#i want more 'something is deeply wrong here but i can't put my finger on it'
cheswirls · 2 years
watching jshk back in 2020 truly did change my perspective on horror n im still so sad i haven't found anything quite like it when it comes to animated media. the horror that is not full of jump scares or scary creatures or concepts like possession, murder, etc that is so incessantly popular in american horror, but instead a concept of horror where you're constantly filled w dread for smth you cannot see. a fear of the unknown. not outright 'in your face' scary but terrifying in concept. something that leaves the scare factor up to your imagination. i want to experience smth like that again
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fillinforlater · 8 months
On her jeans (Part 1 of 3)
Male Reader x Kim Minji
Length: 3128 words
Tags: backstory, sex as payment, degradation, all things blowjob: face fuck, deep throat, gagging, chocking, throat bulging, rough face sex, training, passive hand job, master/daddy kink, desperate_trainee!Minji
TW: Minji is selling herself here kinda (oh no)
Credit: @sooyadelicacies for co-writing this crazy series with me. Mad lad!
-Part 1- -Part 2- -Part 3-
(A/N: Hey you! I know you're reading this. Get ready for your favorite girls to get defiled one-by-one. Goon or go (or something like that, sounded cooler in my head). For everyone else, have fun!)
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"Huh? Minji? What are you doing here?" 
Kazuha asks, surprised to see the still-trainee on this floor of the HYBE building, knocking on an unoccupied training room that she has nothing to do with usually.
"I-I came here to ask you about something,” the younger stutters. “I heard you were personally selected for LE SSERAFIM—and that there is some backer for your success. Even th-the group's scandal went away without a hitch. 
“Who is helping you, who is he?"
"What are you talking about?" Kazuha responds, face in scrunches. 
"I know that you know, Unnie," Minji says and catches the door before Kazuha can close it again. "I need answers, please. I-I've seen their plans, this is going to blow up, we'll be a failure, HYBE's loving stock.
"I can't fail this."
Kazuha looks at the determined young girl, her face loosening up a bit, turning from trying to defend her future spot at your side from a new rival to worrying for Minji. She curls her finger and Minji enters the otherwise empty training room.
"You have some dangerous knowledge," the Japanese woman then says. "Asking for this—I think you have no idea what you might get into."
"Doesn’t everyone say this about the industry?" Minji responds with wit and looks at Kazuha's sweaty body in the mirror. "Everyone always shares their doubts, from the moment you start. And now we are here, ready to debut. I know I have talent, but will it be enough?"
"You really want this, Minji?"
"Yes, Unnie, more than anything."
"How old are you?"
"Eighteen. Why do you—"
"I'll give you his number." Kazuha sighs deeply, but nonetheless, her words have Minji in a delighted dance. "I'll tell him that you are good, so be good, be honest to him. I'm doing you a favor here."
"Thank you so much, Unnie!"
"But be careful: he is greedy, he wants more than you can imagine, so be ready to give him everything. And also—" 
Kazuha pinches Minji's chin, tilts it towards her piercing eyes and whispers in the most kind yet threatening voice: 
"Never try to get between him and me."
"Oh my—your concept, these plans. They are fucking terrible. It's going to take a lot to salvage this, even you seem to know that, Minji." There is no need for you to hold back. If you think a plan is bad, you better tell someone before they fail. You’ve seen your fair share of bad plans, but not by HYBE and not to this extreme.
"I-I know. I tried to tell them, but the managers just shut me down.” Minji puts her arms back on her thighs. They were just dramatically cast into the air to get her point across, but the young girl saw your unimpressed gaze and quickly got professional again. “They are running us straight into a brick wall."
"I've seen many examples like this. A lot of companies think they can do no wrong, especially when a lot of time has passed since their latest failure." 
You give Minji her tablet back and rest your chin on one hand, the other tapping the giant desk before you. You are deep in thought, at least Minji should believe that. Instead you are looking into her eyes, mariana trenches of passion, hopefulness, determination. Minji has a pretty face, leadership qualities, all the skills of a superstar but most importantly, she has some thick lips that will be perfect for cock sucking. 
Okay, you are getting ahead of yourselves. The other big thing she has is the willingness to trade everything for her dream, for hope, maybe for fame too. She will give her dignity for glory—and you will make her do it right fucking now.
"This is a difficult case," you say slowly, watching her expression shift a bit, not yet gloomy but getting there. "Luckily, I and HYBE still have the time and resources to make your debut a success. People will talk about it for a long time. I can even guarantee you a music show win from the get go."
"Really? Oh my God, thank you so much, sir. You are way too kind." Minji jumps from her seat and takes a deep, formal bow. "I hope I can lay all of this in your hand?"
"You sure can, Minji, but you know this comes with a price, a hefty one at that. This cannot be solved with two phone calls and some convincing. Hell, I barely have any time." You stand up from your chair and look at the young woman, upper body still tilted but her huge eyes fixed on you, now you’re in front of her. You still dwarf her and she only now knows that she is completely outmatched and will pay up.
"I-I will give you everything, as soon as I can," she stutters. "I only need some time and, and—"
"But I need it now, Minji. Right fucking now.
"Get on your knees."
"Sir?" Minji asks, shocked. "On my knees? Do-do you want me to beg?" 
You snort. “I thought you were smarter. What did Zuha tell you exactly?” 
“H-how did you know—?”
“Minji, what you're asking for requires a complete 180. Your entire concept will have to be changed. From what I’ve heard, you need some new songs too. I have someone in mind who can spearhead your group but she's a wildcard, batshit insane really, but the right kind of crazy needed for something like this. But all of this will take a lot of fucking effort, time and money. And I need you to prove your worth, now."
Push down on Minji's shoulders until she winces and sinks to the floor. Black tiles, hard, cold and somewhat reflective. You know that for a moment all of them hesitate when seeing the rough outline of their head mirrored back to them. Are they really going to do it? Is this what they have to sell? Is it worth it? 
Those that stayed are now superstars and because Minji somehow knew about it and had the guts to look for you, there is not a single doubt in you that she will devote herself to you.
"I can make your dreams come true," you proclaim calmly, yet your words put Minji under unbearable pressure. "Fame, money, success are all guaranteed, out of question, beyond that everything is possible. When you just stay there, on your knees and open your pretty mouth—"
A zip and your semi-hard cock is released, to the absolute shock of Minji, whose mental image of her face is replaced by the first phallus she has ever seen before her eyes. 
"—I'll fulfill your desires."
Minji looks up at you and gulps. She thought the auditions and training evaluations were the final tests respectively, but now her entire career comes down to this one huge cock right in front of her. She curses the producers, the managers, those idiots at Ador—their mistakes have to be redeemed by her sucking dick and lowering to the level of a desperate whore.
Minji has no option. Idols are born from hardship and this is just another step, she believes. So her lips part a little, and when she locks eyes with you, they part a lot more. With a satisfied groan, you shove your cock deep into her throat.
"From now on, you'll call me Master. Later will be Daddy, but not until you've proven worthy. Your next few weeks will be rough, new people, new songs, new choreos." The first tears form in Minji's gorgeous eyes as gags bounce through your office. "I don't care how tired or sweaty you are, when I call you, you come to me right after practice, no excuses. You will obey every fucking wish, especially because I have so much work with you."
You drag your balls over her chin, let your cock rest at the top of her mouth and open it wide. Minji is clumsy with her teeth and with the way she tries to dodge your thrust, be it intentionally or out of fear. This is of course vastly inferior compared to a blowjob from all those second and third gen stars you've made big after giving them your big cock.
The only redeeming, already great quality, are her lips. Natural, not a talent or skill. She'd be a lot better just not moving, not thinking, a fleshlight, but how should such a young woman know?
"I assume you're smart enough to understand all this," you tell her expectantly and pull out. Minji leans forward and coughs up her saliva on your floor. You grab her hair and pull it back, get ready to spit at her, but she has wit.
"Ye-yes, Master. Excuse my incompetence, I—you're so big."
"No crying? No regrets? Well, that's more impressive than your blowjob skills. How about you clean up your incompetence?"
You take a step back and pull her face down, down by the hair, onto the tiles where her spurts of saliva lay. Minji hisses out in pain, you know she stares down angrily, shocked at how rude you are to her. She grits her teeth—
"Yes, Master, sorry, Master."
—and begins to lick the floor, slowly and only with the tip of her small tongue.
You are mildly impressed that she adjusted to her situation rather quickly. It is the sign of a prodigy in bloom. 
"I am curious, baby girl. I was informed you didn't really set out to become an idol. So why put yourself through all of this?" You muse and question her. Minji's eyes widened a little, finally shifting from their bristling anger. "Oh, I know everything about you, Kim Minji. It is my job to know and then some. So tell me: what is your ambition? What is your desire?"
"Who doesn't dream of being famous?" Minji says, determination in her eyes which she has pointed at you like sharp, pointy arrows. "I want to be a star, the idol that all my classmates, parents, grown-ups have never seen in me. I want to show them how wrong they were."
"Too bad that even after joining the great and successful HYBE, you are about to be their first blunder," you taunt her and slap her forehead with your cock. "Good thing you're ready to suck cock for some adjustments of their mistakes."
Minji puckers her lips and a bit carelessly gets your cock back onto them, spreading small licks on your cockhead. "This is nothing, I know hardship."
"You call this nothing?"
You tsk and slap her face with your cock.
"You know hardship? Do tell, Minji..." You grip her head and begin to plunge into her mouth. "Hardship? We haven't even started yet. I'm not even at full size, stupid girl!" 
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You see her eyes widening as tears begin to form with your rough treatment. Thinking back to Minji's words, you read her well. People doubted her—you could too. She wasn't so different from the others you've trained. All they needed was education to rely on you, devotion to you and love for you and only you.
"Make sure to keep your fucking teeth off of it," you growl while your fingers search for new ways to pull at her hair, to push her away and then slam her back down on your cock which is finally hardening at the arousal her fearful face brings. The inside of Minji's mouth grows wetter, sloppier, warmer, until suddenly—
The annoyance of her teeth returns and it stings. To start with blowjobs has both been a disaster for your pleasure but intense fuel to introduce Minji to the harsh reality that is you; you and the success that you bring. Everything she has ever wanted, you can bring her, and so she fights trough the tears and accepts that you press her flat on the floor and fuck down into her mouth like it's a pussy.
"Open wide, open wide," you repeatedly command, a hand on Minji's jaw to help her make this command come true. "You useless slut, don't waste your lips on such pathetic blowjobs. Fucking hell, when I'm done with you, you better deepthroat like a mid porn star.
"Fucking waste of my time, you stupid stupid girl. This is the standard HYBE is accepting now? Fuck, maybe we can't even blame the company for your group's future failure—it will all just be on you. If you don't fucking step it up, this is the last time you will ever contact me." 
Gaze still intensely focused on her, you pull out your cell phone and unlock it. You don’t really use it for much, except for phone calls, but this alone makes this device insanely valuable. You however don’t need to make a phone call now. You only need to show Minji one thing: your contact list.
She can see you scrolling past the names of tons of people, all in the industry. Well known producers, managers, executives, staff members, but most importantly, all highlighted by a colorful array of yellow, orange, red and pink: 
The full names of hundreds of female idols. Minji scans through the list, recognizing one Unnie after the other, from nugu second gen groups to absolute super stars.
You pull out of Minji's mouth, give her time to cough up all leftover spit and wipe her tears away. Ultimately, you help her up from the cold hard floor, the only thing still laying on the floor is her pride.
"Do you get it now?" you ask and look at her, eyebrows raised with the highest of expectations.
"Yes, Master."
"Then you know what you have to do."
"De-deepthroat like a p-porn star."
"Can you do that?"
Minji hesitates, something you cannot stand for the love of everything. You grab her hips and throw her on your desk, spin her until her head is hanging off of the table. With no further warning, because she does not deserve those anymore, you press your cock on her lips and fill more than her mouth. Minji's throat starts to visibly bulge from the massive width of your cock. 
Of course she is gagging, kicking her feet but that isn't even a flight response. There is no need for you to pin her down. She wants to stay, wants to become a good slut, a stupid girl that can suck your entire cock. Sadly, her newfound eagerness isn't rewarded with success. She needs training and stretching and so you stretch Minji's throat with lazy thrust and train her nose to accept your balls on them.
"You're so silly, but finally, we have some effort, Minji," you growl and reach into the top of her shirt. "We can work from here."
You fondle her breasts, run your hands down her soft stomach. 
"Good, I can definitely work with this. You remind me of—" 
But you pause, not wanting to divulge any advantages for her to pick up on. She looks like an absolute fuck doll as her head continues hang off the table. Even upside down, it was pretty when stuffed with your cock, your balls now touching her lips with each plunge. 
"Minji, it's not enough to deepthroat like a porn star. You'll learn to deepthroat like one of my perfect sluts, whores. Porn star is a start, but it will soon be an insult to you.”
She had no idea that her consideration as a future perfect whore meant you already took a liking to her. As of now, all she knew—no, all she could think of—was your cock and that she needed to keep her teeth off of it. It needed to fuck her throat if she wanted any chance at a great career. 
And so Minji takes it, acts like a whore who willingly gets gag induced drool over her face, then fat, filled balls on her nose and accepts the greedy hands all over her midriff. Minji always thought that she needs this tight, perfect form for the approvement of the public—now it's you who decides if her body is acceptable and ripe for a fucking. 
Your seal of approval is the frantic way you tear open her shirt, then her bra and start to knead her breasts, while her tongue movements become actually enjoyable. You thrust harder, making Minji's face pale as she struggles to get air. She looks gorgeous like that, so you slap her tummy and before the choking is too hard, you back off and pull your pants up.
"That's it for today," you say as Minji still gasps for air. "From now on, you'll be here everyday after practice."
Short silence, disbelief in her eyes. "H-huh—yes, Master."
"The door will be open. Walk in and lay down on the table, just like this. You will wait until I return or have time for you. It doesn't matter what happens, you will lay there until I am finished with you."
"Yes, Master."
"A lot will change." You rub sweat and spit off her temple with a gentle hand and look at her glassy eyes. "You might not get any sleep at all. Now you will learn true adversity.
"Okay, fuck it. You don't deserve this, but I don't care."
Pull your pants back down and lower your balls onto Minji's mouth. This time, there is no hesitation, and she opens her fuckable lips wide. Her tongue starts to twirl around your sac while you begin to jerk yourself off. When Minji finally starts to suck, you feel a satisfying conclusion to this messy meeting arriving. But—
"Why would I do it myself? Get your hand here!"
You find one of Minji's hands and start to spit on each finger. Like a waterfall, it runs down until you deem it lubricated enough. Then you put them around your manhood and begin to thrust. It's a lot colder than a pussy, but Minji seems to instinctively know how to tighten the gap, the grip, her hand-pussy suddenly becomes worth cumming in.
Take a final breath and climax, each pump sending long streaks of pearly white on Minji's body. You cover her in seed until one long line, from her navel to her throat, forms and you admire how carefully she worships your balls. Wipe your cockhead clean on her hand and make a mental note to have this soft palm be a useful masturbation aid for another time.
"Who would've thought that you're already in love with my balls?" You almost crack a smile through your stone cold facade. "A good sign that you're already a whore."
"M-Master, I..."
"Shut the fuck up.
"Tomorrow, after practice. No underwear, no questions, no one is allowed to know."
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bunnybubae · 2 months
☔This and more
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: One Shot - Established Relationship - Slice of Life - Fluff - Smutty Smut 
Summary: Your weekend at the beach seems to be completely ruined, but luckily, your boyfriend Jeon Jungkook is ready to change everything. 
