#i was so swamped yesterday and out of the house for like 12 hours so i didn't have time to finish
impala-dreamer · 2 months
So, yesterday... I died (almost)
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No, seriously.
I've been powerwashing the house... back patio/back deck/sidewalk, etc... yesterday, I wanted to move the machine upstairs to my side deck where the birds hang out. I move the machine to the front of the house, and some of the hose was wrapped around a shrubbery... so I go to untangle it...
And was instantly stung by a bee.
Ok... no biggie.
Then another. Then one on my forehead... then I was swamped by the entire nest. And stung by like 12 bees.
I'm not allergic so I'm not worried, just pissed. I run inside, take my shirt off, deal with the bees and take stock. I'm OK, but lemme go take a benadryl anyway. I have one on my nightstand. I go get it and take it to the bathroom bc I'm gonna shower anyway, so I turn on the water and try to open the blister pack of benadryl. My hands start shaking and I can't open it. No way will it open. I start getting dizzy like I'm going to faint (I have a fainting condition so I know the early signs) so I'm like.. ok... if you're gonna have to sit down. And the shower has a seat. So I strip and go into the shower, sit down.
Normally, cold water stops the fainting so I'm like... this is a good idea.
It didn't help. Ok. I'm gonna faint, go lower. So I sat on the shower floor and I'm in the water and
Passed out.
Woke up disoriented, still in the shower. Ok. Get up.
Passed out.
Again. Get up and get out of the shower.
This went on for apparently, 35 mins of me losing consciousness and trying to climb out of the shower to call for help.
Finally, my brain is like.. if you don't get out of the shower you are dying here. So I'm talking outloud to myself as I crawl out of the shower unable to stand or really move my legs. (Btw.. 5 inch shower ledge to crawl over) I somehow get out, slide the phone off the counter, and text my brother 911. (Hubby at work). Then, I lay down kinda twisted on the floor like a chalk outline and keep talking to myself.
Bro comes in... freaks out...
Then the next 40mins are a blurr, but the cops came... 2 shots of epipen, and oxygen before the ambulance got there.
Another shot of epi, a shot of benadryl, another tank of oxygen...
My BP was 57/14.
They couldn't let me sit up even or I'd instantly pass out. Not that I could move.
So they carried me on some sheet thing out of the house, downstairs, into ambulance.
Apparently there were 4 cop cars and 3 ambulances on my lawn...
They got me in and couldn't start driving until they stabilized me..
I started major convulsing bc of all the adrenaline. Like full seizure shaking bad. They couldn't find any veins on me bc small veins and BP deathly low... so we were on my lawn for a while trying to get me ok enough to move.
Finally, I joked "you want me to drive?" Proving that my comedy is pure and part of me, even while on my literal deathbed. ;)
So we got me another shot of benadryl and a shot of steriods...
Drove 20 mins to the closest hospital ... bc I live in the middle of nowhere...
Guy calls in "critical incoming"... which is never great to hear.
We pull in and the hospital guys meeting us looks at me and says "you officially have the lowest blood pressure I have ever heard of on a living person."
Gee thanks! Let's fix this!
So I spent the next 5? Hours in the e.r. critical section hooked up to wires and ivs and ekgs and oxygen.
In the end I had 3 shots of epipen. 3 benadryl shots. Steroids. 2 bags of fluid. 4 panic attacks. 3 tanks of oxygen.
And a hospital turkey sandwich.
So... yeah, if I hadn't talked myself out of the shower with the dregs of my strength and will to not die naked on my shower floor...
I'd be dead.
I'm feeling a ton better today but still not good. I am on the couch and not gonna move.
Also having some theological thoughts about the lack of diving intervention or feeling of godly care.
Basically, my life was saved by myself, my brother, that cop, and Madision and John, my e.m.t.s.
Hope you are all doing better than I am lol
Happy Sunday 💖
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chaoticsagi · 5 years
Fictober 2019 | Day Four | “I know you didn’t ask for this”
Prompt: 4 -  “I know you didn’t ask for this”
Fandom & Ship: Community, Jeff x Annie
Summary: Annie asks Jeff to come with her to her high school reunion. What she doesn’t expect is for him to pretend to be her boyfriend - not that she’s complaining. 
“Jeff, I need a favour.”
She has spent the better part of a week debating whether or not to call him. Ever since she woke up to a Facebook notification inviting her to an early Riverside High School reunion, she’s been in a state of mild anxiety, unsure what to do. 
Something inside of her really wants to go, to show them that Annie Edison is no longer “Little Annie Adderall” as they had all called her back then. She wants to prove that she’s on track to actually doing something with her life. She deserves to do a little bragging. 
The only problem is, she really doesn’t want to show up alone. And considering her only remaining friend from high school is Troy, who is currently travelling around the world and completely radio silent, she doesn’t have anyone else who she’d actually want to spend time alone with there.
And that’s why she needs Jeff. If he is by her side, she’ll be fine. 
“What is it?” His voice is thick and hazy, kind of like he’s just woken up. She hasn’t called that late in the evening, but she doesn’t question it. She’s got more pressing things on her mind.
“Would you come with me to my high school reunion?”
He scoffs down the phone, disinterested. “Ugh. Aren’t you a little young for one of those?”
“I don’t know,” she huffs. “Can you just say yes?” She doesn’t realise she’s even doing it at first but when she does, she stops herself from batting her eyelashes and pouting when she remembers that he can’t even see her. “Please.”
“I don’t know Annie. I don’t think I can actually think of anything worse to do. They suck,” he whines.
It takes a few more “pleases” and a promise of some sort of reward for him being the best friend ever, but eventually, Jeff agrees.
“Fine. But you seriously owe me, Annie.”
When the day comes around, Annie can’t stop herself from pacing around the apartment, her heart racing in her chest. She applies and reapplies her lipstick five times in the mirror, and fiddles with her hair, then her necklace, then her hair again as she waits for Jeff to arrive.
She kind of regrets responding to the e-vite now. The more she thinks about it, the more she’s worried about what might happen tonight. She doesn’t keep in contact with most of her old peers for a reason, they were all horrible to her, and she always knew she was better than them. Is it really worth attending just for bragging rights?
She knows she wants the chance to prove herself at least. That’s important to her. She wasn’t voted “most likely to succeed” whilst at rehab for nothing. It’s time to show all those jerks she went to school with that Annie Edison had grown up and made something of herself, which is probably more than most of her ex-tormenters could say. Take that, idiots!
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the buzzer. Jeff’s here to pick her up.
Deep breaths, Annie.
Her stomach turns as she grabs her purse and smooths out one last invisible crease on her dress.
She’s probably a little overdressed for the occasion, wearing a strapless black dress that she knows she looks great in. It’s leaning towards the dressier side of the smart-casual dress code but that’s not her main concern right now.
She inhales, steps out the door, and shuts it behind her. Let’s do this.
“You look beautiful, Annie,” Jeff has a lopsided grin on his face as he takes in the sight of her. She tries to hide her blush as his eyes linger on her body. His glance burns against her skin, and she follows as his eyeline traces around her curves, down her legs and back up again. She licks her lips slightly, feeling a wave of excitement roll over her.
“Thank you,” she meets his eyes now, a smile on her face. “You look very handsome.”
And he does. He’s wearing one of those blue shirts that always look great on him; she’s pretty sure he’s aware of how attractive she finds him when he wears them too. She has to stop herself from looking at him too much, just in case.
“Let’s get this over with,” he says, opening the car door for her.
“Annie Edison, and guest,” she smiles as they walk into the bar – one she distinctly remembers for its red door. Memories flood back to that dreadful argument Jeff and Britta had years ago. He still insists on calling it L Street to this day. It’s funny how pointlessly argumentative they could be.
They are waved inside, met with the buzz of various conversations, held by faces Annie can vaguely recognise. She searches the crowd for friendly faces, frowning when she doesn’t spot one.
“Annie? Annie Edison?” a woman with bleached blonde hair approaches them. Her stomach is swollen – presumably pregnant, and her fingers glisten as her diamond ring catches the light. “It’s me! Katie Young. I arranged all this,” she gestures around the room. “You know, it was actually pretty hard considering I’m planning my dream wedding and we’re trying to build the nursery before JJ arrives. So much to do, you know.”
Annie gulps. Katie was once on the cheerleading captain, and tortured Annie during her brief stint on the squad. 
And yet, Annie couldn’t help but feel her little achievements seem to pale in comparison to Katie’s. Annie didn’t have her dream career, a fancy apartment, hell she didn’t even have a boyfriend yet, much less a fiancé or a baby on the way.
“Hi,” Annie forces a smile, shaking her extended hand. Katie’s handshake is weak, non-committal. She’s not paying any attention.
Annie follows her eye line, noting that Katie’s actually looking at Jeff, not her.
“You didn’t go to high school with us, did you? You’re a little old to be our year anyway.”
“This is Jeff and no, he wasn’t a student at Riverside,” she offers, and Katie’s lips curl into a flirtatious smile.
Annie rolls her eyes, wishing she had a drink in her hand to distract herself with. She takes a mental note to stop at the bar after this.
She’s starting to think that this is all a mistake. At least she can duck out with Jeff soon. Maybe go get some food or something, she thinks to herself. She really doesn’t want to be around these people longer than she has to.
“I’m her boyfriend,” Jeff grabs her by the waist, pulling her closer. “Nice to meet you, Kathy.”
Boyfriend? The word takes Annie by surprise. She can’t lie to herself and say she’s never dreamt of Jeff saying that, of him being her boyfriend and him accompanying her to events like these, but in real life? It was something she never expected, especially considering they never speak about the way they feel about each other. She assumes he’s just trying to be nice, but still. It’s very random.
Annie turns to look at him, a confused look on her face. She wants to say something but can’t exactly call him out with someone stood right there.
“It’s Katie, actually,” she corrects him, her tone has soured. The flirtatious grin has disappeared.
“So… What have you been up to since you disappeared in senior year, Annie?” she turns to her ex-classmate with a faux-smile.
Despite her angelic appearances, Annie knows this is a reference to her stint at rehab. She knows the woman stood in front of her is testing her, hoping for an “Annie Adderall” type reaction where she runs into a glass door or does something equally as dramatic and laughable, something they can all gossip about when she’s gone. But no, that isn’t who she is anymore. And she won’t let them intimidate her. She won’t give them that satisfaction.
“I’m actually going to be a forensic investigator,” she beams proudly.
“She’s the best,” Jeff gushes beside her. She’s never heard him be quite this sweet about her, now this is a Jeff she could get used to. Annie reminds herself not to enjoy it too much as he speaks openly and animatedly about all of her accomplishments. Whatever it is he’s doing, it’s just an act.
“Oh,” Katie purses her lips together. “Well that’s just great. Oh, that’s…” she stutters out a name, one that is presumably fake as she waves at nothing the distance. “I should probably go say hi.”
And with that, she leaves.
Now that they’re alone, Annie can finally talk to Jeff. She pulls him aside, finding a quiet corner by the bar which seems empty enough to talk.
“Ok, what was that about? You’re my boyfriend now?” her heart beat speeds up as she utters the word. She hates that he has such a control over her, even after all these years. Nothing and everything has changed between them at the same time, it’s confusing and exciting.
“Oh come on. You knew what she was doing. I was just trying to shut her up.”
“Well, you didn’t have to. I know you didn’t ask for this.”
“I wanted to,” he smiles.
He proceeds to order them drinks, he gets her an appletini (she notes how he doesn’t even roll his eyes when he does it for a change) and gets himself a beer to sip on through the night. He is designated driver after all.
They discuss a game plan for the night – if anyone asks, they’ve been together for two years and they’ve just moved in together. Annie has to know these details, just in case.
“Don’t worry about it too much, Annie. It’s all about the creative license. I know what I’m doing,” he says in true Jeff Winger fashion, she forgot how convincing he could be.
It’s easy to fall into this pattern with him. His arm wraps around her waist, his hand is warm against her body, and he holds her extra close as they stand together. The way he looks at her, she swears there’s a sparkle of something, though she’s not quite sure what. She just hope it never ends.
The closer they get, the more they make each other giggle and laugh, the more she wants to lean up to him and kiss him. Her hands ache to feel the nape of his neck and the scruff of his hair against her skin, her lips want nothing more than to feel his, to taste him.
But before she can get anywhere near his mouth, she’s interrupted by three women calling her name.
They’re all either very excited or ever so slightly tipsy. He pulls away ever so slightly as they jump around her, talking all at once.
She tries to hide the disappointment on her face from the interruption.
“Annie! Hi!” they coo at the same time.
“Jeff, this is Stacy, Lauren and Lena. We were all in Debate Club together.”
She wouldn’t call them friends per se, but they’re probably the nicest people she will see tonight so she’s not exactly dreading talking to them for a bit.
“Oh, Jeff,” they all grin at him, one even licks their lips suggestively. “Nice to meet you,” one steps towards him, twirling her hair around her finger.
“How do you know Annie?” another turns to him, a hopeful glint in her eye.
“I’m her boyfriend. Been together about 2 years, right babe?”
“Yeah. We met in college,” she adds, trying not to embellish on the story too much. She feels nervous and giddy as she immerses herself in their little game of pretend.
He continues, “I knew as soon as I laid eyes on her that she would change my life somehow. Just took me a few years to get the courage to ask her out.”
He’s smiling down at her. When their eyes meet, they both burst into the widest grins. They barely even register the people around them, even though the girls are aw-ing loudly at their words.
Annie really wishes this was all real, because the butterflies in her stomach are going wild and he’s looking at her like he’s going to kiss her and god, she really hopes he does.
But he doesn’t. He just looks in her eyes like he’s trying to tell her something, and she wonders why he’s putting on such a good act.
