#i was caught off guard like omg hearing christmas tree for the first time at age like 11 changed the trajectory of my life forever
tonight i went to a drag show where a queen i recently became friends with was performing and she asked me to take full videos of her performances so i did…and in one of them she did a christmas number and one of the songs in the mix was lady gaga christmas tree and in the video when the beat of the song starts you hear me go “oh come ONNN” and then do a weird little squeal and it’s making me laugh so much
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
Omg that’s so crazy it’s me again. 👁️👄👁️
It’s Christmas time y’all and I have 3 cats. Yknow what happens when you have cats in the house while having a Christmas tree? CHAOS :D
How would the turtles react to they’re s/o cat climbing in and messing with the Christmas tree they’re putting up.
TMNT reaction to s/o's cat messing with the Christmas tree
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting!! I have six cats so I understand the Christmas tree struggle 😅
Also c/n= Cat's name.
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He's low-key disgusted with your cat's behavior
Why can't they leave the tree alone 😮‍💨
He's gonna just look at your cat every time the ornaments get knocked off
And then he's gonna yell for you
"Y/n! C/n knocked off the damn ornaments again!"
He refused to pick them up after the third time and he kept by that statement
If you weren't gonna pick them up then ig the cat could have them
They belonged to c/n now.
If you did want his help to find a solution
He's gonna have only the top half of the tree decorated
So your cat can't knock them off
And no he's not gonna fix it you and the cat can deal with it.
He just can't with the cat tbh he's never been more stressed
But you still catch him telling your cat he loves them despite their intolerance to listen.
He honestly probably puts a gate around the tree in hopes the cat will leave the tree alone.
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The face he makes up there 👆
Same face he makes every time your cat knocks off an ornament
He just doesn't want to keep redoing the tree
But he loves you and your cat so he deals with it
But he definitely more than once has been caught
Lecturing your poor cat after they've knocked off ornaments
"Now I'm gonna need you to stay away from the tree you understand me c/n?"
Every time he hears or sees your cat get close to the tree he shouts at them.
"C/n!! I said to stay away from the tree! We talked about this already.."
That's his only method to the whole situation and honestly it's gonna get pretty comical for you
He's gonna treat the cat like a three year old child and yes he did put the cat in timeout.
Don't judge him he/she needs to learn to follow the rules.
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Low-key it pissed him off
He couldn't even explain why it just did.
He had no problem putting the ornaments back on it was when he walked in to your cat being in the tree that broke his resolve
"Y/n!!! Your cat is IN the tree!!
He would literally get so pressed from that point forward
Would carry around a spray bottle and spray the poor cat anytime they even looked at the tree
Your gonna have to revoke his spray bottle privileges tbh
Eventually though he would make your cat it's own small tree with ornaments to fuck with
In hopes it would keep them off of your tree
If that didn't work he would just yell at your cat
"C/n! What else do you want from me?!?"
Your gonna have to give Donnie a big hug and tell him to let it go
He's gonna spend forever trying to find a way to distract your cat from the tree though
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Pure disappointment
It was funny the first time but by the tenth time boy was stressed
He didn't want to keep putting all the ornaments back on the tree 😭
He tried to find a toy for your cat to play with but eventually realized
Your cat wanted the tree
So he probably ended up just letting it happen
And he would begrudgingly pick up and put the ornaments back
All while staring at your cat in disapproval.
He would probably give your cat an ornament in hopes it would keep them off the rest
If that didn't work he would just sit in front of the tree to guard it
If you asked him what he was doing he would just shrug
"I'm protecting our tree from our monster child angel cakes."
You would probably have to tell him to let it be the tree wasn't gonna stay perfect the whole time
And he would get a lil upset about it but he would let it go
Once that happened though he wouldn't pick up the ornaments he would just concede and let your cat keep them.
Maybe he would even keep a tally board of how many ornaments were ripped off the tree by c/n..
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robbie-lee-zombie · 5 years
Random thing, will be edited and added on when Robbie finds more of the random stuff Robbie has sent to @thetickleeraven
Adding a ‘Keep Reading’ because this will get VERY Long. Might copy/edit/paste this post with every add on so it won’t glitch out too much, and if you’d already seen the first few paragraphs of an idea, just scroll until you see one of the numbers (like #2) that you haven’t seen before! 