Warnings: A delicious lunch and a drink at home, they call each other bubi and baby, Bf&Gf shenanigans,✨surprises✨, overall a tooth rotting piece of fluff served with a side of hot steamy smut *wink wink*, the end ❤��
Smut Warnings: Lots of steamy kisses, teasing, love bites, actual bites, dirty talking, worshiping, fingering, oral (F receiving), brief blowjob, rough sex, unprotected sex (she takes the pill), cum on breasts, love making 💓, creampie
Wc: 5.6k 
A/N:  Hiii!🫣I know I should be working on the Red Light series, I promise it's wip and will come to life sooner or later, but I miss my boyfriend who's traveling for work and the weather is shit over here... I had this idea in my docs and I just felt inspired to finally write it. I hope you like it! 🥺 - Joy 🐰
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The sun is scorching and the sky is always clear. People wear light clothes and have fun outside. This is summer, right?
Not this weekend at least, since the weather forecast predicted heavy rain until Sunday.
This weekend, in which you had plans with your boyfriend and your friends to spend it at the beach, with tents, lots of food and beach games. Everything ruined, since the first thunder that rumbled.
You wouldn't have been so upset about it if it weren't for the fact that work has been a living hell lately and that you really were looking forward to this outdoor weekend. Even if it was only for a few days, you really wanted to regenerate and disconnect from everything work related.
The sky is so gray, almost black, like your mood right now.
It's Saturday morning and usually, you and Jungkook leave shortly after breakfast to go grocery shopping, when, presumably, there are less people and it is easier to find what you need for the week. As if the bad weather wasn't badding enough, something seems to have hurt your boyfriend, who reluctantly told you that he can't come with you.
You sigh deeply, it couldn't go worse, you think, but maybe it's just your bad mood's fault for these thoughts.
You worry about Jungkook as you look for a spot in the supermarket parking lot. You text him once you find one, asking if he needs medicine or anything else for his stomachache, but he reassures you shortly after, replying that some lactic ferments will do the job.
You continue to stare at his response on the screen thoughtfully, maybe last night's fried chicken was too spicy?
Anyway, the temperature has dropped a lot because of the weather. You put on one of Jungkook's sweatshirts and get ready by putting the hood on before going out to reach the supermarket.
You spend about a couple of hours inside, looking for everything you had on your list.
As you’re about to reach the checkout, with a full cart and the only desire to go home, your phone rings.
It’s a text from Jungkook.
Bubi ❤️: “Bubi could you please buy some fresh mint and lemons while u'r out?”
You check his request a second time, not too sure you understand.
You stop in your tracks, frowning as you type a response.
You: “What do you need them for?”
You watch the chat and his name as it appears and disappears shortly after, waiting for his response, which comes a few moments later.
Bubi❤️: “I read somewhere that making tea with mint and lemon helps calm a stomach ache and I wanna try.”
You're not too convinced but It makes sense, if you think about it.
You reply that you'll get mint and lemons and that you'll go to the pharmacy before you head back home.
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It’s almost lunchtime when you park the car in front of the apartment complex where you live.
The rain shows no signs of ceasing, continuing to pound on the windshield of the car. 
When you’re about to get out to grab the groceries from the trunk, you see your boyfriend come out of the front door of the building and reach to your car door with a little jog.
He’s holding an open umbrella in his hand and when he opens the car door to let you out, he smiles widely.
“What are you doing out here?!”
“Let’s carry everything to the elevator together,”
And with that, he leaves a tender kiss on your forehead, a little damp from the rain.
You had forgotten your umbrella at home, despite his warnings. Too caught up in the greyness of your mood, evidently.
Once you have emptied your trunk and reached the elevator with the grocery bags in hand, you sigh loudly. A little tired from the weight of the bags and a little guilty for your state of mind.
He's always so helping and sweet and you have been quite intractable since yesterday. You feel the need to apologize to him.
Jungkook looks at you in silence, a slight smile on his lips as he plays with the piercing of his lip with his tongue.
"I'm sorry, bubi..." You break the silence, taking him by surprise.
"Mh? For what?"
You watch him as you explain why you really needed this weekend away to rest and relax a bit.
Jungkook nods, listening to you until your elevator ride stops at your floor.
"I know baby, don't worry."
The elevator's doors slide open.
It seems he wants to say something else, but he picks up the bags instead and starts to walk towards the front door of your apartment.
You follow him with the bags in your hand, feeling a little lighter and determined not to ruin this weekend any further.
Jungkook opens the door, gets rid of his shoes in the blink of an eye, leaving them near the shoe rack before running towards the kitchen. You don't understand what's gotten into him all of a sudden and when you enter, you put the bags down next to you to take off your shoes and tidy up his too.
When Jungkook returns a few moments later, he picks up your discarded bags too and rushes into the kitchen with them.
"What are you doing?"
You know very well that your boyfriend has these energetic outbursts from time to time, like the good golden retriever boyfriend he is.
He doesn't answer, instead you see him come back towards you, slightly out of breath.
“Ook, so,” He begins, catching his breath.
“I know this weekend at the beach meant a lot to you, especially after spending the last 3 months working non-stop,” 
His hands find yours and squeeze gently as he guides you through the small hallway of your entryway.
“And I know how much you need this, so,” He pauses, making you stop your tracks right in front of him as well.
“I’m sorry I made you go grocery shopping alone with this weather.”
He moves aside, allowing you to see what he was trying to hide behind his back.
The couch has been moved against the wall, the big carpet is adorned with countless children's toys, the classic ones for digging or making shapes in the sand and you notice an inflatable ball and some beach towels hidden under a beach umbrella.
The living room didn't seem that big, yet everything seems to fit in effortlessly. 
You don't know what to say exactly, you observe everything with wide eyes and open mouth as Jungkook continues his speech.
"I know it's not the same thing, but-" You don't even give him time to finish the sentence, that your lips crash against his, your hands holding his face still as you kiss his mouth softly.
Initially surprised, Jungkook gives in in a split second, wrapping his arms around your small figure.
You let him hold you as a few tears threaten to escape your eyes.
You part from his lips just for a moment. 
"So you didn't have diarrhea," And with that, you both burst into laughter in each other's arms as a small tear rolls down your face for the gratitude.
You are truly touched by the effort he put into it, by the love that hides such a gesture.
The laughter stops and your eyes lock. Jungkook caresses your cheek, wiping away that small, solitary tear.
"Thank you, babe..." Your tone is sweet and full of love and gratitude for him.
"This and more for you,"
He grabs one of your hands that are still holding his face and brings it to his lips, he kisses your knuckles with such delicacy before he moves away from you.
"Anyway, you don't look like you're dressed for the beach, why don't you go change while I sort out the groceries?"
You look down at yourself and giggle, even though it's not that hot, the idea of ​​indulging in this little indoor beach is thrilling, you nod, telling him he's right, then you turn around, heading to your bedroom.
"No! Wait!"
Jungkook suddenly exclaims, making you stop in your tracks.
"I moved the bag you had packed to the bathroom, so you can change right there!"
"Oh okay, I'll take the chance to take a quick shower, then."
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You reach the bathroom, getting ready to shower before you could finally wear your new bikini.
During your shower you can't help but smile at the idea that you're about to spend some time at the beach, without the beach, and the sun, and the sea. It's amusing. 
Once cleaned and smelling nice, you put on your lilac bikini and its matching beach dress, fix your hair a bit and go back to the living room.
You don't remember seeing the TV on when you came in, but the sound of the waves envelopes you immediately. 
On the TV, a high definition video of the waves lapping the beach repeats over and over and it's yet another detail that makes you smile. Jungkook has really thought of everything.
He's not in the living room, though.
You walk towards the kitchen, smelling something nice as you near the door.  When you enter, you find your shirtless sexy boyfriend in front of the stove as he cooks something. 
"Damn, that smells good," The kitchen is filled with the smell of fresh fish and lemon, it's so mouth-watering.
"That's what you needed the lemon for!"
You giggle as you approach him from behind, wrapping your arms around his hips and leaving a light kiss on his shoulder as you watch his movements.
"I just watched a tutorial, I hope it turns out good."
He moves in your arms, turning around so he can observe your figure.
He hums delighted by what he sees.
The swimsuit hugs your curves perfectly and the beach dress semi-transparent fabric allows Jungkook to admire and go wild in his mind, with that see-through effect that makes him crazy.
You know exactly what's going through his mind right now. You can read it in his expression.
Despite the many years of relationship with him, the passion and attraction between you has always been strong, never faltering.
Jungkook has always worshiped your body in every possible way. 
And his carnal gaze, which gently caresses your curves, is proof of that.
It's unbelievable how one single look from him is enough to make you feel like the most beautiful thing in this world.
“You like it?”
You ask innocently, spinning around so he can look at beautiful ass as well.
He hums in agreement, “It’ll look great on the floor later.”
And it’s not the phrase that makes your legs feel weak, but the tone of his voice. Warm and provocative, just the way you like it.
He steals a kiss that’s way too innocent to justify the burning sensation in your belly, before turning his attention back to the stove.
“You should cook shirtless more often,” 
You try to speak, trying to sound unaffected, while your hands nonchalantly caress his pecs from behind, going down to his abs.
He chuckles softly, perfectly knowing what you're up to.
You love every single detail of his body. You swear you know by heart every groove and bump and yet the intensity of your yearning surprises you every time.
You sigh, trapping your lip between your teeth, unable to stop your hands from free roaming on his soft skin.
He is so addicting.
"Y/N.." Your name leaves his lips accompanied by a deep breath.
Your hands have the same effect that his skin has on you.
You ask, not missing the contractions of his muscles under your touch when your hands tease his belly, just above the waistband of his swimsuit.
Jungkook turns off the stove and pushes the food away.
Then he turns around, and his face is now a few inches from yours.
In one quick and agile movement, he picks you up, letting your legs circle his bare waist. 
A deep breath escapes your mouth as his chest touches yours and a second later you're sitting on the countertop, its coldness briefly soothing your heat.
"You can't do that while I'm cooking,"
He lets out, then he urgently dives forward, peppering the thin skin of your neck with languid kisses..
You almost moan at the touch. 
"Why not,"
You ask, hoping your voice doesn't sound too desperate right now.
"Cause I'd have to fuck you hard and quick, right here on this countertop,"
You tilt your head backwards, allowing him to do as he pleases with your neck.
He pauses, licking a long, slow stripe, from your collarbone to the skin below your earlobe.
"Even tho I know how much you love to be fucked like that,"
He softly kisses your jawline, then whispers right to your ear and your insides turn into boiling lava.
"I want to take my time with you, I want to taste you and savor every drop of your juice when I make you come."
His hands are nowhere on your body, you're only trapped between his arms that keep his weight slightly lean on you. And yet, your skin feels so hot, like his voice and words are washing the last bit of sanity away, leaving goosebumps all over you.
You gulp, unable to speak as you try to calm your breathing.
You love this man, you think you never stopped crushing over him, you're a total mess right now, by only his words and kisses on the neck.
"Fuck baby.."
You manage to say, even though your voice sounds strained.
"Be patient, yeah?"
And just like that, the magic is over.
He frees you, leaving your body hot and bothered just like that.
You whine a little, a sound that makes him chuckle darkly, probably proud of the effect he still has on you. 
You're a tad bit annoyed, you're not gonna lie, but the excitement for what's to come prevails.
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After having lunch with some delicious lemony fish, you and Jungkook decide to enjoy some relaxation lying on the beach towels placed on the floor in front of the TV. The mint cocktails you made earlier rest next to you, while some music plays casually from your phone.
You have to admit that the whole vibe is working very well, you don't even miss the sand and the smell of saltiness in the air. Everything feels just right, with the man you love by your side.
The apartment isn't that big, but everything Jungkook has prepared for the theme seems to fit perfectly, without being too bulky.
You take a moment to observe your surroundings, while sipping your drink every now and then.
You notice that there is enough space between the towels and the television, so you decide to grab the Nintendo Switch from its dock, and place it in front of you.
"Wanna play?"
Jungkook, who seems far too relaxed on his towel, is drawn in by your playful tone, he smiles nodding before grabbing a pair of joycons.
"What do you wanna play?"
You think for a moment, as you scroll through the games you have, undecided between Just Dance, volleyball, which might be the most suitable for the beach mood, or WarioWare, which as stupid as it is, never fails to make you laugh.
"We could play some volleyball to begin with, what do you say?"
"I'm down,"
You make some space and strap your joy con, just to be sure you don't crash anything while playing.
The games go smoothly and match after match and sip after sip of your drinks, you grow dizzier. 
By the time you start playing Wario Ware, you both are a laughing mess, seeing your boyfriend copy those funny poses is the highlight of the day.
Your cheeks are hurting from the laugh and you don't even know what time it is while the rain keeps pouring outside.
The sound of sporadic thunder is a soft reminder that what is going on outside, doesn't bother you at all. 
Especially now, embraced in your boyfriend's arms, skin to skin, as the center of your living room becomes the center of your world.
He kisses you, ever so gently, as his mouth moves with yours in a dance they know oh so well.
You bet his lips shared some secrets with yours as when you part from each other for a moment, you both smile fondly. As if no words are needed.
The way he's looking at you makes you feel so lucky.
You feel so precious when he touches you, so cherished.
His hands are so tender and attentive, he outlines your sides, pushing his body to yours as if it was possible to feel you even closer.
The game is long forgotten as you share another kiss, less innocent than the previous one.
Your hands bravely caress his shoulders and nape before intertwining with some soft locks.
Some music is still playing from your phone, thrown somewhere on the carpet when suddenly, As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber starts playing. 
A pretty old song, but you remember you saved the acoustic version a long time ago, when you two weren't even a thing.
It couldn't be more apt for this moment in time, you think.
Your smile breaks the kiss and even though you feel your head a little heavy from the alcohol, you start singing.
He watches you fondly, swinging with you in his arms to the rhythm as he begins to sing the song with you.
His voice is heaven, you always told him that and he likes to sing for you. Although the shower or the car are his favorite stages most of the time.
You keep singing your heart out, pouring all your love in the lyrics as your gaze gets lost in his.
You've always been the sensitive type, especially in this kind of situation.
Your boyfriend seems as affected as you, though.
His gaze is glimmering and his embrace is tighter than before.
The song slowly but surely comes toward its end when Jungkook softly leans forward, whispering the last phrase right on your lips.
Your heart feels like it's about to burst in your chest and a moment later you're kissing him, like your life depends on it.
He lets you kiss him, lets you taste his tongue and maybe it's the alcohol, maybe the whole vibe, but you end up sprawled on the beach towels, kissing each other's brains out.
The beach umbrella, placed open on the ground for obvious reasons, offers some sort of shield from the artificial light of the lamp. The light filters through the colored material, leaving a soft hue of colors on your bodies.
You don't know where your beach dress has been thrown, the only thing in your mind right now, is your boyfriend's kisses.
He prints wet kisses all over your body and you feel like you're burning.
You breathe heavily, concentrating on the sensations of his lips on your abdomen.
"So fucking pretty,"
He states, seemingly out of breath. You shiver in pleasure as your heart skips a beat.
His hands reach your bikini bottom and you almost moan shamelessly as he asks,
"Are you already wet for me, baby?"
Then he pushes your bikini aside, not waiting for your answers, wanting to find out himself.
"Fuck, yes"
It's the only phrase that leaves your gaping mouth as he swipes his fingers between your legs.
You can feel the stickiness of your bikini and his breath right in front of your core.
"Want me to make you even wetter?
A soft yes leaves your lips, barely audible.
