#i wanna do more traditional art and hopefully get back into digital too!!
clairethecutepup · 2 years
Weekly Update: 3/11-3/19
Paragraphs ahead for: comic work, fan work, comic advice, advertising plans, gaming...
Jeez, why can't I seem to remember that Saturdays are when I'm supposed to post these? Aw well, at least it's being posted on a weekly basis, ja? So then, let's get into it...
I'm wrapping up the sketching portion of Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes' 7th page, and I've learned how to make lines less blurry: I need to alter the resolution before any potential drawing, and harden the lines for extra crispness. Hopefully, that fixes my little "fuzziness" problem...
Also, I've been thinking about blazing the entirety of Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes in a future post. I mean, I'll be doing a post with all the pages together, for viewer convenience, anyway. You see, I figured it'd be the best way to show my comic-related works to the world, via making posts with 50-ish comic "pages" to view. I know, I said I wouldn't do "blaze" posts with fan-related work, but work samples are work samples, ja? Hopefully, I'll have better luck in gathering a following and building up potential franchises, if I use the visual medium of comics, rather than simply posting chapter images with the accompanying paragraphs of literature.
Of course, I'm not just using a comic-styled medium for reasons of "easier attention-grabbing" alone, I also enjoy the idea of utilizing visuals/drawings than simple text walls. Why do you think I decided to add chapter images to Getting Your Goat, back when I stuck to mostly literary forms of entertainment? Plus, I feel like my art style would help my works be seen as more iconic/recognizable, compared to just a familiar writing style and the like. If you're gonna get anywhere, people gotta recognize your works as YOUR works, ja? Can't just rely on my blonde, little wolf-hybrid mascot to always tell you you're viewing something of mine.
Speaking of comic work, I really suggest doing it digitally for convenience sake. After all, do it traditionally and you'll be having a rougher/longer time altering outlines, panels and whatever else that'll take you a few seconds digitally. Sure, I won't tell you to fix what's not broken, nor am I demanding you forsake traditional art; but I will give recommendations where recommendations are seen fit. Of course, I don't want to forego traditional art myself, but I think I'll save it for reference sheets and other things that don't involve a bit more... "complexity," I guess is the word?
In relation to the workings of Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes, as well as the over all desire to make a fan comic series based on the "Assassin AU" of Ed Edd n Eddy, I admit a bit of nervousness toward people's potential reactions regarding Claire. No, I wanna include Claire and include her as is, so she's getting included and included as is: namely, animal-hybrids recently being made as the "perfect tool" for the organization's assassins.
Of course, there'd be hints the organization also plans to eventually make the dubbed "Werebeasts" independent enough, so it can MAKE its own and better brand of assassins, rather than spending the time/effort into abducting and grooming people as kids. At least, I think that's supposed to be the AU's backstory: they were taken by the spaceship, in the "Invasion of the Eds" episode, and "trained" into their assassin lifestyles?
However, you don't get anywhere in life when you're too scared to do anything, so I'll suck it up and see what happens. The important thing is, as long as Claire doesn't hog the spotlight nor be more Mary-Sue than character, it should be fine. Plus, I'm sure some of the EEnE fandom would appreciate the "Assassin AU" making a comeback, characters like Claire present or not.
In matters unrelated to creative workings, I've finally gotten Pizza Tower, and I love it! It's fun to take the slow, steady pacing of platforming while exploring the levels-- and then run like HECK, Sonic the Hedgehog style!! I don't think I'll go for all "P" ranks, nor even one, as I like my games to be fun. Instead, I'll go for the collectibles and find all the secrets!
Anyway, till later!
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meitantei-lavi · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hey gang! Back at it again with commissions (thankfully ;w;)! 
The lovely @mangaluva​ commissioned her characters Ghost and Fang! It was really really fun to bust out the watercolors again and try my hand at some good ol’ Hokusai waves! I do love me some Pokemon and classic Japanese art hehe
Time spent: about 4.5 hours my art tag|my commissions page
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cirusthecitrus · 2 years
7, 20, and 28 for the ask meme!
