summer, with the share of Americans rating the GOP unfavorably slightly higher than it was in August and the share of Americans with a negative view of the Democratic Party down slightly .
About three-quarters of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents view the GOP favorably, while 81% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents view the Democratic Party positively.
Nearly all Republicans who say they strongly identify with the Republican Party express a favorable opinion of the GOP. Among Republicans who say they not so strongly identify with the party, 77% say have a favorable view, while 56% of independents who lean toward the Republican Party say the same.
Democrats who very strongly identify with the Democratic Party nearly universally view their party favorably, as do 87% of Democrats who describe themselves as not-so-strong Democrats. About six-in-ten Democratic leaners have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party.
Within both partisan groups, views of the opposing party are overwhelmingly unfavorable across-the-board, with more than eight-in-ten strong partisans, not so strong partisans and leaners alike saying this.
Public Opinion On Foreign Policy
In June 2014 the Quinnipiac Poll asked Americans which foreign policy they preferred:
A) The United States is doing too much in other countries around the world, and it is time to do less around the world and focus more on our own problems here at home. B) The United States must continue to push forward to promote democracy and freedom in other countries around the world because these efforts make our own country more secure.
Democrats chose A over B by 65%-32%; Republicans chose A over B by 56% to 39%; Independents chose A over B by 67% to 29%.
Foreign Policy And National Defense
Republicans supported Woodrow Wilson‘s call for American entry into World War I in 1917, complaining only that he was too slow to go to war. Republicans in 1919 opposed his call for entry into the League of Nations. A majority supported the League with reservations; a minority opposed membership on any terms. Republicans sponsored world disarmament in the 1920s, and isolationism in the 1930s. Most Republicans staunchly opposed intervention in World War II until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. By 1945, however, internationalists became dominant in the party which supported the Cold War policies such as the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO.
Red States Outnumber Blue States
In February 2016, Gallup reported that for the first time since Gallup started tracking, red states now outnumber blue states.
In 2008, 35 states leaned Democratic and this number is down to only 14 now. In the same time, the number of Republican leaning states rose from 5 to 20. Gallup determined 16 states to be competitive, i.e., they leaned toward neither party. Wyoming, Idaho and Utah were the most Republican states, while states that leaned the most Democratic were Vermont, Hawaii and Rhode Island.
What Is The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats
Republicans and Democrats are the two main and historically the largest political parties in the US and, after every election, hold the majority seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the highest number of Governors. Though both the parties mean well for the US citizens, they have distinct differences that manifest in their comments, decisions, and history. These differences are mainly ideological, political, social, and economic paths to making the US successful and the world a better place for all. Differences between the two parties that are covered in this article rely on the majority position though individual politicians may have varied preferences.
Trump Loses Then Attempts A Coup
In Georgia, Trump is attacking the Republican governor, lieutenant governor and secretary of state. In Arizona, he is attacking Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, who has been a GOP statewide officeholder for more consecutive years than Trump has been a Republican.
The reason? They are not willing to try to overturn duly certified election results in their states.
There has been an attempted coup of the presidential election taking place. But Trump is not the victim. He is the perpetrator.
The legal strategy was to delay certification of election results. The political strategy was to pressure Republican officials to ignore the election results, irrespective of whether they were certified, and have Republican state legislatures chose Trump electors in states where Biden won the vote.
Internet Safety And Decency
DemocraticThe platform supports a free and open internet at home and abroad. The party would seek to strengthen cybersecurity while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of the American people.
RepublicanThe platform states: The internet must not become a safe haven for predators. Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the lives of millions.
Most Republicans Say Critics Of Trump Should Not Be Accepted In The Gop While Most Democrats Say Their Party Should Be Accepting Of Biden Critics
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Large majorities of both Republicans and Democrats say their party should be accepting of elected officials within the party who disagree with it on some important issues. At the same time, very few in either party say their party should be welcoming of elected officials who support groups advocating for violence against members of the other party.
But there are clear distinctions between the two coalitions in their appetite for accepting members of the party who criticize the partys standard bearers: While most Democrats say the party should be at least somewhat accepting of elected officials who criticize Joe Biden, the majority position among Republicans is that the GOP should not be welcoming toward Republican elected officials who criticize Donald Trump, and an even smaller share of Republicans say that those who voted to impeach Trump should be accepted in the GOP. 
Eight-in-ten Democrats and Democratic leaners say the Democratic Party should be very or somewhat accepting of Democratic elected officials who disagree with Democrats on important issues, while 71% of Republicans and Republican leaners say their own party should be very or somewhat accepting of Republican officials who disagree with the GOP on some important issues. Just 4% of Democrats and 7% of Republicans say their parties should be not at all accepting of elected officials who disagree with the party on some important issues.
The changes did not affect the reports substantive findings. 
The Partys Core Activists Dont Want To Shift Gears
This is the simplest and most obvious explanation: The GOP isnt changing directions because the people driving the car dont want to. 
When we think of Republicans, we tend to think of either rank-and-file GOP voters or the partys highest-profile elected officials, particularly its leaders in Congress. But in many ways, the partys direction is driven by a group between those two: conservative organizations like Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation, GOP officials at the local and state level and right-wing media outlets. That segment of the party has been especially resistant to the GOP abandoning its current mix of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, opposition to expansions of programs that benefit the poor and an identity politics that centers white Americans and conservative Christians.
You could see the power and preferences of this group in the response to the Capitol insurrection.
In the days immediately following Jan. 6, many GOP elected officials, most notably McConnell, signaled that the party should make a permanent break from Trump. an increased number of rank-and-file GOP voters were dissatisfied with the outgoing president. But by the time the Senate held its trial over Trumps actions a month later, it was clear that the party was basically back in line with Trump. 
related:Why Being Anti-Media Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity Read more. »
Mcdermott: What Exactly Does Today’s Republican Party Stand For
Sep 21, 2019
Don’t want this next door? Too bad, say Missouri’s ruling Republicans.
Kevin McDermott
Some recent news items:
A new law by Missouri Republicans prevents local governments from regulating mega-hog-farms more stringently than the state does. So much for the Republican principle of local control.
The Republican-held U.S. Senate refuses to consider background checks on all gun purchases to ensure criminals cant buy them a no-brainer thats supported by about 90% of Americans, including most gun owners. So much for the Republican principle of law and order.
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., wants government regulation of the big social media companies to make their platforms more friendly to conservatives. So much for the Republican principles of deregulation and free enterprise.
The massive tax-cut-for-the-rich that Republicans passed in 2017 continues to very much not pay for itself as promised, instead driving the federal deficit over $1 trillion for the first time in six years. Yet President Donald Trump is calling for another massive tax cut. So much for the Republican principle of fiscal responsibility.
What, exactly, does todays GOP stand for?
Thats not snark. Its a real question.
They were genuinely obsessed with law and order, which is why Ronald Reagan all but banning civilian ownership of machine guns. Would todays Republican Senate pass that?
McDermott: Oblivious in the Ozarks
The Gop Now Stands For Nothing
A party that doesnt believe in anything ends up believing only in its right to rule.
About the author: Tom Nichols is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the author ofthe book Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault From Within on Modern Democracy.
The Republicans in Congress are blocking a bipartisan investigation into the January 6 insurrection. Their spines crushed by years of obedience to Donald Trump, the members of the GOP have once again retreated from civic responsibility, with one more humiliation of those last few in the party who thought that the Senate Republicans might mimic something like statesmanship.
However, this effort is more than the usual cynical mendacity and crass careerism that characterize the current Republican Party. This latest insult to the rule of law and the Constitution was possible only because the Republicans have already lost confidence in their own principles. The GOP now stands for nothing. The party of Lincoln has become, in every way, a political and moral nullity.
American conservatism once meant something definite and tangible. You could fight those beliefs and policies; you could argue with them, admire them, or hate them. But they existed. Strom Thurmond, Ronald Reagan, Howard Baker, and Edward Brooke were not necessarily deep thinkers, and they didnt all agree on everything. But the GOP held clear lines of thought that stood as alternatives to liberalism.
Read: Mitch McConnells gift to progressives
Hincker: What Is Conservatism And What Do Republicans Stand For
Larry Hincker
I awoke on the morning of Jan. 6 dusting off ideas for another column. The U.S. Senate had just tipped to Democratic control in a decidedly anti-Trump vote. Should I snidely thank the president for decisively uniting the Democratic Party and its complete takeover of the federal government? Or tackle something closer to my beatthe more complex and substantial topic of the Virginia legislatures costly clean energy policies?
Then I read the paper. The conservative Wall Street Journal opined that Trump was unhinged from political reality. I thought for a moment that the modifier, from political reality, was unnecessary.
Later as I watched TV, unhinged historical figures poured over my brain. Theres Sampson pulling down columns in the temple, screaming about a stolen election amid woe-is-me fueled fury.
Or the Madness of King George, another slightly unhinged leader who suffered defeat, and wondering if our presidents minions were struggling to contain his rages.
Images of Nuremburg dance around my cranium while Trump encouraged tens of thousands at the huge Save America March outside The White House to be wild and walk down to the Capitol. Ill be there with you, he said. Apparently, his bone spurs prevented the walk or affected his courage. He watched from afar as mobs, thugs, and punks assaulted the seat and center of American democracy.
It all represents partisan voter disenfranchisement.
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-do-republicans-stand-for-today/
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forumsblog858 · 3 years
Homeworld 2 For Mac
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Homeworld 2 For Macbook Pro
Homeworld 2 For Mac Catalina
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Publisher:Aspyr MediaGenre: ActionMin OS X: 10.2.6 CPU: G4 @ 800 MHz RAM: 256 MB Hard Disk: 1600 MB 8x CD-ROM Graphics: 32 MB VRAM
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Nov 24, 2004 Hi folks, So I picked up homeworld 2 for mac having played it on a friend's PC, but really missed the ability to add mods for multiplayer games when i played it on mac. I even emailed Aspyr, but they were no help. Then the other day i came across a an explanation for how to do it, at least.
Homeworld 2 November 1, 2004 | Michael Yanovich
Secondly Homeworld 2 was written and ported to the Mac in such a way that you can take advantage of many of the great game mods out there. I've run the version of the game wherein all the ships are Legos, for example.
The Homeworld Remastered Collection introduces Relic's acclaimed space strategy games Homeworld and Homeworld 2 to modern players and operating systems using the newest sophisticated graphics rendering technology, plus a fully remastered score and new, high fidelity voice recordings by the original actors.
Click to enlarge
I never played the original Homeworld – it didn’t make it over to the Mac and I don’t own a PC – so I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got this game. I’d just heard lots of positive buzz, and something about a real time strategy game set in outer space. So I wasn’t surprised when that’s exactly what I got. What did surprise me is how exceedingly cool this game is.
But first, a few words about most RTS games in general. In my experience, single player campaigns start off fairly slow and easy and gradually introduce new units as the storyline progresses. Many players finish up the single player campaign and then move on to multiplayer battles over the internet, where experience levels really matter. That is to say, most of us can beat a single player game with enough save points and a couple of tries. You just don’t have to be an especially good player. But multiplayer games tend to fall into two categories. The first, games with a few friends, all of whom know the game basics but aren’t particularly amazing. Then there are those players you frequently run into in online ladder games, opponents who are really great players. They know the ultimate build sequences, unit locations, rush strategies, resource gathering patterns… they have the entire battle plan in their head before they even start a game.
