#i wanted a fictional version of dad mouse that i could use for stuff. so heres this weirdo
honeylikewords · 6 years
tag game :)
i was tagged by @persephone-divine (stinky ol’ tumblr.crumb won’t lemme tag you...poop...)
nickname: hmm, i don’t have too many! katie is what i typically go by (which is a shortening of my full name, Katarina), but i also use K, anna/anne (which i actually kinda prefer?), some people call me katie-bug, but my dad comes up with a lot of weird names for me, like FishBritches and stuff that’s odd like that!
gender: cisgender female
sign: my preferred signs are road signs for national parks and those “BUY-A-HIGHWAY” signs that tell you who paid for what section of road. but if you mean in terms of horoscopes, i believe i’m a ? pisces? but i don’t buy into that sorta stuff
height: 5’6”, i think? i rarely measure myself heh
time: i’m in the pacific time zone, so it’s currently 2:15 pm on 7/16/2018!
fave bands: mmmm jukebox the ghost, NSP (i just really love dan avidan okay), radical face, MOUSE RAT THE GREATEST BAND IN THE WORLD AND POSSIBLY EVEN AMERICA, and i’ve loved the jonas brothers and owl city since i was a wee little lass, and i will never stop, even if the world calls me cringey,
fave solo artists: carly rae jespsen, sufjan stevens, and i think ? that’s it? unless you count griffin mcelroy because i love music he’s made for the adventure zone and when he makes up silly songs on his guitar 
song stuck in my head: Baby Don’t You Cry (The Pie Song) from the movie Waitress and El Latido de mi Corazón from the Spanish version of Coco!
last movie i saw: oh jeez, i can’t remember... i think it was when i was re-watching Thor: Ragnarok for the director commentary?
last show i watched: Brooklyn Nine-Nine! THE BEST SHOW IN THE WORLD! NINE NINE
when i created my blog: oh dear, maybe... over a year ago? i can’t quite recall
what i post: on this blog, i pretty much exclusively post writing stuff about the various Jons and other characters mixed in for Flavor(TM), but i also reblog photos/gifsets of them, ya know, to shake it up and give some visual reminders of what i’m writing about.
last thing i googled: “Ready Player One Poster” so i could show my little brother the horrible shitty photoshop they did and made the kid’s leg so long it looks like he got stuck in a pasta extruder ghfkfja
any other blogs: yeah!! i have my main blog where i blog normally! i reblog lotsa aesthetic pictures and text posts and silly things about the mcelroys or john mulaney and So Much Jon Bernthal and Oscar Isaac stuff, and overwatch. just all my interests bundled up and neatly tagged so i can go back and find everything!
do i get asks: yep! and i love getting them!
why i chose my url: because look at him. look. also, this url was graciously given to me by @blackcoffeecastle, who is a complete darling and friend of mine!
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following: 679 people, i think?
followers: a whole bunch of lovely folks! (i try not to get caught up in stuff like number of followers, personally)
average hours of sleep: Bad
lucky number: i make my own luck, but i was born on the seventh, so 7 i guess?
instruments: piano, bells, xylophone, and sometimes my voice, if that counts!
what i’m wearing: spiderman t shirt and cinderella pj trousers because i am Fresh Outta The Shower and when i’m Fresh Outta The Shower i put on comfy clothes until i’m all dry n ready to wear Normal Human Clothes
dream job: i wanna be a teacher and write books in my spare time! but i also would really love to be a mother, one day, and for that to be my primary focus, while still maintaining my writing!
dream trip: i want to go to every single disney park and spend several weeks exploring all of them. maybe sleep in the cinderella castle suite or the private disney suite. then i wanna go get a cabin in yosemite national park when it’s snowing and play in the snow!
fave food: i really like sushi, but also pho and pasta and fruits and veggies! and candy. i have an ENORMOUS sweet tooth and i adore candy.
nationality: touchy subject but legally american
fave song: oh dear, i’m not sure! i have so many!
last book i read: i was recently re-reading an old book of fairytales from 1924 and it was super great!
top 3 fictional universes i wanna join: disney princess universe, over the garden wall, maybe the universe from pyre?
tagging: i tend not to talk folks in things like this because i get Too Darn Shy, but i’d love to hear what kind of universes you all would like to belong to, or think i’d fit well in! that’d be a fun discussion! maybe it could open up AU possibilities... :D
thank you so much for tagging me, amber!! i looooooooove yoooooooooou
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lithugraph · 7 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy! Thanks to @gummyboots for tagging me!
