#i welcome this new obsession
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biting is a love language biting is a love language Biting Is A Love Language-
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cy-lindric · 1 year
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La Reine Margot - Charles IX, Henri de Navarre, and Marguerite de Valois
I.III - Un roi poète
I.XXXI - La Chasse à Courre
II.IV - La Nuit des Rois
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just-null · 8 months
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Kokichi, similar to Noritoshi in the sense that they're analytical and kinda tsun, but that's mostly it. This is another Megumi and Noritoshi situation where, on the surface, they appear to be very similar, but you squint and realize they're extremely different.
Whereas Noritoshi isn't as bold because he still holds remnants of pride, Kokichi is just shy about it since it's so new. He won't back down from it, just hesitate.
[Long ass rambles under the cut! + bonus doodles.]
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When referring to shyness, Kokichi leans into the awkward and stiff type. There's always confusion and slight fear in his eyes when he's experiencing something new or romantic. He doesn't want to mess up, but if he does, he just hopes it works in his favor.
Being born in a body where he was under constant pain and stress, someone touching him was the last thing he wanted. He'd never known the loving touch of another because the heavens decided he wasn't allowed to.
After meeting you, that yearning to be next to you became too much. To hell with his restrictions. He'd to do whatever it takes to be able to be with you even if he had to sacrifice others to do it.
In retrospect, he feels like he should've done it sooner. Being touched or even grazed doesn't feel like his skin is falling off anymore.. Plus having both arms and working legs is always a good thing. It's new and odd, but not terrible. His mind never once wandered back and regretted those he's thrown under the bus because why would it?
Unfortunately, when his body was being healed, Mahito made him healthy.. and that's all. Knowing Mahito, he'd leave Kokichi to struggle with catching up to the rest of his peers by working for his own stamina, weight, and strength from square one. Though Kokichi isn't complaining much about it. He'd still take this rather than being stuck in that god forsaken tub for a second longer.
He used to hate being fussed over because of his illness. He prefers to do things on his own and now he can. Yet, Kokichi still gets pitiful looks on other's faces when he's too weak to carry something. It makes him want to spit at them, he can use Mechamaru to do his heavy lifting for now. He doesn't need a beefed up body to do it.
Unless you're the "beefed up" one fussing over him.. He doesn't mind it when it's you. In fact, Kokichi feels grateful when it's you, endeared even. He never feels belittled or pitiful when its you.. Only you.
Judging by how he treated panda for having the ability to interact with others in person despite being a cursed corpse, Kokichi has a number of insults and creative verbal abuse he's ready to spew out once someone tries getting a little too close to you. Scratch that, he's rude in general to those he isn't familiar with.
Kokichi has a lot of anger for those he deems ungrateful. What do you expect from someone who thought he was gonna rot in a bathtub for the rest of his life to do? Not harbor resentment? Luckily, he holds just as much, if not more, love for you who he's unbelievably grateful for!
Your affection is so odd to him, a new experience that he never knew he could grow to yearn for. It's not terrible, quite the opposite. It's so wonderful he can't get enough. Every time you're around, he wants to have at least one hand on you at all times. Doesn't matter where, just as long as he feels you're around. Safe to say, he's extremely touch starved.
Oh how Kokichi would drop everything for a walk with you. He'd use every Mechamaru he had just to make sure no one disturbs either of you. Murder is just a side effect if they get too persistent. He just wants to spend time with you!
Though he likes walks, he still gets out of breath easily. Walking is nice, but he still needs time to get used to it. Offering to help will only cause him to lean against you, it's not too difficult, he doesn't weigh much for better or worse. He loves when you lend him a hand, it's just another reason to get close to you.
When you part, it's only natural that Kokichi gifts you a little trinket he made. Rejecting it will only reward you with the most devastated frown, so just accept it. If you get rid of it when coming home, it somehow always finds its way back to you? Destroying it will lead to Kokichi giving you another one.
Yes, it follows and watches you, but it's just to keep you safe! Who knows what could happen. Whether or not the little trinkets are subtle, all depends on how you reacted to him asking if it was alright to know your location at all times when he's not around. Kokichi is understanding if you're not okay with it. He'll just make his gifts extra subtle so you wont know he's watching.
