#i was injured and lost a lot of functioning in my left leg and thus my overall physical abilities
pumpkinpietimb · 10 months
(Back on my SCAU bullshit! Now, before I start this I need people to know that this WILL include children getting hurt and injured. I tried not to get too detailed with it, but yeah, don’t read if you don’t like!)
I’ve mentioned that Chayanne has a lot of scars, with the most prominent one being the one on his face. The scar goes from the left side of his forehead down to the edge of his right eye, barely missing it. The reason for this is because back in the facility, they had training days where they had various activities they had to do. One of them was fighting, either against robots or wild animals or the other kids. When Chayanne was younger and weaker, he lost to a wild animal and almost lost his life and right eye. This is what made him strive to get stronger.
The reason Leo has two different colored eyes is because her purple eye is her own making. The Federation wanted to test the limits of her powers and, well, removed one of her eyes so she could make a new one. To their disappointment, the eye she managed to make was not functional, thus rendering her half-blind.
 Bobby has a lot of burn scars because early on, when he didn’t have a lot of control over his powers, he tended to overheat and burn himself. He still overheats whenever he gets too excited, but he has a lot more control now that he’s kinda older.
Richarlyson got his leg amputated because of peripheral neuropathy. But instead of diabetes, he got it because the Federation tampered with his head too much and damaged the nerves outside his brain and spinal cord. 
Tilin has a lot of cuts and stitches all over their body due to their skin and tissue regularly getting ‘collected’ for testing.
Dapper’s skin is now permanently tinted unnaturally dark and ashy due to the nature of their power.
(The others aren’t included because they don’t have as much prominent scarring as these 6, but they’re still pretty scarred. All of them have needle scars)
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veritasrose · 3 years
Throwing a bunch of stuff in tags in case people are wondering why I seem off or quieter than usual as of late.
Lots of great things happened, too. But its just... A Lot to process and I am definitely having trouble with that.
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dragonnan · 3 years
WIP Challenge
WIP Challenge!! Tell your blog the titles of all the WIPs you are currently working on right now and a little about them and then tag five other writers.Another posting challenge I saw that appeals to meTagged by: nobodyDisclaimer: I'm only "actively" working on a handful of these.  I deeply want to finish all of them but some that have lingered for years are of a lower priority.  I also can't write for more than 2 fandoms at any given time and right now the two that interest me are MCU related and Sherlock.
1.  Sed Diabolus (MCU)
Takes place soon after Endgame.  Due to the nature of the multiverse it is both compliant and non-compliant to the film as well as being both a fix-it as well as making shit significantly worse.  The story is structured around Peter Parker - who returned, with everyone else, with the snap that restored everyone to life.  The difference is that he won't wake up.  Meanwhile, in another universe, Peter Parker has recently returned from from Europe.  Left to skulk around Queens at night, now that his identity has been revealed, he is feeling more lost than ever before.  Meanwhile Doctor Strange, back in the other universe, has been called upon to rescue the comatose Peter - and a startling truth is revealed!  What will it take to restore Peter once again?  Worse still, an old enemy of Stephen's has returned.  And a new enemy threatens to destroy everything they'd won with the defeat of Thanos.
2. Avengers: New Beginnings (MCU)
This is also an Endgame fix-it.  This is actually the first fix-it idea I had but then @kitcat992 and I started brainstorming Diabolus and I got extremely side-tracked.  In this one, the focus is more specifically on Tony Stark and the fact that he's been having horrific nightmares.  The thing is, according to Stephen Strange, they aren't nightmares but memories that come from another universe.  The story will involve repairing the fractures in the universe caused by the use of the gauntlet as well as looking at the various Avengers as the go forward from the defeat of Thanos.  There will also be the introduction of Kamala Khan and how, exactly, her powers came to be.
3. The Fire in Which We Burn (Sherlock)
Molly Hooper-centric.  Set immediately after TFP (with a thick dose of establishing history in the first chapter).  In essence this story developed from the question "what was upsetting Molly just before Sherlock made That Call"?  It also provides context for how she could go from speaking about Tom in glowing terms during TEH to stabbing his hand in TST.  Snatching back terminology from the jaws of obscurity this story relights on a ton of UST (unresolved sexual tension for the fandom young).  There is also a lot of Mycroft and Anthea involvement.  As to the actual story-line it involves an ex of Molly's who got dangerous.  The story will be about her dealing with said ex and the shit going on between herself and Sherlock.  Is anything salvageable from all of this?  Is it even worth discussing?  