Well, maybe it’s just me but Homeworld 2 seems to require you be the second kind of player – the highly skilled one – to really get into this game. This is clearly not meant for casual gamers, and frankly I felt a bit overwhelmed at times. But even in the midst of a heavy battle where I was getting my butt kicked, I loved this game!
There seems to be a decent story here, which is told in stylized animated cutscenes with top notch voice acting. I confess to not fully understanding the major plot points, mainly because the “Here’s what happened in the last game” intro wasn’t particularly clear. But whatever. Seems like humanity’s survival is in jeopardy and you must lead a ragtag fleet of ships through space on a lonely quest for a planet known as Earth. Oops, that’s Battlestar Galactica. Sorry! Anyway, change the word Earth to Homeland and you’ll be relatively close to this game’s plot.
I know I’m in the minority when I say stories aren’t that important in many games. If I wanted a plot I’d watch a movie or read a book. Gamewise, the only story points I care about are the ones I need to know in order to play the game. But I will admit that these cutscenes were entertaining enough that I actually paid attention to what was going on, which seemed like a lot of “we’re getting our butts handed to us, let’s run before we lose more ships,” followed by a brief, “Whew, we’re safe! Let’s rest. What? Drat! They found us! Quick, fight them so we can run again!”
Homeworld 2 For Macbook Pro
And that’s fine by me. It kept me focused on the end goal of saving our species from the alien hoards. But in all seriousness, there does seem to be enough of a plot to keep story fans satisfied in between epic battles. And that’s what this game is all about. Epic. Freakin’. Battles!
In 1999, Relic Entertainment’s groundbreaking Homeworld took the gaming world by surprise. Still widely regarded as the gold standard of space real-time strategy games, it successfully coupled lush graphics with a sleek interface that made manipulating camera angles and toggling between build and formation menus in 3D space incredibly easy. Homeworld 2 takes the original and upgrades it. With a new game engine, especially during massive battles of all ship classes, you can’t help but admire its finer points, from its lovely dynamic lighting to its chilly “realism.â€
The Homeworld universe is “hard†science fiction, as opposed to, say, StarCraft. The large, complex battles it depicts have an austere, clinical feel that’s more admirable than immersive, regardless of the camera angle. But it’s great hard sci-fi, and the visuals really suck you in —literally—as you zoom in closer like a jeweler with a loupe, and the distant flashes gradually coalesce into thousands of stories unfolding. For a game totally devoid of visible living organisms, Homeworld 2 compensates by making you care about simulated husks of flying machinery. Your people live inside those fragile husks, fly them, die in them—the exhaust trails become their souls. As in Homeworld, you feel for these poor trusting bastards scrounging for asteroids out in the middle of genuine nowhere.
Which is partly what makes much of the martinet story campaign such a bummer. Homeworld’s poignant air of cosmic mystery is largely absent; here everything’s all grueling puzzle and puzzling grind. Instead of offerings like Homeworld’s wonderfully eerie Garden of Kadesh, the sequel gives you exhausting debacles like the fourth mission, in which doing things in sequence directly opposite from what’s suggested is not only possible but proves a tenth as ulcerous, and the outright sadistic red herring of the tenth one. There’s no let-up, just an overriding sense of attrition and hopelessness as you watch your entire “persistent†fleet get persistently pulverized many times over.
It’s not just the difficulty either, but the logic. The third mission introduces marine frigates, which “capture†enemy ships in multiplayer, but in single-player only give the misleading impression of being able to do so (including attaching to the ship and displaying a steadily increasing “capture barâ€). Also annoying is the automatic collection of resources. The lack of such an option was, ironically, one of the few valid criticisms leveled at Homeworld. Here, automatic collection occurs the second you’ve completed your mission goals, which entails starting the next level short-handed.
The storyline has its moments, but after Cataclysm’s strange, daring waters, Homeworld 2’s scavenger-hunt plotline feels for most of its length like an almost spitefully conventional rehash, top-heavy with extra-galactic ancient races that no longer exist except as convenient plot devices. (The whole thing’s an anthropomorphized riff on David Brin’s Uplift novels, which take space combat imagery to heights Homeworld 2 can only dream of). Your new enemies, the Vaygr, have swanky vertical missile launchers but don’t seem inherently distinct as a culture from your own Hiigarans; they are supposed to represent a “conglomeration of races.â€
Homeworld 2 For Mac Catalina
Homeworld’s interface involved toggling to separate screens for building ships and researching technologies, but there were few options, it never seemed cumbersome. Here the menu takes up a third of the screen, obscuring your view of the luscious space graphics, and you can’t move or shrink it. Hitting R minimizes the research menu, but B doesn’t minimize the build menu. For all their bigness, the menus don’t seem to use their space wisely; it makes you long for the minimalist simplicity of the sensors manager.
Many basics feel harder, although you get used to them. You now build the smaller ships in complete squadrons, presumably to make the battles bigger and more spectacular, but clicking on an individual ship gives you the relative health of the entire squadron at the bottom of the screen, which is less precise. Why not an AI setting to have ships auto-dock when they’re near death? Why can’t collectors auto-repair? Why no patrol? How about being able to assign docked craft to groups? Alt-bandboxing a group of ships that includes hostiles doesn’t show a list of all those selected, as it did in the original and Cataclysm
The beloved formations such as sphere and claw have been abandoned for new, more efficient “strike groups,†fleets that can include multiple ship types but move at the speed of their slowest unit. Familiarity with these is a major factor in combat, but the rock-paper-scissors consequences of using each type are barely touched on in the slender manual, itself a mockery of the original game’s thick, detailed documentation.
For all its clumsy new baggage and rushed feel, Homeworld 2 takes itself seriously, designed from the ground up as a reward to the faithful rather than an olive branch to the casual newcomer. The lucky few up to its Sisyphean challenges will find themselves rewarded for their loyalty.
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droneseco · 3 years
Surface Pro X (2020) Review: Almost There, Microsoft
Microsoft Surface Pro X
8.00 / 10
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The Microsoft Surface Pro X is the company's best-looking Surface Pro device that supports LTE and runs on an ARM processor, but it comes at a hefty price tag.
Key Features
LTE support
User-upgradeable storage
Brand: Microsoft
Storage: 256/512GB
CPU: Microsoft SQ2
Memory: 16GB
Operating System: Windows 10
Battery: 15 hours
Ports: 2 x USB-C, nano-SIM
Camera (Rear, Front): 10MP, 5MP
Display (Size, Resolution): 13 inches, 2880x1920
Consistent battery life
Thin and light design
Great front-facing camera system
ARM still doesn't support certain legacy applications
The device tends to stutter every once in a while
Buy This Product
Microsoft Surface Pro X amazon
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  The Surface Pro X is one of the most expensive connected PC's on the market in 2021, but should you buy one?
There's no denying, the Surface Pro X is Microsoft's best-looking Surface Pro device to date, and it has a hefty price tag to show for it. When it was released back in 2019, the issue users had been dealing with was its inability to run legacy applications natively on ARM. With the release of the updated 2020 Surface Pro X, many of those issues remain, but this computer is undoubtedly the future of computing, and Microsoft has made significant strides to prove that. Using the device for over a month, the Surface Pro X feels like Microsoft's lavish answer to Chromebooks rather than something like Apple's M1 Macs; it's really in a unique, quirky category of its own, and hopefully, by the end of this review, you'll have determined if this device is for you.
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This device was provided to MUO for review by Microsoft Canada.
Design and Comfort
When it comes to design, the Surface Pro X is still hands-down the best-looking Surface device. Compared to the dated looks of the Surface Pro 7, the Surface Pro X is slim, light, and comes in a new Platinum finish, which gives it a much more flashy appeal.
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The Surface Pro X packs a 13-inch, 1440p, 3:2 aspect ratio display, and it is stunning. Frankly, this is the best-looking display on any Surface device out right now, and that has everything to do with the thin bezels. Unlike the Surface Pro 7, Surface Laptop 4, or even the Surface Book 3, the Surface Pro X has slim side bezels and a moderately tamed top bezel, which houses the webcam and microphone array. Combined with the Surface kickstand, the Surface Pro X is perfect for jotting down notes, sketching doodles, or streaming shows.
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Microsoft didn't provide any accessories like their Signature Keyboard or the Surface Pen to test out during the review period, but if the typing experience is anything like the other Surface devices, you're in good hands. You can find out more about Microsoft's keyboard quality in our Surface Laptop 4 review.
Overall, two years later, the design of the Surface Pro X still looks fresh. This device is modern, minimal, and perfectly made for the mobile lifestyle.
User Upgradability
Historically, the Surface lineup has always been under criticism for its poor user repairability and upgradeability, but to some extent, Microsoft has made it easier to gain access to certain parts of the device. The RAM is soldered on, but you can access the SSD of the Surface Pro X by using a SIM ejector tool and opening up the metal plate that sits behind the kickstand. Here, you can access the SSD, and the nano-SIM card slot allows the device to connect to a cellular network.
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  Specifications and Performance
When it comes to the specifications and performance of the Surface Pro X, this is where things get complicated and a little weird. The 2020 Surface Pro X uses the SQ2 chip that was co-engineered by Qualcomm and Microsoft. Compared to the previous SQ1 chip, there's a slight performance boost, but overall you shouldn't expect anything close to the speed of something like Apple's M1 offerings.
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Our review unit came with 16GB of RAM and 256GB of storage. You can spec up the SQ2 devices with up to 512GB, but there are no RAM upgrades here.
In my testing, the Surface Pro X delivered subpar performance, but generally speaking, it was inconsistent; the best way to describe using this computer would be to treat it like a Chromebook that runs Windows. The device runs fine when you throw web-based apps on it. I got through entire workdays just fine when I was on the browser (preferably Edge, since it's better optimized on ARM), using social media, watching Netflix, and getting on Zoom calls. When it comes to web-based tasks, you will encounter very few performance issues, but I will note that occasionally, I experienced random hangs while watching videos.
When it comes to running apps, I had very few problems with most of the apps I tested. Microsoft polished the software experience when it came to running Windows on ARM, and it shows here. Apps from the Microsoft Store are generally fine, but that's a limited selection, and getting support for these legacy applications will still take some time.
I tried light photo editing in Adobe Photoshop now that Windows on ARM is supported, but the performance isn't impressive. Apple's M1 Macs are still cheaper and superior in terms of performance compared to Microsoft's current offering.
It is apparent that the Surface Pro X is a web-first device. While it's pleasant to work on a computer that looks and feels like the Surface Pro X, Windows on ARM still has a long way to go before it can be a viable replacement to x86 chips.
Ports and Connectivity
Onto ports: this is where things get a bit odd. The Surface Pro X has two USB-C ports; the Surface Connect port, used for charging; and a nano-SIM for cellular connectivity. None of the USB-C ports support Thunderbolt 3 or 4, but you can power two 4K monitors using the Surface Connector if you buy Microsoft's Surface Hub accessory.
The most curious thing about the Surface Pro X is the lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack. Sure the iPad Pros also don't have a headphone jack, but with a computer that runs full-fledged Windows and is marketed towards people with mobile offices, the exclusion of a headphone jack is bizarre when almost everyone needs to connect with online classes or meetings. Of course, you can connect headphones via Bluetooth or USB-C, but it would be great to see the headphone jack return to a future device.
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When it comes to connectivity, this is where the Surface Pro X shines. I didn't get to extensively test out the cellular connectivity of the Surface Pro X, but the device supports LTE, and you can insert a SIM card to directly get access to the internet instead of tethering to your phone. Having an always-connected PC has the benefit of making out-of-office workflows much more smooth and elegant; this is perfect for getting onto meetings while you're on a commute or being able to publish work while you're somewhere remote.
