#i typically have rbr seb
skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Yaayyyyyy new year, new me, new blog layout 🥰
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Oooh the grid kids series is pure joy! I think it's really cool idea, especially because the drivers spend so much time around one another. Can i request one where maybe back in the day, rbr!seb and y/n were the grid kids of like mark and michael and jenson and back to present times, seb's grid kids are weirded out to see jenson and mark treat seb and y/n as their grid kids please. If that makes sense
Grid Kids: Gentlemen, a Short View Back to the Past
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: once upon a time, the grid parents were grid kids themselves
Series Masterlist
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When We Were Young
“Oi lovebirds! Stop canoodling in the garage, will ya?” Mark Webber chuckles, teasingly nudging Sebastian as you blush, having been caught stealing a quick kiss with your boyfriend in the middle of the chaotic paddock.
Michael, ever the protective figure, chimes in, “Leave them alone, Mark. It’s sweet. Remember when we were young and in love?” He winks at Sebastian, who grins, clearly relishing in having backup.
Jenson, leaning against a tire stack, chuckles, “Speak for yourself. Some of us still have it.” He sends you a playful wink and you laugh.
Sebastian wraps an arm around you, “Honestly, with the three of you as mentors, I’m surprised I’ve learned anything about racing.”
You smirk, “Maybe they're preparing you for the important race — the race of life?”
Mark snorts, “Deep, Y/N. Very deep.”
Michael smiles, a nostalgic look in his eyes, “You know, Y/N, you remind me a lot of my wife back in the day. Always grounding us racers, making sure our heads don’t get too big.”
Jenson nods in agreement, “True that. You have a way of making sure Seb here doesn’t drift into the clouds.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes, “Oh come on! You guys are just trying to get on Y/N’s good side because she’s the only one who brings proper coffee to the track.”
You giggle, “Guilty as charged. Can’t have my grid parents falling asleep at the wheel now, can I?”
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Sebastian and you stand with Jenson and Mark, sheltering under an awning as rain pours down, delaying the race. Michael ambles over, shaking off his umbrella.
Sebastian grins, “Typical Spa weather, huh?”
Jenson chuckles, “Isn’t it just? Every year I hope for sun by some miracle and every year...” He gestures at the rain dramatically.
You sigh, “I packed for a summer trip. Look at this!” You motion to your very damp sundress.
Mark smirks, “Rookie mistake. Always pack a wetsuit for Spa.”
Michael nods sagely, “And flippers.”
Oh Simple Thing
The smell of grilled meat wafts through the air as Jenson mans the BBQ at his home. You and Sebastian arrive, bringing along a homemade salad and plenty of sides.
“Ah, the dynamic duo!” Mark greets, pulling you into a friendly hug.
Michael points to the salad, “Trust Y/N to ensure we get our greens. Good on you!”
You wink, “Can’t have you all living on steaks and grilled chicken alone.”
As the evening progresses, stories from their early racing days are exchanged, often leading to fits of laughter. At one point, Mark shares an embarrassing story about Sebastian’s rookie mistake during a test session.
Sebastian groans, burying his face in his hands, “Do we have to bring that up again?”
You pat his back sympathetically, “It’s alright, Seb. Everyone has their moments.”
Jenson, taking a sip of his drink, adds, “That’s true. Just remember, no matter how many times they tease you, you’ve got Y/N in your corner. And that’s worth more than anything.”
Prank or Be Pranked
“Seb! Did you move my helmet?” Jenson calls out, rummaging through his locker as the five of you prepare to go karting, his face a picture of confusion.
Sebastian, feigning innocence, replies, “Why would I do that?”
You, smirking, lean in and whisper to Mark, “Five bucks says he put it on the highest shelf.”
Mark grins, “You’re on.”
As Jenson continues his search, he eventually finds his helmet perched high up, just out of reach. Michael, catching on to the prank, laughs, “Looks like our young prodigy here has learned a few tricks.”
Sebastian shrugs, “Consider it ... training. For reflexes and stuff.”
Jenson, using the handle of a dusty broom to retrieve his helmet, retorts, “Wait till you find out what I’ve done with your boots.”