The things he does to her are really unfair. He really shouldn’t have this much of a hold of her by now. She’s used to the flirting, the little moments of something around campus and the way they dance around whatever it is they feel for one another. But this? It’s like an electric current running between them, waiting to explode into something bigger. It’s all too much to cope with right now.
“You guys are so cute,” the other smiles genuinely. “I’m so happy for you, Annie.”
The night continues similarly, women approach Annie trying to reintroduce themselves, and each time Annie and Jeff end up making ridiculous stories up about dates they had, their first kiss, what their apartments like. It comes too easily to them, almost as if were actually true or like it was all rehearsed. Maybe that is just in Annie’s head though. She can’t be sure.
Jeff has never been the romantic type. He’s certainly not the man to run in the rain to announce his feelings, or the type to write romantic poetry or a love letter. This Jeff in front of her now seems different; sure, he’s not going to write her a sonnet, but he’s describing dates she’s always dreamed of, looking at her the way she always wished he would.
By the time they leave that evening, giggly and excitable and still wrapped up in each other, Annie can barely believe the night is over. She’s almost sad to be leaving.
“Did you have a good time?” he asks, wrapping an arm around her to keep her warm.
“I did thanks to you.”
“I’m glad.”
“Did you mean---” she intends to ask a question, remembering something he had said earlier that had stuck in her mind for the better part of the evening. But before she gets it out, he slants his mouth on hers, his tongue darts inside and she swoons into his embrace. He tastes like a mix of spearmint and beer and his stubble tickles her ever so slightly. It feels so perfect, like fireworks are going off in her mind.
“I meant it Annie. Sorry it took so long for me to realise,” he kisses her again.
“You’re worth the wait,” she says breathlessly. 
She might have to pinch herself to be sure this is real.
“Want to be my fake girlfriend again sometime? You do owe me for tonight...”
“Jeff, if that’s the way you’re going to ask me on a date, I suggest you do it properly.”
“Fine,” he sighs, but he’s still smiling up at her goofily and she doesn’t even listen to what he’s going to say because her heart is beating in her ears and she’s overcome with emotion because this is finally happening.
“Annie Edison, do you want to go out with me? On a date? For real this time?”
By the forceful way she leaps onto him, her lips finding his in a passionate kiss, Jeff thinks it’s safe to assume the answer is a wholehearted yes.
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: The Rose and the Thorn: Chapter 13 (Mafia AU)
Summary:  Rus fled after his argument with Blue, leaving his brother behind to try to pick up the pieces. Blue has already been forced to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea, what other deal might he have to make?
Tags: Spicyhoney, Cherryberry, Mafia AU, Flower Shop AU, Violence, First Meetings
Warning: Warnings for implications of prostitution.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Read Chapter 13 on AO3
Read it here!
“Wait!” Blue cried. Too late, far too late, his little brother was already gone, stepped into one of those shortcuts of his that Blue usually appreciated, relieved that his brother could easily escape from any awful confrontations. He hadn’t used that particular skill against Blue since he’d been a frustrated child, chafing at the limits Blue put on his wandering in the Underground. He’d never needed to, until now, and Blue sank to sit again on the bathroom rug, burying his skull in his hands and struggling to breathe through the heavy, steamed air from the still running shower.
Stupid, Blue thought tiredly. Blaming Papy for his own idiocy, taking out the frustrations he didn’t dare let loose anywhere else on his undeserving little brother. Papy was so sweet and kind, still clinging to some of his naivety even in this unwelcoming Human world; how could Blue ever have expected him to handle someone like that Edge fellow? If Red made him deeply uncomfortable and fearful, then Edge was so much worse. Red at least he understood, he knew what that brother wanted of him, product and sex, in that order, and once he got it, Red would dismiss them out of hand, hopefully without leaving too many scars behind.
Edge held mysteries behind that polite demeanor of his and Blue rather wished either he was taller or Edge was a great deal shorter, because he would have liked a good look in the large skeleton’s eye lights, trying to read exactly what was hidden within them. If only he simply wanted sex from Papy, that at least would only break his brother’s heart. Blue was far more worried about the state of his soul.
And then he went and gave stabbing through it himself a good try, Blue thought glumly. The brief, bitter satisfaction of watching his words strike home was almost immediately swamped by horrified regret as his little brother’s expression crumpled, the first tears falling. Blue couldn’t know how much truth any of his accusations held, but even if they were, Papy didn’t deserve that. Not when Blue well knew how easy it was to make mistakes.
He really was just like their father, blaming others for his blunders—no.
No, it was this place. He needed to get them out of here, away from the Fells, any way that he could.
Blue dragged himself upright and to the shower, reaching inside to turn off the taps and barely wincing as steaming hot water soaked through his shirt. He felt brittle and exhausted, had since late this afternoon when the weight of cameras watching him grow golden flowers became too much to bear. An uncaring mechanical eye watching as he did the very thing he’d promised himself he wouldn’t by getting involved with this sort of people. It brought back too many memories of living in the Underground and doing whatever it took to support him and his brother after their father…well…after he was gone.
He’d sworn he wouldn’t do such things again, made a promise to himself when they came to the surface and knowing he was breaking it left him nauseous, sickened by his own deceit. In the end, Blue filled most of the planting boxes in that room until it became too much, claustrophobia swarming over him, dimming his vision even as his gorge rose. He’d nearly staggered out the door and begged the guard outside to take him for some fresh air.
The Dog, Dogamy, he later learned, did so with some haste, perhaps worried that Blue was about to vomit on his very nice shoes. Instead of bringing him downstairs or to a handy window, Dogamy led him up to the rooftop and both the fresh air and the small garden was a blessing. Something to take his mind off of what he was doing in that closed off little room and when he’d finally brought Papy back upstairs with him, Blue could almost pretend this was why they were here, tending to an overgrown garden for some wealthy benefactor and soon they’d go back to their own little house and plants, back to their simpler life of flowers and hard work.
Then he’d looked up to see his brother and Edge kissing, and his meager daydream shattered.
Blue felt far too old for his years as he shuffled back out into the bedroom, stripping off his sopping shirt and tossing it into the discreet hamper next to the closet. The closet itself held plenty of clothes, far too many for what was only supposed to be a short stay here, and a brief pang of worry tightened in his chest as he wondered about their closed shop slowly losing their regular customers, his garden overgrown and going to seed without his care.
He shook it away. It didn’t matter, they’d managed before and they could do it again. Nothing mattered but keeping his brother safe.
Blue chose one of the shirts in his size at random, forced to yank it down and leaving the hanger at an awkward angle. He shrugged into it, buttoning it up as he made his way to the loveseat to sit and wait.
And wait. Hours passed and his brother did not return while the heavy weight of worry and regret nesting in Blue’s soul hatching into something closer to panic. He’d been angry and even cruel, but surely Papy wouldn’t hold a grudge for the entire night…would he? Either he was too angry or hurt to return, or he’d gotten himself into trouble and Blue couldn’t bear to wait any long to see which it was. He only hoped he wasn’t making another reckless decision based on his worries.
Opening the door revealed one of the seemingly endless supply of the Fell brothers’ Dog guards. This one had large, floppy ears and a mottled patch of white around one of their soulful brown eyes. They looked at Blue curiously as he stepped out and said, firmly, “I need to see Red.”
He didn’t know what orders they’d been given but the Dogs who wouldn’t take him look for his brother yesterday readily took him to Red, leading him down the corridor with none of their ridiculous backtracking and fuss of before. Not that it ever fooled Blue, he prided himself as being something of an expert at puzzles, but it wouldn’t do to tip his hand about that. Let the Fells think him lost in their silly little maze, they could gape in astonishment if ever he needed to make a quick escape.
The room he was led to was the same one he’d first seen here, Red’s office. Only this time, that enormous desk was covered in scattered papers and Red sitting behind it looked harried for once. His jacket was gone, tossed over the back of one of the sofas, his tie raggedly loosened, and there was a teacup at his elbow that he loudly slurped from, not the whisky glass Blue was growing accustomed to seeing in his hand, and honestly, why did these people insist on dressing up so much in their own home?
A glance back at his current guard confirmed that the Dog was wearing a fine suit of its own, honestly, everyone here dressed like they’d gotten a clearance deal on leftover costumes from the set of ‘Goodfellas’. That was one of Papy’s favorite movies, scrounged from the dump years ago and it made it to the surface with them for occasional re-watching. Perhaps that should have been a clue for Blue from there, a premonition of the sort of trouble his brother would be wont to find.
Then again, Blue was acutely aware that the clothes he was wearing weren’t his own. None of the clothing in that large closet was any he’d’ve chosen on his own, but even he could reluctantly admit they were flattering. This one was almost too cutesy for his tastes with its billowy sleeves and pale, delicate floral pattern, but he had no doubt he wore it well.
Not that it helped in the slightest. Red only barely glanced up from his paperwork, the first Blue had seen in this place aside from his own contract, reluctantly signed even as he wondered precisely what sort of devil he’d made a deal with.
“whatcha want now?” Red asked brusquely, shuffling a clumsy stack of papers to the side, “wanna whine about our deal again? gonna have to wait until morning, i got other things to handle aside from you.”
“My brother is missing,” Blue said, bluntly. That was enough to at least get Red to look at him, brow bones raised. “We argued and he…left,” Blue finished, lamely. He hardly wanted to explain to Red what they’d argued about, “and I’m worried about him, I’m sure he didn’t leave the building but—” Left unspoken was that surely Papy didn't need to leave the club to find trouble.
Red’s sharky teeth curved into a sly grin. He slouched back in his chair and it creaked ominously under his shifting weight, "lost him, already, huh. how many times you expect me to play fetch with your boy?"
"Woof!" Blue snapped, too harried to care about irritating this…this…but Red’s grin only widened, his deep crimson eye lights gleaming.
"heh, cute.” His gaze shifted to the Dog. “doggerel, g'wan and check downstairs, kid snuck down yesterday to hang out with the morning shift.” Red’s expression soured as he added, “may as well tell edge, if you shitstains haven’t gone behind my back and done it already. he’ll pitch a fit if ya don’t.”
It was on the tip of Blue’s tongue to protest telling Edge anything, but instead he only sputtered out, “Downstairs! He was down there yesterday with all those horrible people??”
A sudden coldness abruptly dropped over Red’s face like a storm cloud. “might wanna watch what ya say about our downstairs personnel. they work fuckin’ hard, don’t need the likes of you judgin’ ‘em.”
“What?” Blue said, aghast, and shook his head, “I don’t mean the ladies, they’re perfectly lovely, do you know how often I’ve delivered flowers here? I mean the patrons!” He shivered helplessly. “I don’t even like to think what that sort would do to my brother, please, you need to—”
“calm your tits, it ain’t like he snuck out on the stage to shake his ass.” But some of the cold tension in his expression eased. Red jerked his chin at the dog, who nodded and went back out. Which left the two of them alone, again, and that was not something that ever seemed to end well, in Blue’s opinion.
“this wasn’t part of our deal, ya know,” Red pointed out lazily. “already found your bro once on my dime, now we’re gettin’ greedy.” He stood and came from behind the desk, sitting instead on the leather love seat. His bulk took up more than his fair share, but then, he didn’t invite Blue to sit next to him. Rather, he spread his knees wide in silent, obscene invitation, smoothing a hand along the inner seam of his trousers with his rings glimmering against the dark material. “whatcha gonna give me for this, baby blue?”
Blue took a deep breath, calming the thin tremor that quivered through his soul. He’d known this was a possibility from the start, braced for it before he’d ever left that borrowed bedroom. He lifted his chin and said, stoutly, “Whatever it takes to keep my brother safe.”
He stepped forward boldly without another word, dropping to his knees on the plush carpet and reached up to scrabbled roughly at Red’s belt as he tried to work up a little moisture in his suddenly dry mouth before there were complaints about his sandpapery tongue. He could do this, Blue told himself, it was to help his brother, he could do this, do anything for Papy, anything at all, and he never needed to know what Blue had done, never, even as his own hypocrisy burned acrid on the back of his tongue.
But before he could even manage the shiny buckle, hands took a rough hold of his wrists, stopping him.
Startled, Blue looked up, “What--?”
Red never seemed to lose that smirk of his, but now it was more lopsided, startlingly reminiscent of Edge, and never had he and Red looked so much like brothers. “stand up, baby blue. keepin’ little bros safe is free of charge.”
“I pay my debts,” Blue said, low, even as he wondered wildly why he was arguing in favor his own defilement. Red only gave him a withering look, reaching inside his vest pocket for a fat cigar. He popped a wooden match alight with the sharpened tip of his thumb and the pungent smell of smoke filled the air.
“i don’t need to barter for sex, honey,” Red said in a cloudy exhale. “you wanna pay me back, you just make sure you stick to our deal.” He leaned in suddenly, cigar held well away in one hand as his mouth barely brushed the side of Blue’s skull in a low murmur, “when ya finally get on your knees for me, ya gonna be beggin’ me to be there.”
“I’d love to see you try,” Blue said unthinkingly. It earned him a startled laugh even as he quailed inwardly.
“oh, sweetheart, ya never let me down.” Red drew back and offered him that wider grin. “gonna try, fer sure, that’s a bone-ified promise.” He set a hand in the middle of Blue’s chest and gave him a light shove, sending him toppling on his backside as Red stood and went back to the desk. “now get out, the dogs’ll bring your bro back to ya when they find ‘im.”
Blue wobbled to his feet, already heading for the door. He hesitated there, uncertainly, he should be grateful for what he’d gotten, he should flee with all due haste and yet, he could help a soft, heartfelt, “Thank you.”
He didn’t wait for a reply, the door closing softly behind him as he fled. There wasn’t a Dog in sight, hopefully they were all searching for his brother, and Blue headed back to their room alone. He was halfway there when he realized, a niggling, absent thought in the back of his skull suddenly coming clear. The teacup he’d been drinking from; when Red leaned in, beneath the layer of cigar smoke, he’d smelled like golden flower tea. Why would he be drinking his own profits? It made no sense, or none that Blue could make of it.
