#i wanna talk about hinata too but i have nothing to rly say about him i just think
lunarcry · 1 year
Milites sure is proud of that crystal jammer of theirs. Too bad it's useless against us. If they do use the jammer again, before we can even think about destroying it, our first priority will have to be getting Machina and Rem to safety.
I think Machina's not so much upset about his brother as he is anxious about the future. He's already lost his family, so he's probably just worried he might lose someone else. We all have people we don't want to forget. To Machina, his brother was probably one of those people—and that's why this whole experience has been so traumatizing for him.
I always suspected Machina resented us for the death of his brother, but I might have been wrong. I think he was actually upset that we couldn't do anything to help Rem. More than anything, though, I think he was frustrated with himself—frustrated that he of all people couldn't do anything to save her, either.
head in hands
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kouomi · 3 years
Summary: after miscommunication and many misunderstandings, you feel it is left up to you to end things with Bokuto for both of yours sake.
Warnings: slight angst, sad Bokuto :(, fluff at end!
Word count: 2,837
A/N: this is based off a dream I had lol so it might be a lil iffy. (Akaashi is rly a life saver in this that mans is a god(it has a good ending don’t worry))
Posted: March 4, 2021, 10:05 PM EST
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Despite the scheduled time for the training camp being long over, the lights in gym three were still on and there was the constant sound of a volleyball being smacked to the ground accompanied by shoes squeaking on the wooden floors. Loud yells could be heard every time there was a successful spike or block from any of the boys who were practicing, no hints of fatigue present though they’d been at it for hours. All of these noises were silent to you as you approached though, your thoughts too loud in your ear for anything else to make it past. You nervously tossed your hands back and forth as you approached the familiar gym, having to drag your feet along to your destination as if they were made of concrete trying to hold you in place.
Somehow you managed to make it to the open door, your eyes widening as you peer inside and see many more people than you’d expected, glancing around before you catch the gaze of the person you’d come to see. He’s midair when he sees you, his hand that’d raised to spike a ball dropping as he smiles and lands early. You don’t return the happy expression that usually sparked so much joy within you, instead you turn and quickly flee the overwhelming scene. It was all too much, you just wanted to come and talk to him but seeing how happy he looked and his friends turning to see you had easily spooked you off with your mind already going haywire.
“Bokuto, what was that?” Kuroo calls after his friend though he’s already following you out the door, “Who’s that?”
“His girlfriend.” Akaashi answers, picking up the ball he’d set and ducking under the net to stand next to the other boy.
“Didn’t look like it.” Tsukishima blinks, Kuroo punching him in the shoulder.
“She did look different.” Akaashi says, “And she ran away, it’s probably not anything good.”
“Does that mean that’s the end of practice?” Hinata asks, the other three turning to glare at him.
Outside Bokuto had caught up to you further down the lit pathways along the back of the gym, each heavy step of him jogging towards you making you want to sprint away.
“Hey, Y/n, slow down!” He calls out.
Reluctantly you stop though still keep your back to him, biting your lip as he walks in front of you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, you should go back to practice.” You say quietly, finding yourself unable to look him in the eye, “We can talk later.”
“They’ll be okay without me for a second, what did you wanna talk about?”
It hurts. It hurts to hear his positive tone and be in his warm and bubbly presence when you just felt so wrong. You knew you needed to do this, that you’d been keeping it to yourself far too long and lying to him wasn’t going to help anyone, but something in you was pulling you back and begging you not to be the reason that his trademark positivity diminishes. He was looking at you with sparkling loving eyes the same way he had since you’d met and instead of making you feel warm it only broke you even more.
“Y/n/n?” He asks, slight worry slipping into his voice as he reaches out for your hand. You take a step back and look down at the sidewalk, noticing him visibly droop at your rejection.
“I’m sorry Koutarou it’s just...” You start, having to stop to swallow the bump in your throat before continuing, “I can’t do this.”
“Huh? Babe, what do you-“
“Us. This isn’t working, and I know you know what I’m talking about. I think it’d be better for both of us if we just call it quits now.”
He stops, any light heartedness he’d carried before now gone and being replaced with a chilling atmosphere. His sudden change and knowing you were what was making him feel this way made the stinging in the back of your eyes worse, tears beginning to pool and slide down your cheeks.