1: Are you named after someone? Sort of.  My parents wanted to have a boy so they could name him after my dad but surprise! They had a girl instead.  My mom wanted to name me Rhiannon after the Fleetwood Mac song, but my grandmother – being the All Supreme Catholic – was like ‘That’s not a saint’s name.’ So my parents opted for a feminized version of my dad’s name.
2: When was the last time you cried? I almost shed some tears watching “Moana” the other day.  It was the first time I’d ever seen it and its message about listening to that small quiet voice inside you and how that’s the real you and going beyond yourself and khaljf;akf;akdAS! It could not have come at a more appropriate time in my life.
3: If you could switch bodies/powers with a fictional character for one day, who would you pick and why? Never really thought about it, tbh.  But I wouldn’t mind going for a ride in a big blue police box ;)
4: What’s your favourite song? Too many to list.
5: Do you have kids? One.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Yeah, I’m awesome!
7: Do you use sarcasm? No, never ::wink::
8: How old are you? 3 decades
9: Would you bungee jump? I used to want to bungee jump when I was a kid.  Not so much now.  I lose my shit on the Mach Tower ride at Busch Gardens.  But I still want to try skydiving.  Go figure.
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? Lucky Charms all.the.way.
11: Who is your favourite villain? I would say The Master from the Doctor Who reboot with David Tennant, but he’s more mentally fucked up unstable.  I’ve yet to read/see a really good and fleshed out villain.  I want a villain that makes me think they’re the hero throughout until plot twist! you were wrong.  But like gummyboots said, Cathy in East of Eden is pretty despicable.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? I kind of have to be.
13: What is your favourite ice cream? Birthday cake!
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Their speech patterns and facial expressions.  And then I try to mimic them.
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Nothing.  I’m perfect.  Although my hair has suddenly developed a mind of its own.  I used to be able to rock any hairstyle, style it any way, and my hair would comply.  Now it’s like nope, not gonna happen, I’m just going to hang in your face.
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Rust colored and no shoes
17: What are you listening to right now? I’ve got the crab’s song from Moana stuck on repeat in my head.
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Teal…it was always my favorite.
19: Favourite smell? Hazelnut coffee and sandalwood.
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My best friend.
21: Favorite sport to watch? I will only watch sports provided: 1.) I am physically there at the arena or whatever to watch the sport 2.) I have beer.  However I did enjoy watching the FIFA Women’s World Cup on the television.  Also fencing.
22: Hair colour?   Auburn
23: Eye colour? Chestnut brown.
24: Do you wish your hair/eye colour was different? I used to wish for blue or green eyes when I was a kid.  But I’ve grown to like my eye color.  My eyes are such a weird shade of brown – in some lights they almost look greyish-green closer to the pupil.
25: Favorite accent? Russian, Scottish, Yorkshire, Caribbean, Cajun/Creole (I met a Creole dude once at a bar and his accent was soooo cool, the interplay of French and English!).  And there’s an accent here in Virginia that is really unique.  I call it the Richmond accent.  I’ve never heard anything like it before with regards to southern American accents.  It still has a bit of a twang, but some of the words are more genteel sounding like “out, about, proud,” and so on. It sounds like a Canadian accent married a Southern American accent and had a child. Here’s a video so you can hear it: https://youtu.be/vJT4wVgTw0k
26: What type of movies do you like? Historical dramas, animated, and sci-fi.
27: Last movie you watched? Moana.
28: What color of shirt are you wearing? Cream with red and orange and black patterns
29: Summer or winter? Winter.  Give me a chance to see snow, or flurries fluttering down, and the metallic scent in the air and black skeletal trees against a grey sky and warm drinks and a crackling fire.
30: Who is your current crush? Seb Stan as the Winter Soldier Michael Fassbender
31: What book are you currently reading? I was re-reading Jane Eyre (the slow-burn just started to intensify!)…but then summer session started and I’m knee-deep in UNIX and networking textbooks.  
32: What fictional character do you feel you’re most like? Jane Eyre (obvi) and Elizabeth Bennet.
33: What is on your mouse pad? What’s a mousepad?
34: What is the last TV program you watched? Sherlock season 4….most disappointed.
35: What is the best sound?
36: Rolling stones or The Beatles? David Bowie.  The only Stones worth listening to is their bluesy stuff, like Gimme Shelter and Tumbling Dice.  And I have mixed feelings about the Beatles.  I like their early “boy band” stuff…and some of their later stuff, but mostly the songs written by George Harrison.  I think   Paul and John were trying to “outweird” each other.
37: What is the furthest you have ever travelled? Berlin from Virginia.