"Speak up, baby,"
It's a lewd scene, your legs are wide open in front of him and Jungkook is palming himself with his free hand. His swimming trunks are an uncomfortable obstacle but it's something he'll deal with later.
His attention is only focused on you right now.
You moan as his wet fingers circle your clit.
"I want your tongue," you confess "Make me come on your tongue,"
You breathe out as your hands move over your tits, sliding under the fabric of your bikini top.
"Fuck, I love when you talk to me like that,"
He groans, and a moment later, he is giving in, licking your folds, sucking your clit, just as you like it. He knows it's going to make you a moaning mess before him.
He wasn't lying before, he is taking his sweet time savoring you, fucking you slowly with his tongue, then circling your clit and sucking on it every now and then.
When your body reacts at the waves of pleasure his motions are providing, he laughs darkly, the vibration of it a sweet addition to your pleasure.
Your body trembles, your orgasm building up at every french kiss he gives your pussy and you think you're going insane.
Your moans are louder, turning to sweet little whine when you know you're about to reach your high.
"I'm close, fuck, don't stop,"
As if he needed you to tell him not to stop.
Jungkook is quick to react, pushing with ease his middle and ring finger inside you.
The new stimulation makes you cry out in pleasure and he is so turned on by your sounds, he thinks he might bust in his swimming suit just with that.
"Love this pussy,"
He says, voice deep and steady.
"Can't wait to fuck you just right,"
And just like that, the built up tension in your belly snaps and a strong orgasm washes over you.
His hands, his words, the picture of his pretty cock slamming into your pussy, sends you over the edge. 
You let out a moan that sounds like his name and your hands move from your tits to brush his hair. 
You're still trembling from your orgasm when you open your eyes, not sure when you closed them and all you see is your boyfriend, hair disheveled, sucking on his wet fingers like a lollipop. 
His dark gaze meets your dazed eyes and he smiles, way too innocently considering the lustful motions of his tongue.
"God," you blurt out,  trying to regain a stable breathing, "Why are you still wearing that?"
You point at his bottom half, moving a second later to help him freed himself from the useless piece of clothing.  
His dick springs free, hungry and leaking some precum.
You hum, licking your lips as if you were a starved woman, ready to devour her meal. 
When you grab the base of his thick member and move to lick it, Jungkook surprisingly blocks your hand gently.
You frown, looking up mid motion, puzzled.
"I won't be able to hold back much longer if you suck me,"
His voice is almost apologetic and you tenderly smile, finding his confession hot and endearing at the same time.
"Just a little?"
You put up your best pleading eyes, softly adding, "Please?"
Jungkook's eyes roll back as he bites his lip and a deep breath leaves through his nostrils.
You know he likes when you beg for it.
While you scream in pleasure or with big innocent eyes, he just loves when you ask nicely, like a good girl.
He can't resist you.
He could never resist those pretty eyes of yours.
He shifts in his place, allowing you to get on your knees before grabbing your chin, ever so gently.
"Be a good girl then and open wide."
You smile in content, doing just as he asked, opening your mouth as wide as you can and sticking out your tongue.
When you look up at him, Jungkook slowly puts his fingers inside your mouth, and your faint taste still lingers in them. 
You suck and lick on them for a second, then when he pulls them out, he smears your saliva along his sensitive dick. 
His breaths are heavy and when he slams it a couple of times on your tongue he groans.
That's when he loses it a little. 
He grabs your jaw, helping you tilt your head at the right angle, then pushes the tip inside. 
You do your best by swirling your tongue around the salty tip, closing your lips around it just enough for him to feel a little pressure.
By the time you pop your lips open, he pushes a little more in, enough to stuff your mouth.
You instinctively bob your head, trying to get more of him inside and when a moan escapes his throat, you know he will stop you soon.
You take the opportunity to tease him a little, grabbing at his butt and fondling the soft skin of it as he sloppily thrusts.
Jungkook's sounds are animalistic, his thrusts are steady but right before he pulls out completely, he gives one last thrust that almost hits the back of your throat.
You gasp for air as he gently pushes you back down on the beach towel.
He swiftly takes your bikini away, both the bottom and the top, and latches his plumb lips to one of your breasts.
The coldness of his piercing mixed with his hot breath is a nice contrast for your perked up nipples.
You hiss when he bites the sensitive nub, but he quickly eases the pain away by kissing and lapping at the abused skin.
A broken moan leaves your throat when he bites you again, this time on the delicate meat of your breast. It's softer than before, but you feel hyper responsive right now. 
"Can I come here?"
He whispers, leaving a trail of wet kisses all over your chest.
You giggle, feeling a little ticklish when his fingers travel down your sides.
"Why are you asking?" you pull him closer till his cock is leaning between your folds.
The contact sends shivers down to your core and you buck your hips almost automatically.
"You know I love it, Kook"
He just needed to hear you say that aloud, that's clear when pushes up a little, aligning the tip of his member with your entrance. 
"You love it, huh? Thought you loved it more inside you tho,"
He pushes in, inch by inch as he finishes his phrase.
You gasp at the sweet stretch, feeling breathless as he bottoms up.
"I love it down my throat too,"
That makes him go feral. 
It's all you're able to say before he props up on his elbow, one hand behind your shoulder, the other clasped around your hip to keep you there as he fucks you at a ruthless pace.
You're fucking on the floor, on a beach towel, shielded by a beach umbrella with Wario Ware long forgotten on the tv and some music shuffling from your phone, meanwhile outside it's pouring and thundering since this morning.
It might seem a messy situation, but everything feels at his place.. Nothing is missing here.
Every thrust elicits soft moans from you. He promptly kisses you, and as you make out you wrap your arms around him, trying to pull him closer and closer.
That allows him to jack hammer into you with measured force. 
The squelching sounds are filling the room, followed by his throaty moans and yours.
You're about to come once again, the pressure on your stomach well fed by the way his cock is hitting on the right spot inside you.
"Kook," you cry out, "I'm about to-"
"Me too baby," he pecks your lips before he adds, "Let me feel you come all over my cock,"
His hips slap against yours impossibly fast, just as fast as your orgasm approaches.
Your body stiffens and after a few seconds there it is, the sweet release, the white pleasure that washes over you.
You cry out his name repeatedly, till your cry subside to a moan and you feel his thrusts getting sloppier and erratic.
"Fuck, yes, I'm coming too,"
And he pulls out quickly, kneeling between your trembling legs before he pumps his fist around his drenched dick a few times before hot spurts of his cum lands on your body.
He moans shamelessly and you love when he gets all vocal, it turns you on even though you feel totally devastated right now.
He covers your breasts in sticky white and some of it lands on your chin too.
You don't mind, not when he looks so blissed and fucked out.
When he empties his load completely, he watches you, admiring his masterpiece and offering you a hand.
He chuckles breathlessly and pecks your lips as he pulls you up.
"Let's take a shower, shall we?"
You nod, not sure if you're able to speak right. 
You make sure to turn off the tv and the music on your phone before you head straight to the bathroom.
Jungkook offers to wash you up first and you let him do it.
It's obviously not the first time you shower together, but it doesn't happen that often either.
You wash up each other, giggling and chatting like he was not balls deep inside you just moments ago.
By the time you finish your shower and dry up, it's dinner time.
You enjoy your evening eating the food you thoroughly prepared beforehand right on the floor, because yes, Jungkook refused to put away the beach towels saying that "Our beach experience is not over yet". 
Even though you shake your head in defeat, you chuckle, amused by his determination.
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The evening went by in total relaxation, you're curled up on your boyfriend's side as another episode of Demon's Slayer flashes on the tv screen. The air is chilly right now and you feel the fatigue of the day get the better of you. 
"Wanna go to bed after this episode?"
He asks, noticing your breathing is getting heavier.
You fell asleep a couple of times for a few minutes, trying to keep track of what you're watching when you woke up, but it's kind of frustrating.
You hum in agreement, stretching your back a little.
When the episode comes to its end, Jungkook stands up from the ground and leaves the living room. You walk up to the window, curious to see the state of the world outside.
Perhaps you hoped to see a clear sky, but unfortunately you were disappointed.
It's still raining, though it's not pouring like this afternoon. Droplets of water are slamming on the glass in a soft lullaby.
It's soothing somehow and you take a moment to take in the different effect the rainy weather has on you right now, compared to this morning.
Strong arms circle your waist and a soft peck on your head draws your attention away from the window. 
"There's another surprise for you,"
He whispers right in your ear before you turn around to look into his eyes.
Your arms find their place around his neck and you look at him, intrigued.
"Another one?"
He grins at your curiosity, pulling you towards the bedroom just a moment later.
When you enter the room, you're welcomed by his favorite galaxy lamp while it projects purple and blue hue up on the roof. 
Small green dots serve as little stars, scattered all around as they are slow dancing and a camping tent about the size of the bed is placed on top of it.
You're shocked, unable to speak as emotions get stuck in your throat, you inspect the room with teary eyes, touched by all his effort to make this weekend just perfect.
"Do you like it?"
He tentatively asks, watching your reaction by the frame of the door.
When you turn around you quickly reach out to him, hugging him so tight you think you might break his spine.
You softly sob on his chest as he returns the hug, kissing the top of your head affectionately and when you finally look up at him with a wide smile, Jungkook breaks in the softest laugh you have ever heard from him.
"It's perfect," you state, "You are perfect,"
Jungkook's gaze fills with all the love he has for you, a gaze that doesn't need words and after he dried away your salty tears, you kiss him passionately. 
Nothing could ever compare to this moment, to this little piece of heaven he created for just the two of you, under a starry sky that belongs to you and him and no one else.
You poured all your love on every inch of his body, tasted his soft skin and marked it as yours.
He did the same to you, making sure your body was worshiped as it deserves.
That night, you made love like nothing existed outside of your camping tent, it was only you and him, becoming one as your soft moans mingled in the room.
It was gentle, like the time was no longer flowing until slowly but surely, you reached your high together, hugging each other as he came inside you.
You felt full of him, in every sense possible as he softly kissed your forehead and you whispered the sweetest I love you in the air.
You cuddled to sleep, refusing to leave your tent to go wash up and when the morning after you woke up between your boyfriend's arms, you knew another beautiful day on a sandless beach awaited.
Another day with the love of your life, in your little perfect world.
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543 notes · View notes
tetsumie · 2 months
Love your writings so so much!!! Pretty please can i ask for angsty to fluff sunarin to heal my broken heart
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pairing: suna rintaro x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
content: suna's been playing the argument the both of you had on repeat in his head and he decides it's time that he proves to you that he wants to make this work
a/n: hi bby <3 ofc i can write angsty/fluffy sunarin i hope u like it and this could meet your expectations! i hope that this helps mend your broken heart love u always and if you ever need anything i'm always here to talk <3
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suna is staring at the ceiling in his apartment.
his vision shifts towards the bright red numbers "3:07" glaring at him menacingly.
he shifts his body to turn away from the clock as he coddles a pillow next to him, holding it as if it's the most precious thing he has.
i destroyed the most precious thing in my life. the overthinking demons begin to plague his conscience.
he wonders what you're doing right now. he hopes that you're asleep but he knows you're probably cramming last minute for that midterm you have for your class tomorrow.
he sighs.
he opens his phone and presses your contact, thumb hovering over the call button.
he just wants to hear your voice. at least once.
ah, fuck it.
his finger presses the call button and it begins to ring. and ring. and ring. and ring. and ring.
he's beginning to lose hope as the ring continues to go on until he hears his favorite sound in the world.
"hello? rin?"
he clears his throat, realizing he's just been lying there, not speaking a word.
"hi baby."
"what's wrong? why are you up? don't you have pract-" you start questioning him.
"don't worry about it hun. it's all good," he sighs into the phone. "just wanted to hear your voice right now."
you hum in response.
the hurtful words he said to you a couple nights ago are playing on loop in his mind and he's unsure of what to say now.
"did you need something rin?" you begin. "you don't usually call me.. voluntarily."
he knows he doesn't. he's always been the nonchalant one in the relationship, always waiting for you to make the first move. you've always been the one to suggest going out or planning a night in. he became so used to you always being there. he never thought you wouldn't be there anymore.
you were never supposed to get out of the picture.
"i really miss you."
you're silent.
"i know you don't believe me but i really miss you."
suna knows you're having a tough time believing him. every time you would try to bring up how you wish he'd put in just a bit more effort, he always brushed it off. but when you had brought up again for the nth time a couple days ago, asking if he could at least plan something for just the two of you, he gave out on you.
"i don't have the time for this shit. i have a professional career i'm working towards and i don't have the extra time to get distracted."
he remembers the words like they were written on the back of his hand. god, he can't forget the way your beautiful features etched into a look of pure heartbreak.
god, he can't that look out of his head.
but the worst thing plaguing his mind was your response.
"rin, i just want you to act like you at least care about me. i feel like you don't care about us anymore."
god, if he could express into words how much he deeply cares for you, your relationship, and everything that has to do with you. he wants you wholeheartedly but he can't seem to express that properly.
"right," your voice is curt. sharp. it cuts like a blade into him.
he gulps.
you're hurting and he can feel it from miles away.
and the silent treatment that you've been giving one another has not been helping to heal that pain ever since that horrid dispute.
"i realized how shitty of a boyfriend i've been to you."
you're silent, waiting for him to continue.
"you wanted me to reciprocate the time and effort you put into making this relationship work and i didn't do that. it was the least i could have done; you're right."
"rin i-" he interrupts you.
he's sitting up now in his bed, staring out the window of his bedroom.
"no, wait please let me finish."
you're silent and he takes it as his cue.
"the fact that you felt like i never cared about you — about us — this entire time truly shows how much of a shitty person i've been to you and to our relationship. i'm supposed to be the one there for you yet i never was. your absence in my life for the past couple days has affected me in ways that i don't even know could be possible"
he continues although he hears what could've been a sniffle.
"i don't know how else to put it into words but i miss you so bad, y/n. you don't have to forgive me — i wouldn't blame you — but i just want you to know that if you don't want to do this anymore with me, i understand. i'll love you no matter what your decision is."
"you love me?" your voice comes to life on the other end of the line completely caught off guard.
oh my god.
he smiles to himself as he stares at the vast dark room in front of him. "yes i love you. i always have."
"from the moment you walked into the sports psychology lecture late to the time you spilled coffee all over my brand new jersey to the time you had your sickly chicken pox. i've loved you ever since and i won't let you go."
you're silently digesting the information that he threw at you all in one sitting.
it's dead silent and suna is nervous. he wants to know what you're thinking, how you look like right now, how you're feeling.
he really wants to see you right now. to be there with you right now.
the overthinking demons begin to make their entrance in his mind as he begins to speak. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done this over the phone. i should've done this in person. i'm just too nervous to even say a word because what i want to say gets lost and then-"
"rin," you stop him before he can continue his ramble.
"i love you too."
oh my god.
his heart is beating out of his chest and he's stuck. his mouth is slightly agape, stunned by your confession. after everything he's done with you, you still love him?
"are you sure?" he asks to confirm.
"why are you literally trying to deny my confession to you right now?" you give a watery chuckle which he can instantly hear through.
"i don't deserve you," he states and he feels his eyes water a little bit.
"yeah you don't," you laugh in hopes of lightening the mood but the laugh dies down in your throat.
a comfortable silence holds between the two of you.
"i'm sorry for keeping you up so late. please get some rest-" he begins but is this time interrupted by you.
"can you come over?" your small voice interrupts. "obviously if it's not a bother... i just want to, um, see you right now. if that's okay."
his heart beats faster.
"are you sure?"
"yes please," you sound so frail. "please come over rin. i really need you right now."
"i'm there, baby."
