#i wanted it to be purah with a blood moon in the background but got sick of waiting for one to happen LOL
fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 14
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ] A/N: This chapter's formatting may not read very well on Tumblr. See the AO3 link as an alternate.
Booting… Booting… Boot–
%%% A problem has occurred and the Purah Pad will now shut down to prevent further damage. 
%%% Shutdown process: Initiating…
### STOP: 0x0000008E (0xHE000000LP, 0x0ME00000)
### pp1371hud.sys – Address F87D91-HELP at F87DA0-ME
%%% Beginning memory transfer…
%%%Transfer Complete.
%%% C  ontact your the Pur  ah Pad technical admini5trat0r for furthe  r  #  H##ELP! 
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 6th day. I’ve made a start on the repairs to Link’s Purah Pad, but progress is slow. It was pretty badly damaged in the fight, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to save it. To think, just yesterday Link asked me to give it a once over. 
As a stopgap, I’ve booted up a prototype Purah Pad and transferred all of Link’s data and inventory across. Its hardware is barely holding together, so I’ve asked Robbie to return from Hateno Village to help out, but he’s still a day away.  
I’m using the guidance stone console to recover what I can. It looks like most of the data survived, but everything logged in the past week is completely scrambled. I’ll sort it out. I have to. 
I know how much Link’s notes mean to him. Salvaging them is the least I can do. 
[ Corrupted data packets identified ]1040802-logtypeTEXT.pkg 1040802-hyrulegarrison-053.img1040804-logtypeTEXT.pkg 1040804-lookoutlanding-055.img 1040805-logtypeAUDIO.pkg UNKNOWN-PRINCESSZELDA.img
Re-compiling… 1040802-logtypeTEXT.pkg Recovery 12.5 / 100%
Log[]da[][]: 10:45. 8th month, 2nd day ##VALUE! Location: Hyrule Ga[][]is[]n [][][][][] Weather: %%UNRECOVERED
%[...]%Glad Tulin and Riju are with me. Have a bad feeling, about all this%[...]%Too many memories in Hyrule, and one over every rise and along every path%[...]%but Riju said I had no need for guilt, and Tulin said it was probably an accident%[...]%
< ~File corrupted, unable to display image > 
Re-compiling… 1040804-logtypeTEXT.pkg Recovery 32.3 / 100% 
[][][] d[]te: ##VALUE! 8th [][][][][], 4th day 104AC ~~~ation: Lookout Lan[][][][] Weather: Mild
%[...]%Robbie’s upgraded the Message Medallions and made one for each Sage%[...]%I’ve briefed the Sages that I think it could be a trap, but we haven’t told the people of Lookout Landing. They’re so sure it’s her. They have so much hope. Who am I to take that away?%[...]%
A half-corrupted photograph, the shapes and colours decaying into noise. To describe it in more detail would be to describe peeling the Purah Pad back layer by layer, and unearthing the wriggling wires, blinking lights and humming components underneath. Look too long, and something starts looking back. 
Caption: C an you% %see m e?
Re-compiling… 1040805-logtypeAUDIO.pkg  Recovery 49.0 / 100% 
RJ | 12:30 %[...]% made it to the Library%[...]% looking worse for wear. 
UNKNOWN | 12:30 Roger that. Yunobo and I are ###here##in here, I’m##in here## 
UNKNOWN | 12:31 Checking in! The Docks are clear but ###Gl# %% %.
YNB| 12:31 Plenty of Gloom here too, goro!
UNKNOWN | 12:32 What about you?%[...]%
LNK | 12:32 I’m at the second gatehouse. And I… 
RJ | 12:32 ##[PURAH]? What’s going on?
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 7th day - After a day of work and no sleep, I’ve barely made it halfway through the data. I sent Josha off to find me some coffee but Goddess be good, she’d never heard of it. I guess they don’t make it in Kakariko anymore. 
Robbie’s not far away. It’s possible it’s the damage to the Purah Pad itself that causing all the isues. But there’s a lot of noise in the data, more than there should be. Maybe someone’s been messing around with the backend somehow.  
I just hope we can sort this all out before Link gets back. It would help if we knew where he went, and for how long, and why. Scorpis sent scouts, Harth too. They haven’t come back with anything. I told them he’s the Hero of Hyrule for the Goddess’ sake, look harder! 
Okay, I think I’ve nearly cracked the entries made on the day Link and the Sages infiltrated Hyrule Castle. Hopefully something in there will help us find him. 