Sebastian’s eyes widen in horror, “You didn’t!”
“This is going to be a long season.” You lean back against the brick wall as the overgrown children in front of you continue to bicker, fighting a smile.
Thanks for the Memories
Jenson, lounging comfortably in the hospitality area, raises an eyebrow as he watches you try to subtly wipe some oil off Sebastian's face. “You sure you’ve got him all cleaned up for the camera?”
You laugh, looking at a sheepish Sebastian who had been poking around his car earlier. “It’s like looking after a kid sometimes. He’s always getting into something.”
Michael chuckles from across the room, “Ah, young love. Sebastian, she’s got your number. But honestly, Y/N, good on you. We older ones have been trying to teach him some discipline.”
Mark smirks. “To be fair, Michael, I recall a certain someone ending up in a pool with his clothes on in Monaco just last year.”
Michael grins mischievously, “That was different. And anyway, Seb, Y/N, don’t get any ideas.”
You playfully roll your eyes, “Trust me, if he ends up in the water, I won’t be the one pushing him.”
Sebastian wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close. “But you’d jump in to save me, right?”
You pretend to ponder, “Hmm, depends on how cold the water is.”
Jenson laughs, “Sebastian, you’ve found your match. But seriously, both of you, cherish these moments. The grid, the races, it’s all fleeting. But the relationships, the memories, they last.”
Michael nods in agreement, “Jenson’s right. One day you’ll be the veterans, guiding the young ones. Remember these days, learn from them.”
Mark clinks his water bottle to yours, “To memories and the journey ahead.”
Flintstones, Meet the Flintstones
Michael leans back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips, “You know, when I started in F1 we didn’t have all this fancy tech and simulations. We relied on instinct.”
Jenson, faking shock, retorts, “Wait, you mean they didn’t have cars back then?”
Sebastian chuckles, glancing at you, “I bet he drove a dinosaur to the track.”
You laugh, “A very fast dinosaur, mind you.”
Mark, trying to keep a straight face, adds, “Michael, be honest. Was your racing suit made of ... loincloth?"
Michael plays along, “Yes and our helmets were carved out of stone.”
You chime in, “I heard they used saber-toothed tigers as pit crews.”
Jenson nods, “Oh, absolutely. And the pit stops? Ten minutes. Had to give the tigers a break.”
Michael rolls his eyes, laughing, “Alright, alright, mock the legend if you must. But remember, young ones, we paved the way.”
Mark grins, “And we’re grateful, old man. But don’t forget, it’s their turn now.”
Sebastian, ever competitive, challenges, “Race you to the track?”
Michael raises an eyebrow, “You sure about that?”
You laugh, “Careful, Seb. He might just bring out his dinosaur.”
Passing the Torch
Michael stands, his presence commanding the room’s attention even without a word spoken. Holding a helmet delicately in his hands, he clears his throat. “In every racer’s life, there comes a time when the tracks call to you a little less, the roar becomes a distant echo, and you realize there’s a world waiting for you outside the paddock.”
He glances over at Sebastian, then to you, emotion shimmering in his eyes. “But before I step into that world, I wanted to leave behind something, a token of gratitude and hope.”
Sebastian’s brow furrows slightly, curiosity evident. “Michael, you’ve already given so much to all of us …”
Michael interrupts with a soft chuckle, “Seb, always impatient! Let me finish.”
He then looks at you, his gaze warm and fatherly, “Y/N, you may not race on the track, but you’ve raced in all our hearts, guiding, supporting, laughing, and cheering louder than everyone else.”
“Sebastian, Y/N,” Michael continues, his voice imbued with emotion, “This helmet, from my last race, isn’t just a piece of equipment. It’s a symbol. A legacy.”
Gently placing the helmet on the table, he pushes it towards the two of you. “It’s about the weight of responsibility, the dreams it carries, the hopes it’s seen, and the love it’s felt.”
The room is silent, the magnitude of the gesture palpable.
Sebastian, clearly moved, speaks up, voice choked with emotion, “Michael, this ... this is ... I’m not sure if we can ever fill the space you leave behind.”