4. Oompa Loompa Doom-Pa-Dee-Die (Psych)
Originally this story was part of a huge Virtual 9th Season set after the end of the series.  Myself and about 6 or 7 other writers had plotted out in tremendous detail a connected story arc that would carry through 8 episodes (originally 16).  This story was set to be the 5th episode.  Sadly, after many years of trying to make the VS happen, I finally contacted the various writers and we agreed to let it go.  However, as this story was fully plotted and was a bit of writing that I remain very proud of, I reworked it to function as a stand-alone story.  Basically, Shawn and Gus end up finding themselves involved in a murder investigation at a chocolate factory.  As is likely evident from the title, the themes in this fic draw very heavily from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film.  There are actually two rival chocolate factories run by two sisters who have been rivals since their youth.  Their father, the former owner of the first factory, is fan-cast as, of course, Gene Wilder.  There are a lot of mysterious elements, humor, and hopefully a decent twist by the end.
5. Simon and Simon and Psych (Psych and Simon & Simon crossover)
In spite of letting this thing linger so long I’m actually pretty excited about it still.  The basic story plot is that Rick and AJ Simon travel to Santa Barbara so that AJ can compete in the annual (and real) half marathon.  Of course things go sideways when Rick gets caught up in a drug trafficking scheme with him as the accused.  To make matters worse, Shawn, Gus, and AJ all get caught and kidnapped while investigating the drug traffickers.  The one thing I’m especially excited about this story is bringing Rick and AJ into modern times with a few changes to their personal history.  It’s a lot of fun having them banter about websites and politics and stuff of that nature.
6. The Big Stink (Supernatural)
My very first foray into fanfic for this fandom I started this thing years ago when I had already become frustrated by the direction of the series.  I wanted to recapture what had originally made me love the show and that was the story of two brothers fighting monsters - no more no less.  The story is built around Dean being cursed to constantly have a terrible smell in his nose - which also affects his sense of taste.  While initially humorous the side effects of something like that become gradually worse as if not only makes eating and drinking awful but also leaves him constantly nauseous.  The story is about the boys backtracking their movements to figure out who or what put the whammy on Dean as well as trying to work out how to break the curse.  
7. Asgårdsreia (HTTYD)
Right off the bat I made the mistake of starting this fic before properly plotting out the story first - thus the initial reason why it was left hanging.  Then the third film hit with its swath of disappointment and I’ve been somewhat less than eager to get back to it.  So the story, as it stands, is that the Viking clan is in the midst of celebrating Fyr Bal (basically “fire festival”).  Most of the clans join together at this time with each clan taking a turn to host on their year.  That year it’s Berk’s turn to host - much to Hiccup’s dismay.  He’s especially off-put by certain visiting clans eyeing him like a side of beef for their eligible daughters.  So, needing some escape, he takes Toothless out to survey some unexplored islands in search of new dragon species (basically the typical shit he’s been getting up to in Race to the Edge as well as the second movie).  Things go severely awry, however, when he comes across some dragon hunters and is hit with a bolo - breaking his left leg and making it impossible to operate the pedal used to fly Toothless.  Forced to shift on his side and fly by using one hand on the pedal, he and Toothless eventually crash land on a deserted island.  Now, badly injured and with no way to escape, they’re forced to run from the dragon hunters who followed in their wake.  
Tagging: @hanuko @ceruleanmindpalace @kitcat992 @sgam76 @mizjoely @ariaadagio @aelaer    
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askmerriauthor · 5 years
Because @oldroots is apparently going to start playing Shadowrun soon, it reminded me of my old game and the character I ran in it.  I’ve shared D&D characters before, so let’s do it again with some different systems.
Shadowrun “Captain” - no given name the party ever knew.  Captain was a Dwarf Rigger who was more cybernetics than man.  The DM warned me that having too much metal was a bad thing and my response was “I don’t need a soul, I need chrome” so that should give you an idea of where my mind was with this guy.
Captain was never seen by the party at any point.  He was constantly jacked into his van - which had been heavily modified to be a mobile slicing rig and looked like an emergency medical vehicle on the outside.  Because he literally never left his van, he communicated with the outside world entirely through sliced computer systems, drones, and holographic projections of cutesy mascot characters.  The game was unfortunately short-lived so I didn’t get much chance to get into major hijinx with him, but Captain’s theme was too much fun for me to ever forget.
Call of Cthulhu “Bonn Douglas” - hired gun.  This was in a fast-and-loose Call game where it was a mix of Cthulhu mythos, Hellraiser, and a few other more obscure horror themes.  The DM was a big horror buff and loved to genre blend, so it made for a really interesting running story.  Bonn was a mercenary agent - hired muscle who specialized in firearms and demolitions, brought into the Big Scary House as part of a bodyguard team for the party of intrepid investigators.  Having been involved in a lot of Really Bad Shit™ already, Bonn didn’t scare easy and tended to be pretty blase about the encroaching supernatural horrors that welled up around the whole party.
