#i was like why the fuck does iwa wear red and white
salsakiyoomi · 1 year
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you know when oikawa’s lying.
there are many tell-tale signs, really — it's with the way he stutters when he begins speaking at first, the way he fiddles with his hands and looks at everything but your eyes, almost as if you’d see right through him if he met your gaze, the way the tips of his ears turn pink the moment he says something even remotely untrue — if it were any other person, they’d think he just lost his wits for a moment and now he’s stumbling over his words, but you know better than that, you've known him for far too long to know better than that.
also, he's just a really bad liar.
“tooru, i know you still didn’t pick a suit for prom.” you tell him bluntly, cutting off his rambling.
he stares at you for a moment before groaning and covering his face, “look! I'm helpless okay!”
an amused smile cracks its way at your lips as you watch him slump on the ground like a child, “i thought you and iwa went to pick out suits last thursday though?"
it's a late afternoon on a saturday and the two of you are sitting in his room, talking as he was sitting on the floor, doodling something on a paper and you were sitting on his bed, laying on your stomach as you swing your legs back and forth.
he stares up at the ceiling, watching the ceiling fan spin as he spreads like a starfish on the floor, “yeah but there were too many options.”
you snort, “what do you mean too many options? It's literally the same black and white tuxedo for every guy out there.”
he shakes his head rolling on his side and he gets a slight view of you laying on the bed above him, “no, i wanna get something different, something nobody else is gonna wear.”
you laugh — tooru oikawa, as always, wanted to stand out within the crowd whether that be with a different tux or a taco suit, he always wanted to be different from everybody else. and it suited him really, he was always a stand off but it's not something you particularly minded.
“well, if it helps.” you begin, “i haven't picked out my dress yet, so we can get matching colors or something.”
at that, oikawa sits up excitedly, “seriously?”
you glance at him and laugh, “yeah, sure why not? it’d be fun.” you roll on your side to face him, “i can get like a black dress while you get a red suit or we can both get red — or or! we can do pink and green or yellow and blue, you know like complimentary color matches.’’
“fuck yeah.” he responds, grinning “but if we do pink and green, im wearing a pink suit — thats something surely no guy is gonna be wearing out there.”
you chuckle, “sure, green is a color i've never worn anyway.”
tooru oikawa has always wanted to stand out, but ever since the day you've met him, he has always stood out, without even trying, that's mainly the reason you've become friends with him — he has always had an attractive personality (and an attractive face, to be fairly honest) that always enticed you to know more about him, so the day you first met him and he invited you out for lunch, of course you couldn't say no.
“oh yeah, by the way,” you say, “have you gotten a prom date yet?”
oikawa shakes his head no, and waves his hand dismissively, “had a few ask me out, i said no.”
you scoff a laugh at the way he talks about the fact that he had girls asking him out so casually, as if its something that happens everyday — which you assume it actually does, given how popular he is at school.
“what about you?” he suddenly asks, and you can’t help but notice the way he chews at his bottom lips, almost as if nervous from what your answer could be.
you reply, “nope.” shaking your head and heaving a sigh, “can you imagine? not a single guy.” you wipe away a fake tear and the both of you laugh.
the moment passes, leaving an air of tranquility settling in behind it.
“i could change that, you know." oikawa murmurs quietly, you wouldn't have heard it if it weren't for the silence in the room.
you can't help but laugh, "seriously, tooru? you couldn't find a less cheesy way to ask me out?"
you can see a slight blush form on his cheeks, and he turns away from you, "shut up, i'm trying here."
but you don't shut up, you continue to laugh, and you move off the bed and next to him on the ground, as you continue to tease him, "i thought you were going out with iwa."
although his back is turned to you, you can tell that he's rolling his eyes at you right now, "that joke is getting so lame."
you chide, cackling, "c'mon, tooru."
a moment passes with him groaning at your banter and you laughing at the way he does so, trailing your hand up and down his arm in a butterfly touch with your fingertips to provoke him.
finally, he turns around to face you, you can see the way his bottom lip is slightly jutted out as a faint red paints his cheeks and his hand grabs your wrist, forcing your fingertips off his shoulder although he longs for your touch — he pins your hand beside your head, and he seems to tower above you a bit, staring down on you and he mutters, "look, i'm serious here."
you stare up at him, your eyes wide and unblinking and your heart beating a little too fast for your own liking and your face is warm and you can't tell if it's because he's too close or if it's because of the sunlight shining on your face.
"serious?" you utter, voice barely above a whisper.
he answers, "only if you say yes." he can't hide it anymore — can't hide the blush that blooms on his cheeks, can't hide the way his heart is beating so fast, the way it always beats so fast when he's around you and he can't help but feel the way the air gets so much hotter when it's just the two of you, like there are matches alight in the atmosphere, he can't hide his feelings for you, not anymore.
"fine, then." you finally say — it's not like you can deny him or yourself either, because you feel the same way and the air is so hot when it's just the two of you.
oikawa has always stood out to you, whether it be when he was in tux suit, or a taco one, or because his hair looked extra good after hair wash day, it didn't matter what it was because he always had something to show off, even without trying.
and now this time, when he's actually trying to show off, he presses his lips against yours in a firm kiss, and he moves them against yours as if it's second nature, like he's done this a thousand times before, and you assume he has but oh god, you taste so sweet and he can't help but notice how your lips fit so perfectly with his.
and to you, he has never stood out more.
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516 notes · View notes
akascow · 2 years
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193 notes · View notes
kurokoros · 4 years
spider lily | part one
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Rated: M (violence, language, etc)
Words: 7K
Pairing: kuroo x fem!reader/oc?
Summary: No one can outrun the past. Kuroo already knew that before he started bounty hunting. [cowboy bebop!au]
AN: Written for the @the-smut-pile​’s western!au collab. This is barely a western, but the word “cowboy” is used so it counts. This fic is going to be multiple parts. The romance doesn’t come in for a while, just a heads up. I’m sure there’s more I meant to say here, but my brain is mush. I wrote most of this in the last three days and need a nap lmao
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The dealer is watching him.
Eyes burn into his back as the bartender sets another glass of whiskey in front of Kuroo. In the mirror above the bar, Kuroo watches as one of the players, a middle-aged man with a cigar, requests another card. The dealer flips the card, revealing a Jack, and the man curses. A bust.
The dealer ignores the seething player, a look of boredom on his face. He’s thin, his hair parted to the right. Early twenties at best, but his eyes are tired and apathetic as they start to wander around the room.
It’s subtle. The dealer’s gaze doesn’t linger on Kuroo for long—it almost doesn’t linger at all, a stutter in that smooth glance around the room. If he wasn’t waiting for it, he might have missed it. But Kuroo has been painfully obvious tonight, making a show out of staring in that mirror every time a new card is drawn before making his move. It was bound to catch someone’s attention eventually. He just thought it would be sooner.
Kuroo spins the blackjack chip in front of him. White and turquoise blur together as the piece of ceramic whirls around on its edge. Gold glints under the dim lights above him.
A waitress passes the blackjack table behind him. The dealer glances at her. His mouth moves. His chin dips towards the bar where Kuroo is sitting.
“Kuroo.” Static crackles in his ear. His fingers twitch, seizing around the still spinning poker chip. It comes to an abrupt halt. Topples onto its side. With a sigh, he rests his elbow on the counter, props his chin up on his palm, and brings his drink to his mouth. “Anything?”
The whiskey burns in the back of his throat. “Not yet,” he says under his breath, glancing at the bartender to make sure he’s distracted. His fingers brush against the studs in his ear, following the steel bar attached to one of them until he reaches the attached earbud.
A disgruntled sound buzzes through the miniature speaker in his ear. “Then what are we wasting our time here for?” Tsukishima demands. The words aren’t minced, irritation mixed with his typical haughty tone.
“Getting bored out there, Kei?” Kuroo asks the younger man, keeping his tone light and amused. He specifically uses his first name, goading him. “I told you to come inside earlier. You still can. Unless you’d prefer to sit in the ship and sulk.” He takes another drink. “Besides, haven’t I told you to be patient?”
Tsukishima is silent on the other end.
