#i understand the stuff about ally's magic nat 20s and rolls now
crunchycrystals · 1 year
watching the scene in unsleeping city where everyone goes out of the room so brennan can one on one rp with them as the american dream and like i was shaking with tension trying to see if anyone would actually say yes and then ally came in and my jaw dropped and then the nat 20 happened and i hurt my throat from screaming
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strugglingatart · 5 months
Jr year ep 2
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don't want to this will be long
No shenanigans at the begining way lowkey sad I love our intrepid heroes being dumb
Siobhan and Zac kick it off with SUCH good turns straight away we love (also emily's cutting words? delicious)
Them all discussing more stuff mid battle is so nice I love but also not Ally forgetting they could try to heal lol
"playing with you all at level 10 has never convinced me more that this game is unplayable at level 20. fucking unplayable" Brennan the man who I 100% have seen play att level 20. But we HAVE to stan the complaing I love them so much Murph especially I always laugh so much
Siobhan please we cannot be confident before rolls they go bad then
we were doing so well like seconds ago and now everything feels terrible
ARMOR OF AYDA omg my loves
Kristen and Riz are me when my friends are being to sexual but also Kristen please remember you and tracker?
NOT FABIAN FALLING AGAIN, and his idea was real good as well, but Ally yeeting the dice also a big mood
Lou's sass was so good I love im so much
only one person saving out of everyone is brutal why do dice currenntly hate them
Murph loosing it at Ally's saving throws being empty is so funny, and poor them gatting so defensive (also have they been doing it wrong this whole time then? has it never been written down? was is just a mistake on their season prep?)
Zac and Lou killed that look at me bit I'm sorry they are geniuses
I truly thought Brennan was gonna make this fight SO much easier and in many ways I get why he didn't but I'm not over it
Listen Murph is looking SO GOOD this season it legit distracted me for a few seconds I had to go back to understand what Brenan said about the van flipping I am a disaster queer through and through
this is so intense all of a sudden omgggg
Poor hangvan ily and know Gorgug will fix you tho
Oh no Kristen, but also the die deadass turned on them, sad vibes (also I miss good rolling Murph I know we had him for one ep but I loved him)
once again yeeting the dice is a mood and then the whole if i hit anyone bit, art tbh
AHHHHH that nat 1 followed by a nat 20 was magical, also Em is wearing the naddpod live shirt 😍 I was 110% with her tho I wanted Gorgug to get it so bad so that deception roll was EVERYTHING TO ME, Ayda claming Gorgug as the greatest wizard is legit one of my favorite things whenever they bring it up and support that theory my heart is so happy
Brenan just being like yes these npcs i made up for the media res are just for that they will die even if they don't
Zac has what healing thing? again not knowing enough about DnD makes me bad at knowing who can do what
shoutout to the two crew
listen this theme of exaustion specifically with school will end me like i cannot it hits too close
Moggy the doggy! we stan Adaine the little guys guy(gal?)
Did Cassandra text you? Nonstop
this flourish lacks flourish (me giving the finishing touches to art projects for university)
LISTEN Fig asking about first day of school outfit was literally Emily choosing violence omg I felt that deeply
I still have jump and i haven't used it so I'm just gonna... I love Zac
They all LOOSE IT at two more guys and I know it was mostly the players but honestly having an absolute laughing fit out of exaustion is another big mood and I felt both seen and called out (I have STROIES about this) and like it just fit the theme so well
there's two nat 1's, Lou's full discociated, Murph's loosing it, it's pure chaos for a bit but whoever did the closed captions? A+++ job
Kristen taking ths ice cream sandwich out and going to the hangman is gold (also I remember the pouch of ice cream sandwiches existing like I fully remeber Kristen usinf it before but i don't remeber when/where she gets it despite having just rewatched both freshman and sophomore years and it's bothering me)
I want the so tactical so late t-shirt
Fabian passed so I legit thought that was gonna work but you know what? it's funnier that it didn't
"I was a turncoat the whole time" is so funny for no reason, also Fabian babe, ily but like why do you wanna kiss a mirror it will not be enjoyable (also at this point Lou is either feeding into all the comp-het queer theories or is like the queer whisperer)
The father the son and the balthazar made me cackle
I have said this before in a post somewhere but while I get where Kristen is coming from so much like truly I'm right there with her but also I kinda hate how she's avoiding Cassandra but also I get it baby but also pls do better (or at least change tactics in odrer to to it lowkey unhealthily)
Fabian I promise you you can do better LMAO Riz, you are correct
Again to me Fig's hypothetical is like fighting words I'd be pissed and depressed
But also high school me would have loved a dance camp tbh (also to be able to dance in general rip my dancing dreams, taken away by a chronic issue and over protective parents)
"I think I do a really half hearted prayer of healling just because I don't.. trust you" I love Ally so much
ah yes the silliness is back but they are so tired
wanna stay at our place? we have so many beds
The entire ecaf bit was so good i cannot deal
Hallariel is saying Fabian's name more like the elves or am I tripping?
