#i want to flesh them out!! i want to write chilchuck hes fun!
matchamabs · 7 months
cursed with forever niche ideas. who would read a fic abt chilchucks kids tho...
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sansxfuckyou · 4 months
we might just bite underneath the moonlight
Summary: Chilchuck can't help himself from helping Marcille on the rebound of Falin's death, even if he knows that's all he'll ever be to her, the rebound
Tags: heavily suggestive themes, wound cleaning, the hot springs itself isnt sexual but the making out is, complicated relationships, check Ao3 port for full tags
Authors Note: "Ace write a normal fic for dunmeshi please" fuck ya life, femme4butch lesbian marchil with a brief meijack cameo at the start. in all seriousness the marchil fanart is fucking fire and i had to write *something* for ya'll, it ended up much longer than it was meant to be. hope ya'll enjoy and if ya do consider dropping a reblog or checking the Ao3 port, it really means a lot
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"Being butch is being chivalrous," Chilchuck explained when his first daughter was old enough to ask why he never dressed like a gal and always wore tape around town.
"Right..." Meijack said, only a hint of confusion on her voice.
"It's like an honour code," Chilchuck said, a bit firmer this time, "A way to confirm that you'll always be the fists they need in a fight, or the one to foot the bill on a date- you're too young to get it."
"Dad, I asked a question, now answer it." It's almost a demand, proof that she is old enough to get it. Proof that she could leave any day now if he wanted it or not, which he really doesn't.
Chilchuck sighed, "It's not something I can teach, it's something that you fall into if you're meant for it."
Taking the hit is a reflexive thing, he still hates himself for it. Throwing himself in harms way for the femmes and letting the men take it head on is how he is whether he means it or not.
Blood bursts from the wound along his shoulder but he tries to strafe back into the dodging regime before anyone can register he took a hit for Marcille. He wipes down the wound and oh, yep, that's an arrow lodging itself in his spine. It has enough force to make him stumble and trip and fall, banged against a column and ears ringing.
Death by living armour.
This one is new.
He can hear it clunk as it steps ever closer and closer, fun. He sacrificed himself for Marcille, the girl who wouldn't even spare a second glance at the butch who won't see sixty. Humorous. Ironic. Tragic...?
No, no, not tragic, not tragic for Marcille. She couldn't care less about him, she couldn't care less about men. And to her, he's part of men. He's something so well disguised he'd never be clocked as anything but another dumb guy.
And he can live with that, that might just be the pre-death clarity talking-
A scream is ripped from his throat with the sword plunging deep into his flesh. As mortality is ripped from his body his hands fly to the blade and then he's gone.
The bandages wrapped tight around his chest are stiff now, he supposes that they've been down for long enough without a window to change them that they would get nasty. He's pretty sure it's giving his clothing the funk what with the sweat and blood seeping into it that he can't wash out while still wearing it.
He hitches his backpack a little higher up as they reach floor four. Cool air washes over him comfortably as the slow and lazy flow of the water bounces back and forth. It's comforting, he never thought he'd yearn for floor four. Full of sirens and kelpies and deception galore, seemingly calm but full of danger.
Senshi's laying down a pot already and Laois is probably drooling over whatever it is that their latest companion is cooking. And Marcille is brushing her hair, undoing the braids slowly and letting it fall down over her shoulders and Chilchuck isn't allowed to stare.
He wouldn't dare stare, not without her permission at least. That's sacred to her, her hair, her magic, it all ties into one thing that's the core of her existence. It'd be kind of obscene to catch a glimpse of that without her permission, even if Chilchuck is a rogue, a thief, and a cheat he has standards.
"I'm gonna wash off!" Before he gets a response he's trudging over to a sharp corner to slip behind.
The ledge sort of crumbles off the further he strays from the initial landing of the floor. Turquoise glow casting up from the water below, it's scary to expose himself in a false isolation. No one is watching, it's fine, no one is going to walk on over. Well, maybe Laois, but Laois is a dumbass who absolutely would.
