#anyway i was only gone for almost 4 days its not that long but i still felt i went thru tumblr withdrawals bye
wheeboo · 7 months
hii everyone i'm alive ^-^ sorry for being a little quiet i got sick LMAO. on top of endless uni work and horrible stress headaches :(( i was going to try n post something this weekend but was unsurprisingly couch ridden majority of the time anyway so i couldn't write djfklsjfds
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ozai-the-bonsai · 26 days
Could you write for Daemon targaryen like currently after all those nightmares in harnehal he finds a prisoner of harnehal as the only person who brings him peace him falling in love with her and trying to be better person he still fights for team black obviously rahaenya is definitely not happy with these arrangements especially seeing him all dedicated all in love some things he never have done for her but she have no option currently rather accepting his second wife though at the end when team black would be winning and fight at harnehal like aemond Vs Daemon she ask for reader's head happy ending at the end please or anything you wanna write I just wanna see Daemon happy in love at end please
Finally I have time for my hobbies again! Sorry I left you waiting for ages, this term the exam season was tougher than what I have been accustomed to… Anyways, I have started writing some stuff and I wanted to post the intro instead of writing a full-length chapter 1 since it would have taken a couple more days (:
As a side note, I honestly have no idea where this story will be headed because I have no clear course planned, I had some little ideas and I just started writing them. Also I will be introducing stuff which is not in the asoiaf universe.
I am continuing to read Silmarillion from where I left off and let’s say the ideas about Daemon’s love interest are… inspired from what I have been reading (; Enjoy!
Memento Mori
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: strong language, I am not a native English speaker, reader is (or will be) described with long hair
This is a very short introduction! Also the chapter is from Daemon’s pov. The title is inspired by Memento Mori by Lamb of God (the song has been a great inspiration for the story so far)
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The dungeons of Harrenhal were cold, wet and lonely.
He had no idea when, how and why he had gone down there – one moment, he was in his chambers and the next, he was opening his eyes to the mossy stone walls of the dark dungeons with a torch in his hand. The line between dreams and reality was becoming thinner each day he spent in this cursed castle.
As Daemon walked past the empty cells, he tried to shake off this unsettling feeling lingering around him, dancing on his neck on its tippy toes, making him wonder whether he was indeed alone.
I doubt Simon Strong keeps prisoners down here, he thought while wiping the water from his forehead which was dripping from the broken ceiling. Maybe he has decided to lock up the witch?
Just when the Rogue Prince – correction, the King Consort – was about to turn back and leave the depressing, humid and somewhat eerie atmosphere of the dungeons behind, a soft humming reached his ears.
A soft, sweet humming of a song coming from one of the cells at the very end of the darkness.
“What kind of prisoner is Simon Strong hiding here?” Daemon asked, his voice created echoes as he waved the torch in front of him, trying to cast some light.
The humming stopped immediately, as if the sound itself was cut by a knife.
Daemon’s purple eyes widened upon seeing that the last cell was indeed not empty.
There was a young woman inside, looking at him with her eyes full of curiosity. Her hair had an unearthly shine under the dim moonlight. She tilted her head to the side. “You can see me?” She asked, it was the same soft voice from a moment ago, though the sweetness was no longer there to be felt.
Daemon raised an eyebrow at her direction. “Do people not see you?”
The young woman shook her head, her movements – no matter how simple they were – felt almost too harmonious. “Not normally, it is not intended that I am seen.” Stopping for a moment, she eyed Daemon from head to foot. “You are not really here, are you?”
The raised eyebrow quickly turned into a frown. “What do you mean? I am standing in front of you.”
She shook her head once again. As her soft whisper filled his eyes, Daemon started falling into the nothingness, again, for the unknown-th time ever since he had come to Harrenhal.
“Wake up.”
When he woke up, trying to catch his breath, Daemon found himself lying on his bed, as always. Anytime he had one of those weird dreams – he wasn’t even sure if he should call them dreams anymore – his consciousness would find its way back to his bed.
Unless he was daydreaming, which were considerably the worse.
“Who the fuck was that weird woman?” Daemon muttered to himself as he stood up, dressing up in his regular robes. The feeling in his stomach was telling him that he had to go down there, to the dungeons, to find that woman. If he were to wait until dawn, he feared she might be gone.
What was it that she said again? It is not intended she is seen?
Leaving his chambers with a torch in his right hand, Daemon shook his head to the thoughts flowing through his mind, causing his silver hair to move. “Weird woman,” he muttered to himself as he walked through the dark corridors of the castle with haste. “She somehow reminds me of the witch.”
The dungeons were as dark and wet as he remembered from the dream. A cold wind was wandering besides him, kissing the mossy walls and licking Daemon’s skin, sometimes whispering wicked words in his ears. Even the wind was odd here, in Harrenhal, but he had somewhat got used to it – hearing its eerie whispers whenever he walked alone during the hour of the wolf.
“Show yourself,” Daemon spoke with a strong voice which created echoes as he stood in front of that very cell from his dream. “Your king commands it!”
“Huh, king?” The same soft voice answered from the dark corner of her cell. The moonlight had left its shining spot, leaving the torch in Daemon’s hands as the only source of light in this entire corridor of the dungeons. “I answer to no king.”
A condescending scoff left Daemon’s lips as he came closer to the bars made of steel, separating him and the weird woman. “You do live in Westros, do you not?” Daemon asked, not really waiting for an answer. “As long as you breathe in this land, you do answer to the King.”
A chuckle came from the darkness. “I have been breathing in this land before your ancestors flew across the Narrow Sea, Daemon Targaryen.”
Taglist: @throughgoeshamilton @mirandastuckinthe80s @xicesam @mariamyousef702 @eddiemadmunson @dont-try-pesticide @sweetybuzz25 @hc-geralt-23 @schniiipsel @ttae-yong @syrma-sensei @asiludida164 @kaitieskidmore1 @irmavanity-blog @pax-2735 @trickrtreatart @shanzeyxsyed @random-human02 @scarwicht @xcallmetaniax @instabull @niiight-dreamerrrr @my-dark-prince @stargaryenx @abaker74 @babywolff @sonnensplitter @bi-narystars @softtina @sadmonke @avalyaaa
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targaryenmarvel · 5 months
Fallin' All In You (Part 5) - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: You’ve known Wanda Maximoff since you were children. She was the shy and exceptionally beautiful twin sister of your best friend, Pietro. For the most part, you two never interacted, but that changes when against your better judgment, you begin to develop feelings for the girl. 
Warnings: Only cursing for now
Note: It took me a while to finish this chapter, but here we are. This story was originally going to end in the last chapter, but I decided to extend it and add two more as I felt there was more to tell. If there are any requests, I can continue with the drabbles while I work on my next story. Anyways, enjoy!
Word count: 3,073
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
After your exhilarating day, you rested in bed, grinning at the ceiling like a love-sick fool. The day's events weighed heavy on your mind, the memories making you giddy with excitement and happiness.
You thought of the softness of Wanda's lips and her agile tongue against your own, fighting for dominance. She had ultimately won, rendering you into a whimpering mess in her arms. You had skipped a few steps, but neither of you was complaining. The date would come soon.
Although you shared sweet and tender moments, a question lay heavily over your heads. What were you going to do about Pietro? You had been prepared to confess your feelings for his sister to him earlier. Yet now you weren't so sure on how to proceed. Too entrapped in Wanda's kisses and embrace, you had forgotten to breach the subject. A problem for later, you thought as Wanda sent you a message.
Wanda: Can't wait for our date ❤︎
It wasn't until days later your dread came to a peak. You sat on Pietro's bed with the boy at your side. The both of you clicked away at your controllers, guiding the movement of the figures on the television screen. You were playing the latest FIFA game. Pietro masterfully passed the ball around while you lagged, distracted by your thoughts. 
Guilt racked through your body, forbearing your relationship with Wanda from your friend finally taking a toll. You were ready to proclaim your feelings, but Wanda seemed reluctant. You recalled your conversation with the girl from the day before.
You found yourself freshening up after another game. Your teammates were long gone, and you always seemed to be the last to leave. You were pulling on a clean shirt when you felt a presence behind you. 
"Almost done, Nat," you half-mindedly say, thinking it's Natasha there to scold you for lingering too long.
"Hey," a much sweeter voice called, causing you to turn hastily.
"Hey," you repeated, grinning at the girl.
"Your team was great."
You playfully scoffed, clutching your chest. "Wow, what about me? No compliment for me? Is this about my gigantic ego?"
Wanda chuckled, slowly walking closer like a predator to its prey. "I will admit I'm mildly impressed by the fact you've scored until now."
"Do I get a reward?" you ask as she's inches away from your face.
Wanda rested her hands on your chest, nose brushing against your own. "I don't know. What do you want?"
You couldn't resist any longer as you closed the distance, eagerly taking her lips in your own. Gentle hands pulled you closer by your shoulder as you rested your own on her waist. The kiss was slow, filled with pent-up mutual desire.
You were ready to deepen the kiss when Wanda's phone buzzed, startling you, and you broke away.
"Sorry," Wanda said, checking her phone. "It's Pietro wondering where I am. I should head back. You coming?" 
"Yeah," you answered, grabbing your bag as a frown adorned your features. Guilt had replaced the joy from moments ago. Wanda, of course, noticed your change in mood. 
"What's wrong?" You took your hand comfortingly.
"Nothing." She tilted her head, nonbelieving, and you felt your stomach flip. You sighed, resigned, "It's just Pietro. What are we going tell him?" 
Wanda froze like a deer caught in headlights, startled by your question. Although she, too, had thought of how to proceed with her brother, her thoughts on the subject were much different. 
While Wanda stood there tongue-tied, you took her reaction as doubt, prompting you to ask, "Do we tell him?"
"No!" she said too quickly, and you felt her comforting touch turn into scolding fire. You released her hand, and Wanda realized her mistake. "Y/N, no. It's not like that. I promise I want to tell him I do, but you two are best friends, and I would hate to mess up your relationship. I'm just asking for time."
"Yes, to ensure that what we have is real and will work."
You wanted to tell her you had never been more sure about anything. That you would face the world if she were by your side. Your lips kept sealed, locking away your declarations, scared by the feelings of devotion.
"What's wrong with you today? Pietro's voice pulled you back to Earth as he continued to attack your team without mercy. "You're distracted."
"It's nothing," you answered, flashing back to your conversation with Wanda. You understood her logic for waiting; you did. However, it didn't stop you from hating the idea of keeping Pietro oblivious. You felt like a traitor, a fake friend, for keeping your relationship a secret from him.
"Is it a girl?" he asked out of the blue, and you jolted in his direction, nearly dropping your controller.
You paled. "Wha—why would you think that?" 
"A guess." He shrugged with a grin. "By the look of it, I hit the jackpot. You're having girl troubles, huh? Tell me about her."
"It's complicated." He rolled his eyes and huffed at the lack of information. She wants to keep it a secret for now."
"Are you okay with that?" You nodded slowly with uncertainty. "That's not reassuring," Pietro commented.
You dropped flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling and contemplating your next word. "I think she's scared of what could happen if things ended badly. I get it and am willing to wait." 
"Alright then, I won't pry. Just know I'm here for you if you want to tell me about her," Pietro said knowingly but then smiled wickedly. "Hey, as long as it's not my sister, you do you. You paled, mortified by his words, and Pietro burst out laughing. "We'd be like divorced parents having to share custody of you. Spending one week with her and one with me. Not to mention, she'd probably turn you into a nerd like her."
At the sound of his words, the heavy sensation settling on your chest lessened until it nearly disappeared. It was all a joke, you thought, relieved.
Pietro threw down his controller on the bed. "I'm tired of kicking your ass. Let's do something else."
"What do you have in mind?" you asked, following him out of his room and casting a spare glance at Wanda's vacant room—the girl on an outing with her friends.
Pietro responded with a smirk, causing a surge of concern to well up within you. You knew you were in for a crazy night.
You won't lie; planning a date was probably the most complicated task you have ever done. Your lack of romantic experience left you spiraling for ideas. After much research, you decided to take Wanda to the fair in a neighboring town. Food, games, prizes, a kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel. The perfect plan.
Putting your plan into action was even easier by Pietro's absence from the Maximoff residence. The boy had left for Crystal's for the day.
As you parked in front of the residence, the younger Maximoff crossed the front door and entered your vision. The sight hit you like a punch in the gut, leaving you breathless and tongue-tied. You approached the girl, wonderstruck by her godly figure, intensified by the encompassing sunlight.
"You look beautiful," you whispered reverently, pulling her waist towards you and disregarding any onlookers.
Wanda flushed at your compliment, hiding her scarlet face in your neck and denying you the warming sight. The only indication of her embarrassment is a muffled "Shut up."
You chuckled, drawing away. "Are you ready?" She nodded, and you pulled her to your car, ready to commence the 40-minute journey.
The two of you stood still, hands tied, taking in the various stalls. Farther up ahead lay the mechanical rides, though you wanted to leave those for later as Wanda pulled you toward a shooting game. Knowing full well that most games were rigged, you followed Wanda like a puppy to the different game stalls. You won a few minor prizes on some games, while Wanda's were usually better. The girl teased you, gloating at her skill in the games, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
You rebounded playing skee ball, a game you loved at the arcade. You started by positioning yourself into a balanced stance, one foot in front of the other and slightly bending your knees. You pulled your arm back and swung from the shoulder, aiming for the 40-point pocket. You watched the ball roll with anticipation, cursing when it flew the mark falling into the 10-point slot. 
Wanda attentively watched as you repositioned yourself for the next throw, heart fluttering at how you cutely scrunched your eyebrows wholly concentrated. 
You tested your throw, trying to get a feel for the ball, and then repeated your actions with adjustments to the toss. This time, the ball landed precisely on the mark. By the end of your nine throws, you had garnered 370 points. You smirked at an impressed Wanda before turning to choose your prize: a stuffed teddy bear you needed to carry with both arms.
"Oh, how cute. I wonder if you'll sleep cuddled with it," Wanda teased lightheartedly. You hummed, getting closer to her, heart beating frantically at her cuteness.
 "Actually, it's a gift for you," you said, offering the bear to her. Wanda stood there at a loss for words, glancing between you and the teddy bear. She mindlessly accepted the bear, gasping for words. Just like she hadn't been gifted flowers, neither had she been given such a gift. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, enchanted by your thoughtful gestures.
"I-I thank you!" she responded, hugging the bear to her chest.
"I hope you think of me when you cuddle it at night," you half-joked, internally wishing she did. Wanda turned red, and it only intensified when you gripped her chin, placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
You did give her time to react as you eagerly pulled her to the bumper cars. The air echoed with screams of delight as you chased after each other. It's a game of tag of a sort, except with small, electrically powered cars. By the end of your little game, Wanda again rubbed her victory in your face. She was completely unaware that you had intentionally allowed her to win, finding joy in how her eyes would crinkle with happiness every time she emerged victorious.
After riding the carousel and indulging in a few other thrilling rides, the two of you made your way to the food court, famished after all the exhilaration. You both settled down at a weathered wooden picnic table, the sun filtering through the leaves of the trees overhead. Between you lay two cheeseburgers with fries and your respective drinks, a Coke and a pink lemonade. You gazed longingly at Wanda's refreshing pink lemonade, wishing you had ordered one. 
Of course, Wanda noticed your stare and pushed her drink towards you, offering without saying a word. You hesitated, unsure whether to drink from the straw or remove the lid. 
Wanda rolled her eyes, tentatively poking your lips with the straw. "Oh, come on. Don't act like you haven't had your tongue shoved down my throat."
You flushed at her bluntness, which became more frequent the longer you hung out together. You saw less and less of that shy girl who would stumble with her words or flee in your presence. The developing intimacy revealed a new Wanda that made you fall deeper.
You squirmed under her burning gaze but drank. It wasn't intentional the sensual way you wrapped your lips around the straw, keeping eye contact with her. You swear it wasn't, yet you could feel the air change around you, filling with tension as Wanda's attention shifted to your lips. 
You leaned back, bringing the drink away from your lips with a soft pop. As you did, you ran your tongue over your lips, removing the lemonade remnants and intentionally provoking Wanda.
Wanda's stomach turned, heat creeping out through her body, warming her fingers and toes as desire overtook her body.
The world seemed to stop, and reality faded into the background. All that mattered was the girl in front. As her gaze shifted back and forth between your lips and eyes, you found yourself doing the same, caught in a moment of shared anticipation.
The screams of a young boy, trashing around in his mother's hold, cut through the stare down before you could lean over. You looked around, embarrassed, wanting to see if anyone had noticed, and were relieved to see that no one paid you any mind. If they had, you helplessly hoped they thought you were in an intense staring competition.
Feeling safe from prying eyes, you finally reveled in the embarrassment, cringing at the thought of kissing the girl while leaning over the wooden table. Wanda fidgeted with her hands, suddenly very interested in the chipped wooden table. As you looked back at her, you could tell she was thinking the same thing. But then she met your eyes, mortification evident in her viridescent eyes.
The palpable awkwardness of the situation slowly dissipated, replaced by a shared moment of pure hilarity, as the corner of your mouth twitched, causing both of you to burst into uncontrollable laughter. Wanda took a fry, hitting you in the middle of your forehead. 
You gasped, falsely offended, as you rubbed your forehead. "Oh, it's on Maximoff," you declared, hurling your fry toward her. Wanda ungracefully swayed to the side, narrowly avoiding the thrown object as it lodged in her hair.
She delicately picked at the piece of food, eyes wide and mouth slightly open in surprise. Wanda then tilted her head to the side in a way that made your stomach flutter and said, "Bring it, L/N."
On ensued a food fight that earned you a few dirty looks from bypassers. It only stopped when Wanda took a handful of fries, breaking the unspoken rule of only throwing one fry at a time. You raised your arms and yelled, "Truce!" You slowly lowered one hand, and Wanda jerked her arm in response, observing you. Yet you only took the white napkin and flung it side to side. "I surender."
Wanda brought her hand down, placed the food back on her plate, and turned her lips upward in victory. The remainder of the meal was filled with cheerful and easygoing conversation.
After, you both settled on strolling through the farm zoo, wanting to give your stomachs a break from rides. You'd rather avoid hurling your meal, a hard lesson learned after riding zero gravity minutes after stuffing yourself with elephant ears. It wasn't fun.
Hand in hand, you and Wanda trekked to the various pens containing goats, sheep, pigs, bunnies, chickens, and more. You watched as Wanda adorably fawned over the bunnies, clinging to your arm and pointing at a black and white one.