Recompilation complete: 1040804-logtypeTEXT.pkg Recovery 61.7 / 100%  
Log date: 14:45. 8th month, 4th day 104AC Location: Lookout Landing Weather: Mild  
Made it to Lookout Landing with Tulin and Riju. Sidon and Yunobo were already here. All of Hyrule has come for 'Zelda'. 
We’ve spent the morning planning the ‘rescue’. Robbie’s upgraded the Message Medallions and made one for each Sage, so that we can all go to the Castle together and communicate freely. The plan is to hit each main entrance – the Docks, the Library, the Dining Halls and the Gatehouses – all at once. 
I’ve briefed the Sages that I think it could be a trap, but we haven’t told the people of Lookout Landing. They’re so sure it’s her. They have so much hope. Who am I to take that away? 
And there is … another possibility. I can’t promise them Zelda is just an illusion if the opposite is true, but it’s too terrible… What would we do? What would we do, Zelda, if it’s really you causing all these problems in Hyrule, and really you who has turned on us? Goddess, what would we do?
A colourful photograph of Lookout Landing, with the banners of each land of Hyrule visible. Hyrule Castle stands in the background, brightly lit by the sun despite the Gloom that pours out of it. 
Caption: Time to find out. 
Re-compilation complete: 1040805-logtypeAUDIO.pkg  Recovery 85.5 / 100%
Audio log transcription date: 104.08.05  Time: 26 minutes 31 seconds. 
LNK | 12:27 Testing… testing… Can you guys hear me? 
RJ | 12:27 Loud and clear! Wow Link, it’s like you’re right here. 
LNK | 12:27 Thank Robbie. This was his idea. 
TLN | 12:28 Cadet Tulin checking in! Or, no, can I be Officer Tulin?
RJ | 12:28 Sure you can, kid. 
TLN | 12:28 Who are YOU calling kid?
RJ | 12:28 Only the Chief of–
YNB | 12:28 Hey guys! President uh… Yunobo, checking in! Is that the right term?
TLN | 12:29 You are President aren’t you?
YNB | 12:29 No the ‘checking in’ part.
TLN | 12:29 I guess?
SDN | 12:30 I am also here! 
LNK | 12:30 Are we all in position?
RJ | 12:30 I’ve made it to the Library. This place is looking worse for wear.
TLN | 12:31 Roger that. Yunobo and I are in the Dining Hall. 
SDN | 12:31 I’m at the Docks. They’re clear but there’s Gloom everywhere. 
YNB | 12:31 Lots of Gloom here too, goro!
RJ | 12:32 What about you, Link? 
LNK | 12:32 I’m at the Second Gatehouse. And I…
RJ | 12:32 Link? What’s going on?
LNK | 12:32 I can see her. 
SDN | 12:33 The Princess? 
TLN | 12:33 Zelda?
LNK | 12:33 I… I don’t know. Hold position, I’m going in.  
SDN | 12:33 Uh, no need for alarm but, there’s something here…
TLN | 12:33 Wait… I can see something too. 
YNB | 12:34 Do you think that’s…?
RJ | 12:34 Zelda!? But, she’s in the Gatehouse! What is she doing here?
SDN | 12:34 It’s… moving. The Gloom is moving…
LNK | 12:34 [roaring, crashing noises] Ack! Everyone! It was a trap! I repeat a trap!
TLN | 12:34 Yunobo watch out!
YNB | 12:34 Monsters! 
RJ | 12:35 They’re everywhere! What happened to Zelda?!
LNK | 12:35 She was bait! Get out of there!
SDN | 12:35 [gasping] H-Help me! Help! It’s got a hold of me! 
LNK | 12:35 Sidon! I’m on my way–
SDN | 12:35 [strangled] No, don't–! You damn-! Hyack, hyah! I’m… I’m free!
LNK | 12:35 Run! Don’t try to fight it!
SDN | 12:35 [screeching in the background] Okay, running!
TLN | 12:36 [arrows whooshing] One down!
YNB | 12:36 Yes, ha hah! We got this little guy, don’t worry!
TLN | 12:36 Not! Little!
RJ | 12:37 [thunder crashing] Take that! And that!
LNK | 12:37 Second Gatehouse is clear. Heading to the west apartments. Everyone report in. 
TLN | 12:38 Roger that, we are nearly–!
YNB | 12:38 Done and done! Dining Hall is clear.
RJ | 12:39 So is the Library. Phew, that was quite the fight. And– oh, Sidon!  You made it from the Docks!
SDN | 12:40 [out of breath] Indeed. 
RJ | 12:40 Those marks on you… what was down there?
SDN | 12:40 I do not know! 
TLN | 12:42 So did we… find Zelda?