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Everything about traditional art (like watercolors, oil, pastel, street art etc. hell even colored pancils) fascinates me as much as it gives me anxiety. I love touching finished canvases, feeling them in my hands, love looking through sketchbook pages, love the smell of paint and markers, love learning about different techniques, love watching others working on their pieces, but I can't do it myself to safe my life (unless it's plain pencil or pens). For some reason my eyes and hands become very sensitive, textures of some materials make me wanna explode and I get overwhelmed real fast, so I can't really enjoy it. That's why I'm sticking to digital art lol Also, sculputre and 3D modeling are Amazing but I dunno if I'll ever try any of it, cause it looks haaard :p
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
Hhhm, I dunno. Maybe, facial expressions? I too can find it not easy to depict a certain microexperession or convey the exact emotion, but when it happens I only get more excited and joyful. I love challenging myself when it comes to drawing difficult expressions - especially if I'm "limited" by the specifics of character design, like the clones, who don't have actual eyebrows and visible pupils (plus they literally have the same face)
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
Well, I've participated in Secret Santa events for artist both irl and online, it's super fun and wholesome^^
Oh and I remember back in 2018 there were weekly art challenges in one russian YandereSim fan group. Yeah the game is controversial and problematic af, but the fandom was nice and those weekly events motivated me to practice more :)
I also love Entrapdak Positivity Month, definately going to participate again! Aaand I was a part of the second Entrapdak Zine this year. Wish I could participate in the other two, but since those were early summer zines and the period from March to July is always the busiest for me it's was nearly impposible. Hopefully there're more fandom events coming soon, I'm very excited and ready to make more art!
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randykorn · 5 years
2019 Results
Make art consistently enough for an art roundup at the end of 2019 lol no this didn’t happen At All
Sketch more.  Be sloppy and free!  It doesn’t matter!! Sorta did this?? Partial credit.
Stretch Goal: try and do one piece a month that’s more complex LOL NO
TRC Big Bang.  Focus on that until it’s done.  40k posted on time :)
Finish at least two of those small TRC fics floating around the WIP folder nope nope definitely failed here.  
Keep plugging away at the rewrite.  Remember that it’s not the focus at the beginning of this year so it won’t be done in 2019 and that’s Okay.  90% outlined and organized into loose chapters!  Plus I wrote a fair bit too :D
Try and do character/plot dumps of some original stuff.  Maybe even proper outlines.  YEH poked at some original stuff - definitely not to the outline portion of writing, but the brainstorming and info dumping was there
Keep track of dates for a writing roundup at the end of 2019  More or less!  Writing roundup is going up soon!
Finish 30 books I read 50 fuck yeah
At least 5 need to be books that have been on the to-read shelf for 2 years gonna be honest - i completely forgot about this.  I think I read 2 or 3 stagnant books woopsies
Overall, this year kinda sucked!  Work got so toxic and terrible that it’s impossible to describe without a novel, and it sent my mental health spiraling for a solid 7 months.  It was hard to focus on anything, and almost impossible to get up any creative energy which...shows.  But!  I’m happy with how much I managed to achieve despite all that, and I’ve got a new job and am on an upward swing toward normalcy, so hopefully next year will be satisfyingly creative/productive :)
Art was definitely not a focus this year -  I bought a sketchbook and some markers and I definitely Want to use them, I just never seemed to have the energy.  Same thing with my digital art - I started a bunch of sketches/projects, but never really finished anything.  I do hope to experiment more with traditional mediums next year, and I wanna finish and post some of my digital projects!!  Also.  Stickers.  Wanna maaaaaaake.
Writing more or less happened!  I definitely didn’t get as far into WtA as I wanted to, but I have been poking at it pretty consistently, which I’m counting as a positive.  And I did some major organizational work on the trc rewrite, which I’m very happy with!  Plus I got inspiration for a few original stories, and while I’m not ready to actively work on them, just brainstorming and keeping them on the back-burner in my mind is more than enough for now.
