#i was able to catch up on work despite the headaches soo
wheeboo · 7 months
hii everyone i'm alive ^-^ sorry for being a little quiet i got sick LMAO. on top of endless uni work and horrible stress headaches :(( i was going to try n post something this weekend but was unsurprisingly couch ridden majority of the time anyway so i couldn't write djfklsjfds
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Okay, probably not a hot take, but imma scribble about it anyway,
I honestly think Cale Hetinuse/Kim Rok Soo has chronic pain/fatigue.
Like, everybody loves the whole coughing up blood/wet meow meow thing he's always doing, but personally? People who are that nonchalant about Shit Happening To Their Body, are typically people who are waaaaay too used to Fucked Up Shit Happening To Their Body,
It's just a head canon, but as someone who is chronically in pain, I absolutely do some of the stupid shit CH/KRS does, like carrying stuff I should NOT be carrying, or continuing to Do Things even when I should be sitting and resting. I also know several people who (like me) can be experiencing level 4-5 pain and not show a hint on their face/through their actions besides maaaaybe moving a bit slower/stretching more
And we know KRS has been on his own since he was itty bitty... And then he grew up in a world hell bent on killing everyone. I can't help but think that a tiny child with no one to help him with the general cuts/bruises/little hurts of childhood would 1) have zero frame of reference for what "okay" actually looks like 2) probably has never really received medical care beyond emergency assistance (which does jack for chronic conditions) and 3) has NEVER really had someone in his life long enough for them to catch his way of coping with pain (my very close friends can hear when I'm hurting/tired, everyone else only notices if I am visibly incapacitated)
So, Kim Rok Soo ends up in a world/body that "technically" hasn't experienced his life, HOWEVER fibromyalgia and PTSD are like goddamn pb&j. It's a condition that is deeply tied to a body's stress response. And what does Cale say once he has the Heart? "I feel BETTER"
And that just speaks to me of a person who is so used to pain, that it no longer really registers... I had daily headaches for 7 years, it wasn't until I moved and got a new primary that I found out that more than 4 headaches in a month was considered a concern... I got on some migraine meds and actually stopped having that daily headache, something id just accepted as "how my body works" gone,
I personally don't consider pain at a 1-2 as particularly bothersome, it's more like a general annoyance. Onces it's up to 6-7 it's hard for me to move, and yet I often will still do so, despite the pain. It's only at 9-10 so I stop moving entirely and focus on just weathering it. Usually when that happens, I sleep so much after as my body tries to recover.
And when I read Cale, so casually continuing forward, despite the work he takes on himself, after the constant planning and prepping and ass kicking, all I see is a person who has lived so long with his body's suffering that it's just background noise. Yeah, he coughed up some blood, but the pain is back to "normal" so how can he raise a fuss? He killed 3 monsters with a dislocated shoulder that one time, this? This is easy. And despite claiming his body is weak, he refuses to truly accept the help and rest he needs because (like I used to) Cale thinks "this is just how my body works"
Sometimes, I cannot remember how I lived prior to my pain. Sometimes, I cannot imagine a world where I do not spend half the night attempting to force my muscles to relax, so I can actually sleep. I cannot imagine a world where I am able to do everything I want in a day and not collapse at the end. And I see so much of myself in how Cale continues to move despite the weight of the ancient powers, the expectations of the gods and his own personal hopes. He seems like a character doomed to continue walking, his bones broken but refusing the care because whats the point if everything still hurts the same way in the end?
Anyway, Raon should invent a cure for chronic illness and force Cale into a year long sabbatical
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HyunJi: Yours
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I have no intention of throwing shade at anyone, so if someone was portrayed in a mildly bad way please know that it is only so the story could follow through with its flow. 
The usually quiet and calm cafe is filled with loud chatters of the director and the actors, the equipment causing clatter as the staff set it up. The bystanders were being briefed in one corner, the cashiers and the waiters being instructed with their cues and sequences on another. The assistants, managers and other representatives stood by the monitors, ready to jump into action when needed. 
It was basically a typical day for the PBIO cast and staff, rehearsing and filming scenes for the upcoming episodes of the drama. The day had started quite early for everyone, especially for the two main leads, who were  already on set as soon as the sun rose up. They had finished quite a few scenes, and now they were having a quick break as the staff rearranges the positioning and angling of the cameras and the mics. 
“Tired?” Soo Hyun says, standing awfully close to Yea Ji who was standing in a corner, sipping from her third cup of coffee for the day. She chuckles, taking another sip. “Just a little sleepy.” Other than the drama they were filming, she also had a few ad shoots to finish, giving her a little more than thirty minutes of sleep. With all the fatigue and the emotional deposit she had to put in for her role, along with the mild insomnia, there was pretty much a million thoughts that keep her up at night. 
“Maybe I should come over tonight? Hmm? What do you think? We can have take out for dinner, wine, and I’ll stay until you fall asleep.” He says with almost a whisper, inching a tad bit closer, his hand secretly rising up to run over the back of her arm, stopping right at the base of her elbow, gently squeezing. She smiles at the thought, turning to him with a glint in her eyes. She nods lightly, making him grin, squeezing her arm once more before he lets go of her at the sight of a staff member coming towards them. 
It has always been like that the past few months ever since filming began. Sure, a few of the staff probably knew about the truth of their status, cast members who’ve grown close to them, the director; but they were professionals. They weren’t going to blatantly hold hands every time they want to and parade their affection to the public. Work is work, and they plan to keep it that way. Their manager was already on the brink of losing it at the inevitable stares they shared and the actions that were so natural to them that it was hard to hold back when they got carried away. 
Their company was already doing a marvelous job bending their backs just to conceal and protect the privacy and secrecy of their relationship. They weren’t exactly oblivious of the fact that they give their bosses at least two skull-splitting headaches a day because of the old habits that had become so natural to them that they do it so unconsciously they forget they were so supposed to be holding back. Sometimes Yea Ji forgets not to link her arm around his when they walk together, forgetting to stop herself from fixing the creases on his shirt, to fix the strands of the hair over his forehead. Soo Hyun was getting forgetful as well. Sometimes he doesn’t remember not to inch closer to her after every scene, to ask her if she’s okay. He forgets that’s he shouldn’t keep going to her, to wipe her sweat and to carry her things. Some days were too hard not to get entranced with each other, despite being together for years, they still get drowned in the sea of each other’s orbs.
“Yea Ji, let’s rehearse the scene?” Director Park Shin Woo calls for her with a smile, motioning for her to go over to them at the table where their guest star already sat. Daniel Choi was invited to make a cameo for the episode, and they were about to film a scene of him with Moon Young and Gang Tae. Daniel stands up to greet her as she approaches them, shaking her hand, his hold lingering a little longer than normal. She walked in a room and brought light with her, brightening up the place. She was like sunshine that diminished dark heavy clouds. Anyone who wouldn’t be mesmerized in awe with her presence would be a fool. And Daniel Choi apparently wasn’t one. He was entranced by the beauty she possessed in front of him, 
Yea Ji was oblivious of his small advances, offering her a seat, lingering his hand, staring at her longer. She was being naive of the intentional chivalry, mainly because she was uninterested. Soo Hyun doesn’t fail to notice everything though. He was a man too, and he was familiar of the way he acted towards his girl. He was, because he had been like that towards her a good few years ago. He immediately feels his blood boil through his veins, invisible hot steams gushing out of his nostrils.
The punk was trying to test the damn waters. 
His eyes set in fiery ablaze as he fixes his eyes on them as they rehearse the scene, the director guiding them about the sequence and correlating reactions. He couldn’t look away despite being given instructions to rehearse his part, giving him the phone prop to use. At that point, it was almost literally impossible for him to divert his attention, because the way that man beside her stole glances at his woman was making him grit his teeth.
“Okay, put your arm around her.” He snaps his head to the director and then to the pair who was seated down. He watches carefully as Daniel puts his arm around her, hand resting on the base of her shoulder. He huffs out a breath as he catches him squeezing her skin lightly.
He swallows a lump in his throat as he walks around, pretending to take photos of whatever as he continues to watch them on the corner of his eyes. He tries to go nearer, flailing his arms wider, making louder noises. He himself has no idea what he was trying to achieve. To make a scene, to distract the directors, to stop rehearsal, he doesn't know. All he knew was that he was trying to alleviate the brewing storm of anger inside of him.
"Soo Hyun-ssi, move a bit." The director slides past him, moving closer to the pair on the table. He slowly backs away, eyes fixed on Yea Ji. She was intently listening to the instructions, nodding her head, smiling and trying to pitch her own ideas. It was as if she was completely oblivious to the treacherous advances, but he knew she wasn't. Of course she noticed, but she was too kind for her own good. He knows she was trying to convince herself that it was only for the scene, that the skinship of their shoulders pressed against each other was essential for the time being. He knew it too, but he was just too jealous to admit it.
But he was on the brink of losing it. The punk was talking to her too closely, smiling at her too intentionally. And the small talk he was trying to initiate was making his nerves tremble in annoyance.
Making his way back, he catches Yea Ji's eyes on him and he takes the opportunity to give her a knowing look. The wildfire that spread over his pupils immediately sent her the message. She knew he was bothered with the close proximity and invading touches on her. She didn't mind it initially, it was part of the scene, but she wasn't totally blind of his added intentions. It made her slightly queasy, her sense of awareness multiplying tenfold. He didn’t seem like someone who would intentionally harass her, he was just merely showing his interest. But she had to be professional about it, just until they finish the scene. 
She inches further away at the sight of Soo Hyun's glare, it was the least she could do to ease his discomfort. She glances at him, telepathically telling him it was okay. He lets out a sigh and walks the other direction, making his way to stand in the corner.
"Okay, hands on waist." Soo Hyun watches carefully as Daniel's hand slides down the back, reaching just below her breast, too high above her waist. His head almost explodes in fury.
"Ah, chincha. This punk is asking for it." He takes heavy steps towards them, fueld with nothing but agitation at the sight if his violating touch. Before he could go any further though, Manager Ryu was already in front of him, lowkey pushing him back.
"You don't want to be in the news tomorrow for beating up a guest star, Yea Ji wouldn't appreciate it also. Back down." His manager whispers, giving him a serious look. He let's out a breath and looks up, biting the bottom of his lip as he backs away.
