#i watched the convert 4t2 tutorial
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It took me all fucking day (because my reading comprehension skills apparently suck) but I finally figured out how to make my own custom BSOK/organization thing.
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platinumaspiration · 3 years
Hello! I'm so extremely sorry for bothering but I watched your tutorials online and they were extremely helpful! Thank you so much! I was wondering if you could possibly do a tutorial on converting makeup? Like for example taking a random blush from a random sims 4 cc creator and trying to convert it to sims 2?
Hi anon! You're not bothering me at all! I actually was preparing a video for eyeshadow after you sent this and realized that eyeshadow can be very photoshop heavy and I stink at photoshop lol.
I kept this one because I still want to make that tutorial (as well as others requested/suggested). It's just taking me a bit longer to find time and ambition.
With that said, hopefully by next week, I'll have something out there. In the meantime, MDP does have a 4t2 eyeshadow conversion that - I think - would be a similar process for blush/lipsticks here
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equinoxts2 · 3 years
@strangetomato tagged me for the questions meme that’s been going around! This is kind of embarrassing, but here goes:
Last song: Been listening to my festive playlist while I learn how to mesh, so the last song I listened to was I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day, as performed in probably five different keys at once by the teachers at my primary school for a charity fundraiser in 2005. My brother, aged 8 at the time, appears on the same playlist with his class, singing The Little Drummer Boy in probably seven different keys. (He’ll get me if he knows I’ve typed this. He doesn’t have a simblr, so I should be OK.)
Last movie: I’m not much of a movie person, but I did watch a couple of old favourite holiday movies earlier in the week, with plenty of tissues on hand. I really need to get a hankie and spare a few trees, over-emotional mess that I am.
Currently watching: I actually go in less for TV than movies, but this evening I did watch a look back on past series of The Great British Bake-Off... one of the few shows I step away from simming to watch, along with a few game shows.
Currently reading: I keep meaning to get back into reading books - I’ve always been a bookworm, but my depression gets in the way. Aside from my worldbuilding notebooks, roleplaying sourcebooks and a 4t2 mesh converting tutorial, I can’t actually remember the last book I read...
Curerntly craving: Hugs from my support workers. Out of the four of them, three can’t visit me right now because of COVID and the fourth, who originally came in to cover for them, I have never actually hugged (again, COVID). I like warm snuggly hugs but the only person I can hug at the moment is my mum.
I tag anyone who wants to do this. You know I don’t feel comfortable singling out particular followers. :)
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afroplumbarb · 5 years
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Finally!! Thanks to @strawberrikhunnie‘s amazing 4t2 tutorial (Which btw shoutouts to her bc I love all her tutorials and bless her for making them lol) I was finally able to convert my first top properly and learned a few cool shortcuts! If you wanna learn how to convert clothing I’d suggest watching! And now all my current cc deco/object releases will be delayed bc yeah...I won’t be able to stop converting clothes! Plus I’ve been recently dabbling back into Marvelous Designer so I’ll also be making my own as well. Damn, I’m going to have like zero play time now lol! Literally all I want and have time to do is convert  -__-
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