Reading went very well, mostly because I got into graphic novels/comics this year.  They were there for me when big books of words were too much for me to digest.  I read a good deal of books, too, although I really need to focus on whittling down my to-read shelf lol.  Also cdth came out and was way better than I’d dared to hope, which helped reinvigorate some trc writing energy recently :)
On to 2020!
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uniformbravo · 5 years
i kno its literally almost april but i didnt do this in january so heres some of my resolutions for this year bc better late than never???
1. i want to get! better at coloring!!
i’ve been working on a few pieces lately that are more involved than what i usually do, like things w/ composition & even simple backgrounds that i want to look nice, but in tackling these bigger projects i’ve come to realize that i have no idea what i’m doing w/ coloring so i want to! get better at that! 
specifically my digital coloring too like i think i’ve learned enough about color theory to hold my own with traditional supplies, and part of that is because i’m already given specific colors to work with in traditional, which helps to limit my options. but with digital art literally anything is possible and i find that i’m only able to make something look interesting when im already given a limited color palette. i want to be able to choose fun and interesting palettes on my own! so that’s something i’m gonna work on
but since it’s specifically my digital coloring im concerned with, that means my second mandatory resolution has to be:
2. figure out how to get back into digital art in a way that’s sustainable lol
im still dealing with my hand troubles which makes drawing digitally Very Hard but i don’t think it’s impossible?? last week i was drawing for like 3 or 4 days consecutively with no problems, i think it only started to become a problem when i started working on pieces for long periods of time w/o taking breaks, an unfortunate long-time habit of mine :/
so to tackle this resolution i think i’m gonna need to /really/ crack down on myself about taking breaks, like set timers and do stretches and shit, and then also i should make sure i’m not drawing every day for several days in a row, bc i think that weakens my daily stamina. so figuring out some kind of schedule is key i think!
3. finish At Least one of my fics!! and post it!!!
pretty self-explanatory!! this was one of my resolutions last year iirc and i didn’t manage it but i DID manage to actually write a lot more than i had been doing previously so i count it as a win!! this year i wanna take that progress and run with it and hopefully eventually have something to show for it! i know i Talk about my writing all the time but i feel like that’s all i’ve ever really done is TALK. so this year im hoping to FINALLY get something out there lol!!!!
also not exactly a requirement but if i could even do TWO fics that would be even better!! kind of want my goal to be two but if i only manage one it still counts as a win imo!
4. do one of my short comic ideas!
this kind of goes along the same lines as the last one but instead of a written fic it’s in the form of a comic! i have a couple ideas that have been rolling around in my head for a While now and i rly wanna get some actual practice in with comics this year so i want to try working on them! it would help improve both my drawing and writing skills and hopefully help me get a better handle on storytelling as it works through the comics medium, which is still v foreign to me! hopefully less foreign by the end of the year
ive said this before but i think doing studies by redrawing pages from some of my fave comics would be a big help in giving me a Feel for what it’s like to draw comics w/o having to start w/ a big scary blank slate so! one of my goals is to do some page redraws to help me feel better equipped to tackle this project
SO YEAH THATS IT i don’t wanna like overwhelm myself w/ too many goals for the year, i wanna feel like these are actually realistically achievable, u know? like, there are always other things i want to improve on like composition and backgrounds and stuff like that, but those are things i’m just gonna keep in the back of my mind as things to steadily improve on as i go- i’m not gonna tackle them specifically this time around. these four points are the Main Big Things i wanna work on rn so!! yeah!!! here we fuckin go!!!!!
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adventuresofgameo7 · 3 years
Not Dead Part 2
Hey. it's been nearly a year and a half since I last updated everyone here (idk if anyone is here I'm just making this to feel better about myself lol). Just wanted to let everyone know what's been going on.
To start, I have increasingly become very unmotivated. The current world situation has been chaotic with COVID, and I'm struggling with my mental. I've been streaming a lot because it's just easier to press a button and talk to others who are watching. When it comes to things like YouTube, however, I haven't been able to do as much as I used to. It's been so hard to consistently work on videos and I honestly have no idea how I can get back into things. It's been a lot harder because of this second thing.