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© tetsumie 2024 all rights reserved
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520 notes · View notes
kurogane2512 · 10 months
So like I got this idea one time when I was reading a text my friend sent me along with the picture, seeing the picture I instantly thought of requesting it to you
Like can you do a NSFW for your favorite characters in PTN, GI and HSR to see reader walking around their shared room in their undergarments only and suddenly gotten the idea of doing something naughty
I'm like down bad at the moment cause of that stupid picture from my friend of her infront of the mirror inside my apartment in her underwear while I was at work
Also love your stories here and in Wattpad always will be your supporter💜
Anon I need to know this friend of yours for.... research purposes /j This got me blushing so hard cause- AIJFHEIFWBC
Also sorry I couldn't do HSR I was not getting good ideas for them :(
Game: Genshin Impact, Path to Nowhere
Characters: Ningguang, La Signora, Lisa, Cabernet, Chameleon x fem!reader
Type: Fluff + smut drabble
Lisa Minci
Oh, she's so sly and sneaky. She's going to look you up and down then her eyes will darken ever so slightly, only she knows how much she wants to devour you right then and there. She wants to pleasure you so passionately by slipping her hand in your underwear until you can't walk for her.
The warm rays of the pleasant early morning sun illuminated Lisa's eyes through her bedroom windows, she stretched her body before sitting up and finding you weren't on the bed beside her but she knew where you would be. Sheepishly, she yawned then stood up to walk out of the room and as expected, found you in the kitchen. However, today your form looked slightly different. For some reason, you didn't put on any clothes besides your underwear and bra and just casually stood in front of the counter boiling some water.
Lisa was rather lazy in the mornings and took things slow, but today she was suddenly replenished of all energy as she gazed at you and her eyes trailed up and down your curves. It's not that she had never seen you this way; after all, she did quite a lot of things with your naked form last night. But something awakened in her seeing you stand this way in her kitchen; she couldn't hold back for long.
"Mmm, cutie, what are you doing?~" Lisa purred as she silently sneaked behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist, catching you by surprise.
"O-Oh, Lisa! Good morning. I was just making some coffee, do you want your tea right now or later?"
"Hmm...." Lisa hummed against your ear before cuddling into your neck and breathing in deeply, "What are you wearing?~"
"Huh? M-My underwear....? Is something wrong?"
Lisa grinned then gently bit your earlobe as her hand sneaked down your abdomen and slipped inside your underwear, her fingers brushing your clit. You arched into her with a small gasp and she only pressed closer, making your body bend over the counter.
"Trying to tempt me so early in the morning? When did my cutie become so naughty?~"
"N-No, I wasn't...Mhm!~"
"Shh~ Don't worry, darling. I'll give you what you want~"
You truly didn't mean to do this but who were you to deny her when she already had you wrapped around her finger- more like bent over the counter this way. Lisa hugged you closely causing your ass to rub against her clit, she was also wearing just an underwear and a loose shirt. Her fingers slipped deeper and she was now rubbing your folds before gently pushing one finger inside while her thumb continued to rub circles on your clit.
"Mm, so wet already. I truly wonder if you didn't mean to do this, sweetheart~"
She started grinding your ass while her fingers plunged deeply in you, breathless moans leaving your mouth as you stabilized yourself on the counter and attempted to rub against her as well. She smirked more then began humping you, not forgetting to work her fingers inside. Her tongue lapped up your neck before she embraced you tightly, moaning softly in your ear as her orgasm approached.
"Come on, cum for me, cutie~ You are close, right? You'll cum with me, okay...ngh~"
"Y-Yes....haahn....I'm cumming....please more, Lisa~"
She chuckled and humped faster now as her clit rubbed just the right way on the fabric of your underwear, her fingers scissored at your sensitive spots then she bit your neck and you both finally released together. Her fingers drenched in your juices while she rubbed against you a bit more to ride out her orgasm. Maybe you wouldn't mind having your mornings this way more often.
Ningguang is caught off guard at first. Poor woman just returned home from a stressful day and here she sees you standing in front of the vanity in your underwear.... Are you trying to tempt her already? She automatically thinks you were waiting for her to come home and be ready for her this way. How disappointed she is to know you were simply in the middle of changing and she happened to walk in? But that doesn't mean she won't change that.
"Baishi, I'm turning in for the day. Have these documents on my table tomorrow morning." Ningguang informed her secretary late at night.
"Yes, Lady Ningguang, as you say. Have a good night."
"Thank you, you too. Do you know if Y/n has returned?"
"Yes, my lady. She came back a few minutes ago."
Ningguang nodded with a smile and walked towards her private chamber, letting out a sigh of exhaustion before she opened the door and met with an unexpected sight of you standing in front of the mirror in just your undergarments. She almost blushed but kept her composure and a smirk crept up on her face as she slowly stepped inside while locking the door behind her.
"What do we have here?~" her velvety voice spoke causing you to turn around in surprise.
"Ah, Ning! Is your work over now?"
"It is, and it seems.... I have quite a reward waiting for myself~" she walked closer to you and gripped your chin with her index finger and thumb, making you slightly confused and flustered at the same time.
"What.... do you mean? I-I didn't do anything...."
"Hm? Acting clueless, are we? I must admit I do rather like it when you act reluctant this way~" she leaned in near your neck and licked your collarbone while her hand snaked between your thighs to press on your clothed clit, a surprised gasp leaving your lips.
"Ahn~ Wait, I wasn't.... I was just changing clothes, mhm~"
Ningguang frowned and leaned away from you, "Is that so? Seems I had my hopes up for nothing~"
She removed her hand and proceeded to turn around to do her own business, you became surprised at her sudden retreat and admiteddly didn't like her stopping.
"N-No! Wait!" you lunged forward and embraced her from behind, trapping her in your arms and a grin appeared on her face behind your back.
"No, please continue...."
She turned around triumphantly and gripped your chin once again while rubbing your clit, "So needy.... and here I thought you were just changing clothes, my dear?~
"Mmm.... but I don't mind you undressing me more~"
Ningguang chuckled and slid her hand inside your underwear while connecting her lips with yours in a passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around her and proceeded to slide down her dress as well, leaving you both in a near-naked state while her fingers worked inside you, rubbing fast at your sensitive spots and making you come undone right on spot.
La Signora
As your superior, she came to pick you up after your training to go home together. She was sure she didn't see you go out but then she finally spotted you coming out of the shower rooms wearing your bra and underwear. Her eye squinted and she had already undressed you in her mind and the urge to mark your skin in red was unreal. Perhaps it was time to undress you for real as well.
Signora noted the time to be 6pm and decided it was time to head home. She made her way over the changing rooms of her designated training arena and found the place to be empty. Strange, she didn't see you walk out with others earlier so where did you go? But her question was answered right away when she saw you step out of a shower booth wearing just your bra and underwear and walk over to your locker when your eyes met hers.
"Ah, Rosa! When did you come...?" you blushed and instinctively hid your body causing her to smirk and walk up to you.
"Don't you realize how late it is? You made your superior come all the way for you, I think a punishment is in order~"
Your eyes widened and before you knew it, you were pinned on the locker behind you while Signora's hands roamed all over your body, groping your curves before settling on the waistband of your panties.
"So, how are you going to make it up to me?~" her index finger circled around the waistband while her other hand was grasping your jaw tightly to make you look at her and not avert your gaze. You felt her pull on the waistband then release all of a sudden, a 'snap' sound resounding in the empty room from the fabric slapping on your skin. You hissed and she only smirked wider, positioning her knee between your thighs and rubbing your core.
"Come on, speak up. If you don't say then I'll choose on my own and you won't have the right to complain then~"
"Mmm.... anything."
"Oh? Interesting. Hmm...." she hummed and trailed her gaze from head-to-toe then nuzzled near your neck and whispered in a seductive tone, "....You know, you seem rather clean to be called my top subordinate. I should stain you a bit to show how I don't hold back~"
You felt her tongue lap up your neck before she dived in to suck your skin, her lips wrapped on your neck with her teeth grazing it as she sucked and made bright red marks all over. Simultaneously, the hand near your panties had long slipped in and was fingering your clit while her knee grinded against your core. Your head threw back from the overwhelming sensations you felt from various places, she truly didn't hold back
Seeing your clear skin earlier made her hungry, she couldn't tolerate seeing you that way. She decided to mark you up everywhere with her signature red lipstick. Within moments, there were red lipstick marks and bite marks made all over your chest then continued down your belly and now your thighs. You shivered as she sucked on your inner thighs while thrusting her finger in and out of you. You knew she's going to make you weak in the knees right here.
It should be obvious that she'd want to devour you right away. Her hunger for you is insatiable and when you voluntarily undress in front of her? Oh, how do you expect her to hold back. Just because she has promised not to eat your soul until you give it, it doesn't mean she's not going to eat you up in other ways~
You were currently seated in the lavish mansion of the Franc family as invited by their heiress, Cabernet Franc, for a dinner. You weren't sure what to expect in your meal since you were aware of Cabernet's condition but fortunately, there was actual food and nothing fishy. Everything was made by Cabernet's best chefs whom she personally approved of, and the dishes were mostly your favorites because of course, she found out what you liked.
"Is the food to your liking, Chief? It's made by our head chef." Cabernet mused from across the table while holding up her wine glass and taking a leisurely sip, you nodded with a smile and thanked her for inviting you then continued eating.
"Hehe~ No need to be conscious, Chief. I'm not going to feed you my delicacies~"
"Of course, I know you wouldn't...."
You gave her a nervous smile then proceeded to pick up your wine glass and take a sip but accidentally dropped it from your hand due to the hasty movement. The glass shattered on the floor with most of the wine spilling on your shirt while the rest spread on the floor.
"Ah! I-I'm sorry! I—"
"Calm down, Chief. Let me help you."
Cabernet calmly stood up and came to your side and at the same time her butler came out with a maid to clean the spilled mess while she took you to her room to change your clothes.
"I have some plain shirts in my cupboard, I'll fetch it for you, Chief."
You agreed and Cabernet turned around to open her cupboard and search for a simple white shirt while you unbuttoned the stained one and waited for her. She finally found a shirt close to your size and turned to face you when her eyes widened in surprise looking at your half naked form. A faint smell of wine surrounded your body and she couldn't take her eyes off you, intently gazing at your lean form as she swallowed thickly. How irresistible.
"Uh, Cabernet?" you called out to her and she snapped out of her trance before smirking and walking closer. You brought your hand forward to take the shirt from her but she instead threw it away and suddenly brought you close to herself by pulling the waistband of your pants. Her face almost nuzzled in your neck and you could feel her hot breath against your skin breathing deeply as if taking your scent in.
"You smell really intoxicating, Chief. I just noticed there's some wine on your pants as well so.... let's get rid of them as well, shall we?~"
Before you could reply, she hastily unbuckled your belt followed by unbuttoning and pulling down your pants. You blushed furiously but were well aware of where this was going, you kicked away the pants from your feet and she wasted no time no push down on the bed and straddle your lap.
"Ahhh, Chief~ Everytime.... you have no idea how much you tempt me. It's not just your soul that's delicious.... your body, each and every part of you is delectable!~"
Cabernet was in a lustful trance, her face bright red as she hovered above you. She shifted down while licking the skin on your chest and trailing down your belly, gently sucking on your abs then reaching between your legs. She then pushed your underwear aside to give a gentle lick to your clit, your head shooting back in ecstasy.
Oh, how she loved that reaction.
She was already eating you out now, her tongue hungrily lapped up your folds before she pushed it in and sucked on your walls while lapping up your insides.
"Mmmm, hmmgh!~" she moaned into you as she slurped up your delicious juices, her thumb playing with your clit simultaneously. Your body arched up in bliss, she was too good at this. She knew your weak spots so well, she knew how to draw out your juices so well and she was going to not leave a single drop.
She wants to tie you up and watch you squirm then and there. No questions asked. I very much believe she's into tying you up whenever she gets the chance and she makes the most of it. And what's better than you automatically undressing in front of her? It's practically an invitation for her to do as she pleases~
You had a bad day at work, unnecessary meetings and arguments with people on top of hearing the complaints of clients. You were stressed out and just wanted to go home and forget about it all. You opened the door to your room to find your girlfriend, Chameleon, already settled on the bed and reading a book.
"Ah, welcome back, darling. How was your day?~" She asked with a gentle smile and sat up on the bed, focusing all her attention on you. You sighed and proceeded to remove your coat followed by your shoes and socks then throwing away your tie while continuing to pace back n forth and tell her what all had happened.
She had already sensed from the door that you were stressed out more then usual today, and she was more than happy to lend you an ear and ease your pain. She silently watched you go around the room while undressing, sliding down your pants in one corner then throwing away the shirt in another until you were in just your underagrments and were taking out clothes from your cupboard.
"Seriously, you tell me, how was I wrong in this?! It was ridiculous I swear!"
You ranted your last bit of stress and turned around to face her but she was suddenly right up behind you. You didn't realize when she walked up and stood there, you were so busy in ranting by yourself and your thoughts. Soon after, you noticed she also had your tie in her hands and you subconsciously swallowed in your throat.
"Shhh~" she put her finger on your lips and shushed you, stopping you from anymore then proceeded to blindfold you with the tie and wrap her arms around your neck.
"I know you are stressed out, my darling. Let me help you relax, you know you can trust me on this. Besides...." her palm slid down your chest as if she was feeling your skin and abs, "....You have already made all preparations. Now, just follow my lead~"
In the next few moments, you were pushed down on the bed with your hands tied to the headboards and your eyes blinded. You had no idea what Chameleon was going to do, she was unpredictable every time. You felt the bed sink around you as she climbed up and you felt her straddle your lap then run her hands on your bare stomach.
"Mmm.... look how tense your muscles are. It seems you had a really bad day. But you know I'm the best when it comes to helping people relax, isn't that right?~"
"Hehe, good girl~"
She shifted down slightly and pushed your legs apart to place herself between them and you suddenly felt something poke your clit. Oh, she was going to do this. You were excited now, and Chameleon knew that very well. She had control over your feelings too well. She rubbed the strap against your clit a few times before gently pushing in then bottoming out in a single thrust.
You arched up with a gasp feeling her penetrate you, but there was no pain and only pleasure. She was doing it intentionally, she had blocked your pain receptors so you would only feel uphoric in this moment. Within no time, she was rapidly thrusting in and out of you with her cock and watched you writhe beneath herself. How much she loved doing this.
She didn't have to do too much work, once she made you feel the pleasure for real, she simply mimiced the feeling in your mind and doubled it with her powers while she silently sat beside you and watched you squirm in pleasure. She was going to have so much fun with you all night today.
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diwatopia · 1 year
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★ cruel ; neteyam
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synopsis. as of recently, neteyam's been slipping away. attempting to get to the bottom of his negligence towards you, he spews harsh words that begin to form cracks within your relationship. will neteyam be able to fix this despite being the cause of your pain?
info. angst / no comfort, gn!na'vi!reader, 1135 words
warnings. arguing, yelling, outta pocket teyam (boo 🍅), one use of y/n, crying, grammatical errors, based off "queen elizabeth" fight scene :P
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neteyam has been distant.
physically, he's there, but mentally — he's lightyears away from you.
it hasn't always been like this though. during the beginning of your courtship, neteyam was nothing short of attentive and caring. he was everything you wanted in a lover but as of recently, he slowly began drifting away from you. at this point, he's been more of an acquaintance than a mate.
and if you were being honest, you couldn't help but find the situation slightly comical. your mind fills itself to the brim with memories of falling so deeply in love with one another, but now — now, he's just gone.
