#i was severely lacking in retro wall art
citrlet · 1 year
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far out tapestries by citrlet
get together needed
20 swatches each
i made them buyable because boo locked items
download (free)
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undoundue · 3 years
i don’t know anything except how stories go
i don’t know anything except how stories go
the music isn't as good as i thought it would be
i'm not sure if i've taken enough drugs or too much
when i take too much, i get grandiose: big ideas. little follow-through.
when i take not enough, i also get grandiose, but i know it,
and i sound like a graveyard glass harmonica when
the wind passes through. when i take the right amount, i do not ask
whether i've taken enough drugs or too much.
instead i hallucinate that i'm a cicada, an elegant disgusting jewel
smithed by mommy nature to reproduce a tinny song,
and i'm grateful to my parents
and the 17 years i spent gestating
and this morbid cherry tree
because nobody buckles their tymbals like i. also, cicadas lack
the relevant receptors altogether,
so the dosing question doesn't apply.
(beat) say,
have you noticed that zoomers are really into columbo?
(you nod)
i've seen him on twitter twice lately, asking "just one more
question—which would you prefer as an afternoon snack?"
and there's a poll, cheez-its
or little debbie snack cakes.
the appeal, i think, is to a generational forgetfulness, to
a generation most in need of alarm clocks and aricept,
to the desire to see forgetfulness as a superpower, as an
equivalent to innocence, to be so impervious to
reality's demands. but haven't we been here
before? didn't milennials all die for the sin of inventing "retro
gaming"? and by the way,
did you hear the one about the guy who gave himself three-hundred
and ninety-one concussions, each time suffering retrograde amnesia
which knocked out his memory of his last pokemon red playthrough?
ah. ah yes. it is not a tale the jedi would tell you.
when i take too much, i get despondent. when i take not enough, i
get grandiose. but the line breaks are for the poet's benefit anyway.
besides, there are kids smoking brick weed in lebanon, we should be
thankful for what we have.
and hex maniac is pretty cute. her pupils spiral
going from out to in; in some of the fan art they go the other way but
you can tell those guys don't "get it"; the allure of a counterclockwise
spin on how you are perceived, to have your silhouette distorted
and your details properly misunderstood, to lose at games you've
never heard of it, to eat with chopsticks incorrectly,
to trip and fall and look at the sidewalk and say "thank you.
yes. i had grown complacent in my patterns, my
nucleus accumbens
was running on fumes; and i certainly wasn't expecting that!" and
mean it. i did this once. i was in a state of rare tranquility after
masturbating for sixteen consecutive hours (essentially a
performance enhancing drug for meditation—which is why,
in the tibetan olympics, strict no-fap is required for a week
before competition—and they take semen samples to be sure!)
so (you nod), when the buddha saw me
so grateful for life's misfortunes, he made a "look
at this fucking guy" gesture to ganesh and then said "look at this
fucking guy" as if the gesture wasn't enough. naturally,
i was offended, and besides i recalled the old koan "If you meet the
Buddha on the road, kill him," which i had read in a collection
of koans for children titled "If you meet the Buddha..." which
my Mom had purchased for me in the novelty gift section
of an urban outfitters in santa barbara ("Mom, why are you shopping
at urban outftters?" "son, yr mama just tryin' ta stay cool. say, you
heard of this MF DOOM cat?" "ugh! Mom!") and which had
such thought-provoking aphorisms as:
"If you meet the Buddha in an airport, buy him a cheeseburger."
"If you meet the Buddha at a dive bar, play him some new wave—the
Buddha is big into that shit." the idea being, you're prepared for any
circumstance, which is what buddhism is all about. so i did a
bunch of fast attacks; the buddha blocked; i said "shouldn't
it be all the same to you if i kill you?" the buddha said "it would,
except i want to get home and watch columbo, and i don't
want to wait to respawn." i said, "jesus. just—jesus." then the buddha
kicked me through a brick wall. everyone in the WeWork
screamed and fled, leaving their kombucha behind, and
for some reason the sprinklers went off. then, after the initial
impact, a lone brick fell (because of torque—force times the length of
the lever, remember) and hit me comically on the head, causing a
concussion. i said "guh."
yup, (you nod sympathetically),
i was feeling mighty grim. then it occurred to me: why don't i
play pokémon red? unfortunately, on my cellphone i only had
the romhack version, you know, where all the pokémon are allegories
for depression. so you got your depressionmander, depressioneleon,
depressionizard, and for pokémon where that doesn't work
they use it as a suffix, e.g. bulbadepression, ivydepression,
venudepression. also you can't leave the starting room and
your character moves really slowly. the indie gaming press
loves it. one of the features that reviewers single out is
that, instead of a lone Stand By Me reference, the TV in your room
goes line by line through Aguirre, the Wrath of God, except the
murders are replaced with pokémon battles and at the end
aguirre tries to command a horde of mankeys ("depressionkeys"),
which is a metaphor. dark stuff. it makes me think back on my youth:
lying on my child-king sized bed, masturbating to polyhedral
stellations, suffering from severe geometric dysmorphia as i
compared myself to the grandeur of those idealized forms—god, i
used to hate myself for those wasted hours. i mean, i still do, but i
used to, too. only after years of therapy have i developed a mantra
that eases the pain:
"i am mostly a cylinder.
i am mostly a cylinder." presto. you can get off to anything, even
(you nod, hesitantly.) on saturday night,
i throw open the window and scream at the children: "you'll get old
too! an abstractome of brittle opinions even as your bumbling
homunculus drops the data you once used to back them up!"
the children reply "not necessarily, given the rate of advances in
biotech. also, no one cares, grandpa." they play soccer. my
mad pilgrim hair blows in the wind. i scream: "suffer! suffer! i am
omniscience!" they say: "oh yeah? how many fingers am i
holding up?" "four! five! four!" "it was five, you old fart." "the thumb
doesn't count as a finger! you should have a specified!" "OK, new
game: what sort of person am i?" "you are—you are—!" and so
i peer into their souls and know the answer, but i can't
find the words. the words do not come. i have forgotten them.
silently i draw away from the window. the children smirk, but only for
a moment. for they know i am right.
ah, to reveal the soul's heist, to be seen through by the omniscient
and powerless, what a delight! who among us would not cheerfully
kill the buddha when he's comin' through the rye? who among us
has not been blessed by the kind words of a stranger? and yet, we
shouldn't incentivize people to be strangers. society would collapse.
besides, we are no longer strangers to ourselves, you and i.
(you nod.) we will have much to discuss about that.
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elvisausten · 3 years
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Athletic shoe industry where Nike is headquartered and Adidas has a regional office. But Kensington's statement hints that the company might have had enough. They came out of the Red Waste together. She came to herself, looked round her, and suddenly rushed to me. Provided paid vacations up to three weeks and 10 paid holidays a year.. Many relatives and friends left Mass cards and remembrance cards at the funeral home. We pick from eight top winter tyres to get you through the big freeze this year Even after a few fairly mild years, deciding whether to switch tyres for winter zapatillas de tacos futboldoesn't get any easier. Looking celebratory and patriotic with her husband, FLOTUS joined French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte to watch the traditional. Alyosha will be with me till the evening, till eight o’clock. A third collected their valuables for the toll and wrote that down as well. Both teams also lack experience of
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tundrafoot · 5 years
An ‘Actual’ Guide to Western Kyushu Pt. 1
Jokes aside, if you have found out that you’re moving to Kyushu, congrats. I know everyone who loves their area says this, but you’re really lucky to get a placement here.
Kyushu is one of the lesser traveled areas of Japan for a lot of tourists. It doesn’t have the excitement of Tokyo or Osaka, nor the old architecture of Kyoto, or the uniqueness of Okinawa or Hokkaido, so it’s often overlooked.  But that doesn’t make it any less special!
So What’s Up With Kyushu?
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Kyushu (九州) Translates to Nine Provinces in English, which is a call back to the old provinces. As of now there are 8 prefectures, which technically includes Okinawa. It’s very close to mainland Asia. In fact, Fukuoka is closer to Seoul than it is to Tokyo. This made it the gateway to Japan back in the day. 