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Overall, the Surface Pro X has made significant strides in making Windows on ARM more refined. However, until Microsoft can match Apple's level of integration, both on the software and hardware side, the Surface Pro X remains a fancy and rather expensive Chromebook replacement that runs Windows.
Battery Life
When it comes to battery life, you won't be disappointed here. Microsoft claims to have 15 hours of screen-on-time with the Surface Pro X, but you're more realistically going to get about half of that at around 7-8 hours since most apps still aren't optimized for ARM and therefore require more processor-intensive emulation.
While 7-8 hours isn't anything special, the Surface Pro X can deliver that consistently in my testing. It also helps that Microsoft includes a fast 65W power supply in the box that enables fast charging.
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Audio and Video Features
One of the most prominent advantages the Surface Pro X has over other PCs is its camera and microphone array. This device genuinely has one of the best webcams on a Windows computer, and when it comes to audio, the device can pick up on your voice and deliver clear vocals. Microsoft also has this software feature that allows you to correct your eye contact when you're in a video call, and it works surprisingly well. The device is equipped with a rear 10MP camera, which has autofocus and 4K video, but it's better if you use it for scanning documents.
The Surface Pro X's speaker system is also great. They support Dolby Atmos, and this makes the device ideal for consuming content or getting clear audio during video conferences.
Should You Buy the Surface Pro X?
The Surface Pro X is undoubtedly a unique piece of hardware, and won't be suitable for everyone's workflow.
While ARM on Windows has come a long way, there are still fundamental issues that need to be addressed before devices like the Surface Pro X can be recommended to more people.
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Overall, I recommend the Surface Pro X to those that live in the browser, or in other words, have the majority of their workflow based within web apps. The Surface Pro X is great for that, but if you're looking for a more well-rounded device, you're better off looking elsewhere.
Considering the Surface Pro X is $1600 and doesn't include its main accessories, Apple's M1 Macs still offer the best value for ulta-portable all-round performance.
Surface Pro X (2020) Review: Almost There, Microsoft published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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Unfortunate hiatus (very long post)
Hello darlings, I’d like to have a not-so-quick word. I know I’ve been very scarce with posting since last year, I’m very aware of it in fact, and while I’ve still managed to get a few MEP parts out and one pretty long video since then it hasn’t been nearly enough compared to have much I wanted/needed to have finished. The thing is, I burnt myself out trying to finish my TTWU audition on time, it was so bad I was losing major amounts of sleep, and the day it was due I was actually running on fumes and only getting some rest in the hours it was rendering before I had to run to work because it ended the exact hour I started. It was really bad, but I got in and I was so happy, but because the burnout had begun I wasn’t able to summon that same amount of drive to finish the first round and ended up falling into a very deep depression.
I loathed myself for working so hard to get in and then dropping out before I could finish that first entry when everyone else was working so incredibly hard around me and that spot could’ve gone to someone else, someone who could’ve told their own story, and that depression mixed in with the burnout to create the biggest blackhole of inspiration I have ever experienced in my years as an editor. So I stopped editing for a while, and became what I hated the most: a deadline-missing unresponsive unreliable MEP letdown. 
I joined so many MEPs before the rp started that I was left with no drive to finish the parts I had left, and I felt so embarassed and hypocritacal in not finishing anything that I feared going up to the hosts to explain why I wasn’t done. If I had no intention of finishing the part because I lost interest I ended up lying because I felt they had waited so long, I should just suck it up and give them their part anyway, and if I wanted to finish my inspiration to actually sit down and work was still gone so I had to keep asking for time. I was disgusted by myself for letting my reputation, at least how I saw it, fall because I was becoming that awful type of person who disappeared once the deadline came around, and I wanted so badly to finish everything but no matter how long I regained my strength or how inspired I became by those really awesome parts I was looking so forward to I just couldn’t bring myself to work for longer than an hour or so if I was lucky.
That was last year, and so many people are still waiting on me. There are for certain MEPs I want to leave because I just don’t care enough anymore, and ones I want to finish, and while my friends were telling me to put my own feelings first and just leave the MEPs, I never could. Well, now I have to.
Last week I was downloading the last movies I needed for a HUGE multiship video I’m doing for a friend (who’s also been waiting ages for this and I am so thankful for her patience) and while I was away from my laptop my drive holding all of my movies decided to crash. I plugged it back in and it popped up after about ten minutes of it being so frozen that even my laptop was freaking out, and it appeared to be fine, until I tried to play a video. It disappeared from my computer list and the drive itself started to make a horrid clicking noise, and after a second of panic I unplugged the drive and checked the internet for an answer on my phone seeing as my laptop was also acting very very bad. 
Naturally, the sound was even worse than I’d expected. According to the internet, it could mean there’s a piece inside the drive that’s out of place, and the clicking was it possibly ruining my data. That, or the drive is already dead. It’s been unplugged since then and tonight I was able to bring it in to get it sent off just like the last time my drive broke. This time, instead of just agreeing on the expensive price and sending it off, the woman behind the counter told me she can’t do a thing with it until I bring in a receipt for the drive. That, and $1600. Then it’d be sent off to I’m guessing Toronto to get checked out, where there’s a chance that my data couldn’t even be recovered.
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That was the last screenshot I took (back in January so there were tons more now) of how many movies I had and how much space I had left to show my friends when I told them I really had no more room. That’s just the movies, which I’ve bee collecting for a decade with almost all of my animation ones being in 1080p, with some rarer ones being my greatest pride of them all after years of searching. The rest of the stuff on that drive was my documents, including plans for videos and all my stories that I’ve been writing but not posting since gradeschool, all my pictures including ones of friends I no longer talk to, family, a lot of fanart I’ve collected, and gifts, all my music which is mostly on my laptop but there’s a good amount I deleted off here to make space, all of my downloads including my sister’s old videos that not even she has anymore, more gifts from friends that are no longer available online at all, videos I love and have been watching since 2006, and all my own videos that I’ve made since then as well. I have the vegas and AE files themselves on another drive to free up room and get it all in the same place, but my videos themselves I may’ve just lost. Completed ones, incomplete ones, random ones I made for myself, some animation projects I did for school, all the bits and pieces of old manips for really old projects, all of that might be gone now and after leaving the store knowing that it could be gone for good even if I had the money to send the drive off I spent the next hour or so crying alone in the car because of how frustrated I was.
I’ve heard the old ‘sometimes these things just happen, gotta move on’ spiel, I’ve heard it a lot over a ton of different subjects. But this was my past, 12 years of it, all collected into one place. If this stuff is gone I’ve lost so much that I’ve personally created and found joy in doing so, and I’ll never be able to recreate it or get it back. I find it impossible to just ‘move on’ from something like that, and it’s tearing at me so hard that I can feel my chest physically hurting.
So, now that this has happened, I’ve officially lost my inspiration. I’m taking a long break from editing now that I’ve lost so much of my material, and almost all of my non/disney collection, and will be withdrawing myself from most of the projects I’m in sans a few, which I will list in a bit. I have a mobile backup downstairs where I can get a good deal back, but most of those files are old and I don’t have the money or space to get a brand new drive to copy it onto and start my movies collection over again, nor do I have the energy. I have around 100 of those 753+ movies on my editing drive, and I still have all my shows, but that doesn’t really help a non/disney editor much if all she has is anime. 
I was hoping to open up my first rp contest this summer, so I could become more active with the community and make up for how little I participated in TTWU; I wanted so badly to be apart of the group, but I felt I didn’t deserve to speak to such awesome and talented people when I couldn’t give it my all, so I disappeared just like Jim and tried to let myself be forgotten. I wanted to make up for that with this new rp, and make more friends, but this had to hit me right as I was finalizing the details and now I just don’t have the energy to even think of starting it.
Things I’m leaving, I’ll message the hosts:
Girls Like Girls - Belle and Anya (halfway done, no masking)
Game of Survival - Helga and Tarzan (never started, lost inspiration)
Unhealthy Relationship - Gothel and Bernard (really lost inspiration)
Hit Me Baby - Tulio and Belle ft Louie and Jane (never started, unsure of deadline?)
Meteor Shower - Elsa and Peri (really wanted to do but never started)
Over the Sea - Jane and Pocahontas (cancelled I think?)
Body Electric x Control - JD and Rapunzel (never started, lost Heathers)
I Took a Pill in Ibiza - Hollina (never started)
Young Love - Miguel and Sinbad (never started)
Things I’m finishing (if the hosts still let me):
The Heart Wants What it Wants - Ariel and Lottie ft Eric (halfway done, no masking) 
Perfect Ruin - Aurora, Tulio, and Jim (almost done, haven’t lost anything) 
Gasavages - Phoebus and Dimitri/Peter (still fixing up to personal perfection) 
Gasavages - Mulan and Esmeralda (never started) 
Dirty Dancer - Felicie and Camille (halfway done, lost inspiration) 
Ghost Lights - Jane and Mulan ft Eris (gunna talk to host about it) 
Personal projects I need to finish:
That multiship video (only lost those final movies, have lower quality ones on mobile drive just in case, everything else is on editing drive)
All my collabs are on hold unless the other person wants to just cancel them considering what happened, granted I only have collabs with two people but still
All my requests are still written down and are doable but now I have to rely on what I have left and screenshot sites so that unnecessarily complicates making them
All my MEPs have no deadlines now seeing as I have parts in all of them and I’m obviously not going to be finishing them anytime soon, either way the deadlines all passed last year so it’s not like setting new deadlines will matter right now. I feel so bad about having to walk off of so many considering they’ve waited so long for me, but I don’t want to lie to anyone any longer and keep them waiting on me. I never wanted to be so unreliable but I ended up being a real shithead when it came to deadlines, so maybe I deserve this as karma. Either way, this blog probably won’t have many additions to it in the near future unless a miracle happens and I get my drive fixed, but I won’t be holding my breath. Maybe now I’ll get the chance to work more with Teen Titans again and do some anime videos, but that’ll only be after this sadness wears off.
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dfiloramo9 · 4 years
Blog Entry 3
One female photographer I admire is Amy Gulick. One thing off the bat that stands out is her ability to create an illusion. In one of her pictures, its hard to describe what it looks like but if I had to guess, it’s a person standing on rock next the a body of water and the person is holding some type of sheet or something and she blends in the ripples of the body of water with the sheet and also blends the sheet in with the body of waters color. In my opinion it is very neat. Another thing that inspires me about this photo is her angles and the way she turned the picture. It looks almost upside down. It looks like the person is about to fall into the water. The other thing that inspires me is the nature in general. I feel like she gives us a glimpse at what nature is all about and how she frames it all from providing us natural disasters such as volcanos and the way animals interact in their natural habitats. What also inspires me is her passion for nature and the lengths she goes to capture some of these pictures. For example, she goes under water to capture see animals and their habitats.
 Another female photographer I admire is Helen Levitt, who took pictures of the New York City streets. The one thing I admire about her photography is her ability to capture and show you what life was like growing up as a kid in New York City and what they did for fun and you can envision yourself in the pictures. Another thing about her artwork is how she was always capturing the background in her pictures that shows you the whole story. She really does do an amazing job capturing the story and what is going on in the picture. For example, in one picture, it shows a real young girl walking back to her mother after playing in a wet street on what seems to be a very hot day. The real story is in the background as you see water coming out of a fire hydrant and on the steps are a bunch of young boys with their shirts off waiting for the car to pass, getting ready to go play in the water coming from the hydrant to cool off on a hot summer day. Another thing I admire is the way she composes the picture. Most of the pictures look like the inner city, not very nice looking and the black and white photography blends in with the way the city looks in a lot of the pictures.