Things really came to a head when Bonn took up a sniper’s position to pick off some weird ocean zombies who were making their way up from the shore.  As he looked through his scope, one of the zombies made eye-contact with him and, as the DM specifically stated, Bonn mentally experienced “a psychic onslaught of the worst, most horrifying events that your mind both can and cannot comprehend”.  Lost a TON of Sanity on that one, but Bonn was still trucking.  From that point on, however... he was immune.  Again, fast-and-loose game; the next time the DM asked for a Sanity loss, I said “Why?  This is just some weird looking critter.  You said yourself that I’ve seen FAR worse already”.  The DM liked that and ran with it.  So Bonn, while being mad-yet-functional, proceeded to be an anchor for the entire group as he was the only one who could reliably wade through all the nightmarish events without turning into a gibbering mess.
Bonn is also the only Call of Cthulhu character I’ve ever played who basically won the game.  As in, the party ended up getting their sorry asses sent to R'lyeh itself and everyone except Bonn died there.  Bonn was able to call on a favor from the Cenobites (Hellraiser is in this game, remember) and get himself bamf’ed back to land.  While there he actually saw Cthulhu itself but, as the DM said, he’d seen worse.  Thus Bonn lived and actually ended up returning in the next campaign as an older, more grizzled veteran of occult shit to help mentor a new team of investigators.  Bonn actually ended up dying in that second campaign (small room + skeleton golem + grenade + poor rolls = AMAZINGLY GRUESOME DEATH), but his demise was not in vain.  But his death shredded the last thread of Sanity for a character in the party who he really hated, so I counted it as a win.  Plus the Cenobites snatched up his soul, so it’s technically possible he might still be able to come back canonically in a future game.
All Flesh Must Be Eaten “Father Jacob” - the only holy man amid a gaggle of miscreants during a zombie apocolype.  For those of you unfamiliar, All Flesh Must Be Eaten is a great little game that focuses on zombie horror survival, where all the player classes are based on movie tropes.  So our party had folk like “The Jock”, “The Movie Nerd”, and so forth.  I played Father Jacob, a fire-and-brimstone priest who carried a bible in one hand and a shotgun in the other.  In this game system, only religious characters get what’s basically magic for the setting and I really wanted that sweet HP-restoration in a game where I knew we were going to be hurt by literally everything around us.
Things went along as well as zombie invasions ever do.  The undead rise up and begin slaughtering folk, our gaggle of survivors are forced together out of necessity, and we try to escape the city while avoiding getting eaten.  Didn’t work out so well - we didn’t lose anyone on the way but kept getting injured or drawing attention, so it all culminated in the group making a mad dash down the coastline with a horde of zombies hauling ass after us (they were fast zombies, so yay).  One of our party decides to go by the old adage of “you don’t have to outrun the bear, just your slowest friend” and promptly shot another party member in the legs so the zombies would swarm him alone.  Father Jacob was having none of that.  He’d stuck close with the party through thick and thin that entire time and wasn’t about to let things end with treachery, so he turned around to get between the shot party member and the horde, planted his feet firmly in the sand, and got set to make a roaring last stand.
...so you can imagine his confusion when the Zombies completely ignored him and continued on their merry chase after the rest of the group.
It was a huge WTF moment around the entire table and I was just as baffled as anyone else.  The zombies simply weren’t interested at all in killing Father Jacob.  Seeing this, the party member who’d shot our buddy started to slow down thinking maybe the zombies wouldn’t hurt him either.  He IMMEDIATELY got dragged down and torn apart, so karma.  As things wrapped up, the DM revealed to us that the zombie invasion wasn’t due to super science or some ancient curse - it was a religious apocalypse.  The dead rose to devour the sinners of the world and Father Jacob was literally the only person in the party who had faith, so he was spared.  He’d never been in any danger the entire game but we never realized it because we all stuck close together no matter what.  So I guess I won that game too?  ^^;
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ He’ll save us. ❞
Plot: Hoseok is a mafia boss and  you're suddenly kidnapped by one of his rival/enemy and he tried to save you. 
Pairing: HoseokxReader 
Words count: 2,3k+
Genre: Mafia!Au 
For anon, Hope you like it! - M. 
Gif isn’t mine, credits to the owner! ♥
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"See you later."  
With that phrase you bowed to him and caressed his cheek with your lips, ripping one of those smiles you adored.  
Jung Hoseok struggled to smile since he had had to take over the reins of the father's criminal empire. Before it was totally different, he was aware of the father's affairs but it was always far away. He always smiled and you fell in love with that smile every day, but without confessing to him what you felt for fear of being rejected.  
Then the change. Hoseok had gone from being an incredibly solar and positive guy to being a ruthless leader of one of Seoul's most influential mafia associations. He was the only one with whom Im Jaebum, the most feared boss, had narrowed a strange but functioning alliance.  