He just wants to be by your side constantly, even if he's not able to be there in person. Watching you through a screen gives him a sickly familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach, but it's better than not knowing what you're doing. He can even pick up little things about you this way for when he sees you next time! This is nothing but a win-win in his mind even if others beg to differ.
Kokichi never felt blessed. Not once since the day he was born, not until he found you. You who he feels is truly a gift from the heavens. You who he would give up everything to have. In a way, Kokichi is delusional. He sees you as the reason he got a heavenly restriction. It was as if other worldly forces tried to keep him at bay from pursuing you, but you're also the reason he broke his restrictions. He now has the body he wished for thanks to you, his drive, his motivation, his purpose, his love.
[extra shit]
Kokichi’s so fucking low key about being a chuunibyou. you're telling me he named his mech after an anime he watched. half his attacks have ultimate or ultra in the name.. HE MADE A FUCKING MECH. Your ass can't tell me he didn't watch anime while growing up and got inspired to make it a reality. He probably watched Evangelion or something.. Woah, anime dates with him where he makes your favorite creature and uses it to his advantage.. woah.
[Bonus Kokichi verbal abuse]
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tauntedperfume · 1 year
I’m deep diving back into my doctor who special interest and I’m wondering which doctor you all consider your doctor, and which doctor you think you’d get along with best. The tenth is my doctor but I’d get along soooo well with eleven i would be scared of basically every other doctor but not him
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kishiar-la-orr · 5 months
personally speaking, there are 3 parts of kishiar la orr's character that makes me find him really fascinating.
first is how he is technically a troupe but a subversion of a troupe at the same time? male leads in romances, whether its het romance or a BL romance, are usually like. cold northern duke who is super strong, super smart and opens up to the main character very slowly because of the main character's kindness, blunt and at times rude. instead, we have kishiar — who is also a northern duke and super strong and super smart, but i'd argue between kishiar and yuder, the one who made the first move to further advance their connection is kishiar? as in, he extends his thoughts and feelings genuinely, expresses wanting to be close to yuder, which are all an olive branch yuder can accept, a sign of trust and (to a degree) vulnerability and real intent to form a connection.
yes, part of him plays into the common male lead troupes, but other parts of him honestly reads more like a female lead? he's the one more emotionally in touch, he's the socially savvy one, he's sunny and smiley. which is just fun, in my opinion, when compared to other BLs i've personally found over the years.
the second thing is my unending fascination with kishiar's complicated tango with mortality. being sickly from childhood, there must've been a sense of impending doom — especially when it's practically public secret among nobles that imperial family members usually die young because of vessel issues. kishiar was on super fast track to the same recorded fates those other people had. but then, in the prev. game, he survived! became healthy! only to not long after take two steps backwards as his health arguably got worse. sometimes i think being killed by yudrein in the 1st tl could be considered a mercy to 1st tl kishiar.
and in the 2nd tl, he went from sick to healthy — and that is it. i think with the blooming romance with yuder, it emphasizes the core characteristic of kishiar that is: he does everything for the people he loves, their future and happiness whether it's with or without him in the picture. ideally, of course it's with him. and in the 2nd tl, he's finally granted this. you can really tell when you see the prev. game flashbacks and go back to the present timeline that kishiar is just much more alive and not just in the physical sense — there is a drive and a sense of liveliness that wasn't there in all of their past life sections, in my opinion.
i just really get fascinated with character struggles with mortality, man. i think kishiar especially has a lot to offer in this department, there are so many things from canon that you can deconstruct or things not yet answered that you can headcanon — everything to play around and explore further about his character and its deep ties to death. even down to the way that he talks, to me, is due to his isolation because of the very vessel bursting issue that also foresaw his impending doom. like, he talks like a person who's alone a lot while growing up? the eloquence and all. it is so fun. naturally, this also includes his expertise with emotional processing and expression — i also think this can also be tied down to his intricate dance with mortality.