First the scarf comes off and his breath hitches as it rises over his head. He should've changed his wraps before coming down to the dungeon, he should've known better. He's been doing this adventuring shit since he was a kid how did he not figure something so simple by now.
He kicks off his socks and shoes next, lining them up next to his bag. In an effort to avoid the inevitable, he retrieves his towel and fresh bandages. They're dropped near the edge as he proceeds to disrobe.
The leather armour slides off much easier then the scarf did, so much easier. With the first step taken, everything afterwards becomes so much easier and he supposes it's that way with everything. Even so he's hesitant to slide off his gloves and reveal scarred flesh to no one but himself and the gentle glow of the lake.
He'll never be able to tell what's harder to take off be it the pants or the shirts, but he still shucks off his pants first. He's starting to feel the nausea, the insecurity, the fear. Of what? He's not quite sure but he swears he's breaking a code of conduct of some sort by stripping down and washing off to save himself from potential infections.
Chilchuck steps down from the ledge onto a raft before taking off his shirt, only then does he dare even think about the bindings wrapped so tight around his chest. He doesn't even have anything to bind, god, why does he even bother. His ex-wife was the only one who could see through the facade and want for what he is anyways, not like he'll luck out with some bi chick again.
Slowly he sinks into the light blue waters, arms rested on the planks of the raft as the stiff gauze soaks. He's slow to unravel the binding and he can only give a stiff exhale because wow, he forgot what it's like to have chest weight. Familiar but foreign, something he barred because he was sure he didn't get as many jobs looking like a girl.
A cigarette would go great with having a soak and relaxing a bit despite all the stress. He doesn't have any of those so instead he dunks his head and washes off, same refreshing feeling. It's nice to get off a couple days of grime, just relaxing enough that he zones out to the point he doesn't register the outside world until Marcille drops her staff.
Oh, fuck.
"Marcille," Chilchuck begins, back still turned to her.
"Y-Yeah?" Marcille asked, trying desperately to beat down the red up to the tips of her ears.
"How much did you see?" Chilchuck asked.
Marcille doesn't answer.
"How. Much."
"Enough." Marcille choked out.
"Look, just toss my down my clothes to the raft and I'll get dressed. Let's act like this never happened, for both of our sakes." He's screaming at himself for saying that. This is his chance, his one, singular chance, and he's butchering it.
Marcille does as told and averts her eyes.
"Didn't anyone ever teach you that it's rude to peep on a lady?" Chilchuck has the gall to ask it as he drags himself out of the water and towels down. He hears a small squeaky sort of sound from Marcille in response, he shrugs it off and tugs back on his pants.
"Well, yeah, of course they did."
"Lemme guess, you didn't think I was this?"
"Yeah." She tugs down the hem of her sleeves a bit, "Did you properly disinfect any wounds?"
"Don't be an idiot, I don't have any wounds to disinfect, and I would've if I had." He's lying, he didn't have the time to reopen a scabby one that had bits of gauze stuck inside, merely skin deep but still an issue. His gloves slide on back with ease but he has to tug just a bit to ensure that they cover all the scars properly.
"Are you almost done? Senshi sent me to get you for dinner." Marcille tapped her foot anxiously on the ground. Very briefly, she wonders if Chilchuck can hear the fact that her heart is racing. She wonders if her heart could just stop right here and now to save her from the shame of it all.
"Hold your horses," Chilchuck answered with. He hisses as gauze comes to lay atop the wound again, he'll tough it out.
Before Marcille can stop herself she whips around to face him, "I knew it! You are hurt..." Her enthusiasm peters off and the red on her face intensifies as Chilchuck scrambles to cover his chest.
Chilchuck's sputtering a bit, scrambling for words to try and get across the exasperation, "I told you to be patient!"
For a brief moment there's silence.
And then.