Their manager was right. They've gotten this far without anyone exposing the truth of their relationship, thus being able to enjoy each other's presence without worry of their privacy and safety. Too many people have worked hard for them, both of them, had worked hard to keep this relationship as discreet and as private as possible. They wouldn't have survived this long, not getting as strong as they are if it wasn't for all their efforts. He wasn't about to waste all of those just because he was jealous and burning with anger and utter resentment.
He tries to cool himself down, giving his attention on his emotions. He had to be Gang Tae right now, he had to be professional. He is a professional. When they started filming, everything thankfully played out smoothly, but Gang Tae may have displayed a tad bit more jealousy than what was needed of him. He couldn't help but let a part of him lace through his acting as he took the damned photos of them, Daniel's hand still positioned on an area he definitely did not approve of.
"I think you went a little too much, but I think it's good. It highlighted Gang Tae's hidden feelings for Moon Young that were surfacing out of his control. Good job." The director pats his shoulder, filling him with accolades for his stellar performance, as usual. "Okay, I think that's a wrap here. Let's prep to move to the next location." His voice thunders, sending everyone on synchronized movements as they pack up.
"You were really great." Daniel muses at Yea Ji, offering a hand for her stand up. She politely takes it, smiling at him as she mutters a soft thank you. “You did pretty great yourself. Thank you for agreeing to guest in the episode.” She smiles at him, talking to him formally and being mindful of their safe distance. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. 
“Oh, it was a pleasure. It’s an honor to guest in such a great show, and to act alongside with such a beautiful woman like you.” He smiles at her, coy giddiness in his eyes. She only nods politely. “Thank you, Sunbaenim.” 
“Sunbaenim? Oh, you should speak to me informally. Uhm, I was also wondering if----” Before he could even push through with the courageous move he was finally making, Soo Hyun cuts him off when he slides right in between them, hand stretching out to reach for Yea Ji’s micro bag on the table. He glances at her once, and then turns his full attention towards Daniel. 
“Choi Daniel, it was a pleasure to have you.” He pretends to be fond of his presence despite the storm of anger and fury surging through his being. They shake hands, exchanging a few accolades and thanks. Daniel attempted to pick up from he left off with Yea Ji but Soo Hyun was already, very obviously, grabbing her hand and taking her with him as he leaves. “Yea Ji-ah, let’s go.” Giving emphasis on the casuality of his tone. 
“You’re holding my hand.” Yea Ji whispers as he brings them to a hidden corner, behind the black curtains and the monitors. He doesn’t speak as they stop, huffing a steamy breath as he turns to her with pure frustration in his eyes. The vexation buried deep in his face stuns her for a second. He was clearly so agitated his ears were blushing red. “Kinchana?” She asks, her eyes looking at him nonchalantly. 
“Kinchana?” He throws the same question, pointing to himself in disbelief. “Don’t ask me if I’m okay, are you okay?” He huffs a breath, looking away for a second as he bit the inside of his cheek. “He was obviously trying to make a move on you, he’s staring at you like you’re red meat. And damn it, this is your waist.” He places his hands on her waist. “Not here.” He raises it up to the same position Daniel was touching a while ago, just below the side of her breasts. “What, was he trying to cup a free feel?” He huffs another breath, flicking his tongue against his chest, backing away as he places his hands on either side of his hips. 
“Soo Hyun-ah, it was just part of the scene. And you know me, you think I’d allow him to violate me?” He looks at her again, another huff of a breath escaping his lips. She was right though, she wasn’t some damsel in distress. She knew how to protect herself mentally, and physically. He’d got his own fare share of her physical strength a few times, and he personally knew how hard she throw a punch and maybe a kick as well. But it still doesn’t change the fact that he was fuming mad. 
“Was ‘you should talk to me informally’ part of the scene too?” He raises his eyebrows, huffing through his nose. “It took me so long to have you speak to me casually, and this guy just tries to have you calling him oppa after spending barely an hour with you.” He mumbles under his breath, looking down at his feet before he looks up at the ceiling as memories of the early stages of their relationship fill his mind. He had to endure almost a year of being ‘friends’ and being called sunbaenim and then to Soo Hyun-ssi before she started to withdraw from the formalities. He wooed her for so long, he’s not gonna let some punk to just sway him away.
He bites his lips, his chest heaving up and down as he tries to calm himself down. He looks at her, calm wavering over him when he sees her smile. “Boya? Why are you smiling?” She grins, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’re jealous.” She says coyly, her gummy smile emerging. He huffs another breath and furrows his brow, defensively looking away. She wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t going to admit that. “Whatever.” He mumbles, stealing glances at her as she maintains her cheeky grin. 
She raises her brow and chuckles, walking over to him closer. Running her hands carefully over the back of his red ears and down to his neck, she smiles at him, tilting her head. “Calm down, Mr. Kim Soo Hyun. It’s nothing.” She slides her arms around his torso, holding him close as she grins at him. “Your ears are so red they might just explode.” She chortles, looking up at him. She looked so small against him, his height towering over her petite figure. Seeing her close like this immediately calms the turbulent vicious waters in him. She was his tranquility, his warmth in a cold stormy day. 
He releases a sigh and hugs her back, holding her close and tight. He leans in and buries his face on her neck, snuggling in her skin, inhaling her sweet scent of flowers on a spring day. “I’m not jealous.” He mumbles, pressing the side of his face against hers. She chuckles, playfully rolling her eyes. “Uhuh.”
“Yea Ji-ssi, you’re car is. . . .ready.” One of her assistants stammer at the sight them, finding them in their small corner after looking for her. Yea Ji mildly jolts in his hold, letting him go, slightly pushing against his chest. He reluctantly lets go of her, the sight of his manager’s stoic face welcoming him. “I’ll be there.” Yea Ji attempts to make her way when he holds her hand in his, tight and secure. “She’s riding with me.” He announces authoritatively, pulling her with him. Manager Ryu could only sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. 
Seated at the back of his car, he leans against the door on the far side from her. He had the most obnoxious pout on his face, arms crossed over his chest, brows furrowed as he spaced out. Yea Ji could only grin and chuckle, shaking her head. Letting out a breath, she reaches for his shoulder, squeezing. “Are you sure, you’re not jealous?” She playfully raises her brow and smirks at him. He looks at her, his chest heaving up and down, trying to repress himself until he couldn’t anymore. He grunts, flailing his arms, hitting his thights. “Fine! Maybe a little.” He leans back against his seat, slamming hard, arms back across his chest. 
“What would you feel if you see someone holding what’s yours?” He mumbles like a sulking toddler. She smiles, inching closer, pulling his arm so he was drawn against her. Sighing, he surrender to her, basically curling up against her side, burying his head on the crook of her neck as he drapes his arm over her thin torso. She giggles as she cradles him like her big baby, running a hand over his defined arms. 
“There, you said it. I’m yours.You’re stuck with me, you can’t get rid of me anytime soon because I’m all yours.” She chuckles as he holds her tighter. Her other hand rises up his head, her fingers caressing his hair as she presses her cheek against it. “Chill, baby. We’re going to have dinner tonight, right? Take out, wine, and maybe I might not let you go home tonight.” When he looks up at her, she unleashes a cheeky wink, making him chuckle. Completely calm, he shakes his head and brings her closer, smothering her neck with light kisses. She chuckles. “I almost forgot I have to take care of a jealous big baby.” She smiles, pinning his hair back from his forehead, pressing a warm kiss. 
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hobiwonder · 6 years
A vase of flowers | (m)
Genre: Smut, enemies to lovers.
Pairing: Wealthy art student!taehyung x art student!reader
Warnings: slight angst. language. foreplay, descriptions of unprotected sex, dirty talk. it’s pretty tame otherwise.
Words: 10k
Summary: Art prodigy Taehyung comes to your art store out of desperation   when he doesn’t have enough paint to finish his latest piece. That wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t hate his elitist ass. 
a/n: this was just to get back in to writing. Its not edited and probably doesn't flow the best. But it did get me writing so here u go!! feedback is much appreciated :)
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(he’s a work of art himself!!1!!!1!)
The hustle and bustle of students – females in particular – in the hall outside the lecture theatre was more infuriating than you had anticipated. What else did you expect though? The one day you don’t come late to the lecture is the day Kim Taehyung had decided to show up to class so the hallways outside the room being cramped like a chicken farm was inevitable. Even Minnie sitting beside you was craning her neck forward to catch a glimpse of the artistic prodigy – never mind his out of the ordinary good looks – before the class started. He was very much a superstar at your university but you will never understand why people were so obsessed with people who were not actually that great if you just looked past the good looks and the talent. Talent didn’t automatically make someone a good person and everyone’s obsession with the teal haired artist really pissed you off.
“Ugh, when will these bimbos shut up. He’s not a god!” Your words are muffled against your sweater clad forearm as you try and rest your head before class started. Having the closing shift the night before was one of the few things you despised when you had a class this early in the next morning. But you still showed up to every one of them. Unlike someone else.
“Well it doesn’t help that he looks like one.” Minnie is just shrugging while she continues to lean over her chair to watch the girls twirl their hair, throw back their heads in laughter whenever Kim Taehyung says something ‘funny’, nudging his shoulder with their own to show their frankness when really – none of these girls probably knew him past his bedroom since he rarely showed up to class. But news of him being a womanizer was common although slightly more hushed than that of the football team captain and co-caption Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi. Those boys were a headache for another day.
Kim Taehyung wasn’t anything special. In fact – he rarely showed up to class, was given special privileges you were sure of it because he was always in the top three students despite showing his face once in a blue moon, had every professor whipped for his pert ass because of how well connected he was in the industry as well as his family being one of the founding fathers of your current university.
Sure, someone like that is bound to be more popular than your regular high achiever or talented artist but the fact that he had everyone absolutely nuts about him was infuriating. On top of th-
“Are you done with your inner monologue? You’re blocking my way.” The unmistakably deep voice belongs to none other than the boy who you wanted to punch so very much. But that wouldn’t be wise given that most of the class was watching. His annoyingly attractive smirk was always there. Like it was just how his mouth was shaped but you knew that he always made the look a bit more condescending when speaking to you. Not that he would let anyone else know though. Bastard knew how to keep his persona up and you just wanted to smack him even more!
“Oh sorry. Forgot your name was on that seat since you barely come to class. I’ll remember for the next time when you make your monthly appearance.” Minnie is nudging you with her elbow no doubt to shut you up and it’s not the first time this exact scenario had taken place. But you wanted to keep yourself in check since no doubt the rest of your comrades would give Minnie a hard time since they didn’t have the balls to annoy you because of your obvious dislike of Kim Taehyung.