Kyushu is more rural, laid back, and in general, has friendly people. With the exception of Fukuoka City, the population is shrinking... because everyone is moving to Fukuoka City. If you’re moving to a town with less than 10 000, then you probably will be one of the few young adults in the area. Don’t fret though, that just means you’ll probably be doted on a whole bunch by the old obasans and ojisans of the area.
That being said, there is has been some revitalization going on in some of these towns. With people from big cities being disenfranchised with the rat race and looking for a more balanced lifestyle. You’ll see young faces and find out that they were living in Tokyo and Osaka beforehand and just needed a bit of a break. You’ll typically see these folks running trendy cafes, creating cool funky art, and trying to up tourism in the area. 
Speaking as a Canadian, the winters here are mild, with the average low being about 4-5 degrees Celcius (39 Fahrenheit). That being said, schools and apartments are well insulated and lack central heating, so you’ll want to keep yourself warm with a kotatsu and several sweaters. You may get the occasional flurries, but any snow we do get melts by mid morning, unless you’re up in the mountains. 
The summers are quite the opposite. They’re hot and humid with temperatures going well up to high 30s (90s) or maybe even 40. It can be pretty rough, so be sure to wear lots of sunscreen and drink lots of water. 
What’s there to do? 
As you can probably guess, because Kyushu is so rural, it means that if you’re a nature lover, you can get your fill of hikes which take you off the beaten track more often than not. You can explore forests, coastal lines, old temples, landmarks, and so much more. 
Kyushu is also home to many volcanoes. The nice thing about that is that you get a whole lot of hot springs. So, if that floats your boat, then you’re in luck. Oita and Kumamoto probably have the most famous places to bathe, but every prefecture has their own little local places to soak. 
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This year, Japan is also hosting the 2019 Rugby World Cup, and there will be a few games going on in Oita, Fukuoka, Kumamoto. If you’re a rugby fan, then I suggest trying to get some tickets (if they haven’t already sold out)
I’m an otaku and need to get my anime fix. What am I gonna do if I’m far away from Akihabara? 
Hey, we all need are fix. And don’t worry, we got you covered. 
Quite a few! The biggest one though would be Yakushima. If you’re a Studio Ghibli fan, this island is the inspiration behind the forest in Princess Mononoke.
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I would also recommend going to Kitakyushu as they have a very informative Manga Museum on top of a anime goods plaza.  
If you’re a train otaku, then you should check out the  Kyushu Railway History Museum which is also in Kitakyushu. You get to see all these cool retro trains, but you can also get a keychain that features your station on it (assuming your town has a train station)
There are also several cosplay events, doujinshi conventions, and anime-themed bars. You can do it, homie. 
What’s Western Kyushu? And why are you planning to only cover that area in detail? 
When people talk about Western Kyushu (西九州), they typically mean Nagasaki and Saga. I’m covering that area because it’s my stomping grounds. I live in Sasebo City, with my home being very close to the Nagasaki/Saga border. Because I don’t want to make this a huge wall that goes on forever, I’ll be covering them in the next few posts. 
What should I check out to hype myself up?
Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization
Find Your AJET Block
Jalan Event (Japanese Only. Click on the prefecture you are looking for)
And of course, check the blogs of folks here on Jet Program or who are on student exchanges here. There are quite a few of us in Kyushu who would love to answer your questions
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wishfell · 5 years
best picture nominees (2018) aesthetics.
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the shape of water.  early mornings.  art on an easel.  being trapped.  flashy cars.  self-righteous intolerance.  speaking volumes without a word.  being submerged.  learning and adapting.  raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats.  taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia.  kissing underwater.  silence.  isolation.  golden age hollywood.   sign language.   scales.  egg shells.  jell-o.  the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features.  the space race.  red coats.  monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats.  lunches in brown bags.  the click of shoes.  smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie.  toxic masculinity.  chains.  government secrets.  seeing past flaws.  floating aimlessly.  needles.  greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars.  gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism.  bloody handprints.  routines.  record players.  old movies.  love in unexpected places.
phantom thread.  a doll in a gilded birdcage.   butter to bread.  the death of a mother.  cycles.  hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control.  post-war.  brightly colored socks.  inner turmoil.  poison.  an air of quiet death.  hallucinations.  family dysfunction.  rich fabrics.  curses.  soft piano music.   restrained anger.  spinning out of control.  artist and muse.  dark love.  pastels.  peace in the countryside.  clockwork dynamics.  perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread.  fine dining.  hearing every sound.  being ambushed.  ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place.  defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities.  peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk.  spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds.  high society.
the post.  typewriters.  newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority.  internal battles.   a legacy at stake.  secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe.  peering through windows.  melodrama.  political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop.  ringing phones.  lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.   a weight on your shoulders.  fresh coffee.  thousands of deaths.  burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda. tough choices.  exposure.  type being set by hand.  workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches.  hierarchy.  a bed strewn with papers and books.  paranoia.  orders.  clicking keys.  redacted files.  desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations.  facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
darkest hour.  never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation.  utter catastrophe.  bunkers.  radio broadcasts.  going against the odds.  bathed in red light.  a sense of humor.  allies.  shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness.  walking with a cane.  war rooms.  chandeliers.   dust floating in air.  righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope.  cigar smoke.  quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam.  monarchy.  vanity.  rescue missions.  refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms.  taking a stand.  common folk.   suicide missions.  drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse.  evacuations.  enveloped by fog.  changing history.  blood, toil, tears and sweat.
three billboards outside ebbing, missouri.   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens.  the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars.  grieving.  horrifying memories.  sucker punches.  a lack of respect.  facing threats.  skin under fingernails.  flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse.  bashing in windows.  the midwest.  provoking a fight.  pointing fingers.  being pressed for time.  rundown old houses.  grey morality.  dark undercurrents.  insurmountable losses.  cruel laughs.  the american flag.  dive bars. guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames.  ambulances.  coughing up blood.  spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many.  black and red.  not understanding another’s feelings.   a mother and child.  the pain of others. a quest of justice.  abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns.  last letters.  absurd violence.
dunkirk.  burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes.  a race against time.  a small boat.  all hope lost.  being unable to come home.  taken prisoner.  shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else.  setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash.  sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind.  dropping to take cover.  land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain.  toast with jam.   suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men.  lying in the sand.  trauma.   blank spaces.   sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun.  swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes.  obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome.  planes overhead.   the sounds of a ticking clock.   bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction.  rising tides.  head injuries.  target practice.  compressed time and space.  the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames.  lying for the greater good.  blocking out the noise.  primal dangers.  taking command.  sole survivor.
get out.   deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior.  familial tension.  chopping wood.  uneasy stares.  tears and a smile.  deception.  fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor.  watching but powerless.  strapped to a chair.  plugged ears.  a failed handshake.  car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare.  going hysterical.  bingo cards.  smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good.  a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them.  waiting for someone to come when they never will.   overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder.  silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back.  a cup of tea. nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies.  surgery.  blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection.  unable to sleep.  loyal friends.
lady bird.  california landscapes.  budding romance.  uniforms.  consolation.  plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.   boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities.  the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression.  90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere.  partying.  signatures on a cast.  living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era.  rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  teenage anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.   menial jobs.  red hair.  self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm.  excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street.  thoughtful letters.  standing out.  decorated bedroom walls.  having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
TAGGED BY: @conseille ( tysm!! tfw i don’t know more than half of these movies...... orz ) TAGGING: @rousseure​, @megane-samurai​, @ikiruwill​, @pasttorn​, @benosuke​, @eiikyuu
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kinsie · 5 years
Game Impressions from PAX Aus 2019
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Wake the fuck up, samurai. We've got a city to burn.
Every year I go to PAX Aus with some close friends to check out the Incredible Future of Games that everyone else already checked out six months ago, along with some cool weird indie shit and some awesome retro stuff. And every year, I write a little diary of what I saw to share my impressions with my friends. This is that diary.
