#i watched snapcube play 7
sceebybeeby · 1 month
yakuza 7 restaurant healing cutscene save me…
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ryanthel0ser · 3 months
Me playing FF7 seeing Cloud and Tifa: oh they're cute, are they in love?
Me watching FF7 Rebirth: oh they're in LOVE love
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gwasgy · 8 months
Was there. Something. Recently. That had an evil jester. Did I imagine or dream this
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coderiderr · 2 years
cant believe i forgot abt speedruns lol. makes getting thru resident evil way quicker, i can just watch the cutscenes after and i get to catch gameplay dialogue id miss just watching cutscenes :)
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infizero · 3 months
ive been watching penny snapcube play final fantasy 7 and ive quickly become extremely attached to cloud i fear
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mrmallard · 6 months
Here's some Snapcube streams I like:
Her Ratchet and Clank Ms. Marathon series, where she played through all the major Ratchet and Clank titles through to Rift Apart, is really strong and builds on the vibes that the games have. I've said it before, but "selling Clank for 640,000 bolts" is one of my favourite Snapcube bits, and that's after a whole game of great bits - and there's like six more game playthroughs with great bits of their own right after that.
One of my favourite playthroughs of the year has been Dragon Quest 8, which ended due to a busted PS3. I really dig on that earnest RPG adventure experience that this playthrough has - it's a great juxtaposition between like some super unique and charming RPG problem-solving and world-building from the game itself, and Penny's characterisation of the silent MC as lame, rude and aloof. The run is incomplete, but the streams that are there are really good and it might get you to play the game for yourself.
Her Sonic Unleashed playthrough with Mar just finished. It took me a few minutes to get into Mar's performance as Chip, like I didn't think I'd like the exaggeratedly cloying kid sidekick characterisation, but it was such a short turnaround from "oh man idk about this" to like gut-busting laughter. Mar takes Chip up to 11 and it absolutely rules, and whether Penny and Mar are bouncing off of each other or doing their own solo bits between Sonic and Chip, the ride literally never ends and it's such a good time. Penny's appreciation of the Jason Griffith era of Sonic really shines through; whether you're a VODhead or mostly acquainted through the Real-Time Fandubs, this is essential viewing.
Both of the Fairly Odd Parents games she covered are great watches. They're cel-shaded PS2 platformers that capture the vibe of the show, even with the PS2-era licensed game crust. One's better than the other, but I even liked the generic cookie-cutter NPC characters in Breakin' Da Rules that don't feel like they fit in with the property's art style, specifically because they were generic cookie-cutter NPC characters that don't fit in with the property's art style. I grew up with the PS2, so even the crustiest PS2 licensed game jank is like chicken soup for the brain.
I can't name every stream in her catalogue because not every game appeals to me, or because I want to get to those streams after I play the games for myself. Penny has done streams for the Norse Mythology God of War games, she's done a Ms. Marathon for the Halo games and the InFamous games, she played through both of the Last of Us games, a bunch of the Resident Evil games, Jak and Daxter, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Metroid Prime, Kingdom Hearts - and the list goes on. I didn't even get to Yakuza 7 (OR MIDNIGHT SNAP I LOVE MIDNIGHT SNAP), and I'm not going back to find a link but it's there.
Measuring by the hour, there's weeks worth of Snapcube video content, and there are video edits on her main channel that are approx. 30 minutes long if the full streams are too daunting for you. Future Snapcube streams and videos are gonna be great fun, but rather than hanging on for the next stream, I wanted to highlight some older streams that I really enjoyed as well as to highlight a large swath of her other stuff for people to potentially go back and enjoy at their own discretion. There's twenty TotK streams. There's fourteen Dragon Quest 8 streams. There's twenty-seven Ratchet and Clank Ms. Marathon streams over 7+ games. The content is there.
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sunflowergamer6 · 4 months
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Hello! I've decided to make a pinned post because I'm bored!!!!
So who am I? Well, online, I like to use the name Gamer(it was just bestowed upon me because of my username). I use he/him and I am a man enthusiast, and I'm a little bit silly and whimsical.
"Gamer, I have now become infatuated with you and want to know what you like." Thank you person reading this, I will now tell people what I like.
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Generally speaking, I like a lot of mythology and video games. Besides that I like a lot of horror and action media, and I also like watching some youtubers/streamers like Grian, Mithzan, Snapcube. Now onto actual fandoms.