The lapse in conversation stretches out. Kuroo’s gaze trails away from the card table behind him as he seeks out the rest of his crew in the reflection of the mirror over the bar. They’re still waiting where he left them, on opposite sides of the gambling floor. Akaashi is tucked close to the back wall, nursing his own drink and casually watching a game of poker, making no move to play himself like Kuroo has in the hour they’ve been here already. On the other end of the room, Bokuto is eyeing one of the card tables, starting to wander away from the slot machines and naturally gravitate towards the center of the room where a larger game of poker is being played. The prize pool has been steadily growing, attracting more attention as the night wears on.
They just have to wait a little longer for their target to show.
Eventually, Tsukishima huffs. “How do you even know Ikeda will be here tonight? He’s running. There’s no point in going to a high-traffic casino.”
Kuroo’s eyes narrow at the snappish tone, but he decides to let it slide for now. “Source said he’s headed this way,” he reminds Tsukishima. “You don’t come this close to Titan without stopping by Blue Castle. Not with a pool like that on the line.” He glances at the table Bokuto has been eyeing. “It’s up to a couple hundred grand already. He’s desperate for cash. Places like this don’t ask questions. Don’t give a shit so long as the house keeps winning.”
“And if you’re wrong?”
He shrugs, gaze wandering away from Bokuto. “Guess we’re fucked for a while.”
Tsukishima snorts. “How reassuring.”
Movement catches Kuroo’s eye in the corner of the mirror before he can ready a retort. There’s a man with dark hair shoving his way through the crowd of people gathered on the gambling floor. No, not shoving. The crowd is parting for him, scurrying out of his way as he storms across the room. Expression set in a scowl. A scowl that’s locked on Kuroo’s back.
Right on time.
He drops his hand from his face, sitting up straighter on the stool as the man comes closer. “Seems like security is finally coming to get me,” he tells Tsukishima off-handedly, abruptly ending the conversation. “Oh, and tell Kou to stop eyeing that table. His poker face is shit.”
Tsukishima pauses, like he wants to ask Kuroo what he’s talking about, but decides it’s simply not worth the effort. A grumbled response eventually comes over the radio, but Kuroo has already stopped listening. Low static buzzes in his ear as Tsukishima switches channels on his headset.
For once, he’s glad for Tsukishima’s lack of interest, though it isn’t bound to last long.
Kuroo grins into his drink as the man drops onto the stool beside him not a moment later. “About time someone got you, Iwa.” He tilts his head to the side, lazy gaze meeting a familiar stern expression. Green eyes glare back at him, and his smile widens. “I was about to bring the house down.”
A snort. “Like hell I’d let you walk away with that much,” Iwaizumi tells him. The tension in his clenched jaw loosens, but the scowl stays, and it doesn’t make him look any less disheveled. His clothes are rumpled. Shirt buttoned haphazardly; the sleeves rolled up. Iwaizumi jerks his chin towards the chip Kuroo has gone back to idly toying with in his free hand. “What are you up to anyway? Hundred thousand?”
He leans forward to look past Kuroo and braces his elbows on the counter, gesturing to catch the bartender’s attention.
“Two,” Kuroo corrects, glancing at his acquaintance. “What can I say? I’ve always had good luck.”
That gets him a chuckle. Though, it’s more disbelieving than amused. “Bullshit.” Iwaizumi shakes his head. A faint smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Counting cards doesn’t make you lucky.”
Kuroo shrugs, a wicked glint in his gold eyes. “Not getting caught does.”
The corner of Iwaizumi’s mouth twitches. “Yeah? How’d that work out tonight?”
“I’m still winning.”
The bartender places a drink down in front of Iwaizumi without a word, though he hesitates on the other side of the bar. A curious gaze strays towards Kuroo. The young man flinches when gold eyes snap up to meet his.
“On the rocks?” Kuroo comments as the bartender is called away by another patron. He watches the man leave, aware of the gazes lingering on him now that Iwaizumi is here. Bokuto must have mentioned the other man’s presence to Tsukishima because that familiar buzzing sound vibrates in his ear. “Didn’t think you’d be one to drink on the job. What would he say about that?”
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes as he downs half the drink. The single ball of ice clinks against the edge of the glass. Kuroo watches it bob in the amber liquid. “I put up with his dumb ass twelve hours a day. He owes me this much.”
“That why you look like shit?” Kuroo asks, giving him another once-over. He smirks when he sees something he hadn’t noticed before. “That shade of red looks good on you, by the way.” He gestures to the lipstick stains half-hidden behind Iwaizumi’s collar, low on the side of his throat. “Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing.”
“Piss off.” Iwaizumi glares at him, flustered. A flush starts to creep up his neck, but it doesn’t get under his skin the way Kuroo wants it to. They’ve known each other too long for that. “What are you doing here, Kuroo?”
He takes some satisfaction in how quickly Iwaizumi changes the subject. Pleasantries gone.
Flicking the rim of his glass, Kuroo wonders how much he should say right now, mindful of the audience listening. “Passing through,” he finally settles on, watching the ice in his own drink bob. He sends Iwaizumi a pointed look. “Hopefully, we won’t be here long.”
“We?” Iwaizumi repeats, eyes narrowing as he furrows his brow. It dawns on him a second later. “You’re here on a job. Fuck.”
The glare aimed at Kuroo doesn’t soften as he waves off Iwaizumi’s concern. “Nothing you need to worry about.”
“Tell him that,” Iwaizumi spits back at him. He leans back on his stool, rubbing his temple. “You’re lucky Kunimi sent the waitress to me and not Kyoutani.”
Tsukishima is silent over the headset, but Kuroo knows the younger man has been listening intently since he got back, just in case Kuroo slips up and says something he shouldn’t. But Kuroo has practice. There’s always someone listening.
Kuroo taps the blackjack chip on the bar counter, tracing the Blue Castle written across the coin in an elegant scrawl. “Blond guy in the back?” With a twist of his fingers, he sends the chip spinning again. “He’s been watching me since I walked in. Looks like he wants to kick my ass.”
“You’d deserve it.” Iwaizumi looks at Kuroo. “You gonna make this easy for me?”
The chip stops spinning and falls on its side with a quiet clatter. A turquoise crown is printed in the center.
“Why not?” Glancing in the mirror one last time, Kuroo makes eye contact with Akaashi. Static buzzes in his ear, the radio crackling again. Before Tsukishima can speak, Kuroo casually flicks the switch on his headset, silencing the static. He downs the rest of his drink and slides off the stool with a lazy stretch. “It’s been a while since I saw the Great King.”
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Iwaizumi leads him to the elevator.
Neither speak as they wait for it to reach the bottom floor. Kuroo takes a subtle glance around the room. The blond that Iwaizumi mentioned—Kyoutani—is still watching him. So are Akaashi and Bokuto, who have strayed from their positions closer to the door. While Bokuto seems more confused than concerned, there’s an uneasy look on Akaashi’s face. His mouth moves as he speaks to Tsukishima over his earpiece. Kuroo doesn’t bother trying to read his lips.
The ding of the elevator draws Kuroo’s attention back to Iwaizumi, who waits for him to enter the box first.
It’s been a while since Kuroo has been in Blue Castle, but as his gaze roams the panels of heavy glass surrounding the box, he figures not much has changed. The elevator juts from the main building. Three walls made of Saturn glass that reflect the neon lights from streets below. The doors slide shut as Iwaizumi follows him inside, and Kuroo leans against the wall, head tilted back. The ceiling is made of glass too.
From here, he can just barely see the stars.
Iwaizumi fishes a set of keys from his pocket. Thumbing through them, he stops when he finds the one he’s looking for: small and silver, a crown etched onto the side. The key slots into a lock at the bottom of the button panel, and the button for the fourth floor glows blue when Iwaizumi turns it.
Kuroo glances at the other man as the elevator starts to move, hands casually slipping into the pockets of his suit jacket. “Is there going to be a gun pointed at my head when I get to the top floor?”
“No promises,” Iwaizumi says, leaning back against the wall as well. The muscles in his jaw clench as he rubs the back of his neck. The lipstick stains on his neck are smeared, not nearly as noticeable as they were before. “You know how he is.”
Leaning in closer, Kuroo squints his eyes, a sly grin on his face. “You missed a spot,” he tells Iwaizumi, who glares at him.
“Fuck off.”
Kuroo’s chuckle is cut off by the doors to the fourth floor opening in front of them. There are no guns pointed at him. No guards. No dogs. Just an empty hallway leading to a set of double doors.