Gillear is slightly less pathetic! he won a cruise! oh and they are engaged, full step sibblings Fig and Fabian
also poor Fabian like he needs his parental figures here... Cathilda better stay or I'm personally gonna have words with Brennan, stop making them suffer they fuck up things alone
ALSOOO there is no way Gillear would not want to talk to Fig omg I'm fighting brennan again
Gillear luck... did Fig uncurse him by taking that deal and is she about to get his bad luck?
SKLONDA we stan
Brennan I swear to god this tiny goblin has saved the world three times what do you mean he cannot go to college I will fight you, this scene hit me so hard omg we were promised silliness not heart wrenching reality in my fantasy
I think Zac legitimately forgot the mirror didn't run away for like a second which makes it funnier but Fig IS just that good. 32 decepetion fool the character and the player
BRENAN what do you mean Zelda gave back his stuff this is DURING the seven where they are still TOGETHER I swear I will riot
Frosty fair mentioned twice it's connected to or the big thing this season
The Thistlespring are SO PRECIOUS
Jawbone and Sandra Lynn made a cake I can't deal, and it's belated birthdays omg the way I would cry
the justaposition of Emily's cackle and Ally's face to the dangers Fig and Kristen are dangerously and/or wildly close to being expell is so good
Lou choking on water at "we're allowed to fail a certain number of classes each semester" also real good treiler editing bc I thought that was 10000% connected to the you let your god die line that comes right before it on there
Fig's been multiclass since start of sophmore year, does she do warlock classes sometimes I wonder
I like that Jawbone is not judging here he's just like facts: you are failing and this is why, now we can see what we do about it
ouch that whole im swimming my head is liquid kristen thing felt dangerously close to me... I usually relate to gorgug and riz like i adore kristen but she's never me what is happening (this is not bad just me having like my 10th identity mini crisis this year)
THE AYDA ART she looks so bummed but so pretty.. but also Brenan I feel like I said I'll fight you a couple of times here but if we get no ayda I will fly to LA and fight you
I reached text limit will do a part two
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nana-writes · 6 years
“I leave you alone for five minutes!”- session 1 recap
First session was today and it was super fun, literally my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much by the time I got back home. We are a relatively small group (tho two more might be joining us!) and one of us couldn’t be there today so it was a party of only two when session started, Lor (me) and Lizian. It was also a longer session than we will probably have from now on and I’m still figuring out how one does this whole recapping thing so this turned out a tad long, and also really informal. Feel free to give me any feedback.
Okay so, we start with a job from Markov Wolf, in the city of Talra, who promises us 500gp upon delivery of this sealed letter in Walsol, the city of Mages. (IRL we are meant to be three in the group, with more possibly joining us later, but it's just two of us today cause the other person has gone home for the weekend)
We are halfway through our journey when we happen upon an upturn caravan some ways up the road. Its wheels have been removed, scrap metal and old armour and weapons have been mailed to it and someone has dug a moat half of the way around it. Now we are not stupid and choose not to engage, electing instead to just sneak around the other side of the road, through the woods. I roll a high enough stealth check to do this successively; Lizian does not and ends up shot twice.