Webtoons(I have phases where I just marathon read a bunch of webtoons I need to catch up on and then I basically dont read them for half a year, damn this is gettting a bit long, I'm gonna list them now):
- Hero Killer(episode 145)
- Surviving Romance(finished)
- Spicy Mints(episode 72)
- Jackson's Diary(season 2 finale)
- Omniscient Reader(episode 76)
- more but I'm not too much into them.
Books(unfortunately, I barely read at all and I'm trying to fix that):
- Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
- Splatoon 3
- Hades
- River City Girls 1 and 2
- Zelda botw/totk
- Bayonetta(mainly 1 and 2, I was so disappointed by 3's story)
- Persona 5
- Persona 5 Strikers
- Pokémon, but I've played moon, let's go eevee, sword, legends arceus, and violet.
- Animal crossing
- Danganronpa(I hate to say it but I do love them games)
- Omori
- Resident Evil 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8.
- Silent Hill 1 and 2
- fnaf
- God of War 2018 and Ragnarok
- PS4 Spiderman 2018 and Spiderman 2
- Doom 2016/Eternal
- There's definitely a lot more I'm forgetting
- Heathers
- Six
- Beetlejuice
- I mainly try to avoid some musicals until I can actually see them so that's it.
- SERIES ALSO PROBABLY INSPI- you get it, it's called Sparkle On Raven! The life of Drillgirl
- Yandere Highschool(Samgladiator)
- Heartstopper
- Komi Can't Comunicate
- Way of the House Husband
- Stranger Things
- The Spiderverse movies
- Jennifer's Body
- Heathers(the movie this time)
- the newer Godzilla movies( I do wanna soo some of the older ones though)
- yeah as you guessed it, there's probably more I'm forgetting
Music artists:
- Melanie Martinez
- Rina Sawayama
- Mitski
- Jazmin Bean
- Poppy
- DeathbyRomy
So, uh, yeah, that's about it. Uh, you can ask questions if you want, but beware, you might be cursed by the wizard.
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atlasllm · 6 months
I know you're blog title is probably exaggerating, but I wanna know exactly what moments and what about them made you cry. Hold nothing back. I'm willing to read a Bible's worth of this stuff. I love hearing about how people emotionally connect to pieces of fiction in a positive way, especially if it's something near and dear to me like Sonic.
nope i am not exaggerating in the slightest lol, i've kept count for the past year
That being said, I don't remember ALL of each moments that made me cry, but I answered a similar question a year ago (back then the count was only 6 times)
I cried because Sonic reminds me of a very obscure comfort character of mine and one of the 2 people I talk to who know about this character confirm that he is exactly like him, which hits deep because they both are optimistic punk guitarists who would definitely fit My Chemical Romance's "Danger Days" album due to their life philosophies
I made a new friend recently One of my friends has been a Sonic fan longer than I've been alive, and since I got into Sonic post-Forces they said that they were glad the first game I can experience be released is Sonic Frontiers because of how massively amazing it is in comparison to how the franchise has been for the past decade
Catching up with a friend since they're working and I'm in college and they allowed me to infodump on Discord call about Sonic Frontiers... I forget WHY exactly it made me cry at the moment but like, god this game was so good and I was only WATCHING gameplay
I think more recent ones I remember have been:
Outright crying because it took me so many hours to finally beat the Master King Koco Trial (I have video of this but I don't think I'm ready to use vids of me crying for internet clout yet LMAO)
Hearing I'm Here (Revisited) for the first time and hearing the instrumental + Kellin Quinn's vocals as Eggman aims the rifle, seeing Sonic grow so powerful he defeats The End in one shot, floats through space unconscious, and lands back down onto the planet okay and finally able to be with his friends again
I'm not 100% sure about these ones, but I guarantee-ish moments I have cried were:
Watching Penny "Snapcube" Parker play Sonic Frontiers (like I've said, this is the first Sonic game I've actively followed coming out + would have just watched let's plays before realizing it looked so fun to play that I wanted it for Christmas) and her playing the entire Chaos Island storyline where Sonic admits Tails is basically his little brother and he'll miss him when he goes out on his own adventure
Sage's sacrifice + hearing Dear Father
That shot in the original ending (Penny played Hard Mode so it was getting me antsy enough to see what the ending would be after the bullet hell section) where it's just Sonic flying through the air like a shooting star; the shot of Sonic being a literal star coupled with the specific part of I'm With You that plays just looked so incredibly beautiful
While once again I'm not sure if I can name specific moments, but Sonic Frontiers is genuinely one of the best experiences I've had. For the longest time I've only played free-to-play MMOs like Wizard101 and Toontown (and also Minecraft Bedrock edition), and while I have yet to catch up to Wizard101, I've never really gotten attatched to triple A games.