 The third female photographer that inspires me is Barbara Kruger because of her photoshop skills which we are starting to work with now. The thing that inspires me about her artwork is her ability to convey important matters in society when it comes to women. Another thing I like about her artwork is how she furthers conveys the issues by photoshopping her pictures, doing things such as putting lines through the photo and/or adding writing to it that tells you that whatever issue you are trying to support or point you are trying to get across is wrong. For example, her one artwork is called “Sex Lure” with a quarter of the mans face, from just below the nose to the chin. In that photo they have the mans face with an “X” mark and also crosses out the word “Sex”. In my opinion she is conveying the issue of sexual violence amongst men, condemning it in society. Another thing that inspires me is the way she uses black and white photography. Another thing that stands out to me about her photography is the way she blends her colors in photoshop and brings out the detail in the picture. In one of her pictures she has a face that was made bigger and behind it in the background was other peoples faces from a crowd that were smaller.
Night Photography
1. This week was filled with a bunch of challenges, with little to no success. I feel that a majority of my photos came out extremely poor. Even following all the directions on the PDF handout, I feel that I was still doing something wrong but could not pinpoint the problem. I than went out later after doing some research and I made the ISO 1600 and I feel like the pictures came out much better but am still not sure if it is correct.
2. I am not sure about how I feel about my critique since we did not do the critique last week.
3. It feel weird learning how to think and act as a photography. It is much harder than it seems but I feel like I am gradually getting better week by week. New topics such as the night photography always give me trouble but I feel like once I get a tutorial on things I pick them up much better and understand how to use the camera better depending on the topic. It is also weirder and much different because I am so used to taking pictures on my phone where it does everything for you, such as changing the light hitting the sensor simply by tapping the screen and can crop and move photos around in the camera roll. 
4. Some of the things I am looking at over the past few weeks are nature and everyday things. The thing that is interesting to me is the way you angle your camera and position your body can make the picture look a lot more interesting and give it much more meaning and give you a good story. Details that are becoming important to me in taking pictures are the angles of the photo that shows a bigger picture and getting in position which gives the photo the best lighting.
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ehyeh-joshua · 7 years
Some thoughts...
For all of my life, I have been told to read my Bible. So, I have.
And one of the things I don't get is why people say that God is heard only through Scripture.
As an example - statements of the general form like "And how else do we have true knowledge of God but through the pages of His Word, the Bible?"
I know straight away someone who says stuff like this probably doesn't know the Scriptures -isolated of historical context- very well, and very likely has no idea about what happened within the historical context.
Because from Adam to Moses, there was no written Scripture of the kind any Christian would accept - however, what these people did have was an encounter with GOD that left them changed and they followed Him. And they knew Him, personally - one guy walked with GOD such that one day GOD just took him up to heaven.
From Moses to Ezra what we know today as the Old Testament was being lived out and compiled.
After Ezra, we are roughly halfway through human history, give or take a few centuries, and the only people with Scripture at all (at least acceptable) have by definition an incomplete Scripture.
Into New Testament times, what we find is Yeshua accepted Ezra's Tanakh and Ketav Ashurit script. As did all the Messianic Jews/Gentile tag-alongs who compiled the very early church - the New Testament isn't even completed until almost the end of the 1st century.
By the 2nd and 3rd centuries, the New Testament is considered Scripture, and is formally canonised in the 4th - the Tanakh has it's final debate in the closing part of the 1st century, which concluded the accepted order that is retained to this day; the main change was the abandonment of the LXX, which was used by the early church.
Then, in the 1500's, Luther starts the Reformation and has a debate on what Books are in the canon. As a response, in the 1600's the Catholics add the Deuterocanonical books to the formal canon.
Simply outlining the history isn't enough, as problematic as it is, because something that was taken completely for granted today is the fact that until the invention of the printing press, even getting a Bible for every church was a major problem - it is a lot of writing, and it all had to be copied out by hand. The idea that one day there would be enough Bibles that, theoretically, everyone could have at least 1 (I have 6 physical copies, and at least 50 virtual ones...) was basically unthinkable.
And today? While massive steps have been made in Bible translations - more than 3000 languages have at least some translated parts - and in distribution, the fact remains that for the vast majority of Christians today, most haven't got their own Bible, and unless past trends change, likely won't have their own Bible.
In essence, "And how else do we have true knowledge of God but through the pages of His Word, the Bible?" is a statement that has utility for western Christians of the past 3 centuries pretty much exclusively; and it isn't that useful, given the tiny number of Christians who can understand Biblical Hebrew/Aramaic and Koine Greek mostly use it to argue with each other over increasingly tiny issues, and the ones who can't are typically so Biblically illiterate that I get impressed when a typical Christian remembers the existence of the minor prophets, or the names of any apostle who isn't Peter, John, Matthew, Paul or Judas.
Ok, someone might turn around and say I'm just sniping at a quote taken out of context; and you wouldn't be wrong, the only reason I picked this "And how else do we have true knowledge of God but through the pages of His Word, the Bible?" line was because it was the most recent line of the kind I wanted as an example of.
But here's the thing - the Protestant Reformation was built on this kind of reasoning being correct. Which is why this is a problem - Sola Scriptura doesn't actually work.
Not in practice, as already discussed, but also in theory - Consider Deuteronomy 25:4. It states you must not muzzle oxen as they thresh. Now, is the correct interpretation that it refers only to oxen, or does it apply to people too, in general? Further, what if one were to construct a device that doesn't necessarily muzzle the ox, but still blocks them from eating? Or uses another type of animal? And what if someone employs a machine to do threshing instead of an ox? Or to bring it right up to date, what if it is a self-driving combine harvester that has no animal or human input?
This might seem pedantic, but in the context of the Ancient Israeli economy, questions like these were vital, and it is still relevant for today's world; in the absolute fundamentals, what is the difference between an ox and a tractor?
Without recourse to an oral tradition, there is no answer - when Yeshua and Paul cited this one, they both were citing the Mishnah's interpretation and usage that expanded on the law's strict terms to include humans as a general case.
In the end, all Sola Scriptura has achieved is taking away the Magesterium from Rome and putting it in the hands of people everywhere, while obedience to His commands is as lax as it has ever been.
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waxeight06-blog · 5 years
The Killer Argument Against Salt
Many bloggers known for their contrarian arguments on everything related to nutrition, which they brandish without a shred of evidence, are now claiming that eating a low-salt diet is unhealthy and leads to “increased mortality.”
They also claim that it’s not the quantity of salt that matters, but the quality. For this reason, they recommend particular types of salt like Himalayan salt.
The arguments used to redeem salt are even weaker than those used to endorse saturated fats. But unfortunately, too many people have fallen for them and will die an early death as a result.
What’s even stranger is when those bloggers are otherwise recommending a sort of Paleo Diet or “return to unadulterated foods.” When they claim that “no tribe has ever lived on a vegan diet,” are they aware that those very tribes, which they use as dietary models, didn’t consume salt — a recent addition to humanity’s diet?
Why Salt is a Poison
Dr. Lewis Dahl was one of the first scientists who researched the effects of salt on blood pressure. When he found that a low salt intake lowers blood pressure, his natural question was “does a high salt intake cause increased blood pressure?”
In the 60s, he bred two strains of rats with different sensitivity to salt in developing hypertension. His experiments started building the case against salt.
Opponents will claim that this was insufficient to prove that salt is a major cause of hypertension in humans, and have often trashed Dr. Dahl’s work on that basis. However, they have failed to examine the rest of the evidence against salt. And since 1954,  the science has added up.
Here are the arguments against salt, none of which have ever been considered by salt apologists:
      1) Human beings are adapted to a very low sodium diet, through millions of years of evolution (from pre-human species to modern humans). We ate natural foods that were low in sodium. Breast milk is low in sodium. (Cow’s milk contains much more sodium, by comparison). Because of this, we are genetically programmed to function on a low-sodium diet and eliminate excess sodium in the urine.
      2) When Europeans discovered isolated tribes and communities that did not use salt, they found that they also never experienced hypertension in their lifetime.  On the other hand, modern humans on modern diets have a 60-80% chance of developing hypertension in their lifetime.
           3) There were exceptions to this rule, and a few isolated tribes and communities used salt. For example, scientists studied the Lau tribe in the Solomon Islands between 1966 and 1970. They had the highest blood pressure readings in the region, and also happened to cook all of their fish, sweet potatoes and greens in seawater – so they had a high salt intake.
     4) Scientists discovered that the sodium requirement for humans is only 300-500 mg a day. Most people consume over 4000 mg. a day, sometimes up to 6000 or 8000 mg. 
       5) Chimpanzees are 98% genetically similar to human beings. That noted, scientists tested the salt theory on a group of chimpanzees. Salt intake was progressively increased to 5800 mg a day. Their blood pressure rose by 33/10 mmHg. Even on just 1900 mg. of sodium a day, their systolic blood pressure increased 12 mm. When the scientists removed salt from their diet, their blood pressure slowly came down to their pre-experiment levels.
      6) Human experiments showed the same thing. 
      7) The Rice-Fruit Diet by Dr. William Kemptner was one of the first diets ever used to treat hypertension before drugs were available. It contained 150 mg. of sodium per day. This diet was extremely efficient in treating the most severe case of hypertension — in most but not all people. Later studies found that it was the low-sodium content that gave the results. Blood pressure went up with added salt, but not with added protein. They were able to add 500 mg. of sodium a day without an increase in blood pressure, but not more than that. *10
     8) We know that Thiazide medicines lower blood pressure, probably by increasing sodium excretion.   
What’s Normal Blood Pressure?
Normal blood pressure is not 120/80. That is simply the cutoff at which your doctor will start worrying about high blood pressure. They’ll probably not worry until you hit 140/90, the point at which the benefits of hypertension medications begin to outweigh the risks.
Normal blood pressure is UNDER 110/70. Few people in Western societies achieve such blood pressure over a lifetime because of our diet and high-salt intake.
How Salt Increases Blood Pressure
Humans evolved on a low-sodium diet. Our requirements are very low, under 600 mg — a day. When we start introducing more and more sodium to our diet, our body must work harder to get rid of this extra sodium.
The blood becomes saltier, and the body must dilute this salt. That means more water and more pressure.
Get too much sodium,  and your kidneys will work overtime to do their job.
To suck out all of this sodium and remove it in the urine, kidneys become the best reverse osmosis machine in the world. They’ll draw extra water from your blood. But when there’s extra pressure, it puts a strain on them. High-sodium diets damage the kidneys over time.
Because of all of this extra pressure, the walls of our arteries become thicker. Eventually, small arteries can become so narrow that they clog up completely, or burst entirely because of the pressure. There goes a stroke.
The Salt Skeptics
It would take too long to go through all of the arguments of salt skeptics. But we can point out a few things:
 Some studies have shown that people consuming less salt are living shorter. Explanation: This is due to a problem called “reverse causation.” In Western societies, the only people that tend to cut out sodium are those suffering from major illnesses. Therefore, it is normal to find an association between illness and low-salt intake.