He hopes his shoes scuff the ridiculous marble floors as he follows Iwaizumi out of the elevator. They’re startling white, inlaid with streaks of gold.
Iwaizumi doesn’t bother knocking on the doors. He shoves them open wide, grumbling something under his breath that Kuroo doesn’t pay much attention to, immediately focused on the wall of windows across the room and the man perched behind the large, white desk centered in front of them.
He’s sprawled lazily in his chair, slumped against his desk, and unsurprised by their sudden arrival. “You truly have no tact, Hajime,” he complains, sighing as his head of security enters the room. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes as the other man runs a hand through his brunet bangs. “Though, I suppose that can’t be helped.” His lips curl into a practiced smile when his dark eyes land on Kuroo, his expression brightening as he lifts his head from where it was cradled in his hand.
“Kuroo.” The returned greeting is clipped. Oikawa sits up straighter behind his desk. “What a surprise.” He raises an eyebrow, silently observing his old acquaintance, his stare critical as he looks over Kuroo’s rumpled suit: jacket left unbuttoned and tie loose around his neck. “You look like shit,” he says, as Iwaizumi closes the set of doors and leans against the wall beside them.
Kuroo huffs. “Good to see you too,” he responds, sarcasm thick on his tongue as he walks further into the office, eyes wandering around the space.
It’s open. Clean. Decorated in blues and whites and golds. Expensive, but not tacky. Even Oikawa is wearing a nice blue button-up, looking more presentable than either Kuroo or Iwaizumi. The man in question slides his work aside, gesturing for Kuroo to sit in one of the sleek armchairs in front of him.
“How long has it been since we saw each other?” Oikawa asks him, clasping his hands together on his desk, head tilted to one side in thought.
“Almost two years.” Kuroo eyes the chair before sitting on it and stretching out like an overgrown housecat. “Back on Ganymede. When everything was going to shit.”
Oikawa hums low under his breath. His gaze seems to darken with the memory. The room feels colder suddenly. Heavier. Oikawa watches as Kuroo absently spins one of the rings decorating his fingers. He changes the subject. “You’re working with a team now. I suppose you always were a natural leader.”
Kuroo shrugs—grits his teeth. “I keep picking up strays. Bad habit.” He nods towards the paperwork shoved to one side of the desk, piles in various states of disarray. A small crack in the façade Oikawa likes to put on. “How’s the casino these days?”
It doesn’t catch him off guard like Kuroo hoped. Oikawa’s brows furrow, his smile slipping. “You don’t care about my business ventures.”
“You don’t care who I’m working with so long as they aren’t after you,” Kuroo counters.
The stare Oikawa levels him with is matched by Kuroo’s own, gold and brown clashing. It’s Oikawa who backs down first, though Kuroo knows better than to call it a win. “Fair enough,” he concedes. “Now, are you really going to make me ask why you’re here?”
“Bounty’s for some guy named Ikeda,” Kuroo tells him. “From what I’ve heard, he was a dealer for some kingpin on Callisto who took over within the last year, after the Widow Maker Conflict.” Kuroo’s eyes narrow. “He made off with four-hundred-thousand worth of some shit called Paradise. Nasty hallucinogenic. Some places are calling it Reaper. I don’t know much about it yet.”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi exchange a look over Kuroo’s shoulder. “So, the kingpin wants this Ikeda taken out?”
“No.” Kuroo shakes his head. “ISSP put out the bounty because they think he’ll talk. They want to get rid of this shit before one of the Mars’ Syndicates gets ahold of it. Bounty is set at over half a million right now.”
Iwaizumi scoffs by the door, arms folded across his chest. “They think the Syndicates don’t already? Dumb fucks.”
The sneered comment is followed by stark silence.
Behind his desk, Oikawa sighs. “I see,” he mutters. What little of his smile was left falls away, his lips pressing into a thin line. “The bounty does make it harder for the dealers to put out a hit instead. Too many people will be looking for one man. Once this Paradise ends up with one of the Syndicates, it’ll practically be untouchable. It makes sense they’d put out such a high bounty for it. Why do you think he’s coming here?”
“That pool downstairs is at almost five hundred thousand, right?”
This time, Iwaizumi outright laughs. “Ikeda thinks they’ll let him pay it back? They’ll make him bite the curb. Poor bastard’s good as dead already. If the kingpin doesn’t take him out now, one of the Syndicates will after he’s already in custody.”
“We got here early thanks to a tip from a friend of mine,” Kuroo explains, looking out the window. “As of about five minutes ago, every bounty hunter in the area is headed this way. By the time they get here, my crew downstairs will have caught Ikeda and left for the Juno station. Titan is going to be crawling with bounty hunters before long,” he tacks on. “And you don’t come to Titan without—”
“Without stopping at Blue Castle,” Oikawa finishes for him, tone dry. He rolls his eyes. “I’m aware.”
Kuroo leans back further in his seat, a grin already tugging at the corner of his mouth. There are no ships in sight yet, but he knows better than to think they aren’t coming. “With no bounty left, they’ll have nothing better to do but drink and play blackjack.”
Oikawa doesn’t look convinced. “They’ll be broke,” he says simply. “All of you bounty hunters are. What good does that do me?”
“It’s not my problem if they don’t know when to quit.” His golden eyes cut away from the window, catlike gaze settling on Oikawa. “Besides, when has that ever stopped you from letting someone rack up a gambling debt before?” Kuroo asks.
“I paid off yours, didn’t I?” Oikawa throws out casually, gaining a scowl from Kuroo in response. He ignores it, glancing down at his paperwork instead, then at Iwaizumi, before returning his attention to the bounty hunter on the other side of his desk. “And why wouldn’t I go after the bounty myself if he’s worth that much?”
Kuroo’s response is immediate. “You don’t like to get your hands dirty unless you need to. This one isn’t worth your time.” He shifts his weight on the chair, grinning. “And you still owe me a favor from back then.”
This time, Oikawa frowns. His eyes narrow in irritation. “I thought we settled that back on Ganymede?”
“You owed me two.”
Iwaizumi snorts, grinning as Oikawa sends him a withering look.
Instead of arguing like Kuroo expects, Oikawa pauses as he considers what Kuroo has told him so far. It does make sense. The bounty isn’t worth it to him, not when he’s unprepared. Even so.
“Why didn’t you join the poker game downstairs?” he asks. “The pool right now is more than your cut of the bounty. You could have taken it and run. Left someone else to deal with the bounty. It would have been easy for you.”
Kuroo smirks. “Where’s the fun in that?”
Oikawa clasps his hands together, fingers linking together. “What exactly are you planning, Kuroo?” he asks, leaning forward and resting his chin on his hands.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” Kuroo promises.
“Somehow, I don’t believe that.”
“You don’t have to.” He shrugs. “All I’m asking is for your boys to stay out of my way.”
A pause. Oikawa is still frowning at him. “And if they don’t?”
“Tooru,” Iwaizumi cuts in again. He still hasn’t moved from the spot he took up near the doors, staying out of it but remaining close. Just in case. Kuroo and Oikawa are too similar sometimes. Slick-tongued. Both of them piss Iwaizumi off like that. “It saves us a mess to clean up ourselves. Besides, business is business.”
Oikawa purses his lips, acknowledging Iwaizumi, but keeping his gaze firmly on Kuroo.
Instead of answering, Kuroo reaches under his jacket. Iwaizumi tenses where he’s leaning up against the wall, but before he can reach for his gun, Kuroo places a stack of blackjack chips on Oikawa’s desk and slides them across. Over a dozen ten-thousand-dollar chips clatter against the wood. “The house always wins, right?”
Oikawa lets him leave, dark brown eyes trailing after Kuroo as he heads for the door.
He stops beside Iwaizumi. “There is one more thing.”
“Oh?” Oikawa muses. “And what’s that?”
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The ground floor is still bustling with activity when Kuroo and Iwaizumi step out of the elevator. A quick glance around the room tells Kuroo he hasn’t missed much. The all-in poker game hasn’t started yet, but there are more people milling around now, lingering closer to the middle of the room. He doesn’t see Ikeda, not yet anyway. It won’t be long until he crawls out of whatever hole he’s hidden away in.