38: Do you have a special talent? I can predict what’s going to happen in any tv series, movie, or novel.  I’m a walking spoiler-alert.  You don’t want to watch tv shows or movies with me…or suggest a book I should read because I will figure out the plot before the first half of it.
39: Where were you born? Virginia.  And I live there again….except on the opposite side of the state from where I was born.
Totally optional, as always, but I tag: @niniel-kirkland, @irascible-erable and whoever else sees this and wants to do it. 
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btshodown · 8 years
Survey Tag Game
Survey Tag Game
Tagged by @livelyjaded although really its btshodown, but its the other butt cheek of this blog.
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag some people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
1: Are you named after someone? Yes, after the Mexican version of the Virgin Mary.
2: When is the last time you cried? Sunday afternoon, I was driving home from work with my dad and we were laughing so hard over a stupid thing I said and did that I cried.
3: Do you like your handwriting? The hieroglyphics that will take archeologist years to decipher only to realize it was a stupid butt joke? Sure, I guess.
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? Is pastrami considered a lunch meat?
5: Do you have kids? Do fictional OC’s count?
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Hahahahahah. No.
7: Do you use sarcasm? I am brutally honest, if people want to take that as sarcasm then that sounds like a “them” problem.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Considering I’ve never had a single surgery performed on me, yes, I believe I do still have my tonsils.
9: Would you bungee jump? Sure, so long as the rope is longer than the distance between the jumping point and the ground.
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Plain Special K, but only cause I put a teaspoon of sugar on it, thus making it unhealthy.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Unfortunately, yes, because I like to wear Converse and they’re a bit of a bitch to take off without untying them.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Physically, no. Mentally, also no.
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavour? Vanilla, especially when it’s part of a tea float with a small helping of Chado sweet cream.
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? The way they carry themselves.
15: Red or pink? Red.
16: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? Welp, it starts with B and ends with Ody.
17: What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? Umm… They’re black jeans… but like have a bit of a blue tint to them… so they’re either black or a really dark navy blue.
18: What was the last thing you ate? Quaker’s peaches and cream (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) oatmeal.
19: What are you listening to right now? Hotel California by the Eagles, I’m currently at work listening to Pandora on my phone on the Queen station.
20: If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? White, because it’s useless and you pretty much forget it and sometimes question why it’s there.
21: Favorite smell? The smell of dirt when it first starts to rain after it hasn’t rained in a long time, the smell of real leather, and Yves Saint Laurent L’Homme.
 22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Seeing as I’m at work, with someone that wanted to talk to one of my bosses. On my personal phone, my dad, yesterday evening wanting to know where I was because they need me to look after my niece due to them needing to be somewhere.
23: Favorite sport to watch? I can’t watch any sport, I get WAY into it and things get broken whether my team wins or loses… but the one that I mainly care about is fútbol.
24: Hair colour? Black-brown with light brown highlights.
25: Eye colour? Dark brown, that sometimes do get a hint of maroon in there.
26: Do you wear contacts? I can, but I prefer my glasses as I feel they distract people from seeing my hideous face.
27: Favourite food to eat? Hot cheetoh’s?
28: Scary movies or comedy? Scary movies, Admi LD doesn’t generally enjoy them, but I do. Nothing gets your blood pumping as much as being reminded that some invisible force could drag your ass down the stair and possess you.
29: Last movie you watched? The Forest.
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Maroon with Blessed print in gold across my chest. 
31: Summer or winter?  Winter, even though with my weak immune system, I spend it inside looking out the window wondering of the life that could have been.
32: Hugs or kisses? Neither. Nope.
33: What book are you currently reading? This will be a re-read for like… the 5th time, Endless Knight volume 2 of the Arcana Chronicles by Kresley Cole. I recommend the series, although I’m still waiting on that last book that she promised for this coming spring.
34: Who do you miss right now? Sigh… *looks off into the distance* Admin LD, I haven’t seen her since Saturday, but I must remain strong. Our lurv will prevail~
35: What is on your mouse pad? My work mouse pad is black and had Toyota Genuine Parts in red, my personal one, don’t have one because I had a laptop.
36: What is the last TV program you watched? Welp, since I tend to just sleep after I get home from work, I don’t watch a lot of TV. The last program… The Walking Dead season finale.
37: What is the best sound? My top 3 favorite sounds are BTS being healthy and happy, the sound of rain and thunder, finally, Admin LD when she’s laughing and being happy to be herself.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I don’t really like or dislike either, so I’m gonna copy Admin LD here and say that I prefer Queen.
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? From California to León, Gtó, México.
