#i was watching eps 15 & 16 last night and my man just got blamed for everything left right and center
dengswei · 2 years
wwx: *breathes*
someone: this is YOUR fault
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Ep 16
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This is actually really sad, because how badly do we want to see this kid actually shoot Wen Zhuliu? I mean, they even go into hearing Jiang Fengmian’s words echoing in his mind. It’s the perfect setup for some heroic act that just doesn’t happen. It’s weird how even though I know what happens, I’m like, maybe this time it won’t! I mean, it’s good all this happens, because I like what it does to the characters, but it’s still hard to watch. I think this part is probably the bloodiest part in the entire show. Don’t quote me, but it’s pretty bloody.
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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s also really sad that Jiang Fengmian has this heroic entrance only to be cut down seconds later. It’s easy to fall into a pattern of the good guys win, but that’s not how this story really works. The line between good and bad is thin and warped and blended together, and who we think is good doesn’t always come out on top. But again, if Lotus Pier hadn’t fallen, how would Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian have turned out? What would have happened to Jiang Yanli? I like how these events set into motion so much growth for these characters, and it’s not always positive growth either.
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Ugh, I hate it. I hate it! Seeing all these men, women, children, who have been ruthlessly murdered by the Wen Clan—it’s just horrible. And from Wei Wuxian’s perspective, these people were his only family. This was the place that had taken him in when he was very young—it’s the only home he really remembers. And in a matter of hours, it was taken completely away from him. Obviously he’s angry—very angry—and upset. And whatever he feels, it’s only amplified in Jiang Cheng, who is already more emotional and quick-tempered. Not to mention, those are his actual parents, who he loves very much. Of course, his first reaction is to want revenge, which Wei Wuxian temporarily manages to talk him out of.
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I like that we get Madam Yu’s perspective throughout this part. I like that she was the one who staunchly defended her home, and I like how she was the last man standing. As horrible as all this is, I get a warm feeling from seeing how she really does care about her family and her husband. I think it’s important that we get to see this before she dies, so that we can see that yes, there was some good in her. She loved her home, her clan, and her family enough that she would die for them. And I really like that she dies by her own hand on her own terms. She got to take that away from the Wens.
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And we’re back to this again. It isn’t enough to have the Wen Clan to blame for what happened to his parents and Lotus Pier—no. Jiang Cheng seems to believe deep down that if Wei Wuxian hadn’t helped Lan Wangji and Jin Zixuan, things would be different: his parents would still be alive and Lotus Pier would be fine. Of course, that’s not true. The Wens would not have ever stopped. They wanted to lord over all the clans, even the Yunmeng Jiangs. But Jiang Cheng needs to blame someone and who better than Wei Wuxian? And after this point, he holds this grudge forever. Everything else just compounds upon this event.
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And Wei Wuxian again just takes it. He doesn’t argue that the Wens would have done it anyway, he doesn’t try to defend himself at all. He must know that when Jiang Cheng makes up his mind, that’s it—there’s no changing things. I’m guessing by the time the morning rolls around, Jiang Cheng has already decided to seek revenge immediately, against Wei Wuxian’s advice. Again, we have a contrast of someone who is very analytical (Wei Wuxian) and someone who’s very emotional (Jiang Cheng), and Jiang Cheng ends up paying for it. And that’s his decision, even though he tries to place that blame on Wei Wuxian.
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While Jiang Cheng is feeling sorry for himself, Wei Wuxian is the first to mention Jiang Yanli, who is still waiting for them. Of course Jiang Cheng has just gone through someone extremely traumatic—I don’t expect him to be on top of things, but I appreciate how level-headed that Wei Wuxian is able to be, given that the experience was also traumatic for him. Again, more contrast between the two characters. And not only contrast between those two, but look back at what happened at the Cloud Recesses and how Lan Wangji dealt with his own loss. He did not give up and shut down, like we see Jiang Cheng doing. He understood that life must go on. Was he upset that his brother was missing? Of course he was! Was he horrified by what happened to his home? Fuck, yes! But he didn’t get the opportunity to wallow in self-pity and depression like Jiang Cheng is. He had no one to support him like Jiang Cheng does. Jiang Cheng has a ton of people around him right now, in comparison, yet he behaves as if he’s alone. He lashes out emotionally, he recklessly goes back to Lotus Pier, abandoning his sister, who’s sick and alone. I don’t really care what he ultimately does to save Wei Wuxian, because I think it was clear that he was ready to die anyway. The outcome would have been the same for him, so distracting the Wen guards wasn’t really the selfless act that CQL kind of makes it out to be, albeit under the veil of Jiang Cheng’s memory.
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Ugh, breaks my heart. Also irritates me that Wei Wuxian has to be the one to tell Yanli what happened. Like, can’t Jiang Cheng do it? Grow a pair and tell your own damn sister what happened to your parents and your home? Sorry, but I’m endlessly frustrated by him, no matter how realistic that response is. If I were Yanli, I’d want to hear that from my brother. But Jiang Cheng has basically checked out at this point. And I can’t imagine what’s going through Jiang Yanli’s mind. Her parents are dead, her home has been destroyed, her brother is distraught, and then she falls ill. She’s the oldest, she’s the one who should know what to do (whether or not she has any authority to do it)—this must be so difficult to feel like she needs to be strong for her two younger brothers, but to be completely falling apart emotionally.