"Do you want me to clean the wound?" She speaks almost too quietly for even Chilchuck to hear.
"It's fine, I'll manage." He keeps wrapping the gauze as he speaks, when Marcille steps closer he stops. With a heavy sigh, he speaks, "Look, you weren't supposed to find out, no one was. So let's forget about it. Let's both just forget this ever happened so you can go live your good life with Falin, sound good?"
Marcille shook her head, "I can't, I can't let you risk getting an awful infection and dying a slow death."
"Oh yeah? How come?" Chilchuck questioned as he watched Marcille step forward again. He tries to step back but he's been thoroughly cornered to the ledge, he knows that if he steps any further he'll fall in.
"You're my teammate."
"You never spared a glance at me once."
"I didn't know you were, were, you were-"
"A woman?"
"You weren't supposed to be."
"Yeah, I don't get as many jobs with my tits out."
The crassness makes Marcille go even brighter red, it makes Chilchuck smirk. She waves it off, "Just! Let me help."
He hesitates, "Fine."
And with slow motions he undoes the wraps just enough to let the wound be exposed. It lays below the clavicle and Marcille's hands are soft as they trace over his skin far too slowly. He tenses as well kept nails brush over the edge of the scab and pry the bits of gauze and discoloured dry blood.
His blood is red and her hands are pale. The contrast is staggering and he tries his best not to watch because this isn't right. Something is screaming at him that this isn't right or good or lawful because she wasn't supposed to know unless she asked. And he wasn't supposed to be walked in on while he was washing off and changing his wraps-
"Do you want me to call you she?"
Chilchuck goes rigid, shoulders raising and eyes widening.
"Got it, not she."
"You're the second person to ask me that after my wife."
"You haven't earned the right yet." A choked sound slips out as the magic weaves through his flesh and purges it of the potential infection. She retracts her hands and he tries not to reach out for them in response to the motion, "Not yet at least."
Her eyes aren't on his, he can't tell if they're cast to the floor or not. He reaches to fully wrap his chest up again, gauze unfurling to lock himself back up again. The way he should be, it's safer, it's better, it got him three kids who he misses dearly and more jobs than he'd ever needed.
"You look pretty," Marcille confessed, ears drooped just a bit. She feels like she shouldn't be saying it.
Chilchuck gives an amused huffing sort of laugh, "Ya think?"
She nodded.
"It's not just because I'm shirtless is it?" As he speaks he tugs his shirt back on, along with his scarf. He just stuffs his leather over armour in his bag, too stuffy to wear it now that he's hot under the collar.
That gives her pause, "Well-"
Chilchuck sighed, "Think before you speak, don't give an older gal hope."
There's an undeniable itch deep inside of Chilchuck's bones and he can't place his finger on it, can't tear himself open to satiate it. He just feels nauseated, vaguely dizzy, and his stomach is in intensive knots no matter what he does to quell it. Cramps? No, no he took his contraceptives.
Did he?
Fucking hell, did he?
He can't remember and he can't ask Senshi to cook up something that'll help with cramping because he'll lose respect if he's outed as a woman. He thinks. He presumes. Senshi's a nice guy, has lots of respect for Marcille, a classically womanly woman.
Chilchuck? Not a classically womanly woman. He'll be disowned, or called a fraud, something awful is bound to happen. But someone is bound to notice that he's lagging behind and in what can only be described as agony, and if its Laois, he'll definitely be diagnosed with a deadly disease of some sort.
Please let there be a natural hot spring somewhere, anywhere nearby. He won't be able to actually have a soak if the guys insist on joining but at least the heat would be a comfort.
Chilchuck dropped down next to the fire, "Hey, Senshi, what's for dinner?"
"Sautéed vegetables, it's a simpler dish compared to what we usually have. But sometimes a light dish is good after excessive amounts of complex dishes." As he speaks he tosses in a handful of diced herbs, "I might check for mushrooms around the springs once Marcille is done in there."