“Missed me, did you?” Your little victory smile is slipping off your face when his smirk deepens and you have to physically grab your desk and grit your teeth from snapping at him again while you move your feet out of the way so his smug ass can get to his stupid seat. Thankfully his seat was towards the end of the row so you didn’t have to catch glimpses of his pretentious face.
“You wish trust fund baby.” Alas, he isn’t affected. Not even a bit as he winks your way while walking to ‘his’ seat.
“Leave the pet names for people who actually get to be with me.” That’s it. Youj will break his stupid obnoxious snobby face!
“Calm down y/n. Everyone is watching.” She holding on to your arm while your eyeballs glare at Taehyung’s direction without even blinking.
“All the more satisfying when I kiss him with my fist! Minnie let me go you knob.” While you’re trying to wrestle your arm free; your professor has walked in looking pleasantly surprised with the semi-full lecture theatre. His gaze almost instantly goes directly to Taehyung because even he knows that most of these new faces that show up once in a while as well are because of Taehyung. They nod at each other before he starts the class and your mouth is agape that no one even questions the favouritism in this class. A bunch of ass kissers!
“Are you seeing this? His daddy probably plays golf with the prof. Jung Soo!”
“So what, y/n? You’re forgetting the rest of them also have parents who play golf with Taehyung’s dad. Most of these rats are rich as fuck. Not everyone comes from humbler beginnings.” Minnie is smiling hopefully as she watches you pout but her response only makes you snort.
“Are you forgetting you’re one of these ‘rats’?”
“Don’t remind me.” She falls back in her seat while hiding her face at the mention of her filthy rich parents being business partners with Kim Taehyung’s. When you’d first found out how well off your best friend was it only made you more enraged. If she could be a decent human being and not get any special treatment – despite being extremely talented as well – then why stupid Kim Taehyung? Minnie had a banging body and a face to match not that it should matter but you were so sick of the double standards. Your best friend also deserved special treatment dammit!
“Why? You shouldn’t be ashamed of being rich, hot AND a decent human being. I would so be one of those girls drooling after that canvas demon if I was gay.”
“Bitch I’m almost convinced you aregay but the way you’re ready to drop your panties for Min Yoongi tells me otherwise.” You only try to muffle your laughter while smacking Minnie’s knee, mumbling a ‘shut up’ before you both opt to pay attention to what your professor is going on about. Not before you catch Taehyung watching you like he was about to grade your upcoming assessment. You just send him another glare and try to ignore his overtly attractive physical presence. How could someone just sittingseem attractive, you will never get it. God really favoured some people more than others huh?
“Thanks for coming. Have a nice day!” The chime of the register as it slid closed was a sound you were starting to hate. The smile on your face was tired and probably was becoming very obviously fake. But that was just a typical day at the arts and crafts store – the only one in the near vicinity of the university hence the more than average traffic even close to 7pm at night on a weekday. Since the store was employed with almost entirely all students, it was able to stay open longer than the regular hours to allow the students with day classes to work during the night shifts. You were an exception though. Being on the lower end of the income spectrum among your peers, you needed as much work as you could get. Doing a bachelors in fine arts helped too as you used the tools that the store sold, on a regular basis. It definitely came in handy when assisting first years and some mature aged students who needed extra help in finding the right type of brushes or paints needed for their canvases.
“You good? You can take off for the rest of the night you know?” You know that Sungwoon is trying to sound helpful but you knew his real intentions. Scoffing in his direction you just grab your blue water bottle to take a good swig and wake you up.
“So you can steal my shift and work instead? Not today satan.”
“You’re literally so dramatic.” He says while heaving the biggest breath out like he was any better. “Maybe I genuinely just want you to rest and not have your face turn in to one of those creepy smiling masks from that one movie.” He’s clicking his fingers s if that’ll help him recall the name of the film any faster. Lucky for him, you knew what he was talking about.
“The Purge?”
“That’s it! See, you knew exactly what I was referring to. You need sleep.” Sungwoon is nodding while looking at you like you stank or something. Ugh screw boys.
“If I did, you’re the first person I’ll get rid off.” You deadpan and you can almost pinpoint when he starts to realise you may not be joking. But you were of course. He was a little shit but all in good fun.
“Well,” he’s picking up his bag and making sure to clock out from the app the store used to make sure everyone was getting to work on time, “I’ll be going then. Have fun scaring off rest of the customers and drowning the revenue for today.”
His squealing laughter is the last thing you hear before he’s scuttling out when you try and smack him across his bicep. Sungwoon was probably one of the few boys you could stand and were actually close enough with for them to joke around like that with you because apart from Minnie, there weren’t many people who really liked talking to you. That much was clear when you’d moved near the campus from your town when you’d been accepted to the rather elite Art University.
Coming from a small town – you’d think you were more friendly but that wasn’t the case with you. You’d grown up with a strict father that made sure to discipline you if you ever messed up your tasks at his workshop. Ever since you could remember how to read and write, you had been helping him out with the business as he could not. His own father – your grandfather – had been even more strict on him according to your mother so there was no changing him. You had never really minded in doing the book-keeping for him or making sure the small town client paid on time after having their cars tended to. That’s until you had started your Junior year in high school and had the choice of choosing between subjects now that you were to apply for universities after. Or that’s what the plan was for most children. You had taken Art as a spare since it was the easiest class at the time and you really didn’t need any complicated subjects to study for because you were having to work at the workshop with your dad even more as you were getting older.
Being an only child also meant that all the expectations your parents had fell upon you to see them through. It also meant that the only time you interacted with your fellow classmates was during class. Not even after because as soon as school would finish – you’d have to rush to the workshop to help your dad sign out cars from the shop to the owners on time. He specifically made appointments towards the end of your school day just so you could be there and help him make sure the checks he was given by the more wealthier customers – only a few – were not for an amount less than he’d quoted them with. Believe it or not, it had happened and every time it did you had to stop yourself from smacking the bastards who had tried to take advantage of your father just because he couldn’t read. Ant to make the matter even more ridiculous, most of the people who tried to scam your father had been those who could actually afford his services. Not Joe who had a farm and sold eggs locally as his main source of living, not Jihoon’s father who was a delivery man and needed his vehicle to keep working and provide for him family and certainly not the old lady who had her truck serviced by your father so she could get to her appointments to the doctor, on time despite her only income being what her son sent from the city where he worked as a chef and had his own family to feed.
The world was filled with unkind people and most of them were those who could afford most things but still tried to take the less fortunate’s share too. Your father was a calm man but all his frustrations were usually taken out on you whenever you would rightfully insult those who tried to seek discounts despite knowing that your father wouldn’t be able to afford the tools he needed to do a fair job on the vehicles if he didn’t get paid the amount he had set on the pricelist which was dismal compared the mechanics you have seen in the city.
But of course, he wouldn’t say much to those low-lives because at least he was getting business. And that was better than nothing. When you’d finally let him know at the end of your senior year that you’d applied to an arts university rather than the business school he had hoped you would go to – things had not gone well, to say the least. Of course all his anger would be directed at you that day from the shop as well as finding out that his only child was not interested in business at all. You had done it as much as you could for the sake of helping out and honestly? Just not knowing what was out there for you to study and do with your life. But If there was anything that working with your father had taught you was that if you didn’t take a chance sooner than later – you’d end up having to rely on someone else for the rest of your life. Just like your father relied on you for so long because he just never got around to even finish school because of doing exactly what you had been – helping out your granddad.
The day you had left for university had been hard and was the second time you had cried. Your father hadn’t even looked at you but your mother had clutched on to you until you had to physically pull her away when your taxi had arrived. Even after making sure there was someone to help out your father at the shop, there was still apprehension present in your gut. It had all felt wrong somehow even as you had been unpacking your stuff in your flat the next night. Thankfully, all the hesitancy, all the fights and the sleepless nights had been worth it when you’d gone in to your first class the next day. You’d been excited to meet new people, make friends, make memories you didn’t even knew you had the option to make. But what do you know, getting accepted in to an elite university meant there were more of the same people you had fought off and defended your father from.
Meeting Minnie was almost a miracle. She had been the only one to come up to you being desperate to find a buddy to get lost around the campus with and not like the rest who had taken one look at your jeans and plaid shirt and moved on to find others with the same clothing or designer bags. People were so materialistic in the city it was almost unbelievable. In your town you had been able to find others who were more so on your social and economic status and feel comfortable. But in the city you were outnumbered. Maybe that’s why people like Kim Taehyung got on your nerves even more than usual. You’d noticed his elitist behaviour when invitations had been sent to attend the commencing party at his house in the first week you’d been attending the university and instantly you knew you would never be able to stand him or people like him. Only a certain number and certain looking people – girls to be exact – had been invited to the famous Kim estate. You’d only found out when Minnie had asked what you were going to wear to the party. The look on your face had probably given away your lie that you weren’t actually invited when you’d made up some excuse of not wanting to go. Minnie being the good sport and the only decent person you had known, had made some excuse about not ‘feeling it’ and stayed in that night and watched all of Harry Potter series with you. With you watching them for the first time.
“Bugger.” Your thoughts are interrupted when you almost trip over the bucket of sale items Sungwoon forgot to move. Taking a deep breath, you pick up the relatively heavy bucket that contained tubes of oil paint in colours such as black, white and red that were bought the most and move it to the stock room so it can be displayed again the next morning. Your shift was going to end in another 2 hours so now most of the work included moving display stock to the back room and print out labels for the discounts that were going up tomorrow morning. This is probably why you didn’t completely hate night shifts because other than a few customers – it mostly involved you working silently and most times even able to use headphones without having to worry about missing anyone at the till waiting for you.
“Hello? You guys still open?” You’d just finished putting away the tubes and the paint brushes when the front door had opened – as signalled by the bell atop it – meaning there was a customer.
“Coming!” Quickly getting down from the ladder where you’d been putting the paint in their designated boxes, you rush outside. “Hi, how can I- Oh. It’s just you.”
Taehyung is scoffing towards you when you roll your eyes seeing as it’s not a real customer. It was true. The last few time she’d come in – he’d browsed for all of 5 minutes before making a weird face and leaving. Probably going to buy his pretentious paints from his pretentious shop. It was as if he only came to the store to make fun of all the products most students living on campus – or not filthy rich like him – used.
