#i was coded blue as a twin with orange as my secondary
sisaloofafump · 5 months
Not beating the allegations <- immediately becomes attached to purple-themed comic characters
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Sonic wasn’t sure how this happened, he glances down at the three, three baby mobians at his feet, two laying on the floor while the middle one was sitting up. Glancing at him with their big wide bright eyes in delight, he knew they were his. The blue fur on their strips and the green eye one of them had been a dead giveaway. Hell, they share his skin colour and two of them look like a mini him, but with black fur with Shadow’s quills.
“OH SHI-SNAP!” He can’t believe this is happening, this can’t be happening fuck! He's too young to be a parent!
He looks at his door, AMY! He can’t let her see them, she’ll get the wrong idea and she always jumps to the wrong conclusion.
“Amy no!” Tails shouted after her to stop her going to Sonic’s room.
The blue hedgehog look at the babies before slamming the door shut behind him, sweating as he hopes none of the children will cry or make any big noise. He ignores the questioning look from his friends, speaking out calmly as he could without freaking out.
“Can you not right now Amy, I was trying to sleep.”
“But you’re not sleeping or in your room right now.”
“Cause you're shouting woke me up. I’m really tired plus my room is messy and dusty from not being used for six months.”
He hopes she’ll buy that excuse and leave him alone. Thankfully she did, huffing as she left with a reminder.
“Alright but you owe me a date.”
He frowns but says nothing, so she’ll leave him in peace to deal with the problem. Tails gives him a look with a raised brow.
“Tails….can you buy some or built some babies supply?”
The two tailed fox blinked, “What?”
He sighs as he opens the door, revealing the three babies. The blue strip with black fur starts to crawl over to him as the green eye one trip, rolling over by accident. The orange with multiple colour strips continue to stare at him with the same cyan colour eyes.
Sonic ignores the tug in his chest, why did it have to be that colour? Hell why orange fur too, couldn’t it be white or full yellow. At least the kid wouldn’t look like him….
“….SONIC!” Tails shouted as he shook him.
“What?” He looks at his younger brother, “What is it?”
“Geez, you must really be out of it. I said did you kidnap these babies?”
“What no! I swear they were in my room when I just got there!”
“Really?” He raises a brow at the blue hedgehog.
“Really! Look.” He picks the one crawling up, holding him in front to his face. “See! We look the same!”
Tails narrows his eyes, the one in Sonic’s arm glare back at Tails.
“Hey! No glaring at my little bro.”
“There’s only one way to check this out. DNA test. Passed the kids.”
---One hour later---
Sonic paces around the room, the babies glancing at him. He hasn’t called them names just colour code them since he didn’t want to get too attached to them if he wasn’t their father. Even though there are signs they are his. Plus Tails thinks he still kidnapped them, he DIDN’T but Tails is Tails, so he refuses to believe his big bro words and gut feeling until the DNA test proves him wrong.
He doesn’t blame Tails he was declared dead for six months after all. Orange keeps reaching out for him, wanting to be picked up. Thankfully Tails came in so he could ignore the small mobian who ears drop. He ignores the tug in his chest.
“I got the results Sonic.”
“And?” His ears twitch as he looks at the paper.
“…You are the father.” Tails wave the paper up and down.
“Told ya!” He sat down, lifting orange into his lap. The baby made a happy sound nuzzling into Sonic’s belly. He relaxes, his instincts are never wrong when it came to his feelings.
“But the DNA result reveals even more.” Tails scratches his head with his free hand, not sure how he should break it down for Sonic.
“How so?” Sonic glances at him.
“Orange is the oldest one, he’s one year old. Blue over there is nine months while Teal is seven months. They don’t share the same secondary parent DNA. But here’s the thing, Orange…he shares Emerl’s powers. In fact, he’s half android with your DNA. Emerl is home Sonic.”
“Emerl? My Emerl?” He looks at the orange baby gave him a smile at the mention of his name. The hero hug the orange baby tenderly, nuzzling into him. That explains the orange fur and cyan eyes, his baby was home. Finally back home and safe!
“Wait what about Blue and Teal?” Teal was sleeping peacefully while Blue seem to be plotting something.
“Well I don’t have the DNA of their mother at hand at the moment. No match to any female we met.”
“Oh well you can’t get them all, guess you’re an uncle now.” He said cheeky with a grin, petting Emerl.
“You’re keeping them?” Tails questioned as he glances at the three babies.
“Yeah, they are my kids. I can’t leave them alone or abandoned them to another.”
“Kids are lots of responsibility Sonic.”