Watching Penny play Sonic Frontiers, after ages of hearing that "oh this old Sonic game is the best" "eugh these past few Sonic games are terrible" and seeing a human just genuinely enjoy this fresh new game, especially as the first Sonic game that I as a newer fan was seeing experience in real time, just filled me with so much joy. Seeing each update come out to make it better and better, and seeing Frontiers completely blow itself out of the water and put Sonic on-par with other triple A games instead of being seen as a joke 24/7, it made the experience of Sonic Frontiers being my first real Sonic game so much more sweeter. And heck, it's incredibly accessible! Wizard101 is basically a card game simulator and even I with a keyboard was able to 100% it, play hard mode, and complete the DLC!
I think that in itself, seeing Frontiers as my first Sonic game and seeing how good it is, just makes the entire experience really emotional for me. How so many of my friends who've been fans longer than me are excited I get to experience the same joy they felt when they first became Sonic fans. It's like seeing an old friend that you haven't seen for a long time mixed with the sheer joy of waking up on Christmas morning during your childhood.
I have a lot of feelings about this game ;w;
EDIT: OH OH that part where Sonic grabs the giant sword and slashes Knight in half coupled with the ending of Find Your Flame 100% made me cry too
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dreamhot · 2 years
we all have the re8 demons <-- has never seen another re game. i keep meaning to watch the snapcube playthroigh of re7 but i havent yet
i've not played any of them but i've seen playthroughs of the 2 remake, most of 4, 7, and 8. 8 just happens to be my fave this days i just love ethan sm <33
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sapphire-mage · 4 months
If I told you that Final Fantasy 7 is only my sixth favorite Final Fantasy, you'd assume that I don't like it that much.
But then you watch me watch Snapcube play Remake, as I have joyous panic attacks! Bouncing up and down with excitement as she goes through different story beats and action scenes that both replicate and defy a game I played when I was ten years old...
You'd figure I'm just completely un-normal about the other five games on my Top 6. And you'd be right!
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doggyboyf · 10 months
i was replaying re8 and also watch snapcube play it and thought "x is my favorite character" and it occurred to me i've never listed out my favorite from every resident evil game :O (that I'VE played at least) so i decided i'm doing that here and now teehee resident evil 0 - rebecca chambers by far i love her so much resident evil - rebecca is in this one but 1: gets 0 characterization and 2: i'd wanna pick someone else, so my answer is jill valentine, shes great i love her resident evil 2 - i don't actually like anyone that much here, like i like leon a lot but more from other games, i like leon, william, and annette, and i think i'll have to go with william birkin on this one resident evil 3 - nemesis? i guess :/ hes pretty cool, i'd say jill but while i have fun playing the game itself, it honestly butchers her re1 personality that i love, plus i don't fuck with the redesign, nemesis looks sick, he has scary fun moments, and his boss fight are very fun resident evil 4 - leon kennedy 100% deserves this hes awesome in re4 and so fucking funny i love him, but honorable mention to bitores mendez bc he was rlly cool and fucking scary, favorite bad guy for sure resident evil revelations - i rlly like revelations and its characters o this ones kinda hard, love jill here but i already picked her, i love both jessica and raymond but i think i'll go with jessica sherawat resident evil 5 - chris is flat, wesker is fun to fight and has some fun dialogue but i'm just not attached tbh? jills there and i like it but once again shes flat, i love sheva but shes sadly a pretty flat character and feels like a jill fill in hm :/ can i pick rebecca since shes in merceneries? jnhjhnbhjjhnj resident evil revelations 2 + resident evil 6 i haven't played so :/ but i do own them resident evil 7 - i really love mia and eveline but lucas is too fucking fun, it probably has a lot to do with the extent he gets for characterization via the main game + 2 dlcs so but yeah lucas baker for sure resident evil 8 - a lot of characters in village are very fun and have very very good characterization, the 4 lords + miranda have very well developed personalities that make each of them fun and very favorite material, but i personally have an attachment to donna and her doll angie, as much as i love the dimitrescu daughters, the vibes of donna/angie as a character + their whole section is so so good, donna beneviento for sure
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wishfxljikan · 2 years
me: alright new fnaf game don’t get attached don’t get attached don’t get attached don’t go to the community
me, about 8 hours later: fuck
me, 12 hours after that: god damnit I’m attached.