So we are now in combat. I leave Lizian to take care of himself - he has healing magic and there is literally nothing I can do for him - and start running up to the caravan, attempting to do so in a way I won't be seen. I manage and now I'm right outside the door to the caravan. Lizien heals himself again only to be shot once more. My turn again, I kicked down the door to the caravan only to find five goblins hiding there instead of the two I'd first assumed. Still, I go for it and attempt to hit them (twice cause I'm a monk and we get to do that :p). I fail both times and the goblins taunt me. Back to Lizien, he comes closer to the caravan and now that he is in range casts a spell. It hits the two archer goblins for some damage and rocks the caravan. DM rolls for structural integrity and gets a 1 - crit fail - so one of the metal spikes falls and hits a goblin, splitting him in half. Goblins turn, the two of them in front of me are gonna stab me. They both roll really fucking high and I'm down (it's only half an hour into the session xD)
Lizien keeps engaging with the goblins with some success and I'm just rolling death saves: I save, save again, and then roll a nat 20 which means I'm back up with 1 HP. This naturally freaks out he goblins who just saw my wounds stitch themselves close but Lor doesn't care and just goes to punch one of the goblins. I succeed this time and cave his head in, killing him
Lizien's turn once more, he just attempts to intimidate the only remaining goblin. He succeeds and the goblin flees through a trapdoor we've only just now noticed, which leads to a basement they've dug up
Out of combat now, I pile up the corpses of the dead goblins on top of the trapdoor so we have time to flee and scavange around for anything useful. I get a shortbow and 60 (!) arrows
For Lor that's more than enough, all they wanna do now is leave; they are chaotic neutral and not bright at all but pretty intuitive, all they care about is their basic and indicate survival; the immediate threat is taken care of so they are just gonna leave
Lizien has a different idea. There is a bunch of oil urns around, which they'd used to attack us but like, we both have fire resistance, as well as a small fire where the oil was being warmed up. He suggests that we torch the place. After a moment's hesitation Lor agrees
We clear the area before it explodes and just wait far away enough for the fire to die down (which it does unrealistically fast, as well as it very unrealistically does not burn just the whole of the forest) and now Lor is ready to go but Lizien suggests going back inside to forage for any more treasure
We do, Lor with their new bow already notched, and we find one goblin, very much alive and looking okay, sitting on a magical cube as if it's a throne. This cube is emanating some sort of dead zone for magic, somethign Lizien had noticed before and he very much wants that cube.
Lor is trying to talk the goblin into just letting them go; Lizien is mostly antagonising him. A fight breaks out and I put an arrow through his throat, almost killing him in one shot, and definitely killing him afterwards as I punch him, tho not before he stabs Lizien hard enough to KO him
And then - and hour and a half into the session - both Niels (playing Lizien) and I fucking fail our roles to attempt to save Lizien and so, in our very first session, not even two hours in, we have the first PC death
Now, if you remember Oriana's unfortunate end in Lor's backstory and remember that that would have been two weeks before this, you can reasonably understand Lor to be in a state of shock
Continuing on! They pray to their god - who happens to be the god of death, Aemhert - over their fallen comrade body and then burry him, alongside the magical box that they 1) have no use for since their knowledge of magic is literally -1 and 2) can't actually carry since their strength is also -1 oops. They do rummage through the caravan and through Lizien's stuff, mostly cause they have to find the letter he was keeping on him. They take said letter, his money, his matches and rope, and two music sheets that are written in odd red writing (which apparently has backstory attached to it I learn ooc so we'll see how tHAT goes)
They also find two fuckin healing potions which like fuck me, couldn’t I have noticed them before??
But yeah, all that done, they go on their way. The rest of the journey is uneventful except for a quick run-in with a caravan of merchants. They trade news and the driver gives them a pouch of coin for taking care of the goblins. As I walk past the DM decides to drive the knife in further and twist it by having me overhear one of them murmur "how odd, an adventurer on their own"
But yeah, I make it to the city, and I’m inside the walls in the evening. I get a room in a Inn on the cheaper side of things and a warm meal and strike up a conversation with the barkeep. I show him the symbol on the seal of the letter - a sketch I made of it - not the letter itself and he does not recognise it but tells me he thinks it's somewhat religious an suggest I check in the Guilds quarter of the city
And so in the morning I do so, wandering about a bit hoping to see if anything catches my eyes and when nothing does I bite the bullet and go into one of the churches dedicated to Aemhert (same as the monastery I left). I'm wearing my robes, which I've kept since I fled, hoping that would give me more credibility. They are a bit small on me cause like, puberty is a thing, but not too much cause they were pretty big on me when I left and I’m smoll.