And from that day he had stopped smiling.  
It was strange to you to see that change happen, but that didn't stop you from loving him. You were the daughter of her father's right arm, you grew up together, that life didn't scare you anymore.  
At the delicate touch of your mouth, he grazed your forearm, but leave his eyes onto the papers he had in front. You didn't mind he's not paying attention at that time, you knew what problems were on the horizon and you didn't want to bother him too much.  
"I love you" You whispered in his ear, returning to an upright position and with a small nod of the hand you greeted his "bodyguard". Not that he needed it, but he was still happy to keep a ruthless serial killer close by; for any eventuality. "Bye Yoongi" You added gently moving the hand and the boy didn't smile, but a little smirk drew on his lips and you giggled because it was the only way he saluted her.  
Without saying more you came out of his office and with tranquillity you found the exit of the great mansion where you lived for three years.  
You turned to the voice that had just called you back, smiling at Jimin who was walking a quick step towards you; "What happened Jimin??"  
"The boss told me to come with you. You know, he's a little worried. "  
The idea of having a bodyguard didn't surprise you, but without arguing you accepted that situation and you would be in the car once he opened the door to you.  
Park Jimin was what Jung Hoseok was no longer. Despite being a member of the mafia as his husband, still hard to believe that you had married your lover a year earlier, Jimin kept a certain sweetness; Both in his lines and in his behaviors. For this was he who was often assigned to your escort; because he was the one with you were more comfortable with.  
"Are you worried, Y/N?"  
"For Hobi.."  
"The boss will not let that idiot of Minjae ruin everything that was built in these years." He tried to reassure you, but the sense of nausea caused by anxiety didn't disappear; "Y/N, would you love him more if he wasn't who he is?"  
"Jimin I grew up with him.. What he's, doesn't identify who he is. "  
Your sincere answer made the raven black haired boy, who sat by your side and drove quietly through the streets of Seoul, smiling. You failed to understand why he smiled so openly and gently, so you turned to him and watched him carefully.  
That was the last thing you remembered before everything became dark.  
~ ~
A headache woke you and the neon lights that throbbed at the time didn't help that pain, even they worsened it. Your first thought was the guy who was with you. The memories, however, didn't seem to come back, because the last image you could bring to mind was Jimin who smiled gently.  
"Jimin.." You whispered again and at the same instant, the door opened. You hold your breath, frightened to death, but the two men in front of you violently threw a body almost inanimate at your feet. And those hairs, those clothes, the little tattoo on his neck, you would have recognized them everywhere.  
"Sh.. I-I'm fine.." He was not unconscious, it was a relief to you, but he wasn't at the best of his beauty or strength. Only then you realized you had your hands tied behind your back and your feet tied to the legs of the chair, thus preventing you from helping him in some way. He spat a lump of blood on the ground and staggered up, but fell on his knees in front of you. Trembling he recovered a knife hidden in his left boot, destroying the ropes that kept you tied. However there was no way out, that room was without windows and with a single door as an entrance.  
As soon as the weight of the ropes around your wrists loosened you rest your hands under Jimin's arms, supporting him trying to stay calm. Gently you made him sit and he bent his head backward, revealing a face full of cuts, bruising, and lividity. They had to have tortured up to that moment.  
"Fuck Jimin.."  
"I went through w-worse.. But I didn't say n-nothing.. "  
You kept from giving him a slap because to protect the organization he had beaten himself to blood. Your hand ran to the pocket of your jacket but, of course, it was empty. No one was stupid enough to leave a phone to call some kind of rescue.  
"Hobi will find us, Jimin.."  
"I'm sure.." He murmured with a dirty smile of blood while looking around you noticed a first aid box. Enthusiastically grabbed her, realizing only after a few seconds that it was empty.  
"GREAT! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK." You cursed and this your sudden yelling made him smile more, who just leaned forward holding a hand on his right flank.  
"I never heard you scream like th.. Fuck.. "He began to say, lamenting when breathing caused yet another pang to his flank. You immediately approached him, kneeling and lifting the white shirt now red because of the blood. A huge hematoma covered most of his flank and the breath blocked in your throat because it didn't look good.  
"It'll be all right, jimin."  
But you couldn't believe your words either.  
~ ~
Hoseok's pov 
"Sir, they found the car three blocks from here."  
"Thanks, Yoongi.. Go tell Namjoon to get ready, along with Taehyung and Jungkook. "  
The mint haired boy nodded with a small nod, coming out of the door without making the slightest noise.  
Your gaze rested on the only photo you held on the desk, you and Y/N on your wedding day. Trying to calm the anger that flowed through your veins was becoming difficult for every second that passed, you only wanted to find the person responsible for what was going on and torture him to death.  