I can’t escape the himbo bear and the sassy child, the gay gator, trans rights roxanne and Trash eating bi bird
anyways h/cs with hopefully no spoilers without understanding of the timeline cuz it’s been a good 7 years since I decided to think about the lore and all I know is “haha dead kids” from fnaf2
personal h/cs - I don’t like the trend of dead childrens possess animatronics so what if they were their own sentience entities instead, meaning everyone below is of my own base of this h/c so brrrrr - None of these guys go off batteries / power, they’re all self-powered and self sustainable, their own wills and needs/wants
ROXANNE - trans, fight me and die if you disagree - Listens to more Rock music than Monty ever has in his lifetime - actually really wants to see what Actual cars can do and not the toy ones in the Pizza Plex - “Monty is such a fucking dumbass don’t listen to him” (instantly listens in on him) - Playfully jabs @ Monty and Freddy - Always tries to be just as flashy and out there to impress the others but they’re fine with just how she is. - hardcore inferiority complex, the others know of this and help them through it when possible. - Listens to Eurobeat / Eurodance in secret. - Sits at the racing game arcade machines in free time. - Lesbian
MONTGOMERY - Gay I C O N - Is the only one who knows Rox’s likes for Eurobeat / Eurodance - Not the smartest but has good intentions i.e giving the sassy child a gun to fend themselves with - Yeah good luck finding out where he gets those weapons - actively swears off stage - Unironically has memorized all of Alfred’s Eggman Lines - The swear jar exists only for Monty and the occasion Roxanne / Chica - Actually prefers J-Rock and Chill Electronic stuff over Rock/Punk Rock/etc... - Is the only one that plays the Dance Dance Revolution Arcade Machine out of the four - Super competitive, like, REALLY competitive. He likes watching the competition. - Sadly the easiest to manipulate, anger issues are something he’s been working on but there’s a blindspot that easily allows him to be controlled :( - Rhythm Game nerd - Yeah he’s FC’ed Soulless 4 Unnerfed, what about it?
FREDDY - Dad. - Not that dad, filthy animal, Family-Dad - A himbo, we all know this by now, huh? - These three are his best friends, and if anything bad were to happen to them he’d shut down emotionally. - Secretly yearns to escape from the Fazbear Company with his friends, he and chica have been there the longest and they want out - Has kept himself sane through all of this hell over the years. Doesn’t know how, but he’s completely mellowed out. - Secretly in love with Montgomery - Scans Monty just to call him “yep, gay” every day. - They never get tired of it. - He lowkey acts as Monty’s therapist and honestly some nights they all have just personal singing sessions, let it all out, guys. - Prefers to listen to Jazz / Pop Rock / J-Rock / Electronic Swing, taking notes from everyone’s interests - He’s slowly learning how to draw from the kids... - Bleed-in memories from the past, was that him, or was it someone else as him? Doesn’t know. - Also Bisexual
CHICA - Has been alongside Freddy since the beginning, also shares that bleed-in memory effect, very confusing - Punk Rock, Rock, Speedmetal, Trance, Jazz--the most unpredictable music genre one of all of them. - Was the one who showed Guitar Hero to Monty. - Bisexual - You realize no one here is straight, right? - The main one there with Coming Out parties - “ GET THIS HET OFF OF ME, FREDDY.” - Get them something that isn’t trash...pls--the FINEST metals and stuff like come on-- - “I miss my wife, Freddy, I’ll be back---” - Also joins Monty on the memorizing the snapcube lines - Genuinely enjoys everything Roxanne does and says
that’s it, that’s the post.
edit -- oooo secret link, wonder where this goes
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eli-elien · 2 years
how rotsh are with horror games
Naofumi: If the game truly scares him then it's a fuck'n hell of a horror game, but he doesn't get spooked all that much. He enjoys games like resident evil due to multiple of reasons from the intricate puzzles, lore, godly soundtrack and badass moments. He finds that he likes Ethan Winters and after getting summoned and adopting Filo and Raphtalia he relates to him a lil as a father who'd do anything for his kids. (Yes this RE propaganda play it or watch your fave gamer play it pls re 7 and 8 are so-)
Therese: pro gamer but will be like "I hate this game. I love this game. Run. Run run. Oh god. Well I sure hope this doesn't do this! *game does thing* well then" she is terrified but pulling thru it with being funny but it's mostly for things that aren't cheap like jumpscares
L'arc: Terrified. Throws his controller, screams, even at the jumpscares. He only ever plays em if therese and nao are there. He likes them, they're fun but woo boy are they scary.