“Isn’t that against some customer service code? To have this sort of attitude?” His bright hair has somehow made the place look a little less mundane, you hate to admit it. His very clear skin and the various rings he wore didn’t help either in making you feel less than. You hated how much he actually affected your mood.
“For actual customers? Probably yeah.” This time, it’s him who’s rolling his eyes while his hands comes up to have a feel of a synthetic brush that was hanging in front of him.
“What makes you think I’m not a customer?”
“You really want me to answer that?”
“I actually am here to buy something this time.” His response only makes you smirk as you hum.
“So you do admit that you only come here to flaunt your wealth. That’s a good sign Taehyung.” But for some reason, the teasing that would usually make you feel better doesn’t feel as satisfying when Taehyung is just looking around like he’s in a pickle rather than through an insult back at you.
“Look, I need some paint and maybe a few natural hair brushes. I would go to-”
“Your overpriced and pretentious art store?”
“-my regular spot but I need to finish this painting tonight.” He completely ignores you when you cut in with a smirk and almost sounds like he is pleading. Wait. He was. The new found info perks you up more than you’d anticipated and it’s almost exciting knowing Kim Taehyung’s fate lies in yhour hands. Okay, maybe an exaggeration but still exviting. So you do what anyhone else in your position would – milk out the entire debacle.
“Well, well, well.” Leaning on your elbows on the counter, you can’t help but feel sort of like an evil villain finally with the perfect opportunity to strike. Except, you weren’t the villain really. You were the good guy!
“For fuck’s sake.” Taehyung mumbles lowly under his breath but you could hear him loud and clear. “How long are you going to make me wait?”
You wanted to be cruel, you really did. You wanted to tell him you had ran out of the supplies but you were too tired and honestly, he was probably going to buya  bunch of stuff and if you made a sale above 50,000 won in one transaction then you would make some sweet commission. So whatever.
“Luckily for you, I’m a decent human being so,” stepping out from behind the register, you just deadpan at him, “right this way.”
He seems surprised and so are you. At yourself. Because you’re not sure why you’re being this nice to him when he’s made fun of you on more than one occasion.
“I’m slightly scared you’re leading me somewhere quieter so you can murder me.” His voice is slightly meek and you’re thankful that he can’t see your face because you’re trying to hold in ugly laughter that Kim Taehyung is actually scared of you when alone despite acting like hot shit when surrounded by a herd of girls.
“A good, educated guess. But not today.”
“…. So there is a chance for that to happen another day?” Spinning around to face him abruptly – damn okay maybe you should major in acting because Taehyung flinches but tries to play it off by shrugging his broad shoulders.
“Maybe.” You’re slightly too close to him because you have to crane your neck up to meet his gaze. Just when his own slips down to your lips, you quickly gesture towards the aisle you’ve just stopped in front of. “Here you’ll find what you need. Brushes and paints.”
“Thanks.” You just shrug before turning around to go back to the cash register. That plan doesn’t go too well because a warm grip on your wrist stops you in your tracks and almost on instinct, you’re ripping out your hand from the grasp as soon as you feel it.
“Woah, sorry! I didn’t mean to-” You just cut him off to move past the subject before he even brings it up.
“What do you want now?” Taehyung pauses for a few seconds as if not ready to let your jumpy reaction go just yet but thankfully decides to drop it.
“Look, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t desperate and rally needed the sup-”
“Taehyung, I’m not interested in hearing how you would never set foot in a place where peasants like us – or normal people really – shop so just get to it.”
He however is just biting on the inside of his cheeks as if to burry a smile before it breaks through. “You’re not very patient are you?”
“I haven’t been put in many situations that really require it, so.” You just shrug in his direction but the flash that goes through his eyes that resembled molten dark chocolate sends an involuntary shiver down your spine and thankfully the air con is on and you could blame your odd reaction on to that if he noticed. Why was he looking at you like that?
“That’s too bad. Sometimes the rewards for waiting are quite fulfilling at the end.” And somehow, you’re not sure if he just means that in general or…
His heavy gaze travelling down the length of your body only makes you more eager to move on before you lose all the good comebacks you had at the tip of your tongue just because his looks were making you weak in the knees.
“Whatever.” You turn to leave once again and again, Taehyung reaches out to grab your wrist but pulls himself back before he can. Thankfully, you have already seen him this time so you just cross your hands under your chest, tapping your foot while you wait for him to spit it out.
“Just help me okay? I’m not familiar with these… brands.”
“That’s because none of them are Gucci.” He just rolls his eyes but follows you down the asile anyway.
“You do know that Gucci doesn’t make paint right? If they did it would be amazing though. Maybe I should write to them about this. Hm.” He’s started talking to himself but you start pointing out the different types you had available because you don’t have time to have causal chats with him like you two were friends. Despite his weird behaviour before.
“If you’re looking for oil paints, these ones are smoother and the colour payoff is better than others and if you want buildable colours then go for… this.” You’re about to say they are cheaper than the first brand you had pointed out but then realise that he most likely doesn’t care about the price. Though he doesn’t seem to be looking at you at the moment but only paying attention to the paints just like he paid attention the content in the few lectures you’d seen him at.
“Do they not say the ingredient at the back? That’s peculiar.”
“What’s peculiar is you using the word ‘peculiar’.” You mumble while still watching him inspect the different tubes as if he was going to drink them or something.
“May I get the list of ingredients for these ones here? And the lightfastness rating please.”
“It’s literally at the bottom of the tube.” His eyebrows furrow as he looks back at the tube and looks at the bottom again.
“Oh. Isn’t there like a booklet or something that comes with this so I can check?”
You just continue to stare at him.
“Taehyung, this is a campus arts store and our most expensive paint is 55,000 won. So no, we don’t have fancy brands that make ‘booklets’ for every paint. But if you must know,” You sigh, rolling your eyes at how high maintenance he was with his paints, “I can have a look at the delivery boxed for the ingredients. I know that all of these paints of this brand have a lightfastness rating of II at least.”
“Excellent! And yes that would be great, y/n. I just prefer my oils to be made from pure Linseed is all.” He has a bright smile on his face while he shrugs like that’s just the way it is. But of course, you want to punch him once more for making your job harder than it needs to. He was a college student. What did he need such high quality paints for? Ugh.
So you grit your teeth and walk back to the storage room and fish for the delivery boxes of the brand that Taehyung was interested in. “Stupid rich boy. Used to always getting what he wants.” The mumbling continues on your part while you try to locate the box as quickly as possible so he can go away and stop making your shift harder than it needs to be at almost 8:30 PM at night.
“Aha!” You have finally spotted the boxes that were stacked way at the bottom. Quickly reading through the large ingredient list, you confirm that the paints are unfortunately not made purely from Linseed oil.
“I have some bad news.” When you walk back out to where Taehyung is testing a few brushes, you can see his face drop because you’re sure he can guess what you’re about to say. “The binder used for these paints is a mixture of Linseed and walnut oil as well as a few others.” You shrug but Taehyung seems to be losing it.
“God fucking damnit. I’m screwed.” He’s started to pace around the aisle, looking like his life has just ended and his dog has died. Did he have a dog? You loved dogs.
“Why are you freaking out so badly?” He looks at you like you’re the one who’s acting weird.
“Because I have an auction in three weeks and it usually takes me that long to even finish a painting.” Of course he had an auction. It was common knowledge around campus that he sold his paintings for quite a sum at a few well known auctions. But you couldn’t remember another one happening anytime soon though.
“What auction? There isn’t one scheduled for at least 3 months.” Taehyung is hesitating when you question him. He looks like he would rather not mention it but in the end, sighs and tells you anyway.
“It’s more of an exhibition. Just for my paintings.”
“Oh wow.” Your eyes have widened at the mention of his solo exhibition. He was rich enough to afford to hold one so it shouldn’t be that surprising. But it still was a big deal even for a privileged student like him because you need to have enough credibility and a loyal customer base to attract enough people to an exhibition that is solely filled with your own artwork and not a collection of artists. “ I didn’t know you had your own exhibitions.”
He scratches the back of his head as he shrugs nonchalantly but you see the nerves showing through with how his hands shake slightly. “It’s the first one.”
“Whatever I’ll just look somewhere else.”
“I use a medium of stand oil, linseed and turpentine, a little wax and add a small amount of cobalt drier to control drying time for my paintings.” You have blurted out your little trick before you could stop yourself. In your defence, he just looked so pitiful. You had to help. He also seems just as surprised at you suggestion and even more surprised when you walk around gathering the supplies you’ve just mentioned.
“Oh… thanks for the tip. I never really thought about that since I never really needed to…”
He silently follows you to the register where you place all the items and scan them so he can pay. Whatever. Maybe you helping him will bring some good karma and give your career a break too and your painting will finally be displayed at the Montero Art Gallery. It was a local gallery but a lot of successful artists you admire had started out from there and you were hoping that your work could be good enough one day to be displayed there too.
“How did you go through all your paints by the way? Should you have a ton of them because you’re supposedly always painting.”
“Supposedly?” Taehyung is smirking while his eyebrows are raised in mock disbelief at your suspicion. “Well, I used up most of them when I had sex on a canvas with Jihyo. Made for a good painting though. Maybe I’ll display that one too.” He’s grinning from ear to ear and you’ve just halted while he pays on the eftpos machine. Okay you definitely regret telling him your trick when he put himself in this position by being a horndog.
“You’re literally so gross.”
“Hey, abstract art is also a thing you know?” He looks serious enough that if he hadn’t said ‘abstract art’ you would think you had actually offended him. You obviously hadn’t when he just winks in your direction while he gathers his items and leaves.
It’s been a week since you first saw The Kim Taehyung pop by the little arts store that had previously been too beneath him to even consider buying his supplies there. Though ever since you’d told him about your little trick, he’d been bugging you non-stop on writing tips and you’re almost sure he’s doing it to… well, bug you. It’s as if he isn’t even aware that he’s an artistic prodigy because you’ve seen his paintings yourself and they were hyped up for a reason. Even a bitter person like you could admit that.
So when you get a special request by your boss one Friday evening, you’re surprised to say the least when you figure why you’re even asked to deliver supplies in the first place.
“Are you serious?” Your boss being the sweet old lady she is, is just pushing up her glasses as she nods vigorously at you.
