#i watched eps 29 and 30 today while working
cake-chad · 5 months
Kremy being down bad for Gideon will never not be funny
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chu-diaries · 1 month
140 days of productivity: day 7/140
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Today was a bad day because I woke up sick. The air is so dry that it made my rhinitis worse and now I have flu symptoms. I forced myself to work, but I barely got any results today. I spent the day with headaches, body aches and period cramps. Today I should have sent the link to my store to all my WhatsApp contacts, but I couldn't think properly and I basically felt like a dumb slug... my brain seems to have turned into jelly. At least I managed to go to my acupuncture session and kept on testing my 140g candles.
🩸: day 1/29
💧: 1,5 L
🏋🏻‍♀️: 🚫
🏃🏻‍♀️: 🚫
🕯️: I fixed errors on my website and started developing a message for my contacts (4 h)
🪘: 🚫
🇰🇷: watched my favorite Korean baking channel on YouTube (30 min)
🎧: I listened to kpop songs while driving but can’t remember which 🤡
📺: one piece ep. 532
📚: hp and the deathly hallows
🛑: 14 days pick free
💊: vitamin c, omega 3, iron and magnesium supplements + acupuncture session (1h30)
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Hey hey HEYYYYYYY it's 2022 Nanbaka Survey Results Time!!!
No I have not forgotten about the survey, I have just been quite busy in reality land. Today we are going to break down some of the data I collected over the past 2 months!!!
First things first, WE HAD PARTICIPATION. Like 95 people summited there info in contrast to the 30 ish people who submitted last year!! The main reason is probably because I had more connections, but I am still gooped gabed and gobsmacked at the amount of people who participated this year!!!
Also, in this year's survey, I got a bit more personal! For example, the who's your favorite character and how far are you in the manga questions, which I will elaborate more on when it is their time to shine!
Question 1: What's your Name? (Optional)
Um I ask this question to just so I know names and I feel like there is actual people doing the survey, I don't really need to, and it's just a thing I like. I'm not going to name any names here, but y'all have cute names, and ❤️I love all you❤️. Platonically.
Question 2: Which of these is you?
This is the gay measurement, Nanbaka is a gay anime, and I want to see the gayness of the fandom. Me myself, I am pansexual, and it's just a thing. Normally, I would screenshot the actual graph that Google created, but I made a giant mistake. I forgot to put gay/lesbian on the survey, and I ended up adding it later, in the middle of the time. So I'm just going to just type out all of the data as follows.
Pansexual: 14 people (14.7%)
Bisexual: 29 people (30.5%)
Asexual: 26 people (27.4%)
Non Binary: 16 people (16.8%)
Transgender: 14 people (14.7%)
Cisgender: 13 people (13.7%)
Gay/Lesbian: 12 people (13.2%)
Straight: 10 people (10.6%)
General Queer: 1 person (1.1%)
Aromantic: 4 people (4.4%)
Demiromantic: 1 person (1.1%)
Unlabeled: 1 person (1.1%)
Questioning: 3 people (3.3%)
Bioromantic: 2 people (2.2%)
Hetromantic on the Ace Spectrum: 1 person (1.1%)
Genderfluid: 4 people (4.4%)
Genderqueer Polysexual: 1 person (1.1%)
Omisexual: 1 person (1.1%)
Alrighty, so there is the data, but I am going to shout out specific hand typed answers that I thought where just great.
"Those straight people who think anime women are hot." (Incredibly Valid)
And the response that reminded me I forgot gay
"gay. Y'all forgot gay."
Question 3: How did you find out about Nanbaka?
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Alrighty so since Google is being a poopy face, I will rewrite the longer answers.
A gif of it from Tumblr lead me to check it out
Saw a friend get into it 5 years ago, so I got into it too
YouTube recommendations wouldn't stop showing EP 1 of Nanbaka on my recommended feed
Mi mi mi amv
I saw it on an ad while watching something else
I saw a fan made video on YouTube recommended
A Facebook page
Quite honestly I forgot how I found it.
YouTube is putting in the work and effort, to bring people here which is stunning, I'm glad that everyone has their own journey and good for y'all.
Question 4: How do you enjoy this Magical Mystery Ride?
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A simple one. It is so nice to just screenshot it and not have to deal with all of the extra stuff, and re type everything.
This question correlates with another question down the road but we will get there.
Question 5: Who is your Favorite Character?
We have lots of non choosers. This is what happens when the character creation is so good, that it is almost impossible to choose. Also we have a few "I can't choose one so I will choose multiple" which is also incredibly valid.
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Alrighty 5 minutes later, I now have a list! Now I will type out the list so y'all can read it better.
Enki: 1
Rock: 6
Jyugo: 20
Nico: 15
Uno: 19
Momoko: 3
Samon: 13
Qi: 3
Kiji: 2
Elf: 1
Liang: 5
Musashi: 5
Korjio: 5
Mei: 4
Ikkaku: 2
Tskuamo: 3 (still can not spell his name)
Honey: 3
Inori: 1
Building 5 in general: 1
Yamato: 1
Taura and Tauro Twisters: 1
Hitoshi: 1
Mikazuki: 1
Can't choose: 5
Zakuro: 2
Shiro: 1
Hajime: 3
Misturu: 2
Ido: 1
Shin: 3
Upa: 2
V: 1
Trois: 1
Kenshiro: 2
Ishal: 1
Yamada: 2
Blank?: 1
Kyuubi: 2
Mao: 1
Tengu: 1
Hina: 1
Five more minutes later, I have completed that list!!! I am surprised that there is so much underated character representation, and we stan. Also everybody love love loves Jyugo and I love that.
Question 6: How far are you in the series?
I asked the question for one reason and one reason only, to give people the resources so they can CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE SERIES. and get to know all of the characters. Since Pocket comics is not working out so well for Nanbaka, I will give some Sho approved resources so your can read it in English and/or truck through it in Japanese. (Because that's pretty much what I do since not all of the manga is translated. You just gotta pretend you know what's going on.)
So there are some main categories for people in the survey,
1. The people who just watched the anime to the end.
If you feel content that's awesome, but also resources.
2. People who have felt the magic disappear, and where just done. (They don't truly have any interest in reading further)
Cool beans.
3. People who are stuck on 192.
It is the dreaded number of doom. It the last chapter available "illegally" on the internet, and is the last chapter formated by the legendary sleepykat.
4. People who have read what has been translated.
5. The people who have read all of the manga with or without translation. (Translation: they can read Japanese or can just suck it up like me)
So here are my resources, the "legal" ones.
The first one is the legendary Sleepykats blog : @when-will-i-sleep
This will get you to chapter 193-198. She also explains how to get into comico, which I will not be explaining because I'm surprised I did it myself.
Here is the Nanbaka Comico Page, where you will find Nanbaka in it's raw, uncut form. Yes! You will have to watch a bunch of stupid videos, play silly applications, or invest your own money into this! It is an investment! Because this is Sho Futamata's LIVELYHOOD. She lives, laughs, loves, off of this, so no complaining!
This is the random word document that has all of the chapters from when sleepykat stopped, to chapter 333. Pretty legit.
And that is all I can do. I can not translate any of the further chapters, due to my inability to speak Japanese, I cant do anything. If I find anymore resources, I will try my best to give them out, but Nanbaka is kinda on it's way out, so hopefully there is a new titan of translation. But for now there is not.
Question 7: Age Range!!
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Another simple one!!
MMMMMMM pie graph.
Well, I hope that all of you feel enlightened and full of information about the lovely fandom that we have!! I would usually connect data, but this post is super long, so I'm just going to end it! I hope all of you have a great day, and stay stunnnnniiinnnggg✨✨✨
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 42 - Filling up at  old style sweet shop 'Kamikawaguchiya'.
Part 1 (Part 2 here)
00:14 K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Today is a little different from the usual white background.
J: Its totally different.
T: Its good isn't it? It feels nice.
J: It does.
K: Yeah, Joe san, Tasai san, Im forgetting the order of things, haha. Uh, where is this?
J: So this is in the neighborhood Zōshigaya, and this place is called Kishibojin. I think most Kantō people know of this place. Its really near Ikebukuro. By train its either the Toden-Arakawa line, or the Fukutoshin line, and about 3 mins walk from Zōshigaya station.  Kaoru, is this your first time here?
K: Yes.
T: What do you think of the atmosphere here?
K: Well, I like temples, so...
J: Oh, you like temples?
T: (*speaking off mic*)
J: Yeh, so Ikebukuro Sunshine City is quite close to here..
K: Is it that close?
J: Yeh, its close. You could walk it if you tried. Its not that far. But this area has had temples and shrines on it since long ago.
1:33 J: So, inside here is Japan's oldest sweet shop.
K: The oldest?
J: Yes.
K: Ah, we talked about this before.
J: Yes, thats right. Shall we go inside? You know, I've not eaten all day so that I will have room for sweets.
K: Really??
1:56 J: Here we are. The name of the shop is 'Kamikawaguchiya'.
T: Established in 1781?
J: Really. How many years is that? I can't work it out immediately...200....240 years ago?
T: Yeh.
2:16 J,T: Hello, sorry to disturb you.
J: This shop was founded in 1781? What generation are you?
Old lady: 13th generation.
J: 13th??
T: 1781 was in the..
Old lady: Edo era.
J: The Edo era?? Well, this place is very unique, and Im already feeling hungry. Do you remember this? *picks something up* Its plum jam. I used to put this on soft rice crackers.
K: Oh yeah!
J: We used to eat this, right? Plum jam. Its so nostalgic, I really wanna eat this. What else..
T: Should we just choose one each?
J: Once each?
T: To start with.
J: Oh, to start with, yeh. Kaoru, what about you?
3:11 K: This has a lot in..
J: Oh, it does.
K: So, I might be full after just this.
J: Haha, yeh. You chose quickly.
T: Oh this is nostalgic.
J: So nostalgic!
Old lady: Please put them in a basket.
J: Ah, ok, we'll put them in this.
T: These are 'lottery sweets'.
J: Excuse me, do you have those rice crackers to put plum jam on?  Oh, these! Its this!
Old lady: Thats a pack of them. The individual ones are down here.
J: Oh, right.
K: This is really good. (*looking at the sweets box lid *)
J: Haha, yeh.
K: I feel like Im back in my hometown.
3:58 T: Ok, im gonna pull out one of these sweets.
J: So nostalgic!
T: Look, (*points to Ginko leaf*) the Ginko tree is shedding here.
J: Remember this yogurt type thing?
K: Oh yeh yeh! I've eaten that.
J: I'll have this too.
K: Hang on, lets eat the first ones before that.
J: Right, the first ones.
K: Ok, money...
J: Our staff will pay.
K: Ok, we'll have these, and one of those please.
T: Yeh, one of the lottery sweets.
Old lady: Please pull one out.
T: This is nostalgic too!
J: Its a type of gambling.
T: Yeh, this is the moment you turned from a child to an adult. Ahhh, its small!
J: Ah, it is small.
T: Im in shock. Thank you, I'll eat it later.
K: So, this and this aswell please.
Old lady: Ok, pass it over, I'll work it out.
J: Please do.
Old lady: ¥30, ¥50....ok, thats ¥119.
J: ¥119.
T: I'll get this.
J: This is on Tokyo Sports? haha.
K: Thanks for buying us this!
J: So cool! haha.
Old lady: ¥81 change.
T: Thank you.
Old lady: Thank you very much.
J: She's so thankful just for ¥120.
T: Yeh, it makes me happy.
J: Ok, lets try these. Look at this..
T: That looks good.
J:(*opening packet, Tasai holds the the rice crackers for him while he squeezes the jam on*) Oh, im sorry, can you help me. I feel like the colour is different.
Old lady: Ah, thats because the maker is different.
J: Oh?
Old lady: The old maker closed down three years old.
J: Oh really?!
K: Are you using all of it.
J: Of course!
Old lady: The newcomers can't make it the same. ???*1 This one tastes okay.
J: Its ok?
Old lady: ???
J: Ok, I'll try it. Ah, yeh, its ok.
T, K: Hahaha.
J: Its just like you said, its ok. Ah, but its nostalgic! It tastes like old times.
K: *To Tasai* You're eating already?
J: Eat while the camera is on you!
T: Haha, it tastes good.
J: Please, we're on location!
T: I can't take it out of my mouth now.
J: We didn't come here to eat only.
6:29 J: Ok, Kaoru, you next.
K: *opening packet* Oh, it has a tooth pick.
J: So it does.
Old lady: Would you like this?
T: Oh, no Im ok, thank you.
K: *eats sweet* Mm, yeh this is how it tasted.
T: Haha
J: I've actually never tried that before.
6:55 J: What is it? Is it a hard sweet?
T: Isn't it gum?
Old lady: I think its gum.
K: It says its candy.
J:Oh, candy?
Old lady: Like a hard type candy.
J: It might be like a gum style gummi sweet. We had gummis in elementary school.
7:12 J: Ok, me next. What should I go for? Oh, this type of thing..
K: Ahh.
J: You suck it. This is nothing but food colouring.
T: Oh, look at this.
J: Ah, this. Oh, also this. *Opening box* This, this, this!
K: Ah, plum.
J: Plum! This is so sour! I might go with this. But Kaoru, you choose yours first. This is exciting.
7:44 J: So this is our second round.
T: Yeh.
J: Everyone's like, I don't care, just choose, haha.
K: I've had a sweet one, so I feel like getting a sour one this time. Maybe I'll go with this.
J: Oh, you're picking that one? Yeh, thats a good one.
T: Yoguru
J: Yeh, its Yoguru. Thats so nostalgic too. You eat it with a spoon, right?
Old lady: The spoons are in there.
8:23 J: This too, right? Kinako sticks.
*Old lady and Tasai talking in the background*
J: I think I'll go with this. The sour plum. I'll take the plum..
T: And I'll go with this old fave..*holds up bag of snacks*
J: Ah, that!
Old lady: Oh, thats delicious, isn't it.
T: Yep.
Old lady: This one (Yoguru) has a lottery. Ok, its the same as last time, ¥119 yen please.
J: ¥119? Thats great.
T: Thank you
J: *getting money out*. No, no, this feels great, haha. Paying for you two adults like this.
9:05 J: Oh, the smell of this.
K: *smells the plum* Ahh
J: The smell makes your mouth water, right?
K: Its sour! You've gone for another sour one.
J: *smells the plum* So sour!
Old lady: You drink it with the straw.
J: Oh, were you supposed to drink it??
K: You should have opened that first *points to straw*
J: I've done it in the wrong order again, I just can't get it right.
K: While you're doing that, I'll eat mine.
9:28 K: I didn't win.
J: Oh, yeh! That comes with a lottery.
Old lady: Someone won with that before and just threw it in the bin.
K: Ehh? What a waste.
Old lady: Customers just eat them and throw them away.
K: *eats* Ahh, this is nostalgic.
J: What exactly are the ingredients in this? haha. Its not yogurt, is it? At least.
K: Its best not to think about it.
J: Haha
10:06 J: *Drinking plum juice* Ah, it sour!
K: Haha.
J: Did I really drink this as a kid?? I cannot drink all of this.
K: Does it irritate your throat?
J: Mm..*drinks* Agh, sour! This makes my face   frown!
T: ???*2
J: Honestly, I've got tears in my eyes! Do I have to drink all of it?
K: Yeh, you have to.
J: Really?
10:34 J: Ok, watch this. *drinks*
K: Ahh, the straw is little..
J: Agh, so soouuuuur. Ah, its sour. But its cause its vinegar, right?
K: Its good for your health.
J: Yeah. No mistake.
K: It has artificial colours in it though.
J: It does, yeh. I'll eat the plum just as it is. *eats plum* Ah, yeh, i remember this taste. *To Tasai* You want this one? I can't eat two.
T: I've still got this sweet in my mouth from before. I've totally messed up this job.
K: Hahaha
T: Its still in my mouth.
J: And you're holding everyone's snacks. You look like the sweet shop guy /駄菓子おじさん
T: Haha, Kaoru, do you want the plum?
K: Nah, im ok.
T: Haha, you're ok?
K: It looks difficult to eat.
J: It is difficult to eat, for sure.
11:35 J: Ok, should we go for a third round?
K: Yes. I havn't brought money, Toru can pay.
J: Thank you
11:50 K:*picks up snack* A long time ago, was it my previous band? We used to eat these in the all night studio.
J: Haha, these?
T: A nostalgic taste.
K: Yeh, we had no money.  We used to eat stuff like this.
J: ???*3, its big right?
K: Yeh, I would have it if I got tired and hungry, and wanted a sweet snack.
12:19 T: Is this a stick lottery?
Old lady: If the end is red, you win.
T: Should the three of us play?
K: Yeah.
Old lady: How many do you want?
K: Three.
Old lady: Just three? ¥33yen please. *Takabayashi pays*.