“I raise you and you turn out fine.” Sonic he grinned as he picks Emerl up, “Plus Emerl is home, how can you say no to him?”
“I…I can’t argue with that. Fine I’ll make and get some babies stuff. Also you have to name the other two babies too. You can’t keep calling them Blue and Teal.” Tails huffed, pouting with his arms cross.
“Yeah, let’s see.” He watches his other two sons trying to think of a name for them, Blue crawl over to Teal smacking him hard. “What the heck!”
Teal woke up with a cry from the smack, he glare at the other black fur baby who was smirking at his pain. Teal kick Blue, making the blue starfish quill baby make a seal like noise.
Sonic has noticed that Teal is calm and enjoy snuggling, only turning into a raging storm if you get him mad. Blue on the other hand was a feisty little doom terror wanting to fight everything and everyone he hates. Picking fight with Emerl and Blue whenever he wasn't watching them.
“No, no! Break it up!” He pulls them away from each other. The hero frown as they kept biting each other.
“Seelkadoom! Stop that!” He picks up the newly name Seelkadoom to smack his butt softly for being naughty and starting the fight. Settling him down on the floor while he picks his other son up.
“Pandora, come on back to sleep with you.” Sonic rocks the teal colour baby while he sighs in relief. “Well that settles the naming. Seelkadoom cause he makes seal like noises and is little doom terror. While Pandora is calm but when he’ll angry, he turns into a raging storm when someone makes him mad.”
Emerl giggle at Seelkadoom who was pouting for being smack, he glares at Pandora like it was his fault for why he got in trouble.
“Yeah that settles the name with them.” Tails agree with Sonic as he notes the babies’ behavior.
“Though I do wonder why Pandora and Seelkadoom seem to hate each other.” Sonic muttered as he glances at the two.
“Well they aren’t twins even though they look like they are, there’s clearly a difference between them. I can only guess that their other parents hate each other and they it inherit from them.” Tails suggested with a laugh.
Sonic laughs with him, “I guess so.” 
Both having no idea how closed to the truth they were.
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ashery24 · 7 years
...and the Platonic Soulmates of the Triad
I had a super long introduction for this fic but I lost it. So four basic things.
A fic with soulmates(in this case platonic) because I wanted (and I LOVE the platonic soulmates fics). And because I firmly believe that Parker and Ezekiel are platonic soulmates. Eliot & Jake and Hardison & Cassandra were last minute additions so this fic was completed with the OT3s.
Indirectly Leverage!Ezekiel AU but not explicitly mentioned. It's like an AU of this AU. I'll call it "Soulmates between Leverage and Librarians" because I want to do more soulmates between both fandoms.
Title Librarians style because is more centered in the Librarians side
Thanks Roshwen in AO3/hedgehog-o-brien in tumblr for correcting the fic :D
Fandom: Leverage | The Librarians 
Characters: Eliot Spencer, Jake Stone, Parker (Leverage), Ezekiel Jones, Alec Hardison, Cassandra Cillian 
Ships: None
When a person is born in this world, their destiny is linked to other people's, because they complement each other and form an unbreakable link. To identify their soulmate, people are born with identification marks. The Soulmate Marks. If the mark is on the right arm, it means it is a Platonic soulmate: a brother, a friend, a partner... If the mark is on the left arm, it means it is a Romantic soulmate: a couple, a husband, that special person... But when your soulmate dies, your mark will be darkened. This is the story of three future librarians and their platonic soulmates.
Warnings: None
Context of the TV series: Pre-series for Leverage |  Pre-series for The Librarians
Other tags: AU (Leverage!Ezekiel AU) (”Soulmates between Leverage and Librarians” AU )
When a person is born in this world, their destiny is linked to other people's, because they complement each other and form an unbreakable link. To identify their soulmate, people are born with identification marks. The Soulmate Marks. If the mark is on the right arm, it means it is a Platonic soulmate: a brother, a friend, a partner... If the mark is on the left arm, it means it is a romantic soulmate: a couple, a husband, that special person... But when your soulmate dies, your mark will be darkened. This is the story of three future librarians and their platonic soulmates.
~Jake The firstborn of the Stones turns out to be a pair of twins. Eliot and Jake. Eliot was born exactly 12 minutes before Jake would see the world. They were born together and it was their destiny to be together. Because on the right arm of each baby was the same mark. The mark of a platonic soulmate. It was a shield with a bas-relief of a book. Of course, it wasn't the only mark. On the left arm of each one there was another mark, a different one for each brother. The mark of their romantic soulmates. Even so, the young Stones didn't care so much for them. They preferred to look at the shield with the book, to join their arms to compare them and to verify, with happiness, that they were exact. Knowing that they would be together, always together. That they are destined to be together. They separated at 18. Eliot left to join the army. Jake stayed at home. Eliot went into the retrieval business. Jake took care of the family business. Eliot make a cover in his mark. Jake's darkened. Eliot faked his death to protect his family. Jake cried for weeks in silence. Jake never mentioned his brother again. At thirty Jake burns the letter that comes in a white envelope.