finally, the last layer is that kishiar, by all accounts, should be a gary stu — a male version of a mary sue character — and should maybe be boring to read about. he can do practically everything from magic, swordsmanship and aura, divine power to awakener ability. he is sociable and politically wise, able to play the 5D chess of nobles and high society and extract information from enemies and allies alike easily with his multi-layered words. he is smart, he is emotionally intelligent, he has a lot of strong allies, he is kind. but... he isn't boring to read about? not at all. his struggles may have passed, but they are struggles anyway. they contribute to the way i perceive him as a character and only cause me to be even more fascinated by him. and this very 'perfection' kuyu sets him up with — especially the being super strong and able to wield all the powers in their world like a goddamn avatar — is set up to be a major flaw: the very reason his vessel couldn't hold it for the majority of his life and in the 1st tl. everything just colors a very interesting picture of a character that i ended up beyond obsessed with.
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crocodilenjoyer · 8 months
here’s the thing. about zolu. puts myhand on your shoulder Here’s the thing. luffy? aromantic. zero interest in romance. zoro? gay. very low interest in romance. has two braincells and they’re both devoted to thinking about swords. they are not dating. it is not romantic. it’s not sexual either because luffy, much like his views on romance, could not give less of a shit about sex. maybe if they both feel up to it at the same time, but that’s rare and when it does happen it’s more of a physicality and, to a lesser extent, affection thing than anything else. occasionally it’s a “hey wouldn’t it be weird/funny/fucked up if we [insert some david cronenberg-type shit]” thing and the other one goes “haha yeah do you wanna try.” but i digress.
however. HOWEVER. they Have A Thing. what that Thing entails is a mystery. luffy is both incredibly straightforward and frustratingly cryptic whenever he’s asked about it and zoro just kinda shrugs. they’re just luffyandzoro and zoroandluffy. the king and his lionheart. drift compatible. partners. captain and first mate. the sailor and the north star. sun and moon. they simply Are. what does that entail? well brother. they hang out
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chronurgy · 3 months
It's the modernization it's the mechanization it's the way the old world has to die for the new world to be born and by killing gortash you've slowed it down but you haven't stopped it because ideas can't be stopped and the industrial world that will destroy your way of life is coming and you can't stop it by killing him any more than the luddites could stop it by smashing up a few factory machines
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cuubism · 2 years
can't stop thinking about like. the shift in dream and hob's dynamic between pre- and post-fishbowl.
before dream got captured, he kind of had the upper hand in most of their meetings? he was the one setting them. the one watching, observing what hob did each century. the one with all the knowledge, the one who knew or learned everything about hob while hob never got to know anything about him. he was the powerful creature - being - devil? - god? (to hob's mind) while hob was just a man. etc.
and this does even out a bit over the centuries as they get more familiar with each other, as hob clearly gets more familiar with him and bolder with him (this starts to pop up more clearly in 1789, i think, he asks dream's name, he asks to get drinks later, and so on), but dream still ends up the one making final decisions over the meeting, and, in a sense, the relationship.
in 1889 hob flips the fucking table over.
in one statement: i think you're lonely, i think we're friends. suddenly it's hob who knows dream, who sees dream; suddenly dream's not there for idle curiosity, but out of some need; suddenly it feels like dream coming to hob instead of hob coming to dream. hob holds all the cards. hob's 'hosting' the meeting.
needless to say dream does not tolerate that very well. that shift in dynamic is summarily rejected.
the post-imprisonment meeting though...
by this point, any upper hand dream had in this dynamic (other than the basic knowledge of who he is) has been obliterated. he did this partially to himself by storming out in 1889 and setting up a situation where meeting hob again in any capacity was essentially admitting defeat on the 'we're friends' issue. then he's forced to miss the 1989 meeting (i'm still undecided on whether he would have gone or not if he hadn't been captured but as it stands the choice was made for him), setting him back even further with hob because now hob is, very definitively, the one who's arranging the meeting, the one who's hosting, the one who's waiting, and the only possible dynamic now is dream coming to hob. because they're friends. because he wants to. the 'experiment' is over, the illusion of distance has been dissolved and dream couldn't get it back if he tried.
dream goes to hob anyway.