Michael smiles, placing a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder, then moving to hug you tightly. “That’s the thing about spaces. They evolve. They change. You two won’t fill my space. You’ll create your own.”
Pulling away, he raises his glass, “To new beginnings, to timeless legacies, and to family. Always to family.”
Back to the Future
As Max saunters into the room, he stops short, eyebrows raised in surprise. Jenson is teasing Sebastian, ruffling his hair like he’s a teenager, while Mark playfully nudges Y/N’s arm, offering her a drink.
Max blinks a few times, trying to process the scene. “Is ... is Jenson giving Seb a noogie?”
George peers over from his conversation with Lando, both their eyes widening. “It looks like it ... and Y/N’s being drawn into some sort of mock arm wrestling with Mark. What alternate reality did we walk into?”
Charles, mouth agape, chuckles, “It’s like watching a nature documentary: Here we observe the older generation asserting their playful dominance over the younger one.”
Lando giggles, nudging George. “Mate, should we jump in? Even the odds a bit?”
Before George can answer, Mick, who’s been observing silently, leans in. “Guys, it’s kind of sweet. You remember the stories they've told about the old days? This is just ... history repeating itself.”
Max, still trying to wrap his head around the scene, shakes his head with a laugh. “Never thought I’d see the day when Seb gets his hair messed up and doesn’t immediately fix it.”
Lance calls out, “Maybe we should start taking notes. This might be us in a few years.”
Grid Kids and Grand-Grid Kids
Charles saunters over to Mark and Jenson, holding up a race boot he’d just had signed by both of them. “Thanks for this, mates. It will be a special addition to my collection.”
Mark pats Charles on the back, “Anything for our grand-grid kid.”
Charles stops mid-stride, turning to look at Mark with a puzzled expression. “Your what now?”
Jenson chuckles, handing Lando a signed cap. “Didn’t Seb and Y/N mention? Since they’re your grid parents and they’re our grid kids ... well, that makes you our grand-grid kids.”
Lando bursts into laughter, while George, overhearing the exchange, raises an eyebrow. “Wait, so we’re like ... the second generation of grid offspring? This is getting complicated.”
Mick leans in with a smirk, “Hold on. So if I’m following this logic properly, that would mean double the birthday gifts, right?”
Jenson grins, “Well, perhaps but it also means double the expectations on the track.”
Lance playfully rolls his eyes, “Great, double the pressure. Just what we needed.”
Max joins the banter, “Are there grand-grid kid initiation rites we should know about? Because I’ve seen old photos of Seb and Y/N with you guys and let’s just say that fashion has come a long way.”
Mark feigns shock, “You’re dissing our style from back in the day? Careful, young one.”
Charles, cocking an eyebrow, shoots back at Max, “Especially considering the only thing in your closet is Red Bull merch.”
The group bursts into laughter, Max chuckling and nodding in acknowledgment. “Touche, Leclerc. Touche.”
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tommydarlings · 1 year
Villain in shining armour | s.v
pairing: german!tutor!dark!rbr!seb x student!reader
warnings: kidnapping, chocking, dacryphilia, manipulation, obsessive behaviour, spitting in mouth, grooming
w/c: 2.2k
summary: walking on the street in the middle of the night was dangerous for a girl your age, but luckily you’re german tutor came for your rescue and saved you — or did he?
check this out: my masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3 // my Patreon to become a member! (get access to +55 works) <3 // Save a Life carrd made by me! <3
You felt eyes watching you. Or at least you imagined them, you weren’t sure.
But it felt like someone was watching you walking home with your heavy backpack, slightly scrapped knees from falling earlier and messy, unmade hair.
You turned around, briefly stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, narrowing your eyes at the darkness, kind of hoping you would maybe be able to make out a figure.
You weren’t crazy, right?
Cars were driving by, but none of them seemed suspicious, none of them slowed down or something like that. And it drove you insane as you just focused on arriving at your dorm which was only five minutes away from now.
You were swearing even though the air was cold, your mind was racing while your heart was beating like never before. You had a bad feeling about all of this.
