#i was having such intense blorbo brain and then your post was so funny it snapped me out of it
Shape do you see my vision bad would be about to ingest a perfectly normal weed brownie and missa would spot it an go OH NO HE'LL BREAK HIS FAMILY FRIENDLY RULE and rush to eat it. And then bad would be like oh missa!!! And as he likes to do with missa he Just lies to him. Yeah we've got everyone coming over better be ready to act normal forever. And missas just like
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i see your vision
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whinlatter · 2 years
🍈 For the ask game!
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Yes I had to look up what a blorbo is to answer this, no I’m still not sure if this is right but… if it’s what I think it is, it’s got to be love of my life Ginny. She’s a character I’ve only ever loved more and more as I’ve gotten older. I just love who she is, and I really appreciate what animates her as a character, her motivations and her sense of herself. I love that she’s a laugh. I love that she has her own arc, but also has - and nurtures - these deep, ferociously loving bonds with so many of the series’ best characters. I love that she’s been through the absolute ringer and still comes out swinging. I love that she has these really compelling shades of grey: she kicks off, she gets absolutely livid when she needs to, she’s sneaky af and a startlingly good liar; and she absolutely has the capacity to be a little dickhead when she wants to be. She’s got real heart and huge depth.
I could do Gin headcanons for days but here are just a few:
- She’s outdoorsy, both in a real South West England/Devonshire, sunny summer orchard girl kind of way, but also a Scottish Highlands, hard winds, rainy day, muddy boots traipsing around Hogwarts grounds kind of way. Her love of animals and Quidditch is all bound up in this love of being out in the world. She feels very drawn to the Hogwarts Grounds and to the Forest, like generations of Weasleys before her. Also every WIP I have had her wearing a big fleece nicked borrowed from her dad or a brother because everyone knows cool girls wear big old fleeces, I don’t make the rules
- She’s intensely private. We know Ginny is popular. But I think of her public persona - outgoing, funny, sporty, warm, attractive - not quite as a front, per se, but a persona she knows is only half of who she really is. For all her popularity, she’s canonically quite guarded, in ways that allows her and Harry to relate to one another. I think of her as extremely unwilling to trust other people with her intimate thoughts and feelings. She’s very good at supporting her peers and classmates, but her own guardedness makes deep and meaningful reciprocal friendship with peers more difficult. After all, her family are in the Order: she couldn’t share lots of her wartime experiences with classmates in any real detail.
- I think during the war, under the Carrows, was the most isolating and lonely period of her life, bar her experience with the diary. She wouldn’t feel willing or able to share her feelings with her family or other Order members, nor with Neville and Luna - for all their experiences in common, neither Neville nor Luna had a capacity to meet her where she was at that year. I think her experiences with the diary, her fears about her own weakness and guilt over past failures, would mean she would try everything she could to train her brain actively to resist intrusion, either through torture, the Imperius Curse, or Occlumency.
- In the post-war years, her and Harry both take a lot of trips to the sea. For Harry, there’s comfort in the memory of that time in the spring of 1998 at Shell Cottage and the existential comfort he drew from staring at the sea in that final period of the war. For Ginny, it’s the memory of trips to the sea in Devon as a family when she was little, days out that they could never really do later during the war when trying to keep Harry safe at the Burrow during his stays. Whenever I imagine their most difficult conversations after the war, I like to think of them doing them by the sea, where they can look out at the tides and listen to the sounds of the sea while they struggle to find their words (and then they get fish and chips afterwards, to take the edge off).
(ask me anything!)
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orangekingfisher · 2 years
Hello! Sorry for sending an anonymous ask, but i'm figuring myself out still and i don't want my followers to know i might be aromantic. I see you post about your boyfriend every once in a while and i thought i should ask... what does it mean to be in love? Have a happy hallowe'en!
hello hello! and don't worry about the anon it's fine!!
what is not fine is this ask (/hj). do you have any idea of how difficult it is to understand something you have never experienced? it's hell. (i would know - i still have zero clue about what gender is all about. like people feel that shit? incredible)
I'll try my best to explain, anon, but i don't promise anything.
first of all, love is a feeling/emotion. it's always different, i might feel one way but someone else might say "THAT'S SOME BULLSHIT". it's fine. it's also different in regards of who's directed at. (it's worth nothing that im the kind of person who believes that love - like art - is everywhere and in everything. some people disagree. it's okay). the love i feel for my best friend is different to the one i feel for rpbg. how? idk. it's different though, and i don't mean that in terms of intensity - the way i feel (in my head in my body etc) is different. try and think about happiness and how knowing you've done a good job st school/uni/work is different from the happiness you feel when you're, idk, petting a cat or listening to your favourite song. you kinda get it?
love itself does make you feel a bit sick, yes. you feel like you're having a cold and your stomach shrinks and your legs shake and when the other person is away your heart ACHES. when he kissed me the first time i thought i was going to pass out. love is painful and it's beautiful because the amount of happiness i feel when im in love it's unparalleled. and being loved back it's the cure to the sickness above. it's all chemicals in your brain and it is a fucking drug
regarding the love i feel for rpbg, it is a mix. it's affection for sure, but there's also a romantic factor to it. like there's something else that's added to the affection. the word attraction is correct - i feel attracted to, towards, him. i wanna be close to him, touch him, hug him, cuddle him, etc. there is also this hopefulness of dreaming a life together - now in most of my thoughts he's there, he's present. it's a really nice thing. i also find myself thinking stuff along the lines of "oh we didn't do [thing]! ah, well, we have so much time in our life to do that", which, for someone who was highly suicidal up until not long ago it's just. AH. it makes me go crazy
also i trust him and he's funny as shit and when he starts talking i just!! want to listen!!! to him!!! he has Stuff To Say. also he's so fucking pretty (<- not really relevant but he's like a blorbo to me at this point and im rotating him in my mind and He.)
hopefully you figure yourself out anon! maybe you'll find love maybe not. either way it's fine, live your life and have fun!!! have a nice night!
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
I love your blorbos, so much, they bring me such happiness to read about and I now really need to get to reading your comic, since I actually didn't know you HAD a comic until very recently. I thought you just had some pokemon OC's you really liked and made cute/funny/horny art of sometimes since some peeps do that.
I'll be real, I didn't know about Plum or Grey for a while since I only followed Prof Peach because of the 'Here's the right pokemon for what you asked about' type posts and then you started having more art? And I was like yoo? There's another blog? Gimme gimme yes love this.
And now here I am, trying to find the right brain space to take in Actual Story and get in comic reading mode.
Anyways, thanks for sharing your blorbos, and making them so dynamic and full of life and character, it's a highlight in my day when I come across a new post from either blog 💖
Bud. Buddy. My dude(androgynous). Thank you so much.
Seeing people enjoy my Blorbos gives me life, it feeds me, nourishes my bitter little coffee fuelled soul. I am running on 4 hours sleep and an intense need to create content, so hearing folks vibing with it makes it worth the work!
I hope you find the motivation to join in with the comic, and if not, its ok! it's not like it's going anywhere any time soon, and will always be free to read to anyone who's interested.
Really needed a little boost today, can't say thanks enough.
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