#i want alina to succeed in making ravka a better place for grisha! i want her to be demonstrably BETTER than the darkling
grishaverse-chaos · 1 year
I might be in a very small minority here, but I actually really don't want Alina to have a corruption arc in any future seasons of s&b! (Mostly because I hate the trope of victims becoming just like their abusers, and it seems to me that that's where the show is going with her arc)
So here's what I want for her. (Under a cut because it got longer than I thought it would)
I want her to be angry and terrified about her new powers. I want her to be furious that the Darkling gave her his powers - one final act of violation that means she will never be able to forget him, no matter how hard she tries. I want her to be scared, constantly. I want to see her break down in tears after killing the Fjerdan assassin, because she didn't know she had his powers and is she turning into him? I want her to be scared of the adrenaline rush she gets whenever she uses her new powers. To refuse ever to use them again.
I want her to have PTSD. Nightmares. I want to see her wake up in the middle of the night, tears running down her face because she dreamed that the Darkling came back and forced her to train her shadow powers. I want her to reach for Mal only to remember that he's not there anymore - and maybe she wonders, is it her fault he's gone? Maybe he knew that she would turn evil. Maybe, just like the Darkling, she's going to push away everyone she loves.
I want Nikolai to transform into the demon, and Alina to see it and have a panic attack because what if that means the Darkling's back? I want her to talk to Zoya, and ask how she manages to stay so fucking calm all the time. I want Zoya to break down when there's nobody around but Alina, and tell her that even if she seems fine, she's terrified, looking around every corner to check for shadows. I want Zoya to confess that she fears becoming just like the Darkling, and Alina to reply "try having his powers"
I want them to bond over their fear, and each promise to pull the other out if they ever do start becoming like him. I want Alina to retreat further and further from the throne because she doesn't trust herself with power, and Zoya to step forward because even if she doesn't trust herself with power, she wants to test herself, to prove to herself that she is nothing like him.
I want Alina to be completely unstable, to panic every time she's in trouble and has to defend herself. I want her to stop using her Sun Summoning because she's afraid that even that might make her more like him, and I want her to get sick from it. I want her to be on the edge of collapsing at any given moment.
I want Nikolai to not notice a single thing about how Alina's breaking down, because he's busy and has a kingdom to run. I want Alina to scream at him and tell him that he's one of the only people in the whole country who actually gives a shit about her so can he act like it? I want him to look at her for the first time in months and realise that oh shit, his best friend is dying. I want him to write to Mal, begging him to come back, because as much as he wants to be able to save Alina himself, he can't.
I want Mal to come back and tell Alina everything she needs to hear. I want him to convince her that her light is beautiful, that it is nothing like the Darkling's shadows, that she is nothing like him. I want her to bury her face in his chest and break down in tears, because she almost forgot how good he is at saying the right thing when she needs him. I want him to offer to take her away from Court, and her to protest, saying that she can't leave.
I want Mal to stick around, and while he's still there, Alina to tell Zoya about his offer. I want Zoya to tell her to take it, to go while she still can, before the wedding. (And if Zoya's saying this partly because she and Nikolai have gotten closer while Alina's been having her mental breakdown, and she doesn't love the fact that he's engaged to somebody else... well, Alina kind of guessed that anyway. She's happy for them.)
I want her and Mal to run away. Maybe they fake her death, maybe she just leaves. Either way, they don't go back to Keramzin. (That would require them to confront exactly how messed up their childhood had been.) Instead, I want Zoya to suggest something that the Little Palace desperately needs - something she knows the pair of them would be good at.
I want them to start a new orphanage, on the outskirts of Os Alta, for Grisha orphans. The Little Palace simply isn't equipped to handle children who aren't being raised into soldiers, and most Grisha children stay at home now, unless they or their parents want them to learn control over their powers. Grisha orphans, on the other hand, have nowhere to go but the Little Palace - so Zoya and Genya work on creating a school, and the orphans Mal and Alina are raising go there to study every day, then come back home to the orphanage. I want Alina to start using her powers again. Slowly at first - creating little balls of light that she plays with when she's alone. Then I want her to remember how much she loves using her powers, how much joy and euphoria it brings her. I want her to become happy and confident in her powers again, and return to full health. (She won't ever be completely comfortable with the shadow powers she got from the Darkling, but one day she uses them with the kids - making shadow pictures on the wall one evening, and she realises that even with his powers, she can do good. She can make them her own.)
I want the news to spread about this. Do people know that it's the Sun Summoner running the orphanage? Maybe, maybe not. Whether or not they know, the orphanage gets more and more well-known. Otkazat'sya parents decide to send their children there so they can study at the Little Palace. After all, they've heard of the couple that owns it, and they seem trustworthy enough. I want Mal and Alina to recruit a team of Fabrikators to help them build an extension onto the building so there's enough room for all the new arrivals.