Hope that helps, anyways enjoy the rambling of HCs and Ideas
Edit/Add-On #1 
Taking place in Raven’s recent couple of fics with Prince Roman and the magical Logan (since we can’t spell mid-evil) that AU. HC: Pat is either 1. The king of the place, and Roman’s dad figure still. OR 2. (HC I use more) Patton is the news-reporter-writer-helper-etc guy. He orders the seeds for farms, sets up meetings for Roman and other lands, making sure things work and stay kinda organized. You’d never think of someone so dad-like to have that kind of job, you know? Good HC tbh-
Imagine Patton’s first couple of lessons were a tour and knowing the potions and ingredients around the place. He writes everything down, admitting to Logan that he’d have a bad memory if he didn’t write it down. He was trying, though, and Logan respects that to the fullest. When Logan flips through the beginners spells, the one Roman had used caught Patton, of all people’s, eye. He smiles. “Mirth brought to light? Aw, that sounds adorable! Making people happy is the best spell I’d say! But you don’t need magic for that!” He glances up at Logan. “What do you mean, Pat?” “I have you to make me happy, you dork!” Commence Logan to be slightly flustered as he continues to flip through and explain the spells. Including the Mirth of Light one. “So it just makes people more aware of how ticklish they are? Gosh, that sounds amazing!” “How so?” “Well, it doesn’t hurt anybody, and it could probably be used on thieves or villains instead of slaughtering them, you know? Have them cough up where the money is!” “That’s… rather childish, but pacifistic, I must say.” “Good thing I’m no criminal! I’m insanely ticklish.” Okay, wow, no one probably met someone so blunt and honest with statements like those. “Really? You say that to everyone you meet?” “Hush! It’s not that bad!” “Not that bad? You mean you enjoy the sensation?” “You mean tickling??” “Yes. That.” “Of course!” Logan paused, giving him a puzzled look. “Why wouldn’t I? What’s not to like?” Patton’s eyes lit up. Not like the time he first saw the room of potions, or when Logan drones on, but still lit up with joy. Huh. Never thought this would happen, Logan thought.
~Continuation type deal of the first paragraph of ideas~
Patton is the town/castle news/reporter type deal at first, running around making sure everyone has everything they need (surprising Virge didn’t have that job-) and that’s when Logan saw that sparkle of look in Patton’s eyes when things got done. Patton never showed his whole adoration and appreciation of work and order much, since he felt geeky. Logan took a step up to Pat as the dad took the pencil out from behind his ear to write a few things down in his note-pad, scribbling random messy ideas. “You. Come with me.” Logan orders him to follow. Once they make it to Logan’s specific tower, You can just… tell. Patton looked at every potion with detail, even drawing a few mini sketches of each one to take notes like ‘purple round potion bottle:’ and 'blue triangle bottle’ and etc. Patton’s eyes just… light up! You’d never expect someone so loving and innocent outside the castle to be into such geeky and dorky stuuuuff, clearly Logan thought it wasn’t geeky… much. “You. You’re going to be my assistant from here on out. I will teach you everything I know, and even after that we will continue to work together. What’s your name, sir?” “Sir?? I’m not that old, not even much older than you, but a lot of people think I’m Roman’s father, how funny is that??” Patton giggles, holding out his hand. “I’m Patton, the castle reporter and document-er!” “Big job, huh?” “Eh, I mostly just take care of the village complaints and problems, order stuff like seeds for the farms, plan the meetings, boring stuff-” “It’s not boring, it’s very intriguing. Tell me more.” Patton’s eyes lit up again. No one’s ever wanted to hear him talk this much before.
Edit/Add-On #2
“It Came From The Trees” Gives me so many little t-fic ideas like, Virgil would hang upside down from a branch right when Princey is heading back to the treehouse since “I caught a fish by myself omg Virgil will be so happy-” Virgil’s face is right in front of him popping down. “SUPER-CALA-FRAGI-FUCKER–” And Virgil’s just laughing.
Imagine the life style of him and Roman over the time in the woods!!!!!