"There's actually a spring down here?" He sounds a bit more excited than he should, not even a floor back did he take a soak. But he yearns for the warmth like a cat yearns for the sun.
Senshi gives a nod, "Yep, great place. Two pools with a bit of a stalagmite barrier between them, quite nice. I set up some lanterns a while back, it's a quaint little section."
"Call me when dinners done, I'm taking a soak." He hiked up his backpack before trotting off to where he can hear Marcille's heartbeat and the slight ripple of water. Sure, he has to strain to hear it a bit, but he picks it out.
"Chilchuck, is that you?" Marcille asked from behind the stalagmite wall.
A pause, "Yeah."
"You don't have to be on that side, what if Senshi or Laois comes by?"
"I still have my shirt on, I'm just enjoying the heat."
"Lemme tell ya one thing about being a butch, Marcille." For a moment he wonders if he should give her the spiel he gave Meijack, but he chooses against it. No, no Marcille would know by now. Surely she's met normal butches before? Regardless, he sits against the stalagmite border and speaks, "After sixteen plus years of keeping your real self effectively hidden, you learn better than to make such basic blunders."
She sinks below the water briefly and the silence makes Chilchuck almost uncomfortable.
"I appreciate the concern."
"You can do that on this side of the divider."
"But what if Senshi or Laois arrived? Wouldn't look very good if I was peeping on ya, that'd ruin my reputation."
"Marcille. I'm fine not getting in the water."
She stands up and ah ha, she's taller than the divider. And when Chilchuck tilts his head back to face her he can see so much of everything above the belt. Red rises to his face faster than it should and for some reason he can feel his jaw go slack as he stares.
Before even more precious seconds can pass he's jolting away. She leans on the border as best she can, arms crossed over her chest. He swallows thickly as he glances up again to meet her eyes.
"You're in pain," She declared.
"So what if I am?" He countered.
"Look, I read somewhere that Half-Foots get it particularly bad compared to other races due to their size influencing pain tolerance and durability. I've seen you hobble and you curl up in a ball and grovel when you're trying to fall asleep."
"Are you asking me to get naked and take a dip with you?" He tries to cut down his own embarrassment with vulgarity that usually makes Marcille squirm.
"So what if I am? It's only to try and help you out, I'm a girl too ya know."
"I know."
"Then how come you're so hesitant?"
"You're still not over your wife."
"Don't pry, Marcille, it's rude."
Marcille steps back and sinks back into the water, "Whatever."
Only a brief moment of pause has to pass before Chilchuck stands up and walks over to the divider. He leans on it for a moment, "Look, I guess I could join you."
Marcille spins around to face Chilchuck, "Really?"
"Yes, really. Just, don't make such a big deal out of it."
It happens so much faster than he can keep track, maybe he's getting too old for this 'falling in love' thing. He's got three kids, he's definitely too old for this.
Maybe the heats clouding his mind, the temperature a comfort soothing his frayed nerves. His wraps are still on but they're coming off, slowly unfurling as the heat threatens to suffocate him with the way it's tied too tight. And Marcille is staring, mostly submerged, but eyes just above enough that she can watch.
"Marcille, don't make it weird." It's more of a demand than a plea but he can't tell if the heat on his face is from being perceived or from being in the hot spring.
"Sorry," Marcille mutters the word as she presses herself against the ledge, hair scattered around her like tentacles or silk woven from gold.
Chilchuck can't decide which comparison works better.
. . .
Marcille gives a short hum, "You look pretty."
The heat is stripping away his inhibitions.
"You look pretty too, unfairly so."
She edges ever closer to him, not sliding along the rocky bench-like formation of the spring, but pushing off.
"You think?"
Chilchuck nods, watching as Marcille glides closer with the grace of a mermaid.
"I don't think," He said, voice slow, voice low. Dropped lower than usual, a slanty smirk on his face. He leans forward a bit, "I know."