“Of course dear! Must be some poor student who really is in need of help. He sounded quite desperate on the phone.” The old woman was way too nice for her own good. And while you appreciated her big heart, if she says yes to one person that the supplies can be delivered to his house then then word will get around and sooner than later, you’ll have a flood of students ordering their supplies over the phone and wanting them to be delivered. If that was going to be the case then you’ll have to quit since you can’t deliver because you don’t have a car. You relied on public transport damnit!
“Or he’s just lazy Ma.” Yes. Everyone called her ma upon her request. Short for Marion. Not that you minded because she was sweet as honey and really did remind you of your own mother. And she treated you like one too. Especially right now when she just scowls at you and asks you to stop being lazy yourself and deliver the package she’s prepared.
“Ugh fine.” You whine until the very end and she’s just wishing you a safe journey. Thankfully she’d leant you her car for today – it was her idea after all – so you wouldn’t need to spend an hour trying to find the place. It seemed to be quite close to the shop surprisingly. And unsurprisingly, the apartment is in a trendy but expensive neighbourhood. Most kids who went to your school probably lived in these buildings. The one you were supposed to go at though was on the top floor and you’re already angry that this buttcrack insisted on delivery and manipulated poor Marion into having his stuff delivered to his door rather than being at the front reception so the exchange could be faster.
When you reach the top floor, you pull out the receipt to hand it to him first thing as he opens the door and don’t have to spend more time than necessary in this place that you felt so out-of-place in. You’ve already rung the doorbell while you read the receipt and that’s mistake number one that night. It dawns on you who this person must be when you’re reading the names of the exact items Taehyung had bought from you last week. You could turn around and go really. Only if you hadn’t already rang the doorbell and he hadn’t opened it right as you’re setting the heavy bag down.
“Well hello there.” His deep voice is an anchor itself as you stop your movements right then and look up at his smirking face that looking down at you. Ugh. Like always.
“Hi.” Slowly, you straighten yourself up, the bag still near your feet as you step away, trying not to gawk at his perfectly toned skin that is showing way too much from between his unbuttoned shirt. “Here’s your stuff. Goodbye.”
“Oh good. You can set it inside in the kitchen.” You’re gritting your teeth in order to stop yourself from slapping his cheery voice right out of his throat with a punch. Okay maybe that’ll be too much. Maybe. You won’t know until you try though.
“Come on.” He’s gesturing inside his expensive apartment that shinier and cleaner than any place you’ve ever seen. He probably has it professionally cleaned.
“I’m not coming inside you weirdo.”
“Don’t worry, you’re not my type.” Somehow that makes you even more mad and you hate that it does. Fuck him honestly. You knew you weren’t his ‘type’. His type included skinny, rich and bad artists. Just so he could get off on a power-control dynamic you’re guessing.
You just pick up the heavy package without breaking eye contact and step inside, walking straight to the kitchen and placing the materials on the counter. The inside décor is surprising when you take in the various canvases strewn about in the living room on different easels. But what really takes your breath away is the familiar artwork that you’d looked at time and time again when you’d been lacking inspiration. When you’d been in a rut and everything had been too much and all you would want to do is quit. But looking at the work that evoked emotions from a place inside that even you hadn’t still made sense of it was the only thing that had kept you going many times throughout the years you’d been at university.
But how was Taehyung interested in such underrated art? You’d never heard him mention Vincent Van Gogh before. And yet most of his paintings covered the walls of his apartment.
“You like Van Gogh?” Taehyung has gone back to his pallet as he mixes the various shades of reds and oranges together.
“Who doesn’t?”
“Like, all of our school?”
“Nah. They pretend that better artists exist.” His answer surprises you. You’d never pegged him as someone who appreciated the more sombre period of art. His paintings usually were a lot more cheery and sometimes rather complicated.
You’re kind of lost in the long hallway covered with several paintings. The tall ceilings and the dim lighting only making you more excited to take in such beautiful art in silence with the only sound being the bristles of Taehyung’s brushes across the canvas.
“You like his work too I assume?”
“Mhm.” You’re too lost in the various paintings to really properly answer him. You’ve almost forgotten where you are until Taehyung speaks again. But this time, from somewhere far closer as you can smell the musky scent that always accompanied him.
“This one is my favourite.” His voice startles you a little when he appears just behind you, slightly to the side so you can look to the side and watch his long neck fall back when he looks up at the painting.
“I like it too.” Your voice is quieter than before. Like neither of you want to disturb the air surrounding you. It’s probably the first time you haven’t felt instantly annoyed by Taehyung’s presence. When you look besides you again, you don’t realise it’s the second mistake you’ve made that night. Because Taehyung is staring right back at you and this time he doesn’t stop. Your breath hitches in your throat when you catch his dimly lit face staring intensely at you. Or maybe it was the lighting that amplified every look. Every gesture. Whatever it was, in that moment, you’d never felt more attracted to Kim Taehyung.
“I lied.” His whisper floats across your skin and the light breeze that comes with the breath from his words has your eyes closing for just a few seconds longer when they blink.
“A-About what?” Taehyung has somehow moved even closer because you could feel the heat from his chest seeping through your own shirt. It also didn’t help that his shirt was fully unbuttoned and the smooth expanse of his chest was absolutely bare for your traitorous eyes to feast on.
He brings up a hand, slowly as if not to startle you like he had last week, and tucked the stray strand of hair behind your ear. “About you not being my type.”
The only thing your body seems to be able to do at the moment is turn your face back towards the painting, heart thudding in your chest as you feel his hands move all of the hair from your neck out of the way to the other side. Exposing the sensitive flesh to the cool air inside his apartment. “You’re exactly my type and better.”
This time the words are whispered s close to your ear that you have to physically clutch tightly on to yourself so you don’t flinch from his breath tickling the flesh of your neck. You’re biting your lip, trying not make any sudden movements or noise because honestly, you didn’t trust yourself to not jump his bones. How was he this sexy and annoying at the same time?
“I kn-know.” You’re hoping that teasing is evident in your voice but that plan has gone down the gutter as soon as Taehyung presses his luscious lips in to an open mouthed kiss against the side of your throat. So instead, your response comes out way too breathy and you can’t stop the moan escaping you in the end.
“You’re just always looking for trouble aren’t you, y/n?” How is his voice perfectly steady? He doesn’t even sound remotely affected as he brings his arms around you from behind, fully moving behind you as well while he continues to undo the strings of control you had tied tightly around your brain. Because seems like you’re only thinking with your vagina at the moment.
His hand have slipped beneath your shirt after playing with the hem for a few seconds and testing the waters. When you don’t push his hands away – you could barely breath at the moment – he slips them inside your thin shirt, tracing circles across your torso and up until his warm, large – so fucking huge – hands are taking handfuls of your breasts before he’s gently squeezing the mounds.
“Oh.” You feel like you’re going boneless by the second as your head lolls back and on to his shoulder and you’re just praying that your brain shuts up and lets you enjoy these sensations without the red alarm bells going off in your head that you hated him!
You hit mute on said alarms as soon as you feel his index finger and thumbs rolling your puffy nipples through the fabric of your bra into hardened pointy tips and you’ve finally lost the filter on your mouth. “F-Fuck. Taehyung, ungh.”
“Look at you. Thought you hated me, huh?”
“I still, mh f-fuck, d-do.” Being a slave to your stubborn ways, you’re retaliating with your words before you can even keep yourself in check. Taehyung doesn’t seem to be bothered though. He’s just chuckling at your pathetic attempts at trying to hold on to some autonomy even if your body is betraying the fuck out of you. The constant squeezing, rolling and pinching of your nipples has you almost mindless, you’re not sure you can survive much more than this.
“Sure. At least your body doesn’t lie though.” He’s squeezing the mounds firmly this time before he’s slipping one of his hands downwards again. You’re aching and wet and aroused beyond words but finally you’re up to the point where you can easily ignore the rational side of your brain and let your body take control.
Breathing loudly, you’re almost panting with every inch that Taehyung’s hand moves closer to your underwear. You’re so soaked that you can feel your panties sticking to the contours of your pussy lewdly and knowing that Taehyung was about to touch you there had you dripping in more. You can’t remember the last time you were this horny from just foreplay.
Taehyung closes his lips around your pulse point before he sucks a punishing bruise in that patch of skin. “Spread your legs y/n. That’s it.”
He’s cooing at you when you instantly comply, whimpering his name when he presses his entire palm on your clit, rubbing the hard nub in gentle circles while you’re about to cum just from his words alone.
“Look at you. So wet and soaking. Have you always been this wet when you’ve been giving me nasty looks baby? Hm? Tell me.” His pace is increasing and the audible sound of your arousal coming through the layers of clothing makes you want to hide your face from the sheer embarrassment.
“T-Tae. Please.” You’re pleading sounds like you’re on the verge of tears and it’s not too far off from the truth. Your legs are spread but not enough for you to completely enjoy the feel of his hands. Not that he seems to be in any rush though.
“Please what y/n? Please use your pussy as your apology? Are you going to be a mouthy slut or let me use your cunt to milk my cock? It’s the least I deserve after the way you’ve treated me in every lecture.”
He’s pouting in mock hurt as he leans his head forward to look in to your eyes as if you’re not being destroyed by the fast paced circling of your clit under his palm. Your eyebrows are furrowed, eyes half shut as the mind blowing orgasm looms around the corner. You’re about to cry from happiness and relief when he slips your underwear to the side, sliding his middle and index finger in without a warning and without remorse. The force with which he’s pumped his long, thick digits inside jerking back against him. Which only makes matters worse when you can feel the evidence of his own arousal pressing against your back. You’re slightly terrified from the sheer bulk of his erection too because it sits hot and heavy behind you. You just know he isn’t the average size you’re used to and that excite and scares you at the same time.
“Would you listen to that? Your cunt is singing for me babe.” You’d smack him across his chest for being so dramatic and cheesy but the sounds of your excessive wetness just has you hiding your face in his neck. But Taehyung is having none of it when he’s harshly tugging back your head as he weaves his hand in your hair.
“I said listen. You slutty pussy is leaking for me y/n. And you pretend to not even be able to stand my existence.” His words are harsh and said from between his gritted teeth. The sounds of the inside of his palm slapping against your clit with every thrust is obscene and rude. Yet, you can’t seem to care. Only moaning loudly and in a higher pitch with every smack against your heated flesh. Arousal drips steadily around his fingers while your symphony of ‘ahs’ and ‘ohs’ continues – almost sounding like you were in pain.