T: Ok, lets try these lucky sticks.
J, T, K: *eat snack* Ahh
J: Oh, look! I won!
T: Thats a success.
J: I thought the plum food colouring had just gone on it.
K: Haha, no.
13:02 J: *getting another stick* What happens if I win again?
Old lady: You just carry on, no matter how many you win.
J: Ok, I'll try this one. *eats* Ahh, I didn't win.
13:24 K: *opens packet, eats* Ah, there's no mistaking that taste.
T, J: Hahah
T: Can I try? *takes a snack from bag, so does Joe* No mistaking?
K: Its kinda sweet.
T: Ah, tastes great!
K: This is so good.
T: It is.
13:40 J: What is this thing again?
K: This? If you look closely, they are different.
J: Oh, I used to get this one, Mochitarō.
T: It says 'sauce flavour'.
K: I used to get this one.
J: I got Mochitarō.
Old lady: Mochitarō is the strong flavour, the other one is sauce flavour.
K: I might go with this.
14:23 J: This is fun.
K: Oh, its chocolate barley.
J: Chocolate barley? Its hidden there.
K: And these. *points to snacks in basket*.  Um, near my parent's home, they would come and shoot these out. It was on the back of a truck.. (*image here*)
Old lady: Yes, thats right.
K: And you would take your rice, and there was this handle that they turned, and made it into this snack. If you helped out with turning the handle, they would give you it for free. And at the end, they would shoot it out.
Old lady: ???*4
K: Yeh yeh yeh.
J: Really?
K: You could make it with macaroni too.
Old lady: Its also nice as popcorn.
Click for Part 2
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lemoncakepanda · 5 years
Top 50 NaLu Anime Moments {Pt 3}
I am so sorry it took me so long to write this! This week has been a roller-coaster to me, especially since Tuesday. I got so busy, and every time I would log into tumblr, I would only look at my dashboard and have absolutely no energy left to write. Without any further delay, let me show you guys the rest of my top 50, and today we’re covering moments 30 through 21.
Part 2 can be found here.
30. “I’ll be lonely, you idiot!” (Ep 265).
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This moment still makes me so emotional. Like... i’ve said this before on my previous top 25 moments, so there’s nothing much to add, but I love this moment because it shows how much Lucy began to rely on Natsu. How much she needed his presence around her, despite always kicking him out and scolding him. And then to lose all that? Just like that? To be filled with such a huge sense of security, the certainty that someone will always be there for you, and to have that ensurance taken away from you? That must’ve hurt. That must’ve broken her heart and it’s no wonder she’s so upset with Natsu when he comes back (again, I get why Natsu had to leave and I’ve already given my thoughts on it, but I also get Lucy’s side) and must’ve stung extra harder bc she’d just lost Aquarius, something she also never thought would happen. But yeah, this is why I like this scene, despite it being sad. It was great character development for Lucy, showed the development in NaLu, and it also pushed the ship forward by giving if conflict and separation, which only resulted in bringing them closer in the future. Also, I also like how Natsu only left a note to Lucy and no one else. She really is his most precious person, along with Happy.
29. “Let’s save the tears for when we win.” (Ep 159).
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As a big sucker for moments where Natsu comforts Lucy, this one’s gotta be in the list. Despite being in a team of 5, despite her whole guild being there, only one person came to pick up Lucy and lift up her spirits and that was Natsu. It could’ve been anyone, really. Erza or Gray. But Mashima thought (and I agree) Natsu would make the most sense, because of how deep the NaLu relationship runs, to showcase how they’d grown even stronger since Tenrou Island, and it worked! Natsu, who’d once called Lucy useless to her face, coming up to her and telling her she was amazing, even though she lost? Lucy, who was always so annoyed with Natsu and his fighting, looking up to him with tears in her says saying “i’m all fired up”? That’s the kinda development we strive for.
28. “You’re Lucy of Fairy Tail, aren’t you?” (Ep 23).
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I swear, this ship makes me want to scream. And here we come back to a time when Natsu and Lucy were still growing as a team, and still didn’t know each other that well, but already had so much faith on one another. This, I feel, is the first time (after, you know, the tower jump) where it showed that they actually cared and understood each other, mostly Natsu, in this case. Everyone else told Lucy not to cry, not to blame herself because of what her father did, meanwhile, Natsu merely reminded her of who she was. Where she belonged to. And like Lucy said later in the arc, she believed her mother would want her to follow her heart and do what she wanted, and this was probably the first time someone other than Layla showed Lucy that her choice was hers to make, and hers only. Like i’ve said before, what Natsu said, what he did for her here, helped shape Lucy into the person she is today, as well as it’s what also helped Lucy to start relying more on Natsu emotionally, whereas she relied mostly on him physically, to protect her.
27. “Lucy!” (Ep 303).
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This moment... is much lower on my list here, whereas it was so high on the first one, but that’s mostly because my opinion has changed, as well as new moments have arrived that I loved much more, and some other moments too I now realize I took for granted, and took a high spot in my list. But nevertheless, it’s still a very special moment. And despite my problems with the animation, I have to admit that I like the desperation in Natsu’s eyes as he holds onto Lucy for dear life, after almost losing her (big sigh bc we know what happens a few eps later); and he even forgets about the other people around them: Mest, Brandish, even Happy! I like how she came first here to him, how he didn’t even hesitate before grabbing her. Now, how he came from that position to groping her boobs with all his might later, I can’t even explain, just... you know... Mashima.
26. Natsu and Lucy versus Jacob. (Ep 299).
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Listen, this... this is one of the funniest fights I’ve ever watched on anime. While I like the pacing better on the manga, I really liked the execution of it in the anime, and hearing Natsu and Lucy’s “dirty talk” was one of my dreams coming to life, lmao. Natsu and Lucy once again showing how great they are at teamwork, and why they work so damn well together, how their thoughts align and how their trust on each other plays a huge deal on their victory. Plus, hello, it’s this moment which gives Mavis the inspiration to defeat Zeref, so it’s an extra big moment, i’d say, despite being severely underrated. Still on topic, I liked how when Lucy was undressed in front of him, Natsu was like “how is this supposed to be hell?” and say what you want, but just because he didn’t blush didn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying that view.
25. “Thank you for protecting our future.” (Ep 187).
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Not really a NaLu NaLu moment, but still a very sweet NaLu moment. In case you don’t know (and for that reason, you should not be reading this list), the one in the picture is Future Lucy, and what makes this moment so special is that, even though that’s not present Lucy, it’s still his Lucy. He trusts her word completely and understand she effort she’s made, and all the horrors she’s been through, and he kneels down to the ground, craddles her head and presses his forehead to her, to express how grateful he is for what she’s done, and to show that he appreciates her, even if she’s not from his time. And this must’ve meant so much to this Lucy, because she lost her Natsu; she watched him die (the anime even does a little flashback), and she is back at the warmth and the softness only one person could give her, and she thought she’d never have that again. And then there he was, right in front of her, still the same man she’d always known. Still believing in her. Also, a small bonus: present Lucy is watching all this with a sweet smile and a soft blush on her cheeks.
24. “Don’t worry me like that.” (Ep 310).
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And now we’re back to me wanting to scream because of these, bc hey... look at this! How come these two f*ckers started a goddamn a relationship and not even realize it? Like, it’s not even possibly platonic at this point in the story! There’s no friendship that can explain this, especially when it’s purposely being parallel with Gruvia, a canon romantic ship, and especially because we know what led up to this moment. And then you have Lucy holding onto Natsu, so relieved that she found him and squeezing him closer to her, despite not knowing what happened to him or what he’d just done, and Natsu whispering her name, listening to her voice once again when he thought he’d never listen to it again, having her so close to him when he thought he’d lost her... and you want me to not ship that? You want to tell me that’s platonic? I can’t even. I literally can’t even. That’s all I have to say about this.
23. “I want a piggyback ride.” Drunk Lucy round 1. (OVA 4).
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While I love Lucy jumping on Natsu and wiggling her body onto his during the christmas ova, I have to admit this moment here has a special place in my heart, which makes it higher on the list. Maybe it’s because it was the first time we saw Lucy drunk, and was still a time when we started to really get NaLu moments, and Lucy’s feelings were still 50/50 to us, and then you get this, and Drunk Lucy is all f*cking over Natsu; she has hearts around her when she’s happy because she saw two Natsus, she makes him omelet (how? idk) and wants to feed it to him, is upset when she thinks he rejects it, wants him to make her purr... this alone should tell you a lot, is all touchy-feely with him, and basks in how warm he is, with her eyes closed. And Natsu, my boy... you coulda just run. You didn’t have to stay there and you didn’t have to obey her, lol. I bet he was freaked out because Lucy had never given him this much attention before, so he didn’t know how to deal with it. Always nice to see some Lucy > Natsu action, so let us all thank Mashima for the existence of Drunk Lucy, who makes this more possible than regular Lucy bc she lives in denial, lol.
22. “Beautiful”. (Ep 73).
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A classic moment, and one that is immensely loved within the NaLu fandom, and rightfully so! Not only is this the most beautiful tree i’ve seen in anime, but also gave so much more depth to Natsu and Lucy’s relationship, despite being a simple omake. I’ve mentioned this before, but after Phantom Lord arc, there was very little development on NaLu, and most of their scenes together were reapeats of things we’d seen before: them reuniting after the team is separated, working together to solve it, reuniting again, trusting each other, yada yada. Very nice, but still, mostly just friendship and nothing that really stood out. This moment here, where Natsu uproots a tree for Lucy just because she was sick and couldn’t come to see it, then putting it into a boat so it could float all the way over to the front of her house... can be seen as a platonic gesture, and probably was made with that intention on Natsu’s part, but the thing is, these kinda things only happen with them. Yes, Mashima could have given this moment for someone else like Erza or Mirajane, or even Wendy, who was new to the series and probably didn’t even know about this: so why didn’t he? The answer is quite easy, and y’all know it. Development. Growth. Natsu was upset Lucy couldn’t come and join them, didn’t even crack a smile during the whole festival, but he wanted Lucy to be able to, even if he didn’t get to see it. He wanted to make her happy. That’s very special of him, and I think there was already a little of romance there, he just didn’t know what it was, so he just followed his feelings and went for it. Okay, enough gushing and analysing, time to end this list.
21. “What do I look like to you?” round 1. (Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry).
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Please, don’t kill me for not having this on top 10, I wanted to put it there, because HELLO, LOOK AT THIS PICTURE, I NEED 911, I- HOW CAN THEY STAND SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER! MY BOYFRIEND SAW ME GIFFING THIS AND ASKED “IS HE TRYING TO KISS HER” AND I JUST FREAKED OUT, SOMEBODY SEDATE ME! Mashima, what were you trying to do with this? Were you trying to kill us? Like, why does Natsu want to know what he looks like to Lucy? And why he’s gotta stand so close to her that their noses are brushing, just to ask her this? AHSIAHSJJAOSJAAKA, I KNOW THE ANSWER, BUT I STILL NEED ANSWERS! Okay, I was able to calm down a little. I really truly love this moment (love dragon cry in general), and I love how Wendy interrupted them and knew immediately she’d walked into something intimate, the poor thing, lmao, I wish that was me. But really, this is just Natsu taking any excuses he can to stand super close to Lucy even when it doesn’t make sense, because we all know he’s just got it real bad for her.
Will try to post part 4 tomorrow, but no promises. My baby niece is staying over and she takes up all of my free time, lol.
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bunnymcbunnister · 5 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 9/9
Hope everyone enjoyed the gag reel today! This week brings us a few tiny tidbits about 15x5 and a few general (although confusing) spoilers from Dabb. 
General Info (oldest to newest)
There is likely to be 20 episodes
They are filming the 4th episode 1st, which Jensen is directing
Returning this year are: Rowena, Ketch, Eileen,Amara, and Adam
Jared and Jensen know the ending. Jensen struggled with it at first. Misha does not know the ending as of SDCC
Matt Cohen and Richard Speight Jr. will direct
Sam, Dean, and Cas will struggle with the concept of free will and if they ever really had it
The focus will be more on Hell than Heaven
There is hope to wrap up some Wayward Daughters storylines in the back half of the season
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?)
Brad Bucker used the word “romance” when asked about Sam and Dean’s arcs. Did not specify who.
Chuck will be more of an absent protagonist in the 1st half of the season (but he in in ep 4)
At the beginning of the season Dean and Cas will still have a rift. They will reconcile “at some point”. Jensen claims as of script 4 they still have friction. This has been repeated several times, from Misha as well. He indicated Dean is still mad at Cas, but Cas doesn’t feel to blame for Mary’s death.
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. Hell, I’d watch.
There will be a special tribute ep, not clear if its one of the 20 or additional
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season
According to Dabb, Sam and Dean are going to start to lose people who, in past seasons, we would’ve never lost — and lose them in a very real way. Our guys are going to realize there’s a certain finality, and some of the things they’ve relied on to get through the day — people, talents, things like that — they are no longer going to be able to roll out. And that’s going to throw them for a loop (Unfortunately, my guess in Rowena)
Also according to Dabb, Jack is still in the empty and “he’s not coming back in the near future” (this makes no sense. He’s on set for several episodes- interacting with the boys)
Cas’ deal with the Empty may come up later in the season. 
Episode 15x01
Title: Back to the Future
Written by: Dabb
Director: Showwalter
Filming Dates:  7/30-8/9 (no filming 8/5 for Canadian holiday)
Airdate: Oct 10
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info:
The first episode will start right where the previous left off
Misha posed with the John Wayne Gacy clown
Jensen posted a series of pics- one clean shaven, one vid of him shaving, and one where he    appeared to be in character with blood and dirt on his face and in Dean plaid, but with his beard… confusing.
Jensen was photoed filming (wearing an FBI jacket)outside with Alex!
Misha and Jared filmed outside with a woman and young girl. They were running from the clown guy and a few other zombie looking creatures. CAS WAS NAKED (haha just no trench) and holding a shotgun. It could have been rehearsal and there was no camera in the clip shared by a fan which might explain the coat? Another fan said it was hot and Misha kept taking the coat off, so I’m sure this just a piece of rehearsal footage.
Alex was filming in white sunglasses. Other set photos indicate he had makeup on his eyes making them look burnt out. There is some spec that Jack will come back blind.
Misha posted a pic of the 4 of them in the impala
According to Variety, the boys will escape the zombies in a temp shelter. They are working together, but Cas feel “detached.” Misha seems to indicate that Cas feels unfairly blamed in Mary’s death and is deeply upset about Jack.
Episode 15x02
Title: Raising Hell
Written by: Buckleming
Director: Singer
Filming Dates:  8/12- 8/21
Airdate: 10/17
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? YES Jack ? YES
Guest stars: Ruth Connell, David Haydn-Jones, Rob Benedict, Emily Swallow (?)
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
A set was a high school set up to be a shelter.
Chuck, Ketch and Rowena will be in this. Maybe Amara too. Emily Swallow was in town for only a short time, so I imagine it would just be a scene or two
Ghosts/zombies were seen on set. There will be a scene with Rowena attacking them that includes at least Dean and Cas.
There will be one longer scene in a park.
Alex was in sunglasses again - not sure if this is a costume thing or an Alex thing
Ruth posted two vids of Misha claiming that he had filmed several scenes, but had no dialog - over three days so it must be a scripted reason(A spell? Chuck? Is he giving Dean the silent treatment?)
Ruth posted a video with her trailer, but the video showed Alex’s as well, so Jack
Misha posted from set in costume. Minus the coat again, but I’m still blaming the heat…. But he was without in the two Ruthie videos as well… soo……? I don’t know. I still think it’s a heat issue.
Night shoots are scheduled in a warehouse. Hand painted signs indicating quarantine were nearby
Episode 15x03
Title: The Rupture
Written by: Berens
Director: Charles Beeson
Filming Dates:  8/22-9/3 (No filming on Labor Day?)
Airdate: 10/24
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? yes Jack? yes
Guest stars:  Ruthie Connell
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Misha mentioned a scene at VanCon with him, Sam, Dean, Rowena, and Jack
Sam Smith was on set, but I would imagine she was visiting as she was in town for VanCon
Episode 15x04 (filmed out of order)
Title: Atomic Monsters
Written by:
Director: Jensen Ackles
Filming Dates:  7/18-7/29
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Probably not  Jack? Probably not
Guest stars:  Rob Benedict
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Jensen mentioned  a guest star “fan favorite”  that hasn’t been seen since season 7 that is no longer in the business. Guesses include Becky, who hasn’t acted in a while but isn’t exactly a fan favorite, Meg, who hasn’t acted but she was in season 8, and Balthazar or Frank or Jo or Rufus, but all act frequently. Jensen doesn’t always have the most accurate season memory, so he could be off on the season. Since this seems like a Chuck episode, my guess is Becky but I hope for Meg. SOURCE UNCONFIRMED- I haven’t seen this in a reliable source, so take it with a grain of salt.
