#i wasn't sure about the pointy ears but it looked wrong without them hmmm
pseudogirlie · 1 year
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🌹I am but a single flower blooming in a great forest!🌹
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acidlashes · 5 years
Draco x OC
Chapter Five
Snake Blood
It was bigger than any structure she had seen in her short life. Bricks upon gray crumbling bricks stacked so high it had covered the horizon. Winnie sat with her mouth agape as she looked upon it in complete awe. Draco tried to hide his shocked gaze in an attempt to seek casual about the whole ordeal. He had been making fun of Winnie as she had seemed to easily wowed by all that's around her, so he did not want to appear the same.
His eyes rested on her as she stayed distracted by Hogwarts size. He could see her become smaller in her chair as all this seemed to finally intimidate her. Draco wondered why her parents kept her so sheltered. Lucius was cruel at times, but he always seemed to want the very best for Draco, even if it was only for selfish reasons. To him, it had seemed as though Winnie's parents hadn't cared much for her at all. He wondered if she had been ignorant to that fact, or if sadly she knew of her unimportance.
With the high sun shining down on her light hair and smooth skin it appeared as though she wasn't some awkward little girl. She was pretty. Her thick lips and upturned nose were reflected in the trains glass window. Draco continued to stare at her reflection as to not make it so obvious he was looking at her. It became hard to him to turn away.
That's when she looked back over at him and caught his resting gaze. Draco quickly turned with a blush painted across his cheeks. Winnie sunk her eyebrows down in confusion. It looked as though Draco grew nervous as she continued to analyze him. Usually it was Winnie who was nervous.
"Have you ever been here?" She asked trying to avoid speaking of what had just happened. Draco eagerly accepted the change in topic.
"No." He answered.
"It's big." She states "really big."
"How else do you expect it to fit all of its students if it wasn't big?" Draco spat condescendingly. He had been rather nice for most of the train ride, but his sudden shyness brought back out his rude behavior.
"Are you nervous to find out what house you will be in?" She wondered as the train pulled up to the building. Draco seemed annoyed by her question.
"Stop asking me such stupid things." He demands as he stands from his seat. Winnie quickly followed suit as to not be left behind once more. "I know what house I will be in, obviously." His words faded as he walked down the hallway filled with screaming and laughing children. Winnie continued to follow close behind him, but couldn't help but wonder as she walked. How could someone be so sure of themselves? It was as though Draco had been preparing his whole life for this moment. All the whole Winnie remained completely at a loss.
The children scattered outside the train and everyone eagerly runs towards the large two story entrance of the castle. Winnie reaches out and grips onto Draco's rob trying not to lose sight of him. Draco shot a look back at her and then down to their almost connecting arms. To Winnie's surprise he hadn't ripped his arm away at her touch, but instead allowed her to remain clinging to him for support.
The entrance hall was just as large as she would have imagined for a building like this. It was grand. Large marble floors and walls. It had almost reminded her of her own house, just much much bigger and more intimidating. Something she never thought possible.
A nudge on her shoulder caught Winnie's attention and she looked over to see a familiar boy. The one with the small scar on his face. Winnie let out an inaudible gasp at the sudden sight of him. He gave her a small nervous smile in return. Everyone's talking all around them seemed to fade in both their minds as they looked at each other.
"Hello." He said cautiously. Winnie swallowed her breath and sat back on her heels.
"Hi." She greeted with a very faint smile.
"Potter?" Asked an aggressive Draco "I hadn't expected to see you again so soon." Harry looked over at the boy with a much less welcoming face. "It's true what they say then. Harry Potter has come back and is now at Hogwarts." Draco took a step closer to him, but still remained on the stair above as to look down at the brunette boy. "My name is Draco Malfoy."
A muffled laugh erupts behind Harry. Both you and Draco look over to see the same red haired boy from the shop at had accompanied Potter. Draco gave the child a look of complete disgust. He then turned back towards Harry with anger in his eyes.
"You'll soon realize that some wizarding families are better than others." Draco's snake like eyes shot back and forth between the two boys "you don't want to b making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco extended his arm out in a gesture for a handshake. A slimy smile etched itself along his lips as he waited for Harry's hang.
Harry gave Draco no visible reaction to his harsh words. Winnie took note of this as it seemed to have annoyed Draco further. He was used to getting reactions out of people. He liked it. And, Harry wasn't giving it to him.
"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Harry spat back equally as harsh as Draco had. This caused a shocked look to replace his once cocky smile. Winnie was sure Draco would say something especially nasty, but she was relieved when an older women with a pointy hat along and placed her hand on his shoulder. He turned to meet her menacing look as she stood much taller than him. Without argument he took a step down and placed himself back next to Winnie.
"We're ready for you now." The woman said in a calmer voice and Winnie had anticipated. She turned and gave Winnie a soft smile before continuing "follow me." Without hesitation the crowed pushed forwards causing Winnie to walk ahead of everyone. Something she was not comfortable with. She tried to wiggle her way back as to not be the first one in the new room, but no one gave her the leeway to do so as everyone was so excited to see what was to come.
This time it was Draco who had reached out and took ahold of Winnie's coat. This brought her a small comfort as she entered the great hall only to see to her dismay it packed full of other students. Her face grew completely red as she was forced to walk down the walkway between all of the benches. Above her were floating candles and a ceiling that looked like the sky. She tried to distract herself from all the older students who seemed to only be looking in her direction. She had only hoped they had been looking at the famous Harry Potter, and not the unknown Winnie Rose.