"You know?" Closer, closer, closer. She's so close but she's so far and the clock is ticking but time is coming to a screeching halt.
"Oh believe me I do, Marcille." He slinks down from where he sat to meet her halfway across. It's a small basin anyways, but it feels so much larger when the tension and the steam blends into one and he goes blind. He keeps his hands to his sides instead of reaching out because if he missteps with his motions then everything will go downhill.
She isn't afraid. That or she's just not thinking properly. Her hands are soft when they come to rest on his shoulders, one sliding up to the side of his neck. He leans into it a little bit, "Then that would make you one of the hottest ladies I've met."
Chilchuck laughed, "You thought I was a guy, do I really count, Marcille?"
"Now you do."
As she leans forward her hair falls, caging Chilchuck in and locking the door but hey, who is he to complain when it feels so good to give in? To get what he wants, it feels so good. Like fire. He's drowning in flames.
Her other hand works its way to the small of his abdomen and slides up to unfurl the gauze fully. It shocks a gasp out of him and further she presses onward, no inhibitions, no fear, no hesitance. What is she running on right now? What is in her head? What the fuck is making her do this, but holy shit, he does not want her to stop.
Eventually her hands are in her hair and pulling just a bit but her hands stray just a bit and he lurches back. Shoving her off at the shoulders and stumbling, he scrambles to retrieve his wraps.
"What the fuck, Marcille!" Maybe he's a bit louder than he needs to be but he needs to get the point across, "There are, there are boundaries."
It takes her a moment before her face goes bright red and her ears droop, "Oh god."
"It's not fine, but, it's not bad either." Chilchuck is rebinding himself as he speaks but he's still trying to ease the shattered mood, soften the blow. Don't be a douche, you can turn someone down nicely, but he isn't trying to turn her down either. He just needs to slow this down, way down, to a snails pace.
"I don't know what got into me, Chilchuck, I'm so sorry-"
"Marcille! It's alright." He steps close enough to reach out, hands held above the water. He gives a small nod and she places hers atop his, "It's okay, I don't mind fucking, but can we not do it right now with zero warning?"
Marcille nods, "Sorry."
"Stop saying sorry, it makes you sound like a coward," Chilchuck said, voice firm but with a hint of affection lacing it, "And you're not."
A small smile tugs at Marcille's lips, "Alright, thanks, Chilchuck."
Chilchuck sleeps without his wraps that night because they got soaked and he was running low anyways. When Laois asked Chilchuck didn't answer, when Senshi asked Chilchuck didn't answer. He didn't owe them an answer even if their assumptions would probably be way off.
They just come up to him one morning and offer to cut his tits off, he'd probably keel over laughing if that happened. His wondering of what's going to happen is very brief when he finds Marcille standing next to his bedding. She drops down to her knees, fingers curled to press nails into palm.
"Yeah, Marcille?" Chilchuck asked gently as he sat up. He stretched his arms over his head and fuck, his spine hasn't felt like that in years.
"Could we share a sleeping bag tonight?"
Marcille stands up, "Nevermind."
"No, Marcille. What's wrong? Tell me what happened," He speaks sluggishly, a tired inflection to his tone.
"It's dumb."
"We almost had sex in the hot springs, that was dumb."
Marcille drops to sit down next to Chilchuck, "It was about Falin, we couldn't save her."
"It'll be fine, we're gonna save her. I promise." He's making wild promises. Ones he can't pull through on. But ones that he needs to make to get through the night breathing easy.
He places his hand on Marcille's back and she leans heavily into him, "I miss Falin."
He's a rebound.
That's... fine, he knew from the start it'd never work out anyways. Why hope that it might because she kissed him? Why hope for something farther out of reach than the stars? He's dumb, he's an idiot, he isn't even a hopeful one.