In a few cases, a low-sodium diet can be deadly for people with acute heart failure, taking drugs that flush out their sodium reserves. Explanation: Those are rare cases and can’t extend to the rest of the population.
Many have raised doubts about the famous “Intersalt study,” which initially did not find a significant link between blood pressure and sodium. Explanation: The results were revised in 1996 after the authors had realized they had not corrected the numbers for a “regression dilution problem.” Salt intake was then found to correlate with blood pressure strongly. Many of those studies are flawed and paid for by the salt industry. Dr. Greger has a series of videos on this salt controversy. 
Heavily controlled and rigorous human trials have shown that moderately lowering sodium to 1600 mg. a day significantly reduces blood pressure.
Because some people don’t react to sodium restriction, the average drop can appear small. But remember that every 1 point drop in systolic blood pressure leads to a 1% reduction in overall death.
Remember: the salt and processed food industries need salt to stay alive. They will put out research to try to confuse the public about salt. Meanwhile, the scientific consensus is clear: too much salt is deadly.
How to Tell If Food Has Too much Salt?
If it comes from a restaurant, it has too much salt. If your friend prepared it, it has too much salt. If it’s packaged, it has too much salt. There’s no need to even count mg. of sodium. Eat unprocessed foods that you prepare yourself. If you eat any amount of restaurant food, you’re consuming too much salt.
What About Gourmet Salts?
I can’t end this article without answering a question that will inevitably come up. What about Himalayan salt? Celtic salt? Braggs Liquid Aminos?
The truth is that it doesn’t matter. Yes, some of these salts contain an array of minerals. But most of what’s in it is sodium chloride.
It’s not about salt per se — it’s about sodium. Too much sodium is the problem. And all of those products and more contain a lot of sodium. Because many gourmet salts are moist, one teaspoon of it might contain less sodium. But it still contains mostly sodium — which is a lot.
Braggs, which isn’t as popular nowadays, contains just as much sodium as soy sauce. It looks like it holds less on the label because they play with the serving size.
Even if you used dried celery juice as a powder, you could still get too much sodium if you ate enough of it. The source doesn’t matter. The quantity does.
The Killer Argument Against Salt
Some people may say, “I eat a lot of salt and my blood pressure is fine!”
In reality, salt raises blood pressure in almost EVERY individual, although it may take a lifetime for the problem to become apparent. Only 30% of the population does not have hypertension by age 65. And out of those people, 90% will develop it by the end of their lives. If those individuals lived even longer, they would also get hypertension.
In societies where salt is unknown, the percentage of the population that develops hypertension with age is zero, even when they smoke, drink alcohol or eat meat.
In other words, it’s just a question of time before salt causes hypertension. If you’re lucky, it will just take more time.
However, salt intake affects you in other ways!
Even if you don’t have high blood pressure, salt damages your body in other ways. Salt intake causes kidney damage, stomach cancer, kidney stones, and has recently been linked to autoimmune diseases. But this is only the beginning.
“High sodium intake results in massive albumin excretion, oxidative stress, severe renal arteriolar damage, interstitial fibrosis, increased glomerular hydrostatic pressure, glomerular hyalinization, fibrosis, and end-stage renal disease independently of increased BP.”
The Pledge to Eliminate Salt
All my life I tried to reduce salt, and I concluded that it’s not possible to restrict such an addictive substance. The only method that works is to eliminate it 100%.
We don’t need more sodium than what’s in natural foods! US guidelines for RDA (Required Daily Amounts) states that “the minimum average requirement for adults … [is]… 115 mg of Sodium…per day. In consideration of the wide variation of patterns of physical activity and climate exposure, a safe minimum intake might be set at 500 mg/day.”
Human beings evolved on a low-sodium diet. Therefore our kidneys are adapted to conserve sodium. Salt is NOT paleo! Most humans never had any access to salt up to relatively recently in history.
99.4% of the population consumes more than the 1500 mg. limit of sodium set by the American Heart Association. But the actual ideal intake for optimal health is less than 1000 mg, probably around 500 mg. So the argument that “many people run into health problems by not consuming enough salt” does not hold water!
Remember that optimal blood pressure is under 115/75. Any improvement you can make in your blood pressure numbers will vastly improve your health outcomes!
Even if you consume salt and have an optimal blood pressure of under 115/75, it does not mean that you should keep using salt. 95-99% of people develop essential hypertension if they eat salt, as long as they live long enough. Some people develop it at 35, while others at 85.
One problem with a lot of the research done on sodium restriction is that they focus only on the short-term effect of going from a high-salt intake to moderate salt intake.
According to Dr. James Kenney, Ph. D., author of a fascinating paper or salt toxicity:
Unfortunately, the long-term effects of a low-salt diet have received little attention. After an initial drop in BP, which can be quite noticeable in some individuals, the decline in BP often continues for many months or years, provided the salt restriction is maintained. For example, one group of researchers found that BP was still trending downwards after two years on a diet with about 70 mEq (1600 mg of sodium). Given that the BP raising effects of excessive dietary salt take many years to develop it is surprising that most clinicians expect to see the full impact of a low-salt diet within just a few weeks. In my clinical experience, it may take as long as 5 to 7 years to see the full BP lowering impact of a low-salt diet.
I hope I have convinced some of you to try ditching the salt habit!
REFERENCE 1: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0002870372902992
REFERENCE 2: Blood pressure in four remote populations in the INTERSALT Study. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2767757
REFERENCE 3: Antecedents of Cardiovascular Disease in Six Solomon Islands Societies http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/49/6/1132.short
REFERENCE 4: The effect of increased salt intake on blood pressure of chimpanzees. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7489355
REFERENCE 5-Moderate sodium restriction and diuretics in the treatment of hypertension. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4564947
Reference 6: Hypertension treated by sodium restriction.
Reference 7: Double-blind randomised crossover trial of moderate sodium restriction in essential hypertension. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6120346
Reference 8: Double-blind study of three sodium intakes and long-term effects of sodium restriction in essential hypertension. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2573761
Reference 9: An overview of randomized trials of sodium reduction and blood pressure. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1987008
Reference 11: TREATMENT OF HYPERTENSION WITH CHLOROTHIAZIDE, http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=325216
REFERENCE 12: Intersalt revisited: further analyses of 24 hour sodium excretion and blood pressure within and across populations. Intersalt Cooperative Research Group. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8634612
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Frederic Patenaude
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Frederic Patenaude has been an important influence in the raw food and natural health movement since he started writing and publishing in 1998, first by being the editor of Just Eat an Apple magazine. He is the author of over 20 books, including The Raw Secrets, the Sunfood Cuisine and Raw Food Controversies. Since 2013 he’s been the Editor-in-Chief of Renegade Health.
Frederic loves to relentlessly debunk nutritional myths. He advocates a low-fat, plant-based diet and has had over 10 years of experience with raw vegan diets. He lives in Montreal, Canada.
"The Myth of Diabetes on a Fruit Diet"
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Source: http://www.fredericpatenaude.com/blog/?p=4819
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ot7-ing · 7 years
Honeymoon (Jaebum) ~Requested
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Word count: 1600 words
Genre:  Smut
An: Okay so I, Ramen, tried my best to write the smut but in the end like always I gave up and had Cheese write it. ALSO GUESS WHAT! Riceball wrote majority of the smut for me and she died...a moment of silence for our fallen hero. Anyways I hope you like it and keep on requesting!
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“I do,” Jaebum smiled, his eyes lighting up. “With the power rested in me, I now pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride,” Jaebum didn’t need the permission from the priest. Even before the priest had finished speaking, Jaebum had gently grabbed your chin, giving you a mischievous smile as he kissed you gently.You both were married now. You were so lucky enough to be Im Jaebum’s wife.
“Hey Y/N, wake up,” Jaebum’s soft voice stirred you from your sleep. You opened your eyes to meet the deep brown orbs of the man you were in love with for more than 4 years. “We’re here, come on,” he murmured, and before you could even move, his arms were under your legs and back, picking you up. You giggled, slapping his chest lightly. “Jaebum, stop,” you shook your head at your goofball of a husband, your heart swelling at the cute, innocent grin he gave you. “I love you,” he lightly pecked the top of your head as you entered the hotel you were booked in.
Lingerie. Lingerie. And more lingerie.“What the hell…” you hissed, shifting through the different types of lingerie your friend had packed for you. She had offered to help you pack as you were too busy with the wedding preparations and all... how were you to know she was going to turn this into a complete bag of misunderstanding?
“I packed a little gift for you and Jaebum, though…” you suddenly recalled your best friend telling you before you left the bridal room. You were tempted to call and yell at her when the door of the room suddenly opened. In panic you tried to cover up the bag but it was useless. Jaebum had already seen it.
“Jaebum-ah, I... this- well... you see,” your face was as red as a beetroot as you tried to explain your situation, stumbling over words. However, Jaebum just stood there, a faint smile on his lips. He couldn’t care less about your bag full of lingerie, it wasn’t even what caught his attention. It was your flushed cheeks.
“Hey, jagiya,” Jaebum chuckled, covering your mouth with his hand, “You talk too much,” He grinned, his eyes shining with adoration. Your cheeks coloured even more as you quickly raised your arms to push him away, muttering about him and his cheesiness.
“Get out, Im Jaebum, I need to change!” you huffed and he laughed, shaking his head as he walked away. You were his wife now. It was something he still couldn’t wrap his head around.
Jaebum had his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you both strolled down the streets, taking in the beautiful sight around you. On your way, you came across a small flower shop, making Jaebum instantly halt. Despite your constant comments about his cheesiness, you couldn’t help but fall for him even more when he handed you the bouquet of your favourite flowers. 
“Remember the first time we met? You had this flower in your hair like this,” he plucked out the flower, gently placing it in your hair, “You looked so gorgeous, I swear I had never seen such a beautiful person ever." You blushed, burying your head in his chest. He knew you were shy and couldn’t handle such compliments but he also couldn’t help himself.
He wanted to compliment you every single minute, wanting to remind you of how precious you were to him. He was aware that because of your shyness, you never knew why he chose you of all people as his girlfriend, and even more so as his wife. He was determined to prove to you that it didn’t matter to him whether you were beautiful to others or not, because to him you were nothing short of a goddess.
“I love you so much,” he sneakily whispered, making you squeak. No matter how long you had been dating, and no matter how much he said those three simple words, they still surprised you.
Jaebum wasn’t an expressive man and so whenever he expressed himself, even something as simple as ‘you look nice,’ was more precious than all the gems in the world. You sneaked a glance at your interwined hands, both your wedding rings gleaming in the light. With a small smile, you squeezed his hand, laying your head on his shoulder. “I love you too,” you whispered.
You stared at the bag infront of you with a frown. To be extremely honest, you had never ever  worn something like this...never and Jaebum and you had never even passed beyond heavy make-out sessions...How were you going to pull this off?
This was why you never really understood why Jaebum was even interested in you. He had always been into sexy, self-confident girls and all his girlfriends of the past had been like that. What had been so special in you that he chose you, a shy insecure girl over all of those girls? You were going to be the girl Jaebum liked. You weren’t going to give Jaebum the chance to regret his decision.
Jaebum was casually scrolling through the countless messages his friends had sent him, rolling his eyes at their hormone filled minds. He didn’t care if you both were on a honeymoon. Jaebum had swore he wouldn’t do anything until he was a hundred percent sure you wanted it.