Doom Eternal
Okay, let's get this out of the way. I played Doom Eternal pretty much as soon as I got on the show floor. It may shock you to know that it is, in fact, good.
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No pictures of the demo units, sorry, so have this big logo.
The demo started with a little grey-box tutorial map just to teach you what you need to know for the demo level, since it was taken from the middle of the game. It looked very Snapmap-y and had some Doom 2 MIDI music playing. After that we were given about 25 minutes to acquaint ourselves with the lengthy "Mars Core" mission they've been showing since E3. I was at the start of the first arena of the hell bit when I ran out of time. :(
Here are some scattered thoughts from playing:
Your standard running around and double jumping feels much the same as in Doom 2016. The dashing feels great, although I think it might reduce your air control a little afterwards as I had some trouble overshooting a platform in the floating debris bit.
Climbing walls felt a bit weird to me. You have to press E on the wall manually to grab onto it, which feels a bit unintuitive when you're plummeting past it. Also feels a bit odd considering mantling up walls is automatic. You can auto-grab onto walls if you dash into it, but I think it's only for the first bit of the dash? Maybe I'm just bad at videogames.
I think the Combat and Super Shotguns now use different ammo types? I could have swore there were situations where I could select the Combat Shotgun but not the SSG.
The Chainsaw now no longer has even the slightest pretence of being a "real" weapon. It's now just a swing animation when you press the button, like a melee attack, before bringing your weapon back up.
When you have the SSG's Meat Hook attachment, a little meathook icon appears below the crosshair. When you're close enough to an enemy to grapple onto them, the icon floats over them, indicating that it has some kind of auto-aim mechanic to reduce frustration.
There was a monster with swords on its arms that acted an awful lot like the Baron of Hell (might have been the Hell Knight, looking at the Quakecon footage of the same fight) but it looked quite different. Looked fuckin' cool, whatever it was.
The platforming but in the debris section with the giant floating red barrels was actually kind of frustrating. It wasn't always clear where you needed to go, and the climbable bits tended to blend in with the rest of the world. Then again, keep in mind I have a frankly abysmal sense of direction. Thankfully falling into the void just whacks you for a paltry five health and teleports you back onto safe ground.
The locational damage stuff is really fun. Breaking a monster's guns has a satisfying metal "PING" sound to it to inform you that the dude got fucked up and is weaker now, and that you should keep doing it.
When I picked up one of those "?" secrets, the pop-up box told me that they unlocked "collectable dolls" and "cheat codes". The former is vague, but I suspect they'll be like the mini-Doomguys but of more characters. I'd imagine the latter will be like in Rage 2.
Oh, and it looks a million bucks, too. Though you probably didn't need me to tell you that.
All in all, I'm pretty happy with what I saw and it's even more of a pity it's not coming out next month.
Not Indie Games, But Also Not Doom Eternal
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The Vive Cosmos felt really comfy - the lack of cabling and the decent display resolution made it feel a lot more natural than the Gen 1 Vives I've previously used. The game they were using to demo (Audica), however, was pretty lame. A rhythm-target shooter that didn't really take advantage of the medium at all.
Bleeding Edge was not inspiring. It was basically the control point mode from TF2 or Overwatch, except every character was a third-person brawler with little emphasis on projectile weapons beyond the occasional special. It felt like someone making a claim at TF2 or Overwatch's throne several years late while bolting a weak character action game on, which is fairly odd considering how innovative and critically acclaimed Ninja Theory's previous game was.
Dreams is fairly fascinating in its potential. The creation tools weren't available in the demo build so I can’t really judge them, instead there was a choice of eight developer-made experiences ranging from Mario-inspired obstacle courses to videogames as art.
I didn't get the chance to actually play MediEvil, but I watched some folks play it and it basically just looks like the PS1 game with more triangles, with all the slightly wonky 32-bit gameplay that entails.
The demo unit for Monkey King: Hero Is Back had some utterly bizarre graphics settings for some reason that made it look like I was playing a JPEG file, with big whopping compression artifacts surrounding each character. Weird!
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Not happenin’.
Indie Games
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Grabimals is a brilliant local co-op puzzler where players roll around as shapes and link together to solve puzzles like catching a falling water droplet, crossing a gap or casting a shadow that matches an example image. Supposedly it's still a ways off from release, but it's already impressively polished (disregarding one hilarious crash bug we found by accident!)
Hamster Scramble is a really fun take on Puzzle Bobble, with platforming elements, team play and the ability to jump over to your opponent's screen and fuck their plans up directly. It's an absolute blast and didn't feel like it was almost a year away from release.
Fork Knights is a platform fighter with an emphasis on one-hit kills. The character designs are cute, but I can't really say the gameplay itself struck me, to be honest.
Baron is an eight-player single-screen local multiplayer dogfighter. Fairly simple mechanically, but pretty fun all things considered.
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Broken Roads had some lovely hand-painted art assets and some interesting ideas like a literal moral compass, but the demo build showcased was waaaaay too early to be shown off to the public. Of the eight or so areas present in the demo, only two had any characters, interactivity or really anything other than wandering around set up, and the combat side of things was extremely rough and sequestered off to a side area as a "well, if you insist..." kind of deal.
Misadventure In Little Lon is a true-crime adventure game for mobile with a unique mechanic - each "scene" is integrated into the real world via AR, with characters (that resemble Poser models more than a little bit) speaking to you directly. Not sure if it holds up over an entire game, but it's attention-garnering at least.
Speaking of true crime, The Black Window tasks players with using an Oujia board to question Australia's first female serial killer, with responses taken from court records and letters from the time. The well-acted performances of the actual individual in question's words lends it an impressive atmosphere, which the booth added to with a big wooden oujia board type thing you could "type" on. Sort of.
ACID KNIFE is real, real early, but the aesthetic is awesome and the pixel art is great. Hopefully it grows and expands into something special.
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The Vigilante Proclivities of the Longspur is an oldschool Lucasarts-inspired point-and-click adventure with a custom demo scene set at an oddly-familiar videogame convention. Pretty promising so far, but could do with a good bit of polish - I'm pretty sure there was only one sound effect in the entire demo, and dialogue was often lacking in punctuation.
I didn't get to play Hot Brass but I watched over shoulders and talked with the developers, and it looked pretty cool. It's basically a take on SWAT 4's rarely-imitated brand of tactical copwork, but with a Hotline Miami-style top-down perspective, but with all the characters abstracted down to simple board game like tokens - a circle with a coloured outline denoting attitude towards the player, with a weapon icon if armed.
Blood Metal... Blood Metal is not good. It is extensively not good. Development seems to have only started in July, so one can still hope that the bad AI, unsatisfying gunplay, buggy collision detection and complete lack of damage feedback (outside of some ridiculous, sight-obscuring gouts of blood) get fixed over time. The 80s action movie aesthetic and low-poly artstyle forces it to be compared to Maximum Action, which is at least a fun kind of jank...
This Starry Void is a real-time, tile-based 3D dungeon crawler set in an abandoned spacecraft. It seems pretty cool so far, but it could probably use some UI/UX tweaks. The attempts at a "graphic novel inspired" visual style for the environments could probably benefit from looking at how Void Bastards did things, as well.
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Lethal Lawns and Beam Team are fucking arcade games with massive cabinets. In 2019. Granted, they're also on computers and coming to consoles and stuff as well, but still! They're both pretty simple games, and therefore best played in cabinet form.
Unpacking is a "zen puzzle game" by the developers of Assault Android Cactus about the second-worst part of moving house, unloading an unseen character's packing and getting a glimpse into their lives as a result. I wasn’t able to play it due to an unexpectedly-crowded booth, but the pixel art is quite lovely.
Feather is a chill game about being a bird and flying around an island trying to find its secrets. I tried the Switch port, which played alright but obviously (and understandably) toted a lower framerate than the demo PC.
Topple Pop is a cute puzzle game that blends together elements of Tetris, Puyo Puyo and that one joke game that was Tetris but with a proper physics engine. Looks cute, with a fun gimmick!
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Shooty Skies Overdrive is an VR spinoff of the popular mobile shmup, and basically similar to that one shmup minigame in Valve's The Lab. Weave your plane, which is attached to one of your hands, through incoming bullets and enemies like a toy! The 3D effect on the incoming projectiles looks great, but they can tend to get in the way of the action sometimes.
