#i was worried during the whole process tbh but i trusted it and im glad
strawglicks · 3 months
A chat about Metallicog
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detectivesus · 7 months
Needed advice/ opinion from someone who not within my circle (I know your pretty good at this type of stuff)
Went out Friday night with my mate and this girl they are seeing (not dating, also pretty much ny friend too at this point). At the first bar, she starts flirting with me. When my mate goes to the toilet, she said that my friend told her that she can't see Me even though she finds me attractive and I'm more her type than my friend because I'm there best friend. She then said they got a date with another girl this Tuesday and were like, "Why can't I see other people I like and they can (I to also really like her)?" We might have had a few kisses here and there when they were looking for tabbaco and when they went to the loo.
We then go to the 2nd bar when My friend doesn't get in as they were too drunk but once we were in we didnt know the reaosn until i called them to hear that they were already in a taxi home. We literally went to the toilet, and then she suggested that we get a hotel room...😏, and we did, and honestly, it was indescribable. Like we were very honest with each other with how we feel about each other.
When we wake up, again, similar to the night before, we were very honest with each other and planned to spend the day with each other. During the walk to the restaurant, she gets a call from my friend. They were talking for like an 1/2 hour. Apparently, it was about why she didn't go back with them last night. If I'm being completely honest, the whole day was like probably the best day I had this year, and whilst walking to a bar/ tea place she asked if I wanted the this as a date in which I agreed with. Whe. We got in and sat down with our tea, she said something about my friend, and explained that every time she has spent time with them, they either argue and most of the time and leaves feeling worried. Then she list of traits of mine that she would want in a gf. We also planned to meet again Wednesday.
She had previously planned to meet up with my friend and when she was sitting in my lap I may have admitted to her that I had feelings for her and she felt the same and that near the end of the date I got pretty upset, about he going and the situation I got her in too. She was really sweet about it and said it was her choice to do it it wasn't on sided.
I walk her to were she meeting my friend and I bump into them on the walk back to mine and they were explain the augment they had and that their friends were telling them to stop seeing them, however they notice a mark on my neck and questioned it and I may have lied.
I get a call from her a few hours later crying saying sorry as my friend found the marks that I made on her and she told them the truth, they apparent shouted at her and she ran out, i tried to help I ask if the want them to meet them. If they want me to get them a tax but the phone hangs up and im sitting here fucking worried and upset.
I then get a text from her that her and my friend are okay and moving on from the situation nd asking g me I'm I okay.
I text my friend to see if I can talk to them hut they just said they don't want to see me which I'm really confused
I just feel really confused, sad and i guess I want an opion on the situation, like
hellooooo sounds like you’ve had quite the week!! glad you had a good time but to be honest it was bound to get messy from the get-go. even if they’re not serious or official it’s still such a violation of trust for your friend & probably caught them off guard too. don’t mean to be too harsh, because i know in the heat of the moment things can happen, but i can see why they might want to take some time to cool off and process the whole situation before wanting to talk to you right away. a bit wrong of the girl too for putting you and your friend in this situation but definitely feel for your friend tbh!! complicated definitely but i think you just need to give it a bit of time <3
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zephyr-94 · 5 years
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inspired by the one and only, puff live!
a/n: this is my first ever fic omg pls spare me with my low writing skills cause ive literally never done this fjskdjdhjdks okay i just love na jaemin periodt. (after writing: ITS VERY JUMPY AND LENGTHY I DIDNT PLAN TO MAKE IT LIKE THIS DJSKJSJSS)
so like your aunt owns a cafe which is in the middle of the city
and you live a lil outside just cause you know, school n shit
you visit her so often cause its a small cafe and it calms you down whenyou need a short break from everything
its weird thats its in the middle of the city but its still calming right?
well okay so like you know those small streets down the neighbourhoods?
the ones you dont really go unless you are rlly feeling adventurous n shit, your aunt’s cafe is in one of those streets
okay longass context down
and at school, you are in a photography club,,, or technically you just learn photography from your teacher after school but its not a whole club extravaganza
just cause your school kinda demands an extra curricular after the first year
but it feels really suffocating to be forced to do smth as a group/with people you arent as familiar with,,,,
so you “signed up” for the smallest club: [photography theory]
it was about time you start doing your hobby-ish thing at school and the tutor was cool with you being practically the only student in the club lmao so everything was going well but
youve never rlly done anything big yourself and your school friends havent pushed you to do smth either
so you were kind of looking to at least take part in one out-of-class project initiated by students maybe
and theres this big school newspaper club/writers’ club,,,, and you find out that they are like !! photographers & stories wanted !!
and you ?? at first but apparently its a project where like students get to submit their fav pic & write a mini article about “your place of comfort”
cause the topic of the month is mental health/dealing with stress and the newspaper club wants a students’ view on it, instead of just “meditation” as a topic
then you just have that cafe in your mind like,,, how you would love to shoot the street light shining into the cafe from afar and how calm that place makes you feel,,,
basically you just love your auntie’s cafe lmao
so then you go on about maybe joining it,,, but then you be indecisive cause youve never actually taken a photo professionally you just have a prolonging passion for it,,,
and your teacher is like “y/n idk why you are contemplating no ones gonna judge you just try smth new, go take the chance if you are feeling like it”
we love a supportive johnny, oh yes your english teacher is your photography “club” tutor,,, self proclaimed club
actually there have been many opportunities in the past with taking photos for projects like this one but you just stayed away cause it didnt “motivate” you to take photos for it
so johnny’s words kinda pushed your back n you felt like this was the right thing :))
so then you visit your auntie on the weekends asking maybe if you can take pics & ask her a couple questions about this place
and shes like ofc!! wanna see how you capture this place :))
so then you do this whole process and you submit the article & photos,,,,,
which ends up getting a whole page???