Just as he replied to Jackson’s rather heavily implied message, the door of the bathroom opened and you walked out, all clad in red lingere. Anyone could tell how extremely uncomfortable you were when his eyes landed on you, his peircing gaze scanning you over. You could feel his eyes on you but you were to shy to look up and face whatever emotion were in those brown orbs. With your eyes on the floor, you nervously pulled at your hair and shyly wrapped your hands around your stomach, wishing you could just rush back and change.
However, it was too late. Jaebum didn’t know what came over him when he got up, slowly walking up to you. All he knew was that he couldn’t tear his eyes off of you. You looked like a piece of art, a masterpiece created just for him. Your breathing was already ragged but when Jaebum’s hand gently touched your arm, your heart exploded, your head whipping up to meet his dark, almost black eyes. 
“Jagiyah,” he whispered, his voice rough as his arm snaked around your waist, pulling you closer. His eyes scanned your face, his lips dangerously close to yours. “You're so beautiful,” was all he whispered before his lips crashed on yours, kissing firmly. You kissed him back immediately, his lips molding into yours. His tongue pushed into your mouth, and he dominated over you, nibbling on your bottom lip whenever he had to pull away to breathe. Desire hung in the air as his hands travelled down your bare sides, making you feel things you never imagined you could. You moaned at the feeling of his chapped lips against yours as your hands moved upwards to grasp tightly into his hair.
His lips moved to your neck, biting and sucking at your weak spots while his hands trailled their way to your hips, squeezing them roughly as he pulled you flush against him. Your let out a broken whimper as you gripped his shoulders, pulling his head closer. His kisses were igniting a fire in you, deep in the pit of your stomach, burning you up. His hands pulled you up, making your legs wrap around his waist as he carried you to the bed, his lips never once leaving you.You let out a moan as your back hit the bed, Jaebum straddling you as he continued his assault on you. His hands wandered down your sides, gently pulling your legs up and around his waist as he settled between them, leaning over to suck on the spot just behind your ear, your low whimpers almost causing him to lose his mind. "Jagiyah," he whispered, breathing hot against your neck .
"Let me take care of you tonight." You could feel him gulp against you as your hands went to the ends of his shirt, slipping themselves beneath it and feeling over his broad back, feeling every muscle tense up as you glided your fingers over them.
This was such a foreign feeling to you You felt bolder as you let him take control. You both had never gone beyond making out and now, feeling his hands all over you ignited a spark of confidence. For the first time you felt like you were capable of pleasuring him and this drove you forward.
Your mind was nothing but clouds of pleasure as Jaebum took it upon himself to lightly grind his erection against your core.You lifted your hips lightly and gasped everytime he hit up against you, grasping the pillow behind you as you felt him grasp your hips as you felt his grinding become deeper and more fluid than before.
And before you knew it he had flipped you over; he lay on his back while you settled against him, and he immediately pulled your head down and reconnected your lips. You settled against him, softly rolling your hips against his, desperate for friction as this point.
Without warning, he bucked up against you, making you gasp his name. He shifted up, one hand grounded against your back to make sure you didn't fall as he started to nibble your neck.
"Did you like that, Y/N?" Jaebum mumbled gently, hands moving toward your chest, "I just want to be sure I'm doing what you like."
"Please, Jaebum," you groaned, jolts of electricity travelling up your body as his hands gripped your sides. Pausing just under the swell of your breasts, his eyes shifted up to look at you, silently asking permission. You were too far gone in pleasure already that all you could do was moan and nod.
He gently cupped one of your breasts in his hands, making you moan at the tingles that shot right down to your core. A gasp slipped past your lips as his thumb rubbed over your nipple, rolling it between his fingers.“Please.” you pleaded again, not knowing what you wanted yourself. Just that you needed more. Much more of everything right now. His scent, his warmth, his voice. That deep lustful look in his eyes that had been dilated to black... the sealed promise of forever, and everything and anything he would offer you would take gladly.
Letting him move his kisses up to your face, from your stomach, you allowed him to shower you in his undeniable love.
“Jaebum-ah... I need you, please,” You whimpered, feeling him part from you. Jaebum smiled as he gently shushed you, removing his shirt and pants quickly, discarding his clothing at your pleas.
You watch as he reveals his length to you, gulping for a second before his eyes meet yours again and he smiles sweetly. It's a beautiful smile which you see rarely outside of your house. But here it is, the same smile he gave you when you first woke up next to him. You remember the cute pillow marks on the side of his face he slept on, voice deep and laced with sleep, eyes heavy and slightly swollen.His eyes held the same love now. They were drooping as well and rather than being laced with sleep, they were laced with lust and want, purely reserved for you.
Jaebum's fingers moved down towards your folds, gently tracing over them and gathering your wetness before pushing slightly inside you with two fingers just barely by the tips. You closed your eyes, moaning at the unfamiliar intrusion. It wasn't unpleasant but just different. As his digits inched in bit by bit you reached up to grasp at his shoulder with one hand while the other latched onto his bicep.
“You good?” his husky voice mumbled and you nodded weakly. He inched in more before pulling out until the tips and entering again this time, a little faster. The discomfort disappeared as he continued to slide his fingers in and out of you before moving faster, fillimg you with pleasurable feelings as he rocked his fingers deep into you, hitting special spots each time.
“I'm- I can take you, Jaebum,” You whined at the third finger. He pulled out reluctantly after a few more push and pulls before cupping your face with his clean hand to gently kiss you.
“Are you sure?” he whispered against your swollen lips and you nod.
“I trust you.”
He smiles, kissing you again. Laying his lips against yours, he gently begins to push in slowly.
You gasp against his mouth, nails digging into his back to find purchase against the delicious stretch.
Once he's fully connected with you he stops to move up to his elbows to wipe away a tear that had fallen out without permission.
“Feels so good," You slurred, so high on the feeling of finally being one with the man you loved with your entire heart.
As he whispers promises of forever into your ear you urge him to move and he does just that. Sliding against your walls with a burning drag that makes you erupt into millions of pieces only to be glued back the second he kisses you, and he keeps going.Moans flow out of your lips. You legs tighten around his torso and hands dig deeper into the hard skin of his back as your hips begin to move with his rhythm.
Drops of sweat emerge from his hairline, moving down the middle of his forehead over the bridge of his nose and drips down onto yours.
“More... I need more, please,” Fingers trace down his body to the small of his back and his hips buck faster against yours.
Sounds more high pitched fall frequently from between your swollen, parted lips.Your legs start to shake in a tell tale sign, which has you grasping him even tighter inside of you.
“I'm close,” you manage to stutter out in between the haze of pleasure. You barely catch his reply before you're arching your back, mouth open in a silent scream, eyes screwed shut and nails digging into his back drawing small specks of blood to the surface. It hurts him, but drives him forward too, and he feels himself begin to climb up the hill.
You tighten around him make the friction burn more than before and he lets go, groaning deeply into the crook of your neck. This only aids your own release as slight bruises form by your hip bones from where he was clutching you hard. Before you know it, it's over, and you're so spent you feel like all you want to do is lie down and sleep away. There's a pleasant ache in between your legs as Jaebum slowly pulls himself out of you and gently lays you down, caressing your hair and smiling that smile that was only reserved for you. You feel butterflies as you smile back, and he lays behind you, laying you flush against him.
A gentle peck on your temple woke you up, fluttering your eyes open. Jaebum grinned, the grin at made you lose your heart to him. Gently caressing your cheek, he kissed your fore-head again."How is my jagiyah feeling?" he softly asked, his eyes shining. You smiled, scooting closer as you wraped your arms around him.
"If you keep smiling like that, I'll feel like I'm on top of the world," you cheekily replied, nudging your heads together. "Well then, your wish is my command, your majesty," Jaebum chuckled, his eyes crinkling cutely. You bit your lip as you stared at the man before you, your huband.
“Ah, Y/n-ah don't," Jaebum instanly set your lower lip free, running his thumb gently over the torn lips, "you bit them enough last night, don't." Your cheeks instantly flushed red when he mentioned last night. No matter how much you reminded yourself that you were married now, you still felt like a shy little girl facing her boyfriend after their first night.
"Jagiyah..."his voice held amusement as he nudged you, "Please don't tell me you are shy?"
"Yah! Im Jaebum shut up," you mumbled, burring your face in the blankets. Jaebum's voice rang around the room.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to make you get used it...huh," you peeked at his suggestive face, turning a deeper red. You chuckled, slapping his chest, embarrassed at his bluntness.
"Do you promise to love her and cherish her till death do you apart?"
"I promise to love and cherish her even after death does us apart," Jaebum smiled softly, watching you laugh, your eyes light up the way they did whenever you smiled or laughed.  
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MA Fashion and Textile Practices Major Project Path - 21st March
Today we had a seminar Colour Is Emotion & Intuition, which was really interesting as it discussed how colours became recognised and how they can effect our emotions and well-being. As well as a discussion on intuition which is something we all are aware of and invariably use but without knowing the processes behind it. 
Of course when we think of colour we most likely think of Sir Issac Newton as the scientist who developed the first circular diagram of colours in the mid 1600′s, through the way he observed the way each colour of light would bend as it passed through a prism. He was the first to recognise colours as primary and secondary and thus produced the first colour wheel relative to that. Since then the wheel has seen many guises, but these principles remain the same.            
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Aurora, F. (2013). Isaac Newton. [Illustration]. Retrieved from http://fundacioaurora.com/lasmaravillasdeluniverso/portfolio/isaac-newton/.  
What I found particularly interesting was Newton’s illustration in the book Opticks, Or, A Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections & Colours of Light (Newton et al., 1979) where he related the significance of colour to the musical scale, where he has split the circle into 7 parts relating to the seven musical tones or intervals of the eight sounds; Sol, La, Fa, Sol, La, Mi, Fa, Sol. D-E represents Red, E-F is Orange and so on, so the transference from one colour to the next should result in varying degrees of intensity between each colour and all the myriad degrees of that colour between. How it relates to sound is really fascinating as he envisaged this is also like the space between musical notes thus enabling him to understand how light is broken down into sections.
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Shamey, R. (2015). Colors and the associated musical notes in Newton's color wheel, shown in his book Opticks of 1704. The circle completes a full musical octave, from D to D [8]. Colors on opposite sides are complementary . [Illustration]. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Colors-and-the-associated-musical-notes-in-Newtons-color-wheel-shown-in-his-book_fig1_303895862.
Book: Newton, I., Whittaker, E., Cohen, I., & Roller, D. (1979). Opticks, or a Treatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections, & Colours of Light. Retrieved from http://strangebeautiful.com/other-texts/newton-opticks-4ed.pdf  
In the above illustration by Newton each of the letters around the circle represent the notes of the Dorian mode, the only scale which shows symmetry and is equivalent to the white notes of a key board starting at note D..... I just find it really interesting how he related colour to music in the first place. In my notes I wrote Synesthesia?! Did Newton have this condition? 
In her article on the website Live Science Bradford (2017) discusses that Synesthesia is a neurological condition which causes the brain to process data in a way that use more than one sense at a time, the name Synesthesia comes from the Greek phrase for "to perceive together”. This condition is quite rare and only occurs with every 1 in 2,000 people. There are around 60 different types of Synesthesia, some of which are: 
Smelling certain scents when hearing certain sounds.
Seeing music as colors in the air (music-color synesthesia) - maybe Newton had a version of this type of Synesthesia?
Tasting words (lexical-gustatory synesthesia).
Feeling that certain textures cause certain emotions (tactile-emotion synesthesia).
Feeling that time has a physical characteristic (time-space synesthesia). 