Dead Static Drive has been at like the last three PAXes and it looks better every time I see it. I hope it comes out this decade.
Snow Mercy is a third-person shooter/strategy thing where you hunt down icecubes to spend on an army of snowmen to crush your opponent's base before they crush yours. Not a common genre combo, reminds me of C&C Renegade a bit.
The Adventure Pals has graphics straight out of mid-2000s Newgrounds and level design out of pretty much any european platformer, but it didn't seem too bad from my brief prodding at it. The player character is perhaps a bit too small for my elderly eyes in Switch portable mode, but that's about as far as my gripes go.
9 notes · View notes
electricea-a · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines.  record players.  old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother . cycles .hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing. wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control.  artist and muse. dark love.  pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities.  peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk. spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda.tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand. workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light. a sense of humor.   allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms.  chandeliers.  dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope. cigar smoke.  quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect.  facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest.  provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many.  black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts.  fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks.  ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair.  longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love.  balconies. swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality. peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart.  crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical.  love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism.  loving father figures.  dancing to disco. laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked.  sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  :  burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes. a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command.  sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behavior.  familial tension. chopping wood.  uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical.  bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder.silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands.  teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
Tagged by: @nontale​ (Thanks!) Tagging: Anyone and everyone!
3 notes · View notes
bloodfcst-a · 5 years
* ☆ BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.  repost, don’t reblog. BOLD whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats.  taboo desires. tanks of water. kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language. scales. egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales. lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines. slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines.  record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages.  a disruptive presence. longing. wedding gowns. posh control. post-war. brightly coloured socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control. artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection. wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts. new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound. being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses. a person out of place. defiance. ink to paper. an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes. soothing elegance. silk. spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates. distrust of authority.  internal battles.  a legacy at stake.  secrets. cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption. behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding. cold grays.  war. fluorescent lights. treason. shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything. propaganda. tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power. security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter. cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance. uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colours.  apologising. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary. battling depression. 90’s fashion. dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks. not being bound by any era. rejection. sparklers.  thrift stores. high school. identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents.  catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands. teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names. coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses. cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behaviour. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight. blindness. survival. sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents. sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties. constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances. catharsis. a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction. last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.  a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
DUNKIRK  : burying a body. warm cider. narrow escapes. a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home. taken prisoner. shipwrecks.assuming the identity of someone else.  setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam.  suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness. bullet holes. obstacles and delays. a hero’s welcome. planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands. shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command.  sole survivor.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye. cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork. peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks. ancient artefacts. abundant orchards. shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace. dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love. balconies. swimming naked. first times. bathing suits.  roman statues. secret sensuality. peaches. piano music. sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical.  love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco. laying in green grass. awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewellry. connection through identity. the magen david.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats.. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes. awkward dates.  nasty rumours. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse. bashing in windows.  the midwest.  provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many.  black and red.  not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others. a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere. small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering.  duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras. beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light. a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches.  small square windows. selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms. chandeliers. dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war.  needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry. photos of a loved one. a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace. pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks. reluctance. complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog. changing history.  blood, toil, tears and sweat.
* ☆ i was tagged by @enshijou​ ( ily! ) * ☆  tagging @shimmerseas​ @garrotejima​ @dojiryu​ @extremepath​ (ur pick!) @evercharmed​ @patricid​ @bialwilk​ @greatinu​ + if you feel inclined! 
2 notes · View notes
thedemonkingganon · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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THE SHAPE OF WATER : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism. bloody handprints.  routines. record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  :  a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother . cycles .hidden messages.  a disruptive presence.  longing. wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics.  curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control.  artist and muse. dark love.  pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection.  wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s.  lingering gazes.  needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses.  a person out of place. defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities.  peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk. spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST : typewriters. newspapers.  tense climates.  distrust of authority. internal battles.  a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers.  the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary.  finding your voice.  risking everything.  propaganda.tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries.  abuses of power.  security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke.  precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering. duty.  countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds.  bathed in red light. a sense of humor.   allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms.  chandeliers.  dust floating in air. righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war. needing a miracle.  interruptions.  a last hope. cigar smoke.  quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk.  suicide missions.  drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog.  changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect.  facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors. claustrophobia.  lush green pastures.  molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers. no remorse. bashing in windows. the midwest.  provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time.  rundown old houses. grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.guilty no matter what.   buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many.  black and red. not understanding another’s feelings.  a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze.  driving to nowhere.  small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  : heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts.  fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets. rendezvous at midnight. battling temptation. academic paperwork. peeling an orange. 80’s nostalgia. classical music. long walks. ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages. expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair.  longing gazes. riding a bicycle around. mystery of love.  balconies. swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality. peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer. having your nose in a book. just rooms apart.  crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical.  love affairs. rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire. european lyricism.  loving father figures.  dancing to disco. laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked.  sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK  : burying a body.  warm cider.  narrow escapes. a race against time.  a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero.  cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands.  shell-shocked.  the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction. rising tides.  head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise. primal dangers. taking command.  sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis. strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood.  uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness.  survival.  sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical.  bingo cards. smoking cigarettes.  static on a television set.  doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis.  a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds.  addiction.  last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.   a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes. budding romance.  uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex. prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.  strong personalities. the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis.  a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands.  teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup.  strained relationships.  screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
Tagged by: stole it from @electricea​ Tagging: you, and you, oh and you, and yes you too.
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breselin · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES AESTHETICS.    repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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early mornings. art on an easel.  being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged.  learning and adapting. raindrops on windows. bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water. kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language. scales. egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales. lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog. dance routines. slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues. deep, inexorable scars. gills. music from the 30′s. retro-futurism. bloody handprints. routines. record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages. a disruptive presence.  longing. wedding gowns. posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison.  an air of quiet death. hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music. restrained anger.  spinning out of control. artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection. wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts. new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound. being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses. a person out of place. defiance. ink to paper. an artist tortured by their art. obsessive personalities. peepholes. soothing elegance. silk. spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST.      
typewriters. newspapers. tense climates. distrust of authority.  internal battles. a legacy at stake. secrets. cover-ups. defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding. cold grays. war.  fluorescent lights. treason. shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths.  burglary. finding your voice. risking everything. propaganda.  tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abusing power. security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter. cigarette smoke. precious cargo. vanished technologies. suspenseful conversations. facing charges. courtroom battles. suits and ties.
never surrendering. duty. countless negotiations. the flash of cameras. beaches. historic buildings. guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds. bathed in red light.  a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms. chandeliers. dust floating in air. righteousness. a poor reputation. an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity. rescue missions. refusing peace. allied chambers. military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance. complete collapse. evacuations.  enveloped by fog. changing history.  blood, toil, tears and sweat.
severe burns. police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails.  flicking cigarettes. awkward dates. nasty rumors. claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails. the fire of anger and revenge. strangers. no remorse. bashing in windows. the midwest. provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time. rundown old houses. grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what. buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting. chewing on fingernails. one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere. small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes. a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home. taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else.  setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam. seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun.  swallowed by darkness. bullet holes. obstacles and delays. a hero’s welcome. planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction. rising tides. head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space.  the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.  blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT.      
deer antlers. suburbs. hypnosis. strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness. survival. sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents. sunken places. something out of a nightmare.  going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good.  a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles. wealthy garden parties. constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances. catharsis. a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup. a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection.  unable to sleep.  loyal friends.