“I found these little red berries they look like cherries they can’t be that bad-” ate two Virge is carving a stick with his blade he’s had for years, not looking up. “They’re poisonous, Ro” Roman freaks out and almost faints, tossing them all away and sitting on the ground like “that’s a relief-” “…Dude I was kidding they’re just little red berries, I’ve ate them for years-” “I will destroy you-”
Raven’s fics of Roman being that one Prince and Virgil being his guard, what if WHAT IF HOLY CRAP- What if It Came From The Trees is set like, waaay before Virgil was his guard??? And when Roman came back to the Palace, maybe even 2 years later (He’s wearing whole other clothes Virgil’s taught him how to sew) and Pat (king or intern or whatever he wants to be) Is just like “HOLY CRAP MAN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WE THOUGHT YOU DIED-” Logan, ironically, is also freaking out. He’s doing that classic thing in cartoons where they’re at his arms, legs, checking him for bites or scratches and etc, like a mother (ha-) and he’s like “Guys, really- it’s cool-” But Virgil’s still at the Tree House, since Virge thought they’d think 'hOLY CRAP ROMAN WHO’S THAT WE GOTTA KILL HIM-’ so Roman said “I’m just going to go tell them I’m alive, K? I’ll be back. Promise.” A day-ish later, he comes back to Virgil who got jump-scared when he did, not expecting the PRINCE to be so good at sneaking around in the dark, so it was startling. He’s rambling about how he’s told his closest friends about Virgil and that he’s allowed to apply for a position in the village, whichever position he wants! Virge thinks about it for maybe a week and is like 'dude, what if you were my guard? You kind of saved my ass seven times when we first met!’ “It’s not my fault you’re so fancy-” “Excuse me-” “You had NO IDEA what you were doing-” “I’ll have you know–” “You thought the leaves growled in the wind~” “…Okay, yeah, whatever-” Anyways, Virgil works up the courage to jump through the trees, Roman still not the best at it, but able to keep up with Virgil to do so, and they jump to the walls of Roman’s land. “You sure I’m… allowed in? They won’t attack me?” “Of course!” Getting through the gate, of course, Logan and Pat are both there waiting for Roman, and Logan (like with Roman) examines and pokes and prods at Virgil with questions and his eraser/pencil, Virgil’s slightly pink like “YOU SAID THEY WOULDN’T ATTACK ME!” “He’s not! ..Specs, please get out of his mouth, he has one row of teeth-” Since that nickname, before Virge knew their real names, he called them nicknames for months never asking them 'what’s your name?’ since Roman told them to go with it and it was hilariously cute. When Virge first found out Logan’s name he glared at Roman like “Wait so his name isn’t Specs?” “Nope.” “It’s not Nerd either? Not Four-Eyes, Harry Potter, Geek-a-zoid, none of those??” “Nope.” “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME-” “Because it was cute watching you get used to it~” “…Is it too late to be an outcast again-”
~Continued of the last mess of a paragraph thingy, yes, very aware of some grammar mistakes and mess ups. If it says ‘you/your’ when it shouldn’t, it’s probably because these were just copy pasted when I rambled to @thetickleeraven and said ‘you/your’ to them so don’t freak out about that~
Pass a week or two, put Virgil in that one dorm area you talked about where he almost died in that fic I can’t remember the name of- maybe it wasn’t your fic I don’t remember– Anyways- Put him in the dorms area, he got used to it, even let Roman help him decorate with so so so many things he’s like “Dude I don’t need posters they’re just paper, you could’ve used that for something else-” “It’s not a crime to treat yourself, Virge. Plus you love the Nightmare Before Christmas!” “..True-” And even when he first signed up to be a guardsman he had to go through the training. Since he lived in the woods for so long, he passed the agility and strength tests no problem. The hardest part was the test that most guards are good at. This was the hard test Virgil knew he’d fail at as soon as he heard it. Endurance Test. Not only did they have to stand in a line, A-Z, standing up straight and all (ouch for his back-) but Roman was the judge of the test. He walked to people randomly, doing anything he saw fit to make the others 'snap out of character’ like laugh, smile, the smallest thing would make Roman grin with victory. It’s not that it was a bad thing, of course, but first hearing the TEST part, Virgil did EVERYTHING HE COULD not to fricken mess this up. So as SOON AS ROMAN GOT TO VIRGIL, he just gave him that snarky little face of a grin and raised eyebrows. They had… so many inside jokes, it was easy for him. “Remember that time I tried to eat your shirt in my sleep because I hadn’t learned how to catch a fish yet?” Okay, Virgil snickered. Quietly though. Roman noticed, however, and he was going to focus on Virgil now. Once someone broke completely, they stepped off to the benches or bathrooms for a break, but Virgil, with Joan and Talyn, were the last three still 'Mature’ or in