As the sun set, you made your final rounds to some stalls and rides, even riding the mechanical bull at Wanda's insistence. Let's just say it ended with Wanda hunched in laughter and some blackmail material stored on her phone.
You saved the Ferris wheel for last, knowing night would only make it that more romantic. It seemed your luck couldn't get better, as the Ferris wheel stopped just as you reached its peak, towering over everything and everyone. The scene was nothing short of perfection. The full moon hung low in the sky, casting its gentle glow over the tranquil forest in the distance—a mesmerizing and enchanting picture.
"It's so beautiful," Wanda chimed.
"Yeah," you agreed, looking at her. As the silvery moonlight cascaded over her delicate features, it accentuated her innate, captivating beauty, adding a touch of ethereal allure to her presence.
You didn't feel ashamed when Wanda turned and caught you staring. The tension from earlier returned with a brutal force, knocking the air out of your lungs. The two of you leaned in, air crackling with anticipation. Your lips met in a slow, passionate kiss as warmth rushed through your bodies.
As the kiss intensified, you gently traced your tongue over Wanda's parted lips, silently requesting permission to deepen the kiss. It wasn't until your lungs ached for air that you stopped, gasping to catch your breath as you rested your forehead against hers.
"Thank you for making today wonderful," Wanda whispered, still breathless.
You gently stroked her cheek with your thumb. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
The anticipation and nerves leading up to the date had been overwhelming. But now, as the day unfolded smoothly, you can't help but marvel at how everything had fallen into place. All your nerves seemed absurd after you kissed the girl at the top of the Ferris wheel. "Honestly, I was spiraling over today. I had no idea how to woo you or plan a date," you confessed.
"How to woo me?" Wanda chuckled. "Well, you've done a wonderful job of wooing me, so don't worry. I've never had such a great date." 
Given that her previous date had been with that jerk, Jarvis, there was no doubt in your mind about it. Yet you still questioned, "Not with Jarvis?"
Wanda flashed a smile and rolled her eyes. "No, definitely not with Jarvis." she replied."
"Good," you whispered, your fingers gently tugging at her neck to draw her closer to you. As your lips met, the kiss was tender and brief, filled with warmth and affection.
After the kiss ended, Wanda leaned in and rested her head gently on your shoulder. Gazing out at the scenery, a look of contentment washed over her face.
As the two of you dismounted from the ride, you instinctively reached for each other's hands and couldn't help but giggle with joy. It felt like the rest of the world faded away at that moment, leaving just the two of you in your bubble of happiness. For a second, at least, because in the next, it was ripped away like candy from a child.
"Wanda? Y/N?" The moment's tranquility was abruptly shattered by the unexpected call of a voice, jolting you out of your reverie and forcing you back into reality.
Dread filled your body, and next to you, Wanda tensed, crushing your hand. Yet you didn't pull away, too stunned by the sight before you. There, as shell-shocked as you stood, Pietro and Crystal.
Taglist: @alexawynters
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jd07201990 · 8 months
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One might think I went a little overboard when I used my talents, to give my old college buddy Charles Wentworth II, the son he'd always wanted. Life threw him a curveball when his little boy just, stayed little. It took only 8 months to change that.
At 19, he was almost fae. 5'4" 110lbs soaking wet, the 3rd Charles in the line was thin, lithe, soft-tempered and good mannered. Clean and neat, always top of his class, the boy was head of the Student Council in High School, when his Father hoped he'd have excelled in Football, the same as his old man.
Charles II knew I'd gone into psychiatry out of college, majoring in Behavioral Studies with a minor in biochemistry. He'd seen what I could do to a person with just 10 minutes of talking. Out like a light, I'd fill their heads with all sorts of triggers, innocent fun to make the guys in the dorms laugh.
But Charles II knew where my interests really were. Behavioral Modification. He'd only seen this one time during our school days, when I tranced Jimmy Palter, the school's most annoying nerd, and by graduation, he'd packed on 50lbs, mostly in his belly, dressed like a hick, and went off to drive Big-Rigs across the country, adding notches to his creaking belt as he screwed his way across country, bedding pretty Diner girls as he hauled goods for my Dad's transport company. Last I'd checked, he was still trucking, with a wife and 5 kids somewhere out west.
Anyway, the strapping young stud you see here, with absolutely no intelligent thought behind those handsome eyes, is Charles Wentworth III. Or, as he preffers now, Chett. Sometimes his football buddies call him Chetworth, but one headlock with their faces pressed to his sweaty pits is enough to stop even the strongest of them, at least for a while. He's an aggressive, hot-blooded powerhouse, and doesn't let anyone forget it.
It had only taken an hour to wriggle my influence into his good natured, innocent mind. His father had asked him to come see me, and an hour later, the boy was thrilled to have sessions with me every day for the foreseeable future. I'd given him a perscription for what he was convinced were vitamins, but were really prototype HGH and Testosterone boosters a friend at a Pharma-Lab in Serbia gives to, well, select clientelle, with the agreement that we send the results asap. Some of this stuff may as well be nuclear Hormone-bombs, its no wonder the FDA refuses to even look at it!
So, A month in, and the boy was a nervous wreck. Trembling with excess energy, his feet tapped anciously during the first sessions, the supplements and my trances sending his body into overdrive. He said he felt like he was on fire, all the time, hot and clammy, and that his body tingled, pent up, wound tight like a spring. I let him suffer with this for a few weeks, I watched as the confusion led to annoyance, and he finally came to my office in the middle of the day, skipping class for the first time in his life, asking me for help. I tried to hid the wicked smirk on my face, and really got down to it. It was easy to drop him down into trance, and from there, My work really began.
4 months in, Chett had gotten a bit of weight on him, his body now tight and toned, working out alone when the gym was empty. The supplements really kicked his body into overdrive, sweat poured from him, soaking his shirts and shorts. He'd complained about it for only a short time, until I convinced him that was the smell of Effort. Of athletic Prowess. Of well-worked Male. As usual, anything I said became the truth, and I soon found him taking sniffs of himself after working out, flexing absentmindedly as he noticed the changes to his body.
By the 6th month, the supplements had shot through his body, setting it into a second puberty of sorts. He grew taller, hitting 6', his legs long with a solid densness that rivaled some of the soccer players. His torso was like a marble statue, each muscle easily traced, as he had very little bodyfat. The Chett was stuffing himself with pritein and calories at my suggestion, really pushing for some size, but his pesky metabolism just wouldn't let him bulk. His father decided that, "Behemoth" as the original plan had intended, wasn't necessary, and we went with "Classic All American Boy" instead. What began as a shrimpy welp, turned into a marble stature, then the beginnings of a diamond-cut stud.
His shoulders widened, giving him that perfect masculine taper, while his face lost its boyish softness, replaced with sharper, more intensly sharp features. His size 7s grew quickly, his feet ruinding sneakers left and right, until he'd leveled off at a wide size 13. His chest began to grow a smattering of hair, his pits were thick, dense wiry bushes. He had that Pretty-Boy look. Fuzzy in all the right places. Sure, he reeked like a Varsity Locker room, but hey, Charles II wanted an athletic son, he knows from our own college days what that entials.
I could see the Sorority Girls and cheerleaders beginning to take notice, but for now, I'd kept Chett firmly away from women. That would come later. I recieved several new prototype supplements, each targeting a different system of the body. By the time he'd finished taking these, he was 6'2" 170, a tall, well built stallion, with nothing but the gym and my trances to quell the neverending storm of energy and hormones flooding his system. He was pent up, on edge, ready to go off anytime. And I knew just what I had to do.
I'd had him on edge for the last 8 monnths. his grades slipped until he nearly got ckicked from school. Luckily, I miraculously had a place for him on the Football team. And he eagerly joined, wanting nothing more than to try and burn off all the aggression on the field. He was a beast from his first practice, I'd programmed everything he'd ever need to know about the game into his mind for months. He absolutley plowed through opponents. It was incredible to see.
I finally let the damn break after a hard-fought summer Game. he'd performed just as I expected. Like a perfectly trained, expert player. Nobody would ever guess Chett had ever been a weedy little boy. Expecially not after I'd set him loose, allowing him to notice the girls all over the field, cheering and buoncing about from player to player. when Sandra Rinaldi, heir to an immense national Grocer's fortune slid up to him, pushing the sweaty hair from his eyes, he couldn't help it. One look at her, and he pounced, kissing her hard right there in the field. 8 months of hormones and denial had been released.
From what I learned through locker room talk in the days following, Chett had given Sandra quite the workout that night, and every day since. Although the two weren't exclusive, Chett tending to get his dick wet anytime, anywhere, with anyone just as programmed, Chett seemed to have a natural incling toward her, and ended up asking her to marry him just after graduation, his father thrilled at the possibility of grandkids and Sandra's inheritence bolstering their own family's fortune.
From tiny waif of a boy, to a true blue American Stud, Charles Wentworth III was now both satisfied and thrilled with his family's future. His strapping, handsome Jock of a son made him proud, cleaning up well for his father to parade him around Gala's and business events, other big-wigs taking notice of the Wentworth's "good genes", not knowing what it took to build the boy up as you see here.
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alkaline-wtr · 3 months
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- - CHAPTER 4 - -
Graves x reader Description: Reader and Graves leave the city. Genre/Warnings: zombie apocalypse AU, Graves x reader, Ghost x fem!reader, survivor!reader,angst, gore, violence, explicit language, weapons, mentions of death WC: 1.3k My Masterlist ** This chapter is definitely not my favorite. I tried making it longer but, where I ended it just felt right, and I was stumped on how to continue it smoothly. So, I figured it was better to get it out rather than sit on it for any longer. I'm sorry it's a bit lame. However, I've had a handful of messages and comments about my portrayal of Graves in chapter 3 so, to make up for the short chapter I have a fluffy one-shot of Graves and reader in the works to go up within the day. It will be a part of this series but, an optional read as it won't be significant to the story at all. It's just a small scene that I didn't feel fit into either chapter. Anyways, Ghost is coming back soon! Thank you for your patience and Enjoy.
If you'd like to be added/removed from the taglist please, let me know.
<< PART 1 << PART 2 << PART 3 << PART 3.5 (optional)
The yellow sun shines brightly overhead, its warmth seeping into your skin. For a few moments, as your brain adjusts between sleep and consciousness, you almost forget where you are and the state of the world.
You rub your eyes groggily. Considering the position of the sun, it couldn't be later than noon.
Looking around, you notice the littering of bullet shells, cans, and broken bottles from the makeshift gun range Phillip had put together the day before. The fire he built between you was now nothing but embers. The tarp bed on the opposite side was gone, and so was he.
Wait. Gone? Where did he go? Why would he leave? Any grogginess you had previously felt washed away in an instant.
Sitting up on your knees, you glanced around. The roof is quite large, maybe he didn't leave and he's somewhere around here. You thought to yourself trying your best to avoid jumping to conclusions.
Unfortunately, your attempts at optimism failed.
You turn, rummaging through the neat pile of gear behind you. Your guns, bag, and holster are still where you left them. Only Phillip's things had vanished.
Warm tears sting your eyes as they stream down your cheeks. You fight back a guttural sob; you rise to your feet and scan the rooftop in disbelief. This can't be happening.
White-hot fear washes over you as you hurriedly gather your gear. A salty tear breaches your cracked lips.
Sniffling, You loop the belt and holster back into the cargo pants. The tactical backpack seemed to weigh heavier on your shoulders than before.
You wipe the tears from your eyes in an attempt to clear your vision with a deep breath. You were determined to stay calm this time. At least Phillip had prepared me beforehand. You thought.
Your sweaty palms wrap around the barrel of the rifle, pulling it up to your chest. As you walked to the stairwell door, your steps were unstable. The toe of your boot dragging across the dry cement.
Remaining strong-willed in this situation was tough, but acting out of sheer panic was sure to get you killed. Being in the middle of the city was dangerous enough as is. There is no room for mistakes right now.
As your palm rests against the rusty door, you exhale another deep breath. The door opens with a creak. Eerie silence echoes throughout the damp stairwell. It was too dark to see.
Ghost's flashlight pressed against your thigh. You retrieve it from your pocket, and, with a click, the blue light provides a path for you along the concrete.
You crept down the stairs, trying not to hold your breath for too long. Without Phillip, safety had become non-existent.
Each flight of stairs seemed to be getting longer. You swallow back the flight response urging you to run. Staying calm and strategic was the top priority.
As you reached the last set of stairs, your boot caught on a step. You instinctively grasp the railing to keep from falling as the flashlight tumbles down the steps. Your heart races. The flashlight clinked down the cement and rolled forward. A blue beam casts a dim light on the wall below you.
Muffled groans and snarling come from the door beside you. The metal doors creaked open. A clammy hand reached out, and you peeled yourself from the railing running down the stairs. With a pause, you scoop up the flashlight at your feet and stumble through the last door of the stairwell.
The lobby of the building is lit up just enough to make out the silhouettes of the infected who crowded the room. They must've been drawn here by all the gunshots yesterday.
Adrenaline was the only thing carrying you mindlessly through the crowd. Infected flooded the hallway as you booked it towards the side door of the building.
When you reach the end of the hall, the door wouldn't budge. Using all your weight, you throw your body against the door, letting out a panicked cry as the infected grow closer.
Finally, you fall through the door to the pavement of the alleyway. The sudden change from complete darkness to bright sunlight blurred your vision. Your palms stung from the impact. You ignored the pain, bits of gravel pressed into your hands as you put your weight on them to lift yourself back to your feet.
A few unsteady steps forward brought you out of the alleyway. The street looked narrow between the rows of elevated buildings. Now, you're sandwiched between hordes.
A distant rumbling cut through the air coming in your direction. A truck comes barreling down the road, narrowly missing you.
You watch as one of the infected gets struck ahead of you. A loud crunch of bones fills your ears. The body lifelessly crumples beneath the tire, and a sickening feeling settles in your stomach.
The truck screeches to a halt. You stand frozen, still processing the event, the hollow thud of a body colliding with the hood echoing in your head.
Phillip stomps towards you a scowl etched on his face. He raises his pistol and fires two shots over your shoulder.
He screams at you. You didn’t need to be told twice.
You climb into the passenger seat, refocusing your thoughts on the present. Phillip slowly backsteps to the truck, clearing a path to the driver's door.
His pistol emits a dull click as he attempts to pull the trigger again with an empty clip. He yanks open the door to the truck and climbs in.
He wastes no time shifting into drive and setting his foot down heavily on the gas pedal.
You couldn't help but glance at the side-view mirror, watching the horde overtake the street.
Phillip's fury is palpable. You hardly register his words, his voice sounding distant
He snaps again, trying to get your attention. You turn your head in his direction but, your gaze is elsewhere.
"What the hell happened?!"
Phillip repeats. This time quieter than before. His voice remains stern and laced with anger.
“Y-you left me.”
You reply calmly. Your nerves shot from the near-death experience. As the adrenaline drained from your system, fatigue settled over your mind.
“I was coming back to get you! I went to get us a vehicle.”
His anger started to shift into worry. He could see how it may have seemed that way from your perspective.
“You could have woken me up or left a note?!”
The reply harbored more bitterness than intended. He sighs.
“You’re right… I’m sorry.”
A silence hangs in the air for a moment.
“I thought you abandoned me.”
Phillip takes in your hurt tone.
“No. Y/n, I would never do that.”
His voice is genuine and full of empathy. The tense silence hung between you. You felt a bit silly looking back on your reaction, but how were you supposed to know?
"Where are we going?"
Your question cut through the silence, desperate for a change of subject. You were in no mood to argue anymore.
Phillip starts,
"As they say... the world is our oyster."
"That's a stupid saying."
You retort. Your voice is low and full of irritation. He chuckles.
"Maybe so. But The world has ended, there's no goal or destination. Just survival."
Although you knew Phillip was right, you'd never took time to let the thought soak in. Part of you never planned to.
There is a long, uncomfortable pause before Philip speaks again.
"What was the plan after getting past the city?"
He asks.
"I'm not exactly sure... I just thought it would be safer. I guess... In the rural areas."
You had no clue what Ghost had planned, after making it past the city. You assumed he had somewhere safe in mind.
Phillip shrugged as if he didn't fully agree with that statement but couldn't argue against it either.
"What do we do then?"
You ask, hoping he will have a better answer. Truthfully, you didn't want to believe that this was it. Life as you knew it was gone and there was nothing more to work towards.
Phillip keeps his eyes on the road ahead. Judging by the furrow in his brow, and the way his lips remained pressed into a line, you knew you wouldn't like what he said next.
"We survive."
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@yourfavbabigirl @keiraslayz @dcnocap207 @dustycrusty09 @ihavetwoholesforareason @jupiternighties
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artzee-bee · 2 years
Forever my love | Adrien Agreste x reader
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Requested by @oyasumimosura
Summary: friends to strangers to lovers with a no-so-happy ending
Genre: some fluff, angst
Warnings: canon typical violence (maybe tuned up a notch tho), death
A/N: my google doc for this piece is 10 pages long and it’s went through at least 4 alternate endings before getting here. I got this request months ago and have been working on it since, whenever I can. I hope this is alright because it’s been a journey...
There was no ‘first memory’ with you. Not one that would come to Adrien’s mind anyways. It felt like you had simply always been in his life. The only thing he remembered was you and your mother, entering the Agreste mansion as if it was your own, almost every Sunday. His mom would welcome both of you with wide arms and offer you tea, and biscuits, which you would snuck to Adrien’s room. Your favorite have always been the ones with strawberry jam filling.
And then you’d play for hours! Building fortresses out of chairs and pillows, racing toy cars around the room, saving plush animals from the imminent danger of Adrien’s rocketship and so on. Not a single moment spent with you felt boring! Your presence was addictive, the joy, the excitement you brought with yourself every time was something Adrien couldn’t understand at the time but now, as an adult looking back, he could easily recognise it as love.
But the world has its own way of never quite letting you be happy enough. The memory of your last playdate, as well as the day his parents told him you were moving away, were very hazy and unclear. For years he refused to revisit them, the sorrow too great for his young, immature self to know how to handle. Now, there was only one sentence he could remember you saying, clear as day. One promise that gave him more hope than he could put in words. “We’ll keep in touch”.
You exchanged letters the whole time you were away!! Of course, they could never be a substitute for the time spent together but Adrien learned to appreciate them deeply. He took his time responding to each of them and always nervously awaited your response. Years went on like that! Every summer you’d promise to visit and every time Adrien would have the displeasure of having to read, in your flawless and delicate handwriting, that your parents canceled the trip for whatever reason.