knowing all of this, knowing he's forfeited pretty much all power in this dynamic, knowing he's admitting friendship, defeat, need, want, in doing so, knowing that for the first time hob could reject him, if he so wanted. still he goes, to hob's inn (if you subscribe to that headcanon), the place hob built for them, a declaration of his friendship and care that dream rejected last time they met. the absolute last thing dream needs after the incredibly shitty hundred years he's just had is to be berated for and called out on his past choices, but he goes anyway and puts hob in the position to do just that. and the flipped dynamic is so evident in the way hob is so established in the inn, waiting, while dream steps in slowly with almost a wariness in his step...
and he receives absolute grace and acceptance.
hob has the complete upper hand in that moment and he uses it for nothing but making dream feel safe and welcome. even his you're late comment is teasing and fond rather than critical. and the smile he gives dream, it's not exactly like the smile of meetings past, its not infatuated or charmed, it reads much more as like, i knew you'd come back. welcome home.
dream sits down and their relationship stops swinging back and forth and just clicks. into friendship. and equality.
where was i going with this? oh yeah just screaming eternally
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justbackgroundnoise · 7 months
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Marie-Philip Poulin for Nike in 2018 🏒
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karlyboyyy · 3 months
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I have a question that I don't know the answer to. And I'm not sure if there's already an answer to this or not.
Why is Wally the only neighbor with no noes and no eyebrows? Was that like a way to make Wally seem like an outcast or something??
It droved me crazy with confusion the first time I realized this.......
And PLEASE don't see this as an ask of me "JUST noticing now". I noticed a month ago (ever sense I first started loving Welcome Home as a hyperfixation) but I kept it to myself because I was too embarrassed to ask to really know. And it's really ok if you don't know either.
oh yeah no to my knowledge we don't know why that's a Design Choice That Exists! could be to make him look a little more unsettling than the others (more out of place within his own niche to kinda mirror how he's Different despite filling the role he's made for & existing in the place he Should Be In) bc this is a Horror project, or just because no nose/eyebrows looked best on him-
but it might be something we're not In On yet! lore we haven't learned! we just don't know
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iniziare · 4 months
As I continue Kafka's character page thing (I needed a day or two of a break, life's been a bit tiring), I realized I messed up on my tags, as none of them actually contain the muse name. So, here's to ensuring none of them are too long with the names in! Man, it's obvious that I've been gone from a multimuse for far too long. So don't mind me.
On a different note, I've been seeing some opinions come out on the dashboard about the new Dain quest, and I wanted to give my two cents on it without spoiling anything, because I think it's needed. Now of course, keep in mind that I'm quite the lore junkie, but I actually was really quite fond of it, it definitely hit some strings with me, so I have to side with the word-y ones over on Reddit on this one. I got more answers than questions this time, they didn't sacrifice any lore nor did they overplay their hand, and I wanted to reach through my screen at HVY on numerous occasions through it. So it was a good balance. Now, I'd love to comment more, such as to explain why peopl's 'expected flaws' were actually strengths in my opinion instead, but I don't want to accidentally spoil anything. So it can wait.
Anyway, the real reason that I want to comment on this, is that I want to note that no one blames anyone else for being tired of a game that they've played for a very long time. But there's a clear difference between saying that sometimes, and reminding everyone with every single quest or new content that comes out, or even remind us in comparison with HVY's HSR or even WuWa. I get it. But stop comparing apples to oranges, and stop thinking that Genshin needs to employ new game marketing strategies to keep its player-base, because their numbers show that it doesn't need to do so. If you don't like the game anymore, then simply stop playing it. It's okay. You don't need to keep reminding us, you don't need to shit on it, you don't need to say 'Genshin would never' as if Genshin needs to do anything. Would it benefit from some quality of life changes? Absolutely. But guess where I'll still be despite it, and where I think many (not all, of course) people who are actively complaining will also be,
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taylorhawkins · 2 years
dave grohl poorly explaining what teletubbies are and taylor hawkins trying to follow him is definitely among the cutest things I have ever seen enjoy
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bizlybebo · 3 months
im so deranged vizen is jopever for me <- writing runt jrwi and aster aeliana crack fic rn
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snekverse · 1 year
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Rain x shine bsf superiority <3
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celestial-sapphicss · 2 years
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wake up besties new header just dropped
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