YNB | 12:42 I think she left, after those monsters came. 
TLN | 12:43 So it wasn't really her?
YNB | 12:43 Iunno…
RJ | 12:44 Link? What should we do now? 
RJ | 12:46 Link? Say something. You’re scaring us.  
YNB | 12:47 Is…is he alright?
SDN | 12:48 He’ll be fine. Maybe his talking stone is not functioning. 
YNB | 12:49 It’s more of a talking rock.
TLN | 12:49 Looks like a pebble to me.
SDN | 12:49 It is distinctly a glowing stone, the markings typical of–
RJ | 12:48 Can we please focus?! Link, come in! 
LNK | 12:49 I’m here, sorry. Monsters in Zelda’s old room. Caught off guard. Heading to the Inner Sanctum. Everyone else retreat. It’s too dangerous.
SDN | 12:49 No. We will join you. 
TLN | 12:50 We can’t leave now!
YNB | 12:50 We’ve come all this way!
RJ | 12:50 We’ll fight together!   
LNK | 12:50 Okay. I… Thank you.  Approaching the inner sanctum. It seems clear but… 
LNK | 12:51 …Zelda? 
TLN | 12:51 Is it another ghost?
YNB | 12:51 Is it another trap?!
LNK | 12:52 No it’s… it’s really you, isn’t it?
RJ | 12:52 Link! What do you see?  
LNK | 12:52 [softly] You came back…
RJ | 12:52 Link, wait! Wait for us to get there! 
SDN | 12:52 We’re moving as fast as we can! 
LNK | 12:52 I missed you…
RJ | 12:53 Link, answer me! Link!
LNK | 12:53 Zelda… you… wait. No–! [screaming]
RJ | 12:53 Link!
Connection terminated. 
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 9th day - I’ve managed to recover more of Link’s logs, but Robbie wants me to hand over the Purah Pad ASAP. He took one look at it and shook his head. You’ve outdone yourself this time, he said. I told him I knew my behaviour was not becoming of a Lab Director. He agreed. 
The logs don’t tell me much. I know Link was anxious about going to the Castle, and I know they had a hard fight once they got there, but when he and the Sages returned… he was in hysterics. And the Sages say they just found him like that.  
But it wasn’t all for nothing. The Sages had good and bad news. The ‘Zelda’ we have been seeing everywhere was actually a puppet of the Demon King Ganondorf, who has survived to this era. It was Ganondorf that they fought in the Castle, and Ganondorf that caused all this Gloom and chaos. But the Sages believe there is still one of their number to be found, a fifth Sage, and that with their power they’ll be strong enough to take him on. But Link… 
He said that he didn’t care about the Sages, or Ganondorf, or Hyrule. He said he had to find Zelda and that he had to do it alone. I told him to cool it, and that we must approach this as a team, but he just kept saying he would let us all down, and that we were better off without him. 
I’ll be honest, I lost my temper. Pull yourself together, I said. The whole Kingdom is relying on you to defeat the Demon King, or we’re all dead, don’t you understand!? Zelda will have to wait, if she isn’t lost already! 
He gave me the darkest look. When he grabbed his Purah Pad to teleport away I…I ripped it right out of his hands. He tried to grab it back and there was a tussle and the next I knew, the Purah Pad was smashed against the ground. There was silence, the worst kind, when you know you’ve done a terrible thing. 
I have to repair it. It’s the only way I can think to apologise. And in the time I’ve been working on it, I’ve felt a judgement on me. Watchful eyes, deciding my guilt. I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I feel there’s something alive inside the Purah Pad, something that’s been rattling around in the circuits and is finally awake. I think it knows what happened here. 
Maybe if I keep recovering what I can, I’ll figure out what it is, and maybe I’ll fix everything else too…
Well. Back to work.  
Incoming transmission…Processing…
Message Medallion activated.
Connection established.
PRH | 09:00 Hello? 
UNKNOWN | 09:00 Hello, Purah. May I call you that?
PRH | 09:01 Who are you?  How are you — No, I know.  You’re whatever’s living inside the Purah Pad.
UNKNOWN | 09:01 Indeed, I apologise.  I hope my occupation will not be permanent. 
PRH | 09:02 So you tapped the messaging function in order to talk? That’s pretty brilliant.    
UNKNOWN | 09:02 Thank you! I’m glad you think so.  The Purah Pad has been a comfortable home. I am glad to meet its creator.
PRH | 09:03 Oh, it was nothing. I didn’t even know you were there. Anyway – WHO ARE YOU? 