I want adult Grisha - rogue Grisha, many of them - to stop at the orphanage if they're in need. Whether they've been injured or fallen ill, they ran out of food, they just need a place to sleep for the night - they come to the orphanage. They know it's safe. Some of them have no home to go back to once they leave. I want Mal and Alina to offer them a permanent place to stay at the orphanage. Almost everybody accepts the offer. Many of them find they have something they can teach the kids - whether that's a special trick you can do with specific Grisha powers, or something else (a dish they love to cook, a sport they played as a child, their favourite place to shop in Os Alta) - the children learn eagerly from each new arrival.
And I want Alina to realise, after a few years, that the orphanage has become a sanctuary for Grisha of all ages. I want her to wonder briefly if that makes her like the Darkling. He'd wanted to create a sanctuary for Grisha. Then I want her to look around at the happy children, at the older Grisha entertaining the younger kids, and realise that she succeeded where he had failed. She and Mal have created a safe place where Grisha aren't being thrown into battle. Sure, some of the children from the orphanage grow up and join the integrated army (the First and Second Armies have been combined into one army. Ravka is stronger together, and that's reflected by the army defending it) - but nobody is ever forced into military service.
I want her to know that, without even meaning to, she has become not only the Darkling's equal, but she has become better than him. She has made the country safer for Grisha. Not him. Her and Mal. She and Mal changed the world. (Again.)
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Hi, I am fascinated by your writing, may I give you an idea? Imagine that the story is after Alexander's death and Alexander and Luda meet again...
Hi! I'm glad you are enjoying my writing. I'm not actually accepting prompts outside of prompt games anymore, but you caught me at a quiet time and I managed to bang this one out today in between doing housework. It's a bit different than this blog's usual MO, as it's not a reader fic, but I hope you like it. 💕
Aleksander blinked rapidly, the sudden dark surprising him after the bright sunlight of only a moment ago. The last thing he remembered was Alina standing above him, wearing the sun as a halo, and now he was suddenly standing in an inky void. What in Ravka had happened to him?
The answer came in a sudden rush as he remembered Alina’s blade piercing his skin. His Sun Summoner had killed him, banishing him to this place of darkness.
How very poetic.
Aleksander looked around and squinted, trying to make shapes out of the shadows. But there was nothing. Only him. Was this really the afterlife? Weren’t there supposed to be Saints greeting him, if only to condemn him to an eternity of torture?
‘Hello?’ he called out, his voice echoing around him.
For a moment, nothing happened, and Aleksander started to think that this was it, that he would be truly alone for the rest of eternity… but then he heard footsteps. He wasn’t alone. The footsteps echoed through the darkness, steadily getting closer, until he could finally see a figure approaching. At first, they were nothing but a blur, but then, slowly, their features got clearer.
If Aleksander hadn’t had centuries of mastering his self-control, he would have gasped. ‘Luda?’ he asked, eyes raking over her. She looked just as she had the last time he saw her, though thankfully without the blood. She still wore the same clothes and still had the same kindness in her eyes.
She placed a gentle hand on the side of his face, and Aleksander couldn’t help but lean into her touch. Luda was the first woman he had ever truly loved, and when he closed his eyes, it was almost like the last few centuries had never happened. He still felt the same warmth, the same safety, the same urge to protect that they both had shared.
He still felt the same love.
‘Aleksander,’ she whispered as she brushed her thumb over one of his scars. ‘What have you become?’
He opened his eyes but didn’t step away. How could he?
Wanting truly did make one weak.
‘What I had to become,’ he said. ‘To help our people.’
Luda smiled sadly. ‘And did you?’
A thousand memories played through Aleksander’s head. Grisha, safe and happy in the Little Palace; those same Grisha dying bloody on the battlefield; Genya, caged and frightened as she awaited execution for someone else’s sins; Alina, bathed in sunlight where there used to be only darkness – his darkness.
‘I don’t know.’
It was an honest answer, but for the sake of his sanity, he had to believe that he had helped, even if only as a catalyst. He had to believe that Alina would continue his plans in her own way, and maybe she would even succeed without being twisted by anger and revenge.
He looked down at Luda. The memory of her death had been a driving force for him for so long… would Alina suffer the same fate after the death of her tracker? If she did, he had least given her something to aid her in her fight. Aleksander Morozova may have died, but the Darkling would always live on in some form or another.
Luda lowered her hand, but Aleksander quickly gripped it in his own. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, words earnest and a little desperate. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.’
Luda squeezed his fingers comfortingly. ‘My death was not your doing. But I forgive you.’
Peace washed over him at her words – the kind he hadn’t felt since the night Alina had kissed him in his rooms. ‘What happens now?’ he asked. Luda was no Saint, but he couldn’t have asked for a better guide to the next stage of his existence… or to the end of it. Whatever happened next, he was ready for it.