This dungeon is getting to him, to fall for Marcille and be stupid enough to think that she'd mean it in any way more than deprived desperation. He still steels himself and hums along, "I miss her too." It feels like he's being stabbed as a much delayed realization hits him, the words falling out of him feel like blood being hacked up.
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dungeonmeshimybeloved · 2 months
Hiii!! I just finished your fanfic “Of course I came back for you” and I absolutely loved it! It was so amazing! The writing is genuinely so gorgeous and the story is just phenomenal! The ending made me wanna scream and cry :,)
I also loved how you took some of the original scenes and tweaked them to better fit the characters! I always see people complaining about it (which doesn’t make sense to me) and I think you did it well! I also liked how you added other little scenes like when Chilchuck was stitching Laios’ shirt! And when he tore it off made me wanna cry!!!
Also laios breathing fire is so cool! I also loved your characterization of them! I love the idea that Chilchuck suggested that they should eat monsters as a joke and Falin took that as Chilchuck being serious! I giggled a little at that! :)
Would you ever think about continuing the fanfic or making a full swap AU?
Thank you so much for posting this fanfic! You honestly gave me inspiration and motivation to write my fanfics (or try to actually work them out in my head). Tysm!! I loved your fanfic! Please never stop writing! <3
(I’m so sorry if any of my grammar is off, I’m not able to check it right now)
HI HELLO IM ABOUT TO EXPLODE THIS IS THE NICEST THING EVER ?? I'm so serious the amount of encouragement and support I've gotten these past few days has made me feel dizzy with excitement and I'm nearly drunk off the happy vibes. First off - your Grammar is perfect don't you worry, and Secondly!!! I would love to read your fics when you get to writing them!
This is sorta - off the cuff stream of Conscience rambling, so I apologize in advance I'm all over the place, I just -!!! Screams. I'm so happy
Firstly I wanna encourage you in your writing endevors.
Writing is a difficult process, and oftentimes, when writing, it can feel so hard to think it's actually good. I'll admit that at several points during this fic in particular, I was worried that some of the dialogue was melodramatic (specifically the bath confrontation), but that's a case of me being overly critical of my own work. When you start, aim to just have fun with it! Don't stress about making a masterpiece because you'll improve as you go, and it's likely that others won't notice the weaknesses you find in your own work. Take your time as well. I've been working on this fic over the course of a month or so, and I'm glad I started it early, because I was able to include so many details and flesh out scenes that - if I hadn't had the time - would fall flat.
I wish you luck, and I am excited to possibly read some of your works <3
Also !! I felt odd taking some of the Canon scenes and tweaking it, but I found it easier to write when I had a basis to go off of. A reference point if you will. It was like laying out ground work, so the scenes I added in (like Chilchuck stitching up Laios' shirt - only to have it torn off, I'm super pleased that it had the emotional impact I was aiming for). So thank you so much! It makes me happy to hear that it worked well in your eyes <3
And about Chilchuck joking about eating monsters, I can't really take credit for that specific detail, lol! That idea was something I borrowed from this post by Ciderjacks. It was so funny to imagine chilchuck of all people suggesting they ate monsters, I had to include it. Thank you so much, though. I had a lot of fun wrangling their characterizations to make everything work. I'm happy the characters shined though <3
To answer another question, I'm not sure if I'll continue this au! I've read the Manga to completion, and I have some ideas of how to proceed with Falin and co, but at the moment I want to take a small break from this au.
I have a couple of other fics that I've been meaning to work on and finish, so I'm most likely going to go back to those. However! That doesn't mean I won't continue this. I'll probably be thinking about it for a while, so i may be hit with inspiration to start drafting a new fic. If I do, it'll probably follow Falins perspective. She is the defacto leader of the group, after all. If you read the Manga to its completion, you'll see that she's got quite the journey ahead of her. (Ngl tho, as I think about it, I'm more and more intrigued with the idea........)