“Is it because I missed our last date?” He asks, a sad and almost desperate tone to his voice, “I can make it up to you, we don’t have to break up.”
“No it’s not your fault Bo.” You say, your heart breaking when you look up and see his eyes shining with unshed tears, “I’m sorry.”
You pull the white oversized jacket off of your shoulders, the slightly chilled night air nipping at your exposed arms as you hand it to him. He takes it in a robotic movement, watching as you turn and practically run away from him, disappearing back towards the main building and leaving him standing alone.
What did he do wrong? Did he not give you enough attention, too much? Suffocate you with too much affection? Spend more time on volleyball than he did on you? What wrong path did he go down to have lost you along the way? He tried to work through your relationship in his head and figure out what happened but his thoughts are buzzing by too fast for him to focus on one. His fist clenched around his jacket in his hand as finally the first of many tears fell on to the fabric. Bokuto found himself unable to move, too frozen by your words to will his legs to move and unsure they’d be able to support him if he did.
“Bokuto? What happened?” Akaashi asks after walking out to find his friend as he’d been gone for so long.
“Y/n she’s... gone.”
The next day of the training camp Fukurodani only won one game when their star ace was benched, everyone taking notice to the mood Bokuto was stuck in that not even Akaashi could pull him out of. Word had traveled fast amongst the teams as to what had happened, the topic less gossip and more curiosity and then pity for him.
“Bokuto, you can’t sit around and sulk all day.” Kuroo says, lightly hitting a volleyball into his friends back.
He doesn’t react when the ball hits him, staying slouched after recovering from the hit.
“What did I do wrong?” Bokuto mumbles to himself, eyes focused on his palms in his lap.
“This could not have happened at a worse time.” Sarukui pants, joining his teammates where they stood after finishing the penalty lap. “It’s throwing everyone’s game off.”
“Do something Akaashi.” Konoha says, shoving the setter in the shoulder as he speaks.
“I’ve been trying since last night. The only way he’d get out of this is if they got back together.”
“Why’d she break up with him anyway? They seemed fine.”
“I haven’t asked, I think it’ll just make him worse.”
“We can chase down the girl after camp.” Kuroo suggests, the other boys turning to look at him, “I’m sure you know where to find her, Akaashi.”
He sighs, resting his hands on his hips. “I’ll go to her house later. Knowing Y/n if we all went she’d shut us out.”
“Two peas in a pod.”
“Get back inside for the next round of games!” A coach yells out, all of the players exclaiming a quick “yes sir!” Before walking through the open double-doors.
Even though you’d pulled into your driveway almost an hour ago you still sat in the drivers seat of your car, the radio playing quietly in the background as you sat with your head against the headrest. Your cheeks were stained with runny mascara and dried tears and though they’d finally stopped falling you were still left with the pit in your stomach that was threatening to consume you whole. You were glued to your seat, but even if your body allowed you to move you weren’t sure you would. It was all just empty, no matter what you did in the day, homework, spending time with friends, going shopping, nothing changed. Everything had gone dull without him.
A sudden knock on your window makes you jump, your heart skipping a beat when you turn to see a tall figure looming next to your car before you recognize them to be your friend. With a heavy sigh you drop your head back against the seat, lifting your hand and unlocking the car doors as you do so. Akaashi opens the passenger side door and sits down, silence enveloping you both as he takes in your broken down appearance.
“What do you want, Akaashi?” You ask, words quiet as you try and make sure your voice doesn’t waver.
He’s quiet a moment before he responds, taking in your appearance with an almost surprised expression. “What happened? Why’d you break up with Bokuto?”
“It was for him.” You sigh, feeling warm tears follow in the path of your old ones, “Things changed- it just seemed like it’d be better for him if we weren’t together anymore.”
“What’re you talking about? If anything he’s better with you.”
“I was holding him back from really being himself. Even without that we hardly saw each other and recently it’s like we’re more acquaintances than anything it was just... not what’s right for either of us.”
“Why can’t you just talk through it? He’s tearing himself up over this and none of us can get through to him, I’m starting to get worried.”
His words work another wedge into your heart as you flash back to the look he’d given you a few days prior.