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Look at the physical distance here. It’s quite interesting, really, and good cinematography to show that chasm between them. It’s not just a physical gap but an emotional one as well. You have Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli, who just want to get out of danger so that they can figure out what to do next. And then you have Jiang Cheng, who just wants revenge. Even if it wasn’t obvious already, this scene shows how far apart they are from each other. It’s actually really cool.
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I just feel that the only thing that was holding them all together was Wei Wuxian. He is taking his promise to Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian very seriously. This is not a game to him—he will do anything to keep them safe. That is his only purpose right now. Prior to episode 15, I think Wei Wuxian brought up Lan Wangji at least once per episode, whether Lan Wangji was there or not. That name has not passed his lips even once. Jiang Cheng has said it a few times, I think because blame game, of course, but Wei Wuxian is not even thinking about Lan Wangji. His focus right now is to get Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli to safety. Imagine if it were only Jiang Cheng and Yanli right now—if you take Wei Wuxian out of the picture, how do you think they would behave? I mean, realistically, Jiang Cheng would already be dead, because no one would have stopped him from going back to Lotus Pier that night. So thank god Wei Wuxian is here, right?
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Look at his vacant expression. Has he even heard Wei Wuxian’s instructions? Probably he has but he just ignores them. His sister has a fever, and he leaves her alone in the inn. He abandons them both. And for what? What does he hope to accomplish alone? His parents and the entirety of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect couldn’t take down the Wens, so how does he expect to? I understand where he’s coming from—I am protective of my family as well—but what he needed to do was step back and wait, and by not doing that, he ruined his own life.
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Besides wangxian, I think my favorite relationship in this series is the one between Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian. There’s something so sweet and so beautiful and so loving about two people who aren’t quite family but aren’t not family either. There is so much unconditional love between them that no matter what either of them does, the other will continue to be there. It’s like the relationship that Wei Wuxian could have with Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng does not love Wei Wuxian as much as Wei Wuxian loves him. For a long time, I think Wei Wuxian’s love for Jiang Cheng was unconditional, but he learns over time that it can’t be that way with Jiang Cheng. But his relationship with Yanli is so different. She treats him like family, treats him like a little brother, and she protects and defends him in front of those who would wish to harm him. It’s just very sweet and tragic, of course.
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So, this is an important moment. For obvious reasons, of course, but also because Wei Wuxian could have killed Wen Ning, but didn’t. He immediately accuses him of participating in the massacre and goes on to say, “I shouldn’t have saved you.” And Wen Ning responds that he just got to Lotus Pier and was not a part of the massacre at all. And here’s the big part: Wei Wuxian backs off. He believes him and he lets him go. This is important because it shows that Wei Wuxian can see past the clan, past the outfit, past the bloodline. Someone who can’t do that is Jiang Cheng. This is just one of those moments that shows you what kind of person Wei Wuxian really is, and if you remember he made a big point of praising Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen for teaming up together and for not being affiliated with any clans. So here we can see how Wei Wuxian has a penchant for not conforming to the orthodoxy of any of the clans—of the very fact that you need to be in a clan at all. People are more than the clans they are a part of, people are more than their blood relatives. Everyone gets to prove their own worth, regardless of their social status. This isn’t a big deal to someone with modern sensibilities, but within this world, it’s a big deal that Wei Wuxian trusts Wen Ning to help him and Jiang Cheng here. And in the book, he allowed Wen Qing to help them, and he doesn’t even know her. Book!Wen Qing is more awesome in my opinion, and her entrance in the story is great, because you don’t know if you can trust her. You have to trust Wen Ning too, just like Wei Wuxian—you’re taking the risk as well, as the reader.
One more thought: you can see why they’d form such a strong bong—two people who should by all rights be enemies, but instead they choose to work together to stand up to what’s wrong. This is what Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji were doing in the cave, what Wen Ning has already done when he helped Wei Wuxian out against the dog. This is a bond of brotherhood more than anything that the Twin Prides of Yunmeng ever had. It’s a really nice message, honestly. I often don’t appreciate Wen Ning, but they do have such a nice relationship that’s based on nothing but mutual trust and respect.
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I find this oddly funny, because Wen Zhuliu is so resistant and doesn’t want to drink, but Wen Chao is so insistent that he ends up doing it. And of course that’s the thing that puts all of them out of commission for the next few days (I think), allowing Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian to get Jiang Cheng and his parents’ remains out of Lotus Pier. Such a simple decision, but if it had not been made this way, Wei Wuxian would have certainly been captured/killed by Wen Zhuliu.
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The juxtaposition here is pretty extreme: the clean-clothed dancing ladies in the background, with the body of (I think) Madam Yu in the foreground, hanging there. It’s so disturbing to think about having this feast to celebrate a victory (massacre) with dead bodies hanging around you. Just very creepy and eerie.