Ezekiel is only 12 years old but he is already a well-known thief. His thefts get more and more complex. Now he's stealing from a museum with an unpronounceable name in a city with an even more unpronounceable name. And he’s not the only one. Ezekiel is slipping through the ventilation ducts when a blonde girl appears from the crossing in front of him. The two look at each other, surprised, before the blonde puts on a face of determination and accelerates. Muttering a curse, Ezekiel follows her. Ezekiel arrives at the room of the most valuable collection and slips down from the vent. The blonde is in front of him. Ezekiel recognizes her. It's Parker, a world-famous thief. The two observe each other, evaluate, prepare. Ezekiel Jones-She recognizes him Ezekiel smiles, with his characteristic sly smile. Then he sees a flash in Parker's hand. It is the crown of the 3 Kings, an ancient and expensive relic but not what he looks for. Ezekiel nods to the painting he is looking for. In an instant there is a tacit agreement between them and Parker lets him through. Ezekiel evaluates the security system. And desactivates it. Ezekiel grabs the painting. And the secondary alarm goes off. Ezekiel remains standing on the site, baffled. This time, it is Parker who mutters a curse, grabs the other thief by the arm and starts running. Ezekiel quickly follows her, but it's already too late. The guards have already seen them. They shout intelligible orders. The thieves run faster... and the guards shoot. With a choked cry Parker staggers, her arm hurt. Ezekiel feels the anger go through his body and starts to run faster than he ever has in his life, taking the blonde with him, to safety. And they manage to escape. Ezekiel heals Parker as he can, with a piece of his clothes, his hands shaking. Fortunately the wound is not very deep. But when he removes the blonde's shirt, he sees  the platonic soulmark on the thief's arm. It's a master key made of diamond. It's like his. Ezekiel shows her his mark. Parker looks at it, surprised. The thieves hear distant sounds of footsteps approaching. They separate and flee. Ezekiel arrives at his house and finds a letter in a white envelope inviting him to be a Librarian in the New York Metropolitan Library. Ezekiel looks at the letter. Ezekiel thinks about the thief. Ezekiel discards the letter. Ezekiel and Parker meet again a few months later. She is already completely healed. They rob a bank and go out to eat. Together. Ezekiel is happy with his decision.
Cassandra Cillian will celebrate her 24th birthday at the hospital. She has a cerebral tumor. And a letter with a request that she can't accept. She is sad. Her sobs are violet. Her tears smell like ozone. The explanations from the doctors are indigo. The characteristic hospital smell intensifies and mixes with the grape during the tests. The lyrics of a Blues song, ironically blue, floats into the room. The door opens and a black man enters, followed by a nurse. Alec Hardison is her new roommate and brings the smell of violets. The mark on Hardison's right arm, that of the Platonic soulmate, is the same as her. The binary code swirls in green. Alec smiles at her, happy to be with her. She smiles back. It smells like freshly cut grass and hope. The birthday cake that Alec brings with him has a yellow "Happy Birthday". It smells like lemon and chocolate. The lemon comes from the cake, the chocolate from Hardison. Alec pulls her out of her room and they sneak out to watch the sunset on the roof. Everything around them is orange. It isn't romantic but it is perfect. It smells like orange and freedom. Alec speaks with emotion about meeting his romantic soulmate and introducing them to Cassandra. His words are a beautiful red, which is a faint pink when he calls her Cassy. It smells like roses and pure love. Cassandra Cillian celebrates her 24th birthday at the hospital. She has her platonic soulmate next to her. The letter and the request are forgotten. She's happy.
One problem I had for this fic was how Eliot could fake his death because of his soulmate mark. Then I remember about the covers that are made in tattoos. And I thought that with a cover you could darken a soulmark.
Ezekiel maybe is a little OoC for his age but I writed the ages at the end, I based them on the ages of the actors and John Kim is younger than I thought. Also I wanted to write something Leverage related for the reason of why Ezekiel rejected be a Librarian and this fic gived me the perfect excuse
The Alec & Cassandra maybe is a little so much romantic. Sorry. Also it was funny to play with Cassandra synesthesia.
Again cross-posted in my AO3 account
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