Eventually, he decided it was best to move on. In the time you had been gone many things changed: he grew up, got big in the fashion industry, started school, became the new black cat miraculous holder, made friends! His life became overwhelmingly busy and the precious memories you made together faded away without notice. He found joy in other things and in his new friends! Your letters no longer brought the excitement they once did and consequently, he always postponed replying until eventually, it all stopped.
Much to Adrien’s shock, almost exactly a year after losing contact, he saw you! He had been transformed at the time, having just finished defeating an akuma when he saw you exiting a coffee shop down the street. He couldn’t believe his eyes and had it not been for the alarming beeping of his miraculous, he probably would have stayed petrified on top of that roof much longer. Once detransformed, he tried to go looking for you but to no avail.
It wasn’t until a week later that he finally got to talk to you again. Natalie reached out to your family and arranged for you two to meet. That Friday afternoon, you had lunch at a pizza place that you didn’t recognise. He looked the same. Same innocent glimmer in his eyes and ecstatic voice. It almost weirded you out how much it seemed this boy never changed. But of course, you weren’t right. Many things have changed.
Adrien tried his best to be open and friendly. To him, it felt like no time had passed at all, but you were so quiet and shy. A subtle frown was visible on your face from the moment you arrived and you barely looked him in the eyes. The air around you felt thick with discomfort, which was extremely frustrating to Adrien. He wanted to ask what’s wrong but found it so difficult to speak his mind until, eventually, you opened up yourself.
“Why did you stop writing?” your voice didn’t betray any feeling of anger or sadness and yet, Adrien was instantly washed over with guilt
“I’m sorry. I wanted to but…”
“Was I not worth it?”
“What?” Adrien couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, but you were just as still and cold as before
“Because, you see, when we were kids you were one of the most important people in my life. You were my best friend and I honestly thought we would never ever be apart! No one could ever break us up! And I put everything I had into not losing that, convinced that you’d do the same for me! Because your friendship was worth more to me than any number of kilometers between us!” your words fell out quickly and stung him “Was I not worth fighting for, Adrien?”
He didn’t know what to say! He wanted to tell you he was just stupid and made a grave mistake. That you were more than worth it, but the words were stuck in his throat.
You didn’t speak after that. Adrien was heartbroken but figured you were already so mad at him, it would only make it worse if he kept pestering you on.
Eventually, one night, after patrol, he saw you! It was already way after dark and you were just strolling down the street all alone. A sense of anxiety overtook him and he knew he couldn’t go home just yet
“Good evening pretty lady!” he greeted you, full of glee. “The streets can get pretty nasty this late at night, y’know? Hope you don’t mind if this street cat walks alongside you for a while.”
“Hello Chat Noir!” your voice was so smooth and warm “ I’d really love that. I was actually quite uncomfortable walking alone.” “Well then, fear not!The bravest and strongest hero in all of Paris is right here at your service! Did I also mention the most charming?” you giggled to his silliness
Adrien was ecstatic to get to talk to you again, like old times. He finally felt like he got his friend back! He didn’t even realize how big of a hole your absence had left in his life. After that night, he would accompany you everyday on your evening walks and, soon enough, you began hanging out at your house. Oftentimes he would knock on your bedroom window shortly after you got home from school and more often than not, he would spend hours at your place. You did almost everything together from playing video games to watching movies, cooking, gossiping. He would tell you all the fun stories he had with Ladybug from their patrols and would blush a little when you began laughing uncontrollably. It was just too cute.
With all this joy, still there was an ounce of pain at the idea that you didn’t know who you were really talking to. Almost every time you called him Chat, his heart would sting a little. He liked being Chat Noir. He loved it even. With you however, it just felt like one big lie he could do nothing about. He wanted you to look at him and see the boy from all those years ago. To look at him and call him by his name. To rejoice in old memories, instead of him having to pretend he hears the story for the first time. Adrien couldn’t help but feel like he was betraying you by simply being here, knowing how mad you were with his civilian self. When those thoughts got to him, he felt more alone than ever, but you almost always picked up on it
“What’s wrong?” you would ask and the sweetness of your voice ran like ice down his body. You would not be this kind if you knew
“Absolutely nothing, I am doing wonderful” he’d say through gritted teeth
“Sit down and talk to me!”
“I can’t. It’s personal” which you knew really meant “It would put my identity in danger”
So you would shut up. You’d make tea or let him have the last cookie as a sign of solidarity. To let him know you still cared. Sometimes he would ask you for hugs, which you would indulge him in. You’d wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him tight to your chest, trying to convey all the love and care you had for him in that one gesture. Almost always, the hero would melt into your embrace as if he’d never been held before. His head would rest on your shoulder and his blonde locks tickled your neck and cheek.
Confessing to you was the biggest risk he ever took, which meant a lot considering his occupation. It happened after yet another game of cards lost by Chat. It had been what felt like his 15th loss of the night and in a futile attempt to protect his remaining dignity, he slipped
“You’re only winning cause I love you too much to let you lose!” the cocky attitude dropped instantly as he processed his choice of words. You were just looking at him, a little quizzingly, unsure if you heard him right.
“Do you mean that?”
“I do”
The brightest smile overtook your features instantly “Good. I love you too!”
It was difficult for a long time. The secret identity issue became even greater with the new level of intimacy that was expected with the start of a romantic relationship. On top of that, Adrien was pretty clueless. You were his first girlfriend, the first girl he ever fell in love with, the pressure was high. He wanted to be the best boyfriend there was! He brought you many gifts, big and small. He spent as much time with you as he could, he always told you just how much you actually meant to him. The blush on your cheeks and the witty comebacks made him melt through his seat every time and with every happy memory he made with you came the unmistakable pain of never really being completely honest with you. On one of your sleepovers, the feelings were overwhelming Chat more than he thought was possible
“What’s going on Chat?”
“Nothing darling. Just tired”
“Come on, you know you can’t fool me! You’ve been quiet all night, it’s really unlike you”
Adrien’s mind went empty when you sat on the floor in front of him, lightly running your fingers over his leather clad ones. The trust and love in your eyes was so mesmerizing. No one had ever looked at him like that and for a split second he imagined your reaction if you knew who he was. He wondered if you’d kick him out. Break up with him here and now and never want anything to do with him ever again. He imagined the anger in your voice, the betrayal. And then, he considered, briefly, a different option. A scenario in which you’d hug him tight and kiss the top of his head, and there’d be no more lies. No more secrets, no more of these impossible feelings that were tormenting him. That smile, that bliss, engulfed his mind and he felt powerless in the face of hope.
“I’m sorry” he said weakly
“For what?” and before he could think for another second, talk himself out or consider the consequences of his actions, he did the only thing he felt was logical
“Plagg, claws in”
When the green light vanished and Adrien found himself back in his normal clothes, he didn’t muster to look at your face
“Chat, what are you doing?” finally, he glanced up, only to find you curled up on the ground, with your hands over your eyes. You hadn’t seen him
“It’s ok.”
“You detransformed?”
“Chat you can’t do that.”
“I want you to see me” he tried to sound confident, but it came out almost as a plea.
“What about Ladybug?”
“I’ll deal with her later. It’s ok. I swear”
Adriean reached out to pull your hands away from your face, but your eyes were still closed
“Before I look, I want you to know that I love you regardless of who you are. If you’re doing this because you think I can’t love you fully without knowing your identity, if you’re doing this for me, please know that this won’t change anything. I want you to be comfortable with this, ok?” Adrien blushed, feeling tears well up in his eyes
“I want to do this” he kissed your knuckles “if that’s ok with you”
Slowly, you opened your eyes and Adrien felt his heart beating out of his chest. Your face went soft and your eyes welled up with tears and you looked at eachother. You couldn’t muster a word and neither could he. He took this as you being disappointed and let go of your hand, only for you to grab it once more, much harder than before. Finally, tears came rolling down your cheeks, as you whispered a simple “I love you”
That night, neither of you could stop crying. The liberation of all secrets and all lies felt divine and finally, Adrien felt like he was 100% safe for the first time in his life.
Many things changed after that. Adrien got a serious scolding from Ladybug, since he couldn’t lie to her about what he’s done. She wasn’t as mad as he expected her to be, so in the end it was all worth it when you began showing up to the Agreste mansion to hang out. It was hard for Adrien to find time to spend with her during the day but Natalie was always so understanding of their relationship and tried her best to squeeze in an hour or two here and there for you! Now, Adrien could hold your hand and take you to his photoshoots. You facetimed more often and it finally felt like you got the relationship you were always meant to have.
Paris looked beautiful from the top of the Eiffel tower. Chat took you here many times before. It felt so romantic being up there with your best friend, the boy of your dreams! You felt so powerful looking down at all the lights and cars passing by and at the same time so protected by his tight grip around your waist. Nothing could hurt you if he was there, with or without the costume! But the arms holding you now were much slimmer and much less concerned with your safety. You knew you shouldn’t look down from the edge you were standing on but it was so hard not to. Lila was manic next to you, laughing and shouting about her imminent victory, taunting the two superheroes that were struggling to catch up.The tiny robots Lila could control with her powers had kept Ladybug and Chat Noir busy for just enough time to allow the akumatized girl to take you with her, away from the scene and up here.
“Be careful with what you do next Ladybug, otherwise the girl gets it!” the taunting manner in which she spoke felt hardly like Lila. You never found her to be a particularly pleasant person to be around but the malice with which she spoke now was so unusual!
She kicked your shin, making one of your legs drop off the edge. Had it not been for her holding onto your forearm, you would have dropped. You could see Ladybug and Chat approaching but they were so far away and it felt like they were moving so slowly. A cry ripped through your chest as you hung there, your life in the hands of this girl you couldn’t even recognise anymore.You were trying to pull yourself back on the ledge with your other foot before she kicked that one too, swinging you in the air by your arm.
“Oh oh, but you’re so far away little Bug? Whatever are you gonna do if my hand …slips?” she let go with a chuckle.
Chat couldn’t see anything around him anymore, all he saw was your helpless body falling from the sky! He screamed your name but he was still so far! Ladybug threw her yoyo, trying to form a net below you, but the speed at which you were falling was much greater than anybody expected. You fell right through the net, breaking it to pieces and hit the ground with a hard thud. Chat screamed, Ladybug was speechless, all the while Lila was laughing on her way down!
“Chat, get her! I’ll handle Lila!”
That’s all it took. Chat was looking down at your unconscious form before he knew it. You were so bloody and so limp in his arms.
“Don’t!” you whispered when he tried to pick you up
“It’s not safe for you here, I need to hide you away!” he almost screamed, too relieved to see you alive to be able to control himself
“It’s over Chat!”
“Don’t talk like that! You will be ok! I will make you ok!”
“I’m tired…”
“No, don’t do it! Focus on me, focus on my voice! Can you see me?”
“You have to protect the people…”
“You are the only one I have to protect! I’m sorry I wasn’t there to catch you, I’m sorry! Please! Please let me protect you!” tears were streaming down his face and he found himself thinking that he would sell his soul to switch places with you
“Chat, I love you” you said through your own tears
“Don’t say goodbye!”
“I’m not”
“I love you Y/N! I love you so much, please don’t leave me alone! I can still save you!” he laid his head on your chest, not believing his own words
“I’ll always love you Adrian!” you whispered in his ear, kissing his temple with the last of your powers
“You need to hurry up, Adrian needs to be at a press conference across town in one hour and we’re already behind schedule because of you!”
“Nathalie, stop that! Everyone is doing their best here.”
“This photoshoot was supposed to be over already!”
“Maybe you should go have some water while you wait, yeah?” Adrien was trying to be nice but he felt really bad about the way Nathalie was speaking to the makeup artist. He knew they were very busy and Nath was under a great deal of stress but still, he felt it wasn’t fair to the girls working hard to get him ready.
“I’m sorry about that! She’s a lovely person, it’s just the last couple of days have been really hard for her”
“Oh, it’s alright, sir. Trust me I’ve seen much worse before” the young girl replied “Plus, I would imagine that making the switch to become a full time model would bring on a lot more responsibilities on her side.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Adrien chuckled. “If you would have told me last year, when I was still in school, that my schedule would be even more packed as a graduate, I would have probably given up modeling then and there. Now I just deal with it.”
Adrien observed himself in the mirror, thinking back to his high school days. He tried to remember what he looked like, although that was very difficult. He knew his hair was much longer now, reaching just below his chin. He thought his face was a bit slimmer and many people told him he put on a healthy amount of muscle in the last couple of months, but  he was still himself, just 20.
“If you don’t mind sir, we need the first couple of buttons of your shirt undone for the next set. I will add a little contour to the collarbones and then we’re done”
Said and done, with the first few buttons open he looked even more manly than before.
“Um, I think we should take the necklace off if you don’t mind…”
Eyes shot down to his chest, where a tiny silver ring on a chain hung, barely glistening in the lights around.
“Yes, that’s alright” he said, although he never liked taking it off. There was always a worry in the back of his hand about misplacing it or something and the thought was simply unbearable, but he understood.
“That’s a very beautiful piece of jewelry”
“Thank you!” he looked down at the ring twirling it between his fingers. It was so simple, he wasn’t used to receiving compliments on it, even from the select few that got to see it. A simple golden band with a round diamond in the middle. It was so small for him, he could never get it more than halfway down his ring finger. “It belonged to somebody I cared a lot about.” He remembered how hard he worked to get your ring size, all those years ago. It was difficult to do it behind your back, since you had always been so good at reading his body language, you always knew when he was up to something. He remembered all those nights spent on the internet, looking for the perfect ring for you! He knew it needed to be simple but sometimes it was so hard to talk himself out of buying one of the big and glamorous ones. He just wanted to spoil you rotten and if he didn’t take the chance to do that when he was buying your engagement ring, then when would he? Finally, after weeks, he finally found this one and fell in love. It was perfect for you and you were gonna love it. The day it arrived was one of the most exciting times he experienced in the last decade, he could still feel his heart pumping now, at the memory.
“They can’t wear it anymore so I just keep it!” in fact, you had never even gotten the chance to try it on, but those details don’t need to be shared. Still, thinking about the incident, taking place only 2 weeks after he got the ring, hurts him to no end. He was planning the perfect engagement, a grand romantic gesture to make all your dreams come true but now he felt sorrow and regret, wishing he would have simply ran to your door the same day that package was delivered to ask you. At least then you would have known, you would have had the chance to say yes.
“I’m sure they were an incredible person” Adrien only nodded to that “Well, you’re all done, you can head to the set now”
“Thank you, I’ll just drop this off to Nathalie and go”
The pain of not having you around would never go away, Adian had accepted that as a fact! You would always be there for any anniversary or birthday, achievement or simply on lazy days when his mind would wonder. Nothing made the sting of not being able to hold your hand go away but at least the ring, your ring, would comfort him in those moments.
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scenteddelusion5 · 6 months
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 5 (FINISHED)
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: LAST PART!!! Are you ready?!
Word count: 4074
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Y/n's eyes slowly opened. How long were they asleep? They slowly pushed themselves up. Familiar sheets covered them, it was theirs. Looking around they were on their room, only it looked to be a lot cleaner. All their dirty clothes had disappeared, their box stood newly organised in the bookcase and the dirty cup that usually stood on their nightstand was gone. In its stead stood a beautiful vase with their favourite flowers in it.
Their shoulder was patched up. It hadn't completely healed yet, it still hurt but not as much anymore. Y/n threw his legs out of bed, trying to stand up only to fall down again. They hadn't had any energy left, despite having slept for at least a few hours.
"Where's Vox?" Y/n whispered to themselves.
That's when it hit them, Vox had gotten hurt because of them. their adrenaline pumped up again, giving Y/n the strength to stand up again. They ran, or rather stumbled, out of the room.
Alastor ran up from his eat when he heard noises coming from upstairs. His child was finally awake. He ran to the stairs and there they were.
"Careful, little fawn, you'll fall." Alastor held them up using his shadows.
"Vox! No, where's Vox?!" They tried to pull themselves away from the shadows. "I have to get to Vox."
"Your... 'boyfriend'... is fine." Alastor said with disgust. "He is coming by later in the afternoon. You should lay down again."
"You aren't going to hurt him?"
"As much as I dislike him, I now see that you two are truly in love." He held them by the arm and let them back to their room. "You've been asleep for two days, the angelic rope had drained a lot of your energy." He sat them down back on the bed. "That noisy picture box of yours had come by six times since he had awoken, even brought you flowers."
"He brought these." They mumbled, reaching for the flowers.
The Radio Demon looked at their child smiling at something as simple as a few flowers like they were the biggest treasure in the world.
"Little fawn, I'm sorry. I tried to protect you to the best of my ability but I almost lost you because of it." He pulled them into a hug. "Please forgive me."
Y/n hugged him back. "I forgive you."
"Now, what would you like to eat?" Alastor pulled back and patted their head. "You must be starving."
"Jambalaya sounds really good right now."
"Good old Jambalaya it is then." He stood up and was about to leave the room. "Oh, I almost forgot, he left you a gift. I put it on your desk." The door closed with a click and they were all alone again.
They stood up again and slowly made their way to the desk. A small unfamiliar, black box sat in the corner. Inside it sat a brand new VoxTech phone, a new phone case and a note:
I'm sorry love but after what happened I kept the tracker on. -Love Vox <3
Picking up the case, it had a cute drawing of a deer in the green woods on the back. Y/n turned on the phone, on it popped the same picture of Vox and them. He had transferred all their data and settings.
Y/n looked at their two contacts; Vox and Velvette. Their finger hovered over the calk button. Alastor said he would came by later anyway... But they really wanted to hear his voice, just to see if he is okay. They clicked.
It took Vox only two seconds to pick up. "Y/n? Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm doing fine. I just woke up. How are you?"
"Now that I'm talking to you, better than ever doll." His voice deepened, trying to sound cooler. Y/n really loved this dork.
"Sir, the presentation is-" A squeaky voice could be heard through the call.
"Don't you see I'm on the phone." Vox dismissed him.
"If you're busy I can calk later."
"NO! Don't worry about it, I'm not busy, Vox said quickly, "you know what? I'm so not busy I will come over right away!"
"But sir-" The voice spoke again.
"Bye bea, I'll see you in a minute!"
Y/n could only imagine the panic on his worker's face when Vox sprinted out of that meeting. After speaking with him again, Y/n felt their energy recover even more and decided to head downstairs.
Alastor was working on his special Jambalaya in the kitchen. His little, deer tail swaying to the sound of jazz music coming from the radio. Hearing Y/n enter, he turned around.