That didn’t matter, not right now, he could worry at that sore spot later. For now, all he wanted was his brother back with him, as safe as circumstances allowed. He hoped fervently it wouldn’t take long.
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keywestlou · 5 years
A lot of material this morning. Too much to organize. I will lay things out as they come up in my notes.
Haircut yesterday with Lori. I have not seen her in a month. She was sick when my last haircut was scheduled. In the meantime, I began growing a beard. The last time I had one was about 12 years ago.
The beard is entering its fifth week. Coming in well. I have trimmed it twice. Past the wild stage. Chin and moustache gaining body. Sides of face still not much. Apparently grows slower.
Lori and I had a conference. Should I try letting my hair grow. I have kept my head bald for at least 15 years. Half my head is naturally bald.
We decided to try. She cleaned my head up a bit. Very minimally.
Whether to grow hair is one of the heavy decisions one has to make at my age. So it should be!
Watched Syracuse/North Carolina State football last night. Not going to be a good season for Syracuse. We lost 16-10.
North Carolina played well. As the game progressed, I thought they were really going to kill us. They have a freshman quarterback. Seasoned already.
Syracuse’s De Vito is a redshirted sophomore. He needs seasoning. A lot to learn. He spiked the ball 3 times for example. Even once would have been too much.
This is De Vito’s year to learn. Means Syracuse will not shine till next year. Hopefully!
Caught pieces of Trump’s Minneapolis rally during the night when I woke and could not get back to sleep.
Typical Trump.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I occasionally use swear words in the blog to describe my feelings or what I think about another person. Fortunately, I do not use profanity or less than acceptable language as much as Trump.
Last night, he said Biden was only good while he was Vice President because he would “kiss Obama’s ass.”
Made me think. The guy most certainly is not a role model for the youth of America. Not just because of “ass.” He has used rougher language in the past. In fact, frequently.
Kids deserve better.
Clinton was not much of a role model either. His was  sex. The children understood. Someone someday will write a book re the impact Clinton had on the children of America.
The news before the rally was Trump was in a war with Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey. Over money.
It cost Minneapolis $530,000 for extra police protection services, etc. The Mayor said the President should pay. Trump said no way, he never pays. Which is true. Everywhere he has had a rally, he has left the city holding the bag.
Trump believes it is a city’s legal obligation to pay. He claims the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech. He as President is speaking. He should not have to pay.
No question Trump is el cheapo. He took in $125 million the first quarter this year to help with the campaign. A rally is part and parcel of a campaign. The President should pay. Especially since he is rolling in campaign money. Recall he is paying Facebook $1.6 million a week for political advertising. Most of which is going towards negative Biden ads which are coming up as lies.
The GM/UAW strike is in its 25th day. No resolution in sight as yet.
One of the biggest issues, if not the biggest, is the union’s demand that GM move work back from plants in Mexico to plants in the U.S. GM had announced pre strike that it was closing 4 U.S. plants. Three of the 4 have already halted production.
A difficult issue to resolve. Labor costs much cheaper in Mexico. Makes cost of the car to the consumer cheaper, also.
A huge chasm to cross in resolving the issue.
Woe the web we weave when first we seek to deceive. This Ukraine thing is growing. More persons being drawn into it. I suspect it will be the problem that brings Trump down in the final analysis.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York arrested 2 former Ukrainians who are now U.S. citizens. They make money for themselves and others by doing deals that may be less than proper involving the Ukraine.
The 2 were arrested at Dulles Airport wednesday as they were getting on a plane to fly to Venice. One way tickets. The two charged with campaign-finance law violations.
The 2 are “clients” of Rudy Giuliani.
A photo appeared in the newspapers yesterday showing the 2 at lunch with a third man and Donald Trump Jr.
It is claimed Trump has 119 business interests in the Ukraine.
Recall Trump’s cries that he was going to clean the swamp that Washington had become. His performance leaves much to be desired. In fact, the swamp has gotten swampier.
The U.S. has been at war in Afghanistan for 18 years. The U.S. has reached the point where many of the U.S. military serving in Afghanistan are 18 years old. Fifteen thousand three hundred sixty four.
Afghanistan is the place we should get out of. Not the Ukraine as Trump has done.
Interestingly, the U.S. is not the first nation/group that spent years in the Afghanistan region without success. The following failed: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British Empire, and Russia.
A study was recently released listing the “most miserable” cities in the U.S. Gary, Indiana was #1.
Gary used to be a hub for manufacturing. Its jobs have gone elsewhere. When jobs go, the people do also. Of those remaining, only 50 percent are employed, 36 percent live under the poverty line.
Even “crimes” have left.
Gary used to be the murder capital of the U.S. Hardly anyone left to kill. Gary also used to be the drug capital of the U.S. No more. For drugs you need money. There is no money. There are not sufficient jobs nor things to steal.
Key West still in hurricane season. Till November 31.
Key West has had its share of hurricanes. Part of the Key West living experience.
There was the Great Hurricane of 1846. High winds and a 7 foot surge. All buildings damaged or destroyed. The hurricane considered the “most severe” till that time. Difficult to be certain. Fewer formal records kept. Those that were kept did not survive the hurricane.
Then there was the October 10, 1909 hurricane. A category 3. Winds over 100 mph. Twelve inches of rain in 5 hours.
Most of Key West destroyed. Leveled. KONK E-Blast ran a pic of the Ruy Lopez Cigar Factory. A huge 2 story building. Long. Ninety percent leveled. Not a pleasant sight.
This weekend the ROAR. Loud it will be. The 46th annual Florida Keys Poker Run. A fundraiser for charities and non-profits.
Hundreds of motorcycles will roar down U.S. 1 today to party in Key West through sunday. Then roar out with the same noise level. None of the bikes seem to have mufflers.
They drive U.S. 1 30-40 at a time in group formation.
The drivers and riders look like bad people. Black leather, Nazi type helmets, etc. Many with their women riding behind them. Similarly attired. All with tight blouses and shorts/jeans.
Men and women alike look like bums and dangerous people. Actually, not. They are doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. with their wives and girl friends. Coming to Key West for a fun filled weekend.
The merchants will be happy. The restaurants and bars will do a big business. The bikers spend money! The bikes cost as much as a good car. Beautiful vehicles.
The bikers come from all over the U.S. Unless Florida residents, they have their bikes shipped to Miami. Pick them up there and then ride U.S. 1 to Key West.
A few years ago, some biker groups joined the event. Not good guys. Bad ones. Came to start fights, etc. Key West wanted the event no more. The problem was resolved and last year the doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. were the only ones partying in Key West.
Enjoy your day!
  MORNING STEW #22 was originally published on Key West Lou
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my-dear-hammy · 7 years
Basking in Candlelight-Jamilton-Part 12-One
Master Post
Part 12
How's it going? Wow, we're already on part twelve and I started this yesterday! I haven't gotten any reviews yet =( sad. Jamilton is starting to pick up Yay! Took them long enough. Haven't decided if this turns sinful or not. Smut? What's your opinion? I'd love to know!
Warnings: Cussing as always, always assume there's cussing. oh, and an attempted murder.
When Jefferson had to walk to work the next day, he sorely regretted walking through the glass, but not enough to do anything differently. That moment with Hamilton was priceless.
"My God, do you hear yourself, Thomas?" He said to himself. "Snap out of it already."
He looked up at the tall building, such beautiful architecture. Monticello was better though. He strode through the hallways like he owned the place, before settling behind his desk.
"Just getting here, Secretary Jefferson?" Burr asked, entering Jefferson's office.
"I thought I would never hear that again after Hamilton got fired, I find myself proven otherwise."
"It's your own fault for being late."
"People never seem to realize I do everything for a reason. I get here a two when there's almost no around and stay four in the morning or so, just so I don't have to deal with people, Burr."
"Stop that."
"What?" Burr asked.
"Nevermind, I'm guessing you're here for a reason?"
"Yes, sir! I came to-"
"Burr!" Madison greeted
"God dammit," Jefferson mumbled.
"What are you doing here, Burr?" Madison asked.
"I came to say congratulations,"
"Don't say it, James," Jefferson warned.
James sighed, obviously disappointed. "Congratulations?"
"To Jefferson on the appointment of Vice President."
"Okay, you obviously want something, spit it out already," Jefferson cut in.
Burr's smile faulted for a second, "That was really all I had to say. How'd the capital arrangement go?"
"I feel swindled," Madison replied.
"Really?" Burr questioned, feigning surprise.
"Shut up, Burr" Madison snapped, Burr laughed. Madison noticed Jefferson's sullen mood. "What's up with you Thomas?" he asked, slinging an arm around his shoulders.
"I'm swamped with and have got a terrible hangover."
"A hangover?" Madison gasped, "You went out on the town without me? You rarely drink and I wasn't invited?"
Jefferson forced a smile, "An impromptu drinking session  in your own kitchen isn't really invite worthy."
"Ah, one of those," Madison nodded sympathetically. Burr stood in the background, feeling left out. "I'm surprised you showed up today then."
"Yeah," Jefferson sighed, "You're right, I think I'll just go home." He started packing up his stuff.
"Is Adams going to be okay with that?" Burr asked.
"Adams can shove it up his ass," Jefferson replied, walking out of the room, waving over his shoulder.
"Well he was in a great mood today," Burr remarked to Madison.
"There are some days..." Madison trailed off.
Jefferson pushed open the door to his room, ready to flop onto his soft bed, only to find a sleeping midget named Hamilton already there. Hamilton practically lived there now, considering he had nowhere else to go. Jefferson was okay with it, not that Hamilton asked, it just kinda happened. Oh well. The only problem was, Jefferson didn't have a guest room. He had a library but no guest room. Imagine that.
Hamilton looked exhausted and emotionally drained. Jefferson debated going for the couch, he didn't want to wake Hamilton up, but he wanted his bed so badly, just for today. He dropped his case and collapsed on the bed next to Hamilton, who reacted by shifting slightly and continuing to sleep.
He though Jefferson was bone tired, he couldn't bring himself to let himself sleep. He didn't think he could handle another nightmare. The tune still played, wafting through the air like fragrance on a breeze, there was nothing to be done about it. He trying everything, plugging his ears, screaming himself hoarse, getting shit-faced drunk, ignoring it, it just would not go away. He couldn't read anymore because of it, he could barely focus enough to write. It was tearing him apart.
Hamiton shifted beside him, slinging and arm around Jefferson.
"What the f-"
"Eliza..." Hamilton mumbled softly, still fast asleep. His arm tightened around Jefferson and pulled him close, to where he was flush against Hamilton. He could feel the blush heating his cheeks
"Oh shit." Jefferson tried to free himself from Hamilton's grasp, but the immigrant held on tighter and Jefferson didn't want to wake him. Sighing, he relaxed and Hamilton snuggled closer. Just until his grip slackens, then Jefferson could move and Hamilton would never know.
However, plans never seem to go the way Jefferson wanted, because two seconds later, he was fast asleep and slept the more peacefully than he had in years. Hamilton woke up toasty and cozy. The room was pitch black, he couldn't see a thing, but his arms were wrapped around the warmest body, Hamilton didn't want to move. Eliza. He squeezed the person tighter.
Wait a minute. Not Eliza! Shit! Not Eliza, Hamilton flew out bed, his foot got tangled in the blankets sending him sprawling on the floor. Picking himself up and dusting himself off, Hamilton opened the curtain just enough to be able to see the room. Jefferson slumbered quietly on the bed. What the hell was Hamilton doing? And why was Jefferson in the bed with him? Hamilton wasn't that drunk last night, was he? No, he couldn't have been.
So what now?
Hamilton's eye fastened on Jefferson's dark curls, his hands itched to run through them, but they itched more to strangled Jefferson in his sleep for climbing in the same bed as Hamilton. It would have been one thing to shove Hamilton off, but to climb in too? That's something else entirely.
That's it. I'm killing him.
Hamilton ran at Jefferson, tackling him off the bed and onto the floor. Jefferson woke with an oof as all the air disappeared from his lungs. Hamilton pinned the half-conscious giant and wrapped his hands around Jefferson's neck.
"Hamil-" Jefferson began but was cut off by Hamilton's grip.
"What do you think you were doing Jefferson?" Hamilton shouted.
Jefferson relaxed, not being able to bring himself to care anymore. Managing to take a breath he spoke, his voice raspy from Hamilton's grip, "Darling," he drawled, "just what are you trying to do? A pipsqueak can't pin and strangle me."
"Oh yeah?" Hamilton growled, "Then what am I doing?" he asked, tightening his grip.
Jefferson smirked, "Some weird form of foreplay, I'm assuming, did you want to take this back to bed?"
Hamilton scrambled off him in less than a second. Jefferson sat up cackling, Hamilton's whole face was red, making him only laugh harder.
"Shut up asshole," Hamilton spat.
"Bastard," Jefferson grinned, "Oh fu-" Hamilton's fist slammed into Jefferson's face, knocking him out cold.
"Fuck you," Hamilton said, turning on his heel and marching out of the house, his face still tomato red.
Hamilton kicked a charred timber, ash puffed up, swirling in the air. This was all that was left of his life, a pile of ash and charcoal. That, and the small envelope that was left there, the white paper smudging gray from soot. His name was written on the front in swirly ink, Eliza's handwriting.
He knew he was stalling, so he scooped it up, stuffed it in his pocket and walked back to Jefferson's place. By the time he got there, Jefferson was lounging in the library, a cup of tea in one hand, a book in the other, and a black and purple bruise on his face.
"You're looking swell," Hamilton commented, approaching him.