He just hopes that’s before more bounty hunters start showing up. Despite what he told Oikawa, Kuroo isn’t so foolish as to think he’s the only bounty hunter with friends in the ISSP. If he wasn’t already headed towards Titan, they might have been too late getting here.
Catching sight of Bokuto’s hair in the crowd below, Kuroo claps Iwaizumi on the shoulder. “Until next time,” he says, offering the other man a parting grin. “Also, I should probably warn you that Bokuto tends to break things. I’m sure Oikawa won’t mind paying for the damages himself, of course. As part of that favor.”
“Fuck off.”
Iwaizumi shakes Kuroo off, much to his delight, and he chuckles as he heads back towards the bar he’s supposed to be posted at. He doesn’t make it far before he pauses, hesitating before he reaches the floor. Iwaizumi quirks a brow at Kuroo’s behavior but watches silently as the other man stands there for a moment, only a few feet away from Iwaizumi. “Hey, Hajime?” Kuroo calls over his shoulder without turning around. “Thanks.”
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes. “Whatever, space cowboy.” Leaving Kuroo there, he turns towards the back of the room where Kyoutani is posted. “Don’t go gettin’ yourself killed now.”
An amused huff slips past Kuroo’s mouth. “No promises,” he says under his breath.
It’s not until he makes it back onto the gambling floor that Kuroo switches his earphone back on. Predictably, white noise fills his left ear. That static sound ends when a furious voice breaks through.
“What the hell was that?” Tsukishima sneers at him, louder than usual. Kuroo wasn’t gone long. Fifteen minutes at most. But it was just long enough to piss the younger man off. “Why did you cut me—”
“Tell Kou and Keiji to get back into position and wait for my signal,” he says, calmly cutting Tsukishima off. “And then connect all of the lines. If you’re going to stay outside, make sure you have eyes on the front at all times. The final pool starts in about twenty minutes. Everyone is all-in. Ikeda will be here for it.”
Tsukishima is quiet for a long time. Kuroo knows he’s pissed the younger man off, but right now, he doesn’t care.
The radio in his ear crackles one more time. “Fine.”
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It’s easy to drown out the chatter in his ear as he sits at the bar. Bokuto’s voice fades into background noise, Akaashi’s occasionally filtering through as he responds to his partner. Tsukishima hasn’t spoken since he linked the coms, still pissed at Kuroo.
He’ll have to deal with that later.
Sighing, Kuroo runs his fingers through his hair and leans back.
A whiskey glass clinks against the counter in front of him. Kuroo’s gaze jumps towards the sound. Ice bobs in the glass. Slowly, his hand falls away from his head. A frown tugs at his mouth.
The same bartender from before stands across from him. Under Kuroo’s gaze, he shifts his weight back and forth on his feet. “It’s on the house,” he says as Kuroo raises an eyebrow at the drink he didn’t order. “Enjoy.”
Kuroo stares at the glass for a moment, but he doesn’t dwell on it. If Oikawa wants to waste good liquor on him, who is he to complain about it?
Raising the glass to his mouth, he takes a drink. The taste that bursts across his tongue almost makes him choke. Kuroo struggles not to laugh, biting his lip to keep from coughing.
Apple juice.
“Bastard,” he mumbles, a small smile tugging at his lips as he shakes his head.
It must be just loud enough for the microphone to catch, because Bokuto’s idle chatter cuts off abruptly. White-noise buzzes in his ear before Bokuto calls out, “Kuro?” A glance in the mirror shows that Bokuto is already looking at him from across the room, head cocked to one side curiously.
“It’s nothing,” Kuroo says, brushing him off. “Try not to break too much tonight, Kou. It’s coming out of your cut this time.”
The sudden shift in topic makes Bokuto gasp, his pride on the line. But before Bokuto can whine about being called out for occasionally being destructive, Tsukishima speaks up, his familiar bored tone smooth over the speaker in his ear.
“Kuroo,” he says nonchalantly. “Ikeda is here.”
Using the mirror, Kuroo scans the room. At the very edge of the glass, Kuroo catches a glimpse of a thin man with mousy brown hair standing near the entrance, eyes darting around the room. He’s making himself more obvious than Kuroo was. Jittery. The kind that brings problems with him where he goes. Even if he hadn’t warned Iwaizumi and Oikawa, they would have noticed him themselves immediately.
“I see him. Three o’clock.” The others call affirmatives once they have eyes on their target, and Kuroo mulls over what they should do. They need to get out of here quickly. Once more bounty hunters arrive at Blue Castle, they’ll be in trouble. “Bokuto. Akaashi.”
“Want us to cut him off?”
Kuroo shakes his head. “No. Let him get close. We don’t want him running.” He doesn’t dare face Ikeda directly; he looks jumpy enough to take off if he notices. Instead, he follows him in the mirror. Just like he told Oikawa, the bounty heads straight for the counter, exchanging what little cash he has for Blue Castle chips. He’s closest to Bokuto, still lingering near the poker tables. “Kei, is there anyone following him?”
“It looked like there might have been three men tailing him on the street. They just walked in as well.”
Akaashi speaks up from where he’s carefully hidden himself in the shadow of the back wall. “They’re looking for someone,” he says, watching the trio of men’s eyes roam around the room, gazes more shrewd than if they were simply entranced by the sights. “Bounty hunters?”
Kuroo catches sight of them a moment later and grimaces. It only takes one look for him to know they have a problem. “Hitmen,” he corrects. So much for it being harder to put out a hit. Ikeda must have information that’s too valuable for him to be left alive if they’re sending this many after him. “Shit. Cut them off. Don’t lose them in the crowd.”
“You got it!”
“And you?”
Kuroo slides off his barstool. “Just leave Ikeda to me.” He pauses before grabbing his glass from the counter, taking it with him.
Bokuto and Akaashi linger further away, keeping their eyes on the hitmen trailing Ikeda, while Kuroo heads straight for the poker table. Ikeda skirts around the edge of the same table, moving to the side furthest from the doors, expecting to be followed. It would be smart. Except Kuroo is coming from behind him.
It should be easy. They’ve dealt with more difficult targets before. Craftier. Stronger. More desperate. As soon as Kuroo gets close enough, he’ll subdue Ikeda. Bokuto and Akaashi should be able to handle the hitmen by themselves if they’re working for some low-level kingpin on Callisto.
Halfway across the room, Kuroo bumps into someone on his right.
“Fuck,” he hisses. His drink sloshes in the glass, spilling over his fingers. The man who ran into him swears as well. Amber liquid stains the side of his white shirt. As his arms jerk away from the sudden cold, the sides of his jacket shift.
There’s a gun holstered at his side.
Kuroo’s eyes snap up. The other man is already looking at him. Jaw clenched. Eyes narrowed. His fingers twitch at his side. He hadn’t been on the first floor all night. They didn’t see him come in.
“Son of a bitch,” Kuroo says.
“Kuroo?” someone asks over the radio.
He sighs. “There are four of them.”
He throws what’s left of his drink in the other man’s face and lurches to the side as the fourth hitman draws his gun and shoots. The loud bang startles everyone in the room. Kuroo doesn’t see where the bullet goes as he ducks out of the way.
The gun is still trained on him when Kuroo rolls back onto his feet. There’s more distance between them now. A long blackjack table caught between the two of them. The hitman sneers at him. The gun levels with Kuroo’s chest. His finger pulls back on the trigger.
Kuroo lashes out with his leg. His foot collides with the underside of the blackjack table. It’s thrown onto its side. Two of the four legs lurch off the ground. Balanced precariously like that, the table blocks the bullets aimed at him. Wood splinters upon impact at point blank. Blue and white poker chips fly through the air.
All hell breaks loose.
There are screams in Blue Castle as the other hitmen draw their guns as well. People stumble from their seats on the gambling floor, shoving to get out of the way of gunfire that doesn’t come. Bokuto and Akaashi are faster.
Two of the men are caught off-guard and taken down.
Kuroo doesn’t watch his partners grapple for their guns. His eyes sweep around the room in search of Ikeda. He’s already taken off, racing towards the side door leading out to the alleys surrounding Blue Castle. He spits out a curse. It’ll be hard to catch him if he gets outside.
The hitman across from Kuroo seems to realize the same thing. Still blocked by the table, he trains his gun on Ikeda instead, ready to take the shot.