"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked. "You should be resting more."
"I feel rested enough." Y/n stalked over to the stove. "It smells amazing."
"Of course it does, I made it. I also put in the 'secret ingredient'." He winked. "Even used your favourite."
A knock came from the front door.
"I'll get it!" They rushed to the front door. "Hey Vox!"
"Y/n!" He hugged his lover. "How are you healing up? Does it still hurt? Should I get tou some painkillers?"
Alastor rolled his eyes hearing the TV Demon at the door.
"No need, I'm doing fine."
The two walked back in through the hallway into the kitchen.
"More importantly, how is your wound?" They gently grabbed his arm to inspect the wound. "I'm sorry, I hurt you."
"You didn't do anything! I-I jumped in front of you! It's my fault." Vox slightly buffered as he was talking a mile a minute. "I'm just happy you're fine." He put on his adorable, dorky, little smile.
"Vox, I wasn't expecting you until 5 pm." Alastor's voice sounded irritated but his smile didn't falter.
"Well, Y/n called me. So I rushed over."
There definitely still was tension between the two, a lot of tension. But they weren't openly nor aggressively hostile towards each other. It was progress.
Alastor's smirk grew wider. "Then why don't you join us for lunch. I made Jambalaya." He put down the pot on the dining table.
Vox sat down next to Y/n, wrapping his arm around them. "Sure."
Vox regretted his decision as soon as Alastor pulled of the lid revealing the Jambalaya. A familiar smell reeked from it, there was demon meat inside it.
"You know what, I think I'll pass." Vox laughed nervously.
"I can't believe how rude your boyfriend is being Y/n. Not eating the food I so lovingly prepared." The Radio demon took a big scoop and put it on a plate. "At least take a bite."
"It's fine if you don't want it." Y/n pulled the plate away from him. "I'll finish it for you."
"What kind of man can't even finish his own plate?"
"Those are old-timey values, dad."
"Hmm." Alastor looked him up and down. "It's still disrespectful."
"Like we have ever had respect for each other, you old bastard," Vox said holding up his middle finger.
"See, that's not any way to talk to the father of your partner."
"Dad, stop it." Y/n scolded him. "You don't have to eat anything you don't want to."
Vox looked down to the Jambalaya and then back up to a smug looking Alastor. "I'll try it."
"Splendid!" Alastor grabbed two more plates and filled them up. "Bon appetite!"
Vox slowly used his fork to bring the Jambalaya to his mouth. He had eaten demon flesh before, this shouldn't be any different. Just bite through it.
The TV Demon swallowed as fast as possible. "Blur, that was... sure something."
"Aren't you going to finish your plate?" Alastor challenged him.
And so the lunch went on. Vox almost throwing up with every bite while Alastor was smirking at him every time.
"There, I finished it!" He yelled, victorious.
"Then would you like seconds?"
"Dad! Leave him alone. You've bullied him enough." Y/n was quite surprised by hoe civil the two still were but that didn't mean they had fully forgiven him. "Besides, you had hurt him pretty badly too during my 'rescue'. Don't you think he deserves an apology?" They knew they were pushing the Radio Demon's limits with that one and yet they still wanted to see if he actually would.
Alastor sighed, "Vox."
Was he actually going to?
"My sincerest apologies, I hadn't realized how weak you truly are and therefore used too much force."
"Oh fuck you."
"Now that that's out of the way, we have more important things to discuss." Alastor stood up and brought the dirty dishes to the sink. "You see, after my poor fawn had passed out and Vox decided to be dramatic, I captured the demon behind the attack. I still have him, Paris and the imp in my possession"
"Hmm, you know, I've always wondered what imp tastes like." Y/n cheekily suggested.
"As for Paris, I will have some fun with him and then hand him over to Rosie." Alastor had washed off the dishes and was putting them back in the cupboards. "He's her responsibility. The last Demon's fate is up to you, DEAR future son in law." The nickname was spat out like venom.
"So, who is the fucker that wanted them dead anyway?" Vox enquired.
"It seemed a certain colleague of yours had gotten jealous and decided to take my little fawn out."
"Val," Vox whispered. "I knew he was acting weird."
"How are you planning to deal with him?"
Vox looked at Y/n, their deer eyes staring back at him. He could have lost them forever, all because Valentino couldn't get over being dumped. He had to kill him. Not only to ensure Y/n's safety but also to prove himself to Alastor. To prove that nothing comes before them.
"Do you have angelic weapons here?"
Vox, Y/n and Alastor had wondered deep into the forest on the Radio Demon's territory. Nothing could be heard except for some hellbirds chirping.
"Doesn't this bring you back, little fawn?" Alastor lamented. "I still remember your first hit, we buried his leftovers next to that old tree. Haha, those were the days!"
"Yeah, I couldn't even finish a liver back then!" Y/n laughed.
As terrifying as their conversation was, it could not compare the what he was going to do. He knew Val had to go, for their sake, but he was still an old friend. One HE had to kill. He couldn't even discuss it with Velvette first!
Oh she was going to be so mad, with Valentino gone both their workloads would increase tenfold.
They stopped at a clearing. Vox held the gun in his sweaty hands. Alastor opened a pitch black portal. Out of it he pulled a tied up Val.
"Don't you know how shitty it is in there!" The overlord yelled. "Ah, Voxie baby, thanks for getting me out of there."
Vox held up the gun and pointed it straight at the man's head.
"Wowowow, what's all this about?" Valentino looked around seeing Alastor and Y/n glaring at him. "Are you seriously choosing them over me? You FUCKING need me! YOU NEED ME!!!" He started to approach Vox. "These two are going to get rid of you after me!"
"Goodbye Val." Vox pulled the trigger. An angelic bullet shot straight through the demon's head, killing him instantly. "So, what are we going to do with the body?"
"Don't worry, the animals will take care of it."
A month went by like a breeze. Vox had to find a new face for the V's 'film' department, in the meantime he had to take over as Velvette refused to take on more work.
"Fuck no!" She had yelled when he even brought up the possibility of taking over a little bit of paperwork.
So it all fell on him. This also meant he had less time to spend with Y/n, which they understood. And Alastor got to enjoy the chance to tell him how much of a terrible boyfriend he was for not spending enough time with them.
All and all, things went well.
As Vox's workload got smaller and smaller the couple started to spend more time together, which Alastor loathed. So the man took every chance he got to interrupt the two.
Going to the movies, suddenly there is a power outage. Having dinner at restaurant, Alastor invites himself along. Taking a walk through the forest, suddenly he NEEDS Y/n's help with something.
It became a sort if challenge between the two, who could keep Y/n's attention for the longest.
The couple were laying on the bed in their room Y/n reading a book while Vox was handling some more documents. Door wide upon as per Alastor's rules.
"I swear he is doing it on purpose!" Vox complained. "I mean, he straight up attacked me this time."
"He wants to see what you can do, train you." They turned over a page in their book. "It's his way of bonding. He already likes you a lot better, I swear!
He sighed, "if you say so, sweets. I sometimes just wished we could get along better, not just for my comfort but for yours." Vox set down his tablet on their nightstand and combed his fingers through their hair. "It must be exhausting to have us bicker all the time."
Before Y/n could answer, however, they got interrupted.
"My little fawn!" Alastor walked in. "I have to go to a meeting and I was wondering if you would come with me?"
"Oh." Y/n looked up at Vox. "I think I'm staying here. I haven't had the chance to hang out with Vox in quite some time."
"That's so unfortunate, you see." The overlord smirked. "It's quite the chance to build some steady connections for when it's time to climb up the ranks for you, but oh well!"
"If that's the case, why don't you take Vox with you?!"
"He is an overlord too, connections would be useful, right?" They looked the TV Demon in the eyes.
"Uhm well yes, bu-"
"Then this is your chance!" They jumped up from the bed and started pushing Alastor out of the room. "He'll be down in five."
For some strange reason or another, the Radio Demon didn't make a fuss about it. Just accepted that Vox would come with, strange... Very strange...
Alastor and Vox stood awkwardly next to each other right outside the front door.
"So, are we taking a car, or...?" Vox broke the silence.
"If we still lived in my time we would have just taken the trolly," the Radio Demon remarked, "But we aren't so get those legs moving. It's quite far."
The TV glared at the other walking away. "Where are we going, anyway?"
Alastor looked back at the man catching up to him. "Don't worry your ugly little head over it!"
"This 'ugly head' scored your child, motherfucker!" He retorted.
A shadowy tentacle shot out of Alastor's back. The appendage hit Vox right in the middle of his screen, almost cracking it.
"I didn't take you for a gambler," Vox said, staring at the buzzling casino the two were about to enter, "what would Y/n think of you?"
"I don't frequent establishments of this kind often but when I do, I don't plan on losing." Alastor made his way inside, the other following him. "This is your chance to show me what you're made of. Don't ruin it."
Vox followed the demon into the back where a familiar overlord was sitting at a poker table.
"Husker my old friend, I see you are at again!" He sat down at the table and as soon as he did, a few of the denizens that excused themselves. "How about a round? Even brought easy pickings."
"I'm not easy pickings!" Vox yelled whole sitting down, not willing to back of from this challenge.
"Vox, huh, didn't realise you became chummy with the Radio Demon." Husker looked him up and down. "Fine, you can join but remember, we're dealing in souls over here!"
As soon as Vox sat down, chips appeared before him. These chips, however, weren't your usual casino chips. No, these held a soul in them. He couldn't believe this was happening, gambling with souls was very risky and here Alastor, fucking Alastor, was willing to risk it against the overlord of gambling. Not only that, but the man had pulled him along too.
The cards were shuffled and everyone got their own deck. This was insane, losing even one game could mean losing his position as an overlord. Now that Vox was thinking about it, Alastor had planned to bring Y/n along for this.
He was willing to risk Y/n's power and soul for a stupid game! This didn't feel right, Alastor would never. Then maybe, just maybe, the Radio Demon had already secured the win before even starting the game.
Vox looked over at the man, and the face he saw confirmed it. The Radio Demon was smirking even wider than ever before. This was going to be Husk's last night as an overlord. For him this meant to protect his own souls at all costs and let Alastor handle the rest.
"Come on Husker, are you really going to back out now?" Alastor teased, "Maybe you'll win it all back in one last round!"
"I don't have more souls." Husker glared at the giant stack of chips in front of the other two.
"Well technically you do have one more... But I understand why you wouldn't gamble with it." The Radio Demon put on a fake disappointed face while still maintaining his signature smile. "I guess that's it for the gambling overlord."
The two other demons were about to stand up and leave before Husker spoke up, "Wait! One more round but keep in mind that I have only one souls to bet!"
"It's a deal then!" The Radio Demon immediately agreed. "I'll put in all my chips for your singular soul."
"I'm backing out." Vox took his chips and made them disappear. Knowing Alastor, the demon would've taken all his souls too this round if he didn't. Besides, he had even gained a few souls that night.
"Heads up, then?" Husker asked at which Alastor agreed.
It was a brutal sight. The horror in Husker's eyes after he realised he not only lost his position as an overlord but also lost his own soul, all in the same night.
"Well good friend, it's getting late and I have to prove to my little fawn I didn't kill their suiter!" Alastor made all his chips disappear. "Come on Vox, Y/n is waiting on us."
"Right..." Vox was still flabbergasted about what he witnessed that day.
Once outside, he gained the confidence to speak up. "What was that?"
"Just some dealings, shouldn't an overlord like you understand such a simple concept?" Alastor chided. "Or are you as incapable as I first guessed you were!"
"That's not what I meant! You were going to have Y/n gamble with souls?!" Vox stepped in front of him, blocking the way. "You know how risky that would be you lollipop looking FUCKER!!!"
"They would've been just fine," he shrugged, "besides, it's about time they gained more power. I can't always be there for them, especially when they go behind my back." He shot a glare at the other man.
"Then why were you fine with me coming?"
"Hmm, if they're going to be with you, I should make sure you can protect them."
The rest of the way back was silent. Vox mulling over the other's words.
Weeks went by and instead of fighting over Y/n's attention, Alastor started to pull Vox away from them for 'training sessions'. While Vox found them to be tortures, he couldn't deny they weren't useful.
It was Y/n's birthday, the house was decorated with banners and guests were coming over. Vox had already been there since morning, annoying their father. Rosie, Franklin, some other cannibals and even Velvette came over. Gifts stacked on the table, snacks were available next to the pile.
"Oh darling, it's good to see you." Rosie shook their hand. "And another happy birthday!"
"Thanks, Rosie!"
At some point Alastor pulled Vox away from the party into his study.
"I need to talk with you." The Radio Demon filled his cup with whatever was in the ceramic pitcher. "As you know I am quite the traditional man."
"I'm aware," Vox answered.
"Then I probably won't have to tell you this but I just want to make sure." He took a sip from his mug. "If I find out you two partook in any... Usual marital affairs before you two could wed, I will hunt you to the edges of hell and rip your soul apart." Alastor grew twice in size, his eyes turned into dials, and static and symbols appeared all around him. "G̸̟͉̍̃͒̐͝Ö̴͔̫̀T̸̻̹̆ ̶̺͉̻̫̝̯̈̉̅̏̑ ̸̠̞͌͋͛͑͛̉͝͝I̵̖̩̓̃̈͝Ṫ̷̨̧̥̺̤̗̳̹͒̐?!"
"Yes, sir!"
"Great!" In one second the Radio Demon was back to his usual self. "Now let's get back to the party, shall we?"
Guests came and went, until only Alastor and Vox were left.
"So, uhm, the night's almost over but I haven't given you my gift yet." Vox held a rectangle box in his nervous sweaty hands. "Here."
Y/n carefully pulled of the ribbon and the wrapping paper, revealing a box. It was a V-Reader.
"Thank you."
"I wasn't sure you would like it but it can hold of 5 million books, designed it myself!"
"It's perfect." Y/n kissed the screen right between his eyes where his nose would have been.
"Erhmehm," Alastor fake coughed while glaring at the other overlord, "You also haven't received my gift yet." He grabbed their hand, holding it tightly.
Before Y/n realised what he was about to do, pure power started running through their veins from their hand to the rest of their body.
"I got these souls recently and have no need for them. I figured you could use some more power."
"I see, thanks."
The rest of the night was spend with just the two lovebirds in their room, door open of course.
"Dad's been acting weird, don't you think?"
"He has been his some old annoying self as far as I've noticed." Vox ran his fingers through their hair. "Why do you think that?"
"He would've never given me souls if it wasn't for something important and instead of trying to pull me away, he has been 'training' you." Y/n laid their head on his chest, listening for his heartbeat. "He has also been very sentimental the last few days, looking back on childhood memories, cooking together, hunting together. It all feels off."
"Then we'll ask him about it tomorrow, I doubt he would want to worry you."
"If you say so."
They were never able to ask him, because when the two of them woke up without the father yelling at Vox to get out of their bed, the two knew there was something wrong. They looked around the house, Alastor, however, was nowhere to be found.
They went to Cannibal Town to ask around, but no one had seen him there either. Not even Rosie knew where he was. Y/n's worry grew and grew. It got so bad that Vox decided to use his camera's to look all over hell to look for a sign of the Radio Demon.
Nothing, absolute no sign of Alastor.
Months went by, still no sign. Y/n moved into Vox's apartment, for both safety and not to feel lonely in their old home where everything reminded them of their father.
Even after all this time, Y/n still held hope, however, after two years that hope dissolved too. Vox and them started taking over all of the Radio Demon's responsibility.
After a while the two of them even got engaged and Y/n had accepted the fact that their father likely would never come back.
Seven years went by and the love birds were extremely happy, until one day Vox was working in his office and one of his camera's that he had around the princes' new hotel picked up something.
"THAT FUCKER IS BACK!" Vox yelled, staring at the screen showing the Radio Demon casually hanging out at the Hazbin Hotel. "He didn't even tell Y/n. Oh, I'm going to make him suffer for their grieve. I'm going to make you wish you'd stayed gone!"
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And that's the end. My next long series is with Zestial, part 1 already out. But if you have any one-shot request for me check out my pinned post with all the characters I write about!
Masterlist/request guidelines
Taglist: @hxzbinwrites
52 notes · View notes
sinning-23 · 1 year
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.4
18+ Minors do not interact, please!!!
Listen yall I'm so sorry this took long I had t do so much mf research for this to turn out accurate and I didn't want it to feel rushed yk? And a bitch is on vacation on an island where there's no signal/service half the time so I can just research on the go! Anyway, this one is a lil INTENSE so as it goes, the minor be gone. this si 18+ territory aight. Anywho enjoyyyyy (I had no fuckin idea what a spike was before this and now I can't unsee a lot of things). ANYWAY
Warnings: size difference, squirting, multiple orgasms, choking???does that count? LET'S GET IT-
(Pt.3 found here pookie)
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Touch me, tease me, call me pretty 
~“Sooo good, feels so so good mamas. Fuck you take me so well.” He whines, kissing you softly. He’s big, the stretch making you squeeze your eyes shut. You feel so full, his servo against your stomach only making the pressure of your second orgasm build quicker. 
“Can you feel me? I’m right here.” He hums, ex-venting shakily when you squeeze down. He’s slow, taking your body into account. There was no way he was going to fit all the way that was almost a fact. ~
______3 hours prior______
You practically trip over yourself to get out of the club, your fingers intertwine
as you run through the parking lot to get to where he was parked. Between quick playful and excited kisses, you manage to slip into the car with Mirage’s holoform ‘taking the wheel’. There was really no reason for him to, at least in your eyes.
It was clear he had other plans when your chair was reclined back and scooted enough for him to be able to reach over and squeeze the meat of your thighs. Closing them on impulse, he huckles and only spreads them again with that stupid boyish grin.
“Nuh-uh, you wanna be able to take it right? Let’s get you ready for it, 'cause I know for a fact I'm much bigger than anything you've had before.” He explains, pulling your panties down with a bit of your help.
Any other time that statement would sound cocky but he was deadass serious and you knew it. A shiver crawls up your spine as he hums at the feeling of your warmth, slick already starting to drip onto his seats and make his palm sticky. The feeling is bliss damn-near, all that built up heat finally finding a chance to realse and in response you moan, rolling your head against the seat. His voice wasnt helping your arousal either.
“There you go mamas, that's it. You like the way my fingers feel like this?” He's teasing on purpose, observing the way your eyebrows pinch together, and your mouth can't decide whether to open in a moan or bite your lower lip.