They had taken your wife and the boy who, despite trying to avoid, you considered a brother. No one would have stayed alive after a similar stupidity.  
Three of them were calling you to the attention and you got out of the chair, slipping your two guns into the holsters hidden beneath the black jacket. "Do you think you come with us, sir..?"  
"I didn't tell you to talk, Jungkook. It's my wife, come on. " You silenced him with a frosty tone and he immediately bent his head to apologize, as you crossed them and walked out of your office with a quick step.  
You knew that routine, but you never would think that every second passed the life of the woman you loved was always in danger.  
~ ~
"You won't intimidate them... With.. That face.. You seem a lost puppy... "  
"Don't talk, you might have broken ribs and talking you could risk of letting them move and pierce a lung."  
"Comforting.." He chuckled as he returned to relax on the bed near the window, however executing that order you had just imparted.  
Despair now was so intense that the desire to destroy everything was the only thing you could think of. You couldn't count how long you were locked up in that room, but while your brain used to make those calculations, the door opened, flooding the room with an annoying light.  
Immediately, despite the pain, Jimin rose from the bed and dragged you behind, covering and protecting you with his own body.  
"The boss wants to see you."  
"Your boss can go fuck himself" You spit with anger those words, while Jimin shook his hand on your wrist and kept you looking to be silent.  
"Nice mouth, lady Take them. " He ordered to two giants behind him, and neither you nor Jimin could fight them. One of them put you on his shoulder to dead weight and despite the punches, the screaming and the kicks you were trying to pull him he kept walking as if nothing was.  
And he left you, in a very rude way, by beating your right flank against the concrete floor. Due to the impact with the ground, the breath was less, while a pang of pain spread throughout the injured part.  
"Y/N!" Jimin screamed, but he wasn't treated differently by you.  
Your sight blurred because of the pain, but you recognize the person in front of you in a few moments. Kim Minjae. That you at that time classified as the number one idiot in the world.  
"Just in time. We're going to have guests. " He murmured with an amused tone, while because of the pain you were still lying on the ground, with besides an equally sore jimin.  
"This is your conception of "Don't hurt"?"  
That voice was unmistakable and hear it made you almost smile, while the weight on your chest quickly began to fade like snow under the sun.  
Looking up you finally saw him, alone at the center of the big salon in which you were, finding it incredibly strange that at least Yoongi wasn't with him.  
Your eyes met and a flash of rage flashed in his, provoking you a shiver of fear that crossed your spine.  
You had never seen Hoseok so angry and for a miserable second, you felt almost sorry for Minjae. But only a second, then the satisfaction of knowing that he would pay for his mistake-filled your chest, making you just smile.  
"I'm sorry Hoseok, let's say your girlfriend was making a lot of mess."  
"Wife." Hoseok corrected him and despite the situation wasn't the best, your heart melted in hearing as he immediately had corrected him.  
"Oh, sorry. Let's talk about business, now?? "  
With an effort you dragged up to Jimin, who could no longer speak because of the pain, starting to caress his hair to distract him in some way. Your words of comfort and that little gesture seemed to work because he returned to breathing more normally and to open his eyes to observe the situation.  
"Yoongi..?" He asked with a trickle of breath, while you shook your head in denial. He lifted his gaze and noticed a figure that ran quickly on the parquet that surrounded the saloon, the one used to reach the shelves full of books of the highest part of the wall library. "They'll kill them all." He added with a neutral tone and you didn't look up, you didn't want to show anyone and then put the "mission" at risk.  
"Minjae what I told you the first time I met you?" Hoseok asked, with an icy tone, while his gaze was resting on the man before himself, sitting against his desk with a casual look.  
"That sooner or later I would pay for my stupidity."  
"That day has come."  
It was a moment, then Minjae's man began to fall on the ground as skittles. A bullet hole right in the middle of the forehead. He, incredibly frightened, observed how the men who were to protect him were dying and tried to recover the gun resting on the desk when a blow pierced his hand. His screams of grief filled the huge room while you watched Hoseok with the gun pointed at him, a quiet smile on his soft lips.  
"You've practically dug your pit by yourself, Minjae." And with that last sentence, the nth shot was shot, killing Minjae..  
A sigh of relief escaped from your lips and immediately the worried figure of Jungkook was at your side, taking Jimin into his arms and running out to be able to bring him from Seokjin and make him heal.  
It was all over and finally, the shock began to do his job, you started trembling and hot tears took to slide along your face just filthy blood.  
You flinched at the touch of Hoseok's hand, turning your gaze towards him and going immediately to hide yourself in his arms. He settled better on his knees, embracing you to himself and starting to slide his fingers through your hair and rocking you gently.  