and you are like wh a t
newspaper club: oh you submitted many such pretty pictures & your comment felt very genuine
and you :)) but damn a whole page,,,, you is a lil anxious djskdjdh now the entire schools now going to know you
johnny the hype man teacher: see i told you it was going to turn out nice
and then kaboom, your article lowkey blows up lmao
your auntie is calling you up like “y/n!! so many customers came today!! and a lot of them are wearing the same uniform as you, they must be the students from your school!!”
and shes so happy so you are happy af
but then you remember like,,,, shes never had a part timer,,,,,
and she continues to manage the place by herself after it gets popular among the students,,,,
?? auntie,,, you never take a break ??
shes like maybe ill think about hiring someone?? and you are like, that would be good for you :)) i will be less worried about your health!!
whoop guess who got hired
and after youve had that^ conv, you had constant classes n group projects n shit so you literally had no time,,,
two weeks later, kinda highkey stressed
you decide to go make a quick visit to auntie before going to the library to study
and you peek,,, to see not your auntie,,,,
but a boy?? 
just standing behind the counter,,, no auntie to be seen but a beautiful boy???
before the opening hours,,,, he?? must be the part timer,,,
and once he notices you by the door,
he just smiles at you,,, so brightly,,,,
wow youve never seen such a pretty face,,,
you actually like forget to open the door you are just staring from outside the cafe,,,,
and he just waves,,, and you snap back to reality like oh shit did i just stare at someone for a solid minute
welp that was embarrassing djkdjdfj
he opens the door for you and goes “hey you must be y/n :))”
“the only person who comes before 9am, thats you isnt it?”
and you just ?¿ confusion??¿
“auntie told me about it :)) hi, nice to meet you, im jaemin!!”
you are still confused but you just shake hands next to the counter,,,
and as you take a seat
jaemin just makes a smol run to the other side and hes like
“you came just in time, i want you to try my latte!!”
jaemin serves a cup of latte with a leaf art
this boy just served a latte first thing after shaking hands i-
you take a sip from the cup
and you are like,,, so auntie hired an experienced boy,,,,
“its really good,,,” it has the same comforting taste you always love
and jaemin just has the biggest smile :)))) you know his smile where the ends just curl in, yes that one
him beaming like that just makes you giggly inside,,,,
you ask him “so uh um im guessing you are the part timer??”
“yes!! i didnt introduce myself properly did i! i started working here two weeks ago :))
ive been coming here for quite a while now so im happy i got the chance!!”
and you ?¿ “ive never seen you here??” you are the most frequent customer youve gotta have seen him before fjsksj
hes like “oh um i always came at 9pm on a friday, after everyone leaves and the whole neighbourhood gets quiet”
you just :o
and come to think of it, you’ve never visited here on a friday night,, cause you know, friday evening is your im not doing anything tonight kinda me time lmao
inside you are kinda happy that someone who knows this place got hired like its a special place to you so
tbh you were kinda anxious even though you trust your aunt,,,,,
and jaemin hurriedly goes “oh and also auntie is taking a break today, shes out to the market so im gonna take over until she returns in the afternoon”
djskdj auntie why didnt she tell you lmao
“im sorry if you needed anything specific from her,,, you should stay for a while until she comes back maybe?”
and you are like,,, “oh that would be great,,, but unfortunately i have to go to the library,,,,”
jaemin: ): he pout
“im so glad you came today tho!! i wanted to see you :) auntie has told so many thing about you”
“wait,, what has she told you,, omg”
apparently shes told jaemin
a) reason why this cafe recently became a popular hideout cafe for students because you wrote a school article bout it
b) that you do photography
c) and that this cafe is your break time so you never study here and auntie loves listening to you talk about school n what not
and then you are like !!
“wait so then you dont go to our school ,,,um are you also a student?”
and you panic a little cause i mean you just met him but you literally know nothing and you mightve assumed things fjsksj
and jaemin tells you “ah yes i go to a hospitality school downtown” “ohh”
and from there he just starts talking about his school and what he studies
he asks you about school but jaemin is extra excited about his hospitality course hes all !! :))!!
and you are so hooked on jaemin talking about his school you forget an hour passes by,,,,
[time to open the cafe]
then the customers start coming in
and you are like “oh sorry ive just bothered you during the preparation time,,,,, it was nice meeting you!! gotta go now :))”
and you rush out cause all you planned to do was give your auntie a little visit
also you dont want to bother jaemin cause its hes gonna handle the place alone for a couple hours
you wave a smol see you soon and
jaemin just does a little chuckle,, and hes like waving so widely fjsksj does he know other people can see him
and thats how your first day with jaemin went
later that day you return home thinking like,,, did you just get so excited to converse with someone who you juSt met,,,
na jaemin’s power
and jaemin on the other hand, is thinking about how beautiful you looked today
just that short while but it made him so happy
hes thinking about you all week uwu
so next week you visit again, expecting to see your auntie
and maybe also that gleaming boy
peeking through before the opening hours
the moment jaemin realises you hes like “y/n!!” what a shining boy
and aunties like “oh y/n right you met him last week when i was out right”
that morning you just talk to auntie about what shes been missing on after you went on a busy week
mind that jaemin is literally just listening to you & auntie talk
and he enjoys it cause you talk so comfortably in front of her :))
you decide to stay the whole day to give yourself a break
which meant you moved to your usual spot by the window
and auntie serving you (free) vanilla latte
you take out your camera and just start adjusting the lenses, trying to find the right frame
customers come and go so you dont get to talk to jaemin a lot that day
but its not like you came here for him,,,, right?¿??¿??
while you were thinking all that
jaemin was asking about you all day like
“so y/n’s favourite is vanilla?”
“does y/n prefer a latte over cappuccino?”