“I’m sorry Akaashi.” You sniff, dragging a hand through your hair as you spoke, “I didn’t want to but I just couldn’t do that to him anymore. H-he’ll be okay eventually.”
“You and I both know that-“ He begins, voice slightly rising.
“Please leave.” You interrupt, his brow slightly raising in surprise, “I just can’t deal with this right n-now.”
He’s stiff for a moment before obliging, opening the door again and stepping out. He moves his hand to the outside of the car to shut the door again, turning away from you and beginning to take a step away.
“Akaashi wait.” You call out, the brunette stopping and looking at you expectingly, “Can you give him a hug for me?”
“You can do it yourself when you get back together.” He states before closing the door and walking down the driveway, leaving you alone feeling even worse than you did a few minutes prior.
What did he mean “when you get back together”? Hadn’t you made it obvious you thought it’d be best if you stayed apart? Sure it hurt, it felt like being stabbed in the heart every time you were reminded of him, but you just wanted what was best. He’d be happier without you even if he was sad for a few days - right?
The captain doesn’t move at the sound of his name, his head still stuck under his blanket as he sat in the dark of his room.
“I talked to Y/n.”
This catches his attention as he peaks out of the fabric of his comforter and to his friend, a slight sliver of hope shining on his otherwise dim expression.
“What did she say?” He asks.
“That you’d grown apart, she did it to make you happier, and you’d be better without her.” Akaashi answers.
“What?!” Bokuto exclaims suddenly, catching the other boy by surprise as his mood does a complete 180, “Why would she think that, it’s-it’s-it’s just wrong! I need to go talk to her!”
“You should wait a little bit for that.” Akaashi replies, placing a hand on his friends shoulder to stop his dash for the door, “She’s not exactly in a talking mood.”
He frowns at this, his hair slightly drooping as if connected to his expression. He springs up again, an almost visible light bulb appearing above his head.
“I have an idea!”
“Kenma?” You call out as you walk into the gym, peering around the room for the setter. You check the texts where he asked for you to meet him here for a charger for his Switch to make sure you got the right place and time, even sending him another text though he doesn’t respond. Confused, you turn around to go back to your house wondering why he’d ask you and then not show.
“Wait, Y/n!”
You freeze when you hear his voice, your face falling when you realize he’s now standing in front of you.
“Sorry, I have to get home.” You whisper, moving to walk past him though your stopped by a gentle hand around your wrist.
“Can we talk please?” Bokuto asks.
If it were anyone else you’d already be gone. If it were anyone else, the pleasing tone in their voice wouldn’t be enough to keep you standing there. If it were anyone else you would’ve pulled your hand away already. But it wasn’t anyone else - it was Bokuto; the one person who you always found yourself unable to say no to.
You let out a sigh and remove your hand from his grip, standing a few feet distance between you as you waited for him to speak.
“I just don’t understand why.” He starts, “I know you told Akaashi it was for me but that just doesn’t make sense.”
“I... I noticed how stressed you seemed trying to balance everything with school, us, volleyball.” You respond, unable to bring yourself to look him in the eye, “And you tried to hide it but I could tell. We started drifting apart and we hardly saw each other I just... I just want you to be happy, Bo.”
“But I was happy with you.” He says, taking a small step forward, “There was a lot going on, but I have it all under control. I don’t think I can do it without you though; I need you Y/n.”
“I was just holding you back. This is for the best.”
“What?! You weren’t holding me back! If anything you’re helping!”
“But we were...”
“Hey, I’m sorry if I made you think you were just another problem.” Bokuto says, voice venturing into a more serious tone that finally makes you look up at him, “We can work this out together yeah? I think I’ll explode if I go another day without you.”
Your eyes look back and forth between his own and you feel a tear grow pregnant and slide down your cheek as he looked back at you with hopefulness and anticipation. His golden eyes that you’d fallen in love with shone with the reflected, intense fluorescent lights above and had a sparkle to them that you hadn’t seen in so long. You missed seeing him everyday and this aura of joy and excitement he carried around, the way he looked at you with such love and kindness. Was it possible to salvage your relationship? Could you find a way to balance everything out with each other?