As the other man fires his gun, Kuroo throws the whiskey glass still clenched in his hand. The bullet smashes into the specially made Saturn Glass which explodes with the impact, delayed by only a second. Shards of glass rain down. The bullet’s trajectory shifts off course; it ends up embedded in the wall inches from Ikeda as he throws himself out the side door.
Before he can take another shot, Kuroo throws his weight against the upright table. It topples onto the hitman, knocking him onto the ground. One of the wooden legs snaps off.
Oikawa is going to be pissed.
Kuroo doesn’t have long to dwell on that. One of the other three hitmen pushes through the crowd. Before Kuroo can grab his own gun, the other man is already halfway out the door.
He makes sure to step on the table as he races after them, knocking the wind out of the man beneath it.
Kuroo throws the door open, letting it bang against the side of the building. The alley is empty. Both men are gone.
“Shit,” he sneers. “Kei, any movement on the west side of the entrance?”
He runs to the right.
From what he remembers, this alley leads to a dead end behind the casino. An area sectioned off by the man who owned Blue Castle before Oikawa. They should be trapped there. If not, the wall should at least slow them down long enough for him to catch up.
Kuroo rounds the corner. A bang. He throws himself against the alley wall. A bullet buries itself in the bricks behind where he was standing. Kuroo yanks out his own gun, leveling it with the hitman’s head.
Before he can take the shot, the hitman pulls Ikeda between them, turning his gun on their bounty instead.
“Drop it. Now,” he demands, shoving the pistol against Ikeda’s temple. “Or he’s dead.”
Ikeda inhales sharply, tensing. Wide, terrified eyes try to meet Kuroo’s, but he doesn’t spare the bounty a look, keeping his eyes locked with the hitman’s as his finger hovers over the trigger.
Kuroo’s grip on his own gun is loose. He raises an eyebrow at the threat. “What do I care about that?” he asks. The hitman’s eyes widen. His shoulders slacken momentarily in surprise. Ikeda tenses as Kuroo continues. “He’s dead either way, right? That pool inside is worth more than this bastard is.”
The hitman hesitates, his brow furrowing in confusion. “But you’re a cowboy, aren’t you?”
Kuroo shrugs with one shoulder, gun still pointed at the hitman. “I’m not here to save anyone,” he says truthfully. A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth as the pistol moves just an inch away from Ikeda’s head. “Besides. You really think you’re faster than me?”
He pulls the trigger.
Blood splatters across the side of Ikeda’s face. The hitman cries out as a bullet buries itself in his shoulder. He drops the gun. Kuroo shoots him again as he stumbles forward, this time in the leg. He hits the ground with a thud and doesn’t move.
Kuroo doesn’t lower his weapon until Ikeda stumbles back against the wall and slides down onto his ass, his legs giving out.
“Thank you,” Ikeda croaks after a minute of silence. His hands tremble as he curls further into the brick wall behind him, and he watches as Kuroo nudges the hitman with the tip of his shoe.
He kicks the man’s injured shoulder when he doesn’t react the first time, satisfied when the man groans, long and low under his breath. Good. He doesn’t feel like dealing with a body today. Too much of a hassle with the paperwork.
Kuroo leans back against the opposite wall of the alley and takes out a cigarette.
Ikeda sucks in a shuddering breath. “Thank you,” he says again before Kuroo can light it.
Kuroo stills. “Don’t.” His voice is calm. Firm. “I meant it. You’re probably dead either way if you’ve pissed off the syndicates.” Ikeda flinches as Kuroo’s eyes finally snap over to meet his. “There’s not much the ISSP can do to protect you from them. You should have known that when you stole almost half a million worth of product.” He laughs at the face Ikeda makes, but there’s nothing humorous about it. “Hell, it might have been kinder to let him shoot you here, compared to what they’ll do after you’re taken in.”
He turns his back on Ikeda, lighting his cigarette. “You guys done inside?” he asks over the radio.
Akaashi answers. “We’re taking these three back to the Cat. Do you need help?”
“Nah, I should be—”
He stops abruptly.
Glancing over his shoulder, Kuroo finds a gun pointed at him again. This time it’s Ikeda holding it.
He wets his lips. “Give me a minute,” he mumbles back.
Ikeda aims the gun at Kuroo’s head, trembling finger hesitating to squeeze down on the trigger. “I don’t wanna die,” he tells Kuroo, tears rolling down his cheeks.
Slowly, Kuroo raises one of his empty hands to his ear, silencing the radio. Ikeda’s hand won’t stop shaking. “You think running away forever is any better?”
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By the time Kuroo gets back with Ikeda and the hitman he took out, the others are already lounging around in the common area of the ship. The other three hitmen are tied up on the floor, their wrists cuffed behind their backs. Tsukishima is lying on one of the couches, wearing his headphones as he plays some handheld game, Akaashi leaning against the wall beside him. Bokuto is sitting cross-legged in front of the hitmen. A grin spreads across his face when Kuroo walks into the room.
“About time you got back, man! We were ready to leave without you!”
Akaashi sighs. Ignoring Bokuto, he looks at Kuroo as he shoves the last hitman with the rest. Ikeda, he lets sit on one of the chairs in the room, though his hands are bound in front of him.
“What do you want us to do with them?” he asks, nodding towards the four.
Kuroo crouches in front of them, brows furrowed in thought. “Might as well keep them,” he decides. “I might be able to swindle my guy into giving us a bonus for these bastards. Doubt they’re worth much though.” Shrugging, he stands and stretches. “Ah, well. Guess that’s not our problem.”
Akaashi nods, and Bokuto scrambles to his feet beside him. “Want us to take them downstairs?”
“Keep them separate,” Kuroo tells them. The last thing they need is for one of them to get their hands on Ikeda before they can turn him in.
Bokuto gives him a two-finger salute before he helps Akaashi pull the men to their feet. They don’t put up much of a struggle as they’re herded out of the main area. Ikeda, too, follows them without making a fuss. His face is still streaked with blood, his eyes puffy and red.
Kuroo doesn’t look at him for long.
“You seem to know a lot of people,” Tsukishima comments after Akaashi and Bokuto are gone with the others. He’s still playing his game, but his headphones are down around his neck.
“Must be my sparkling personality.” Tsukishima scoffs under his breath, and Kuroo levels him with a look, catching Tsukishima’s gaze before he can turn away. When the younger man stays quiet, Kuroo narrows his eyes. “You got something to say, say it.”
Tsukishima doesn’t hesitate this time. “Why did you turn off your headset?”
“Now, that’s a secret,” Kuroo tells him, starting to smile. When Tsukishima sends him a blank look in return, Kuroo doesn’t bother to keep it up. “I had business with an old friend. I didn’t need some kid listening in.” It’s the wrong thing to say.
The snappish tone has Kuroo gritting his teeth. “Is that a problem, Kei?”
The younger man rolls his eyes. “Whatever,” he says, getting off the couch. “The ship is on autopilot to Juno. I’ll be in my room.”
Suddenly exhausted, Kuroo drops onto the couch opposite where Tsukishima was sitting. A soft trilling sound comes from the open hallway leading toward the bedrooms. Kuroo’s head lolls to the side. A small smile tugs at his mouth as a fluffy, black cat pads into the room. Sumi chirps as soon as he sees Kuroo. The cat trots up to him, rubbing against Kuroo’s legs and winding around his ankles. He purrs loudly.
Clicking his tongue, Kuroo pats the seat beside him.
Sumi makes a sound as he hops onto the couch, immediately crawling onto Kuroo’s lap. “What the hell are we gonna do with him, huh, Susu?” Kuroo asks, rubbing the cat’s cheek. Sumi purrs louder, leaning more of his weight into Kuroo’s palm.
Predictably, Sumi offers no answers. Kuroo sighs as he runs his fingers along the cat’s spine, fingers brushing through his long hair.
Closing his eyes again, he leans his head back, thinking about what Oikawa said before. There was a reason he couldn’t have Tsukishima listening in.
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He stopped beside Iwaizumi. “There is one more thing.”
“Oh?” Oikawa mused. “And what’s that?”
Kuroo glanced over his shoulder, baring his teeth in a grin that was too wide. Too sharp. “I was never here.”
