#i used to be a huge rpg maker fan so the influence definitely shows lol
so-bitya · 6 months
I got to watch the Phantom & Ghost playthrough (thanks to @pain-in-the-butler d(^-^)), and I've been dreaming of Phantom & Ghost getting a remaster with HD graphics and a expanded story line, so here's how I would've liked it:
a coherent narrative
I think it would've benefited the story to just stick to one POV for the entire game, and you'll have to complete both Sebastian and Ciel's routes to get the final ending. Similar to other visual games games that have multiple endings depending who and how you play, that give you a true ending after completing the game.
like wow, the game is kinda nonsensical to follow? not only can you switch between the two different POVs while playing, but you can do it after nearly every scene? So all the clues and reveals feel all over the place and referenced in ways that don't make sense.
general appeal
alright lets be honest, the game's main appeal is its characters. getting to play all these scenarios with the servants and Lizzy is what's fun. sadly, the minor characters weren't as interesting to bounce off of, so it would be nice to lean into their eccentricities (when you got a guy named Patrick the Grey wizard).
Add more scenarios, more character combinations, more dialogue options. Can't tell you how disappointed I was that Stella's pov barely showed anything, esp since the moments between Lizzy and Stella were really good. Like, let's play with all these different povs! Stella's route could have flashbacks and much needed backstory to solve the mysteries. Lets see Lorraine, Patrick, and Stella's parents in the past, since so much of the story revolves around them And having all these expanded character options really build the replayability of the game.
tonal dissonance
This game was disorienting to me because how light the story remained. Kuro is a dark story! It has a lot of morbid humor and something disturbing happening in the background. This game really was just some average errand for Ciel and Sebastian and it falls flat. So I had ideas to bring in out more of those darker tones kuro has, described in the next section.
the villain
I understand why Lorraine was made into the villain as a "surpise twist", but I truly dislike that she was the bad guy after dealing with suggested abuse and getting jealous over a child (without even the backstory to back it up??). There's ways to give misdirection over the villain without resorting to the cheap maid plot twist, that is frankly tired now. (also I thought count ridley would be the villain? what was he around then for lol)
There's still a mysterious air around Stella's father, right? maybe, instead of villainizing an abused maid for the nth time, we can have a more in depth exploration of the maid's abuse and the father's character. maybe we find out the father was quite a vile person. Stella's route could imply the abuse happening in the background and how disturbing it is.
perhaps after the first half of the game, Lorraine is pined as the murderer, but Stella insists that she's innocent and we have to find the true culprit. the player is mislead here a bit, because Lorraine's attitude does take a turn and she acts very bitter and erratic (which we find out later her signs of abuse).
eventually Lorraine is found innocent and her father is blamed for the murder, and Lorraine gets with Patrick to take care of Stella at the mansion, a perfect happy ending.
However in the true ending, we find out that Lorraine did kill the father, but it was to protect herself and Stella from his abuse. We don't know how the mother died exactly, but let's implied that he was the one to kill her (mad father vibes). Ciel doesn't reveal this, since the case with the ghost and embezzlement is solved, but Lorraine gets away with the murder. Sebastian could suggest that Lorraine only did it for her benefit, because now she's acting as head of the manor, through Stella (or whatever edgelord nonsense he'll say).
The games ends on the note we, the audience, will never know Lorraine's true motives, all while Stella remains naive, still thinking the best of her parents and Lorraine. All we can hope for is that they'll take care of each other now, though who knows what the future holds.
So there's plenty of dark aspects to this story while having a rather positive ending for our main characters! let me know what yall think! any other ideas for an ending or story route?