There was a beaver mascot on set… it looks like they are filming at a school called Beaverdale
Jensen and Jared filed outside in fed suits
Chuck will be in this one. Jensen directed him first alone with his beard unshaved (so maybe a solo Chuck scene or him interacting with others/not the boys)
This will be a one off, classic monster hunting episode with some ties to ongoing storylines. Sam and Dean will leave the bunker to keep their skills sharp
Jensen directed
Misha will not be in this ep
SD Comic Con was during filming
Episode 15x05
Written by: Yockey
Director: Speight
Filming Dates:  9/4-9/13
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Jack?
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
This will most likely be Yockey’s last episode.
Not sure about Cas’s status in this one. I don’t think he was on set the first week of filming, have to see about next.
Matt Cohen was around, but I imagine he is following directors to prep for his own debut directing. 
Scenes were filmed in the bunker and in a wooded area. A woman could be heard screaming in the outside scene. 
Episode 15x06
Written by:
Director: Steve Boyum
Filming Dates:  
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Jack?
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Episode 15x07
Written by:
Director: Speight
Filming Dates:  
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? Jack ?
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
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Aniplex Fugou Keiji Livestream | Fugou Keiji 2 | Kitsutsuki 2 - 4 | Arte 3 - 12 (FINAL) | Fruits Basket 27 - 32
During the Millionaire Detective: Unmissable livestream (part of FunimationCon and Aniplex Online Fest), I watched and took notes, so you might find these handy upon retrospect. To be honest, this is how I do the posts for magicalgirlsandcerulean’s livestreams as well, but there hasn’t been one of those in a while...
Otherwise, these are all normal notes.
Aniplex Fugou Keiji Livestream
Look out for the dancer from the OP
Onuki was the model for the dancing for the anime – he was told to do it out of the blue
Episode 11 might have one of these^ be relevant
Daisuke’s cup ramen has shark fin in it and he made the packaging from scratch – that’s why it’s so expensive!
The director Tomohiko Ito omits important information, allowing people to decide for themselves what happened. (Miyano) – This might be why the series is stylish. (MC)
Attractiveness of character design is important! (for adapting Fugou Keiji to modern day)
I’ve never watched a livestream where the stars were so conscious of their English and Chinese audiences! This was interesting, especially because Onuki is not normally known as a VA!
“We still have a little bit of recording to do.”
Fugou Keiji 2
I keep misunderstanding my own instructions…this starts again in July after ep 2.
Todai = Tokyo Daigaku (Uni).
I believe this is the 2nd time I’ve seen a rich person like commoner’s instant noodles, although I forget where I saw the 1stinstance.
Kambe switched to the back seat now, huh?
Ah! Now I remember! The first time was seeing spoilers for this episode on Twitter! (LOL)
I see Suzue has a sensible naming scheme for her data.
Hmm…judging by the Google hits, the name visible in the background (Betbeto bin Abura) is the Arabic prince from last time.
SYN-ACK. I see these guys did their work – that’s the final stage of the 3 stage handshake required for things like internet sockets (used to send “packets” of data).
Way to crash a party, Kambe siblings…(LOL)
I really wanna see someone draw Kato slapping (Daisuke) Kambe in the face with a wad of cash…or a “shut up and take my money” meme with Kambe in it.
I like how “special cup ramen” is on the purchases list and it costs 100000 yen. I also like how the reporter Mita was bought out for 5000000 yen (bigger than all the other individual costs except for buying out the Tower)…that’s how he showed up.
Kitsutsuki 2
I gotta finish this show and then pause it…3 shows in my normal lineup are safe.
Did Kindaichi take the bones of the fish out for Ishikawa…? Like a child would have had done for them?
Why is Ishikawa being referred to as “Hajime”…?
Draw this prostitute like one of your French girls…(LOL?)
Ishikawa clearly dropped those coins into that book earlier.
Way to diss the potential asexuality/celibacy in the house. I mean, it’s the 1800s – early 1900s, so there was less LGBTIQ+ stuff then and certainly the further back you go, the more sexual prowess becomes a sign of masculinity, but still, if the guy doesn’t want to go through with it, don’t force him.
Notice how the borders were pink for Ishikawa’s version and blue for Kindaichi’s.
Notably, Otaki didn’t seem to have that hairpin…but maybe that’s because we saw things from Ishikawa’s perspective.
Ooh…who are these bois? Also, crab.
Kitsutsuki 3
…cat? Now there’s a new perspective. That’s like saying the butler did it.
Yay! Hagiwara is Ume!
Notice Hagiwara’s version has a purple frame, while Yoshii (?) has yellow and another person has dark blue.
I think “consumption” was tuberculosis, once upon a time.
I love how the crowd is fed up with Ishikawa’s bulls***.
Ooh, chuuni Akutagawa…
In a Grove is the Rashomon story.
Tarou Hirai = Rampo Edogawa.
You stalker, future Rampo!
I kinda suspected Otaki when I thought through the possibilities…Ishikawa, Kindaichi, an outsider, Otaki (and as of this ep, Rampo too).
Gaiheikan? Is that Ishikawa and co.’s lodging?
Did they have pencils back in that day?
Kitsutsuki 4
I think it was in Detective Conan that I learnt (one of) the only way(s) a man can get his nails done is by his wife doing it for him, possibly as a prank or to indicate he’s “taken”. Note this was early Detective Conan, so it’s very much a 90s attitude…considering the widespread acceptance of drag queens and the LGBTIQ+ movement these days.
Lace flower.
Maichou seems to be a hybrid of Asahi Shinbun and Mainichi Shinbun.
[Monkfish/dictionary/going home] - Is this how Ishikawa shows consideration…?
The purple letterrboxing is back but this time with Ishikawa…meaning that’s just an aesthetic thing for all flashbacks after all.
Just from vaguely hearing it (I’ve got the volume on low), the words are nodo tsuki/nodo zuki. “Throat moon/throat wound” works just as well, if not better.
Balsam flower.
Update: Since enough anime fulfilled the special COVID-19 criteria, Kitsutsuki was put on hold after this.
Fruits Basket 2 2 (27)
I’ve read Another, remember?…so I kind of know what happens.
Uo’s got purple nails…that’s surprisingly cute of her.
Aw, Kureno! Another Ume role!
Why is “shisho” (master) not translated…? A weird Tokyopop-era translation quirk?
Aw, Shisho cut his hair…? Bummer.
Who was that? Shigure…?(!) Update: We find out his name later in this ep.
“If you continue to change, I’ll continue to protect you.” – Another quote for the archive.
Great…I feel personally called out by this ep.
Fruits Basket 2 3 (28)
It seems all male designers wear their designs if they have no one else to wear them…at least, that’s what I’ve gathered from Hajime (Runway de Waratte) and Ayame.
I remember Ayame stood in for Yuki’s parents in the manga at one point. This must be it.
(Spoilers for later!) I also remember Mine and Ayame get married at the end…This is the prelude to that.
Dang, Ayame, you moment-ruiner!
Fruits Basket 2 4 (29)
Did anyone in the doorway hear about Hatsuharu turning into an ox?
To quote Sailor Mercury, “Douse yourself in water and repent!”
Ooh, window splitting Yuki and Haru. Nice cinematography going on here.
I bet all people think they only think about themselves, in one way or another.
Arashiyama tofu.
Yatsuhashi are great. They’re these sweet triangle things like samosas that come in various flavours. Mitarashi dango are sticky brown skewered balls of glutinous rice…which I’ve never had, but I’ve seen them in enough anime to know what they are.
I only just realised this, but Yuki’s hairstyle isn’t even on both sides, like Atsushi from BSD’s.
Huh…you can see a copy of Mogeta and Ari (as it turns out, “Ari” is the name of a character and not “ant” at all in this case) on Haru’s bed. There’s also an article in one of the magazines discussing how denim is the popular thing now and which types are in right now.
Fruits Basket 2 5 (30)
I realised Yuki isn’t calling Tohru by her first name – he’s going against Haru’s advice.
Hmm? Why should anyone ask a rabbit to hold their horses…? (LOL)
CGI cars…*sigh*
Tororo is grated yam, IIRC.
I learnt recently that nanban means “savage” or “uncivilised”…for a potato and chicken dish, the name and the contents don’t really match…Update: Nanban means “savage” (noun) or “barbarian”. Close enough.
17-26…age gap 9 years…yikes…
The words “(a happy, yet) caged bird” come to mind when Kureno describes himself. Also, Kureno is an Ume role! Yippee!
Ahh…young love…even if it has a bit of an awkward edge to it. Mind the (age) gap!
Me being the Ume stan, of course I want to hear those sweet nothings in his voice, even if it has to be via a proxy like Uotani…I wouldn’t be an Ume stan if I didn’t.
…Ah, I see. Uotani reminds me of Minare from Wave and vice versa.
Oh, I just remembered Akito is 20 or thereabouts. Kureno/Akito is only a bit more legal than Uotani and Kureno.
Arte 3
Notice Leo never once uses Arte’s name in the lady’s presence. Her name does have some infamy to it, after all.
“She’s got some guts.” – You say that at a live dissection…LOL.
Is this love~? What’s the age gap between Leo and Arte, anyway? Update: We know for sure Arte is older than 13…that’s it.
Make the things you want prominent with perspective and such. I thought that much was obvious, but for someone straightforward like Arte, I guess it ain’t so. (Maybe it’s because I’m self-taught to some degree when it comes to art.)
*sketching by candlelight* - You’re gonna ruin your eyes, Arte!
Arte, ma girl! You’re getting’ a raise! Good job!
Arte 4
Anime makes this courtesan stuff sound like a host club…(?)
I thought Leo was saying “Aria” for a second instead of Arte, LOL. I’m getting too used to that being my alias…
Arte 5
The speech bubble said “so annoying I could die”.
Arte 6
The video’s gone all pixelated…at least, the subs have…
I bet she’s going to fall over…Update: Nup, she didn’t.
Arte 7
I thought Yuri was a Russian name…or a Japanese one.
This is basically Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine all over again! (LOL)
I thought Yuri would be pushy…like, “Here’s an offer you can’t refuse.” That kind of thing. Likewise, I didn’t think Arte would refuse.
Leo? *dun-dun-DUN!*
Siena is apparently in Tuscany. Also, I did see the Silent Manga Audition page had a chapter on a pregnant woman, so this is ch. 17 or thereabouts.
Is Ruthanna not getting the money because she’s pregnant…?
Epidemic? The Black Death?...Speaking of which, Arte is very much of that ganbaru spirit. By being progressive for her time, she becomes ordinary in our time.
Ohhhhhhh! It’s a reverse harem in progress here!...This would be a good otome game, come to think of it. It’s framed the same way.
Leo can be surprisingly childish at times, don’t you think?
Arte 8
…Really? She fell overboard? *raises eyebrow*
Ooh, china (with and without capitalisation).
Is this another sarcastic child…? Oh, bother. Still, I can see why Hamefura crossed over with Arte now…Katarina vs. Catarina!
Arte 9
Bigoli is a type of pasta, as can be guessed from context.
The kanji for the episode title literally translate to “bad child”! Like the Tones and I song, LOL!
Mikata (ally).
Arte 10
This episode is giving off a Katarina x Gimo ship vibe…but with how young they are, I’m not sure I should ship it. They’re 6, aren’t they…?
Oh, you can see Katarina and Sofia’s hug in one of the ED frames.
Arte 11
Arte’s let her hair grow out…
An Italian man…bowed. In Renaissance Italy. Now I understand what all the ANN complaints are for.
What’s up with that kid’s face…? *grumbles*
Leo’s just being Leo, I see.
That’s right, Angelo and Leo never met.
Instead of a father or a brother overly cherishing his daughter, it’s the uncle…I never thought I’d see the day I saw something like that.
Arte 12 (FINAL)
Is this like Orientalism, but with gender…? (What would you call that?)
Lemme guess…Leo is working on the church mural and so he’s away?
Was that Leo, in the middle of the mural somewhere…?
Another Japanese bow in this anime, which is set in Italy.
But where is Arte herself in that mural?
Fine = end.
Fruits Basket 31
The word Momiji is using is “hisso” or something like that. Hissho is secretary, so the translator made it “secret getaway” to make it work.
That hat! *laser stare*
*one of the textbooks has “high school chemistry” on it* Tohru can do chemistry?! I suck at chemistry!
The episode title is translated as “Are you really this stupid?” It seems the real line for that was “Are you an idiot?”
Something about high school girls appeared in my head when Haru mentioned Shigure wanting to see Tohru in her tight swimsuit…*mumbles grumpily about pervs*
Kyo’s not wet, even though he got in the water! Amazing!
I think it’s sad that Tohru responds to “stupid girl” like it’s her own name.
“…that makes you suspect me?” seems better.
The Akito and Shigure age gap is somewhere between 6 and 8 years, IIRC.
Fruits Basket 32
Tohru switched from okaasan (mother) to okattekita (a formal past tense verb meaning either “bought”, “lent” or “won” based on the characters…which I don’t have a reference for). I assume because it was so off the mark, the subbers chose a similarly off the mark word.
“When I was a kid, I thought watermelons would sprout in my stomach if I ate the seeds.”
We only know about Kyo’s dad so far…hmm…what about the mother? Update: (TW: suicide) I think it was at this point we already knew that Kyo’s mother didn’t love him and committed suicide, but it’s not certain until later.
Why do doctors always use scalpels and syringes as weapons…? I mean, even Jakurai’s symbol in ARB is a syringe!
I’ve been wondering…how big is the Sohma family? Is it diluted enough that Haru and Rin can love each other without genetic problems for their child/ren? (From Another, I would say the answer is “yes”, but shoujo normally doesn’t care about this sort of thing, which is why I ask in the first place.)
Shigure seems like the type to say, “U mad, bro?”
The mansion looks like the one in Haruhi Suzumiya, if I remember the appearance of that one correctly.
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pumpkinmutual · 5 years
50qs tag!
I was tagged by the lovely @parkseonghwa , @prettyseonghwa , and my baby @helloicarus for the 50 questions tag!
1.       What takes up too much of your time?
 School/Work, both of which are important, but lately they’ve been making me question what kind of person I’m shaping up to be
 2.       What makes your day better?
 Maggie!! She’s my beautiful angel~ also my friends, both here and irl – and my cats! A lot of things make my day just a little bit better~
 3.       What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
 Maggie~ also we had a random blackout at my work and it was kinda cool tbh
 4.       What fictional place would you like to go?
Hm,,, potentially Gravity Falls just because it’d be super cool to see all the weird stuff, but also Asgard via a la Thor franchise
5.       Are you good at giving advice?
 I try my very best! Sometimes I don’t know what to say and I always feel bad about it though :/
 6.       Do you have any mental illness?
 Mild (as of the last few years) depression, severe generalized/social anxiety
 7.       Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
 No, and I hope to never experience it.
 8.       What musician inspired you the most?
 Hayley Williams. She still does.
 9.       Have you ever fallen in love?
 Absolutely! Very recently too, very, very happily~ and I wouldn’t change a thing because she’s the most amazing, wonderful angel!
 10.   What’s your dream date?
 A lazy day spent indoors together, watching movies and cuddling!
11.   What do other people notice about you?
 I’m very quiet
 12.  What is the annoying habit you have?
 I apologize a lot
 13.  Do you still talk to your first love?
 No, and that’s honestly for the best.
 14.  How many ex’s do you have?
 Um,,,8, I think.
 15.  How many songs are on your playlist?
 1, 217!
 16.  What instruments can you play?
 Piano, and currently trying to get into properly learning the ukulele.
 17.  Who do you have the most pictures of?
 My cats, gifs of different biases
 18.  Where would you like to go before you die?
 Not to copy Maggie, but truly anywhere as long as it’s with her.
 19.  What is your zodiac?
 20.  Do you relate to it?
 Not really? My rising sign is Virgo and someone read it to me and wow,,,it called me out
 21.  What is happiness to you?
Loving and being loved in return.
 22.  Are you going through anything right now?
 Uh,,,juggling the demands of being an adult but other than that, not really
 23.  What is the worst decision you’ve ever made?
 Letting certain people in my life take a lot more than they should have ever been able to.
 24.  What is your favourite store?
 David’s Tea! I love tea,,,and the bookstore!
 25.  What is your opinion on abortion?
 Not my body, not my choice/ My body/my choice.
 26.  Do you have a bucket list?
 Yes I do!
 27.  Do you have a favourite album at the moment?
 Cle: Miroh, and Ateez Treasure EP 2
 28.  What do you want for your birthday?
 29.  What are most people’s first impression of you?
 That I’m quiet but nice, I think.
30.  What are do you seem according to most people?
 About where I am now, mid 20s.