As they all stopped forwards the older woman in the cloak took a step to the side and revealed a witches hat sat upon a stool in the center of the stage before them. Winnie instantly stopped a good distance away as the woman stopped leading them forwards. Draco looked at her confused by her nervousness.
"It's only a hat." He assures her. Winnie shook her head as she points forwards.
"It has a face." She pointed out. Draco looked over to confirm that the hat did indeed have a mouth and closed eyes.
"Before we begin." Began the old lady "professor Dumbledor would like to have a word. Winnie looked over to the long stretched out table behind the hat. A man with a beard down to his knees slowly stood up and faced the crowed of children.
"I have a few start of term notices." The man said in his old cracking voice "for the first year students, the dark Forrest is strictly forbidden." The man continued to talk, but Draco leaned into Winnie's ear distracting her from the mans words.
"This is stupid." The boy complained quietly. Winnie shot him a scared glance, as she did not want to be punished for not listening. Winnie was never allowed to not listen to her elders. She had expected Draco to know better himself as his father reminded her of her own.
"Now when I call your name please step forward and I will place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your respected houses." The woman called out ripping Winnie's attention away from Draco.
"Hermione Granger."
A frizzy haired girl jumped forwards instantly and gathered herself onto the stage. The old woman lifted the hat so Hermione could sit upon the now empty stool. The girl placed herself down and with a wide smile accepted the hat. Almost immediately the hat began to speak.
"Right then~ hmmm right." It said under its breath. Winnie opened her mouth in awe as she watch the hat ponder its own thoughts. After a few moments of mumbling the hat loudly proclaimed "Gryffindor!" A whole table of students erupted in cheers and the girls smile only widened as she danced over to be met with their greetings.
"Draco Malfoy." Called the old woman. Winnie felt Draco's grip tighten on her. She looked over at him and saw a nervousness take over his demeanor momentarily. Only for him to collect himself as soon as he saw everyone looking. He released his hand from her and made his way towards the stage and onto the same stool the girl had once sat in.
The woman reaches down and begin to place the hat on his head only for it to call out "Slytherin!" Before it had even touched him. Draco wore a snarky smile as he shot back up from the chair and headed towards the other table of cheering students. He gave Winnie a glance as he passed her, but she remained only more nervous than before.
One by one each student around her was called until there was few remaining to shield her from everyone's attention. Winnie looked around cautiously as the finally called Harry's name. As he sat in the stool you could see him talking beneath his breath. The hat called out his words "not Slytherin, aye?" Asked the hat "you'd make a fine Slytherin, it would help you become a great wizard!" Harry continued to mutter as the hat talked over him, though his words did not fall onto deaf ears as the hat finally gave in and shouted "Gryffindor!" To Harry's relief.  No one had told Winnie that it was possible to negotiate with the sorting hat. She wondered if anyone had ever even tried it before Harry Potter.
"Winnie Rose Elway!"
Her heart sank as she heard her very own name. Much in the same way it would sink when her mother called her name. She knew it could mean nothing good. She had a sneaking suspicion that this situation was no different. She was unable to move as everyone looked at her expecting a quicker response.
"Come on." Encouraged the old woman as she waved Winnie forwards. Winnie forced her right leg to move up one step, and the rest of her body soon followed. She creeped towards the seat and slowly turned herself around. Her petrified face was met with a sea full of strange looks.
Carefully she placed herself down on the chair. Still with eyes as wide as the moon. Her shaking hands gripped onto the side of the chair as she tried to balance herself properly. The women lowered the hair to her hair. With every passing second time seemed to stop. A nervous sweat coated her back as she tried to gather her thoughts.
"Gryffindor!" Exclaimed the hat as soon as it had touched her head. Winnie nearly fainted in shock. She remained seated on the chair until several students in the crowd stopped cheering and began giving her strange looks. Her mouth fell agape, but no words were spoken. She wanted to argue, but knew better, she was raised better, she knew that when she was told something, she must do it. "Huh?" The hat spoke as she continued to stay frozen in fear "you disagree with my judgement?"
"N-no!" Winnie spat out not wanting to upset the hat.
"Then, what is it girl?" It asked. Winnie looked around panicked, unsure of how to address the situation.
"M-m-my farther" she began barely able to finish her sentence "my f-father insisted I-I be placed in S-Slytherin."
"Oh?" Laughed the hat "who is your father?"
"V-Vincent Elway, sir."
"Vincent Elway?" Repeats the hat "ah, yes, I remember Vincent Elway. I had placed him in Slytherin just as fast as I had chosen Gryffindor for you. The cunning man he is."
"Y-Yes, sir."
"He wants you in Slytherin does he?" Asked the hat.
"Yes, sir."
"Well, if he had wanted you in Slytherin so bad, maybe he should have raised you to be a Slytherin." The hat explained. She felt her chest shoot out as she tried to catch her breath. Her father would surly kill her for failing to place in the right house. She knew she couldn't go home now. He would truly and honestly kill her this time.
"That is not a criticism on you girl, but one on him." She sat paralyzed. Never had she realized her father was able to be criticized. Tears filled her eyes and quickly fell down her cheeks. She wasn't sure how she began crying to fast. She knew all the other students would think poorly of her. She knew Draco would think poorly of her.
"Luckily for you both, it's more than just what you are now, it's what you have the potential to be, and I can see something in you. Something your father might not even be able to see. But, it is something you will have to look for and find if you ever wish to be a true Slytherin. If that is really want you want to be." Her mouth begins to open but before she can speak the hat roars an answer louder than his last.
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