I’m flying through these for good reason. Not a lot to say, just getting through plot, and I want to get back to my fave Lan Wangji. Biased? Why, yes, I am.
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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captainpikeachu · 5 years
ENT 1x14 Shadow of P’Jem
Ohhhh back to the judgy Vulcans again, blaming my boy for the mess at P’Jem, so typical of Vulcans to avoid responsibility
Who is this Captain Gardner?
Yeah Admiral Forrest, you tell these Vulcans they don’t get to assign commands of Starfleet officers around here BOO VULCANS BOO!
Joint Fleet Operations suspended? Is the Vulcans trying to blackmail us? Seriously? FUCK VULCANS
Jon and Trip’s eating scenes are always just…making me hungry for food DAMMIT
Coridan? Ohhh 3 billion humanoids, NICE
Largest starship construction yards in the sector? Oh now you’re just purposely pulling Trip’s leg about not taking him on the mission
Uh oh, message from Forrest – oh so the Temple did get bombarded by the Andorians, but hey at least they gave the monks time to get out
Can’t get involved in interspecies conflict – man we are such tiny babies during this time period
More bad news????
I love Jon getting all protective, he’s just like “NOBODY IS USING MY SCIENCE OFFICER AS SCAPEGOAT!” *clings to T’Pol like koala and hisses*
Oh now Trip knows T’Pol is being transferred, and so does Phlox
Aww Phlox thought T’Pol was getting promoted ☹
Ohhhh Phlox giving us some info – Vulcan High Command has tried posting Vulcan officers on human starships and most haven’t lasted more than a few weeks, but T’Pol has been here for more than 6 months and she’s not merely tolerated the crew but has become a part of it
Aww several crew members wanna give T’Pol a going away party! That’s so precious!
So Jon is taking T’Pol with him on this mission, aww he just wants to try to spend more time with her before she has to leave
Uh oh, someone is after the shuttle, dammit these people just cannot go outside without some drama
Well now Jon and T’Pol are tied up and Jon is talking about Houdini LOL It’s amazing how many people the Vulcans seem to have pissed off in this quadrant lmao 
T’Pol is getting really good at this lying business :D ME LIKEY
Ohhhh Trip and the others are not happy with the Coridan Chancellor, looks like Enterprise crew is off to do their own little rescue mission
Jon and T’Pol trying to escape, lol this is most amusing to watch
Aww Jon is trying to goad T’Pol into fighting against the transfer
Well, that was an unnecessary guy falls into boobs gag, but I guess it was the early 2000s
At least these two are free, ohhhhh nice back flip/kick from Jon there, where was this fighting ability when the fighting part actually mattered?????
Nahhhhh they’re back to being captured again
Oh Enterprise is now being hailed, lol 40 phase pistols, poor Enterprise crew don’t even have 15
Another hail? A Vulcan ship…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh great, now Vulcans wanna take over the hostage situation, MASSIVE SIGH
Vulcans don’t negotiate with terrorists hmmmmm, swift and decisive response hmmmmmmmm, yup I am starting to see how the Vulcan Hello became a thing against the Klingons
Well Trip and the others are still gonna go at this rescue mission
At least these hostage takers are nice enough to give their hostages food
Ohhhh what is the red blinking thing?
LOL Vulcan ship hailing because Trip and the others have run off on the shuttlepod
Hoshi is getting better at lying too :D
ANNNNNND Trip and Malcolm got caught….nicely done boys
Lol Shran doesn’t like being indebted to Jon :D ah this beautiful friendship just continues to blossom lol
Woohoo Andorians and Humans team up rescue mission!!
ANNNND the Vulcans ruined the rescue plan by having an assault….yeah, I’m starting to see this Vulcan tendency to RUIN EVERYTHING OMG
Shran just wants a good night’s sleep now that he’s paid his debt to Jon lol Tau-ceti accords? LOL what is even the point of accords, y’all are breaking accords left and right anyways
Oh no, one of the rebel faction people is still moving
NO T’POL!!!! You totally did not need to save that grumpy mean Vulcan!!
“You should be the one dying, not her” – YEAH YOU TELL THAT BAD VULCAN, SHRAN!!!!
I love it when my bbys are sneaky :D
Yay T’Pol is staying with us, and she WANTS to stay too!!
And that’s actually gonna be the last one I’m gonna be doing before I go on a bit of a break with my brother coming to visit, when I come back, I’ll be doing 15, 16, 17, and then after that, 18, 19, 20, 21)
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About to watch S20E09 “Ache”. It’s a Martin Jameson ep which is annoying (I’m sure you all know about my issues with Martin Jameson) but it’s got John and Henrik in it (alas, not interacting though) so I can’t really skip it in my and my mom’s Gaskell storyline watch. (I thought about rewatching “Hard Day’s Night”, but ultimately decided against it - it’s not that important to the overall post-Fredrik arc in any way that can’t be covered in the “previously on” clips, I can’t be bothered to sit through Fletch and Jac scenes if there’s no John or Henrik to make up for it, and though it’s Zav’s first episode and I adore Zav rewatching it would probably just make me sad. So yeah, right on to “Ache” it is.)