Luda smiled softly and used their joined hands to pull him further into the darkness – further into the unknown.
‘Now, we go.’
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48032854
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serpenteve · 3 years
why we ship darklina
an essay literally no one asked for
Nobody needs a "reason" to ship Darklina. But considering this is a villain x hero pairing, it got me thinking about why we shipped it in the first place when the narrative and author so badly wanted us to root for the more sensible alternative pairing and why it became the most popular ship of the entire trilogy.
Personally, I find it really interesting (and low-key hilarious) that a lot of the reasons shippers gravitated towards Darklina can be directly traced back to how badly Bardugo bungled Alina's character arc, Mal's entire characterization and narrative role, Nikolai's wasted potential as an alternative love interest, and the noble intentions she gives the the Darkling.
Alina's Character Arc
Alina's character arc doesn't match who she is as a character. I've written more about that in this post, but a lot of readers were introduced to a passive and insecure protagonist who we were expecting to undergo a typical YA coming-of-age character arc where Alina acquires self-acceptance, confidence, and embraces the full breadth of her powers over the course of the trilogy. Instead, Bardugo gave Alina the kind of character arc that's usually deserved for power-hungry anti-heroines or tragic heroes with a fatal flaw to punish.
The plot offers a strange binary: either Alina suppresses and hides her powers and therefore stays away from descending into villainy OR Alina attempts to find Morozova's amplifiers in order to defeat the Darkling but then becomes corrupted by power in the process. Alina's journey to self-acceptance and exploring her own powers are unfortunately entangled with her relationship with the Darkling. The only way she is allowed to move forward through the plot is to succumb to the corrupting influence of the amplifiers.
For better or for worse, the first character to really embrace her powers instead of thinking she's a fraud or that she's weak or that she's an unholy abomination is the Darkling. He's the first person to recognize her power for what it is and accurately judge its potential and implications for the rest of the world. He advocates for her in front of the royal court, in front other Grisha who think she's weak, and even against Baghra who is initially a very ill-tempered mentor with little to no faith in Alina's abilities. He even rather ironically advocates for her even when the heroic person who's supposed to be supporting her (Mal) does not.
At the start of her journey, Alina is insecure and in constant need of assurance and validation. The Darkling's role as her mentor and guide into this unfamiliar world of Grisha makes him the perfect advocate not only for her powers but also to help Alina see her place in the world. However, once he is revealed to be the villain, Alina also fails to realize that it's time for her to advocate for herself and throws the baby out with the bathwater.
Mal's Characterization & Narrative Role
When Alina loses the Darkling as an advocate in S&B, Mal steps up to take this role. Alina is still rather passive for the majority of the first book and it's Mal who originally wants her to have Morozova's stag as an amplifier if it will mean being able to stand against the Darkling. Bardugo intended for him to be a heroic love interest as a foil to the villainous love interest and I believe she mostly succeeds for the first book.
However, because this is a story about punishing Alina's "evil ambition" (despite there being very little evidence of that) Mal is supposed to serve as a voice of reason in the narrative. Once Alina considers the necessity of acquiring more amplifiers to defeat the Darkling, it is Mal's role to warn her of the potential consequences, to remind her of her inner humanity, and to ward against the corrupting influence of Morozova's amplifiers. Mal's declarations that he wants back the old girl he knew without any power is meant to drive an ideological wedge between them, yes, but he's also meant to be Correct™ because, again, Bardugo is writing a story about a corrupted power-hungry heroine who goes too far and needs to be punished rather than the arc we were all expecting and the one that Alina's character needs: a coming-of-age story of self-acceptance and personal growth.
Some point after the backlash of Siege & Storm, Bardugo seems to have become aware of her mistake and attempts to scrub Mal's character to be more sympathetic. There is a bizarre exchange half-way through the third book when Mal finally declares:
"I wasn't afraid of you, Alina. I was afraid of losing you. The girl you were becoming didn't need me anymore, but she's who you were always meant to be."
This is an interesting line because it's a complete reversal of Mal's narrative role so far. He's supposed to be her voice of reason that opposes her at every turn but readers interpreted him as being resentful of Alina's powers and angry that she was no longer dependent on him. Bardugo is forced to retcon Mal's entire role in the narrative from being a voice of reason that opposes Alina's quest for power to a supportive friend who will fight by her side. But this was never her initial intention and I believe this change was brought on 100% by audience reaction because she failed to understand the arc her heroine needed and the kind of story her audience was anticipating for such a character.