At his desk, Oikawa arched a brow, chin resting on his laced fingers. An amused smile tugged at his lips. “Of course not,” he agreed easily, brushing off the unspoken threat and pacifying Iwaizumi, whose hand had twitched towards the gun at his hip. “How could you be?” Oikawa continued. “After all, you’ve been dead for three years.”
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Iwaizumi Hajime does not do love.
It was so hard for him to realize he was in love with you. It was denial, after denial, after denial, until you went on a date with Oikawa. You where their best friend, and you had always said that you wouldn’t date them but what changed?
And you may ask, wouldn’t Oikawa have known that his best friend had a crush on you? Ofc he did, Iwaizumi just need to get pissed off. I think it was your fourth date with Oikawa, and he hasn’t kissed you yet, and did Oikawa purposefully take you to the restaurant where Iwaizumi had planned to hang out at with Mattsun and Maki, yes he did.
He tried not noticing the way you laught at whatever he said. The way your nose crinkled and how one eye had more wrinkles than the other. He was so endlessly in love with you and he was ready to accept the fact that he would stand under oikawas shadow again. “Hey man come on, you’re staring at her like a hawk.” Mattsun told him, slapping the back of his head. “I thought you said you didn’t like her.” Maki questioned, taking a sip of his drink. “I- I don’t.” Iwaizumi noted, taking his eyes off you for the first time in a while. “Don’t lie to yourself, man. You’re in love with y/n, but now it’s too late. Oikawa beat you to the punch.” Maki nodded outside to the window, you were standing outside hand in hand with him. “Crap...” He muttered to himself, gripping his own hand until his knuckles turned white. “Too late my ass.” Iwaizumi jumped from his seat and dashed outside
“HEY!!!” He yelled, Oikawas hand was on your cheek leaning in closer. “Oh, Iwa~chan! What are you doing here.” Iwaizumi was fumming. “Cut the crap Shittykawa, you knew i’d be here!” Oikawa rose a brow, “Oh is someone angry?”
“Don’t entice him, Tooru, come on.” you warned pulling on his sleeve but they obviously ignored you.
H is for hajime || T is for Tooru || Y is for you
“Yeah i’m angry! You knew i’d be here and yet you brought her here for your stupid date!” -H
“Is that a problem?” -T
“Don’t act stupid with me Oikawa you know!” -H
“Know what?” -Y
For a second, Iwaizumi forgot you stood right in between the two. He didn’t look at you, but stared Oikawa in the eyes. “A- I um...” He tumbled over his words, “Forget it, it was nothing.” Iwaizumi muttered under his breath, shoving his hands in his pockets before walking away from the two of you. “I really thought it would work...” Oikawa sighed “Wait, what do you mean?” You asked before pushing you towards the direction Iwaizumi had just taken. “Go, he’s obviously not as smart as i thought he was. Bye bye, y/n~chan.” You watched him walk back into the restaurant to sit with his other teammates. You sighed and began running the way Iwaizumi had walked towards.
“Where’d you go?” You looked around all directions. you where in the middle of a four way section. “God fucking damnit Iwaizumi, why’d you have to walk so damn fast.” you grumbled to yourself before choosing a direction to run into. “stupid iwaizumi, stupid oikawa and his stupid plan. stupid me, god, why’d i even listen- AH CRAP!!!” While running, you really should have watched where you were going. “Y/n?”
You opened your eyes to see iwaizumi green eyes looking back at you. “I was looking for you! Stupid Hajime!” You continuesly slapped his forehead before he wacked it away. “Alright enough, enough! Shouldn’t you be with Shittykawa?”
You raised a brow, “And why would i do that? You’ve been my best friend longer than he has.” You noted, getting up from his lap. You hoisted him up with a little help but his hands slipped away from your when he shoved his hand in his pockets again. “You should probably go back to him you know? Enjoy your date.” He began to walk away but you pulled his sleeve. “Date? Is that what he’s been telling you?” The surprised look on his face gave you the answer. You chuckled dryly, “I never went out on a date with Oikawa, and i’m offended that you thought I would...”
you paused and let go of his sleeve. “i just assumed.... Well- what was that outside, he was going to kiss you.”
“K-kiss me? God ew, no! He said I had an eyelash really close to my eye... he just said i shouldn’t move.”
“B-but what about the hand holding?”
“My hands where cold! You know how cold my hands get! Look see!” You pulled your hand out of your pocket to pull his hands out of his. It took you a moment to realize what you had done and blush crept across your face. “Oh- I uh-”
“It’s fine, you’re hand are freezing anyways. I don’t mind.”
in the middle of the intersection you two awkwardly stood. “So... What did you mean when you mean when you told Tooru, that he knew.... why where you so angry all of a sudden?” it was subtle but you could see the blush the crept into his tanned skin. He looked down embarrassed, “It was nothing... It’s stupid.”
Lucky for you, your height difference was enough for you to peek under his head after he looked down at his feet. “You’re my best friend, Hajime... You can tell me anything, you know that right?”
“Well that’s the problem.” He blurted out. Your heart sank to the floor, “Oh I— I’m sorry...What did i do?” Iwaizumi chuckled. “Nothing... you did absolutely nothing. Like i said- It’s stupid so just drop it, okay?” Your chest ached when he dropped your hands and caressed you’re face just to turned away. “You get home, y/n. It’s getting dark.”
When he stood in front of the alter, watching you walk down the isle. His heart did flips. The woman of his dream wearing white, looking more beautiful every passing day. He was ready to cry.
You made the dress more beautiful, not the other way around. Your hair was let down, for the first time in years. God, you where a sight for sore eyes. He wished he could run to you and stop the wedding. But he couldn’t. Iwaizumi Hajime didn’t confess that day. And he never did. The hole in his heart was in the shape of you and nothing could ever fill it.
It ached.
He stood at the alter as a grooms man, not the husband.
You fell in love with someone who wasn’t him but one of his eldest rivals and new found friend- Ushijima wakatoshi.
It was later in the day now, and he might have drank to much courage. Family and friends began to dance with the bride and groom and got up, “Iwaizumi, i don’t think that’s a good idea.” Oikawa noted, it’s been a while since he’s called him by his full name but that didn’t stop him... He wanted you in his arms one last time.
“Do you mind?” He asked Tendo politely, “Take it away maestro.” The red head said to him, handing your hand to his. “Hi...” You muttered shyly. How long has it been since the two of you have spoken? Three years? And all this time being friends with Wakatoshi he’s never talked to you once. “Hey.” He responded, pulling you closer. “It’s been a while...” You informed, stepping closer, leaning your head on his shoulder as if he where the groom. “I know... I- I’m sorry.” He apologized, tears staring to form. “I missed you.” You muttered into his vest, your voice cracking.
It hurt when Iwaizumi stopped talking to you. It hurt seeing him walk away when you came near. Sometimes it put you to tears... You didn’t understand. How can two best friends fall apart so quickly. One night he’s holding you in his arms calling you a dumbass and the next your yelling and crying for it to come back.... for him to come back. “What happened between us, Hajime... Why didn’t you come back to me?” His heart ached, “I loved you so much that it hurt.” He wanted to say but he was quiet, a gutt wrenching feeling brewing in his stomach. “I waited every night for a text, for a phone call... for something... But i got nothing, why?” He didn’t answer your question. “Why did you wait if you knew it would never come...” The words got caught in your throat, “Because I loved you... I loved you so much it hurt.”
Loved. That was the word you used.
But he didn’t speak, but just breathed in, kissing your temple “I love you too.” he muttered on your skin. Before leaving you there center stage for someone else to pick up the pieces that he had broken again.
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Bad Ending
Good Ending (coming soon)
Ushijimas pov (coming soon)
Oikawas pov (coming soon)
148 notes · View notes
glitchh3d · 4 years
Halloween Party (Terushima x Reader) [HTF]
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So, I didn’t proof read this. My apologies. 
Also, it’s not the best because I’m not the best at writing and i’m very tired and sad because my halloween went to crap but y’know. whatever. 
Ily guys!! Here you go! 🥰
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Cheating but not really. Language. Talk about sex. Talk about drugs. Alcohol and other college party stuff. 
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(Y/n), Terushima, Futakuchi, Atsumu and Taichi walked into Kuroo and Bokuto’s house later than expected, but there was a round of cheers for them as soon as they were noticed. Kuroo bounced over excitedly, his drink spilling over the edge of his red solo-cup as he pulled (Y/n) away to lead her toward Matsukawa and Hanamaki who were waiting for her in the backyard with Oikawa and Iwaizumi. 