"you never have to hide from me," he told you.
his words were doused in honey, every single insecurity that plague your mind began melting away. he wanted to know the real you. not the village's tskarem, not the "golden child" title that the elders bestowed upon you.
he wanted to know you.
he wanted to drown himself in your scent, burn the feeling of your body next to his, he wanted to know the ins and outs of your soul.
"i am just neteyam when we are together. not the clan's future olo'ekytan, not the successor of my father. i am simple and plain neteyam."
the memory brings the smallest of smiles to your lips, yet it does nothing to ease the surge of loneliness that consumes you, your heart. it keeps you up at night, eyes wide open as you replay everything that had let up to this point of your relationship. you were beyond tired having to play this game with him, so you decided to bite the bullet and ask him.
"neteyam are you here — oh, kiri!" you speak out, sending her a sweet smile her way. she returns the gesture, "hi, y/n! he's near the shooting range." she states simply, going back to her weaving.
you thank her before scurrying away. luckily, he wasn't too far and you were able to catch up with him. your hands nervously tremble, wringing themselves out in hopes to stop the shakiness. your strides are slow, but with a few encouraging words, you will yourself to walk up to him.
as if on cue, he turns around and catches you staring. his eyes catch you off guard, sunflower-hued orbs swirling with something you can't seem to put your finger on.
"hey..." you say, tone unsure. the sunlight sparkles, flashing through tiny openings of leaves as they sway in the wind. the mossy floor quiets your footsteps as you get closer, standing next to him wordlessly.
he parrots your greeting before going back to his previous task. he draws his bow, eyeing the target that stares back at him. "have you been well?" you ask hopefully. he shrugs, muttering something about being busy and that he's fine. your lips purse at the lack of communication on his end.
"okay, stop. what is wrong with you?" you ask sternly. your eyebrows scrunch in displeasure, subtly creating space between you and him by taking a step sideways. he looks back at you, surprised at the sudden fierceness to your voice.
he sends you a quizzical look as if he genuinely had no clue what you were hinting at, "i do not know what you are talking about." he states it as if it were a fact.
you roll your eyes at his deflection, crossing your arms irritably. "do not play this game with me," you scoff, sounding like a parent scolding their child. neteyam's eyes downcast shamefully towards the bow in his hands, the seriousness of the situation beginning to crash down on him.
"look, i know you have been having a hard time with your duties, but 'teyam, i'm here for you. there is no need to run away from me, from us —"
"there is no 'us'," he cuts you off, not sparing you a single glance. "there is nothing here. you have absolutely no knowledge of what it takes, what is thrust upon me as the next olo'ekytan. i am forced to love you, a simple clans person who does not contribute a single thing to this village," he grunts out, nostrils flaring in irritation.
"yes, i have my duties but i will not be forced to go through yet another day where you think we are true lovers. so back off." his voice grows angrier with each word. his words resemble a whip, every word that tumbles past his lips begins to hit you again, and again, and again. his breath gets caught in his throat as his face flushes a darker plum color.
your jaw drops slightly, an instant gasp leaving your lips. the tiny noise knocks neteyam out of his defensive state and with every passing second, regret begins to consume him whole.
both of you stay silent for second, just staring at each other in search of how to respond, to no avail. he watches your face morph into one that is more closed off, walls building themselves high as you straighten out your posture before responding.
"my mistake," you swallow thickly, voice almost mocking him in a sense. "i apologize for thinking there was an us. i thought i was speaking to just neteyam, not the chief's son. forgive me for thinking otherwise." your tone is monotonous, gaze meeting his in an intense staring match.
his brows drop, eyes widening as his frown begins to grow deeper. "y/n..." he tries to take a step closer to you, in return you take a step back. you cut off his advances before they can even start. "i am truly sorry for the fact that our entire relationship was a mere inconvenience for you."
neteyam hisses as if you had slapped him across his face, and after everything he had just spilt, he wouldn't be surprised if you actually did so. but there you stand, the sparkle in your eyes dimming. his mouth open and closes, trying to muster up enough words to form a proper sentence. and to rub salt into his freshly cut wound, "was there anything else the chief's son needed to say to me or am i free to leave?" you ask calmly, eyes never leaving his.
his hands twitch nervously, biting the inside of his cheek as he contemplates his next move. "there's nothing else to say on this matter," he mutters.
you nod affirmatively before turning your back towards him. as you begin walking away, neteyam's hands instinctively reach for you, calling your name desperately as the space between you and him grows bigger.
he knew he had messed up, big time.
"that's enough, neteyam." your voice stern, pointing an accusatory finger his way. he continues to watch your retreating form, heart willing him to run after you, yet his brain forces his body to remain deathly still.
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⋆ ˚。 ୨୧ reblogs / feedback are highly appreciated. thank you!
★ diwa's notes. i always write fluff n shit so i decided to change that LOL there might b a pt 2, not sure tho :P
© ilupearls 2023.
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A few people have defended Chloe and Lila's writing by saying that teenagers being just as capable of heroism as adults means that they need to be just as capable of villainy as adults. I know that's not good logic, but I can't put my finger on WHY it's not good logic, can you weigh in on this?
I actually don't think it's bad logic at all. They're right. Teenagers are absolutely capable of being monsters. A teenage bully may not have the wide reaching impacts of a terrorist, but teenage bullies still do real and lasting harm that can shape victims for the rest of their lives.
This is why you have to be really careful when it comes to redeeming either of these characters (and also Sabrina since she's almost as bad as Chloe in my eyes). You cannot minimize the harm that they've caused by saying "well, they're just kids" or even by pointing out that Chloe and Sabrina were victims of abuse.
Fourteen-year-olds are more than old enough to know right from wrong. Yes, they're not full adults yet, but they're in the stage of life where they're learning how to be adults. That's why we call them young adults! People in this stage of life are very capable of understanding that their words and actions can hurt people. Heck, three-year-olds are capable of that! If you don't think that these teenage characters understood that bullying Marinette was hurting Marinette, then you're arguing that these characters have some sort of developmental disability or psychological disorder or something of that nature that is effecting their development in an extreme manner. If so, then that requires immediate serious intervention by professionals, but I don't think that anyone is making that argument for anyone save, maybe, Lila.
On the abuse side of things: being a victim is not a free pass to hurt innocents. Victims don't get a magic ticket that says, "you may now do one free abuse" every time that they're abused. By that logic, giving Audrey an abusive past would absolve her of everything that she did to Chloe. The same goes for Gabriel and Adrien, which is why this is such shitty logic. Nothing justifies Gabriel and Audrey's actions. What they did to their children was wrong.
The same logic applies to all characters and all types of abuse. Victim status doesn't prevent you from becoming an abuser. It's actually quite common for abuse to lead to more abuse which is part of why you can't grant exceptions on the basis of victim status. If you do that, then you eventually reach a point where no one is accountable because everyone has been abused and is therefore a blameless victim who can do no wrong. No one wants to live in a world like that.
There is of course, a lot of nuance to this topic and a lot of it is heavily situational. For example, I totally believe that certain exceptions have to made for extreme cases that I'm not going to give examples of to avoid triggering content, but you can probably think of some. However, we're not talking about extreme cases here. The characters that we're talking about are reasonably normal fourteen-year-olds. Young adults who have been allowed to be part of society and who know that what they're doing is wrong. And if they don't know that bullying and terrorism are wrong? Then we're back to the concern that something is deeply wrong with these characters and they need immediate serious intervention from trained professionals.
To be fair, Lila may end up being that kind of character, but Chloe and Sabrina certainly aren't. Since Chloe was the character mentioned in the original ask, we'll focus on her for the rest of this. While Chloe has absolutely been abused, she's not some isolated victim who has no idea how the world works. She's been allowed a reasonably normal childhood. This scene from Malediktator is actually pretty solid writing for a character like Chloe:
Ladybug: I'm fine with helping you, Chloé, but first… I need you to tell me what happened. Why is your father— I mean, Malediktator, so mad? Chloé: It's because of this super lame loser named Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's this horrible girl in my class and she hates me. (Ladybug looks angry, but then contains her feelings) She's ganged everyone up against me and she— Ladybug: Maybe this Marinette girl isn't entirely to blame? Chloé: Uh! Ugh. Okay, it wasn't totally Marinette's fault. She is really mean to me sometimes, but actually, this time, Daddy got angry all by himself. Ladybug:(not buying it) All by himself? Chloé: Yeah, because… there was something he couldn't do… Ladybug:(puts a hand on Chloé's shoulder) Chloé, it's me, Ladybug. You can trust me. You can tell me the truth. Chloé: I— I— Ladybug: Mm-hmm. Chloé: It— it was me. I hurt my daddy's feelings. Because I want to leave Paris, forever.
She knows right from wrong and she knows when she's hurting people. She just doesn't care most of the time because she's never had to face consequences for causing harm so why should she care? It's not like it effects her! This is why she only cares about the damage she causes when it effects her or the people she loves.
That's not a deeply messed up world view. A lot of people only have strong feelings about things effecting those they love. Chloe just needs to work on being more neutral to people outside her circle because that's how we make a happy functioning society. (This is a hint of that nuance I mentioned before. I'll give a few more hints as we go on, but we won't really be digging into it due to word count. Just know that I'm aware of it.)
Giving Chloe an abusive past didn't absolve her of her actions. It just gave us a potential reason for why she does what she does. This actually does make Chloe's abuse important! Once we know the reasons why her character is doing something, we can then understand her character and better guide her story. Understanding that she's a victim means that she can be helped because this isn't some inherent part of her. It's learned behavior and that means that she can unlearn it.
And now we get to circle back to the original ask and discuss why it's still valid to be mad about Chloe and Lila's treatment and why it IS bad even though it's not wrong to have "evil" teenagers.
The reason why Chloe and Lila's lack of redemption is concerning is because full grown adults who have done far worse things are being redeemed based on nothing while these two teenage girls are being treated as beyond hope. If Gabriel Agreste and André Bourgeois are allowed to have happy endings without doing anything to earn those happy endings, then why are Chloe and Lila being treated as devils? What message is this show trying to send to kids? That it's okay to be a terrorist as long as your reasons are good, but be a bully at 14 and you're doomed for life? That's total BS!
It's especially concerning because Chloe's bad treatment of her adult father is being used to justify his redemption while Audrey and Andre's terrible parenting is not being used to give Chloe a similar free pass. Writers, wtf are you doing? No one should be getting a free pass in this situation. They all need to take action to right their wrongs if they want to be redeemed. Andre shipping Chloe off to live with her mother is an adult man saying, "oops, raised that one wrong! We'll let's just pretend that never happened."
Don't get me wrong, Chloe's actions are still fully her own and she needs to own that, but crying, "Daddy" only held power because Andre did whatever Chloe told him to do. He held all the power and was happy to misuse it in order to make his daughter happy. That means that he holds blame here, too. He allowed his daughter to become a total brat by encouraging bratty behavior.
This was not a situation where Chloe was a danger to others for some reason. A situation where Andre was truly doing the best anyone could hope to do in order to keep his daughter placated so that she didn't physically hurt anyone. It was also not a situation where forces beyond Andre's control were effecting his daughter and shaping her personality while he was desperately trying to guide her down the right path. It was just plain old terrible parenting. He spoiled Chloe rotten, got the completely predictable end result, and then threw her out for a better version that someone else raised. What an uplifting message! (That was sarcasm.)
Chloe and Lila would have worked reasonably well in a story where all of the important characters were teens. A story where Lila was always the big bad, Gabriel was a minor character, and Chloe's parents never got any screen time.
That's not the story that the writers wrote, though, so the "teenagers can be evil" defense falls flat because if domestic terrorists aren't evil and child abusers aren't evil, but bratty teenage girls are, then what are we even doing here? This is extra true because the people this show is aimed at are not adult men. They're little girls who may very well relate to Chloe and Lila.
There's also the issue of Chloe being dammed while other teen characters were given a free pass for no real reason. Felix, Sabrina, and Kim have all done equally bad or even worse things. Felix is especially uncomfortable because he's basically a male Chloe who did all of the same actions - and often did them better - yet he doesn't have to give so much as a simple apology for what he's done. He's just good now because Kagami needs a boyfriend.
Chloe outed herself in public while emotionally compromised? So did Felix and he had weeks to plan before hand, too! Chloe did it in a totally reactive manner without any real plan.
Chloe used the miraculous that Gabriel stole? Felix stole the miraculous himself and gave them to Gabriel!
Chloe bulled Marinette? Felix bullied Adrien!
Felix even did some of the same things as Lila! He tried to ruin Adrien's friendships via manipulation and deceit in his first appearance. He knew Gabriel's secret and used it to his own advantage instead of telling the heroes. He used a major terrorist attack as an excuse to further his own goals. The list goes on! So why is he being welcomed onto the team with open arms? And why is no one telling Kagami just how dangerous her new boyfriend is? She wasn't there for most of this so she has no idea who she's dating.
And this isn't even touching the mess that was Derision's terribly delivered message about owning your actions and not blaming others for your bad behavior. That episode makes everything about Chloe's treatment look even more hypocritical.
In summary, the issue is not that teenagers can't be bad guys, they absolutely can! The issue is how all of the other bad guys and bullies are being treated compared to these two and how inconsistent the rules are. Of course, we haven't seen all of Lila's story, so who knows what the end game is for her. Maybe she'll also be trying to restore a dead wife and so she'll get a free pass, too.
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awarnin · 1 month
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synopsis: you can't get over your ex...
warning: light sex (without penetration), you are with another man, angst, verbal discussion.
author's note: this is my first time writing a one shot, please be kind! constructive criticism is welcome.
wordcount: 4.5k
He was a complete idiot, and that was all you could think about as you sat there, time slowly dragging on. You'd been stuck in meaningless conversation for two hours, listening to this man talk endlessly about his life, his job, and every now and then, field hockey. My God, what tedium.
You remembered the words of Dominic, who had fervently warned you not to try to change him into a generic white guy. "That won't go over well," he had said. But the fury with which you left him a few nights ago had clouded your judgment, making his words easily ignored.
"Enough. I can't take this anymore," you said, your voice trembling with a mixture of frustration and determination. You shoved your things into your bag with a determined move. "I've tried everything with you. I've put up with too much bullshit from you, Dominic. No more."
He stood there, leaning against the door with a look of disdain that turned you on even more. "Are you seriously going to get like this? It's no big deal." His eyes rolled with indifference, a gesture that hurt you deeply.
"It's not a big deal!?!?" You exclaimed, throwing your purse onto the couch and feeling as if a spark had lit a fire inside you. "You know how much I dislike that bitch, and you don't care at all." You stepped closer, cornering him against the wall as your finger pointed at him, trembling and accusing.
"I didn't let anything happen," he protested, running his hands through his freshly cut hair with a gesture of exasperation.
"Agghh!" You turned away, desperately looking for a way to make him understand. "It's not that. It's not that," you repeated, emotion cracking your voice. "It's about listening to me, about appreciating what I feel," you said, pointing to your heart as you tried to hold back the tears that threatened to overflow.
You loved him, but being with him was impossible and exhausting, you would never win. The night ended with a resounding slam of the door as you walked away from his apartment, his words of warning about how much you would regret your decision echoing in your ears.
Now you were here, in an ill-fated attempt to find something to distract you. "Do you want to go to my place?" you offered with a smile that hid a sea of emotions. You needed a breather, a break from those thoughts that plagued you, to prove to yourself that Dominic was wrong and that you didn't need him.
Your companion agreed and you got into his car. The conversation flowed superficially, about his life and his vacation in Mexico, but really, you didn't care. He was just a distraction, a desperate attempt not to prove Dominic right.