“i want to serve y/n something,,,, what would be the best??”
auntie: how many times did he mention y/n today omg
and as auntie answers
jaemin is thinking like
i wanna see y/n smile
and the entire day your auntie is like !!he :)))))
lmao same auntie same
so when the peak hours finish she goes
“i can take care of everything now, go talk to y/n”
and jaemin just smiles brighter than ever
so when he comes around, you startle
but it puts a smile on your face
because hes brought your favourite cake and just a smiling jaemin in front of you uwu
you both get to know more about each other like
how theres this two boys named chenle & jisung in the preparatory course whom he adores to death
or like
theres this jeno boy whose jokes suck jeno i love you
with a bonus of
you talking about how johnny’s english class is nothing but a comedian’s lesson
so that day went great
and now that you are comfortable
you visit the cafe to talk with jaemin more
even when you have a chill no stress week
it just makes you feel lighter by coming to the cafe now
and your auntie is hella happy that you two are getting along so well
it continues for weeks
just you and jaemin talking from time to time when the peak hours are over or before the cafe opens
you became best pals basically
he encouraged you to join more school projects cause hes sure your photography is worth the chance
you giving him daily support when he feels like he isnt doing the best for his course
sometimes when your aunt had to leave for a couple hours near closing time
you two just stayed there talking for a couple hours giving comfort to each other
late night lattes and cakes
also one time you got so excited from the bestest grades you got you might have hugged him without thinking oops
and one day, jaemin’s friend renjun is there when you come after school
and hes like “hi uh dont mind me im just here a bit because jaemin has to go somewhere after this and i dont want him to be late”
so you just,,, chill as jaemin kinda rushes
and when he goes to the storage room, you just see renjun getting along with the auntie lmao
auntie: “so i got offered this contract with the new type of beans? and idk if i should take it because that would mean i have to go out of the city,,,,”
renjun: “for how long?”
auntie: “two weeks maybe”
renjun: “oh thats fine, dont worry about it. jaemin can take over that. next two weeks right? his mandatory work experience ends this week”
so thats how renjun signed jaemin up to work alone for auntie without his consent
and aunties like “y/n!! it would be so much for just jaemin, you should help him :) your break starts next week right?”
so you also got signed up to this thing
fast forward to first day of break
aka the first time you “work” there
you are nervous and jaemin can feel it
“dont worry y/n, ill do all the talking and coffee, you just have to serve & clean!!”
so you try to calm down a bit
not to mention that you are also nervous cause its only jaemin and you in the room
but then he sees you fumbling with tying the apron and
jaemin says “here, give it, ill do it for you” while smiling a little
and from the back he wraps the apron around your waist,,,
and hes so close to you,,, your heart is fluttering
okay heart stop beating so fast pls thank you
and little do you know,,, jaemin is flushing a bit behind your back,,,
you are both the cutest mess
and you break the silence with a smol
“thanks :))”
trying to contain yourself from screaming
adapting to the serving side & keeping youself busy
you dont realise jaemin is literally admiring you the entire time as you get used to the job,,,,
here and then you forget how close you might be standing next to jaemin,,,
you kinda also realise how rEALLY attractive he looks serving everyone with a huge smile 24/7
and the way some customers are obviously attracted to him,,,,
but what you dont know is he is literally taking this chance to highkey flirt with you lmao
waves (sometimes winks) across the room
causally hovers over you when you cant find/reach smth
beaming the biggest smile every minute he gets to himself
and at first you panicked like ?!????
cause was this jaemin boy holding back for a whole month
is this his nature yes
but it makes you so happy to see him smiling all the time beside you
so jaemin yes its working
you gotta admit tho his flirty-ish behaviour grew on you this entire week djskjssj
a week of giggly smiles uwu
but the week after was unexpectedly the busiest of the busiest
you two forgot national holidays collided with the weekends and for some, it was a week off,,,,,,
so the week rushes by so quickly compared to the last one
it kind saved you tho cause your heart cant take more of that flirty behaviour
and finally,
the peak days are over,,,
and you realise its been a while since the cafe was just you,,,, and well jaemin but just no customers
the silence with faint sounds of cups cluttering,,,, you missed it
so then you go sit on the high chair
just admiring jaemin organise the shelves
he starts to prepare a new cup of coffee then realises you smiling at him “were you in awe at how effortless i look right now??”
you chuckle at his remark,,,
(needless to say that your are chuckling to hide how your heart is melting at his smirky smile)
so you twirl a bit shyly,, and avert the gaze to the familiar wood of the counter
asking him “do you remember the day we first saw each other, me sitting here and you serving the latte?”
“ofc, its the day i met an angel”
oh so confidently na jaemin really just said that
you quickly look up at him like !!!?!???!
and thats how he earned a first kiss (or rather a peck) from you
leaning over the counter and pecking you, a whole blushy mess
then comes a clink by the door
you juMp,,,,,,,
oof the customer may or may not have seen you two
you both rush around flushed like a tomato lmao
spending the rest of the day like nothing happened oops
and after the day ends, you two close the cafe
as you starting walking you are caught off guard when
jaemin just takes your hand,,,
“look y/n!! the stars are so pretty!!”
