#i want alhaithams weapon and to start working on his cons
electric-plants · 4 months
@ whoever decided to run alhaitham and furina consecutively like that come fight me rn😭😭
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eggplantbun · 2 years
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i finally got enough weekly boss materials to give alhaitham his last crown today so here are my thoughts on my current triple crown gang
my first 5*, literally carried me through the game
i did not truly appreciate how much QOL she provides until i started an alt account without her... pain
i play her exclusively in melt teams because i don't have any of her freeze supports and i like seeing big numbers. yes i know that means i didn't need to level her skill or burst, no i don't regret it
objectively i think her character is somewhat boring but subjectively i love boring characters and she's boring in a way that is deeply relatable to me (i may or may not have teared up during her story quest don't look at me)
i love her
10/10 worth every crown
favorite character in the game, strong contender for favorite character ever
me meeting him in game for the first time: "lol this old man (derogatory)" me 1 hour later: "lol this old man (affectionate)"
the only character i have cons for... i will c6 you someday king
currently built as an hp shieldbot because this game refuses to give me homa but eventually i will make him a burst nuke build and also a physical dps build because he deserves to have his normal attacks seen
i gave ganyu the honor of being my first triple crowned character because she deserved it but also because i know zhongli will be my first character to reach lvl 90 on account of never leaving my team
no i don't know how to dodge, what about it
10/10 worth every crown
he's so awkward i love him
probably my favorite character to play, there's just something so satisfying about executing your combos perfectly so that you can get more E's in addition to all your endseer procs (i have him on 4pc thundering fury). also his burst animations are cool af
i may or may not have triple crowned him out of spite for everyone who said he was mid/his normals are useless/he's worse than keqing/etc etc
"he's fine in abyss but you'll never get your burst back in overworld" listen. just use favonius lance
10/10 worth every crown
simultaneously the most relatable character in the game and also the most irritating... idk what that says about me and i don't want to know
every time he opens his mouth i'm like mmmmmmmygod you are so annoying (affectionate)
the only character i own who also has their signature weapon... it cost me 200 wishes that i had been saving for the homa+aqua weapon banner and now it looks like neither ganyu nor zhongli are getting 5* weapons anytime soon. at least he brought home a spear for cyno along the way
i prefarmed all his talent books before his release but he was stuck at talent lvls 10/10/9 for 4 weeks because the game refused to give me the right boss drops or any dream solvents... i swear this asshole did not want to be triple crowned
genuinely feel like he exists on my account solely to make my life difficult but sucks for him i am putting him to work until kaveh is released and then i will kick him out of my team for kaveh, idc if kaveh's not a dps
that said, his attack animations are gorgeous, his gameplay is fun and very satisfying, his dps is great and his face is beautiful
i hate him (affectionate)
...10/10 worth every crown
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