Needless to say, having your heroine's main love interest actively resent her quest for power until half-way through the third damn book did not endear many readers to Mal. Because Bardugo failed to understand the kind of character development her heroine needed and failed to understand audience expectations, we hated Mal. He became the embodiment of every toxic chauvinist we'd ever met who can't stand the idea of his partner's success and feels entitled to be the center of her universe. He was not the voice of reason. He was an annoying gnat hellbent on dragging the heroine down and away from her destiny. We did not want to root for him. Even the villain was more sympathetic than him because he could bring her closer to achieving the self-acceptance the narrative was obsessed with denying her.
Nikolai's Wasted Potential as a Solid Love Interest
Nikolai plays several roles in Alina's journey but most importantly in our discussions for why we ended up shipping Darklina, his entire potential as a serious love interest is wasted.
When we meet Nikolai, we have hitched our wagons to the Darklina train because despite being the villain, the Darkling is the only one who will allow the heroine to accept her powers and come into her own. Her heroic love interest, Mal, is actively sabotaging her efforts and holding her back from her true potential. But then, in swoops Nikolai and we pause, wondering if there may be a better heroic alternative after all?
In a lot of ways, Nikolai and the Darkling alike: they are eager for Alina's power and see her as a solution to all their problems. They may want to use Alina to prop up their own agendas, but unlike Mal, Alina's summoning powers are a massive plus, not a burden. Nikolai is the heroic alternative to our villainous Aleksander. So we wait, wondering if Nikolai will be the one to fix this mess of a romantic subplot. His royal connections offer an easy path to upwards mobility for our heroine and we sense that an alliance between them (even if it's initially political in nature) may bring our heroine closer to obtaining more power, influence, and self-acceptance not only for herself, but also for the oppressed minority she is a part of.
But, again, Bardugo is still obsessed with that "punish the heroine for wanting power" agenda so while Nikolai exists as another mentor figure who offers Alina advice on how to rule, how to appeal to other people, how to charm, how to win people over, and Alina learns and applies much of what she learns from him, he is not treated as a real love interest.
Despite Nikolai being written as a fairy tale prince (handsome, charming, smart as a whip, brave in battle, etc) Alina never actually considers him romantically. They are friends and allies at best and the only time she considers kissing him is only when she's pissed about Mal.
Nikolai's proposal at the end of Ruin & Rising feels like one last saving grace, one last opportunity for our heroine to take control of her life and make a dramatic change to break from the past. But this too is rejected because Alina's arc will never let her access any power. She does not reject Nikolai because she wants to marry for love. She rejects him because she has been "punished" for wanting power and has internalized that she must not seek any more power for fear of angering the plot gods (and Bardugo). She must return to being nobody in order to remain a good and moral person.
(And, of course, we resent Mal even more because who in their right mind would choose him over Nikolai? Once again, he becomes a roadblock on our heroine's journey to power. We grow irritated that the heroine is failing to grasp an opportunity to elevate herself. We throw the book against the wall. Why are we even following this heroine?)
The Darkling's Motivations
Still, all of the above might still not have been enough to pull the reader to the villain's side. But the Darkling is the living embodiment of Villain Has A Point™. He is not pure unadulterated evil. He is not Lord Sauron or Voldemort or the Terminator.
He's more Magneto, Roy Batty, or Ozymandias---a man who is part of an oppressed minority who longs for justice and power but is absolutely unhinged in his methods.
Alina runs away because she does not want to be a non-consenting weapon in hands. But we always end up wondering what would have happened had Baghra not warned her. What would have happened if Alina gladly joined the Darkling's side? There's hundreds of fanfics written precisely about this situation because despite the villainy of his methods, we wonder if Ravka might not have been safer after all?
If the Darkling had used the Fold as a weapon against Fjerda and Shu Han, would any of the problems Ravka faces in the later books even exist? Would any Grisha fall victim to the khergud programs or be killed as witches? The Darkling wipes out Novokribirsk and kills hundreds of lives, but how many would he have saved with the Fold as Ravka's greatest shield and sword? 🤷🏽‍♀️
And therein lies the problem with the trilogy inconsistent moral landscape. The Darkling is an anti-villain that exists in a narrative that is very black and white, unlike the rest of the books in the Grishaverse where our protagonists are anti-heroes who kill, steal, and torture their way through the plot with nary a judgmental glance from the narrative. We long to see our heroine give in to her dark side and get her hands dirty because watching a naive, passive, scared little girl grow into a ruthless powerful Grisha would have made for a hell of a compelling story.
But that's not the story Bardugo wanted to tell.
The Greg Trilogy
Despite taking place in a fantasy Tsartist setting, the Grisha trilogy is oddly anti-Grisha. The narrative doesn't spend much time trying to examine the context or implications of an oppressed minority group fighting for power other than to say "magic powers = evil". Nikolai skates by on a throne of inherited wealth, privilege, and imperialism but it's okay because he's charming and witty and the only monstrous part of him is the Darkling's curse. Literally everything is worse for Ravka and their Grisha after the destruction of the Fold but Ravka must move forward into a new age without relying on Grisha power but putting their efforts into new muggle technologies. Alina must be stripped of her powers and returned to her "old self" in order to be purged of evil.