The monks manning the church automatically recognise me for another one of them and one of them asks me how he can help me.
I ask him about the symbol and he looks real shifty, like he doesn't wanna answer me. I want an answer tho, and I stupidly forget that using magic is probably not the best idea, so I cast Friends on him.
He tells me the symbol is of the Snake worshipping cult that has no name and, having noticed my snake head tattoos peeking over my shoulders they tell me they are disappointed that I have abandoned the teachings of Aemhert.
I tell him I have not and ask if he knows where to find them. He says no so I thank him and start leaving
At which point the spell wears off and he starts calling after me; when that doesn't work, he calls for guards, so I double back and leave the church through a back window
I attempt to loose them and repeatedly fail to do so until a tiefling stranger pulls me into an ally and into a dumpster. When the guard lifts the lid of the dumpster they fail to see us - the stranger tiefling must have cast some sort of darkness or invisibility spell
The guards go on their way and we climb back out. We introduce ourselves and a lil bit of conversation later I tell him about the snake worshipping cult. He – Zalral – actually happens to know where they meet and offers to take me there
And so off we go
The Snake Cult meets underneath an underground illegal fight club. Zalral leads me down a spiral, creepy stairs and tells me they are just through the door. Having noticed their symbol is the snake I hand Zalral my cloak and adjust the monk robes so as to make sure the heads are clearly visible, hoping this will gain me some favour
The letter delivery goes pretty uneventfully. The dude compliments my tattoos and at the end asks me if I know where I am. I sincerely answer that I do not know since I do not know and he lets me go
Zalral looks genuinely surprised as he hands me back my cloak and closes the iron door - apparently people rarely come back from there.
After some more chatting he offers for me to stay at his instead of going back to an inn, in case the guards to around knocking. Since he has a point and seems genuine enough, I follow. We stop by his to drop some things off and then decide to go magical item shopping!
Now, I do not have the money for this but I decide to get a ring of protection - which runs at 1000gp in this store and I only have 500 on me. Still, through some sketchy math on my part and a random teaming up with a nervous looking tiefling kid I manage to get a deal of 750gp for the ring and a cloak, which is what the kid was after. He pays 250 and I pay 500 which means I effectively get 50% off while the teenage boy payed full price. (Lor is not a lawful or a good character so * shrugs *)
We get out of the shop and Lor places the ring on the string around their neck, next to the little piece of off red bone already there (see backstory). The kid happens to be standing next to us and obviously so is Zalral since he is with me so we are all hit by the explosion that brings down the front wall of the shop in that moment
It effectively knocks me out – I failed the roll to avoid the debris but also ic it makes sense cause they had their back to the building and were distracted with the painful memories the necklace brings + where about to turn to the new boy and ask about him
(oh also the boy is the other Player’s new character)
Zalral heals me back up and starts dragging me out of the road. I turn to his new character and yell "c'mon kid this is not our problem"
And so all three of us run down the road
In the shop there are 6 thugs, two of whom look like wizards. Four of them are putting everything in the store into bags of holding while one of the thugs is grappling the owner down and the last wizard is keeping an eye out. Said wizard sees us flee and shoots after us, but we've rounded the corner by now
Realising they seem to be coming after witnesses and that they have seen where we went we climb up the building, hoping to confuse them.
Instead we seem to have put ourselves into yet more danger cause a red shockwave goes through the building that almost cleaves it in half. We decide to attempt to jump to the other building so as to try and get away
New_kid manages fine, but Zalral goes next and fails, falling down in the street with a broken leg and making enough noise that the wizard now knows where we are. There's no way I could get to him in time, or that we would be able to escape, so instead I get my bow and prepare to shoot as soon as any of them are in sight.