You poured wine for two and sat next to him, trying to focus your thoughts on the present moment. You clinked glasses and for a brief moment, you smiled. However, your treacherous thoughts returned to Dominic, imagining it was you sitting next to him, imagining his legs brushing against yours, desiring his lips on yours....
You kissed him, trying to erase that thought, to expel it from your mind with that impulsive action. He seemed surprised, but did not resist. Now you were on top of this man, desperately taking off your clothes, longing to feel something, anything, that would anchor you to reality and allow you to forget. But it wasn't happening. Instead, you felt empty and longing. This wasn't right. This didn't feel right.
"Please leave," you said, abruptly withdrawing from him.
"What?" he asked, puzzled.
"Please, this wasn't right. Go away," you repeated, covering your face with your hands, overwhelmed with shame and disappointment.
He gathered his things and left, leaving you there, half-naked and with a sadness that seemed to envelop everything. You were disappointed in yourself, and in the end, Dominic was right; you needed him more than you wanted to admit. You hated that.
You looked at your phone, leaning against the wall, undecided whether calling was the right choice. Maybe he already had someone else, maybe he didn't miss you, or maybe he had been waiting for your call all this time.
You made a decision and called. Each ringing tone increased your anxiety, as you nervously nibbled your fingernail. Finally, he answered.
"Hello?" he said in a sly tone you knew all too well, imagining the smirk that surely graced his face.
"Stop playing" you said, unable to keep a small chuckle from escaping your lips when he laughed. "Do you want to come?" you asked, your voice serious, but your heart pounding with hope.
"Do you want me to come?" he replied, his voice deeper, laden with a tinge of complicity.
"Yes, please," you admitted, letting vulnerability seep into your words.
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snowywolf1005 · 3 months
Dude I was sleeping and I thought…can you make a scenario or HC about Timekeeper cookie!reader being best friends with Uta…and Koby *whispers* ‘make them yandere..’ and you can put a bonus about your favorite character in one piece:D (and also make them Yandere..)
Just letting you know I’m going to draw some WednesdayAdams! Reader X Yandere Vinsmoke family in the weekend because school is on my 🍑 rn😭 (a little gift for you🤍❤️)
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I could try! Let hope it works!
Uta was best friend when you were kids, even luffy. You draw a logo for her if she becomes a best singer, people say you and uta were like sisters together.
But you two are more like sisters. But it wasn't until you heard about her staying elegia when the red pirate came and you didn't see uta. You thought they were lying to you and luffy, but no, something really happened to her.
You were so sad, even luffy, but you two have to move on. Oh! You ate a devil fruit it called the time-time fruit. It allows you to bend the time-space continuum and blink forward 2 times.
You have the ability to be called reverse technique.It primarily aims at manipulating cursed energy into a positive force, which can, in turn, help the wielder heal human bodies.
So you can heal yourself or your friends. You get along with koby, you guys talk, and koby has deeply, really in love with you. You and the strawhat goes to uta concert.
Then you and luffy meet uta, you guys on cloud nine. "Uta!" You hug uta "(Y/N)! I missed you so much!" She said, hugging you back.
Everything was fun, you, luffy and uta talk. Uta and luffy have a challenge. You decide to record, who won? Well, it was uta, you thought everything was fun until uta went nut after she attacked you and luffy.
You have no idea what was up to her, luffy was tied up, and your friends were all trapped from uta spells, and you also tied up as well. "Uta! What is the meaning of this!? I thought we're friends!" You yelled.
She looks at you and smiles, "Oh, (Y/N). You will always be the scary cat, " she said. "In fact, how about you stop joining luffy and join me! Then I'll let your friends go!" Said uta.
You were so surprised hearing about this. "No!" You yelled, luffy and Strawhat were light blulb moment, even uta. "I won't join you! Not until we talk about this!" Uta, look at you. She can't believe you didn't expect her to join her world.
Then uta turn you into a small plush cookie!:
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Koby saw this and wanted to save you, but he can't "(Y/N)!" Luffy screamed, then uta grab tiny you. "Uta! Let her go!" Luffy commend.
Fast forward!!!! (Sorry... I don't want to write more. It'll hurt my fingers)
Uta attacked the celestial dragon. Koby arrived, "uta stop! Helping people, this is still wrong!" He said you're surprised to see koby.
"Another marine, huh? Here to save the celestial dragon?" Uta ask, holding on to tiny you. "I'm here to save lives. And it doesn't matter who's! You don't have the right to take those people's souls. You have to bring them back to reality." Said koby.
Everyone started to get confused. Koby explained that everyone it a trap, but uta says she did this because she wanted everyone to be happy and free.
And now everyone started hating uta now. Then you manage to escape. "(Y/N)! Come back here right now!" She said, you look her, koby try to take your hand.
"Why? After all you lie to us, I can't even know if you're my friend!" You yelled, now uta really pissed off. But all of a sudden, the whole water is filling up, turning everyone into some items.
Koby, grab your waist and pull you with him and blueno. "Give (Y/N) back to me!!" Uta scream, but blueno already closed the door.
ASK ME!!!!
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Can I request a shinichiro x reader. Where he ask you to sit on his face for the first time which ends up going wrong and a trip to the hospital. Everyone is worried they’re wondering why he’s at the hospital 😭 while shinichiro is all happy with a neck brace not caring about his injury.
Earmuffs: Shinichiro Sano x Fem!Reader
wc: 602
tw: smut
"Just put it down on me, baby." Shin holds his hands out to you and makes a grabby motion, his face flushed red with excitement.
"Shin, I don't think we should..."
"Hey," he mutters, pouting. "I want you to suffocate me with those beautiful thighs of yours. 'Earmuffs', remember?" Your body heats up at the request, but Shinichiro just reaches out for you again.
"But what if you get hurt?"
"Then I will have suffered for a good cause." You sigh, then adjust yourself slightly, trying not to press down too hard on Shin's chest.
"You're just so fragile," you whisper, moving up his body. Shinichiro grunts, a throaty noise that makes you wet and excites you more than anything.
"I can handle your pretty pussy," he urges you, hands cupping your thighs as you lower on top of him. "Fuck, yeah..." When you're fully seated above his face, Shinichiro groans in pleasure and angles his chin higher. "Sit down on my face, y/n."
"But what if--"
"On my face. Not above it, not around it." Shin points down with his fingers. "I want your pussy in my mouth."
You lower down a little more, and Shin moans, "That's it..." so loudly you're unsure if you'll last long. But when his tongue connects with your clit, you're done for.
You grip the bed's headboard with shaking fingers, closing your eyes and letting his sucking mouth and flicking tongue take over and guide you towards your pleasure. He grunts and hums underneath you, easily slurping and eating you out like he'd been starving for ages. When Shinichiro moans your name, though, you find yourself rocking against his mouth, his nose bumping against your clit and delivering shocks of delight from your head to your toes.
You promptly forget all decorum and nearly black out, riding Shin's face for dear life. He moves his face up and down and side to side, seeming to relish in the fact that he's finally getting to do something he's always wanted to do. It's like Christmas for him down there.
Once you have your very first face-riding orgasm - and boy, was it perfect - you shift off Shin's face, noting he's stopped moving his head.
"You okay?" you wonder, taking the edge of your t-shirt and wiping his face.
"Uh..." he pauses, grimacing. "Think I might have gone a little too hard there."
"Huh?" You try to feel a sense of seriousness as you come down from your post-orgasm bliss, and your eyes sweep over Shin's body.
"Yeah... I can't move my neck from side to side, babe."
The hospital room you find yourself in is cold and stuffy, but that doesn't seem to bother Shinichiro one bit. He's lying in the bed with a soft neck brace on, but his face is full of happiness.
"How'd you get in here and in that?" Takeomi wonders, frowning deeply. "Shin, did you get whiplash?"
"Nah," Shin hums, smiling brightly. "Think I did some crazy shit. I'll be alright in a few days."
"That looks like more than 'some crazy shit,'" Waka pipes up, leaning on the wall and eyeing the neck brace with mild concern.
"You're not in pain?" Keizo wonders, but Shin just waves their concern away.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just need to take a break, and I'll be right back at it in no time. Right, y/n?" When you look over at him, he winks at you lasciviously, and you nod, trying to shake the nerves away with a quick chuckle.
"You'll be just fine."
"No time," Shinichiro whispers dreamily. "No time at all."
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cowgurrrl · 6 months
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author's Note: FINALLY
Summary: “God is fucking with my oblivion. If he wants forgiveness, he shouldn’t have given us memory.” — Fish in Exile by Vi Khi Nao [2.7k]
Warnings: canonical type violence, PTSD symptoms, implied past violence, probably incorrect wound care, vague mention of Joel's sobriety, maybe love is enough to keep us alive
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She's still shaking when you manage to get her to sit down long enough to look at the blood on her face and hands. Most of it isn't hers, but you can tell by the disengaged look in her eyes that she still paid for it. It isn't until you get some food and water in her that she seems more present, more there. You somehow convince Joel to wait for you in the living room instead of standing menacingly in the doorway with the shotgun still slung over his shoulder. Besides, he definitely popped his stitches and got a few more injuries for his troubles and should not be standing longer than necessary. 
"I'm gonna clean you up and then see what I can do about your bumps and bruises. Is that okay?" You ask as you pull out the first aid kit you managed to save from the flames. She just nods, and her fingers flex against the lip of the tub she's sitting on when you raise your hands. 
You explain every movement as you swipe the cold washcloth across her sensitive skin. She flinches if you move too fast or unexpectedly, her body jerking in the direction of the door. You have to shush her and drop everything when she does to show her your nonthreatening hands. As if seeing the empty space in your palms will ease the tension in her shoulders and erase the memories from her head. You breathe deeply, and she copies you until she relaxes enough for you to continue. It takes a long time to get a full inventory of her injuries. 
The notch on her nose isn't deep enough to need stitches, but you can tell it's shattered. From what you can immediately see, she has a broken nose, a concussion, and signs of smoke inhalation. Most of her injuries seem internal, too far away, and come with weeks of recovery time. The only ones you can treat outright are the burns and cuts on her hands and forearms. Even those you can only bandage and wait.  
"Is anything hurting that I can't see?" You ask gently, and she nods. "Where?"
"My…" her voice is crackly and seemingly too deep to be hers. She has to clear her throat to continue. "My ribs."
"Is it okay if I feel around to see if any are broken?" You ask, and she nods hesitantly. Carefully, you put your hands on her sides and apply some pressure every time you feel a set of ribs. She hisses when you press on the seventh and nearly jumps away when you move down to the eighth. "Hey, you're okay. I'm not trying to hurt you," you soothe. "It feels like you've got at least two that are broken, okay? They'll heal on their own, but it's gonna hurt like hell for a few weeks."
"Hurts like hell now." She mumbles.
"I know." You say, wishing there was more you could do. Little by little, she tells you everything that hurts, and you can tell her what's wrong— or, at least, what you're pretty sure is wrong. Without access to X-rays or real tests, everything is a best-guess diagnosis. "It looks like I've got some ibuprofen in here. That'll help with your pain for a while. It's completely safe." You say as you dig through the first aid kit and put two tablets in her hand. She hesitates, her eyes flicking to the door, hiding the two of you in the bathroom. 
"What about Joel?" She asks.
"There's more than enough in here for the both of you," you say and pass her a half-empty water bottle. "Please, just take them." It takes her looking at your supplies and ensuring you have enough to take them. She winces when she swallows but doesn't complain as you search for bandaids to cover her nose and burn cream for her fingers.
"Is he okay?" She asks so quietly you almost missed it. She's really asking if he's gonna die. If something is going to go wrong again and pull him into the bottomless pit of unconsciousness. If you're going to lose him. You screamed at her the last time she asked you that, and the memory makes you sick. She's staring at you like a dog waiting to be kicked when you nod. 
"He's gonna be fine. Might've ripped a stitch or two, but it's nothing we can't handle." You say, but she doesn't look comforted by your report. 
"Are you okay?" 
"I'm okay." It's easier than talking about the burns on your arm from trying to get in the building. Or the painful creaking in your hand that's surely the result of breaking bones across men's faces. Or the devastating flashbacks you fought through when Ellie tried to tell you what happened. 
"I'm sorry." She mumbles. You press your elbows to your knees and lean forward so she can't avoid you. 
"Look at me," you urge, not daring to say another word until she does. "I'm not mad at you. Joel is not mad at you. None of this is your fault," she tries to open her mouth to argue, but you raise your hand to stop her. "I was too hard on you when Joel got hurt. I expected too much of you, and that's not fair. I'm the adult. I should've been shouldering the brunt of it, not you. I'm sorry." She doesn't say anything, and you shift uncomfortably as you think. 
"Y'know, there was a long time when I didn't travel with Joel. It was just me. I was trying to get to Boston, and I tried to do everything right. I didn't get too close to QZs. I didn't light fires. I didn't trust anyone else because I…" you stumble. "I know what men do to women who are alone with no one protecting them." The confession settles in the space separating you. You don't need to say anything more, and she doesn't need to hear more. Your eyes sting, and you take a shaky breath to compose yourself. "Nobody can blame you for doing what you did, is what I'm trying to say, I guess."
"I… I didn't know what else to do," she whispers, tears shining in her eyes. "I was so scared. He got in my head. He wouldn't stop talking. I just..." she trails off and shakes her head. "He said I was like him."
"Sweet girl, you are nothing like him." You say, but her jaw flexes in protest, a stray tear rolling down her cheek.
"I'm violent. And angry."
"So am I," you say. "I'm angry every day, and I don't handle it well. You've seen it. Am I like him, too?" You ask, reaching out to wipe a tear away before it can fall down her chin. She freezes for just a second before leaning into you, letting you take the weight of her head in your hand. You tuck her into your chest while she's still pliant and rub her back as her cries turn more into anguished sobs. "I know. I know," you tell her over and over again because you do know. "You're nothing like him, honey. Not even close."
She cries and bangs her fists against your chest angrily and spits every curse she knows. She will never get to be the little girl she was when she left Boston. He took that from her, and she has to learn to live with that. You can handle a few more bruises if it means she feels better for even half a second. You let her do whatever she needs to do until she wears herself out and her tears slow. When she's done, you give her more water and food before scooping her in your arms and carrying her out to where Joel is waiting.
He looks up from where he's anxiously pacing, his right foot taking more of his weight than his left, and glances between you and Ellie. Quickly, he sets up a makeshift bed for her on the old couch equipped with a sleeping bag and blankets, balling up his jacket as a pillow. You lay her body down as softly as possible, mindful of her broken ribs, and she curls up the second she touches the familiar material. You sit on the couch with her, playing with her hair and rubbing her back until she falls asleep. She smells like smoke and sweat, but you don't care. Joel acts as a quiet sentinel by bouncing his eyes from you two to the room around you like someone could come in at any point with weapons and ill intent. 
Your fingers linger on the side of her neck, feeling her pulse against your skin as if to affirm that she's real and alive and here before you look at Joel. He looks as shaken as you feel. It was close. Closer than you've been in a long time, but she's alive. All three of you are, but at what cost? You swallow thickly and hesitantly stand from your perch next to Ellie, and Joel reaches for you, but you put a finger to your lips and gesture toward the bathroom. If she wakes up, she'll never go back to sleep, and she desperately needs rest after the past few weeks. He obediently follows you into the bathroom, and you leave the door cracked enough to see Ellie sleeping on the couch and for her to see you if she wakes up. You can keep both of them safe from here.
"Your turn, cowboy," you say as you put on a clean pair of gloves. He settles against the sink, sighing and shakily lifting his shirt to show you his stitches. About half of them held, and there's a slow flow of blood from the cut. Nothing to worry about. "You want anything for the pain?" You ask, and he shakes his head, jaw flexing. 