"Hobi.. H-Hobi.. "  
"It's all over baby, it's all over. Our home is waiting for us."  
You couldn't answer, so without waiting much he took you into his arm like a bride, leaving the salon while Yoongi immediately flanked you along with Namjoon.  
You knew you had to thank them, but your voice seemed completely disappeared while you hiding your face against Hoseok's neck and trying to calm your nerves too tense.  
"He'll be better, don't worry baby."  
"I didn't want you to kill him... You never killed anyone.. "  
"Not personally. But he deserved it, Y/N. He touched my family and that's what happens when you do it. "
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intoxicatedeuphoria · 7 years
Royai Tidbits from FMA: To the Promised Day (PSP Game)
There’s this FMA game for PSP that was never released outside Japan (and thus, untranslated). It’s called Fullmetal Alchemist: To the Promised Day. What’s interesting about this game is that it shows what the characters were up to before and during the preparation period for Promised Day. There are a lot of side stories which were not included in the manga and/or anime and most of the stuff are related to character development and/or backstory.
Since I’m Royai trash, I painstakingly watched the entire playthrough of one user (カジ) on Nico Nico Douga to glean as much information about Riza and Roy as I could. I’m not sure if the game is canon, though. I used the image translation function of Google Translate + my meagre knowledge of the Japanese language for the dialogues so I probably missed some of the details, but hey, something is better than nothing, right? Here’s my first official contribution to the Royai community. Cheers!
Please credit/mention my blog when you use the summary/translation for your works. Thanks <3
EDIT (31.05.2017): I already posted the full translation of Riza and Ed’s conversation here.
#1. Ed and Riza discuss their daddy issues
One of the scenarios that you can unlock in the game involves Riza and Ed talking about their dads. Riza reveals to Ed that her father is also an alchemist, which is why she could empathize with him. She also admits eventually that Roy was her father’s apprentice (and she calls him Mustang-san instead of Colonel as she narrates her story to Ed).
Riza tries to convince Ed to talk to his dad at the very least, while he still has the chance. Then she proceeds to tell him about her relationship with her late father -- how she was afraid of him because he was so obsessed with his alchemy, and how Roy (after Berthold’s death) convinced her that her father loved her in his own way (the proof of which was the moment he asked practically begged Roy to apologize to Riza on his behalf and to take care of her). At first Riza doesn’t say who the apprentice was, but in the end, Ed pieces together the clues and figures it out. Ed is left shocked, but thanks Riza for her advice and for revealing a part of her past to him.
#2. Al, Roy and Havoc share their hospital fantasies/preferences
Al visits Roy and Havoc in the hospital after the encounter with Lust. While Riza is away, Havoc begins a conversation about his hospital fantasies. Al (bless his innocent soul) comments that he wouldn’t mind it if Lieutenant Hawkeye took care of him while he’s sick/injured because she seems capable and caring. Havoc then gets this brilliant idea of imagining Riza as a nurse, and then as a doctor. [screenshots from kaji’s playthrough on Nico Nico Douga]
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He voices out his opinions on each of the scenarios. He says the nurse uniform would enhance Riza’s feminine hips, while the doctor outfit would emphasize her beautiful legs. Roy just hums/nods in agreement at each of the mental images. This is where the screenshots of Riza as a nurse and doctor come from!! An unamused Riza eventually returns to the room and tells them that she heard everything since she was just outside talking to some other patient. The guys are terrified, and Al quickly excuses himself and rushes out of the room.
#3. Riza goes on a picnic with Ed and Al and reveals more about young!Royai
Riza meets up with the Elric brothers for a picnic. Ed consumes everything in sight and comments that the food she had prepared were really good. Al then points out that Riza is the perfect/best woman because she is beautiful, cooks really well, and is really competent at what she does (or she’s good at work, I was lost in translation!). Riza says that it wasn’t always the case.
She tells them that she had to learn how to cook at a young age since her mother passed away early. At first, she had no idea how to cook, but she had to do so anyway since nobody else would do it for her. Then her father’s apprentice Roy arrived. Riza once tried to prepare a feast for him on his birthday. He gladly ate everything she cooked and enthusiastically praised her for her cooking, even if he ended up running to the toilet afterwards. She was so touched by his kindness that she took up cooking lessons so she can prepare better meals for him. [At this point, I’m not sure if the brothers figured out she was referring to Roy every time she mentioned the apprentice.] Al then says it’s great that she cooks really well now, and asks if there’s someone she’s cooking for. She says there used to be someone, but right now that person can’t eat the food that she prepared. [WE ALL KNOW IT’S ROY!!] The boys thank Riza for the wonderful lunch, and assure her that someday she can cook for and eat with that person again. Awwwww.