Motoyasu: doesn't play horror games and is introduced to them with resident evil 7 and silent hill by Naofumi. Little did he know re 7 is the most terrifying game in the series and doesn't even pause when you look at the menu.
Look up penny snapcube playthrough of that and that's basically naofumi introducing him to the game.
Ren: He likes psychological horror and it costs him some sleep but it's fun to him cuz of the nuance storylines in em
Isuki: doesn't play them and is kindly introduced to less of the more scary games by Naofumi cuz he doesn't wanna traumatize the kid like he did with motoyasu 
Idk why I thought of this but imagining naofumi's grin at motoyasu stumbling around and fearing for his life in the game is really funny
@shieldherostuffs @localwitchash
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
The 2007 LotR Bakshi comedy dub
Back in 2007 - 2009, there was a fandub of the Ralph Bakshi rotoscoped Lord of the Rings movie from 1978 that had been uploaded to youtube in 10 parts, created by Walking Taco Dubs/LordPhillock and a few of his buddies.
The fandub is one of those early youtube essential viewings, however in the years past, youtube has become extremely strict on copyright and the film no longer exists on the platform and gets deleted pretty quick when re-uploaded. There even used to be an ISO with a DVD menu and everything, but it seems this too has been wiped off the internet. (I actually have the ISO on my old hard drive but the hard drive doesn't want to be read by the faster USB plugs on my laptop, so I still need to find someone who can transfer my data for me.
However that does not mean the fandub is lost media, as people have taken it upon themselves to archive it on other sites and make sure it is not completely lost.
A few meta details you need to know before watching this dub or it won't make much sense;
1: Bakshi's Lord of the Rings has a very infamous production history and release history. Originally the 3 books were going to be released in 2 movies, but this was not advertised. As such, people were very angry when they went to watch the film and it ended before the end of the story, this led to terrible reviews and the second film was never started.
2: The film is done fully rotoscoped rather than traditional animation. This caused many problems, mostly the studio publishing the film did not understand rotoscoping and were very unhappy with the work in progress live action footage because youcould see powerlines in the background. The actors all over-act their parts to a ridiculous degree to "sell" the characters once they were to be painted over, however it just ended up looking awkward and silly. On top of this, you can see the animation quality decline as the movie goes on, starting out pretty ok and by the end of the film almost falling apart.
3: Despite all this, the Peter Jackson lotr movies actually used a lot of this film as inspiration, and you'll see some scenes that were almost completely remade for Jackson's version decades later
4: Pippin has no purpose in the movie WHATSOEVER. And as a result, his character is dubbed with nothing but meaningless noise because you could literally remove him and it would make no difference.
5: Some things happen in the film without any explanation unless you have prior knowledge of the books beforehand.
6: The dubbers clearly have a deep love and respect for Bakshi's version of these books, and despite them making fun of it in this dub, you can tell they do it out of love, and not to be mean or malicious.
7: For whatever reason in Bakshi's movie Saruman was called "Aruman"
There might be a few more details but I think you get the idea.
I would describe this dub as the Sonic Improv fandub from Snapcube, except these were done before Google bought youtube and are less polished. At one point you can hear someone playing Metal Gear Solid in the background and at another point you can hear someone feeding the voice actor his lines.
I haven't watched it in YEARS so some of the jokes may have aged badly, I can't remember, but I feel it is one of those fan projects that is absolutely essential to keep alive in fandom spaces, and I truly wish it would hold the fame in fandom spaces as Snapcube's Sonic dubs does.
Anyway, here is the film *cut into pieces for quality reasons) please enjoy!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Final Part
Link to the film on Archive.org
I recommend downloading a copy of the film to help archive it as its incredibly vulnerable to abuse of copyright and fair use laws by companies who own the rights to the original.
There used to be a dance mix of the "One Ring to Rule them all" youtubepoop song but I can't find it online anymoreit's.
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unbearablylight · 2 years
2021 Favorites
Well, another year has come to a close, and I have Opinions™. Here are some of my favorite things from this past year!