Edit 1: Henrik evidently picked up the “sticking your head through a car door to talk to someone” trick from Roxanna.
Also, John pointing out it’s ridiculous of Roxanna to suggest Ollie would be a doctor again. Oh, John, if only you knew.
Edit 2: Fletch looking for Jac and telling Frieda “you’re a doctor, I’m looking for THE doctor”. Jac is a Time Lord confirmed, I’m sure she regenerated the minute the finale ended 😂
Edit 3: Jac lines that hurt in light of what they did to her: “I’m not a patient, don’t treat me like one.”
Also, on a more lighthearted note, the entire homoerotic stare moment between Jac and Frieda...
Edit 4: Roxanna wearing a gorgeous tight purple top. Heck yeah.
Also, James Anderson continues to be amazing.
Edit 5: OH OH OH how has it JUST clicked for me that this is the one with Teddy’s mum from Casualty in it? (As a different character, obviously.)
Edit 6: “For a moment, I knew who I was, and then it’s slipped through my fingers again.” :(
Have to admit I laughed at this though: “If anyone says that ‘time’ thing again, I’ll kill them! And with my brain injury, I’d probably get away with it!”
God this whole Rox and Ollie scene is just SO good in general.
Edit 7: Why does Fletch think that whatever’s happening with Jac is any of his business?
Edit 8: More lines that are really awful in hindsight: “The pain is bad enough, but Adrian Fletcher’s pity - no, that’s taking things too far.”
Edit 9: I LOVE Ollie’s apology to the patient.
Also love Donna calling John “the Prof”.
Edit 10: I want Ollie’s speech on a motivational poster. “Don’t beat yourself up if you never get round to it - you probably won’t!”
Edit 11: LOVE the conversation between John and Lofty’s grandma. “I don’t care what kind of professor you are, you can go and profess somewhere else!” “You’re not the first to challenge my credentials.” “And if you’re not careful, I may be your last!”
Edit 12: Two bisexuals and a gay man (ok, John could also be bi but he reads as gay to me) having a conversation about one of the bisexuals breaking the law. Wild.
Edit 13: Scream @ Ollie suggesting he could just become a Bond villain.
Interesting that Roxanna refers to Henrik’s leave as him being “off sick”. She’s right, I just think it’s interesting.
Also, Ollie saying he doesn’t blame Henrik :’)
Edit 14: HENRIK
Edit 15: Guy Henry does a lot of eyelash-fluttering in the scene with Henrik and Rox in the car. This isn’t a complaint, I think it’s cute. As cute as it can be when I’m busy being sad about Henrik.
Edit 16: Jac bonding with the patient who was in foster care :’))
Edit 17: Dom saying Lofty never makes him unhappy. I miss that era of their relationship.
Edit 18: That scene with Henrik trying to go back to the hospital, being overcome by anxiety and just walking away again :(( Oh, my baby.
It’s odd - sometimes Henrik seems to enjoy drawing attention to himself (so long as it’s on his own terms), but a lot of the time he seems to suffer from a sort of exposure anxiety.
Edit 19: Frieda knew Jac better than Fletch, fight me.
Edit 20: The whole scene with Henrik and Rox in the car park. Ouch. :( “I don’t think I can do this today.” The way he says it... it just breaks my heart.
Also - “I wasn’t coming to see Oliver or Serena. I was coming to see John.” Homoeroticismmmm! (Yes I know he says it’s because he thinks John would be the best person to push for the TMS for Ollie, but I don’t care.)
Also also, this episode isn’t the first time Henrik’s just gone all stiff and unresponsive when someone hugs him. He does the same when hugged by Malick in S15E50.
Edit 21: James Anderson is SO TALENTED.
Edit 22: Why does this actress get typecast as terrible mothers lmao
Edit 23: “We haven’t even been on a date, and you ask me to move in with my grandmother?” Henruss energy. Except then it was Henrik moving in with Russ and his daughter and grandson.
Edit 24: Frieda to Jac: “But hey, some people become their own worst enemy, assuming that the people they need the most have malign intentions.”
Edit 25: Donna the only functional queer in Holby City Hospital strikes again. She sets Dom and Lofty up to be in the same place at the same time in an attempt to get them to talk to each other.
Edit 26: Frieda: “What is it you’re trying to prove, Jac?” Jac: “That I have nothing to prove.”
Edit 27: “I can’t remember something I said a couple of hours ago.” It’s the executive dysfunction, Ollie, join the neurodivergent club. (Actually I think Ollie’s been in the neurodivergent club all along, I headcanon him as having BPD but that’s another post and I think I’m projecting there.)
Edit 28: Roxanna: “Does there have to be a subtext?” John, the avatar of meta writers everywhere: “There’s always a subtext.”
Edit 29: I wish we’d seen John and David scenes in the flashback ep. It’s pretty clear from Group Animal and dialogue throughout these episodes that they had a very close friendship.
Edit 30: Jac called the patient’s mum to call her out on her abusive behaviour towards her son. Have I mentioned that I ADORE Jac tonight?
Edit 31: Dofty were so cute back then.
Edit 32: The Jac and Frieda dynamic was SO fantastic.