I'm an adult now. It's weird to think about, but ever since I became an adult my life has gone more uphill and downhill than it used to. I started working and I have been all over the place with college. It's a huge mess and it doesn't really help my situation with content creation. I don't plan on stopping any time soon, but it is a problem and I need to figure it out before that happens.
So, about the comics. Originally it was gonna be more simple, in black and white, and drawn traditionally. While some things haven't changed like making it in B/W and the current story creation progress (lol), obviously much time has passed and a lot has changed, including my art style. I discovered this thing called "digital art" and I've been having a lot of fun making art for myself and others. I'm slowly improving on my art because of that and it makes me happy knowing I can do so much more that I used to. As it may be easier sometimes to draw digitally, I may wanna stick to traditional for this one. I'll have to research how to professionally ink and print my comics, because even though I'm just gonna be posting them here, I kind of wanna have a physical collection people can get? But that's for the far future.
To be completely honest, I don't have too much experience with comics. I started looking into how Manga is written and drawn, and I realized that it's WAY different than what I was originally planning. I kind of wanna make something along those lines, so I guess I'll have to make new sketches of the 5 pages I have lmao.
Oh, I also made my first OC!! Her name is Aika and she will be a side character in the middle part of the series. I commissioned my art friend Pansetta to design her and she did such an amazing job!! I'm so excited to bring her to life because this is technically my first real OC that isn't gameo, and this is the first time I put so much detail into a character's personality and traits and such. I'll make another post about her once I actually draw her lol.
Anyway, that's what's been going on with me. Hopefully at some point I will feel better about making my comics and I'll have more time as a whole to do that and content creation. I hope everyone is doing well <3
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rodentblood · 7 years
I know it aint the end of the year yet but since I’m probs gonna be too busy I decided to go ahead and write all my 2018 goals and such 
Art wise I have quite a few goals I wanna hit this new year
for starters I want to start making art videos again, I really enjoy making videos and people seem to really enjoy them as well especially my fam in Cali so I really want to start doing them again  I either want to bring back wonderdraw for another season or just do more speed drawing videos  maybe even do speed commission drawings to add another thing to my commission list
Along with videos I want to start streaming! I finally have a mic and another goal of mine this coming year is to be a bit more social so being able to do streams and interact with folks is gonna be a huge thing I want to focus on in 2018
and finally I need to go back to basics and start doing traditional art again i love digital art for its convenience but I feel, especially lately, that I’m relying waaay to much on stuff to be corrected for me or using ctrl z so I need to go back to pencil and paper and start relearning a couple of things
I also hope to open up traditional commissions later next year and since I got a fancy new laminator I may even open up badge commissions :3c
and my other goals for this year are mostly just be more social
I’ve been really really quiet this year like....more so than usual I’ve been very neglectful and p freakin’ rude to folks who I feel are my friends and that is not at all cool
so this year I’m making it a goal to interact and talk with folks more
I may be a shy weenie but I gotta take that step at some point otherwise I’m gonna evolve from shy weenie into a rude ass who hates everyone which is not what I want
I want to be seen as approachable and someone anyone can reach out to if they wanna just chat
so ye
these are my 2018 goals 
do more art and be more social 
I also have some other goals like hopefully getting my license and first car, maybe getting my own apartment and being better at dealing with my diabetes etc. etc. but meh those are a bit boring to talk about so I’ll stick with talking about art and stuff on here =w=;;  thanks for reading and if you have any goals for the coming new year I wish you the best of luck with completing them ovo/ 
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Greetings, my dear followers
It be me, the Mun. Ya know the human running this blog? Nevermind. I have important news!!!
I have a job
I've been unemployed for about 2-3 years. Several things were holding me back like transportation. But I have a job now. That means a could of things are gonna change around here.
I will not be as active as before. My job comes first.
As a mobile user, I will be logged in on my main account. I will check this blog once a week for submissions, asks, and anything else that would give me a notification.