Basically, it's all one gigantic ✨ dumpster fire ✨ of mismatched character arcs, incompatible moral aesops, inconsistent characterizations, wasted potential, unexamined plot points but it's a a dumpster fire we lovingly and spitefully embrace in fanfic.
We don't ship Alina with the Darkling because we're stupid abuse apologists who somehow missed the giant flashing moral aesop of the books---and honestly, who could have possibly missed them when it's shoved in the reader's face every other chapter? We ship Alina with the Darkling because the entire ship is the embodiment of wasted potential (and wasted ✨aesthetics✨ tbqh 👀). We ship Alina with the Darkling because we're sick and tired of stories where female power is demonized. We ship Alina with the Darkling because the plot gave us literally no other alternative to see our heroine succeed except to give in to her alleged villainy.
But most of all, people ship Darklina because Leigh Bardugo utterly failed in writing the story she intended to write because had she succeeded, Darklina would not be the most popular ship of the trilogy.
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sirenprincess15 · 3 years
Please Don't Leave Me Chapter 9
Title: Please Don’t Leave Me
Author: SirenPrincess
Description: What if Aleksander hadn’t answered the door when Ivan interrupted the war room kissing? What if Aleksander and Alina had a bit more time to get to know each other before Baghra told her his true identity? Alina is the only one who can comfort Aleksander through his nightmares. Will she leave once she knows who he is?
This story is based on the show version and features a soft on the inside, hard on the outside Aleksander with an emphasis on emotional hurt/comfort and angst. If you are looking for lots of hurt!Aleksander thoughts, then this story is for you. Mal exists but pretty much solely to cause Aleksander some angst. Don’t worry. It will be a Darklina ending.
Chapter 1 is a missing scene at the end of Ep 4, and Chapter 2 takes place alongside Ep 5 and then diverges from canon there.
Pairings: Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, bits of Ivan/Fedyor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grisha are oppressed in this universe, and I don’t shy away from showing the horrors of that. There may eventually be mentions of canon-typical torture (Fjerdan pyres), death of family members, and cruelty to Grisha children. It’s not the focus, but that backdrop is definitely there and comes up as characters discuss their past.
In this chapter: After centuries of being alone, Aleksander struggles to share his problems.
Chapter 9
Aleksander was busy working in his office. The roaring fire warmed him as he poured over ship manifests and army documentation on this Dmitry. If they could find who Dmitry traveled with, who was likely to be loyal to him, then perhaps they could identify any threats before they even came to the Little Palace.
When Inessa and Fedyor delivered Alina, Aleksander rushed to her side. “Thank you,” he said, dismissing them. He pulled her into his arms, rested his chin on top of her head, and deeply inhaled the scent of her. She was safe. “How was your day?”
“Boring. Fedyor and Inessa wouldn’t even let me go outside, not even for training. I’m never going to get stronger if I don’t train.”
“It’s just a precaution.”
“A precaution for what?”
He ignored her. She didn’t need the stress of knowing how anxious their enemies were to kill her. “I thought we’d take dinner in here tonight, if that’s okay with you.” His emotions were a mess. As haunted as he had been since Marie’s death, it was even worse now that the continued active threat was confirmed. He was relieved to be with her because he could see she was safe, but he was also still deeply ashamed of his panic attack from the nightmare the night before. He feared she would bring it up. He couldn’t talk about it. Eating in the main hall would stop her from doing so, but he was worried about security and didn’t want her with a large crowd. Her food would be easier to poison there, even with her taster. Truthfully, though, Aleksander wasn’t sure he had it in him to perform the intimidating General Kirigan act tonight, and he wanted her nearby for safety. Then he worried about what would happen when it was time for sleep. He had unleashed shadows last night, and they could have hurt her. He would never be able to forgive himself if he harmed her. That morning he had decided they’d have to sleep apart, but that was before he’d known of this new threat, of spies sneaking into the palace to check her routines. There was no way to know if the man he’d killed had been the first or the last. He couldn’t risk letting her sleep without someone strong guarding over her, and she’d never agree to let someone like Ivan stand over her bed. She had to stay here. Selfishly, he was grateful to have the excuse to keep her in his bed.
“Of course.” Her expression begged him to answer her previous question, but he didn’t. He well remembered what it was like to be afraid everywhere you went at all times. He could protect her from that.
“I do have quite a bit of work to complete, though. I’m afraid I’ll be quite busy. I did take the liberty of having Genya select some books from the library for you.”
She raised an eyebrow, as if signaling to him that she saw right through his attempts to distract her, but all she said was, “That was kind of you.”