 31.  Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
 On my bed, near my head so I’ll wake up
 32.  What word do you say the most?
 33.  What’s the oldest age you would date?
 Um,,,probably 35-40?
 34.  What’s the youngest age you would date?
 35.  What job/career do most people say would suit you?
 36.  What’s your favourite music genre?
 37.  If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
 Preferably Japan, New Zealand, or Italy
 38.  What is your current favourite song?
 39.  How long have you had this blog for?
 Since October of last year, so about six months!
 40.  What are you excited for?
 I want to see Maggie!! And graduating (finally!!)
 41.  Are you a better talker or listener?
42.  What is the last productive thing you did?
 Went to Lowe’s to grab a lightbulb for my parents
 43.  What do you want for Christmas?
 I have absolutely no idea tbh (I’ll be turning 26,,,ew)
 44.  What class do you get the best grades in?
 English/science based classes.
 45.  On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling?
 46.  What can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
 Hopefully somewhere where I can have house plants and a garden, spend early mornings curled up in bed with the love of my life~ along with our cats of course uwu
 47.  When did you get your first heart broken?
 Highschool. It wasn’t,,,a good relationship and the fallout was even worse tbh.
 48.  At what age do you want to get married?
 Whenever myself and the right person find it financially do-able, there’s no real rush?
 49.  What career did you want to have as a child?
 Geologist/ Marine Biologist
 50.  What do you crave right now?
 Cuddles with Maggie, sleep
tagging: @softmingis, @theviewfromthebirdsnest, @sassy-kpop-glitter, @leeknw, @woo-jinn, @visualgiggles, @angeljaem, @mingictzen, @honeyboyhyunjin, @honeyjoongie, @allyourbitchesbrokenhearts, @confused--being
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bonjourtoaya · 6 years
Hundred Days Husband, 1st Ep. Comments
source : Naver
[Naver] Doh Kyungsoo’s Power, “Hundred Days Husband” Records The Best First-Broadcast Rating Among tvN Mon-Tue Dramas, ‘Passing 5%’
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1. [+1084,  -13] The drama was really fun. Decided on this on for my Monday-Tuesday drama.
2. [+601, -13] The immersion was top notch, everyone was really good at acting, the shots quality was so nice, and the story development was also fast-paced, so it was really fun... Really love Doh Kyungsoo’s voice and Nam Jihyun’s acting as well!
3. [+354,  -3] The first broadcast passed 5% you say! Watching the pilot episode last night, it was really absorbing, especially the casts, their acting was truly solidㅠㅠ  My heart thumped when Doh Kyungsoo was shown ㅠㅠ His pronunciation was so good... His acting was also the best..
4. [+315,  -1] Good rating ever since the 1st episode! I hope it hits big.
5. [+191,  -3] Since the drama is fun, seems that I’ll continue watching it ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
6. [+47,  0] It’s only meant to do well. The sense of color in the drama was pretty, the casts were good, and the plot was fun. Fighting, Doh Kyungsoo and Nam Jihyun.
7. [+42,  0] 5% is really nice for the first broadcast.. Nonetheless, Doh Kyungsoo was good at acting.
8. [+32,  -1] Woah, that’s amazing. Mon-Tue rating isn’t that high usually ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ the drama was fun
9. [+29,  -1] Really liking it  ㅠㅠㅠ Seems that I’m turning into an EXO fan ㅠㅠㅠ
10. [+22,  0] There was a moment in “It’s Okay, That’s Love”, when he laughed and ran along with Jo Insung, and then he disappeared, and it was so goosebump inducing... Now, taking the main role, I realized that he’s leading the drama in a stable way ~ that’s commendable of himㅋ
source : naver 2
[Naver] ‘Hundred Days Husband’ Pilot Episode, Doh Kyungsoo Receives A Passing Mark For His Sageuk... Emitting ‘Crown Prince’ Charisma
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1. [+436,  -14]  Dear Husband Doh Kyungsoo is jjang good at acting!! Nam Jihyun also did it perfectly, both are really pretty!!
2. [+194,  -12] The acting was good. Doh Kyungsoo is gifted with many talents.
3. [+82,  -3] He was straight up a Crown Prince!
4. [+69,  -3] Doh Kyungsoo truly suits sageuk~~
5. [+62,  -3] ♡♡♡
6. [+35,  -1] The drama passed on without any trouble so it was really fun to see ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The casts were handsome and pretty with stable acting~~ Has Doh Kyungsoo’s voice always been this good? Was surprised cause despite his (young) look, his voice was deep ㅋㅋ
7. [+22,  -4] First, his voice was good, and his diction was great. It was exiciting to listen to.
8. [+20,  -1] Doh Kyungsoo doesn’t seem like the first-timer of sageuk, for real.
9. [+14,  0] A must-watch drama after a long while. Since it was really fun, the time passed by just like that ㅠㅠ today too, I’ll be watching it! Supporting Doh Kyungsoo.
10. [+10,  -1] Since Doh Kyungsoo’s diction is good, his lines easily reached my ears... he’s truly good at acting.
source : naver 3
[Naver] ‘Hundred Days Husband’ Doh Kyungsoo x Nam Jihyun, Ardent Love Romance That Flows Through Since The 1st Broadcast
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1. [+657,  -22] The drama was fun~~ Planning to watch it today as well ^^
2. [+345,  -38] Doh Kyungsoo is so good at acting ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
3. [+237,  -7] The plot was fast-paced, but not rushed, so it was enjoyable to watch. I love that the casts acting was stable here. I’m also going to watch tonight’s episode.
4. [+194,  -9] The story development was fast, and the narration was solid. Besides, all of the casts did well with the acting. The visualization and music are top class at that ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Today, too, I’m looking forward !!!!
5. [+157,  -9] Though for now there was only one scene where Doh Kyungsoo met Nam Jihyun, their chemistry was already no joke based on what I see. Looking forward even more for the 2nd episode ㅋㅋ From now on, I choose ‘Hundred Days Husband’ as my Mon-Tue drama ㅜㅜ
6. [+36,  -2] At the ending scene, Seeing Doh Kyungsoo and Nam Jihyun being reflected on the screen, I had thought, ‘This drama will do well.’
7. [+27,  -2] Nam Jihyun really knows how to act.
8. [+22,  0] Doh Kyungsoo’s voice is nice , and I like his line delivery. Of course, he’s also good at acting. I’m turning up the show again today.
9. [+21, -2] Nam Jihyun’s charm is the best in my opinon. The combination of Doh Kyungsoo x Nam Jihyun is something I’m looking forward to~~
10. [+19,  -5] It’s becoming so fun? I’m a fan of another group, but I’m really watching every works D.O.-nim is in. The drama was seriously funㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ah D.O.-nim, I really like you, for real.
source : naver 4
[Naver] Doh Kyungsoo and Nam Jihyun Who Crossed Each Other.. ‘Hundred Days Husband’, An Ardent Love.
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1. [+669,  -67] That Doh Kyungsoo fellow, for real... He can sing well, got a super handsome face, is also good at acting... He’s a fraud character, a fraud. What kind of idol that can act this good ㄷㄷ (As he’s busy) He wouldn’t have much time to practice acting either.
[T/N: Koreans usually call someone ‘a fraud character’ if that person is too good to be true / is good at everything]
2. [+207,  -5] It was really interesting ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Looking forward to the drama today as well.
3. [+201,  -4] Am I the only one who feel uncomfortable since the episode was too short. Doh Kyungsoo and Nam Jihyun, both are bursting with charm.
[T/N: Am I the only one who feel uncomfortable  was one of Kyungsoo’s line in the drama]
4. [+123,  -27] Nam Jihyun’s acting is seriously good ♡♡♡
5. [+36,  -3] I’ve no idea how did SM acquire such a gem, but Doh Kyungsoo certainly has both the talent and the luck. He has the gaze of an actor.
6. [+20,  0] Doh Kyungsoo has some amazing schedules. He already gave a strong impression to the public with ‘Along With The Gods #2′, and now ‘Hundred Days Husband’ in follow.
7. [+19,  -2] Nam Jihyun is too pretty. I think she got a role that really suits her. Fighting ~♥
8. [+19,  -4] Doh Kyungsoo was nice for real. Both his acting and his visual.
source: naver 5
[Naver] ‘Hundred Days Husband’ First Broadcast, Doh Kyungsoo ♥ Nam Jihyun, Faitful Meeting of First Loves Under The Cherry Blossoms
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1. [+398,  -3] Actor Doh Kyungsoo is no joke. How did he do the diction.
2. [+152,  -2] Doh Kyungsoo’s acting is good.
3. [+142,  0] Love it from the beginning till the end. The acting of the casts, the shot quality, up to the OST.
4. [+101,  -2] Woah, really, the drama was fun. This is 100% will do well. It’s only meant to do well... The time flew just like that ㅠ There was no single acting hole...
5. [+61,  -1] Doh Kyungsoo is a genius.
6. [+29,  -1] Actress Jihyun is pretty.
7. [+21,  0] Our Jihyun-ssi who is a trustable to watch actress~~^^ Fighting~~^^I think Kyungsoo-ssi is also cool~~^^
8. [+21,  0] The cherry blossom scene was so pretty, wasn’t it. I was so immersed while watching the drama.
source : nate
[Nate] ‘Hundred Days Prince’ The Perfect Beauty of Acting-dol Doh Kyungsoo... First Drama Lead Role & First Sageuk, Met With Sucess.
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1. [+172,  -42] Now what’s left is a story that won’t go foul...If you bring kids who can act well, but the storyline is weird, it’s only the actors who will get sworn at ㅜㅜ
2. [+172,  -55] Doh Kyungsoo calmly disgested the sageuk genre, he’s also good looking.
3. [+142,  -31] Seems like he doesn’t only go for the cool roles only, he’s doing acting because he indeed likes it.
4. [+21,  -4] I first knew him from the movie that he did with Jo Jungsuk~ and since I was a bit older ;; I found that he’s an EXO member also just then, and his peculiar gaze turned me into a fan~ I didn’t notice it when he was with EXO, but when he acted, I realized his presence ㅎ Even if not directly in the cinema, but I do watch the works he’s in. I also watch Room 7 ㅋㅋ And his gaze is seriously  unique ㅋㅋ
5. [+14,  -4] Doh Kyungsoo is indeed good as a singer, but his acting is also great and seems that he enjoy it as well. I’m supporting him.
source: nate 2
[Nate] ‘Hundred Days Husband’, Doh Kyungsoo Who Turned Cold.. Rejection To Sleep Together With Han Sohee
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1. [+337,  -50] Honestly, Doh Kyungsoo’s acting is good. The drama is also worth watching.
2. [+323,  -52] Your acting is really good, Doh Kyungsoo...
3. [+251,  -36] The casts did a good job with the acting, and the story was also fun. The child actors were really cute ㅠㅠㅠ
4. [+32,  -6] Lately, by watching Kim Taeri in Mister Sunshine, I’m starting to realize that it’s not only acting skill that’s important to actors, their diction needs to be good as well. And Doh Kyungsoo’s diction turned out to be daebak.
5. [+30,  -5] I was watching another Mon-Tue drama, but since it was too slow-paced, I changed channel. Doh Kyungsoo is seriously handsome and he has such a good voice ㅠㅠ Nam Jihyun too, when she wore silk clothes at the last scene, f*cking pretty
- etc
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squishyunho · 5 years
50 questions tag!!
tagged by: @celestial-yunho
i’m tagging: i need friends
1. What takes up too much of your time?
sleeping,,, and reading,,,, and watching youtube videos
2. What makes your day better?
being with the people i love uwu and doodling and snuggles and other soft things like that
3. What’s the best thing that happened you today?
uh my dog fell asleep on my lap uwu hdhdhd today was uneventful
4. What fictional place would you like to go?
hmm ATLA’s world probably
5. Are you good at giving advice?
sometimes? JDHDJDJF i dont follow my own advice very well tho
6. Do you have any mental illness?
idk never tried to get diagnosed
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
nope and i hope to never ever experiece it fjfjjf
8. What musician inspired you the most?
i dont,,, really know hdhdhd
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
jeong yunho idk what (romantic) love feels like ._.
10. What’s your dream date?
as long as there are snuggles and my partner is happy i am happy
11. What do others notice about you?
i think my height? or how young i look? sjdhdhd idk what i would notice about myself tbh
12. What is the annoying habit you have?
i bite my nails (which is why i use nail polish to convince myself not to,,, kinda works) and i like touching my hair kek
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
i dont have a first love but i do still talk with my first crush uwu we’re still really close
14. How many ex’s do you have?
15. How many songs are on your playlist?
too many JDHDHD
16. What instruments can you play?
i learned the piano for one summer but other than that nothing
17. Who do you have the most pictures of?
probably ateez at this point,,, if not then either vixx or monsta x
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
to the fansigns of all my idols so i can thank them for saving me uwu,,, and outside of that i just wanna see the world
19. What is your zodiac?
scorpio uvu
20. Do you relate to it?
sometimes?? but like also everyone says we’re dark and edgy and im just,,, in a yellow sweater,,, craving my favorite milk tea
21. What is happiness to you?
happiness is in the little things uwu
22. Are you going through anything right now?
uhh not really just the regular stuff
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
i will choose to ignore this question because remembering bad things makes me cry
24. What’s your favorite store?
uhh just any artsy store i guess uwu
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
im pro-choice uwu
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
im not organized enough for that jdhdj
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment?
treasure ep 2 zero to one 👀
28. What do you want for your birthday?
ya know the usual, love and affection ((money wouldn’t hurt either))
29. What are most peoples first impressions of you?
they always say im so bright and cheery and hyper kffjfj
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
HDHDHADHF OKAY SO. IM 17. SOMEONE THOUGHT I WAS 11. but most common guesses are like 13-15?
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
on the table next to my bed because thats where the outlet is fjfjfj
32. What word do you say the most?
idk probably “like”
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
uhh my parents have a pretty large age gap so i dont mind much but im still a minor so someone closer to my age for now
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
a year younger than me at most lmao im convinced people born after that are still fetuses
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
idk djffjj maybe an artist? no one really tells me
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
idk fjfj i cant choose one
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be?
tbh i really have no idea hahdhdhdhd
38. What is your current favorite song?
mixtape#4 by stray kids, bon bon chocolat by everglow, don’t do sadness/blue summer & and then there were none from the spring awakening soundtrack uwu
39. How long have you had this blog for?
uhhh *checks emails* like a little over a month
40. What are you excited for?
the stray kids concert later this month!!!
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
depends on my mood tbh
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
i finished packing for a trip uwu
43. What do you want for Christmas?
jeong yunho uhh idk i actually appreciate pretty much everything as long as it has some kind of personal thoughts in it like??? imagine if someone looked at this and said “chi might like this a lot”??? i would?? cry???
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
uhh art classes i guess? it helps that im really interested in those classes uwu
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
probably,,, sleeping JDHDHDH hopefully with an SO and a pet/pets and lots of snuggles
47. When did you get your first heart break?
havent gotten one yet uwu
48. At what age do you want to get married?
eh im not really picky
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
i reaaaaally wanted to be a vet uwu
50. What do you crave now?
love and affection,,, and maybe some milk tea
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heoneyology · 5 years
50 questions tag
yay I found one of the things I was tagged in!!! by a lot of people!! before it gets too lost in my favorites!! so I think @helloicarus, @youremytreasure98, and @parkseonghwa are all the people who tagged me?
1. What takes up too much of your time?
work, first and foremost...
2. What makes your day better?
my cats, my boyfriend, jooheon’s dimples, the photocards of jooheon and hongjoong I now have in my phone case, tacos, and naps!
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
my boss told me I could have the day off... but then I realized I wasn’t going to have back-to-back days off this week alkdjfksdk
4. What fictional place would you like to go?
uhh anywhere high fantasy tbh? chromeria (brent weeks lightbringer series), the known world (game of thrones), cosmere (brandon sanderson’s stormlight archive and more), middle earth (the hobbit), uhhh also harry potter?
5. Are you good at giving advice?
I try but??? I personally don’t feel like I am
6. Do you have any mental illness?
generalized anxiety
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
once when I was a kid, I literally had no idea what was going on I was so young, and it scared me half to death. I begged my mom to sleep in the living room with me that night and we watched late night cartoons together until I was convinced it was safe to fall back to sleep.
8. What musician inspired you the most?
linkin park and chester bennington. also block b, and zico.
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
yes! and I’m still amazed some days he puts up with me, but he’s my best friend
10. What’s your dream date
staying in bed all day and reading or watching a movie and cuddling, or hiking and tacos after we finish the hike (this is our go-to date actually lol)
11. What do other people notice about you?
I get told a lot that it’s my smile?