UNKNOWN | 09:04 I would prefer not to say.  I was instructed to reveal myself only to the swordsman, Link. I do not know who I can trust.
PRH | 09:04 You can trust me, can't you? 
UNKNOWN | 09:04 I did call out for you to help me.
PRH | 09:04 And I got your messages.
UNKNOWN | 09:04 The Purah Pad has survived the damage, I see.
PRH | 09:05 Yeah, sorry about that.  That was my doing.  
UNKNOWN | 09:05 And it was your doing to save me.  Very well. I am Mineru, the Sage of Spirit.
PRH | 09:06 A Sage? The others are looking for you, you know. 
MNR | 09:06 I would prefer you allow me to speak to Link and Link only.
PRH | 09:07 Well he’s not here right now.  Something happened at Hyrule Castle.  He never told us what. 
MNR | 09:07 The Castle, yes.  Ganondorf’s cruelty is as boundless as the sky.
PRH | 09:07 You saw what happened?
MNR | 09:08 I see what the Purah Pad sees. Thanks to you, I can finally communicate.
PRH | 09:08 Mineru, we need to know what it was.  If Link abandons us, I don’t know what we’ll do. 
MNR | 09:09 I understand, Lady Purah.  It will be easier to show you.
A series of photographs, or perhaps more accurately the memory of them. These images are reconstructed out of others and are more akin to illustrations than true-to-life pictures. The first is an image of Link, stepping into the Inner Sanctum of Hyrule Castle, restored to its former glory. Waiting for him there is Princess Zelda, bright as the sun. She beckons. 
Caption: The puppet Zelda controlled by Ganondorf led us here, but this time when Link laid eyes on her, something was different. He was entranced. 
An image of Link embracing Princess Zelda. He appears to be weeping, they both are. The Princess’ face then darkens, Gloom seeping from her body. 
Caption: You must understand, Lady Purah, that even the tiniest sliver of hope was enough to tempt him. He had spent weeks knowing that this Zelda was not our Princess, but in that moment, it didn’t matter. 
An image of Link crying out in shock as Zelda grabs him by the throat and throws him to the ground. She then goes limp, as the ghostly image of Ganondorf taunts Link from above. 
Caption: I have never seen such rage. Link would have burnt the whole Kingdom down at that moment if it meant destroying Ganondorf. But the Demon King is cruel as he is cowardly. He would not face Link directly. 
An image of a phantom form of Ganondorf which has appeared to face Link. He and Link do battle as the puppet Zelda looks on. The image shifts – the puppet Zelda takes a dagger, and begins to attack at every opportunity. Link dodges her as he fights Ganondorf, unable or perhaps unwilling to retaliate. One of the puppet’s strikes lands across his side, and draws blood. 
Caption: Her betrayal would have been less painful were she not still so graceful, so beautiful. Her image was the one thing Link had wanted to see, and it turned on him with such violence.  
An image of the four Sages approaching the Inner Sanctum to join Link. The puppet Zelda hoists her dagger ready to throw at the intruders. Link cries out and, to prevent her murderous action, sinks a blade through her chest. The puppet falls into his arms, blood staining her white gown. Link holds her close until she dissolves into ash. 
Caption: He was inconsolable. The Sages found him weeping on the stone floor, and when they tried to help him stand, his rage boiled over. It’s a miracle he didn’t kill any of them in his rampage. But they managed to restrain him, and had to listen to the Demon King’s threats of destruction while their Hero shook in their arms. 
A final image of Link, back at Lookout Landing, arguing with the Sages and Purah. There is an altercation, and the Purah Pad falls to the ground, broken. Link departs in a huff, and the image fades to white. 
Caption: This was where he left us, or left me rather. The Sages do not hold anything against Link, but they do not understand. They did not see Zelda, in the Inner Sanctum, as he did. They do not know what he was forced to do to save them, even if it was only a puppet. You say he is missing? There is a log of his yet unrecovered that I believe may set you on the path to find him. Go, and find what you seek. 
Re-compilation complete: 1040802-logtypeTEXT.pkg   Recovery 100 / 100%
Log date: 10:45. 8th month, 2nd day 104AC Location: Hyrule Garrison Ruins Weather: Sunny
Short stop over in Hyrule Garrison before we head to Lookout. Tulin was flying over Hyrule Field and spotted us so he joined us on foot. One hour in and he was already complaining about how slow we move. Then he and Riju got talking about which Sage’s Vow is the best, and they’ve been hounding me for my opinion. I’ve convinced them that as Hero of Hyrule I don’t have favourites.
(It’s Tulin’s.) 