And that feeling was right.
Suddenly, a old, silver BMW stopped right beside you, a man stepping out of it and making his way towards you.
Tears were already entering your eyes but you released a breath of relief as you saw your German tutor approaching you with quick steps, smiling at you with his typical German charm.
“Y/n?” He spoke up, “What are you doing out here so late? It’s cold and you shouldn’t be outside at that time anymore,” he said, obviously referring to the fact that man are scary.
Honesty, you were glad that he saw you and decided to approach you, you were getting paranoid.
You sighed, “I know,” you mumbled, “but somehow I need to get home don’t I?” You chuckled. “You don’t have a car?” The rather young german asked you, making you shake your head.
“Not yet,” you replied in a quiet tone before you adjusted your heavy backpack.
Why were german books so big and heavy?
No wonder german is so difficult.
Sebastian quickly walked closer to you, “let me-” he didn’t even finish his sentence, Sebastian just removed the heavy backpack from your body, carrying it in his hands now before he opened his car door and gently placed it onto his backseat.
You furrowed your brows before he turned around, looking at you again, “Get in y/n, c'mon… I neither want you to catch a cold nor I want that something happens to you,” he said in a more serious tone, making you raise your brows.
You’ve never heard your tutor talk like that before, “only if you’re comfortable of course, if you-” but you shook your head, cutting him off,
“No! I’m thankful, really! I was growing pretty paranoid — you know… walking around that late in a neighbourhood that is not the safest of all as a girl,” Sebastian nodded along, knowing exactly what you mean, smiling as he did so.
He slowly leaded you to the car, opening the passenger door for you before he got into the drivers seat, starting the engine before you spoke up again, playing with your skirt.
You cleared your throat, “I bet it was nothing but it felt almost like somebody was…watching me like stalking me!” You chuckled to make it seem not so depressing, “I don’t know,” you sighed, “but then you came to my rescue,” you giggled with a smile.
Sebastian's smile fell a bit though, he adjusted himself a bit more in his seat, slowly shoving the binoculars further down his seat with his foot, clearing his throat to cover up the noise a bit.
Obviously, he didn’t wanted to get caught.
“Guess I’m not only your tutor but also your hero now, huh?” He chuckled, showing off his perfect smile in the process.
You shrugged, “Guess so, yeah!” You mumbled with a grin.
Suddenly, the air shifted a bit though.
“Why did you trust me, y/n?” Sebastian asked you all of sudden, making you furrow your brows in confusion, where was this coming from now?
“Uhm,” you thought about your answer, “because I-I know you and you’re a-always nice to-”
“Am I?” Sebastian kept looking at the road as he asked you the question, making you gulp this time.
You only nodded before the German spoke up again, taking you by suprise, “You shouldn’t have trusted me y/n — like c'mon!” He suddenly raised his voice before he slammed his hand down onto the steering wheel, making you jump as tears welled up in your eyes, “why are you trusting a man you got to know like two months ago?” He asked you as if you were a dumb kid.
He sighed, making you briefly look at him, sniffling as you saw his now visibly darker eyes looking angrily at you before he looked ahead again, “You should have never even set a foot in my car, liebling,” Sebastian whispered in a deep tone before your vision went black.
- - -
Waking up with a headache and both of your wrists and ankles tied to a stool in the middle of quite a dark room, was something that every girl your age definitely feared.
Suddenly, you noticed how your German tutor, Sebastian, buttoned his pants back up, quickly jumping up from his stool in the corner of the room as he tucked his white dress shirt back into his dress pants, eyes fixated on you.
This man is utterly disgusting, you almost couldn’t believe it.
“You’re awake,” he said with an almost proud smile as he walked closer to you, making your figure shrink as you started to whine through the tie that’s tied around your mouth.
Sebastian tilted his head to catch your gaze, “finally,” he mumbled under his breath as you tried to get free from the ropes but it was obviously no use.