You sat there for what felt like hours as he waited for your answer, tossing the ideas and options over in your head before you finally came to a result. You closed your eyes for a moment before opening them again with a small nod, watching as an infectious smile spread across his face from ear to ear. He’s quick to wrap you in a hug tight enough to squeeze all of the air out of your lungs and pick your feet off the ground but you don’t pay any mind, your arms going around his shoulders as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He spins you both in circle emitting a small giggle from you as you hug him tighter, only slightly pulling away when your feet are back on the ground. Almost as soon as you’d pulled your face away from his neck Bokuto catches your lips with his in a passionate kiss, both of you being forced to stop when your smiles get to wide.
“Wait!” He suddenly exclaims, pulling his arms away and shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders before eagerly placing it around yours. You melt into the fabric as your enveloped in his scent, slipping your arms through the sleeves with a content smile.
“Sleepover?” You ask, laughing when he quickly nods.
“That was almost too easy.” Kuroo says as he watches you and Bokuto walk out with your arms around each other. He rest his chin on the railing of the platform above the court, glancing sideways to where Akaashi and Kenma sat beside him.
“They can’t stay away from each other long enough to actually break up.” Akaashi sighs, pushing off from the railing he leaned on, “I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this happened again though.”
“They seem happy together.” Kenma comments before viciously pressing buttons on his phone.
“How would you know? You didn’t look up at all!” Kuroo exclaims, tapping the top of his friends device.
“Hey, I was paying attention.”
“Sure you were.”
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tscmu · 4 years
first dates with haikyuu boys :)
pt 1. - msby black jackals
genre; kinda fluff idk?? just kinda cute early relationship tings
warnings; secondhand embarassment, lil suggestive comments ( from atsumu who am i kidding )
characters; bokuto, atsumu, hinata + sakusa
all characters r timeskip and 18+ !!
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koutarou bokuto
- bruh youd be terrified for this date like.. a guy youve hardly spoken to with a massive personality asking you to meet him at a tiny cafe.. ok
- hed love tiny cafes though like the ones nobody are in so its just you two.. AWH
- dates wouldnt be a massive thing to him so youd be dressed up casual formal with light makeup on and hed strut off the bus in his kit literally sweating, just left practice and youd be like 😳
- you wouldve met him at a club like a week back when you were both off your faces and youd wake up the next morning with no idea what happened the night before, just like 10 texts from someone with the contact name ‘BokJUt OWks MAn’ asking you on a date.. why wouldnt u say yeah??
- it would go rly well !!
- i think itd be a bit slow at first, like youre both describing your lives when.. it happens
- youre both just aimlessly chatting, both tuning in and out of conversation waiting for the food to come when.. you hear it. the thing that you did that you thought NOBODY else did. and he does it.
- “and one of my roommates tsumu always yells at me because i collect stamps-” “WAIT YOU COLLECT STAMPS?? ME TOO BRUH”
- youd both have a joint aneurysm literally
- after that youd be infatuated with eachother ITD BE SO CUTE
- youd get the bill both like a lil tipsy, heading further into the town to just go window shopping in the moonlight
- then hed accidentally set off the jewellery shop alarm pointing at a pretty ring and poking the glass too hard-
- when your taxi came he’d be really sad.. then as you close the door hed just jump in and find his own way home HAHAHA
- 10/10 date would do again.. and you did
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atsumu miya
- oh you would be EXCITED
- until you found out his suggestion.. one of his own fucking games
- you just cut it down to the fact that he was a personal volleyball player, he was probably busy, yk?? but no it was because he wanted to show off to you🙄🙄
- you met him on the street like he literally picked you up on the street.. only he yall only he 
- well of course you liked him have you seen him 
- you exchanged numbers and were texting for like a week ( where he just begged you to come to a game ) before finally you said ok
- because its a date you didnt wanna bring along someone else so you just kinda showed up on your own and followed the crowd.. before finding out you were on the WRONG SIDE OF THE COURT
- he teased you about this for years to come and you wanted to burst out crying every time
- after finally finding the right seat on the RIGHT SIDE, the players came out and.. lets say you were surprised
- you didnt know that much about volleyball beforehand but.. d a m n
- those uniforms were hot😳😳
- the game went well and they won ( to his extreme happiness ), and then you finally got to meet him again
- it was subtle at first, like while he was signing shirts hed look over his shoulder and wink or something lmao
- thats until hinata and bokuto got to the area you were at and went feral, killing tsumus whole vibe HAHA
- to which you just laughed your head off about
- bro he gave you a kiss on the cheek when he walked over making all the fangirls go absolutely feral.. twitter talked abt it for AGES even after you revealed you were dating 2 months after it happened
- you had to wait around for HOURS whilst he talked to interviewers.. struggles of being famous🥶‼🔥
- but it was worth it ofc
- he took you out to this lil restaurant when he finally got away and even walked u home.. such a gentleman damn
- “so when can i see you again.. and maybe a bit more ;)” “sHUT UP-”
- lets just say u definitely did that again-
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shoyo hinata
- oh my god hed be more nervous than you were
- hed overdress like.. not full suit but pretty damn close
- i feel like hed not be that focused on women?? the volleyball grind comes first yk
- but when he made eye contact w you across the meeting table.. jeez he went feral
- bro when he was asked a question he couldn’t function you were just like ??