"No, no. It's fine. There's probably some adrenaline left or somethin'." He grumbles. 
"I'm sure that's how science works," you tease to lighten the mood as you gather the suturing supplies. He watches you with weary eyes like he's waiting for you to inject him with something else. You show him your gloved hands, containing only the needle and thread, and he takes a deep breath as he looks at you.
"I trust you," he says quietly. You think about pushing him to take something— anything— if it means he won't suffer, but you know it's a battle you'll lose like you always do. You might as well save time and just work. 
He's mostly quiet during the whole procedure, only letting out little huffs and grunts when you get to particularly sensitive areas. You mumble apologies and updates as you maneuver the needle as seamlessly as possible. Before, you didn't have the brain power to count his stitches and were, honestly, too scared to. There were too many factors against you, too much blood, too much fear. This time, you count all twenty-seven of them. He bleeds a little more, but it clots quickly and doesn't happen again once there's a neat line of real sutures across his stomach. You tape the bandage to his skin and pull his shirt back to cover it. He'll need a new one soon or, at least, a wash. 
Ellie's breathing is the only sound as you look for newer injuries. Bruises here and there and more broken or fractured bones in his already half-healed hand, but that's it. You stand from your place on the closed toilet lid to check his pupils for any signs of a concussion, but the second your face is close to his, he leans in just enough to kiss you. It's a welcome shock. 
When was the last time you kissed him? Jackson? Boston? In some distant time before Ellie? You never thought he'd open his eyes ever again, let alone be standing in front of you and kissing you. His lips are cracked but firm and familiar. His beard scratches your skin, but you can't be bothered to care. There are much worse things than the sting. His hands hold your face, and you want to fall into his chest, but you don't, conscious of his fresh stitches. Ellie mumbles something in her sleep, and you immediately break away from each other to stare at her through the crack in the door. She shifts but doesn't say anything else or show any signs of distress. When you look at each other again, his shoulders fall slightly. His hand lingers on your chin and turns your head a little to the left. "You've got a black eye." He murmurs, and you shrug.
"Yeah, David's guys got a few good hits in." You say. He looks over you, silently searching for something, and all you can do is watch him. He must seen how sullen and dead your eyes have become in the past few weeks. You've lost weight, so Ellie wouldn't. Your face is still dirty, and your hands are weak. You're not much to look at, and yet, he can't stop staring. 
When Joel suddenly found strength after hearing you yell after Ellie as men surrounded the house, you didn't necessarily have time for a warm reunion. You only had time to hide and wait for them to descend the stairs to the basement, where you could knock them around until they hit the ground. Even once the wheezing lungs returned to normal breathing and silence filled the house, you didn't talk about much more than getting Ellie back. 
Then, just like you did in the QZ, you did what you do best. You hurt people to get what you needed and killed them when you did. Joel screamed in their faces and demanded answers while you wiped blood from your hands and packed up your stuff. He finished them off brutally and without hesitation. It's the meticulous strategy and killing that reminds you of the Joel Tommy and Maria were so worried about. The one who didn't give two shits about his own life, let alone somebody else's. The one who was motivated by his pre-Outbreak work ethic to keep the monsters away, even if he became one in the process. The one who you met and worked with until the lines blurred. That Joel.
But in the dim light of the bathroom, with the smell of blood tinging the air, you can't find any traces of him. You only have the Joel you've come to discover on this journey, the Joel that was always hiding under the surface, the Joel you love. You take a deep breath and stare at him like if you look away, something will happen and try to kill him again. 
There's so much you need to talk about and plan for. You all need to recover and make up for lost time. You need to apologize and take care of them until it feels like it's enough to heal the pit of guilt eating away at you. You need to figure out what's next. But you can't find it in yourself to recount the events that happened while Joel was unconscious on the basement floor. Not yet. The only thought you keep circling back to is the exact one you've spent years pushing away and berating in hopes it would stop invading your psyche. Now, it feels unavoidable.
"I love you," you say. You're not quiet or hoping that he's deaf enough to miss it. You say it with everything that you are because no part of you has gone untouched by him. He kisses your forehead and pulls you into him.
"I know," he says simply. Years of tension and unspoken thoughts release from your shoulders, and you bury your face in his neck. "I love you." The syllables sound sweet as they break over his southern accent, and you want to wrap them around you for the rest of your life. You want to try to make a life where you can do that. You want him. You want a soft, happy life with Ellie and Joel where you don't have to morph into old forms to stay alive. 
You want a soft future, and if you have to bite and kill and scream to get it, then that's what you'll do. Nobody will ever take them away from you again.
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elsaellaelys · 1 year
You're not the one I love anymore
Let me show you how you don't need him - part 2
summary: John B. wants Y/N's attention all for him, but he's too late. Requested by @gillybear17.
pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader (who was in love with John B. in the past)
1.350 words
a/n: Thanks @gillybear17 for the request, it's not my best work, but I hope you enjoy. 😘
The sun is shining painfully on Y/N's skin as she sits on her surfboard, JJ is a bit far ahead in the sea, they are like that the past fifteen minutes, waiting for a good wave. One hour ago, when they come, the sea was alive, shoving salt water against the rocks, waves just the way Y/N liked, small but intense, she felt like slipping down a watery hill. Now, there's nothing and she's tired of waiting.
The memory of last evening flushed through her mind, she felt guilty for not telling her boyfriend about it, JJ looked at her winking, yanking a honest sweet smile from his girlfriend. She thought about when he asked her to be his.
Only the day before, they were laying in his bed in the Chateau, just after earning pleasure and love off of one another, JJ got up collecting his clothes out of the floor and getting dressed, she laid on her side, hand supporting her head, elbow sinking in the mattress. He had been acting like that since they started to hook up, some weeks ago, they cuddle, then he get up and start getting dressed like he's going to leave, but she always grab his hand, push him back to the bed and kiss him so gently that she feels he melt. This time, she didn't had to do that though, he noticed her staring, he was finished putting his boxers on, grabing his shirt and her panties, sitting in the edge of the bed and started to dress her. "You have problems with staring." he laughed.
"Am I that oblivious?" she joked.
"Just a little."
"Is that... I can't get enough of you." his shirt was setted above her bare chest, his eyes looked deeply inside hers, she hoped he could read her mind like she felf he could, cause she was not able to out it on words.
"I..." he mumbled, like he was trying to say the right thing, she didn't worried though, she saw in his eyes the feeling she had in hers. "I think I'm in love with you." he spilled nervously.
"Me too." she nodded.
"No, see, I've always been. I'm so glad you here right now, like this." he laughed.
"Yeah, I know. Me too, JJ, me too."
He fidged with the collar of her - his - shirt, fingertips brushing in her neck. "You should be mine, my girlfriend."
"You really want that?"
"More than everything."
"Than I'll be, there's nothing I want more too."
JJ smiled, kissing her softly, pulling back to see her opening to look at him again, batting her eyelashes and he felt hypnotized, giving her a wet kiss. "You better put this on." he said, lifting her beige lace panties with his finger. "Don't wanna start it all again, do you?"
"Maybe I do." she grabbed the underwear, but did nothing but round her arms behind his neck to give him a long deep kiss.
They were about to lay down again in another make up session, but John B. oppened the door suddenly, looking to his friends with furrowed eyebrows.
"Dude?" JJ complained.
"Fuck." John B. hissed tapping his eyes and turning around "I just wanted someone to go fishing with me."
"Do I look like I wanna fish?" JJ asked indignantly, Y/N shushed him. "We're going, JB."
Of course, John B. knew about them, they didn't had to say it, he found them snogging on the couch, but didn't said a thing, just looked at them like they had the most nastiest scar and he didn't wanted to talk about it. He had been acting weird since then, too quiet around Y/N, flipping JJ off everytime he tried to say something, everyone notice something was wrong, Y/N thought it was about Kiara, but even Kiara saw how bothered John B. looked when JJ kissed her on the cheek, putted his cap on her, told her how incredible she is, how she blushed and leaned in his touch.
Like always, John B. rolled his eyes when JJ came behind Y/N setting a fisherman bucket hat in her head. "Look how cute you are."
She giggled and John B. felt sick.
"I forgot the lures and my jacket." he said, going back inside.
"Bring the beers." JJ remembered him.
"I only have two hands."
"I'll bring it for you." Y/N said, following inside too.
She had to hold the beer bale with both arms, John stopped to look at her. "Didn't know you were his little house wife now."
"What?" she asked, struggling with the box, but he didn't mind helping.
"You're being so prestative to him."
" 'm just being nice." she shrugged, heading to the door.
"Yeah, he's the only one who deserve it."
She had to stop and turn to face him, even though the beers were heavy in her arms. "What?" she asked again, it was the only question in her mind.
"You're not being nice to me now, are you?" He spilled, storming out, not caring to hold or even close the door as he made his way straight to the dock.
JJ looked confused, but quickly forgot whatever may had happen when he saw the heavyweight in her arms, reaching to care it himself. "That's too heavy for a princess to care."
John B. was dead silence all the time, Y/N could see he regretted asking for company. JJ didn't knowledge, with a happy child behavior, so much, that made John yell at him. "Shut the fuck up, you're scaring the fishes away!" After that the vibe was even more heavy and boring, Y/N was boringly melting in the corner of the dock, JJ didn't wanted to fish anymore, sullen John B. was the same since they arrived.
"Gotta pee" JJ said, getting up and disappearing between the trees.
Y/N lifted the hat out of her eye vision, looking at the tensed figure of her friend. "What you meant with "you're not being nice to me now." ?" 
"You're not, are you?"
"Of course I'm nice to you. When have I mistreated you?"
"You haven't. Is just..." he hesitated "Lately you're all about JJ."
"You're jealous?"
He clenched his jaw. He remembered when she used to give him cheek kisses and blush, how she didn't know what to do with her hands when he hugged her, now, she knows what to do around JJ, she knows how to kiss him on the lips and smile proudly at anything he did just to show her, she knows how to fix his hair when it's wild, how to tie his bracelets, to stroke his skin and draw patterns on it with her fingertips. John B. saw it all, and he found him wishing he was in JJ's place.
"Why you're jealous? You didn't even..."
"It looks like you forgot about me." he cutted her.
"I got over you." she loudly said, suddenly afraid that JJ might hear something. He looked at her, angry and confused.
"Why you had to get over me?"
"Jesus! You're so self absorbed, you don't see people around you."
"You liked me?"
"Well, not anymore. So it doesn't matter. You're not the one I love anymore."
"We could have worked it out."
"No, you're too busy with the gold hunting."
"It is important to me!"
"I see." she got up, graving hers and JJ's stuff, seeing JJ coming back. "It's not all about you, JB, not all about you." she whispered.
"Let's go J."
Now she's even more upset, the sea just decided to not give them attention, and she is afraid John B.'s friendship will slip through her fingers. Pogues can't mack pogues for one reason. But there's nothing to do, he'll get over it, he never had feelings for her, anyway. And after all, it's not all about him.
JJ putted his hands under water swimming over to her. "Wanna go?" he asked, their surfboards banging a little. She nodded and they headed to the sand. JJ shoke his head sending everywhere the water out of his hair, Y/N laughed, suddenly feeling the urge to pull him by his neck and kiss him, and she did, his mouth tasting like the sea, he smiled liking her lip. "You really can't get enough of me, uh?"
"You know I can't."
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jaysbraindump · 2 months
Dead Boy Detectives characters as Sleeping At Last songs: a very long post
Edwin – Nine
Who am I to say what any of this means I have been sleepwalking Since I was fourteen Now as I write my song I retrace my steps Honestly, it’s easier To let myself forget Still, I check my vital signs Choked up, I realize I’ve been less than half myself For more than half my life
Wake up Fall in love again Wage war on gravity There’s so much worth fighting for you’ll see Another domino falls Either way It looks like empathy To understand all sides But I’m just trying to find myself Through someone else’s eyes So show me what to do To restart this heart of mine How do I forgive myself For losing so much time?
Charles – Eight
I wanna break these bones 'til they're better I wanna break them right and feel alive You were wrong, you were wrong, you were wrong My healing needed more than time When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things I see the familiar I was little, I was weak, I was perfect too Now I'm a broken mirror But I can't let you see all that I have to lose All I've lost in the fight to protect it I can't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford to let myself be blindsided I'm standing guard, I'm falling apart And all I want is to trust you Show me how to lay my sword down For long enough to let you through
Here I am, pry me open What do you wanna know? I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough to hold the door shut And bury my innocence But here's a map, here's a shovel Here's my Achilles' heel I'm all in, palms out, I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough To let you in
Crystal – Smell
Is this the part where the brain scan shows where memories reside? Some ambiguous shape in me, suddenly producing light Triggered like a trip wire every time I breathe it in Isn't it strange that a lilac tree is what unlocks where I've been? Like a time machine rebuilds the past My memories return Like remembering the ashes before they burn It is the friction that lights a match Desperate attempts that make it last So I hold my breath for as long as I can But before long, the wind swells in I started a fight I could never win But I will hold on as long as I can
Niko – Some Kind of Heaven
I'm having trouble sleeping Keep thinking my phone's ringing I wake in a panic, what's wrong now? Nervous system's acting up I'm worried it's forever messed up Now being awake feels unsafe Please, help me remember The voice of my mother Reminding me everything's okay
She deeply believed it
Just a little longer Everything will make sensе Broken things will be remadе But what about the meantime? How do I ignore the signs That one day, everything I love will fade?
Monty – Wave After Wave
Wave after wave, I'm more afraid It's been a hard year, it's been a high tide I can make it make sense, but my body decides I keep telling myself again and again It's been a hard year, healing takes time Routine test results, I'm probably fine I know better I know better But it doesn't really matter My body decides One part at a time I am the sail, the plank The mast that breaks and gets replaced I am remade, repaired, reshaped But somehow still the same Even after every cell in my body changed I know my name
Jenny – Homesick
You spend your whole life Just to remember the sound When the world was brighter Before we learned to dim it down Call it survival Call it the freedom of wills; Where breath is borrowed Our compass needle stands still Our resignation only comes on beaten paths
When the world was flat We dreamt of its edges… If love’s elastic, then were we born to test its reach? Is it buried treasure Or just a single puzzle piece
The Cat King – To Be Enchanted
I see longing in its eyes I can't quite put my finger on it There's just something about its face That makes me sad It's as much afraid as it's haunted I've never related more To anything or anyone before I can't explain it Politely, I asked, "Are you real?" It said, "Here, let me prove it" It placed its hand in my hand And neither one of us could feel it "Don't kill the messenger", it begged "You're alive, quit acting like you're dead" Like a mirror, it spoke so clear "Don't you recognize the reason why you're here?"
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edenesth · 1 year
Undying Bonds (Part 1)
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Pairing: Hongjoong x fem!reader, Seonghwa x fem!reader
AU: zombie apocalypse au
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: What could be worse than being separated from the love of your life in a zombie apocalypse? Hongjoong was forced to leave you behind with his friend, Seonghwa, as he ventures out alone to search for the rest of his missing group members. Will Hongjoong be successful in his solo mission to find his members? Will he be able to return to you unscathed? And what happens when you're stuck with his caring best friend, who is hopelessly in love with you, for too long?
Masterlist | Part 2
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"No, please, don't leave me here."
No right amount of words could be used to describe the immense emotions of fear and panic running through you as you clutched desperately onto your boyfriend's sleeve, refusing to let him go. The pain was evident in Hongjoong's eyes as he enclosed his hand over yours, gently prying your fingers off his shirt to cradle them against his chest instead.