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I have a terrible memory so I had to edit this list about thrice, but Wandavision was always going to come out on top. It may be the last piece of Marvel media I consume for a very long time because they aren't going to best it soon. As an homage to sitcoms and a raw expression of human loss and grief, it's not just good for Marvel, it's Great television.
1. Wandavision (Disney+) 2. Shadow and Bone (Netflix) 3. Only Murders in the Building (Hulu) 4. Midnight Mass (Netflix) 5. The White Lotus (HBO)
Honorable Mention: Nancy Drew (CW), The Witcher (Netflix).
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Okay, so I haven't seen many movies this year, but what else is new? I did watch these three, though, and I did love them all dearly. tick, tick... BOOM! has stayed with me from the moment I watched it, and I'm rooting for Andrew at the Oscars this year.
1. tick, tick... BOOM! (dir. Lin-Manuel Miranda, Netflix) 2. Being the Ricardos (dir. Aaron Sorkin, Amazon Prime) 3. Luca (dir. Enrico Casarosa, Disney+)
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My opinion on songs changes by the minute, so these are in no particular order, and I'm giving you two extra to make up for the two missing movies. I've also tried to rein in my personal feelings and add a bit of objectivity to this category, so while some tracks are not my ~particular~ favorites from the artist, I do love the song and have included it instead for its lyricism, originality, creativity, or impact. And boy did Miss Rodrigo have one hell of an impact.
1. drivers license — Olivia Rodrigo 2. All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault) — Taylor Swift 3. Next — Olivia Holt 4. People Watching — Conan Gray 5. Set Me Free — Joshua Bassett 6. Easier than Lying — Halsey 7. NGL — Rebecca Black
Video Games
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This was a good year for games!!!! As you can see, a lot of the ones that impacted me personally were ones I got to share. But as a brand new fan to Ratchet & Clank this year, Rift Apart stole my heart and was an absolute blast from start to finish.
1. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (Insomniac Games; PS5) 2. It Takes Two (Hazelight Studios; PS4/5, Xbox One/X/S, PC) 3. Resident Evil Village (Capcom; PS4/5, Xbox One/X/S, PC) 4. Mario Party Superstars (NDcube; Switch) 5. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury (Nintendo; Switch)
Honorable Mention: That Animal Crossing update.
Video Games (New to Me)
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I played a lot of video games this year. Many of them were not released in 2021, but I didn't want to NOT talk about them. So, here are my favorite games that were new to me this year, led by my actual favorite game I played for the first time this year.
1. Hades (Supergiant Games; Switch, PS4/5, Xbox One/X/S, PC, Mac) 2. Resident Evil 2 (Capcom; PS4/5, Xbox One/X/S, PC) 3. Control (Remedy Entertainment; Switch, PS4/5, Xbox One/X/S, PC) 4. Horizon Zero Dawn (Guerrilla Games; PS4, PC) 5. Spider-Man: Miles Morales (Insomniac Games; PS4/5)
Honorable Mention: Prey, The Last of Us, Resident Evil 7.
Special Shoutout
I don't really have a category... or a good gif for this. But at the start of this year I discovered Snapcube and I don't know what my year would have been like without Penny Parker in it. This was without a doubt my most binged content of the entire year (I'm still going!) and I just wanted to give a special little thank you to Penny and everyone involved for a whole lot of laughs.
Alright, that's it. As always I love talking about the media I consume, so feel free to leave a question or anything. Hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy New Year!
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mrmallard · 18 days
So I'm nearly done with the entire Snapcube playthrough of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
When I heard about Penny's plans to play FF7 Remake, leading straight into a Rebirth playthrough on launch, I was into the idea of following it in real-time. I tend to get stuck in the backlog, even though it was the then-ongoing Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy streams that got me into like solo Snapcube stuff a couple years ago - and while I had seen someone play FF7, Remake had always kind of eluded me beforehand. So I decided that this was gonna be a good moment to hop onto the zeitgeist. I was gonna watch Remake from day one, and follow the stream VODs through to Rebirth.
Then I got way too invested in catching up on Dragon Quest VODs when Gnocci got saved from PS3 hell lmao
I began watching the Remake VODs just as Penny was finishing the game up - I think I was on the first or second episode when the Intermission DLC VOD went up - and ultimately I ended up being like a month behind the times. But I'm two hours into the second last Rebirth VOD, and man. This was a good-ass playthrough.