- atsumu basically had to ask you out for him after it finished he was so nervous HAHA
- you called him cute when he pulled up and he genuinely turned into a tomato like.. ushijima would farm him if he saw him
- hed book you a table at this really fancy restaurant ( with a lil financial help from kenma ) and you were genuinely shocked lmao
- i feel like youd work with the jackals as like a promoter or sumn and hed just be shocked.. like he didnt know you even existed bruh??
- because of that hed be pretending hed had his eye on you for a while ( to which you just laughed knowing he was trying to be cool )
- hed tell you to order something expensive but you knew how much those guys got paid.. yeah no.
- but hed warm up MASSIVELY like by the end of it after a glass and a bit of wine youd both be like peas in a pod literally
- youd go for a lil walk around the city centre before u found a taxi.. HED BE SO SAD LIKE HE DIDNT WANT IT TO END??
- hed go in for the kiss i know he would 
- youd be like ??? but kiss him back bc why wouldnt u hes a baby
- best date you’d had in a couple years by far
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kiyoomi sakusa
- you literally wouldnt realise it was a date until the end i stg this man
- hed deadass show up to ur door and be like ‘cmon’ and youd be like EXCUSE ME SIR-
- i feel like you wouldve known eachother for at LEAST a couple months
- and he wouldve just done NOTHING like you didnt even know he felt a romantic connection to you
- but trust me he did
- he just didnt know the words to say :(
- but this is what the lads told him to do LMAO
- before u knew what was happening you were in the backseat of a taxi and he was telling them a street in the middle of the city-
- “oh we’re going out to dinner” “wha- i didnt bring my purse tho-” “eh.” literally
- you were kinda surprised because you knew how much he hated crowds and dinner in the city seemed unlike him, more like something you would enjoy
- but thats exactly why he did it 
- youd pull up and do a double take when he was asking for a table.. WHO THE FUCK WAS SITTING AT THE BACK OF THE RESTAURANT
- however after being motioned to shut up by atsumu you acted like you saw nothing
- it was just like the other times youd hung out but he was a little more.. interested in you
- not like suggestive, he just genuinely was asking about like how your day was, etc IT WAS CUTE AS HELL
- it was at that point you realised oh shit, this might be a date-
- when it was over you suggested going into the city and looking in shops for a bit, but the restaurant filled with people was enough for him lmao
- you got a taxi back and were standing outside your apartment door when he did something hed never done before
- it was then you realised.. did he actually like you??
- spoiler he did
- and things were different between you ever since IM UWUING PLS
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
a true angel - n. yuu
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summary; “it’s okay i’ve been through worst.”
genre; hurt/comfort, angst (?), fluff, noya is truly a guardian angel, bullied! reader, platonic (?) love idk, can be interpreted as romantic love
word count; 840 (kind of, imo-)
warnings; mentions of bullying (that’s about it I think)
a/n; comfort from haikyuu boys! you got it :> haven’t wrote anything for noya yet so might as well start on it! hope you enjoy it bb! this is rly short tho so skdjksjdf 
this is also set when noya is a first year and you are too, at first! 