Glad Tulin and Riju are with me. Have a bad feeling, about all this. It’s peaceful being alone, but company is good too. Too many memories in Hyrule, and one over every rise and along every path, sometimes. 
One came back to me when we were exploring these ruins. I was young, when I was first sent here, though not sure how young. Did I already have the Sword? It’s all gone now anyway. 
When I was first starting out I was all brute force. The quicker boys, or the ones that didn’t play fair, always had the upper hand. One day I just got fed up. I thought I could dole out some justice. Didn’t know how hard I could hit. The first time I cracked another boy’s skull was the last… but I never really forgot the sound. 
The old me, the original Link, figured out how to quash that anger somehow. The current me is still afraid of what it will do, if pushed too far. I told Riju and Tulin all this, last evening by the fire. I thought they’d be disgusted, but Riju said I had no need for guilt, and Tulin said it was probably an accident anyway. I don’t know. I barely know anything, these days. But I do know I have friends at my side now, and ones I can confide in. Maybe that’s how he figured it out, the Link of times gone by. 
Well, present day Link has to press on, no matter what dread he’s feeling. Hyrule Castle is only a day away, and Zelda is waiting. (As is the gear she made me, hopefully) 
A photograph of Hyrule Field, with the looming Hyrule Castle on the horizon. It bleeds Gloom and beckons, forebodingly. 
Caption: I miss the times we had there.   
[ All corrupted logs recovered. ]
> Director’s Log, 104AC, 8th month, 10th day - It’s done. The Purah Pad put back together and given a polish thanks to Robbie and Josha respectively. 
I think I know where Link went now. It’s the only place no one thought to look, because it’s the one place we were sure he’d wouldn’t go. Zelda spoke of it, half a year ago now, and of the treasure she left him. I’m going to go there myself to deliver the Purah Pad to him, and make my apology. 
Before I go: Lady Mineru, I know you can hear me. I’m looking at the Purah Pad right now, all but talking directly to you. I have to wall you off again, Mineru, I’m so sorry. Your awakened presence in the Purah Pad is frying its circuits. I don’t know how you even got in there in the first place. Maybe you’ll tell us someday, but for now our priority must be keeping you alive. I’ll tell Link that the Purah Pad is the key to the fifth Sage when I hand it to him. I’m sure he’ll get you out of there somehow. 
I’ve also decided to delete the images you showed me of what happened in the Inner Sanctum. I don’t know how to tell Link what I know, or if I even should. But I will tell him I know how he’s feeling. We all miss Zelda, so very much. Our world ended twice over when we lost her. I can’t offer him much more than that, but I think that’s okay. Sometimes hope isn’t what you need. Sometimes all you need is to cry, and when that happens, it’s easier if you’re not crying alone. 
Okay, back to work. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. One of them will be our day. 
Log date: 17:10. 8th month, 10th day 104AC. Location: Mabe Village Ruins Weather: Cool.
Ah, the relief, having the Purah Pad back. You start to rely on this tech, once it’s part of your day-to-day. And there's no way to lose your memory if you write it all down. It's funny, Purah was the one who found me, in the Throne Room. There wasn’t much to say. We were both pretty sorry. Hugged it out, shed some tears, patched things up. Then I showed her why I'd returned there: the new Champion Leathers, bespoke made by Zelda. 
They fit perfect, a good blend of the old tunic and some new additions. Not sure what prompted the memory of her note about it, but I just knew I wasn’t going to let Ganondorf take that place from us. Zelda and I met there, after all, a long time ago now. 
Head’s still muddy. I don’t like thinking about what happened in there. Nearly let my anger get the better of me, nearly let it hurt my friends. I thought the Sages would abandon me for it but, they stuck by me, and carried me kicking and screaming out of that Castle. It’s so easy to let rage destroy you – when someone holds you back from that, it means something. I’ll find a way to thank them, in time. For now, I've apologised at least three times over. 
After all that, I think I’m not afraid of the anger, anymore. It’s just a part of me, as much as any other feeling. Old Link stamped out his feelings. The new one is going to try and roll with them.  
Heading south. There’s more geoglyphs that way, more ruins to explore, and pirates in Lurelin (apparently). Kind of excited about the last one. It’s been a rough few weeks. I promised the Sages I wouldn’t get too sidetracked, and would definitely find the fifth Sage in no time. But, come on, pirates! Let us have one fun thing to look forward to… 
A photograph of the waters of Mabe Prairie lake. In the reflection is Link, holding the Purah Pad, the impassive camera eye looking back upon itself. Garini of Lurelin Village is by his side, waving.
Caption: Me and my indispensable travel companion, and also Garini. 
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