LADY BIRD.        
california landscapes. budding romance. uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors. apologizing. boorish sex. prom dresses. secondhand dresses. strong personalities. the ups and downs of adolescence. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression.  90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection. sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school. identity crisis. a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism.  poverty. busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns. shitty bands. anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names.  coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking. first kisses. cupcakes. smudged eye makeup. bruises gained unknowingly. strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
tagged by: took it from my own blog
tagging: 8|C
@furnezh | @lazhadeg - @daemonczar | @lichsent | @quirofiliac - @paradedeath - @edhelaran - @edhelgund - @xfarron - @ndeavor - @atlaslain - @culturedconjurer - @garuvusu - @draceesi - @bloodfcst - @xkuja - @tribinds | @capjacke - @cielcrd | @ofastrcmancy [ and whoever wants to! multimuses i tagged: do all of them 8| ]
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autipsy · 6 years
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THE SHAPE OF WATER.     early  mornings.   art  on  an  easel.   being  trapped.   flashy  cars.  self - righteous  intolerance.   speaking  volumes  without  a  word.   being  submerged.   learning  and  adapting. raindrops  on  windows.   bubbles  rising  in  water.   cats.   taboo  desires.   tanks  of water.   kitschy  nostalgia.  kissing  underwater.   silence. isolation. golden  age  hollywood.   sign  language.   scales.   egg  shells.   jell - o.  the  smell  of  cleaning  supplies.  creature  features.   the  space  race.   red  coats.   monstrous  fairy  tales. lab  coats.   lunches  in  brown  bags.   the  click  of  shoes.  smog.   dance  routines.   slices  of  pie.   toxic  masculinity.   chains.   government  secrets.  seeing  past  flaws.  floating  aimlessly.   needles.   greens  and  blues.   deep, inexorable  scars.   gills.  music  from  the  30s.   retro - futurism.   bloody  hand  prints.  routines. record  players.  love  in  unexpected  places.
PHANTOM THREAD.     a  doll  in  a  gilded  birdcage.   butter  to  bread. the  death  of  a  mother. hidden  messages.   a  disruptive  presence.   longing.   wedding  gowns.  posh  control.  post - war.   brightly colored  socks.  inner  turmoil.   poison.  an  air  of  quiet death.   hallucinations.   family  dysfunction.   rich  fabrics. curses.   soft  piano  music. restrained  anger.  spinning  out  of  control.   artist  and  muse.   dark  love.  pastels.   peace  in  the  countryside.   clockwork  dynamics.   perfection.   wild  mushrooms.   giving  up  every  piece  of  yourself.   rags  to  riches.   ghosts.   new  years  eve. lingering  gazes. needle  and  thread. fine  dining.  hearing  every  sound.  being ambushed.   flowing  dresses.   a  person  out  of  place.  defiance. ink  to  paper.   an  artist  tortured.  obsessive  personalities.   soothing  elegance.  silk.   spiral  staircases.   driving  at  high  speeds.   high  society.
THE POST.     typewriters.   newspapers.   tense  climates.   distrust  of  authority. internal  battles.   a  legacy  at  stake.   secrets.   cover - ups.   defending  what  you believe.   peering  through  windows.  melodrama.   political corruption  behind  closed  doors.   sniffing  a  scoop.   ringing  phones.   lying  for  over  a  decade. cramming  and  crowding.   cold  grays.  war.  fluorescent  lights.  treason. shuffled  papers.  the  jungle.   a  weight  in  your  shoulders.  fresh  coffee.  thousands  of  deaths.   burglary.  finding  your  voice.  risking  everything.  propaganda.   tough  choices.  exposure.   type  being  set  by  hand.   workplace  rivalries.  abusing  power.   security  breaches.   hierarchy.   a  bed  strewn  with  papers  and books. paranoia.   orders.  clicking  keys.   redacted  files. desk clutter.   precious  cargo.   vanished  technologies. suspenseful conversations.   facing  charges.   courtroom  battles.   suits  and  ties.
DARKEST HOUR.     never  surrendering.  duty.  countless  negotiations.   the  flash  of  cameras. beaches.   historic  buildings.   guzzling booze.   resignation.   utter  catastrophe.   bunkers.   radio broadcasts.  going  against  the  odds.   bathed  in  red  light.   a sense  of  humor.   allies.  shouting  matches.   small  square  windows.   selfishness.   walking  with  a  cane.   war  rooms.   chandeliers.   dust  floating  in  the  air. righteousness.  a  poor reputation.   an  elevator  surrounded  by  darkness.  world  at  war.   needing  a  miracle.   interruptions.   a  last  hope.   cigar  smoke.  quoting  poetry.   photos  of  a  loved  one.  a  single sunbeam.  monarchy.   vanity.   rescue  missions.  refusing  peace.   allied  chambers.   military  uniforms. taking  a  stand.  drums  of  war.  tears  down  sullen  cheeks.  reluctance.   complete  collapse.   enveloped  by  fog. changing  history.   blood,  toil,  tears  and  sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI.     severe  burns.   police  uniforms.   sirens.  the  calmness  of  a  deer.  strumming  guitars. grieving.   horrifying  memories.  sucker  punches.   a  lack  of  respect.   facing  threats. skin  under  fingernails.   flicking  cigarettes.   awkward  dates.   nasty  rumors.  claustrophobia.   lush  green  pastures.   molotov cocktails.  the  fire  of  anger  and  revenge.  strangers.   no  remorse.   bashing  in  windows.   provoking  a  fight.   being  pressured  for  time.   rundown  old  houses. grey  morality.   dark  undercurrents.   insurmountable  losses.   cruel  laughs.  the  american  flag.   dive  bars.  guilty  no  matter what.   a  building  in  flames.   ambulances.   coughing  up  blood.   spitting.  chewing  on  fingernails.  one  versus  many.   black  and red.   a  mother  and  child.  not  understanding  another’s feelings. the  pain  of  others.   a  quest  of  justice.   abandoned billboards.   a  hardened  gaze.   driving  to  nowhere. small  towns.   last  letters.   absurd  violence.
DUNKIRK.     burying  a  body.   warm  cider.   narrow  escapes. a  race  against  time.   a  small  boat.   all  hope  lost.   being unable  to  come  home.   taken  prisoner.   shipwrecks.   assuming the  identity  of  someone  else. setting  fire  to  it  all.  smoke rising  from  a  crash.   sea  foam.   seaports.   rendered  blind. dropping  to  take  cover.   land,  sea,  and  air.   entangled  in  a chain.   toast  with  jam.  suspense.   waiting  for  escape.   wounded  men.   lying  in  the  sand.   trauma. blank  spaces.   sinking  ships.   commended  a  hero.   cocking  a gun.  obstacles  and  delays.   hero’s  welcome.   planes  overhead.  the  sounds  of  a  ticking  clock.  swallowed  by  darkness.  bullet holes  ricocheting  off  of  metal.   people  by  the  thousands.   shell - shocked.   the  explosions  of  shells  on  shore.  the  sound of  destruction.   rising  tides.  target  practice.  compressed  time and  space.   the  perennial  threat  of  death.   oil  ignited  into  flames. lying  for  the  greater  good.   blocking  out  the  noise.  primal  dangers.  taking  command.   sole  survivor.
GET OUT.     deer  antlers.  suburbs.   hypnosis.   strange  behavior.  familial  tension. chopping  wood. uneasy  stares.  tears  and  a  smile.  deception.   fight  or  flight.   blindness.   survival.   sinking  into  the  floor.   watching  but powerless.   strapped  to  a  chair.   plugged  ears.   a  failed handshake.   car  accidents.  sunken  places.   something  out  of  a  nightmare. going  hysterical.   bingo  cards.   static  on  a  television  set.   doing  more  harm  than  good.   a  hint  of  a  smile.  a  stranger in  an  environment  that  is  foreign  to  them.   waiting  for  someone  to  come  when  they  never  will.   overturned  candles.   wealthy  garden  parties.   constantly  looking  over  your  shoulder. silence  no  matter  how  hard  you  scream. catharsis.   a  battle  of  wills.  layers  being  peeled  back.  a  cup  of  tea.  nosebleeds. addiction.  last  bits  of  life  leaving  a  body.   black  and  white  photography.  sprinting  at  high  speeds.   conspiracies.   surgery.  blankly  polite  speech.  the  noise  of  a  spoon  scraping  against  a  teacup. a  deer  in  headlights.   staring  at  your  own reflection.  unable  to  sleep.   loyal  friends.