this case in the Test. Virgil was in the middle of the other two, and you can sense the other two thinking “Wow, what’s their story?” Roman continued. “Remember I tried to eat a worm? You told me if I couldn’t climb that tree in 30 seconds that would be my dinner. I had it in my mouth, you pleb!” He put a hand on his chest, dramatically, going on and on about how Virgil almost 'made him’ do these things. Luckily, Roman didn’t eat the worm, he got real dinner, but Virgil got a kick out of watching him try and almost release it into the wild with a “Virge, this thing has a family, come on-”. Virgil let out a snort, okay, it was super hard. ROMAN STOP BEING FUNNY! WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE! Since Roman didn’t know Virgil was ticklish (until the potions fics) he relied on his cunning charm and humor to spite Virgil, which of course was the same Virgil did to Roman. It was so close, he could pass the test! He’d make the guard if only- “Remember the porcupine incident?” Virgil fell to his knees laughing, it was so stupid and unfair! The others had no idea what Roman said, since they couldn’t hear, but Talyn and Joan shared a look like “?????” along with a look of “..awww they’re friends-” Virgil, the next day, thought he failed. Roman came back with the results. “Virgil, Talyn, and Joan. You three are the head of squads A, B, and C.” Virgil was shocked. After Roman finished, everyone but them two left, and Virgil was like “But- But I thought if we weren’t serious enough we’d fail-” “Oh please! You think I’d fail you just because you laughed at something I said?? Virgil, I don’t want my guards to be losers! I don’t want them so stuck up about the rules and court, the way we do things, that stuff is so boring! I want guards who are more than just that, they can /have a sense of humor!/” Virgil was about to tear up before he turned bright red and glared at him. “YOU LITTLE SHI- YOU MADE ME LAUGH IN FRONT OF EVERYONE WHY–” “It was adorable, stormcloud!” “Storm..cloud?” “..Do you not-” “Nah, it’s actually cool. I’ll keep that nickname over pleb, thanks.”
Edit/Add-On #3 Not Yet Here
~This little area will change when edited, so refresh if you need to to check if it’s newer~
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writing-yj · 7 years
Nightwing x Reader: Gift of Mistletoe
@jasnxtodd : 1 and 13 with Dick Grayson? I can’t so see him saying 1 like omg - jasnxtodd
1: “Oh my, look at that mistletoe. How did that get there?”
13: “Kiss me. That’s the only gift I want.”
Word Count: 4279 (I keep getting carried away, dammit)
Warnings: Brush your teeth after this
A/n: Oh my God, it took so long to start doing the Christmas prompts. I’m sooo sorry. I will be using the hero Fortune again, but this Imagine has nothing do with Good Fortune. Enjoy!
It was two days before Christmas Eve around Mount Justice and a good handful of your teammates were getting ready to celebrate. M'gann was obsessively making sure all of the decorations were in place and beautiful. Some were cooking, wrapping presents, and Bart was running around while trying to put a Santa Hat on Jaime. You could smell cinnamon and pumpkin spice candles, and it was a great scent, but it didn’t change how you were feeling.
But you were sitting in the swivel chair in front of the computer Nightwing sat in for missions. You were childishly spinning around and around, not wanting to take part in the festivities. You didn’t like Christmas; it was never a good experience when you were growing up.
“M'gann is probably going to force some Christmas spirit into your soul if you don’t look like you have some holiday cheer.” Nightwing leaned against the console of the computer as he watched you with amusement.
You just sighed and let your spinning slowly come to a stop, facing him when the movement ceased. “I assure you, M'gann will be perfectly fine and intact if I don’t get all happy and jolly for Christmas.”
“You don’t enjoy Christmas?” Nightwing asked louder than he intended to, capturing the attention of some of your friends, including M’gann.
You gave him a light shrug. “Not my favorite holiday; wasn’t a happy time of year for me growing up. All I usually got was a half-hearted ‘Merry Christmas, brat’ and a trashy, half used gift with a card my parents pulled from the garbage bin. They couldn’t have cared less. No Christmas tree, no decorations, no celebration whatsoever. I got used to not having it.” You said casually, not noticing the sudden silence and attention. You rose from the chair, stretching and cracking your back with a yawn. “I do, however, intend on giving gifts; that was one thing I liked doing. It’s fun to see how happy people can get when the rip off the wrapping paper. I’ll see you guys later.”
They all watched you practically glide over to the zeta tubes and you disappeared to wherever you were going. Some of them were very surprised, and Nightwing felt a little sick. He had no idea that you had been treated that way, and now you resented the holiday because of it.
M’gann looked very, very sad. “She never had a good Christmas, but she still wants to give presents…?” 