His grip around your hair is harsh and his pace inside your pussy relentless. It’s like he’s angry. Angry that you’re this wet. Angry that you’re ready to cum around his fingers just like this. That makes the two of you.
“Come on baby. Cum around my fingers. I’ll need it to prep myself before I enter this pussy, hm? You’re too tight for me to just impale you on my cock right now like you want me to. Don’t you?” You’re nodding enthusiastically as your breath hitches with your orgasm ripping through you like a wildfire,
“Taehyung! Fuck I-I’m cumming. Oh god…” You’re heaving and hiccupping as his rigid fingers continue to brush against your sensitive insides until you’re jerking back with each thrust.
“There you go. Easy… easy, baby.” You’re panting like you’ve run a marathon and your neck aches from being bent that way while Taehyung had your head captive.
He doesn’t give you much time to recover as he’s turning you around to pick you up and take you back to the living room, dropping your body down on to the fuzzy carpeted floor. He makes quick work of his shirt and his pants, ridding himself of every item of clothing – not that he was wearing much – before he takes his soiled fingers and wraps them around his extremely intimidating girth. He doesn’t seem nearly as nervous as you but you still don’t stop him. “Take off your clothes for me baby. I want to see you.”
Your body is moving instantly like it was programmed to listen to Taehyung’s every command. Soon, you’re laying back down on the ground, watching him stroke his incredibly hard cock that stood rigid against his toned stomach. He looks like a wolf that’s about to devour you as his pokes out from between the corner of his lips, eyes neve wavering from your own. You’re biting your own lips and squirming on the soft carpet when he just keeps looking and makes no move.
“Spread your legs again baby. Let me see you pussy.” He hisses as soon as your legs fall open, your red, slightly swollen pussy coming in to full view as he finally kneels down to his knees, grabbing your thighs to pull you closer until you were flush against his cock. His hands gently massage the area between your thighs and pussy, needing the rosy flesh and effectively making you drip even more when he looks directly down at his hands that work your labia softly – keeping in mind how sensitive you were.
“Look at you. So puffy. So wet. So fucking beautiful.” He leans forward to look in to your eyes and you’re holding on to your breath when you finally see his face so up close for the first time this evening.
“Can I make you feel good, honey? Will you let my cock make you feel good?” There is no hesitancy in your reply because you’re fisting the soft rug besides you and arching your body in to his.
“Fuck,” it’s the first time you can hear Taehyung’s voice shake as he adjusts his hips and rubs he blunt head of his blood fattened cock against your swollen labia. “I’ve wanted you for so long, y/n. I can’t believe you’re here. Are you sure baby? Because I won’t be able to stop or go gentle once I s-start. Oh fuck.”
You can see how desperate he is for you to say yes but nonetheless, your heart still warms at his concern and even though you were slightly scared of his above average length – and girth – you were mostly excited as the anticipation had built steadily. So you give him the green light, nodding for him to continue.
He seems to be surprised too for some reason and you’re caught off gard when his mouth crashed down to your own. His kiss is ferocious and passionate, tilting his head every which way to capture every noise you make, tongue playing with your own. You’re just enjoying the out of the blue kiss until it all makes sense. Because when you break apart from the kiss to shout out your surprise, you can feel all of his hot length pressing the deepest corners inside your pussy. The kiss had been a perfect distraction and you hadn’t even felt the pain when he’d pushed in.
In fact, the slight burn that was present as he let you adjust around him was more arousing than anything. “T-Tae ungh. You’re s-so big. Oh god.”
He’s watching every facial expression you make and he doesn’t miss the almost drunk expression on your pretty face when he drags his length out slowly, only to slam back inside. Your breasts bounce with every thrust that pushes you further up the carpeted floor. It feels better than good. Better than amazing. You’d never thought you’d enjoy penetrative sex this much after having several mediocre experiences but at this moment, all you wanted to do was egg Taehyung on to go as fast as he could. So you do.
“Fuck y/n.” The seat of his lap slaps against your damp skin as he pounds his leaking cock in to you unremittingly. “You’re so t-tight. The tightest cunt I’ve ever been inside. You like it baby? Hm?”
Taehyung was definitely a dirty talker. All throughout this encounter. He hadn’t stayed quiet for longer than a minute. Always wanting to say what he was feeling, wanted to do to you or was going to do to you. And until today, you never realised how much of a sucker you were for verbal stimulation.
“Y-eh-ess. I lo-uh-ve it.” Your words bounce and hiccup out of you with the same rhythm as Taehyung’s dragging of his cock inside you. It’s like he’d grown even larger and you could cry from how good he felt inside. In fact, you were sure you probably were crying with how blurry your vision was getting.
Taehyung had fully covered your body with his own, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder now to split you open even more before he increased his pace until you felt like he was actually splitting you open.
“Tae! I’m going t-to c-cum again. Oh god.” He was breathing hard, sweat dripping down his temples as his gaze never left your face. You were actually crying now; clawing at his back as you held on while he parted you open every time he pushed the entire girth of his cock until the base so that with every thrust, his balls slapped against your ass obscenely.
“Let go baby. Cum all over my cock.” He could already see the white, translucid creaminess forming around the base of his cock as it continued to slam inside you, signalling how close he himself was with his cock leaking pre-cum profusely. “Fuck, you look so delectable darling. Look at how your pussy gapes around my cock every time, hm? Your pussy was made to fit around my cock. You’re m-mine now. Made j-just for my cock.”
You could tell how close he was since he’d seemed to lost all and every filter on his mouth. Pounding in to you while you clutch on to him for deer life and finally release around his cock that shows no sign of relenting until he reaches his own release. Thankfully, he’s not too far behind as he grabs your legs for the final round, pushing his hips in to the hilt before he’s shouting out his release. You can feel the warmth of his cum explode inside the walls of your pussy, filling you up to the brim until you could feel his spunk leak around you thoroughly abused lips. Taehyung lays his head in to the crook of your neck very much like how you had at the start.
It's peacefully silent as you both catch your breath, your fingers lazily massaging his scalp without even realising. You’re finally gathering your bearings and coming to terms with the fact that you just fucked each other’s brains out when you could barely stand each other before. And you absolutely do not know how to proceed from here. Not when his cock was still inside you. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about that decision for too long because Taehyung is pulling back his face to stare in your eyes deeply as if he’s also at a loss for words.
You search his face for any disgust or any realisation that will make him pull away from you and you don’t know why you’re this nervous and worried about his reaction. You didn’t care before so why now? Why was your heart beating so fast that you felt like it was going to come out of your mouth?
“Y/N,” Taehyung post-sex, sexy voice breaks you out of your downward spiral as he brings his hand up to caress your cheek damp from the tears earlier. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
You watch him for a few seconds before nodding slowly and that’s all the confirmation Taehyung needs before taking your lips between his once again. And just like that, he kisses you lazily, tangling his hot, sweet tongue with your own for who knows how long. You two stay just like that for a long time, kissing ecahother with so much passion that it scares you how much the thought of breaking away from his lips gives you anxiety. It seems to be the same case for Taehyung because when you break apart to breathe in much needed air, he pulls you back in – mouth open and tongue seeking your own.
Sometime during the night, he’s started to harden inside you once again and rather than breaking away, he fucks you exactly the opposite way he had earlier. This time, it’s slow, even more sensual and the space between your body is almost non-existent. By the time your phone rings and breaks you both out of the haze that had you both intoxicated in the apartment, it’s sometime around midnight. Though Taehyung doesn’t stop even for a second until he’s made you cum once again and spilled himself inside you as well.
The night had definitely taken a turn as you both talk – for once without the intention of insulting each other – and fuck. Mostly fuck actually. Turns out Taehyung made you insatiable and his eagerness and fondness for cumming inside you didn’t exactly help. After replying to Minnie and sending Marion a message of apology, you’re both dozing off on the soft floor.
“Come to my art exhibition with me? I want you by my side.” He asks you in the morning, slightly breathless as he grinds his erection – seriously, how often did this boy get hard? – against your damp, soiled pussy, awaking you from your sleep.
“O-Okay.” You can only moan in reply as he takes a nipple between his lips, sucking gently as he coaxes out another orgasm from you before carrying you off to the shower.
“You’re such a horn dog.” Splashing water at his face, you’re laughing as he attacks your sides, tickling you in revenge.
“A horn dog you slept like, a thousand times with.” Your mouth is falling open in mock disbelief but he just kisses your frown away.
“It will be zero times if I see that sex painting at your show!” Taehyung is giggling at your pout and the frown that creases your brows as he kisses it away, promising you that you can burn his ‘sex painting’ before the show.
Maybe he wasn’t so bad.
a/n: thoughts? :ooo
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bookish-nerd9 · 5 years
At Long Last: Chapter 4
Despite himself Andrew woke up excited for today’s meeting with Neil, he kept replaying the events of the previous day; Neil pouring over the books hair falling in his eyes, auburn hair that Andrew itched to touch and see how it felt between his fingers. The intent focus he had when he was explaining something complicated to Andrew that he perfectly understood but making it hard for Neil was kind of fun, and if Andrew forgot to mention the fact that he had photographic memory and he only needed things to be properly explained just once well who was to blame him!.
Then there was the unexpected trip to the Waffle House, Andrew didn’t plan on taking Neil there or anywhere else for that matter but he found that he wanted to spend more time with him and to get to know him a bit better, that’s why before he could stop himself he suggested going there and the baffled and excited look on Neil’s face was totally worth it.
Getting dressed never took Andrew long but for some reason today he sat shirtless after his shower just staring at his forearms the ugly red slashes staring right back at him as if in mockery, and right then a rogue idea crossed his mind “what would Neil think if he saw them and knew why he did that to himself?”. At that Andrew shook himself and got dressed quickly “stupid” he told himself “so fucking stupid actually, get it together Minyard”, he kept repeating this to himself as he made his way out of his room to look for some breakfast and to his unpleasant surprise everyone was up and about their business already.
Heading for the coffee pot avoiding making eye contact with anyone, waking up in a pleasant mood really made him angry and he wasn’t in the mood to make niceties with anyone today, not that he ever was.
“Did you come by the court last night? I think I saw your car, and what are you doing dropping Neil off? How do you know each other? Why didn’t you come in aren’t you going to grace us again with your presence in the court? You know we need you Andrew”
This apparently was Kevin’s way of saying good morning and Andrew was already starting to get a headache from the bombard of questions. As a way of replying Andrew stared Kevin down and dropped an unceremonious amount of sugar in his coffee.