40: Do you have a special talent? Being able to lay in bed all day and not feel guilty. I can read music sheets. I can bullshit my way through almost anything. :’)
41: Where were you born? León, Gtó, México.
Tagging:  @darkmoonmary @fwck-off @justanotherkpop-fan @reggie-got-it @cupidscasualties
Useless stuff the internet and you all have now of me. :D
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bearhyog-blog · 7 years
{ OOC }
So... I’ve been missing. I needed some time for myself, I was really down and I just wanted to take a break from existing basically. I haven’t kept in touch with anyone, not even picking up the phone from grandma. I don’t know why specifically but I can tell you what has been happening in my life lately.
But before all that, I just want to take the time to thank you for keeping me up to date with your life and for always remembering me. I received your present last Friday and that made me sooooooooooooooooooooo happy. You have no idea, my favourite thing to colour is animals ^^ also, mom LOVED her calender, she hung it up on our living room and told me to thank you while complimenting your kindness and “foolishness” from wasting money on her. So thank you, thank you very much for your words, your actions and the postcards! They’re really well thought out and it makes my heart warm to know that I have someone who loves me, even if we’re far apart.
Where do I begin though.
As you know, I’ve been promised a job. I’m still waiting for it because the guy is so utterly busy he just can’t find the time to make videos with me. I don’t know, I’m disappointed I guess. Again. Mom also talked to the lady who was going to give me a ton of work and she also said she’s too busy. I might have a shot at teaching english 101 but the burocracy is crazy and idek how to handle situations like that, its all so complicated, my god. So I’ve been a little sad regarding that. But hey! I finished my portfolio if you wanna check it out. I’ll be adding stuff to it as I make more stuff. Here’s the link:  https://marquesara.wixsite.com/portfolio
What else is new? Ah! Since I’ve been feeling so lost and just down, I took on a little project. At first, it was going to be a turtle but the money to keep one is sooooooo much that I decided on dwarf hamsters. They’re very cute. They’re also kinda boring because they don’t interact with us but eh they’re nice to look at and feed and stuff. At first I got two: Francis and Sebastian. I read online that males are usually more calm than females so I decided on two males. AND I build their cage out of a plastic storage box, that wood flooring they have, cardbox as bed and stairs a wheel, a bird nest and feeding / drinking objects. It gave me a purpose, you know? And I was a little happier for a little while. They now live in my closet because my cats are crazy killers and they don’t leave the poor things alone. So during the day I leave the door open from the closet so they can see sunlight while I keep the door to my room closed so they can’t get in. At night I close the closet and leave the door open for the cats if they want to sleep on my bed. Oh! But that’s not all. I went back for a third mouse because the box was just so big for 2 little creatures. When I got to the store I said I wanted to take one more and the lady went. “We have two here but one is not for sale because he doesn’t have a leg so we can’t sell that one.” but I had noticed that one of the hamsters I had home had a limp so I told her that and she apologized and said I could take it back and they’d give me the money back for it. I said no way! The creature is no less of a creature because it has a limp! So the lady said she would offer me one hamster instead. I agreed to that (duh) but I saw that there was only one left in the cage so I told her I’d take that one too so he wouldn’t be alone. So now I have four hamsters living in my room. Oh! The others’ names are Aiden and Josh. They’re all named after characters from shows I love hahaha
Still on the animal train, we have Lolita! Lolita is a very pretty, young cat who gave birth to three kittens last month. She belongs to a friend of grandma’s and the poor cat got pregnant basically because the woman won’t sterilize her and she didn’t want to hear the cat whine so she let her free. Someone found her on the street, shaking, quivering in fear under a car and with major weight loss. Instantly, I wanted to take Lolita from that woman. And I might. I’m going to propose to her that I take her to the vet and do an aids test on her. I can’t add an aids cat in my family but I can help with the kittens. Mom wants to adopt one so we might just do that. Or take them all to the vet for responsible adoptions, because wtf... People are so selfish. I spent a whole hour in her house with Lolita and her kittens. Lolita is so gentle and thin and her cubs are still so small they can’t even meow sometimes. One is black and white, the other is white with brown spots and the other one is white and bege. They’re ALL adorable. But this kind of thing triggers me. I know I can’t be the super hero, saving all the animals but that makes me sad and just bleh.