“That’s Fortune, for you. She’s been putting everyone before herself for years.” Nightwing said and he fell back into the chair you were just spinning in. “I have no idea what to get her. All I know is that we’re all going to get her gifts that are new and definitely not trashy.”
“I’m showering her with gifts and no one can tell me otherwise.” M'gann stated. As your best friend, she was going to make this the best Christmas ever for you. “But what should I get her…?”
“She makes her cards by getting a normal deck of cards and a spell book. I bet she would like those.” Barbara added. “But I think Nightwing should get her something special.” She teased.
Nightwing grunted and blushed, but no one could see it. The team shipped you and him hard. It became a little obvious that he had feelings for you, but you weren’t the best at showing your emotions. Only M'gann knew you felt the same way, but she wouldn’t dare breathe a word of it.
You sat in the very seldom-used Waterfall room with a large stack of your fortune cards, a normal average deck of cards, and a small spell book in your left hand. For Christmas this year, you were making your teammates their own special cards they could use on themselves. They weren’t huge, life-changing cards; just useful, helpful, and entertaining ones. For example, you made three cards for Bart that would fill him with energy instantly instead of him having to eat huge amounts of food. For Conner, you made three cards that would briefly enhance his strength if needed. The time was limited, however; making it longer would have bad side affects, and would physically and magically drain you for a long period of time.
That was why you couldn’t make earth-shattering and over powered cards. It could severely mess things up by creating chaos and, if extensively too powerful, could possible put you into an unresponsive state, or even kill you. In reality, magic was dangerous game. It was best to use it wisely or not at all.
“Hey there, (Y/n).” M'gann greeted you, and you quickly moved her special cards behind you. She knew they were hers, but she wouldn’t dare enter your mind to find out. “What are those?”
“I’m making special cards for everyone,” You told her, gesturing to the average deck of cards compared to the new ones, which were colorful and astoundingly beautiful. “I made these for Conner, these for Bart, these for Jaime, and…” You went on and on, explaining the different cards and what they did for each of your teammates. You didn’t have all of them; making new fortune cards takes a long time, even if they don’t regenerate after they’re used. Luckily, you were able to make more than one at the same time. The cards that do reappear in your decks take up a lot of time; it takes a couple hours to complete just one of those cards.
Nightwing slowly and silently moved down the hall and stood right outside the door. He could hear your conversation and he subtly listened to your soothing voice.
“What cards are you going to make for Nightwing?” M'gann inquired. She smirked at your sudden blush.
If you were with anyone else, your face wouldn’t have changed color in the slightest. “I-I’m not sure yet…” You stuttered and you nervously started flipping through your spell book. “Do you have any suggestions?”
Meanwhile, Nightwing smirked at your nervous voice when his name came up. Could you like him back? He sure hoped so. Nightwing put his hands over his ears when M'gann gave her ideas, and when you put the making of his cards in motion. He made sure to not listen in until he was positive you were finished talking about his cards, lest he spoil the surprise.
“I know it’s a little late to ask, but (Y/n)… What do you want for Christmas?”
Her question caught you completely off guard. You slightly jumped in surprise. “I, uh… I’m not sure. I can’t say I’ve been asked that before…” It was true; no one ever asked you what you wanted for Christmas. Like you said before, all you got were half-used and sometimes broken gifts from your parents when you were growing up. They had no care or love or meaning behind them. “I’ve gotten into the habit of not expecting a real gift before.”
Nightwing’s face fell; he hated the very thought of you being given such a horrible Christmas each year. You didn’t deserve to have such a horrible holiday ever again.
M'gann also looked upset. “Well, you’re getting some great ones this year. Think about opening a Christmas present to see what’s inside. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?”
You frowned and you went deep into thought. “Well, the last thing I got for Christmas was a dirty purple pair of mittens that were almost destroyed by moths,” You muttered, and it was heartbreaking to hear. “I guess a clean and intact purple pair of mittens would would be nice. Oh, and it’d be great to get a spell book with new spells; I’m getting tired of these.” The experience of listing off a wishlist was new and foreign.
M'gann and Nightwing made a mental list, which was rather short compared to an average one, of what you wanted. It wasn’t too far off from what M'gann predicted.
“I wonder what Nightwing is going to get you.” She said with a giggle.
“Hush! What if someone hears!?” You panicked as you shushed her. “With my luck, someone is probably listening in on this conversation!”
Nightwing refrained from snickering at this.
M’gann giggled. “What would you want from him?” She was purely teasing you at this point. “Something special?”