"It brings out my eyes," Jefferson batted his eyelashes, putting away his book, "I didn't expect to see you again for at least a few more hours."
"Yeah, well," Hamilton pulled the letter from his coat, "I found something."
Jefferson's eyebrows rose, "From Eliza?"
"Yep. I haven't been able to bring myself to open it."
"Easily fixed," Jefferson snatched it from Hamilton's hands, he lunged after it, protesting. Jefferson held him back and open the envelope, shaking the letter open, he began to read:
"My Dearest, Alexander, you are a backstabbing, cheating, lying, son of a whore. Wow, Eliza and I could be best friends," Jefferson laughed, "Sorry, I'll keep reading. But Phillip constantly wonders where you're at and is looking for trouble. I have been thinking about our situation for some time now, as I'm sure you have as well. I have decided to-" Jefferson's voice faltered, "I have decided to give you a second chance. For now, we can stay in a hotel room together until we smooth things out again. With unwavering love but little trust, your wife, Elizabeth Hamilton."
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donaldresslerfanfic · 5 years
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Sexual Content.
Word Count: 3514
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Sixty-Eight
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
"... 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 pairs of shoes" I gave Don a little look, then turned on my heels, and began pointing at my shoe rack, I quietly counted them one by one and when I got near the end I counted aloud "... 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14"
"See? I'm don't have more shoes than you do" he said resuming the clean up of his side of the closet.
"Yeah, barely, and you bought me those two last ones on purpose yesterday" I walked around him and resumed cleaning my side as well.
"I had to buy them to you, you bought me a new suit"
"I bought you a suit because I love you, not because I wanted you to buy me something in return"
"You just want to get rid of me and get me back to work"
"Yeah, that too" I joked. I didn't looked at him when he walked to me and moved his hand quickly to my ribs to playfully squeeze them, I chuckled and buckled in my spot as he walked past me and into our bedroom.
I did saw him place his hands in his hips as he looked down at Alma in her little rocker.
"And you? Do you want me out of the house as well?"
Alma had grown so much in the time that it took us to buy the new house, sell this one, pack, have everything ready, unpack at the new place. Today we were taking the last remaining things of this house, like out clothes, various knick knacks, some books, some of my office things, and the last bit of kitchen utensils we'd left to cook here whilst we were still living here.
I couldn't believe she was a month old already. One day like today, on June 2nd she'd been born, and it had changed our lives forever. I knew it would change me, I was expecting the change, but Donald... He had become the best version of himself I'd seen thus far, he was just... The greatest father I'd seen.
I saw him get on his knees in front of Alma's rocker and playfully bounced the toys she had over her head, she looked up at them with the only thing she'd gotten from me, my eyes, and her lips formed into the cutest smile I'd seen, she bounced her legs up and down as the toys made noise, I heard Don chuckle and stand up.
"I'm going to get the luggage bags from the other room, I'll be right back"
I nodded as I took the remaining clothes from my rack and hauled them outside just in time for Don to get the luggage and open it for me, I dumped the clothes carelessly and got back in the closet.
"If you don't lay them neatly, you're not going to fit any more"
"I don't care if they fit neatly I'm going to get them out in an hour"
"That's not the point" I leaned out of the closet to look at him "the point is, you're not going to fit more clothes and we'll have to get another bag" he motioned at the mess of clothes above the open luggage. I looked at him again and shrugged one shoulder.
"We'll get another one" I resolved, then took another stash of clothes in my arms, walked to the luggage and dumped it all on the other pile, when he saw me do that he gave me a look as if he could kill me. "It all fits in there"
"It doesn't" he fought back
"Yeah it does, wanna bet?"
Don instantly extended his hand to me, he would take me on bets about anything.
"I bet you all the money that's in my wallet you can't fit all your clothes in the luggage"
"Deal" I shook his hand and got to work. Of course I didn't tidy anything because then he would be right, so I went for the strategy of closing the bag and try and squeeze the clothes in as I moved the zipper along the side to close it. Don laughed at me when he saw what I was doing, practically squashing the bag with my body and trying to close it.
"Wouldn't it be easier to just tidy the clothes like I told you?"
"I bought this bag when I was 20, I've been in so many trips with it, you can't even imagine, so I know how much this fits" I gave the zipper one strong tug forward, I didn't expect my arm to launch itself forward and the zipper to end up broken in my hand, I looked at it and looked up at Don.
"Good job" he sarcastically praised. "I'm going to get the other bag"
I threw the zipper on the floor, now angry because I knew I had at least 600 dollars in my wallet. Don walked in on me angrily pouting at myself and gave me another laugh.
"Let's turn that frown upside down" he said while touching the frown I between my eyebrows, I immediately smiled because that was something I told him quite often. "And finish with these things as soon as possible, the move out had been unnecessarily long"
I nodded in agreement because I had taken the time either throw away or give stuff to charity in the middle of packing, to know what I was going to take and what I didn't need. Once we were all packed up in the car I gave the house one last look, Don hadn't showed any sympathy or nostalgia for leaving the house where we'd had so many things happen to us, but I kind of did.
"Maggie" I called me from the driver's seat, I quietly entered the car and got my seatbelt on as he began driving.
"We've spent so much time in that house, I'm gonna miss it"
"I'm not, we've gotten attacked in there, remember the blizzard that got us trapped inside? And when it rained the back garden didn't absorb the rain because of the soil and it always left behind so much water I looked and smelled like a swamp?"
"Yeah I know, it had it's things. But, it's the first place we brought Alma to"
He scoffed "I'm taking my baby to many other places, I'm not going to be nostalgic about all of them"
I didn't feel like I needed to continue that conversation, so I quietly enjoyed the ride to our new place. I started to make a list of things I needed to do when I got home, but was interrupted by my phone ringing in my hand, it was a message from my sister, apologizing for not being available to help us move, blaming her husband for being so useless and not being able to take care of the kids by himself. I quickly texted her back that it was no big deal and that we could have them home once we finished with the move.
My mind quickly occupied with the things that were currently happening to my sister, she wasn't getting along with Ethan, they fought for just about everything, she complained about having no time for herself and Ethan having all the time in the world to do socials. Ethan wasn't trying to save the marriage anymore because... Well... My sister had cheated.
I had been cheated on before and I always had this stance of leaving the person who'd cheated on me, but I didn't know if I could if Don did it, and that was a problem.
"Would you forgive me if I ever cheated on you?" I asked him, I saw his face morph to surprise at my question, then he frowned in confusion, he gave me a quick look and stopped when we reached a red light.
"I think it depends" it was my time to frown in confusion.
"Depends on what?" He started the car again and explained as we drove.
"Well, if you cheated on me because you were mad at me and wanted to get revenge, I don't think I could, but if you made a mistake and still love me and still want to make this work out I think I would. And if you don't love me anymore... That happens too, people fall out of love and if you found someone else who shakes your world then... I guess it's my loss. I hope this is a hypothetical question."
"Of course it's a hypothetical question"
"Why even ask it?"
"Because..." I debated for a second to even let him in on the marital problems my sister was having because deep down I knew that he didn't care about them. "I don't think you even care about this, but my sister is certain that Ethan cheated on her with one of her the girls from your bachelor party"
He gave me a disapproving twist of his lips
"I am certain he didn't"
"I am too, but she saw the pictures and she just spiraled out of control, and my sister-"
"Wanted to get revenge" he finished for me.
"Well, not exactly-"
"Maggie..." He began, but stopped himself, shook his head and dismissed me "nevermind"
"I don't like it when you do that"
"And I don't like to fight you or bad-mouth your sister"
"You-" Don stopped right at the entrance of our new neighborhood and took out his documentation, the entrance had an access to owners but it required a device to be put in our cars to make the barrier go up, and since we had just moved, we didn't have it yet, do we had to go through this process for a little while until we got that one sorted out.
He finished and slowly drove into the streets towards our new house.
"You can voice your opinions on my sister" I continued "and I'll take them with a grain of salt"
"I doubt it, cupcake, she's your sister, I think that you're always going to be on her side"
"You thought wrong, I know that my sister has her faults, and you're an agent, I would like to think that you can take note of people's personalities and get an impression very quickly and I'd like to hear it."
"I can, and I have, with your sister, I know what kind of person she is and... I hate to break it to you love but your sister is one of those kinds of people who can't see other people happy, they just have to bring down the mood and make everyone just miserable, and you feel bad, I understand, but that's what your sister does"
I reflected a little bit in Don's words, and I began to remember all the times my sister had had that kind of behavior, I quickly realized that it'd been too many times.
"She does" I said after a while, he gave me a little apologizing twist of his lips and parked in the driveway of our new home. "What do you think I should do?"
We staid sitting in the car after he killed the engine.
"I know that you will try to help you sister with whatever she needs, but I think that as soon as she starts complaining about her problems you should tell her that she needs to work them out with the person with whom she has them with, because complaining about them isn't going to solve anything" I nodded at him thoughtfully "you can't deal with everyone's problems and neither should you"
I gave him a little bit of a bitter chuckle.
"I've been dealing with my family's problems for years"
"Well... Your family currently in this car" he motioned at him and Alma "and you only have to deal with our problems... No wait, scratch that, I don't want you to deal with my problems" he redacted, but I smiled and leaned in to hug him by the shoulders and kiss him.
"Can't take it back now" I kissed him again and pulled back "I liked that therapy session agent Keen Jr, how about we never do that again?"
He chuckled against my lips and kissed me again.
"Yeah, sounds like something I would say" he patted my thigh and I moved away from him, the both of us exited the car and proceeded to take the remaining things out of it. The rest of the evening we spent it clearing the bedroom, which was to me the most important part of the house, having the bedroom cleaned gave Don and I a little sense of order and overall cleanliness, the both of us heated to go to bed with the bedroom made a mess.
I was stacking the shirts in the huge walk-in closet that we had now when Don walked in.
"Can I borrow you for a second?"
I nodded at him and left the shirts in the dresser, I followed him to the other side of the long hallway, past Alma's room, one bathroom, my office, and then the last room. He opened the door at pointed at the lone desk sitting in the middle of the room.
"Why's that there?"
"Oh, well, this is the job I told you about" I walked past him and inspected the desk "the last drawer has a switch and a fingerprint scanner to access a secret compartment." I opened the drawer and showed him the inside "see? It's hollow and normal, but when it's closed you have to input the fingerprint and there's an automated system to move a compartment where the drawer is, and you can store stuff in it. It's embedded in the floor and part of the desk, that's why they couldn't take it"
"Wow, that's pretty clever"
"Yeah, thanks" I said with a smile "we can input yours later"
"Maybe" he shrugged nonchalantly and began to walk out of the room "I'd prefer to turn this room into something else"
"Like wat?" I saw following him out of the room and on the hallway.
"I don't know, something for the baby"
"The baby" I said reaching for her door and opening it, Alma was quietly sleeping in the crib in the corner, we only had two drawers that occupied 40% of the room "has enough room"
"Mm, I don't know. I just don't want to have an office here, I don't like to think that I'm taking job home, I think I need to start to" he made a motion with his hand "separate a bit, definitely don't want to be having conversations about murders and criminals around her growing up"
I smiled to myself because that is the kind of change I was expecting from him, it wasn't that I didn't wanted him to stop working, I would never ask him that. But the work in the taskforce and with Raymond didn't suit him well most days, I've always wanted his home to be a place where he could disconnect from all the madness.
"Maybe we could just leave it empty for the next baby" he said.
I gave him a little chuckle and a pat on the back.
"How about you play with that one for a few years?" I pointed at Alma, he gave me a cheeky smile, I walked around him and headed back to the bedroom "I'm going to finish up the bedroom"
"Okay, I'm almost done with the kitchen and I'll head over to the garage to sort the last bit of junk we've got laying around in there"
We both kept organizing stuff on our ends, and it wasn't until well into the night when we saw eachother again, I'd finally laid down in the bed after being on my feet for hours, I felt my feet and my legs tingle in response of being strained all day. I let out a tired sigh, after that I heard the baby monitor perk up when Alma began crying in the other room. I was too reluctant to stand up but I knew I couldn't let her cry, the whole "leave your baby to cry to learn how to deal with separating from the mom" didn't sit well with me at all, I was about to stand up and head to the bedroom when I heard Don's voice in the monitor.
"What's going on here?" I heard him say, there were a little sounds of clothes rustling and then footsteps coming to the bedroom. He looked around and smiled as he cradled Alma in his hands, the little one hadn't stopped crying for one second. "I like what you've done here"
"Yeah, I like it too" I extended my hands to hold Alma as he passed her to me, I fixed myself in the bed and fed her " I still need to hung some things and finish that little corner with all my make-up and stuff"
He nodded and walked around the bed, I hadn't noticed until now that he was drinking a beer.
"We'd you get that from? And why don't I have one?"
"Well, we had it stashed in the garage so I put it in the freezer whilst I finished, and you can't drink, you're breastfeeding"
"Beer is good for milk production" I excused.
"Says who?"
"Some articles on the internet" he gave me an eyeroll and shook his head.
"How about you give me an article approved by the world health organization and maybe I'll let you have a sip"
It was my time to give him an eyeroll. I looked down at Alma, she wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon, her eyes were wide open, looking at me, I smiled down at her and leaned in to kids her forehead.
Don's phone vibrated on his pocket, he reached in for it and picked up. I was a little distraught when he didn't answered with his usual 'Ressler' voice, he just stood up and after a few short words he hung up.
"It's the food I ordered, are you going to the kitchen or are we eating here?" He motioned at how comfortably Alma and I were laying in the bed, I shook my head and sat on the bed.