I get the wizard on his shoulder as he is halfway through an incantation, breaking his focus and stopping his spell
Some back and forth between all of us, the thug mostly focusing on Zalral cause he's the only one not on top of a building and thus reachable for him, the wizard focusing on both me and new_kid
I get a bunch of arrows in the wizard, enough to piss him off and get him to turn on me (he'd been mostly focused on new_kid cause he's also using magic) and he gets me down with one spell (necrotic damage is a bitch). Zalral heals me once again cause he's an angel and when I get back I roll a nat 20 on hitting the wizard – double damage dice boo yeah
So that doesn't kill him but it gets close enough that new_kid can then finish him off. Zalral manages to traumatise the thug into running away (psychic damage for the win!). I still shoot him in the back once more but he manages to get away
We come down and I get Zalral into a sitting position against the wall of the building while I wait for him to come through more or less.
A bunch of guards decide to show up then
We paint an interesting picture, a male tiefling severely injured sitting on the ground, another one of indeterminate gender but smh in a pink frilly dress, covered in blood and ashes but looking remarkably healthy, crouching next to him and a skittish anxious looking teen tiefling just standing there, a wizard's corpse on the ground close enough to him.
Still the guards realise we are victims not perpetrators and suggest we get to a healers before moving on to investigate and secure the scene of the crime. I scavenge the wizard’s body, finding some coin, an eye tattoo in his back and a small, onyx sphere in his mouth.
(ooc I know exactly where this onyx sphere is going; IC I somehow don't cause I rolled really badly & Lor is really dumb)
I help Zalral up and the three of us find our way not into the next healer but to the one after, cause we all have a healthy amount of mistrust for law enforcement and would rather not be so easily tracked, either by the guards or the thugs.
The healers berate us to no end over how violence is not the answer and “did you at least try to talk to them first” and suggest that we should have run away instead of fighting. I attempt to explain we did try but it didn’t work but they aren’t taking it so as soon as Zalral is back on his feet I drag him and Straight Up out and away from the healers.
We left the healers place and headed back to one of Zalral's apparent many safe houses. Once there we had some food and recapped on the events of the day
Straight Up (the new kid tiefling/new pc) learnt about the snake-worshipping cult and was clearly uneasy.
I then asked Zalral about the eye tattoo we'd found on the wizards back - apparently the symbol of a massive and really well-organised crime syndicate, extremely efficient in their endeavours. Apparently, they steal a bunch of magical items ever so often, killing the store owner in the process, and said magical items never show up again (or at least no one has been able to trace them again) but they don't usually go after witnesses like they did today
And I ask him about the onyx stone/tooth found on the wizard's mouth - to which he tells me it's the secret symbol of another important gang, the Onyx gang (my character is so dumb jc this was obvious) and that that's weird cause 1) there is no history between the two gangs, of them working together or anything, and 2) the Onyx gang doesn't really have a presence in this city (Walsol).
My character gets all constipated at the mention of the Onyx gang and pretty much stops all conversation. Zalral obviously notices and asks them what's up, what's the beef that they have with the Onyx gang to which Lor says they don't have any beef but that the gang might (Zalral comments that that's the same thing, just a matter of semantics and tbh it is cause if the onyx gang actually set up Lor then Lor obviously is out for blood but eh, they don't know that yet) and says nothing else, thumbing at their necklace (in case you don't recall from the backstory, they have a piece of their dead girlfriend's horns on a string around their neck).
So we all go to sleep on that happy note.
Next morning, over some breakfast, we plan out our day – Zalral is gonna go and check with all his local sources to try and gather some info on what happened and Straight Up and I are gonna go offer our services to the guards
So we go and the guards outside the station tell us they will let us in once we have something concrete to offer, and so we head to the shell of the once magic shop
There we find nothing left – not even selling or stock records, nothing. I do, however, find another Onyx - this one with an eye engraved onto it.
We take that back to the station and ask to see the main investigator in this case and are sent to the main barracks. There we meet the investigator (& stupidly forget to ask for his name throughout this whole thing) and chat some. We learn that the body of the wizard we killed (the only casualty on their side) had been stolen from the morgue that morning by the troll's fang gang, before they could get in a necromancer to ask him questions and that all other perpetrators from last night have probably skipped town by now, like with every other raid this gang had led before.