Okay, okay, so I'm gonna take this opportunity to talk about Chimera Laios bc I had thoughts that I couldn't actually incorporate into the story due to it being from Chilchucks' perspective. I have a design thought out about him, and I plan to draw it sometime soon, but with Laios, I wanted to incorporate more of the red dragons biology! (There's some slight spoilers under the cut if you're anime only, dealing with summoning monsters and their behaviors, tred carefully)
First off, him breathing fire was to make up for the fact that he didn't have magic. I imagine that in his transformation, he had some sway and was able to incorporate a way to ignite the fuel organ. Not only that, but the extra scales Laios has were actually due to the armor he went to bed in!
His arm and leg armor were still intact, so when he got fused with the dragon, the metal spread around his human portion of the body (and wings) to add a layer of durability. It's why the undines attack was deflected and why Kabrus knife broke - it's because kabru struck the metallic scales instead of the fleshy bits.
Not only that! (And this section does contain the spoilers for anime only watchers, but ill try and be vague)
But I was thinking about how dragons - when summoned - are their own creatures and can be stubborn and resist their orders. Falin was sorta - subservient to thistle as a chimera, while natural biological dragons tended to do their own thing despitr their orders.
Laios has a stronger will, and he embraces his monster form, but that means he won't just refuse to eat and rest. When he arrived at the scene with Toshiros party, he was hunting. Specifically hunting the harpies. He just so happened to stumble upon the parties. If the ninja hadn't attacked him first, he might've just left them be and left with his kills.
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worldwright · 8 months
good evening ! im super early today bc im dying lmao
man, it was so fucking hard to fall asleep after my war against that fucking stinkbug, and someone i wont name fucking deserted and left her leader to fight this great and horrifying enemy
anyway, i checked which fucking painkiller i can take, and the only one i can is paracetamol but this fucker does nothing to my headaches, so im switching entirely to water from tea bc it works better than a fucking painkiller
i slept bad (what a surprise), my father woke me up bc he couldnt find me (man, the only day he wants to know where the fuck i am is the only where i dont wnat him to find him), a headache is there and my nap didnt help ;-; but at least i finished my second watch of glass onion (started last week) and watched the episode of dunmesh and now i can say w/o any doubt that chilchuck is my fav -he was from the very beginning but ude, now im sure)
ill be able to finally sleep in my bed tonight yay
and here a picture the coward from this morning (or icecream, or latte, or whatever you like to compare her to. my friends call her "table basse" [coffee table] or "chieng en format familial" [familiy-sized doggo]. youre too kind with your nicknames for her lol)
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have a wonderful morning with your partner my friend !
o how decadent is her lounging !! would that we could all feel the same peace 😌❤️
(no that is not proper English grammar don't copy me 😭😭)
hehe tiny emojis 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🍃🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
immmmmm so excited to hang out with people I felt like I was withering lmfao
I think I'm gonna go up to see all my friends next weekend, since all of them are once again living in their dream life shared apartment with the besties ughhhh I can't wait to live there
the new office manager at my job is so cool :3 he's incredibly gay lmfao
I've officially caught up on apothecary diaries. ugh what do I do with my life now
obviously the answer is wait impatiently for every new episode and write analysis posts in the meantime
mmm I wanna reread witch hat atelier...... next week downtime obsession found 👍👍
egg salad last night was all right! I accidentally added too much mayonnaise and then had to overcorrect from there, so it ended up not having as much egg per volume as it should have. but still tasty and nutritious :3
speaking of food you're SO valid about Chilchuck. he's just ❤️❤️❤️ This Is A Divorced Father Of Three With Extreme Communication Issues ❤️❤️❤️ who looks like a middle schooler 🥰🥰🥰
also chatted with a friend about our fic ideas, which was really fun. the problem is that I have a really fleshed-out AU, but I don't know what actual plot to put in the AU. lol. ahhhhhhh
girlfriend weekend!!!!! girlfriend weekend!!!!!!!!
hope your headache goes away in time for you to get good sleep tonight!!
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