 It's adorable really. He’s got your body figured out somehow, curling his fingers upward making you whine and roll your hips. You’re close, his thumb finding the sensitive bundle of nerves just above where he's not, and three fingers slide in and out of you. I
It's almost too much, the sensation of everything making you twitch, eyes half-lidded. He could watch you cum all day. The way your eyes are more glossy and hazy like this, the sound of his name rolling off your gloss-smudged lips.
“Thatsss it ma, feels good huh? Talk to me.” He hums, letting saliva well…more so lubricant drip from his lips down to where his fingers are stuffed inside you. The action makes you weak, and the warmth only makes you whine more. 
“You're filthy Mirage, treat all the girls like this?” You joke weakly, still trying to come down from your high.
He only hits that soft spot in you again, your body reaching on its own when you manage to ruin his seat, again thighs sticking to the liquid and the leather. Did he just make you squirt???? 
He hums, satisfied before running his tongue over the fingers that were just in you. So nasty.
“Nah, only the ones that answer to Y/n” 
The drive seemed so quick, or more so you were too preoccupied that by the time you reached the garage. He had his servos all over you, holoform long gone. You’re small compared to him so he makes it a point to be gentle, servos at your hips as your lips work against his. Mirage’s engine purrs when you run your hands down his chassis, eyes focused. 
“Mirage.” You whisper out, straddling his thigh. He pauses for a moment, looking nothing but helpless in front of you.
“How’s this gonna work….” 
He swallows, trying to put it together in his head. You’d never be able to take it all. You’d be so ducked out by the time he was done and he didn’t want to hurt you either most of all. 
“You can’t take my spike all the way. And I’m not trying to hurt you.” He explains, sighing when you grind against his thighs as if he wasn’t just knuckle deep in you moments ago.
“You won’t, Mirage please.” You practically beg, palm flat against the curve of his plating. 
God, you looked too pretty like this, your body already hyped up and ready for more. His focus is on you and you alone and the only priority is to make you feel good which obviously he’d succeeded at. And damn that begging wasn’t helping. 
“Please what, c’mon pretty girl use your words.” He teases, lifting the fabric of your shirt with ease, the amount of stretch making it tear slightly at the seams.
“Mirage don't play with me. I wanna fuck.” You huff, his fans picking up in speed as what looked like a nice shade of blue? Tinted his faceplates. God, he loved it when you got bossy like that. 
He doesn't waste time fulfilling your request, a feeling o worry washing over him. You'd never seen one before, what if you changed your mind Well, you had every right to but the whole scenario made him…insecure to say the least. You can see it written over his face clear a day and mindlessly hold his face in your hands. 
“Calmate.” You tease with a smile and he visibly relaxes. 
“Im gonna like you however you are. Show me all of you ‘Rag” You hum, seeing him swallow hard, hips push forward. And before you had a chance to really prepare yourself, it's in front of you.
The thickness isn't too much for maybe someone that was built like him but holy shit that was girthy for you. How was that going to fit???? He'd stretch you all the way out trying to fit all of that inside. You swallow hard, the ache between your legs only worsening when it slightly jumped, what you could only compare to precum leaking from the tip.
He's quiet, avoiding your eyes as you stare at it with wide eyes, your attention on every detail. Blue, opposite of his alt-mode with a nice silver stripe running from the base to the tip.
You're slow at first but quickly get used to the feeling of it in your hand, the lubricant making your hands slick and easily slide up and down the length of his spike. You hum, looking from under your lashes to see him practically digging holes into the concrete of the garage.
He’s so pretty like this, helm thrown back when you slide over the tip. What you could only assume was a ‘blush’ crawled over his faceplates in a faint shade of blue. Ans gosh those whines were to die for. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me you know that?” He huffs, trying his damnedest to keep himself from bucking into your touch. 
You only bite your lip in response, impulsively putting your mouth over him, tongue sliding over it with ease as your jaw stretches almost a bit too wide. You take it though, gagging a bit when it hits the back of your throat. Sure Mirage has sworn before but it seemed like now all he could do was whine, moan, and cuss at the feeling of you trying to take him down your throat.
“You’re gonna choke- fuck- I can’t- fffffuck y/n.” He moans out, servo hovering over your head as you start to make a mess, drool sliding down your chin as your hand works at what can’t fit in your mouth. 
You gasp for air, crawling over him to straddle his lap, spike pressed against your ass when you do. It’s quiet for a moment, the pause in between making both of you hesitate. That stretch was going to be something else, maybe the lubricant would help stretch you on top of the fact that he’d already prepped you on the way here. You can’t help but meet his gaze, flustered despite just having him in your mouth moments ago.
“Slow. Let’s just go slow.” You hum and he nods in agreement. 
Finally, he had found some courage to hold your hips, whining when you start to sink down on him. Fuck you were tight. Mirages servos grip your hips as he practically holds you in place, more for his own sake than yours. Primus knows if you’d sunk down any farther he would’ve helped you with your hands behind your back as he fucked into you. His self-control was wearing thin. 
You moan at the feeling, his spike somehow vibrating in you. It’s almost too much but you convince yourself to sink lower. Halfway there. Your garage is filled with moans and pleasure-heavy breaths. 
“Fuck! Move, please, move Mirage.” You beg, feeling him give the smallest thrust upward to fulfill your wish. 
A mix of his lubricant and your own slickness mix and the slap of metal against soft flesh is a sound you’ll definitely play over and over again in your head. The familiar knot in your stomach begins to tighten and he growls as the way your cunt tightens around him. 
“Shit-Ah! Close, so fucking close princess don’t stop. Let me fill you up.” Mirage begs, lips finding empty space on your neck to bite and bruise.
So full so so full. 
“Sooo good, feels so so good mamas. Fuck you take me so well.” He whines, kissing you softly.
He’s big, the stretch making you squeeze your eyes shut. You feel so full, his servo against your stomach only making the pressure of your second orgasm build quicker. 
“Can you feel me? I’m right here.” He hums, ex-venting shakily when you squeeze down. 
Despite feeling as if only halfway was as far as you get, his last thrust was enough to have your smaller frame sink completely into his spike, your mouth falling open in a silent scream, soon tiring into a pleasured growl. 
“Fuck-so full- I- Oh fuck.” You whimper, fists balked against his chassis as he placed his helm to your forehead. Both of you needed a minute to adjust. 
You’re practically drilling now, eyes glossy and threatening to close in pleasure while Miragw’s grip tightened on you. He’s slow again, helping you move up and down on his spike, your orgasm already crashing over you when he did and it must have been enough to push him over the edge.
He revs, fans sounding like they’d give out at any minute now seeing his body was hearing far faster than they could cool him. You were practically shaking, what you could only assume was the equivalent of cum leaking out of you and onto your thighs.
“Look at you, so so beautiful like this.” Mirage whines, the sound of his moans after cumin so hard still burning in your brain. His thrusts are slow, but still…It’s becoming too much almost, and your body quickly becoming overstimulated. 
But you can’t stop. 
Knowing you can take all of him now, he’s for you turned around, hands against the garage door. There’s little conversation, still, the two of you working on recovering but also getting back to what you could only describe as bliss. There's a brief pause when he pushes into you again, gasps escaping each of you before Mirage begins to move, each thrust resulting in an “A-Ah” on your end.
It's all too much, your body reaching on its own and now making a puddle on the floor below you. 2nd time squirting. He groans at the sight, seeing your legs shake and twitch as your eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Fuuuuck yes, baby keep doing that, making a mess on my spike.” He groans, biting his lower lip.
His free servo somehow came to grip a niceeee handful of your braids to pull just enough to make you tilt your head up. God, it sounds so sloppy, the way your slick and his own lubricant mix with every time your hips meet.
He events heavily, picking up his pace a bit before squeezing your hips before cuming again, the liquid still spilling out of you and filling you up, the feeling making you squeeze down on him.
It's silent somewhat, your exhausted breaths all that's filling the space along with the audible “splosh” sounding when he pulled out, even more lubricant sliding down your legs. He sets you down, legs wobbling as you try your hardest to stay upright. He had definitely left you fucked out and he knows it, that stu[id little cocky grin written over his face.
"i-I can keep going-" You slurred, leaning against him, more cockdruck than ever. Damn, how long has it been since you'd done that???? You didn't care, what you needed was more and as it looked like, Mirage wasn't facing a refractory period any time soon.
"I thought you were gonna let me ride?
“You can ride next time.” He smirks, seeing your legs shake with unease.
It's cute kind of. Its quiet for a while but he soon fills the silence with a question while you struggle to put the rest of your clothes on
"Did I make you squirt just a minute ago?"
I'm so sorry this is kinda short yall lol I've been on vaycay and tryna make it good. Hope you enjoy this final part but just know I will be doingmore headcanons and what not! also if you're a Marvel fan be on the lookout for some more gotg3 stuff from me since they are putting the movie on Disney in a dayyyyyy anyway y love yall and thanks for the support!
My asks are always open so if there is something you wanna see or wanna request feel free! I'm a multifandom gyalllll
No-so-mini-Taglist: @gniteruirui@veggiepizzababy@panty-h03@justmare@merpmederp @rainbowpr1sm@mad-simp420@insane-scientist @crowleysthings @mimimarvelingmarvel @darkyyy333
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anamoon63 · 13 days
RL and Sims update post + a thank you note
(Warning: long post ahead, read at your own risk).
I wrote this post to thank you guys for all the likes and comments you keep leaving on my posts, even though, as you may have noticed, I can't be here as often as I used to. Real life has taken over almost completely, as I think it should. There are too many things going on, with me, my family, my country, even my sims and other games, lol.
I'm not going to bore you with daily life problems, much less with sad and depressive stuff, or with previews of a story I don't know when/if I'll ever finish, the only thing I can tell you is that I'm still busy with a lot of work, (fortunately) and family stuff; plus, I (finally) started going to therapy (yes, at my age). So right now, I'm juggling even more things than I already was.
And so I wanted to thank you for sticking with me, for continuing to read the chaotic stories of my wacky characters without judging them; thank you as well for each and every message you have sent to my inbox, be it questions, or flowers and love; and to all of you who continue to tag me both on sims stuff and cute games, knowing that I most likely won't be able to answer you, really, thank you for continuing to think of me. Your messages soothe my heart in difficult moments, and I wish to answer them all, I just don't know when I will be able to do that, hopefully someday.
Now, my sims story. For those of you who might remotely still be interested, I'm currently revising the next few episodes of Time Traveler which I wrote earlier this year. To be honest, I don't know when they will be ready, I just know the story goes on and as soon as I have reviewed these episodes, I'll start taking the pictures. When will they be published? Frankly, I don't know. It could be early 2025, but no promises, as I don't have much free time on my hands now. I manage to write in the evenings, but in-game photo shoots are quite time consuming and have to be done in peace and privacy, of which I don't have much at the moment. So, if I do decide to publish these episodes, it will likely be early next year, and at a rather slow pace.
About my gameplay, in Sims 4 we will continue with the Wilsons until the end of the season (coming soon), and then we will take a small break. As for The Sims 3, we just finished Patrick's story in Bridgeport, so now we'll go back with The Cho Brothers. First, we'll take a brief trip to Lucky Palms with Terence and Cynthia Cho; then we'll spend a rather long time in Hidden Springs and Starlight Shores, to see what has happened with Tyron, the eldest of the Cho brothers. And last but not least, we'll go back to Uni with Dale and Kelly, who I hope will FINALLY graduate this year, hahaha.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I am not gone (yet), that if one day I decide to retire I will make a special post about it, I won't leave without saying goodbye, but that day seems far away at least for the moment. 
Now, regarding Inzoi…
I admit Inzoi has captured my interest. As usual, I'm late to the comment party, but I still want to put my two cents about this amazing game. Seeing the trailers and all those beautiful Inzois created by other simmers got me so excited, and at the same time, terribly frustrated to see that the demo didn't contain any gameplay. I need to actually play the game to give an opinion on it! So far it looks beautiful, though I must say that the character creator disappointed me because the sliders are Sims 4 style, which I've always found a bit complicated, I'll forever prefer the Sims 3 sliders, but hey, I had a lot of fun creating my own Inzois.
Hopefully the graphics and gameplay are as good as seen in the previews and its developers won't “break” it into multiple or turn the into a malfunctioning cash cow like EA did with The Sims 4, and to a certain extent, also with the Sims 3 in its time. I hope with Inzoi they'll go for a complete game, no matter if it's expensive, if I consider it is worth it, I'll give them my money as soon as it comes out.
That being said, it is important for me to clarify that I will not abandon The Sims 3 (or even Sims 4 though I don't play it much) for Inzoi. Ever. Neither do I plan to recreate my sims OCs/games in it, because my sims are exactly that, sims. If I ever get to play Inzoi it will be with entirely new characters, although I confess, I did try to reproduce two of my most beloved sims (a boy from the future and a college girl who is a model *wink*) and they turned out pretty well, but nowhere near as adorable as they look in The Sims 3. Plus, the environments in which those two OCs currently move could not be reproduced in Inzoi, at least as far as I know.
Okay, enough of Inzoi. In short: I'm not gone, I'm still here, I'm still reading all your stories, only at a much slower pace, two or 3 simblrs per day at the most. I'm going to read them all, just bear with me, and forgive me again if I don't always comment. Sometimes I don't even have the time or the energy for that. Believe me, 2024 has been an intense year in every possible way, sometimes I really need a break, but I try to be around and will always find a way to keep in touch, even if at times it seems like I'm nowhere to be found, I'll get back to you at some point.
That's all, thanks for reading this far! Have a nice and beautiful start of the week. 💗
P.S. I wrote this post three days ago, wish I had published it earlier, that way I probably wouldn't have gotten a notification that some Simblrs Community 'removed my membership'. When I clicked in said Simblrs Community icon, it said the community was 'private'. I don't know if that's some kind of automatic Tumblr thing, if there's a committee that decides about this, or if it was just a glitch in the matrix; whatever it was, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be here to keep said membership. I didn't even know Simblr was a private membership. For what it's worth, it wasn't neglect or lack of interest for my part, just lack of time. I hope one day to be able to qualify again and be worthy of this membership. At any rate, I thank you for thinking of me and admitting me in your community in the first place.
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breyito · 2 months
Fear your sins, not your monsters: Part Two: Tortured Souls
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@painlandweek Day 2: Leyends
Part 1 Part 3 Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: Dead Boy Detectives (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Relationships: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne & Charles Rowland, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne & Crystal Palace Characters: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Charles Rowland (DCU) Additional Tags: Protective Edwin Paine | Edwin PayneUnhinged Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Violence, Torture, Hurt Charles Rowland (DCU), Sickfic, love language: acts of service, painlandweek, BAMF Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Angst with a Happy Ending
A/N: Goodness gracious. This chapter is a behemoth. I think I have not written so much in one go since...2019? When the fires of wrath at Tony's death still lived within me lmao (im still mad, but im also tired now) Anyways!!! This took so long because the scenes just kept needing to be written out and out! And the dialogue! So.much.dialogue. Also, WARNING: there are some descriptions and threats of rape/non-con (about ocs and towards Crystal), so, *please* be careful. These ghosts are some real scumbags. As always, English is not my first language and I have no beta. Also, it's near 5AM, so. Any edits that need doing I'll do later. Enjoy!
Part Two: Tortured Souls
“What-t the fuck do you even want!? ” screamed Charles, after the thirteenth time he was transported from the rocks on the shore onto the cold concrete floor. He punched the floor in frustration but it didn’t make any difference: he wouldn’t feel it even if he tore out chunks of it. He’d tried that, digging his way out, but it was no use; the fucking room returned to its original state no matter what he did. 
(He’d also tried to break the iron bars on the window, but no matter how much of his hands he burned while trying, it was useless. The only thing it did was multiply the pain when he got thrown into the freezing depths again.)
He clenched his teeth while clothing himself again. He heard a giggle that sent another shiver down his spine and to the very core of his essence. 
“Oh, I’m just softening you up, kid.” the witch answered, an incorporeal voice just in his ear. Charles jumped and whirled around, but there was no one. 
“Softening me for what !?” he insisted. “How long do you plan to keep doing this for!?”
“Well…until you no longer have any fight in you, of course.” She giggled again. “That’s the best way to break in a new toy.” 
“I’m not a bloody toy !” he yelled, incandescently furious. The first dregs of a new kind of dread were emerging, and he didn’t like that one bit.
“You are now. Mmm, the things he’ll do to you when he comes back…”she teased, like the mere thought gave her pleasure. She sighed. “It’ll be delicious .”
Charles choked on his helplessness, and tried really hard to be more angry than scared. He almost manages to convince himself he succeeded. 
“See you later, baby. The lake needs time to freeze over, you know.” Just like that, the heavy presence was gone. 
Dawn had come while they talked. Still shivering, Charles curled up on the concrete floor, trying to place himself on the faint rays of sunlight. Not for the first time in his afterlife, he wished he could feel their heat as well as he could feel this permanent cold. It felt like he had never known warmth. Like the golden light of a lantern reflected on a pair of soft green eyes had only ever been an illusion.
Still, he kept Edwin’s face on his mind. The furrow of his eyebrows, the twitch of his nose when he wanted to say something and knew he shouldn’t, the sharp angle of his cheekbones….the tempting bow of his lower lip, just begging to be kissed. 
God…I wished I had just told you. I’m sorry, Edwin. I’m so sorry.  
—- —-- —--
—- —-- —--
By the time Crystal’s alarm went off, it was far past noon already. A part of her wanted to yell at Edwin for letting her oversleep when they were in a crisis, but as she looked around the office and noticed the complete state of chaos it was in, the words died in her throat. 
Edwin was dressed impeccably, though, sharp and without a hair out of place. Somehow, despite being only in his vest and coat, he seemed…more put together than usual. When the light hit him just right, he looked like a threat . It was unsettling, and made her feel ill at ease. But she pushed through it, because this was her friend, worried sick about their other missing friend.
Still, the way his fists kept meeting one another, and the now black gloves he wore gave away his agitation; and choked her up a bit. He had Charles’ necklace around his neck, and he was squeezing it between his fingers after every third time he smashed his knuckles together.
“Hey” she said, as she stood up from the couch.
“Good morning.” Edwin said, turning. “We have plenty to do today, but since the places we need to get to are not open before sundown, we have time for you to grab a bite.”
“I’m fine-”she tried to say.
“Crystal.” he interrupted. “You are alive , and thus have certain basic needs that have to be met for your presence to be beneficial to Charles’ rescue.” He took a deep breath. “If you insist on becoming a hindrance by refusing to take those necessary steps; I have no problem leaving you bound here in the office, until I get him back.” The tone of his voice left her no doubt he was completely serious, and would, in fact, leave her trapped in this room.
