#i want to be link but a lesbian and have my lil zelda gf
growing-up-my-hazel-tree ยท 1 year
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i want to rip away his gender with my bare hands and consume it like a ravenous dog
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dysfunctionalnerd ยท 6 years
prof lay zelda au??
i,,,, dont know how to add a cut so like,, sorry if this gets long I'm making this up as I go
I guess hersh is link cuz hes like courageous? and hes got like main character syndrome
or maybe zelda cuz hes wicked smart
fuck it hersh is zelda
uhhhhhhhh luke is link?? whacking all this moblin bastards cuz some power crazed thot decided to kidnap hersh cuz hes smart and got a yellow triangle
London hyrule I guess (lorule lol)
it's like hyrule except big Ben and bricks but like castles too I guess
hersh is like a prince but like only in title bc he actually gives all his money away and just lives in this little flat I guess and tries to live his best life despite having this lil yellow mark on his hand
and one day he comes across this like kinda roudy luke kid who at first hes like g od this kid is rude but like then luke brings him like a cuccoo egg bc somehow he learned that that's his fav produce ???????? point is he sees this kid has a big heart and grows fond of him and like adopts him I guess
but then Ganondorf!!!
but it's not ganondorf its ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uh,,,, don Paulo
except hes like a fake ganon (think zant) but regardless he thinks he can rule everything and he wants that triforce!!
hersh feels the disturbance when don Paulo is like at it and hes like luke I'm gonna go see what's up cuz like technically I'm still a prince
but luke is like i!! wanna go with you!! and BAM yellow light and holy shit hes got a triforce piece too
and hersh is like wHAT
and like idk hersh is like u cant get involved I dont want u hurt so he like,, leaves without telling luke
turns out his fencing skills fall short of don paulos nast magic given to him and he get Kidnapped like a Loser
and the adventures of luke begins I guess
so like luke is out there solving puzzles and fucking up ancient temples n shit I guess and he meets emmy!! who gives him his horse!!
but it's a donkey
anyways they're best friends now
oh along the way he meets some random ass dude called randall?? luke nonchalantly tells him everything bc hes a roudy kid and suddenly this weirdo is super interested and worried?? weird
luke noticed randall is like Not So Suddenly following him but by the 3rd temple he figures this guy isnt actually getting in the way so it's like whatever I guess
but still creepy so he confronts the guy and hes like Hey!!! What the Fuck!!!
and randall confesses that when hersh and he were kids they lived in a big castle together and were best friends!!!
but then hersh hated the bougie 1% castle life and left without telling randall. bummer!
and Randall's been like searching for him since
now we know why hersh always absolutley refused to give his name to the papers!!
also hes a prince that would totally suck if the media knew it was him
anyway so luke and randall team up now and face don paulo
turns out randall ain't shit at fighting but he does know where some cool ass sword is (think of him as like navi or midna. he provides info)
luke has some generic but kinda powerful sword now yay ! time to fuck up some temple bc randall thinks that's smart
in the temple luke gets some kind of magic violin then??? and he can like,,,,,, aquire the power of the animals r some bs like that
time to head to don paulos
theres this big dialogue where luke is like gIVE ME BACK MY BEST FRIEND and don paulo is like Haha u ain't shit kid
turns out he is and don Paulo gets fucking destroyed
but????? no clue to hershs whereabouts when this fool falls???
and suddenly BAM luke gets taken by the hand by this weird but oddly familiar guy in this funky top hat and top hat man just fucking tears luke away from the now crumbling castle room place
luke is like hey What The Fuck
and top hat man is like you have a terrible fate ahead of you but you must save the prince
did I forget to mention luke doesnt know hersh is a prince
so luke is like prince????????
and top hat man is like yea so now u gotta go to this one shithole village nobody knows of and speak to the one the call buffoon
and the top hat man vanishes in a cryptic wave of leaves I guess
randall was there I guess but he only saw top hat man for like 1 second at the end and just fucking sCREAMS
and luke is like what the fUCK is going on
and randall is like do u not know??? r u serious??? but figures it's best he not know yet if this is what top hat man intended
so they go to shithole village and ???? it is not a buffoon, but flora!!
and this time flora is IMPORTANT and VITAL to the plot
flora is like hello they call me buffoon but I'm actually just a lesbian girl everyone here is just home of phobia
and luke is like wow hey cool literally the rest of London hyrule doesnt care pls leave shithole village
and flora is like I cant!! I'm protecting the master sword!
the master sword
floral like dont fcking touch it
luke touches it like an idiot
so luke pulls that shit out and darkness sweeps over the place
and oh dear heres the root of don paulos power!! turns out is Descoganon behind it all
luke tries to fight descole but like too powerful so he gets a Defeat
descoles like buahahahahaha u fool this isnt even my final form and he fuckin dives to finish off luke
top hat man!
he like appears in front of luke and is devoured but descoganons darkness
but before that his top hat falls off and !!!!!!!! wow what a surprise its hersh
luke is like NO I was a FOOL I was too BRASH!! I am not courageous, but dumb!
and Randall's crying I guess but hes like it's not ur fault
and floras like I'm mad at u for pulling out that sword but I mean hes right in order to defeat descole u need to strike him with that sword
so of to descoganons we go!
oh yeah flora joined the team bc turns out shes a fucking BADASS magician
also she constantly gives randall shit for not being able to fight
you thought you heard the last of Emmy but no!! shes back again bc I said so!!!
she wants to join the team too and luke is like cool more horses
everyone's has a cool ass horse except luke who has his dumb lil DONKEY
hes pissed but also grateful he doesnt have to walk by foot but also a fucking donkey???? seriously???
and emmy's like fucking deal with it you whiny ass man
so yeah master sword and magic violin in hand luke calls upon the animals to aid him in battle and it's off to descoles we go!!!
wow this place is DARK
and also the iconic castle that everyone cherishes is now in ruins
and in the most concentrated area of darkness is hersh trapped, glowing just a little bit but fading fast
and luke is like FACE ME DESCOLE U COWARD
and he does
and hes like boutta lose again and flora is like NO! I awaken ur full power!!
and his triforce glows!!!! he is powerful! full of courage!
but descole starts fucking tearing appart in laughter
hes glowing too! he has a triforce too!! he has them all
if you've ever played any zelda game ever this is when descole turns into some pig
but alas by the power of the magic animal violin and the master sword he is defeated
flora dealt the most damage and at the end she was like luke u gotta stab him now and he was like uh ok I guess
voila!! hersh is no longer trapped in darkness!! nor is the rest of London
oh yeah Randall's gay for hersh duh first thing he does is run to him being like remember me???? doesnt matter I'm nursing you to health now
oh but first luke runs to him crying and hugs him and is like pls dont ever leave like that again dad
and hersh is like did.... did u call me dad??? and he cries too and they hug
(except halfway through hersh collapses and luke is struggling to try and keep him from falling. how did this weak boy defeat such an all powerful being?????)
yeah hersh and randall get married flora gets a gf and happily ever after
oh and claire is like the goddess of London who made the damn triforce bc why the fucking hell not
so anyways yeah uhhhhhh someone tell nintendo to fucking hire me
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