#i used to help out at my local sinnoh shelter all the time with the eggs
prof-polaris · 1 year
I found this weird egg while on a walk I don't have any room for it so you can have it (Sets down a eevee egg)
I've raised an eevee egg before, so no problems here!
I'll put it with Solaire so it keeps warm, first mission for the boy
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marlows-pkmnirl · 8 months
ok so literally nobody asked but i i’m gonna talk about my moms’ pokemon cause i miss them
i miss my moms too but their pokemon are more fun to talk about
they both just have four pokemon, for whatever reasons. they’ve never really given me a straight answer about it, so i’m guessing something bad happened, but idk
pretty much all of their pokemon help out around the lab or with fieldwork, and they’re all pretty smart (from my perspective at least)
my mom grew up in nacrene city like i did, so she’s got a fairly regular set of pokemon
her starter’s a seismitoad named foggy (they have a much longer lifespan than you would think). he mostly helps with fieldwork, but he also likes just hanging out with the local palpitoad and tympole. i think he has secret kids in pinwheel forest somewhere, but mom won’t let me follow him to find out :/
he’s always been a bit standoffish to me, but that might just be cause i don’t really understand him. i was scared of him when i was little, which is really funny considering i was never scared of…
her haxorus, evergreen. well, she was a fraxure until i was like 9, but still. she was a ‘special rescue’ from a shelter that couldn’t take care of her. she broke one of her tusks at some point before mom ever met her, which was the big reason the shelter couldn’t take care of her
i have no idea why my mom was able to take care of her, but that’s another one of those things i’ve never gotten a straight answer about. apparently evergreen used to be super aggressive because of the whole ‘broken tusk’ thing, but she’s been super mellow the whole time i’ve known her. like, ‘tolerates a toddler pulling on her tail’ mellow. anyway, she doesn’t do much around the lab, but she’s great at deterring wild pokemon from breaking in
mom also has missy the cincinno, who is the most uptight old lady you will ever see. she’s very serious about lab clean-up procedures, and is genuinely terrifying if you put a beaker in the wrong cabinet. trust me. i know.
she relaxes a lot when she’s around her other (better) half, but i haven’t gotten to him yet. she’s sort of like a ‘tough love’ type. i learned how to clean my own room real quick when i was little so i didn’t have to deal with it though (she wouldn’t let my moms do it)
my mom’s last pokemon is seashell the floatzel, who her dad apparently caught for her on a business trip to sinnoh (that’s also the most i’ve ever gotten from her about her dad). she’s really nice, and she helped teach me how to swim. she’s a surprisingly good swim instructor!
she’s very much a ‘take it easy’ sort of pokemon. she used to help with scouting out new areas, but since my moms don’t do much of that anymore, she makes sure that new pokémon populations they plan to study won’t be outright hostile. she takes her job more seriously than she takes anything else, which doesn’t say much, but yknow. still!
my mama’s from azalea town in johto, so all her pokemon are johtoan. she also thinks the funniest thing in the world is pokemon with people names, so… yeah.
her starter is daryl the slowking. he makes sure things are running smoothly in the lab, and mama’s trying to teach him how to read so that he can fact-check her numbers too. last i checked, it’s actually going better than you would think. but then again, apparently he can telepathically speak johtoan, so it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. i wonder if mama’s teaching him unovan?
anyway, daryl always kinda felt like a big brother to me. he’s always looking out for me, and of my moms’ pokemon, i think he was the saddest to see me leave on my journey (although he also definitely knows i’m coming back. he’s too smart not to)
mama also has jenna the bellossom. since grass-types are relatively easy to care for, mama put me in charge of ‘taking care’ of jenna from a pretty young age. really that just meant turning on her sun lamp, watering her, and giving her fertilizer, but i loved it. she’s probably why i love grass types so much now!
jenna helps when my moms have to actually bring pokemon into the lab physically by putting them to sleep first. damage reduction for everybody, basically. she also helps out in our garden!