“Fuck, fuck , allright.” she conceded, as she put on her shoes. “But you will fill me in on what you found in the meantime.” Edwin tilted his head. 
“Very well.” with that he turned around and crossed through the door. Cursing under her breath, she hurried to follow him.
—-- —-- —--
 Once they were situated in a caffe with her meal in front of her and her earpiece very visible to avoid unwanted attention, she gestured for him to explain. Edwin, sitting across the table, cleared his throat and started.
“As we suspected, I cannot find him through usual tracking spells. This magic user has hidden their signatures too well for that.” He shifted in the seat, looking around before taking out his notebook. “However, I can track the ghost that hired us and lead us right to the trap.”
“Why haven’t you done that already then?”
“Because, first of all, at least back in the church, he had items that made him stronger and managed to escape after hurting Charles but just before he was taken and all the mirrors shattered.”
“So he’s tricky, is what you mean.”
“Exactly. We have no way of knowing if the witch provided him those items solely for the trap or if he has more of them. I’d hate to be ill prepared to face him, especially with you in tow.”
“I can handle myself.” she refuted, tone harsh.
“Crystal.” Edwin waited until she looked him in the eye, which was rare for him so she did. “I may not be very good at social interactions, but I did notice the way he was looking at you. It made me uncomfortable, so I can only imagine what it was like for you.”
“Well.” she said with a strained smile, eyes focused on her plate. “It’s not like it's the first time.” Crystal saw him hesitating on the corner of her eye, and then felt a slight pressure on her sleeve. She looked up and saw him give her a pained smile back.
“I am under no impression that what I experience when I use my disguises is anywhere near the real life, constant feeling of being under scrutiny and threat from those kinds of…men. And while the hardships I suffered when I was alive may give me some insight, it is not the same. But it is not normal and it is not okay.” He looked away for a tick before looking back at her. “In the future, we’ll try to screen these types of clients better. If they cannot treat you with the appropriate respect, they do not deserve our help.” He squeezed her arm once before letting go.
Done with sentimentalities for the time being, he leaned back and busied himself with his notes. Crystal, feeling like she had been punched in the throat, focused back on her meal and tried not to cry.
When enough time had passed that she felt she could speak without sounding choked, she set down her glass and tapped the table to get his attention back.
“You said we needed to go somewhere that wouldn’t be ‘open’ until night. Where is that? Some sort of library, a supernatural store…?”
“Not this time. Are you familiar with the term ‘black market’?” The ghost asked.
“Are you kidding? There’s a black market for magical stuff?” she hissed. “Wouldn’t that just be a regular magical market or whatever?”
“Oh, no. The supernatural world works on complicated networks. Usually, for regular cases, we can go to above board individuals or shops. But sometimes, less… moral objects are needed, and the Obscure Mart is the ideal place to obtain them.”
“Obscure Mart? Damn, you guys really love your theatrics, don’t you?”
“Of course.” he smirked. “That’s half the fun of all of it.” She was tempted to ask what the other half was, but feared getting off track.
“What do we need from this black market then?”
“Ideally, truth spells talismans. The iron chains to contain him are already inside the bag.” he pointed to Charles’ backpack. “Then, maybe some holy oil. Our reserve is quite small, and I’d rather have a larger circle than a small one.”
“Wait a minute. Holy oil? Isn’t that the stuff that can disintegrate a ghost if they touch it?”
“Indeed. Do you remember the abandoned warehouse of the Mc’Call case?” at her nod, he continued. “My plan is to catch unawares, and push him through a mirror into the building. I have already set up a salt circle to avoid him escaping, but I believe a holy fire around that circle will be better.”
“Isn’t that super dangerous?”
“It has its risks, but I think it is worth it. Besides, once you get there, you’ll put out the fire.” He adds.
“I mean, the warehouse is not far from here, but  how do we know that this guy won’t be in, like, Tanzania?” 
“These types usually have a pattern. As we’ve seen, he’s lazy, a pervert and from London. I don’t think he’s gone far at all.”
“Fine, ok. Also, truth spells? Couldn’t you just” she waves her fingers “do one?”
“Not at all. As a form of incantation, truth spells are useless. Truth spells talismans are one of the trickiest bits of magic and do work. The runes need to be in a specific pattern, written down in a special paper, with a particular ink, prepared in a confluence of the ley lines and only in certain phases of the moon.”  
“Well, damn. Off to the black market we go, then.” 
Ignoring the alarmed look from the waitress, she left a tip and got up to follow the ghost boy. 
—-- —-- —--
—- —-- —--
The entrance to the Obscure Mart was hidden in an ancient alleyway, behind a brick wall. Crystal had to bite her tongue not to make any Harry Potter related comments. (She had no desire to listen to another rant about how Rowling did the whole community a huge disservice, since she’d have to defend the world of Harry Potter but not the author because fuck that terf; and she hasn’t got the energy for that).
The market was a lively place, if a bit well, dark. Actual-for-realsies torches were the main source of light. The fires were of multiple colours though, which is cool. There were some stores she could see, but it seemed to be mostly tables and tents at the sides of the very long alley, with some narrow corridors on both sides. It’s not empty, but it’s not packed either. The first person that waved at them smiled, then looked behind Edwin at Crystal, and swallowed.
“Hi, Edwin!” They look behind the teens again. “Where’s Charles?” They ask, barely keeping the smile on their face.
“Taken.” Edwin said, curt. The person talking to them paled and then cursed softly. Crystal bit her lip not to question the wisdom of admitting such a thing, keeping in mind the ghost’s warning before going in: she was not to speak unless directly questioned.. “I need you to point me in the direction of Garreth Gadget?” he asked. Crystal blinked twice and tried not to snort at the name. 
“Y-yeah, sure. He’s on the seventh entrance tonight.” With barely a nod in acknowledgment, Edwin kept walking. 
The psychic girl saw the person that was just talking to them whisper something in the ear of their neighbour, and how this kept repeating as they walked down the road. As she turned to see the reactions of the beings around them she wished she could take the time to gape at all the crazy stuff. There was a giant ass tank with a giant ass glowing and mean looking octopus wearing a tophat that suddenly pulled all his limbs into a little ball and tried to hide behind his tophat . 
“-but who would be this stupid ?” asked a green girl with wings, fluttering agitatedly around her equally colourful friends. Crystal was calling her fairy for now and save the terminology for another day.
  “...yeah, probably someone new…” a sinister matronly ghost whispered to the man next to her, fussing over her wares.
“-ou think we’ll have another Bog Witch situation?” asked a… spooky talking tree?? Everyone that heard him shivered in unison. 
“ -uck, I hope not. That’d be…horrific.” answered the black cat with the equally black kittens.
Seeing as Edwin had gotten ahead of her anyways, she turned around to question the cat. That was the creature she was most used to, even if they were usually very rude.
“What ‘Bog Witch situation’?” she asked, intrigued. 
“Shhh!” The kittens shushed her in unison, eyes wide. They all hurried to hide behind their mother.
“You don’t know about the Bog Witch?” the cat asked, tilting her head.
“ What Bog Witch?”
“Exactly!” the green fairy answered, nodding. 
“No, really. What Bog Witch? And why is she so important?” Crystal was starting to lose her patience. There was a very awkward pause. “I’m new to this supernatural shit, alright? Is it some sort of legend or lore I don’t know about? Does it have anything to do with Edwin?”
“... it’s more like an urban legend. About what happened to her.” whispered a goth human boy. She assumed he was either a psychic or a warlock. He kept looking around, like Edwin would suddenly pop up out of nowhere.
“More like what that boy did to her.” muttered the ghost of a firefighter. 
“It’s not like it wasn’t deserved.” defended the matronly ghost.
“And what happened to her? Did Edwin… kill her?”Crystal asked, apprehensive.
“Oh, no.” the boy snorted. She relaxed slightly. “ Way worse. He erased her from existence. She and her Bog.”
“Which was an overreaction, in my opinion.” added the tree. 
“Erased her from existence…? That can happen? Wouldn’t people notice a whole ecosystem disappearing one day to the next?”
“Not in this case. When we say he ‘erased her from existence’ we mean completely . There are no traces, no records, no memories of them. Us supernatural creatures are the only ones that remember the Witch or the Bog.” Explained the fairy.
“Only faint traces, tho.” The firefighter added. “I assume as a warning.”
“You assume correctly.” Edwin stated, suddenly at her side. Everyone jumped back and quickly scampered away. He grabbed her arm and began leading her back down the road.
“Wait, wait, wait.” she said, stopping. Edwin sighed loudly and turned around, one eyebrow raised. “A warning about what?” she asked.
“About what I am willing to do to get Charles back. There are not many things that fall outside that list.” Crystal shook her head, incredulous.
Before she could question him further Edwin turned around snarling and grabbed a ghost by the shoulder, slamming him against the wall with a single hand. Said ghost was a guy, maybe in his thirties, and looked like the cartoon of a dealer, big brown trench coat and everything.
“Trying to avoid me, Garreth?” Edwin asked.
“Look, kid-”the man started, before yelping as said boy pressed his thumb deep into his clavicle. “Wait, wait-! Whatever you need, okay? I wasn’t sure I’d have what you wanted-”
“I need some truth spells talismans.” Edwin interrupted him. “I’m prepared to pay you handsomely for them.”
“ Truth spells ? I’m afraid I can’t help you there, mate. You know they are incredibly hard to come by-”
“I do. Which is why I know only you would have them tonight.”
“I’m sorry, lad, but-”
“I’ll trade you the immersive copy of the Kamasutra you always try to get your paws on.” The man’s eyes darkened immediately, but he shook his head.
“ Very tempting offer but-”
“Or I can just steal your coat and slice it open until it spills everything you have in there.” Edwin extended his free hand, and swallowing, Crystal put the knife he had given her earlier in it.  
“I’ll take it! Of course I will.” Edwin backed off to let him search the inside pockets of his trench then. “I was planning on using it on my lass, but fuck it. These birds can’t mouth off, can they?” he said, licking his lips. 
Crystal saw Edwin’s shoulders tense in disgust, but knew he couldn’t grimace; so she grimaced for both of them. Garreth finally took a single sheet of paper and gave it to them.
“It’s the only one I’ve got!” he defended himself at their unimpressed looks. “The wife is tricky, alright? Can never get her with these…”he mumbled. 
Edwin inhaled deeply and took a book from inside his own pocket, waving it in front of the man. 
“Holy oil, then, for the rest of it.”
“I can always give you just half the book and you can see if it still functions as intended.” he threatened.
“Fine, fine!” the man conceded. “Jeez.” He took a little clay pot from another pocket, tapping the waxed seal as he handed it over. “Straight from Jerusalem.” 
Edwin pressed the book against Garreth’s chest and turned around, pocketing the talisman and the oil. They both began walking, ignoring the wet sounds as the man licked his lips over and over.
They also ignored the way the rest of the beings in the Obscure Mart hunched over, some even hiding under their tables. On the corner of her eye she saw the octopus still in a little ball, just with ink spilled around it. As they left the market and arrived at the normal alley, Crystal stopped Edwin with a hand on his arm.  
“This isn’t like you, Edwin.” she said, softly. “This…brute force? The constant threat of violence? It’s like…”
“I’m Charles?” he finished, sarcastic. “We are not so different in our devotion as it might seem, Crystal.”
“I don’t buy that.” she said. Edwin let out a dry chuckle. “He’s our friend, but-”
“Crystal, you've seen him without me. You have never seen me without him .” he interrupted, eyes stone cold. “I know you think you know how our dynamic works. You think I keep him contained when I’m around, don’t you? Leashed , as some would say?” he smiled, and it was terrifying.  “Oh, dear Crystal....You have got no clue how savage I can be in the shadow of his absence.” 
Crystal took a step back, and Edwin seemed to become smaller. He turned his back on her and rubbed his hand all over his face. 
“I don’t like what I become when he’s threatened, Crystal.” he admitted, looking at the sky. “I’m aware that I can be quite brutal, and that regret is not in my vocabulary when these things happen.” He inhaled. “But this is the only way I know to get him back.”
“Edwin…” she whispered, tearing up.
“He’s always protecting me , saving me . Just yesterday he got injured and distracted because I couldn’t defend myself. Now I have to be strong for the both of us, and be tough enough to do whatever is necessary to save him.” 
Edwin wiped off a teardrop from his cheek, but more just kept falling. Crystal thought ‘Fuck it, they are my boys and I’m not about to lose either one of them’ and hugged him tight. Surprising her, Edwin hugged her back.
“I can’t lose him, Crystal, I can’t .” he whispered, voice trembling. “If you can’t stomach my methods I don’t blame you, but-”
“No, no. ” she interrupted him. “This is for our friend, and as long as you don’t hurt anyone innocent-”
“I promise.” Edwin said. 
“Then you do whatever you need to do to find him.” They separated and smiled weakly at each other, wiping the wetness off their faces. “Now, c’mon, we have a perv ghost to find.”
—-- —-- —--  
—- —-- —--
After finishing the holy oil circle and doing the tracking spell, they had an address. They found their perverted ghost perving on some girls in a club’s bathroom downtown, of course. Crystal setted off the fire alarm so that the bar emptied as Edwin surprised the man. As soon as she saw them disappear through the surface, she turned around and left. Fortunately it was the middle of the week, so her Uber should get to their location quickly enough.
Edwin pushed the ghost through the mirror with a surge of magic, right into the warehouse’s trap. The circle of holy fire was already alight. Edwin quickly followed suit and broke the mirror to prevent an escape. While getting iron shackles to bound the other ghost with, the man shook off the effects of the spell and got up. 
“You again, little boy?” he mocked. “Didn’t get enough of this, did you?” he laughed as he threw a marked stone at Edwin. The boy knocked the stone off course with the chain, and took advantage of the extended arm to get the cuff around it. “ Bloody hell !” the man cursed, trying to shake the metal burning him loose. He desperately patted his pockets with his other arm, trying to reach another stone loaded spell. “Why isn’t this burning you!? ” he yelled.
“It is.” Edwin answered, before reciting an incantation in Latin. “I just don’t care.” He let go of one of the chains as it seemed to become alive, and sent them in the direction of the other ghost. 
The man dodged and tried to run, but Edwin pulled from the chain already around his arm and he fell to the floor. The enchanted chain snaked around the man until he was covered in them, then pulled both arms behind his back and locked them there. The man fell to his knees, and Edwin couldn’t stop thinking how much he looked like a worm. 
Once that was done, he waited for Crystal so she could snuff off the fire. Ignoring the snarls and the cursing, Edwin took off his notebook from his pocket and revised his notes once more. The list of questions he needed to ask hadn’t changed, but it made him feel better. 
About half an hour later, Crystal arrived. Immediately, she broke the salt circle with her shoe and snuffed the oil with the short incantation Edwin had taught her. Edwin nodded in thanks and opened his mouth, but she cut him off.
“I’m staying.”  
Edwin agreed to it, shighing. 
“Fuck” laughed the ghost. “The black bitch is here too? What a party!” he whooped. They both ignored him. 
Taking the talisman out of his pocket, Edwin slapped it against the other ghost’s throat. The ink burned off the paper as it transferred to the man’s skin.
“Do you know where Charles is?” was the first and most important question Edwin had. The man smirked and opened his mouth to give some bullshit answer.
“Of course I don’t, that wench gave me one job and I did it.” Instead, he answered honestly. “What was that?” he asked, alarmed. “What the fuck was that!?” he yelled as he got no response.
“What is your connection with the person that took Charles?” Edwin continued, not letting the disappointment choke him. Of course this lackey didn’t know, it would have been too easy otherwise.
The man tried to bite his lip, but it was useless. The runes glowed and he had to answer.
“That witch?” he laughs. “She was my late mate’s girl. Awesome catch, she is.”
“Why?” asked Crystal.
“Lil’ bit hard to find a bitch that knows how to enjoy herself, huh?” he winked at her as he licked his lips and the blood he spilled. “Hell, sometimes I think she enjoyed it more than we did.”
“...enjoyed what?” asked Edwin, confused. The man laughed as the runes glowed, head thrown back.
“All the girls and boys we completely destroyed.” He said, proudly. Both teens froze . “Fuck, we had such a good run too! There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do, wouldn’t get, for him. Chains, chain saws ? Done. Knives, blowtorches, pliers? Easy. Even got us a speculum once.” he kept on, a sickening longing look on his face. “That was…a hell of a week.”
“Stop.” said Edwin, feeling nauseous. Fortunately, the runes glowed after that command too, rendering the man silent. While the other ghost silently laughed at them, Edwin checked on Crystal. She nodded at him to continue, swallowing. 
“What happened to your…friend?” The man bit his tongue again, but the words kept coming.
“I told you, didn’t I? He died. We both did. Went in a fucking gaze of glory.”
“The police killed you.” Edwin stated. “I don’t remember anything about them stopping a pair of…serial rapists.”
“Oi, have some respect for our skills, we also killed them.” he laughed again at their faces. ”And the pigs never found out!” he howled. “Thought we were just robbers, didn't they?”
The fact that these two monsters were still undiscovered sat like lead on the teens' stomachs. They looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They would get the names of the victims, try and give their families some closure. (Make sure those poor souls went to rest in Heaven.)
“And where is your friend now? Is he working with the witch?” Edwin asked. He lasted longer this time, a trickle of blood getting to his chin. 
“Nah. I saw him get dragged down by something inside a red light, didn’t I? So I ran. Ran back to our flat, and there I found her. Turned out the shite she spouted about energies and magic and whatever bollocks was true.” He shook his head and tilted it to the side, leaving it there.
“And then what happened? What does she want with Charles?” As the rapist’s ghost bit his tongue, the blood finally reached the runes, and cut through them. They glowed once, twice and then dulled. “No!” Edwing screamed. “What does she want with Charles!?”
The other ghost just kept laughing. 
“What are you gonna do now, little boy!? All outta spells already!?” he mocked. He spat on the floor and looked at them with a predatory smile that centred on Crystal. “If you want to hear me talk so much, I can sure tell you what I’d do to this black wench.” He licked his teeth. “Usually my tastes aren’t so exotic , but I’ll make an exception for you, birdie. You look…just so -” he’s interrupted by said ‘birdie’ kicking him in the balls. He wheezed, still laughing.
Edwin, very calmly, walked Crystal back a few steps and stood in front of her, so she wouldn’t have to see that monster’s face.