He sat back at his desk and tried to focus on the lists in front of him. Something wasn’t adding up. Dmitry would appear on a ship crossing into West Ravka, but not on a return, and then somehow a time later be on a manifest for a ship crossing the wrong way. How was that possible? Was he missing manifests or was Dmitry paying someone off to keep his name off the lists?
Alina stepped behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. “Alek, you’re so tense. The stress coming off you is nearly unbearable. What happened today?”
“It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
She sighed. “Are we really going to do this thing tonight?”
He lifted his eyes to take in the annoyed look on her face. “Thing?”
“You know, where you pretend to be the oh so busy and important General Kirigan who uses his sense of authority to push people away? And then acts like he couldn’t possibly have any feelings or needs of his own? He’s fine. Everything is fine. He doesn’t need any help.”
He hadn’t even realized he was doing it, but she had. “Accurate,” he admitted.
“I’m going to let you in on a secret. The act doesn’t work with girls who have shared your bed.”
He laughed. Only she could call him on his behavior like this without irritating him. Only she could make him smile when he was otherwise so miserable. “I can assure you it worked fine on girls who have shared my bed. Apparently, it doesn’t work on the one girl I have let into my heart.”
“You’ve let me into your heart? So … let me help you.”
“Alina, it’s not that simple …”
“You can’t bear this burden alone, Aleksander. I won’t let you. Whatever is happening, it is crushing you. If not me, then get Ivan in here and talk to him. ”
“You want me to summon Ivan in here? This must be serious.”
“He is a good friend to you, and I know you trust him. I just want you to let someone help. You are not alone. This,” she said, putting her hand over the papers, “is not yours alone to figure out. Stop trying to solve everything with no support.”
“I’m not … used to having support.”
She nodded, took his hand, and squeezed it. “I know. I’m not really either. We’ve learned to do things alone, to hide pain and keep it to ourselves, but I know that problems are better solved together. Together, Aleksander. Stop trying to protect me from scary truths. Fedyor scanned every room we went into before he’d let me enter. I’m not stupid, Aleksander. If I can handle you cutting a Druskelle in half on top of me, I can handle whatever is threatening us now. Stop trying to push me away when it comes to important things. Let me help.”
He sighed. She was frightened already; she might as well know the truth. “Zoya caught a man trying to break in today. I have her guarding the palace exterior since she can’t seem to behave herself around you. He is working for Zlatan and was sent to spy on you. They’re making a plan for a better attempt on your life.”
Her shoulders slumped and her gaze fell to the floor as she took that in. “Hunted wherever I go. Still not used to that.”
He stood and wrapped his arms around her. “I will not let them succeed. I promise you that you will come to no harm.”
She looked into his eyes, stared there for a while, then found her strength. “Tell me about the papers.”
He quickly filled her in on what he had discovered about Dmitry and the mystery of the paperwork. It did actually feel good to have someone to discuss his findings with and not keep the thoughts spinning in his head. He talked through all of his ideas, no matter if they led nowhere. She indulged him and asked appropriate questions at all the right times. Finally, he arrived out loud at the stuck place he was in his head. He had so many theories, but how did he figure out if any of them were right?
She was quiet as she turned from page to page. Dinner arrived, and they ate in silence as they continued to try to find a pattern among the papers--the same captain, the same record keeper, accomplices that might travel with him. All ideas led nowhere, but they continued to look.
Hours later, Alina stood and walked into the war room.
“Alina?” He trailed after her. She was staring at the map. After a long time, he prompted her. “What is it?”
“I’m sure it’s stupid.” She shook her head and hugged herself.
He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t like it when you put yourself down like that. That’s not you. Those are words from your past.”
She shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Hmm, well then, let’s hear it. I’m frustrated. Maybe if it’s really stupid we can have a good laugh about it.”
“I used to stare at the map and dream of finding a way around. I was told there is no around, but … is there? Any secret path or …”
Aleksander felt his stomach twist as the implications became clear. “There are reports of Fjerdans in West Ravka, rumors that Zlatan is aligning with them, letting Druseklle ...” A vision of Nina being tortured popped into his head. He had to fight his jaw from trembling so she couldn’t see how upset this made him. “There is an around if you’re in bed with the enemy. He’s going through Fjerda.”
She gasped as it came together in her head. “He sends his emissary to Fjerda with messages, who then gets a free pass into our country to deliver orders to his spies, but then he needs the quick return across to do it again. How long would it take to travel through Fjerda? Check the dates. Do they match?”
“Fjerdans. It’s worse than I thought.” He could feel the Fjerdan fires licking at his skin.
They spent another hour pouring over records and checking their theory. Finally, Alina yawned. “We should get some sleep.”
He wanted to tell her to go on ahead, but he didn’t want her sleeping in a room away from him. He almost offered to just watch over her, but he feared he would accidentally fall asleep and end up as he had the night before. His chest tightened with worry as he considered possibilities, none of which were acceptable.