Your stomach churned for a short while. “I hate you.”
“No you don’t.” M’gann stated confidently, and she was right. You could never hate her. She was your best friend. “I’m not hearing an answer to the question, Fortune~”
You hissed something grumpily under your breath. “Do you want my honesty or a lie that will make me feel better?”
“Honesty is the best policy, that’s what you always say.”
You grunted in distaste, but she wouldn’t stop asking until you answered. “Fine… I guess I…” You were having a horrible time trying to spit the words out. “I’d like for him to kiss me. That’s the only gift I want. From him, anyway. If anyone else tries it, I’ll knock their teeth in.”
Nightwing’s eyes widened and his face got red hot in a matter of seconds. So you did like him back! He’d be jumping for joy if he wasn’t trying to hide. Now he didn’t have to worry about your rejection or getting slapped in an attempt to sweep you off your feet. Plans and ideas were already zooming through his head.
You jumped when M’gann suddenly squealed with glee. “I can’t believe you finally admitted that! Sure, I knew you liked him, but you want him to kiss you! Oh my goodness, I can’t even-”
A sharp glare from you made her quiet down, but she didn’t stop smiling. 
‘You heard her, Nightwing. Now you can both get what you want.’ M’gann said to Nightwing telepathically. ‘Mistletoe sounds like a good idea.’
Nightwing paled. M’gann knew he was there the entire time; she just let him think he was being sneaky. Nonetheless, Nightwing slipped away and disappeared down the hall, excited to find some mistletoe. Christmas Eve seemed so far away now.
You carried several tiny but gorgeously decorated envelopes in your plethora of pockets as you walked into the party, exactly when the clock struck 7:00 PM. You were late on occasion, but you made sure that you would be at the party on time no matter what! On the inside, you were buzzing with excitement. You couldn’t wait to see what everyone thought of their cards.
“Fortune!” M’gann flew over to you and tackled you in a hug. “You came!”
You hesitantly, but then comfortably, hugged her back. “Of course I did. I said I’d come and I practically live here anyway.”
She pulled away and grabbed your hand. “Come on and join the party!” She almost dragged you along and you had to break into a jog to keep up. M’gann sure was excited.
M’gann led you into the lounge where the party was officially being held. You stared in awe at the huge Christmas tree that was lit up with amazing Christmas light and the ornaments were dazzling, but there was a small box of ornaments on the table that seemed more special than the ones on the tree. Another table had some punch and desserts, and another had food that was of healthy sustenance.
You were intrigued by the mass amount of wrapped gifts under the tree, and you decided to not put the envelopes with them; the cards could easily get lost in the pile. It took a lot of hard work to make all those cards and you were not going to let it go to waste.
Despite being on time, everyone was already there. Well, most of them lived in the Cave, so it made sense. Their faces lit up when they saw you and you were met with a chorus of greetings. You smiled in return, but you were still admiring the decorations. “It’s amazing…” You whispered to yourself. Everything felt so bright and cozy.
You felt Nightwing’s presence behind you, and you turned around to greet him. “Hello, Nightwing.” You said with a grin. He looked just as good as he always did, and your heart skipped a beat or two.
“Nice to see you here, Fortune. Are you having fun yet?” He replied smoothly. He wasn’t going to tell you (yet) that you looked great tonight. 
You nodded vigorously and you looked around you again. “I had no idea Christmas was like this. I don’t think I ever seen a decorated Christmas tree in person, let alone all of these decorations.” You lightly brushed your hands against the sharp pine needles.
Nightwing’s heart twinged in his chest. You never saw a Christmas tree in person? He inwardly cursed your parents for raising you in such a way. “Trust me, they can get a whole lot bigger. I can take you to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree tomorrow, if you like.”
Your eyes widened. “They can get bigger than this?” This was astounding news to you. “I’d love to see it!” Just the thought of a bigger Christmas tree made you more excited.
The chatter of the party livened up and you looked over at anyone else. M’gann was giving everyone their own ornament, which had their symbol on each one. You didn’t exactly have a symbol, but you did wear unique colors, so that’s the kind of ornament M’gann gave you with care.
“I’m putting mine here!”
“No, mine is going to go there! Pick another spot!” The younger boys argued over who got to put their ornaments where, despite their being plenty of room for two times as many ornaments.
Nightwing, with his own ornament in hand, walked ahead of you and gestured for you to follow. “Come on; it’s time to put our ornaments on the tree.” He gave you a warm smile and you followed without a second thought. 