If you do wish to find me, my shitposting account and my art blog will be further down in this post
Hopefully, with the money I make, I will be able to afford something to make digital art with. Traditional is so frustrating. I can't even begin to tell you guys how many drawing I've lost due to spilled drinks or tears or Fluke (my moose of a puppy) thinking it'd be hilarious to chew on my sketchbook.
But fear not. This blog will not die. Like I said before, once a week or more if I get a chance I will check on this blog. My other blogs aren't popular so I don't need to worry about my phone blowing up while at work. This is only until I get into the swing of things at work. Once my schedule is a bit more normal, I will do my best to put PLOT updates here.
My other two blogs:
My shitposting/miscellaneous blog is @supersexyyetsoclumsywolf
My art blog is @wolf-doodles
A bit of a warning: I use bad language and have a tendency to post NSFW stuff so if you don't want that, go for my art blog. My art blog is sfw.
They're on the same account btw
If you don't wanna read all of that:
Mun has a job and will be a bit inactive. I will check this blog once a week. The blogs I will be kinda on are just above. But even then I'll still be a bit inactive there too. And my main can get a bit nsfw at times so be warned.
Wish me luck on my new job. I'll catch you guys later. Stay awesome 💖💖💖
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50 followers babey!!
So I hit 50 followers not too long ago (plus one so 51 but this is still huge) and I just wanna say thanks to all of the people who followed me through this journey not only to improve my art, but to tell a really wholesome story of a girl and her magical nation friends! It warms my heart to see so many people want to read a wholesome fic because especially in times like this, we need to find something that makes us happy, despite having to deal with things like drama and even suffering. Writing a comic made me happy because I want to tell a story that will make other people happy! (Well, the ending of Origin: Part 1 is pretty sad despite my shitty art and squished heads) 
I started this comic back when I got my Intuos right away in 2016; I was just starting senior year of high school, realizing that there was going to be a whole future waiting for me once I graduate. I wanted to tell a story before I got to college so I didn’t have to worry about dealing with things I never knew in high school. At the same time, this was the first time dealing with digital art, as my mom always said digital art isn’t real art (She’s absolutely wrong) and I was a lot more used to traditional art, such as painting with acrylics. 
Over time, I learned and improved with every page I brought out, such as making heads not so squished and finding a much more efficient way to color in things without making my computer scream at how many layers I had! (One of the pages in Origin: Part 2 had 900 layers!) I’m still experimenting though, so do be patient.
I want to once again thank you all so much for getting me this far. I’m going to start posting the pages to the 50 follower special called Revelation at the start of June and hopefully the title alone will make you guys hyped!! 
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faeuniblog · 7 years
Script for Visual Essay
This is the script for my Visual essay for Overview of the Industry. This version will have my old edits and parts I've had to leave out. Parts that have been left out will look like this.
Hello there fellow melons, hope you’re ready to be entertained cause at least one of us is gonna have fun with this essay! I’m gonna be educating you guys on the joys that are the publishing industry!
Self-Published Vs Published!
 -So, what is it to publishing something?
Publishing is the broadcasting of literature, music, and information and making it available to the general public.
-  “So, Melon Sandy, I see you have your book there!
If you’re a writer that’s just written the best story ever, you’ll probably want to share said book with the world so you can make lots of money and be really famous!”
-“But almighty voice in the sky who sounds super amazing and cool, like it really sucks that this is a written visual essay and not an audio one, I here you cry!”
“How do I go about share my creation with the world?!”
-“Well, you have two options little Melon Sandy. You can go to Publishing Company or Self-Publish your work.”
Now let’s talks about what a Publisher is and does.
(draw like a picture of some cool printing machine or something)
Publishing Company – Basics, Pros and Cons.
If you decide to go with the Traditional method and get published by a big publisher, you’ll need to have your work accepted by a literary agent first. Once you get an agent, they will take care of selling your manuscript to the big publishers. By going through an agent you’ll be paid an upfront advance for your work. The advance could range from £1,000 to over £100,000. You also get royalties at around 3%-6%.
Having an agent take care of shit is nice, but its damn hard to get an agent to take your work and even then, there’s no reassurance that they’ll even be able to sell your manuscript to a publisher.