“Don’t do that!” He raised his voice a bit more, sounding not so gentle anymore, “you’ll hurt your wrists and ankles and I don’t want that, okay?” He raised his brows as you looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
Your tutor's smile slightly fell, “oh no princess,” he whispered in a soft tone, “none of that crying, okay?” He stroked your wet cheek with his thumb, making you gasp and jump, “don’t like to see my pretty little student cry,” he stated gently.
Then you noticed how you desperately whined through the back tie he tied around your mouth, Sebastian frowned a bit, “Oh wait, here! Let me help you, liebling,” the German said before he removed the tie, letting it slide down your neck.
You took deep breaths as he finally removed the small piece of clothing, sniffling with teary eyes as you stared up at your tutor,
“L-Let me go, please…I did n-nothing wrong!” You raised your voice, making him harshly grab your hair and pulling your head back, adjusting his posture a bit to look taller.
You gulped as he roughly pulled your hair, “you did nothing wrong?” He tilted his head to the side,
“You stepped cluelessly with a feeling of relief!, might I add, into my car,” he laughed at you, “seriously thinking that I just saved you! That I’m your hero!” Sebastian smiled wickedly.
You whined, letting your head slightly drop forward, or at least as much as his big hand on the back of your head allowed.
“You know exactly what you did wrong, princess,” he caressed your wet cheek with the back of his knuckles, wiping some of your fresh tears away, “none of that I said, c'mon…this would be all so much easier if you would listen to me,” Sebastian stated with a tiny frown.
You only whined as he pulled your head more upwards again, forcing you to stare up at his standing figure with tired, red eyes.
Sebastian wiped your tears as he looked down at you with no specific facial expression.
“It’s not safe out there, mein liebling,” Sebastian mumbled with a frown, “There are bad, bad man out there nowadays… and those bad man don’t want to to nice things to you, baby,” the young German mumbled quietly.
He cleared his throat before he bend down and opened the ropes of your ankles and wrists, slowly revealing your red and irritated skin.
You slightly furrowed your brows as he finally removed the ropes, grabbing your upper arm and slowly lifting your weak body up, catching you as you almost fell since you were tired, drained and scared.
“Careful, baby,” he muttered before he went on with his little speech from before, “They want very bad things from you… they want to do very bad things to you,” he whispered in a serious tone.
As the German redbull racing driver brushed your hair out of your face and wiped some new fresh tears off of your face, you trembled as you stood so close to him.
“That’s why it’s not safe out there for a pretty, young girl like you, darling,” Sebastian stated with raised brows, “and that’s why I have to keep you safe here— with me,” he nodded along his sentence as he cupped your cheeks, smile slowly forming on his face as your eyes widened.
“W-What?” You quietly gasped as you realised what he just said, gulping as your shaking hands grabbed his wrists, quickly pulling his palms away from your face but Sebastian wasn’t so fond of that.
He immediately threw your hands away before he harshly grabbed your wrists, holding them together with one of his big hands before he slammed your face forward into the wall, running his nose along your temple, lips only slightly touching your ear as he breathed into your ear from behind.
“None of that crying, and none of that bullshit either, haben wir uns verstanden?” you got me? He quietly spat at you from behind as he roughly pressed your arms into your back, making you hiss in pain.
Sebastian's lips touched your ear, scaring you as his hands held your wrists behind your back together, “I’m the only one that can keep you safe from this filthy, disgusting world full of nasty men, mein liebling,” he whispered before he started to kiss some of the tears on your temple away.
You whined and tried to turn your head away from the touch of his lips but he only raised one of his hands and roughly put your head back in place by your jaw.
“What did I say? None of that resisting bullshit, okay?” He mumbled deeply from behind, forcing more tears down your temple that he kissed away while he held your head in place.
Suddenly, you felt him putting both of his hands onto your hair, tying them messily together in a makeshift ponytail, roughly pulling your head backwards by your hair.
You gulped before you gasped as the pain hit you in your scalp, looking up at him now with wide, teary eyes. You couldn’t believe that he was currently smiling down at you.
After shedding a few more tears, you furrowed your brows before he let his hand run up your throat, rough fingers only slightly touching your throat before he placed his visibly bigger hand on your chin, fingers oh so close to your lips.