We show him the onyx with the eye and he thinks it’s a misdirection & we try to convince him that it's not (we found one on the dead warlock as well after all)
We then leave, grab some quick lunch, and head to the poorer side of town, hoping to find some more things. After a little bit looking around we spot an inn that has an eye carved into the wood of its door and so we head inside.
We quickly notice a band of thugs with eyes tattoos on the back of their hands drinking in the back of the room so we grab drinks for ourselves and sit on the table next to theirs. I pull out a dice set and, on a nat 20 performance check, we put on a good show of faking it. We are talking in infernal, sure noone can understand us tho we do draw some weird looks. Eventually the other group receives a secret message, carved into the bottom of a mug of ale
We can't read it from where we are so I attempt to approach them, with a smile and easy attitude, and ask if anyone wants to play since "winning against my brother is getting boring" (nevermind we do not have the same skin colour, it's not like these thugs know or care enough). They are, of course, racist scum and tell me to “get out of here you filthy devil spawn".
This pisses Straight Up apparently and he decides to take matters into his own hands by conjuring the sound of an explosion from outside (with thaumaturgy). I use this as an excuse to jump as if I've been startled by the noise and 'accidentally' knock the drink with the secret message down on the floor.
These thugs are now even more mad but I act all innocent and offer to grab them another drink (which the DM allows me to have advantage on a deception roll) and succeed in my roll so I pay for the drink and we quickly leave
Once outside we sneak into an alleyway on the other side of the road and wait for the thugs to leave the pub.
Three of them eventually do, two of them going down the street and a third, with a pronounced limp (which made me ask if I recognised him since I shot the thug from the day before in the back of the leg before he got away but no, not the same. I was excited for a second) heading down another narrow road. We hedge our bets and follow the lone one
Turns out his limp was a fake and he slowly loses it and picks up speed, parkouring it all over the city and in a twisted and circular route to where he wants to get
We finally get there tho, and there is an abandoned five story building with a basement access on a side street
He knocks on said door the same number of times as the numbers listed in the mug (so that's what the message is) and someone let's him
Straight Up and Lor debate what to do and realise they can't do anything except wait and watch the door or go in. So I suggest splitting the party (cursed words in d&d lol) so that one of us can stay and watch and the other can run back and get Zalral
We figure that I would be better at finding my way back so Straight Up stats and I go for a 20 mins run there & back
Straight Up figures that climbing the opposite building will give him the best pov so he attempts to climb said building and... Crit fails the roll, making a shit ton of noise
He panics and pushes a bunch of crates that were just there laying around in front of the basement door, just in time for someone on the other side attempting to open it (and failing)
Straight Up then runs inside the building to wait it out. When the thugs manage to break through the door and the crates – spreading a bunch of flour everywhere – Straight Up uses thaumaturgy to lead them away by causing noise on the road on the other side of the building, as if someone is running away
When they rush after the noise, Straight Up comes back onto the side street and casts firebolt, aiming for the door. Now, and I didn't know this, but apparently fire & flour don't mix well (cause flour = bio matter), so this causes a massive explosion that levels not just the thugs secret hideout building but also the one across from it, that Straight Up attempted to climb earlier
Now such a massive explosion obvious makes the thugs turn back around and now they are in pursuit of Straight Up. Two of them stop to try and shoot him instead, managing to hit, but he's still running. He spots a healers centre and runs in, hoping for safe refugee
Suprise suprise it's the same healers as before - who made us promise not to come back (not to get in trouble) in the next week
So of course they berate & scold him
One of the thugs is still giving chase and he comes into the building and stops, ready to fire on Straight Up - except he never manages cause the magic of the place/of the healers stops him, by making him levitate in the air
In the meantime, I've reached Zalral's place and we are coming back. The healers, about half an hour later than when Straight Up had walked in, sees the two of us walking by and so finally stops chewing him out and heals him, sending him our way.
We are surprised to see him and I connect the dots and yelp at him "you did that?!" to which he just sort of shrugs so we take a slightly longer way around to try and access the situation before the thugs, if they are still there, can see us
We arrive to a fire in full effect, a bunch of guards standing around as well as some civilians.
And, more importantly, the two thugs still there, still with their shortbows.