Right now I can’t remember if there are other important Royai scenes. Maybe I’ll re-watch (and translate, then summarize) the other scenes if I have time ^__^
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puckish-saint · 7 years
Anyone else in the mood for some Angsty-Wing!AU? How about Hanzo, Mccree, Daddy76's s/o's wings become critically injured, to the point where they could never fly again. How do they support their s/o in their time of need??
Technically this is part of the Birdwatch!AU (that I totally plan on continuing!) and some context (ie why Hanzo can’t fly) can be read up on in those fics 
Not everyone at Overwatc can fly, justlike not everyone can swim or ride a bike. It’s a trivial skill hetells himself and it doesn’t matter that he’s the only fieldagent who doesn’t possess it.
He rethinks that opinion when a Talonagent pushes him off the cliff and he falls, unable to catch himselfor even slow his descent. He flaps his wings in a panic, screams forhelp but even when you dive over the edge and fly after him he’ssure you’ll be too late. You’re not, if barely. Less than twodozen metres above the ground you catch him but your wings getentangled, rob you off your balance and you crash into themountainside together, tumbling down the steep slope and are nearlycarried away by the strong river current at the bottom of the canyon.He would have died if it hadn’t been for you, shield his head andspine with your wings that caught the brunt of the fall. They lookthe part, too.
It takes hours to rescue you, thecanyon floor too narrow for the aircraft to land and you too weak tomove to a larger site. He spends the time apologising, begging yourforgiveness, asking for anything he can do to help.
Specialised climbing equipment has tobe set up and by the time Fareeha has reached the canyon floor, herpower armoured wings more than capable of carrying you up again, youhave stopped assuring him you’re not mad. You hiss when Fareehasets your wings into an improvised cast and refuse eye contact witheither of them.
In the following days a lot of ‘if’sand ‘would have been’s come to light. If the team was betterprepared for mountain rescue operations they could have gotten to youfaster. If you had kept a better eye on each other one of you wouldhave noticed Hanzo fall sooner. The biggest ‘if’, the fault, themistake, no one says out loud. If Hanzo had learned to fly instead ofstubbornly refusing lessons, he could have taken care of himself andcaused you harm.
You refuse to see him, have the othersrun interference until you get out of the hospital and avoid himyourself. He makes one or two attempts to track you down but truth betold he’s scared of the conversation he knows has to happen. A partof him is glad you express your anger by ignoring him, even if itmeans sleeping in an empty bed, curling his own wings around himselfin a sad substitute for yours.
Until one night it stops.
He’s almost asleep, has gotten to apoint where he isn’t brought to tears by your absence anymore,doesn’t listen for the quiet sounds of your breathing and rustlingfeathers. The door opens, lets a sliver of light from the hallway in,and closes again. You haven’t said anything but he knows it’syou, knows it by the quality of silence. Saying none of the wordsthat need to be said you crawl into bed with him, skin cold butwelcome nonetheless. He turns around when no wings fold over him likethey used to and without opening his eyes he feels for you in thedarkness and spreads his own over your body, cradling you like youdid him, hundreds of nights and one fatal fall.
He doesn’t know if you cry, can’ttell with his own whispered assurances that he loves you and that healways will, but he holds you through the night, knowing that’s allhe can do and hopes it will be enough.
When you wake up in a hospital bed, thefirst thing you feel is searing pain. The first thing you hear isJesse’s low drawl, telling you that against all evidence this is agood morning. The first thing you see after turning your head in thevague direction of his voice and opening your eyes is a bottle ofbuffalo sauce on the night stand.
You look up, unimpressed.
“Really?” you say while Jesse givesin to the laughing fit he must have fought against ever since he cameup with the idea. His own wings are only a little singed at the edgesbut yours, yes, wouldn’t look out of place at a barbecue.
“Aww, darlin’, you know how much Ilove chicken wings. You’ve just gone and made yourself prettier forme.”
What you did do was to get caught in anexplosion that would have burned you to a crisp if you hadn’tprotected yourself with your wings. As it is your back and feet arestill covered in the same gooey substance your wings are. You dearlyhope whatever it is has been sanctioned by someone who doesn’tthink bringing buffalo sauce to a patient with severe wing trauma isin any way funny.
He sees your face and sheepishly takeshis hat between his hands.
“‘M sorry. Just thought you coulduse some cheering up.” he says and despite the pain, despite thebad joke, you’re overcome with a fondness for this man that can’tbe put into words.
“C’mere.” you say and hold outyour arms, letting him curl up on the bed and half in your lap, hisweight on your legs comforting. He’s still here, cracking badjokes, loving you. It could have been so much worse.
You’ve made peace with the idea ofnever flying again and thus aren’t surprised when the news come.Your feathers were burned down to their roots and won’t grow back.Only advanced skin grafts and months of physical therapy will let youmove your wings at all. It’s an expected blow but that doesn’tmean it’s painless.