You bit your inner cheek as he raised his brows, same evil grin still on his face,
“why don’t you open your sweet little mouth for me?” Sebastian muttered quietly in a deep and raspy tone as he played with your bottom lip, making you a shiver run down your spine.
But you couldn’t obey, you were way to scared to do anything at the moment, too nervous that whatever you would do would be wrong.
Sebastian put his hand on your jaw, pulling on your hair as he pulled your head closer while his lips ran along your jaw, making you gasp, “open your mouth, baby — c'mon,” he quietly spat at you in a harsher tone, forcing you to obey this time.
And you did. You licked your lips before you nervously opened your mouth, waiting for him to do something. You just wanted to be over with at this point.
Sebastian briefly chuckled before he squeezed your small jaw with his big hand, slowly leaning forward before he spoke up again,
“Tongue out,” he muttered before he collected to some of his spit in his mouth and spit in your mouth, watching with dark eyes as it ran down your throat.
You felt so helpless, you couldn’t do anything else expect for squeezing your shirt and thinking about how this is not attractive at all, it’s sick and twisted and disgusting — right?
Then he placed his palm on your throat again, carefully watching his spit gliding down your throat while he squeezed your throat, making you gasp.
“Just like that, princess,” Sebastian said in an undertone to you, smile still not leaving his visage, “Gosh… f-fuck,” he mumbled under his breath before you felt him lazily rubbing his crotch area against your ass, making you gulp and gasp.
You stated to whine a bit… why were you feeling this way? You couldn’t explain it, you also didn’t really wanted to.
Sebastian laughed, “Don’t hide it anymore, little one… I know you like it more than you admit it,” he kissed the side of your head, fingers squeezing your throat even harder as he hears your groan and moan, “god please don’t hide those pretty sounds from me — never, okay?”
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Hey so og chestroll anon here🥰👋🏻, with a small thing for anyone wondering how Lance reacted to not being chosen for the winner’s room/the rbr threesome, so I wrote this all at once without checking for mistakes etc. on my note app in the middle of nowhere on vacation (yes my note app is filled with juicy ideas for chestroll and other parings, and everytime it makes me think how it would be embarrassing to die and leave my parents to find tons of nfsw ideas on that app tbh) ANYWAY if it’s not the best, I apologise, we were running with this idea in not so optimal conditions.
‘He is going to choose who he wants for the winner’s room again’. That’s what Lance thought after hearing about Checo’s victory, that what he thought climbing the stairs to the room where the drivers waited for the winner’s decision. ‘Maybe he is going to choose me again’. He wanted that,he could feel it on his skin, so afraid that Mick and Esteban would read it on his face, and oh god what if Checo choose Estie again? No that couldn’t happen, he was a better choice, he gave more than a coworker-like handjob. But then soon after he arrived, everyone was asked to leave, apparently the winner already chose and asked the selected driver. No need to wait around.
Checo didn’t choose him.
He grabbed Sebastian by the arm, to stop him from leaving and also as a support. “Seb,man,who do you think he choose?”. Sebastian smiled at him and for a moment he felt like the older man was reading his mind.
“Rumours has it that he choose Max, which if you think about it’s in typical Redbull fashion, staying in the team during times like these one, especially after marko’s remarks about Checo’s performance…I bet Max and Checo are showing him a united front, you know, with Christian too” Seb said. And Lance knew Seb was an expert on Redbull’s dynamic, better than him anyway.
“Ah good for them…they are going to party together too, I bet”
Checo choose to have Max, maybe to humiliate him too but that did not make sense, Charles would have been a better option. What if Checo reserve to Max a prince-like treatment, oh god, that’s why….he choose Max to show Redbull he can please their golden boy, he is doing it cement his place within the team, even after the contract announcement, that’s why Christian is involved.
Seb is turning again to leave. “Wait, Seb, why Max and Checo need to show a united front to Christian too? As He said something too?”, Seb started laughing knowingly, sometimes he kinda annoyed Lance with how the other seemed to always know better than most, like a pretentious omnipresent god. “Christian is not against them in this story, o’contraire I bet he is getting cozy too, he always love to cherish his boys when they perform well”.