“Look I’m just saying if you’re going to come to court anyway why not come in for a bit even just to observe the new goalkeeper.” Kevin pushed on.
“Drop it Kevin.” Andrew warned with a glare that ought to shut him up.
“Well someone is in a particular merry mood today.” Nick snickered as he made his way to the kitchen.
Without replying to any of them Andrew grabbed his stuff and headed out because god forbids him being able to enjoy a perfect cup of coffee in piece. He didn’t have to meet up with Neil until later that day after his classes so he waited for Renee outside her room as he always did to go about their day together.
“Morning Andrew” Renee greeted him with the ever sweet smile she always had that never stopped to baffle him, “Renee” he greeted her back with two fingers to his temple in salute as she fell into step beside him, this was easy and familiar to him Andrew never had a problem knowing Renee or letting her know him she was the only person other than Bee who knew everything about him and strangely that sat very well with Andrew.
“So how was your first session with Neil?” she asked with a smile that now had a hint of mischief in it.
“Don’t start with me Renee.”
“What! I’m not starting anything I really want to know, I also want to know how the infamous Andrew Minyard with his photographic memory needs any tutoring at all.” She said with a chuckle, Andrew really couldn’t argue or discourage Renee as he does any other person so he begrudgingly said
“It was fine, I understood everything thanks to that little math wiz, and I need tutoring because you know perfectly well that our beloved professor already has a foot in the grave and can’t form a whole sentence, honestly how you understand anything from him is beyond me.”
“Oh don’t be mean he’s cute” she said laughing; they kept at it until they reached the lectures hall and they went their separate way.
The rest of the day passed in a blur until Andrew was seated in the library waiting for Neil who was late again! As Andrew pulled out his phone to text him Neil made his way slowly to where Andrew sat but something was different about him the way he moved and held himself was all wrong as if he was trying so hard and failing to disappear into himself and as Neil stood right in front of Andrew he was sure something was really wrong, Neil was more disheveled than he normally is with deep dark circles under his too red eyes that didn’t seem to be able to focus in one place and Andrew knew that look all too well, the look of someone scouring the place looking for all the exists and possible escape routes.
Andrew waited as Neil heavily dropped in the chair next to him and started pulling his things out of his ridiculous duffle bag, “you look terrible” Andrew said; it took Neil a moment to focus on Andrew and process what he said “umm yeah thanks I have a mirror, let’s just get started” Neil retorted.
They spent the next hour tripping over the material that they were supposed to go through Neil couldn’t seem to focus every now and then his eyes would wonder looking for someone or something that wasn’t there and he would flinch at every little sound around them.
“Alright stop! That’s enough for today” Andrew said flipping the books closed and shoving the notes aside.
“Wait what! Why??”
“Well there is clearly something wrong and I’m not wasting my time like that so you either tell me what the fuck is wrong with you today Josten or we leave now.”
Neil said nothing he only looked down his hands and started tapping his leg furiously, “well fine we’re leaving then come on.”
Neil stuffed hiss stuff back in the duffle and headed out without waiting for Andrew who was now jogging after him to catch up to him “and where do you think you’re going?” Andrew asked Neil’s back.
“Well what do you want huh, what the fuck do you want Andrew, my performance isn’t up to your standards today so I’m leaving report me if you want or do whatever you want, I don’t care just don’t push me not today.” That took Andrew by surprise and in that minute Neil started moving, again Andrew caught up to him, “god Andrew what do you want!?”
“Nothing you’re headed to the dorms right, well so am I” and with that they walked in silence until they reached Neil’s room and before he could reach out to open the door Andrew stopped him “there’s something that might help I think come.”
Begrudgingly Neil followed him as he made his way up the stairs until they reached the roof, Andrew nudged the door open and stepped inside with Neil following hesitantly after him “Is that even legal?” Neil asked but Andrew only shrugged as he reached behind the door for something that Neil found out that it was a bottle of wine, a very expensive one.
Andrew sat at the ledge with his legs swinging on the side of the building and Neil followed suite, they sat like that for a while none of them talking and just looking at the sun dipping and bathing the campus in its warm golden afternoon light.
“Thanks for bringing me here it’s beautiful, and umm sorry about before I’m really having a bad day” Neil broke their silence.
“Don’t what!!”
“Say that “sorry” don’t say it I hate that word”
“Well umm thanks still, it’s beautiful up here how did you come by it?”
“Same as the Waffle House, was looking for someplace quiet and here I am.”
They fell quite again gazing out at the campus and then Andrew said “well I guess it’s my turn now”
Neil looked at him a moment too long and Andrew was shocked by the intensity of Neil’s too blue eyes then said “what do you mean?” Andrew rolled his eyes and answered “our deal remember? Question for question!”
“Oh yeah right, well shoot”
“What’s wrong with you?” “but don’t ask me what’s wrong” they both said at the same time and Neil laughed for the first time today and his face lit up which made Andrew want to punch him in his too handsome face.
“Okay fair enough, how about ummmmm, why are you keeping that hideous thing you call a cat?”
Neil chuckled and said “Well I found kitten as I was headed to the dorms, he was this tiny little fur ball abandoned near the building soaked and shivering from the rain and the whimpering sound he was making really undid me, and he’s not hideous kitten is magnificent you know.”
Andrew blinked at him several times then said “You’re telling me you called him kitten that’s not a name you know!”
“Why does everyone keep saying that, it’s a perfectly good name that describes him well, he is a kitten after all.” Neil retorted.
“For someone who’s good with math you are unexpectedly dim witted Josten.” Neil looked at him and started saying something but right then a car’s engine backfired and Neil flinched soo hard at the sound he must’ve pulled a muscle.
Andrew looked him over body taught, hand gripping the ledge too tightly that his knuckles turned white, frantic eyes looking around for the source of the sound and breath coming in short heavy pants. He thought this isn’t working at all he meant to bring Neil here in order for him to unwind a bit, so without really thinking what he was doing he hooked his finger in Neil’s collar and tugged until Neil finally looked at him and the look Neil gave him sucked the breath from his lungs, he looked like a wounded animal looking for shelter, his eyes kept roving Andrew’s face and after a minute he started to relax as if he found what he was looking for in Andrew which was completely and utterly stupid Andrew thought.
“Come on we’re leaving” Andrew said and dragged Neil up with him finger still hooked in his collar.
“Where are we going?”
“Just come!”
They made their way outside and rode the Maserati, he drove in silence which he didn’t mind, for once no one needed to fill the silence and Andrew loved that. Soon they reached the exy court and Andrew asked “Do you have your keys?”
It took Neil a second to get what he was saying but as he looked out at the court he nodded to Andrew.
“Well come on then we’re not staying in the car obviously.”
They headed inside and as they reached the lockers Andrew told Neal to change as he headed for the court to wait for him, but why was he doing that, what is it about Neil that makes Andrew wants to know him, spend time with him, and above all comfort him when he’s in this state, to tell him that it’s okay, he’s safe and he won’t let anything happen to him, that he was willing to share his demons if only Neil wouldn’t run away if he saw Andrew’s.
As Neil came out and made his way towards Andrew who was lying on the floor with the exy racquet cradled on his chest he said “Now what? Why are we here?”
Andrew got up lazily and headed for the goal where he took his position and said “Try to score one goal and you get to ask me two questions.”
Neil raised his eyebrow in disbelief “you know that I will win right, I mean you must keep up with the matches.”
Andrew tapped the racquet twice against the floor and said “Bring it on Josten.”
They played for a full hour Neil trying and failing miserably to make one pathetic score against Andrew who defended the goal without breaking a sweat. After what must’ve been the two hundredth attempt Neil threw his racquet and lay on the floor, Andrew came over and hovered above Neil, from this angle with Neil sprawled on the floor, face flushed and hair sticking up every which way Andrew felt the need of kissing him, feeling Neil’s lips on his, would they be as full as they look? How would Neil taste like? What if he bit them what would Neil do. Instead he swallowed and said “Giving up already Josten tsk, what a shame.”
“God I hate you Minyard”
“Well good, I hate you too.”
Neil smiled a dazzling smile and Andrew allowed himself to flop down next to him. This close Andrew was itching to lean just a little bit forward to kiss Neil instead he turned his head and fixed his eyes heavenwards.
“I guess it’s my turn now” Andrew didn’t answer which Neil took as a sign for him to ask,
“Why did you stop playing exy”
“Ugh soo predictable Josten”
“Well I want to know and it’s my turn and it’s not like I asked you about your arm bands.” Sensing Andrew tensing about that last part he added quickly “and I will not I promise not unless you want to talk about them I swear.”
Andrew looked at him really hard eyes glaring which no doubt Neil interpreted as him wanting to punch Neil but not for mentioning his arm bands it was because he respected him to not ask about which was what Andrew bracing himself to be asked but nooo! He had the audacity to understand what the word privacy meant and actually respect it when no one else around Andrew seemed able to get their petty little heads around the concept.
“you’re an Idiot Josten, I stopped playing because I don’t care enough to play, I had a deal with Kevin and in order to honor it I had to play, now it’s done and I don’t play”
“Then why come here tonight when you clearly hate it?” Neil pushed
“First off I don’t hate it I just don’t care and secondly apparently being around you makes people stupid as well so here we are.” Neil smiled that sweet dizzying smile again and Andrew really wanted to wipe it off of his face, preferably with his own mouth, “good god you’re losing it Minyard” he told himself.
“Let’s go I’m not sleeping here, go change I will wait in the car”
In less than five minutes Neil was done and sitting in the car and they headed back in silence which neither of them seemed to mind. Andrew walked Neil to his room where Neil hesitated a minute before he turned on Andrew and lifted his hand as if to hold Andrew’s but thought better of it and said “thank you, really you helped, I don’t know if you meant to or not I mean I think you did but I don’t want to be presumptuous so thank you, I …I mean it really.”
“You’re an idiot Josten” that made Neil smile and not for the first time today nor the last Andrew suspected he felt like kissing that smile off of Neil’s face.
“Next time don’t be late or your kitten will pay the price” Andrew said as he walked away but not before he heard Neil’s laughter around him even after he made it to his room.
“Well, what a good fucking job Minyard, you’re screwed” he told himself as he flopped down on bed with blazing blue eyes imprinted in his mind.