Jesse’s with you every step of theway. He’s there to help you change the bandages, and he eases yourfrustration through the exercises. He makes fun of you looking like aplucked chicken but at the end of the day he assures you with kissesand sweet nothings that he still thinks you’re prettier than allthe stars in the sky.
Eventually you’ll talk about wingprostheses and exoskeletons, ways to get you back in the air at hisside where you belong, but until you’ve healed you stay on theground. It’s hard on him, sitting and watching the others fly andkeeping his wings folded against his back. More than once youencourage him to get up there, that you’ll be fine for a while, buthe doesn’t take you up on it.
“I wanna be up there with ya.” hesays and steals a kiss from you. You’re eating the buffalo wings hemade and are far ahead enough in your recovery that you canappreciate the joke.
“Some day.” you assure him. “Nowget up there before they all outfly you.”
He wants to, it’s in his face, thelonging glances towards the sky, the competitiveness that neverreally left him as he got older. You nod, push him out of the chairand promise you’ll be fine for a bit. He takes off, shoots up intothe clear blue sky faster than anyone else on base can and you leanback and watch him fly, thinking this is almost as good as the realthing.
Soldier: 76
The wound is small and persistent.Shrapnel lodged deep in your wing chafing against nerves and tendonswith every move however small. The pain drives tears into your eyesbut you grit your teeth and continue on, through enemy territory,Jack leaning against your healthy wing, taking weight off the bulletwound in his leg.
By the time you arrive at the baseyou’ve lost feeling in your wing. You try not to think about whatthat means, that the lack of pain isn’t a good thing. Jack knows,even though you don’t speak, and once he feels safe enough toholster his gun he takes your hand in his and holds it.
He holds your hand through the medicalexam, and while his leg recovers quickly, your wing is another matterentirely. A tiny wound, barely larger than your thumbnail has robbedyou of any possibility of ever flying again. And that’s when hestops holding your hand and makes an excuse to leave. He doesn’tcome back.
Weeks pass during which he pretendsnothing happened. He encourages you to get back on your feet again,that there are missions to be planned, objectives to be captured,goals to be accomplished and never breathes a word about how to dealwith your disability. He acts like if he doesn’t acknowledge itsexistence, it will go away by itself. Everytime you tell him it won’tand that you really need to talk about where to go from here hechanges the subject. It’s getting old.
“You can’t keep pretending thisisn’t real.” you say, not for the first time. Lately he’sstarted plain outrunning you if the subject comes up and right now hemarches down the hallway in a blur of fiery red, feathers rustling inirritation. But he doesn’t answer. Doesn’t argue.
“Jack, I’m talking to you. We haveto talk about this. You’re the one in charge of team missions, weneed to figure out if I should sit back and focus on recon or if Ican be put back into the field again. We need to set up trainingexercises, see where my limits are, how I can work around them. Jack,for crying out loud, listen!”He snaps. With two stepshe’s turned around and shoved you against the wall, the painshooting through only one of your wings and making you fight forbalance. You bring the remaining functioning wing up against yourshoulder, prepared to defend yourself. You’ve never seen him thisangry.
“We don’t need to do shit if youstop pitying yourself for one second!” he shouts. “You’re notfucking disabled, you’re just injured. Don’t treat this like it’ssome kind of big deal, because it’s not. You’ll rest, get onphysical therapy and then you’ll go back into the field the same asyou always have. I’m not gonna listen to you act like you lost adamn limb. Your wing is right there, it’s fine.”Youwatch as he grabs a fistful of your bad wing and pulls it out fromunderneath you. It falls, hangs limp and lifeless from your back.Jack stares.
For the first time he seems to realisethat your wing might look fine but it’s far from that. He curls hishands into fists, takes a step back. Looks around as if a way outmight present itself any second now. This he can’t ignore, this hecan’t think away.
“Jack ... “ you say but he shakeshis head.
“No. No, you’re messing with me.You just want to be right, you don’t want to admit you’re wrong,you just … you … God.” He falters, conviction breaking in theface of overwhelming evidence. Then he surges forward, pulls you intohis arms, mindful of your wings and buries his face in the crook ofyour shoulder.
“I’m so sorry.” he says and witha shock that shatters your heart you realise he’s crying. “I’msorry, I didn’t … I didn’t want to believe it. You told me andI just let you go through it alone, I ... “
He breaks off, pets your healthy wingto comfort you or calm himself you don’t know. You rake your handsthrough his feathers, whisper soft nothings into his ear.
“It’s alright. We’ll deal withthis together.”He nods, clings tighter to you and says, voicemade hoarse by his shouting and tears: “I won’t leave you alonewith this anymore. I promise.”
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