"I know that you hate this and trust me when I tell you, I don't want this any more than you do either but as group leader, I must be the one to do this. I hope you can understand that, my love."
The defeated sob that escaped your lips at his words tore his heart to pieces.
Not wanting you to see the tears in his eyes roll down his cheeks, he pulled you tightly into his arms and hid his face in the crook of your neck, pressing his lips against your skin. Hongjoong could not bear to put you in any more pain than he already has. He wanted nothing more than to hold you close to him forever but that wasn't something the current situation can allow.
"I love you so much, you must know you're my everything. I honestly don't know how I could have made it this far without you by my side." He whispers into your ear, tightening his hold on you.
You let out another sob, clinging onto him like your life depended on it, "Then let me come with you, please," He pulled back slightly to cup your face, "Don't you get it? That's exactly why you can't come with me, it's too risky. If anything were to ever happen to you, I swear to god I will never be able to forgive myself."
His words only made it more difficult for you to part with him, you didn't think it would be possible to love someone this much but he was clearly your only exception. He gazed deeply into your wet eyes, wanting nothing more than for all of this to be just a long nightmare.
Unfortunately, he has absolutely no choice but to face the reality that the world is currently ending with the ongoing zombie apocalypse that broke out only a few weeks prior due to some science experiment gone wrong.
"I have been the most selfless boyfriend for as long as I can remember so please, just let me be selfish this once, okay?" You couldn't find it in yourself to go against his wishes upon hearing that.
He smiled sadly before moving to press a long kiss against your trembling lips, closing his eyes to cherish the feeling just in case this becomes the very last time he ever kisses you. You felt him pull away reluctantly only to stare intensely at your face as if to memorise your features before he leaves you behind with his best friend.
Your heart clenched at the thought of your beloved venturing out alone into the unknown to search for his missing members. The rest of the guys were forcefully ripped apart from your group due to an unexpected hoard of zombies attacking out of nowhere.
The two of you with the addition of Seonghwa managed to save yourselves by hiding in the closest empty convenience store in sight. The three of you have gone over the place twice and scouted it out just to make sure it was safe before settling there for the night.
However, with the rest of the members scattered around the area and separated from you guys, Hongjoong couldn't possibly just let the situation be. As the leader of the group of friends, he felt it was his responsibility to find all of his younger friends and bring them to safety which leads us to the current push-and-pull situation between the two of you.
The plan was for him to locate and gather his friends back here while you and Seonghwa stay back to ensure this place remains safe from zombies or worse, other humans with bad intentions. Even when everyone agreed on the plan when it was first proposed, you realised you couldn't find it in you to send your lover out into danger all alone while you remained here in safety.
You didn't realise the relentless grip you had on Hongjoong until you felt Seonghwa's arms encircle your frame from behind to hold you back from going any further. You thrashed against the taller male's embrace, in a desperate attempt to reach out to your boyfriend's retreating frame, feeling your heart break all over again at the sight of him leaving you.
You cried out his name one last time as you watched him nodding slightly your way to reassure you and his friend, "I'll come back safely, I promise."
Your knees eventually gave out and Seonghwa carefully lowered you onto the ground, wordlessly pushing your head into his neck as you witnessed the love of your life disappear from your view.
Seonghwa was gentle in his touch, combing his fingers through your hair in a soothing manner to calm you from your cries for your boyfriend who is now somewhere out there all by himself. The thought only made you squeeze your eyes shut tight, pressing your face further into your friend's shoulder to seek comfort.
The action must have alerted Seonghwa as he pulled you closer to him, slowly running his hands up and down your trembling back in an attempt to console you. He let out a sigh of relief when you muttered a soft 'thank you' and an apology for the hassle you've caused him.
"Hey, never apologise for that. I don't ever want you to hide any of that from me, you hear me?" You nodded thankfully against his shoulder, his warm touch successfully calming you down.
After what seemed like forever, you pushed yourself off of Seonghwa's chest and sniffled in embarrassment. He smiled before moving a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"It's alright, I know you're scared but you have me. I'm obviously no Hongjoong but you know you can count on me, right? I made a promise to him that I'll put my life on the line to protect you in his place."
That made you frown, "No, don't say that. We'll be okay, all of us. He'll come back with the rest of the guys before we even know it," Seonghwa nodded quickly to that, "Yes, of course. I just wanted you to know that I'll be here for you no matter what."
You couldn't fight the smile that formed on your face at his sweet words, "I know, Seonghwa. You're truly the most precious friend anyone can ever ask for, you always have been. Lord knows you're the one holding all of the boys together. None of us would still be here without your guidance."
You watched in slight confusion when noticing that the smile he returned seemed to falter a bit at your words.
Did I say something wrong?
Let's just say you're a bit on the dense side.
For the longest time, Seonghwa has had the biggest crush on you way before you and the leader even began dating. He's always thought you'd end up with him eventually, only to have the heartbreak of his life when he watched from the sidelines as you and his best friend slowly fall in love with each other and finally got together.
With Hongjoong around, he knew he stood no chance with you. Even in his absence, Seonghwa had no doubt your heart would still fully belong to his best friend but he wishes to at least let you know of the feelings he has for you while you still had time together.
In this wretched world that was imminently coming to an end, who knew how long you could all survive even if Hongjoong does end up bringing all of the guys back to you both in one piece.
He just wants you to understand how long and deeply he's been in love with you. He needed you to know that he noticed you first, he was there for you first, he had wanted you first and yet, his friend somehow got to you before he even had a chance.
"Seonghwa?" That broke him out of his trance. He realised the panic in your tone when you pointed towards the entrance of the convenience store, where the door was being harshly pulled from the outside. His features hardened when you jumped in fright, caused by a loud bang coming from the entrance.
Without wasting another second, he pushed you protectively behind him before moving to grasp the trusty metal bat that he's been using as his weapon since the beginning of this whole zombie nonsense.
"Stay behind me at all times. If anything happens to me, I want you to run and save yourself."
You grabbed his arm in protest, shaking your head pleadingly, "I won't leave you, Seonghwa. Please don't make me," He softened at the sight of the tears forming in your eyes, how he wished you meant that in the same way you would for Hongjoong.
"I hate it as much as you do, if not more, but you know what you must do if the unthinkable happens, yes?"
Letting out a shaky breath, you muttered a small 'yes' in defeat. Leaving a quick peck on your temple, he made sure to keep you close behind him before moving cautiously towards the entrance to check on the source of the noise.
You let out a whimper when another bang sounded from the door, fearing that all this ruckus will attract a lot of zombies. You didn't want to think about the safety of this place being so quickly jeopardised. After all, your reunion with Hongjoong solely depends on this place. How will your boyfriend find you if you and Seonghwa were to abandon this place?
Approaching the entrance, Seonghwa raised his bat towards the door. He was ready to swing it if anyone that passes through is less than alive. He cleared his throat and called out, "Who's there? Identify yourselves!"
The rattling seemed to have ceased with that, "Hyung..? Seonghwa hyung, is that you?" You and Seonghwa looked at each other immediately, eyes rounding with recognition at the familiar voice.
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Hello there, it's my first time writing on this platform and I just wanted to try posting this idea which I've had for a while now. Not sure if anyone would want more of this. Let me know if you're interested in Part 2!
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There seems to have been a little meta-commentary in Good Omens 2 about priorities.
Priorities? Is that the right term? Well, that's what I'm going with for now.
Anyway, there seems to be some meta-commentary about people's priorities being off. Aziraphale's priorities being off, with the whole cotillion ball. The audience's priorities being off.
Or maybe a better way to put it is that our priorities are premature. There's nothing wrong with them in themselves, but we've skipped some important issues that have to be addressed first.
Think about it - there are so many moments that look "fanservicey" on the surface, but that end up being problematic for the plot (the I'm Sorry dance), a moment of disconnect (the dance at the cotillion ball), or that simply foreshadow the sadness of the ending (Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy playing, but omitting the part about dining at the Ritz).
No, no, I'm not suggesting the creative team tailored an entire section of a story to address fandom trends; they were just telling the best story they could, universally, period. None of that stuff would be in there if it wasn't in the service of something much bigger. I'm also not suggesting that this commentary is a lecture, some sort of condescending finger-wag; more on that later.
But you can't deny that when all the pieces come together, the story resonates with that thing in us anyway - the thing in us that says, "I know it's Armageddon and I know the world is ending, but Aziraphale and Crowley really ought to have a romantic dance about it." And then the story tells us, "Nope. They can't do that yet."
Here's the other thing, though: even as it is told "no," that deep desire to see love as an action, love as the whole point, is validated. It is also treated with kindness and respect. Yes! Even through the sad ending of the season!
Through the dangers that Crowley and Aziraphale face in Season 2, the narrative patiently explains all the reasons why they can't be soft and romantic just yet. Their trauma histories won't allow it. Their world won't allow it. These are real, pressing problems. In fact, they're more real and pressing than I thought they were even in Season 1! Season 2 emphasizes just how much Crowley and Aziraphale were never going to get away from Heaven and Hell without a brutal fight of some kind. At the end of Season 1, I sometimes thought, "Oh, the great bureaucracy of the universe really doesn't care about these two, or even about Earth; if they really wanted to be together, they could be. And maybe Heaven and Hell will just lose interest in Earth." And Season 2 says, "Actually, here are a bunch of scenes demonstrating that they desperately want to be together, and here are a bunch of dangerous situations illustrating why they can't."
But at the same time, the love is there, in both Crowley and Aziraphale. Crowley loves Aziraphale so much that he can't think of anything but safety for their new way of life; Aziraphale loves Crowley so much that he simply cannot consider that they haven't arrived at their happy ending yet. That love is the beating heart between our narrative's wings, the purring motor* in our narrative's Bentley. It's there, and it matters. The love matters so deeply.
I don't know. Maybe "priorities" was not in fact the right word to choose at the beginning there. Because there is no implication that there is anything wrong with caring most of all about love. It's just that love is a complicated journey, and you can't skip over the journey part of it.
*(Not my metaphor. Originally from Amy Gravino; too good to leave out.)
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t0mcruize123 · 2 months
The Alpha is spawned
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This is a John Taylor Alpha smut with themes some people may find triggering (it’s sigma aura is lethal) so if ur mildly scared or worried about reading I suggest u don’t to preserve ur own safety👩🏿‍🦲🫶 this is written for my freakmate @mqverick and others may find it confusing and disgusting so tread lightly guys!!!……Xx
“Jawnnnny boy” I looked at John with a smirk, “I made a new Christmas song.”
"Ok what is it?" Said John, trying to chew on his meat he was eating
(that won't be the only meat ;))
"Okay here it goes,” I breathed in deeply, readying myself to sing the song I’d worked so hard on…,
"Wow Jerome that was... Something" said John, looking disturbed.
"Well you clearly enjoyed it, look at that boner" I said pointing to the shaft in his pants.
"Well.. I.. Uh." John said panicking, blushing in the process. I got up and put my finger on his lips
"SHSHSHSHS CHILD, Im a magician, and I can make that boner disappear" I said seductively.
John jizzed in response.
"Jerome.. Just fuck me..." Said John, with lust filling his eyes
I laughed, and I stepped away him.
"John, you're my Christmas present and I can't open (dat ass ) until it's 12th because that's how Christmas works!" I said with a smug smile
He sighed, and got up from the chair and walked towards me, his clothed erection touching my thigh
"Ok fine, but just so you know.. you'll regret making me wait" said john with a grin as he slapped my ass and walked away into his room
I gave it no thought and just shrugged it off
Oh but I was wrong
So very wrong.
On the 12th of December there was a blue Smurf moon and I could hear John howling with the rest of his pack. He was taking a fat shit and I walked in “on accident” to smell that wonderful dung.
"JEROME GET OUT" I ran like a flash not wanting john to throw the dung at me even tho it smelt delicious.
“Did u walk in on the alpha shitting?” Nick asked, “was it as glorious as I imagined?”
“Even more so,” I hummed and sat down on the bed. John came out of the bathroom with a brown booty hole and satisfied smile, “I just shat and cummed at the same time, you were right Jerome it’s the way of the future.”
“Nicholas could you give me and jawnny some privacy please?” I giggled y/n style.
“Sure thing, have fun you two gay bastards,” he smirked and trotted away.
When the door finally closed, I grinned at bbg John and slowly lifted up his shirt to reveal rock hard abs, WRONG! There was nothing but smooth skin and my inner organs salvated at the sight. I ran my fingers thru his luscious wavy locks and he tipped his head back in sigma style.
“Jerome uwu,” he whimpered, “Give it to me mommy.”
I grabbed hus thong string and pulled it as far as it’d stretch before letting go. The thong slapped against his tight little bum hole and he almost released at the sensation.
I bent low and slowly pulled down his thong to reveal his throbbing member. It twitched like an Alpha ready to hunt and the idea of his piss claiming me made me tremble. My sensitive bud of nerves was desperate for his long bony fingers but I halted.
I slowly rubbed my hand down his shaft and he giggled and whimpered uwu style, hopping and jumping into my touch like a wild boy gone mad.
His eyes darkened as the waves of ecstasy approached and a muscle in his jaw tightened. The moonlight highlighted the sharp planes of his face, all due to the mewing, and I felt a secret formula coat my thighs.
“You’re mine,” he howled as I edged him harder, “I own you.”
“Just because he’s black-“
I jumped as a strong black man came into view, dressed in tropical shorts with his hair swinging in brilliant braids.
“I’m Jamal, Jerome’s hotter sexier drippier wetter sloppier brother” jamal shook johns hand, “wanna see a real cock?”
John roared as his cum spurred out like a fountain, sending me flying into the far window and covered in his sloppy juices.
“I’m ur guilty pleasure,” John grinned, “crawl to me Jerome.”
Did he think I was a spider?
He pulled my hair roughly and I felt my wig rip a lil. I cringed and John looked down at me.
“Call me master.”
I stared at his thick meaty sausage..was he going to teach me kung fu? I looked back at the moon and released he was alphalating at that time on month. He needed to be locked up before he became to powerful.
He snarled in anger and jamal grabbed his cock, spinning it like a helicopter and John felt himself arriving, lifting up into the heavens.
“Jamal what are you doing?” I pulled John back down to planet earth, “we need to lock him up-“
“Tell Simon I say hi” Jamal grinned as he rubbed him faster, his cock flying at Mega speed as he lifted up.
“I’ll never forget you Jerome,” John confessed as he flew, “I own you forever and ever,”
“Tell a trusted adult,” jamal told me and I rushed to find Nick for help. I came back to see jamal had transformed into dobby and was frantically throwing all his socks at John.
“What are you doing?!” I exclaimed.
“Dobby won’t be owned, dobby will be freeee!!”
Eddie weddie walked into the room, his pale arse as bright as the moon and his fat, long, fiddle as brilliant as a thousand orange stars.
“What’s the ud?” He asked.
“John turned alpha during sex and jamal helicoptered his cock so he’s flying into space,” I explained, “we need help.”
“I’ve got this.”
Ed walked up to John, kissed his neck, took his hand, and gave him the sloppiest, wettest, most jaw breaking, world ending, dick shrivelling, head of his life and John blasted into outer space, little kid sperm shooting out like a rocket.
He flew away and I watched the loml disappear to his true home with the rest of the three long legged people. I smiled and blew a kiss..
And then shat so drastically my panties disintegrated and I had to use dobby as a butt plug. Nick and Ed bent low and emitted the most gas chamber farts they’d been brewing the whole night, showing their respect to Alpha John,
As the gas became too much to handle and the shit trickled down my knee, my arse beginning to sneeze, I inhaled deeply and died a happy shitty death.
Thanks for reading guys UWU :(
#ur mental health matters
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