"I can go to the kitchen" he nodded and waited for me to walk around the bed and to him, placing his hand on my lower back. I walked the remaining steps to the kitchen by myself whilst Don headed to the front door to open the delivery guy. He came back with his hands full of bags of food and two drinks. I smiled widely when I saw the paper bags with the yellow arch on it. I didn't know if I sometimes talked to myself and he heard me because I was thinking today about how I wanted to eat McDonald's.
Whilst eating Alma did fell asleep, and she was big enough to make my arm start to hurt if I held her in the same position for more than 20 minutes, so I quickly headed to her room and laid her down.
"Okay, I need to start like..." I motioned at the table and and sat down next to him "eating better, because I haven't been doing anything of what they've recommended me. I haven't been doing any exercises, haven't been out, haven't been eating well"
"We just moved love" he tried to reason with me "and you don't look bad. You look now just like you looked before we got married, because you changed a lot when we got married"
"You think?" I asked, because it definitely didn't feel like it.
"Now that we finally have everything settled you can start taking care of yourself, and even though we don't want to, we have to get Alma a sitter for when we get back to work"
"Yeah, I know" I said reluctantly "you must be more reluctant than I am about that"
"You have no idea, knowing what I know about the things that people do... Maybe you can ask around"
"Around where?"
"Well, we live in a great neighborhood now full of rich people, some of them must've kids who have sitters, and we both know that you're the most sociable out of the two, you'll make friends quick"
I gave him a little smile as I finished with my fries, started to gather everything, he stood up to help me but I made a motion with my hand to tell him to stop.
"I'll finish here, go and rest up baby" he gave a grateful smile and leaned in to kiss me shortly.
I placed all the bags and disposables in one of the boxes as Don dragged his feet to the bedroom, he was about to exit the kitchen when he called back to me.
"Love you Mags"
I stopped mid way to the kitchen island to look at him, look at the tired smile he gave me.
"Love you more Don"
0 notes
go-redgirl · 5 years
Ep. 1050 Trump’s Bold Move. The Dan Bongino Show 8/22/2019.
William Walden William Walden 1 day ago The US Marshals should have taken over the FBI until its integrity could be located.
REPLY View 86 replies Willy G Willy G 1 day ago Fire Wray, now.  Today. Before 5pm
REPLY View reply Marta LeFave Marta LeFave 1 day ago Dan, do not forget that the Left will not hold Biden to account on his lies.  To them, the end justifies the means.  Remember Obama??
REPLY View 20 replies Glenn Holcomb Glenn Holcomb 23 hours ago Wray needs to be replaced.  He's holding back items that Judicial Watch has asked for, that will make a difference in the voter's decisions in the election next year for seats in the House.
REPLY View 2 replies Kathy B Kathy B 23 hours ago who was the FISA judge, obviously either incompetent or in on it.
REPLY View 9 replies Percy's Percy's 1 day ago Trump should fire Wray!
REPLY View 4 replies Gary Gary 23 hours ago FBI's Wray is DIRTY AS HELL Dan, say it!!!
REPLY Bill Simpson Bill Simpson 1 day ago (edited) This is getting SO OLD. The media’s lameass attempts to frame our President as a racist are the last acts of a desperate deep state. 😮 yawning Leader Technologies wrote the code and had it stolen by a Clinton operative in a theft of patent. African American lawyer Screwed the guy from Leader Technologies. Can’t remember the guys name! And that’s AWESOME Dan to provide hopeful reinforcement to those of us struggling with addiction issues. God Bless you brother!! 👍🏻❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸 Read more
REPLY View reply litigator2015 litigator2015 1 day ago (edited) Wray is Deep State for sure. Everytime I see him he has that same smirk on hus face. FIRE Wray
REPLY View 11 replies Roberta Grepaly Roberta Grepaly 1 day ago The FBI is just another corrupt organization.
REPLY Marta LeFave Marta LeFave 1 day ago Brennan is at the nucleus of this whole thing.  He is the head bad guy at the CIA.  He and Clinton  got the FBI involved, and then they all acted in unison.
REPLY View 5 replies Robert Duley Robert Duley 23 hours ago Only answer is military trails DOJ and FIB and CIA all in cahoots SEDITION AND TREASON
REPLY View reply Mitch Schneider Mitch Schneider 1 day ago Why doesn't Trump order the FBI to release the info NOW?
REPLY View reply A C Rider A C Rider 23 hours ago Hello, Mr, Wray?  This is Attorney General Barr, DOJ.  You are aware I am your boss? Yes sir. There has been stalling by the FBI in turning over Muller Dossier documents for at least two years.  Is that correct? Yes sir. This is a direct order.  I want every document requested or subpoenaed on my desk in two hours! Sir, I can... You are fired!  Vacate the building immediately.  Marshal's are waiting outside your door. Read more
REPLY View 2 replies Peaches Mcbee Peaches Mcbee 1 day ago Shouldn't barr being kicking wrays  butt  telling him to give up the goods !!!!!???
REPLY View 8 replies Robert Miller Robert Miller 1 day ago (edited) What about the assassination attempt text between Page and her lover boy Peter
REPLY Jason Lee Jason Lee 1 day ago They call us conspiracy theorists for asking question but they literally come up with a new conspiracy every week.
REPLY View 4 replies TWOHAWK 1 TWOHAWK 1 1 day ago Donald J. Trump should fire Wray Yesterday.
REPLY View 2 replies Charles Daniel Charles Daniel 1 day ago Can Trump and Barr go over to the FBI and tell Wray to handem over ?
REPLY View 2 replies Glenn Ryan Glenn Ryan 23 hours ago The FBI has managed to destroy people’s trust. Wray is only making things worse.
REPLY Proud Patriot Proud Patriot 1 day ago Look into Stephan Halpers father-in-law’s CIA position
REPLY 022141able 022141able 23 hours ago Can't President Trump dismiss Christopher Wray as head of the FBI for not handing over critical information and for protecting those who are responsible for the ongoing coup against the President?
REPLY View 4 replies Shanett Shanett 1 day ago NEVER expect a demorat to be honest. IMAGINE FOX giving Donna Brasille a job since she was probably the least criminal of the bunch!
REPLY View 2 replies Texas Viewpoint Texas Viewpoint 1 day ago (edited) It bothers me that swamp man Chris Ray ever became FBI director in the first place.
REPLY View 3 replies Randy Brisendine Randy Brisendine 1 day ago "When the expectations are so low, you can't be disappointed" Joe Biden: Hold my beer...
REPLY View 2 replies Under Dog Under Dog 1 day ago The New York times and Dems need to face TREASON charges.
REPLY The Kraken The Kraken 1 day ago (edited) Why are all nationalists... white? I know Americans of all races...that want to circle the wagons....and clean house..
REPLY View 3 replies Michael Merlino Michael Merlino 23 hours ago Wasn’t Biden a keynote speaker at Robert Byrd’s funeral?The same KKK recruiter Robert Byrd.
REPLY John Tatum John Tatum 1 day ago (edited) Dems lie because it is the only thing they are good at...they have no honest candidates except maybe Yang. I say sue Biden for slander. Everyone knows that Christopher Wray is just as bad as Comey was.
REPLY View reply Art Jones Art Jones 1 day ago Occam’s Razor: Chris is a member of the Cabal!
REPLY Dwayne Campbell Dwayne Campbell 23 hours ago Bill “Alvin” DeBlasio ... the most famous Chipmunk Actor of all time.
REPLY joshua beatty joshua beatty 23 hours ago Those Jobless Claims Dropped Again The Economy is way to Strong
REPLY K W K W 1 day ago Richard Spencer has worked w Obama in the past!
REPLY Robert Here Robert Here 23 hours ago Joe Biden lied? Again? Who does he think he is....Hillary?
REPLY Eddie Monger Eddie Monger 1 day ago The media Trump haters do not call out any of the lies from any of these candidates.
REPLY View 2 replies kcabyats * kcabyats * 1 day ago Why don't any of the people against joe biden ever bring up that he groped children on tape? Shouldn't that be the first thing people bring up?
REPLY View 5 replies USMCArchAngel03 USMCArchAngel03 1 day ago But we still don't have probable cause to start arresting people at this point????
REPLY Proud Patriot Proud Patriot 1 day ago Dan - Sen Gorka, Sara Carter, and John Solomon had a great discussion on America First today.
REPLY View 2 replies AtomicDog AtomicDog 21 hours ago How quickly we forget the FBI said the text messages were lost and could not be recovered until the inspector general magically found them.  The FBI once again proves it is an agency that cannot be trusted from the ground up.
REPLY Duke Milano Duke Milano 22 hours ago Wray is an empty suit.  Should be fired.
REPLY rightonQ rightonQ 22 hours ago I ♥️ President Trump ⭐️
Thank You @Dan Bongino 🙏🏻
REPLY William Schutter William Schutter 1 day ago Fair enough. You are bringing me some comfort about "the two-way street."
REPLY Jo Ann Levy Jo Ann Levy 1 day ago Fantastic show Team Bongino!!  Dan, Joe, and Paula are the best.  Love John Solomon's piece and glad I heard it here first.  I hope you all have a great day.  Looking forward to seeing you on Hannity.  Please I hope, that you don't have to put up with that Chris Hahn jerk.  Thanks for keeping it straight for us.
REPLY Coma5 Coma5 22 hours ago I hope Barr has an honest, and eventually transparent, reason for allowing Wray to protect the criminals.
REPLY Maryann Weldin Maryann Weldin 23 hours ago Our bloated government can’t manage their way out of a paper bag.
REPLY Marta LeFave Marta LeFave 1 day ago Wray is as corrupt as Comey, Brennan, Clinton and Obama.  he covered up all the lies he were taking place, and he would love to see this drag on forever so they could destroy Trump if he is reelected.
REPLY View reply Greg White Greg White 23 hours ago I hope Honorable AG Barr exposes this to the public before the election.
REPLY Yardvarks Lawn Care Yardvarks Lawn Care 22 hours ago Im 2 years sober! Thank you for the very kind words Dan! Love you
REPLY y2rock y2rock 23 hours ago 11:30 Wray must be fired YESTERDAY!
Where is AG Barr???
REPLY Ginger OConnell Ginger OConnell 1 day ago Should be find the info or go to jail...bet they would suddenly turn up.
REPLY Prentiss Campbell Prentiss Campbell 1 day ago The liberal ship is in flames however the democrat scumbags bucket brigade keep it from going under........eventually it will go under.
REPLY Big Colt Big Colt 23 hours ago What is Joe doing out on the street if it's common knowledge he robbed a bank?
REPLY Chuck Rogers Chuck Rogers 1 day ago Grab your popcorn, He's Back!👍 D-DAY💪 Dan Bonginos EXPLOSION💥 NEWS👏👏👏👏👏👏
REPLY Mary Ellen Ledesma Mary Ellen Ledesma 1 day ago Dan....Joe Biden has never had one time where he has had an actual thought on his own and has always mimicked the words and thoughts of others. His team actually thinks it’s the only way he can win. Joe beware of the Trump curse.
REPLY View reply Jeff Curtis Jeff Curtis 1 day ago I think President Trump was responsible for Terisa May's resignation recently and partly responsible for Boris Johnson's election to Prime Minister. Why do I say that? It leads the way open to both Steele and Dearlove being eventually extradited to the US to face charges relating to the Fake Steele Dossier and the unlawful spying related to it.
REPLY Sandra Stob Sandra Stob 23 hours ago You're forgetting one fact.  The 14th Amendment was written to provide citizenship for the freed slaves.
REPLY View reply MeeMee48 LaRue MeeMee48 LaRue 1 day ago Another great job on the crap that is going on in the deep state. I miss these shows on the weekends. The Dan team is one of the best!! MAGA KAG 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
REPLY Patrick McCarthy Patrick McCarthy 22 hours ago They,re all corrupt crooks in the Cabal, But I'll bet none of them will be brought to Justice. They act like they're above the Law because they know they are..
REPLY DM Decor DM Decor 1 day ago Dan, What does Wray have to do with all of this? Why is he covering up anything? Where do you think he fits in?
REPLY Russ Turner Russ Turner 23 hours ago Dan there's been no doubt about what happened in the intelligence agencies to try and overthrow president Trump's election, I can't see how anybody, left or right dosent find this unacceptable.
REPLY View reply Robbo Robertson Robbo Robertson 23 hours ago I think AG Barr should remove the FBI from any part of the investigations and place it in the hands of Military intelligence agencies until the FBI is fully exonerated, all this withholding info by the FBI is doing to much damage to what was once the greatest law enforcement agency in the world
REPLY View reply Michele Prince Michele Prince 21 hours ago Prayers for Eric Littlejohn, God Bless you Eric and speed your recovery.
REPLY Notime ForFakeNews Notime ForFakeNews 23 hours ago (edited) "Change those batteries Joe" A triple Muttley. 😄
We knew 2 yrs ago Trump was set-up. Now we are 100% convinced President Trump was slandered & spied on by his/our own government. 🇺🇸
REPLY View reply Dan Erickson Dan Erickson 23 hours ago Trump 2020 make liberals cry again!!!!
REPLY Deeges909 Deeges909 17 hours ago Dan is sincerely the Man. I’ve never heard a talk show host take time and speak to those suffering from addiction and actually feel like he 1000% means it. 👍🏼
REPLY Sandy Hardin Sandy Hardin 1 day ago Thank God President Trump understand the Constitution, on baby from illegal immigrants should be an American citizen!👍🎈🇺🇸😉
REPLY Rocky roads Rocky roads 18 hours ago We used to make fun of the inquire  magazine. Now almost all the news outlets are dramatic joke
REPLY chocolate* chocolate* 23 hours ago It's not a political democrat party anymore, they are now just a three ring circus. The left speaks so much nonsense they don't know which way is up
REPLY View reply James Kennedy James Kennedy 1 day ago Go ahead ask me about government? We are losing our representation. Dangling by a thread our representation. Yep we voted them in? And then they lay waste my vote. After elected they make every address to special interest. I did not vote for socialism. I did not vote for communist. The four & More have corrupted my good vote!!!