LADY BIRD.     california  landscapes.   budding  romance.   uniforms.   consolation.   plain and  luscious  colors.  apologizing.  boorish  sex.   prom  dresses.   secondhand  dresses.  strong  personalities.   the  ups  and  downs  of adolescence.   the  theater.   being  simultaneously  warm  and  scary.   90s  fashion. dreaming  of  elsewhere.   partying.  signatures  on  a  cast.   living  on  the  wrong  side  of  the  tracks.  not  being bound  by  any  era.   rejection. sparkles.   thrift  stores.   high school.   identity  crisis. a  place  that  looks  like  a  memory.   going  behind  backs.   disappointed  parents.   catholicism.   poverty.   busy  new  york  streets.   monotonous  hometowns.   shitty  bands.   anarchy.  drifting  in  and  out  of  friendships.   red  hair.  self - given  names.   coming  of age.   a  broken  arm.  excessive  drinking.   first  kisses.   cupcakes.  smudged  eye  makeup.  bruises  gained  unknowingly.   strained  relationships.   screaming  in  the  middle  of  the  night.   thoughtful  letters.   standing  out.  decorated  bedroom  walls.   having  a  change  of  heart.  expressing  individuality.
TAGGED BY:  I am a thief :3c TAGGING:  @shinikubi , @xeglantine , @violetcursed , @traitordaze , @e0nian , @nymphetcmine , @shinsogi , @cirquebled , steal it and say I tagged you tbh!!
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xkuja · 5 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES AESTHETICS.    repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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early mornings. art on an easel.  being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged.  learning and adapting. raindrops on windows. bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water. kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language. scales. egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats.monstrous fairy tales. lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog. dance routines. slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues. deep, inexorable scars. gills. music from the 30′s. retro-futurism. bloody handprints. routines. record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages. a disruptive presence.  longing. wedding gowns. posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison.  an air of quiet death. hallucinations.family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music. restrained anger.  spinning out of control. artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection. wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts. new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses. a person out of place. defiance. ink to paper. an artist tortured by their art. obsessive personalities. peepholes. soothing elegance. silk. spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST.      
typewriters. newspapers. tense climates. distrust of authority.  internal battles. a legacy at stake. secrets. cover-ups. defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones.lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding. cold grays. war.  fluorescent lights. treason. shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths.  burglary. finding your voice. risking everything. propaganda.  tough choices.exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abusing power. security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter. cigarette smoke. precious cargo. vanished technologies. suspenseful conversations. facing charges. courtroom battles. suits and ties.
never surrendering. duty. countless negotiations. the flash of cameras. beaches. historic buildings. guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds. bathed in red light.  a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms. chandeliers. dust floating in air. righteousness. a poor reputation. an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry. photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity. rescue missions. refusing peace. allied chambers. military uniforms. taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance. complete collapse. evacuations.  enveloped by fog. changing history.  blood, toil, tears and sweat.
severe burns. police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars. grieving.horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails.  flicking cigarettes. awkward dates. nasty rumors. claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails. the fire of anger and revenge. strangers. no remorse. bashing in windows. the midwest. provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time. rundown old houses. grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what. buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting. chewing on fingernails. one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere. small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes. a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home. taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else.  setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam. seaports.rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun.  swallowed by darkness. bullet holes. obstacles and delays. a hero’s welcome. planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction. rising tides. head injuries. target practice. compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.  blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT.      
deer antlers. suburbs. hypnosis. strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight.  blindness. survival. sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents. sunken places. something out of a nightmare.  going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good.  a hint of a smile.a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles. wealthy garden parties. constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances. catharsis. a battle of wills.layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography.  sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup. a deer in headlights.staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep.  loyal friends.
LADY BIRD.        
california landscapes. budding romance. uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors.apologizing. boorish sex. prom dresses. secondhand dresses. strong personalities. the ups and downs of adolescence. the theatre.  being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression.  90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast.living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection. sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school. identity crisis. a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism.  poverty. busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns. shitty bands. anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names.  coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking. first kisses. cupcakes. smudged eye makeup. bruises gained unknowingly. strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
tagged by: @breselin hmmmmmmm
tagging: everyone who liked one of these movies... I did not like the ones I have seen but then i never do... never watch movies with me I will only complain haha
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martyrskap · 6 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
TAGGED BY :  @missionmade my wife TAGGING  :  @simnsays @fishsaves @gvinreed @bitterdeviance @detroitreznikoff @bewitcheds @artifilius @programbound n u !! i love y’all <3
THE SHAPE OF WATER  : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars.  self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats.  taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia.  kissing underwater.  silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o.  the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags.the click of shoes.  smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie.  toxic masculinity. chains.  government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism.  bloody handprints.routines. record players.  old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  : a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages. a disruptive presence.  longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction.  rich fabrics.  curses.  soft piano music.  restrained anger.  spinning out of control. artist and muse.  dark love.  pastels.  peace in the countryside.  clockwork dynamics.  perfection.  wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread.  fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses. a person out of place.  defiance. ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk.  spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST  : typewriters.  newspapers. tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles. a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups. defending what you believe. peering through windows.  melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones.  lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding. cold grays. war. fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice.  risking everything.propaganda. tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power.  security breaches.  hierarchy.  a  bed strewn with papers and books.  paranoia. orders. clicking keys.  redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke. precious cargo.  vanished technologies. suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering. duty. countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches.  historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts.  going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor. allies.  shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness.  walking with a cane.  war rooms. chandeliers.  dust floating in air.  righteousness. a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam.  monarchy.  vanity. rescue missions.  refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms.  taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations.  enveloped by fog. changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories.  sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats.  skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors.  claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers. no remorse.  bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight.  pointing fingers.  being pressed for time. rundown old houses.  grey morality. dark undercurrents.  insurmountable losses.  cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.  guilty no matter what. buildings in flames.  ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere.  small towns.  last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  :   heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets.  rendezvous at midnight.  battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange.  80’s nostalgia.  classical music.  long walks. ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages.  expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around.  mystery of love. balconies.  swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer.  having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical. love affairs.  rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire.  european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK :  burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes.  a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind.  dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun.  swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes.obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction.  rising tides. head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space.  the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers. suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight. blindness. survival.sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake.  car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards.  smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis. a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies.  surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.  a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes.  budding romance. uniforms.  consolation.  plain and luscious colors. apologizing. boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses.strong personalities. the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis. a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  teenage anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters.  standing out. decorated bedroom walls.  having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
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nagaveined-blog · 6 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES ( 2018 ) AESTHETICS  ⤿  repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
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THE SHAPE OF WATER  ⤿  early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows. bubbles rising in water. cats. taboo desires. tanks of water. kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language. scales. egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales. lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes. smog. dance routines. slices of pie. toxic masculinity. chains. government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues. deep, inexorable scars. gills. music from the 30′s. retro-futurism. bloody handprints. routines. record players. old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  ⤿  a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages. a disruptive presence. longing. wedding gowns. posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death. hallucinations. family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses. soft piano music. restrained anger. spinning out of control. artist and muse. dark love. pastels. peace in the countryside. clockwork dynamics. perfection. wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts. new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound. being ambushed. ego. flowing dresses. a person out of place. defiance. ink to paper. an artist tortured by their art. obsessive personalities. peepholes. soothing elegance. silk. spiral staircases. driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST  ⤿  typewriters. newspapers. tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles. a legacy at stake. secrets. cover-ups. defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama. political corruption. behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones. lying for over a decade. cramming and crowding. cold grays. war. fluorescent lights. treason. shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice. risking everything. propaganda. tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand.workplace rivalries. abuses of power. security breaches. hierarchy. a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia. orders. clicking keys. redacted files. desk clutter. cigarette smoke. precious cargo. vanished technologies. suspenseful conversations. facing charges. courtroom battles. suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  ⤿  never surrendering. duty. countless negotiations. the flash of cameras.beaches. historic buildings. guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers. radio broadcasts. going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches.small square windows. selfishness. walking with a cane. war rooms. chandeliers. dust floating in air. righteousness. a poor reputation. an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry. photos of a loved one. a single sunbeam. monarchy. vanity. rescue missions. refusing peace. pallid chambers. military uniforms.taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war. tears down sullen cheeks. reluctance. complete collapse. evacuations. enveloped by fog. changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  ⤿  severe burns. police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories. sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats. skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes. awkward dates. nasty rumors. claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails. the fire of anger and revenge. strangers. no remorse. bashing in windows. the midwest. provoking a fight. pointing fingers. being pressed for time. rundown old houses. grey morality. dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses. cruel laughs. the american flag. dive bars. guilty no matter what. buildings in flames. ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting. chewing on fingernails. one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others. a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere. small towns. last letters. absurd violence.