She giggled upon seeing them in their costumes. Hanamaki had darkened his hair somehow so it was red but Matsukawa had left his, instead styling it slightly. 
“Oh my god, you two-” She fell into a fit of laughter as they strutted around and showed off their legs that were covered in thin white tights. She pulled them into a tight hug, thanking them for doing the group costume with her. “I love you guys, thank you so much!” 
Hanamaki and Matsukawa both laughed and shrugged it off. 
“Anything for you, (Y/n). You’re our girl.” Matsukawa said, slinging his arm around her shoulder. Makki wrapped his around her waist and Oikawa flailed his arms around excitedly. 
“Let me get pictures!” He shouted, his halo nearly falling off as he jumped excitedly and rushed towards them. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes but smiled at his friends. 
(Y/n) giggled at his annoyed look, curious on how Oikawa managed to convince him to do a couple costumes with him. They were an angel and a devil. Iwaizumi looked like he didn’t really care though, only wearing a red tight fitting t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a little devil tail clipped to his belt loop and a devil horn headband on his head. 
Oikawa on the other hand, was wearing a pure white robe that had gold accents. His cheeks were dusted with gold and he had a halo headband on. Gold bracelets went up his arms and he had big angel wings on. 
“He looks ridiculous, huh?” Iwaizumi asked as he caught (Y/n) eyeing his boyfriend's costume. She smiled and shrugged. 
“It’s cute. Yours though, mister. Holy shit. Who gave you the right to be that hot.” She asked, making him blush. Oikawa snapped a couple of pictures of the trio in their costume and then turned to admire Iwaizumi with (Y/n). 
“Iwa-chan is hot, isn’t he? But stop ogling my boyfriend! Go ogle your own!” Oikawa said, shoving his cell phone into Iwaizumi’s pocket. 
“Oh shush. You’re my pockets for the night, deal with it.” Oikawa demanded. (Y/n) smiled at them and then saw Terushima, Taichi, and Atsumu walk into the backyard. Terushima smiled at her lovingly before approaching. 
His costume, Boomer from the Rowdyruff boys, looked good. They went for more of an e-boy route so he was wearing a black and white striped long sleeve shirt under a blue t-shirt that had the iconic black stripe across the chest. He was also wearing black fishnets under his ripped skinny jeans. He stuck his tongue out and winked at her as he approached. 
“Hey baby girl,” He said, pulling her away from Hanamaki and Matsukawa who raised their eyebrows at him. 
“Look at this tool,” Matsukawa said as Terushima wrapped his arms around (Y/n)’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. He cocked his head to the side and winked at them. 
Taichi and Atsumu approached on either side of them. Taichi looked bored, but Atsumu was grinning. 
“Wow, lookin’ hot Matsukawa.” He teased. He’d gone with Butch from the Rowdyruff boys but instead of wearing a long sleeve striped shirt, he was wearing a black hoodie under his green t-shirt. And he had dyed his hair back to black just for the night.
(Y/n) had tried suggesting to just use some wash out spray to do his hair but she was a few minutes too late. 
Flashback to the night before
(Y/n) walked into her apartment after a busy day at work, Taichi trailing after her tiredly. They had been on the closing shift for the night. 
“Teru! Atsumu! Ken? You guys here?” She called into the apartment. She heard a loud crash in the bathroom and hurried towards it, dropping her bag on the floor in her rush. “Holy shit, what happened? Are you oka….y?” 
In the bathroom, Atsumu was sitting on the toilet with a towel wrapped around his neck and shoulders. Terushima was holding a bottle of hair dye and Futakuchi was laying in the bathtub, watching. 
“Why the hell didn’t you just use the halloween hair dye spray that washes out?” She asked as Taichi peeked in over her shoulder. He groaned and turned and walked away. 
“...I didn’t think of that.” 
END of flashback
“Fuck, I know.” Matsukawa said back, a grin rising to his face. They fist bumped. 
Hanamaki grinned at Taichi who shook his head. 
“Don’t.” Taichi said. He was Brick and he absolutely hated it, even though he didn’t wear anything out of ordinary. He was in a red jumper with singular black stripes on the upper arms. He had a lock and chain necklace on and a single dangly cross earring on.  He also was wearing a black beanie and he looked cute in (Y/n)’s opinion. 
“But Taichi, bro! You look good. We’d make a picture perfect couple, don’t you think?” Hanamaki asked, batting his eyelashes at him. 
“I’m going to find Semi.” Taichi disappeared after that. Hanamaki pouted but turned and grinned at (Y/n) again a second later. 
“I’m gonna go harass him,” Hanamaki said, making everyone laugh as he sprinted off. Atsumu and Matsukawa followed after him, leaving Iwaizumi, Oikawa, (Y/n) and Terushima alone. Oikawa smiled at Terushima but it was a bit forced. 
“You two look good. Don’t they, Iwa-chan?” Iwaizumi stared at the couple then he shrugged. 
“(Y/n) looks good. I dunno about Terushima though,” Terushima gasped and pulled away from (Y/n), glaring at the two older men. 
“You two are fucking rude.” He said making (Y/n) snort. “I’m going to grab a drink, alright babe? I’ll be back in a few, yeah?” (Y/n) nodded. He kissed her cheek goodbye and then walked towards the glass sliding door that was wide open. (Y/n) smiled after him and then turned back to her friends who were watching her with fond looks. 
“What?” She asked defensively. They shrugged. 
“You just look really happy is all,” Iwaizumi said, crossing his arms. Oikawa nodded in agreement. 
“You do seem happy. I’m glad. You deserve it, (Y/n)-chan!” She smiled at them and pulled them into a hug. 
“Aw, you guys…” She said as they both hugged her back. Iwaizumi was the first to squirm away, claiming he also needed a drink. Oikawa and (Y/n) let him go with little pouts but when they curled up on chairs next to the fire pit and chatted to themselves.
“So (Y/n)-chan. You and Teru have been together for a few weeks now, yeah?” 
“And he treats you right?” Oikawa asked, eyes narrowing. She nodded. 
“Of course he does. He gets a simp of the year award.” She said with a smile. Oikawa nodded and fist bumped her. 
“Iwa-chan does too. He’s very sweet behind closed door,” Oikawa winked and she snorted. “Speaking of behind closed doors. Have you two-” 
“No.” She replied quickly making Oikawa freeze with wide eyes. Then he smirked. 
“My my, (Y/n)-chan. That was a hard no, wasn’t it?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, pulling her legs to her chest as she stared at the flickering flames of the fire. “Why’s that? You’ve had sex before haven’t you?” She shrugged. 
“I- I guess I’m scared?” (Y/n) said, not looking up. 
“Why?” Oikawa frowned. 
“Because Yuuji has this image, right? He’s popular. Nice. Funny… I’m scared that once he gets all of me then he’ll leave because he’s had better and-”
“Sorry, I’m gonna stop you there.” Oikawa grabbed (Y/n)’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I don’t know Terushima too well, but from what you tell me, he seems like a great guy. One who respects you and cares about you a lot. I don’t think you need to rush to have sex or anything but I don’t think you should be scared to have sex either.” 
She nodded and smiled back at him. 
“Yeah… You’re right. I just-” (Y/n) was cut off by the back glass door getting slammed open. Iwaizumi was fuming and his hair was dripping with water as he walked towards them. “Oh shit, what happened Iwa?” 
“I swear to god I’m going to kill your boyfriend (Y/n).” 
“What? Why?” Her heart was racing.
“He fucking- that bastard just almost drowned me in that stupid apple bobbing bullshit!” (Y/n) and Oikawa laughed as Iwaizumi ran his hands through his hair. He flicked droplets of water at them and then sat in the small gap of the chair next to Oikawa before pulling his boyfriend onto his lap. 
Oikawa whispered something into Iwaizumi’s ear and the ex ace began to turn red. (Y/n) smiled and looked away from them as they started having their own little private conversation. She didn’t want to intrude so she stood up, saying she was going to grab a drink. 
“Hey hey hey! What’s up, (Y/n)!” Bokuto asked as (Y/n) entered the house. She smiled at him and patted his arm as he pulled her into a side hug. 