and starts swinging your arm like a tall child,,,
your heart is skippingnsjsjsjs
then at the corner, jaemin turns around and goes
“this is actually the place i first saw you”
and you ??¿?¿¿
“i saw you taking the photo of this night light shining into the cafe”
still hand in hand, jaemin steps a little closer
and takes his free hand to cup your face, kissing you,,,,
you smile into him as he kisses so softly, thinking
maybe the day i took that photo was a friday night
and melting into the kiss, you really think you are dreaming,,,,,
under the lights you once wished capturing a sparkling moment with the cafe in the back
its now you and jaemin in the frame,,,,
the boy who had you forgetting to breathe a month ago
whos now serving your favourite latte with a bonus of pecks on the cheek,,,,, (maybe on the lips if theres no one watching)
jaemin brings light to your life and you have never been this happy until you met him uwu
and it goes both ways, jaemin cant live without you now,,,, you are the best thing thats ever happened to him
(thank the heavens & your auntie)
oh and also johnny for pushing you to submit that article lmao plus huang renjun for that involuntary sign up
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briteboy · 7 years
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stealing @bratsims format because i need a less ugly way to mass answer your messages which will hopefully motivate me to stay on top of this! at least i can say i tried
so if you sent me an anon message in the past...idk MONTH (i’m bad i know) it might be here. (older ones are near the bottom) if not, check my faq because it’s probably answered there. (and if you’re the person/people who sent the twin flame & 7th house asks, i plan to answer those separately because i have a LOT to say. get ready)
game of thrones, nuclear war, real life santis, lou theories, i’m evil, HERE WE GO!! i literally had to cut it off at the last one because it was just too much for now. i’ll try to answer some more later ok
we’re starting off on a great note
Anonymous said: gaddamn rooney's tiddies lookin' hella ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
STOP!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S MY CHILD soaidfnjds she’s supposed to have like b/c cups (goals for me tbh, the big boob life is not fun) and sims 4 pregnancies just fuckin make them...NYOOM i’m mad you can’t edit sims’ bodies during pregnancy even with cas.fulleditmode on -___- so i let her live with her giant preggo tiddies for now
Ngl I want a kiss between Santi and Gianni (I'm sorry I'm literally trash)
then i’m here to satisfy your desires: they do kiss periodically because gianni is one of those people who’s like “why shouldn’t you kiss your friends?” free love 4 everyone
hey this is kinda random but i thought joe seaward from glass animals looked kinda like santi? he has quite a weird face too lmao
oMG i actually love that, i know what you mean. that dude reminds me of a bull terrier lmao i actually saw glass animals like two weeks ago!! i didn’t really get a good look at the drummer but now i wish i did. missed connection
i just finished reading santi's story and ugh it almost had me in tears! beautiful, your story telling skills and editing skills are perfection!
ahhhhsdkgkds thank you so much ;____; that means the world to me <333
Unpopular opinion: im so done with game of thrones tbh. It's not even good anymore :/ I liked the first season but since then i've skipped through episodes because they are just sooo fucking boring and dragged out!
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see like the first three seasons were pretty good because they stayed true to the books. (actually that’s a lie, littlefinger’s chaos speech in the s3 finale was real fuckin bad because guess what: it was original material LMAO) the fourth season was where it started to get messy and then the fifth season was a fucking shitshow because they completely IGNORED the fourth book and cherrypicked all the “good” parts out of it (read: the most action-y parts, while ignoring all the most important pieces of character development) and they botched the dorne storyline, oh and who could forget the iconic moment of throwing in a rape (THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS) just for fun :) love it! but anyway if you think the show is boring i probably wouldn’t recommend the books, they’re even slower getting through them lmao. but it’s worth it in my opinion. there’s so much they don’t include in the show and it makes me Angery
Okay, game of thrones fan here, I haven't read the books (yet at least, I bought book 1) but I feel like dany is going to practically turn into her father, this season she is already showing traits like his.......
OH YEAH i definitely feel like they’re moving in that direction in the process of revealing jon as the “true” king of westeros and it’s so bad lmfao. the thing is, like...cersei is already mad king 2.0? why do we need another one?????? the entire point of dany’s arc is that she’s constantly trying to deviate AWAY from the way her father ruled, demonstrated by the fact that she freed the slaves (whereas all the targaryens before were slave owners), the fact that she’s not perpetuating the whole incest thing (LMAO GUESS AGAIN BECAUSE JONERYS HAS TO HAPPEN FOR SOME FCKING REASON), the fact that she has dragons which haven’t existed in how many years...like, if she ever ends up being like her father in the books, it’s NOT gonna fucking happen like this. but i don’t think she will anyway, george rr martin has been pretty clear about her trajectory thus far. anyway this show is so ugly, next question
rooney's eye are so BIG
just like her tiddies lmao i kno sometimes i forget how big they are and then she does one of those silly endearing animations and i’m like o ;-; hello big dumb baby cow eyes
Cows? Are you secretly Matthew Daddario?
WHO i had to google him lmao i was about to say “oh the teen wolf guy” but jk @ myself u idiot it’s shadowhunters damn i literally googled “matthew daddario cows” and
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I love how fragile Lou looks like but the truth is that she is strong af and you can't play with her bruh
SHE IS ;-; and that’s a huge theme in her story, i’m excited <3
ima leave ur blog and come bk and spam you so you will finally notice me
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im part of this online forum of girls that talks about our period and weather or not one of us might be pregnant and once this girl posted saying that her husband invited his mom without telling her to thier honeymoon and she didnt find out until they arrived at the hotel and she was already there. the most recent part reminded me of it. but long story short, her dad moved all her stuff out of his house and her friend came to pick her up and they got a divorce.
OISOJDFAKNLJSD WHAT!!! i’m guessing you sent this because of that thing i said about the reddit post lmfaooo imagine your mom on your honeymoon. why. that’s soooooooooo good 4 her u know. u don’t need to be married to his mom as well
thanks 4 trusting my love santi. he's beautiful
thank u he thinks ur beautiful too 💘
do you have any tips for runing game in good quality and fast?
euhhhhh the only tips i have for you are to merge your cc, close all other programs while you play your game, maybe invest in a cooling pad uhhhhhh yeah idk any other tips you can probably find on google
You told that thing about unfollowing people and I thought you unfollowed me, but then I checked and you didn't and I'm crying omg
lmao omg ;-; i literally cut my following list in half, it was so chaotic and it was making me anxious. so if ever unfollow any of you please don’t take it personally (i know it’s a stupid thing to say, and it’s a lot easier said than done) it’s just my brain explodes when there’s too much going on at once and some content blends into others, i’m trying to only follow people who i’m genuinely interested in enough to keep up with their posts from now on
I haven't been able to sleep in over 72 hours thanks to the constant fear over the looming world war. I'm fine. Completely fine
Oh shit, have you noticed that the media has been putting out more 'what to do during a nuclear attack' kinda articles? This world is slowly going to shit, for real. I'm not even near any of the danger really, but it still absolutely terrifies me to see all of that bc it could very well go wrong and hit my place as well yknow? I have no idea why i send this to you but you seem chill and calm so thanks for reading my freakout askfjsls
YEP it’s pretty terrifying. but at the same time don’t let fear overwhelm you, fearmongering is an ugly, ugly thing and you don’t want to live your life constantly worrying. so just prepare yourself for what might come, but at the same time, just spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do, and then if it doesn’t turn out as bad as we thought it would, you *tim mcgraw voice* lived like u were dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyin’
@ Jesus anon: I really don't think it's the right time to complain about "using the lord name in vain" when there are people terrified of leaving their homes bc they are afraid to get killed (aka that poor, poor Jewish anon in charlottesville)
yeah idk like i want to respect everyone but it seemed to be in poor taste to bring that up at a time like that lmao. and also i’ve literally never in my entire life met someone who actually takes “don’t say the lord’s name in vain” seriously. 