“It seems I will be extracting the information physically.” he stated, taking off his coat. “You should leave, Crystal.” he said as he took an ornate dagger from his pocket.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to…read him?” she asked, wanting nothing more than leave this place where this monster felt so fucking comfortable. The last thing she wanted was to read this fucking jerk and fill her head with the horrors he had committed, but she would if Edwin couldn’t do it.
“It’s not necessary-” he started.
“Yeah!” the man screamed behind them. “Sure you don’t want her to do this?” he laughed. “Your iron knives don’t scare me, boy.”
Edwin lifted an eyebrow in question to Crystal and she nodded. She started walking away as he turned around and smiled at the bound man.
“Oh, this isn’t iron.” he said, clicking his tongue. Edwin waited until the sound of the door closing before continuing. “This is cursed silver . This is not just going to burn you. This is going to ground you in your body in a way you haven’t felt since the day you died.” He carefully traced the edge of the man’s right eye with the blade. “And then, it’s going to turn each and every one of those sensations into agony .” He laughed. The other ghost swallowed, paling. 
“You think I can’t take a little bit of pain?” he still asked, full of bravado.
“ You took my partner away from me .” Edwin snarled. “Do you think I’m only going to inflict a little bit of pain on you?”  
“You wouldn’t.” he objected “You’re not corrupt enough.” the man stated, trying to sound certain but looking wearily at the blade.
“Haven’t you heard? I spent 73 years in Hell.” He slowly walked around the bound ghost, to stop behind him and whisper. “And among my own suffering, I learned many, many things there.” Edwin took off his gloves and let them fall to the floor one by one as he kept walking.
“How to unmake someone apart piece by piece is just one of the lessons.” He caught the terrified gaze of the rapist ghost. “I bet you think you know all about that, don’t you?” He stopped and looked him dead in the eyes. “Only you never had the chance to do it all over again. And again. And again .  So why don’t you let me show you?”
—-- —-- —-- 
Crystal walked outside feeling defeated. She hated it, but she thought that perhaps Edwin would not be able to do it, after the talk they had earlier. And then she would have to read that disgusting mind. She jumped on top of a pile of pallets and shoved her headphones on her head, putting on a metal playlist, just in case.
Not too early, either.
Some really ear-shattering screams begin a few minutes after she leaves. She tried very, very hard to convince herself the screams she heard were coming from the artists.
—-- —-- —-- 
By the time the screams had turned into choked whimpers, hours had passed. Crystal had resorted to putting on her headphones and turning her music to the highest volume, to ignore it. She knew the man inside was the worst kind of scum on this Earth, but he was still a person. He deserved to be punished for all he had done before and what he had done to Charles. This was all for information, she kept telling herself. She would do a lot of things not to lose another friend.
As Edwin walked out of the warehouse, just in his vest and shirt, she noticed he was… covered in blood would be an overstatement, but not by much. His sleeves were dyed red in places and his bare hands were bright pink. As he approached her, he did a movement with one of his hands and the same black smoke she had seen earlier as they did the tracking spell cleaned it all up, almost… devouring the blood he had had on his person.
“You learned anything useful?” she asked, hopeful.
“Yes, rather.” Edwin answered, before his coat wrapped him up and he fixed his gloves. “We should be going, though, we have no time to lose.”
“What? Why?” Crystal said as she jumped down the pallets she had been sitting on to follow him. Red light spilling from the broken windows of the building was her answer. “He’s moving on? Why?” she asked, completely baffled, as she reached his side. The dude had seen his rapist BFF being dragged down to Hell.
“I…convinced him that it was in his best interest to not be within my reach when this case is through. I suppose he thought his chances of surviving Hell are greater than his chances of surviving me .” 
She swallowed a few times, shocked. Noticing she had stopped, Edwin turned around.
“Shall we, Crystal?” he asked, eyebrow lifting.
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thedeafprophet · 20 days
Justice has been done ! Anyway - 4. ‘An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.’ For Josephine & September :)
1k words of this has been sitting in my drafts since February and i have at last fought my brain to finish it.
also on ao3
In Absense Of Moonlight
To say that Josephine Ashwood was a woman of habit would be an understatement of this stolen century. She has her afternoon tea when her pocket watch reaches 3:30 pm, she always keeps her slippers on the left side of the bed, and she always hangs her lab coat on the third hook in her office, with her goggles on the second. These routines, and many others, brought a sense of comfort to her. While some may find it ironic given her… other endeavours, having order, and knowing things were where she knew them to be, gave a sense of comfort to her. A reliability, when all things were irregular. 
When something was out of line, it brought a sense of foreboding. The idea that no matter how average a day was, something, at any moment, could pull that rug from under her. No, these routines were a must, and it was them that gave her a sense of security. 
This level of routine applied not only to her own, conscious actions, but bled deep within her underlying psyche- and this included the nature of her internal clock. Many mornings spent having woken early to prepare for lectures and student meetings and whatever bureaucratic nonsense The Dean had planned had led Josephine to wake up rather early in anticipation….
…regardless of what hour she had actually gone to bed, ignorant of whatever activities were actually planned for that day. 
In the here and now, Josephine could only be irritated at the inopportune awakening. She laid awake, staring up at the canopy of the bed, pondering whether she should return to the land of dreams, or just push to get up and active for the day. Goodness knows there were always more papers to write and forms to fill, lest anyone actually get anything productive done. 
She ran her hand over the soft fabric of the bed spread as she internally debated, ignoring the ache in her wrist that was always more profound first thing in the morning. The slight ruffle of the fabric was the only sound in the room - that, and the steady, reassuring breathing of the sleeping form next to her. 
If she had been a less just woman, she would have been inclined to place the blame of her late night entirely onto him. 
Josephine smiled softly as she rolled over to be face to face with where September still lay sleeping. An occasional visit had become happenstance, and happenstance to a frequent occurrence, a frequent occurrence to an almost weekly visit. The late hour had been a simple matter - September had brought a bottle of whiskey and a book of poetry to read aloud, the two had gotten into a debate on the intricacies of the metaphor of the work, and the rest, as they say, was history.
It wasn’t often that Josephine allowed herself to lose track of time in socialising. She would acquiesce on the fact that here, with September, was one of those rare exceptions. 
It was of course no surprise to Josephine that September was still sleeping while she had awakened, their schedules and sleeping hours so often disjointed. It bothered her not, as it gave her ample opportunity in being the one who woke first, to sit back and appreciate the view before her. Oh of course, the room was dark, and Josephine did not have her glasses, but she had long since learned to adapt to the night.
The dark brings no fear when you know what lies within it. 
Josephine reached out her hand towards him, gently cupping his cheek and tracing the lines of his face. He seemed so much softer, so much less animated in his sleep, that it would almost concern her were she not given ample evidence of his breathing. 
It was not too long ago, that together they had met within the woods, lost within the moonlight and its irrevocable images. It haunted Josephine, like a tide flowing through a crack in the wall, a small flow of unbidden memories of moonlight. 
The distant sounds of shouting, the possibility of a timeline of loneliness, a future of a so-called ‘should be’. It haunted her, that idea of a future so far out of her control, of a reality where she would lose yet another. She doesn’t care about anything else- whatever so called success and resolution it proclaimed to bring. It was not a future she would allow to come to pass. 
No matter how much she repeated the notion in her head, still that fear, those supplanted memories, continued to trickle. She couldn’t force them from her head. 
She reached out to place a hand on September's chest, to feel the rise and fall of his breath, the steady pace of his heart. Still here, for all that meant and all it would be, still here. Deep breaths, count to ten, try to refocus on the present. A future that had yet to come could be prevented, even if a vision couldn't be unseen. 
Whether it was from the contact or his sleeping mind picking up Josephine's tumultuous thoughts, all at once September began to stir, just as quickly as Josephine realised exactly how close she came to lean next to him. The sudden proximity of their faces made her the first thing he saw as his eyes blinked slowly opening, their lips meeting as he titled his head up. 
His lips brushed gently against hers, no intention in the movement beyond their close proximity. Josephine pulled back slightly at the sudden contact, worried at having disturbed him. 
“I'm sorry, I did not intend to wake you.”
“Aye, well ah think there's worse ways tae wake up.” His voice was still heavy with sleep as  he leaned back towards her. There was a twinkle of humour in his eyes that had Josephine smirking, before leaning back down with intention this time. 
Warmth blossomed in Josephine's chest as their lips met, September's hand moved to cup her cheek. A grounding, affectionate movement. His lips were warm and soft against her own, a contrast to where his beard rubbed against her skin. All at once her fears, though not fully abated, relinquished their hold. 
“Ye’ seemed so far awa’ love” his thumb stroked softly where he still cupped her face, and Josephine reached up her own hand slowly, coming to rest over his. “What’s troublin’ ye?”
“I’m nowhere but here love, I promise.” She meant it. At least for now, whatever now even means. 
“Well, ah do hope whatever is runnin’ round yer noggin this time can bide until the mornin’, ye need yer rest.”
A bubble of laughter burst through Josephine, who couldn’t help but giggle and dig at the matter “It is morning dear, which you would know if you’d chance to ever get to bed at a reasonable hour.” 
September looked bashful at the comment, but still made a move to defend his case. “Who decides when morning is anyways. This ol cave stays darker than ever, what is time but another rule enforced upon us!”
It's a sound argument, but the practicality of the matter defies it. “Be that as it may, one is expected to attend to certain duties at certain hours, and that cannot be ignored.”
September hums, but only settles back into bed more. “Perhaps, but surely it wouldn't do well tae be goin’ without proper rest, now would it.” He held out an arm in offering “Stay? If I've made my case tae ye enough, that is.” 
For a moment Josephine thinks on the duties of the day; the need to sort out lab paperwork she brought with her, the need to get back to London, the need to-
Oh to hell with it all. What's a few more hours of rest on a morning she didn't sleep the adequate amount for proper aptitude. No, it was much preferable, to lie back down and be swept up in her lover's embrace, held close and comfortable in this modicum of a safety net.
Perhaps here, her head against his chest as he presses a soft kiss to her forehead, she can at last get back to sleep.
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raineandsky · 10 months
The Villain's Housekeeper
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9) (part 10) (part 11)
The superhero waits with a patient smile whilst the security guy locks a pair of handcuffs to the hero’s wrists and to the table. And then they’re both gone, and the hero is alone in the interrogation room. As alone as they can be with the unsubtle mirror lining the wall next to them, at least.
Breaking out has proven a lot harder than the first time. The superhero’s clearly taken notes from their last escape. So here they are, four days later, once again in this interrogation room, waiting, vulnerable, scared of what it means to be here.
Security appears again after a long minute, the door creaking on its hinges in a way that almost sounds like a very familiar, “God, get your fucking claws out of my shit.”
The hero turns as far as the cuffs will let them, which isn’t far at all, but they don’t need to anyway. The villain gets dumped in the interrogator’s chair opposite them three seconds later, a string of sharp insults jabbing at the man from security whilst he locks their own cuffs to the table and pretends he can’t hear them.
The security guard steps back and the villain finally seems to notice the hero for the first time. Their eyes widen, almost imperceivable, their lips parting in surprise.
“Figured you’d like to see who got you in here,” he says, and with a self-satisfied chuckle he lets himself out the door. Just the two of them.
The villain stares at the hero. The hero averts their gaze, ashamed.
“You gave all my shit to [Superhero]?”
Disbelief. The hero wishes they could somehow look away even more. They can feel the villain’s eyes digging into them, begging questions, demanding answers. “I’m sorry,” the hero says past the lump in their throat. “I’m so sorry. I never should’ve—”
“You made me a target for the agency.”
The hero’s next breath is a shudder. “I was– I was scared, I wasn’t thinking—”
“I’m so sorry, I never should have—”
The hero shuts their mouth. They risk a glance up; the villain is staring– no, watching them, with a softness they didn’t expect to find. Their brow knits into that telltale concern.
“It’s okay, [Hero]. I’m not mad about that.”
The hero tries to hold down a belated snivel of shame and fails. “You’re– you’re not?”
“I told you not to snoop. I’m mad that I couldn’t get a law-obsessed hero to follow one rule.” Their lips tip into a ghost of a smile. “But no. You gave the agency a reason to not kill me. You made me valuable.” A short laugh escapes their throat, a bark of a thing, coarse and alive. “You saved my life, [Hero].”
The hero makes some uncontained noise of bewilderment. “No, [Villain], they want information, they want you alive to—”
“They have all the information they want from me,” the villain says with a smirk. “It’s on your boss’s desk right now. My entire career was detailed in that office.”
“But then why would they—”
“Codes.” The villain’s smirk somehow gets more mischievous. “Half my paperwork is unreadable without me to decipher it, but I don’t feel like letting up on my secrets just yet. They haven’t found anything that can convince me to tell them.” Another laugh, bright, unbothered by their predicament.  “Like I say, I’m important now. Indisposable.”
The hero can only gape at them for a second. The villain truly looks out of place, their hands forced to the table, a triumphant smirk on their face like they’re not in the agency’s clutches. To them, to not die for the supervillain’s own terror, is victory.
The villain’s smirk turns into something sweeter, their eyes crinkling slightly with how genuinely they smile for a moment. “And you’re back where you wanna be,” they say softly. “Congrats.”
The hero’s gaze turns downward again. “I’m sorry for—”
“Stop apologising, [Hero]. I said it’s fine.” They reach across the table, as far as the cuffs will let them, to carefully take the hero’s hands in their own. “This couldn’t have worked out better for either of us.”
The hero flinches away from their touch like they’ve been shocked. They don’t have the heart to tell them that’s not true. “[Superhero]’s watching,” they say instead.
“I don’t care,” the villain retorts immediately, but they don’t move to retake their hands. “Look, [Hero], I stepped out of my house with a lot of feelings I didn’t get to say out loud. Walking through those streets, waiting to die, I– I regretted it sorely.”
It’s the villain now who turns their gaze away, their expression carefully neutral. “You did a lot to help me. I tried to help you in return—kind of.” A grin pulls at their lips, and the hero knows that they’re thinking of that goddamn maid outfit. “I found myself… I don’t know, starting to actually like you. I– I think I—”
The door behind the hero cracks against the opposite wall. “Alright,” the superhero says shortly, and the villain’s expression sours immediately. “Fun’s over. Let’s show our prisoners what prison actually means, hm?”
The villain’s eyes turn to the hero, confused, before seeming to finally notice the cuffs on their own wrists.
“Prisoners? What—”
Their question doesn’t come out. The security guard unlocks the villain from the table first. “What the hell does that—”
The security guard shoves the villain to their feet. They whip around to spit at the man behind them but nothing comes out. They just turn back to the hero, then the superhero, then the hero again, their expression dipping into more and more horror as the realisation of what’s happening comes to them. The man has to push them to the door.
“[Hero]—” they try, but they get shoved outside and the door slams behind them.
The superhero sets their eyes on the hero, seemingly very pleased with the outcome of their little reunion.
“Come, [Hero],” he says brightly. He unlocks their own cuffs with a click. “Let’s get these codes out of our friend, shall we?”
(Next part)
@runarelle @thiefofthecrowns @morning-star-whump @epiclamer
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can i participate in the event? number 4 please <3, the character i'd like is oikawa tooru from haikyuu, I would like hurt/comfort (enemies to lovers) thank you!!
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it took soooo long, i’m so sorry; but this is the last event request which came in in time; thank you to everyone who participated!! ♡
i couldn’t do enemies to lovers though bc that was a trope in and of itself+ combining it with “baking” didn’t give me any great ideas
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Flours for you ゚☾. ࿐
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trope: baking [space nr. 24]
pairing: post-timeskip oikawa x gn! reader
genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
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You were disappointed, to boil it down. But it wasn’t like you could openly show it, not on this day, which somehow only made it hurt worse.
It had been weeks since you and your boyfriend could spend some quality time together, most of your conversations being held over text or post-its on the fridge, asking to add butter to the grocery list or saying leftovers from yesterday were still stowed away. You knew what you were agreeing to when choosing to date Oikawa, knew his job took a lot of his time, yet, you couldn’t help but miss him anyway.
A small, hopeful voice in your head almost convinced you that today might be different, it was your birthday after all. His next match was a home game and Oikawa wouldn’t have to travel far away this time. So, no matter how selfish the thought was, you went to bed alone the night before in hopes of waking up to two strong arms wrapped around you and a warm body pressed against you.
When you opened your eyes, his side of the bed was messy but cold. While getting ready for work without much of a spring to your step, you saw his practice bag and keys gone, confirming your suspicions.
As you went about your day with no card, no post-it, no flowers and no text in sight, your shoulders couldn’t help but slump. While really grateful for friends, family and colleagues wishing you a happy birthday, you felt a deeper pang and more unease settle in your heart and gut. 
One thing about Oikawa, he was attentive in any part of life, there was no way he wouldn’t at least shoot you a cheeky message, unless for the first time he actually forgot…
By the time you came home, you were ready to curl up on the couch with a movie and maybe order some take-out, still in disbelief you didn’t hear from the one person you really wanted to see today. There was that same tiny voice telling you the day wasn’t over yet but there was also your best friend on speed dial, ready to see you through the evening.
To your surprise, when you opened the front door, your heart soared as you were greeted by lights, the sound of dishes clinking and… the scent of cocoa?  Popping your head into the kitchen you indeed found the source of the noise to be your boyfriend, whisking something together in a mixing bowl with a look of utmost concentration. 
It was almost comical, the speed at which his head whipped around and his fluffy hair bounced with the movement. For a split-second, his features fell in shock before beaming at you brightly. Before you could move from your spot, the arms you had missed this morning were slung around you as Oikawa twirled you around. 
“Mi amor! Feliz cumpleaños!” When he rested his head on your shoulder and basked in your embrace, your hands tightened the grip on the back of his shirt. A sob choked you up as bottled emotions bubbled to the top and your throat closed up. Alarmed at the tears spilling from your eyes, Oikawa pulled back and cupped your face in his hands, a worried look creasing his forehead. “What is wrong? Are you okay? Please talk to me, love.”
“I- I can’t believe I thought– I thought you didn’t remember,” you sniffled past the weight in your chest. The guilt about not trusting him ate you up inside and made you avoid his eyes. “But when you weren’t there this morning and didn’t talk to me and I hadn’t seen you in forever… I just missed you so much, Tooru.”
“I missed you too, angel. I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy with work lately.” He gently wiped your tears and placed a sweet kiss on your temple, his touch lingering just a little longer than usual. Slowly his hand ran up and down the length of your spine until he could feel your sobs calm down. “I really wanted to congratulate you in person, so that’s on me. That was really stupid of me.”
“It was,” you agreed, making him chuckle.