If you're lucky enough to get a publisher interested.
The publisher will take care of editorial, copyediting, and design work, as well as invest in sales and marketing. Depending on whether you’re with a small or large publisher, the budget on these things can range from £15,000 to £50,000.
-You, as the writer Melon Sandy, will not have to pay anything towards these costs!-
However, one down side is that Publisher might make you edit you story in ways you don’t agree with, so you do lose a bit of control over your work.
Your book will be released both in physical and digital shops (such as Amazon and iTunes)
You probably won’t get a moving or TV deal but you stand a much higher chance by going with the traditional method. So, you get a load of support from a Publisher and Agent but in return you will have to give up a percentage of your earnings and control.
Edit: (The publisher may also tell you to remove, cut down or add content to your story if they see it as unfit, so you do lose a bit of control over your work.
Your book will receive national distribution for its physical version in physical stores while also being distributed digitally in online shops such as amazon and iTunes. )
(It’s unlikely you’ll get a movie or TV deal but they are more frequent for authors you used the traditional method. So, you get a load of support from a Publisher and Agent but in return you will have to give up a percentage of your earnings and control.)
Let’s look at J.K. Rowling as an example for publishing with a Company!
(Drawing of cool witch J.K. Rowling)
J.K. Rowling
J.K was rejected by the first literary agency she applied too, and to add insult to injury, they didn’t give back her folder! She would luckily be accepted by the next literary agency, Christopher Little. Little sent the manuscript to 12 different publishers (who all rejected it!) before finally ending up with Bloomsbury.
As when you go to a publisher, J.K was told to change the title of the US version from ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone’ to ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone’ as they didn’t think America’s would know what a ‘philosopher’ was would think it sounded boring.
Edit: (A notable change that J.K Rowling wasn’t happy about was the changing of the title ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone’ to ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone’ in the US version.
It’s said that the publishers for the US version didn’t think America’s would know what a ‘philosopher’ was and think it’s boring; so they change it to ‘Sorceror’ which sounds much more exciting.)
 -“Hopefully, Melan Sandy, you won’t have a much trouble getting you book published as J.K. Rowling did.”
Self-Publishing – Basics, Pros and Cons
If you decide to go with Self-Published, there are two types of self-publishing: Digital and Old-fashioned.
One of the great things about the modern day, is the internet! (woooop Internet!)
Anyone can be an artist or writer with the internet around. Amazon charges nothing for you to upload your work to its worldwide audience or you can just post your art and stories on websites like Tumblr.
By Self-publishing, you have complete creative control over your work, meaning it can be about anything with no one to stop you! And all the money you make, is your money, no sharing with a big company!
 With online shops like Amazon, you won’t get a money advance like you would if you’ll with a publisher. Your book won’t be in bookshops and you’ll still have to face some costs like editorial and copyediting.
Remember, Amazon has over 5,000,000 e-books in its store and your book will simply be one of them, so it might be hard to get attention.
 If you used Amazon, you will get no money advance like you would do if you’ve with a company but you can still make money, if only a little. Your book will not be in bookshops and you still have to face some costs for stuff such as editorial and copyediting work. Amazon has over 5,000,000 e-books in its store and your book will simply be one of them, so it may be hard to achieve sales.
 With free websites like Tumblr, you’re not going to make any money unless you go to separate sources such as Patreon or ko-fi and you have basically no limitation on what your work is about.
 An example of the Old-fashioned method would be making, printing and selling Zine, at conversions or online. A zine (short for magazine or fanzine) is a small self-published work made up of text and images and is usually reproduced via photocopier. They can be made be a single person, or a small group. An example of some popular zines are ‘Aint-Bad Magazine’, ‘Home Zine’ and ‘Record Culture Magazine’.
 Example of people who have done shit is Self-Publishing
For Self-Published, I’m going to look at The Martian and Homestuck. (awesome drawings).
 The Martian is a science fiction novel written by Andy Weir in 2011. Weir started writing the book in 2009, and was rebuffed by literary agents when trying to get prior books published. Weir decided to put the book online on his website in a serial format.