I notice them noticing us and because I wanna avoid an all-out encounter and anyways rushing them would probably look bad anyways, I approach the guards, intending to make small talk and wait to see what the thugs will do.
Apparently, they really don't think any good of the police cause they see Straight Up and just shoot, both bolts hitting him and he's down and unconscious
The guards are startled, which gives the bad guys a round to get away, but they then pursue.
In that same round, I give Straight Up a healing potion and then we are following the bad guys, who have split and run in opposite directions. We’ve lost one of them already.
But the other is running down a wide road, two soldiers in his tail. The soldier’s kind of give up on catching him and instead attempt to shot him down. They manage to hit and he stumbles so I catch up to him. When he attempts to run away again I get an attack of opportunity and manage to grapple him and throw him on the ground over my shoulder, bringing him down to 0 hp (not dead just unconscious, I was clear before I attacked so the DM wouldn't just kill him off xD)
We restrain him and then Zalral heals him some so that he's no longer unconscious. I've got a knife to his throat when he comes through and because I've literally just thrown him down I get advantage on intimidating him
He gives us some info but he's mostly being really stubborn. We learn that the whimpering sound we could hear from the door? It was puppies they'd locked in a closed room
I nick him for that and while the guards look like they should disapprove of me harming a prisoner who is technically in their custody, they don't.
He's mostly done talking at this point tho, and he actually attempts to spit at me (rude) tho he fails
So Zalral casts charm person on him (which, once again, the guards frown on since it's illegal and all but say nothing, we are not the cops after all and this is far more info then they've ever gotten out of any of these thugs) and now he's far more friendly
He tells us about the Onyx gang and how they have joined forces with the all-seeing eyes gang and have expanded to this city for about a month now.
We ask him about other safe houses and he tells us of other two, one in another city (?) Talra, and one 36 steps away from that first one. He doesn't know the safe word/passcodes to either of them tho
He ask him about the troll fang gang and if they are connected. He says he doesn't know about them but that the Ten Eyes gang is a subsidiary of theirs
He alludes to his boss a couple of times and how she was still underground when the fire started but he can't confirm whether or not there is a second way out. He also says that there are at least three layers of bosses above him, the top one not actually being a gang member, but also isn't someone with public face
This is pretty much when he clams up tho cause, even with the charm person spell or my intimidation he's more afraid of his boss than he is of torture or death
So we haul ass back to the main barracks to go see the investigator and hand him the prisoner (I ask one of the guards the name of the investigator and we are told he's called Hendrickson so yeay, we finally know his name xD)
Oh before that I forgot! There's a bunch of things that the prisoner doesn't tell us, not because he doesn't know them (tho there's that too) or because he doesn't want to (charm person deals with that) but because someone has made him forget. We intend on telling that to Hendrickson and get him to get a mage on that; but I also recall the cube that I buried in the forest, which had an aura of no magic to it and thus maybe can undo magical effects
But yeah so we start heading back and on the way are attacked by two assassin's who ignore all of us and go straight for the poor dude. They manage to gut him and then attempt to run away. We all shoot at them and manage to injure one of them enough that when I try to catch up to him I manage. But, instead of running away and giving me an attack of opportunity like the thug did earlier, this assassin simply turns around and stabs me. His dagger is fucking magical or something cause of course, so one single stab gets me down, almost to immediate death as well.
Straight Up catches up to me and gives me our last healing potion, while one of the other guards shoots the assassin again. He's still not dead smh (I think he had like 60+ hp at the start??) but he seems to think he's not gonna get away – we’ve hit him quite a lot tbf) cause he basically detonates a bomb, killing himself
Everything, including his body, is destroyed - except for his dagger. I grab it and both Straight Up and Zalral do arcana checks on it. They find two enchantments, one that makes it really hard to destroy and another that allows for it to be tracked.
Now thank fuck he noticed that last one cause I was intending on keeping it. Instead we go to the barracks, tell Hendrickson all the info we learnt and leave the knife with him, suggesting he try and revert the tracking spell.
Then we head home and all the way there, I chew Straight Up out over being careless and a fucking pyromaniac.
And that's the end of our first, longass session! We all leveled up and honestly i can’t wait for the next session, I wanted it to be here already :P
0 notes