I remember reading a story about a guy years ago who would see pyramids and diamonds forming in front of him when he heard music, a little like the form of synesthesia called "conceptual synesthesia," in which they see abstract concepts, such as units of time or mathematical operations, as shapes projected either internally or into the space around them.
Article: Bradford, A. (2017). What Is Synesthesia?. Retrieved from https://www.livescience.com/60707-what-is-synesthesia.html.   
So it is no surprise to learn that a lot of musicians and artists have this condition and clearly use it their advantage. This also struck a chord with me again when our lecture Colour Is Emotion & Intuition moved on to discuss the Russian born artist Kandinsky and his pioneering contribution to colour art theory. Most people will recognise Wassily Kandinsky’s work, he is often referred to as the ‘father of abstraction’ and is widely credited with creating the world’s first truly abstract art. It was his later theory work at the Bauhaus in Weimar, Germany that made me think his elements of his work seemed to stem from the condition Synesthesia. 
Kandinsky declared he felt an “inner necessity” to express his emotional perceptions in a non-representative way, to use colour and form as basis for his abstract work. In his first book On the Spiritual in Art - which was a theoretical treatise - Kandinsky established that non objective art had a philosophical basis and that colour had specific feelings and emotions linked to them. In his book Point and Line to Plane he took his theorising further by initiating a set of rules on which to establish grounds for his ideology by discussing that certain shapes and elements used in art had relation to certain colours, or the use of specific symbols together with colour could induce specific emotions to the viewer. 
I downloaded this book and read some of his theories for myself. In ‘Point’ the first section of the book Kandinsky (1926) discusses the meaning of the positioning of a point on a plane (i.e a piece of paper) and its relation to its surroundings. In this case he is using the point or full stop in a sentence. The more the point is moved away from the words the less connection it has with them and becomes an entity in its own right. Here he wrote;
‘As the surrounding space and the size of the point are increased, the sound of the print is reduced and the sound of the point becomes clearer and more powerful.’
Here he is saying the size of the point has resonance to us as a viewer in relation to the text. It is exactly the same in graphic design where elements and text on the ‘plane’ have to be in relation with one another but still have some negative space or intersection between them to resonate with the viewer and to be aesthetically viable. To me it seems that all elements within art, fashion and graphics etc. have to have a relationship with each other in some form. Whilst merchandising products at work I have in my mind that the products that sit with each other have to have a ‘relationship’ to the next or it doesn’t work aesthetically, it’s the same principle here as anywhere in design.
There was an article written by Ossian Ward (2006) in The Telegraph in which was it discussed by sceptics that synesthesia was nothing more than a subjective invention and that it wasn’t proven that Kandinsky had the condition. As a child Kandinsky would recall a strange hissing noise when mixing paint colours together in his paintbox, later on hearing Wagner’s opera Lohengrin in Moscow, he stated;
“I saw all my colours in spirit, before my eyes. Wild, almost crazy lines were sketched in front of me.”
In 1911 he was similarly moved by a concert Schoenberg gave and two days later finished his piece Impression III (Konzert). He was incredibly inspired by music and believed our response to his art should come from within as does our response to music, and not from what his art should represent in the real world. He once said;
“Colour is the keyboard. The eye is the hammer. The soul is the piano with its many strings." 
Book: Kandinsky, W., Gropius, W., Moholy-Nagy, L., Dearstyne, H., & Rebay, H. (2011). Point and Line to Plane. Retrieved from https://ia600501.us.archive.org/1/items/pointlinetoplane00kand/pointlinetoplane00kand.pdf
Article: Ward, O. (2006, June 10). The man who heard his paintbox hiss. The Telegraph. Retrieved from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/3653012/The-man-who-heard-his-paintbox-hiss.html
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Kandinsky, W. (1925). Swinging. [Oil on Board]. Retrieved from https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/kandinsky-swinging-t02344.
I particularly like this piece, to me it represents something so typically 1920′s glamour. Along with the title it makes me think of dancing flappers and the jazz players of the time. The piece seems to have such movement and life, as if those dancing flappers and jazz players had come together in one place. I can also see how 80′s surface pattern prints were inspired by the 1920′s and the Art Deco aesthetic, as the wavy lines and strong geometric shapes are synonymous with that look.       
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Do Republicans Stand For Today
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-do-republicans-stand-for-today/
What Do Republicans Stand For Today
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Poverty Must Solve Itself
Republicans believe that poor people are usually poor for a reason, be it laziness, choice or whatever. Unless we demand that people pull themselves up by the bootstraps and solve their own problems, people will not be motivated to do things. Therefore, the issue of poverty cannot be solved by the government. Charity should be the choice of individuals.
Republicans Cant Understand Democrats
Only one in four Republican voters felt that most or almost all Democratic voters sincerely believed they were voting in the best interests of the country.  Rather, many Republicans told us that Democratic voters were brainwashed by the propaganda of the mainstream media, or voting solely in their self-interest to preserve undeserved welfare and food stamp benefits.
We asked every Republican in the sample to do their best to imagine that they were a Democrat and sincerely believed that the Democratic Party was best for the country.  We asked them to explain their support for the Democratic Party as an actual Democratic voter might.  For example, a 64-year-old strong Republican man from Illinois surmised that Democrats want to help the poor, save Social Security, and tax the rich.   
But most had trouble looking at the world through Democratic eyes. Typical was a a 59-year-old Floridian who wrote I dont want to work and I want cradle to grave assistance. In other words, Mommy! Indeed, roughly one in six Republican voters answered in the persona of a Democratic voter who is motivated free college, free health care, free welfare, and so on.  They see Democrats as voting in order to get free stuff without having to work for it was extremely common roughly one in six Republican voters used the word free in the their answers, whereas no real Democratic voters in our sample answered this way. 
How Bipartisan Is Democrats Infrastructure Plan
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But Trumps continued popularity among key GOP constituencies prevents Republican insiders from undertaking a formal, public discussion about his political shortcomings and how the party should move on from him. Everyone in the GOP knows that irritating Trump could result in the former president attacking them, which would make them vulnerable to a primary challenge, with conservative activists likely backing their opponent. So there will be no autopsy of the post-Trump Republican Party, akin to the Republican National Committees report in 2013 following Romneys defeat, at least not in public. 
Democrats Remain United Around Ideas
While some Democrats remain coy about it, they are broadly united in the objective of moving the United States much more toward European-style social democracy. That includes a much more extensive social welfare system. A government-directed economy. Heavily regulated capital, labor and consumer markets.
This is not socialism, properly understood and defined. Markets would remain the primary mechanism for allocating capital and labor, and setting prices. Even the members of the Democratic coalition who call themselves socialists arent really.
Now, there are disagreements among Democrats about the specifics of what should constitute a European-style social democracy in the United States. And differences about how rapidly to get there.
Nevertheless, there is sufficient consensus on the direction that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders were able to agree on a unity platform headed into the election.
What Does Democratic Mean
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Starting alphabetically, the word means pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
Simply put, the lowercase democratic is a word used to refer to anything that resembles or has to do with a , a form of in which the supreme power rests with the people and is exercised by them directly or by politicians that they elect to them. In practice, this is usually accomplished through a fair, organized system of voting, in which  or cast votes in support of political or societal issues . 
So, the word democratic is used to describe government systems that are or resemble democracies and the people that run these types of governments. The United States of America is a representative democracy in which the people elect representatives to perform the demands of politics on their behalf. This is why we say that the US is a democratic country or that we have a democratic form of government. 
The English word democratic dates all the way back to the late 1500 and early 1600s. It is derived from the Greek word dmokratía . The government system of the ancient Greek of Athens, in which the people held the power , is considered the worlds first democracy. Considering that Athens was a slave-owning society, its form of democracy was much different than the democratic governments of today. 
America Should Deport Illegal Immigrants
Republicans believe that illegal immigrants, no matter the reason they are in this country, should be forcibly removed from the U.S. Although illegal immigrants are often motivated to come to the U.S. by companies who hire them, Republicans generally believe that the focus of the law should be on the illegal immigrants and not on the corporations that hire them.
Democrats Think Many Republicans Sincere And Point To Policy
Democrats, however, were somewhat more generous in their answers.  More than four in ten Democratic voters   felt that most Republican voters had the countrys best interests at heart .  And many tried their best to answer from the others perspective. A 45-year-old male voter from Ohio imagined that as a Republican, he was motivated by Republicans harsh stance on immigration; standing up for the 2nd Amendment; promised tax cuts.  A 30-year-old woman from Colorado felt that Republican votes reflected the desires to stop abortion stop gay marriage from ruining our country and give us our coal jobs back.
Other Democrats felt that their opponents were mostly motivated by the GOPs opposition to Obamacare, lower taxes and to support a party that reduced unemployment. 
What Does Republican Mean
The word means of, relating to, or of the nature of a republic. Similarly to the word democratic, the word republican also describes things that resemble or involve a particular form of government, in this case the government in question is a . A republic is a government system in which power rests with voting citizens who directly or indirectly choose representatives to exercise political power on their behalf. 
You may have noticed that a republic sounds a lot like a democracy. As it happens, most of the present-day democracies are also republics. However, not every republic is democratic and not every democratic country is a republic.
For example, the historical city-state of Venice had a leader known as a who was elected by voters. In the case of Venice, though, the voters were a small council of wealthy traders, and the doge held his position for life. Venice and other similar mercantile city-states had republican governments, but as you can see, they were definitely not democratic. At the same time, the United Kingdom is a democratic country that has a monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and so it is not a republican country because it is not officially a republic. 
Republican Vs Democrat: What Are The Differences
When it comes to U.S. politics, two prominent parties dominate democrats and republicans. Each party, despite some of their common grounded principles, stands for a very different system where beliefs and applications might vary.
Here is an unbiased breakdown of some of the major differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
  The Republican Party General Policy And Political Values
The Republican Party is often referred to as the GOP. This abbreviation stands for Grand Old Party. Its logo is an elephant. The Republican Party is known to support right-leaning ideologies of conservatism, social conservatism, and economic libertarianism, among other -isms. Thus, Republicans broadly advocate for traditional values, a low degree of government interference, and large support of the private sector.
One main standpoint of the Republican Party platform is a strong focus on the family and individual freedom. Generally, the Republican Party therefore often tends to promote states and local rights. That means that they often wish for federal regulations to play a lesser role in policymaking. Furthermore, the GOP has a pro-business-oriented platform. Thus, the party advocates for businesses to exist in a free market instead of being impacted by tight government regulations.
Why The Gops Lack Of Party Platform Matters
President Trumps refusal to commit to accepting Novembers election results is the latest example of this president abandoning the norms of constitutional democracy. And although high-profile Republicans have issued statements affirming that they support a peaceful transfer of power, they have also been carefully deferential to Trump.
This is a notable continuation of the party slowly becoming the party of Trump. Nowhere was this clearer than in the decision not to have a 2020 party platform and instead simply affirming enthusiastic support for Trump and his America First agenda. That move, more so than statements pledging fealty to the peaceful transfer of power, signals wavering Republican commitment toward equal rights and democracy.
Platforms declare a partys values and commitments. While the substance of the Democratic and Republican platforms often differs sharply, both have historically used certain key words, like the American Dream, economic opportunity and freedom from discrimination. Examining Republican platforms over time shows that what once had been a big-tent strategy of carefully managing intraparty differences over equality has been replaced by a hierarchical model of leadership where the party faithful should acquiesce to one individuals vision of political community. Indeed, the 2020 resolution ruled out of order any effort to adopt a platform.