“I tell you to come to bed, and that sense of dread is what I get? I might think you don’t want to …” she tried to lightly tease.
“You know why,” he whispered, still not wanting to talk about it.
“Which is all the more reason to get you to sleep soon. Your nightmares are worse the longer you try to keep yourself awake. Have you noticed?”
He sighed. “This morning I was trying to work myself up to telling you that it’s not safe to sleep with me anymore, but now with this information on this potential attack, it’s not safe to sleep away from me either.”
“Don’t you dare do that to me!”
“What?” To her?
“Don’t you realize what you do for me? For years I cried myself to sleep every night, Aleksander. For years! I used to lie there and wonder what was wrong with me that no one could want me, how it was possible for me to not belong anywhere. I slept with a weapon under my pillow to fend off anyone who might come to hurt me. And now I sleep in your arms. Desired. Loved. Don’t you dare take that away from me.”
His heart ached for her. Was it possible she needed him as much as he needed her? “I hadn’t realized …”
“No matter how bad our nightmares get, we stay together. You make sure I can sleep, and I will do the same for you. Just promise to wake me up tonight. You can’t get yourself overtired like that again.”
“And you will wake me if the shadows start again?”
“I promise. Right away.”
“Okay,” he agreed, feeling less selfish about allowing it if it benefited her too. It was better than the alternative of some spy finding her room in the night or her lying awake with a knife under her pillow wondering if someone was coming to kill her. He would have to take care of himself more for her--get an adequate amount of sleep, actually stop and eat meals instead of working through every waking hour, maybe even share some of his stresses with her. He would do those things if it meant he could be there to protect her.
“Now,” she said, kissing him gently. “What do I have to do to get you out of that kefta so I can kiss away all those battle scars?”
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sirenprincess15 · 3 years
Please Don't Leave Me Chapter 16
Title: Please Don’t Leave Me
Author: SirenPrincess
Description: What if Aleksander hadn’t answered the door when Ivan interrupted the war room kissing? What if Aleksander and Alina had a bit more time to get to know each other before Baghra told her his true identity? Alina is the only one who can comfort Aleksander through his nightmares. Will she leave once she knows who he is?
This story is based on the show version and features a soft on the inside, hard on the outside Aleksander with an emphasis on emotional hurt/comfort and angst. If you are looking for lots of hurt!Aleksander thoughts, then this story is for you. Mal exists but pretty much solely to cause Aleksander some angst. Don’t worry. It will be a Darklina ending.
Chapter 1 is a missing scene at the end of Ep 4, and Chapter 2 takes place alongside Ep 5 and then diverges from canon there.
Pairings: Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, bits of Ivan/Fedyor
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Grisha are oppressed in this universe, and I don’t shy away from showing the horrors of that. There may eventually be mentions of canon-typical torture (Fjerdan pyres), death of family members, and cruelty to Grisha children. It’s not the focus, but that backdrop is definitely there and comes up as characters discuss their past.
Spoilers: Demon in the Woods
In this chapter: Alina explores Aleksander's scars in the bath.
Chapter 16
--WARNING--This chapter contains spoilers for Demon in the Wood--
Finally alone in his chambers with a tub full of water, Aleksander found himself running his hands along Alina’s bare body. He could not help admiring her beauty as he ran his palm over the curve of her hip. “I’ve missed this,” he whispered. He kissed down her neck to her collarbone. “Touching, feeling, the way the connection between us flows back and forth when we are both feeling content.” He placed a hand on her side and just let himself feel her. Everything they needed to ease the ache in their chests was in their connection.
She leaned toward him and began kissing across his chest. She had always taken pleasure in kissing his scars, but today she paused. Her fingers lingered on the raised round spots that splattered across his chest. “Are these from that night? With Luda?” she asked cautiously.
He could tell from the emotional pull of their bond that she was unsure if it was okay to talk about, but she wanted to know more. Now that she knew of Luda, he was grateful to be able to acknowledge that night. “They are. She healed the internal damage, but they shot me with another round before the outside healed, and then they caught her.” He shivered at the memory, but it was good for Alina to know. Maybe it would help her understand what their enemies were capable of and why they could not let compassion influence them to make stupid tacticle mistakes.
“Have you ever thought of letting Genya heal them?”
He shook his head. “I could not find a healer for her that night. They had murdered too many of us. If she could not be made whole again, then neither could I.”
“You have the scars whether they show or not. It’s how we let them affect us that matters.” She leaned down and kissed one and then another.
“They don’t bother you?” he checked. He did not wish to have them removed, but he would do anything for her.
She shook her head and kissed another scar. “I’ve always found your scars quite sexy, actually. They show me how strong you are. Now that I know what all you have endured, they show me your strength in a new way.”