REPLY Charles Marais Charles Marais 23 hours ago Wow, this is an intricate web of deceit, this Russian   hoax. It sounds like a Len Deighton spy novel.
REPLY snuka_ 420 snuka_ 420 23 hours ago Dan.... Check out that's the point!!! With Brandon .. he has some troubling videos on ANTIFA in Portland... He's a true Patriot and needs our support
REPLY Jimmy Diamond Jimmy Diamond 21 hours ago Why isn't Trump making the FBI comply with giving over the EMails
REPLY CoryKickzAss CoryKickzAss 23 hours ago Idk about "Uncle Joe".. I never had an uncle like that (who gropes kids and women openly on camera)
REPLY View 2 replies Gina warrior princess Gina warrior princess 22 hours ago Lol Joe ,you supported the biggest Hoax candidate in American history and escorted the Trojan horse! We do not give you a pass or forget! #notplayingwithafulldeck.
REPLY Stjepan Blagaj Stjepan Blagaj 23 hours ago well they will try anything that can make headlines Dems a scums period
REPLY Mark DeMedeiros Mark DeMedeiros 23 hours ago I've got to get more pens to scratch my head with.   :((( #64 in Cali
REPLY Daniel Gorbea Daniel Gorbea 21 hours ago Wait! Isn't it the 4 R's of radical leftism? Russia, Racism, Reparations, and now Recession!
REPLY Ed Felty Ed Felty 1 day ago Now it's "Trump is the anti-Christ" according to CNN. 🤣 🇺🇸
REPLY View 3 replies Bunk Stagner Bunk Stagner 23 hours ago Daffy Duck is the Mayor of new York?
REPLY View reply Bobby H Bobby H 23 hours ago Yet another superb and insightful show, Dan - God bless
REPLY Tim Grun Tim Grun 23 hours ago Biden sounds like an old drunk that can't dictate his words correctly.
REPLY View reply Matthew Chenevert Matthew Chenevert 22 hours ago Bucket list for me is fight Deniro in a PPV event for charity.  UFC style.
REPLY beeveedee beeveedee 22 hours ago The "under jurisdiction" clause would be problematic for Kamala Harris, and would disqualify her presidential candidacy!
REPLY DEWY FROM KNOXVILLE. DEWY FROM KNOXVILLE. 22 hours ago Dan, thank GOD, We have patriots like You, AND the People You surround yourself with!!!!  Keep the Truth coming!!! ............ Peace!!!
REPLY skynebula11 skynebula11 23 hours ago De blasio....did someone  pump helium in the room?
REPLY View reply Yves Jasmin Yves Jasmin 23 hours ago Chris Wray is part of the deep state
REPLY roninreturns roninreturns 21 hours ago Bill DeBlasio gets Munchkin tough: "We'd like to welcome you to Lollipop Land, Lollipop Land..."
REPLY Dr S&W Dr S&W 23 hours ago You have to admit its fun watching sleepy Joe nap at the podium.
REPLY Charlie S Charlie S 19 hours ago Why isn't Barr charging Wray with obstruction of justice???
REPLY Jason Hay Jason Hay 1 day ago Poor Joe, robbed lots of banks. Better watch in case the FBI may do some work! Unbelievable! Keep it up Dan, Paula and Joe! Love from the UK!
REPLY Leslie Powell Leslie Powell 21 hours ago Yeah. Joe is a good ol KKK Democrat. His friend and mentor was like, a wizard or a grand dragon. Thanks.
REPLY Ken Walter Ken Walter 1 day ago (edited) Unfortunately by now those emails between Strozk and Page have probably joined HRC's emails in disappearing.
REPLY View 4 replies Arthur Fricchione Arthur Fricchione 23 hours ago Another good episode Dan. Keep them coming. Nice to hear the truth and I know you are telling us the truth. ❤️
REPLY Eli G Eli G 23 hours ago Calling the media conspiracy theorists is far to kind
They have an agenda and are on a side,  the left , the dems , the media , Hollywood , social media platforms  they are all controlled by the same entity and whoever and whatever it is wants to destroy America and Americans and lots of us are working for and voting for our own destruction
REPLY tomk1tl tomk1tl 23 hours ago DeBlasio must have found the "helium tank" apparently......
REPLY Jen Blossom Jen Blossom 21 hours ago (edited) That was truly God showing his good humor during Bill DeBlasio’s video.
REPLY Jim's Inkspot Jim's Inkspot 10 hours ago Dan you need to pay Joe more so he doesn't have to keep robbing Banks : ) That's gonna come back to bite him!
REPLY Canis Lupus Canis Lupus 23 hours ago Over at JW watching the LIVE premiere video of the Arwan brothers and DNC Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the stealing of Congressional info...... be back in a hour to finish this video 😁
REPLY Daniel Kahawaii Daniel Kahawaii 22 hours ago Thank You. Prayers to the suffering. Love to those praying.
REPLY Philip Schroeder Philip Schroeder 22 hours ago The far left are full of bologna.  Along with the fake news.  Great show Mr. Dan and Mr. Joe and Mrs. Bongino.
REPLY Michael Smith Michael Smith 22 hours ago Thanks Dan I really appreciate you saying that at the end of the podcast
REPLY Smitty Smitty Smitty Smitty 23 hours ago Joe Biden that's a Muggsy moment in itself that deserves a quintuple mutsy laugh
REPLY BethAnn Torres BethAnn Torres 23 hours ago What in they hell is wrong with lunch bucket Joe?! 😳.... well🙄😂
REPLY My Peace Of Heaven My Peace Of Heaven 22 hours ago Thank you Dan! Always the most Informative and entertaining video of my day !
REPLY Eric Trau Eric Trau 22 hours ago Thanks Dan Paula and Joe, can't let a weekday go by without my daily dose of Bongino!
REPLY Reggie Abernethy Reggie Abernethy 20 hours ago And so? Where’s AG Barr? Apparently he’s stalling,too. Losing confidence in the AG.
REPLY dacosta0656 dacosta0656 22 hours ago (edited) Xerox worked with arpa and darpa, international business machines did too
REPLY Sonia Szenay Sonia Szenay 21 hours ago God works in mysterious ways Bellagio God did that change his voice
REPLY Mark Jubinville Mark Jubinville 1 day ago collect your thoughts and spit the idea out.  convolution is your enemy in delivering the message.
REPLY Peter Bergeris Peter Bergeris 1 day ago Dan I listened to your report regarding Steele n fbi. #BCP told the same info which I didn't catch till evening when he released it, but he's in calif n I'm in pa.
REPLY View reply Lisa Hause Lisa Hause 23 hours ago “LYING JOE BIDEN” . . . CREEPY - SLEEPY - LYING - OLD BIDEN!!!   Thanks, DAN, Paula & Joe...🥰 🇺🇸���🏻
REPLY Shawn C Shawn C 1 day ago Man you have finally convinced me, Joe's a bank robber.
REPLY View 2 replies sunboyfun sunboyfun 22 hours ago Sounded like you said in the last piece, a "farce fire", with respect to liberals. Great pun if intended or not!
REPLY JRodInc3 JRodInc3 20 hours ago Election meddling, just look to our FBI. Seems there were many government agencies, politicians and big tech were meddling in our elections, just not Trump.
REPLY IMA WAKE 2 IMA WAKE 2 1 day ago "Most hard core liberals have psychologically deprived backgrounds which causes them to invoke defense mechanisms which causes them to seek power over others and develop a “wounded” world view which causes them to express the depths of their psychologically damaged personality."
 "Liberals are exercising power over others that have achieved legitimate success and they are trying to get the achievers of society to pay for these often phony liberal causes.  This gives the liberal a sense of entitlement to act out against the successful among us and take what is not theirs. This helps to restore feelings of power to the liberal that they lacked in their deprived childhoods which are typically characterized by neglect."
 "In the deprived psychological environment that characterizes so many liberals, they are typically angry at the world. And they often seek to inflict pain on the successful because they are angry. This defense mechanism is called displacement. They just don’t want to dominate the political narrative, they seek to inflict pain on a personal level to those who have experienced success. This is what fundamentally causes liberals to lack respect for the rule of law and just old-fashioned human decency. They seek to hurt successful people and to tear down the pillars of society."
 "The left uses their self-contrived and often invented self-indignation as the excuse to justify inflicting pain on others. Rationalization is defined as making excuses to justify one’s actions. This is also the well-spring of almost all genocide, both past and present in a “they deserved it mentality."
 "There is a final defense mechanism that liberals often employ. Because of their psychologically deprived background, we frequently see use of the defense mechanism called overcompensation. This is where an individual will perceive some personal deficiency (eg lack of academic success) and then seek to excel in another area (eg athletic prowess). In the case of a mentally ill liberal, their lack of personal success and acceptance from their peers, in their collective childhoods, leads them to excel in other areas, namely, liberal causes which frequently inflicts pain on successful people."
 "Liberals are largely representative of people who have been psychologically wounded by life and they spend their adult life getting back at the very power structure that they blame for their psychological pain as a result of their own personal shortcomings.
Why do liberals not respect the sanctity of life (eg late-term abortions)? Their psychological pain keeps them from feeling empathy by the youngest members of our society as they are torn apart limb by limb for their body parts. Do I need to point out the reaction formation of liberal females who are overcompensating for their perceived personal rejection. Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes and I don’t typically promote stereotypes, but ask a non-liberal male about the appearance of many liberal females. Many times, it borders on bizarre. The same can be said for the emasculated males who grew up expecting trophies for participation, instead of achievement. And when achievement does not come, liberal causes designed to illegitimately redistribute wealth becomes a frequent mantra from the left.
On the surface, liberal causes makes no sense. Their behavior makes no sense until one realizes that we are dealing with damaged individuals whose internal anger causes them to seek to bring harm others under the guise of performing some twisted form of justice (ie social justice).
At the end of the day, these psychologically impaired people make good warriors for the global elite. They are actively working to tear down the family, destroying Christianity and taking down America on behalf of the elite who want one-world government that the elite controls. In short, at the end of the day, liberals again find themselves being abused as they are relegated to the role of useful idiots for the express purposes of the Satanic mentality that underlies those who would subjugate all of  us on a global scale."
 "These useful idiots (liberals) would do well to examine the fate of people like the Brown-shirts of Nazi Germany. Their fate is the fate of useful idiots. If and when the global elite ever seizes total control over the planet, they will have no use for liberals. Being a liberal will have a very short shelf-life under the New World Order’s authority where a rebellious and psychologically damaged mind will not be tolerated by a totalitarian regime." Read more
REPLY View 3 replies Robert Boyle Robert Boyle 22 hours ago Joe biden makes me sick..his lying will catch up with him someday...
REPLY scratchnsniff 64 scratchnsniff 64 20 hours ago Joe diGenova has told that Christopher Wray is in a partnered law firm with Sally Yates.
REPLY king mopar king mopar 20 hours ago It’s time for either peaceful separation meaning G we split the country..or it’s time for the civil war..this can not continue
REPLY Tim Grun Tim Grun 23 hours ago Dan, Joe, and Paula = The "Chosen Ones" to bring me the news!
REPLY Kris Nordberg Kris Nordberg 22 hours ago The past few times I've tried to watch Hannity, his full length show is :02 seconds. Come on YouTube, tell me you're not biased. Is he getting to close to the truth?
REPLY Yama Kazoo Yama Kazoo 4 hours ago Dan!! The word is EPOCH not "Epic". EEEEEE POCH. The EEEE POK Times.
REPLY MrOramato MrOramato 22 hours ago (edited) Don’t forget the Rape accusations that mysteriously went away after the election. So it is four or five Rs. And on their side it is Resistance. So the Left is stuck ON “R.”
REPLY April Davis April Davis 22 hours ago Dan you are always right up front on my daily feed!
REPLY RV RV 18 hours ago All the Russia setup was to send Trump and his family members to prison. Unfortunate for the left, he won the election... and all is being exposed of the crime they have committed.
REPLY randy ropac 23 hours ago Just started listening. Great show. The LEGAL Canadian. Randy Ropac
REPLY y2rock 23 hours ago 9:45 Trump should bring a big lawsuit on Biden
REPLY Steph 23 hours ago I want to believe you, Dan, but I just don't see those texts ever coming out from the FBI.
REPLY steven donnelly 20 hours ago That means Kamal Harris is not a citizen, period.
REPLY Mark Gatz 22 hours ago Thanks, Dan always very informative and eye opening. I just wish there was a way to take a cattle prod to the FBI Director (figuratively speaking of course) to release the information before 2020 election.
REPLY Randell Stevens 1 hour ago Dan you forget the part of the 14th amendment that expressly DENIED citizenship to Native Americans. If I recall correctly it stated that they were under the jurisdiction of their tribe & not under the juridstiction of the USA.
REPLY L Russell 1 day ago It is funny to think of big burly dude in the aflcio --funny
REPLY Raylene Strand 21 hours ago Did anybody notice that nobody applauded when Bill the Blasio was announced
REPLY Truth Shrugs 19 hours ago Dan, 1) Why don't you hear anyone talking about Assange lately? 2) Why don't you hear a word about Admiral Rogers (former head of NSA under Obama/Trump) regarding all of the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA narrative? 3) Why is Wray slow-playing/stalling the release of requested info?
I'll tell you why.. 1) Because Assange is key to this whole Russia story and US Atty. Durham is retrieving all kinds of fascinating info from Assange (think Seth Rich... "hacked" DNC emails (blame RUSSIA)...). 2) Admiral Rogers is a true patriot and saw what was occurring against (future) President Trump and logged everything (perhaps "mislabeled" to avoid cleanup by the corrupt Intelligence Community under Obama?). You can bet he's chatting with Durham too. 3) Because of Durham's ongoing investigation and they don't want to announce that publicly because that then confirms there is even an investigation into certain people to begin with. Keep it all under wraps until Durham is ready to start handing down indictments.