DUNKIRK  ⤿  burying a body. warm cider. narrow escapes. a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home. taken prisoner. shipwrecks. assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all. smoke rising from a crash. sea foam. seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air. entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces. sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun. swallowed by darkness. bullet holes. obstacles and delays. a hero’s welcome. planes overhead. the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction. rising tides. head injuries.   target practice. compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good. blocking out the noise. primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT  ⤿  deer antlers. suburbs. hypnosis. strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight. blindness. survival. sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake. car accidents. sunken places. something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards. smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles. wealthy garden parties. constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances. catharsis. a battle of wills. layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies. surgery. blankly polite speech. noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup. a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD  ⤿  california landscapes. budding romance. uniforms. consolation. plain and luscious colors. apologizing. boorish sex. prom dresses. second-hand dresses. strong personalities. the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary. battling depression. 90’s fashion. dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks. not being bound by any era. rejection. sparklers. thrift stores. high school. identity crisis. a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs. disappointed parents. catholicism.   poverty. busy new york city streets. monotonous hometowns. shitty bands. teenage anarchy. drifting in and out of friendships. menial jobs. red hair. self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking. first kisses. cupcakes. smudged eye makeup. strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters. standing out. decorated bedroom walls. having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
TAGGED BY  ⤿ no one. TAGGING  ⤿  @i-nsubordination @auroriaes @valflame @zioneal @holytoem @holysight @loptyer @torhamar & whoever else wants to do it, i didn’t want to tag too many people ahgdshfcdh.
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usurperr-a-blog · 6 years
BEST PICTURE NOMINEES (2018) AESTHETICS.   repost, don’t reblog. bold whatever applies. tag whoever you want and feel free to add to the categories.
TAGGED BY :  @missionmade TAGGING  :  im lame so just thief it
THE SHAPE OF WATER  : early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped. flashy cars.  self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats.  taboo desires.  tanks of water.  kitschy nostalgia.  kissing underwater.  silence.  isolation. golden age hollywood.  sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o.  the smell of cleaning supplies.  creature features. the space race. red coats. monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats. lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes.  smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie.  toxic masculinity. chains.  government secrets. seeing past flaws. floating aimlessly. needles. greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills.  music from the 30′s.  retro-futurism.  bloody handprints. routines. record players.  old movies. love in unexpected places.
PHANTOM THREAD  : a doll in a gilded birdcage.  butter to bread. the death of a mother. cycles. hidden messages. a disruptive presence.  longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control. post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil. poison. an air of quiet death.  hallucinations. family dysfunction.  rich fabrics.  curses.  soft piano music.  restrained anger.  spinning out of control. artist and muse.  dark love.  pastels.  peace in the countryside.  clockwork dynamics.  perfection.  wild mushrooms. giving up every piece of yourself.  rags to riches.  ghosts.  new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread.  fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed. ego.  flowing dresses. a person out of place.  defiance. ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities. peepholes.  soothing elegance.  silk.  spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds. high society.
THE POST  : typewriters.  newspapers. tense climates. distrust of authority. internal battles. a legacy at stake. secrets.  cover-ups. defending what you believe. peering through windows.  melodrama. political corruption.  behind closed doors. sniffing a scoop. ringing phones.  lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding. cold grays. war. fluorescent lights.  treason.  shuffled papers. the jungle. a weight on your shoulders. fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice.  risking everything. propaganda. tough choices. exposure. type being set by hand. workplace rivalries. abuses of power.  security breaches.  hierarchy.  a  bed strewn with papers and books.  paranoia. orders. clicking keys.  redacted files. desk clutter.  cigarette smoke. precious cargo.  vanished technologies. suspenseful conversations. facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
DARKEST HOUR  : never surrendering. duty. countless negotiations.  the flash of cameras.  beaches.  historic buildings.  guzzling booze.  resignation. utter catastrophe. bunkers.  radio broadcasts.  going against the odds. bathed in red light. a sense of humor. allies.  shouting matches.  small square windows.  selfishness.  walking with a cane.  war rooms. chandeliers.  dust floating in air.  righteousness. a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness. a world at war. needing a miracle. interruptions. a last hope. cigar smoke. quoting poetry.  photos of a loved one.  a single sunbeam.  monarchy.  vanity. rescue missions.  refusing peace.  pallid chambers.  military uniforms.  taking a stand. common folk. suicide missions. drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks.  reluctance.  complete collapse. evacuations.  enveloped by fog. changing history. blood, toil, tears and sweat.
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI  :   severe burns.  police uniforms. sirens. the calmness of a deer.  strumming guitars. grieving. horrifying memories.  sucker punches. a lack of respect. facing threats.  skin under fingernails. flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates.  nasty rumors.  claustrophobia. lush green pastures. molotov cocktails.  the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers. no remorse.  bashing in windows.  the midwest. provoking a fight.  pointing fingers.  being pressed for time. rundown old houses.  grey morality. dark undercurrents.  insurmountable losses.  cruel laughs.  the american flag. dive bars.  guilty no matter what. buildings in flames.  ambulances. coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails.  one versus many. black and red. not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice. abandoned billboards. a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere.  small towns.  last letters. absurd violence.
CALL ME BY YOUR NAME  :   heartbreak.  unbuttoned shirts. fields of flowers. having to say goodbye.  cobblestone streets.  rendezvous at midnight.  battling temptation. academic paperwork.  peeling an orange.  80’s nostalgia.  classical music.  long walks. ancient artifacts.  abundant orchards.  shoulder massages.  expressive sexuality. remembering everything. staring into a fireplace.  dipping your feet in cool water. uncertainty. villa vacations. curly hair. longing gazes. riding a bicycle around.  mystery of love. balconies.  swimming naked. first times.  bathing suits.  roman statues.  secret sensuality.  peaches.  piano music.  sun-soaked summer.  having your nose in a book. just rooms apart. crystal blue water. growing attractions.  changing your name. intimacy beyond physical. love affairs.  rich wines.  finding pleasure in grief. daring to desire.  european lyricism. loving father figures. dancing to disco.  laying in green grass.  awkward adolescence. hands interlinked. sentimental jewelry. connection through identity. the magen david.
DUNKIRK :  burying a body.  warm cider. narrow escapes.  a race against time. a small boat. all hope lost. being unable to come home.  taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all.  smoke rising from a crash. sea foam.  seaports.  rendered blind.  dropping to take cover. land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain. toast with jam. suspense. waiting for escape. wounded men. lying in the sand. trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships. commended a hero. cocking a gun.  swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes. obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome. planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal.  people by the thousands. shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores. the sound of destruction.  rising tides. head injuries. target practice.  compressed time and space.  the perennial threat of death. oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.   blocking out the noise.  primal dangers. taking command. sole survivor.