I asked about the poses and HOLY CRAP THANK YOU SO MUCH! I finally have good poses to use for story telling. Thank you soo so so so sooooo much!
YAY i’m glad you found some good stuff <3 and honestly just going through lana’s blog you’ll find a ton of good poses, it’s a gold mine
Idk how much tv you watch, but have you've ever come across a tv show that used music from The Sim? Because once in a while I'll hear Sims 3 build/buy music on some random show and I'll get a lil shook because I find it so weird that the generic music they're using comes from a major game title.
OMG LMAO NO what i wish i’d come across that tho. one time i used sims 1 music in a video i made for school and someone recognized it
I love your stories gosh I check your page "it's everyday bro with femmesim flow" Lol sorry for that awkward Jake Paul "poop" ❤️
lmao thank u i had no idea who jake paul was until my friends started talking about him
yo, I also remember once in french class real life santi asked me what videos games I like to play. When I told him the sims, he looked at me for a while and shaked his head. He was like, "why do you want to watch your sims use the toilet?"
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WATCH YOUR SIMS USE THE TOILET SAME that’s all i care about when i play
that rooney face in the 5 facts is so iconic, its my fave picture of her. You should blow it up and frame it
i should tbh. i should print it out and put it in my wallet to show everyone because she is my child
sorry the bother you, merging cc makes your game smoother? can you explain to me please?
hi i love you ♡ pass it on
Can I say that hearing a MacBooks fans screaming for dear life as they try to cool down when playing the sims has actually started to haunt my nightmares
SAME my macbook is actually doing it right now for no reason. thanks laptop
Maybe Santi should go to therapy to talk out his issues.
maybe he should 🤔  but tbh he’s already talked out everything, there’s nothing really more to talk out. he just has to cope with it. he’s treated lou like his therapist thus far and that’s not okay
i love ur story and omg i totally get where lou is coming from with being tired of being compared to molly by santi, thatd hurt so much esp with how much she cares about him
thank youuu ;-; i’m glad you understand, this was a part i’d wanted to get out for a loooong time now, and i know you guys were always like “um why does she put up with this” lmao. she just loves him, that’s why. but you’re right, it does hurt.
My theory is very similar to the other anons in that Fiona's dad/Lou's ex had a mental illness (schizophrenia, depression, what have you) but he actually did kill himself and that's why she's not completely losing it on Santi because I feel like most people in that situation would have not handled it as well as Lou did
🤔 you’re right about the last part, and there’s a reason she has so much patience, das all i’m sayin
i started your story from the beginning last night and i am in awe. Its amazing. It inspired me to put a little more effort in learning to edit and write. It was like reading screen caps from a movie! I didn't want to stop reading. Anyway thing was a super sappy ask, but i appreciate your stuff. And i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words.
omg ;__________; when people tell me i inspired them it means the most to me, my brain just can’t process it lmao. so thank you so so much ;-; <333 THE MOVIE THING ESPECIALLY GOT ME IN THE HEART because i feel like that’s my aesthetic with most things i create because i’m such a film person lol. don’t worry i love super sappy, and you did a good job of wording everything because it got me right in the feels <33
Okay I've been snickering for about 43 minutes bc SANTI GOT THAT GRU CHINNN
WOT is that i googled it and the only thing that came up was the dad from despicable me lmfaosdkjfs but ok
Please, please do punk edits of your some of your characters! I'd die.
WHAT DOES THIS MEANNN do you mean like. those 2010 tumblr edits of punk disney characters and then the joker from suicide squad looked like one of them. do u want santi to be the joker. because my boyfriend already relates him to suicide squad joker because of his face tatt lmao
You love to make me cry
i do i’m sorry. if it makes you feel any better i love to make myself cry too. but my biceps grow stronger with every tear
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I reeeally dont think those chancla comments were offensive??? Why would they be?? I'm hispanic (born and raised in the sunny Dominican Republic, received a fair amount of chancletazos myself) and I laughed out loud when i read them 😂😂
whATT my little brothers name is santiago n we call him santi for short!! guess it's not rly that uncommon but we live in a small country and he's also 4 so like,, no other santiagos!! idk why im saying this its completely irrelevant just kinda surprised me :'))
OMG wow hell yeah another real life santi...santi acts like a 4 yr old so he might as well be your brother
Just curious.. Do you play sims or just use it for storytelling? Sorry if thats weird haha
well my recent gameplay pics should answer your question lmao. i do like to play but i don’t have enough time to both play and pose scenes so i mostly just pose scenes for now. :[ i am gonna be off work for like two weeks tho so hell yeah gameplay here i come!!
I'm starting a Fiona appreciation movement because she is the real star of santis story RT and i love her and she is way underappreciated and I love her KThxBi
SHE IS THE REAL STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve said this before but santi’s relationship with her is the most important to me, out of every relationship he has in this story. i’m so glad you love her so much, sorry about what’s about to come in the next few scenes tho
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Oh my heart, Santi is alive, god exist
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I have a pretty hard time understanding Santi's story mostly because I'm not English but I'm sure I'll figure it out:)
ahh oh no D: i’m sorry i wish i spoke every language in the world lmao. if you want, you can message me off anon and i’ll help you understand it!!