Wait, Lance for a moment thinks he heard wrong because Seb surely is not implying that Christian…with Max and Checo, but Checo…he would never.
He wants to ask for more but Sebastian is clearly done with the conversation.
“If you want an advise, Lance, I saw tons of men like Checo in my years as a driver, they use the winner’s room as another method to show teams they are formula one material. They tend to not choose the same driver that many times, not on a row anyway.” And with that he leaves.
It’s 3 am in the morning, all winner’s room celebration should be done, most after parties are also done and Lance is enough drunk to think that the “no good idea comes after 3 am” rule doesn’t apply to himself. He left bar after he overheard about redbull drivers and hotel floors. He was going to confront Checo about the tension between them, about why he was not chosen, why Checo did not want him begging on his knees again?
Room 209 door looks like every other door in the hotel, but Lance knows is Checo’s room. He just needs to knock, maybe it would be better to already sink on his knees for the other, to show him how good and devoted he could be.
After ten minutes or so someone as yet to answer the door, why is Checo not in his room when he needs to? Lance is so tired, he can’t feel his knees anymore and everything feels fuzzy and hot, but he doesn’t want to go away. He wants to see Checo, after all these months of holding back and glances in the paddock, he is tired jerking off in the showers, he really just want to go back to that room and witness Checo coming undone again.
“Lance?” a soft accented voice says. “what are you doing here?”. Lance glances up from the carpet.
“Checo…I wanted to congratulate”.
Sergio lifts his left eyebrow, “at 3 am?”.
“Well no better day than today no?Would you mind helping me standing up again…I am dizzy,you see, and I need you.” Lance extend an arm in Checo direction and after not even few seconds he can feel the other man lifting him, leaving a supporting hand on his back. It’s warm and they are close.
“Let me walk you to your room”. Lance smiles, such a perfect gentleman.
“I don’t think I can move my legs” he whispers. “you partied hard eh, Lance…” “not that much, just tired from the race, alcohol didn’t help”. Lance can see Checo is debating on what to do with him, he is probably annoyed at him too.
“c’mon man, you can stay in my room for a few minutes,until you’re well enough to walk back.”
And that’s how at the end of the day Lance got himself on Checo bed, surrounded by his scent, with the room swinging like a small boat in the middle of the ocean (he never been to one but he can pretty much imagine the feeling is similar to what he is feeling) and he is also overwhelmed by the compelling need to tell Checo everything he felt in the last few months, before it’s too late and he drifts to sleep. Checo is doing something out of his sight, but he is still in the room with him.
“Why did you not choose me again? For the winner’s room.”
Everything stills, Lance takes the other silence as an approval to keep talking.
“I know I could make you have a better time than anyone else, make you feel a better winner than anyone else, better than Horner and Verstappen anyway.”
“Lance…” Checo whispers.
“No, Sergio you don’t have any idea of how much I jerked myself off to the thought of being on my knees for you, I know I can please you better, I know.”
Silence again.
The last thing Lance remembers is the sound of a door being opened and closed again.
wow your mind??????? oh my gosh anon you've been BUSY thinking during your vacation
I love the ??? lance going to SEB and getting the know how's of how it works at redbull... I laughed at lance's ability to give a better than coworker level blowjob... ok pop off. poor thing not getting picked yeah you've definitely over estimated your relationship here babe!! Christian cherishing his boys when they perform well 😳😳😳
i also loved??? seb mentioning that some guys use it for power play reasons, showing others they're f1 material and pretty young things as a one time use only. that gives the world such a lived in feel, that this has been going on for Years and there's types of WR guys... I love that I love ur mind
lance thinking 3am bad decisions don't apply to him damn he's just like me FR..... he makes it to his bed!! they don't fuck :( you absolute tease. poor lance blabbing his heart out and checo going aite I'm out 🚶‍♂️🚪 this tew much for mister married with Mexican Catholic guilt
this is SO MUXH I really really hope you're keeping these saved somewhere that isn't my inbox 😭😭😭 keep it! write it!!!!!! and we will nom nom enjoy it thank you!
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