(anyway here's a drawing of Stella and Lorraine to convince yall: x)
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eshtarwind · 7 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters Character Commentary - Mimori Matsuri
Other character commentary:
Seto Ferb - Kawasumi Sisala - Shiratori Tomoe - Yukuhashi Ei - Yamai Sawori - Echizen Murasaki
Warning: may contain spoilers from the following character episodes and novels: Episode 1.5 (Matsuri) - Episode 2.5 (Matsuri, Tasha) - Episode 3.0 (Matsuri, Yumeno, Murasaki) - QoP 3.0 - QoP novel
Mimori Matsuri (三森マツリ)
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Our resident gamer and drummer of Queen of Purple unit, she is the girl with short bangs and blonde hair with otaku goods in her hands. Matsuri is 21 years old, the second oldest in all Nanasis idols (second only to our teacher Miwako), but among the smallest. She claims that she is good in any game genre, from crane game to RPG to love sim and so on. She works part time for a living and especially to fulfill her gaming expenses. She begins picking up drums after being asked to join by Ferb, who saw her playing drumming game in game center with highest difficulty plus fade, shuffle, randomized note effect and hit perfect score, showing extremely good sense of rhythm. She has a circle of gamer friends and also has fans by the game center she went to, often challenging them for game battles.
Mood Maker
Perhaps her strongest and most noticeable trait, Matsuri has a bright playful personality and enjoys being the company of others. She especially enjoys bright atmosphere and is really good in instigating it. In the game center she goes to, she can excite the whole place by creating a game battle on the spot or just by being her cheery persona. She is also in charge of QoP’s MC (talk) session since she can easily bring up exhilarating atmosphere with her MC. Her playful and jubilant personality seems to resonate well with younger girl and she will also gets on Momoka’s anime charade at times. She gets along well easily with everyone and can be a good and engaging companion. She enjoys thrills and often make dangerous bets on her game battle challenge like taking off clothes if one is lost. Matsuri also loves to tease people, enjoying harmless teasing and challenging for fun. She said games are best enjoyed together with every one else with everyone getting excited and getting on the thrill together. Together with Yumeno, Matsuri is the comic relief of QoP.
“I AM AN ADULT!” complex
Being very small in stature with rather young face complexion, Matsuri is often being mistaken as an underage schooler, being asked by police officers to show her ID card when she was out at night or buying age restricted goods. She will also demand to be treated “as an adult” and often call herself “oneesan” to remind everyone that she’s older. Matsuri gets triggered really quickly if anyone doubts her “sexiness” or doubts her ability to “adult”. It was also a real source of stress, as even if she claims and demands to be treated “as an adult” at times she doubt herself is she indeed has display a maturity fit for her age, or she has the ability to carry on her responsibilities.
Despite her playful and seemingly airheaded nature, Matsuri is actually very observant and intelligent. She quickly picks up other people’s trait while talking with them, observing their nature and personality, and using it to get on their better side as she does so--which also makes out her friendly nature. She notices Ferb’s childish traits from the first time they met and Murasaki’s real feelings when she was mad, despite Murasaki’s rather hard-to-perceive nature. She also tends to get quite analytical while observing her surrounding, taking them into considerations before taking an action. In QoP episode she was also shown to be observant enough to know Ferb was sad yet also sensitive enough to not prod.
Levelheaded and responsible
Matsuri displays maturity and levelheadedness in the face of crisis, as displayed in QoP novel. She was shown to be more of the analytical side, juggling between options and possibilities before she eventually makes her decision. When Ferb ask her to pick up drumming right after seeing her in the game center, she was the one who remind Ferb that game and real life is different, and one of the persons that offers other possible options available before she took on the offer eventually--heavily because she was worried no one would be out there looking out for the three other members. Matsuri has a high sense of responsibility, as shown in QoP novel, went depressed when she did not feel she had done enough, and will go to great lengths to keep everyone well. She consoles other band members when they were down, showing deep understanding and reassuring presence.
Resilient and Assertive
Matsuri springs back from stress extremely quickly. She does not wallow in her problems long and instead quickly look for a way out. Most of the time, she only needs a bit of a push to go back into action, usually only needing a presence of someone to rest their trust on her for her to trust herself and tackle her problems. She is also decisive, being firm and certain once she chose her way.