Lou is an angel honestly
“there are worse things than seeing an angel before you die”
what tablet do you use? or how do you draw hair? it looks so pretty.
omg haha i don’t have one! i wish i did tho. all of the brushes i got from deviantart, i’m trying to find the specific ones but they’re all elusive wtf. i’ll post them when i find them! for now, here’s a good guide to drawing hair, by airi <3
I’M GLAD U HAD FAITH <3 i know omfg i would’ve expected a mob at my house if i’d actually killed him. if i ever killed him i would just lay down somewhere and die. that’s it for me
Lou & molly almost always have teeth showing, do you draw them on each pic?x
no, only sometimes i’ve drawn them when i felt like their mouths weren’t matching the expression i wanted. but most of the time it’s just the pose.
is it too late to send 16k dollars to guarantee santi's inclusion in a loving home with loving friends
it is absolutely never too late to send me 16k i promise you that
I just bought school books for $550 who knew studying marine biology could be so fuckING EXPENSIVE
EWW WTF...i’ve been lucky and haven’t had to spend a ton on books in my college career (one time i even went to such lengths that i got access to free trial version of one of my school books in a pdf, screencapped EVERY SINGLE PAGE, which was more than 400 pages, just so i wouldn’t have to spend $70 on it. i love cheating the system)
waIT i never saw ur selfie where is it, must see
u could probably just search “selfie” on my blog and find it, or enjoy the ugly closeup drunk snap i posted last night
Hey guys I'm a happy trans man that has no mental illnesses. I'm fucking pissed about Trump's ban. And to any one that says it's logical FUCK YOU! I'm having flashbacks to don't ask, don't tell because this is the same fucking wacked up logic. I'm so angry, like I'm a human, yes I may require testosterone shots once a month but that's it, I even administer them to myself. I pay for them with my own god damn money so fuck you transphobic bigots who say this law is fair. It's not. WE ARE HUMAN TOO Also same anon that ranted. Sorry about that I'm just really pissed and I love and thank you for sticking up for the community. We love you and I love you. And you're right not all trans people transition. We all do what we want to. Some start on T or E and have the full surgery. Some just have top surgery. Some just do testosterone or estrogen. Some never do anything. We're all still trans and we're all valid.
YES ALL OF THIS, sorry i didn’t answer this when it was all happening. but askdkjfas thank you for this message, I LOVE YOU TOO, SO MUCH <333 and i’m glad you feel comfortable enough to voice this in my inbox. yes every trans person is valid no matter what they decide to do with their bodies <3
One of those old hot topic shirts that said " if Darryl dies we riot " but with santi instead of Darryl.
OMG LMAOOOOO NOW THAT’S A CONCEPT who’s making these i want one
your use of references and reaction pics and gifs fucken KILLS ME
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Crystal anon here. I googled around my area to find there are none of those y'know, crystal, candle, incense, magic type shops. I have panic attacks when I go outside and I wanted to look into alternative stuff since I'm on meds and w/e. I wanted to know if you or friends had any experience or recommendations for buying crystals online like on etsy or amazon. How can you tell if they're real?x
ooooh ok. usually there are shops like those in cities or even in towns with like kitschy little promenades with independent shops. (i know there’s one around the town over from mine, which is so random lmao) i do have friends that have crystals but i think they mostly just collect them for the ~good vibez~ and don’t really look too far into the healing aspects of them. i would say first go with the one that coincides with your birth because those are the ones that are like specifically catered to you and strengthen your being. as for buying online, hmmmmm i mean i don’t really know any specific trustworthy sellers because i don’t have much experience with this, but definitely read the reviews! those will help you a lot <3
Hello could you please tell us how you edited the pic of rooney in that one post that the anon asked for the unedited version?
i honestly didn’t do much of anything that differs from my usual editing process! i made her eyes a bit bigger by using the clone tool, cloning the top of her eye and applying it a little bit farther up...if that makes sense. it’s hard to explain how to use that tool lmao. and i think i used the liquify tool to bring part of her eyebrow down to look more worried.
there's still a part of me that says she ain't dead and molly is just in a coma lmao end mE
OMFLDKGKJS yeah she’s not dead surprise. i WILL say there is still flashback stuff that will be revealed. well not “revealed” like molly’s death was revealed, like i just still have to showcase some things that happened afterward. because it doesn’t just end with molly’s death, there’s stuff after that as well :~}
I'm Mexican, have lived around Mexicans, have been to Mexico multiple times growing up, just came back from a family trip at practically the border between Mexico and Guatemala and never in my life have I ever heard the word "joder" i had to look it up xD (not hating or anything I just thought I'd mention it cuz I found it funny...lol) k bye...
OK NOT SURE IF the ppl you’ve been around just don’t curse or whatever but...joder is DEFINITELY something i’ve heard mexican people say before lmao
Okay so this is random, but i was telling my sister the name of one your characters in ur story (santi) and she kinda just starts singing his name, and she said "santi high, santi low, santi go." And im just sitting there, like woah.
u gonna incorporate fis hat into a really like emotional sad thing in her story huh
oMG i wasn’t planning on it but hmm 🤔
Why no el chingo? NO ME GUSTA (I'm joking btw ily)
LMFAOOOO because i didn’t wanna have to defile my son by downloading the penis mod RIP
let santi grow out dem eyebrows 2kforever
omg he does let them grow out except for the little line he shaved in when he was 14 that never grew back RIP
in ur bio it says "kt" and i know why,, it means killing them as in killing off ur characters slowly i see u gurl
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i bet this story was just an excuse for you to see the world burn. well done.
OMG i mean, that was definitely one of the side effects of it all. but really it was just that i NEEDED to get this story out after it had lived in my brain for so long.
ur dead 2 me
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I... just.... can't... too much pain Y U DO DIS 2 UZ?!?!!!
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janetoryim · 7 years
Word’s out: I’ve committed to attending Yale University in the fall to pursue my Master in Public Health!!!
For anyone who talked to me during the process, you know how anxious I felt throughout the whole process.