What Do Republicans Stand For
Since this is a presidential election year, and the Republican Party wants Americans , it is fitting to ask the question: What do Republicans stand for?
Writing in Politico Magazine, chief political correspondent Tim Alberta hit the nail on the head: The supposed canons of GOP orthodoxy limited government, free enterprise, institutional conservation, moral rectitude, fiscal restraint, global leadership have in recent years gone from elastic to expendable. Identifying this intellectual vacuum is easy enough. Far more difficult is answering the question of what, quite specifically, has filled it.
The Republican Party held a truncated convention in Charlotte last month because of coronavirus restrictions on gatherings and concern for the safety of convention attendees. Every four years at their convention, Republicans adopt a new party platform but not this time. Even though the Democrats adopted a new for 2020 and a 110-page of recommendations issued by the BidenSanders unity task force, the Republican National Committee unanimously voted to forego the Convention Committee on Platform, in appreciation of the fact that it did not want a small contingent of delegates formulating a new platform without the breadth of perspectives within the ever-growing Republican movement. Had the Platform Committee convened, it would have undoubtedly unanimously agreed to reassert the Partys strong support for President Donald Trump and his Administration.
Health care
Democrats Return The Favor: Republicans Uninformed Or Self
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The 429 Democratic voters in our sample returned the favor and raised many of the same themes. Democrats inferred that Republicans must be VERY ill-informed, or that Fox news told me to vote for Republicans.  Or that Republicans are uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.
Many also attributed votes to individual self-interest whereas GOP voters feel Democrats want free stuff, many Democrats believe Republicans think that I got mine and dont want the libs to take it away, or that some day I will be rich and then I can get the benefits that rich people get now.
Many used the question to express their anger and outrage at the other side.  Rather than really try to take the position of their opponents, they said things like, I like a dictatorial system of Government, Im a racist, I hate non-whites. 
Views Of The Democratic And Republican Parties
Just under half of Americans have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, while a slightly larger share have an unfavorable view.
The GOP is viewed more negatively 38% say they have a positive view of the Republican Party, while 60% rate it unfavorably. These views are modestly changed since last summer, with the share of Americans rating the GOP unfavorably slightly higher than it was in August and the share of Americans with a negative view of the Democratic Party down slightly .
About three-quarters of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents view the GOP favorably, while 81% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents view the Democratic Party positively.
Nearly all Republicans who say they strongly identify with the Republican Party express a favorable opinion of the GOP. Among Republicans who say they not so strongly identify with the party, 77% say have a favorable view, while 56% of independents who lean toward the Republican Party say the same.
Democrats who very strongly identify with the Democratic Party nearly universally view their party favorably, as do 87% of Democrats who describe themselves as not-so-strong Democrats. About six-in-ten Democratic leaners have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party.
Within both partisan groups, views of the opposing party are overwhelmingly unfavorable across-the-board, with more than eight-in-ten strong partisans, not so strong partisans and leaners alike saying this.
Public Opinion On Foreign Policy
In June 2014 the Quinnipiac Poll asked Americans which foreign policy they preferred:
A) The United States is doing too much in other countries around the world, and it is time to do less around the world and focus more on our own problems here at home. B) The United States must continue to push forward to promote democracy and freedom in other countries around the world because these efforts make our own country more secure.
Democrats chose A over B by 65%-32%; Republicans chose A over B by 56% to 39%; Independents chose A over B by 67% to 29%.
Foreign Policy And National Defense
Republicans supported Woodrow Wilson‘s call for American entry into World War I in 1917, complaining only that he was too slow to go to war. Republicans in 1919 opposed his call for entry into the League of Nations. A majority supported the League with reservations; a minority opposed membership on any terms. Republicans sponsored world disarmament in the 1920s, and isolationism in the 1930s. Most Republicans staunchly opposed intervention in World War II until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. By 1945, however, internationalists became dominant in the party which supported the Cold War policies such as the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO.
Red States Outnumber Blue States
In February 2016, Gallup reported that for the first time since Gallup started tracking, red states now outnumber blue states.
In 2008, 35 states leaned Democratic and this number is down to only 14 now. In the same time, the number of Republican leaning states rose from 5 to 20. Gallup determined 16 states to be competitive, i.e., they leaned toward neither party. Wyoming, Idaho and Utah were the most Republican states, while states that leaned the most Democratic were Vermont, Hawaii and Rhode Island.
What Is The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats
Republicans and Democrats are the two main and historically the largest political parties in the US and, after every election, hold the majority seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the highest number of Governors. Though both the parties mean well for the US citizens, they have distinct differences that manifest in their comments, decisions, and history. These differences are mainly ideological, political, social, and economic paths to making the US successful and the world a better place for all. Differences between the two parties that are covered in this article rely on the majority position though individual politicians may have varied preferences.
Trump Loses Then Attempts A Coup
In Georgia, Trump is attacking the Republican governor, lieutenant governor and secretary of state. In Arizona, he is attacking Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, who has been a GOP statewide officeholder for more consecutive years than Trump has been a Republican.
The reason? They are not willing to try to overturn duly certified election results in their states.
There has been an attempted coup of the presidential election taking place. But Trump is not the victim. He is the perpetrator.
The legal strategy was to delay certification of election results. The political strategy was to pressure Republican officials to ignore the election results, irrespective of whether they were certified, and have Republican state legislatures chose Trump electors in states where Biden won the vote.
Internet Safety And Decency
DemocraticThe platform supports a free and open internet at home and abroad. The party would seek to strengthen cybersecurity while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of the American people.
RepublicanThe platform states: The internet must not become a safe haven for predators. Pornography, with its harmful effects, especially on children, has become a public health crisis that is destroying the lives of millions.
Most Republicans Say Critics Of Trump Should Not Be Accepted In The Gop While Most Democrats Say Their Party Should Be Accepting Of Biden Critics
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Large majorities of both Republicans and Democrats say their party should be accepting of elected officials within the party who disagree with it on some important issues. At the same time, very few in either party say their party should be welcoming of elected officials who support groups advocating for violence against members of the other party.
But there are clear distinctions between the two coalitions in their appetite for accepting members of the party who criticize the partys standard bearers: While most Democrats say the party should be at least somewhat accepting of elected officials who criticize Joe Biden, the majority position among Republicans is that the GOP should not be welcoming toward Republican elected officials who criticize Donald Trump, and an even smaller share of Republicans say that those who voted to impeach Trump should be accepted in the GOP. 
Eight-in-ten Democrats and Democratic leaners say the Democratic Party should be very or somewhat accepting of Democratic elected officials who disagree with Democrats on important issues, while 71% of Republicans and Republican leaners say their own party should be very or somewhat accepting of Republican officials who disagree with the GOP on some important issues. Just 4% of Democrats and 7% of Republicans say their parties should be not at all accepting of elected officials who disagree with the party on some important issues.
The changes did not affect the reports substantive findings. 
The Partys Core Activists Dont Want To Shift Gears
This is the simplest and most obvious explanation: The GOP isnt changing directions because the people driving the car dont want to. 
When we think of Republicans, we tend to think of either rank-and-file GOP voters or the partys highest-profile elected officials, particularly its leaders in Congress. But in many ways, the partys direction is driven by a group between those two: conservative organizations like Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation, GOP officials at the local and state level and right-wing media outlets. That segment of the party has been especially resistant to the GOP abandoning its current mix of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, opposition to expansions of programs that benefit the poor and an identity politics that centers white Americans and conservative Christians.
You could see the power and preferences of this group in the response to the Capitol insurrection.
In the days immediately following Jan. 6, many GOP elected officials, most notably McConnell, signaled that the party should make a permanent break from Trump. an increased number of rank-and-file GOP voters were dissatisfied with the outgoing president. But by the time the Senate held its trial over Trumps actions a month later, it was clear that the party was basically back in line with Trump. 
related:Why Being Anti-Media Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity Read more. »
Mcdermott: What Exactly Does Today’s Republican Party Stand For
Sep 21, 2019
Don’t want this next door? Too bad, say Missouri’s ruling Republicans.
Kevin McDermott
Some recent news items:
A new law by Missouri Republicans prevents local governments from regulating mega-hog-farms more stringently than the state does. So much for the Republican principle of local control.
The Republican-held U.S. Senate refuses to consider background checks on all gun purchases to ensure criminals cant buy them a no-brainer thats supported by about 90% of Americans, including most gun owners. So much for the Republican principle of law and order.
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., wants government regulation of the big social media companies to make their platforms more friendly to conservatives. So much for the Republican principles of deregulation and free enterprise.
The massive tax-cut-for-the-rich that Republicans passed in 2017 continues to very much not pay for itself as promised, instead driving the federal deficit over $1 trillion for the first time in six years. Yet President Donald Trump is calling for another massive tax cut. So much for the Republican principle of fiscal responsibility.
What, exactly, does todays GOP stand for?
Thats not snark. Its a real question.
They were genuinely obsessed with law and order, which is why Ronald Reagan all but banning civilian ownership of machine guns. Would todays Republican Senate pass that?
McDermott: Oblivious in the Ozarks
The Gop Now Stands For Nothing
A party that doesnt believe in anything ends up believing only in its right to rule.
About the author: Tom Nichols is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the author ofthe book Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault From Within on Modern Democracy.
The Republicans in Congress are blocking a bipartisan investigation into the January 6 insurrection. Their spines crushed by years of obedience to Donald Trump, the members of the GOP have once again retreated from civic responsibility, with one more humiliation of those last few in the party who thought that the Senate Republicans might mimic something like statesmanship.
However, this effort is more than the usual cynical mendacity and crass careerism that characterize the current Republican Party. This latest insult to the rule of law and the Constitution was possible only because the Republicans have already lost confidence in their own principles. The GOP now stands for nothing. The party of Lincoln has become, in every way, a political and moral nullity.
American conservatism once meant something definite and tangible. You could fight those beliefs and policies; you could argue with them, admire them, or hate them. But they existed. Strom Thurmond, Ronald Reagan, Howard Baker, and Edward Brooke were not necessarily deep thinkers, and they didnt all agree on everything. But the GOP held clear lines of thought that stood as alternatives to liberalism.
Read: Mitch McConnells gift to progressives
Hincker: What Is Conservatism And What Do Republicans Stand For
Larry Hincker
I awoke on the morning of Jan. 6 dusting off ideas for another column. The U.S. Senate had just tipped to Democratic control in a decidedly anti-Trump vote. Should I snidely thank the president for decisively uniting the Democratic Party and its complete takeover of the federal government? Or tackle something closer to my beatthe more complex and substantial topic of the Virginia legislatures costly clean energy policies?
Then I read the paper. The conservative Wall Street Journal opined that Trump was unhinged from political reality. I thought for a moment that the modifier, from political reality, was unnecessary.
Later as I watched TV, unhinged historical figures poured over my brain. Theres Sampson pulling down columns in the temple, screaming about a stolen election amid woe-is-me fueled fury.
Or the Madness of King George, another slightly unhinged leader who suffered defeat, and wondering if our presidents minions were struggling to contain his rages.
Images of Nuremburg dance around my cranium while Trump encouraged tens of thousands at the huge Save America March outside The White House to be wild and walk down to the Capitol. Ill be there with you, he said. Apparently, his bone spurs prevented the walk or affected his courage. He watched from afar as mobs, thugs, and punks assaulted the seat and center of American democracy.
It all represents partisan voter disenfranchisement.
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