12. What is the annoying habit you have?
when I’m anxious or not keeping my mind occupied I have a habit of either chewing my lip until it’s bleeding or subconsciously scratching at my arms or forehead :’))
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
yeah, I live with him my boyfriend is the only person I’ve seriously been in a long term relationship with and I don’t consider past dates or crushes 
14. How many ex’s do you have?
none, I don’t consider the people I went on a lunch or dinner date with a couple times as serious relationships, so...
15. How many songs are on your playlist?
I don’t know akljdf;ljsdf I switched to using spotify and things aren’t exactly organized over there...
16. What instruments can you play?
none now but I used to be able to play the flute
17. Who do you have the most pictures of?
my cats and.....
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18. Where would you like to go before you die?
new zealand, south korea, and japan!
19. What is your zodiac?
libra sun (gemini moon and libra asc)
20. Do you relate to it?
a decent amount for certain personality things, but for like my mindset I think I relate more to my ascending libra and gemini moon than I do my sun libra?
21. What is happiness to you?
wherever you feel at ease, and whatever fills your heart with an inexplicable warmth
22. Are you going through anything right now?
not... in particular...?
23. What is the worst decision you’ve ever made?
when I finally put my first cat, who grew up with me all the way to me turning 18 years old, down because he was old and at the end of his life... I just turned him over to the vet because I couldn’t handle staying in the room with him, and I hate myself to this day for it
24. What is your favourite store?
the internet...
25. What is your opinion on abortion?
your body, your choice
26. Do you have a bucket list?
kind of? it’s more like just a travel bucket list, there are just places I really want to go someday
27. Do you have a favourite album at the moment?
take 1. are you there (monsta x), treasure ep 1 & 2 (ateez)
28. What do you want for your birthday?
to move out of this city/state... I’m kinda over it now lol
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
uhh... no idea :’))
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
well when I was younger, everyone kept telling me I was older. now that I’m older, everyone keeps telling me I seem younger like I’m 21 alkdsjfk;lsdj
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
nightstand next to my bed
32. What word do you say the most?
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
probably someone around 10 years older? so someone close to 30? age gaps kind of start to mean less the older you get...
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
5 years (20) is the cutoff for someone younger
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
doctor or nurse
36. What’s your favourite music genre?
everything akldjfksdf.... rock, alternative, kpop, edm... even country since I grew up with it
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
somewhere with better health care please
38. What is your current favourite song?
I suck at choosing favorites of anything so I’ll pass on this alkdjfksdf it depends on my mood LOL
39. How long have you had this blog for?
8 years!!
40. What are you excited for?
monsta x in august!! lowkey mostly meeting jooheon aklsdjfkslj
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
42. What is the last productive thing you do?
nothing. I did absolutely nothing productive today.
43. What do you want for Christmas?
to move somewhere new lmfao
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
when I was in school it was english/literature
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling rn?
46. What can you see yourself doing In 10 years?
I don’t know cries it’d be nice to be living somewhere else?? close to friends, with lots of cats and pets like I’ve always wanted, maybe finally having a book published akdjflksdf and traveling a lot
47. When did you get your first heart broken?
when I put aforementioned cat from a few questions ago down
48. At what age do you want to get married?
no time constraint, I don’t really care either way
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
50. What do you crave now?
hot wings, and to live somewhere that isn’t where I live right now
I’m not tagging anyone because I’ve lost count of how many people have done it!!! but if you see this and want to participate tag me so I can see you did it c:
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annakie · 6 years
I made it, and now there's no turning back
Hey, so, this is about to be a very long, spammy post about Critical Role season 1.  This is mostly for my own memory, so in the future when I want to revisit watching the show, I'll have my own log, of sorts.  It's really long.  And a lot of it is my chatlogs about the show with @janiemcpants , posted with her permission.   So if you hate reading other people's chatlogs, this may not be the post for you.
But if you wanna read a lot of words about a show where some nerdy-ass voice actors play Dungeons and Dragons, this may be the post for you.
Also, for unknown reasons, I’ve had Jimmy Eat World’s song “Cut” stuck in my head the last couple of days, and it’s basically all I’ve listened to today.  The words don’t really fit my emotions, but the overall feeling the song gives me does.  So that’s where my head is.  
I said some of this an a post I made a few weeks ago, but I’m saying it again now.  Ever since I heard of it, I was pretty sure I’d love Critical Role if I could get into it.  And so for two years I meant to catch up.  
I’ve played Dungeons and Dragons since the late 90′s, second edition, and have been in epic campaigns of my own before where I fell in love with not only my character but our entire party.  I love this party just as much as I’ve loved Annotea, Sekhar, Ike, Ta’Rik, Annwyl, Krivken, Liek, Colin, E’a and Rhyz.
I have looked for a post I made like a year and a half ago asking for help figuring out how to get into Critical Role on my blog a few times but either I tagged it badly or deleted it.  I don't know.  I remember some people said to start at episode 19. Some people said to use it as background sound when cleaning / cooking / driving etc.  I knew I didn't want to start midway through the part of the story we had, I was disappointed to learn they were already 8th level and we'd missed like two years of story before the show.
I have a post from June 2016 saying I'd made it an hour into the first episode, but I think I finished that ep, or got close, and didn't pick it back up for like, another year.  I think it was like mid-summer last year when I made my second push to get into it.  
I made it through like eight episodes, and I remember having episode 8 up in a web browser for weeks or a couple of months and things were just so crazy with everything happening with work at the end of the year.  And I only watched it as background noise at work.  I'd frequently realize I had no idea what was going on, and through like the first 30 or 40 episodes I'd find some kind of recap to read at the end of the episode to make sure I didn't miss anything important.
Here's some negativity, so skip it if you'd like: It took me a very long time to get through like episode 10 to 27 because long before I learned all the things that happened since he left, I couldn't stand Orion.  I've looked into it a bit and basically for all the normal reasons people didn't like him.  I respect that some people did, but being honest here, if he'd have stayed on the show, I probably would have stopped watching.  Around episode 20 I learned that he'd leave soon, and dragged myself through the rest of the episodes until he was gone.  And then, it was much easier to get into.
The first half of this year my job went from crazy drama to just plain boring.  I really didn't have much to do, and everyone knew I was just biding time until it was time to go.  So I'd watch like half the day sometimes, often while doing what work I did have to do.  But often that work was like, wiping laptops or organizing keys or just... busywork.  But CR made the days pass quicker, and it was enjoyable.
The Feels apparently really started on 3/09 when I sent this to JanieMcPants: Grog winning his second solo battle with the orc JUST BARELY thanks to Scanlan's sneaky inspiration is my new favorite moment in the show.
This would begin a very long chatlog of me just yelling feelings at her.  After this, my current comments are italicized. 
---------- 03/10/2018 janiemcpants: That whole episode is SPECTACULAR Did you finish it? I don't want to spoil anything if not!
annakie: I did, I got to the part in the next episode where Percy finally confessed a bit of what is going on with his life since they're back home and have been invited to some feast.  Still pretty early on in that ep, work got crazy yesterday. :)
---------- 03/23/2018 annakie: Man, I'm on ep 26 now (I watch in bits and bursts as I have time at work, it's real slow going) and I have to say, (I deleted some negativity about Orion here).  EVERYTHING ELSE IS GREAT though. I'm really enjoying everyone else and their characters.  The episode with the dinner at the Briarwood's was AMAZING especially and I'm so worried about Percy.  I was almost in tears as Liam was talking about him thinking about Keyleth and Vex when Vax was going unconscious and thought he was going to die.  That was so, so good.
BTW did I just miss it all this time that Vax has a thing for Keyleth?  Like I didn't notice it at all until that moment he was going unconscious and now it's obvious.
janiemcpants: Vax’s last thoughts about Vex and Keyleth KILLED. ME. That was also the first time I realized he was into Keyleth, and I think it was the first time any of the others realized it, judging by their faces. Liam did say later that he already was aware of it when the show started, and he dropped a few hints before he outright said it. I’m listening to the podcast right now from the beginning and there are some little things there that you can pick up if you’re looking for them, but nothing that would have given it away, I don’t think. So it was a fun surprise for everybody. (Vax and Keyleth are one of my favorite pairings on the show. I just love them.) This arc is THE BEST and so intense. So much suffering, but also so much goodness!
(We chatted more for awhile about Percy, and the cow episode (Very fun!) )
janiemcpants: I didn't see that kiss coming AT ALL It was SUCH A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE And Percy gets one sibling back, MY HEART
---------- 05/02/2018 annakie: I've been studying a lot and haven't had a lot of time for CritRole but I watched some today like the END OF THE BRIARWOODS HECK YEAH and Cassandra is good again, and then VAX TRYING TO HOLD KEYLETH'S HAND ON THE TREE and she didn't know how to respond she's so awkward and unsure and needs time to figure it out. I was sitting there just staring at the screen instead of working for like 20 minutes during that part haha. 
And I watched the winter fair episode with Trinket winning the pie eating contest and Grog losing arm wrestling to Trish the Dish and that was GREAT.  I stopped like right after Matt had Tiberius leave the party for good.  It was a very good day of very awesome CritRole at work. :)
janiemcpants: Keyleth and Vax just KILL ME. It's such a slow burn until suddenly STUFF HAPPENS and then it slows down again and pulls at my heartstrings the entire time.
---------- 05/17/2018 annakie: "I don't want to be alone tonight."
"I haven't wanted to be alone most nights..."  And I let him in. THE SHIP HAS SAILED.  YAY!! :D
annakie: Haha aww Marisha switched seats so she could be closer to Liam, that's sweet.
lol of COURSE the VERY NEXT DAY they see Kashaw again. And Will sits on the other side of Marisha... that's great.
janiemcpants Yay!!! They’re the slowest of slow burns but it’s so worth it. Liam and Marisha manage to be adorable even when they’re seated far away from each other. And yay to Kashaw coming back! I had mixed feelings about him at first, because the second Trial of the Take group had a blend of personalities that was tough to work with, and he got lost in the sea of grouchiness. But he ended up being great and every time he comes back I love him more.
(I'd grow to feel the same way about Kashaw.)
---------- 05/29/2018 annakie: Episode 44 - Oh my gosh, there was a beholder fight AND NOW VEX IS DEAD WHAT IS HAPPENING? And yeah, I think Kashaw is definitely more stand-out-y here, I'm really enjoying his character here. :)
annakie Keyleth: "Why did you do that?  Kashaw: "Because I knew you wanted me to."  D'awwww....
janiemcpants: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH Vex’s death there kills me extra because it comes AFTER they win the fight! Everything is supposed to be okay, and then NOPE. THANK GOODNESS Kash was there. They're so lucky he happened to be their guest that night!
I mean, they probably could have come up with another way to save her, but being able to do it right away was a relief. And it was a great character moment for him
--------- 6/15/2018 I made this post, and I was at episode 49.
A lot happened, and I didn't yell about it much of anywhere. I don't know how I let 20 episodes go by without reacting much to them, especially when SO MUCH HAPPENED in there. Right about when the Chroma Conclave hit, I knew I was sucked in, completely.  
But in a month and a half I made it through 14 episodes.  Near the end of July, things started happening very quickly.  
---------- 07/27/2018 annakie: I'm on episode 63 now and I just realized today I'm JUST BARELY over halfway through this campaign. Which makes me both happy and not, haha.
Woah Tiberius.  This actually sad. :(
That was really rough and I cried a little.
janiemcpants: TIBS That was so sad All of it was, but "I encourage peace" really got me And when I rewatched it and realize that's what Percy's DM whisper was about, and you can see it on his face and then he has to sit on it for like 20 minutes AUGH
07/28/2018 annakie: Oh man I'm going to have to go back and watch that again.  I was touched at how sad EVERYONE was.   And yeah, the burial part and "I encourage peace" got me too.  It's always sad to lose a friend, but also Tibs defending Draconia was really the perfect ending for his character.
I started ep 65 and YAY. FINALLY.  KEYLETH AND VAX.  FOR REALS. I have LOVED the slow-burn of the last 40 episodes but I'm glad they're moving into an actual relationship now.
I got spoiled about Vex and Percy just the other day (No one's fault, someone I follow on twitter liked a tweet, which twitter OH SO HELPFULLY put on my timeline.  So, it's twitter's fault.)   There have already been some hints that it's coming with Vex's titling and all, but I'm looking forward to it.
(Getting spoiled accidentally about that was my "OK TIME TO CLAMP DOWN ON SPOILERS!!" wakeup call -- especially since that Really Big Thing happened in Campaign 2 right about then and despite trying real hard to not be spoiled I know all about it.)
And Scanlan, what character growth with his speech to Pike a couple of episodes ago, apologizing for the proposal and realizing he was more in love with the idea of Pike, even though he does really love her, so proud of that boy.  And the note he gave Pike awhile ago for if he dies AND SHE READ IMMEDIATELY.  That was like the first real sign she's given.  The only thing that's bothered me about Scanlan, (who is probably my favorite, though I love THEM ALL) is that he was nice-guying / trying to wear Pike down this whole time, albeit in a charming way, and now he gets that, so YAY!
---------- 07/28/2018 annakie Watching 65, and having Matt torture Marisha by having Kashaw ask Keyleth out the night after she finally gets together with Vax is masterful.  Haha
Awww Gilmore's parents, so sweet.  And then Sam "Well, they're both over 70, so who's going to kill them?" buhahahahaha
07/29/2018 annakie: Oh my God, episode 68.  I'm bawling.  I obviously know Percy will be back but this was really, really, really rough.  Taliesin took it better than anyone.  Matt seemed just as devastated as everyone else.  Marisha's crying made me cry. 
That ending, with everyone gathering around Ripley and each doing their own killing blow for Percy.... it was so, so, SO GOOD.
I hope the internet wasn't too hard on Matt that week.
(I really did bawl about Percy's death.  That's when the show went from “I love this” to "This is masterful.  This is amazing. This might be elevated to rank of "FAVORITE THINGS!" 
This is also when I started watching at home -- because I had to know what was going to happen.  And because I realized that this show will MAKE ME CRY and I can't cry at work.  I also started watching on the weekends, basically as much as I could, every night, all Saturday and Sunday when possible.)
janiemcpants: Keyleth and Vax took a while, but I think they played out perfectly in the end :) I’m so happy the way the official couples turned out, because they’re all so different and so great in their own way. Truly something for everyone! (Vax and Keyleth are my favorites, but I don’t think I have ANY NoTPs, which is awesome.) When I first started the show, I thought I was going to HATE Scanlan, specifically because of the nice-guy thing. But then that sort of started to taper off and he won me over anyway, and I was so happy that he actually realized what was going on and apologized for it. Especially since I love their relationship, as she’s more or less the group’s moral compass, but he’s also basically the group dad--the one who keeps the to-do list and helps everyone keep their shit together (even if it’s not in the most conventional way). Thank goodness he finally realized it was more important to keep her as a friend than to keep trying for romance and probably eventually lose her by being a shithead.
68/69 are two of my favorite episodes, and two of the very hardest to watch Rough, but really emotionally and narratively satisfying
I made this post,  My first big feelings post.
Liam breaking during Pike's poem double killed me
I'm also so glad Ashley could be here for this one. I wish Sam was.
Also I'm SO GLAD Keyleth was so amazing last episode, both the feeblemind (totally, 100% saving this fight) and spotting Kima and Allora in the ocean.  Just MVP'd the hell out of that ep.
janiemcpants: OH MAN that feeblemind!!! And I’m so glad it was Keyleth who landed such a huge blow on Raishan. And spotting Kima and Allura was such a HUGE RELIEF. What an emotional rollercoaster that episode was. I’m convinced the dice themselves have a sense of drama. That’s the only way to explain some of the narratively amazing 1s and 20s we’ve gotten
annakie: Oh my God, I know.  Just absolutely insane.  THAT NAT 20 MERCER ROLLED FOR THE FINAL RESURRECTION ROLL OMG
I didn't stop for Talks Machina between those eps.  I couldn't, I had to see what happened.  I'm so glad this entire ep was so laid back after the resurrection. 
This show... I'm so, so mad I wasn't into it from the beginning.  On the other hand, having to wait a week between THOSE EPISODES would have been the worst.
janiemcpants: IT WAS It's so good that they generally have breather episodes once something huge is over with, because I don't think I could handle the tension otherwise
---------- 08/06/2018 annakie: WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE FUN AND HAPPY AND EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE. I had to stop watching at work
Because I started crying a little and then Percy gave his speech and I almost lost it haha That's where I am right now, raced home from lunch to watch the rest of this where I could cry
janiemcpants: Are you on episode 85? That one really hit like a slap in the face
annakie: Yep!
janiemcpants: That's the only one I think I won't be able to watch again
(I made this post.)
annakie: He's gone now, they're awake the next morning. Like I knew he was leaving but I thought it wouldn't be THIS TERRIBLE.  I thought it’d be like “Hey guys I’m taking some time off, love you, bye!” but nooooo.
janiemcpants: And it really felt like it came out of nowhere!
annakie: But also props to Sam because that was such a good representation of depression.