You were the last one to hang a special ornament, and the rest of the team watched you with smiles on their faces. It was obviously your first time decorating a Christmas tree, and it was cute how Nightwing was standing close.
“So you just… pick a branch and hang it there? What if it falls off?” You fretted.
Nightwing chuckled and reassured you, “That’s what the hooks are for. They usually don’t fall off after you hang them.” He gently grabbed your hand and lifted it up to a branch. You hung your special ornament on the empty branch and your smile was brighter than the tree itself.
M’gann subtly took a picture of the intimate moment with an almost silent giggle.
Both you and Nightwing moved away, but you accidentally bumped Bart’s ornament and it fell, shattering on the floor. You gasped so hard that you coughed, and everyone went completely silent. 
“My ornament…” You barely heard Bart whimper, and you felt so guilty.
“Oh my- I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to break it!” You almost panicked, but you calmed down just as fast. “Ugh, I’m an idiot.” You muttered and you skillfully whipped out a card. You threw it at the broken ornament with perfect accuracy and it fixed itself instantly; it even went back up to the branch it hung from.
“My ornament!” Bart exclaimed in relief, and you chuckled. It gave you quite the scare there, and your heart was pounding from it.
Nightwing threw an arm around your shoulder and pulled you to his side. “Now we can check tree decorating off the list. I think gift giving is next.” He smirked and couldn’t wait to put his plan in motion. 
The moment you sat down on one of the couches, a hearty pile of presents was put on your lap, all of which were from different people. M’gann gave you more than one, just like she intended. “These are for you!” Barbara beamed before passing out more gifts.
You were overwhelmed with happiness at the sight of all the gifts. They were for you. They were wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper, bows and all, and all of them were new. Tears welled up in your eyes and you removed your mask, a rare action over yours, and you wiped them away with a quiet sniffle. Everyone’s gaze snapped over to you and you felt a little embarrassed.
“What’s wrong, Fortune?” Cassie asked before Nightwing got the chance to.
You quickly wiped away the tears that just kept coming and said, “I’ve never gotten gifts like these on Christmas. Th-this is no nice of you guys,” You sniffled again. “Hell, I’m being given actual presents for the first time instead of junk for Christmas.”
You wept for a few moments longer and Nightwing wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you to his chest. A series of ‘aww’s echoed around the lounge. Eventually, you were encouraged to open them up, and you did exactly that.
Nightwing laughed when you at first tried to take off the wrapping paper as carefully as you possibly could. He told you that it was okay to rip it, and when you were still hesitant, he ripped open one of his own gifts as a demonstration. From then on, you followed the lead of everyone else in the art of opening presents.
You never got presents such as these. You were overjoyed at the three new spell books you got; two from M’gann, one from Jaime. You got a holographic deck of cards from Bart, which you absolutely loved, and a shiny gold-accented deck from Karen. Barbara gave you a purple and intact pair of mittens and you nearly squealed with delight when you saw them. The rest of your gifts were just as amazing.
You treasured all of your presents, putting them into a neat pile, as you cleaned up everyone’s wrapping paper with a select few cards. After your threw them all out, you exclaimed, “Oh! I haven’t given you all of your presents yet!”
Everyone sat back down almost immediately, excited to see what you came up with. The amount of tiny envelopes you pulled from your pockets was unreal, and you ended up with two handfuls. In two smooth movements, all of the card envelopes flew over to their recipients, and the whole team was impressed.
With a smug smile, you plopped down next to Nightwing as you almost vibrated with exhilaration. Nightwing was confused as to why he didn’t get any, but his confusion dissolved instantly when you dropped his envelope in his lap.
“Whoa! You made these!?” Cassie was stunned as she looked at her three cards. “Do they work like yours?”
You had to stop in the middle of your confirmation in order to be heard over Bart’s unintelligible shriek of happiness. “Yup, just like mine.” You then turned and directed to everyone. “All you have to do is put the card above your heart for it to take effect. Use them wisely; they’re limited edition.” You chuckled at your own joke.
The team admired their cards, occasionally asking what they did if they didn’t understand. You looked at Nightwing; he hadn’t opened his cards yet. Instead, he was looking at you. “Nightwing?” You snapped your fingers in front of your face. When Bart’s ornament started to fall apart again, you threw a more permanent card at it to prevent it from breaking it again. 
Nightwing quickly shook his head and snapped out of his haze. “Sorry; lost in thought. Yes?”