They have nowhere to go. The walls are closing in and the American people are going to see a miraculous show this fall and through the next year. Justice is coming. Read more
REPLY MissChievousRN 15 hours ago (edited) Thank heavens he didn't laugh... PeeWee DeBlasio!!😂
REPLY Mark Ellars 23 hours ago Hi Dan Here in northeastern Ohio the three r's are, reading , writing and the route to Cleveland.
REPLY Joe Allen 23 hours ago Damn your a good dude Dan.  Move to AZ and run this state for the next 30 yrs. We could use you
REPLY Rocky roads 18 hours ago Did no one think that these people were going to do this they've had 2 years to clean this all up!  But wait our government wouldn't hide this stuff from us would they? Hmmmmm
REPLY martha schnapp 18 hours ago Christopher Wray is covering up for FBI
REPLY Norwood Partz 21 hours ago Why is Drudge Report working so hard to collapse the economy?
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Benny Goodman
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Runnin' Wild (24)
The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (25)
Jumpin' At The Woodside (33)
After You've Gone (40)
Air Mail Special (45)
Why Don't You Do Right? (48)
I've Found A New Baby (49)
Stompin' At The Savoy (53)
Moonglow (54)
Clarinet a la King (55)
Sweet Georgia Brown (56)
King Porter Stomp (57)
Life Goes To A Party (58)
Down South Camp Meeting (59)
Mission To Moscow (60)
Opus ¾ (61)
Avalon (62)
Diga Diga Doo (63)
Don't Be That Way (64)
Slipped Disc (65)
Seven Come Eleven (66)
Good-Bye (67)
Dizzy Fingers (68)
Dizzy Spells (69)
In A Sentimental Mood (74)
I'm A Ding Dong Daddy (from Dumas) (75)
Pick-a-Rib, Part 1 (78)
Rachel's Dream (84)
Nobody's Sweetheart (85)
Nagasaki (86)
Vibraphone Blues (87)
The Man I Love (88)
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen, Part 2 (89)
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen, Part 1 (90)
Alicia's Blues (91)
Blue Skies (92)
Body And Soul (93)
Benny Rides Again (98)
Stealin' Apples (102)
Vieni, Vieni (103)
Tiger Rag (104)
Harvard Blues (112)
The Sheik Of Araby (119)
Somebody Stole My Gal (124)
Dinah (125)
Benny Sent Me (126)
Loch Lomond (127)
Marching And Swinging (131)
Margie (132)
Killer Diller (137)
Goody Goody
Goodnight, My Love
Tea For Two
St. Louis Blues
Sugar Foot Stomp
All The Cats Join In
All I Do Is Dream Of You
Brussels Blues
Oh! Baby
Oh Gee, Oh Joy
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Sing Me A Swing Song (And Let Me Dance)
A String Of Pearls
Blues In The Night
Where Or When
Them There Eyes
Jersey Bounce
Honeysuckle Rose
Opus ½
Smooth One
Oh, Lady Be Good
Christopher Columbus
It's Only A Paper Moon
Trigger Fantasy
The Earl
Who Cares?
When The Sun Comes Out
Little White Lies
Memories Of You
Limehouse Blues
Let's Dance
Everybody Loves My Baby
After Hours
Ridin' High
Rock Rimmon
Somebody Loves Me
My Gal Sal
Big John's Special
Batunga Train
Dear Old Southland
Bumble Bee Stomp
Moten Swing
Something New
Sunny Disposish
Sometimes I'm Happy
I Know That You Know
Someday, Sweetheart
Blue Lou
Confessin' (That I Love You)
Bye Bye Blues
Blue Room
Ebony Concerto: III. Moderato – Con moto – Moderato – Vivo
Down, Down, Down
Happy Session Blues
And The Angels Sing
Minnie's In The Money
Rose Room
I Want To Be Happy
What A Difference A Day Makes
Walk, Jennie, Walk
Anything Goes
Basin Street Blues
Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra, with Harp and Piano
Blue (And Broken Hearted)
Deed I Do
Clarinet Marmalade
There'll Be Some Changes Made
The Blues In Your Flat
The Glory Of Love
The Blues In My Flat
The Wang Wang Blues
Pick-a-Rib, Part 2
Not A Care In The World
Night Wind
Send In The Clowns (A Little Night Music)
If I Had You
Crazy Rhythm
Sweet Sue – Just You
That's A-Plenty
The Yam
I Never Knew
House Hop
I Would Do Most Anything For You
I'm Coming Virginia
I Surrender Dear
Six Flats Unfurnished
Ain't Misbehavin'
At Sundown
At The Darktown Strutters Ball
Time On My Hands
There's A Small Hotel
You Brought A New Kind Of Love To Me
Wholly Cats
Yarm Yen / In The Evening
Star Dust
Take Another Guess
Have You Met Miss Jones?
I Cried For You
When You're Smiling
When Buddha Smiles
Wrapping It Up
Handful Of Keys
Down By The River
On The Alamo
Prelude, Fugue and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz Ensemble: Fugue for the Saxes
That Naughty Waltz
This Is My Lucky Day
This Can't Be Love
Sweet Lorraine
I Must Have That Man
Jingle Bells
You're Blase
You Turned The Tables On Me
Blue And Sentimental
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
Everything I've Got Belongs To You
Minnie The Moocher's Wedding Day
Soft Lights And Sweet Music
Sent For You Yesterday And Here You Come Today
Nice Work If You Can Get It
Prelude, Fugue and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz Ensemble: Riffs for Everyone
Riffin' At The Ritz
Sweet Leilani
Speak Low
If I Could Be With You
Night And Day
Concerto in A for Clarinet and Orchestra, K. 622: Rondo: Allegro
Farewell Blues
I'm Just Wild About Harry
What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry
Yes! We Have No Bananas
In The Mood
All My Life
Jam Session
I Ain't Got Nobody
I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good)
I'll Never Be The Same
I'm Livin' In A Great Big Way
The Dixieland Band
Shoe Shine Boy
Mel's Idea
Macedonia Lullaby
My Melancholy Baby
No, Baby, No
Shirt Tail Stomp
She's A Latin From Manhattan
Royal Garden Blues
As Long As I Live
3 Little Words
Bye Bye Pretty Baby
But Not For Me
Makin' Whoopee
No Love No Nothin'
Sai Fon / Falling Rain
Somebody Else Is Taking My Place
These Foolish Things Remind Me Of You
Taking A Chance On Love
Too Good To Be True
Thai Royal Anthem
It's Been So Long
Have You Met My Wife
Concerto in A for Clarinet and Orchestra, K. 622: Allegro
Clap Hands! Here Comes Charley
Back Home Again In Indiana
Hooray For Love
If Dreams Come True
I Was Lucky
Japanese Sandman
You're A Sweetheart
When I Grow Too Old To Dream
You Can Depend On Me
Winter Weather
Bach Goes To Town
Alexander's Ragtime Band
Frankie And Johnny
Please Be Kind
Organ Grinder's Swing
Eeny Meeny Miney Mo
Ev'rytime We Say Goodbye
'S Wonderful
How Am I To Know?
I See A Million People
I Get A Kick Out Of You
How Long Has This Been Going On?
Whispers In The Dark
Devil In The Moon
Get Rhythm In Your Feet
Camel Hop
Blue Hawaii
Blue Moon
Quintet in A for Clarinet and Strings, K. 581: Allegro con Varazioni
Liza (All The Clouds'll Roll Away)
Just One Of Those Things
Sensation Rag
Quintet in A for Clarinet and Strings, K. 581: Allegro
Poor Butterfly
When It's Sleepy Time Down South
When A Lady Meets A Gentleman Down South
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree
All Of Me
Clarinet Concerto: I. Cadenza (freely)
More Than You Know
Moonlight On The Highway
Moonlight Serenade
Laughing At Life
Medley: Don't Be That Way / Stompin' At The Savoy / And The Angels Sing / Why Don't You Do Right / A String Of Pearls
Love Dropped In For Tea
Lullaby In Rhythm
Shady Lady Bird
Pick Yourself Up
That's The Way It Goes
It Had To Be You
Here's Love In Your Eyes
He Ain't Got Rhythm
How Deep Is The Ocean?
Concerto in A for Clarinet and Orchestra, K. 622: Adagio
Don't Blame Me
Chloe (Song of the Swamp)
A Gal In Calico
Mean To Me
Love Me Or Leave Me
Lovely To Look At
Lazy River
Clarinet Concerto: II. Rather fast
Only Another Boy And Girl
Oh! Look At Me Now
Clarinet Concerto: I. Slowly and expressively
Quintet in A for Clarinet and Strings, K. 581: Menuetto
Pardon My Love
Riffin' The Scotch
You're Giving Me A Song And A Dance
You're A Heavenly Thing
Sugar (That Sugar Baby Of Mine)
Thanks For The Memory
I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face
Ida! Sweet As Apple Cider
Every Little Moment
Exactly Like You
A Fine Romance
Breakin' In A Pair Of Shoes
Ballad In Blue
Derivations for Clarinet and Band: II. Contrapuntal Blues
Did You Mean It?
Brahms' Clarinet Quintet (Op. 115)
'Tain't No Use
Flat Foot Floogee
Amapola (Pretty Little Poppy)
Cabin In The Sky
Can't Teach My Old Heart New Tricks
Autumn Nocturne
Silhouetted In The Moonlight
Life Is A Song (Cette Chanson est pour Vous)
Not Mine
I Hope Gabriel Likes My Music
You Can't Pull The Wool Over My Eyes
I Love A Piano
Hard To Get
Gotta Be This Or That
Everything I Love
Ebony Concerto: II. Andante
Elmer's Tune
My Guy's Come Back
Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone
Medley: I've Got A Right To Sing The Blues / I Hadn't Anyone Till You
Hot Foot Shuffle
Sweet Little You
The Way You Look Tonight
The Moon Won't Talk
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
When We're Alone
The Fable Of The Rose
Sweet And Lovely
Never Should Have Told You
Close As Pages In A Book
Can't We Be Friends
Peace, Brother!
Pennies From Heaven
Shake Down The Stars
Somebody Nobody Loves
That Did It, Marie
You Can Tell She Comes From Dixie
You Couldn't Be Cuter
Quintet in A for Clarinet and Strings, K. 581: Larghetto
Peter Piper
No Other One
Busy As A Bee
Beale Street Blues
Mama, That Moon Is Here Again
Lover Come Back To Me
What's The Matter With Me?
What's New?
Yours Is My Heart Alone
When My Baby Smiles At Me
Someone To Watch Over Me
This Year's Kisses
Swift As The Wind
Stairway To The Stars
Mood Indigo
AC-DC Current
A Room Without Windows
My Old Flame
Derivations for Clarinet and Band: I. Warm-up
Blue Reverie
Derivations for Clarinet and Band: IV. Ride-Out
Begin The Beguine
I Want A Little Girl
It Never Entered My Mind
It's Tight Like That
Ebony Concerto: I. Allegro moderato
Mister Meadowlark
My Last Goodbye
I'm Nobody's Baby
Yankee Doodle Never Went To Town
Who's Sorry Now
Hartford Stomp
It's Always You
Santa Claus Came In The Spring
Serenade In Blue
To Each His Own
Hold Tight
I Thought About You
I Hadn't Anyone 'Til You
Prelude, Fugue and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz Ensemble: Prelude for the Brass
Contrasts for Violin, Clarinet and Piano: III. Sebes
Derivations for Clarinet and Band: III. Rag
Doin' What Comes Naturally
Contrasts for Violin, Clarinet and Piano: II. Piheno
Contrasts for Violin, Clarinet and Piano: I. Verbunkos
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silviajburke · 7 years
Wall Street’s Earnings Hopium
This post Wall Street’s Earnings Hopium appeared first on Daily Reckoning.
[Urgent Note: The nation’s future and a massive retail apocalypse hang in the balance as Trump pushes beyond his first 100 days. That’s why I’m on a mission to send my new book TRUMPED! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin… and How to Bring It Back to every American who responds, absolutely free. Click here for more details.]
This time IS different. Normally they don’t ring a bell at the top, but right now the bell couldn’t be any louder. Or clearer.
Indeed, anyone left in the casino needs a powerful hearing aid.
The record stock market made a record run during the Donald’s first 100 Days — a period in which the vaunted Trump Stimulus on which it is all depended has sunk into the Imperial City’s swamp…
Trump’s tax proposal amounted to a $7.5 trillion add-on to the nation’s crushing public debt over the coming decade. That means there is no possible GOP majority to pass it. It also included $6.5 trillion of tax relief to business and the top 5%. That means that Dems won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole, either.
The very idea that there is going to be smooth hand-off of the “stimulus” baton to a giant Trump tax cut is by now just ludicrous. Its persistence is evidence we’ve reached the stage in the bubble cycle where Wall Street stock pushers have already gone full George Orwell.
They are now claiming a deflating economy is bounding back and that soft earnings are blowing the lights out. That is to say, when the bubble reaches its manic peak, the lies and hopium become outright comical.
That was evident in the alleged “blow-out” earnings of bellwether stocks like Amazon last week, which were nothing of the kind. Actually, they stunk.
Likewise, I heard some knucklehead from Morgan Stanley on Bloomberg yesterday morning urging not to be troubled at all by the tiny 0.7% annualized first quarter GDP gain because it was all temporary and the economy would come bounding back at 3% + in the next quarter.
My goodness, Wall Street economists have been saying that for six years now. But the ballyhooed arrival of “escape velocity” has never happened — notwithstanding that we are supposedly recovering from the worst recession of the post-war period. The rebound should have been greater on a purely statistical basis alone.