Like I really understood where it was coming from but yeah you really didn't expect THAT.
janiemcpants: Yeah, he's definitely not afraid to take risks and let his character be imperfect, and he had some good points and some not so good points in a very realistic way But BOY was that hard to watch
annakie: Yeah exactly.  Like, yelling that nobody cares about him.... that they don't love him.... I have felt that way about people who I absolutely knew loved me and that just shook me.  It was just... so... real.  And the way everyone reacted.  Man I just wish Ashley had been there.
I already know Sam plays someone else for awhile and eventually, Scanlan comes back but man... again... so glad I don't have to wait to KNOW THAT.
janiemcpants: You're lucky you know that! I totally thought he was gone for good Are you at the end of the episode, or still going?
annakie: Still going, they're at Whitestone still the next morning deciding what to do next.  Keyleth just scryed on Scanlan and Kaylee.
Grog: "I know you on a more intimiate level."  Vex: "Because you saw my titties."  Grog: Basically, yeah.
Real question: Can I watch the rest of this episode and maybe next without crying, so I can finish it at work, or should I not?  Gotta head back in a few minutes
Oh heeey it's already Sam's new character. :)
janiemcpants You can probably finish it up Since you met Sam's new character and he's pretty good And the next one has a lot of funny stuff in it
---------- 08/07/2018 annakie Episode 88:  The Kraken Fight.  FIVE AND A HALF HOURS (more like five after the break BUT STILL.)  I feel like I was watching this episode for a week.
janiemcpants That was intense! Them not being able to kill the kraken really added some stress to the fight Although they might not have been able to anyway
08/08/2018 annakie Yeah!  That added a whole crazy layer onto it!  I was pretty sure there would be more deaths than just Vax.  Not that him dying wasn't bad, but you know.  I think I'm becoming desensitized to the deaths because I didn't cry during his resurrection.  Also, poor Ashley, it feels like every time she's there lately it's to resurrect someone.
Finished Ep 90 this afternoon, Keyleth's Aramente ceremony was really good. :)
Also Grog and Tary potion shopping, I laughed so hard at work and had to keep it quiet, I'm sure my coworkers think I'm a maniac.
Ep 91 - Vox Machina Go To Hell... sounds amazing.  Just starting.
janiemcpants: Grog and Tary shopping was a total trash fire and it was so great And Vox Machina Go to Hell was such a good title! And a good episode!
---------- 08/11/2018
annakie: Ep 95!  Past the time skip!  The last two have been SO MUCH FUN and just what we needed after all the sadness and tension!  And YAY ASHLEY IS HERE FOR AWHILE.  SHE'S GETTING A STORYLINE!  Also I love Tary so much now, that character growth! :D  But I only have 20 episodes left noooooo
(later that night)...I should probably be doing other things with my life other than watching CR + Talks Machina but I'm already on 98.  Clearly Tary is leaving soon, it's neat to meet his family and all, though.  I'm gonna miss him.  I thought Tary would just be like... a filler character. But he's so great.  So.   Great.
---------- 08/12/2018
annakie: OH GOD IT'S SCANLAN HE'S BACK I'M DYING (also I'm real sad Tary is leaving soon, the conflict of emotions!).  I JUST got to the part where Vex runs up and hugs him and they go to break I'M CRYING.
annakie: EVERYTHING HURTS but Jon Heder's character is hilarious
janiemcpants: Oh no, goodbye Tary! Tary was a cross between Gilderoy Lockhart and a J Peterman catalog and I absolutely adored him, but it’s so good to have Scanlan back I wasn’t sure what to expect from Jon Heder, because I’d only seen him in Napoleon Dynamite and didn’t like it, but he was so great in this
annakie: Oh man I missed him so much.  He's having to apologize SO MUCH.  Poor Sam, haha.  The Talks Machina with him, Ashley and Laura was great, though and Laura saying Travis was too emotional to go on the show was so.... awwww.  I'm into ep 100 now  Yay the new look!  AND LADY BRIARWOOD IS BACK WHAT THE WHAAAT.  And Poor, poor Sam having to play three characters, though, he did this to himself. :D
--------- 8/13/2018 annakie (about the first Vecna fight): That shoulda just been called "Vox Machina gets their asses kicked." Vaaaaax
Scanlan MVP'd the hell out of that fight though No time for Talks Machina, I'll do that at work tomorrow, RIGHT ON TO 103!
janiemcpants: Episode 102 was an ABSOLUTE DISASTER Thank goodness Scanlan came back when he did!
Although I did enjoy everyone guilt tripping Sam for making him leave
(I made this post.)
janiemcpants: I had to laugh at your last post because that's exactly what it's like! There's SO MUCH in each episode it's almost impossible to post about it. TOO MANY FEELINGS
And not enough time!
I think this last arc has really good flow to it You can feel the urgency, but it still gives things the time they deserve
annakie: It really is!  Like you know if I had a week between episodes than it'd be way easier to sort but I can't take any time I have to watch as much as I can now. I'm at the part where they're trying to sort out why Vax is back and I WANT TO DIE.
janiemcpants: WASN'T THAT A CURVEBALL I was expecting a tense, elaborate ritual like the others got, and they were planning for it, but nope! We're skipping that part
annakie: I read something like a tweet or untagged post MONTHS ago about Scanlan not being able to save Vax.  So when he got disintegrated I was like "Oh this is that that meant." and now I'm like "OH SHIT NO IT WASN'T, WAS IT?!"  I'm scared.
(Oh, you sweet summer child, you have no idea what you’re in for.)
janiemcpants I just love how Vax getting disintegrated totally changed the context of everything that happens, but not in the way anyone expected Matt's mind is truly a place of wonder
annakie: Also Yay Grog just asked Scanlan to hang out with him in Vasselheim :3 Nothing like a terrifying near-death experience to spread some forgiveness.
--------- 8/14/2018 annakie Me today: OK my boss asked me to go to this important meeting and take notes I need to concentrate.
Also Scanlans face when. Grog mentioned that he was looking for Scanlan, the moment passed so fast but I cried.
(later that night) annakie: I'm so mad I have to run my own game tonight so all I'm gonna have time to watch is to the end of 104 Glad I prepped my game a week or two ago though
janiemcpants: THEIR MEETING WITH SERENRAE, I WEEP It’s just so good to see both a character who’s been so devoted but struggled with it at the same time, and a character who had to develop so much to get there, actually be seen and acknowledged by their god
janiemcpants: What a great moment for both of them
annakie: SO amazing, I loved it so much.
janiemcpants: Also, I love how it doesn’t even matter how the group splits up, any combination of them is going to be interesting and fun (But especially Sam and Travis because of their shared delight in chaos)
annakie: I'm RIGHT NOW at the part where everyone is talking about Vex to Pelor and OH SHIT SHE AND PERCY ARE BETHROTHED THAT'S THE SECRET YES that's so true every pair is amazing
Also once again Scanlan MVPs this, with his polymorph on Vex
janiemcpants: It's truly astounding how many times Scanlan single-handedly saves their bacon
annakie: Yeah as much as I loved Tary like... they really NEEDED Scanlan.
janiemcpants: They really did I wish they could have both!
annakie: When I rewatched the Serenrae meeting I watched Ashley's face and every time Scanlan did something positive like made it to the tower or Serenrae acknowledged Scanlan as a true believer Ash's face was just amazing. She's so pleased at Scanlan :3
janiemcpants: Ashley's just so good
annakie: I KNOW, ME TOO.  I peeked and saw that we don't see Tary again and I'm sad!  I hope he gets an epilogue!
Last Tuesday at 11:24 PM *screaming into the void* http://blog.annakie.com/post/177011924723/critical-role-stuff-spoilers-up-to-ep
--------- 8/15/2018
janiemcpants Everything you said is SO TRUE And I still just can't believe how Sam took what was meant to be a joke* and turned him into this incredible three-dimensional person who never fails to surprise me. Will he turn into a dinosaur and destroy a building? Will he sing at the giant monster instead of fleeing like everyone else? Will he melt my heart with beautiful words about friendship? Will he devastate my emotions when he stops covering up his pain? Will he make a dick joke? We never know! And he's grown so much! *(Apologies if you already knew this, but when they were getting ready for the original one-shot home game that started all this, Sam had never played before, and Liam helped him pick out his character. Sam said he wanted to be the worst, and asked what the worst character would be, and Liam came up with gnome bard. And here we are. That was all captured on the podcast they sporadically do together and it's pretty funny.)
annakie Hilariously, I just found that out about Liam helping create Scanlan an hour ago.  On the episode of Talks I was watching at work Sam kept mentioning his Reddit AMA and so I googled it and read it, literally an hour ago.  So if I would have seen this earlier, it would have been new information! And YES SO MUCH I AGREE.
Like I love them ALL so much but I mean... Scanlan.  Fucking Scanlan.  Fave.  Sorry.
(Later) annakie Darin DePaul is hilarious lol I was like "Uh who is this?" when he showed up but he keeps making me laugh.  I'm still in the initial fight right after they find Sprigg
janiemcpants Fun fact: Darin de Paul played D&D thirty something years ago with Matt's mom, and Sprigg is the character he played back then I think that old session ended with Sprigg disappearing or something, so this is the continuation of his story, set thirty-whatever years later He’s really terrific, though! I only knew him from Overwatch, but I get such a kick out of him here
annakie OMG, that's awesome!  Thank you for that fun fact!  I was wondering if he ever played before, he seemed to get it pretty quick with only a little help from Sam. He's saying goodbye now, aww, such a good end for a fun character!
annakie Oh good, Ioun told Scanlan how awesome and important he is to VM and Kaylee and in general, I feel better now. I'm a little sad that I guess Ioun is his god now I guess and not Serenrae but it also seems fitting.
8/16/2018 janiemcpants Yeah, I was surprised by that, but in the end I think I'm glad he got his own god who appreciates him, rather than being wrapped up in Pike's story Not that Serenrae didn't appreciate him, but I like that he got something of his own
annakie That is so true!!  Like Serenrae gave him comfort when he needed it, and accepted him, but he prayed to her because it's what he knew because of Pike, but I think he didn't do it FOR Pike. But it turns out Scanlan wasn't destined for Serenrae.
Also I meant to mention awhile ago that I really loved Percy holding everything together after Vax died and they were in the Feywild.  He really stepped up and kept everything from falling apart and I was really proud of him.
Scanlan being constantly dismissive of them talking about Tary is hilarious.  "Scanlan can you scry on Tary?"  "Who? Oh... you mean that fancy fellow?" haha
(Later) annakie Oh yay I'm glad they sent word to Tary that everyone is OK.
janiemcpants Yes!! I was so concerned about poor Tary. The necklace is a good idea in theory, but in reality all it does is tell him something is wrong, but he doesn't know what or how he can help What an anxiety-inducing item!
Also yes to Percy! His growth is really inspiring to me on a personal level (all of theirs are in different ways, but he's the most relatable to me personally) I love how, since they're all so different and grow in different ways, there's a good story there for everyone
--------- 8/17/2018 9:07 PM annakie Just finished the ep where they forge the trammels.  Starting to close in on the endgame :o
annakie OH MY GOD... hahaha using the love potion TARY gave Vax to prank SCANLAN, this is amazing, I love it so much.
Last Saturday at 1:15 AM Hi it's 1:14am and I'm still awake because I had to finish this live episode.
--------- 8/18/2018 annakie: In the middle of 112 now, and I have to stop watching to go to my Pathfinder game.... nooo... one of the few times I'm unhappy about going to gaming. :) I think I'm going to be able to finish tomorrow if I just power through and don't stop for Talks.
(And here we go, into the endgame.  I woke up, turned on Critical Role, and knew I'd finish the campaign that day.  In addition to the gifs and posts I made: http://blog.annakie.com/tagged/episode+114, here's the rest of that experience.  I’m not going to link the individual gif posts.)
8/19/2018 12:53 AM annakie: THE STRANGLING WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS
This entire episode is like the most fucked up episode lol
janiemcpants: I was out of town for the weekend and just got home, and I can't believe how fast you're going! Although once you hit a certain point you can't help but tumble unstoppably towards the end, because it's all going so off the rails at once I WAS SO WORRIED FOR KASH AND ZAHRA
annakie: I STILL AM
janiemcpants: And having Cassandra and Gilmore and Kaylee as death knights was a particularly cruel stroke of genius on Matt's part
annakie: Arkhan just got back though, so that's good I guess haha
janiemcpants: CAN YOU IMAGINE, if they hadn't left one alive, they might not even have taken their helmets off and they never would have known
annakie: GOD I KNOW I KNOW... That would have just been.... oh man I can't even imagine And thank God Matt let them revivify even though it could have been more than a minute
annakie: There's so much happening I can barely breathe I feel like I've been watching this episode for ten hours already All I've watched is 113 and this today.
janiemcpants: It's probably even better watching it all together like you're doing, because a whole lot of interesting things happen in a not-that-long amount of time There's so much!
annakie: Yeah... I mean TBH for the last month I've just lived this show, I haven't watched any TV shows.  It's been so great to just really LIVE IN IT and there's so much of it especially after taking a year to get to this point.
annakie: Well, it was around the point of Percy dying the really sad time to get to "OK I can't stop watching", that's when I started watching at home and not just at work.  And then I stopped watching at work much after Scanlan left because I was too invested to only sorta pay attention. Yeaaaaah Grog just kicked ass.
janiemcpants: Percy dying was right when I started watching live! I was trying to catch up on the old stuff before I started doing it live, but when I heard that happened I just COULDN’T stay away. What a hell of a pair of episodes those were.
annakie: OH WOW that's awesome!  How many episodes did you skip to get to that point? haha OH ALSO PIKE TELLING SCANLAN HE HAS TO STAY ALIVE BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENS AFTER.  MY HEART. I was a little worried because since she was back she'd hardly interacted with him, except for that butt-slap a few episodes ago and then this conversation happened and I DIED.  (And then Sam joked it was Scanlan2 and I refuse to believe that it wasn't actually real Scanlan, they're dressed different, she would have known.)
(Also in the Vecna fight Real Scanlan had to use the Death Ward Pike put on him so yeah, she said it to Real Scanlan.)
Oh also I found online where Sam posted the letter Scanlan wrote to Pike and OH MAN, TEARS.
janiemcpants: RIGHT?? At the beginning I never thought I'd be invested in Scanlan and Pike's relationship, just because of the nice-guy stuff, but it got really, really good as it went on I still had about 15 episodes or so to go when I started watching it live, so I missed a little bit of context, but it was worth it That letter was so good
annakie: Oh man we just almost lost Vex and the looks on Liam, Travis AND Taliesin's faces all killed me. I can't wait to start watching live, still probably going to be a month or so.
annakie: I can't believe I still have an hour to go (probably 45 minutes of game time) and Scanlan and Grog just got banished.  Also I know something bad happens to Grog so I'm just waiting for that.  Maybe he never comes back from banishment!??!
annakie: Hahaha Scanlan dispelled Vecna's teleport and MATT'S FACE. Oh no, he's saying sorry to Liam This is why... “I was going to save Vax.” OH MY GOD  Sam is crying And Liam is crying
janiemcpants: That moment is where I cried the hardest in all of 114 Especially because they called each other Sam and Liam instead of Scanlan and Vax IT'S SO PAINFUL
annakie: THIS HURTS SO MUCH, I’M BAWLING. Most of the table doesn't even see what's going on Like they're having this private moment while the game keeps going.
annakie: Oh God that Nat20 for Scanlan to counterspell dominate person on Keyleth. Could you imagine this fight with Tary instead of Scanlan?  It'd have been over in round 2
annakie: lol I watched Jocks Machina on the D&D twitch channel awhile ago so I knew Arkhan was going to betray them, that's amazing how he did it. Also, so great that Keyleth was able to finish the ritual
annakie: Oh no Sam and Liam are crying at the end this is the worst
annakie: Annnd here we go.  115.
janiemcpants: GOOD LUCK
annakie: I'm really going to miss this credit sequence, I love it so much I always watch it every episode. I've seen the new one and it's cute but I love this one.
janiemcpants I miss it too! It's so good
annakie: I get why they did a more generic "look at us playing D&D" instead of character intro credits but this one is amazing I mean especially after what happened to Taliesin's character in season 2.
annakie: Yay Kash and Zahra :D I'm so glad they got a goodbye. :)  That was a great sendoff!
janiemcpants: It was so good! Even with Liam wreaking emotional havoc
annakie: vax is saying goobye and I'm bawling
even matt is crying, i can't
(I made this post.)
janiemcpants: I cried through that ENTIRE EPISODE
annakie: I'm taking a crying break to watch the fanart Glad Ashley made it just in time for that moment
Oh man this great series of fanart with the quote where Sam asking what's the worst character, and Liam saying gnome bard, and the art is all showing how Scanlan saved the party, that was amazing
annakie: Oh my God Liam isn't even at the table anymore THIS IS SO SAD
janiemcpants: That art sounds fantastic! Must try to hunt it down Oh no, I can't cope when they leave the table
annakie: "We'll fill in each other's gaps, we'll be the glue." THANKS LAURA NOW I'M CRYING AGAIN BECAUSE I LOVE VEX/PERCY SO MUCH.
