#i was gonna end that here and just do spotify but then i saw pharmacy and i was like god i cant do this with that song
oflgtfol · 2 years
spotify ask! 49?
spotify 49: pharmacy by jordaan mason
apple music 49: coma by sacred spirits
( send me a number 1-100 and i’ll tell you the song it corresponds to in my spotify wrapped/apple replay playlists! )
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM remakes: ISAK Part II
Lucas (SKAM France)
Some of the differences:
I love that Lucas seems a bit softer than Isak. For instance, he didn’t panic and hide the weed at the party in the first ep, it fell out of his pocket. 
I like that he doesn’t just dismiss the girl squad the way Isak did (excepting Sana). 
His scene with the guys watching the girls dance seemed much more awkward and out of character than it did for Isak because he seems like he’s just genuinely a nice person, where Isak’s flaws had a few more sharp edges. 
I also really love the entire 6th episode because it explores Lucas’ developing relationship with the members of the Girl Squad, a relationship that was missing from the OG. 
There is a little more homophobia in this one than OG. For instance, there is a lot of calling Lucas gay as a joke before he came out and his dad told him not to bring his boyfriend to church because it might upset his mom. Also I really liked that we got to see Lucas have an actual in-person conversation with his mom. 
Favorite scenes: 
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THE FIRST TIME ELIOTT SAW LUCAS! I love when there is foreshadowing like this at the end of the previous seasons!!!
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When Lucas is playing the piano for Eliott. This was very Noora/William-esque. I loved it so much I added the melody (I Love You by RIOPY) it to my SKAM playlist on Spotify. 
The hardcore staring while making out with their respective dates at the party is always a favorite, and I felt like this one was particuarly intense
The BRIDGE SCENE was the best! I loved everything about it - the flashlight, the rain . . .  la perfection. Another song (Last Dance by Scratch Massive) added to my SKAM playlist.
The quiet conversation they have in bed (pre-yellow curtains convo) after their first night together
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ALL THE SCENES about raccoon Eliott and Hedgehog Lucas - I’m glad I’m not the only one to have noticed Lucas’ hair choices
As heartbreaking as it is, the scene where Lucas unwittingly confides to Eliott that he doesn’t speak to his mother because he doesn’t need crazy people in his life is also always a favorite of mine
The scene where Yann calls Lucas out on his bullshit
“I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s not only your parents . . . You’re here, going through phases. You say you have problems, you don’t even wanna talk about it. We’re here, like fools waiting for you to explain to us. But we’re not gonna beg you . . . And stop apologizing. That’s enough. Either you tell us, or you make your things right. We don’t give a fuck about your excuses. We just want you to be better, bro, and stop acting like an idiot. So if you want to talk, we’re here. If you don’t want to, you solve your things and come back to us later. Alright?”
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The scene in episode six where he and Manon just cuddle and cry together in the dark
The whole conversation Lucas has with Mickaël (Eskild), Manon (Noora), and Lisa (Linn) on the couch when he is bawling his eyes out and they are telling him everything is going to be OK.
“Lucas, a closet is dark, narrow, and it smells. You have no reason to go back in there, so be at ease with yourself, alright? Live your life. And anyone who has a problem with that, fuck them. Fuck them, alright?” -  Mickaël
When Yann apologized to Lucas for having teasingly called him "gay" for years as a joke. I loved that character growth when he realized that his actions had made Lucas feel like he couldn't come out to him and so he apologized for it.
When Lucas and Emma get drunk with Manon after Manon confesses the reason she left London
Lucille’s monologue in the final episode regarding Eliott
You’re not a passing craze. And of course he’s capable of love. I would know about that. But that also means you have responsibilities now. Be patient, first of all. Because you won’t understand everything, or get it right on the first try. And it will be okay. Be understanding, get information, read. Ask him questions, too, when he’s in the mood to answer them. Try not to rush him. If he wants to sleep, let him sleep. If he doesn’t want to talk, don’t make him. There will be moments where all you’ll be able to do is just look at him, and you’ll feel powerless. But that’s the way it is. Watch out for signs, too. When he’s not doing well, or when he’s doing too well. You won’t be able to do much about it, but at least you’ll be ready. Finally, just be there for him. But only when he wants it or needs you to be. And when he doesn’t want it or need it, wait for him. Because he’ll always come back to you. And most importantly, Lucas . . . enjoy the good moments. There will be good moments. Plenty of them, even. And those moments will make the other ones worth it. You’ll see, - Lucille
Things I missed:
Yonas’ easy acceptance of his best friend’s coming out. Honestly Yann dropped a boatload of points for creating the unnecessary drama. “I need some time.” WTF.
The scene with the boy squad sitting around the table when they all gave Isak dating advice. France tried to recreate it with the scene in the common room but it didn’t quite hit the same way. 
Girl’s Squad Highlights
When they convince Chris' boyfriend that all periods that occur while on the pill are fake, and that they use fake blood from the pharmacy
A Shout Out for Basile & Daphne (Magnus & Vilde)
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Ah, Basile. I am both annoyed by and enamored with the way he is totally, grossly, inappropriately (but in an adorably puppy like way) crushing on Daphne. The scene where he sniffs her hair is adorable. He would totally let her put him on a leash. He thinks she’s absolutely perfect even when she is being completely imperfect and I love it. 
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