In fact, real GDP for the last quarter was up 1.9% year-over-year (Y/Y). And that compared to a 1.6% Y/Y gain in Q1 2016… a 3.3% Y/Y for Q1 2015… and 1.6% for Q1 2014.
This hardly looks like a sustained breakout after each periodic lull.
So the latest Y/Y growth blip was actually a tad weaker than the average Y/Y rate during the previous six years (2011 thru 2016). That has averaged 2.1% — despite repeated assurances by the Morgan Stanleys that every bout of sluggish growth during that period was just “temporary.”
So what we got again in Q1 was more of the same low growth rut. There’s no evidence for an energetic, sustainable recovery that could possibly justify a 24X valuation multiple on the S&P 500 at month 95 of a weak recovery.
But no matter. The Wall Street earnings narrative has become so corrupted that there really isn’t any need at all for actual economic growth. It has literally become the case that “down” is the new “up.”
For instance, Amazon’s operating earnings actually fell during Q1. It reported an operating margin of 3.7% for Q1 2016. That figure was down to 2.8% during the quarter just completed.
Nevertheless, the Wall Street propaganda machine, which is pleased to call itself the financial press, gushed all the same:
While retailers continue to struggle and dead malls pile up in characterless suburbs across America, Amazon just keeps cashing in, as the e-commerce and media behemoth delivered first-quarter earnings that blew past expectations, sending its stock up 4% in after-hours trading.
It’s certainly true that retailers are struggling and dead malls pile up in characterless suburbs across America. (I covered the topic extensively in yesterday’s Daily Reckoning.)
And it’s true that Amazon is bringing down the entire house of retail cards. What remains of the the brick-and-mortar industry is resorting to ever more desperate competitive responses.
But as the rally in Amazon stock certainly demonstrates, “down” is indeed the new “up.”
My point is not merely to expose the absurdity of Amazon’s valuation.
The point is that the casino is now so unhinged that the robo-machines added $12 billion to Amazon’s market cap in the face of stunning evidence that its earnings have vaporized entirely.
Amazon has become a profitless engine of retail mass destruction. Because the wild west casino enabled by the Fed has abolished honest price discovery and radically suppressed the cost of risk to the gamblers and structured finance speculators who operate there, Amazon has become egregiously overvalued.
So Amazon’s extreme valuation is just plain irrational exuberance having one more fling. Spasms like this $12 billion gain are absolutely reminiscent of final days before the tech collapse of April-May 2000.
In case I haven’t made myself clear: Amazon is not a profit-making enterprise in any meaningful sense of the word and its stock price measures nothing more than the raging speculative juices in the casino.
In an honest free market, real investors would never give a near one-half trillion dollar valuation to a business that refuses to make a profit, never pays a dividend and is a piker in the free cash flow department — that is, in the very thing that capitalist enterprises are born to produce.
But there is more. The Amazon rampage through the brick and mortar world of retail is not remotely a case of “creative destruction” where new technologies, innovative entrepreneurs and better mousetraps demolish the old and usher in the new to the benefit of rising output and higher standards of  living for all.
Au contraire. Amazon is not only hideously over-valued on the stock market. It is also an economic mutant that is destroying wealth and capitalist prosperity because of the perverted incentives for cancerous “growth” at any price that have been fostered by the Fed’s destructive regime of Bubble Finance.
I can’t say it any louder or any clearer: if you haven’t already, get out of the casino while you still can.
The pin is closing in fast.
David Stockman for The Daily Reckoning
The post Wall Street’s Earnings Hopium appeared first on Daily Reckoning.
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minnievirizarry · 7 years
#NoTwoDays: A Day in the Life of Pete Haas of PCMag
“Well, no two days are alike.” That is a common response to the question marketers get on a weekly basis: “What is your typical day like?”
From unexpected deadlines to mini firestorms, every day brings new hurdles to overcome and questions to answer. And while there will always be the standard items on our to-do lists, the reality of our world is that of unpredictability. It is what makes marketing both exhilarating and exacting.
In the spirit of embracing the unique nature of what a day in the life of marketers embody, we’re thrilled to share our new series #NoTwoDays. We’ll examine a day of a fellow marketer to discover how they adapt to change, incorporate routine and balance their workload–all while maintaining a life outside of the office.
We’re excited to kick things off with avid gamer Pete Haas, social media manager at PCMag. Because no two days are ever the same, here’s a (edited for clarity) day in the life of Pete:
6 a.m.: I’d love to say I’m one of those guys hitting tires with a sledgehammer at CrossFit at 5 a.m. The truth is, though, I need to be practically dragged out of bed. Every day, my wife wakes me up before she heads off to work. I make her tea and my coffee and then see her off.
7:30 a.m.: While I’m getting ready for work, my nose is in my phone. After checking the office Slack chat, I head right to Twitter. If I see some worthwhile tech news to share with the team, that’s great but it’s not the goal. My brain is still limping along at this point so I’m just looking for anything—dumb GIFs, good one-liners, whatever—to give me a jumpstart. This morning, it’s a video of a cat climbing on a cameraman while he films a documentary.
8-ish a.m.: I leave my apartment building and hear a car blaring “Ignition (Remix)” by R. Kelly. This is a good journal day.
8:35 a.m.: The train gods smile on me and I’m in the PCMag office early. We have an editor in the UK so there are already some news stories waiting to be pushed to Facebook and Twitter. I schedule the stories out and then for yesterday. I then scan Reddit, a few competing sites and Facebook’s trending topics to see if there’s any juicy news out there.
8:40 a.m.: I take pictures of some of my desk knick-knacks for this article. These precious artifacts include a Chewbacca figure, a wooden dabbing robot (I have no idea where that’s from) and a sketch of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid on a Post-It. My desk also has a Radtkebuck, a fake currency emblazoned with my coworker’s face.
8:45 a.m.: “I’m also very curious what browser tabs you have open during the day,” says no one. Slack, work and personal Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Chartbeat, and my social scheduling apps Sprout and Tailwind. Tailwind is for Pinterest and Sprout is for everything else.
9 a.m.: The editors for PCMag, Geek.com and ExtremeTech meet to go over yesterday’s traffic and social stats. We also discuss what news stories we’re seeing, some of which will be part of our morning Facebook show.
9:45 a.m.: I head over to the small studio we’ve carved out of our office for live Facebook shows. Every weekday at 10am EST, we broadcast a show called “Random Access” where our analysts discuss the hottest tech news and then show off a product we’re reviewing. Today’s show has something for everyone.
Apple just announced a new iPad and some town in China is using facial recognition to catch toilet paper thieves. Our featured product is the Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II, a new mirrorless camera. Before the show, I set up the broadcasting software for the show, promote it and do sound checks for the hosts.
10 a.m.: “Random Access” goes live. During the broadcast, I chat with our Facebook viewers and relay their questions to hosts.
10:30 a.m.: Show’s over. Back to my desk to schedule out more content. As PCMag and Geek.com publish articles, I toss the links into a spreadsheet. Once I schedule them, I delete them. My stress level rises and falls depending on how many articles I’ve got pending.
11:30 a.m.: Once Facebook and Twitter have a healthy queue of content, I turn to Instagram and Pinterest. Most people seem to think Pinterest is just a bunch of cupcake recipes and wedding dress pictures. But like Instagram, it’s a product-focused network with a strong tech community so it’s a great fit for us. I use Canva to make quick edits on our in-house photos to get them ready for each network.
12:15 p.m.: Lunch! My wife and I made pressure cooker chicken and black bean stew this week. It looks like swamp mud because of the black beans but it’s go—mn delicious. While I’m eating, I read “Mass Effect: Andromeda” reviews and get sad that the game’s not living up to the years of hype. Then I remember I still have “Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” at home and I get less sad.
1:30 p.m.: It’s time for another live show. We often have tech leaders stop by the office for interviews and today it’s GE’s VP of Software Research Dr. Colin Parris. He shares some really fascinating insights about artificial intelligence, self-driving cars and more.
2 p.m.: Scheduling, scheduling, scheduling. The stream of stories includes an editorial about the new electronics ban for airlines and a comparison of the new iPad to previous models. While knocking out this work, I take some time to make fun of Iron Fist with coworkers.
3 p.m.: Live show number three. Every Tuesday, two of our office’s phone experts host a show called “Dialed In.” Google decided to announce the new version of Android a few hours earlier so our hosts have plenty to talk about.
3:50 p.m.: “You’re not supposed to drink coffee after 4 p.m.” is a rule I may have made up. Whatever, it sounds legit. I run to Dunkin Donuts and get a comically large and cheap iced coffee. I slug it down while scheduling out Facebook and Twitter for the rest of the day.
(In addition to coffee, Seagram’s Seltzer Water is a regular with Pete.)
5:30 p.m.: I get drawn into a wide-ranging discussion with two coworkers about video games. We bounce from “Mass Effect: Andromeda” to “Knights of the Old Republic” to “No Man’s Sky” to “Elite Dangerous.” It gives me untold amounts of joy to be surrounded by people that are as nerdy as me.
6:45 p.m.: Finally back home. I order Thai food. While waiting for the delivery, I do a few pending tasks from work. For example, I schedule a review video for Samsung’s new tablet for tomorrow morning.
7:15 p.m.: I should’ve taken a picture of my Pad Kee Mao but it didn’t survive long enough.
7:30 p.m.: My wife and I binge-watch several episodes of “Rick and Morty”. I realize this is going to make the article sound like elaborate sponsored content for “Rick and Morty” but it’s one of the funniest and most innovative shows on TV right now and you should absolutely check it out. The side benefit to watching something this entertaining is that it keeps me off Slack and Twitter for awhile.
10 p.m.: The day ends as it began, with me glued to my phone. I spend about 30 minutes reading issues of “Amazing Spider-Man” issues on my phone and then go to sleep.
So what do you think of Pete’s day? Questions? Comments? Keep the conversation going by using the hashtag #NoTwoDays and share your story!
This post #NoTwoDays: A Day in the Life of Pete Haas of PCMag originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie http://sproutsocial.com/insights/notwodays-pete-haas/
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themomsandthecity · 8 years
12 Things You Can Totally Blame on Your Kids
Raising kids ain't easy. From the first bout of morning sickness, parenting will test your limits in countless ways. But everyone knows that kids have a tendency to throw a wrench in things sometimes, and therefore, you can use that to your advantage - because children, and all the issues that can come along with them, make the ultimate excuse for just about everything. And nobody asks any questions. It comes in handy for situations like . . . * Gaining that extra 15 pounds. My kids are soooo wasteful. How can I just throw out all those half-eaten chicken nuggets?! (Also, I raid their candy haul at every holiday. And eat ice cream after they go to bed.) * Lateness. Oh my gosh! Sorry I'm so behind, but I swear my kids move like they're trying to cross a peanut butter swamp wearing concrete boots. (It has nothing at all to do with the fact that I misplaced my keys and spilled coffee down my shirt.) * Leaving early. As much as we would adore staying at your event for the entire duration, we need to get home in time for the afternoon nap. (Or doctor's appointment, or dance class, or anything else that will get us out of this thing I didn't want to come to in the first place.) * Not buying anything at friends' parties. Gosh, I wish I could buy those overpriced clothes/body wraps/cooking utensils/weird supplements, but I just had to drop an obscene amount of cash on orthodontics and a basketball uniform. (I'll just look for similar stuff on Amazon. Big props for the yummy hors d'oeuvres, though!) * Farts. Oh my! Somebody has a little gas today! (And that somebody happens to be me, but as long as this kid is in diapers, no one will ever know that.) * Having a dirty house. Well, you know what they say: "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing." (That, and it's really hard to finish binge-watching the first season of This Is Us while you're cleaning.) * Skipping out on an event. We'd love to come to your kid's birthday party, but my son was feeling a little warm earlier so I think I'd better keep him home. (Technically that's not a lie; I just won't mention that he only "felt a little warm" because he was wearing a sweatshirt he didn't need and ran around the living room 40 times.) * Purchasing an excessive amount of cookies/candy. Sure, we'll buy a case of those Girl Scout cookies and a dozen of those huge candy bars! It's for a fundraiser, and we've got to support our kids! (And I'm going to need an emergency snack stash to hide in the closet with when they're driving me bonkers.) * Playing with toys/watching kids' movies. Oh, my kids will just love this mega ultimate action playset! (I really want to play with it because it's super cool, but I'd look weird buying it for myself.) * Exhaustion. Whew, these kids are just so tiring. Between rushing around to get things done after they go to bed, and getting up in the night and early in the morning with them, and taking care of all the things they need me to do, I just never feel rested. (Plus I may or may not scroll through my Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram feeds until four-hours-of-sleep o'clock.) * Looking like complete and utter crap. I'm a mom. I'm tired. I'm harried. I don't have time to do my hair and makeup and have a fully styled, trendy outfit every day. (But seriously, these yoga pants are really comfy and I'm not feeling the whole "putting on a bra" thing at the moment, let alone any of the extras.) * Slacking at . . . well, just about everything. Why haven't I started that garden yet? Oh, the kids have taken over that spot in the yard - they play out there all the time. Why did I skip the gym again? Oh, you know, the kids really needed my help with their homework. Why is the laundry still sitting in the basket three days after I removed it from the dryer? Because the kids just keep me so darn busy. (And, you know, other far less legitimate reasons. Such as "I didn't feel like it, yesterday or today or ever.") OK, so my personal shortcomings may not exactly be my children's fault. But the way I see it, they do often throw the proverbial wrench into my best-laid plans, so I figure they owe me a couple of favors. And if that means, say, passing off my farts as theirs . . . it's not gonna hurt anyone. Besides, I've got to have someone to blame for my flatulence when the dog isn't around. http://bit.ly/2mpsFhS
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