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It took 3 years. 3 years of junior high hell until your parents finally let you move to Miyagi. Maybe Miyagi would be better. You hoped. You just wanted a break from it all. All the bullying. You’re surprised you even made it to high school. Now here you were at Karasuno in hopes of not getting bullied for the next 3 years. 
You arrived and you had found a club to join, the volleyball club. And you had made friends. You were really happy for once in your school years. You met Tanaka and Noya, the three of you immediately bonding as you were all first years. You became manager with Kiyoko. 
Volleyball had been your escape from everything. Though you didn’t have much opportunity to play volleyball back in junior high, you did it in your free time as often as you could.
But unfortunately, your paradise had come to an end. You knew eventually someone you knew would find you. A few of your bullies had attended Karasuno much to your dismay. But at first, they didn’t seem to notice you. You were thankful for that and you never bothered them anytime soon.
A year passes by and suddenly you were getting bullied again. 
“Hah! Look at you! You’re still pathetic!” An old junior high classmate of yours said as they shoved you against the wall harshly. “You still haven’t changed. And you can’t leave this time around.” They laughed before they kicked your stuff away from your hands, letting all your books and papers spill on the floor. You choked back a sob. Not again. Please. You didn’t want a repeat of junior high. You don’t think you can handle it.
Begrudingly, you picked up your stuff. Unbeknownst to you, someone was watching from the sidelines.
You arrive at volleyball practice with Kiyoko. You both went to the female locker rooms. “Hey y/n-chan?” She looked over at you. You turned around to face her. “Are you getting bullied? I-I don’t mean to ask so bluntly but I saw what happened in the halls today.” Your mouth is slightly open, ready to say something but you closed it as she speaks again. “You can rely on us, you know that right?”
“I’m okay, Kiyoko-san.” You sent her a small smile. “It’s nothing to worry about.” She didn’t say anything in reply, only nodding. I don’t wanna be a burden. I’ll be fine, right? You think to yourself.
A few days pass by and it didn’t get any better. But on the bright side, Noya would be coming back from his suspension. You missed him a lot.
“Noya! You’re back!” You smiled. He smiled brightly at you as he ruffled your hair, playfully. You slightly winced, feeling pain surge through your head since today your bullies had decided in shoving you against a wall (much more roughly) once again. You hoped he didn’t notice the pained expression of your face. 
“Yeah! It’s good to see ya, lightning!” He often called you the “lightning to his thunder” but it was too long so he just shortened it to lightning but honestly it felt like he was more of the lightning than he was the thunder. 
You were told to take care of Noya after he had found out that Asahi wasn’t joining back yet. But before you could even call out to the male in the busy halls, you were dragged by your bullies. “Please just let me go right now.” You begged. “I just wanna talk to my friend, please.” You were focused on the bullies who had a grip on the collar of your uniform, you didn’t notice your friend and Hinata had seen the scene that was happening.
Of course, your wish was not granted. It wasn’t until Noya and Hinata went over. “Hey! Stop it!” You were surprised with how angry Noya sounded. It almost reminded you of the argument he had with Asahi. You spaced out while Noya and Hinata took care of the bullies. 
“Are you okay, y/n?” Noya had a lot of questions, like, has this been going on for long, when did it start, and how long were you were hiding it? “Do you need to go to the nurse’s office?”
“It’s okay, I’ve been through worst.” You sighed. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing!” You looked at him in surprise and before you knew it, you were pulled into a hug. “You don’t deserve to be hurt like this.” Your hands gripped tightly on the back of his shirt at his words.
“N-noya..” You can feel yourself hold back the tears as you speak. “I don’t wanna be a burden.”
“You’re not a burden. We’re here to help you out. We’re your friends. I’m here for you. Your problems are just as important as anyone else’s.”He sent you a comforting smile before hitting your chest lightly with a fist. “You’re the lightning to my thunder. Let me be the thunder to your lightning! I’m not called Karasuno’s Guardian Angel for nothing!” 
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Nart Challenge
I was tagged by @samby-chan forever ago, thank ya for thinking of me!
Name your Favourite:
Female Character(s): Most of them holy shit. (Tho more so Temari, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Ino, Karui, Fū and Matsuri bc they’re all Queens Of My Heart  <3)
Male Character(s): Again a lot of them?? Naruto, Gaara, Lee, Kiba, Kankuro and Choji (best relatable Taurian cinnamon rolls), Kakashi, and surprisingly or non-surprisingly (idk depends on how well you know me) Zetsu!
