#i was absolutely shattered when he died because his music is my Lifeblood
scattered-winter · 2 years
hey brother by avicii
hey brother / there's an endless road to rediscover / hey sister / do you still believe in love? I wonder / oh, if the sky comes falling down / for you / there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
I'll give you a song!
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krystalreverb · 5 years
Something Human (Fic Preview #1)
Oh my god a fic from me that isn't xanlow I know it's the end times it's still fire emblem tho, don't get that confused so I have a weakness for master servant stuff so this is what you get I immediately had a weakness for Hubert/Edelgard I forced hubert to learn some healing magic so I could have more healers, haha I also like to make jokes so I paired them up and Hubert is just like of course I love you, was that not clear? ok I have no excuses for the ending but here we go gender neutral and pan byleth, I use the female Byleth in my runs because it makes recruiting Sylvain so much easier and he's a great unit and also i'm a huge slut for fishnet tights but this Byleth can be either one you want they use they/them pronouns and I don't describe their appearance at all so it can be either Byleth you want this takes place during the war when the black eagle strike force is still using garreg mach as a base I guess? It's vaguely sometime after they take out deirdru but before they march on fhirdiad i'm pretending byleth didn't recruit any other students into the BESF because my brain only has room for so many characters and I don't want to remember any extras nor did I want to explain why they're there Have a little body worship for your troubles this is self indulgent and shitty don't hate me this is just what I do for fun edelgard is 100% loud af in bed, don't try to tell me she's not a screamer ok so in my headcanon how this works is Byleth splits their class/training session time into two or three chunks to give the BESF a generous lunch break and give them a chance to study and train on their own for a couple hours before moving onto a different topic or training focus this is mostly focused on Hubert, there are some good Edelgard moments but this is mostly a Hubert-centric story bi king linhardt is my lifeblood, he's so jealous and catty there are multiple music and pop culture references dating back into the 90's, there are quite a few, see if you can spot them I was born in '92 I'm allowed to call myself a 90's kid dadgummit you kids these days I s2fg the first person to give me a complete list of memes and references that I put in this fic gets a hubelgard drawing by me I am not an artist but I'll do it anyway just don't expect anything good so basically Hubert is Gomez Addams and Edelgard is his Morticia, okay he worships the ground she walks on and lavishes her with affection and love and just thinks everything she says and does is beautiful and magical and she enjoys every second of it I headcanon that edelgard is an absolute unit she's just smol and Hubert kind of has the build of a guy who sits inside all day reading spellbooks
Something Human
The hallways of the monastery were dark, the night outside peering in through the windows and casting slim moonlight beams on the floor and walls. Within those moonbeams was a shadowy figure, slithering through the shadows like a phantom in an ancient opera house, a glass of water in one hand. The figure stopped, hearing something strange.
“N-no... S-stay away! Stay away!” It was Edelgard. She was in distress. The water glass shattered loudly on the floor, and the water spilled across the stone. The figure bolted across the hallway and around the corner. Protect her with your life.
“No! No, stop! Get away from me!”
The figure stopped in front of a locked door and very quickly assessed the situation. No sign of forced entry. That was good. But Edelgard was still crying out, and the bed was rocking, banging against the wall alarmingly. The figure picked up a lamp off the windowsill and lit it, lighting up his face as he knocked on the door. It was Hubert, who had gotten up thirsty in the middle of the night and left his quarters to fetch himself a glass of water from the kitchens to take back to his room with him. He was a human, as were they all, and he occasionally got thirsty in the middle of the night. This simply happened to be one of those nights.  
“Your Majesty? What's going on in there?” Hubert asked. He got no response other than Edelgard crying out again and the bed crashing against the wall violently.