Back in October, I had a life crisis/mental breakdown and finally committed to pursuing graduate school instead of medical school. It took a lot of humility and sacrifice to give up on a dream that I had for so long. People kept asking, “Well, why didn’t you just apply to med school? Why give up before you get a no?” (background: I completely switched. Like I no longer desire to become a physician.) // READ MORE ABOUT THAT TIME HERE!
Throughout the whole process of applying to grad school, I faced a lot of doubt: what if I should have just applied to med school? What if I go into public health and have a rude awakening that I hate it? What if I don’t get in anywhere? How will I do on the GRE?
I felt really anxious because all of my close friends were getting full time job offers that they really wanted & they knew where they were going to live geographically the next year. But there I was, just figuring out my life, in the middle of first semester of my senior year of college.
And so literally a month after I decided to switch to this life path, I took the GRE on November 16th and started my first week at my new part time job, and two weeks after that on Dec 1st, I had applied to my first three programs. By December 31st, I finished applying to all 8 programs, all out of the state, struggled to finish my senior thesis, and had some personal stuff to deal with. That season was absolute madness.
The doubts didn’t stop. More than half of the programs I was interested in required a minimum of 2 years, public-health related work experience, so I couldn’t even apply to a lot of programs. And once I submitted and paid for my applications, I realized that some of my “back-up” choices were actually really prestigious. For example, I applied to one of the best health policy programs (George Washington University) as a back-up, but when I heard that it’s one of the best I began considering if I should apply to other programs, like UT/A&M.
But God is just so incredibly faithful.
With my GRE, I spent half a week in Houston to “study” for it, but really I just hung out with people. I walked into that exam not even knowing the format of the exam tbh. You basically get your scores right away (except for the writing portion), and once those numbers popped up, I stared at the screen for a long while because I performed a lot better than I expected. A couple of weeks later, I got my writing score, scoring in the top 7% of the nation on that portion of the exam. (HAHA THANK YOU, UT COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS. I guess all of those incredibly lengthy literary reviews and thesis papers paid off?)
And less than a week after I applied to GWU (the health policy program I mentioned), they gave me my first acceptance!
I couldn’t believe it. I remember the overwhelming joy that took away my doubts. It confirmed that I was, in fact, going somewhere, and that I made the right decision to choose public health. I messaged so many people, and I felt so supported as my friends and family celebrated with me. More than those things, though, I heard a strong voice of the Lord telling me,
“Janet, have peace. Do you not trust me? Didn’t you say that you knew that switching to PH was from me? Why do you doubt? Why are you worried? I am the Lord. I am faithful. Believe that I am who I say that I am.”
As time went on, I God proved faithful again and again.
At one point, I considered applying for a joint degree at Yale to get my MPH and my M. Div (Master of Divinity, a professional ministry degree). I emailed and later called the Director of Admissions to talk about it, and she was so excited for my passion for public health and my desire to understand God’s heart for the field! Though I ultimately ended up not applying for the joint degree, the Director of Admissions continued to follow up with me and even sent me personal emails to congratulate me on my acceptance and to give me contact information of others in the joint degree, just in case I wanted to talk to them!
And then I was invited to interview for UPenn, my dream undergrad school during a conference I was attending LOL.  A week later, I got my second acceptance. There’s a really long story behind this one, but this acceptance led to a lot of greater things and emotional healing regarding my family, in ways that I didn’t even know I needed healing.
I then received my acceptance to Boston University, another top 10 program, and they also gave me a $20,000 merit scholarship!!
As I received these acceptances, I grew more and more selfish and ambitious. I joined this forum that in which a bunch of people posted their stats & their acceptances/timelines of their decision. I began comparing myself to them. The newness of the acceptances wore off, and honestly, I became really impatient. At this point, I had heard back from all of my “backup” programs and was waiting on the “dream schools”. The most commonly used phrase that came out of my mouth was, “I just wanna knowwwww.” (To my friends: IM SO SORRY. I was so annoying but thank you so much for staying patient and walking me through this journey ugh im so lucky wow.) I stopped praying, I stopped thanking God. Instead of praying, “God just lead me to where you want me,” I prayed, “God, just give me an answer.” “God, why is it taking so long? I just wanna know where I’ll be next year.”
I hated it. I constantly felt so impatient, anxious. This pit in my stomach never just got bigger and bigger. I constantly checked my email. literally. every. 5. minutes. Each day felt so painstakingly long.
A couple weeks later, it happened. I got into Yale!!! I literally dropped my phone outside of CLA after class. I told EVERYONE. My parents almost didn’t believe me. I got so excited I LEGIT DELETED THE EMAIL. I Googled how to un-archive emails on my phone HAHA. Imagine getting the email, deleting it, refreshing your inbox, and then it not being there?? I honestly thought I was just imagining things.
About a week after that, I got into Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, one of the best programs. Then, I got into the one that I thought was impossible: The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Literally ranked #1, and has been for decades.
I couldn’t believe it.
But life is just so twisted. As I received these acceptances from literally the TOP ranked programs in the nation, and possibly the world, I didn’t thank God, the only One who made it possible. Like y’all. I had a 3.2 GPA when I applied. I didn’t deserve it. I really didn’t.
Then I started to feel guilt. I felt as though I should have trusted God a lot more in the process. I should have prayed not only at the beginning of this whole adventure, but throughout. At that point, I felt just so spiritually dry and far away that more than excitement and worship, my response was pure guilt. And I knew that this guilt was not from the Lord. It just got worse when I realized that it affected my personal life–my friendships, my ministry, my discipleships.
[[Eventually, I heard back from Brown and Harvard, which I didn’t get into. But honestly that’s totally ok because it made the decision-making process so much easier.]]
So because I wasn’t seeking God for clarity, I visited three programs for their Admitted Student Days: Columbia, Johns Hopkins, and Yale.
Super brief, but those visits gave me a lot of clarity. At Columbia, I realized that it was an amazing program, but not for me. I felt very affirmed though and was really glad that my brother’s there for his MPH.