That even broke Taliesin a little
There's a part of me right now that's still screaming "GO FIND GILMORE AND CASSANDRA AND KAYLEE!"
janiemcpants: I know!!! There's so much they should be doing, all at the same time! HOW IS EVERYBODY??
annakie: Percy just mentioned cassandra, maybe they'll remember lol
NOPE, off to a bar!
Yay Kima's there!
Oh ok good they're in whitestone whew
Oh man Kaylee and Scanlan's conversation, I'm crying again.
janiemcpants: Grog pulling the card was so goddamn funny Especially in the midst of so much sadness
annakie: Oh my God he just pulled the card in whitestone
Annnnnnnnnnnnd this is why they have to go rescue Grog omg omg omg
annakie: Aw, I was almost hoping they'd actually do one last adventure but that was funny.
janiemcpants: Yeah, I really wish we could have seen the rescue, but they were clearly planning on this being the last episode, and it would have thrown everything off But it was worth it
Scanlan and Pike’s conversation was everything I always wanted THEN HER INTERNET DIES
annakie OK Scanlan's epilogue was awesome :3 “I will do literally whatever Pike wants to do.”
And YAY we get to hear about Tary!
janiemcpants: I'm so glad Lawrence wasn't dead! I was totally convinced Tary's dad had him whacked
annakie: Oh God Pike’s marriage proposal and one last grog & scanlan conversation I love it so much I'm crying again
I've known they ended up married for a long time but that was great. :3
janiemcpants: I just love that they both planned to ask each other out in their epilogues!
annakie I KNOW, so great :D
I'm really glad that Scanlan let Pike lead, that was amazing.
janiemcpants: Yes! That brought it from great to perfect
annakie: And he just wanted to follow where she went and helped out.  And they have a home, and Grog with them, and are a perfect weird family! :D
They're my favorite ship, though I love all three very much.
janiemcpants: And Grog gets to stay with his gnomes forever! And he's not left alone even though he didn't end up with a romantic relationship!
annakie: YES!
I love Percy and Vax being so Percy and Vax in their epilogue.  Kids with lots of names!  Tinkering!
janiemcpants: The part about Percy making clocks made me weep BUCKETS
annakie: Percy finding redemption helping Cassandra omg
"Make a clock tower, make art and never make another weapon. I'm good." :D
annakie: Aww Grog taking punishment from Vasselheim
Hahaha the potion guy being the tutor ohhhhh my God this is amazing.
This guy never even got a name did he and yet he's brought so much joy
janiemcpants: I don't think he ever did!
annakie: Marisha is making Liam cry this is so sad
annakie: "And every day that Raven comes to visit."
I'm dead.
Oh my God Matt and Marisha get married THE NEXT WEEK!?
annakie: Well I'm completely emotionally drained.
(We said a bit more here, but it was personal.)
11:28pm:  I made this post. ) -----------------
I couldn't do much yesterday but think about this fucking show.  I'm catching up on the Talks Machinas I missed from like 108 through 115, I think I'm on 111 now?  I also watched Matt Colville's recap of the episode and why it's so great.  I'd been looking forward to watching that since he made it, since I watch most of what he puts out it's been sitting in my suggested videos like for almost every episode I watched.  That was perfect, as well.
I removed some talk about this in the chatlog Janie and I had but I'm going to take like this week off and catch up on the Specials & Oneshots I didn't watch before.  I need that cooling off period.  I'll probably power through season 2 after it's done and start watching live and wondering if It's Thursday Yet? within a couple of weeks from now.
I'm still sorting through feelings, too.  I'll probably have more to say.
But you know how there's a lot of media you like, and some that you love but only a few make it to that "Favorite things" level, the place where it turns into something that you love wholeheartedly and will remember forever and kinda wish you could erase from your brain so you could re-experience it for the first time again?
I have a few of those.  Futurama.  MST3K.  Parks and Recreation.  Psych.  Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.  The entire Mass Effect trilogy.  Neverwinter Nights 2.  The Thrilling Adventure Hour.  U2's Songs of Experience album.  Sugar's Copper Blue album.  The Princess Bride.  All of Star Wars.  The Lord of the Rings trilogy.  Star Trek: TNG and DS9.  The Good Place will end up here once it's done.  
And now Critical Role: Season One.  
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 22 - Soba restaurant Hosojimaya.
J: Um, its a programme edition of The Freedom of Expression, right here?
K: Yes, we're finally on location, kinda.
J: We're finally on location. So this place has been recommend on local area tv shows before. I'd like us to pay a visit to that restaurant.
K: Not that one!?
J: The one and only..you can see the sign. I can't say that I come here every week, but I come at least twice a month. I've lived nearby here for 15 years, so I must have come here about 150 times.
K: You really have been coming here, havn't you?
J: I have. Can you see the sign? It says 'Soba restaurant Hosojimaya'. Today we will try out the legendary Hosojimaya. *clapping* Thank you. *Kaoru gets some hand sanitizer* Oh, please do that, please do that. Ok, Kaoru, can you go in first.
T: The door says 'hand operated'.
J: So, what do you think after getting inside? It really has the atmosphere of a soba restaurant, doesn't it? Ah, here's the menu. Well, its a soba restaurant, so of course it has many types of delicious soba noodles, but the thing I always order is on the in-house special menu. Here it is, Half curry with chinese style soba noodles. Its a small size curry rice with, well, we would call it ramen. Once you try this, you won't be able to stop..its so...Can you smell that good smell?
K: Yeah, I can.
J: Well, we can't convey the smell to the viewers...I mean, everything on the menu is delicious, but I generally go for this.
*sitting down at table*
What shall we do, shall we go for Half curry with chinese style soba noodles?
K: Yes, I will.
J: Will you? Shall we talk about stuff while eating it?
T: Because I revere Fujii sensei so much, I'd like to try the Katsu curry with raw onion that Fujii sensei ate, if they can do it.
J: Oh, you're gonna go for that? So shall we order? Im certainly going for Half curry/chinese soba. Won't you feel like eating it when you see it?
K: Hahaha
T: Ahh, what should I do?! I can only look forward to that. Thats all I can do.
J: You can only look forward to it? Well, actually, the operating hours for this place are already over for today, but I asked especially for them to open for us.
T: Ah, thank you so much.
J: Ok, well..Excuse me, can we order please.
T: Please.
J: *Gesturing to himself and Kaoru* Us two will have Half curry/Chinese soba. And, sorry, but one of us would like to have something different...*gestures to Tasai*
T: Can you do the Katsu curry with raw onion that Fujii sensei ate? You can?! Thank you! I'm so happy.
J: *To staff* How long has this place been operating? *To K, T* He's the third generation.
Staff: Probably 43 years.
J: 43 years?
T: Do you really come here, Joe?
J: *To staff* No, no, I do come here a lot, don't I!?
Staff: Yeh, he's been coming here since before I started to work here.
J: See!
T: You weren't lying!
J: I wasn't!
K: If you were lying to would be pretty risky to take it this far.
J: It would be! Like I said on this show before, this place is near the Shogi Hall, and a lot of Shogi players come here, but thats not the reason I first came here. I can't really remember why. I mean, I live near here...but, even if you just look at it from outside, it looks nice doesn't it? You can't lose with this type of place. Well, today, if you eat this and don't find it delicious, I will shave my head!
T: Really?!
J: Haha, not really, I just wanted to see your reaction. I saw a sparkle in Kaoru's eyes. Well, if anyone comes here and asks for half curry/chinese soba which Joe Yokomizu recommends, just be aware that it does sometimes sell out. What time does the restaurant stay open till? Lunch time is until about 2:00 or 2:30. And then in the evening they open from about 17:00..but it does sell out quite quickly, so rather than getting here just before closing time, do try to come with a bit of time to spare. The fact that its far from the station is perhaps what makes it seem like a gourmet place. Its not like a so-called famous restaurant in front of the train station.
T: I see
J: Restaurants in front of the station get a lot of chance customers, its less about the taste, and more about the convenience. Like, the food comes out quickly and stuff. Thats a possiblity with that type of place, but a restaurant thats far from the station has to get more local customers, and a lot of repeat customers, so if the food doesn't taste good they won't be able to....I'm talking a lot today, aren't I?
K: You are. But, if you didn't talk...
J: Yeh, Im the only one who's talking. But after you eat, we'll get your reactions. I'll keep trying until then. Well, today we are gonna have the half curry, but here in Sendagaya - Jingu mae, it is said to be a curry battleground. There are a lot of delicious curry restaurants. But Hosojimaya's curry is a soba restaurant's curry, so its less spicy than some of the others, but its delicious. *To Kaoru* Do you like curry?
K: Yes..I grew mold in it once before though.
T: Oh, yeh.
J: Ah, you said, that legendary curry. Um, Hosojimaya's curry has a bit of meat in it, but not big pieces, just enough that you can pair it with either noodles or fried culet, and it won't get in the way. Ahh, my mouth is starting to water.
K: Haha.
J: Actually, because we're on location today, I've not eaten since last night.
T: Me too.
K: Yeh, I was told to come hungry too.
J: Ahh, this is great.
T: Its a gourmet report. *1
K: Its the first time I've done this.
J: Dir en grey doing gourmet reports doesn't  usually happen, right.
K: It doesn't. Its the first time for me.
T: So this is gonna be quite rare footage.
J: Yes! You know, doing food reports is surprisingly difficult.
K: Really?
J: You always end up saying 'Yummy!'
K: *laughing* I don't know if I'll say that.
J: Ah, the food is here!
K: That was quick.
J: Kaoru, yours first. What do you think?
K: Wow, looks great! You can tell just by looking at it.
J: Right?! Its a winner.
T: Amazing
J: Half curry/Chinese soba is here.
K: I'll start with the soup.
T: Ahh, looks so good.
J: How is it? I love this so much. Its here! Look at these soba!
K: Ahh, your curry is here!
T: This is man's food!
J: I'll get katsu curry later. Oh, Kaoru! You started eating?
T: Fujii sensei ate this?
J: He did...Yummy...Yummy. How is it?
K: Mmm, delicious.
J: This must be tough for people watching, thier mouths will be watering. This has a lot of extras in it, ???*2, also pork, it has tonnes. How is the Katsu curry?
T: Delicious.
J: I bet it is. Fujii sensei...
T: The portion is big.
J: Yeah.
T: When I eat this and think of the shogi players, its kinda moving.
K: Shogi players won't be able to concentrate*3 if they are hungry.
J: Right. Ah, Kaoru tried the curry!
K: Ah!
J: He said 'Ah'. How is it?
K: Delicious.
J: We can see that, haha. At our age, we don't often eat carbs with carbs, do we?
K: Right.
J: So this is a good chance, if you come here.
This curry is still really nice even after its cooled down...
.....Look, Camerman, Kaoru has finished. That was quick! He's faster than me. Kaoru is finished!
K: I enjoyed that, thank you.
J: A word from you Kaoru, now that you've finished?
K: Yummy.
J, T: Hahaha.
J: You said it!
T: We got there in the end.
J: If we use other peoples' catchphrases too much, ????. That was simple.
J: ???
T: He's good at pretending *4
J: Scary! Ahhhh, that was delicious!
K: Yeah, but..
J: Ahh, the soup?
K: Yeh, the soup, and the onions, I want to rake them up all into one spoon.
J: Hahaha...So, that was Hosojimaya. Look, here's the menu, there are a lot more things on the menu.
K: Its difficult to know what to choose.
J: By the way, the Katsu curry is 980yen. And the Half curry/chinese noodles that we had is 1250yen. Opening hours on Sat are till 2:30pm. Its closed on Modays and public holidays.  From 3:00pm to 5:30pm its closed for preparations. Open from 5:30pm onwards. The address is Shibuya ward, Sendagaya, 2-29-8, Hosojimaya. Tel: 30400921
T: Joe, you don't need to go that far.
J: No, just in case people want to contact. Well you can find the details on Tabelog.
T: Kaoru, would you like to say a final word?
K: Gochisousamadeshita/I enjoyed this meal. Im blissfully full. If you are nearby, please come here to try it out, and say Joe recommended it, right?
J: Yes.
K: Gochisousamadeshita.
J: Gochisousamadeshita.
T: Gochisousamadeshita. It was yummy!
J: Yummy!
*1, 3 Couldn't clearly hear, but I think thats the gist.
* 2 Couldn't catch, some ramen ingredient. 
*4 This exchange I couldn't make out explicitly, but they are talking about the phase 'まいう~\maiuuu', which is a phrase used by TV comedy personality Ishizuka Hidehiko when he does gourmet reports, and is a play on the word 'umai/delicious'. Also, how to translate that? Yummy?
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thenerdybonbon · 6 years
answer these 85 questions, then tag 20 people- I was tagged by @ohboyseokjin 😍doing in a seperate post because boo tumblr.
Here we go!
1.) drink- iced coffee 2.) last call- my mum 3.) text- probably mum again
4.) song I listened to The Eve by EXO
5.) time I cried- mmmmm came close watching that last ep of BTS run (RM and V at it again in my heart) but idk 
6.) dated someone twice- no 7.) kissed someone and regretted it- lol oh yeah 8.) been cheated on- mmmm complicated kind of I guess 9.) lost someone special- yes 10.) been depressed- I was treated for it in university but its been an on going thing since I was 13. 11.) gotten drunk and thrown up- oh yeah Tequila is a hellva drink
12.) Green (all shades) 13.) Purple (most shades) 14.) Red (most shades) 15.) Black
16.) made new friends- yes!  17.) fallen out of love- no 18.) laughed until you cried- lol yeah me and a dnd friend laughed so hard we had to stop the game coz I was basically not breathing 19.) found out someone was talking about you- oh yeah 20.) met someone who changed you- yes 21.) found out who your friends are- yeah sadly 22.) kissed someone on your facebook friends list- nope
23.) how many friends from your facebook friends do you know irl- I tend not to add ppl on fb unless I know them IRL 24.) do you have any pets- yes, a very bossy Jack Russell called Tilly 25.) do you want to change your middle name- nah I kind of like it 26.) what did you do for your last birthday- went to dinner with my family, I’m not big on birthdays anymore 27.) what time did you wake up today- 7:20am 28.) what were you doing last night at midnight- listening to music to try to get to sleep 29.) what is something you can’t wait for-mmmm my TAZ comic to arrive 30.) what are you listening to right now- Lucky One by EXO 31.) have you ever talked to someone named tom- lol yeah my brother 32.) something that gets on your nerves- people not being considerate, like its not hard to think about how your actions might impact others, students who were talking over me in class! 33.) most visited website- honestly ao3, youtube and tumblr 34.) hair color- a violet/dark brown mix (so it looks dark purple in the sun but brown/black in doors) 35.) long hair or short hair- medium ish length rn but more on the long side 36.) do you have a crush on someone- idk I’m not aware of it if I do 37.) what do you like about yourself- physically, not much but I think I have a great sense of humor 38.) want any piercings- yeah wanna do my ears more 39.) blood type- O- 40.) nickname- gem, or gemgem 41.) relationship status- as my friends call me ‘the eternal single pringle’ 42.) zodiac- taurus  43.) pronouns- she/her 44.) favorite t.v show- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 45.) tattos- none but I kinda want one but I’m afraid of needles and commitment  46.) right or left handed- right but working on being ambidextrous  47.) ever had surgery- to remove some teeth if that counts 48.) piercings- none rn, coz my ears heal suuuper fast 49.) sports- use to play hockey but none rn 50.) vacation- I’d like to go back to Japan or Europe or just to Melbourne 51.) trainers- like the shoes? I got some but ?????