Hubert spared no time. He quickly used a bit of magic to trip the lock and opened the door. Immediately he saw that there was no one there, other than a very sweaty Edelgard in her bed, eyes screwed shut, crying out in fitful sleep.”Stay away! Stay away! Leave me alone!” Edelgard cried out in her sleep, clutching her head with her hands and thrashing in her sheets. Her hair whipped about her head, creating a shimmering white halo around her head. The bed crashed loudly into the wall, and the vibration knocked her crown clean off the bedside table. Hubert let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
A nightmare. Of course. Hubert knew his lady suffered from nightmares; who wouldn't, after the life she'd led, the horrors she'd suffered? Hubert often found his dreams equally grim and frightening, on nights such as these. On clear nights, with no immediate threat present, sometimes, just sometimes, his mind turned in on itself too. It was a side effect of the rigors of war.
Hubert quickly put the lamp on her bedside table, picked her crown up off the floor, placed it back on the table next to the lamp, and shook his lady gently with one hand. “Your Majesty.” It was simple, but direct, quiet, yet audible enough to carry within the dorm room.
Edelgard's eyes shot open and she sat up straight, woken up suddenly. Her hair was a disaster and there were red rings around her eyes. The string-like strap of her thin nightgown fell pathetically off of her shoulder to hook around her arm, the neckline slipping down until her right breast threatened to fall out of the material entirely. Hubert pretended not to notice. “Ahhhh!” She shrieked, her eyes fixing on him and taking a couple of seconds to fully focus.
Hubert was almost knocked backwards by her force. “My lady, it's only me!” He exclaimed in a direct whisper.
“Hubert??” Edelgard asked, wild-eyed and terrified, clutching her blankets to her chest. “What are you doing in my chambers this late at night???”
“I heard you from the hallway, Your Majesty. You were crying out in your sleep. Is it that nightmare again?” Hubert asked, gently placing his hand on hers to placate her anxiety for now.
“Oh, Hubert... I don't want to talk about it.” Edelgard said stubbornly, casting her eyes away. Her cheeks turned a rather cute shade of embarrassed pink.
“The professor said talking about it would help.” Hubert supplied. Edelgard huffed.
“I know. But I...”
“But I won't force your hand.” Hubert relented. “At least allow me to stay by your side, my lady, for my own peace of mind. I thought you were being attacked, Your Majesty. It gave me quite the fright.”
“Oh, Hubert, don't be overdramatic. Yes, you can stay.” Edelgard shuffled over in bed and allowed Hubert to climb up next to her. Hubert immediately found himself the subject of a tight embrace, the Emperor's head resting on his chest and her arms looped around his shoulders.
“Hubert.... I will create peace, for all of Fódlan.”
“I know, Your Majesty. I know. And I will be by your side every step of the way, my lady.”
“No.... No titles tonight, Hubert. Please....”
“As you wish, Edelgard.” Hubert stroked Edelgard's hair softly, running his fingers through her white locks. This was familiar to them; comforting. Hubert often would let the crying little girl that was a pained and tortured young Edelgard sleep in his arms after a particularly terrible day. It always allowed her a restful sleep, to know he was always there to watch over her. Edelgard's father never knew, and neither did Hubert's. It wasn't entirely proper of them, but then again they had never quite been a proper pair. Closer than siblings, they knew each other more intimately than lovers, and touch came naturally between them as a sign of their devotion to one another. A hug, a touch on the shoulder, their pinkies intertwining as they walked their bloody path together. There was a world of words between them never spoken, but implicitly understood. What was proper and what was crossing the line. What they could and couldn't say. What they wouldn't say, not yet anyway.
“Yes, Edelgard?”
“Do you think I'm... a good Emperor?” She asked, in a small voice. An uncertain voice. A voice wracked with insecurity, disbelief, and thinly-veiled suffering in isolation.
“Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg, ruler of the entire Adrestian Empire... yours is a reign I am proud to swear my fealty to.” Hubert answered immediately, without hesitation or second thought. “And you know me, Edelgard. I am an excellent judge of character.”