Actually a functional adult
Gaming and her rather lousy looks aside, Matsuri is actually properly adulting: paying her bills, do her job well, looking out on her surroundings, and can actually cook. She also does her mature oneesan role really well for the other member.
Character Development
Matsuri’s character development heavily revolves around her and everyone’s doubt about her “maturity” or if she is an “adult”. She displays a playful approach to this problem most of the time, being playfully mad at people who doubts her age or teases her small stature, but actually takes her responsibility really seriously. Most of character development and inner thoughts are displayed more in QoP Novel. Her thought process seems to display deep thinking, even if her exterior looks bright, and she at times push herself beyond for the good of others. In QoP novel, she learns to believe in herself, that she has done great job as an adult, finding there are people who believe in her and displaying resolution to answer to that expectation. While her 1.5 and 2.5 shows the brighter side of her character, her 3.0 shows her leadership ability and also her desire to glue her band mates even closer together, even if through gaming.
Sakaiya Yumeno(堺屋ユメノ)
Yumeno probably someone closest to Matsuri in QoP, being the only two who enjoys gaming and being the comic relief of the party. She hangs out with Yumeno to play games together in their private times, with Yumeno doing sleepover at her home to play. Yumeno was also the one Matsuri asks to help her with drumming, as she was the only one understanding how games work. Yumeno trusts Matsuri unconditionally. When things went down in QoP, Yumeno waited faithfully that Matsuri would definitely do something about it--which she did. Matsuri also consoles Yumeno when she cried, providing solace and comfort when the later needed it. Yumeno drools over her (like she would to anyone) and actually stalks Matsuri around the city after seeing Matsuri’s cosmetic CM and getting super enamored and wanted to see “more rare faces of Matsuri”.
Echizen Murasaki (越前ムラサキ)
Matsuri knowns Murasaki before QoP, having been in the same lessons with her several times, and find Murasaki as an easy company to be with. Matsuri also figured out that despite her cold exterior, Murasaki is a very kind soul. She also acknowledges Murasaki’s sensitivity how she is actually mature beyond her age. Both act as the adult of the unit, being the more “experienced” in the workings of the society, with Matsuri sharing that responsibility with Murasaki in a quite intimate talking session. Matsuri gained Murasaki’s trust and acknowledgement and is being the few person who can actually influence Murasaki’s decision. Both seems to share mutual respect and camaraderie and has a stable friendly relationship between each other.
Seto Ferb (瀬戸ファーブ)
Matsuri and Ferb shares sibling-like relationship, with Matsuri displaying understanding and more consoling nature towards Ferb. Ferb has huge respect on Matsuri for her wilingness and her prowess in taking on drumming and bring up the subject from time to time, while Matsuri displaying a sense of responsibility over Ferb’s well-being. During QoP Novel, it was shown how over the course of the story, Matsuri’s place from being someone who watches over from behind now becoming someone who pull them forward, giving a sense of reassurance to Ferb and act as a guardian.
Serizawa Momoka (芹沢モモカ)
Matsuri and Momoka shares a rather playful relationship especially in episode 1.5 and 2.5. Both shares their anime and game together and Matsuri is shown to get on Momoka’s anime mode playfully (much to Musubi’s chagrin).
Hoshigaki Manon (星柿マノン)
Matsuri and Manon’s interaction hapened in Episode 1.5, where Matsuri helped Manon getting her Chou Mahou Shoujo Maji de Majiko (Super Magical Girl Seriously Serious Majiko) goods out of the crane game. Matsuri seems to be in her cheerful and playful side around Manon.
Tasha Romanovsky(ターシャ・ロマノフスキー)
Matsuri met Tasha when she was wondering about being an “adult” in Tasha’s 1.5 episode. Matsuri appears to take it rather playfully, just like she did to most children character, and Tasha seems to not see Matsuri as an “adult”--at least not the type of adult she desired to be (lol).
Can drink legally but is really weak to alcohol. She passed out in Murasaki’s bar once.
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