Team: The Sand Siblings honestly, though Team 8 and Team 10 are close ties in second place.
Sensei: Kakashi bc honestly as ive grown up i relate to him s o much im so tired and bitter all the time
Hokage: Nart bc hes living out his dream and making the world a better place u go boy
Kage: Gaara w/o doubt tbh his character development is off the rails holy shit, best kage hands down
Village: Suna (always has been always will be)
Akatsuki: Zetsu bc he combines 2 of the things i talk abt a lot w/ my friends: plants and cannibalism (the more u know)
Jutsu: idfk bro most are p cool i cant choose???
Episode/Chapters: idk bro
Fight Scene: Lee vs Gaara. Best fight and it was near the beginning of the series??? made me see Lee in a cOMPLETELY different light and can be summed up p well as: Holy Shit
Fanfiction: fcukn. Too Many. ALL of @artlessictoan‘s works, and a whole lot more but its 1AM and i am too tired to think rn
Story Arc: Chunin Exams, Sause Rescue Mission and Kazekage rescue ark were all Good tbh a lot of the others we’re just meh for me  
Filler: no idea
OTP (explain why): NaruGaa bc gaara is gay af for nart and it gives me l i f e. also KankuKiba bc theyre terrible and theyre even more terrible together and its wonderful
NOTP (be nice): SakuSasu bc theres nothing between them At All and it hurts my brain 2 think that theyre still shipped after all the shit between them. that was me being v nice
Crackship(s): nah
BROTP: LeeGaa, KakaGai, and Kankukiba (i ship them a lOT romantically but oh my god they’re just the Definition of ‘just bros doing bro things’ and its hilarious. i also ship the other sips listed here but like...not as much as NaruGaa tho)
OT3: NaruHinaGaa oh my god i love them so so much (also InoShikaCho and Team 8 bc theyre cute af)
Crossover Ship: nah
Do you have any headcanons: Everyone is Gay in some way shape or form but gaara is the GayestTM and i think thats beautiful
Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently? More or less: Lol no it was shit. As for what i’d change? Lemme write u a list of just a smidge of what ive decided is canon in my own mind at least:
Neji didn’t die bc Fuck That 
Neji and Hinata worked together to do something abt the Hyuga slavery
Nart and Sause lost their arms (nart has a prosthetic but it isnt that bandage bullshit we got)
Shit was worked out in konoha to actually sort everything that Kishi couldnt be botherd 2 sort out
Gaa and Nart got married (Nart also married Hina after some MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT bc i can dream)
Iruka is Nart’s dad now ok
Gaa adopted Team Shinki and doesnt know how 2 dad but is The Best at it 
Sause and Sak DID NOT get together jfc (sorry salad u were sacrificed for a worthy cause even tho ur p cool i guess)
Who the actual fuck thought Boruto would be a good idea hes such an annoying doushebag
Himawari is wonderful
The sand sibs are all super close and keep in touch w/ tema bc shes in konoha
Everyone is queer 
Kid soldiers arent A Thing unless they rEALLY wanna be bc fuck that honestly
How do you feel about the new generation? I’m only in it for Team Shinki, ChouChou, Metal Lee, Shikadai and Himawari i might watch it but im gonna skedaddle out of there if Kishi fucks up just once more
Say something about your favourite character. Good and bad: Gaara is a Complete Mess but hes Trying and i love him for that 
What would a child between your OTP look like? How would they behave as parents? lol nope 
Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP. ok but y tho i was already nice trust me
Say something negative about your OTP. Theyre socially inept dorks obviously
Is there any way you could be convinced to ship your NoTP? What would make you change your mind about the pairing? lol fuck no im happy not liking them 
What makes you mad about the series? Kishi is terrible and I am Bitter.
If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? The Kakespouses’ wedding and more sand sib interactions ofc
What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance? “Stop sexualising kids, making every m/f pairing that u can possibly think of canon and treating your women like shit k thanks”
i tag @artlessictoan @lesbiangaara and literally any one else bc i dont rly have any other close nart mutuals so go have fun folks u have my blessing
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