Edelgard giggled. A joke. Hubert did have a sense of humor, as much as he didn't like to show it. Her face fell somewhat, and her giggle died down. She snuggled her head deeper into Hubert's chest, holding onto him like a lifeline. Hubert allowed this.“Hubert, will you sing to me? That song you used to sing for me when I was small...” She murmured, and Hubert's expression softened. A particularly terrible event was haunting her tonight. Perhaps the night when.... no. Hubert refused to think about it. Edelgard had been through enough.
Hubert began to sing an ancient lullaby softly. It was in the ancient language of magic, one that Edelgard did not understand but found beautiful. Hubert was not particularly talented at singing, but as he was of a noble house, he was studied somewhat in the art, being capable of at least holding a tune. He was clearly not destined for a musical career but he wasn't awful. His voice carried well, anyway, and he could pass for a gravelly, underused, sinister sort of low tenor. As he sang, he gently ran his fingernails across Edelgard's scalp, scratching her head softly and sweetly, and she damn near melted in his arms. Soon she was sleeping soundly again, and Hubert very quickly came to realize that he really didn't have the ice-cold heart it would take to move her from the cozy spot she seemed to have claimed on his chest. So there they lay, curled up around one another, a tangled mess of limbs until the sun rose again.
When they roused from slumber, Hubert got up early, woke Edelgard, and then fell into his regular routine of helping Edelgard get dressed for the day. Her armor did have too many buckles, and that blasted dress, with all its buttons and epaulets. He carefully brushed out her hair, and pinned it elegantly to her head, placing her crown atop it, all in silence. That silence passed between them like a ghost through the room. She stood. And she turned.
“Thank you, Hubert.” She said softly. “For staying with me.”
“My lady, I would never leave your bed, if that is what you asked of me. I am ever your faithful servant, Your Majesty.” Hubert replied. Edelgard had to laugh a little.
“I know, Hubert. Perhaps after the professor's lecture, you'd like to share a meal with me? I'd love to hear more about that book Dorothea is making you read.”
Hubert rolled his eyes. “That drivel can barely be called a 'book', my lady. It's hardly anything more than blatant erotica mixed with stale and tiresome literary tropes. It's garbage.”
“Still, she seemed insistent. Does she quiz you?” Edelgard teased.
“Unfortunately, and at random times, so I'm forced to continue reading it until I can make her stop. She starts crying when I get a question wrong.” Hubert complained.
Edelgard laughed. “Then at least tell me about it. Share a meal with me. And tell me all about it.”
Hubert relented. “Of course, my lady.” He bowed politely, and offered his arm to escort his lady to Byleth's class.
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redscullyrevival · 7 years
I finally saw The Last Jedi and I liked it - what I wasn’t entirely anticipating is that I also really enjoyed it! I will now commence bullet point blabbering about the film below the cut and it shall not be spoiler free. 
I now understand all the raging nerd-hate this movie has been getting - this film aimed to straight up burn this motherfucker down, huh? 
Loved it. 
Personally I was very… underwhelmed with The Force Awakens. It was a fun romp and I loved the new characters and the nostalgic twinge of the familiar but oh boy the entire thing felt far too beholden to the pedestal of A STAR WARS FILM! in slow steady blinking lights. 
The Force Awakens has that octane Abrams pacing but it is also just so damn stiff. So ridged. And obviously deeply afraid to wander off the path. 
I understand that the first re-introduction to such a beloved franchise playing it (excruciatingly) safe made sense; but I was still upset with the final product, with the final choice to deliberately aim to be nothing more than what I’ve seen and felt before.
The Last Jedi on the other hand turns out to be a long, cozy, chat about how A STAR WARS FILM! should be struck down so something new can grow. 
The visceral attack this film must feel like to a particular kind of Star Wars fan is no doubt very intense and in all honestly I do have some pity for folks who found this new film to be dismissing the legacy they feel connected to in deeply personal ways. 
*clappy hands*
But oh, I loved it so much!