0 notes
starliightxo · 4 years
✨ Holly Discography & OOC Meanings ✨
Storytelling = songs not written about her life but a story she made up
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1. State Of Grace ~ for Haley
2. Red ~ (Storytelling) Comparing love and emotions to colours
3. Treacherous ~ Park
4. I Knew You Were Trouble ~ Park
5. All Too Well ~ Adrian
6. 22 ~ Just a feel good, having fun song
7. I Almost Do ~ Adrian
8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ~ (Storytelling) just a catchy get stuck in your head song, are specifically to be a single to get attention
9. Stay Stay Stay ~ Adrian
10. The Last Time ~ (storytelling) but in a way it's about her parents and begging them to put her first when it comes to them taking Haley. Because they never considered her in all their choices and it broke her.
11. Holy Ground ~ Adrian
12. Sad Beautiful Tragic ~ Adrian
13. The Lucky One ~ Herself discovering that starting to be known and fame isn't exactly what people expect
14. Everything Has Changed ~ (storytelling)
15. Starlight (co-written with Soraya) ~ for Soraya
16. Begin Again ~ meeting Adrian again after the 4 year gap
17. The Moment I Knew ~ a birthday she spent just after she had Haley and longing for Adrian to come back even though she knew her parents wouldn't have even let him through the door even if he had. But it's not nearly as bitter @ him as the song suggests
18. Come Back... Be Here ~ Adrian
19. Girl At Home ~ (storytelling) girls supporting girls
Fifteen (EP)
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(the EP based off the songs she wrote in school/post losing adrian)
1. Love Story ~ Adrian
2. Fearless ~ Adrian
3. Fifteen ~ Herself and kind of a message to Haley to put her dreams first
4. You Belong With Me ~ Adrian/Paisley but lowkey any girl taking interest in him. I.e. margo etc.
5. Better Than Revenge ~ Paisley/Margo
6. Last Kiss ~ Adrian
7. Enchanted ~ Adrian when they met again at St Judes. their first official date was at a ball esque thingy
8. Ours ~ about Adrian @ her parents and the disapproval
9. Mine ~ Adrian (Storytelling) what she imagined
Safe And Sound (EP)
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(The EP about/for haley)
1. Safe And Sound ~ a lullaby for haley
2. Innocent ~ about herself in a way and trying to forgive herself for hr mistakes when it came to haley and the choices she make but also reminding her that she could stay innocent and young for as long as possible
3. Never Grow Up ~ wishing she doesn't grow up too fast because she very much did and it was terrifying
4. Untouchable ~ How haley's kept away from her
5. Breathe ~ the follow on from untouchable and not being able to breathe without her
Welcome To New York
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1. Welcome To New York ~ Her love for the city and dreaming of living there
2. Blank Space ~ (Storytelling)
3. Style ~ Adrian
4. Out Of The Woods ~ the aftermath of (tw) the rape and holly fighting to get out of the dark place and there's obviously hints of Adrian in there being with her through it
5. All You Had To Do Was Stay ~ Soraya & Dallas (storytelling)
6. Shake It Off ~ speaks for itself basically for her fans
7. I Wish You Would ~ Adrian after he disappeared when she first got pregnant and they separated
8. Bad Blood ~ Anyone against her and labelling her as the mean girl. She went very theatrical and played on it. Although everyone thinks it's specifically about Hensley, she was just one name on a long list
9. Wildest Dreams ~ back when she first started at St Judes and met Julian again, his was another sing based on their first date at the ball-esque event
10. How You Get The Girl ~ at Dallas about Soraya
11. This Love ~ Adrian
12. I Know Places ~ wanting to hide from the insider and paps and opinions whether it's with Adrian or on her own.
13. Clean ~ The last song she wrote for the album and it's about (tw) the rape. It was the first thing she ever wrote about it so it's extremely personal
14. Wonderland ~ (storytelling)
15. You Are In Love ~ Adrian
16 . New Romantics ~ St Judes/Monroe life
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1. Ready For It? ~ preparing for battle in a way. this was one of if not her biggest album and it was all about her fighting back and taking control of her public narrative. She wrote/sang about things you'd never expect and said ings you'd never expect so it's getting ready for that
2. End Game ~ Adrian
3. I Did Something Bad ~ Everyone who did her wrong and called her the mean girl
4. Don't Blame Me ~ Adrian
5. Delicate ~ Adrian
6. Look What You Made Me Do ~ are you ready for it 2.0
7. So It Goes... ~ Adrian
8. Gorgeous ~ Adrian/Haley/Soraya
9. Getaway Car ~ Park
10. King Of My Heart ~ Adrian
11. Dancing With Our Hands Tied ~ Adrian
12. Dress ~ Adrian
13. This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things ~ about the shit she gets for winning awards
14. Call It What You Want ~ Adrian and their relationship but it's aimed at their parents
15. New Years Day ~ painting a nice picture of new years day (because She was (tw) raped on new years eve night just before midnight) and basically how Adrian was there for her the day after and picked her back up
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1. I Forgot That You Existed ~ anyone not on her side and lowkey about the guy who r*ped her. Although that's on her mind a lot, this would have been her when she's enjoying her time with someone and she forgets for one night. Or how she wishes she could forget about him for good.