“You haven’t opened your cards yet.”
He looked down at the envelope and ripped it open in seconds. The words on the bottom of the card, paired with a picture of his mask, read, “For a time when a cover is needed whilst your disguise is null.”
“It’s for when you need to conceal your identity in case you don’t have you mask or sunglasses.” You said and you nervously rubbed the back of your neck. “I know it’s not the best idea, but-”
“These are awesome.” He told you gratefully. “And so useful, too. They’ll be a lifesaver, I guarantee it.” 
Nightwing’s words made your worries go away, and you were glad that your hard work paid off. You were scared that he wouldn’t like them, but now there was nothing to fear. Well, when it came to the cards, that is.
The festivities made your view on Christmas do a complete 180. You no longer dreaded the jolly time of year, instead, you couldn’t wait until next Christmas. You were full of holiday food, junk food and normal food alike. It was an unforgettable experience with the family that cared for you.
It was 11:58 PM, just two minutes from midnight and Christmas Day. Some of your teammates were fighting to stay awake, but you were used to not sleeping until the wee hours of the morning, and you were perfectly fine with staying up this late.
“(Y/n), come look at this.” Nightwing whispered to you, standing up and smirking slightly. You were slightly puzzled, but you got up anyway.
You didn’t notice M’gann quietly getting the attention of the others, and although they had no idea what was going on, they had a hunch. After all, Gar spotted Nightwing hanging up some mistletoe that everyone else so happened to avoid.
11:59 PM, your watch read. “Nightwing, where are we going?” You wanted to know. He then suspiciously stood beneath the door frame, looking more nervous than you had ever seen him. 
“I uh… I don’t think I’ve given you your Christmas present yet…” He clearly fidgeted, and you saw it immediately. 
Earlier, your barely noticed that you didn’t get a gift from him. You were too busy being thankful for the presents you got. You knew that you were fortunate (you secretly made that pun in your head) enough to get one gift, let alone many more, and you didn’t expect to get one from all of them. Never in your life did you ask for more than one gift, so you weren’t going to ask him if he got you one, too.
“Oh, I didn’t really notice. Y-You don’t need to give me one…” You suddenly blushed when you remembered what you told M’gann about what you wanted.
You watch beeped quietly, and you looked down at it. 12:00 AM. It was officially Christmas morning.
Nightwing made sure that you saw him look up, and you did the same. “Oh my, look at the mistletoe. How did that get there?” You could tell by his tone of voice that he was the one who put it there, but you were too focused on what mistletoe meant. Just because you didn’t grow up with a real Christmas, that didn’t mean that you didn’t know what you’re supposed to do under mistletoe.
The man of your dreams put a hand on your cheek and wrapped an arm around your waist, and he pulled you to him. “Merry Christmas, (Y/n).” He whispered, and he gave you the sweetest kiss you could ever dream of.
Nightwing’s lips were slightly chapped against yours, but you couldn’t care less. You were kissing your crush for crying out loud, why would you care if his lips are chapped or not? You kissed back after overcoming the general shock of it, and sheer joy coursed through your veins.
You sighed and slowly moved away from him, resting your forehead against his. “Merry Christmas to you, too, Nightwing.” Your team leader grinned back at you with his eyes filled with the love he had for you.
The moment was suddenly interrupted by the elated squeals and shrieks of the other girls. “They finally kissed! Oh my God they, did!” You couldn’t tell which one of them it was; they were all going crazy at once.
Both of you turned as red as Rudolph’s nose at the sudden attention and loss of privacy. You instinctively grabbed his hand, and he weaved his fingers between your own.
After all of the excitement faded away, and everyone started to wind down for bed, you and Nightwing sat on the couch in front of the fire. His arm was around your shoulders and you were cuddled up against him. The relationship you day-dreamed became reality, and it was the best Christmas ever.
You thought it over, and then you frowned. “How’d you know that’s what I wanted?”
“I heard you and M’gann talking about it.” Nightwing’s smirk was pure evil.
You gasped. “You were listening to us!? You little-”
“But aren’t you glad I did?”
His question had you skidding to a halt. With some quiet grumbling, you replied, “Yeah, I guess I am… But eavesdropping isn’t nice!”
Nightwing’s laugh sounded like a melody. “I’ll keep that in mind for next year.” He sighed and rested his chin on top of your head. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas…” You trailed off with a yawn, and you both slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Man, you should have seen me type. My fingers were flying before my inspiration could go away. I hope you like it!!!
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