“But you ruined your own surprise, that wasn’t so nice either,” Oikawa said, a soft grin tugging at his lips. “Guess you’ll have to help me finish it to make it up to me.”
The raise of your brow was interrupted by your boyfriend picking you up and sitting you down on the counter. With a clear look at the mixing bowl, you finally saw where the scent of cocoa came from as Oikawa went to preheat the oven.
“Watcha making?” you chimed, making some room for him to stand between your legs as he smoothed his hands up your thighs
“What a question… A birthday cake, of course,” he said, booping your nose.
As your house filled with the smell of chocolate and the sound of laughter, the cake lost a substantial amount of batter before even seeing the oven and it became clear there’d be a lot more clean-up to do than usual but you didn’t mind. After all, spending time with your favourite idiot far surpassed everything else you could’ve wished for.
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tagging: @mccnstruck @ukaishin @silentmoths
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
I hope you're recovering well! If you're still looking for distractions from your situation, I adored your Brady pregnancy headcanons (I'm also the one who requested them, I'll tell on myself), and I was wondering if you'd be interested in expanding one of the headcanons into a short blurb? If you have time, of course; I know recovery can be rough!
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Clair de Lune: John Brady x Reader
A/N: Formatted similarly to The Snow Stork since I don't do full x reader imagines, but here we are! I admit that this one took up way too much of my brain space haha!
Cut for length, more under the cut, light spice sprinkled in:
-As stated previously, pregnancy is a big deal in the Brady household. If not for the fact that everyone in his family is anxiously awaiting news on if there will be a baby or not, then certainly for the fact that John Brady has ALWAYS wanted to be a dad.
-The first few months of pregnancy are hellish for the both of you. The first trimester was the worst and you knew that from friends and his older sisters—all of whom had pretty horrible morning sickness themselves.
-Brady is super soft about the entire thing and never complains a single time he gets awoken in the middle of the night because you're up and puking. He just squares his shoulders, offers an ear of support and listening, holds your hair back, and helps you brush your teeth afterwards.
-Still, for him, there's not a lot that he can actually participate in when it comes to pregnancy. It's just a biological fact and though he's constantly found talking to the baby belly that suddenly appeared around 3 or 4 months, he still doesn't really feel like things are real yet.
-One evening after he gets home from a particularly long day at work, there's a level of quiet and peace in the house. Dinner was great and he got to clean up everything for you since your feet were hurting anyway.
-And after he was done cleaning up the dinner mess, he got to work massaging your feet.
-And as wonderful as all of those things were, there's still something that's been missing from your home for the past few months. Maybe it's the fact that things have been moving at breakneck speed and life has just been so busy and hectic lately. Maybe it's that the both of you are more spent and tired out or just particularly horny—
-Because lemme tell ya, there have been several messes that have been left unattended until the next day because the sex drive has gone up astronomically.
-But whatever the case, Johnny hasn't been given an opportunity to really play any of his instruments lately and he really misses being able to just relax in the evenings with music.
-So it's at your request and needling that you ask him to play something on the piano because you just miss hearing him play. Plus...it's an easy turn on for you, so there are no complaints there.
-He's always happy to play any music for you and deciding that the night needs to continue in its peaceful and relaxing tone, he pulls out the sheet music for Clair de Lune
-Johnny is only a few measures in when you start to feel a light little flutter in your stomach; you chalk it up to pregnancy hiccups or something
-But then it happens again and again and you slowly realize that the baby is in fact kicking
-And so naturally, you're excitedly telling Johnny to hurry over and he's in a panic because surely something is wrong and you're going to be sick or you need something—
-But then you're placing his hands securely on your stomach and nothing happens.
"Oh come on, little one. I know you like your dad playing music but at least tell him hi!"
-And it's at that point that Baby Brady #1 decides to make an appearance by kicking
-Almost immediately, John Brady's face is being flooded with the most joyful of expressions and he's so emotional at the concept of the baby actually being there. And kicking for his music, no less.
-He drops to his knees and starts peppering kisses to the stomach and talking to your baby.
-This of course leads to the most glowing and gentle of all the sex you've ever had because there's no way that seeing him channel that much dad energy is NOT a turn on and there's no way that he's not entirely enamored with the way you're literally growing his child inside of you
-And the aftercare? He's even more gentle and caring and generous as he cleans everything up and runs you a warm bath.
-Pillow talk will now include Baby Brady, feat. select soft lullabies from your husband when you're in that halfway state of asleep and awake.
-You figure out pretty quickly that if you want Brady Baby #1 to be communicative and make its presence known, then the easy solution is for your husband to start playing his instruments; Baby Brady LOVES music.
-And this usually leads to more fun between you and your husband haha.
-Clair de Lune becomes the song that all of your children know from the time they are growing in utero and at least one of them will end up playing it at their wedding and during the pregnancy of one of their children
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“Slightly More Anonymous Than Usual Karate Kids Getting Wasted and Starting Fist Fights”
Robby Keene x Reader Part 4
Day 7 of the 13 Nights of Halloween Spooktacular!!!
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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(Gif not mine)
Requested? No
Summary: (Y/n) really doesn’t want to go to the stupid Halloween Masquerade Ball. But, maybe Moon was right. Maybe she’d finally find her soulmate under the cheap streamers and disco lighting… (a cinderella retelling)
soulmate au: You find your soulmate when you touch for the first time and the date and time you met becomes engraved as a tattoo on your wrist.
Warnings: starred out swear words, violence? that’s it? 🤔😂
Pairing: Robby Keene x Fem!Reader
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‘October 31st 11:58pm’
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Robby. Robby Keene. Miyagi-Do’s Robby Keene. Hawk’s practical sworn enemy Robby Keene.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
(Y/n) didn’t know what to do. She was sure she looked like an idiot, just standing there staring at him. But what was she supposed to do? It wasn’t like she, or anyone else for that matter, had tons upon tons of experience in this specific department.
Robby Keene…
Could this night get any worse?
“Why don’t you come over here and say that to my face, you little b*tch!”
The sharp pull, which was slowly becoming more familiar to the girl, was what brought (Y/n) out of her thoughts. She was confused again about its origins, but only for a moment before realization struck her like Hawk’s fist slamming into the side of Demetri’s face, which she could practically feel from where she stood.
Robby was gone.
And that was the pull. It was Robby. Robby, and the soulmate bond. Because Robby Keene was her soulmate. (Y/n)’s heart fluttered all on its own at the thought, and, against her better judgment, she allowed herself a moment to appreciate it. Robby was her soulmate. (Y/n) had found her soulmate. And he was… well, (Y/n) didn’t really know. But the universe did. And that was good enough for her. Her Cobra Kai friends, however, might take more convincing…
But, of course, she didn’t need to deal with that right now. No, right now, (Y/n)’s brain had apparently made the executive decision that she needed to, instead, make a break for it. Not that it wasn’t warranted. The whole evening had been an emotional roller coaster. So, fleeing the scene seemed like a fairly acceptable thing to do. And she hoped Robby would see it that way. He seemed pretty preoccupied presently anyways…
“Moon!” (Y/n) ran through the crowd, pushing past shocked partygoers who were watching the madness going down on the dance floor, and mentally cursed at herself. Why had she thought hitching a ride was a good idea instead of making her own way to this thing, knowing full well she wouldn’t have wished to stay as long as her friends did anyways, even if she hadn’t run into such a crisis as she now knew as “Robby Keene.” She honestly just hoped at this point that the other girl would be too preoccupied trying to stop her boyfriend from causing an all out karate brawl in formal attire to think too much about whether or not she should hand over the keys. Because (Y/n) really needed to get out of there…
“(Y/n)! Where’d you go!?! We were worried you got caught up in…” She trailed off, gesturing towards the mess that (Y/n) could vaguely see a familiar jacket in the middle of. Her heart jumped against her will when she caught sight of the boy she was universally destined to be with, and for a moment she contemplated staying to see if he would be alright, but then all the problems that come along with him returned to the forefront of her mind and (Y/n) was forcefully reminded how much she needed to be gone when he finally did come looking for her.
“Moon, I have to get out of here! You have to help me!” (Y/n) knew how frantic she sounded and almost felt sorry for the concern she was probably filling her friend with, but she just didn’t have time to sit around and explain. The fight was still raging, of course, but who knows how much longer it could go on for. And she needed to make her escape while they were all distracted…
“What are you talking about? We’ve gotta stop them!” Moon started dragging (Y/n) along with her, destination clear but, even if it hadn’t been, the return of the pulling sensation (of which (Y/n) had just now decided to describe simply as “Robby”) would have given it away. And that was the opposite of what she wanted…
“No! Moon, please! You have to get me out of here! It’s an emergency!”
Now, Moon didn’t initially look like she believed her, which caused (Y/n)’s heart to drop into her stomach. She hadn’t had time to think of the possible outcome if Robby did catch up with her. What do I say? What do I do? It was almost impossible to imagine the interaction not going horribly wrong in some way, and that only pushed (Y/n) further towards the flight side of her “fight or flight instinct.”
But, thankfully after a moment, which felt painfully more like an hour to the attempted runaway, Moon finally sighed and pulled a set of keys out of her purse.
“They’re to Hawk’s truck.” She explained, holding them out to (Y/n), but quickly pulled them back to finish her thought before the other girl could grab them. “But, you better bring it back to the dojo tomorrow, got it?” (Y/n) nodded eagerly, not caring that that meant making a pit stop at the Cobra infested place the next morning. She’d worry about that later…
“Thanks Moon, you’re a life saver! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
And off (Y/n) ran with the keys, away from the quickly escalating situation behind her, and, of course, the potential boy of her dreams…
+ + +
Robby threw another punch into the fray, but his heart just wasn’t in it. He didn’t even get her name… God, why didn’t I get her name?
The mark on his wrist felt like it was burning but Robby knew that was all just in his head. But, then again, his head was swimming with so many thoughts that he couldn’t quite pinpoint which one precisely to mentally yell at to quiet down in order to stop the phantom pains.
Someone sending a sharp kick to his side brought Robby back to the situation at hand and he glared at the Cobra who he didn’t even recognize. He figured he must be one of Hawk’s though because he knew everyone in Miyagi-Do. Robby sent a kick back, using more force than necessary, though he wasn’t about to admit the reason behind it, figuring it would be childish to say he was mad that this whole endeavor had interrupted his conversation with the girl. His soulmate…
This was so stupid. He shouldn’t be here dealing with this sh*t. He should be with her, getting to know her, falling in love, all that mushy stuff. But no. Robby was more worried about this dumb karate war. What was wrong with him?
“Robby!? Where are you going!?”
But he ignored whoever it was, not even caring enough to look back as he shoved random Cobras out of his way, charging back towards where he’d last seen her. Because he needed to see her… His soulmate…
But the table was empty, and the girl? Nowhere to be found…
Robby’s heart clenched. Where did she go? He looked around frantically, the longer he came up empty handed the more worried he became, as his thoughts ran wild with what he was going to do now. He’d never met her without a mask on. He didn’t know her name, or literally anything about her. How was he going to find her?
And then, Robby caught sight of an all too familiar green dress, and almost sighed in relief. That is, until he realized it was running, so fast you’d think she was being chased, and so far in the opposite direction…
“No! Wait!”
In any other circumstance, Robby definitely would have caught her. While she was running incredibly fast for someone in a floor length poofy dress and heels, Robby’s own dress clothes were much more equipped for the exercise. But the crowd was so big and everyone was pushing him back towards the mess he was trying to get away from, and she just kept getting further and further away.
“Stop! Please!”
But by the time Robby had finally made it through, she was gone again, though this time leaving something behind…
He kneeled down with a frown, picking up the little keychain that seemed to have fallen away from the others in her haste to leave, hope growing in his chest at the thought that maybe this could be a clue to help him find her. But then his blood ran cold as Robby read the words printed across the leather…
Ah, sh*t…
Tag lists are open!!!
Tags: @electriclcvewp @kaqua @lolawassad @imaslutforsstuff @nani-2305 @hawkinsavclub1983
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galaxycunt · 11 months
I Can’t Keep Crying pt 5
Almost done! One more part!! Thanks for joining me on my writing activity I did this week to break up my workload during the day lmao
pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4
You didn’t go to sleep right away, Buggy talked your ear off about everything and anything. You felt it getting late, closing your eyes to let him know to shut up. You missed sleeping next to him, in his sleep he searched for you, pulling you close. Even when you both rolled over, his hand made its way to yours.
You woke up early to use the toilet, the sea breaking up the sunrise in waves. You can’t help your sticky fingers, thinking of that box on his desk.
You knew what it was, it was the same box you saw months ago. A pretty ring, diamond shining brightly in the middle. It couldn’t have been for you, he definitely stole it. You reasoned that he kept it until the right appraiser came along. It made you panic anyway.
You looked over to the snoring bump under the sheets, he had plenty of time to hock that thing. The anxiety shook you, slipping back between his arms to forget it.
The urge to flee nearly overtook you, reminding you of the full force of terror at the thought of being vulnerable last time. It was stupid, even now. You got the guy, yet again.
Snuggling up with Buggy, you fell asleep until it was midday. He was still beside you, and you kissed him awake.
”You’re still here.”
”Where else would I be?”
He pinched your cheek with a smile, “you’re staying here all day then.”
”No captainly duties today?”
He shook his head, completely relaxed. You liked seeing him like this, away from all the showmanship.
“Well I have sooo much to do today,” you said sliding out the bed.
You were only teasing him, and his hands floated to your shoulders to hold you down. You struggled playfully, deciding to play dirty and poked his sides.
”Hey! Don’t do that!”
”Or what?”
Poke, poke, poke. His hands roamed your body, two could play at that game. With chests heaving, you laid side by side, unsure if you had ever seen him that playful before.
“Would you want to be a part of the show?”
You shook your head, “I’m okay.”
He clicked his tongue, “shame. I’d love to see you in a skimpy outfit.”
”And share the view with everyone?”
“Get to show off the woman on my arm, why the hell not?”
This was a surprise to take in, a welcome change to the man that worked you to the bone. Would this happy mood last? You weren’t sure, his wrath never extended to you in the first place.
Quite the opposite, when you joined up nearly two years ago, he always flirted with you. Always coming to you to fix his costume, or a jacket, or even a bandana of all things. Anything to keep talking to you.
A confession danced on your lips, “you should probably get up. I’ll catch up.”
You swallowed your thoughts with a kiss, Buggy’s eyes never leaving your face. You gently push him off, getting dressed yourself.
”I’ll be right back, baby. Don’t go nowhere, no need to put clothes on.”
You shimmied out of your shorts with a smile, “whatever you say bossman.”
You waited a good ten minutes before you get up, making a beeline for that box. Holding your breath, you made your discovery. The ring was still here.
You didn’t love Buggy, or did you? Did he? Was it a drunken mistake you helped him wiggle out of? You think about his confession, the love gone unrequited a long time ago. His desk drawer, a hidden shrine to his heartbreaks. Those letters must of been from that boy he mentioned.
You felt like shit, laying in bed until he came back. A forced smile on your face, if he was going to ask, if that was even the intention, would you say yes?
You aren’t so sure, the doubt in your mind nagging you.
You aren’t made for love, only to bed pirates and other criminals. Buggy was a cruel man, even if you were too. Even if you weren’t cruel to each other.
If he noticed anything was wrong, he didn’t bring it up. The ship was headed to another village for a pit stop, and Buggy promised to take you out for a date. A do over of sorts, to make up for the last stop. You no longer had things in his cabin, leaving to your room to change clothes.
You run into your friend, pulling her inside.
”The ring is still there.”
”Buggy’s ring.”
Her eyes go wide, “oh shit, yeah I remember now. You gonna suck a waiter’s dick again?”
Shame burned your cheeks, “not funny.”
”Sorry, but that was kinda your own fault.”
”I know.”
“He didn’t even bring that sucker out.”
”I know.”
She smirked, “so why so glum, chum?”
“Am I being crazy?”
She nods with a laugh. You can’t help but laugh either, things are a little too good right now. You’ll take what you can get. You return to Buggy with all smiles, ready to set your feet on land.
The swimming thoughts from earlier stuffed themselves in the back of your brain, focusing on the man in front of you as you dine and drink.
Buggy leaned against you in his chair, feet on the table. He had his hair down, and you lazily braid it.
“You should grow it out more, that way I can braid it into a crown.”
He giggled, “do I look like a milkmaid?”
”A very cute one,” you pecked his cheek.
You get up to order more drinks, the bartender barely acknowledging you as you motioned toward your table. The man talking to his friends next to you makes a joke you overhear, and you laughed. He briefly looked over his shoulder, raising his glass to you before returning to his circle.
One of these things set Buggy off, a sour look on his face as your approach him. You gave another peck on his cheek, setting two mugs down.
”You don’t need to owe me anything, just because I’m the captain.”
It’s not anger written on his face, “I should’ve let you run off with that guy. That waiter.”
You closed your eyes, “Buggy I don’t want to fight.”
”I’m not fighting, I mean it.”
You give his hand a squeeze, Buggy focusing on the pillar behind you. He gave a small shrug, causing you to frown.
“What happened to clean slate?”
”Oh yeah, that.”
You decided to come clean, “I saw that ring. I shouldn’t have but I did.”
He laughs bitterly, “oh yeah, that thing. A real nice joke, that one.”
You twist your mouth, “I’m not saying no.”
”There’s nothing to say no to.”
”I freaked out. I dunno. Self sabotage, I guess.”
He only nods.
”Nothing wrong with thinking of a future. 10 kids, our own island.”
He laughed at that one, “10?”
You nod, “all named Marvin. Easier that way.”
He still won’t look at you, making you nervous. You drink silently, stealing glances at him. His eyes stay glued to the mug in front of him now.
How do you always find a way to fuck things up?
”Would it make you feel better if I played my accordion naked next time?”
”It would.”
You smiled, “really?”
He finally looked at you, “it’s the most erotic instrument, that’s why they call it a squeeze box.”
You both cackled like madmen, Buggy kissing your hand trying to calm himself down. You don’t think anyone finds Buggy more hilarious than himself. He got up to order drinks, coming back with rum and two shot glasses.
”If you really wanna make it up to me babe, I can think of a trip down memory lane.”
You scrunched your nose, “I’m not fucking you here.”
He shrugged, can’t win them all. He resumed his previous position against your chest, looking up at you with a smile. You can’t help but kiss him a few times.
”Do you mean it?”
”Maybe not 10 kids,” you joked.
”I’m in love with you,” he confessed.
You kissed him, your heart fluttering.
”I love you too.”
You actually mean it this time.
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