and since i’m sure you were on the edge of your seat waiting to learn about missy’s other half… he’s edward the espeon. a direct contrast to missy, he’s the nicest old man you’ll ever meet. if he were a human, he would be the kind that gives out full-sized chocolate bars on halloween
he mainly helps out by levitating things around the lab/keeping things steady. apparently it took a fair amount of training for him to actually behave in the lab, though. he was always good with me. my mama has a picture somewhere of edward levitating me when i was a baby (he was a bit stronger back then)
my mama’s final pokemon is nokoribi the ninetales. her name translates to ‘ember’ in unovan! she clearly doesn’t fit mama’s naming scheme, which is because she was named like 300 years ago by her first trainer. since ninetales live for so long (i honestly don’t really like thinking about it), there’s a tradition in the kanjoh region where they’ll be owned by families instead of just individual trainers, and get passed down from generation to generation
nokoribi is very calm, but in a different way than seashell or evergreen. calculating, almost. sometimes i think she’s smarter than she lets on
…but then other times she tries to eat plastic and whines for an hour when we won’t let her. it’s honestly a mixed bag with her. you never know what you’re gonna get!
i could go on and on about all the dynamics that they have, too, but i feel like this is enough info for a post that nobody asked about. i’ll post more about my moms’ pokemon if somebody wants me to or if i feel like it again, cause you can’t stop me >:3
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hisui-apparently · 1 year
[[All ask games are active, found under the tag "#ask game". All answers found separately under "#ask game - answered"]]
Hi! My name's Remy, and I grew up in a region just a bit south of Unova, the Tempevus Region, but it's not very well known, so I just call myself Unovan.
Currently, I'm a college student at a University in Unova, and I'm majoring in Bioarchaeology! I am currently two souls living in one body, and we're still not quite sure who's talking/thinking when.
My Team:
Vax - Sylveon (Shiny Variant)
Vex - Crobat
Riptide - Samurott (Hisuian Variant)
Honey - Goodra (Hisuian/Shiny Variant)
Venom - Zoroark (Hisuian/Shiny Variant)
Aries - Arcanine (Hisuian Variant)
Kebano - Altaria
Spark - Rotom (Inhabits my phone)
I'm also (a) Victini's Chosen, apparently. Vey use Vey/Vem/Vir pronouns (sometimes I fuck up when typing it out) and go by Vik.
Some extra context!
Venom and Aries were both given to me as eggs by Volo, while I was in Sinnoh. I did not know who he was at the time, and now I am livid, because he gave me my own Pokemons' children. He left them in my care with no information, but fortunately they hatched healthy with no complications.
Everybody else, however, was encountered and caught in the wild. A lot of the stories are quite cute, actually, so I'd be willing to tell the stories of how I met each member of my team in the future, if you all would like!
I adopted Kebano more recently, however, from a local shelter! He's on my team as a Service Pokemon, both for sleep aid and transport assistance. Any other time, he's free to do whatever! As long as he doesn't get himself hurt or destroy any property, that is.
Hisuian Science Arc: With some help from the scientists at Team Wing, Remy tries to figure out just how over half of their team are make up of Hisuian Forms! Edit: We have learned that Venom and Aries were, in fact, directly from Ancient Hisui! [COMPLETE]
Lakes to Distortion Arc: Remy sets off on a journey to gain the blessing of each of Sinnoh's three Lake Spirits, so that they mey venture in and out of the Distortion World at their own will. They do this because they wish to have a nice tea time with Giratina. [COMPLETE]
Possibly Bad Decisions Side Arc: Another version of Giratina offered up a task to Remy, and in return, would create a portal for them to the Distortion World. They must find a cave that holds a crystal, the essence of this Giratina's power. Could it end badly? Of course. Will it? Who knows? Are they going to do it? Definitely! [COMPLETE?]
Past and Future Discoveries Arc: The Remy that was the Savior of Hisui has been thrown into the future by some Sinnohan deity, but something messed up along the way. Now, this Remy and that Remy are two souls inhabiting one body and one mind! This will only be tagged on a post if the... condition itself is mentioned. [PERMANENTLY ONGOING]
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