52.) eating- sushi 53.) drinking- coke zero 54.) I’m about to watch- Some kpop playlist on youtube while I work 55.) waiting for- me to be bothered to do my work/prep for class tomorrow 56.) want- the ac turned up in here, its too warm. 57.) get married- lol maybe some but like no plans  58.) career- I work part time teaching at a uni and IDK I should make future plans but thats scary
59.) ??? not sure this was but it isnt here no more 60.) lips or eyes- if by lips you mean smile then smile 61.) shorter or taller- taller, even if its only like an inch (I’m 169cm/5ft6 i think) 62.) older or younger- normally older but there are exceptions but by no more than a few years 63.) nice arms or stomach- arms 64.) hookup or relationship- relationship  65.) troublemaker or hesitant- both, a thoughtful troublemaker
66.) kissed a stranger- nope 67.) drank hard liquor- yeah 68.) lost glasses- often 69.) turned someone down- yeah 70.) sex on the first date- nope 71.) broken someone’s heart- maybe 72.) had your heart broken- yeah often 73.) been arrested- nope 74.) cried when someone died- of course but sometimes more for guilt for not being sad about it 75.) fallen for a friend- yeah story of how I figured out I wasn’t straight
76.) yourself- sometimes 77.) miracles- like in a ‘we make our own miracles’ way 78.) love at first sight- kind of, like in an ‘instant connection’ way but like to me love requires time to develop 79.) santa- lol not any more 80.) kiss on the first date- yeah but I don’t like to be pressured into it. 81.) angels- not really
82.) best friend’s name- @daemoninwhiteround2 this girl is the best friend 83.) eye color-green 84.) favorite movie- Pacific Rim, will watch all the time 85.) favorite actor- Tom Hiddleston is one I really like and Lee Joongi I watch almost all his stuff. 
Tagging people.... @daemoninwhiteround2  @mercurybuddha  @sadnakedtoast
@liamstolenboxers @kitspecktacular @bibliophilic-pluviophile @canadian-snow-queen @dankirkyyourbobbie-s @levifold @bright-elen @strawberrysuga @hc1701 @intrinsica @ultraawesomebitch @emma-error @teambulbasaur @darkolive001
And anyone else who whats to, I love reading these!
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shytiff · 3 years
September 2021
1 - MTBS 0 pt. tried out kopsus from jannor coffee with gofood pickup promo (10k). it tasted nutty and yummy even though it seems to use regular milk. but its kinda hot. the ac was not satisfactory. finished up the word for Prof. bought jasuke on the way back. filled out IDI form since i still have energy. 
2 - mtbs again but this time its 3 patients at the same time. vcalled with kris. bought some snacks in hypermart. exercised a bit and played badminton with renata. watched 3 eps of nanno. 
3 - my body aches and it will be wonderful to sleep again but its already 6:40. usila today. the ac in kamar jaga was no longer cold. finally finished moms box of brownies from like 2 weeks ago. read dear benjamin. got to enjoy some silence because i napped before maghrib and the others slept early. 
4 - vaccine in GCD with teh fitri, teh fany and teh rahmi. about 440ish patients. gossiped about cibeber lmao. watched the hitman’s bodyguard. samuel and ryan was hilarious. 
5 - morning walk with renata. saw cilegon’s cfd. cleaned up the room accompanied by howl’s soundtrack. made spaghetti with instant bolognese sauce, egg and cheese. o seven with tri nagita. just saw prof’s email from 2nd sept, shit. tried to get some headspace to do ppt.
6 - bp with nessa (originally kia/ugd). except therere some patients in ugd lol. did excision for clavus (1st timer!) and hecting. fried tempe (1st timer!) using someone’s leftover oil lmaooo
7 - BP with zihan. had spaghetti combined with cheese egg and mom’s chicken for lunch. instant bloating :). drank hot matcha to curb the bloat. planked. ate muesli lol. did not do anything significant today :( started the origin of species. 
8 - vaccine today except it starts at 10:30 since we’re waiting for the mayor. so i hung out on the screening table since the doctor room was hot. vaccine with dr lutfi. watched homcha and nanno. fell asleep
9 - vaccine with bang esa and other staffs in smp 8 cikerai. its apparently the highest point in cikerai. finished at 12-ish pm and we ate buffet lunch lol. made matcha latte again. this time with almost 1 spoon of sugar so it tastes good. i missss matcha. read 1 webinar ppt so i guess thats a little but its something. rip attention span
10 - usila. tried A BIT of duren from bu Tur for dr isip but its enough to make me retch lmao. was given labbaik chicken by bu oo. Some exercise. rly tried to make some progress but my brain just cant seem to muster
11 - kia/ugd. Some ugd patients. Spaghetti for lunch yay. Originally intended to go to cafe but i ended up falling asleep :) tried to get some progress for PPT. Involved a lot of staring into nothing. Slept at like 00:30ish am
12 - morning walk slash jog. The jogging track was finally open. Went to jannor. Ordered kopsus and meatball potato dish with gofood takeaway promo (spent a total of 30k) . The staff kindly asked whether i want to eat there or to actually takeaway lol. The meatball truly tasted like meat. The mashed potato was a bit dry. The weather was grey and cloudy, exactly my favorite. First time cooking kangkung
13 - vaccine today. 20-ish patients. Alone in kamar jaga since nessa went to mass vaccine. Zoom call with Prof. Dyed my hair blue in flow salon (1200K). got free manicure, It took 5 hrs 😅. another firsts in life. both the nail tech and hair tech said my hair was dry lmao. arrived in mess at 9ish pm. ordered nasgor in front of mess
14 - mi rebus for bfast. not too much patients for vaccine so i finished at like 10 am. napped at kamar jaga. got free rice box from dr arief etc yay :)))) got mochacinno at jannor. tried to do sumn useful but cannot. still no ppt progress aaa. watched homcha ep 6 together
15 - vaccine in al hanif. tried chicken-cakwe porridge near the school. the school was an all girls school, with ppl wearing long veils. tried to fit the placement test from cakap (12-1 pm) during the vaccination lol. had to excuse myself to the ssaem during photo sesh. napped so i could see the 17 pm cakap class but i ended up napping until close to 18 :) saw the 19 am class with lukas ssaem
16 - spaghetti for bfast. usila today. this dumbass forgot to wear komin and wore her rubber slip ons. turns out theres some money from al hanif vaccine. which is great bcs there’s literally no paper money in my wallet lmaoo. rested a bit. dr eva called and she gave me a ppt and chapter book job. sheeet theres no progress yet of Prof’s ppt. a wake up call. whatsapped with frends that planned to go to cilegon this weekend, but it ended up being the next weekend. thank god, because dr eva’s ppt deadline is 24th sept. set myself up on a spot in the vanity table so i can work in a chair (i frfr find it difficult to work on my own bed)
17 - some patients in UGD. Slept while waiting for 2 pm. Held off my sleepiness for zoom with dr Eva. 5pm cakap class. Matcha latte. 7pm zoom w dr eva. Fell asleep after that
18 - bp. Turns out teh imey also dyed her hair. cakap class abt bts' spring day lol. Worked on dr eva's ppt
19 - jogged a bit. had kopsus (20K) and fish fillet rice (27K). finished dr eva’s ppt with the given material so far. napped in mess. dr eva also revised the ppt on the same day so there’s 2 slides left (patient clinical profile and conclusion). took some time for me to get the headspace to work on ppt so i started prof’s ppt at like 7-ish. only got 1 slide. stayed awake until 11ish but i basically stopped doing useful stuff at 9 TT TT
20 - vaccine today, finished at 10 am. lounged around. went to bni to check on m-banking, still system error. transferred 3mil from my BNI atm to muamalat. tried nasi goreng roa and cakalang with added chicken shreds (20K). so goood. conversed with nessa zihan. did not open my laptop at all :) stopped by at rodalink bcs nessa wanted to buy a bike. drank matcha latte in an effort to curb sleepiness. worked on Prof’s ppt. fried the frozen kebab (35K) i bought from teh Rahmi. 
21 - vaccine P3K w teh yeni teh rahmi mas oim. 3 patients. Ate some gorengan and talked lol. Did the abstract and ppt for dr eva. Worked on Prof's ppt.
22 - usila w mas oim. Had banana, bolu and protein for bfast. Ordered nasgor roa cakalang from bakuku for lunch. Felt suuuuper sleepy afterwards. Wanted to sleep again in mess but couldnt. Washed my shitton of clothes with washing machine. Heavyyy. Worked more on PPT. Too much denial this week
23 - picked some groceries @ bu rum. Kia/ugd today. Its been a while since i last checked DJJ. Successful first attempt but fail in the 2nd bcs the baby is still floating. Cooked meat and veggies with nessren. Jannor and kopsus again. Worked on ppt til my head hurts. Its a little bit more to gooo.
24 - bp. Made myself bento with nugget and left over veggies. Finished the smol details of the ppt and finally sent it. Watched shangchi @ transmart w chillegone. The film was fun! We cooked soup at mess and tri made perkedel. Watched homcha ep7. Slept
25 - Vaccine but there was no vaccine, so I went to UKK @ villa ternak cikerai with pkm peeps. its like opening a clinic but somewhere in hills area. got treated to bakso and tempe mendoan afterwards. lazed around in my bed, with no info from jkt friends who wanted to visit but suddenly they arrived lmao. went to amaris to catch up with them. thankfully it was not hourly parking. ate at saung bonang near the billiard place with heri joining us. total bill for five was 126 lmao its rly pocket friendly. heri borrowed my motorbike bcs his friend’s place doesnt have car park. thank god we brought the bike
26 - me and racheel went downstairs to get the hotel bfast. packed fruits, tempe and bread upstairs lol. put our stuffs in royal krakatau. took maxim to pulau kecil. turns out pak asep changed his number. it was raining there, so we sat a bit and got mie rebus. had lunch at amirang (my treat). there was only us inside. the food was okay but the meat was rly overpriced for its amount. went back to the hotel. went to indomaret and mess with racheel to get my stuff. my stupid impatient ass dropped atikah’s brand new iphone while pulling the hotel towel from the bathroom rack. im sorryyyyy. racheel and i swam until maghrib. atikah told us abt her boy “friend”. slept early at like 9-10ish with the usual width but longer leg space
27 - and suddenly its time to go to puskesmas. asked nessa to bring my shoes. said goodbye to friends. BP. there were a lot of patients. kanayam for lunch. i bought shades lol bcs i commute against the sun in the morning. cakap club. watched homcha. fell asleep
28 - vaccine. finished at like 10:30. tried to go to bni to install mbanking but the queue was like 20 ppl. did the outline for the red book. liqo with kak kartika. zoom meeting with dr eva. fell asleep again
29 - vaccine in sma 3 cilegon (cikerai) with bang esa and others. finished at like 2-ish pm. got 750K hehehe. mentoring with dr. Arnadi about KKD and HHS. bought rotbak with nessa. showered and cleaned and fell asleeep
30 - cooked tempe with leftover kanayam chili sauce. bp again. saw interesting cases today, such as fixed drug eruption. bought phd from gofood promo. went to jannor and got the usual kopsus with added espresso (since the min amount for gofood pick up promo was 25k). tried to do prof’s script but cannot, so i searched the literatures needed for dr eva’s project
0 notes
bunnymcbunnister · 5 years
SPN Season 15 Spoiler Sheet, update 9/2
Man, this week was DRY for spoilers! Only new things are that Yockey wrote ep 5 with Speight directing and Misha confirmed he will be in 15 out of 20 eps. I don’t think there was filming today with the Labor Day holiday. Here you go:
General Info (oldest to newest)
There is likely to be 20 episodes
They are filming the 4th episode 1st, which Jensen is directing
Returning this year are: Rowena, Ketch, Eileen,Amara, and Adam
Jared and Jensen know the ending. Jensen struggled with it at first. Misha does not know the ending as of SDCC
Matt Cohen and Richard Speight Jr. will direct
Sam, Dean, and Cas will struggle with the concept of free will and if they ever really had it
The focus will be more on Hell than Heaven
There is hope to wrap up some Wayward Daughters storylines in the back half of the season
They are adding a whole extra day to filming to do the final scene (Implies logistics- lots of returning people?)
Brad Bucker used the word “romance” when asked about Sam and Dean’s arcs. Did not specify who.
Chuck will be more of an absent protagonist in the 1st half of the season (but he in in ep 4)
At the beginning of the season Dean and Cas will still have a rift. They will reconcile “at some point”. Jensen claims as of script 4 they still have friction. This has been repeated several times, from Misha as well. He indicated Dean is still mad at Cas, but Cas doesn’t feel to blame for Mary’s death.
In an interview, Kripe indicated that the series ending would have “peace” for Sam and Dean
Not much new at the TCA’s, but it was said it is “unlikely” Jeffery Dean Morgan will be back since his last appearance was such a good end note. There were some jokes about a Castiel spin off. Hell, I’d watch.
There will be a special tribute ep, not clear if its one of the 20 or additional
Misha will be in 15 out of 20 episodes this season
Episode 15x01
Title: Back to the Future
Written by: Dabb
Director: Showwalter
Filming Dates:  7/30-8/9 (no filming 8/5 for Canadian holiday)
Airdate: Oct 10
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Yes Jack ? yes
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info:
The first episode will start right where the previous left off
Misha posed with the John Wayne Gacy clown
Jensen posted a series of pics- one clean shaven, one vid of him shaving, and one where he    appeared to be in character with blood and dirt on his face and in Dean plaid, but with his beard… confusing.
Jensen was photoed filming (wearing an FBI jacket)outside with Alex!
Misha and Jared filmed outside with a woman and young girl. They were running from the clown guy and a few other zombie looking creatures. CAS WAS NAKED (haha just no trench) and holding a shotgun. It could have been rehearsal and there was no camera in the clip shared by a fan which might explain the coat? Another fan said it was hot and Misha kept taking the coat off, so I’m sure this just a piece of rehearsal footage.
Alex was filming in white sunglasses. Other set photos indicate he had makeup on his eyes making them look burnt out. There is some spec that Jack will come back blind.
Misha posted a pic of the 4 of them in the impala
According to Variety, the boys will escape the zombies in a temp shelter. They are working together, but Cas feel “detached.” Misha seems to indicate that Cas feels unfairly blamed in Mary’s death and is deeply upset about Jack.
Episode 15x02
Title: Raising Hell
Written by: Buckleming 
Director: Singer
Filming Dates:  8/12- 8/21
Airdate: 10/17
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? YES Jack ? YES
Guest stars: Ruth Connell, David Haydn-Jones, Rob Benedict, Emily Swallow (?)
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
A set was a high school set up to be a shelter.
Chuck, Ketch and Rowena will be in this. Maybe Amara too. Emily Swallow was in town for only a short time, so I imagine it would just be a scene or two
Ghosts/zombies were seen on set. There will be a scene with Rowena attacking them that includes at least Dean and Cas.
There will be one longer scene in a park.
Alex was in sunglasses again - not sure if this is a costume thing or an Alex thing
Ruth posted two vids of Misha claiming that he had filmed several scenes, but had no dialog - over three days so it must be a scripted reason(A spell? Chuck? Is he giving Dean the silent treatment?)
Ruth posted a video with her trailer, but the video showed Alex’s as well, so Jack
Misha posted from set in costume. Minus the coat again, but I’m still blaming the heat…. But he was without in the two Ruthie videos as well… soo……? I don’t know. I still think it's a heat issue.
Night shoots are scheduled in a warehouse. Hand painted signs indicating quarantine were nearby
Episode 15x03
Title: The Rupture
Written by: Berens
Director: Charles Beeson
Filming Dates:  8/22-9/3 (No filming on Labor Day?)
Airdate: 10/24
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? yes Jack? yes
Guest stars:  Ruthie Connell
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Misha mentioned a scene at VanCon with him, Sam, Dean, Rowena, and Jack
Sam Smith was on set, but I would imagine she was visiting as she was in town for VanCon
Episode 15x04 (filmed out of order)
Title: Atomic Monsters
Written by:
Director: Jensen Ackles
Filming Dates:  7/18-7/29
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Probably not  Jack? Probably not
Guest stars:  Rob Benedict
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Jensen mentioned  a guest star “fan favorite”  that hasn’t been seen since season 7 that is no longer in the business. Guesses include Becky, who hasn’t acted in a while but isn't exactly a fan favorite, Meg, who hasn't acted but she was in season 8, and Balthazar or Frank or Jo or Rufus, but all act frequently. Jensen doesn't always have the most accurate season memory, so he could be off on the season. Since this seems like a Chuck episode, my guess is Becky but I hope for Meg. SOURCE UNCONFIRMED- I haven’t seen this in a reliable source, so take it with a grain of salt.
There was a beaver mascot on set… it looks like they are filming at a school called Beaverdale
Jensen and Jared filed outside in fed suits
Chuck will be in this one. Jensen directed him first alone with his beard unshaved (so maybe a solo Chuck scene or him interacting with others/not the boys)
This will be a one off, classic monster hunting episode with some ties to ongoing storylines. Sam and Dean will leave the bunker to keep their skills sharp
Jensen directed
Misha will not be in this ep
SD Comic Con was during filming
Episode 15x05
Written by: Yockey
Director: Speight
Filming Dates:  
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Jack?
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
This will most likely be Yockey’s last episode
Episode 15x06
Written by:
Director: Steve Boyum
Filming Dates:  
Sneak Peak:
Castiel? Jack?
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
Episode 15x07
Written by:
Director: Speight
Filming Dates:  
Sneak Peak:
Castiel ? Jack ?
Guest stars:
Other Spoilers/info (newest to oldest):
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