Here is chapter 3
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chapitre7 · 7 years
Words that my eyes tell you
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 1st Anniversary Appreciation Week
Day 7: An Exchange of Looks.
I’m going to kill you, Kim Baek Ah.
He won’t stand up no matter what she does. He toasts with the person in front of him, downs another shot, and Hae Soo whimpers with her hands on his shoulders. He’s several doses past his limit and she doesn’t know if anyone else would be responsible enough to take him home; the company is too big and although she’s worked there for a little over two years, she knows very few people.
Soo looks around to see if anyone is looking at them, if she can ask for help, but her co-workers from the Design Department are either equally wasted or absent and she doesn’t know who to call.
She locks eyes with a man across the room, dark hair falling gracefully sideways, almost covering his left eye. She must look desperate because he raises his eyebrows at her, but her relief quickly evaporates as a smirk adorns his lips before he takes his own shot.
Is he mocking me?
She turns back to Baek Ah, calls his name, shakes him, asks for several dozen divinities to get him to stand up so she can call them a cab and finally go home and rest. The only response she gets is the man from afar who’s suddenly next to them and putting Baek Ah’s arm around his shoulders.
“Come on, Baek Ah, it’s time to go,” he says and Soo stands along with them, bowing to a few people, saying her goodbyes.
“So! Long time no talk!” Baek Ah slurs, touching his index finger to the man’s – So’s – cheek, causing him to chuckle.
“Yes, indeed. Let’s catch up some time when you’re not drunk, shall we?”
“I’m not drunk!” Baek Ah declares, rooting himself to a spot, standing with his back straight, and then promptly letting his weight fall against So again. Soo touches So’s arm, tries to prevent him from falling, and he smiles at her in gratitude. He has a pretty smile.
“I-I’ll call us a cab–” She’s saying, but So shakes his head.
“I’ve already called a designated driver for myself, I’ll give you a ride.”
“Oh!” Soo blushes and curses the alcohol in her veins for it. “No, it’s all right! Baek Ah and I live in the same building so it’s not going to be expensive for me or anything!”
“Even easier for me. Let’s go.”
She bites her lip before she follows him, already dreading the uncomfortable silence all the way to her door.
“Who was he?”
Baek Ah looks at her with one blank eye, the other closed in headache.
“Long-ish black hair, narrow, penetrating eyes, you called him–”
“So. Wang So.”
Despite his hangover, he has the grace to give her a knowing smile.
“Oh, you met So, the head of the PR Department, didn’t you? Finally?”
“What do you mean finally?”
He’s about to answer when the head of their own department walks in, Soo quickly turning to focus on her monitor and work.
On that same week, Soo is late for the first time since she joined the company. She rushes inside the building but the elevator doors are already closing and she only has time to glimpse those narrow eyes before he’s gone.
Her body has exactly one second to wilt with a sigh before the doors open again,and when she looks up, he’s smiling, his hand withdrawing from the floors panel.
“Fourth floor, is it?” He asks and she nods, hopping inside the elevator with no elegance. She regrets it immediately with a grimace.
“I’m Hae Soo,” she says, turning to look at him but quickly looking forward again. “I figured I’d tell you since you’ve helped me twice already.”
“Hae Soo,” he repeats, as if testing the name, tasting it. She looks at him out the corner of her eye and he’s definitely looking at her. “I’ve barely done anything, Hae Soo. Just helping out a fellow co-worker.”
The elevator stops at her floor and she jumps out. She turns around just in time to see him waving at her. She doesn’t get to wave back.
She has her cheeks full of food when he sits down in front of her with his own tray for lunch. She blinks once, twice, several times real fast, and he only tilts his head to the side.
“Is this seat taken?”
But he’s already sitting down? Soo shakes her head and he picks up his chopsticks.
“You work for the Design Department, right?” She nods. “Which work is yours?”
“I usually work with cosmetics companies…” Her voice is small but she can’t help smiling.
“Ah! Is that why so many cosmetics companies seek us?”
Is he teasing her? Again? There isn’t a trace of mockery in him, not in his words or in the way he leans forward in her direction. She tells him a bit of what she’s working on and he listens attentively, until both their trays are empty, until his phone rings and he has to excuse himself with an honestly sorry expression.
Soo dares to let her heart beat faster.
“Okay, what do you know?”
Baek Ah tries to look innocent but he hasn’t been able to shake off the smugness in his grin every time she arrives home from a date with So. And it’s only been two dates.
“Nothing. I don’t know anything. I think infatuation looks good on you.”
She throws a magazine at his face and walks out his apartment.
“You’re… not married, are you?”
So’s eyes carry a genuine weight of surprise and Soo hides herself behind her hands as best as she can.
“No. I’m a happy bachelor enjoying a date.”
He turns away from the painting he was admiring, all the other people in the gallery walking past them. He gently pries Soo’s hands from her face, tilting his head in the kind way she liked.
“It’s just…” She bites her lip, and she would bite her nails if he didn’t have both of her hands in his. “You… Hang out with me so easily. I was wondering if there was a…”
“Catch? No. I’m not Hwangbo Wook.”
Soo groans loudly, falling forward into his chest, and a few passersby turn to look at her.
“Why do you know about that? Did Baek Ah tell you?”
“That you were the girl Wook rejected at the entrance hall two years ago? I promise you not that many people know it’s you and that I’ll keep your secret.”
She peers up at him. If it were any other person, she’d ask to leave, she’d avoid his calls, and she’d pretend they never went out just from the shame of being recognized as the rejected girl. But So only touches her hair, pats it back into place, adjusts her bangs, and leads her by the hand to a painting that he wanted her to see, that he thought she’d like.
She really does like it. Him.
She arrives at the sixth floor and each step that echoes in the hall almost gives her a heart attack. It’s late enough that the floor is deserted, but So had asked her out to dinner and they were supposed to leave together. It’s already way past the appointed time. Her stomach rumbles in the silence and she blushes deeply, hoping there really isn’t anyone around to hear.
His secretary is not at his desk, and she feels bold enough to open the doors to his office.
Wang So has his arms on his desk and his head resting on them, soft breaths not making a sound in the night. Soo treads carefully, slowly, trying her best not to disturb him. Standing before his desk, she admires his sleeping face, his serenity, and wonders exactly how she came to date such a beautiful, thoughtful man. Even his voice speaking English, that she caught by accident a couple weeks prior, is enough to make her swoon.
She’s so busy sighing over him that it takes her a few seconds to realize that his eyes are open and he’s looking at her with an amused smile on his lips.
“Ah! Wang So-ssi! You were late, so I thought–”
“Come here, Soo.”
He leans back in his chair and motions for her to come closer. Embarrassed, she walks around his desk and approaches his chair. When she’s close enough, he moves his chair with his feet and circles his arms around her middle, his head coming to rest against her bosom. He could most certainly hear the frantic beating of her heart.
Forward! This is very forward!
But he doesn’t do anything obscene. His head only rests there, inhaling her perfume, listening to her heartbeat, his arms warming her middle, keeping her safely close.
“I’ve wanted to meet you for a very long time, Hae Soo.”
“You have?”
She tries to relax in his touch, and in rush of bravery she reaches for his hair, running her fingers through the black silk like she’s wanted to ever since their first date. If he were a cat, he might have purred. He only sighs.
“From the first time I saw you, I knew you were my type.”
She wants to laugh. She never imagined being anyone’s type.
“And what is that?”
“Sincere and honest.”
He backs away a little, her hands lying on his shoulders, and he looks up at her like she’s so much more than what she really is.
“You don’t remember, do you?”
Soo frowns. Her mouth opens and closes.
“I’m… I’m sorry, I–”
Her stomach announces the time, loudly, and Soo half wants to die.
“We should go,” he says, and doesn’t give her a chance to do anything other than follow him as he stands up, puts on his jacket, takes her hand and leads her to the door.
“Ah, Soo.”
He stops, his free hand on the doorknob, and only his head turns to her.
“Please call me So.”
Despite being very hungry, she doesn’t eat much that night. She feels as if her stomach is actually filled with clouds.
It comes to her when she’s brushing her teeth, completely unprompted, after she’s given up trying to remember it.
The sound of her bag falling to the ground echoed throughout the entrance hall. Wook’s usual smile was gone, replaced by a neutral mask she couldn’t read. Four dates. There had been four dates before she gathered up the courage to tell him the feelings building inside of her were real, and it all came crashing down in the seconds he told her he was married.
She threw everything she had in her hands at him. Binders, papers, designs she spent days on. She wished the weight of her work could crash on him, that it would make him regret toying with her, that he would be embarrassed to death instead of her. But there was only so much she could do, so she picked up her bag, swirled around, and walked toward the exit.
She passed him by the glass doors. How long he had been standing there, watching, she didn’t know. But their eyes met briefly, shocked ones falling on her tears, and then she was outside, running down the entrance steps, and catching the first cab that appeared. She came to regret it later, when whispers started to circulate the building. She had tried so hard to hide their relationship only to ruin it all in the end. No, he had ruined it. She was only left to pick up the pieces.
Soo wants to call So, to send him a message, to do anything. But she does nothing, says nothing. She’s mostly quiet the next day, and despite Baek Ah asking her several times if she’s okay, she just nods and works.
She waits next to his office during lunchtime, looking out the tall windows of the building. He approaches her with a confused glint in his eyes, and when he’s near, she embraces him, small arms wrapping around him, fingers laced together on his back. He looks around and there are people watching them; Soo had always been the one who wanted to be discreet.
“Soo? Are you okay? You–”
“Did you really start liking me on that day, two years ago?”
She tilts her head in a mirror of him. His eyes soften in recognition, hands moving to trace the flower hairpins on both sides of her head.
“Because you were brave and beautiful.”
She smiles, her arms tightening around him.
“And you’ve wanted to meet me for the past two years.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because I’m not brave.”
Her shoulders shake, the laughter slowly erupting from her core. He cups her face as she laughs, his thumbs tracing the rose of her cheeks, and he kisses her there, where everyone can see, with the sky as their witness. He swallows her laughter, makes it a part of him, and she closes her eyes, skipping a few steps, touching his tongue with hers, accepting and embracing the title of office couple.
She hopes Hwangbo Wook sees it and falls down the stairs in shock.
So tastes just as sweet as she thought he would, from the first moment their eyes met at that company party.
He’s sweeter.
The owner of the clouds inside of her.
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