2. Cruel Summer ~ probably her brief rebound of a relationship with park tbh and she convinced herself it was love to try and make herself feel better about the guilt. But ultimately they both knew it wasn't good or going to work.
3. Lover ~ about Holly and Adrian finally being in complete control of their relationship but still having insecure moments where she worries about losing him, but he's there every time. It speaks for itself mainly tbh.
4. The Man ~ the feminist jumped out LOL she aimed for this one to be relatable in every sense cause she knows it's a very common topic. But some things jump out from her own experiences like: "when everyone believes ya, what's that like?" About the r*ape trial.
5. The Archer ~ I love how holly it is 😩 reflecting on how she handled certain situations like things with hensley (bad blood) and how she's made a lot of mistakes. And being lowkey terrified she'll lose people because of it. I think mainly Adrian and Soraya tbh.
6. I Think He Knows ~ Adrian
7. Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince ~ about the negative affects caused by st Jude's and "fame" and having Adrian there through it all. The second first specifically would be about the night of the r*pe and when she told Adrian and he was the one of the only ones who cared what the truth was. Personally I think this is the most holly song on the album! I knew exactly what she'd write it about as soon as I heard it lol
8. Paper Rings ~ Adrian
8. Cornelia Street ~ kinda Begin Again 2.0 for holly and it basically being about that first time she saw Adrian again after they're 4 years apart and the fear she had of losing them/him again. I especially feel the line "It's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend"
9. Death By A Thousand Cuts (storytelling)
10. London Boy ~ her dream has always been to live in New York so she's kinda made herself new York in this album and Adrian's the London boy, even though he isn't English LOL? but their relationship lives in London basically. And she loves NY but she'd go wherever he is instead.
11. Soon You'll Get Better ft The Dixie Chicks ~ Soraya's health problems, how much her wellbeing means to holly and how desperately she needs her to just be okay all the time.
12. False god ~ I picture her breakup with Adrian back when she was pregnant and they were kids. How it all went to shit but that small hope still there "We might just get away with it." She probably would have taken snippets from old journals back from that time for this.
13. You Need To Calm Down ~ It's about ever form of love
14. Afterglow ~ this one hits me so much and cause I'm so invested in holly and adrian, hurts my heart. Basically apologising for hurting him ever, mainly with Park. But lowkey the r*pe thing too. Even tho he'd never be mad or blame her for that, she blamed herself at one point. And She panics regularly that it would ruin them.
15. ME! ~ a confidence boost for herself, her friends and her fans.
16. It's Nice To Have A Friend ~ being in love with your best friend. Also how I picture her and Adrian starting out in school.
17. Daylight ~ about how her and Adrian both had other things while they weren't together, but since they got back together, it was like stepping back into the daylight and nothing can be as perfect as that feeling they have with each other. They never really had it with anyone else.
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1. The 1 ~ (storytelling)
2. Cardigan ~ recently holly has defo felt kind of forgotten about and falling into the shadows. And as always, Adrian is slowly started to pull her out of her dark place.
3. The Last Great American Dynasty ~ awhile ago Adrian bought them a kind of holiday home and she wrote a story about the previous owner (storytelling)
4. Exile ft Bon Iver ~ the last song she wrote for the album. Her and Adrian recently broke up and have one of if not their biggest arguments and this was about that
5. My Tears Ricochet ~ Her Parents
6. Mirrorball ~ about being what the media want you to be and being perfect and when you fall and break they watch as if it's entertainment
7. Seven ~ (storytelling) a childhood friendship where one is suffering (tw) in am abusive household and the other wants to rescue them. It's also about wanting to stay young as long as possible and when we stopped doing the little things only children get away with
8. August ~ Park
9. This Is Me trying ~ Herself and her struggle to hold it all together. She defo would have had that moment of being on the edge of a cliff and having the moment she decided to back away from it
10. Illicit Affairs ~ Park
11. Invisible String ~ Adrian
12. Mad Woman ~ Herself and women in general
13. Epiphany ~ (storytelling) a couple/people during world war 2
14. Betty ~ (storytelling)
15. Peace ~ for Adrian
16. Hoax ~ (storytelling)
17. The Lakes ~ wanting to run away but of course only with Adrian
Other Songs
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Back To December
Sparks Fly
Long Live
Beautiful Ghosts
Christmas Tree Farm
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
Babe ft Sugarland
Only The Young
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bishreview · 7 years
Top 50 Singles of 2017
My final article of 2017! There have been a lot of good music this year. Trying to cut down to 50 songs was a hard task, having over 70 songs by different artists before cutting them down. This means I’ve missed a lot of songs that I really wanted to add. I have finally got it down to 50 though and I have made a Spotify playlist which I will link to this if you want to check out the tracks that made it. I’ll only list from 50-21 (like I did last year) but will talk about the top 20 tracks. For statistics, I have one Canadian, four from the UK, eight from the states and a whopping 37 from Australia.