For JH, I came in thinking that I would hate it, mainly because of the stereotypes that I had: that JH was full of competitive people who only cared about research. Long story short, I ended up loving it and getting to spend time with my best friend while I was there. I really really enjoyed the visit, and basically made the decision to attend in the fall.
But something kept me wanting to visit Yale. Maybe it was b/c I just wanted to get out of UT. Maybe it was the Ivy League name. Maybe it was b/c it gave me another opportunity to visit brudder Yim. Regardless, my parents didn’t think I needed to visit b/c it seemed like I was just so set on Hopkins.
But God really wanted me to visit Yale.
A couple of people know this, but I literally almost missed my flight for that visit. The boarding time was at 8:20AM, BUT I WOKE UP AT 8AM???? UM HELLO IM A MESS. I sped down I35 and got to the gate by 8:30, before my boarding group was even called up HAHA. Thank God I woke up and that I didn’t run into anyone or anything and that no police were around omg.
Overall, this visit made me super torn between JH and Yale, so I came in wanting clarity, but came back more of a mess than when I left. And let’s be real: I was SUCH a mess when I left HAHA.
And so literally on the plane back, I started this extremely crazy excel file, comparing course schedules of the two, weighing pros and cons, planning out my 2 year plan at both. I spent the next couple of days perusing the websites for both and figuring out what I would get involved in. I stalked literally hundreds of people on LinkedIn to gauge what the future could look life for me if I went to either institution.
Run-down of each:
Small cohorts (15-20 at JHU, ~25(?) at Yale)
Financially about the same
Baltimore & New Haven felt similar to me tbh
Grad student ministries
Baltimore, proximity to D.C. Really interesting place to study populations.
Lots of parks nearby, campus next to the harbor
Hipster and cool vibes
#1 program
Curriculum super rigid, but I would enjoy basically every class in my proposed 2 year plan LOL
THE leading public health institution in the world
Endless opportunities to work with the leading public health professionals, whose office is probably just down the hallway
75% tuition cut the second year
Very hands on/practical courses
2 internship opportunities: one domestically in the summer, 1 internationally in the fall (can carry over to the spring)
I already know of pastors and other contacts that could help me grow spiritually
INTENSE courseload: 18-22 credits per QUARTER omg
I would grow a lot as a student and in time management/discipline here. I would be trained as a highly effective public health professional in basically any field.
More theoretical/research-focused courses
BUT I get to take any course from the entire University. Like I could take Systematic Theology from the Divinity School, I could take classes from the #7 business school in the nation, the #1 law school in the world.
Flexible curriculum
More established connections with organizations around the country/world, but not necessarily in PH
Access to the Yale network, not just the YSPH network
Only 1 internship opportunity (summer)
50% off of tuition through scholarship/grants
No prior knowledge of churches/personal contacts in the area that would help me grow spiritually
Honestly, I had all of the facts. I had all of the answers. But at the end of the day, I felt like I was comparing apples to oranges, and I felt paralyzed because I was afraid of making the wrong decision.
But one of my friends put it well: When I weighed the pros and cons, they were about equal. I just needed to figure out what I wanted, and to commit.
I finally began to seriously seek the Lord and His heart for this time. I heard a voice loud and clear saying,
“Janet, more than the right/wrong decision, I want you to remain full of joy and worship in the process.”
And that’s exactly what I needed to hear. I was letting fear cripple me from making a decision–fear of the JHU curriculum, fear of lack of job prospects if I don’t go to JHU, fear of moving away, etc. etc. etc.
And as others prayed for me and listened to me, God covered me with this immense sense of peace that put me in a place to listen intently to His voice and His alone.
Once I sought out God’s heart, the decision was so easy. I began to realize that with JHU, there are SO many perks. Like why wouldn’t I go?? It’s #1! But I would go for very selfish reasons–to simply further my own career, to grow as a student, to more easily fulfill my dreams and ambitions. But with Yale, I was already thinking of ways I can start outreaching to my fellow classmates/professors/the community. I had a Kingdom mindset already. That was the biggest indicator for my commitment. I also started to see that maybe not having many contacts there would be better for my own faith–to become more independent, and seek growth and Truth individually. And I know that I’ll continue to have a community from back home that will keep me accountable with this.
How people think I feel about leaving UT
How I actually feel
Most people probably may think that I made the *wrong* choice. But I don’t. I’m definitely not saying that Yale is a terrible program. It’s amazing. And I’m so so SO incredibly blessed and humbled to be able to attend–with financial help! But What I’m trying to hone in on is that my life is not my own. I serve a God who is so faithful when I am far from it. I am loved by the Father who lays everything out in front of me and blesses me when I least deserve it, even when I turn my back on Him. I worship the Gracious Redeemer who blesses even my mistakes. I follow the Lord who calls me to things bigger and better than myself, One who uses a broken vessel like me for His glory. 
As I meditate on what God has planned for me in this upcoming life stage which seems so far away right now, I hope you will meditate with me on this passage:
“Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go.  This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:6-9
So friends, if you got to this point, thank you so much. I just kind of word-vomitted for an hour haha. Special shoutout to the friends that walked me through this whole journey: Christina for trying to listen as we worked out every TTH, Charlotte for always encouraging me and listening to me rant, Alyssa for your caring heart, Andrew for walking with me and being able to empathize as we journeyed through decisions together, Ethan for your insight and analyzing mind, the prayer warriors who at Luke 4:18 ministries, Lina/Jenny/Vicki/Bianca who listened to me during discipleship even if we didn’t get to read the Bible/pray as much together, and the Pastors (PG, P. Art, Pastor Steve) who texted and FB messaged me and prayed for me and asked me for updates. And anyone else I forgot to mention!! Really you are all so special and made me feel so supported and loved and cared for throughout this whole intense journey. Thank you for being in my life, and I hope that we will continue journeying through this mess called life together with joy and in worship! (:
Ok but before I leave I gotta graduate please pray that I pass all of my classes LOL
When You Give Up #1 for #14 Word's out: I've committed to attending Yale University in the fall to pursue my Master in Public Health!!!
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