“Hey Bokuto! I like your costume!” He looked down at her confused. “I LIKE YOUR COSTUME!” She shouted over the music. He laughed and nodded. He was a sexy firefighter, wearing only the pants of the costume with suspenders and the helmet. 
“I like yours too!” (Y/n) smiled at him and then eyed Akaashi who was standing next to him, wearing a lifeguard costume (aka just a shite t-shirt with a red cross on it and red swim shorts). He had sunscreen smeared on his nose and a cheap flimsy whistle around his neck. He smiled at her as she got done looking him up and down and then also pulled her into a small hug. 
“Hello, (Y/n)-san.” 
“Hi Akaa-chii! He smiled at the nickname and patted her head before he was dragged away towards a beer pong table by Bokuto who was screaming at Kuroo and Daichi for a re-match. 
She chuckled fondly and kept maneuvering her way through the crowd of unfamiliar faces and costumes. She dodged angel and devil wings and even a long dragon tail. She also had to avoid the ass end of a donkey costume that was dancing wildly on the dance floor. 
She sighed as she got to the kitchen, reaching into a random cooler to grab a drink. She popped the cap off the bottle and took a long swig, her face contorting in disgust at the taste of whatever she grabbed. 
“Hey, (Y/n).” Futakuchi said as he entered the kitchen. She smiled at him. 
“Hi Ken,” She smiled at him. “Where are the others?” 
“Ah, Terushima is dancing in the living room I think and Taichi and Atsumu are doing keg stands in the game room.” She nodded and thanked him, heading towards the livingroom to try and track down her boyfriend. 
Upon entering the living room, she immediately spotted him. There in all his glory he was dancing with their newfound friends. Suga and a bunch of people she’d never seen before were hyping him up, dancing and jumping around with him. He was in his element. 
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” A chant started and Terushima laughed along, rolling his eyes. There was a girl with blonde hair standing next to him that grabbed him by the back of the neck, yanking him down and into a kiss. 
At first (Y/n) didn’t realize what was going on. And then it clicked. 
Terushima had just kissed someone. 
Her boyfriend just kissed someone that wasn’t her. 
Her boyfriend willingly just kissed someone that wasn’t her, in front of her. 
“What the fuck.” (Y/n) said, her hand that was holding her beverage falling limp against her side. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. 
Everything aside from Terushima was blurred as he laughed and joked with the girl he’d just kissed. Like he didn’t do anything wrong. 
(Y/n) realized that the only reason everything was blurry was because of the tears gathering in her eyes. But if Terushima was going to act like nothing was wrong, then so was she. So she left. She set her bottle down on the counter as she walked towards the door. Kuroo and Semi both tried calling out to her but she ignored them, exiting the house quietly. She wrapped her arms around her bare arms as she walked down the sidewalk and towards the unfamiliar city of Tokyo. 
She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew Kait was somewhere within the giant city. She just hoped that Kait had her phone on her.
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(Y/n) walked a little further to a little empty park, sitting down on the empty swings. By now all the trick or treaters were gone and the streets were empty aside from a few small groups of teens who were laughing and teasing each other. 
“What the fuck,” (Y/n) repeated to herself as the image of her boyfriend kissing another girl replayed in her head. She didn’t want to believe that it was true, but she’d seen it with her own eyes as Terushima pressed his lips to some blonde girls. 
She didn’t realize that the tears were falling until they dripped down onto her lap and through her thin dress. She was shaking from the cold but she didn’t care. She only had to wait 15 minutes and then she’d be with Kait and they could figure things out together from there. 
Would she break up with Terushima? 
Did he not love her? 
Was he just using her? Did he get bored that fast? Maybe if she’d done more he wouldn’t feel the need to go off and kiss someone else. 
She tried to be enough, she really did. 
School and work filled a lot of her schedule but she always tried to make as much time for him as she possibly could. 
Why was this happening? 
“(Y/n)?” A voice called out. Was that Kait? Had it been 15 minutes already?
 (Y/n) looked up as she heard Kait’s voice call out to her.
“Oh (Y/n),” Kait rushed forward, followed by three other figures. (Y/n)’s lip quivered as she stood up from the swing. As she met Kait halfway the tears she’d been holding back broke free and she let out a choked sob as Kait enveloped her in a hug. “Oh, honey, no…” 
Terushima laughed as he tossed back another shot of something clear. He knew it definitely wasn’t water as it made the back of his throat burn but he was okay with that. 
It was halloween night and he was at a party, the point of this entire night was to get drunk and have fun and that’s exactly what he was doing. 
“Yo, Suga! You were holding out of us with this guy! You knew he existed and didn’t tell us?” Tanaka laughed as he danced next to Terushima. Noya was jumping around excitedly next to them, screaming the lyrics to whatever song was playing on the speaker. 
Tanaka was wearing a blonde wig, an entirely pink outfit, imitating Regina George from Mean Girls. His girlfriend, Kiyoko was Aaron Samuels, wearing a simple blue mens polo shirt and some baggy jeans with her hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Noya was Gretchen Weiners but his brunette wig had ended up falling off when he did a keg stand earlier and he was just too lazy to put it back on. They had convinced their friend Kinnoshita to be Karen Smith but he was currently puking his guts out in the bathroom upstairs accompanied by Ennoshita and Narita who were Cady Heron and Janis Ian. 
“Yo I could kiss this man right now,” Terushima said as Tanaka poured him another shot. Noya smirked. 
“Do it!” Suga rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. 
“Do it! Do it!” 
And soon enough the entire room was cheering for the two to kiss. Tanaka rolled his eyes but reached and grabbed Terushima by the back of his neck, pulling him down into a quick kiss. When they separated, they laughed and fist bumped, taking another shot. 
After a few more minutes of dancing, Terushima made his way towards the kitchen where Semi and Kuroo looked concerned. 
“What’s going on guys?” He asked as he pulled a beer can from a cooler. He popped the tab and took a sip as they exchanged looks of concern. “Hey, either of you two seen (Y/n)? I left her in the back with Oikawa and Iwaizumi but I haven’t been back there and-”
“Terushima, (Y/n) left.” Semi said, making Terushima freeze. 
“We both just saw (Y/n) take off out the door a few minutes ago. She looked like she was about to cry,” Kuroo said, making Terushima enter panic mode. 
“And neither of you tried to stop her?” 
“I- we called out to her. We thought she was just getting some fresh air or something, calm down. I’m sure she’s fine.” Semi said, making Terushima shake his head. 
“No, I gotta go find her. She doesn’t know her way around Tokyo. None of us do, what if she gets kidnapped?” 
“What’s going on in here?” Matsukawa asked as Terushima slammed his beer can on the counter. He pulled out his phone and started texting (Y/n). 
“Did you see (Y/n) leave?” 
“(Y/n) left?” Oikawa asked as he and Iwaizumi entered the kitchen. Terushima shook his head as he got no response. 
“She’s not answering me. Oikawa, text her.” 
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“What? What the fuck is going on?” Iwaizumi asked as Oikawa pulled out his phone and began texting their friend. 
“(Y/n) took off a few minutes ago and now she’s not answering her phone.” 
“Okay so check all the rooms and stuff. And check outside. Try and find her around the house before we go out looking, yeah?” Kuroo said, making everyone in the kitchen nod and split up. Terushima and Semi went out the front door, calling (Y/n), hoping to either get her to answer or to hear her ringtone but there was nothing. 
“Fuck!” Terushima shouted. “I lost my fucking girlfriend and she’s probably scared and upset and-” 
“Do you think someone drugged her?” Terushima’s head turned at lightning speed and he glared at Semi. 
“Why would you even say that?” 
“I- what! It happens!” 
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Well. That happened. 
Another post tomorrow <3 
Love you guys! I hope you had a Happy Halloween! Goodnight! 
Taglist: @kaitycole, @cosmicmermaid25, @sempiternal-amour, @99astrid, @hidden-otaku-stuff, @vicassa, @elianetsantana, @ankl3s, @newfriendjen, @oikawa-simp, @dakotacecily, @axolotleyeliner, @heyyourecute, @tchalameme, @toobsessedsstuff, @marinovakovich, @disaster-rose, @tacosforexo, @sleep3deprived, @prettyinblack231 (Open)
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