GET OUT  : deer antlers. suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares. tears and a smile. deception. fight or flight. blindness. survival. sinking into the floor. watching but powerless. strapped to a chair. plugged ears. a failed handshake.  car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare. going hysterical. bingo cards.  smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good. a hint of a smile. a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will. overturned candles.  wealthy garden parties.  constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream.  trances.  catharsis. a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back. a cup of tea. nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body. black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies.  surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.  a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD : california landscapes.  budding romance. uniforms.  consolation.  plain and luscious colors. apologizing. boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities. the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion.  dreaming of elsewhere. partying. signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era. rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis. a place that looks like a memory. going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism.  poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  teenage anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs. red hair.  self-given names. coming-of-age. a broken arm. excessive drinking.  first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters.  standing out. decorated bedroom walls.  having a change of heart. expressing individuality.
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nobleconsort · 6 years
  ——–  repost, don’t reblog
early mornings. art on an easel. being trapped.  flashy cars. self-righteous intolerance. speaking volumes without a word. being submerged. learning and adapting. raindrops on windows.  bubbles rising in water.  cats.  taboo desires.  tanks of water. kitschy nostalgia. kissing underwater. silence. isolation. golden age hollywood. sign language.  scales.  egg shells. jell-o. the smell of cleaning supplies. creature features.  the space race. red coats.  monstrous fairy tales.  lab coats.  lunches in brown bags. the click of shoes.  smog.  dance routines.  slices of pie. toxic masculinity.  chains. government secrets.  seeing past flaws.  floating aimlessly. needles.  greens and blues.  deep, inexorable scars. gills. music from the 30′s. retro-futurism.  bloody handprints.  routines.  record players.  old movies. love in unexpected places.
a doll in a gilded birdcage. butter to bread. the death of a mother.  cycles.  hidden messages.  a disruptive presence. longing.  wedding gowns.  posh control.  post-war. brightly colored socks. inner turmoil.  poison.  an air of quiet death. hallucinations.   family dysfunction. rich fabrics. curses.   soft piano music. restrained anger.  spinning out of control.  artist and muse.  dark love.  pastels.  peace in the countryside.   clockwork dynamics.  perfection. wild mushrooms.  giving up every piece of yourself. rags to riches. ghosts. new year’s. lingering gazes. needle and thread. fine dining. hearing every sound.  being ambushed.  ego. flowing dresses. a person out of place.  defiance.  ink to paper.  an artist tortured by their art.  obsessive personalities.  peepholes.  soothing elegance.   silk.  spiral staircases.  driving at high speeds.  high society.
typewriters.  newspapers. tense climates.  distrust of authority.  internal battles.  a legacy at stake.  secrets.  cover-ups.  defending what you believe. peering through windows. melodrama.  political corruption.  behind closed doors.  sniffing a scoop.  ringing phones. lying for over a decade.  cramming and crowding.  cold grays.  war.  fluorescent lights. treason.  shuffled papers. the jungle.  a weight on your shoulders.  fresh coffee. thousands of deaths. burglary. finding your voice. risking everything. propaganda.  tough choices. exposure.  type being set by hand.   workplace rivalries.   abusing power.  security breaches.  hierarchy.  a bed strewn with papers and books. paranoia.   orders.  clicking keys.  redacted files.  desk clutter.  cigarette smoke. precious cargo.  vanished technologies.  suspenseful conversations.  facing charges.  courtroom battles.  suits and ties.
never surrendering.   duty.  countless negotiations. the flash of cameras.  beaches. historic buildings.  guzzling booze. resignation. utter catastrophe.  bunkers.  radio broadcasts.  going against the odds.  bathed in red light.  a sense of humor. allies. shouting matches. small square windows. selfishness.  walking with a cane. war rooms. chandeliers.  dust floating in air.  righteousness.  a poor reputation.  an elevator surrounded by darkness.  a world at war. needing a miracle.  interruptions. a last hope.  cigar smoke.  quoting poetry. photos of a loved one. a single sunbeam. monarchy.  vanity.  rescue missions. refusing peace. allied chambers. military uniforms. taking a stand.  common folk. suicide missions.  drums of war.  tears down sullen cheeks. reluctance.  complete collapse.  evacuations. enveloped by fog. changing history.  blood, toil, tears and sweat.
severe burns. police uniforms.  sirens. the calmness of a deer. strumming guitars.  grieving. horrifying memories.  sucker punches.  a lack of respect. facing threats.  skin under fingernails.  flicking cigarettes.  awkward dates. nasty rumors.  claustrophobia.  lush green pastures. molotov cocktails. the fire of anger and revenge.  strangers.  no remorse.  bashing in windows.  the midwest.   provoking a fight. pointing fingers.  being pressed for time.  rundown old houses.  grey morality.  dark undercurrents. insurmountable losses.   cruel laughs. the american flag.  dive bars. guilty no matter what. buildings in flames.  ambulances.  coughing up blood. spitting.  chewing on fingernails. one versus many. black and red.  not understanding another’s feelings. a mother and child. the pain of others.  a quest of justice.  abandoned billboards.  a hardened gaze. driving to nowhere. small towns. last letters.  absurd violence.
burying a body.   warm cider. narrow escapes.  a race against time. a small boat.  all hope lost. being unable to come home. taken prisoner. shipwrecks.  assuming the identity of someone else. setting fire to it all. smoke rising from a crash.  sea foam.  seaports. rendered blind. dropping to take cover.  land, sea, and air.  entangled in chain.  toast with jam.  suspense.  waiting for escape.  wounded men. lying in the sand.  trauma. blank spaces.  sinking ships.  commended a hero. cocking a gun.  swallowed by darkness.  bullet holes.  obstacles and delays.  a hero’s welcome.  planes overhead.  the sounds of a ticking clock. bullets ricocheting off metal. people by the thousands.  shell-shocked. the explosions of shells on shores.  the sound of destruction.  rising tides.  head injuries.   target practice.  compressed time and space. the perennial threat of death.  oil ignited into flames. lying for the greater good.  blocking out the noise.  primal dangers.  taking command.  sole survivor.
deer antlers.  suburbs.  hypnosis.  strange behavior. familial tension. chopping wood. uneasy stares.  tears and a smile.  deception.  fight or flight.  blindness. survival. sinking into the floor.  watching but powerless.  strapped to a chair.   plugged ears.   a failed handshake. car accidents.  sunken places.  something out of a nightmare.  going hysterical.   bingo cards.   smoking cigarettes. static on a television set. doing more harm than good.  a hint of a smile.  a stranger in any environment that is foreign to them. waiting for someone to come when they never will.  overturned candles. wealthy garden parties.   constantly looking over your shoulder. silence no matter how hard you scream. trances.   catharsis.  a battle of wills.  layers being peeled back. a cup of tea.  nosebleeds. addiction. last bits of life leaving a body.  black and white photography. sprinting at high speeds. conspiracies.  surgery. blankly polite speech.  noise of a spoon scraping across a teacup.  a deer in headlights. staring at your own reflection. unable to sleep. loyal friends.
LADY BIRD.        
california landscapes.  budding romance. uniforms.  consolation.  plain and luscious colors.  apologizing.  boorish sex.  prom dresses.  secondhand dresses. strong personalities.   the ups and downs of adolescence.  the theatre. being simultaneously warm and scary.  battling depression. 90’s fashion. dreaming of elsewhere. partying.  signatures on a cast. living on the wrong side of the tracks.  not being bound by any era.  rejection.  sparklers.  thrift stores.  high school.  identity crisis. a place that looks like a memory.  going behind backs.  disappointed parents. catholicism. poverty.  busy new york city streets.  monotonous hometowns.  shitty bands.  anarchy.  drifting in and out of friendships.  menial jobs. red hair. self-given names.  coming-of-age.  a broken arm. excessive drinking.   first kisses.  cupcakes.  smudged eye makeup. bruises gained unknowingly.   strained relationships. screaming in the middle of the street. thoughtful letters.  standing out.  decorated bedroom walls.  having a change of heart.  expressing individuality.
TAGGED BY : i stole it i think lol TAGGING : @verfuhrerin, @acxlyte, @ninctailcd, @cerisetheai, @thekingofsadness, @thewardenqueen, and @dienli
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