50. Never Let Me Go - Green Buzzard (AUS)
49. 911/Call Me - Tyler the Creator ft. Frank Ocean and Steve Lacy (US)
48. call the police - LCD Soundsystem (US)
47. Birthdays - The Smith Street Band (AUS)
46. Yanada - The Preatures (AUS)
45. Love Can Be. . . - Vince Staples ft. Ray J, Kilo Kish and Damon Albarn (US)
44. Pure Luck - Ninajirachi ft. Freya Staer (AUS)
43. Crushing Hard - Urthboy (AUS)
42. Murder to the Mind - Tash Sultana (AUS)
41. Dawning - DMAs (AUS)
40. Diamonds - A$AP Twelvyy ft. A$AP Rocky (US)
39. Second Hand Car - Kim Churchill (AUS)
38. Golden - Kingswood (AUS)
37. The Remedy - Polaris (AUS)
36. P Plates - Ruby Fields (AUS)
35. These Kicks - Citizen Kay ft. Georgia B. (AUS)
34. Shred for Summer - DZ Deathrays (AUS)
33. Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man (US)
32. Science Fiction - The Belligerents (AUS)
31. Cigarette - Ali Barter (AUS)
30. Got On My Skateboard - Skeggs (AUS)
29. I Haven’t Been Taking Care of Myself - Alex Lahey (AUS)
28. Andromeda - Gorillaz ft. DRAM (UK)
27. Man You Want Me To Be - WHARVES (AUS)
26. Afterthought - Dear Seattle (AUS)
25. True Lovers - Holy Holy (AUS)
24. Homely Feeling - Hockey Dad (AUS)
23. Low Blows - Meg Mac (AUS)
22. One More Love Song - Mac DeMarco (CAN)
21. The Evil Has Landed - Queens of the Stone Age (US)
20. Not Worth Hiding - Alex the Astronaut (AUS)
Alex the Astronaut has had a huge year. She released her debut album and has seen a growing fanbase to make her one of Australia’s most popular solo female artists. Her lead single Not Worth Hiding is a gorgeous song, reflecting her humble, gentle, kind attitude whilst having a relevant political point about accepting LGBTI communities
19. Night of the Long Knives - Everything Everything (UK)
Night of the Long Knives is a huge song. From the first time the chorus drops, it brings you into a darker, experimental world, shaping what is to come on most of their album A Fever Dream. Jonathan Higgen’s voice is again flexed, his falsetto being a brilliant feature in the verses.
18. Deadcrush - Alt-J (UK)
There are many highlights on Relaxer and I had a hard time picking between this, In Cold Blood¸ and Adeline. Deadcrush has become my favourite off the album though, the weird vocal in the chorus and thumping bass heavy beat making it both an intriguing listen and a danceable track.
17. Destiny’s - Arno Faraji (AUS)
Triple J’s Unearthed High winner, Arno Faraji, is the future of Australian Hip Hop. His beats are mellow, and his rapping style laid back, having a heavy influence on US rappers like Chance the Rapper and GoldLink. Definitely an artist to watch for the future, with Destiny’s being his best song so far
16. Dumb Days - Tired Lion (AUS)
Tired Lion’s debut album this year was a good listen. The title track though blows the rest of the album away. With a strong theme of growing up and missing the feeling of being younger, Sophie Hopes belts out the Smashing Pumpkins like track, with the outro chorus hitting right into the feels.
15. Friends - Kwame (AUS)
One of my best discoveries of the year was Sydney rapper Kwame. His EP Lesson Learned was a great listen from start to finish. Friends is a highlight from the EP, with a beautiful piano motif throughout, reminiscent of artists like Kanye. Another Australian rapper who will hopefully shape the future of the genre.
14. Fuck Off - Pist Idiots (AUS)
Another Triple J Unearthed find, Pist Idiots are a great punk band. On Fuck Off they don’t hold back, detailing a broken relationship where the partner doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. The brutality of the lyrics combined with the distorted, messy instrumentation is brilliant, conveying a feel of desperation in the music.                 
13. Be About You - Winston Surfshirt (AUS)
From one of the year’s angriest tracks to one of the year’s sexiest tracks, Be About You is a smooth song. With Winston’s intimate delivery in both the rap verses and the falsetto chorus, it builds like an Anderson Paak or Justin Timberlake song. Definitely the most intimate song of the year.
12. Chateau - Angus and Julia Stone (AUS)
Brother and sister duo Angus and Julia Stone returned from a long hiatus this year with their album Snow. The highlight from this album was Chateau, their biggest song since 2010’s Big Jet Plane. With gorgeous production, beautiful harmonies and a relaxed vibe, their switch to a more pop direction was a good choice, producing one of their best songs yet.
11. Run for Cover - The Killers (US)
Just missing out on my top 10 was the comeback from Las Vegas rockers, The Killers. Although lead single The Man was good, I felt Run for Cover highlighted their sound better, being a strong rock song reminiscent of past hits such as When You Were Young and Read My Mind. The quartet came back into mainstream attention this year in a big way, and Run for Cover was the track that proved it.