Moving onward, in a talk with mom she said I had my savings from my childhood in the house and not in the bank anymore and it was a decent amount so instead of just worrying about the future all the time and seeing mom getting so stressed about money, I took her with me to the mall nearest, to Primark so we could both get some new clothes. She was really happy so we went once again days later. I paid for all of it. It wasn’t much but it was something we could never afford if it wasn’t for the savings since mom isn’t doing so well in her job. Anyway, I got sunglasses from dad that cost 25 CENTS!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that’s how cheap that store is. You can get amazing deals. He was so happy for the random present hahahaha. I also then took a little more cash out of the envelope and told mom to come with me to a store nearby where the supermarket is, she was confused and asked why so I asked her “black, white or gold”? She was even more confused but on our way there she yells “YOU’RE NOT BUYING ME A PHONE ARE YOU?”. Let’s just say mom’s phone belongs in the 1700s and it has a lot of issues. So I searched online and I got a great deal from that store. Mom was FLOORED. It was nice to see. She’s been so down too so I wanted to cheer her up a bit! And it worked, she loved the phone. It’s no Terminator but it works fine, so ^^
I also got you a couple cute things but idk when I’ll be sending them because our post office is working like SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super mad at them. Remember when I told you I had some stuff from ebay coming? ONE IS STILL NOT HERE DUE TO A TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY. I was so pissed at them I emailed them to insult the crap out of them. Sigh. I hope it comes back soon or I’ll destroy the company with my screams.
Mom bought me an aloe vera plant.
I started washing my hair with shampoo after 1 year of flour. It’s organic, biologic and plant-based blah blah so that I can finally not have flour in my hair all the time but still don’t damage it with chemicals. I didn’t even know such things existed LOL but at the mall I saw this store glowing green and checked it out and NOW I AM FREE OF FLOUR HAHAHAHAHAH
In the meantime, I went to two funerals. No one I knew personally but they were family of family, you know? It made me remember to pray, I had forgotten the words hahahaha. And I like churches, they look old and historical and smell wooden-y hahahaahah I’m an idiot.
Anyway, basically I just dug myself a hole and covered it. I’m ready to resurface now, bit by bit. Thank the lord for TV series. Spoiler alert, Jon Snow sleeps with a very hot woman. LOL But what’s really got me going is this series called Being Human and it’s SOOOOOOOOOOO good. It’s about a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost who live together. They’re all friends against their species “rules”. It’s so dramatic and violent and romantic and emotional and omg I just want to marry Josh, he’s my little Teddy Bear. You should check it out! I think you’d like it. Don’t watch the UK version, that SUCKS. Watch the US remake. Ughhhhhhhh. I even wrote fanfiction about me and Josh HAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA It’s silly but when you’re by yourself that’s what you do.
I just... I really can’t explain it. I fell like Alice in Wonderland (idk if you’ll get the reference or if you saw the movie) but she falls down this hole in the ground and there’s all sorts of things she sees around her like tea pots and chess tables and singing butterflies AS SHE FALLS (more like floats down). And then I felt trapped, I didn’t know which way to go. Should I wait for work here, should I just pack my things and go to Ireland? It’s all so blurry and I think the anxiety of it all caught up to me.
Which reminds me! I upped my meds and they’re working well :)
What else...
Hmmm, oh I have the flu -_- I think I caught it from a kid at dad’s house the other day I went there to have dinner with them. I feel like I weigh 1000000000000kg but it’s all physical, you know? Clogged nose, horrible dry cough, bit of a fever. Nothing that won’t cure itself. 
I think that’s all there is to tell, actually. The rest of my days I just spend watching shows with mom, sleeping the day away because the meds make me sleepy, walking Mel, taking naps, and more naps. Oh right! And I’m doing therapy too. They stopped the OCD therapy for now because I believe I’m in a good place right now, controllable state that I don’t need a doctor to continue with my treatment for that. But now we’re going all the way back to my childhood and why I only have nightmares and why do I dream of the same guy over and over who I didn’t even date but like... it was a crush in MIDDLE SCHOOL. She basically said I’m emotionally damaged (what a surprise) and that led to consequences such as not liking men unless they’re fictional. But we just started on that so we’ll see where this goes. I think that put me down too, I had to write about every guy I had been involved even at 12 years old and I hated remembering all those times and people and that ALSO contributed to me not being in the brightest of mood.
Then I tried joining a RP as JB from GOT7 because he’s a hot piece of ass. I was on like 7 different dates, not even kidding but I lost interest because they were too easy. I left and joined as Yeeun. No one talked to me so I left again and came back as Ken and his ex from a rp like... two years ago is there and it’s so awkward I just stopped showing. 
And that has been my life!
You have no idea how much I’ve missed you and I wanted to talk to you but I just didn’t have the strength... I’m sorry about that and for not being there when you needed me, I truly feel so bad. But I’m here now okay? And I’ll even rewind here so that we don’t clog the messenger feed (which we tend to do a lot)
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