He leaned down and kissed her, softly, sweetly. This intimacy was everything that he had missed, and he couldn’t get enough of it. “There used to be more.” He held up his wrist and ran his fingers along the inside. “It scarred badly from where I had pulled against the bonds with such force. I tried to keep them, but … I could not tolerate it, not on my wrists. Every time they brushed the fabric of my sleeve, it triggered the memories of being helpless. I finally let a tailor fix them, not Genya. It was centuries ago. Some scars can be harmful, and we need to let them go.” He touched one of the raised scars near his ribs. “These are the ones I wanted to keep.”
Her hand traced along a long scar diagonally from his shoulder. “And this one?”
He had planned a break from figuring out how to share things with her, but this way seemed so natural. With her love flooding over him, it wasn’t as hard. “That one was a Fjerdan sword that tried to slice me in half. They had been raiding farther and farther south into Ravka, kidnapping all Grisha to burn on their pyres. They even took children. We decided to be aggressive and defend our country and our people. I led the charge to chase them out myself. We successfully defended some villages and had them retreating, but we followed them into Fjerda to a place they stored and tortured Grisha awaiting trial. We liberated it, but it was not without cost.” He gently touched the deep scar tissue. “We were outnumbered. I was able to use my power to keep the Fjerdans from sending in reinforcements. But the children … I had to get them out of there. My second-in-command died for following my command to free the children. I ran in myself after that. I couldn’t leave the children, not the children. The sword slashed deep into my chest, and I fell on top of the children that I was rescuing. The Fjerdan who tried to kill me turned and left us for dead to chase the rest of my soldiers. This wound let us escape. That’s how Ivan came to the Little Palace. He was one of the children who hid under my bleeding chest. His parents had been burned on the pyre. He had a twin brother who didn’t survive the torture they used to determine if the children were Grisha. I’m sorry he seems gruff and demanding of your power. He knows more than anyone what we are up against, and the cost if we don’t succeed at protecting our people.” He worried that he shouldn’t speak of such dark thoughts. It might disrupt the calm contentment that had come over her in the bath, but, then, wasn’t trying to shelter her from the truth exactly what he had nearly lost her over? Maybe this was how he learned to be more honest with her, by sharing one painful memory at a time until she knew enough to understand the harder decisions.
“Has there ever been a moment of your life that wasn’t filled with horrors?”
“When I’m with you.”
She kissed the shoulder and down his arm, then interlaced their fingers. “Perhaps, then, this is a better way to get you to share with me?”
“Promise to just keep kissing me, and I’ll tell you anything.” Maybe he didn’t mean it. Maybe he did. The warmth that radiated from her as she kissed her way back to his chest and down his side kept so many of his worries at bay. Her gentle acceptance as he shared his past pains with her made them less hard to share.
“This one?” she asked about the thick scar that sliced around his thigh.
“That one’s from when I was a child,” he dismissed with a shrug.
She looked him in the eye. “And?”
Could she understand that one now? Would she see him as a monster if he shared the truth or would she kiss him again as she had for the others? This one was different. He hadn’t been saving anyone but himself. “A friend tried to kill me, so I killed her instead.”
He waited for the fear and revulsion to move through her to him, but it didn’t come. “Your friend tried to kill you? When you were a child? How? Why?”
“She wanted to wear my bones for their power. I didn’t want to die.”
“Saints! Aleks!” He could feel the pain in her, but it was … sympathy? She was feeling his pain. No one had ever cared about him like that before.
“It’s nothing. It was a long time ago.”
“Your friend betrayed and tried to kill you as a child to steal your power and wear your bones, and that’s nothing?! You don’t think that maybe that has something to do with your difficulty trusting? In opening up?”
“I … I suppose? It’s just that any time I’ve let myself be vulnerable, it hasn’t ended well.”
She leant down and kissed his leg where it came up above the water. “We change that. Starting now. I want to be the one you can share everything with, Aleksander, no matter how horrible it is.”
He kissed her desperately, as if it might be his last. He wanted to be able to share everything with her, too, more than anything. He feared it was only a dream that she could know everything and accept him, but for tonight he would let himself believe that dream. “What can I do to give you what you need tonight? Alina, I am yours, for anything you need.”
Emotions ebbed back and forth between them as she lay against his chest. She sought his reassurance to speak from her soul. “The truth is that I only feel whole when I’m with you. Take me to bed and make me feel whole again? Please?”
“You’re sure?” he asked. “You know who I am, what I’m capable of. I don’t want you to regret this tomorrow. I could never do that to you.”
“You promised me a night of feeling good, a break from trying to figure everything out. I want to enjoy my night. Whatever we decide about us, I want a night of ecstasy as only you can give me. Please?”
He would not make her beg. With her assurance that she truly wanted him, he lifted her from the tub and carried her to their room.
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