10. Feel the Way I Do - The Jungle Giants (AUS)
If someone told me that Jungle Giants would be releasing fresh tunas like this I’d be shocked and appalled. But here we are. From the opening keyboard motif to the singalong choruses, this has everything a perfect indie pop song needs.
9. Humble - Kendrick Lamar (US)
Humble is the biggest track of the year. It will probably win the Hottest 100 (deservedly) and will continue to dominate most dancefloors around the world. It’s mix of a catchy hook, a strong beat and Kung Fu Kenny’s signature rapping style is brilliant and it’s obvious why this song has become such a megahit.
8. Nuclear Fusion - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard (AUS)
Out the 50-something songs that King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard have released this year, the early release Nuclear Fusion still stands tall as the best. Their exploration of microtonal tunings and riffs are at their best in this song, as they utilise microtones to create a catchy yet dissonant melodies, catching the listener off guard. The “nuclear fusion” voice is a winner as well.
7. You’re in Love with a Psycho - Kasabian (UK)
Writing a perfect pop rock song is pretty hard. It’s a risky move, balancing catchy hooks with enough experimentation to remain interesting. You’re in Love With a Psycho is one of those songs which master it though. A song which is impossible to remove from your brain once you listen to it, it’s a completely fun, silly song which you can’t stop playing on repeat. With lines like “you’re like the taste of macaroni on a seafood stick”, Kasabian might have written the most fun pop song of the year.
6. The Comedown - Ocean Alley (AUS)
Like The Jungle Giants, I wasn’t too big on Ocean Alley a couple of years back. They’ve completely converted me though with The Comedown. With crisp piano, a smooth baseline, some beautiful guitar effects and the amazing voice of Baden Donegal, Ocean Alley have filled up the hole that Sticky Fingers left behind.
5. Marryuna - Baker Boy ft. Yirrmal (AUS)
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a tradition Indigenous language rapped before, but Baker Boy’s unique style of mixing his Indigenous tongue with English is genius. He switches between languages with ease, whilst creating catchy hooks which will get you singing along, even if you don’t really know what the words mean (highly recommend looking them up though). Baker Boy is a huge talent for the next generation and hopefully we hear more Indigenous hip hop following his success.
4. Boys will be Boys - Stella Donnelly (AUS)
This song is a tough listen, and even harder to write about. Stella Donnelly’s song detailing the experience of her friend’s experience after being raped, including the victim blaming by friends and family of the rapist, is hard to hear, especially when it’s described in such an honest and detailed manner. It’s a song that needs to be written though, with it’s message as relevant as ever with protests like the ‘#metoo’ campaign bringing light to rape culture and victim blaming/shaming. It’s a beautiful song as well, with Donnelly’s voice perfectly blending with the gorgeous guitar accompaniment.
3. Exactly How You Are - Ball Park Music (AUS)
Ball Park Music were relatively quiet for most of 2017, but they released two great indie tunes in the second half, the best being Exactly How You Are. A gorgeous love song which is as beautiful as it is simple sounds like an early Beatles or Beach Boys song, as Jen and Sam’s voices harmonise perfectly together in the chorus. Be prepared for an album by the band in 2018, with second single The Perfect Life Does Not Exist also being a great song
2. Watch Me Ready You - Odette (Aus)
Some songs take a couple of listens to really sink in, but some hit you immediately. Watch Me Read You fits in that second category. I remember my first experience with this song, straight away being entranced by the lyrical work on display. Odette’s delivery is both beautiful and sinister, with a beat-poetry-like vocal performance in the verses bringing light to the stories within the lyrics. She also shows she can belt out a chorus, with the hook highlighting her impressive vocal range. This is one of those songs which stays with you but continues to surprise when you listen. Hopefully we hear more of this later on in Odette’s career.
1. What Can I Do if the Fire Goes Out - Gang of Youths (AUS)
My number one mid-year still hasn’t changed. Although released early in the year, Gang of Youth’s lead single off their acclaimed album Go Farther in Lightness still hits me hard with every listen. From the ferocious drumming, the beautiful guitar riffs and the powerful voice of David Le’aupepe, WCIDFTFGO is a massive song. With lyrics which question one’s beliefs and faith when things go wrong, it’s a deeply personal but relatable song. It’s quite ironic that this year’s number one is about the loss of faith, whilst last year’s number one (Kanye West’s Ultralight Beam) was celebrating faith. This is a powerful track though, with its highlight being the gorgeous yet intense guitar breakdown just before the final chorus. 2017 was Gang of Youth’s year, with many tracks off their album going close to taking out my number one. This single though still reigns as the strongest track though and will definitely be a Hottest 100 top 20 (and maybe 10) contender, along with other hits like Let Me Down Easy and The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows.
Well that’s 2017 done. I will definitely be doing a review of Gizzard’s last album of 2017 this week sometime (I promise) and will try to have a look at N.E.R.D’s latest album as well as hopefully seeing films like All the Money in the World and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri and reviewing both of those, as they are highly anticipated films for myself. Have a good New Year and thanks for the support. It’s been hard to keep consistent with this blog this year but next year should be a lot easier and I will try to review both films and music on a weekly basis (might be harder some weeks but we will see). Thanks.
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