Like I had started playing Remake with a friend at one point, but it fell by the wayside and then - to make a long story short - there was an enstrangement, so we didn't get very far through the game. And I never had time to watch the Vinesauce stream series or anything, so up until now I've just been chilling on Remake. And that game absolutely rules.
But Jesus Christ, Rebirth? That game is insane.
There was a derided quote from Yves Guillemot, the CEO of Ubisoft, saying that the recent game Skull and Bones was so well-made it could be considered the world's first "quadruple-A" game - and that's just funny considering that the game can be described as having Escaped moreso than being released, since it's alleged that the reason the game has come out after a decade of development hell is because of an agreement Ubisoft made with the Singaporean government to develop the game in Singapore using government grants and stuff, and then have it released by a certain deadline. It was a bold overreach to sell a game that, for better or for worse, wasn't received very well and didn't set the world on fire.
And it's crazy to me that a dude like Yves Guillemot would pull a term like that out for a game like Skull and Bones, when if we're talking about raising the bar, Rebirth would probably deserve that designation above just about any other game of the past few years. The manpower required to put this thing together must have been unbelievable. There's a non-story related part in the VOD I'm watching, specifically an early gameplay portion, that I don't want to spoil, but it took a 100 hour journey and... just kinda trivialised the scope of it. And it's kind of incredible how they were able to accomplish it after such a long, in-depth, intricately detailed journey beforehand.
Despite some wonky lighting on launch, the game managed to deliver on so many unbelievable details like seven fully playable cast members with full upgrade paths and entirely unique action-combat playstyles, a soundtrack that barely has a dud in it despite covering as much ground as it does, several unique story deviances that change story events based on character relationship points, dozens and dozens of sidequests, an open-zone system that renders a significant majority of the Final Fantasy 7 world map entirely traversable, new and old characters out the wazoo etc. etc. - and ALL OF IT with a current-gen sheen to it. Everything I've seen from Penny's playthrough has told me that FF7 Rebirth is a game that has it all. I'm surprised that I haven't seen a headline touting how big the game's total play area is in square miles ala Skyrim or something.
And that brings me back to the whole VOD thing. Because while I'm like a month behind the schedule, I just did the maths on the VOD runtimes to see how much of this series I've watched.
Each VOD is at least three hours long, with a varying amount of additional minutes on top of those hours. To determine how much time I've spent watching these videos, I decided to add all the minutes together, translate those minutes into hours, and then add that total to the total hour count of the videos. It is now dawning on me that I could have made a playlist to see the collective time, but the maths is done so I'm gonna keep talking about it.
In total, the minutes of the 16 preceding VODs added up to an additional 8 hours and 45 minutes.
I didn't count the seconds column - because come on - but I did count enough of them to feel comfortable rounding up that total to 9 hours instead.
So, nine hours plus however many hours were in the hours column of the VOD runtimes.
In total:
I have watched 125 hours of this Rebirth playthrough.
I still have like twelve hours to go, too. Also, that's not counting the Remake VODs either.
fwiw I've mostly just been watching the streams on my tablet while I play video games like Runescape. I did skip an hour of one VOD, and only that once - some stuff I probably tuned out, like the non-story elements of Fort Condor, but I've made a point to hone in on the sidequests and the ensuing conversations and stuff. Otherwise I've been there for all the Starter Deck Sally moments, all of the "The Mayor" jokes, the Steampunk Twins moments - which, like the Calypso Paradise Punch Lemonade video, is an utter delight whenever it comes up - and the ongoing shipping mania of the game itself, which makes me INSANE. I've said it before, but I ship so many more pairings than I was expecting after the Remake/Rebirth combo. Great game, with Penny's playthrough being a significant upside to the experience.
If I could play the game myself, there would be hype moment after hype moment and I'm certain I would frigging love the game on its own merits. But the Snapcube stream series has added so much enthusiasm and charm on top of that, and despite being OVER A HUNDRED HOURS LONG, it's been worth keeping up with (even if I kept falling behind).
And then she started playing FF9 too!!! So now I'm watching Rebirth on my tablet, and whenever I'm in Phone Mode I watch FF9 to keep up - which I've seen half of the first stream of, and which she is already knocking out of the park with Steiner's Plankton-esque voice. I was not expecting the Final Fantasy double-whammy, counting Remake and Rebirth as the same experience, but RPG fans are eating GOOD this year, it's insane.
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