Every twist and turn, every aspect of this film pushes the anticipated rhythm of A STAR WARS FILM! away; all the momentum the film gains is for the final purpose of rejecting everything easy and expected, for pushing past, well, the past. 
Hot damn, the nerds are kind of justified for once.
The Last Jedi came for them! It went so hard! The more someone had dug themselves into the belief that STAR WARS was a solid thing they knew and understood on a fundamental core level then the deeper the cut would go as the film raged on. 
The anger, the hate from certain fandom circles makes total sense. 
Because this film done changed the Star Wars. 
And it was about fuckin’ time. 
So prepared was I to sit through The Empire Strikes Back: The Remix that the intense gut fans-hate-it reaction the film got opening friggin’ day got me all kinds of delighted, how I saw it such a reaction signaled that this new film would be something actually new. 
And the fresh air of The Last Jedi comes from some pretty drastic subversion of A STAR WARS FILM! It is down right beautiful.
Ultimately, if the choice to change Star Wars was just to grim dark and edge it up then it’d be pretty terrible I agree, but The Last Jedi managed to alter and course correct massive change without breaking the frame of the how and the why and to whom these STAR WARS stories are told. 
I mean, in my opinion anyway. 
I felt the film put a lot of care and love into explaining to the audience what was right and natural about change, explaining that strength could be found in letting go of our nostalgia and expectations and opening up to new experiences in old sandboxes. I felt The Last Jedi was an oddly gentle film that knew it was going to frighten some while igniting others and did it’s best to show it’s good will towards signaling hope and legend and legacy into a shared experience. 
*shrug shrug shrug* YA FEELIN’ ME?!
I know I already have a spoiler warning above the cut but now I am going to really get up in this film and push my eyeball up against it’s eyeball and hey if you wanna see all particulars feel free, but this is now specific spoiler territory, thanks and happy holidays:
I was so enthralled with Finn and Rose’s quest and I was ecstatic when it didn’t work out.
The two went on a space goose chase for a daring rescue mission and got into ruffian escapades and thought on the fly and were brave and funny and were livin’ that STAR WARS life - and they failed spectacularly.
Their mission, their rip’roarin’ escapade, was in fact a brash and ill thought out plan that almost got absolutely everyone killed. 
Precious, lovely, daring, and confident Poe Dameron was a horrible leader. 
His belief in a desperate gamble; his total confidence that he was in the right and the stuffy Vice Admiral didn’t know when to take a risk; the audience knowing his qualities as sure fire STAR WARS leadership was all for nothing and people died for it. 
I said HOT DAMN!
This film made General Organa and Vice Admiral Holdo, two older women who don’t run around with blasters in hand but who have no less twinkle in their eyes the true leaders of the resistance. The true bearers of the spark of rebellion. It was their matured tried and true mentorship that ended up saving them all - not the cocky charisma of a younger good looking man.
Also Leia is confirmed Force Sensitive™ bringing to an end decades long old guard fans bickering and moaning over if she has pretend magical powers or not and why if she did that’d be “not right”. 
(Seeing Carrie Fisher bathed in moonlight was emotional)
And then, oh man, Rey’s parents? Wonderful, soulful, bright and strong Rey? Because she is in a STAR WARS film and can use the force everyone including people who’ve never seen The Force Awakens assumed her parents were a part of the legacy, a part of the grand scheme.
In fact, to really drive it home just so fans can’t possibly be confused, Kylo Ren tells her “You’re nobody. You don’t belong in this story.”
He said that with his mouth words!
But there she is all the same, good old Rey. And she’ll remain. Without being so and so from extended universe’s kid or a character only in some comic book or Luke’s secret child or whatever. 
Rey is just a character made to be there and to use the force because, hey, it’s a STAR WARS MOVIE! We needed someone to be the Luke this time around so why not Rey? 
PS we shattered Luke’s lightsaber and made Rey indebted to jack squat of this franchise. She searched for her purpose and her parents and only found the strength of herself and her own choices. Peace out!