Fans of his book later requested him to make an Amazon Kindle version for 99 cents (the minimum allowable price he could set). The Kindle version sold 35,000 copies in three months, quickly rising to the top of Amazon’s best-selling science-fiction list.
Podium Publishing an audiobook publisher, signed for the audiobook rights in January 2013 and in March 2013 Weir sold the prints rights to Crown for over US$100,000. In March 2, 2014, the book debuted on the New York Times Best Seller list in twelfth position.
Homestuck is a webcomic written, illustrated and animated by Andrew Hussie and published on MS Paint Adventures. The comic is a combination of static images, animated GIFs, instant message logs and games made with Adobe Flash. Homestuck arguably has the largest fan community out there, which has said to reach in the millions. Unlike the other authors on this list, Homestuck never got involved with publishers, this may be because it’s the only one on my list that’s a comic. If you go almost any conversion, you are likely to find a Homestuck fan there either cosplaying or selling zines or art.
   (gonna have to leave this part out for now)
Example of both publishing with a Publishing Company and Self-Publishing. (we are all in this together)
Introducing hard-core Beatrix Potter, who refused to put up with shit from anyone! (insert badass drawing of Beatrix Potter!!!)
‘Peter Rabbit’ was Self-Published! Beatrix Potter applied to a least six different publishing houses and with her book ‘The Adventures of Peter Rabbit’ but was rejected by all of them. Beatrix Potter then went on to printer 250 copies of her first book herself. It was printed with 41 black and white woodblock engraving and a colour frontispiece (yes I do in fact know what that complicated words mean!). The book was so successful that within the year, it had been picked up by one of the six publisher who had originally rejected it (HA).
Beatrix Potter stuck again with her next book ‘The Tailor of Gloucester’ after failing to reach an agreement with ‘Frederick Warne & Co’. So, Ms Potter got on her broom took the skies again and published 500 copies privately! (I AM thinking of the right person, right??). By the end of the year, Warne had given in, cementing their relationship with Potter, saving the publishing house from bankruptcy and creating the standard for how children’s book were marketed and sold!
(Reading from paper in hand image) Beatrix Potter later went on the serves fanatically loyal to the dark lor- (confused) okay I'm definitely reading into the wrong wiki! (angry! Paper turns over to show picture of Bellatrix Lestrange and Harry Potter)
Just to clarify, apart from her not being a Harry Potter character, she really did all the book stuff. She might have been a witch though, so I don’t wanna rule that out just in case.
 (gonna leave this part out too)
  ~~Tangent Time!~~
You may be wondering why, as a comic’s student, I would be looking authors of written work rather than comic witters. I mean look at Homestuck, as I said before, it arguably has the largest fan community out there, but I don’t think you’ll find a novel version in real life.
This is partly because, for some reason, writers of ‘word’ books generally get more attention and success then comic writers. Other reason for Homestucks lack of physical novel might be the fact that Homestuck has a lot of animations, moving visuals, sounds and music, so I can imagine that might be had to put into a book format. (But it could be done! It just hasn’t.)
I could probably write an entire other essay on these points and I feel the need to acknowledge them, but I have neither the time nor energy to do so effectively (and I’m not a masochist)…so yeah…
~~Tangent Over~~
Both methods have their pros and cons and work.
Going straight for Publishing company can be really difficult, as they may not be interested in your work to begin with and you lose a fair amount of your creative control and profits. But is the support they give worth it?
Going for Self-Published can be cool because of all the control and full profits but you need to gain the attention from the public before a publisher will even look at you. Almost all Self-Published work end up with a publisher so is this just an extra, unnecessary step?
 But hey, whatever way you choose, just go for it man. Should be fun.
“So Melon Sandy have you decided how you’re going to publish you awesome book?”  (I turn to look at Sandy)
(There is a crushed Melon in the floor)
“Melon Sandy?” (Confused)
(It have bow like Melon Sandy)
(I look down to see a knife in my hand with Melon blood on it…)
(Camera movies to show my face. It is coved in Melon juice…)
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