That tickled me senseless, having the cultural institution of STAR WARS being full on assaulted for two and a half hours.
That tickled my pickle. 
The Last Jedi is hyper self aware media, but it was still fun. It was still a good time but it laid down hard and fast with changing the lifeblood of STAR WARS that even I, who is nowhere near as big a fan as someone you could probably hit with a stone’s throw, admit to feeling some uncomfortable chafing at times while watching.
STAR WARS is a legit cultural institution by the way, I didn’t just say that for the fun of it - that’s absolutely 100% true. 
Star Wars as a media, as a franchise, has an ebb and flow of patterns, style, symbols, and motifs that dictate a tonal cohesiveness which designates something as recognizable as STAR WARS.  
What I’m doing when I all caps “Star Wars” is I’m trying to defer attention to the known concepts and ideas of Star Wars media as a whole cultural institution and experience rather than just invoking a cluster of films, only I’m trying to do all that just through the written word.
Star Wars is a film and STAR WARS is all that which defines the franchise as well as our shared cultural understanding of said franchise, ya fell me? That’s how I approach talking about this kinda stuff online anyways. I feel most will understand what I’m doing with the capitalization and all that but hey, now ya know ‘fo sure. 
Shit y’all! Luke Skywalker is a funky sore spot huh? Loved that too. 
Lets get to that Kylo Ren:
Kylo Ren’s entire set up is that he ain’t Vader and fuck, ain’t that the truth. But in a good way. Duh Kylo Ren is not Vader, he is a different character. And, now, he isn’t even remotely similar to Vader as a STAR WARS character. 
Everything about Kylo Ren is opposed to Darth Vader; while he gain’s definition with this new film Kylo Ren didn’t even remotely start out as a mysterious villain like Vader originally did. 
We all knew, in that STAR WARS fashion, that Kylo Ren had to be tied to the legacy. We all knew that he had to be tied to the lifeblood of the franchise. And Ben Solo absolutely is. 
We knew this before Han ever revealed it through dialogue and that’s why it wasn’t a big reveal in The Force Awakens. Of course Ben Solo turned to the dark side and is Kylo Ren. Of course. Of course he has some weird Vader obsession, the character needed to emulate Vader so as to take up his mantel in the narrative and in the franchise. We needed a baddie in a helmet, stat!
But oh, look what has happened though, oh man:
Luke Skywalker in a moment of fear almost murdered his own nephew  -because he is in STAR WARS. 
We all know if there are Jedi then there is a light and a dark side of the force; we all know that if you are a master of and a teacher in the ways of the force you open yourself and your students up to a choice; and we all know that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. 
Kylo Ren being a direct response to Luke friggin’ Skywalker is as far from Vader as you can get but fits just so right within the cleansing fire that is The Last Jedi. 
The hero of the first saga ignited the villain of the next. 
That ain’t very STAR WARS and something tells me that is the biggest kick to the crotch for a lot of folks. 
I, of course, dug the hell outta that choice.
Kylo Ren is actually interesting now. Mischief managed.
The very not subtle social commentary the film was dishing out was a pretty pie to boot. Bit on the nose but hey, ain’t that STAR WARS at least? Didn’t even have to dig this time around, gems sitting right on the surface.  
… Damn, I’m tired. I still have plenty to talk about though. Hmm, well, lets close this out on a different note (and that’s a pun):
The music of STAR WARS is bonkers recognizable. Like, I keep saying Star Wars is a cultural institution that uses motifs and symbols as devices for defining itself, right? Yeah, the use of music in this film is a pitch perfect example of that. 
The Last Jedi seamlessly flows from theme to theme, with specific well known scores highlighting emotional call backs and in-story referenced characters - the use of music is the most traditionalist aspect of this new film (they even shook up the editing this time around - shock and awe). 
Smart though, if they fucked with how STAR WARS did music then even an impassive twerp like me would be pretty upset. 
For my money, the musical score is still the best thing about a good old Star War.  
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